Ancestors Imam

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Sir Ali Imam


SIR ALI IMAM, who succeeded Mr. (now Lord)

Sinha as Legal Member of the Governor-
General's Executive Council and was later appointed
by H. E. H. the Nizam of Hyderabad as the first
President of his Executive Council, was born at the
village of Neora, a small station on the East Indian
Railway, near Patna, on the nth of February 1869,
He comes of a distinguished Syed family, who justly
take pride in the purity of their blood, his ancestors
having come to India before the Moghul Empire was
founded. In fact one of his ancestors Mallah Saad
Was tutor to the Emperor Aurangazeb. Mallah Saad's
son, Nawab Syed Khm, rose to be a Wazir of the
Empire. One of the forefathers of the subject of our
sketch, Nawab Mir Askari, was Commander-in-Chief
under the Nawab of Bengal in the time of Lord Clive ;
Sir Ali Imam's great-grandfather, Khan Bahadur
Syed Imdad Ali, retired as a Subordinate Judge of
Patna, while his son, Khan Bahadur Shams- ul-ulama
Syed Wahid-ud din was the first Indian to be made a
District Magistrate and a District and Sessions Judge,
From 1854 to 1858, Mr. Wahid-ud din was the
District Magistrate of Monghyr (Bihar), and towards
the end of his service he became the District 3 n


'Sessions Judge of Shahabad. Sir Ali Imam's father,

'Shams ul-ulama Nawab Syed Imdad Imam, was for
some time Professor of History and Arabic in the .
Patna College and well-known all over Bihar for
his great facility in writing Urdu poetry and his vast
and varied scholarship. The Shams-ul-ulma is known
throughout as a brilliant poet, a versatile scholar
and a voluminous writer, alike upon literary, scientific
and agricultural subjects. One of his philosophical
treatises, called " Mirat-ul-Hukama," has been trans-
lated into Swedish and the learned author received
some years back a letter from the late King Oscar
of Sweden in appreciation of his work. Mr. Syed
Sharf-ud-din, late Judge of the Calcutta and
Patna High Courts and ex- Member of the Bihar
Executive Council, is the maternal uncle of Sir Ali
Imam, and another of his uncles Khan Bahadur Syed
Nasir ud-din, was the Finance Minister of Bhopal.
Sir Ali Imam's younger brother is the well known
Mr. Hasan Imam of Patna who was for some time
Judge of the High Court of Calcutta and subsequently
President of the Special Congress of 1918.

Mr. Hasan Imam, whose sketch appears in the

subsequent pages, it may be remembered, represented
India at the League of Nations in 1923.


Ali Imam received his early education in the

Arrah Zilla school and afterwards in the Patna
College. With a view to complete his education he

to England in September 1887, and was called


to the bar by the Middle Temple in June 1890, in*

which year he returned to India. In the same term
and by the same Inn of Court were called Sir Abdur
Rahim (who is married to a cousin of Sic Ali Imam's)
and Mr. Justice Shah Din of the Punjab Chief Court.
While in England, he was of great service to the
Indian delegates, who were sent to England in 1896-
by the National Congress. That delegation, it will
be recollected, consisted of the late Sir Ganesh Narayan
Chandavarkar, Mr. Salem Rama^wami Mudaliar and
Mr. (now Sir) Surendranath Banerjea. Mr. Ali Imam
Went with the delegates to several of the more impor-
tant places in England and Wales and did much
good work for India with them.


Returning to India, Mr. Ali Imam devoted'

himself almost exclusively to the practice of his
profession. His whole hearted devotion was attended
with early success. He had not to wait and watch
and hope as most juniors have to do. He was engaged!
in almost all the celebrated cases, civil and criminal.
During his later years, Mr. Ali Imam acquired such
a fame as a " case- winner,'' that suitors came to-
regard their case half won when the services of
Mr. Ali Imam had been secured. At the time he left
Bihar he had been frequently entertained by the
Crown, and Government retained him to conduct on
behalf of the Court of Wards the case for the defence
in the now well-known Dumraon Raj adoption case
before the special Judge at Ar rah. During the last


years of his professional career his practice was so-

large that even a seat on the bench of the High Court
did not offer him sufficient temptation to make him
think of changing the Counsel's gown for the robes of
a Judge. His appointment as Standing Counsel in
1909, therefore, was but a mere recognition of his
legal abilities. His success as a lawyer has helped'
him in becoming conspicuous in other walks of life also.


He was for six years a member of the Patna

District Hoard and of the Patna Municipality and for
about six months he acted as the Vice-Chairman of
the Municipality in place of his uncle, the late Khan
Bahadur Syed Fazal Imam. He was elected a
Trustee of the Aligarh College in 1963 and his inter-
est in the education of his co-religionists has always
been an abiding one. Besides donating handsomely
to the Funds of the Aligarh College he has taken a
keen and an active interest in the affairs of the
Mahomedan Educational Conference. His nomina-
tion as a Fellow of the Calcutta University, in 1909,
recognised the good work he had done in this direc-
tion. In April 1908, he was unanimously elected;
President of the first session of the Behar Provincial
Conference. In the Commissioner's Conference to-
which the Bengal Government invited him during,
the latter part of his professional career, as a non-
official member, he proved a staunch and undaunted*
people's advocate, while his notes on the separation
of the executive and judicial functions, prepared


about the same time, gladdened the hearts of all,

including the Congressmen.
His co-religionists recognised his talents by nomi-
nating him, in 1910, to the Presidentship of the
Amritsar Session of the All-India Muslim League. It
is unnecessary to write more of his Presidential ad-
dress than to remark that it brought him at once
into the front rank of Indian public men. The Indian
Press deservedly characterised it as a highly meri-
torious performance, though the appreciation was
naturally qualified by disapproval of some of the
opinions contained therein.


Mr. Ali Imam attended the second session of the

Bihar Provincial Conference, held at Bhagalpur dur-
ing the Easter of 1 909, and it was there that the memor-
able c Conference ' between Mr. Imam and the late
Mr. Gokhale took place. The many long interviews
which took place between these two gentlemen resulted
in a resolution, which was unanimously accepted ' by
the Conference, supporting the Government's scheme
-of mixed electorates open to all classes, with some
special electorates open to Mussalmans only. Mr. Ali
Imam seconded the resolution, which was proposed
'by Mr, Deep Narayan Singh. Mr. Gokhale formed a
very high opinion of Mr. Ali Imam's abilities.
Mr. Gokhale and Mr. Imam parted as the best of
-friends ; their so-called " Compromise " at Bhagalpore

for weeks the subject of acrimonious discussion


in the Press, principally in the section conducted

by Mussalmans. Lord Morley was apparently favour-
ably impressed with his personality. And no wonder,
when Mr. Sinha resigned he was nominated to the
high place of Legal Member of the Viceroy's Council.


In politics, Mr. Ali Imam may be described as

sturdy Liberal. In his address at Cambridge, he
declared that Indians had realised that " Govern-
ment of the people, by the people, for the people,
was a very natural adjunct to Government by the
British." He said :

English education has given Indians a common language,

common aspirations and a common patriotism, and it was possi-
ble for the Muhammedans and the Hindus to work together for
the development of India united among themselves and united
to Britain.

