Brandi Stewart Letter
Brandi Stewart Letter
Brandi Stewart Letter
3031 Eden Avenue, Apt. 458
Cincinnati, Ohio 45219
I am writing this letter in support of Judge Fischer for President-Elect of the Ohio State
Bar Association. I first met Judge Fischer in the summer of 2006 when I was a summer
associate at Keating Muething & Klekamp PLL (“KMK”) in Cincinnati, Ohio. I moved from
Lexington, Kentucky to Cincinnati, Ohio to accept a summer clerkship position with the firm.
Unlike my peers, I did not attend one of the regional law schools, and I was not from Cincinnati.
Admittedly, sometimes I felt out of the loop.
I recall being invited to one of the first summer associate socials––a poker party at a
partner’s house. Well, I knew nothing about poker. And, I was concerned that my lack of
familiarity with the game would cause me to feel like an outcast at the party. To my surprise, my
concerns were soon alleviated. Not only was there a set of UNO cards there for those of us who
had limited knowledge of the poker game, but also the partner’s home was very inviting. I
remember feeling comfortable even though I was in an unfamiliar place. No one was a stranger,
and the partner went out of his way to have a conversation with all of us and to make us feel
included. This partner was Judge Fischer.
Going out of his way to make others feel included was one of Judge Fischer’s strengths
while at KMK. I can count several occasions when he would stop by my office to make sure that
I was doing okay, or to share a piece of advice with me. These same acts of inclusion exhibited
by Judge Fischer at the summer associate card party, and to me as an associate at the firm, will
be practiced by him as President of the Ohio State Bar Association.
It is this practice of inclusion, not just talk of inclusion, that is needed by the Ohio State
Bar Association’s leadership. The practice of inclusion means ensuring that, as a state-wide
association, we provide services for all of our members and implement programs that will
support the professional development of all lawyers across all areas of law, gender, race, and
geographic region. To that end, it is important that our leader has a history of supporting and
practicing inclusion within our profession.
For these reasons, I hope that you will consider Judge Fischer as President-Elect of the
Ohio State Bar Association.