Chapter-2 Review of Literature
Chapter-2 Review of Literature
Chapter-2 Review of Literature
export potential. The health and nutrition consciousness coupled with buying
capacity have created good market for organic foods. Nowadays, consumer
preference is more for organically grown produce because they are free of toxic
cucurbitaceous crop, put forth continuous vegetative growth and the yield and
maintain high nutrient status in soil for its satisfactory growth and yield. Many
nutrients through organic sources like FYM, poultry manure, coir pith compost,
vermiwash, and panchakavya. These nutrient sources increase the nutrient use
efficiency of the soil and thus enhance the crop productivity as well as quality
of the produce.
better crop production has paved the way for sustainable horticulture. The basic
fertilizers and organic manures. Organic manures act potential sources of not
only for macro nutrients but also micronutrients, but the quantity varies
depending upon the nature, sources and extent of decomposition (Katyal, 1979).
Very little research work has been attempted in this line on snake gourd.
readily available to the farmers. On an average, well rotten FYM contains 0.5
percent N, 0.2 percent P2O5 and 0.5 percent K2O (Gaur et al., 1971). Farmyard
chemical properties viz., soil organic carbon content, increase the availability of
both major and minor nutrients and availability of nutrients for longer period,
(1989) reported that the FYM contains 26.1 % C, 1.71 % K on dry weight basis
% C and C: N ratio was 22.40. The enhanced yield of crops due to application
reported that the highest yield (28.2 t ha-1) and economic return were observed
after applying 90:60:60 Kg NPK ha-1. Natarajan (1990) reported that application
and dry yield of chilli. Muniz et al. (1992) reported cucumber supplied with
FYM at 40 t ha-1 and NPK @ 240:960:480 kg ha-1 exhibited the maximum yield.
Meena Nair and Peter (1990) stated that application of FYM to chillies @ 30 t
ha enhanced the fresh fruit yield of 3.6 q ha -1. Damke et al (1988) observed
that highest plant height and yield of chilli was recorded with application of
Rankov (1989) also reported that higher plant height, plant canopy and yield
were recorded with the application of FYM @ 20 t ha-1 along with 100:80:100
along with N, P and K registered maximum plant height (126.20 cm), highest
number of branches (17.36) and highest dry yield of chilli (1.83 t h-1). Meera
Nair and Peter (1990) revealed that application of higher rates of both organics
(15 t FYM ha-1) and inorganic fertilizers (175:40:75 NPK ha-1) increased the
fruit weight of chilli during all the three seasons as compared to inorganic or
organic manures alone. Agarwal et al. (1995) found that organic amendments
and nitrogen hastened the leaf appearance and found to increase the leaf area
reported that application of FYM combined with biogas slurry were found to
fruits per plant and superior quality of large size fruits in tomato.
ha-1 each of Azospirillum and Phosphobacteria along with 75 per cent of the
leaves, dry matter production and maximum number of fruits per plant. Soil
chemicals significantly increased the plant height, girth, leaves per plant,
branches per plant and spread of tomatoes in cv. Punjab Chohara (Amrendra
Chavan et al. (1997) recorded the highest ascorbic acid content of 241.2
mg 100g-1 in green chilli at second picking when FYM was applied @ 25 t h -1.
yield of French bean (76.5 q ha-1) over control (31.3 q ha-1) (Jastoria et al.,
1998). Reddy (1999) reported that application of 20 t compost ha was
sufficient to realize the high TSS (Brix), acidity (0.84 %) and ascorbic acid
(14.3 mg 100 g-1 juice) in tomato. The highest fruit yield (15.0 t ha -1) was
The highest application rate of FYM (30 t h-1) along with bio fertilizers,
length (330 cm) and fruit yield per vine (2053 g) (Nirmala and Vadivel, 1999).
by 59 % over control. Similar reports were also given by Thind and Dan (2002).
