Mysteries of The Universe

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Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya

Pandav B haw an, Mount Abu, (Rajasthan), India

First Edition

Published by:
Literature Department,
Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya,
Pandav Bhawan, Mount Abu, (Rajasthan), India

Printed at,:
Om Shanti Press, Gyanamrit Bhawan,
Shantivan, Abu Road, Rajasthan.

Copyright: Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya,

Pandav Bhawan, Mount Abu, (Rajasthan), India

No part of this book may be printed without the permission of the

publisher. All rights reserved.
Table of Contents

1. T H E E T E R N A L I N T E R P L A Y O F P H Y S I C A L A N D
The Physical Energy 1
Covalent Bond Forming Water Molecule 3
Biological Energy or Life-force 4
Interplay of Biological (Physical) and Metaphysical Ebergies 7
The Metaphors and Scientific Facts Relating to Human Body 8
Psychobiological Aspects of the Human Being 8
Consciouness 9
How Does Soul Control the Body 10
The Role of Metaphysical Energies in Health and Disease 11
The Dynamic Equilibrium 12
Non-local correlation, 'Einstein Prodosky Rosen Effect' or
'John Belt Theorem' 13
2. T H E H U M A N B E I N G (JEEVATMA) 15
The Psychobiological diagram of the Human being 15
Ethcric Body 16
The Seven Chakras of the Etheric Body 17
The Aura 17
Exercises for 18
The Physical Body 20
The Emotional Body 21
Mental Body 23
The Belief Systems 24
The Spiritual Body or Higher Self (HS) 25
Videhi, the Perfect Soul (Sampurna Swarup) 27
Sanskar (Sub-conscious Mind) 28
3. E T E R N A L W O R L D D R A M A 30
The World Drama Wheel 30
The Confluence Age (Sangam Yuga): 31
Golden Age (Sat Yuga): 31
The Silver Age (Treta Yuga): 32
The Copper Age (Dwapwyuga): 33
The Iron Age (Kali Yuga): 34
The Scientific Outlook on Eternal World Drama: 35
The Eternity 36

The Energy Cycle 36

Rejuvenation of the Energy Cycles by the Supreme Soul 37
The Power of Silence 38
Powers and Fruits of Silence 38
How to Attain the Power of Silence? 40
The Laws of Thermodynamics 41
The Spiritual Connotations of The Law of Entropy 42
The Cyclic Space-time Continuum 43
4. W O R L D T R A N S F O R M A T I O N T H R O U G H
State of Consciousness 45
Intcr-Connection at Macro Level 47
Interconnection at Micro Level 49
Change of Consciousness Through the Entire Cycle 52
Divine Virtues 54
Self Transformation and World Transformation through
Power of Silence 54
The Quantum Theories 57
Theories of Quantum Physics versus Teachings of
Brahma Kumaris Spiritual University 58
The Reality 60
Discontinuity 64
MastcrAlmighty or MasterSarvaShaktiman 67
6. H U M A N C O N S C I O U S N E S S , U N I V E R S A L
C O N S C I O U S N E S S A N D G O D C O N S C I O U S N E S S ... 68
Human consciousness 68
Capabilities of Human Consciousness 68
Functioning of Human Consciousness 69
The Parcllcl Universe 70
Holograms 71
Near Death Experience (NDE) 73
Multi-dimensionality 75
Seven States of consciousness 75
Biological Responses 77
Miracle 81
Benefits fo the Rajyoga Concept of Consciousness 81
God Consciousness 83
7. E V O L U T I O N O F H U M A N C O N S C I O U S N E S S 87
Self-sovereignty at Macro Level 88

Self-sovereignty at Micro Level 88

Loss of Self-sovereignty through Ages 88
Regaining of Self-sovereignty 89
Self Sovereignty and the Law of Entropy 90
Law of Karma and Self-Sovereignty 91
How to becomc Swadarshan Chakradhari 92
Ah.mi So So Aham 94
Cyan or Godly Knowledge 95
Rajayoga Meditation 96
Dharana or Inculcation 96
Sewa or Spiritual Service 97
A Review of the Process of Evolution 98
Evolution of Human Consciousness through Rajyoga 99
8. E N E R G Y V I B R A T I O N S IN H E A L T H A N D
Energy Vibrations 101
Rising your vibrations frequence 102
Setting vibration scale 102
How disharmony among physical and metaphysical energies
cause disease 103
How to re-establish harmony among the five selves of
the human being (jeevatmap. 104
Exercises for Aligning Four Mortal Bodies with HS (Videhi) 105
Exercise for Changing Vibrational Armour 106
9. R A J Y O G A M E D I T A T I O N F O R S E L F - R E A L I Z A T I O N
Prerequisites for Rajayoga Practice: 109
Initiation of Meditation: 110
Contemplation: 110
Seven-Rays Rajayoga Meditation for Empowerment of the Self and
the Entire Humanity 111
Videhi with Seven Basic Attributes and Seven Relations 112
Exercise For Gaining Self-sovereignty 113
Subtle Services through Trinity (Trident) Form 116
The Kalpa Tree 117
Unlimited Subtle Service of Nature through Healing Meditation 118
Healing Meditation 119
Meditation at Vishnu puri 122
Meditation at Shankar Puri 122
Maintaining the Trinity (Combined) form in the corporeal world 123
10. EPILOGUE 124
Inspirations, Intuitions and Encouragements 124
Complementarity of Science and Spirituality 125
Personal Experiences 125
The Sources of Information 126
Visions of the Imminent World Transformation 126
Self transformation is the most urgent call of time. It is what
Shiva Baba emphasizes in every Murli (Godly versions) nowadays.
Self-transformation is really returning to the eternal attributes of the
soul. It is being full in all the seven basic attributes of the Soul -
Knowledge, Purity, Peace, Love, Happiness, Bliss and P o w e r .

Brother Nityanand has written a series of articles in 'The World

Renewal' f r o m Nov. 2003 to March 2006 on the Mysteries of the
Universe, especially focusing attention on the Eternal World Drama
as an eternal interplay of physical and metaphysical energies. He has
been effective in linking spiritual tenets expounded by Shiva Baba, the
Ocean of Knowledge, with latest scientific concepts on h u m a n
consciousness, collective consciousness, universal consciousness, and
on the evolution of the human being into divine being or deity. The
different meditation exercises like the 7-Rays Meditation, the Healing
Meditation, Trinity or Trident form for unlimited subtle service of all
human souls and elements of nature, the gaining of Self-Sovereignty
etc. have been well received by discerning readers, both in India and
abroad.E-mails to this effect have been coming to the author and the
editor of 'The World Renewal' and many of the readers have requested
that the whole series may be made available in book form.

In this book our attention is drawn to the fundamental fact of

the creation - eternal interaction of physical and metaphysical energies
in the first chapter. In the second chapter the focus is on the human
being - a combination of physical and metaphysical energies. In this
chapter, we find very useful information about the four mortal bodies
- the aura (etheric body), the physical body, the mental body and the

emotional body. The author has incorporated additional information

on these four mortal bodies along with simple practical exercises to
keep these four components healthy and harmonious. The concept of
Dehi being, the embodied soul, and Videhi, the bodiless soul, being
the perfect form or Sampuma Swaroop which Baba always sees is a
very important step that helps us to attain in-depth self-realization and
God-realization. The details about Higher self or Videhi, the fact about
its being the a m b a s s a d o r of Baba, the fact of its acting as a bridge
between Dehi and Baba, its being a companion and guide, protector
and well wisher w h o has a lot of love and compassion, its being equal
to Baba in all the basic attributes help in maintaining a continual link
with Videhi and Baba. T h e third chapter on Eternal World D r a m a
gives a refreshing new outlook through scientific explanation of its
eternity, its energy cycles and the role of God in rejuvenating the same.
Chapter four takes us to the world of sub-atomic particles where the
distinction between physical and metaphysical energies ceases to exist,
where the law of cause and effect is replaced by infinite possibilities.
Chapter five gives a clear vision about the interconnection between
soul, mind and matter. Chapter six, on consciousness, expands the
horizon of our intellect with a scientific analysis of spiritual tenets.
Chapter seven deals with the all important subject of the evolution of
human consciousness with a scientific perspective and propels us to a
fast track of transformation from a human being to a deity. Chapter
eight, on energy vibrations, again gives us some useful practical hints
to keep our energy vibrations high and stay healthy. Chapter nine deals
with the gem - Rajayoga Meditation giving some innovative techniques
tor self-realization, for God-realization, for subtle service of all human

souls and elements of nature, and for healing all the mortal bodies. In
chapter ten the author has summed up all the information with a personal

I believe that this book will be of great help to all the brothers
and sisters who are striving to hasten their self-transfonnation to become
perfect like Brahma Baba and thus reveal Shiva Baba very shortly.

B,K. Nirwair
Secretary General,
Rajyoga Education &
Research Foundation
Chief Editor,
"The World Renewal"
Understanding and experience are the two legs of the person
who treads on the path of spirituality*. As the soul understands the
truths about the self it experiences newer and wider mental horizons.
The deeper experiences lead to wisdom at a subtler level. The farther
I go into the depth of experience, the deeper it becomes. It is like
diving into the ocean. The deeper I go, the more I experience. In the
practice of Rajyoga, you have to first experience the self in depth. The
technique of expanding the point of white light into a seed or zero, and
seeing the seven basic attributes of the soul in seven hues of the
" V I B G Y O R " light spectrum affords deep experience of the soul.
Visualizing the Supreme Father— God Shiva in His infinite form,
radiating seven hues of V I B G Y O R representing the basic
attributes of bliss (balance), knowledge (truth), peace, love,
joy, purity and power respectively, allows us to have deep
experience of each basic attribute (Primary Quality) from
God. The four steps of visualization, perception, reception and
distribution involved in this seven-ray meditation give us an
indelible experience of the self and God. By linking a specific
relation with each attribute we are able to enjoy the sweetness of
the relation and the attribute together most naturally. This way
we become an embodiment of each basic attribute, and then the
inculcation of S e c o n d a r y Qualities or D i v i n e Virtues too
b e c o m e s natural. W h e n w e b e c o m e an e m b o d i m e n t of the
secondary qualities (virtues), the Tertiary Qualities called

A 'ore: *
The author's understanding and experiences of spirituality are primarily based
on the teachings of P r a j a p i t a B r a h m a K u m a r i s I s h w a r i y a V i s h w a V i d y a l a y a .
a non-governmental organization (NGO), a Spiritual University affiliated to UNO,
with its international head quarter at Mount Abu. Rajasthan, India.

VALUES express themselves in our inter-personal dealings without

any conscious effort. Thus we see that the establishment of a value-
based society like that in Golden Age calls for imbibing the primary
attributes of G o d Shiva w h o being our Supreme Father, we lovingly
call - "Shiva Baba". Supreme Soul, Shiva Baba has shown us h o w
to reach such a perfect stage through the shining example of Prajapita
Brahma (Brahma Baba), who reached that stage of perfection by 18th
January 1969. B r a h m a Kumaris and B r a h m a K u m a r s are treading
the same path since their spiritual re-birth through Godly knowledge.
This is a path that leads to self- transformation from human being to a
divine being or deity.

This book dealing with the evolution of human consciousness

is a compilation of 28 articles published serially in " T h e World
Renewal" magazine of Brahma Kumaris since November 2003. This
series titled 'Eternal World D r a m a — T h e Eternal Interplay of Physical
& Metaphysical Energies' hi ghlightingthe complementarity of Science
and Spirituality has n o w been c o m p i l e d into a book titled " T h e
Mysteries of the Universe", with some additional input. The information
herein helps to speed up our transformation from human being to divine
being in different ways like:-

* The awareness about the reality of our being a combination of

insentient matter and sentient soul helps to maintain the Self-
Sovereignty that is very essential for sustained effort towards self-
transformation from a human being to a divine being.

* Scientific understanding about the eternity of the World D r a m a

through its cyclic repetition e v e r y 5 0 0 0 years allows our
intellect to put a full stop to the otherwise unending q u e u e of

questions of w h y and how. This ability saves a lot of energy which

we can use profitably in the process of self-transformation.

* The information that the body has four mortal components that
need to be kept aligned to the immortal self enables us to take
care of these four components and create harmony a m o n g them,
and this in turn enables us to enjoy better Physical, Mental, Social
and Psychic health.

* Easy technique to become bodiless or Videhi has been elucidated

with the help of a Psychobiological diagram.

* The scientific descriptions about the physical and metaphysical

energies that interact eternally to create the World D r a m a
provide clarity on spiritual concepts of the soul being the
master of the sense organs.

* T h e k n o w l e d g e that the different energy levels and vibrations

of neighbouring atoms cause the appearance of the f o r m s and
colours w e see, the sounds we hear and the smells, tastes,
a n d t o u c h w e e x p e r i e n c e h e l p s to d e m o l i s h t h e w r o n g
identification of the self with the body. This in turn helps to
maintain soul-consciousness.

* T h e clear d i s t i n c t i o n b e t w e e n ' l i f e ' a n d ' c o n s c i o u s n e s s '

brought out in this b o o k helps to maintain the identification
of the self as the sentient metaphysical energy that uses the
body made up of biological energy which propagates itself as per
the 'Law of Biogenesis'.

* The process by which the sentient spiritual or metaphysical energies

(consciousness) manifesting as thoughts, decisions, desires,
memories etc. control the biological (physical) energies of the body
through the neuro-endocrine systems has been explained. This
clarity helps in maintaining the self-esteem of soul being the master
and the organs of the body being its servants.

* The clear understanding of the role of the metaphysical energies in

health and disease enables one to use these energies judiciously,
avoiding wastage.

* The scientific explanation on the role of God in rejuvenating energy

cycles to sustain world drama eternally highlights the importance
of the Confluence Age that is currently on, and this helps us to put
in our best efforts to transform the self.

* The inter-connection between the seven basic attributes of the

self at the micro level and inter-connection between the self, mind,
body, relationships, society and environment at the macro level
have been brought out clearly. This clarity again helps to maintain
soul-consciousness continually and enables us to make sustained
efforts to transform our sanskaras f r o m profane to divine.

* The inter-connection between the seven primary attributes of the

soul held in the faculty of sub-conscious mind (sanskara), the
secondary qualities or the virtues m a n i f e s t e d in the faculty of
conscious mind that includes both the emotional self and the rational
self, and the tertiary qualities or values, belief systems, and powers
manifested in the faculty of intellect has been highlighted. This

awareness helps us to maintain focused attention to keep us fully

charged in all the seven basic attributes through meditation.

* The detailed discussions on Self-Sovereignty help us keep this

self-esteem naturally.

* The self-esteem of "Swadarshan Chakradhari" has been linked

to the transformation of human beings to divine beings, in scientific
terms. This again enables us to hasten self-transformation and world

* Co-creation with God explained scientifically enables us to maintain

the self-esteem of being "Master Almighty".

* Over and a b o v e all these is the s e l f - e m p o w e r m e n t that w e can

experience by maintaining intimate interaction with our own perfect
form o r ' S a m p u r n a Swaroop' which w e call Videhi ,who resides
8 inches over the head, within the aura, who acts as the ambassador
of God, w h o s e only j o b is to safeguard and guide the Dehi or
embodied soul.


B . K . Dr. N i t y a n a n d N a i r
'Swadarshan', Diamond Colony'
Abu Road-307510
The Cosmic World Cycle is about to close
as seen in the picture. The sweet and short
C o n f l u e n c e Age is on the verge of
completion. That means, the Age of Truth
(Sat Yuga) is about to dawn. Let us make
all-out efforts to transform ourselves through
Godly knowledge and Rajyoga meditation
presented in this book to ensure our
presence in the forthcoming Golden Age.


God Shiva, the Ocean of Knowledge, has revealed through His
corporcal medium, Prajapita Brahma that this Creation is an Eternal
World Drama in which the physical energy of living and non-living
matter interacts eternally with the metaphysical energy of souls and the
Supreme Soul. He has further revealed that the human being is a com-
bination of'human' (body) and 'being' (soul), the sentient soul being the
master of the insentient body.
How do the physical energy of non-living matter get transformed
into the biological energy of living matter? How does the sentient meta-
physical energy of souls and the Supreme Soul control the body, made
up of insentient physical energy? An effort has been made to answer
these vital questions, so that the human intellect can have a better un-
derstanding of the profound truths that the Supreme Intellect (God) has

The Physical Energy

The Physical universe or the material world we see around us
as a variety of forms, colours, light and heat is known to be formed of
atoms, the point sources of physical energy. Different energy levels
and vibrations between neighbouring atoms give the appearance of form,
colour, heat etc. and the effect of these differing levels of physical en-
ergy waves is perceived as male or female, beautiful or ugly, young or
old. The things that we see, hear, smell, taste, feel through touch-sensa-
tion and the body itself are formed of atoms. Atoms have the ability to
unite with certain other atoms under the correct conditions of concen-
tration, pressure and temperature. When two or more atoms unite, a
molecule is formed. The elements of nature are composed of molecules
formed due to the combination of two or more atoms of the same kind.
How •'ever, molecules of some elements such as helium arc formed of a

single atom, and hence arc called monatomic molecules. A compound is

formed of molcculcs that are combinations of two or more atoms of
different natures. Each of these molccules in a given compound has the
same atomic composition. The ability of atoms to combine can only be
understood in the light of their structure.
An atom consists of three major components: Electrons having
a negative clcctric charge and extremely small mass, Protons having a
positive clcctric charge and about 1850 times the mass of electrons,
and neutrons having no clcctric chargc and having the same mass as
protons. Each atom has a central core callcd nuclcus, around which
electrons move in orbits and those at the same distance from the nuclcus
are said to be in the same shell. The chemical properties of an atom arc
determined by the number and arrangement of electrons moving around
the nuclcus. However, there can be different kinds of atoms to an ele-
ment because of differing number of neutrons in their nuclei, even
though they have the same number of electrons in their orbit. These
different kinds of atoms of an element arc called isotopes. Normally,
an atom is electrically neutral. However, there are electrically charged
atoms callcd ions which appear when molcculcs arc formed out of an
ionic bond. Sodium chloride is an example of an ionic bond in which
the outer shell of sodium loses one electron to the outer shell of chlo-
rine resulting in the formation of positively charged cations and nega-
tively charged anions. The water molecule is an example of a covalcnt
bond in which the outer shells of two hydrogen atoms overlap with the
outer shell of an oxygen atom (See Diagram).