His ideal for India is " Self-Government within

the British Empire." His utterances at the Indian
Union were still more outspoken. Introduced by the
President, Mr. D. C. Ghose, as an " Indian first and
Mahomedan afterwards," and as one whom "the
Hindus also claimed as a leader," Mr. Imam declared
that he " was pleased to be described as first and
foremost an Indian." He then proceeded :

The sectarian aggressiveness v, hich was rampant in the

land was the gre*t danger to the country, and all thoughtful
Indians ought to put their foot down upon it, for the danger was
not 10 much from without as from within. Mahr medans ought
to recognize that they should he Indiana first and Mahomedans
afterward*, and Hindus that they should be Indians first and
Hindus afterwards.


He spoke in a similar spirit at the banquet given *


him on his appointment to the Viceroy's Executive

Council in October, 1910.

In the faithful discharge of ray duties, I cannot lend my-

self to partnership, sectarian prejudices or denominational bias.
My placement ot the Indian view has to be an honest portra-
ture^ftha true and existing conditions of the political and
social life of the country. My treatment of the subject has to
be from the standpoint that subservei the greatest good and
contributes to the happiness of the largest number of ray

Sir AH Imam's work on the Viceroy's Council was

greatly appreciated and H. E. Lord Hardinge gave
public recognition of his great services in the speech
he delivered at the Council Chamber at Delhi in
March 1915 previous to Sir Ali Imam's retirement.
Sir Ali Imam in his parting speech at Simla in
October of that year made touching reference to the
Viceroy's appreciation and added: "lam proud to
have received such notice from the King's Representa-
tive, but I am prouder still in that I may without
any vanity, regard these words as the title of my
country to the inclusion of her sons in the Indian
Cabinet." The position of an Indian Member of
the Viceroy's Council, he said, is not without its

It is true that he has to be grateful for many things with*

out which his position might have been harder, yet it would be
an affectation to hold that his path is strewn with roses. There
are inherent causes that sometimes leave him isolated in the
discharge of his official duties. This is in no way attributable
to any unkindness on the part of any one. As a minister of the
Crown, the first and foremost duty of the Indian Member is to
do all in his power to strengthen the foundations of British Rule
in India. But his difficulties do not begin here for a little
reflection will satisfy him that the foundations of that rule can
rest secure only in the increasing prosperity and contentment
of the people of India and that whatever be can do in the direc-


^tion of securing this object is the very essence of real and true
loyalty to the Sovereign whose confidence he has the privilege
to enjoy. The ready willing acceptance of this principle by his
colleagues is a source of great inspiration and strength to him,
for it is an agreement on the very first principles of the relations
of England and India, To me, personally, the conviction that
duty to ray Sovereign is in absolute and complete keeping with
ray duty to my country, has been a great support and a sustain-
ing force of incalculable value.

And he concluded with a fervent appeal to all

classes and communities irrespective of their religious
denominations, to unite in the name of India and
serve the cause of their common country.

As Indians, it is the duty of all of us, in whatever station of

life we may he, to take out full share in the building up of the
national life. We have to *et ourselves a programme of w< rk
in which true and unadulterated nationalism should be the
mainspr ng of action. Nationalism is a much misunderstood
word in India. I have come across people who are scared at
the very mention of it as if it were a boeey. What I under-
stand by Indian nationalism is the supersession of all sectarian
and communal bias in the growth of the political life of the
country by territorial patriotism based on loyalty to the
Sovereign, pride in the Empire and love of the country.
Gentlemen, this is a political creed which is catholic enough to
ombrace within its fold all those that love India. Here is work
for all the numerous communities that inhabit our country.
The Hindu, the M^homedan, the Parsi, the Indian Christian,
the Anglo-Indian, and all unite to raise Tndii and secure for
tier a. seat of honour in the assemblage of nations.


In November 1917, Sir Ali Imam joined the

Patna High Court Bench in succession to Mr. Justice
Sharf-ud-din who retired in the previous September,
So far as the Patna High Court was concerned, his was
the first appointment to the Beach from the Members
of the High Court Bar. Commenting on th^ appoint-
ment the PATNA LAW WEEKLY observed that he
would be an acquisition to the Bench,


We disfavour, as a rule, the practice of translation from-

the Bench to the Executive Council and vice versa. But we
think Sir Ali Imam's experience at the Bar, especially during
the few months before his elevation, will stand him in good
atead in discharging the onerous duties of his office.


In June 1919, H. E. H. the Nizam of Hyderabad

decided upon establishing an Executive Council and
whom could he choose but Sir Ali Imam for the first
Presidentship of his Council ? Sir Ali Imam brought to
the conduct of the Nizam's new Council all the varied
experiences of his high offices in British India. But in
October of the next year Sir Ali Imam was selected by
H. E. the Viceroy to represent British India in the
League of Nations. He was thus the first Indian
representative to sit at the first meeting of the
League of Nations. His Exalted Highness concurred
With the Viceroy in his choice and Sir Ali Imam's
absence from the Nizam's Dominion was treated not
as on leave but on deputation. On his return to
Hyderabad he took over charge of his office. But
suddenly in the first week of September 1922 a
firman was published announcing Sir Ali Imam's
resignation of his high office and the Nizam's accep-
tance of the same. NO reason was given but the
firman added that Sir Ali Imam was to be paid
the honorarium for the rest of the period con-
tracted for. The resignation, whatever might be
the cause, was much regretted by the public;,
and Sir Ali Imam commenced practice at once at




It was not long before H. E. H. the Nizam

requisitioned the services of Sir Ali Imam again. This
time it was in connection ^with the Nizam's efforts to
regain his sovereignty over the Districts of Berar.
These districts had been administered by the British
Government on behalf of the Nizam since 1853.

Under the treaties of 1853 and 1860, they were " assigned, "
without limit of time to the British Government to provide for
the maintenance of the Hyderabad contingent, a body of troops
kept by the British Government for the Nizam's use, the
surplus revenue, if any, being payable to the Nizam. In course
of time it had become apparent that the maintenance of the
Hyderabad contingent on its old footing as a separate force was
inexpedient and unnecessary and that similarly the adminis-
tration of Berar as a separate unit was very costly while from
the point of view of the Nizain the precarious and fluctuating
nature of the surplus was financially inconvenient. The agree-
ment of 1902 re-affirmed His Highness's sovereignty over Berar,
which instead of being indefinitely "assigned "to the Govern-
ment of India, was leased in perpetuity to an annual rental of
25 lakhs, the rental is for the present charged with an annual
debit towards the repayment of loans made by the Govern-
ment of India. The Government of India were at the same time
authorised to administer Berar in such manner as they might
think desirable, and to redistribute, reduce, re-organise and
control the Hyderabad Contingent, due provision being made
as stipulated in the Treaty of 1853, for the protection of Hi
Highness's Dominions. In accordance with thii agreement the*
Contingent ceased in March 1903, to be a separate force and
was re-organised and re-distributed as an integral part of the
Indian Army, and in October 1903 Berar was transferred
to the administration of the Chief Commissioner of the Central

The present Nizam has been making strenuous

efforts towards the recovery of these Districts and
Sir AH Imam was sent in the middle of 1923 to
England to pave the way for an understanding
with the Home Government. Sir Ali Imam, besides

The Indian Year Book, 1925. ~



interviewing influential members of Government, on

this subject, did splendid propaganda work by inter-
esting British journalists in the Nizam's claims
over Berar and it was mainly through his efforts that
several English Magazines and newspapers became
interested in the question.


Sir Ali Imam also took advantage of his stay in
England to participate in all functions calculated to
promote the interests of his countrymen in British
India. Thus when the Rt Hon. Sastri returned
to England from Kenya, Sir Ali Imam gave a recep-
tion to the Indian Delegation at the Hotel Cecil in
August 1923 and expressed himself in complete agree-
ment with Mr. Sastri in regard to the Cabinet's

The Kenya decision has given a rude shock to that ideal.

It has plainly told us that th^ present British Cabinet does not
recognise equal political rights between European* ard Asiatics
within the Empire.

As an Indian who has gathered some knowledge of hia

country, both at an official and a non-officinl, I have to say in
aorro^ that the Kenya decision forebodes a politica 1 develop-
ment in India of which it is impossible to think without the
gravett misgiving regarding the future

It has been Sdid that there was threat of White Rebellion

in Kenya. If that be so, it was an evil example to set. It has
also been said that His Majesty's Government sacrificed justice
to fear. If so, a bad precedent has been established. The poli-
tical psychology in India is of sufficient keenness to draw its
own conclusions. I much fear the Kenya decision will give a
turn to political thought in India that is bound to overrun the
Abounds of moderation, unless side by side with that decision
immediate steps are taken to give India Self-Government.


Sir Ali Imam, during his stay in England, took

the opportunity to instruct the British public on the


real nature of the situation in India. In March 1924,

he addressed the Indian Parliamentary Committee,
defending the Swaraj leaders against the charge of
irresponsibility and childishness hurled at them by the
greater part of the British Press because of their
rejection of the Budget. He pointed out that the
Indian leaders, whether they were right or wrong in
taking this action, could not possibly embarrass the
administration of the country, since the Budget, they
were well aware, could and would be certified by the
Viceroy. On the question of the Reforms, he said that
the firm government that was recommended in
certain quarters meant simply standing still. But
at was too late for that. He said :

Unless something were done within the next two years,

the IndepenHanta would receive tremendous encouragement,
and It might then be too late for moderate counsels to prevail.
The time was ripe for complete autonomy in the Provinces and
<the transfer of all the functions of the Central Government to
responsible Ministers, save the Army, Foreign Affairs and the
Political Department, pending the gradual Indianisation of
these last departments.

Sir Ali Imam returned to India about the end of

1924 and in an interview with the Associated Press
at Bombay, urged " a moderate measure of constitu-
tional reform, within the bounds of safety." He
emphasised the urgent need for reforming the Indian
'constitution, in view of Dyarchy having been wrecked
-in two Provinces and in view of the unyielding
.obstruction in the Assembly.
The last general election was fought on the Swaraj cry
and it returned to the Provincial and Central Legislatures the
protagonists of immediate Self-Government in overwhelming
numbers. Obstruction in the Councils signified a united


dam and for a tnore satisfactory constitution. In his opinion it?

would be folly not to recognise the robust assertiveness of the-
new movement. A moderate measure of reform, withia the-
bounds of safety, could impair neither the British overlordship
of India, nor damage the individual classes.

He made certain proposals for reform, which he

said were only sketches dealing with principles, requir-
ing elaboration at the hands of constitutional experts*

Amongst the proposals made by Sir Ali are those

advocating complete Provincial Autonomy, responsi-
bility in the Central Government in all subjects
save the Navy, Army and Political Departments,
administration of the Army, Navy, etc,, being left to
an Executive composed of the Governor-General, the
Commander* in-Chief and the Prime Minister, the last
of whom will serve as a useful link between his Go-
vernment and the^Governor-General-in-Council. Sir
Ali would also provide for the taking over of provincial'
administrations by the Governor-General in the event
of a fourth of the members of the legislature concern-
ed desiring it for the protection of minorities.

In Sir Ali Imam's view these Reforms should not

be deferred. * For, the breakdown of the democratic
machinery set up by the Government of India ^ct of
1919 " has created a situation of serious pol tical
gravity." In a communication to the Press in the
first week of June 1925 Sir Ali Imam pointed out
how imperative it was that the next step in the
Reforms should be taken at once, without further

The urgency of a further Constitutional advance should not

be judged by the text of a Parliamentary Statute nor by the*


argument that a period of five years is negligible in the life of a
Nation, It is very doubtful whether the language of th Act of
1919 is a bar, but even if so, it should be subordinated to the
urgent and insistent dictates of public policy and, in consequence
duly amended. The plea of time is equally inapplicable,
Moments make eras as much in the life of an individual as of a
country. A slumber of centuries may not call for any action,
but inaction during the awakened hours of a people may cause
disaster. A political crisis brooks neither Parliamentary
Statutes nor measured march of tine. The real issue is: Is
India on the verge of a political crisis? If she is, an ostrich
^policy will be a crime against civilization anda blow to Imperial

Sir Ali Imam also warned the rulers of the futi-

lity of mere " bogus expressions " of generous senti-
ment towards the aspirations of Indian people, as in
the past. They might have served their purpose at
one time : but they can no longer hold good. Politi-
cal and social thought has advanced too far in the
country to tolerate camouflages of the kind indulged
in by men of mawkish sentimentality. Extraneous
world events like the Russo-Japanese War and the
recent armageddon in Europe and the story of the
American Independence, the South African Self-
government, the struggle for freedom in Ireland and
Egypt and the Emancipation of Turkey have pro-
duced far reaching consequences in India. The lesson
-of these efforts is not lost on India. Add to it the
momentum created by recent political awakening in
the country.

During the progress of the great War seatimsats conceived

i*n terms of Empire gave currency to such expressions as " Com-
radeship," " Imperial Citizenship ' bit on the oncluiion of chat
great struggle appeared, as a i antithesis to India's loyalty, the

Bowlatt A.ct, proclarauion of Mirtial-La^, the \rnrifcsar Mas-

flicre, the uaj'ist anl iavidloa* Keay* d^isioa, the dr if tic
of biai* of pusive Akili di is saber j aai the repeated


exercise of the power of certification in opposition to the po-

pular will. It is only human that confidence has been shaken
and a great distrust has taken its place. There is no political
party in India that does not entertain serious doubts and sus-
picions regarding the bona fides and sincerity of England to-
wards her* This is a malaise of evil potentiality and must be
removed in the best interests of the British Commonwealth by
deeds and not mere repetition of assurances couched in high-
sounding and generous phraseology. Political conjuring with
words has ceased to have any meaning, and the only rational
solution of the difficulty is a further and immediate Constitu-
tional advance if there be a genuine desire to restore that spirit
of confidence that governed India's conduct during the last
World War.

Wise words by a wise Indian rich in practical

statesmanship !

Syed Hasan Imam


MR. Hasan Imam brother of Sir All Imam comes,

as we have seen, of a highly respected Syed
family, the members of which obtained great distinc-
tion during the Moghul period. He was born on the
3ist August r87i at Neora, a little village in the
District of Patna. Owing to his delicate health
young Imam was sent to school only about the close
of his ninth year, when he was first admitted into the
T. K. GhosaPs 'Academy, but subsequently after a year
he was transferred to the Patna Collegiate School.
He was not three years at school, when his studious
habits made him ill again and he had to be sent to
Arrah, a district in Bihar, for a change, where he
joined the Government School and studied for two
years. While here he met Mr. S. Sinha now
member of the Executive Council in Bihar and
formerly well-known as Editor of The Hindustan
Review for the first time and a close intimacy soon
sprang up between the two their fathers being great
friends, Mr. Hasan Imam's elder brother passed the
Entrance Examination in 1887 and had to come to
Patna to prosecute his studies further ; young Imam
also went with him and joined the Collegiate School
again. In the September of the same year Mr, AH


Imam sailed for England. At school Mr. Hasan
Imam was far more ahead in English literature than
in other subjects. English Poetry and English
History were, as they are even now, his favourite
subjects and while yet in his fourteenth year he was
believed to have read most of the English poets,
Shakespeare, Milton, Wordsworth, Cowper and even
some of the poems of the then Poet-Laureate, Lord
Alfred Tennyson. His style and command of the
English language elicited admiration from his Head
Master, Mr. Phillips, who used to read out his essays
to the class as models of composition. Though a
school boy he was allowed to join the Patna College
Debating Society, and take part in the discussion.


The idea that he too should go to England first

-emanated from his mother and on the 24th of
July, 1889, he sailed for England. Mr. Hasan Imam
had a very busy time in England spending the day in
the Middle Temple Library. At night he used to
take lessons on Elocution. Six months after he
was in England he was joined there by his friend
Mr. S. Sinha, and the two thenceforward lived
together and had practically a common purse
between them. Scmetime after this the two began
attending regularly for one year the History lectures
of Professor Henry at the London University College.
Mr. Imam regularly attended the debates in the
Paddington Parliament in London of which he was a
recognised leader. His speeches in that Parliament


were generally the best of the session and used to be

frequently noticed by the Press. But while Mr. Hasan
Imam was doing so much for his own improvement
he was not in the least forgetful of the interests of his
country or community. He was the Secretary of the
Indian Society, which had the honour of having
Dadabhoy Naoroji as its President. He Was the Secre-
tary also of the Anjuman Islamia of London. But the
unique honour of which any Indian student in
England may well be proud, was the great privilege
he had, of living with Mr. William Digby for 4 months
and of acting as his Private Secretary during the time
Mr. Digby was touring in Wales. The late Mr.
Digby and his family had a great admiration for him
and in his magnificent library at Hasan Manzil could
be seen to-day all the works of the great friend of
India with the words " with the author's esteem >f
written on the first page of each of them by the
-author himself.

Mr. Imam was one of the principal convassers for

Mr. Naoroji in the General Election of 1891 for
Central Finsbury and the tact with which he spoke
to the voters, how he went directly into the English
homes, freely conversed with the prominent members
of each of them and finally brought round the voter
to his opinion all redound to his credit as a
practical politician. Mr. Naoroji got into Parliament
that time. Having thoroughly equipped himself for
the battle of life, Mr. Hasan Imam left England in
1892 after having been called to the Bar.



Mr. Hasan Imam began to get good practice as

soon as he joined the Bar. It was not long before ac-
quired the reputation of being a powerful speaker, a
successful debater and a man of vast and varied studies
and began to be appreciated for his work and worth
by the Senior Counsel of Bihar and elicited the
confidence of a rapidly growing clientele. It would
be idle to narrate here the many cause celebre in
which he has figured prominently. Suffice it to say
that he, along with his elder brother, is one of those
fortunate few who have amassed a very large fortune
by their practice. For sometime past Mr. Imam has-
been the undisputed leader of the Patna Bar
and there has been hardly any important civil or
criminal case in any part of Bihar in which his<
services have not been requisitioned by one side or
the other.


In November 1 910 Mr. Hasan Imam transferred

himself to Calcutta. There also his large Bihar
clientele followed him and he very soon acquired
considerable practice on the appellate side. His-
forensic ability and his legal acumen were very soon
recognised by his compeers at the Bar and the
Judges. Sir Lawrence Jenkins, the late Chief Justice
of Bengal, was one of those who quickly recognized!
his ability and persuaded him to accept a seat on the
bench which he did in April 1911. On the bench
Mr. Hasan Imam was soon able to distinguish himself


as a fearless and upright judge whose legal ability was

only equalled by his desire to do justice. He was a
judge always jealous of encroachment by the
Executive on the province of the judiciary, ever keen*
to dispense justice tempered with mercy, vigilant and
watchful of the people's rights.

When the proposal for the establishment of the

Patna H'gh Court received the sanction 'of the
Secretary of State for India, the people of Bihar and
Orissa passed resolutions almost in every district
praying the Government to transfer Mr. Imam frorcv
the Bench of the Calcutta High Court to that of
Patna. It was the highest compliment that could be
paid to a judge and even now when Mr. Imam comes
to think of it, a thrill of grateful pride runs through
his nerves. But it is said that the then Lieutenant-
Governor Sir Charles Bayley threatened to resign,
should Justice Hasan Imam be transferred to the new
Patna High Court. This is neither the place nor the
occasion to dilate at length on the contribution which
he has made to the legal literature of this country in
the shape of judicial pronouncements. On the subject
of Criminal Law his decisions are unanimously
regarded as having crystallised the irrevocable
principles of British jurisprudence from a mass of
overgrown literature which instead of defining and
clarifying the principles only clouded and mystified
them. In the matter of Civil Law his pronounce-
ments are as clear as any to be found in the
vast mass of legal literature in India. Always concise,.


with an aptitude for direct and penetrating style,

consistently attached to the leading points of a case
rather than to superfluous details his judgments are
>now generally regarded as lucid expositions of legal
principles. Such exacting critics as Mr. Jackson
and Mr. Earldley Norton and reputed Indian lawyers
like Lord Sinha, Sir P. C. Mitter and Mr. C. R. Das
Were ungrudging in their tribute to him.

But the damp climate of Calcutta began to have

its effects on Mr. Imam and by the year 1913, his

health had become so bad that he once fainted on

the steps of the High Court of Calcutta. Although

he betook himself to England in quest of health and

-never failed to run up to the hills when opportunity

offered, Mr. Imam's health was shattered almost

beyond redemption. The doctors advised him to

leave Bengal and go to a drier climate. He therefore

came to Patna and joined the Patna Bar. For a man

of his ability and for one who already occupied the

position of the leader of the Bar, it was not difficult

-to immediately take up the threads of the profession

and win back his old position. He is to-day the

acknowledged leader of the Patna Bar, He was soon

after offered a seat on the Bench but he had so much

identified himself with politics and had entertained so

many public claims upon his time that he regarded

his translation to the Bench as the betrayal of

national trust. He, therefore, refused the offer

once again contenting himself with the practice of

ihis profession.


Mr. Hasan Imam's public activities are on

a par with his success in the practice of his
profession. As in the profession he reached the
highest rungs of the ladder so in politics he attained
the highest eminence permitted to an Indian under
the present circumstances. He was elected President
of the Special Congress at Calcutta. The interest
of the country has ever been nearest his heart.
He served his apprenticeship in Indian public life
as a member of the Municipality and the District
Board of Patna. And it is no exaggeration to say
that his subsequent activities have justified the high
hopes entertained by his friends, " No observer of
incidents in this country, harsh and agonising as are
the jarring elements that make our nation, will hide
from you the fact that till we establish harmony
amongst ourselves a foreign hand must guide our
destiny, " said Mr, Imam, on a memorable occasion
c< Let the motherland be the first in your affections,
your province the second, and your community
wherever thereafter you choose to put it." And
he asks everyone he comes across to do the same,
to remember that he is an "Indian first and
anything else afterwards." Consistently with his
political creed Mr. Imam has been in principle
opposed to the granting of special electorates
to the Mahommedans. A still clearer and stronger
declaration of his principle was given in one of
his speeches in the Indian National Congress. In


supporting the resolution which strongly deprecated

' the extention or application of the principle of
separate communal electorates to Municipalities,
District Boards or other Local Bodies, " Mr. Imam
made a speech in the Allahabad Congress of 1910,
>that deserves to be well remembered as the words of
a great patriot strong in his principles. Said Mr.

It is quite apparent that when a few thoughtful men of

thii country at the time that the Reforms were inaugurated
raised their voice of protest against any scheme of separate elec-
torates, they fvilly realized the consequent effect of such icherae
.... every thoughtful man in the land realised, and
justly realised, that this pernicious icheme would travel
down from the Chamber of the Viceroy's Council to the chambers
of the District and Taluk Boards. It was then that we
considered that our voice ought to be raised against all institu-
tions that might create a division between the various classes
that inhabit this land.


According to Mr. Imam <( we have no Hindu, we

; have no Mahomedan, we are Indians and we are
Beharees." He keeps his religious beliefs all to himself
as rules for his private guidance and he does not let
his judgment on any matter of public character be in
the least influenced by them.

Like other leaders of Bihar public opinion Mr.

Hasan Imam has been proud of the historic past of
ihis Province. His public generosity raises him above
the level of ordinary publicists, in that he gave equal
donations to the two great Indian Universities of
Aligarh and Benares. There could be no hesitation in
paying that this particular act of discerning muni-


ficence could have been possible only from a man of

the type of Mr. Imam.

In fact Mr. Imam has devoted a considerable

portion of his time and a large amount of his money
to the education of both Biharees and outsiders. The
Bihar National College has received substantial sup*
port from him and it is an open secret that once when
the College stood in fear of cjjsaffiliation owing to its
inability to deposit a certain amount within a specified
time, Mr. Imam generously came forward and placed
the necessary sum at the disposal of the Committee.
He used to give Rs. i ,000 to the B. N. College every
year before its absorption by the Government and its
welfare has always been a matter of Mr, Imam's
greatest concern. He spends a very considerable
amount of money in educating a number of Hindu
and Moslem young men at his expense and he is well-
known as a liberal patron of needy students.

He has always evinced deep sympathy with the

aspirations of the young men of his Province and
he presided in 1909 at the fourth session of the
Bihari Students' Conference at Gaya. His inspiring
message to the student community was in the words
of the famous Frenchman Mirabeau, that India
wanted her sons to acquire three and only three
virtues, viz " first, courage ; second, courage; third,
courage." It rang in all the intensity of its original
fervour in the ears of his youthful hearers. The
student movement in Bihar has one of its warmest
supporters in Mr. Imam who has guided the young


men along the paths of disciplined citizenship. In<

August 1917 Mr. Imam presided over the Bihar
Provincial Conference held for the purpose of protest-
ing against the internment of Mrs. Besant and the
policy of antagonism to the Home Rule agitation on.
the part of the Government which was then in evi-
dence. He said :

These are the three problems you have got to consider,

discuss and resolve upon at to-day's meeting (a) the irreduc ble
minimum of Reforms that will for the time being satitfy the
legitimate aspirations of the people as marking a definite step
towards the goal of our attaining self-government within the
Empire in the near future, (b) the po'icy of repression which is
being systematically pursued in various Provinces with * vi*w
to stifle the active and earnest propaganda for Home-Rule and
(c) the steps necessary to be taiten by us, if the Government
persist in their present policy of repression, with a view to
make an effective and telling protest against the same.

He then spoke of the bureaucracy's attempts to

stifle constitutional agitation, showed how the bureau-
cracy had failed to retain its vaunted reputation for
efficiency and indicated the lines on which the pro*
posed reforms should be framed. He concluded :
Whether we shall get at present all that we want is not
known to us, since the future is on the kaees of the gods. But
about one thing we shou'd be under no delusion and that is that
whether we get it now or later, to-day or to-morrow, we shall
come into our birth-right and nothing nay, no power on earth
can keep ui out of our inheritance, if only we ourselves are
not slack in pressing our demand i earnestly, forcefully and
constitutionally on the attention of the great British democracy
who are the real sovereign power in the State. For though the
King-in- Parliament is the supreme power in the British State
from the legal point of view, it is the democracy of Great
Britain that is for all political purposes the master of even the
Parliament. What is, therefore, essential to our success is an
agitation on a gigantic scale to convince the British democracy
of the justice of our claims to Self-Government and the moment
their leaders are satisfied of it, they will unhesitatingly bring to-
bear upon the House of Commons the force at their disposal.





Mr. Imam does not, however, forget our short-

comings. He realises, more than any one else, the
limitations under which we have to work as also the
many defects in our social organisation which make
our difficulties so perplexing. He is of the opinion
that " much of our troubles is due to our social condi-
tion " and that the reform of social institutions must
go side by side with, if not precede, political advance-
ment. " With the depressed classes in a state of
eternal servitude and the women in a state of hopeless
neglect and unreasonable subjection, your wheel of
progress will more likely run backward than for-
ward " passionately exclaimed Mr. Imam at the
Gaya Students' Conference. He is convinced that
unless we emancipate our Zenana " our claims to
equality of treatment with the more advanced peoples
of the world has to be examined before it can be
decreed " and that the foundations of the world's great
successes were always laid by the fireside of the home.
In this direction the work of his father's sister in
founding the Patna City Zenana School deserves
special mention. The school was for years maintained
out of the family purse and was directly under her
control. In 1903 there were some 60 to 70 students
in the school, which subsequently ceased to exist after
the foundation of the Padshah Nawab School, with
Mr. Imam as its Secretary. As one who is more
anxious to practise his principles before he preaches
them to others, Mr. Hasan Imam overcame the


tenacious opposition of near relations and brought his

two daughters out of purdah, and gave them the best
education that was possible in the culture of the East
and the West. When in 1 9 1 5, he visited England, he
took his daughters with him ; for in his opinion it
meant a denial of justice to his daughters if his son
alone was to have the benefit of an education in
England. The result of such an example of courage
and much needed social reform was that his enthusiasm
for the emancipation of women spread among his
people in the Province. It was his courageous example
that inspired the Maharaja of Tikari to endow his
whole estate worth about 3 crores the largest
endowment made in India within living memory
for the education of Indian women. Mr. Imam is
the most (influential member on the Tikari Board
of Trust.


Mr. Hasan Imam succeeded his elder brother as

a trustee of the Aligarh College in 191 1, He was
made the President of the Bihar Committee formed
for collecting funds for the Aligarh University and he
along with his other friends made it a point to set
apart all Sundays for visiting other towns of Bihar
for the great national movement. Mr. Imam has
been a staunch Congressman and when the first
meeting of the All-India Moslem League was held
at Dacca, Mr. Imam in company with Mr. Mazar-ul-
Haque, a staunch nationalist, travelled all the
way to Dacca and it was due greatly to them that

-the League was stripped of much of its militant

sectarian attitude. When in the year 1 903 a mass
meeting of Patna Moslems was held to undo the
effect of Mr. (now Sir) Surendranath Banerjee's n'sit
to carry on the Congress propaganda, Mr. Imam went
there as a spectator and mspite of the entreaties of
many of his friends and relations, stood out of the
pandal as a protest against the meeting.

The Beharee, the organ of the educated com-

munity of Bihar was conducted by a Board of
Directors with Mr. Imam as its President. On
his translation to the Bench the Seharee passed into
the hands of Benaily Raj. Mr, Maheshwar Prasad
who conducted the paper with great independence
and ability fell under the disfavour of Sir Charles
Bayley, the then Lieut enant-Governor of Bihar. It has
^recently come out that it was due to Sir Bayley's
interference that Mr. Maheswar Prasad's connection
with the paper was cut off and it passed into the
hands of one Mr. Alfred Cunningham and sub-
sequently came to an ignoble end.

When Mr. Imam reverted to his profession, he

realised that the interest of his Province greatly
suffered on account of the lack of an independent
organ of public opinion. He along with his old co-
worker Mr. S. Sinha, the veteran journalist, immedi-
ately set to work and it was due to their collaboration
that the Searchlight came into existence on the I5th
June 1919. It must be mentioned, however, that had
lit not been for the princely donation of Mr,


Imam and his standing surety for all its liabilities that
paper would yet have been in the land of dreams.
The Searchlight, however, came into existence and is
to-day, the most powerful and influential organ of
public opinion in Bihar.

A man of such sterling character and superb

abilities, an undaunted champion of the people's
rights could not long remain without recognition at
the hands of his countrymen. His name for several
years past had been proposed for election to the
Presidentship of the Indian National Congress ; and
in July 1918 he was with the unanimous approval of
Congressmen elected to preside over the Special
session of the Congress held at Bombay. The Montagu-
Chelmsford Reform Scheme had been promulgated
and was the subject of much bitter and acrimonious
controversy. In India, politicians who had years
ago divided into extremist and moderate sections
had by the exercise of mutual forbearence and mutual
accomodation attained some measure of solidarity at
the Lucknow Session of the Congress in 1917. But
the Reform Scheme revived the old division, and 1
political life in India was once again full of mutual 1
distrust and mutual recriminations. One section
was avowedly in favour of the rejection of the
Scheme ; while another section desired drastic
changes to make it acceptable to Indians; yet
another was willing to accept the scheme such as it

and only pressed for improvements. Thus it was.


310 ordinary responsibility that Mr. Imam took upon

himself in responding to the call to preside over the
Special Congress. As a practical worker he fully
'realised that nothing was so important to win the
country's fight as union. He perceived that in the
disagreement between the different schools of politi-
cians the difference on fundamentals was much less
than those on mere negligible details. He, therefore,
pitched his Presidential Address in a key of sobriety,
yet of firmness. It was due primarily to the concilia-
tory tone of his previous public pronouncements and
his general reputation as a practical politician that,
despite the declared opposition of the Moderates under
the leadership of Mr. (now Sir) Surendranath
Banerjee and Sir Dinsha Wacha, such prominent
Moderates as Sir Dinsha Petit, Mr. Lalubhai Samal-
das, Sir Fazulbhoy Currimbhoy, Mr. Abbas Tyabji,
Dr. Besant, Dewan Bahadur Govindaraghava Aiyer,
Mr. G. A. Natesan, Mr. Muhammad Ali Jinnah,
Dewan Bahadur Ramachandra Rao and others joined
the Congress and took part in its deliberations. Mr.
Hasan Imam said :

If you will permit me to point out, there seems to me no

material difference between those that advocate rejection and
'those that advise acceptance, for the common feature of both is
to continue the struggle till our rights are won. In politics as
in war, not combat but victory is the object to be pursued and
where ground is yielded, not to take it would be to abandon
what you have won. The Secretary of State and the Viceroy
in their Report have earnestly exhorted us to put our heads to-
gether in constructive statesmanship and I have no doubt that
at this crucial juncture in our political history we shall preserve
ihat deliberative calm which is necessary for the building of a
great project.


He thus sketched, the problem facing great

Britain and India:

Leaving aside historical survey of the past, fact? have to

be faced whether by British statesmen or by us. Macaualy baa
said : *' Of all forms of tyranny I believe the worst is that
of a nation over a nation " and "the heaviest of all yokes is the
yoke of the stranger. " That is as true now as in the days of
Macaulay and his observation applies as much to India as to
any other country. To deny that India feels the yoke of the-
stranger is to shut one's eyes to fundamental facts. The
apologists of British rule in India have asserted that the
presence of the British in thit land lias been due to humane
motives ; that British object has been to save the people from
themselves, to raise their moral standard, to bring them
material prosperity, to confer on them the civilising influences
of Europe, and so forth and o on. These are hypocricies^
common to most apologists. The fact is that the East India
Company was not conceived for the benefit of India but to take
away her wealth for the benefit of Britain. The greed of wealth
that characterized its doingt was accompanied by greed for
territorial possession and when the transference of rule from
the Company to the Crown took place, the greed of wealth and'
lust of power abated not one jot in the inheritors, the
only difference being that tyranny became systematized
and plunder become scientific, The people know it, they
feel it, and they are asking for a reparation for the
incidents of the past. If, in the language of Mr. Asquith,.
the Empire is to be for us worth living in, as well as
worth dying for, that reparation must be made. The plea,
to resist our demand, is put forward by short-sighted*
people that India is not yet educationally fit. They ignore the
fact that it is not in literacy that the knowledge of one's right*
lies but in that intuitive capacity which is God's gift to all
races. We are told that the educated Indian is removed from
th masses and between them there it no bond of sympathy to
unite them to a common purpose; that the educated Indian i*
not capable of representing his less fortunate brethero; that
the interests of the uneducated classes can be best administered
by the British officials. The charges against us are unjust
calumnies and the claims of the bureaucrat to represent the
masses are arrogant assumptions. After more than a hundred
years of uncontrolled sway over India the British administra-
tion in this country is not able to show a greater result in the
spread of literacy than about six per cent, of the population.
Those that have kept the people in the darkness of ignorance-
are the very people who lay claim to the entrustment of the
.people's interest to them. It is we who have been crying for-


more education and it is they that have been trying to retard

mass education. It was our representative Gopal Krishna
Gokhale that introduced the Primary Education Bill and it wat
the bureaucrat that threw it out. It is we who have been
trying to broaden the political basis and it is they who are
trying to narrow it down. The interests of the rulers and the
Tuled have b*en not only apart but widely divergent. To the
advocates of tbe patriarchal system of sheltered existence we
raise our warning fi i ger to point out the importance of facing
facts, For India to remain within the Empire she must be freed
from an unwholesome tutelage and unless she is accorded a
place of honor and of dignity alongside the self-governing units-
of the Empire, what is now a source of profit will assuredly^
turn into a source of peril. The pre>oot War has revealed the
importance of cohesion, and unless that cohesion means to
India her uplift, it is idle to expect her to work ior an Empire
in which her position is base and degrading. Tbe sense of the
unity of sentiment and consciousness of the identity of interest
that now pervade all classes can not now be checked and Inciao
progress can not any more be resisted and wise statesmanship
dictates that in dealing with India Great Britain should adopt
the noble policy of helping India to rise to the full stature and
dignity of a Self-governing member of the British Empire.

He then passed on to discuss the proposals from

the standpoint of the Congress- League Scheme and
concluded with an appeal for calm and dispassionate

The subject itself is vast, the atmosphere in which it has to

be discussed has to be calm, heat has to be avoided, rhetoric has
to give place to sound reasoning. To^my countrymen I say,
"Press your demands forcefully and insistently and if you are
not heard now, your cause being righteous you ^ill prevail in
th end." And to the great British nation I commend the
warnitg words of their great liberal ttatesman, Lord Morley :
"If Imperialism means your own demoralization, if it means,
lowering your own standard of Civilization and humanity then
in the name of all you hold precious, Beware of it."


When Mr. Gandhi inaugurated his Satyagraha

movement against the Rowlatt Legislation, Mr. Hasan
Imam was one of the very first of the Congress
eaders to extend his moral support to it. We are


not concerned here with the efficacy or the expedien-

cy of Satyagraha as a political weapon in India.
That would take us far afield and we shall only
indicate Mr. Hasan Imam's position in this respect.
He was convinced that 'the principles under-
lying the Rowlatt Legislation were not only
unjust and inexpedient but also pernicious in
as much as they tended to dwarf the growth of
Indian Nationhood. He felt that the whole country
Was with him on the question of the Black Legislation,
the voice of protest against the Rowlatt Bills being
raised from every corner of the country. He realised
that the official attitude was one of obduracy.
The problem that the situation had raised for an
Indian was whether he should rest content and solace
his conscience with such gutteral performances
as had already been indulged in by public men
-all over the country or to take some step that
will give an effective demonstration of the people's
resentment against an unrighteous and unprincipled
piece of legislation. . The situation to Mr, Imam was
one of agonising despair. To one of h ; s mentality to
yield to counsels of moderation was tantamount not
only to a weakening of his faith in the ultimate
destiny of the Motherland but also the betrayal of
her honour and her rights. Thus Satyagraha came
to Mr. Imam as the call of duty. Success or. failure
was to him a matter of very secondary importance.
He signed the pledge in a spirit of service. At a
mass meeting held at the Patna city he spoke of the


intellectual as well as the practical side of the

Satyagraha Movement :

Their leader Mahatma Gandhi, had inaugurated the same

movement to make our protest effective which had succeeded
o remarkably well in South Africa. He considered it their
duty to follow him. There were times when a common mis-
fortune brought them together so that they may derive ttrength
in each other's company. The present was a time for sorrow
when they remembered not only their past misfortunei and
calamities but also those to come. It was an occasion when a
common danger had steeled them to declare in one voice that
though others had the sword in their hands, no one could
conquer their souls. A Satyagrahi declined to be subjugated
and conquered. He might be lodged in a jiil, but the very
prison walls yielded before the strength of his soul force. Though
their misfortune wat great and terrible and though the cons-
ciousness of their fallen condition was poignant, they need not
look up to their arms. They must declare that though others
may rule their country and their people no one could rule their
sou). They would be their own masters as God had given them
the right to be, Whoever may possess the political power,
whoever be their master, the Satyagrahi declared that he would
be his own master, he would be free, aye, as an FJnglishman
was in England, or a Frenchman in France. That was the
vision of the Satyagrahi the development of the soul force.

We have said that Mr. Hasan Imam is essentially

a man of action. When the time came for urging
the Reforms in England, he led the Home Rule
League Deputation and served the cause of India
with his accustomed zeal. He made several speeches
and interviewed many leading men and journalists
and thus he utilised this opportunity to press the
cause of Indian Reforms on the British public. He also
represented the Indian feeling against the proposed
dismemberment of the Ottoman Empire. When in
November 1919, he returned to India he gave the
following opinion on the recommendations of the Joint
Committee of the Houses of Parliament on the


Reform Bill and also on the Punjab troubles and the

Khilafat wrongs:

The Joint Committee's proposals, seem to be an advance

upon the proposals of the Government of India as also upon
the original Bill itself. I believe the Bill will now be amended 1
and passed in the form recommended by the Joint Committee
and we have to see that we make the best of what is being
given to us. To my mind there is no question of our accepting
or neglecting the measure. India's right to Home Rule, without
necssary backing, leaves that right to the pleasure of England.

The value of these Reforms will be underestimated at the

present moment by reason of the existing unsympathetic rule,
as evidenced by the Punjab incident acid the policy of exploita-
tion of the non-Christian people as evidenced by the attitude of
Great bri'ain towards the Islamic countries. There is no doubt
that our faith in the honest> of the utterances of the british
Cabinet has been greatly shaken by the First Minister of the
Crown having belied, by hu present conduct and attitude, all
his previous profession* of goodwill towards Turkey and the
question of the Khalifate. The feeling of mistrust that is growing
in India is due to many circumstances and not the least
amongst the contributory causes is the attitude of Mr. Lloyd
George towards the Ottoman Empire. The dismemberment of
the Turkish Umpire and the expulsion of the Turks from Europe
may afford to the fanatics of Europe the satisfaction that the
Muslim is no more on the European soil, but I have no doubt that
if such an event takes place, the Muslim population, living
within the Britiih Empire, will retain in bitter memory this act
of injustice. Whet her such memory will be conducive to cordial
relations between the Muslim population and Great Britain is a
matter that dees not require to be discussed, but it certainly is
deserving of notice.


But not long after, Mr. Hasan Imam had an

opportunity to present the case for the Turks on
behalf of the Indian Muslims. He joined the Indian
Moslem Delegation in London consisting of H. H. the
Aga Khan, Mr. Chotani and Dr. Ansari. The Dele-
gation was enabled to meet Mr. Montagu, the Secre-
tary of State for India, who took a warm interest in
the cause of Turkey. Mr. Montagu also arranged for


the Delegation to meet Mr. Lloyd George, the Prime

Minister and other Members of the Cabinet.

On these and other occasions Mr. Hasan Imam

pressed the claims of Turkey with his characteristic
lucidity, so that if the Government did not profit by
the counsels of the Delegation it could not at least
plead ignorance of the Indian view point. In an
interview with the Associated Press soon after his
arrival in Bombay in April 1921 Mr. Hasan Imam
spoke with the caution of a statesman dealing with
delicate negotiations. " The Premier " he said,
" viewed the Moslem representation with sympathy,
and if he is unable to fulfil the hopes of Indian-
Moslems it will not be for want of inclination, though
it may be by reason of his limitations."

In fact, inspite of strong feelings on the

Khilafat Question, Mr. Hasan Imam showed
throughout marked self-restraint. He never spoke
without a sense of responsibility. On the ist June he
again expressed his views with the same caution.
He acknowledged that Lord Chelmsford's Govern-
ment stood by the Indian Moslems' cause faithfully
and said that Mr. Montagu fought for the cause as few
would have fought. Lord Reading and his Govern-
ment were also doing their best, and, if the Muslim
demands were not conceded in any measure, it would
not be the fault of the Indian Government or the
Secretary of State.

During bis stay ia London he gathered that the Turkish.

Delegates were not anxious to get back Palestine, Mesopotamia,
Syria and the Hedjaz. All that they wanted was to be left to


develop themselves, free from outside control in their homelands

of Asia Minor, Constantinople and Thrace. He believed the
Indian Muslims also did cot now insist on the restoration of the
pre-War Ottoman Empire, provided the Arab races were allowed
to remain as separate States, without non-Muslim domination*

Mr. Hasan Imam referred to the Prime Minister's

.pledges on the subject and said that

he did not know what influenced him to change his earlier

attitude towards Turkey and the Arab Provinces, when the
Sevres Treaty was framed, and added that he was convinced
that the Premier bad realised the mistake of that Treaty, which
he would be only too willing to rectify if the other executants
of the Treaty were agreeable.


We have seen that Mr. Hasan Imam is a

pronounced nationalist and that he never hesitated to
express himself with vigour. This sketch would be
incomplete without some extracts from his charac-
teristic evidence before the Lee Commission. At its
Patna sittings in February 19^4 Mr. Hasan Imam
gave his views, both written and oral, with telling
frankness. In reply to the Commission's questionaire
he pointed out that

Responsible administration with the aid of a prepondera-

ting foreign element in the various services suggested a system
that did not consort with one's accepted notions of popular
control over the executive and even this aspect was not clearly
appreciated by the framers of the Government of India Act of
1919, with the result that though in theory and also to some
extent in actual practice the Provincial Governments were
Tendered mainly responsible to the legislatures in the adminis-
tration of the transferred departments, the members of the
various services remained practically outside the control of
Ministers and Legislatures and continued to be under the im-
mediate control of the Secretary of State in all matters.

As in his opinion, the position of the services as

laid down in the Act was grossly inconsistent with


the spirit and essence of even the little modicum of

Responsible Government introduced into Provincial
administrations, he suggested that the departments
under the control of Ministers must be provincialised
and the Ministers should have full control over such
services. He then emphasised the fact that Indians
had been fed long on promises that had been broken
directly they had been made,

The problem of Indianisation must now be properly

grasped and appreciated. Recruitment in England on the
present basis must cease altogether and efficiency must not be
interpreted in a narrow and misleading sense in which it had so
far been utilized to retard all progress and reform. From a
calculation of the present position it would appear that Indians
did not form to-day more than 12 per cent, of the total strength
of the Civil Service and on that basis for 20 years to come there
would be a dominating British element in the administration. The
stoppage of recruitment in England was necessary on both
political and economic grounds, India had obviously reached
the stage of diminishing returns and she could not perpetuate a
system of civil administration which was beyond her paying

He recommended the retention of the Civil

Service and the Police Service as at present on an all-
India basis but he suggested a material reduction of
the cadre of the former by throwing open many of
the posts now held by members of the Civil Service
to men picked up by reason of their merit and capa-
city from the Provincial services.

In regard to the judicial branch of the Civil

Service he had not the slightest doubt speaking from
his personal experience at the Bar that the judicial
administration would be all the better for the aboli-
tion of a system under which at present civilians
were appointed as Judges.


Continuing, he said, that the principle of appoint-

ment and control had nothing to do with any question
of nationality and race and any attempt to introduce
this principle in matters of appointment and control
would be inconsistent with the position of India as a
self-governing unit in the comity of nations.

Indian opinion was unanimously opposed to the Secretary

of State continuing to appoint and coatrol the superior service*
in this country. As long as this practice continued members of
such service! would be apt to regard themselves as beyond the
authority and control of the Governments under which they had
actually to serve. Feelings of bitterness and rancour would
continue to brew in the hearts of Indians who would naturally
feel that while in theory the members of the services were serv-
ants of the people, they were for all practical purposes their
masters. In any case the control of the Secretary of Htate must
cease as also his authority to involve Indians in commitments
which they could not reasonably be expected to accept.

Hakim Ajmal Khan*

TAOR more than twenty- one years a friendship,

1 which has grown stronger year by year, has

bound me to Hakim Ajmal Khan Sahib, in Delhi.

The history and tradition of his family is one of great

interest in modern India, and the Hakim Sahib holds

a place as one of the chief leaders of the popular

movement in India, which is a sure token of the

respect of Hindus and Mussalmans alike.


The chief ancestors of the family, to which

Hakim Ajmal Khan belongs, and from whom he
derives his origin, were residents of Kashgar, the
famous city of Turkistan in Central Asia. The
ancestor, who came to India held a leading place in
the service of the Emperor Babar. When the King
invaded India, this ancestor was given the command
of one thousand horsemen, and was a close companion
in all the Emperor's adventures.

Among the descendants of this cavalry leader

under Babar, were the two famous brothers, Khawajah
Hashim and Khawajah Qasim, who lived their saintly
lives at Hyderabad, Sindh, and also died there. Both
of these brothers were honoured as great saints, and

We are indebted to Mr. C. F. Andrews for permission to

include this sketch in the " Biographies of Eminent Indians "

they had many disciples among the people of Sindh.

The reverence for their saintliness extended among
the Hindu population, and was not confined to Mus-
salmans only. This has always been a feature of the
religious life of Sindh, where the Hindu and Mussal-
man religious ideals have approximated more nearly
than in any other part of India.


The art of medicine began to be practised as a

profession in this family, to which Hakim Ajmal Khan
belongs, in the time of Hakim Fazal Khan, who was
the grandson of Mulla Ali Ouari.

After him, followed a long line of physicians in

this house, who were not only skilled physicians,
advancing the art of Unani medicine in India and
keeping in close touch with Central Asia, but also
men of great learning in their own days, keeping up
the traditions of nobility, and culture which they had
inherited from the Emperor Babar's Court.

The reputation of the family for medicine reach-

ed its highest point under Hakim Sharif Khan, who
was the honoured grandfather of Hakim Ajmal Khan
himself. Hakim Sharif Khan had written before his
death a large number of treatises on medicine. He
Was greatly trusted by the physicians of his day, and
his advice was frequently sought. His times coincided
with the reign of Mahammad Shah.

In return for services rendered to the Mughal

Emperors in Delhi, the family received, three times
over, jagirs. The last of these was confiscated by

F. 389.


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