Mg, S, B, Zn, cu, Mn, Fe, etc. which is necessary for increasing the yield and
concentrated source of N and P (Sims and Wolf, 1994). It contains N (304 to 4.3
%), P (1.9 to 2.2 %), K (2.0 to 2.4 %), Ca (2.3 to 8.0 %), S (0.5 to 1.0 %), uric
acid (0.9 to 2.6 %) and NH4-N (0. to 1.5 %). Poultry manure is alkaline in
nature (pH 7.5 to 8.5 %) and immediately raised the pH of loams from 6.5 to 7.5
root growth and burnt leaf tissue margin. Toxicity was due to excess soluble
height (33.15 cm), number of shoots per plant (4.66), number of leaves per plant
(48.40), fresh weight of tubers (131.83g), dry matter of tuber (Singh et al.,
oleoresin compared with other synthetic fertilizer, whereas the crude protein
was highest with the application of poultry manure and pig manure (Aoi et al.,
1988). Oikeh and Asieghu (1993) conducted an experiment with different rates
of poultry manure to tomato and found that application of 10 t ha-1 was superior,
two tonnes per hectare and chemical fertilizers resulted in maximum yield of
Cling Fang et al. (1994) reported that the plant height, fruit number and
fruit yield were significantly higher with the organic manure applied plot than
20.1 and 40 m t ha-1. Broiler litter treatments resulted to increase tomato yield to
about 20 % and fruits were matured earlier than those produced using increased
(24.9 t ha-1). There was significant effect of organic manure on the uptake of
height (75.15cm), number of fruits (13.07), weight of fruit per plant (1224.95 g)
and yield (51.03 t ha-1) were recorded in the plants receiving 50 kg nitrogen as
urea and poultry manure when compared to urea alone (Jose et al., 1998).
yield of soybean (1.65 t ha-1) over FYM. The increase in yield was 45 and 30 %
over FYM and urban compost respectively. Further, the application of poultry
indore as compared to FYM and urban waste (Ramesh et al., 1998). The
cow dung, top dressing with poultry manure and drenching cow dung slurry at
depth in the second year (Kaskavali, 2009), whereas combined effect of chicken
at soil depth. The application of FYM @ 20 t ha-1 recorded the highest number
of fruits plant-1, fruit weigh, TSS and yield (Prem Sekhar and Rajashree, 2009).
The largest by products of coconut is coconut husk from which coir fiber
called coir dust or coir pith. The quantity of coir waste is about 7.5
million tonnes from coir industries in India and in Tamil Nadu around 5 lakh
coir pith helps in the maintenance of soil organic matter, improve soil physical
maximum plant height at 15 t ha-1 at 65, 100, 130 DAS. However, lowest plant
composted coir pith with micro food registered a significant increase in dry
matter yield over the others. Ahmed (1993) reported that enriched coir pith
manure @ 15 t ha recorded the maximum plant height but the yield obtained
The increase in the yield of red and green chillies and dry matter was
recorded with the application of nitrogen through FYM (75 kg N ha-1) and urea
(75 kg N ha-1). Application of NPK combined with zinc sulphate (50 kg N ha-1),
Borax (10 kg N ha-1) and composted coir pith (5 t ha-1) recorded highest fruit
along with vegetable waste recorded better performance than the individual
application (Ezhil Kavitha et al., 2006). On the whole, use of coir pith compost
@ 5 t ha-1 together with N and K nutrition at higher rates (80 or 120 kg ha -1) and
a constant dose of P at 60 kg ha-1 favoured dry matter production and the other
the passage of water through a column of warm activation and are applied to
substitute chemical fertilizers (Ismail, 1997). Bucker field et al. (1999) reported
uptake in cabbage & cauliflower by the way it may replace chemical fertilizers
(Mosselli et al., 1999). In bhendi, the highest shoot length was recorded with
Uma Maheswari (2002) found that among the different treatment combinations,
ha-1 along with vermiwash spray at fortnight intervals favourably increased the
number of productive flowers and yield of brinjal. Sajitha (2005) reported that
favourably increased the growth and yield attributes of garden bean. The
application of cotton seed cake (25 %) and poultry manure (75 %) + vermiwash
soil, increased the nutrient availability and there by lead to increased nutrient
Thangavel (2003) observed that both growth and yield of paddy increased
positive effect on fruit length, fruit girth, weight per fruit, number of fruits per
plant and fruit set (Somasundaram et al., 2003). Foliar spray of vermiwash
leaves and leaf area) and yield parameters (number of days to flowering,
number of flowers per plant and flower weight) (Sivasubramanian and Ganesh
vegetable waste along with VAM registered the host values for growth and
higher neck and bulb diameter, dry matter accumulation in leaf and bulb leading
resulted in higher yield attributing characters and quality of fruits. (Vennila and
Jayanthi, 2008).
from mulching cow, using sea water and yeast. It was capable of greening
along with physiological aspect. The basic elements for the growth are
which is used in traditional medicine extensively used. They are cow dung,
cow’s urine, cow’s milk, cow’s curd and ghee. Scientists are rediscovering the
single organic input, which can act as a growth promoter and immunity booster.
Natarajan (2000) revealed that among the plant growth stimulants defined
efficiency of crop plants and the quality of fruits and vegetables. Foliar spray of
panchakavya on chilli produced dark green colured leaves and new growth with
obtained in lemon when panchakavya at 3 per cent was sprayed at vegetative and
matter production was also found to be the highest in the same treatment
advanced the flowering by 45.60 days and 53.31 days in Cv. Edward and Red
% on field bean substantially increased the flowering and fruiting after a week
period. The quality parameters viz., crude fibre, protein, ascorbic acid, carotene
content and shelf life were also higher under organic manure applied with
tender coconut water, sugarcane effluent and banana fruits added potency to
yield and yield attributig characters of white onion. While comparing the
organic versus inorganic farming, it was found that organic farming treatment (3
in crops next to inorganic treatment (Sankar et al., 2009). The highest flower
% for four times from 30 days transplanting improve growth attributes, yield
extracted from lignite could be utilized for improving the organic carbon
content of the soils. Humic acid are natural, eco-friendly organic products
activity and enzyme activity. Humic acids are essential for optimum plant
growth. They play a major role in modifying physical and mechanical properties
of the soil such as structure, colour, consistency, water holding capacity etc.
Humic acid build up the organic matter which is important for microbial growth
in the soil, improving soil tilth, which in turn improve the plant growth. The
uptake of the humic acid through the roots and their transformation in plants
Peat and lignite are reported to have higher humus content of 50-60 %. It is
better to grow plants organically using active humic acids rather than using
area of roots are all of prime importance in the formation of a healthy plant.
Earlier and more profuse rooting of crops by the use of humic substance may
increased root length and number of root hairs in tomato. Singhvi (1991)
petridishes stated that the seedling fresh weight of tomato increased with
David et al. (1994) reported that addition of humic acid @ 12801 kg ha-1
Adani et al. (1998) observed the beneficial effect of humic acid on tomato plant
when applied @ 50 mg 1-1. In tomato, the fresh weight and dry weight of tomato
shoots increased with each successive increase in humic acid rates (David et al.,
significant results in top and root growth of tomato cv. Romer and beetroot cv.
Detroil Dark red. Lotteredo et al. (1997) reported that application of 200 mg lit-1
of humic acid to tomato enhanced the dry matter content of roots. Padem and
Ocal (1997) reported a significant increase in fruit weight and ascorbic acid
content of tomato due to increased levels of humic acid from 200 to 300 ppm.
Adani et al. (1998) studied the effect of humic acid from leonordite on
tomato plant growth and observed 9 % increase in shoot growth than the
control. Dursun et al. (1999) foundd that application of humic acid at different
levels (50, 100, 150 ml l-1) applied to a peat medium after transplanting of
Humic acid applied in the form of sodium humate improved the growth
improved the fruit penetration value and ascorbic acid content of tomato fruit.
Dursun et al. (1999) assessed various levels of humic acid on seedling growth
of tomato and stated that increased leaf and stem growth were obtained with
with 2500 and 5000 ppm humic acid produced higher root fresh weight.
Medeiros et al. (2001) reported that fertigation with earthworm humus resulted
in greater number of leaves, higher dry and fresh weight of above ground parts
Peng Zheng Ping et al. (2001) indicated that humic acid enhanced the
chlorophyll content of Chinese cabbage and enriched the blade into thick glossy
dark green and fresh which improved the commodity value. Yu Ping and Able
(2001) found that humic acid application significantly reduced the water loss
and enhanced the shelf life of broccoli. Bharanikkarasi (2001) noticed that
0.45 g pot-1 than the foliar spray in tomato. Virgine Tenshia (2003) carried out
an experiment to study the effect of lignite humic acid on soil fertility, growth,
yield and quality of tomato. Results indicated that dry matter production, LAI,
chlorophyll content, fruit set percentage, yield, uptake of nutrients, TSS, titrable
acidity, ascorbic acid, lycopene and pectin were highest in soil application of
Selvakumari, 2004).