Covalent Bond forming Water molecule

L- Shell \
\ . ^
/ "K- Shell \ / ^ N
K- Shell
/ r . \ A/ \ , \

\ I
\ /
^ / *
\ / / \
Hydrogen \ / Hydrogen

Oxygen Electron

• = Electrons of oxygen atom (8) - 6 in outer Shcll-L, 2 in inner

8p= 8 protons in the nucleus
8n= 8 Neutrons in the nucleus
Hydrogen Electron

O •= Single electron of the Hydrogen atom- only one Shcll-K

lp= only one proton in the nucleus (no neutron )
Energy, in the words of the physicist, is the capacity to accom-
plish w ork. This capacity, when idle, is callcd potential energy. When
'•n the process of being used it is called kinetic energy. Stored water in
a dam. stretched rubber, compressed air, a wound spring, chemical en-
ergy in compounds such as coal, gas and sugar are all examples of
potential energy. Kinetic energy takes many forms, such as mechanical
energy; electric energy due to movement of electrons from atom to
°m in a wire, light energy due to movement of minute particles called
Photons; heat energy due to continuous random motion of atoms and
molecules within a gas. liquid or solid. Molecular movement in hot wa-

ter is faster compared to that of cold water. All forms of energy are
inter-convcrtible, and this transformation is governed by the first and
second Laws of Thermodynamics. According to the first law, energy is
neither lost nor gained when converted from one form to another. The
second law, the Law of Entropy, states that wherever there is motion,
energy at a higher level (potential energy) is transformed into energy at
a lower level (kinetic energy) until there is nothing left. A fire burning
out, the growth, aging and death of the body, a bouncing ball coming to
a stop are all examples of entropy.
We have seen that physical energy exists in nature in its poten-
tial state at the atomic, molecular, elemental and compound levels of
matter, whether living or non-living. Hence even a dead body has physi-
cal energy. The same physical energy trapped in elements, compounds,
molecules and atoms of living matter is known as biological energy
while this body is alive. We shall now examine how the atoms, the
point sourccs of physical energy, get themselves transformed into the
biological energy of cclls, tissues, organs and systems of the human

Biological Energy or Life-force

The Physical energy trapped in living matter is called biological
energy or life-force. The cycle of biological energy for every 'living
thing' keeps spinning separately through the processes of generation,
growth, decay and regeneration based on the Law of Biogenesis, which
states that all life derives from preceding life; all forms of plants and
animals reproduce their own kinds only.

T h e Nature of Living Matter

Matter, whether living or non-living, is composed of elements
that are aggregates of molecules formed by the combination of atoms
of the same kind. Over 100 basic elements have been identified. The
living matter, called protoplasm, also consists of the elements which
are similar to those found in non-living substances in the atmosphere,
the crust of the earth, the sea and the cclcstial bodies. The elements of

oxygen, carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen constitute about 96 percent of

protoplasm. Atoms of these four elements combine in different ways to
form organic and inorganic compounds, which arc aggregates of mol-
cculcs formed due to the combination of atoms of different elements.
The primary difference between living and non-living matter seems to
be at the level of compounds. About 60 to 90 percent of protoplasm is
comprised of water, an inorganic compound which has a number of
properties that make it ideal for living systems. Being the best solvent,
it participates in many chemical activities of protoplasm. Nearly all
organic compounds have hydrogen and oxygen along with carbon, and
hence water appears as an end-product of many chemical reactions.
The high heat capacity of water enables plants to manufacture food by
utilising sunlight. The transparency of water facilitates animal vision.
Water in protoplasm promotes formation of ions, as in the case of so-
dium chloride which dissociates into cations of sodium (Na+) and an-
ions of chlorine (C1-). The principal types of organic compounds found
in protoplasm are: Carbohydrates, fats, steroids, proteins and nucleic
acids (DNA and RNA). The nucleoproteins containing DNA or RNA
are the most complicated chemicals, and seem to be the principal con-
trollers of living process.

The Organisation of Protoplasm

The chemical structure of protoplasm has been shown to be
similar to that of non-living matter in many respects. The quality called
'life' is closely associated with organic compounds resulting from the
various combinations of carbon and hydrogen with other elements such
as oxygen and nitrogen. However, a combination of all known organic
and inorganic compounds of living matter does not result in 'life'. For
a greater understanding and appreciation of this intricate phenomenon
called 'life' we must look at the supramolccular organisation of proto-

The living matter, protoplasm, in a multi-cellular organism is

organised in a definite pattern, the smallest unit of protoplasm being the
cell. The cells combine to from tissues which group together to form

organs, several of which function in unison forming an organ system.

The human body is made up of several organ systems such as nervous
system, digestive system, endocrine system etc. However, 'life' exists
in much simpler, unicellular organisms of both animal and plant king-
doms. Single-celled organisms such as bacteria and amoeba represent
the plant and animal kingdom respectively. There are entities called
viruses which exhibit characteristics of cither living matter or non-
living matter in different environs. These minute organisms range in
size from 03 to 200 millimicrons, i.e. one thousandth part of a micron,
which is one thousandth part of a millimetre. Viruses arc parasitic and
display 'living' properties only within plant and animal hosts. Outside
their hosts they are inert, non-reproducing chemicals which can be pre-
served in crystalline form indefinitely. When they arc kept within the
proper living tissues, they grow and reproduce. The quality of 'life' in
matter is judged on the basis of its ability to grow, to reproduce, to
react to change of environment (irritability), and also based on its meta-
bolic activity.

Biological energy or 'Life-force' is required for the above men-

tioned activities of a living entity. The 'cell' being the basic unit of
protoplasm, the living matter, the required energy has to be made avail-
able within the cell, which maintains a state of dynamic equilibrium at
the molecular level.
As a result of metabolic activities, energy in food is released.
This free energy is regulated through chemical devices called adenos-
ine diphosphate (ADP) and adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Adenosine
is a derivative of RNA, and this is united with a phosphate group form-
ing adenosine mono-phosphate which then unites with another phos-
phate to form ADP. A further addition of a phosphate results in ATP.
The addition of phosphate energy packages requires a large amount of
energy. Conversely, when a phosphate is released, energy is liberated.
Energy released by a fuel molecule is taken up in a packagc to form
ATP from ADP. Thus ATP acts as a storage molecule for energy and as
an energy vehicle. When energy is needed, ATP breaks down, releasing
energy, and ADP and phosphate reappear. Thus, the ADP - phosphate
energy-trap is automatically set for the capture of another package of

energy that has been liberated by the breakdown of food molecules.

(See diagram).

Energy Cycle

Free energy
for Chemical
breakdown of
food +

Inorganic Phosphate

Interplay of Biological (physical) and Meta-

physical Energies
In the foregoing paragraphs, we have seen the interplay of physi-
cal energy trapped in the elements/compounds, both in 'living' and
non-living matter. Even though the elements/compounds found in pro-
toplasm, the living matter, arc similar to those found in non-living mat-
ter, there is an additional component in the organic compounds found
in protoplasm, and that is the quality o f ' l i f e ' . Dcoxy ribonucleic acid
(DNA) molecules and ribonucleic acid (RNA) moleculcs arcjoined to
simple proteins to form super molecules of nucleoprotcins. These are
considered to be the demarcation between living and non-living sub-
stances. DNA is known to be closely associated with genes, the deter-
minants of heredity, that pass on physical and mental characteristics
from one generation to another. RNA is known to be associated with
synthesis of proteins in the cell body. According to the Law of Bio-
genesis, all life derives from preceding life and all forms of plants
and animals reproduce their own kind only. Thus the cycle of bio-
logical energy for each species keeps spinning separately.

Based on the revelations of God Shiva, we know that the hu-

man being (Jeevatma) is a combination of sentient soul and insen-
tient body. He have seen the intricate interplay of physical ener-
gies of the body. It will be useful to consider the psychobiological

aspects of the human being in order to appreciate the interplay of

metaphysical and physical energies.
The Metaphors and Scientific Facts Relating to
Human Body
The human body has been compared to a costume worn by the
soul to perform its role in the eternal world drama; to a space suit that
protects the incorporeal soul from the physical forces of the corporeal
world; to a vehicle that carries the 'master' around; to an abode where
the 'master' dwells, and to a robot that performs actions at the com-
mand of the 'master'. Thus, the human body can be likened to a highly
evolved multi-functional, self-empowered tool, custom-made out of
insentient matter for every soul, the sentient master. As this tool is cus-
tom-made for a particular soul, it becomes junk once its master leaves
it at death, denoting the end of a particular 'role' assigned to the soul,
which then puts on a new costume appropriate for the next 'role' through
We are aware that different parts of the dead body, the discarded
biological tool, are being used by scientists for the purpose of repairing
or servicing the living bodies. Transplantation of the heart, cornea, kid-
ney etc. are such examples. Tissue culture for the production of vac-
cines etc. has been a long established procedure. The process o f ' c l o n -
ing' to produce a new creature without the natural fusion of male and
female gametes is currently very much in vogue. All these scientific
procedures are possible only because the biological energy that sus-
tains the biological functions of growth and reproduction of living matter
is independent of the metaphysical (spiritual) energy of the soul. How-
ever, the embodied soul (Dehi) can control the biological energy of the
body whilst operating the same. In order to understand this process of
control, we have to examine the psychobiological aspects of the hu-
man being or Jeevatma.

Psychobiological Aspects of the Human Being

'Psychobiology', as per the Oxford Dictionary, is the branch of
science concerned with the biological basis of behaviour and mental

phenomena. The biological aspects of the human being have been dis-
cussed in the preceding part. Now we shall examine behaviour and
mental phenomena for which we have to know the mind first. God
Shiva, the Ocean of Knowledge, has revealed that mind, intellect and
Sanskaras (personality traits) are the three faculties of the soul, the
infinitesimal point source of metaphysical energy.
Mind is the 'emotional self' which feels, wishes, experiences the
emotions of love, hate, anger, envy etc. and projects mental pictures of
places, people, and situations. Mental energy is very potent and fast
and can transcend space and time easily. It is often called the 'heart', in
order to show the depth of feelings.
Intellect is the 'rational s e l f , which visualises, contemplates, dis-
criminates, judges, decides and restrains the mind and physical organs,
or prompts them to act.
Sanskaras include not only the seven basic attributes of the soul
and personality traits, but contain he complete data on the 'roles' a
soul, the 'actor', has to play in the 'eternal world drama'. It is based on
this information encoded in the Sanskara that the soul descends to the
corporeal world from the soul-world, taking birth in a particular fam-
ily, society and continent. The soul, once embodied in the womb of the
mother, has to complete the entire cycle of birth and re-birth, enacting
different roles till the end of the cycle (Kalpa), when it will return to
the soul-world. It then comes back to the drama stage at the same pre-
ordained time and place and the cycle repeats identically. During each
cycle, the soul inhabits different human bodies of different forms, races,
cultures and countries, learning lessons and gaining wisdom. In cach
of these births the soul performs actions thus creating karmic accounts.
The fruits of these karmas (good or bad) are received in the same life-
time or in later lives.

The soul or psyche, the point source of metaphysical energy, is

known by its inherent, eternal attribute, the consciousness. This attribute

of consciousness is not an epiphenomenon of the brain or the electro-
magnetic forces at work in the brain and elsewhere, nor can it be con-
sidered a product of chemical reactions taking placc at the cellular level
in the brain and other parts of the body. This metaphysical energy of the
sentient soul manifests as the thoughts, judgment, memory, beliefs, learn-
ing, outlook, attitude, habits and emotions etc. These manifestations can
be attributed to the three faculties - mind, intellect and sanskara. The
latent thoughts from its sub-conscious mind (sanskara) are continu-
ously influencing its conscious thoughts, decisions and emotions. Dreams
arc also latent thoughts emerging on the wide screen of our mind during
sleep when our five senses, to a large extent, are turned inwards.
The soul is believed to be located in the centre of the brain in
between the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland and the pineal body.
The surface marking of this locus is in the centre of the forehead, in
between the eyebrows. From this specific anatomic locus in the brain
the soul is able to effect all functions throughout the body as all ner-
vous mechanisms integrate at the upper central region of the hypo-
thalamus, which is an endocrine gland that controls the functioning of
the pituitary, the master endocrinc gland that controls all other endo-
crine glands.

How Does Soul Control the Body

We shall now look deeper into the mechanism by which the
metaphysical energy of the soul controls the physical body (biological/
physical energy). Metaphysical energy manifesting as thoughts forms
a quantum field which has no mass. At the micro level, it influences the
related nuclei in the hypothalamus, which triggers the pituitary, or sets
up ncuro-electrical impulses or photon-fields at the various organs and
tissues. Much of the action takes place through the ncuro-cndocrine
systems bccause only the nervous tissues are specialised for efficient
transmission of electrical or electromagnetic impulses or photon-fields
at the micro level. These then influence biochemical and biophysical
functions in the rest of the body. However, all cells of the body appear
to have consciousncss because they are connected with the brain where

the soul dwells. In other words, each ccll of the body acquires the qual-
ity of sentience due to its link with the metaphysical energy of the soul
through the nervous and endocrine systems.
It is important to realise that although biological energy in the
cells can sustain itself and multiply when provided with a conducive
biological environment and the heart and kidney would continue to
live likewise, the whole cardiovascular system or urinary system can-
not survive in the absencc of the soul, the integrating factor, if isolated.
Thus, life in its real sense goes beyond the biochemical and biophysi-
cal processes.
Having delved into the intricacies of the life process, it is nec-
essary to understand the phenomenon of death. There arc four types of
1 Necrobiosis -the natural death of cells in the living body where
the dead cells arc continually replaced by new ones. It is said that
we rcplacc our stomach cells every five weeks.
2. Necrosis - the unnatural death of cclls as a result of noxious agents.
3. Somatic death -the death of the whole body. In this case, even
though the organ-systems cease functioning many tissues and cells
continue to live up to a ccrtain period of time. If these tissues are
removed within the critical time and provided the proper biological
environment, they can be used for different purposes as explained
in the preceding paragraphs.
4. Brain death - t h e final death. When the brain bccomes dead, a
command centre in the brain triggers final death. This is the final
act the soul performs. Then the soul departs from the body to con-
tinue its journey of further lives.
The Role of Metaphysical Energies in
Health and Disease
We have seen in the foregoing paragraphs how the metaphysi-
cal energy of the soul in the form of vibrations of thoughts, judgments,
teelings, emotions etc. emanating from the faculties of mind and intel-
lect. gets integrated with the biological energy of the body through the
nervous and endocrine systems. The influence of these two subtle mcta-

physical energies (mind and intellect) on the physical body is being re-
searched extensively by physicians, psychotherapists, biochemists, physi-
ologists etc.
Louise. L. Hay, a metaphysical lecturer, in her book "Heal Your
Body' " says: "The way to control your life is to control your choice of
words and thoughts". The mental patterns that causc disease in the
body are criticism, anger, resentment and guilt. The book gives a list of
mental patterns that cause disease in the body, and suggests new thought
patterns that will remove the need for that condition. When the need is
gone, the manifestation (the symptoms of the disease) ceases to be there,
just as a plant dies when the root is cut away. This clearly brings out
that the physical well being of a person is dependent on the positive
thoughts or positive vibrations of mental (metaphysical) energy.
Arian Sarris, a transpcrsonal psychotherapist, in her book 'Heal-
ing the Past for a Vibrant Future' (Published by Pustak Mahal in India)
describes the integration of physical and metaphysical energies in the
human being quite vividly. According to her, a human being is made of
five bodies - t h e immortal Higher Self (HS) and four mortal bodies,
which are the etheric body (aura), the physical body, the mental body
and the emotional body. Mind and intellect, the subtle faculties (meta-
physical energies) of the embodied soul, function as the 'emotional
body' and 'mental body,' respectively. The HS is the pure essence of all
the other bodies combined. We shall examine these five bodies in detail
in the next chapter.

