Probabilistic Design Using ANSYS
Probabilistic Design Using ANSYS
Probabilistic Design Using ANSYS
Probabilistic Design
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At some point, most ANSYS users have had to vary some parameter in their model to
investigate impact on results. Perhaps you’ve done this through the GUI and multiple runs – or
maybe you’ve written a macro that Do Loops through a few input values. ANSYS
Probabilistic Design System (PDS) automates the process.
Using simple menu picks (or commands) you can specify many input variables and their
variation in statistical terms (Gaussian, Weibul, etc.) and then ANSYS manages the many runs
that sample the “terrain”. You can choose the sampling method (Random, Monte Carlo, etc,).
Finally ANSYS builds an .html report (via the Automatic Report Generator) that graphs the
specified output variables. It will even evaluate correlations between inputs and outputs! This
is the best application of the Report Generator that I’ve encountered.
Baseline Model
Mat. Props
Load / Temp
The Procedure:
1. Build a database that solves for a single case and verify results.
2. Change the database to have the BC’s applied using variables.
3. Specify statistical distributions of the input variables using PDS.
4. Specify desired output variables using PDS.
5. Instruct PDS to solve the model multiple times.
6. Review the report generated by PDS.
/title,Axisymmetric Flange (PDS by PADT)
UIMP,1,EX, , ,11.13948e6, !Sets Material Properties
UIMP,1,NUXY, , ,.3326,
K,1,6,2 !Draws Outline
dl,6,,ux,.05 !Apply Deflection Loads
lsel,s,,,6 !Store Output Variables
/solu /solu
dl,6,,ux,.05 !Apply Deflection Loads INNERDF=.05
d,346,,.025,,,,ux OUTERDF=.025
d,2,,0,,,,uy dl,6,,ux,INNERDF !Apply Deflection Loads
solve d,346,,OUTERDF,,,,ux
You should be able to rerun your macro and get the same results!!!
(Notice ANSYS “found” your
Use these
Use These Values
• Skip past the first screen with the clock hitting NEXT
• Accept default of No by hitting NEXT
• Select the 1st three boxes as shown below then hit NEXT
There are several other dials to turn, but these defaults will work in our case. The other bells
and whistles are fairly self-explanatory; just browse around someday when you are bored…
You must “Assign” to ANSYS PDS what macro file to execute. This is the input file we
named FLANGE.INP and then modified to have variables control the deflection.
Original Modified
/solu /solu
Another Note – if you used any /CLEAR’s in a macro – you must get rid
of them
Yet Another Note – if you used any RESUME’s in a Macro you must
preface it with PARSAV and PARRES to help ANSYS track the PDS
Deterministic Model Information
Probabilistic Model Information
Probabilistic Analysis Summary
Regression Analysis Summary
Probabilistic Analysis Results
I. Introduction
The ANSYS Probabilistic Design System (PDS) analyzes a component or a system involving
uncertain input parameters. These input parameters (geometry, material proerties, boundary
conditions, etc.) are defined in the ANSYS model. The variation of these input parameters are
Name Mean Skewness Kurtosis Minimum Maximum
-7.5428E- -2.5259E-
OUTERDF 3.4971E-02 2.4709E-02 -0.2193 9.3599E-02
03 02
INNERDF 1.8893E-02 1.354 2.388 1.7564E-03 0.1037
Name Mean Skewness Kurtosis Minimum Maximum
Figure 13.
Result Set FLANGE-BY-PADT - Histogram of Output Parameter INNRSTRS
Are you are ever working on ANSYS and think, “It would save me a lot of effort if only
someone would stop by my office and ____
Many of us have resources like that in our own companies (and maybe you’re one of them) –
of course, these folks are usually quite popular and often it is hard to get their time. I feel
lucky working at an ANSYS reseller, because I always have an expert nearby to help with my
own ANSYS analyses:
Some customers have enough users that we make regular visits, drop by
offices and sit with people. Other customers purchase a chunk of time
like 10 hrs, and we use it over several visits, or phone calls as the
demand arises. The best benefit of all this, is that “Enhanced Technical
Support” not only helps you achieve your goal, it prioritizes your
learning. We want to make you the expert.
The Automatic Geometry Healer (AGM) is invoked by a single command ~HEAL. There is
no menu selection (but should be in ANSYS 7.0). When ~HEAL is issued, ANSYS will
import the file and attempt to repair using the AGM. The AGM is based on “CADFix for
ANSYS” technology, but it is all run in batch mode. There is no user interaction.
The key to the ~HEAL command is in the Method option. You have the choice of either
Method=ANSYS or Method=Cadfix. If you’re geometry is being imported via a connection
product (Pro/E, Catia, UG, Para, Sat, Ideas, etc.) then you will use Method=ANSYS. If you’re
file is an .IGES file, you will use Method=Cadfix.
Upon issuing the ~HEAL command with the Method set to ANSYS, the file will be
imported using your connection product for which you need a license. Then the
resulting .anf file is processed by the Automatic Geometry Healer (AGM), for which
you need a license. NOTE: You must have CADFix 5.0 installed locally, even though
you don’t need a license for it.
Upon issuing the ~HEAL command with the Method set to Cadfix, the file will be
repaired using the Automatic Geometry Healer (AGM), for which you need a license.
NOTE: You must have CADFix 5.0 installed locally, for which you need a license!
I have tested the Method=ANSYS on a Pro/E model. The AGM was unable to remove slivers,
sew surfaces, repair poor Cad-tolerancing problems, etc; albeit was a fairly poor model.
Perhaps it would also not have been repairable with Cadfix for ANSYS. The nice part was that
without any options to set, it only takes one try with the AGM to fail! The bad part was that it
September 25, 2002
took several hours for the repair and several more hours to read in the geometry; albeit it was a
somewhat complex 3D model. I have not tested the Method=Cadfix option.
If you use a connection product (Pro/E, Catia, UG, Para, Sat, Ideas, etc.), we recommend that
you test out your class of CAD generated geometry using the AGM (~HEAL). If you do not
have success, you may want to evaluate a seat of CADFix from Transcendata.
If you do not use a connection product, and simply use .IGES, hopefully your geometry comes
in clean. If it does not (big surprise), then you will need a CADFix license to repair geometry,
regardless of whether you use AGM. If you can take advantage of the automation provided by
AGM, compared to the learning curve to operate CADFix alone, you may want to purchase a
seat of AGM as well.
See the upcoming schedule below. Or, learn more about how training at PADT can save you
time and money. (Or drop an e-mail to Ted Harris!)
Send in your contribution! Articles, and information helpful to the user are welcomed and
encouraged. E-mail Rod Scholl.