carbon and CEC of the soil to 252, 15.5 and 640 kg ha -1 ,0.779 % and 33.7cmol
(p+) kg-1 from 226, 12.5 and 593 kg ha-1,0.709 and and 26.7 mol (p+)kg-1
NAA recorded the highest yield and best quality in tomato. Karuppaiah and
pressmud (18.75 ha-1) and NPK (60:45:45 kg ha-1) was found to be the superior
Chrisha and Dong (2006) investigated that the nature and properties of
humic fraction of organic residues like FYM, poultry manure, green leaf
manure and rice straw. The highest N, P and S uptake by pod and stalk and total
uptake were found under soil application of humic acid @ 20 kg ha -1 and it was
remain at par with soil application of humic acid @ 20 and 10 kg ha-1 (Butani et
al., 2008).
of perfect flowers and fruit set (Brantley and Warren, 1960). Rekhi et al. (1968)
reported that higher levels of N produced large number of perfect flowers than
The optimum dose of inorganic fertilizers for snake gourd was 40:30:30 kg ha-1
A combination of 75, 100 and 150 kg of NPK ha-1 have resulted in the highest
and P increased the plant height, earliness index, fruit size, fruit yield plant-1 and
fruit yield ha-1. Tomato yield (3.025 kg plant -1) was increased with N and P
rates (60 and 80 kg ha-1 respectively) (Sharma et al., 1978). Xu and Cheng
for obtaining higher yield (42 to 100 kg ha-1) and better quality of fruits
Karachi et al. (1977) obtained a yield of 3.1 amd 4.2 t ha -1 in honey dew
melon from plots receiving ammonium sulphate or urea at 50 and 100 kg-1
quadratic in the case of pumpkin and economic levels were worked out to be 71
kg N ha-1 and 50 kg P2O5 ha-1. The highest number of fruits per plant, fruit
weight per vine and fruit quality in muskmelon was reported from plots that
highest yield of dry chilli pods (33.82 q ha-1) followed by the fertilizer dose of
Singh et al. (1983) obtained maximum number of fruits and maximum diameter
kg N ha-1 in muskmelon.
(385.37 q ha-1) increase was obtained with 180 kg N, 100 kg P2O5 and K2o ha-1
number of leaves per vine. Omini and Hossain (1987) reported that potassium
containing nutrient treatments in ridge gourd reduced the node number of first
staminate inflorescence but did not change the node number of pistil flower thus
(69.67 cm), number of leaves (69.67), bulb diameter (3.38 cm) and yield were
recorded with the application of 150 kg N, 150 kg P and 100 kg K (Patil et al.,
1983). Similar results were also observed with garlic.Whereas the bulb yield
Singh and Chonkar (1986) observed maximum vine length (240.10 cm)
and number of branches (16.92) with the application of NPK at 100: 60: 60 kg
Bhella and Wilcox (1986) also observed that increasing N level from 67
Cszizinsky et al. (1987) stated that early yield was observed in vines were
noticed with 50 per cent of the recommended N at sowing and 50 per cent at
mid-growth. They also observed that late season yields were high in the
lowest number of male flowers and narrowed sex ratio were obtained with 80
Lingaiah et al. (1988) reported that nitrogen at 80 kg ha-1, P2O5 at 30 kg ha-1 and
maximized the sex ratio in both summer and rainy season. In rainy season, a
nitrogen and reported that 90 kg ha-1 and an optimum level could not be arrived
in the case of P2O5 and K2o and also there was no significant effect on yield
beyond the lower level tried. In Sponge gourd, Arora and Siyag (1989) observed
that application of 75:40:0 kg NPK ha-1 had resulted maximum length and
The highest plant height, more number of branches and more number of
flowers per plant and higher yield components like fruit length, girth, fruit
weight per plant and yield per hectare were recorded with the highest level of N,
muskmelon. Yadav et al. (2003) obtained highest plant height, number of leaves
per plant, fresh weight and dry weight of leaves, polar diameter of bulb, fresh
weight of bulb and yield of bulb in onion with the application of nitrogen and
fruit yield and was better utilized in alluvial and Chernozen soils than in sandy
soils. They also observed that the highest numbers of fruits were obtained when
NPK was given at 120: 90: 180 kg NPK ha-1 in cucumber. In cucumber, yield
experiment tomato plants supplied with N at 100, 200 kg ha -1, P2O5 at 75 or 150
kg ha-1 , K2O at 75 or 150 kg ha-1 and half fermented FYM at 20.40 or 60 t ha-1,
the best quality for processing tomatoes was obtained with N, P and K dose of
maximum bulb size, number of cloves (29.83) and yield (9.73 ha-1) with the
(1995) recorded maximum growth, dry matter accumulation (9.30 %), bulb
diameter (3.14%) and yield (1120.03 kg ha-1) in garlic with the application of
manure (5 t ha-1).
accumulation (6.80 kg plant-1), bulb diameter (4.47 cm) and yield (4698.38 kg
recommended dose of fertilizer (125: 62.5: 62.5 NPK ha-1) with FYM (500 kg
percentage and total solids of fruit in muskmelon. Arora et al. (1996) observed
that maximum vine length, number of branches per plant, increased internodal
length and more number of leaves per vine were recorded when N was applied
at 90 kg kg-1 in pumpkin.
kg ha-1had significantly increased the fruit size, fruit weight, number of fruits
per plant and yield of fruits in pointed gourd. In Gherkin, Premalakshmi et al.
(1996) reported that application of 150 kg N, 100 kg P2O5 and 100 kg K2o ha-1
flowers per vine when compared to vines those received NPK at 50: 50: 50 kg
produced the maximum number of male and female flowers (39.23 and 88.33)
per vine whereas maximum dry matter production of 7.79 t ha-1, increased
number of branches, internodal length and leaf area when N was applied at 120
kg ha-1 along with 200 ppm ethrel in gherkin. In gherkin, Srinivasa Reddy
maximum vine length, number of branches per vine, leaf area and number of
fruits per vine. Selvakumar (1998) reported that application of 105 kg N ha-1
showed narrow sex ratio of 3.72 and produced the maximum yield per vine at
1079.67 g in cucumber.
status of the soil (Sharma et al., 2003). The higher percent of seed germination
was observed at higher dose of fertilizer (N 150 + P 120 + K 120) in both the
the higher fruit yield, TSS and better post harvest nutrients status were
associated with the application of 80:40:80 NPK kg ha-1 (Duraisami and Mani,
NPK kg ha-1 found to be the optimum fertilizer dose for ridgegourd which
significntly increased number of fruits per vine, fruit weight, fruit length, fruit
girth, fruit yield per vine and fruit yield kg ha-1. In Snakegourd, Jayaraman
(2005) reported that combined application of FYM @ 25 t ha-1 along with 100
yield , fruit weight (9.6 g), fruit length (9.61 cm), fruit diameter (1.36 cm) and
and yield. It requires 3 to 3.5 kg N, 0.2 to 0.3 kg P, 2.5 to 3.5 kg K ha -1. The
kg K ha-1 (Sat Pal Sharma and Brar, 2008). In case of okra, low level of
nitrogen application (30 kg N ha−1) with low but daily watering had significantly
increase the yield (1,365 g plot−1) than from higher level of nitrogen application
Radish, Tomato and Cucumber (Jaggi, 2007). For successful crop of bitter
inorganic fertilizers increased the yield by 21.1 per cent and 19 per cent.
fertilizers increased the number of fruits per plant in bitter gourd. The
Spirescu (1986) recorded the highest yield of 42.4 t ha-1 with the combination of
30 t FYM along with NPK at 50: 100: 100 kg ha-1 respectively in watermelon
cv. Charleston.
Meena Nair and Peter (1990) found that the combination of fertilizers
and Maurya (1992) reported that application of 120 kg N and 60 kg P2O5 ha-1
of both FYM and pressmud along with 100 % recommended dose of NPK
(Nandhakumar, 1995).
the recommended dose of NPK + FYM improved the fruit yield (2099.8 kg ha -1)
and dry yield (3.87 q ha-1) in chilli (Mallegouda et al., 1995). Shama et al.
(1995) reported that days to 50 per cent flowering was advanced in the
The number of clusters, flowers and fruits per plant and fruit setting
(1996) reported that the ascorbic acid content of the fruits were higher due to
with 14: 14: 14 NPK fertilizer mixture at respective rates significantly increased
Nainar and Pappiah (1997) reported that the treatment received the
plant height, branches per plant, mean fruit weight and number of fruits per
biogas slurry (or) vermicompost along with FYM was superior to obtain large
size fruits. In bitter gourd, Rekha and Gopalakrishnan (1999) reported that
25:50 kg NPK ha-1 recorded maximum vine length and minimum number of
flowers and fruits in tomato cv. Punjab Chuhara. Singh (2000) observed the
highest plant height (73.3 cm) with 180 kg N ha-1 as against the least plant
chemical fertilizers were found to increase the total yield per plant significantly
Arya et al. (2000) reported that marketable fruit yield (99.8 q ha-1) and
seed yield (181.8 kg ha-1) in brinjal were the highest with 100: 100: 50 kg NPK
ha-1. The plant height was increased with 100 kg N ha-1 which was significantly
recorded significant increase in stem diameter over control (Ingle et al., 2000).
RDF produced taller plants in okra. This might accelerate the synthesis of
process of plants (Gouda et al., 2001). Better yield can be taken by substitution
of inorganic fertilizers with organic manures and crop residue to some extent
% of RDF to potato and rice crop in the sequence was more renumurative and
FYM + pressmud @ 12.5 t ha-1 each along with 100 percent of the
Highest tomato fruit yield of 194.43 q ha-1 was obtained with the
loss and fruit decay during storage did not vary significantly among various
with 20 t ha-1 of poultry manures (Raut et al., 2003). Maximum green pod yield
(10.03 t ha-1) was recorded in NPK @ 30:39.3:37.5 kg ha-1 along with 10 t FYM
which was statistically superior than rest of all the other treatments (Datt, 2003).
Considering total yield, marketable yield and size of fruits those plants
received a basal application of 20 tonnes dry cow dung, 2.5 tonnes of poultry
manure at fortnight drenching of 2.5 tonnes of cow dung and a fertilizer dose of
70:25:52 kg NPK ha-1was found to excel all the treatments (Rekha and
10 tonnes ha-1 + 150 percent NPK (ie 90:90:45 kg ha-1 NPK) in cabbage and
were found to be the best for obtaining increased growth, yield and available
yield of tomato and fruit yield of okra and tomato (Singh et al., 2004).
Application of 10 tonnes farmyard manure per hectare to potato and rice along
dose. (Chettri et al., 2004). Application of FYM (10 and 20 t ha-1) significantly
increased the fruit yield and growth parameters (fruit plant-1, average fruit
weight, plant height and number of branches plant-1) over no FYM application
application of FYM @ 15 t ha-1 produced the highest bulb weight with the total
affecting the processing grade and tuber yield, and processing quality of tomato
indicates that adoption of integration of organic and inorganic and beneficial for
of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod, weight of pods per plant highest
seed yield and stalk yield in 50 percent recommended applied through urea + 50
percent N applied through urea through FYM + PSB (Leela Narayana et al.,
2009). The integrated nutrition showed a positive input on fruit size of brinjal
(113.90 mm) There was beneficial effect on yield of brinjal (11.75 t ha-1) and
pea (6.54 t ha-1) in second and third year respectively. But considerably better
Subba Rao (1989) reported that in cucumber, the different nitrogen levels
significantly increased the percentage of NPK in all the stages. Nitrogen uptake
2.10. Effect of organic and inorganic nutrient on post harvest soil status
Dhanorkar et al. (1994) reported that continuous use of FYM raised the
cucumber field. Soil available P2O5 content (46.42 kg ha-1) and K2o (358.83 kg
ha-1) was recorded in the nitrogen control plants in cucumber. Janakiram (1996)
reported that the maximum uptake of 161.78, 51.79, 144.42 kg NPK ha-1 was
Rekhi et al. (1999) reported that apart from the supply of both macro and
micro nutrients, FYM application improves physical condition of the soil, water
the plant metabolic activity through the supply of such important micronutrients
conductivity of soil was also increased with level of FYM along with increase
in the organic carbon content (Patil et al., 2003). The increased number of fruit
the uptake of nutrients by the crop considerably. When the organics were added
to soil, complex nitrogenous compounds slowly break down and make N supply
through the growth period of the crop. This might have attributed to more
availability and subsequent uptake by the crop, thus increasing the yield.
rapidly converted to ammonical form and is easily utilized by the plant (Sharu
and Meerabai, 2001). The nitrogen uptake was also higher by application of
(Anon, 2002). The nutrients in vermiwash are in readily available form. It also