The Dynamic Equilibrium

Technological advances in the recent past have revealed the
intricate dynamic equilibrium of the biological energies. Dr. Deepak
Chopra 2 of USA and Dr. H.K. Chopra 3 of New Delhi dwelt on this
1. Published in India by FULL CIRCLE PUBLISHING, New Delhi
2. Dr. Deepak Chopra addressed the conference on 6'" January, 2005 with a day-
long discourse on various aspects of human consciousness, universal
consciousness and Cod-consciousness.
3. Dr. H.K. Chopra, Head of Cardiology, Mulchand Hospital, New Delhi was
speaking in a pane! discussion on January 07, 2005 as part of the 'National
C o n f e r e n c e on N e w D i m e n t i o n s in H e a l t h y L i v i n g ' at the Academy for a Better
World, Gyan Sarovar, Mount Abu, India.

subjcct extensively while addressing over 800 medical professionals

during the National Conference on 'New Dimensions in Healthy Liv-
ing' held in the Academy for a better World, Gyan Sarovar, Mount
Abu, India from S*-'1 to January, 2005. Excerpts from their ad-
dresses are given below so as to highlight the dynamic equilibrium of
the biological energies and their co-ordination with the cosmic ener-
gies of the universe.
Elaborating on the dynamism of human biology, Dr. Deepak
Chopra says: "The human body is actually a very dynamic field of
molecules, a very dynamic field of energies; the human body is even
in a dynamic exchange of the elements andforces of the universe.. ..In
fact, the physical bodies you are using right not the physi-
cal body you came in with a little while ago. You can examine this
very scientifically. Every time you breathe in 1022
atoms from ev-
erywhere else are taken in; every time you breathe out }022
are expelled. These atoms have their origin in every cell of your body.
Technically speaking, we are all sharing our organs every time we
breathe... Through radioactive isotope experiments we can prove
without a shadow of doubt that right this moment you have in your
physical body at least a million atoms that were floating in the bodies
of Buddha, Jesus or Saddam Hussein a few years ago... In one year
you replace 98% of all the atoms in the body. At the atomic level, you
replace your stomach lining every five days,...your skin once a
month...your skeleton in three months...the carbon, the hydrogen,
the nitrogen of the DNA come and go every six weeks like migratory
birds...Every day I and my consciousness are outliving the molecules
on which I ride"...
Non-local correlation, 'Einstein Prodosky Rosen
Effect' or 'John Belt Theorem'
It says - 'In the discontinuity, everything is instantly correlated
with everything else, and this instant correlation is without exchange of
energy or information signals...Scientists today cannot explain certain
biological phenomena without explaining non-local correlation. ..A hu-
man body has 100 trillion cells, each cell docs 6 trillion things per second
and every cell instantly knows how to correlate its activity with every

other. How does a human body think thoughts, play a piano, kill germs,
remove toxins and make a baby all at once? While your body is doing
that it is tracking the movement of stars and planets becausc your bio-
logical rhythms which arc called circadian rhythms, seasonal rhythms,
gravitational rhythms, lunar rhythms are actually the rhythms of the
cosmos. So your body is non- locally correlated instantly with the sym-
phony of the universe. The Vedic expression - ' Yadha Pinde Thadha
Brahmcuide' means - as the atom so is the universe, as is the micro-
cosm so is the macrocosm, as is the human body so is the cosmic body,
as is the human mind so is the cosmic mind. How does one single cell
differentiate in 50 replications into 100 trillion cells.. .by the process of
morphogenesis, and this takes place without information and energy
signals. So non-local correlation is a scientific description of omni-
Dr. H.K. Chopra said - "...our body is made• up of organs,
organs are made of tissues, tissues are made of cells, and cells are
made up of ...molecules...molecules are made of atoms, atoms are
made up of sub atomic structures...protons, neutrons...and beyond
that are Quarks and Bosons, and beyond that is the Quantum
Soup...where there is no liquid...and that is the source
of our emotions...our emotional intelligence ... We can go to this level
only through spiritual education...."
The foregoing excerpts give us a clcar understanding about the
inter rclatedness of the human souls with every thing else in this uni-
verse at the quantum level.


( J E E V A T M A )

Wc h a v e a l r e a d y seen in the first c h a p t e r that t h e i n s e n t i e n t b i o -

logical e n e r g i e s o r g a n i z e t h e m s e l v e s into cells, tissues, o r g a n s a n d sys-
t e m s to c o n s t i t u t e the h u m a n body, w h i c h is c o n t r o l l e d by t h e s e n t i e n t
m e t a p h y s i c a l energy, the soul. Wc shall n o w look into the i n t e r p l a y of
physical ( b i o l o g i c a l ) a n d m e t a p h y s i c a l e n e r g i e s in t h e h u m a n b e i n g
from different angles.

The Psychobiological diagram of

the Human being
T h e e m b o d i e d soul (DehiJ is seen in the c e n t r e as a bright light,
and its three f a c u l t i e s - the c o n s c i o u s m i n d ( e m o t i o n a l b o d y ) , the intel-

lect (mental body) and the sub-conscious mind (Sanskara) arc shown
to be three beams of denser light which spreads within the physical
body made of the grosser physical energies of the five gross elements -
earth, water, fire, air and space. Mind and intellect, the subtle faculties
(metaphysical energies) of the embodied soul, function as emotional
body and mental body respectively. The fifth body, the HS is the pure
essence of all the other bodies combined.
Enveloping the physical body is the etheric body that vibrates
at a higher frequency. The physical body is shaped and anchored upon
the energy blueprint (template) contained in the etheric body. Surround-
ing the etheric body is the aura that represents the sum total of a person's
energy patterns that can be seen as various intensities. Aura, the energy
shield or force field, expands and contracts according to our moods
and situations and may extend out to about 18 inches around the physi-
cal body. The Super Conscious Mind, Higher Self (HS) or Videhi is the
perfect bodiless stage of the embodied soul. It is said to reside within
the aura 6 to 8 inches above the head. The Crown Plexus is the 7th
Chakra on the top of the head. The HS or Videhi communicates with
the embodied soul, Dehi through this plexus by means of intutions or
the 'inner voice'. When this chakra is blocked by alien energy the Dehi
is cut off from the Videhi, i.e. its own wisdom. Then the Dehi (mind
and intellect) functions as per the directions of the intruding energy.

Etheric Body
It is a subtle body penetrating the physical body, vibrating at a
higher frequency. The physical body is shaped and anchored upon the
energy blue print (template) contained in the etheric body. There are
seven plexuses or ganglions called 'Chakras' in the etheric body that
allow us to absorb high frequencies of various kinds, including the
vital force (pranaj. These chakras process and pass them on to the
physical body. These energy centres regulate the flow of energy in and
out of the physical body. Each Chakra is represented in the aura by a
colour. The aura is the sum total of an individual's energy patterns
which may be seen as seven colours or as various intensities. These
include cosmic energies from outside the person, and changes brought

about from within through physical, intellectual, emotional or spiritual



OR SAHSRAR CHAKRA) _¥1QJLEL Photon field of bliss
Linked to C o n s c i o u s Mind = Emotional self .

THE BROW PLEXUS (Ajna/Agya Chakra or Third Eye )

IMfilSfi-Photon Field of Knowledge Linked to Intellect
-Rational self .

THE THROAT PLEXUS (Vishudh Chakra) BLUE Photon

Field of Peace Linked to Space E l e m e n t .

THE HEART PLEXUS (Anahat Chakra )

GREEN Photon Field of Love Linked to Air Element


Photon Field of Joy Linked to Fire Element

THE SACRAL PLEXUS (Swadhlsthan Chakra)

QRANQE Photon Field of Purity Linked to
Water Element

THE ROOT PLEXUS ( M o o l a d h a r Chakra or Kundalini C h a k r a )

RED Photon Field of Spiritual Power linked to Earth E l e m e n t .

The Seven Chakras of the Etheric Body

Each chakra is represented in the aura by a colour or photon field
as shown in the diagram. The predominant linkage of the chakras with
the five gross elements of the nature is also shown in the diagram. The
link of the hues of the light spectrum - VIBGYOR - to the seven chakras
has been sourced from the book 'Soul Healing 'by Dr. Bruce Goldberg,
published in India by Pustak Mahal'.

The Aura
This energy shield or force field expands and contracts according
to our moods and situations. It is a flexible sheath extending out about
18 inches from the physical body. It tries to communicate what it has
sensed through its language of comfort or discomfort. The energies of

sensed through its language of comfort or discomfort. The energies of

different persons encroach upon our personal space (aura of 18 inches
width) when they come closc to us. Such brushing of the aura causes
intermingling of the energies. The contaminating energies (emotions)
may be felt either immediately or after the person has departed. This
alien energy may linger on for years, even for the whole life, unless the
aura is cleaned out. Such contaminating energies stuck in our aura clog
the communication channels, causing energy blocks and making it dif-
ficult to find room for self-esteem, self awareness and self-love.
The intrusion of someone else's energy between your HS and
your seventh chakra at the top of your head obstructs the communica-
tion with your HS. Parents often block the seventh chakra for control
over you in childhood. 'Gurus' and teachers may impose control over
their students by blocking their seventh chakra, thus severing the con-
nection with their HS and their own wisdom. Fundamentalists, reli-
gious fanatics, terrorists, suicide bombers etc. are created by putting an
energy chord into the seventh chakra, whereby these victims get truly
brain washed! Such persons become 'blind' to any other perspective
unless the intruder permits. The aura can be kept clean and powerful
using four simple cxcrciscs given below:
The intruding energies are seldom loving or neutral; more often
they are critical, judgmental, shaming and guilt producing. Hence we
should remove such intruding energies at the earliest. The four exer-
cises given below, when practiced regularly, help you to maintain your
aura clcan, healthy and vibrant. These techniques I have adopted from
the book by Arian Sarris, and have been practising regularly with good

Exercises for :-
1. Cleaning the A u r a :
Focus your attention on your aura and visualise it covering you
from over your head to under your feet, and spreading 18 inches all
around. Feel the safety within the energy shield all around you. Imag-
ine holding a golden comb with 18 inches long teeth in both the hands.
Comb out your aura physically moving your hands up and down, left to

right and right to left of your physical body holding the psychic combs.
Do not leave out any part, including under the feet. All the alien ener-
gies lodged in your aura fall on to the earth and get absorbed. You feel
light and energetic.

2. Reinforcing the Aura:

Now imagine orange rays of purity from God entering your auric
shield and defining the limits of your space and raising your vibra-
tions. As a result, no one with lower vibrations can invade you without
your permission.

3. R e t r i e v i n g y o u r energy trapped in o t h e r s ' A u r a :

These are spread out in other people's auras in all the places
you have lived/worked in. To bring back these energies locked in the
past, imagine that you have an energy whistle. By blowing this all your
energies locked up elsewhere return to you. Blow the whistle a few
times, close your eyes, and wait for five minutes to allow your energy
to return. The first time you do it you might experience energies com-
ing back in the form of snow-flakes or any other form. You may get
odd recollections of past incidents.

4. Creating Present Time Field:

Most of us remain locked up within our past through our doubts,
lcars and worries. As a child we felt contented and happy when we
were comforted, nurtured, and held, but in the absence of such nurtur-
ing our lives become filled with fear and worry. This need for nurtur-
ing stays with us, within our emotional self or the Inner C h i l d ,
as an adult also.. Hence our adult decisions are made with our emo-
tional heart based on what will keep the Inner Child safe and loved. A
balance between our Rational Self (Intellect) and Emotional Self (Mind/
Heart) is required and it should be tempered with the wisdom of the
Videhi. Clear communication among these three faculties is possible
only when we get unstuck from the childhood fears and let the adult
resources govern our life.
Every time we remember a past incident, we trap our energy in
it. This energy becomes inaccessible for other purposes and lowers our
energy level. If as a child you were beaten by your father you are

holding a lot of energy around those memories and whenever

you remember it, more of your energy gets trapped. When you
bring those accretions into the present time, they leave since
they are connected to the past events only. Parental accusations,
personal guilt, or judgements make up these accretions. The
Present-Time Field releases foreign energies and mental blocks,
and allows free communication with your Videhi.

The Exercise:
• Imagine yourself holding a magic wand of gold that turns every-
thing touched by it into the present-time field.
• Tap the seven chakras in your etheric body at least seven times
each because your aura has seven layers.
• Tap your Videhi 8 inches above your head with the wand likewise.
Some consider the Videhi to be the 8 ^ chakra with white light
around it.
• Tap your feet and hands also with the wand, as they have their own
• Touch your knees also seven times as they too have their own
Regular practice of the above four exercises will ensure that
your aura is kept clean and all chakras are in present time. These are
the preliminary steps before undertaking any psychotherapeutic exer-
cises described by Arian Sarris, which the author has tried on himself
with positive results.

The Physical Body

It is made of matter, a very dense energy providing a tangible
envelope to the mental and emotional bodies. The aura creates the physi-
cal body according to the instructions of the Videhi, based on which the
etheric template is cast. Congenital physical deformities are due to such
deformities in the etheric template. The physical body collects and stores
an enormous amount of negative energy, just like the aura. The physical

trauma suffered by any part of the body may heal, and we assume that
the trauma has vanished, but in fact it remains embedded in the organs
that have suffered the trauma. The physical body also receives abuse
through negative images thrown at it by one's own mental and emo-
tional selves, as well as by others - "Why are you so fat?" Why couldn't
you be taller?" etc. When enough traumas accumulate in the physical
body, they start manifesting as pain and sickness. Thus the pain or
sickness in the body is a cry for help to get rid of emotional trau-
mas. Without any kind of release, negative energies begin to toxify
the body eventually manifesting as life threatening diseases like can-
cer. For healing the physical body, those negative energies must be
released. That requires a complete attitudinal change, acceptance of
the body as it is, and flooding it with self-esteem.

The Emotional Body

It is identified with water for its movement and changeability, by
which all the frozen energies are released and transmuted, rinsing away
the blocks, fears and old painful emotions. This emotional cleansing
creates room for love and higher vibrations of self transformation in
your heart (mind). The foundation of the emotional self is love - love
of self and love of others. When love fills you, you open up like a
flower, while feelings of fear, sadness, anger, jealousy etc. close you
down. The best kind of love is that which comes from within, assuring
you of safety and care. The emotional needs of your Inner Child deter-
mine how you will interact with others. Based on this need, you will
face people either with openness and optimism; or with fear, despair,
hatred, hostility etc.
The emotional self symbolized by the Inner Child holds the trau-
mas inflicted on you as a child. The physical body that envelops the
emotional body may appear deceptively healthy, even when the emo-
tional body is bruised. If the emotional self's traumas are not addressed,
those toxins begin to poison the physical body and create sickness,
often threatening life itself
The emotional needs of the Inner Child are based on your envi-
ronment in the first twelve months of your life, as these form the foun-
dation of your belief system later in life. The belief system developed in

early childhood is solidified in the next two years. There are three basic
'core issues' or fears that shape the belief system. They are: fear of
death, fear of abandonment and fear of loss of self-identity. Those fears
originate from an unfulfilled need for safety, for love, or for being your-
self, which is essential for fulfillment of your life's purpose. A person
with fear of death defines life according to the need for survival; "Will
I be safe or will I be destroyed?" A person who fears abandonment
defines life according to the need for love: "Will I get love, or be left
unloved? A person who fears loss of self defines life according to per-
sonal space: "Will 1 have the right to be myself; or will someone intrude
and take away my identity? These core beliefs may not seem obvious
in your daily life, but they underlie your behaviour, your feelings, your
beliefs, and every decision and action of yours. Because of the unful-
filled need for safety, love or self-identity you tend to believe that you
are unworthy of anything that would provide these. Then, whatever
you think, do or believe is in reaction to your core belief, either striving
to counter its influences, or succumbing to that belief.
According to Ken O'Donnell* the essential functions of the mind
(emotional self) are thoughts, imaginations, creation of ideas, sensa-
tions, desires, feelings and emotions. The soul uses the mind as a screen
or field on which thoughts, sensations and ideas arc projected as im-
ages. An experience, feeling or emotion is the impact of these projec-
tions. If I want to feel good, I have to have the type of thoughts that
bring the quality of goodness. However, the mind is subject to the
whims and inconsistencies of the intellect. Wherever the intellect
roams, the mind automatically follows, performing all of its essential
When you are caught in the grip of an emotional need, your heart
rules your head. Logic can neither cajole, nor force the Inner Child into
submission, because your child's emotional needs far outweigh your
mind's arguments or intellectual reasoning. A perfect example is over-
eating by adults in spite of a mental resolve not to do the same. This is
because the Inner Child's emotional cry for nurturing via food overrides

Note *
Pagc24, " P a t h w a y s to H i g h e r C o n s c i o u s n e s s " , K e n O Donnell, Eternity Ink, Australia.

your logic at the moment. The mental self, of course, gets its revenge
with its continual negative mental barrage: "You can't do anything right,
you will always be fat; no one will love you that way" ctc. When you
clear away the painful patterns that keep you loeked in non-loving be-
liefs and behaviours, the 'child' gets bathed in deep love and you too get
bathed in love. In this way, you relieve the Inner Child of its fears, and
open up yourself for nurturing by God.

The Mental Body

It is the instrument with which you think, analyse, decide and ex-
press yourself. Being the 'Rational Self' it understands concepts, ideas
and perceptions. It extrapolates and interpolates; it is logical, it has opin-
ions and attitudes. It is also prone to rigid thinking, narrow-mindedness
and 'illogical logic', holding on to an opinion long after the same has
been proved specious and destructive. When they say, "stop being so
emotional," they are saying: "Get back into your mental body." There
is lots of logic, lots of perception - but no heart.
Ken O'Donncl says that decision-making; discernment or discrimi-
nation power; reasoning power; ability to remember, associate and iden-
tify; will-power; ability to understand, know and recognize and judge
arc the key functions of the Rational self or intellect. Intellect, being
the ruler of the Mind, is the principal faculty of the soul. The feeble
and befuddled intellect subjugates itself to two worlds: one is the ex-
ternal world of senses, and the other is the internal world of thoughts,
feelings and personality traits. The intellect allows or refuses entry of
thoughts into the process of action and result according to its own set
of rules and perceptions that constitute your belief system, which in
turn controls your attitudes. The accuracy of the role of intellect as
door-keeper can be heightened through meditation so that positive quali-
ties arc permitted entry and continuity while negative ones are weak-
ened and transformed. The strength or weakness of an individual de-
pends on how well the intellect functions.

The Belief Systems

We have two kinds of belief systems - macro and micro based on
which the intellect functions.
Macro belief systems involve large values like moral or ethical,
governmental, religious and philosophical codcs. These are the tenets
that define you as Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Sikh and so on. Other
beliefs related to a particular doctrine, organisation, country or atti-
tudes like feminism, intellectualism etc. also come under the macro
belief system.
Micro belief systems are pcrson-ccntred, arising out of personal
experiences and family beliefs. From an early age, you choose the
behaviours that give you the love and safety you need in your family.
You incorporate the values acceptablc in your family and the world
around into your belief system. These are often both subtle and uncon-
scious. Belief systems get cemented first by family attitudes and later
by religion, school, television shows, friends and so on. All the three
core beliefs explained in the foregoing paragraphs crcate core mes-
sages like- "I have no right to be alive" when you are born in a world
that appears unsafe; "I don't deserve love" when you are neglected; "I
have no right to be myself' when you are smothered by doting parents.
All these messages create a core belief—"I am no good". If you hold
an image of yourself as worthless, every single decision you make re-
flects that belief system, and you create conditions that make your life
worthless. Abusive relationships reinforce your bad self-image. Your
belief systems are like screens of different shades and patterns in front
of your eyes obfuscating some areas and giving a tunnel vision of oth-
ers. You form your self-image based on how people see you, what you
believe about yourself, and your attitude towards others and the world.
This self-image affects everything you do, feel, desire or fear, and it
affects your vibrations too. Your family, employers and acquaintances
perpetuate or enhance your feeling of worthlessness. Godly knowledge
and Rajyoga meditation help you regain your self-esteem. The mental
self, in its arrogance, thinks it is in charge, even though it is really con-

trolled by your childhood fears and needs. It formulates a world view

according to how well you got your emotional needs met from the people
and events of your early life. It means that your belief system may be
badly distorted, but you are unaware of this fact. A fundamentalist and
a scientist can have equally rigid belief systems which can keep them
safe and happy or may lead to destruction and death. Counselling by
psychotherapists can alter the belief system, chipping it away bit by bit.
When you realise that you arc wrong about an idea, and your rational
mind absorbs and adjusts, the stronger and wiser you become. With
each change in your attitude, the barriers restricting your rational mind
(intellect) loosen and fall apart, opening up space for love and joy. When
this happens, you become less egoistic; you are no more judgemental,
critical or rigid.

The Spiritual Body or Higher Self (HS)

It is the creator of your existence on earth. Since this wise part
of you resides outside the physical body, 6-8 inches above your head, it
has much higher perspective of your life. It can see beyond the rigid
thinking of the mental self, beyond the passion and fears of the emo-
tional self and beyond the pain of the physical body. Arian Sarris says:
"Each one of your life times has its own HS which arc fragments of
your Ovcrsoul, with direct access to the Ovcrsoul itself and the
Godhead... Oversoul, that immortal part of us that separated in inno-
cence from the Godhead long aeons ago... inhabited many different
forms in every race, culture and country as part of its quest to learn the
lessons of humanity and gain the wisdom necessary to return to the
Godhead... As we struggled towards self understanding and wisdom,
we made decisions and performed deeds which created Karma (cosmic
debts) that needed to be paid off in that lifetime or in later lifetimes....
The lessons often take the form of recurrent annoyances. Your HS is
presenting them to you, so that you can resolve them satisfactorily this
time. Instead of getting angry or avoiding them, you can release them
by discovering the cause of your reaction, by facing your own uncon-
scious or unresolved flaws such as greed, impatience, jealousy, fear or
anger, or by dissolving the past life hook that still twists inside you".

T h e transpersonal psychotherapist further states:

• "The HS is dispassionate, compassionate and wise, seeing you with-
out judgement.
• "The HS being detached from your personality can give you per-
spective on what's happening, if you allow yourself to hear it.
• "The HS serves as the loving mediator between divine wisdom
and you.
"The HS, knowing everything that has happened to you, can guide
you into those deep unconscious placcs of pain and anguish.
"The HS always has your best interests at heart. Not one other
person has that, including your parents.
"The HS can help you recognise and release karmic issues and
complete unfinished business.
"In every instance where the HS participates in the healing pro-
cess, it gives support, stability and strength to your work...
"HS is your trusted, loving and wise guide in every phase of change

Basic Attributes

VIDEHI V = Violet = Bliss

Indigo = Truth

B = Blue = Peace

G = Green = Love

Silk Y = Yellow = Joy

O = Orange = Purity

R = Red Powers

Videhi, the Perfect Soul (Sampurna Swarup)

Having understood the HS as envisioned by the transpersonal psy-

chotherapist, let us now look at the HS from the premise of Godly
knowledge disseminated by the Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya
Vishwa Vidyalaya. From the Supreme versions of God Shiva, we know
that the embodied soul (Dehi) always has its perfcct form or Sampurna
Swarup-God often says that He always sees only the perfect stage of
His children (souls), and hence He is not swayed by the imperfections
of the embodied soul (Dehi). God Shiva often directs His children to
become bodiless (videhi) and then remember the bodiless Father. He
has further clarified that in order to establish all relations with Him, the
children should become equal to the Father in all respects. As the Su-
preme Father is ever bodiless (videhi), the souls should also remain in
bodiless stage, and should be full in all the seven attributes of the Su-
preme Father: bliss, knowledge, peace, love, joy, purity and power.
The Supreme Father's directions to remember Him staying in bodiless
stage implies that the human soul, in the bodiless stage, is equal to the
Supreme Soul, being full in all the seven attributes mentioned above.
By comparing the description of the HS and its functions by Arian
Sarris with what God Shiva, the Supreme Soul has revealed about the
bodiless stage and the perfcct stage of the embodied soul (Dehi) it be-
comes evident that the HS is the perfect stage (Sampurna Swarup), and
the bodiless stage (Videh Avastha) of the embodied soul {Dehi). In other
words, videhi or bodiless soul, the perfect form or Sampurna Swarup
of the embodied soul, and the H.S. can safely be considered one and
the same. The diagram of the Videhi depicts the perfect soul (HS) or
bodiless soul {videhi), and the Supreme Soul, the point sources of meta-
physical energies, in their expanded form. A point when expanded be-
comes the zero and a constricted zero is a point.

Here the seven basic attributes of the soul, and the Supreme Soul
arc linked to the seven hues of the light spectrum - VIBGYOR, based
on the frequency at which particles of light energy (photons) move.
Violet, ultra-violet and other high frequency radiations have more en-
ergy, and hence have greater frequencies and shorter wave lengths

than red and infra-red photons that have longer wave lengths and lower
frequencies. Based on this principle, the seven attributes of the soul can
be linked to seven hues of V1BGYOR thus.* Violet photon, the subtlest
energy, is linked to bliss, which is the most balanced state of the soul,
the point source of metaphysical energies. The expanded point, the zero
is shown to have seven radial photon fields with the subtle violet photon
field ofbliss at the top. The indigo photon field of knowledge is the next
clockwise; next to this arc the blue photon field of peace; the green
photon field of love; the yellow photon field of joy; the orange photon
field of purity and the red photon field of spiritual powers.
The subtler metaphysical energies having shorter wave lengths
and more energy content than the physical energies, can control the
latter effectively. That's why our desires and intents arc so powerful a
force in nature that they can literally organise space-time events.

Sanskar (Sub-conscious Mind)

Sub-conscious mind or sanskar is a major manifestation of hu-
man consciousness (Soul). It can be compared to a rcceptacle that con-
tains habits, tendencies, personality traits, memories, values, beliefs,
learning, talents, instincts ctc. The quality of activities of the other two
manifestations of the human soul - mind and intellect - arc based on
the quality of sanskar. It gives the soul its specific configuration, just
as each compound has a specific chemical configuration, depending
on which it reacts. It is the archive of all previously recorded experi-
ences. It has complete data on the soul's roles in the entire cycle of the
Eternal World Drama (EWD), and this is the basis of our individual
Sanskar, being the receptacle of the original attributes, vir-

S'ote: *
The linking of the VIBGYOR spectrum with seven attributes is based on intuitions.
Godly Knowledge and technical information. I have been using this linkage for
purifying, empowering and activating the seven c h a k r a s in the etheric (subtle)
body, the I inked elements, menial body and emotional body in 'Healing Meditation '
(See Ch. 9). Hence these linkages are not mandatory, but following (he s a m e will
facilitate the practice of Healing Meditation ' which again is based on intuitions
and personal experiences on diabetes-control, removal of spectacles and so on.

lues, values and all the soul's experiences, projects thoughts, de-
sires or feelings on to the mind's screen, initiating either a positive
or negative chain of awareness-thought-decision-action and expe-
rience depending on the state of soul-consciousness or hody-con-
sciousness, respectively. A thought, desire or feeling arises in the
human mind based on past experiences recorded in sanskar. The
negative experiences of the recent past get projected as negative
thoughts, desires or feelings frequently because they are at the top
of the stockpile of experiences in the receptacle of sanskar. Through
the practice of soul-consciousness and Rajayoga (RY) we are able
to dig out the original attributes of the soul from the bottom of the
stockpile in the receptacle of sanskar. Thus, the positive chain of
awareness-thought-decision-action and experience gets repeated
every time we practise Rajayoga. With Continued practice of
Rajayoga, the receptacle of sanskar gets fdled with positive expe-
rience of the original attributes, virtues and values. With this change
in the self, the world changes as explained in Ch.4.
Let us relate these aspects to the views of psychologists regard-
ing the spiritual or psychic (metaphysical) energies of a person. Ac-
cording to one school of thought, the conscious mind (this includes
both the Rational self and Emotional Self) is capable of using only 10
percent of the total psychic energy, while 90 percent is vested with the
sub-conscious mind (sanskar). The super-conscious mind (HS) is con-
strued to be the sum total of both conscious and sub-conscious minds,
and hence having 100 percent spiritual energy of the person. Intelli-
gence Quotient (I.Q.) of a person should be the measure of the meta-
physical energy of the intellect or 'Rational self. Emotional Quotient
(EQ) should be the measure of the metaphysical energy of the 'Emo-
tional self' (mind or heart'). On the same lines, the Spiritual Quotient
(SQ) of a person should be the measure of the total metaphysical en-
ergy of a person - the soul that includes mind, intellect and sanskar.


The true history of the creation is really the story of the Eternal
World Drama (EWD). [Sec picture]


True History of the Creation

The World Drama Wheel

The entire cyclc of 5000 years called a Kalpa has been divided
into two halves in Indian mythology. The first half is comprised of the
Golden Age (Sat Yuga) and the Silver Age (Treta Yuga), the second
half is comprised of the Copper Age (Dwapur Yuga) and the Iron Age
(Kali Yuga), each one lasting 1250 years. The cyclic movement of
human history is the net effect of the individual and collective actions of
the human beings.

The Confluence Age (Sangam Yuga):

This short and sweet period of transition from Iron Age to Golden
Age, when God Shiva, the Supreme Soul, and human souls interact on
the revolving drama stage (planet earth) starts with the dcsccnt of in-
corporeal God Shiva in the corporcal medium of Prajapita Brahma.
This Confluence Age ends with the departure of the majority of human
souls from the drama stage along with the Supreme Soul to the Soul
World. The new cycle starts again with 9 lakh population in the begin-
ning of the Golden Age. The transitional period can be called Diamond
Age in terms of its worth compared to the other four ages because it is
the only period when God descends on the drama stage and imparts
training in Godly knowledge and Rajayoga meditation to restore the
human souls to their original perfect stage. When the human souls be-
come fully charged and reach their original perfect stage everything
else in this creation - all life forms and the celestial bodies get restored
to their maximum level of potential energy to begin the new cycle with
the Golden Age.

Golden Age (Sat Yuga):

Gold is the most abundant metal in Golden Age, and in this age
of truth every individual plays exactly that role which is suited to his or
her intrinsic qualities. Hencc no one complains or covets the role of
another. Both the rulers and the ruled in this hierarchical society arc full
of divine virtues and natural wisdom. With the universal prosperity in
Sat Yuga trade is not for profit, but for the purpose of distribution. All
the members of the society arc in the highest state of soul-conscious-
ness with both internal and external harmony. Being soul-conscious,
they are naturally the masters of their sense organs and their environ-
ment. Science in the Golden Age comprehends and harnesses the forces
of nature without polluting or destroying the environment. Perfect ar-
chitecture and the best materials (gold, diamonds etc.) are used in build-
ings. Music, dance and art are in harmony with nature. There are no
borders of land, sea and air. The souls are in pcrfcct harmony with
nature and among themselves becausc the sanaskars in action and in
latent state arc pure. Hence there is no knowledge or potential for evil.
I .uch action is perfect becausc it originates out of pure sanskar at the

appropriate time as a thought and is innocently translated into action.

The collective effect of such actions is a harmonious society. In the
absence of body-consciousness there is an absolute incapacity for evil
actions. Such an action is called a Neutral action or Akarma because it
docs not create karmic bondage between souls. The inhabitants of the
Golden Age called deities (Devi-Devtaj are naturally soul-conscious
and hence their procreation is not motivated by lust, ego or attachment.
The body, built of pure elements is under absolute control of the soul.
The male and female bodies have perfect balance of masculine and
feminine energies (sex hormones), and this enables conception by the
collective will of the partners without any sexual intercourse. [Procre-
ation through self conception called Parthenogenesis is known to biolo-
gists in lower plants and invertebrate animals even in this iron aged
world.] Devis and Devtas exemplified by Shri Lakshmi and Shri
Narayan, the monarchs of the Golden Age look alike in the absence of
distinguishing male and female features because male and female hor-
mones are perfectly balanced.
The monarchic system of government functions perfectly as
the rulers treat their subjects as their own children. There is neither
enforced authority nor coercive subjugation. The rulers need neither
ministers nor advisors because of their inherent wisdom and divinity.
Society runs smoothly because all are in tune with nature and each
other; because there is natural respect and equality; because everyone
has a selfless attitude and behaviour. The law of the kingdom of heaven
is the example of actions of its divine rulers - Lakshmi and Narayan -
whose Sun dynasty lasts eight generations.

The Silver Age (Treta Yuga)'.

The golden Age or 'Paradise' gradually declines into a 'Semi Para-
dise' in 1250 years. Now only three quarters are left out of the cycle of
5000 years. (Treta literally means three quarters.) This age starts with
the transfer of power from the Sun Dynasty of Lakshmi and Narayan to
the Moon Dynasty of Sita and Ram that lasts for 12 generations. The
colour and beauty of the Golden Age are still there, but faded. The
souls have pure love for each other, but the material resources are shrink-
ing with the increase in population. In each successive birth souls are
lured into the world of sensual desires. The colour and richness of the
soul's basic attributes - bliss, knowledge, peace, love, joy, purity and

p o w e r h a v e f a d e d c o n s i d e r a b l y . T h e souls s i m p l y lose their d o m i n a n c e

over m a t t e r a n d b e c o m e slaves of m a t t e r in p r o p o r t i o n to the d e c l i n e in
their intrinsic energies. T h e intuitive s o u l - c o n s c i o u s n e s s that w a s n a t u -
rally p r e s e n t in t h e G o l d e n A g e is g r a d u a l l y r e p l a c e d by the lure of
matter. A s a result souls lose their ability to g o v e r n t h e m s e l v e s , a n d
maintain a subtle balance with nature.
T h e b r e a k i n g up of p a r a d i s e is a r e c u r r i n g t h e m e in t h e m y t h o l o -
gies o f the w o r l d . T h e ' S i n k i n g of A t l a n t i s ' a n d ' S i n k i n g o f D w a r k a '
arc t w o e x a m p l e s . T h i s ' s i n k i n g ' m a y be an a l l e g o r y f o r t h e s i n k i n g of
the c o n s c i o u s n e s s of the d i v i n e b e i n g s to that of h u m a n b e i n g s . A t t h e
end of the Silver A g e , the ' S u n ' a n d ' M o o n ' d y n a s t i e s that flourished
in the Indian s u b - c o n t i n e n t start to s p r e a d out f o l l o w i n g c a t a s t r o p h i c
c h a n g e s in t h e p h y s i c a l world.

The Copper Age {Drvapur yuga):

At t h e e n d of Silver A g e , w h e n the s o u l s lose their v i r t u o u s state
the e l e m e n t s of n a t u r e c o m b i n e to p r o d u c e c h a n g e s of c a t a s t r o p h i c p r o -
portions, b u r y i n g the p a r a d i s e w i t h o u t l e a v i n g a n y trace. H o w e v e r , the
deities of the lost p a r a d i s e are r e m e m b e r e d in m y t h s a n d l e g e n d s . T h e y
b e c o m e the f o c u s of our d e v o t i o n a n d w o r s h i p . T h e s e a r c h for the lost
paradise starts. T h i s is the age w h e n recorded history begins. T h e original
race is s c a t t e r e d o v e r the f a c e of earth, f o r m i n g p o c k e t s of c i v i l i z a t i o n
But these, in t h e f a c e of v e r y hostile c o n d i t i o n s , d e g e n e r a t e into p r i m i -
tive tribal societies. Large g r o u p s of i m m i g r a n t s f r o m India e m e r g e in
l'gypt, S u m e r i a a n d B a b y l o n c a r r y i n g r e m n a n t s of the m o s t e l e v a t e d
culture a n d t e c h n o l o g i e s . But these too d e c l i n e rapidly, not b e i n g a b l e
to o v e r c o m e the c h a l l e n g e s of v e r y harsh c o n d i t i o n s of n a t u r e . M y -
t h o l o g i e s of all t h e m a j o r a n c i e n t c i v i l i z a t i o n s m e n t i o n the 'lost
p a r a d i s e ' a n d t h e b e a u t i f u l g o d s a n d g o d d e s s e s w h o lived there. T h e s e
and the p a n t h e i s m p r e v a l e n t t o d a y p r o v e that o u r a n c i e n t c i v i l i z a t i o n s
have d e s c e n d e d f r o m the original deity civilization.
D i f f e r e n t i d e o l o g i e s e m e r g e in an e f f o r t to halt a n d rev erse t h e
fall in h u m a n c o n s c i o u s n e s s . But such e f f o r t s only lead to f u r t h e r w i d -
e n i n g of the g a p b e t w e e n d i f f e r e n t c u l t u r e s . In about 5 0 0 B C , A b r a h a m
creates a n e w religion under the f a t h e r h o o d of o n e S u p r e m e G o d . Jchova.
The r e l i g i o - s o c i o - p o l i t i c a l s y s t e m that d e v e l o p s a r o u n d him later di-
vides into Islam a n d J u d a i s m c o d i f i e d by M o s e s . In India. B u d d h a ar-

rives around 250 BC with his 'Noble Eight Fold Path of Righteousness,
but in the absence of knowledge of God, and any link with Him, the
entropic downfall gathers further momentum. Next comes Christ with
his gospel of love. He shows through his life that we should love each
other as brothers and sisters, and uphold the commandments of 'our
Father who art in heaven'. He further spreads the 'Good News' - 'You
have to be t w i c c - born to enter the K i n g d o m of H e a v e n ' .
Shankaracharya arrived in South India by about 500 AD initiating the
path of renunciation, isolation and pcnancc (Sanyas Dharam). This sect
spread the idea of God being omnipresent. By about 600 AD Mohammed
starts reforms within Islam that has degenerated since the time of
Abraham. Through the Koran he codifies Islamic practices and tries to
unify the scattered Islamic states under the banner of one God. Several
other sects appear in different parts of the world, all souls trying to
establish a relationship with God or a being higher than themselves
The human population grows in geometric proportion because of
new souls coming on to the drama stage. These souls are born into one
religion or the other because of their karmic accounts. The original
deity souls are dispersed all over the world, but the majority still re-
main in India. Some of them have converted themselves into other re-

The Iron Age (Kali Yuga):

It is the age of extreme degradation in moral, ethical and spiri-
tual values. The system of divine monarchy has been displaced with
anarchy and chaos in the guise of democracy. People act against them-
selves, others and nature. Perverse thinking permeates all levels of the
socicty. Total disruption in family life is reflected in the community, in
the city, in the nation and in the world. People have become dehuman-
ized in the pursuit of material ambitions. "Eat, drink and be merry" is
the catch phrase now. Respect is replaced by mistrust, conceit and sexual
promiscuity. The system of governance is out of gear. There is corrup-
tion and exploitation at each level. In spite of such degradation of the
social fabric and the consequent suffering the man in the street proudly
talks of the tremendous progress that science has made in the field of
medicine, agriculture, transportation, sophisticated weaponry and so
on. Though wc have ventured millions of miles into outer space, wc

have not advanced a millimetre into our inner space. The journey into
the inner spacc, the soul, is possible only when God, the Supreme Soul
descends to the theatre of action, the corporeal world in the Confluence
Atze. That auspicious Confluence Age is now on. So let us make the
best use of this one-time opportunity and transform ourselves using
Godly knowledge and practice of Rajayoga. As scientific understand-
ing of the EWD will be of great help for those who want to make such
serious effort at self- transformation, we shall now try to understand
the EWD from a scientific angle.
The Scientific Outlook on Eternal World Drama:
This creation is an eternal interplay of infinite space and cyclic
time with three point sources of energy, viz: the atom (physical energies
of nature), the souls and the Supreme Soul (metaphysical energies).
During the cycle of 5000* years the physical energy of nature (matter)
and the metaphysical energy of the souls pass through three stages of
existence: the Sato or pure stage, the Rajo or mixed stage and the Tamo
or impure stage. The cycle starts with the Golden Age when the physi-
cal energy in the form of the elements of nature, the biological energy in
the deities and other living beings, and the spiritual (metaphysical) en-
ergy of the deities were at their highest potential.
When the sentient metaphysical energy is at its highest potential,
the human soul, the sentient master, is able to command and control all
the insentient sources of energies at its will. When this spiritual energy
gets depleted as per the Law of Entropy through motion and vibrations
of thought and sound the 'master' is no longer able to command the

Xote: *
The cycle of 5000 years is also corroborated by scientific studies conducted by
the Environmental Science Services Administration (ESSA) of America using
magnometer . The current value of earth's magnetic moment (strength of earth s
magnetic field) is 8x1022 ampere meters squared. The data from these studies
have shown that the half-life of the earth's magnetic field is 2500 years.
Calculations based on data published so far indicate a magnetic cycle of 5000
years, at the end of which the magnetic moment changes again due to nuclear
explosions from which the core of the earth absorbs energy• to start once again
and complete another cycle of 5000 years, and thus it goes on endlessly one
cycle following another ad infinitum. Sourced from T h e Eternal World D r a m a
part 11. March 1985 by B.K. Jagdish Chander Hassija. published by Literature
Deptt. Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidvalaya. pages 194 and

p h y s i c a l / b i o l o g i c a l e n e r g y at its will. G r a d u a l l y , the w e a k e n e d soul be-

c o m e s a p r i s o n e r , so to say, t r a p p e d w i t h i n the b o d y w h i c h g a i n s d o m i -
n a n c e o v e r t h e f o r m e r . In o t h e r w o r d s , t h e f i v e s e n s e - o r g a n s of the
p h y s i c a l b o d y - e y e s , ears, t o n g u e , n o s e a n d skin - start r u l i n g o v e r t h e
m i n d a n d intellect of the soul. T h i s reversal o f c o n t r o l leads to w i d e -
spread d i s o r d e r s in the entire w o r l d w h e r e c o r r u p t i o n , v i o l e n c e , v i c e s of
lust, e g o , anger, a t t a c h m e n t a n d g r e e d h a v e their f r e e play. It is at this
j u n c t u r e o f utter c h a o s that the e n e r g y c y c l e s h a v e to be r e n e w e d , for
the d r a m a to go on eternally. T h i s is p o s s i b l e o n l y if at least o n e s e n t i e n t
soul is left w i t h o u t d e p l e t i o n of its spiritual energy. In o t h e r w o r d s , o n e
soul h a s to be b e y o n d the law of entropy. T h i s w o r l d d r a m a h a s b e e n
g o i n g on eternally, o n l y b e c a u s e such a soul d o e s exist, a n d that is w h a t
vvc call t h e S u p r e m e Soul or G o d . Let us f u r t h e r a n a l y s e t h e e t e r n i t y
part on s c i e n t i f i c lines.

The Eternity
T h e i n t e r p l a y b e t w e e n souls, n a t u r e a n d G o d , the S u p r e m e S o u l ,
g o e s on e t e r n a l l y b e c a u s c the t i m e a n d s p a c e for the ' p l a y ' are i n f i n i t e .
T h e s y m b o l for infinity (oo) s u g g e s t s s o m e t h i n g that has n o b e g i n n i n g
or e n d . W h e n w e sec time as a c y c l c w i t h n o b e g i n n i n g or e n d , t h e l a w
of c a u s c a n d c f f c c t , or action and r e a c t i o n o p e r a t e s forever. T h e W o r l d
D r a m a g o e s on eternally b e c a u s e e a c h p o i n t in the cyclic f l o w of e v e n t s
g i v e s c a u s e to the next point until it r e a c h e s the s a m e p o i n t that it be-
gins f r o m . C y c l i c t i m e implies that t h e r e can n e i t h e r be a b e g i n n i n g
nor an e n d to a n y t h i n g b c c a u s c e v e r y t h i n g e x i s t s in this w o r l d w i t h

The Energy Cycle

T h e u n i v e r s e is a c o m p l e x i t y of p h y s i c a l a n d m e t a p h y s i c a l ener-
gies that can n e i t h e r be c r e a t e d n o r d e s t r o y e d , a n d w h i c h arc b o u n d b y
t h e l a w of c a u s e a n d c f f c c t to a n e v e r - b e g i n n i n g , n e v e r - e n d i n g swirl of
c h a n g c s . T h e p r o c c s s of i n t e g r a t i o n a n d d i s i n t e g r a t i o n of f o r m s a n d
e v e n t s d o e s not cease, and the c o m p o n e n t s that m a k e up t h o s e f o r m s
a n d e v e n t s , a t o m s a n d souls, m e r e l y p a s s t h r o u g h a series of c h a n g c s o f
p o s i t i o n and function without losing their individual identity.
C y c l i c t i m e f u r t h e r implies that G o d creates n e i t h e r m a t t e r nor
souls but all t h e three f o r c e s c o - e x i s t a n d interact e t e r n a l l y to p r o d u c e

all phenomena causing the cyclic progression of the drama. Both the
physical energy and metaphysical energy are subject to the Law of
Entropy, which states that with time, energy which is going from the
potential state to kinetic state diminishes until there is nothing left. At
the beginning of the cycle, all things in nature and souls have the high-
est potential, which comes down with every action. And this potential
is restored at the end of the cycle. God is the only being who can carry
out this restoration because He never loses His intrinsic energy, as He
never passes through the proccss of entropy, remaining Almighty for
ever. This period of restoration of the energy potential is called the
Conflucncc Age as this is a transitional period when the old cycle ends
w ith the Iron-Age, and the new cycle starts with the Golden-Age again.

Rejuvenation of the Energy Cycles by

the Supreme Soul
The Supreme Soul or God, being ever incorporeal, docs not lose
His potential energy, and acts as the eternal powerhouse rc-charging
the myriad souls to their full potential. In fact, God is credited with
three Supreme Acts, viz: Generation or Creation of the new world;
Operation or sustenance of the new world order, and Destruction of the
old world of chaos. Thus the term 'God' is formed by the first syllables
of the three words describing the acts of the Supreme Soul. He is called
Shiva, which means the benefactor of all. He benefits the entire uni-
verse by transforming hell into heaven.
God intervenes in human affairs at a juncture when all souls are
depleted of their spiritual energy being trapped in the body. Being ig-
norant of the self as a sentient point of light, and with the five sense
organs of the body having taken control of the soul, the world has be-
come a virtual hell where the vices of lust, ego, anger, attachment,
greed etc. are the driving forces.
The Supreme Soul, being the eternal power house of spiritual
l metaphysical) energies, rejuvenates the human souls at the end of each
cycle by imparting knowledge about the self being a soul; about God,
the Supreme Father, Supreme Teacher, Liberator and Guide to all souls:
about the Eternal World Drama, and the eternal law of Karma, or the
law of cause and effect which sustains the drama eternally. He teaches
tins knowledge, and practice of Rajyoga meditation through which the

souls get closer to God. This, in turn transforms the souls by fdling them
with spiritual power and virtues. With the human souls getting restored
to their highest potential of spiritual energy, both living and non-living
matter (physical/biological energies) constituting the physical world which
provides the setting of the drama stage, too get recharged to their high-
est potential through the collective vibrations of power, purity, joy, love,
peace, wisdom and bliss. What is the motive force behind such a tre-
mendous transformation? If a single, most powerful factor is to be iden-
tified, the power of silence seems to be that one.
The Power of Silence
The power of silence was identified, as the single most power-
ful factor that helps to achicvc world transformation through self-trans-
formation. Let us sec what Bro. B.K. Jagdish Chander says about the
power of Silence in his book Science and Spirituality'.

Powers and Fruits of Silence

"By Silence is meant the quiescence of spirit, the calmness of
mind or the state of mental equipoise. Though silence of the tongue
helps to attain this state yet it is not to be identified with stillness of
speech; for, it is mainly a state of mind in which all turbulcnce has
ceased. It is attained and experienced when the Soul rests in the self
and in God, the Ocean of Peace. In this state the bubbling or muttering
of mind has stopped, the consciousncss has withdrawn from the outgo-
ing senses and all noises of vices have died away. It is not to be identi-
fied with dullness, sleep or total passivity. Rather, it is a state of height-
ened consciousness, actualization of the spirit and activity at a differ-
ent level of existence. It is a very powerful state, which can do greater
wonders than science. It energises the spirit so much that the latter
begins to radiate very powerful waves of peace and currents of a new
type of energy which revitalize the elements of matter and fill all things
with essence, energy, freshness and harmony. It is the only means of
reversing the entropy law and bringing all matter back into its original
state of high energy and vitality. Different from the physical and chemi-
cal actions, it is the only form of activity (activated state) or the state of
being which recharges the spirit with new energy and which, automati-

cally, conserves the material energy and, above all sets in a process of
bringing all things back to their pristine state of purity, power and peace
and heals the wounds inflicted by science on the earth and atmosphere."
Elaborating on the fruits of silence, Bro. Jagdish Chander contin-
ues: "The state of Silence, which comes by intense spiritual medita-
tion, gives man's mind the greatest relaxation, restfulness and refresh-
ment. Silence straightens man's thoughts, soothens his emotions and
gives him wonderful composure and enthralling calm. It restores inner
harmony and weeds out all disturbances and pains of the conscience.
Thus, it is far-far superior to all drugs and medication that is aimed at
bringing rest and relaxation to man's troubled mind, disturbed psyche
and turbulent emotions which cause even such grave diseases as can-
cer, hypertension, arthritis, rheumatic pain, heart attacks, asthma, al-
lergy, lack of resistance to onslaughts of diseases, fatigue, stress etc
The reason for this is that it prevents negative thoughts, emotional tur-
moil, trauma, mental fatigue and dissipation of useful energy by waste-
ful thoughts. Silence gives to man patience and peace so that there is
no increase in stimulation of Adrenal, Thyroid, Pituitary and Pineal
glands and, consequently, there is no hormonal disturbance or imbal-
ance and all the systems of the body work in unison and inner har-
mony... since mind in silence is undisturbed, calm and in a state of
purity it is able to comprehend Truth in its original grandeur. The mind,
being detached and withdrawn from the body and its sense organs, is
now rid of the shortcomings which hitherto affected it and thus it can
now understand the cosmos in its real nature Above all, man can
rediscover his own real identity only through silence, attained by means
of spiritual meditation... And surely man cannot have unalloyed joy,
constant happiness and spiritual bliss if he has not realised himself
through meditation and restful silence.... The state of calm and silence
puts to end all cravings for worldly things because there is no attain-
ment like it. It gives to man the treasure of divine wisdom and invalu-
able gift of heavenly peace and rare contentment and sense of
fulfilment... However, the greatest boon which silence showers on the
souls is its contact with God. It is in silcnce that the greatest mysteries
of consciousness and cosmos are revealed to man.... Silence is the key

which unlocks the door to sublime virtues and success and gives easy
access to God and bliss... It gives to the mind the ability to keep away
from the lure of sense objects. Above all, waves of silence move with
tremendous speed and force, toppling negative forces in the world and,
establishing, in their place, love and amity, compassion and compo-
sure, and peace and purity."

How to Attain the Power of Silence?

In order to taste the power of silence, you have to start with spiri-
tual meditation.. .you have to rest in the deep thought: "I am a peaceful
soul.. .the point source of sentient metaphysical energy that resides within
the brain... regulate the physical energies of the body... I now tran-
scend to my bodiless stage (Vidch Avastha) moving out of the brain...
I the bodiless soul (Videhi) station myself... eight inches above the
head within the auric field... Now I am an embodiment of all the seven
attributes of the soul and God, the Supreme Soul... In this bodiless state
I move to my original abode... the soul world... called Shanti Dham in
a fraction of a second ... sweet silence reigns over here... there is no
vibrations of thought—sound or motion here... 1 am in close contact
with my Supreme Father God Shiva... the eternal source of all the
seven spiritual energies... bliss... wisdom... peace... love... joy... pu-
rity. .. spiritual powers.... I am able to perceive those energies... as the
hues of VIBGYOR... I see violet photons of Shiv Baba merging with
those of mine to form a strong violet photon field of bliss.. .this energy
field of bliss spreads over the universe... kindles like-photon fields of
bliss in innumerable souls... such photon fields unite... to create waves
of bliss. I repeat this process of visualization perception, reception and
distribution with indigo photons of knowledge, blue photons of peace,
green photons of love, yellow photons of joy, orange photons of purity
and red photons of spiritual powers..."
Apart from practice of meditation, we have to realise that there
cannot be even an iota of silence and pcace if our mind hankers after
sense objects. When these worldly cravings and desires cease to push
and pull the mind, the mind becomes calm. In order to attain the superb

stale of s i l e n c e w e should h a v e this truth f i r m l y rooted in o u r m i n d that

o b j e c t s arc p e r i s h a b l e and sensual p l e a s u r e s are m o m e n t a r y . W c s h o u l d
d e v e l o p c o s m i c love, kindness, f o r g i v e n e s s , n o n - a t t a c h m e n t a n d s w e e t -
ness of t e m p e r ; should not a l l o w t h e w a v e s of irritability, j e a l o u s y ,
hatred and r e v e n g e to o v e r t a k e us; f o r this w e s h o u l d look to t h e lighter
side of the e v e n t s and p e r s o n s . W h e n y o u c o n s i d e r the self as an i n s t r u -
ment in t h e h a n d s of G o d a n d m a i n t a i n y o u r link with H i m , y o u will
a l w a y s s w i n g in silcnce a n d bliss. T h e n d i s t u r b a n c e will n e v e r t o u c h
YOU. To b e in a state of p e a c e , f o l l o w the d i c t u m . ' D o n ' t t h i n k e v i l ' ;
d o n ' t talk evil; d o n ' t see evil, d o n ' t h e a r evil. W h a t e v e r is b a s e d on
b o d y c o n s c i o u s n e s s is evil, as such t h o u g h t s , w o r d s a n d d e e d s d e p r i v e
us of s i l e n c e o r p e a c e , our original state of b e i n g .

We shall n o w try to integrate t h e s c i c n t i f i c c o n c e p t s like t h e L a w s

of T h e r m o d y n a m i c s a n d the C y c l i c S p a c e - t i m e C o n t i n u u m w i t h the
spiritual c o n c e p t s on the Eternal W o r l d D r a m a

The Laws of Thermodynamics

T h e First L a w of T h e r m o d y n a m i c s says that e n e r g y can n e v e r
be c r e a t e d or d e s t r o y e d ; it can o n l y be t r a n s f o r m e d f r o m o n e f o r m to
another. In this r e g a r d , it is i m p o r t a n t to c o n s i d e r that the s h a p e , t e x -
ture a n d m o v e m e n t s of t h i n g s are m a d e u p of energy; t h e h u m a n b o d y ,
an a u t o m o b i l e a n d a c a n d l e arc m a d e up o f v a r i o u s c o n c e n t r a t i o n s a n d
f o r m s o f energy. T h e e n e r g y r e q u i r e d f o r t h e s e w a s not c r e a t e d , but
was o n l y t r a n s f o r m e d . A n o t h e r i m p o r t a n t t h i n g to be c o n s i d e r e d is that
on b u r n i n g a c a n d l e , its e n e r g y d o e s not get d e s t r o y e d , but is t r a n s -
t o r m e d f r o m potential state to kinetic so that the total c o n t e n t of e n e r g y
in the u n i v e r s e r e m a i n s c o n s t a n t .

T h e S e c o n d L a w of T h e r m o d y n a m i c s , t h e L a w of E n t r o p y , s a y s
that e v e r y t i m e e n e r g y is t r a n s f o r m e d f r o m o n e state to a n o t h e r , t h e r e is
a loss in t h e a m o u n t of that f o r m of e n e r g y w h i c h b e c o m e s a v a i l a b l e to
p e r f o r m w o r k of s o m e kind. T h i s loss in the a m o u n t of a v a i l a b l e e n -
ergy is k n o w n as entropy. W h e n t h e p o t e n t i a l e n e r g y of coal is t r a n s -
formed into kinetic energy by b u r n i n g in a steam e n g i n e the total a m o u n t
oi e n e r g y r e m a i n s the s a m e but, d u r i n g t h e p r o c e s s of b u r n i n g , s o m e
Part of the coal is t r a n s f o r m e d into s u l p h u r d i o x i d e a n d o t h e r e x h a u s t s
h i c h s p r e a d into space, a n d t h u s b e c o m e u n a v a i l a b l e to b e b u r n t to

get the same work out of it. This kind of loss or wastage is called
Entropy. Thus, the Law of Entropy indicates that the total available
energy in the world is decreasing and the unavailable energy called
entropy is increasing in the form of pollution (exhausts). Hence the
world (a closed system) is moving towards a dissipated state wherein
energy moves from a higher level of concentration to a lower level; just
as heat always flows from a hot to a cold body until there is no longer
any difference in energy levels. At this state of equilibrium entropy (the
unavailable or bound energy, or pollution) in the world reaches its maxi-
mum, i.e. free energy is no longer available for work.
This universe is a closed system, which implies that it docs not
have any flow of energy from another universe; the earth is also a
closed system as it docs not exchange matter with its surroundings but
it does exchange energy. In other words the amount of energy in the
universe has been fixed since the beginning of time and will remain
fixed till the end of time. The universe has been compared to a clock
which is running down. If it is partially wound up at present, it must
have been wound up in the past in some manner.

The Spiritual Connotations of The Law of

The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that all energy in an
isolated system moves from an ordered to a disordered state. The state
in which energy concentration is highest and available energy is maxi-
mum, i.e. where entropy is minimum, there is a maximum order. That
state is called 'SatogunV or 'Satopradhan' state in Indian spiritual
terminology. In contrast, the state of maximum entropy where avail-
able energy has been highly dissipated, there is maximum disorder. It
is known as ' Tamoguni' o r ' Tamopradhan' state in Indian scriptures.
Scientists have observed that each localised, man-made or machine-
made decrease in entropy is accompanied by greater increase in en-
tropy of the surroundings, thereby maintaining the required increase
in total entropy. That means, in a closed system, entropy cannot be
reversed without increasing the entropy in the surroundings. This im-
plies, in real terms, that an outside source of energy is required to raise
the energy concentration without lowering the energy level in the sur-

rounding. This outside source of energy has been identified in spiritual-

ity as God, the 'Eternal Power House.' The process of rejuvenation of
spiritual energy by God based on the inviolable law of cause and effect,
and the resultant restoration of physical energy to its highest level has
been highlighted earlier in this chapter.
At present, we are witness to the deterioration and disorganisation
of the society due to degeneration in: its moral forcc, its spiritual stamina,
the vigour of its character, the effectiveness of its religion and law and
order. The moral and spiritual energy of the society have now degener-
ated to a state of maximum entropy so that, ultimately, God has to inter-
vene to reverse the entropy and bring back Satyuga or the Golden Age
when all material things have maximum energy concentration, i.e., are
' Satopradhan\ and the souls have maximum available moral and spiri-
tual energy. When God intervenes and reverses spiritual entropy by
means of Godly knowledge and Rajyoga, the material entropy gets re-
versed by means of the fission of nuclcar weapons, natural calamities
etc. so that the earth, the water, the air and their products regain the
maximum energy concentration or ' Satopradhan' stage. In other words,
when the society has passed through the four ages of Satyuga, Trctayuga,
Dwaparyuga and Kaliyuga, and is in the fifth age, the Sangam Yuga,
God descends to reverse the entropy.

The Cyclic Space-time Continuum

We shall try to understand the above scientific concept through
excerpts from what Rajyogi B.K. Jagdish Chander says in his book,
Science and Spirituality, especially in the chapter on 'New Paradigm
of Physics'.
In Einstein's view on the overall geometry of the cosmos or Space-
Time Continuum wherein the stars, meteors, earth and other planets
move, the Law of Entropy forms the base of the new paradigm of phys-
ics. Einstein suggested that the geometrical structure of the universe or
the curve of the cosmos as a whole is shaped by the sum of its material
content. For each concentration of matter in the universe, there is cor-
responding distortion of the Space-Time Continuum. Each celestial
body, each galaxy, each planet causes local irregularities in space-time
like eddies around islands in the sea. The greater the concentration of
matter, the greater the curvature of the whole space-time continuum.

The combined distortions produced by the structure of the gravitational

fields of all the innumerable masses of matter in the universe, causes
the Space-Time continuum to bend back on itself in a great, closed
cosmic curve. In other words, space, though finite, is unbounded and is
curved. Based on the average density of matter in the universe, some
scientists have even given the radius of this sphere.
Einstein has combined the concept of time and spacc. He ex-
plained that what we call a year is simply a measure of the earth's
progress in its orbit around the sun, and what we call an hour is actually
a measurement in spacc as an arc of 15 degrees in the daily rotation of
the earth. Thus, time which is always considered eternal, will bend back
on itself after a cosmic cycle. According to this geometry of the space-
time continuum, a sun-beam, setting out through space will return to its
sourcc completing the great cosmic cycle. B.K. Jagdish Chandcr says:
"Now referring to these concepts, I would like to suggest that we should
not consider the physical history of the cosmos and of man as rectilin-
ear but cyclic, for there are no straight lines in this four dimensional
space-time continuum. We should, instead have the paradigm of cyclic
order of events. The world docs not move always in one direction,
namely of dissolution but, after a period, the cycle repeats."
The Second Law of Thermodynamics, which forms an unshak-
able pillar of modern physics, unless understood in the framework of a
cyclic universe would contradict the geometry of the cosmos; the con-
cept of a beam of light closing in on itself after covering a cosmic
cycle, or the idea of a space-timc continuum which perpetuates through
endless cycles. Hcnce, it is suggested that the cyclic space-time con-
tinuum should form the basis of further studies in physics, astrophys-
ics etc. A school of thought already exists among contemporary theo-
rists who believe that the universe may be rebuilding itself. "In the
light of Einstein's Principle of Equivalence of Mass and Energy", it is
possible to imagine the diffused radiation in space congealing once
more into particlcs of matter—protons, neutrons and electrons - which
may then combine to form larger units which in turn may be collected
by their own gravitational influence into nebulae, stars etc. and thus
the life-cycle of the universe may be repeating for all eternity. Presup-
posing the possibility of such events as these, one might arrive ulti-
mately at the concept of the self-pcrpctuating universe, following its
cycle of formation and dissolution, order and disorder to never-ending

Sanskar Transformation is, in effcct, a change of consciousness.
When we are soul-conscious, as is the case in the Golden Age and
Silver Age, our sanskars are positive, full of divine virtues and powers.
When wc arc body-conscious, as is the ease in the Copper Age and Iron
Age, our sanskars arc negative, full of viccs like lust, anger, arrogance,
attachment, greed, jealousy, hatred, laziness ctc. These vices arc behind
all evil actions like corruption, adulteration, hoarding, extortion, dacoity,
terrorism, rape, murder etc.

State of Consciousness
The state of consciousness can be termed as the product of the
three faculties of the soul (mind, intellect and sanskars) working together
in a precise and integrated manner. The diagram below illustrates the
A thought arises in the mind from the sanskars. It is processed by
the intellect, which dccidcs whether to carry the thought into action or
not through the body. If the decision is to act, the experience of the
action is recorded in the soul as sanskar. In this way old sanskars are
modified either by strengthening or weakening according to the actions
performed. In case a thought is not carried through into action, it is
simply tossed back into the pool of sanskars. The positive latent qualities
or sanskars can be brought to the surfacc of the mind only through
intervention by the intellect.
Consciousness is the springboard for thought, decisions and
actions; the soul reacts to external circumstances according to what it
feels itself to be at that particular moment. A surgeon is able to perform
surgery when he has the consciousness of being a surgeon. That very
consciousncss gives the soul access to all information and experience
related to being a surgeon. This self identity affects the way
consciousness works. My state of consciousncss affects my mental state,
attitude and vision; these in turn affect the actions I perform and the
situations in which I find myself. Broadly speaking the consciousncss

can either be related to the soul or to the body. When I am soul-conscious,

I have inner strength, and my tendencies and talents are reflected in the
form of virtues. When I am body-conscious, the self is weak and my
original tendencies emerge as vices. Thus, vices arc virtues that have
lost their direction and power.
In body-consciousness, I am tossed continually like a piece of
cork on the high seas at the mercy of the waves of circumstances which
present themselves based on the law of cause and effect. In this state of
spiritual insecurity vices or negative forces are born. The basis of sexual,
social and religious prejudices is the vision and classification of others
as their respective bodies, cultures or social customs. As I am attached
to my physical self-image, I become trapped in the world of names and
forms, and limit myself to the conditions of the placc, time and
circumstances that arc surrounding me. When I am body-conscious, I
sec others with the same consciousness. Then I don't sec individuals
as they really are, and instead put them into compartments of national,
cultural and racial backgrounds, or into those of age, sex, profession,
social status etc.
In the soul-conscious state, I have a vision of the self as a tiny dot
of conscious light energy distinct from the physical body and its

identities. This awareness changes the patterns of the thought-dccision-

action chain from negative to positive. When I am soul-conscious, I
becomc aware that I, the soul, the point source of spiritual energy camc
into this physical body to play a role, and I will leave it when this
particular role ends. Other people arc also souls playing roles through
their bodies. With the awareness that the actor, role and costume are
separate, but connected, I pay more attention to the way I am playing
my role. I can't change others, but I can tunc my role as situations
require me to do.

Inter-Connection at Macro Level

The state of the self and the state of the environment are intimately
interconnected through the mind, body, relationships and society. A
healthy state of each one of these factors will make the world a better
place to live in. The original, healthy states of all the six factors are
given below. The original qualities of the Self arc Bliss (balance), Truth
( knowledge), Peace, Love, Joy, Purity, Power and so on. The original
qualities of the Mind arc: Positivity, Harmony, Balancc, Discipline etc;
the original qualities of the Body arc: Disease-Free, Vitality, Balancc
etc: the original states of the Relationships arc: Harmony, Rcspcct,
Sincerity etc; the original qualities of Socicty are Order, Co-operation,
Justice, Tolerance etc; the original qualities of Environment are:
Cleanliness, Harmony,
Balancc etc. The States of all
the six factors arc
interdependent. From the
diagram we can see that the
state of the environment or
society e n c o m p a s s e s all
other states. The seed of both
the p r o b l e m s and the
solutions is the state of the
self. To change the self is to
changc the world. The chain
of awareness-thought-
cyclically repeats based on
the law of cause and effect.

Body-consciousness creates a negative chain and soul-consciousness

creates a positive chain.
Five Types of T h o u g h t s
1. Waste Thoughts: those that have nothing to do with reality. These
can include doubts, excuses, the creation and continuance of
unrealistic fantasies (building castles in the air), worry about
trivialities, confusion, misunderstandings and paranoia.
2. Negative Thoughts: those that have their origin in vices such as
anger, greed, ego, lust, attachment, laziness ctc.
3. Necessary Thoughts: those connected with the exercise of one's
family, professional, social or other responsibilities. This would
include the responsibility of looking after one's health and hygiene.
4. Ordinary Thoughts: those associated with mundane matters, news
and views about situations.
5. Elevated Thoughts: those related to meditative introspection,
c o n t e m p l a t i o n on aspects of spiritual k n o w l e d g e or self-
development and spiritual scrvicc of others - real creative thinking.
There are two kinds of atmospheres. One is the physical air around
us; the other is the subtle vibration that our thoughts create in a particular
spacc. The panic that people generate during a tragedy, or the euphoria
of victory in a championship game are examples of how thoughts create
an atmosphere. That thoughts affect matter is evident from the finding
that over 90 percent of the bodily illnesses have a psychosomatic origin.
The international political, economic and social atmosphere is the
collective cffcct of the thoughts of all people.
C h a n g i n g the Consciousness
We have already discussed the interconnection between the
faculties of the soul - mind, intellect and scmskars; and also how the
quality of their interaction depends on the self-identity or consciousness
about the self as body or soul. My state of consciousness affccts my
mental state, attitude, vision and desires. These in turn affect the actions
I perform and situations in which I find myself (the effect of actions i.e.
When there is the desire for pure experience and realisation of
the importance of the quality of thought, then the intellect selects those
seeds (thoughts) that will bear the desired fruit. If I desire peace,

contentment, love, joy and power I will try to eradicate those thoughts
ami sanslcars, which arc the seeds of disharmony and peacelessncss.
Positive and negative experiences recorded as sanskars often battle with
each other for space on the scrcen of the mind. My original state is the
highest state of my consciousness. To get back to that highest state
again I use the tools of my mind-thoughts and emotions. I perceive the
height of my goal through the intellect. I move towards the goal using
the know-how in sanskars, the tools of m i n d - t h o u g h t s and emotions;
using determination or will-power of the intellect, and by keeping doubts
at bay.
Will Power:
It is my ability to put into practice the ideals I know to be for my
well-being and to resist harmful activities. In a weak soul, intellect
plays no role in determining which thoughts arise in the mind; they
come as if driven by the sanskars (in the form of habits) or are triggered
by the atmosphere, or by the moods of others.
Wc have seen, in the foregoing paragraphs that transformation of
sanskar is in effect changing the state of consciousness which is the
product of interaction between the three faculties of the self - mind,
intellect and sanskars.
It will be useful to have a fresh look into the original state of the
self (soul) in order to be able to change the state of consciousness.

Interconnection at Micro Level

Wc can see the interconncctcdness of the seven attributes of the
soul at the micro level. (Sec the diagram)
I am originally a point of sentient light fully charged with spiritual
(metaphysical) energy that naturally manifests as truth (knowledge),
peace, love, joy, purity, power and bliss (balance) when I first comc
mto this world. These innate qualities or attributes of the soul arc so
basic that they are the basis of all virtues and powers.
Truth, an original attribute of the soul and Supreme Soul, is the
true knowledge of the self, the Supreme and the eternal drama. It is
represented by the primary colour indigo.
Peace, an original attribute of the soul and Supreme soul is
represented by the primary colour blue.
Love, another original attribute of the soul and the Supreme Soul,
's represented by green colour—a mixture of blue and yellow. When

wc cxpcricncc love, peace and joy are also experienced.

Joy or happiness, yet another original attribute of the Soul and
the Supreme Soul is represented by yellow, a primary colour.
Purity is the original attribute of the Soul and the Supreme Soul.
It is represented by orange colour - a mixture of yellow and red. Hencc,
in the state of purity there is a balance of power and joy.
Spiritual power, another original attribute of the soul and the
Supreme Soul, is represented by the primary colour red. The eight
powers arc different shades of red. .
Bliss, the core attribute of the soul and Supreme Soul, is
represented by violet —a mixture of red and indigo. Hence, in this
state of being wc arc in a state of balance betw een truth and power. A
blissful soul is full of both wisdom and spiritual powers.
The S e c o n d a r y Qualities of T h e Soul
Virtues are secondary qualities springing f r o m myriad
combinations of the seven basic attributes mentioned above.
We can understand the functioning of the human soul in a better
way using the analogy of the animal cell. An animal cell has three
major components—the nucleus, ccll body (protoplasm) and the cell
membrane.(See diagram - SOUL - THL NON MATERIAL CELL )

) i ; i _ H I E \ ( > N MATERIAL CELL

C/cll body = Mind

( K mi) t i o it a 1 Self) S e c o n d a r y
quallies or virtues a p p e a r as
1 houghts. desires etc.

N uck us = Sanskar
(Sub-conscious; Mind) original or
primary qualities
( ell membrane - Intellect
(Rational Sell") Tertiary Qualities
or V a l u e s , belief s y s t e m s ,
discrimination, decision,

The nucleus of the biological cell holds the genetic material that
determines the individual identity of a organism. In the same way the
individual personality of a human being is determined by the sanskars,
which can be said to be the genetic coding of the soul. Just as the
metabolic activities in the ccll body are based on the genctic information
held in the nucleus, the quality of mental activities like thoughts, desires,
feelings, visions etc. are primarily based on sanskars. Just as the cell
membrane selectively permits different molecules of nutrients into the
cell body, the intellect acts as a screening and monitoring dcvicc
determining which influences from the environment should be processed
and which ignored. It also determines which thoughts, desires or vision
prompted by sanskars should be acted upon. The intellect can change
'he genetic codc of sanskars by focusing its attention on the original
attributes and causing pure, virtuous thoughts to emerge on the mental
screen. It can weaken negative sanskars by not allowing the related
thoughts to reach the level of action. When the power of discrimination
! the intellect is weak, the negativ e sanskars, the negative vibrations of
!ie environment and moods of other people easily make an impression
'n the mind, making it very turbulent and peaceless.
In order to be virtuous continually I must maintain soul-
consciousness—the aw areness that I am an eternal soul with the original
'' ibutes of truth, peace, love, joy. purity, power and bliss. If I am able

to maintain this awareness, virtues will have a field day. In other words,
the chain of Awareness - Thought - decision-action-result becomes
positive. Intellect is the faculty that can ensure that this positive chain
is maintained, but the strength required to determine which thoughts
arise in the mind will be available to the intellect only when we are soul-
conscious. When we are not soul-conscious wc are naturally body-
conscious, and in this state of consciousness the chain of awareness,
thought-decision-action-rcsult becomes negative. At any moment, positive
and negative thoughts arising from experiences recorded as sanskars
vie with each other for space on the screen of the mind. Thoughts
coloured by emotions alternate between fear and determination as
propelled by the sanskars. The intellect fights to choose between the
oscillating flow of thoughts. Finally, the intellect decides to act positively,
drawing on sanskars of couragc, and victory is experienced.

Change of Consciousness Through

the Entire Cycle
Rajyoga empowers the intellect to exercise the power of
discrimination to choose positive thoughts. Yoga means a mental
connection or union achieved through remembrance. Intellect, the
rcceptaclc of knowledge, is that which understands and remembers
too. As long as the intellect remains focused on a person or thing the
soul experiences its qualities through the faculty of the mind. When the
intellect contemplates on my original attributes, these original qualities
reappear naturally. The original sanskars are within me, but I have to
let them become thoughts and keep them flowing. The memory of the
freedom and peace of the original state is indelibly recorded in the
sanskars of every soul. These positive experiences were based on
desires and feelings on the screen of the mind arising out of the original
primary and secondary qualities recorded as sanskars of the soul during
the first half of the cycle, comprised of the Golden Age and Silver Age.
We were known as divine beings or deities called gods and goddesses
(devtas and devis) during the first half of the cycle of the Eternal
World Drama. The deities were naturally soul-conscious. During the
second half of the cycle, they gradually became attached to the five
sense organs for seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and touching, and
material objects forgetting their original attributes. Then their ability to

harmonise with matter was supplanted by matter's control over them.

When this happens, they cease to be a deity or divine being. They
come to be known as human beings since the starting of the Copper
Age and continue to be naturally body-conscious till the end of Iron
Age, when God Shiva incarnates in His corporeal medium -
Prajapita Brahma or Adi Dev (Adam) - and reveals the truth about
the soul, the Supreme Soul (God) and the eternal world drama.
Based on this knowledge, Rajyoga (RY) is practised by Brahma and his
mouth- born children called Brahma Kumars and Brahma Kumaris
(BKs.). The BKs. are engaged in the process of self transformation
through RY, which encompasses the three faculties of the soul-mind,
intellect and sauskars. RY, in a broad sense, is a way of life wherein
spiritual knowledge (Gyan), meditation {Yoga), inculcation of virtues
(Dharana) and service (Seva) arc the four pillars that sustain the yogic
life. In RY meditation I use my most natural endowment of thinking to
come to the realisation: I am the soul with the faculties of mind, intellect
and sanskars. With the supcrluminal speed of a thought, I dctach myself
from the cagc of the body and fly to the soul world where I can experience
my original state. Through the practice of soul-consciousness and
meditation I can remain strong and contented internally, come what
may. I, the soul can fly to my eternal home and experience my own
original attributes at any time, wherever I am, inside a room or on the
road; at home or at work; in the city or in the countryside.
The state of consciousness is the product of interaction between
mind, intellect andsanskar. When we are soul-conscious, the original
qualities of truth, peace, love, joy, purity, power and bliss as well as
the secondary qualities of divine virtues naturally emerge on the
screen of mind as thoughts, desires, visions, feelings and so on. Due
to the interconnectedness of the primary and secondary qualities, by
focusing our attention or intellect on any of these qualities for a period
of time we are able to change the state of our consciousness.
Another aspcct of the secondary qualities which come into play
more frequently in our day-to-day life, is that these are linked to human
relationships. In RY we establish the same relations with God Shiva,
the incorporeal Supreme Soul. Another aspect of the secondary qualities
which come into play more frequently in our day-to-day life, is that
these are linked to human relationships. In RY we establish the same
relations with God Shiva, the incorporeal Supreme Soul as shown in the

diagram in Ch.9. Wc can achieve sanskar transformation most naturally

by tuning our consciousness to these relationships with God. A sample
list of relationships and the related virtues is given below so that we can
focus our intellect on different virtues and experience the sweetness of
the relations through the mind. God Shiva, being our Supreme Father,
wc will henceforth lovingly call Him Shiv Baba.

Divine Virtues Linked To

Seven Relations with Shiva Baba
S11 p r e 111 e S u p r e in e Supreme Supreme

Teacher Mother Father Preceptor

Discipline Introvertness Tirelessness Detachment
Honesty Self-confidence Appreciation Obedience
Generosity Humility Determination Farsightedness
Orderliness Sweetness Concentration Asceticism
Reality Tolerance Plainness O b s e r v e r state
Good wishes Cleanliness Sobriety Aloofness


Humour Serenity Lghtness
Contentment Coolness Cheerfulness
Simplicity Mercifulness Fearlessness
Truthfulness Benevolence Worrvless-ness
Politeness Co-operation Hgoless-ness
Equality Courage Royalty

Self Transformation and World Transformation

through Power of Silence
As already discussed, in the state of silence the self (soul) is in its
original state, replete with all the seven original attributes - bliss,
knowledge, peace, love, joy, purity, and power. These spiritual energies
are also governed by the quantum principles applicable to physical
energies. God and the souls being discrete, sub-atomic particles of

consciousness or sentient light, the seven attributes mentioned above

are manifestations of the sentient light or consciousness. These subtle
energies profoundly affect physical biological energies of non-living
and living matter respectively. The seven hues of VIBGYOR. the light
spectrum, have different wavelengths and frequencies, and so do the
seven attributes; each being a sentient light energy, comprised of sub-
atomic particles called photons. Thus, we can sec that photons of violet
that have the shortest wavelength and highest frequency relate to the
subtlest attribute of bliss, the indigo photons relate to knowledge or
wisdom, the blue photons relate to peace, the green photons relate to
love , the yellow photons relate to joy, the orange photons relate to the
energy of purity and the red photons relate to the energy of spiritual
powers. In the spiritual meditation described in Ch. 9 we create quantum
fields of the seven spiritual energies that produce a profound effect on
five gross elements of matter, both at the micro and macro levels, i.e.,
in the physical body and the universe at large. The collective positive
vibrations of these photon fields arc so potent that the whole creation is
transformed from a state of maximum entropy or dissipated energy, as
in the Iron Age, to the state of highest energy concentration where
available energy is maximum, as is the case in the beginning of Golden
The concept of eternal world drama described in Chapter-3 and
Carl Jung's theory of 'synchronicity' or meaningful coincidence have
much in common. The world drama is eternal, as it repeats cyclically,
and each event in the drama is a meaningful c o i n c i d e n c e or
synchronicity. Each event is a link within the chain of events, each of
these is the effcct of the preceding event which was the causc of its
succeeding event. Things happened because you were in that place at
that time. We might think of this as an accident of geography, but new
experiments show our desires, our intents arc so powerful a force in
nature that it can literally organise space-time events. These
coincidences are, in fact, manifestations of our desires.
The critical mass required for an atomic explosion also has its
relevance in the proccss of world transformation. There is such a mass
of people today who arc conscious of their spiritual evolution through
the integration of the material, psychological and spiritual realms and
they are soon going to achievc that critical mass. As their desires and
intents are so potent a force that they can organise space-time events,

there will naturally be catastrophic changes in the entire planet, leading

to destruction of the Iron Aged world and re-establishment of the Golden
Aged world. This critical mass of people create a quantum field of
spiritual energy and intelligence, and it is thi s energy field that brings out
such a profound change.


We shall make an effort to integrate the scientific theories on
quantum field of energy and intelligence with the spiritual concepts of
the soul and the eternal world drama.

The Quantum Theories

The 'Quantum Hypothesis' was originally evolved in the year
1900 by Max Planck. He hypothesized that energy was not emitted as
an unbroken stream or something continuous, but as discontinuous bits
or discrete portions which he called 'quanta'. He specified the amount
of discreteness by a numbcr-'h', later called Plank's constant. Einstein,
in 1905, carried the quantum theory into a new domain, when he
postulated that all forms of radiant energy - light, heat, X-rays etc.
actually travel through space in separate and discontinuous 'quanta'.
Sensation of colours red, yellow, blue etc. arises from the bombardment
of our retinas by light quanta which differ from each other because of
their various frequencies. Einstein applied the quantum theory to what
is known as photo electric effect wherein he demonstrated that when a
beam of violet light strikes a metal plate, electrons are ejected from the
plate at a higher frequency compared to yellow or red light. He showed
that the intensity of the ejected radiation was proportional to the number
of photons ejected, but the frequency of ejected photons depended on
the colour (i.e. wavelength) of the light falling on the plate and not on
the intensity. Einstein theorized that all light is composed of individual
particles or grains of energy called photons. The frequency of the ejected
photons of violet and ultraviolet radiation is higher as they have more
energy than red and infrared photons that have lower frequency. Einstein
expressed these principles in a series of equations which won him the
Nobel Prize. The television is based on Einstein's photo electric law.
Later, Einstein's formula in regard to quantity of brownian motion
conclusively proved that liquids are also composed of discrete particles
or 'quanta' called molecules which being in a state of constant and
random agitations caused the movement of suspended particles.
Quantum theory now substantiates that solids, liquids, and gases and
all forms of radiation including light are made up of discrete particles.

Theories of Quantum Physics versus Teachings of

Brahma Kumaris Spiritual University
Research on quantum physics has established that everything in
this physical universe is an interplay of atoms, the point sources of
physical energy. "There is an intimate relationship between insights of
quantum field theory, neurobiology and some, not all, Ayurvedic
concepts... Research has proved that every time we have an insightful
awareness or strong emotions, they change bodies' chemistry with a
flux of neurons. The discovery of ncuro-peptides in our gut which
behave exactly like neurons in our brain, and the fact that there is a
network of information and energy among the nervous, the endocrine
and the immune systems are explained in Vedanta as a network wc call
consciousness... Today we know that meditation works by neutralising
our biochemical toxins with serotonin, intcrleukin and interferon which
are being studied as an antidote to immune cell diseases like cancer
and ageing .... There are exciting new correlates between Schrocdcr's
and Stephen Hawking's theory of quantum field physics and Krishna's
reference to the field of consciousness or Kshetra.... After researching
old and new sources, I believe one could accurately explain the universe
as a manifestation of a conscious energy field or intelligence. When
Krishna refers to Kshctragya which means, 'knower of the field,' it fits
in well with the whole idea of morphogenetic fields that maintain
balance in the universe. Haw king's theory of a quantum field of energy
and intelligence—a field he describes as beyond space and time with
no beginning and no ending - i s like Apurna Veda's assertion: 'If you
divide infinity with infinity you get infinity'... Hawking's is the
fundamental premise of modern physics: quantums are the smallest
indivisible units of energy and information, just as photons are of light,
electrons are of electricity and gravitons arc of gravity. But every
physicist knows that these units arc 0.00001 percent empty spaces.
Similarly, the human body is proportionately void. Life resides in a
subatomic cloud and in this void ideas are quantum events" 1 . These
excerpts from an interview with Dr. Deepak Chopra clearly bring out
the correlation between spiritual concepts in ancient Indian scriptures
and the theory of the Quantum Field of Energy and Intelligence.

b hxivrpisfrom un exclusive interview of Dr. Deepak Chopra to Prabha Chandrun
published in India Today Plus, second quarter 1998, pages 102 and 103.

Wc can see that the spiritual teachings of Brahma Kumaris relating

to the soul, the Supreme Soul and the eternal world drama intimately
tally with the insights of quantum field theory mentioned above.
Quantum physics believes you can study the invisible from the visible,
the macro from the microcosm. Quantum principles governing physical
energy are equally applicable to metaphysical energy. These principles
show that God can only be a discrete particle, an infinitesimal point of
light, for light is the ultimate form of energy. God, the Supreme Soul
and the souls being discrete, subatomic particles of consciousness or
sentient light, the seven attributes of bliss, knowledge, peace, love, joy,
purity and power are m a n i f e s t a t i o n s of the sentient light or
consciousness. This being conscicnt light energy, can be correlated to
the seven hues of VIBGYOR. In the Raj yoga meditation practised and
taught by Brahma Kumaris, the practiscr contemplates on the seven
attributes of God one by one, creating quantum fields of spiritual energy,
which leaves profound effects on matter, both at the micro level (physical
body) and the macro level (the universe). The collective positive
vibrations are so potent that the whole creation is transformed from a
state of maximum entropy or dissipated energy as in the end of Iron
Age to a state of highest energy concentration where available energy
is maximum, as is the case in the beginning of Golden Age. The eternity
of the world drama and the renewal of energy cycles by God as discussed
in Ch.3 relate well w ith the concept of'Cyclic Space-Time Continuum',
and the Law of Entropy.
Carl Jung's theory of synchronicity or meaningful coincidence
may now be compared with the concept of the eternal world drama.
The world drama is eternal as it repeats cyclically; each event in the
drama is a meaningful coincidence or synchronicity. Each event is a
link within the chain of events; each event is the effect of the preceding
event, and the cause of the succeeding event. The synchronicity or
coincidence is a manifestation of our desire or our intent, and it is so
powerful that it can literally organize space-time events, its origin is in
our consciousness or soul. This again highlights the supremacy of the
metaphysical energy or the sentient soul over the insentient physical
In Ch.3 we briefly mentioned meta-biological or spiritual
evolution while discussing the concept of'critical mass' in relation to
w orld transformation. The following excerpt from Dr. Deepak Chopra's

interview 2 sheds more light on the process of spiritual evolution: "There

is a choice maker in every one of us. Everything we do is an
interpretation or choice. Experiments have shown, this choice maker
over rides our brain commands... Our choice maker is also the basis of
mcta-biological evolution. There is a consciousness in the raw material
of nature, a ccllular memory without which we cannot understand
biology. This, the Vcdas called our sanskaras Spacc-timc events
arc created by karma, but our sanskara or vasna, this is the software of
the soul" As Dr. Chopra indicates, the meta-biological evolution is based
on the 'software of the soul'- the sanskara. This process of evolution
expresses itself in the cyclic repetition of the eternal world drama. The
innumerable cycles of energy in the realms of matter and spirit manifest
at different levels of consciousness - mind, intellect and sanskara.
From God's revelations through the corporeal mediums BKs know
that the 'critical mass' of people conscious of their spiritual evolution
is soon going to be accomplished. As their desire and intent are so
potent a force that it can organise space-time events, there will naturally
be catastrophic changes in the entire planet leading to the re-
establishment of the Golden Age. All of us need to put all our might -
material, psychobiological and spiritual - into this universal endeavour
under the Supreme guidance of the Almighty, Supreme Intellect, the
eternal source of spiritual (metaphysical) energy. Let us all collcctivcly
make the final thrust to create the 'critical mass'—the quantum field of
spiritual energy and intelligence. We must ensure wc are part of this
'critical mass' now, in order to be part of the Golden Age. Let us not
forget God Shiva's warning: 'It is now or never'.

The Reality
Wc shall now examine how modern science substantiates the above
spiritual knowledge through excerpts from Dr. Deepak Chopra's speech 1
in which he shared some insights on the relationship between the body,
mind and spirit, universal consciousness and the physical world.

2. Excerpts from an exclusive interview of Dr. Deepak Chopra to Prahha Chandran
published in India Today Plus, second quarter 1998. page 103.
3. Lecture by Dr. Deepak Chopra on Jan. 6. 2006 at Academy for Better World.
Civan Sarovar. Mount Abu.

Dr. Chopra first talked about the Newtonian model of reality that
dominated science for at least 300 years. It says- "You and I are physical
machines that have learned how to think". Dr. Chopra said: "This view
gave rise to the industrial age which was extremely successful... But
in the field of medicine, this materialistic view of the universe is found
to be incomplete. We find that the mechanisms of illness and origin
of illness are different. This origin has its base in how we live our
lives, and that includes not only eating, digestion, and metabolism,
hut also how we experience the world through our senses. It also
includes our inner consciousness - how we think, how we feel, how
we perceive who we are, our sense of self, our feelings, our desires,
memories and dreams. The inner world that no one else has access
to, is constantly shaping our biology. Health is the return of the
memory of wholeness, a higher state of consciousness in which you
spontaneously make choices that are nurturing, not only to your well-
being, but are nurturing the well-being of others, are nurturing to
the well-being of the eco-system, the web of intelligence of which we
are an integral part.
"The human body appears like an anatomical frozen sculpture
when you sec anything through the senses, but the human body is
actually a very dynamic field of molecules, a very dynamic field of
energy; the human body is even in a dynamic exchange of the elements
and forces of the universe.... The Greek philosopher Heroclites said
that you should think of the human body something like a river. Just
like you cannot step into the same river twice because new water is
flowing in, the real you cannot step into the same flesh and bones
twice.. .you can examine this very scientifically- Every time you breath
in, you breath in 1022 atoms from everywhere else, every time you breath
out, you breath out 1022 atoms; these atoms have their origin in every
cell of your body. So at the atomic level we are sharing our organs with
each other. The great American poet Walt Whitman said: 'Every atom
that belongs to you also belongs to me'. We can prove today, through
radioactive isotope experiments that right this moment you have in
your physical body at least a million atoms that were in the body of
Buddha or Michelangelo or Jesus Christ .. ..and so on.. In one year you
replace 98% of all the atoms in your body. At the atomic level, you
replace your stomach lining every five days; your skin oncc a month;
your skeleton every three months; even the DN A which holds the genetic
material holding memories of millions of years of evolutionary time.

the actual raw material of DNA, the carbon, the hydrogen, the nitrogen
- comes and goes every six weeks like migratory birds... my personal
body two years ago is dead and gone, but you will agree that this is the
scientific proof of life after death because, every day, I and my
consciousness are out living molecules on which I ride, I am riding
these molecules, but I am not the molecules 1 ride... this skin comes
and goes every month. They reincarnate once a month, but they don't
forget the pleasure and pain; my stomach cells change every five days,
but they don't forget how to make hydrochloric acid as they incarnate
and re-incarnate every five days.. .so it is very obvious that n'c are not
our physical bodies... When Dadiji said, 'Main aur Mera '—she meant
the same scientific fact -'you are not your physical bodies '...So don't
confuse the horse with the rider; I am riding these molecules, but I am
not the molecules I ride. The body is made up of atoms; what arc the
atoms made up of?
"Today science tells us that these atoms are made up of
subatomic particles; these particles are moving at lightning speed around
large empty spaces. These subatomic particles which we call electrons,
photons and mesons... are not material things, it's a fluctuation of energy
and information in a huge void. This information and energy is vibrating
at subatomic level at the speed of light - at 186 miles per second or 300
km per second. So if I could see through the eyes of a quantum physicist,
(hen 1 will see a huge emptiness, i.e. 99.9% ofyour body will be empty
space and 0.001% of it will be fluctuations of energy and information
that are blinking on and off at the speed of light. The whole universe is
made of this empty space; the whole material w orld is made out of
nothing. So the fundamental question of science today is what is this
nothingness from where \vc have all come 7.... Again we have to go to
the Sufi Jalaluddin Rumi because lie says that 'we have come spinning
out of nothingness scattering stars like dust'. Ifyou look at these words-
'spinning out of nothingness' this is within your power. What is a
thought? Where do the thoughts come from? Today scientists tell us,
these subatomic particles of energy and information are not energy
and information either, they are fields of possibilities, floating as
possible energy, as possible information, waiting for a conscious
observer to ask a question.
" So at the most fundamental level, the universe is neither energy,
nor information, nor space, nor time, nor matter, but a field of
possibilities, a field ofpotentialitics. Held ofpurc consciousness that is

waiting to be asked questions.... Science tells us that the world appears

lo be continuous, but actually it is a discontinuityjust like a movie that
appears to be continuous on the screen, but if you go to the projection
room you find the movie is a series of still frames with gaps in between.
When the reel is moved fast enough, I don't see the gap I see only the
still frames- one series of still frames and another series of still frames
-1 sec continuity on the screen, but the fundamental fact is that there is
discontinuity, a gap in between, i.e. there is an on, there is an off. So
the continuity is ' m a y a - a perceptual artifact, the reality is discontinuity,
on-off, on off. Similarly, when you see a Christmas tree, the light going
around the tree is an illusion, actually, no light is going around the tree,
it's only the light bulbs going on and off in a sequence... because the
eye is such an instrument that can see the on, and not the off in a
particular frequency, it creates a continuity in my consciousness; the
reality is our senses are unreliable...Dadiji said
something as vibrations — the whole universe is vibrations of on-
o f f . . .you can see me because light is hitting your retina on-off, on
off; as a result of this on-off action potential going to the brain, an
on-off binary code is created. As a result of on-off binary code you
can see me... so all sensory experiences are because of the on-off
binary code in the cell membrane of a neuron. How do neurons interact
W illi atmosphere, nobody knows...If every thing is on-off, we know,
on is subatomic vibrations, what is in the off? Today scientists refer to
the off of the universe as discontinuity. Now you are listening to me,
() K. just turn your attention to who is listening; when you are listening
to me, become aware of the listener, and if you feel a presence that's
your soul. It's not your mind. In that presence thoughts come and go,
in that presence emotions come and go, in that presence perceptions
of the world come and go; in that presence the molecules of your
body come and go; every thing comes and goes, only the presence
remains. Our great Rishis said - hold on to that presence, that is the
only real thing about you... So the spiritual presence is in the
discontinuity, OK in the flash between this and this is the
presence.. .Every image, every sound, every touch, every taste, every
smell is an on-off binary code in your cell membrane; but between
the on and the off is the presence in whom the on-off takes place and
that's all our reality. The world exists only in consciousness.

Consciousness conceives, governs, constructs the mind, and the

biology to become the universe".

We shall now discuss the five things out of a lot that science
tells about discontinuity—as presented by Dr. Deepak Chopra:
"In the discontinuity, there is no energy, there is no space, there
is no time and there is no physical object... Then, what is that
discontinuity? The best answer that scicncc gives is:
1. It is a pure potentiality i.e. the immeasurable potential for
space, time, energy and matter, i.e.. the immeasurable potential for all
that was, all that is, and all that will ever be.
2. Non-local c o r r e l a t i o n - It's a phenomenon which was first
described in 1935 by Albert Einstein who was not friendly to the laws
of quantum physics because they violated the laws of relativity. As per
the laws of relativity nothing can move faster than light. The non-local
coordination also known as 'Einstein Prodosky Rosen Effect' or "John
Belt Theorem" says that in the discontinuity, everything is instantly
connected with everything else and this instant correlation is without
the exchange of energy or information signals. Let us say, wc have two
sub-atomic particles and they collidc, exchange energy with each other
and one goes here and one goes there, and they are millions of light-
years away. If I observe the position and momentum of one, I can
immediately tell about the position and momentum of the other one as
matter is automatically correlated without the exchange of energy or
information signals. This correlation is supposed to be instantaneous,
which means faster than the speed of light; unmitigated, which means,
distance and time do not diminish the strength or robustness of the
correlation; unmediated, which means there is no energy signal going
between the particles, yet each one knows what the other one is doing,
that's why it is called non-local correlation, everything is correlated
with everything else instantly. For example, a human body has 100
trillion cells, and every cell instantly knows how to correlate its activity
with every other ccll. How does a human body think thoughts, play a
piano, kill germs, remove toxins and make a baby all at once? While
your body is doing that, it is tracking the movement of stars and planets
because your biological rhythms which arc called circadian rhythms,
seasonal rhythms, gravitational rhythms, lunar rhythms are actually the
rhythms of the cosmos. So your body is non-locally correlated instantly,
with the symphony of the universe - ' Y A T H A PINDE TATHA
BRAHMANNDE , i.e., as is the atoms so is the universe; as is the

microcosm so is the macrocosm; as is the human body so is the cosmic

body; as is the human mind, so is the cosmic mind. In the human body,
one single cell differentiates in 50 replications into 100 trillion cells by
the proccss of morphogenesis without information and energy signals.
So non-local correlation is a scientific description of omniscience. In
the discontinuity there is omniscicncc.
3. Q u a n t u m L e a p - When a subatomic particle moves from one
location to another location without going through the space in between,
it is called a quantum leap.. .the consciousness is always taking quantum
leaps of creativity... Today evolutionary biologists say that evolution
is punctuatcd by creativity. So there is a gradual evolution, and then
there is a jump...from primate to humans; from amphibians to birds.
Today we arc also at jump time. That's why Rumi said-"Whcn I die, I
shall soar with angels, when I die to angels what I shall become, you
cannot imagine'. Aurobindo said the same thing—'Today humans are
poised for the next quantum leap in evolution.'
4. U n c e r t a i n t y P r i n c i p l e - It is also callcd Heisenbcrg's
Uncertainty Principle, which says that you cannot know the position
and momentum of a particle at the same time... It is neither a wave, nor
a particle till you ask that question. If you do a wave-like experiment,
you get a wave-like answer; you do a particle-like experiment, you get
a particle-like answer. What is it before you observe? Neither; a potential
wave, a potential particle, a field of possibilities. That's the uncertainty
5. Co-creation with God-This fifth attribute of the discontinuity
says that the universe is un-manifest unless there is a conscious observer
to look at it. It means that even God will remain un-manifest unless you
arc there to observe it; it means that there is no universe unless there is
God on one side and you are there to observe it; in the absence of a
conscious observer, the universe does not exist. These are very
fundamental principles of today's science.... There is a beautiful poem
of Robert Frost-'We dance around the ring and suppose the secret is in
the middle, and no one knows'. So in that secret you have these Five
attributes: - 1. Your soul is a field of pure potentiality; 2. Your Soul is
omniscient-it means that it knows everything when it needs to know
everything...It also has intuitions, a contextual intelligence; 3. Your
soul is the source of infinite creativity which is quantum in character;
4. Your soul uses uncertainty as a principle of creativity, because when

there is no uncertainty there is no creativity; there is proliferation of

uncertainty to create and finally; 5. Your soul co-creates with God
because God says - ' I won't create unless you participate'.
So the discontinuity is the key to what we call spirituality. What
we call healing is actually biological creativity. It is the soul that
manufactures your mind, manufactures your body, manufactures your
perceptions, and ultimately manufactures the whole universe. All
perceptions, all cognitions, all emotions, all feelings, all biological
functions, all social interactions, all environment and even the forces
of nature arc simultaneously orchestrated by this level that we call soul,
of course, there is a personal level soul (jeevatma), the collective level
God (Puramatma), and the universal domain (the Brahman). There are
connections to all of these, that is the space between our thoughts. That
is the value of meditation. Meditation allows you to get in touch with
the corridor, a window, the transformational vortex through which your
consciousness communicates with the consciousness of the universe,
not just this universe, but multiple universes...
Co-creation with God is what wc arc doing all the time.
Sometimes we do it through awareness, (Vidya), sometimes wc do it
without awareness (Avii/va); but wc arc doing it.... As you wake up,
you say-'I will consciously participate in the evolution of the universe
by harmonizing the elements and forccs within my consciousness with
the elements and forces of the consciousness of the universe.... Today
we have come to the stage of evolution where we can begin to understand
it intellectually and experience it."
So, we now have scientific explanations that assure us that we are
co-creating a new reality along with God. That's what God Shiva says
through the self-esteem "master sarvashaktiman." Let's consciously
participate in the evolution of the universe, in other words let's co-
crcatc heaven on earth once again; in that process we transform ourselves
from human beings to divine beings.
The profundity of the reality of this universe has been very well
brought out in Dr. Chopra's lecture. It is worth noting that such profound
truths in respect of the souls (Aima) the Supreme Soul or God
(Paraniatnui) and His creation (the universe) are being taught in the
Brahmakumaris' spiritual university through simple terms that can be
understood by all-even uneducated, simple village folk. This has
become possible because these teachings arc imparted by the Supreme
Intellect—'Paramatnur w ho is the Supreme Father. Supreme Teacher

and Supreme Preceptor. In the Supreme versions of God Shiva we find

all these profound realities. For example, God has mentioned several
times in His daily discourses that His children (The Souls) are the
creators (Rachita) and time, matter, nature and the environment are all
their creations. He has, in so many Godly versions, guided us on the
ways of exercising the authority of the creator over the creation. Using
these directions in practical life, many senior sisters and brothers have
achieved profound changes in their personality traits (Sanskaras). Let
us all engage ourselves in this great task of re-establishing heaven on
earth. Heaven is the place where deities live. So when we transform
ourselves from human being to divine being or deity, the universe will
be called heaven or paradise.

MasterAlmighty or MasterSarvaShaktiman
This self-esteem kindled by the Almighty Supreme Father, God
Shiva raises our limited consciousness or personal consciousness to
the unlimited or transpcrsonal realm. This self-esteem, when maintained
continually, will keep our consciousness focused on the self or soul -
the micro point of sentient light radiating seven hues o f V I B G Y O R ;
will keep us constantly linked to the Almighty Supreme Soul, our
Supreme Father, Supreme Teacher and Supreme Preceptor who is also
a micropoint of sentient light that radiates the hues ofVIBGYOR. This
link with the Supreme elevates our consciousness to such a level that
we become equal to the Supreme Father as far as the basic attributes of
bliss, knowledge, peace, love, joy, purity and power arc concerned.
When wc return to our original attributes the whole universe transforms
bccausc-as per the Supreme versions, the universe transforms when
the human souls t r a n s f o r m . We have already d i s c u s s e d the
interconnectedness of the state of the soul and the state of the
environment through the mind, body, relationships and society in Ch.
4. Becausc of this interconnectedness collcctive transformation of our
selves leads to transformation of the whole universe. God has revealed
that at the gross or macro level, the transformation of the universe will
he effected through atomic war, natural calamities and civil war. Fvcn
these gross means of world transformation, scientists say, are triggered
by the collective turbulence of the human consciousness.

The material presented below is largely sourced from Chapter
23, pages 235 to 246 of Dr. Bruce Goldberg's Soul Healing published
in India by Pustak Mahal.
The quantum theory of Max Planck, enunciated in 1900; the
laws of thermodynamics; the theory of light quanta by James Clerk
Maxwell and the theories of relativity by Albert Einstein brought a
revolution in physics in the 20th century and hence these arc collectively
called 'new physics'. The conceptual framework of new physics
demands its followers to step outside the self, to transcend one's
environment, and to comprehend the universe in its ineffable entirety.
The ultimate spiritual goal is to fully acknowledge and embrace the
immanent oneness of our own being with the universe. This involves
complete integration of the metaphysical and physical energies.

Human Consciousness
The dynamics of conscious thought occur on such a minute scale,
involving such infinitesimal exchanges of energy, that only a quantum
mechanical explanation could properly account for the actual
phenomenon of consciousness, proposed Niels Bohr. According to
Walker's model, the fundamental unit of consciousness is the quantum
itself. An adequate understanding of the brain demands the application
of quantum concepts. John Wheeler, the pioneering quantum physicist,
says: "The world at the bottom is a quantum world; and any system is
ineradicably a quantum system". This suggests that eventually our
concepts of how our bodies work will have to give due regard to quantum
physical events and the sub-atomic world.

Capabilities of Human Consciousness

Dream research by Ullman and Krippncr at Maimonides Hospital,
New York City, wherein a sleeping subject was sent specific images by
a distant sender during a designated sleep phase, provides evidence of
the telepathic transmission mechanism. Trag and Puthoff working at

the Stanford Research Institute in the early 1980s produced empirical

evidence for 'remote sensing' or out-of-body experiences (OBEs). Their
hypnotised subjects were directed to describe the environment of another
individual loeated several miles away. These subjects could locate their
targets by leaving their bodies and provide accurate and detailed
descriptions of their whereabouts. Bio-feedback research provides
additional evidence that conscious mental activity can affect the things
of the physical world, including the organs, tissues and cells that
constitute our bodies. Corroborating evidence for a quantum level shift
between the realms of the mind and the body is discernable in those
cases where cures have occurred quite apart from conventional medical
intervention through faith healing, spontaneous remission and placebo
effect. In such cases, the faculty of inner awareness seems to have
promoted a dramatic quantum jump within the somatic healing
mechanism. The mind and intellect, the subtle faculties of the soul,
which psychotherapists call emotional body and mental body
respectively, arc in fact quantum fields or photon fields of information
and energy forming a network among the nervous, the endocrine and
the immune systems. Today, we know the ncuro-chemical and neuro-
physieal effects of meditation. We know that meditation works by
neutralizing our biochemical toxins with serotonin, intcrlcukens and
interferon. There is an abundance of literature on inexplicable
phenomena like psycho-kinesis, astral travel, clairvoyance, precognition,
telepathy, tclcportation, levitation, dematcrialization and materialization
etc. Obviously, these are beyond the scope of the current discussion.

Functioning of Human Consciousness

John Wheeler came up with the "Quantum foam" theory in 1953,
based on dimensional considerations. He stated that the spacc-time
continuum is not flat at the smallest scales (the plank length), but is
actually a highly energetic "quantum foam". This foam is marked by
the rapid creation and re-absorption of space-time "bubbles" which
means that the so called vacuum or 0.00001 % empty space is actually
a surging sea of quantum fluctuations. The spontaneous breakdown
and regeneration of the quantum foam is based on self reinforcement
of the quantum wave as it undergoes retroflexion through its own spacc-
time mirror image. The self exists through the interaction of quantum
waves with their space-time mirror images or retroflexive conjugates,

in the same way you interact with your own mirror-image. To notice
yourself you must forget yourself, and to forget yourself you have to
take note of yourself in the mirror. Change is effected through self-
reflcction; by observing ourselves in others we are able to change each
other. Quantum waves are superluminal entities moving faster than light,
and can move forward and backward in time. It can be deduced that a
quantum wave is a wave of probability moving faster than light that
serves as the connecting agent between our minds and the physical

The Parallel Universes

Fred Alan Wolf, a quantum physicist, in his book Parallel
Universes (page 27) states: " there arc parallel yous and mcs somehow
existing in the same space and time that we live in, but normally not
seen or sensed by us. In these universes, choices and decisions arc
being made at the very instant you are choosing and deciding. Only the
outcomes arc different, leading to different, but similar worlds." Parallel
universes are born whenever an observation is made. For each statistical
possibility, there exists a parallel universe in which that particular
potentiality becomes actual reality. Thus, a flipped coin lands heads up
in one universe, but in the other it lands tails up. We exist in each
separate universe at once observing the outcomc, yet there is no direct
ontological bridge between the two - the complementary worlds remain
hidden from one another. Our existence spans all the parallel universes
simultaneously. All futures and pasts co-exist, time is like a huge ocean
that can be viewed with a single glance by which both past and future
are visible. Changing our perception of present is the key for changing
the future. We often have thoughts of wholeness and health when we
are sick, and thoughts of illness when we are healthy. These might
result from our awareness of the parallel universes or frequencies.
Parallel universes are predicted by both quantum theory and the
general relativity theory of Einstein, who also predicted the existence
of black holes. Physicists, Stephen Hawking and Kip Thorne described
black ho'cs to be putative bridges between parallel universes. In the
light of Einstein's demonstration that space, time and matter are mutually
dependent, black holes, the energy-containing voids, can serve as the
space for both synthesis and disintegration of matter. In other words,
matter can be both transformed into energy and crcated from energy.

If thoughts were superluminal and were carried by quantum waves,

they could travel to the edge of the universe and back almost
instantaneously. Based on the computed density of quantum foam the
round trip would take only 10 s seconds. Signals travelling this fast
could be reflected backward in time. UFOs, schizophrenia and other
forms of psychosis are the effects of being unwillingly tossed between
the parallel worlds. Wolf states in page 310:- "our minds arc thus tuned
or are tunable to multiple dimensions, multiple realities. The freely
associating mind is able to pass across time barriers, sensing the future
and reappraising the past. Our minds arc time machines, able to sense
the flow of possibility waves from both the past and the future. In my
view there cannot be anything like existence without this higher form
of quantum reality."
The aura appears to be closely associated with quantum wave
functions. