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3 Main Types of Poetry

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Poetry was divided into three main types of poetry by the great philosopher Aristotle; they

were comedy, tragedy, and epic. He claimed comedy was simply an imitation of what is
inferior and possibly laughable. He claimed the other two, tragedy and epic, were similar in
that they both portray suffering and produce effects and emotions in their readers. The only
difference between the two was epic was said to be a one verse poem while tragedy was in
narrative form.

Today, poetry and literature scholars believe that poetry does indeed contain three main
genres. However, the three are known as lyric, narrative, and dramatic, not comedy,
tragedy, and epic. Each of these genres can then be saturated with sub-genres and then
sub-sub-genres depending on the rhyme scheme, rhythm, meters, style, and even emotion.

Lyric poetry are poems focused on thought and emotion. The poems may be songs--and
songs may be any other genre. The main sub-divisions include elegy, ode, and sonnet. Lyric
poetry does not tell a story. Major lyric poems include "Go, Lovely Rose" by Sappho and
Shakespeare's Sonnets.

Narrative poetry is a poem which tells a story. Most commonly, the stories involve heroic
events or are of cultural or national (or some degrees even local) importance. Subdivisions
of narrative poetry include ballads and epics. "The Divine Comedy" by Dante, "Raven" by
Edgar Allan Poe, and "Odyssey" by Homer are just a few of the major narrative pieces.

Dramatic poetry is written in verse that is meant to be spoken. It generally tells a story, but
can also simply portray a situation. The majority of dramatic poetry is written in blank
verse. The authors Christopher Marlowe, Ben Jonson, and William Shakespeare have all
written important dramatic works.

Although there are three main types of poetry, each can be divided into hundreds, possibly
even thousands of genres. If you haven't found one you enjoy, chances are you will, just
keep looking!

narrative, lyric, drama

Narrative, Lyric, and Drama are the three general literary forms into which writing, especially poetry, has
traditionally been grouped.  A narrative tells a story or a tale; drama is presented on a stage, where
actors embody characters; lyric has been loosely defined as any short poem other than narrative and
drama, where poets express their state of mind.

Narrative or story telling developed from ritualistic chanting of myths, and has traditionally been grouped
into two poetic categories, epic and ballad.  The stories were not memorized as is generally assumed but
instead bards improvised oral chants, relying on heavy alliterative and assonantal techniques, which seemed
to put both the bard and the audience into a trance (Preminger 542). 

An epic is a long non-stanzaic "poem on a great and serious subject, told in an elevated style, and centered
on a heroic or quasi-divine figure on whose actions depends the fate of a tribe, a nation, or the human race"
(Abrams 51).  Typical figures include demi-gods, kings, and military heroes.  Even a millennium before
Homer, bards were recording an already ancient oral tradition of epic poems in Sumer and Egypt (Preminger
544).  More modern epic poems have been recorded in Spain and France, the Ottoman Empire, and as late
as the 20th century in the Balkans. 

Stylistically similar to epics, the ballads are story poems that could be chanted in groups about common
people.  When written down, they are typically divided into abcb -rhymed stanzas to emphasize the
elements of song.  Repetitive frames are also frequent within the poem, and the narrative itself is episodic
and abrupt in transitions.  Common themes include courage in war and stories of love. 

During the Middle Ages, narrative poems transformed into courtly romance stories – Christian stories about
heroic knights and the spiritual temptations they face on their journey, such as the Arthurian legends.  Many
of these stories also reduced to religious allegories, such as the epics of saints' lives.

Drama in Western civilization has had two parallel beginnings, both related to religious celebration:  the first
in Ancient Greece and the second in medieval church plays.  In hisPoetics, Aristotle defines drama as being
made up of Plot, Characters, Diction, Thought (or propriety), Spectacle (such as scenery, lights, and special
effects), and Melody (musical accompaniment) (632) [see melos, opsis, lexis].  This elaborate definition has
since been revised and narrowed down to "a story told in action by actors who impersonate the characters
of the story" (Holman 154). 

Ancient Greek drama arose from the dithyramb, a song and dance celebration in honor of the wine god
Dionysus.  In the first staged plays, the dramatists added a non-chorus character that spoke to the chorus;
the main plot was the tension that arose from their question and answer dialogue.  (Plays in other cultures
such as Ancient Egypt, China, and Japan likewise began from celebrations of gods.)  Eventually, dramatists
added more characters and complicated the plots.  The Romans inherited and built upon the Greek dramatic
form; together, the Greek tragedies and Roman comedies provided a basic foundation for European drama
until as late as the 19th century (once they were rediscovered in the Renaissance). 

Drama had a second beginning in the church plays of medieval Europe.  Church fathers wrote religious plays
as a way of staging Biblical stories during religious holidays.  They often built makeshift stages on carts that
were used to move around towns between performances.  Typical Bible stories included the creation, Noah's
ark, the crucifixion, and the apocalypse. 

Drama has often been the site of extreme controversy.  Inherent in the form seems to be a tradition of
experiment and revaluation (Preminger).  For example, until the late 1600s, audiences were opposed to
seeing women on stage, because they believed it reduced them to the status of showgirls and prostitutes. 
Even Shakespeare's plays were performed by boys dressed in drag.  In the early 1800s, riots frequently
erupted over the dramatic form itself.  French neoclassicists, who followed the Greek and Roman writing
styles, would often quarrel with the new, more poetically rich Romantic style, which emphasized the
Spectacle.  Similar riots occurred again just before the 20th century over the
naturalistic/representational style, where internal character motivation and "fourth wall" acting were
becoming more predominant.

Lyric is a loosely defined term for a broad category of non-narrative, non-dramatic poetry, which was
originally sung or recited with a musical instrument, called a lyre [seevoice, sound].  Generally, lyric poets
rely on personal experience, close relationships, and description of feelings as their material.  The central
content of lyric poems is not the story or the interaction between characters; instead it is about the poet's
feelings and personal views [see expression].  Examples from this group include Greek odes, Egyptian
elegies, Hebrew psalms, English and Italian sonnets, and even the Japanese haiku. 

Originally, the lyric began as a song chanted to the praise of gods.  But like the epic and ballad, it soon
transformed to praise of heroes and loved ones.  For example, poets like Ovid, Martial, and Catullus wrote
verse epistles to friend and would-be-lovers, and Jewish poets wrote in a highly subjective style in the
Hebrew psalms, often addressing God as if a close confidant or even a lover. 

Many early European poets, such as Petrarch, Shakespeare, and Sidney, updated the lyric tradition by
writing long sonnet sequences in praise of their mistresses.  At the same time, religious poets like Herbert
and Vaughan used lyrics to describe their relationships to God and Christ. 

After 1600, lyric poetry developed into three main types:  Lyric of Vision, Lyric of Thought, and Lyric of
Feeling (Preminger 465).  Vision lyrics, or concrete poems, represent structurally what the words convey in
concept.  George Herbert, for example, made his religious poems look like an angel's wings or a preacher's
altar; likewise the famous E. E. Cummings poem "[1(a]" traces a falling leaf across the page.  The
spiralimage on the right is an example of a concrete poem by Sasu Jeffrey.  It is a thesaurus-like list of
words that mean spiral, including "wheel," "circle," "rotate," "circulate," and "death and rebirth." 

Thought poems are informative and didactic, such as allegories and satires. 
Pope and Dr. Johnson, for instance, used satire to ridicule folly and teach
Londoners about what they saw as the fading traditional values of England;
and Ben Jonson wrote verse epistles to explain such things as the rules of
eating temperate dinner. 

Lyrics of Feeling comprise the largest of the three groups; included are
sensual, intellectual, and mystical poems (Preminger 469).  Mystical poems
have often been referred to as the opposite of concrete poems, because
instead of presenting images through their structure, they rely solely on their
content to paint a new visionary world; Blake is one example.  Sensual poems include love and drinking
poems by the Greco-Roman poets and early sonneteers, plus poems on the musings of nature by the
Romantics.  Prototypical intellectual poems can be seen in the German Romantics and French Symbolists,
who try to intellectually describe their personal states and feelings.


For a long time, many scholars have been debating about the status of these literary forms.  At issue is the
value of maintaining these distinctions, especially since they no longer accurately reflect modern poetic and
media trends. 

It is well known, for example, that narrative prose such as the novel overshadowed poetic story telling as
early as the 1800s.  More recently, cinema, Hollywood movies, andTV shows have overshadowed even the
novel.  In fact, modern media have forced all three literary forms to redefine themselves.  Elaborate
descriptions of landscape have been adopted by photography; introductory chapters that present character
background have been transformed into complex motivation for the screen actor; deep lyrical subjectivity is
now an off-screen monologue. 
Moreover, much of modern art has been stripped of its content, so that the bare minimum of lyric and
drama remain: sound and theatricality.  According to Modernist scholars, poetry should be about sound:  "to
give full play to its true affective power it is necessary to free words from logic. . . .  Poetry subsists no
longer in the relations between words and meanings, but in the relations between words as personalities
composed of sound" (Greenberg 33).  It is perhaps no coincidence that a contemporary definition of lyric is
"the words of a popular song" (OED), since in both poetry and music the words are illogically connected for
sound not meaning. 

Drama has likewise had to redefine itself so that theatricality remains its essence (Fried; see objecthood). 
Theater can no longer compete with special effects and personal camera angles of cinema.  Instead, drama
has transformed into a more presentational style, where actors more directly interact with the audience. 
The scripts for these plays are open-ended, and the action is customized, based on audience feedback. 
However, even this view of drama seems inaccurate because theatricality can be exhibited by almost
anything not just actors.  For example, even a piece of furniture on stage with spotlights and background
music could be considered theatrical.  As is, drama presents itself as an alternative to cinema or as an
inexpensive way of experimenting, such as off-off-Broadway performances. 

In conclusion, although the categories of narrative, lyric, and drama have been very useful in classifying and
monitoring literary movements of the past, it seems like that is all they can do.  Perhaps with the exception
of narration, as seen in novels, movies, and TV shows, the forms fall apart when applied to modern media. 
After all, what exactly is the present-day equivalent of a sonnet or an ode?  A radio call in show where
callers discuss their mental anxieties with a quasi-psychologist!  Thus, the new duty of scholars is to force
modern media to work with classical models or to update old definitions.

Lirim Neziroski 
Winter 2003 

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This article is about the art form. For other uses, see Poetry (disambiguation).

"Poem" and "Poems" redirect here. For other uses, see Poem

(disambiguation) and Poems (disambiguation).


Major forms

Novel · Poem · Drama

Short story · Novella

Epic · Lyric · Drama

Romance · Satire

Tragedy · Comedy



Performance (play) · Book


Prose · Verse

History and lists

Outline of literature

Index of terms

History · Modern history

Books · Writers

Literary awards · Poetry awards


Criticism · Theory · Magazines

Quatrain on Heavenly Mountain, byChina's Emperor Gaozong (1107–1187) ofSong Dynasty; fan mounted as album leaf on
silk, four columns in cursive script.

Poetry (from the Latin poeta, a poet) is a form of literary art in which language is used for

its aesthetic and evocative qualities in addition to, or in lieu of, its apparentmeaning. Poetry
may be written independently, as discrete poems, or may occur in conjunction with other
arts, as in poetic drama, hymns, lyrics, or prose poetry. It is published in dedicated
magazines (the longest established being Poetry and Oxford Poetry), individual collections
and wider anthologies.

Poetry and discussions of it have a long history. Early attempts to define poetry, such
as Aristotle's Poetics, focused on the uses of speech in rhetoric, drama,song, and comedy.
 Later attempts concentrated on features such as repetition, verse form and rhyme, and
emphasized the aesthetics which distinguish poetry from more objectively
informative, prosaic forms of writing, such as manifestos, biographies, essays, and novels .
 From the mid-20th century, poetry has sometimes been more loosely defined as a
fundamental creative act using language.[3]

Poetry often uses particular forms and conventions to suggest alternative meanings in the
words, or to evoke emotional or sensual responses. Devices such
asassonance, alliteration, onomatopoeia, and rhythm are sometimes used to
achieve musical or incantatory effects. The use of ambiguity, symbolism, irony, and
otherstylistic elements of poetic diction often leaves a poem open to multiple interpretations.
Similarly, metaphor, simile, and metonymy[4] create a resonance between otherwise
disparate images—a layering of meanings, forming connections previously not perceived.
Kindred forms of resonance may exist, between individual verses, in their patterns of rhyme
or rhythm.

Some forms of poetry are specific to particular cultures and genres, responding to the

characteristics of the language in which the poet writes. While readers accustomed to
identifying poetry with Dante, Goethe, Mickiewicz and Rumi may think of it as being written
in lines based upon rhyme and regular meter, there are traditions, such as Biblical poetry,
that use other approaches to achieve rhythm and euphony. Much of modern British and
American poetry is to some extent a critique of poetic tradition, [5] playing with and testing
(among other things) the principle of euphony itself, to the extent that sometimes it
deliberately does not rhyme or keep to set rhythms at all. [6][7][8] In today's globalized world
poets often borrow styles, techniques and forms from diverse cultures and languages.

1 History

o 1.1 Western traditions

o 1.2 20th-century disputes

2 Elements
o 2.1 Prosody

 2.1.1 Rhythm

 2.1.2 Meter

 2.1.3 Metrical patterns

o 2.2 Rhyme, alliteration, assonance

 2.2.1 Rhyming schemes

 Ottava


 Terza


o 2.3 Form

 2.3.1 Lines and stanzas

 2.3.2 Visual presentation

o 2.4 Diction

3 Forms

o 3.1 Sonnet

o 3.2 Jintishi

o 3.3 Sestina

o 3.4 Villanelle

o 3.5 Pantoum

o 3.6 Rondeau

o 3.7 Roundel

o 3.8 Tanka

o 3.9 Haiku

o 3.10 Ruba'i

o 3.11 Sijo

o 3.12 Ode

o 3.13 Ghazal

o 3.14 Acrostic

o 3.15 Canzone

o 3.16 Cinquain

o 3.17 Other forms

4 Genres
o 4.1 Narrative poetry

o 4.2 Epic poetry

o 4.3 Dramatic poetry

o 4.4 Satirical poetry

o 4.5 Lyric poetry

o 4.6 Elegy

o 4.7 Verse fable

o 4.8 Prose poetry

5 See also

6 Notes

7 References

o 7.1 Anthologies

o 7.2 Scansion and form

o 7.3 Criticism and history

o 7.4 Language

o 7.5 Other

8 External links


The Deluge tablet of the Epic of Gilgamesh in Akkadian, circa 2nd millennium BC

Main articles: History of poetry and Literary theory

Poetry as an art form may predate literacy.[9] Many ancient works, from
the Indian Vedas (1700–1200 BC) and Zoroaster's Gathas (1200-900 BC) to
theOdyssey (800–675 BC), appear to have been composed in poetic form to aid
memorization and oral transmission, in prehistoric and ancient societies. [10]Poetry appears
among the earliest records of most literate cultures, with poetic fragments found on
early monoliths, runestones, and stelae.

The oldest surviving epic poem is the Epic of Gilgamesh, from the 3rd millennium BC
in Sumer (in Mesopotamia, now Iraq), which was written in cuneiform script on clay tablets
and, later, papyrus.[11] Other ancient epic poetry includes
the Greek epics Iliad and Odyssey, the Old Iranian books the Gathic Avestaand Yasna,
the Roman national epic, Virgil's Aeneid, and the Indian epics Ramayana and Mahabharata.

The efforts of ancient thinkers to determine what makes poetry distinctive as a form, and
what distinguishes good poetry from bad, resulted in "poetics"—the study of the aesthetics
of poetry. Some ancient societies, such as the Chinese through the Shi Jing, one of the Five
Classics of Confucianism, developed canons of poetic works that had ritual as well as
aesthetic importance. More recently, thinkers have struggled to find a definition that could
encompass formal differences as great as those between Chaucer's Canterbury
Tales and Matsuo Bashō's Oku no Hosomichi, as well as differences in context
spanningTanakh religious poetry, love poetry, and rap.[12]

Context can be critical to poetics and to the development of poetic genres and forms. Poetry

that records historic events in epics, such as Gilgamesh orFerdowsi's Shahnameh,[13] will
necessarily be lengthy and narrative, while poetry used for liturgical purposes
(hymns, psalms, suras, and hadiths) is likely to have an inspirational tone,
whereas elegy and tragedy are meant to evoke deep emotional responses. Other contexts
include Gregorian chants, formal or diplomatic speech,[14] political rhetoric and invective,
 light-hearted nursery and nonsense rhymes, and even medical texts.[16]

The Polish historian of aesthetics, Władysław Tatarkiewicz, in a paper on "The Concept of

Poetry," traces the evolution of what is in fact two concepts of poetry. Tatarkiewicz points
out that the term is applied to two distinct things that, as the poet Paul Valéry observed, "at
a certain point find union. Poetry [...] is an art based on language. But poetry also has a
more general meaning [...] that is difficult to define because it is less determinate: poetry
expresses a certain state of mind." [17]

[edit]Western traditions
John Keats


Classical thinkers employed classification as a way to define and assess the quality of
poetry. Notably, the existing fragments of Aristotle'sPoetics describe three genres of poetry
—the epic, the comic, and the tragic—and develop rules to distinguish the highest-quality
poetry in each genre, based on the underlying purposes of the genre.
 Later aestheticians identified three major genres: epic poetry, lyric poetry, anddramatic
poetry, treating comedy and tragedy as subgenres of dramatic poetry.

Aristotle's work was influential throughout the Middle East during the Islamic Golden Age,
 as well as in Europe during the Renaissance.[20]Later poets and aestheticians often
distinguished poetry from, and defined it in opposition to prose, which was generally
understood as writing with a proclivity to logical explication and a linear narrative structure.

This does not imply that poetry is illogical or lacks narration, but rather that poetry is an
attempt to render the beautiful or sublime without the burden of engaging the logical or
narrative thought process. English Romantic poet John Keats termed this escape from
logic, "Negative Capability".[22] This "romantic" approach views formas a key element of
successful poetry because form is abstract and distinct from the underlying notional logic.
This approach remained influential into the 20th century.
During this period, there was also substantially more interaction among the various poetic
traditions, in part due to the spread of European colonialism and the attendant rise in global
trade. In addition to a boom in translation, during the Romantic period numerous ancient
works were rediscovered.

[edit]20th-century disputes

Archibald MacLeish

Some 20th-century literary theorists, relying less on the opposition of prose and poetry,
focused on the poet as simply one who creates using language, and poetry as what the
poet creates. The underlying concept of the poet as creator is not uncommon, and
some modernist poets essentially do not distinguish between the creation of a poem with
words, and creative acts in other media such as carpentry. [23] Yet other modernists
challenge the very attempt to define poetry as misguided, as whenArchibald
MacLeish concludes his paradoxical poem, "Ars Poetica", with the lines: "A poem should
not mean / but be."[24] See also Wallace Stevens's comparison of poetry to music in "To the
One of Fictive Music", poetry "musing the obscure" so as to "give motion to perfection more
serene" than any other music.

Disputes over the definition of poetry, and over poetry's distinction from other genres of
literature, have been inextricably intertwined with the debate over the role of poetic form.
The rejection of traditional forms and structures for poetry that began in the first half of the
20th century coincided with a questioning of the purpose and meaning of traditional
definitions of poetry and of distinctions between poetry and prose, particularly given
examples of poetic prose and prosaic poetry. Numerous modernist poets have written in
non-traditional forms or in what traditionally would have been considered prose, although
their writing was generally infused with poetic diction and often with rhythm and tone
established by non-metrical means.[25] While there was a substantial formalist reaction
within the modernist schools to the breakdown of structure, this reaction focused as much
on the development of new formal structures and syntheses as on the revival of older forms
and structures.[26]

More recently, postmodernism has fully embraced MacLeish's concept and come to regard

the boundaries between prose and poetry, and also among genres of poetry, as having
meaning only as cultural artifacts. Postmodernism goes beyond modernism's emphasis on
the creative role of the poet, to emphasize the role of the reader of a text (Hermeneutics),
and to highlight the complex cultural web within which a poem is read. [27] Today, throughout
the world, poetry often incorporates poetic form and diction from other cultures and from the
past, further confounding attempts at definition and classification that were once sensible
within a tradition such as the Western canon.



Main article: Meter (poetry)

Prosody is the study of the meter, rhythm, and intonation of a poem. Rhythm and meter,

although closely related, should be distinguished. [28] Meter is the definitive pattern
established for a verse (such as iambic pentameter), while rhythm is the actual sound that
results from a line of poetry. Thus, the meter of a line may be described as being "iambic",
but a full description of the rhythm would require noting where the language causes one to
pause or accelerate and how the meter interacts with other elements of the language.
Prosody also may be used more specifically to refer to the scanning of poetic lines to show


Main articles: Timing (linguistics), tone (linguistics), and Pitch accent

See also: Parallelism (rhetoric), Inflection, Intonation (linguistics), and Foot (prosody)

Robinson Jeffers

The methods for creating poetic rhythm vary across languages and between poetic
traditions. Languages are often described as having timing set primarily
byaccents, syllables, or moras, depending on how rhythm is established, though a language
can be influenced by multiple approaches.[29] Japanese is a mora-timed language. Syllable-
timed languages
include Latin, Catalan, French, Leonese, Galician and Spanish. English, Russian and,
generally, German are stress-timed languages. Varying intonation also affects how rhythm
is perceived. Languages also can rely on either pitch, such as in Vedic or ancient Greek,
or tone. Tonal languages include Chinese, Vietnamese, Lithuanian, and most subsaharan

Metrical rhythm generally involves precise arrangements of stresses or syllables into

repeated patterns called feet within a line. In Modern English verse the pattern of stresses
primarily differentiate feet, so rhythm based on meter in Modern English is most often
founded on the pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables (alone orelided). In
the classical languages, on the other hand, while the metrical units are similar, vowel
length rather than stresses define the meter. Old English poetry used a metrical pattern
involving varied numbers of syllables but a fixed number of strong stresses in each line. [31]

The chief device of ancient Hebrew Biblical poetry, including many of the psalms,

was parallelism, a rhetorical structure in which successive lines reflected each other in
grammatical structure, sound structure, notional content, or all three. Parallelism lent itself
to antiphonal or call-and-response performance, which could also be reinforced
by intonation. Thus, Biblical poetry relies much less on metrical feet to create rhythm, but
instead creates rhythm based on much larger sound units of lines, phrases and sentences.
Some classical poetry forms, such as Venpa of the Tamil language, had rigid grammars (to
the point that they could be expressed as acontext-free grammar) which ensured a rhythm.
 In Chinese poetry, tones as well as stresses create rhythm. Classical Chinese
poetics identifies four tones: the level tone, rising tone, departing tone, and entering tone.
Note that other classifications may have as many as eight tones for Chinese and six for

The formal patterns of meter used in Modern English verse to create rhythm no longer
dominate contemporary English poetry. In the case of free verse, rhythm is often organized
based on looser units of cadence rather than a regular meter. Robinson Jeffers, Marianne
Moore, and William Carlos Williams are three notable poets who reject the idea that regular
accentual meter is critical to English poetry. [33] Jeffers experimented with sprung rhythm as
an alternative to accentual rhythm.[34]


Main article: Systems of scansion

In the Western poetic tradition, meters are customarily grouped according to a

characteristic metrical foot and the number of feet per line. Thus, "iambic pentameter" is a
meter comprising five feet per line, in which the predominant kind of foot is the "iamb". This
metric system originated in ancient Greek poetry, and was used by poets such
as Pindar and Sappho, and by the great tragedians ofAthens. Similarly, "dactylic
hexameter", comprises six feet per line, of which the dominant kind of foot is the "dactyl".
Dactylic hexameter was the traditional meter of Greek epic poetry, the earliest extant
examples of which are the works of Homer and Hesiod. More recently, iambic pentameter
and dactylic hexameter have been used by William Shakespeare and Henry Wadsworth
Longfellow, respectively.

Meter is often scanned based on the arrangement of "poetic feet" into lines.[35] In English,
each foot usually includes one syllable with a stress and one or two without a stress. In
other languages, it may be a combination of the number of syllables and the length of the
vowel that determines how the foot is parsed, where one syllable with a long vowel may be
treated as the equivalent of two syllables with short vowels. For example, in ancient Greek
poetry, meter is based solely on syllable duration rather than stress. In some languages,
such as English, stressed syllables are typically pronounced with greater volume, greater
length, and higher pitch, and are the basis for poetic meter. In ancient Greek, these
attributes were independent of each other; long vowels and syllables including a vowel plus
more than one consonant actually had longer duration, approximately double that of a short
vowel, while pitch and stress (dictated by the accent) were not associated with duration and
played no role in the meter. Thus, a dactylic hexameter line could be envisioned as a
musical phrase with six measures, each of which contained either a half note followed by
two quarter notes (i.e. a long syllable followed by two short syllables), or two half notes (i.e.
two long syllables); thus, the substitution of two short syllables for one long syllable resulted
in a measure of the same length. Such substitution in a stress language, such as English,
would not result in the same rhythmic regularity. InAnglo-Saxon meter, the unit on which
lines are built is a half-line containing two stresses rather than a foot. [36] Scanning meter can
often show the basic or fundamental pattern underlying a verse, but does not show the
varying degrees of stress, as well as the differing pitches and lengths of syllables.[37]

As an example of how a line of meter is defined, in English-language iambic pentameter,

each line has five metrical feet, and each foot is an iamb, or an unstressed syllable followed
by a stressed syllable. When a particular line is scanned, there may be variations upon the
basic pattern of the meter; for example, the first foot of English iambic pentameters is quite
often inverted, meaning that the stress falls on the first syllable. [38] The generally accepted
names for some of the most commonly used kinds of feet include:
A Holiday illustration toCarroll's "The Hunting of the Snark", which is written mainly in anapestic tetrameter. "In the midst of
the word he was trying to say / In the midst of his laughter and glee / He had softly and suddenly vanished away / For the
snark was a boojum, you see."

 iamb – one unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable

 trochee – one stressed syllable followed by an unstressed syllable
 dactyl – one stressed syllable followed by two unstressed syllables
 anapest – two unstressed syllables followed by one stressed syllable
 spondee – two stressed syllables together
 pyrrhic – two unstressed syllables together (rare, usually used to end dactylic
The number of metrical feet in a line are described in Greek terminology as follows:

 monometer - one foot

 dimeter – two feet
 trimeter – three feet
 tetrameter – four feet
 pentameter – five feet
 hexameter – six feet
 heptameter – seven feet
 octameter – eight feet
There are a wide range of names for other types of feet, right up to a choriamb of four
syllable metric foot with a stressed syllable followed by two unstressed syllables and closing
with a stressed syllable. The choriamb is derived from some ancient Greek and Latin
poetry. Languages which utilize vowel length or intonation rather than or in addition to
syllabic accents in determining meter, such as Ottoman Turkish or Vedic, often have
concepts similar to the iamb and dactyl to describe common combinations of long and short

Each of these types of feet has a certain "feel," whether alone or in combination with other
feet. The iamb, for example, is the most natural form of rhythm in the English language, and
generally produces a subtle but stable verse. [39] The dactyl, on the other hand, almost
gallops along. And, in the manner of The Night Before Christmas orDr. Seuss, the anapest
is said to produce a light-hearted, comic feel. [40]
There is debate over how useful a multiplicity of different "feet" is in describing meter. For
example, Robert Pinsky has argued that while dactyls are important in classical verse,
English dactylic verse uses dactyls very irregularly and can be better described based on
patterns of iambs and anapests, feet which he considers natural to the language. [41] Actual
rhythm is significantly more complex than the basic scanned meter described above, and
many scholars have sought to develop systems that would scan such complexity. Vladimir
Nabokov noted that overlaid on top of the regular pattern of stressed and unstressed
syllables in a line of verse was a separate pattern of accents resulting from the natural pitch
of the spoken words, and suggested that the term "scud" be used to distinguish an
unaccented stress from an accented stress. [42]

[edit]Metrical patterns

Main article: Meter (poetry)

Different traditions and genres of poetry tend to use different meters, ranging from the
Shakespearian iambic pentameter and the Homeric dactylic hexameter to the Anapestic
tetrameter used in many nursery rhymes. However, a number of variations to the
established meter are common, both to provide emphasis or attention to a given foot or line
and to avoid boring repetition. For example, the stress in a foot may be inverted,
a caesura (or pause) may be added (sometimes in place of a foot or stress), or the final foot
in a line may be given a feminine ending to soften it or be replaced by aspondee to
emphasize it and create a hard stop. Some patterns (such as iambic pentameter) tend to be
fairly regular, while other patterns, such as dactylic hexameter, tend to be highly irregular.
Regularity can vary between language. In addition, different patterns often develop
distinctively in different languages, so that, for example, iambic tetrameter in Russian will
generally reflect a regularity in the use of accents to reinforce the meter, which does not
occur, or occurs to a much lesser extent, in English. [43]
Alexander Pushkin

Some common metrical patterns, with notable examples of poets and poems who use them,

 Iambic pentameter (John Milton, Paradise Lost)[44]

 Dactylic hexameter (Homer, Iliad;[45] Virgil, Aeneid; Ovid, Metamorphoses)
 Iambic tetrameter (Andrew Marvell, "To His Coy Mistress"; Aleksandr
Pushkin, Eugene Onegin)[46]
 Trochaic octameter (Edgar Allan Poe, "The Raven")[47]
 Anapestic tetrameter (Lewis Carroll, "The Hunting of the Snark";[48] Lord Byron, Don
 Alexandrine (Jean Racine, Phèdre)[50]
[edit]Rhyme, alliteration, assonance

The Old English epic poemBeowulf is written inalliterative verse andparagraphs, not in lines orstanzas.

Main articles: Rhyme, Alliterative verse, and Assonance

Rhyme, alliteration, assonance and consonance are ways of creating repetitive patterns of

sound. They may be used as an independent structural element in a poem, to reinforce
rhythmic patterns, or as an ornamental element. [51]

Rhyme consists of identical ("hard-rhyme") or similar ("soft-rhyme") sounds placed at the

ends of lines or at predictable locations within lines ("internal rhyme").[52]Languages vary in
the richness of their rhyming structures; Italian, for example, has a rich rhyming structure
permitting maintenance of a limited set of rhymes throughout a lengthy poem. The richness
results from word endings that follow regular forms. English, with its irregular word endings
adopted from other languages, is less rich in rhyme. [53] The degree of richness of a
language's rhyming structures plays a substantial role in determining what poetic forms are
commonly used in that language.

Alliteration and assonance played a key role in structuring early Germanic, Norse and Old
English forms of poetry. The alliterative patterns of early Germanic poetry interweave meter
and alliteration as a key part of their structure, so that the metrical pattern determines when
the listener expects instances of alliteration to occur. This can be compared to an
ornamental use of alliteration in most Modern European poetry, where alliterative patterns
are not formal or carried through full stanzas. [54]Alliteration is particularly useful in languages
with less rich rhyming structures. Assonance, where the use of similar vowel sounds within
a word rather than similar sounds at the beginning or end of a word, was widely used
in skaldic poetry, but goes back to the Homeric epic. Because verbs carry much of the pitch
in the English language, assonance can loosely evoke the tonal elements of Chinese poetry
and so is useful in translating Chinese poetry. Consonance occurs where a consonant
sound is repeated throughout a sentence without putting the sound only at the front of a
word. Consonance provokes a more subtle effect than alliteration and so is less useful as a
structural element.

In 'A Linguistic Guide to English Poetry' (Longmans, 1969) Geoffrey Leech identified six
different types of sound patterns or rhyme forms. These are defined as six possible ways in
which either one or two of the structural parts of the related words can vary. The unvarying
parts are in upper case/bold. C symbolises a consonant cluster, not a single consonant, V a

Type Pattern Example 1 Example 2

Alliteration C v c great/grow send/sit

Assonance c V c great/fail send/bell

Consonance c v C great/meat send/hand

Reverse great/graze
C V c send/sell
Rhyme d
Pararhyme C v C great/groat send/sound

Rhyme c V C great/bait send/bend

[edit]Rhyming schemes

Dante and Beatrice see God as a point of light surrounded by angels. A Doréillustration to the Divine Comedy, Paradiso,
Canto 28.

Main article: Rhyme scheme

In many languages, including modern European languages and Arabic, poets use rhyme in
set patterns as a structural element for specific poetic forms, such
as ballads,sonnets and rhyming couplets. However, the use of structural rhyme is not
universal even within the European tradition. Much modern poetry avoids traditional rhyme
schemes. Classical Greek and Latin poetry did not use rhyme. Rhyme entered European
poetry in the High Middle Ages, in part under the influence of the Arabic language in Al
Andalus (modern Spain).[55] Arabic language poets used rhyme extensively from the first
development of literary Arabic in the sixth century, as in their long, rhyming qasidas. Some
rhyming schemes have become associated with a specific language, culture or period, while
other rhyming schemes have achieved use across languages, cultures or time periods.
Some forms of poetry carry a consistent and well-defined rhyming scheme, such as
the chant royal or the rubaiyat, while other poetic forms have variable rhyme schemes.

Most rhyme schemes are described using letters that correspond to sets of rhymes, so if the
first, second and fourth lines of a quatrain rhyme with each other and the third line does not
rhyme, the quatrain is said to have an "a-a-b-a" rhyme scheme. This rhyme scheme is the
one used, for example, in the rubaiyat form. [56] Similarly, an "a-b-b-a" quatrain (what is
known as "enclosed rhyme") is used in such forms as the Petrarchan sonnet.[57] Some types
of more complicated rhyming schemes have developed names of their own, separate from
the "a-b-c" convention, such as the ottava rima and terza rima. The types and use of
differing rhyming schemes is discussed further in the main article.

[edit]Ottava rima

Ottava rima is a rhyming scheme using a stanza of eight lines with an alternating a-b
rhyming scheme for the first six lines followed by a closing couplet. First used by Boccaccio,
it was developed for heroic epics but has also been used for mock-heroic poetry.

[edit]Terza rima

Dante's Divine Comedy[58] is written in terza rima, where each stanza has three lines, with
the first and third rhyming, and the second line rhyming with the first and third lines of the
next stanza (thus, a-b-a / b-c-b / c-d-c, et cetera.) in a chain rhyme. The terza rima provides
a flowing, progressive sense to the poem, and used skilfully it can evoke a sense of motion,
both forward and backward. Terza rima is appropriately used in lengthy poems in languages
with rich rhyming structures (such as Italian, with its many common word endings). [59]


Poetic form is more flexible in modernist and post-modernist poetry, and continues to be
less structured than in previous literary eras. Many modern poets eschew recognisable
structures or forms, and write in free verse. But poetry remains distinguished from prose by
its form; some regard for basic formal structures of poetry will be found in even the best free
verse, however much such structures may appear to have been ignored. Similarly, in the
best poetry written in classic styles there will be departures from strict form for emphasis or

Among major structural elements used in poetry are the line, the stanza or verse paragraph,
and larger combinations of stanzas or lines such as cantos. Also sometimes used are
broader visual presentations of words and calligraphy. These basic units of poetic form are
often combined into larger structures, called poetic forms or poetic modes (see following
section), as in the sonnet or haiku.

[edit]Lines and stanzas

Poetry is often separated into lines on a page. These lines may be based on the number of
metrical feet, or may emphasize a rhyming pattern at the ends of lines. Lines may serve
other functions, particularly where the poem is not written in a formal metrical pattern. Lines
can separate, compare or contrast thoughts expressed in different units, or can highlight a
change in tone. See the article online breaks for information about the division between
Lines of poems are often organized into stanzas, which are denominated by the number of
lines included. Thus a collection of two lines is a couplet (or distich), three lines
a triplet (or tercet), four lines a quatrain, five lines a quintain (or cinquain), six lines a sestet,
and eight lines an octet. These lines may or may not relate to each other by rhyme or
rhythm. For example, a couplet may be two lines with identical meters which rhyme or two
lines held together by a common meter alone. Stanzas often have related couplets or
triplets within them.

Alexander Blok's poem, "Noch, ulitsa, fonar, apteka" ("Night, street, lamp, drugstore"), on a wall in Leiden

Other poems may be organized into verse paragraphs, in which regular rhymes with
established rhythms are not used, but the poetic tone is instead established by a collection
of rhythms, alliterations, and rhymes established in paragraph form. Many medieval poems
were written in verse paragraphs, even where regular rhymes and rhythms were used.

In many forms of poetry, stanzas are interlocking, so that the rhyming scheme or other
structural elements of one stanza determine those of succeeding stanzas. Examples of
such interlocking stanzas include, for example, the ghazal and the villanelle, where a refrain
(or, in the case of the villanelle, refrains) is established in the first stanza which then repeats
in subsequent stanzas. Related to the use of interlocking stanzas is their use to separate
thematic parts of a poem. For example, the strophe, antistrophe and epode of the ode form
are often separated into one or more stanzas. In such cases, or where structures are meant
to be highly formal, a stanza will usually form a complete thought, consisting of full
sentences and cohesive thoughts.

In some cases, particularly lengthier formal poetry such as some forms of epic poetry,
stanzas themselves are constructed according to strict rules and then combined.
In skaldic poetry, the dróttkvætt stanza had eight lines, each having three "lifts" produced
with alliteration or assonance. In addition to two or three alliterations, the odd numbered
lines had partial rhyme of consonants with dissimilar vowels, not necessarily at the
beginning of the word; the even lines contained internal rhyme in set syllables (not
necessarily at the end of the word). Each half-line had exactly six syllables, and each line
ended in a trochee. The arrangement of dróttkvætts followed far less rigid rules than the
construction of the individual dróttkvætts.

[edit]Visual presentation

Arabic poetry

Main article: Visual poetry

Even before the advent of printing, the visual appearance of poetry often added meaning or
depth. Acrostic poems conveyed meanings in the initial letters of lines or in letters at other
specific places in a poem. In Arabic, Hebrew and Chinese poetry, the visual presentation of
finely calligraphed poems has played an important part in the overall effect of many poems.

With the advent of printing, poets gained greater control over the mass-produced visual
presentations of their work. Visual elements have become an important part of the poet's
toolbox, and many poets have sought to use visual presentation for a wide range of
purposes. Some Modernist poets have made the placement of individual lines or groups of
lines on the page an integral part of the poem's composition. At times, this complements the
poem's rhythm through visual caesuras of various lengths, or creates juxtapositions so as to
accentuate meaning, ambiguity or irony, or simply to create an aesthetically pleasing form.
 In its most extreme form, this can lead to concrete poetry or asemic writing.[61]

Dante Gabriel Rossettiillustration to Christina Rossetti'sGoblin Market and Other Poems(1862). Goblin Market used complex
poetic diction in nursery-rhyme form: "We must not look at goblin men, / We must not buy their fruits: / Who knows upon
what soil they fed / Their hungry thirsty roots?"

Main article: Poetic diction

Poetic diction treats of the manner in which language is used, and refers not only to the
sound but also to the underlying meaning and its interaction with sound and form. Many
languages and poetic forms have very specific poetic dictions, to the point where
distinct grammars and dialects are used specifically for poetry. Registers in poetry can
range from strict employment of ordinary speech patterns, as favoured in much late 20th
century prosody, through to highly ornate and aureate uses of language by such as the
medieval and renaissance makars.

Poetic diction can include rhetorical devices such as simile and metaphor, as well as tones

of voice, such as irony.[62] Aristotle wrote in the Poetics that "the greatest thing by far is to be
a master of metaphor."[63] Since the rise of Modernism, some poets have opted for a poetic
diction that de-emphasizes rhetoricaldevices, attempting instead the direct presentation of
things and experiences and the exploration of tone. On the other hand, Surrealists have
pushedrhetorical devices to their limits, making frequent use of catachresis.

Allegorical stories are central to the poetic diction of many cultures, and were prominent in
the West during classical times, the late Middle Ages and theRenaissance.[64] Rather than
being fully allegorical, however, a poem may contain symbols or allusions that deepen the
meaning or effect of its words without constructing a full allegory.

Another strong element of poetic diction can be the use of vivid imagery for effect. The
juxtaposition of unexpected or impossible images is, for example, a particularly strong
element in surrealist poetry and haiku. Vivid images are often, as well, endowed
with symbolism.
Many poetic dictions use repetitive phrases for effect, either a short phrase (such as
Homer's "rosy-fingered dawn" or "the wine-dark sea") or a longer refrain. Such repetition
can add a somber tone to a poem, as in many odes, or can be laced with irony as the
context of the words changes. For example, in Antony's famouseulogy of Caesar
in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, Antony's repetition of the words, "For Brutus is an
honorable man," moves from a sincere tone to one that exudes irony. [65]


Specific poetic forms have been developed by many cultures. In more developed, closed or
"received" poetic forms, the rhyming scheme, meter and other elements of a poem are
based on sets of rules, ranging from the relatively loose rules that govern the construction of
an elegy to the highly formalized structure of the ghazal orvillanelle. Described below are
some common forms of poetry widely used across a number of languages. Additional forms
of poetry may be found in the discussions of poetry of particular cultures or periods and in
the glossary.



Main article: Sonnet

Among the most common forms of poetry through the ages is the sonnet, which by the 13th
century was a poem of fourteen lines following a set rhyme scheme and logical structure. A
sonnet's first four lines typically introduce the topic. A sonnet usually follows an a-b-a-b
rhyme pattern. The sonnet's conventions have changed over its history, and so there are
several different sonnet forms. Traditionally, in sonnets English poets use iambic
pentameter, the Spenserian and Shakespeareansonnets being especially notable. In
the Romance languages, the hendecasyllable and Alexandrine are the most widely used
meters, though the Petrarchan sonnethas been used in Italy since the 14th century.
Sonnets are particularly associated with love poetry, and often use a poetic diction heavily
based on vivid imagery, but the twists and turns associated with the move from octave to
sestet and to final couplet make them a useful and dynamic form for many
subjects. Shakespeare's sonnets are among the most famous in English poetry, with 20
being included in the Oxford Book of English Verse.[66] The relative prominence of a poet or
set of works is often measured by reference to inclusion in the Oxford Book of English
Verse or the Norton Anthology of Poetry.


Du Fu

Main article: Jintishi

The jintishi (近體詩) is a Chinese poetic form based on a series of set tonal patterns using
the four tones of Middle Chinese in each couplet: the level, rising, departing and entering
tones. The basic form of the jintishi has eight lines in four couplets, with parallelism between
the lines in the second and third couplets. The couplets with parallel lines contain
contrasting content but an identical grammatical relationship between words. Jintishi often
have a rich poetic diction, full of allusion, and can have a wide range of subject, including
history and politics. One of the masters of the form was Du Fu, who wrote during the Tang
Dynasty (8th century). There are several variations on the basic form of the jintishi.


Main article: Sestina

The sestina has six stanzas, each comprising six unrhymed lines, in which the words at the
end of the first stanza’s lines reappear in a rolling pattern in the other stanzas. The poem
then ends with a three-line stanza in which the words again appear, two on each line.

W. H. Auden

Main article: Villanelle

The Villanelle is a nineteen-line poem made up of five triplets with a closing quatrain; the
poem is characterized by having two refrains, initially used in the first and third lines of the
first stanza, and then alternately used at the close of each subsequent stanza until the final
quatrain, which is concluded by the two refrains. The remaining lines of the poem have an
a-b alternating rhyme. The villanelle has been used regularly in the English language since
the late 19th century by such poets as Dylan Thomas,[67] W. H. Auden,[68] andElizabeth
Bishop.[69] It is a form that has gained increased use at a time when the use of received
forms of poetry has generally been declining. [citation needed]


Main article: Pantoum

The pantoum is a rare form of poetry similar to a villanelle. It is composed of a series of

quatrains; the second and fourth lines of each stanza are repeated as the first and third
lines of the next.


Main article: Rondeau (poetry)

The rondeau was originally a French form, written on two rhymes with fifteen lines, using
the first part of the first line as a refrain.


Main article: Roundel (poetry)

The roundel form, said to have been devised by Swinburne, consists of nine lines plus a
refrain after the third line and after the last line, the refrain being identical with the beginning
of the first line.

Kakinomoto no Hitomaro

Main article: Waka (poetry)#Tanka

Tanka is a form of unrhymed Japanese poetry, with five sections totalling

31 onji (phonological units identical to morae), structured in a 5-7-5 7-7 pattern. There is
generally a shift in tone and subject matter between the upper 5-7-5 phrase and the lower
7-7 phrase. Tanka were written as early as the Nara period by such poets as Kakinomoto
no Hitomaro, at a time when Japan was emerging from a period where much of its poetry
followed Chinese form. Tanka was originally the shorter form of Japanese formal poetry,
and was used more heavily to explore personal rather than public themes. It thus had a
more informal poetic diction. By the 13th century, tanka had become the dominant form of
Japanese poetry, and it is still widely written today. The 31-mora rule is generally ignored by
poets writing literary tanka in languages other than Japanese.


Main article: Haiku

Haiku is a popular form of unrhymed Japanese poetry, which evolved in the 17th century
from the hokku, or opening verse of a renku. Generally written in a single vertical line, the
haiku contains three sections totalling 17 onji (see above, at Tanka), structured in a 5-7-5
pattern. Traditionally, haiku contain (1) a kireji, or cutting word, usually placed at the end of
one of the poem's three sections; and (2) a kigo, or season-word. The most famous
exponent of the haiku was Matsuo Bashō (1644–1694). An example of his writing:[70]

fuji no kaze ya oogi ni nosete Edo miyage
the wind of Mt. Fuji
I've brought on my fan!
a gift from Edo
Omar Khayyam

Main article: Ruba'i

Ruba'i is a four-line verse (quatrain) practiced by Arabian, Persian,

Urdu, Azerbaijani (Azeri) poets. Famous for his rubaiyat (collection
of quatrains) is the Persian poet Omar Khayyam. The most
celebrated English renderings of the Rubaiyat of Omar
Khayyam were produced by Edward Fitzgerald; an example is given

They say the Lion and the Lizard keep

The Courts where Jamshyd gloried and drank deep:
And Bahram, that great Hunter—the Wild Ass
Stamps o'er his Head, and he lies fast asleep.

Main article: Sijo

Sijo is a short musical lyric practiced

by Korean poets. It is usually written as three
lines, each averaging 14-16 syllables, for a total
of 44-46 syllables. There is a pause in the middle
of each line and so, in English, a sijo is
sometimes printed in six lines rather than three.
An example is given below:

You ask how many friends I have? Water and stone, bamboo and pine.
The moon rising over the eastern hill is a joyful comrade.
Besides these five companions, what other pleasure should I ask?

Main article: Ode

Odes were first developed by

poets writing in ancient Greek,
such as Pindar,[71] and Latin, such
as Horace. Forms of odes appear
in many of the cultures that were
influenced by the Greeks and
Latins.[72] The ode generally has
three parts: a strophe,
an antistrophe, and an epode. The
antistrophes of the ode possess
similar metrical structures and,
depending on the tradition, similar
rhyme structures. In contrast, the
epode is written with a different
scheme and structure. Odes have
a formal poetic diction, and
generally deal with a serious
subject. The strophe and
antistrophe look at the subject from
different, often conflicting,
perspectives, with the epode
moving to a higher level to either
view or resolve the underlying
issues. Odes are often intended to
be recited or sung by two choruses
(or individuals), with the first
reciting the strophe, the second the
antistrophe, and both together the
epode. Over time, differing forms
for odes have developed with
considerable variations in form and
structure, but generally showing
the original influence of the
Pindaric or Horatian ode. One non-
Western form which resembles the
ode is the qasida in Persian poetry.


Punjabi ghazal poetAnwar Masood

Main article: Ghazal

The ghazal (Arabic:

ghazal, Persian:
ghazel, Turkish/Azerbaijani:
gazel, Urdu: gazal, Bengali/Sylheti:
gozol) is a form of poetry common
in Arabic, Persian, Turkish,Azerbaij
ani, Urdu and Bengali poetry. In
classic form, the ghazal has from
five to fifteen rhyming couplets that
share a refrain at the end of the
second line. This refrain may be of
one or several syllables, and is
preceded by a rhyme. Each line
has an identical meter. Each
couplet forms a complete thought
and stands alone, and the overall
ghazal often reflects on a theme of
unattainable love or divinity. The
last couplet generally includes the
signature of the author.

As with other forms with a long

history in many languages, many
variations have been developed,
including forms with a quasi-
musical poetic diction in Urdu.
Ghazals have a classical affinity
with Sufism, and a number of
major Sufi religious works are
written in ghazal form. The
relatively steady meter and the use
of the refrain produce an
incantatory effect, which
complements Sufi mystical themes
well. Among the masters of the
form is Rumi, a 13th-
century Persian poet who lived
in Konya, in present-day Turkey.


Main article: Acrostic

An acrostic (from the late Greek

akróstichon, from ákros, "top", and
stíchos, "verse") is a poem or other
form of writing in an alphabetic
script, in which the first letter,
syllable or word of each line,
paragraph or other recurring
feature in the text spells out
another message. A form of
constrained writing, an acrostic can
be used as a mnemonic device to
aid memory retrieval.
A famous acrostic comes from the
acclamation, "Jesus Christ, God's
son, savior," which in Greek is:
"Ἰησοῦς Χριστός, Θεοῦ ͑Υιός,
Σωτήρ", Iēsous Christos, Theou
Huios, Sōtēr. The initial letters of
each word spell ichthys, the Greek
word for fish; hence the frequent
use of the fish as a symbol for
Jesus Christ.

The Jewish devotional
prayer Ashrei has lines beginning
with each of the letters of
the Hebrew alphabet in turn,
implying that Jews ought to praise
God with each letter of the
alphabet. Likewise, the
prayer Ashamnu, recited on Yom
Kippur (the Day of Atonement),
lists sins beginning with each letter
of the alphabet, emphasizing the
breadth and universality of


Main article: Canzone

Literally "song" in Italian, a

canzone (plural: canzoni) (cognate
with English to chant) is an Italian
or Provençal song or ballad. It is
also used to describe a type of lyric
which resembles a madrigal.
Sometimes a composition which is
simple and songlike is designated
as a canzone, especially if it is by a
non-Italian; a good example is the
aria "Voi che sapete"
from Mozart's Marriage of Figaro.


Main article: Cinquain

While "quintain" is the general term

applied to poetic forms using a 5-
line pattern, there are specific
forms within that category that are
defined by specific rules and
guidelines. The term "CINQUAIN"
(pronounced SING-cane, the plural
is "cinquains") as applied by
modern poets most correctly refers
to a form invented by the American
poet Adelaide Crapsey. The first
examples of these were published
in 1915 in The Complete Poems,
roughly a year after her death. Her
cinquain form was inspired by
Japanese haiku and Tanka (a form
of Waka).

[edit]Other forms
See also: Category:Poetic form

Other forms of poetry include:

 Carmina figurata
 Concrete poetry: Word
arrangement, typeface, color or
other visual effects are used to
complement or dramatize the
meaning of the words used.
 Fixed verse
 Folk song
 Free verse: based on the
irregular rhythmic cadence or
the recurrence, with variations,
of phrases, images, and
syntactical patterns rather than
the conventional use of meter.
 Limerick
 Minnesang
 Murabba
 Pastourelle
 Poetry slam: This is a modern
style of spoken word poetry,
frequently associated with a
distinctive style of delivery.
 Stev
 Yoik

In addition to specific forms of

poems, poetry is often thought of in
terms of different genres and
subgenres. A poetic genre is
generally a tradition or
classification of poetry based on
the subject matter, style, or other
broader literary characteristics.
 Some commentators view
genres as natural forms of
literature.[74] Others view the study
of genres as the study of how
different works relate and refer to
other works.[75]

Epic poetry is one commonly

identified genre, often defined as
lengthy poems concerning events
of a heroic or important nature to
the culture of the time.[76] Lyric
poetry, which tends to be shorter,
melodic, and contemplative, is
another commonly identified genre.
Some commentators may organize
bodies of poetry into further
subgenres, and individual poems
may be seen as a part of many
different genres.[77] In many cases,
poetic genres show common
features as a result of a common
tradition, even across cultures.

Described below are some

common genres, but the
classification of genres, the
description of their characteristics,
and even the reasons for
undertaking a classification into
genres can take many forms.

[edit]Narrative poetry

Geoffrey Chaucer

Main article: Narrative poetry

Narrative poetry is a genre of

poetry that tells a story. Broadly it
subsumes epic poetry, but the term
"narrative poetry" is often reserved
for smaller works, generally with
more appeal to human interest.

Narrative poetry may be the oldest

type of poetry. Many scholars
of Homer have concluded that
his Iliad and Odyssey were
composed from compilations of
shorternarrative poems that related
individual episodes and were more
suitable for an evening's
entertainment. Much narrative
as Scots and English ballads,
andBaltic and Slavic heroic poems
—is performance poetry with roots
in a preliterate oral tradition. It has
been speculated that some
features that distinguish poetry
from prose, such as
meter, alliteration and kennings,
once served as memory aids
for bards who recited traditional

Notable narrative poets have
included Ovid, Dante, Juan
Ruiz, Chaucer, William
Langland, Luís de
Camões, Shakespeare, Alexander
Pope, Robert Burns, Fernando de
Rojas, Adam
Mickiewicz, Alexander
Pushkin, Edgar Allan
Poe and Alfred Tennyson.

[edit]Epic poetry

Main article: Epic poetry

Epic poetry is a genre of poetry,

and a major form
of narrative literature. It recounts,
in a continuous narrative, the life
and works of
a heroic or mythological person or
group of persons. Examples of
epic poems
are Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, Vir
gil's Aeneid,
the Nibelungenlied, Luís de
Camões' Os Lusíadas, the Cantar
de Mio Cid, the Epic of Gilgamesh,
the Mahabharata, Valmiki's Ramay
ana, Ferdowsi's Shahnama, Nizam
i (or Nezami)'s Khamse (Five
Books), and the Epic of King

While the composition of epic

poetry, and of long
poems generally, became less
common in the west after the early
20th century, some notable epics
have continued to be
written. Derek Walcott won a Nobel
prize to a great extent on the basis
of his epic, Omeros.[78]

[edit]Dramatic poetry


Main articles: Verse drama and

dramatic verse, Theatre of ancient
Greece, Sanskrit drama, Chinese
Opera, and Noh

Dramatic poetry is drama written
in verse to be spoken or sung, and
appears in varying, sometimes
related forms in many cultures.
Verse drama may have developed
out of earlier oral epics, such as
the Sanskrit and Greek epics.[79]

Greek tragedy in verse dates to the

6th century B.C., and may have
been an influence on the
development of Sanskrit drama,
 just as Indian drama in turn
appears to have influenced the
development of the bianwen verse
dramas in China, forerunners
of Chinese Opera.[81] East
Asian verse dramas also
include Japanese Noh.

Examples of dramatic poetry

in Persian
literature include Nezami's two
famous dramatic works, Layla and
Majnun and Khosrow and Shirin,
 Ferdowsi's tragedies such
asRostam and
Sohrab, Rumi's Masnavi, Gorgani's
tragedy of Vis and Ramin,
 and Vahshi's tragedy of Farhad.

[edit]Satirical poetry


John Wilmot

Poetry can be a powerful vehicle

for satire. The punch of
an insult delivered in verse can be
many times more powerful and
memorable than that of the same
insult, spoken or written in prose.
The Romans had a strong tradition
of satirical poetry, often written
for political purposes. A notable
example is the Roman
poet Juvenal's satires, whose
insults stung the entire spectrum
of society.

The same is true of the English

satirical tradition. Embroiled in the
feverish politics of the time and
stung by an attack on him by his
former friend, Thomas
Shadwell (a Whig), John
Dryden (a Tory), the first Poet
Laureate, produced in 1682 Mac
Flecknoe, one of the greatest
pieces of sustained invective in the
English language, subtitled "A
Satire on the True Blue Protestant
Poet, T.S." In this, the late, notably
mediocre poet, Richard Flecknoe,
was imagined to be contemplating
who should succeed him as ruler
"of all the realms of Nonsense
absolute" to "reign and wage
immortal war on wit."

Another master of 17th-century

English satirical poetry was John
Wilmot, 2nd Earl of Rochester. He
was known for ruthless satires
such as "A Satyr Against Mankind"
(1675) and a "A Satyr on Charles

Another exemplar of English

satirical poetry was Alexander
Pope, who famously
chided critics in his Essay on
Criticism (1709). Dryden and Pope 
were writers of epic poetry, and
their satirical style was accordingly
epic; but there is no prescribed
form for satirical poetry.

The greatest satirical poets outside

England include Poland's Ignacy
Krasicki, Azerbaijan's Sabir and Po
rtugal's Manuel Maria Barbosa du
Bocage, commonly known as

[edit]Lyric poetry

Christine de Pizan

Main article: Lyric poetry

Lyric poetry is a genre that,

unlike epic poetry and dramatic
poetry, does not attempt to tell a
story but instead is of a
more personal nature. Rather than
depicting characters and actions, it
portrays the poet's
own feelings, states of mind,
and perceptions. While the genre's
name, derived from "lyre", implies
that it is intended to be sung, much
lyric poetry is meant purely
for reading.
Though lyric poetry has long
celebrated love, many courtly-
love poets also wrote lyric poems
about war and peace, nature and
nostalgia, grief and loss. Notable
among these are the 15th century
French lyric poets, Christine de
Pizan and Charles, Duke of
Orléans. Spiritual and religious the
mes were addressed by
such mystic lyric poets as St. John
of the Cross and Teresa of Ávila.
The tradition of lyric poetry based
on spiritual experience was
continued by later poets such
as John Donne, Gerard Manley
Hopkins, Antonio Machadoand T.
S. Eliot.

Though the most popular form for

western lyric poetry to take may be
the 14-line sonnet, as practiced
by Petrarch and Shakespeare, lyric
poetry shows a bewildering variety
of forms, including increasingly, in
the 20th century, unrhymed ones.
Lyric poetry is the most common
type of poetry, as it deals intricately
with an author's own emotions and

Thomas Gray

Main article: Elegy

An elegy is a mournful, melancholy

or plaintive poem, especially
a lament for the dead or
a funeral song. The term "elegy,"
which originally denoted a type of
poetic meter (elegiacmeter),
commonly describes a poem
of mourning. An elegy may also
reflect something that seems to the
author to be strange or mysterious.
The elegy, as a reflection on a
death, on a sorrow more generally,
or on something mysterious, may
be classified as a form of lyric
poetry. In a related sense that
harks back to ancient poetic
traditions of sung poetry, the word
"elegy" may also denote a type of
musical work, usually of a sad or
somber nature.

Elegiac poetry has been written

since antiquity. Perhaps the first
example of the form is II Samuel,
Chapter 1, in which David laments
the fall of King Saul and of Saul's
son and heir Jonathan. Notable
practitioners have
included Propertius (lived ca. 50
BCE – ca. 15 BCE), Jorge
Manrique (1476), Jan
Kochanowski (1580), Chidiock
Tichborne (1586),Edmund
Spenser (1595), Ben
Jonson (1616), John
Milton (1637), Thomas
Gray (1750), Charlotte Turner
Smith (1784), William Cullen
Bryant (1817), Percy Bysshe
Shelley (1821),Johann Wolfgang
von Goethe (1823), Evgeny
Baratynsky (1837), Alfred
Tennyson (1849), Walt
Whitman (1865), Louis Gallet (lived
1835–98), Antonio
Machado (1903), Juan Ramón
Jiménez (1914), William Butler
Yeats (1916), Rainer Maria
Rilke (1922), Virginia
Woolf (1927), Federico García
Lorca (1935), Kamau
Brathwaite (born 1930).

[edit]Verse fable

Ignacy Krasicki

Main article: Fable

The fable is an ancient, near-

ubiquitous literary genre, often
(though not invariably) set in verse.
It is a succinct story that
features anthropomorphized anima
ls, plants, inanimate objects, or
forces of nature that illustrate a
moral lesson (a "moral").
Verse fables have used a variety
of meter and rhyme patterns; Ignac
y Krasicki, for example, in
his Fables and Parables, used 13-
syllable lines in rhyming couplets.

Notable verse fabulists have
included Aesop (mid-6th century
BCE), Vishnu Sarma (ca. 200
BCE), Phaedrus (15 BCE–50 CE), 
Marie de France (12th
century), Robert Henryson(fl.1470-
1500), Biernat of Lublin (1465?–
after 1529), Jean de La
Fontaine (1621–95), Ignacy
Krasicki (1735–1801), Félix María
de Samaniego (1745–
1801), Tomás de Iriarte (1750–
1791), Ivan Krylov (1769–1844)
and Ambrose Bierce (1842–1914).
All of Aesop's translators and
successors owe a debt to that
semi-legendary fabulist.

An example of a verse fable

is Krasicki's "The Lamb and the

Aggression ever finds cause if sufficiently pressed.

Two wolves on the prowl had trapped a lamb in the forest
And were about to pounce. Quoth the lamb: "What right have you?"
"You're toothsome, weak, in the wood." — The wolves dined sans ado.
by Gustave

Madhusudan Dutt

article: Prose

Prose poetry is
a hybrid genre
that shows
attributes of
both prose and
poetry. It may
e from
the micro-story 
(aka the "short
short story",
"flash fiction"). It
qualifies as
poetry because
of its
of metaphor,
and special
attention to

While some
examples of
earlier prose
strike modern
readers as
poetic, prose
poetry is
regarded as
originated in
19th-century Fr
ance, where its
included Aloysiu
Bertrand, Charl
Baudelaire, Arth
Rimbaud and St

The genre has

found notable
exemplars in

 Bengali: Mic
Dutt, Rabind
 English: Osc
ar Wilde, T.
Eliot, Gertru
Stein, Sherw
Anderson, Al
Ginsberg, Gi
Braschi, Sea
Heaney, Ru
Edson, Rob
Simic, Josep
h Conrad
 French: Max
Jacob, Henri
Michaux, Fr
Ponge, Jean
Tardieu, Jea
 Greek: Andr
Embirikos, N

Julio Cortázar

 Italian: Euge
Montale, Sal
Ungaretti, U
mberto Saba
 Polish: Bole
Prus, Zbigni
ew Herbert
 Portuguese: 
Pessoa, Már
Cesariny, M
ário de Sá-
Carneiro, W
Solon, Eugé
nio de
Andrade, Al
Berto, Alexa
O'Neill, José
 Russian: Iva
Turgenev, R
Derieva, An
 Spanish: Jor
ge Luis
Borges, Adol
fo Bioy
Casares, Oc
Paz, Giannin
Braschi, Áng
Crespo, Juli
Cortázar, Ru
Dario, Oliver
Girondo, Aní
bal Cristobo.
 Swedish: To
 Sindhi
language: N
Shiam, Hari
Dilgeer, Tan
Abasi, Saikh
Ayaz, Mukhti
ar Malik, Taj
 Punjabi
language: Al
i Arman
 Urdu
language: Al
i Arman
Since the late
prose poetry
has gained
popularity, with
entire journals
devoted solely
to that genre.
[citation needed]


The Poetics of Robert Frost - Examples

Three Main Groups
Lyric  My November Guest  Mowing  A Late Walk
Narrative  Out, Out  Love and a Question  Brown's Descent
Dramatic  Death of the Hired Man  Home Burial  The Witch of Coos
 Stanzaic Form      
 Couplet  The Secret Sits  The Tuft of Flowers  A Minor Bird
 Tercet (Triplets) Acquainted with the Night  A Star in a Stoneboat  Provide, Provide
 Quatrain  Devotion  Stopping by Woods  Good Hours
 Quintet  My November Guest The Road Not Taken  Bond and Free
.Sestet  Spring Pools The Freedom of the Moon  Closed for Good
 Octave  Nothing Gold Can Stay Two Tramps in Mud Time  Love and a Question
 Fixed Form      
 Sonnet  Design  Mowing  The Silken Tent
 Blank Verse  Mending Wall  Birches  Out, Out
 Continuous Form  Storm Fear  After Apple-Picking  Mending Wall
Frost's quote, "I'd sooner write free verse as play tennis with the net down," applies as well to form as it
does to meter. For Frost, both form and meter were fundamental in the crafting of poetry. It's important to
know how much it meant to him. Frost wrote,

"There is at least so much good in the world that it admits of form and the making of form. And not only
admits of it, but calls for it. We people are thrust forward out of the suggestions of form in the rolling
clouds of nature. In us nature reaches its height of form and through us exceeds itself. When in doubt
there is always form for us to go on with. Anyone who has achieved the least form to be sure of it, is lost
to the larger excruciations. I think it must stroke faith the right way. The artist, the poet, might be expected
to be the most aware of such assurance. But it is really everybody's sanity to feel it and live by it.
Fortunately, too, no forms are more engrossing, gratifying, comforting, staying than those lesser ones we
throw off, like vortex rings of smoke, all our individual enterprise and needing nobody's cooperation; a
basket, a letter, a garden, a room, an idea, a picture, a poem. For these we haven't to get a team together
before we can play."
Frost wrote a little epigram called "Pertinax,"

Let chaos storm!

Let cloud shapes swarm!
I wait for form.
Form falls into general categories which overlay the terms of structure. Poems are said to be lyric,
narrative or dramatic. Thus a poem can be described as a lyric written in couplets, quatrains or sestets
(2, 4 or 6 line stanzas). There can be a narrative poem written in blank verse, continuous structure
(Birches). There can even be a dramatic narrative which has lyric overtones (Mending Wall). Frost wrote
in all these forms.
Read interview - Frost comments on the use of narrative, drama, and use of language. (Click)
Lyric poetry is usually a short poem expressing personal thoughts and feelings. It is meditative. It is
spoken by a single speaker about his feelings for a person, object, event or idea. This type poetry was
originally sung accompanied by a lyre. Frost is primarily a lyric poet.
My November Guest is a lyric poem written in 5 line stanzas (quintets). The meter is tetrameter, with a
rhyming pattern abaab
Mowing is a lyrical sonnet with a very irregular rhyming pattern.
A Late Walk is a ballad-style lyric (tetrameter alternating with trimeter) rhyming the 2nd and 4th lines in
quatrains. The indentation sets off the rhymes. (Go back to Table)
Narrative poetry tells a story revealed by a progression unique to itself. There is a rising action, a climax
and a falling action.
Out, Out is a narrative in blank verse written in a continuous structure. (No stanzas, no breaks)
Love and a Question is a ballad (see below) written in 8 line stanzas (octaves)
Brown's Descent is a humorous narrative rhyming the 2nd and 4th lines in quatrains. The indentation sets
off the rhymes. The meter is tetrameter.
Note: The ballad is a narrative poem with stanzas of two or four lines and sometimes, a refrain. They are
written in straight-forward verse, seldom with detail, but always with graphic simplicity and force. Ballads
are generally written in ballad meter, i.e., alternating lines of iambic tetrameter and iambic trimeter, with
the last words of the second and fourth lines rhyming. Other Ballads: A Line Storm Song, Wind and
Window Flower.
Dramatic poems have speaking characters as in a little play. There can be monologues (1 person
speaking), dialogs (2 or more people speaking) and narratives. The Death of the Hired Man is often called
a dramatic narrative. Frost usually writes these in blank verse. The speeches follow no stanzaic pattern,
but the lines are metrical. Frost's second book North of Boston is most famous for his dramatic pieces. He
patterned many of them after Virgil's Eclogues. Frost's dramatic poems comprise some of his best praised
(Go back to Table)



Our Class
Here are some very
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different types of
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1. Lyric: subjective,
reflective poetry with
s regular rhyne scheme
and which reveals the
  poet's thoughts and
Types Of Poems
feelings to create a
single, unique
Poetic Devices
And Figurative
2. Narrative: non-
dramatic, objective
verse with regular
rhyme scheme and
meter, which relates a
story or narrative.

3. Sonnet(lyric): a
rigid 14 line verse
form, with variable
structure and scheme
according to type:A.
h): 3 quatrains and
concluding couplet in
iambic pentameter,
rhymin abab cdcd efef
gg or abba cddc effe
B. Italian(Petrarchan):
an octave and sestet,
between which a
break thought occurs.
The traditional rhyme
scheme is abbe abbe
cafe cafe the sestet,
any variation of c,d,e.

4. Ode(lyric):
elaborate lyric verse,
which deals seriously
with a dignified theme.

5. Blank Verse:
unrhymed lines of
iambic pentameter.

6. Free Verse:
unrhymed lines
without regular

7. EPic: a long,
dignified narrative
poem, which gives the
account of a hero
important to his nation
or race.
8. Dramatic
Monologue: a lyric
poem, which the
speaker tells an
audience about a
dramatic moment in
his/her life and, in
doing so, revels
his/her character.

9. Elegy(lyric): a poem
of lament, meditating
on the death of an

10. Ballad(lyric):
simple, narrative
verse which tells a
story to be sung or
recited; the folk band
is anonymously
handed down, while
the literary ballad has
a single author.

11. Idyll or
Pastoral(lyric): lyric
poetry describing the
life of the shepard in
pastoral, bucolic,
idealistic terms.

12. Villanelle(lyric): a
French verse from
strictly calculated to
appear simple and
spontaneous: fiev
tercets and a final
quatrain, rhyming aba
aba aba aba aba abaa.
Lines 1,6,12,18 and
3,9,15,19 are refrain.
13. Light Verse: a
general category of
poetry written to
entertain, such as
lyric poetry, epigrams,
and limericks. It can
also have a serious
side, as in parody or

14. Haiku: Japanese

verse in three lines of
5, 7, and 5 syllables,
often depicting a
delicate image.

15. Limerick:
humorous nonsense
verse in five anapestic
lines rhyming aabba:
a-lines being trimeter
and b-lines dimeter.

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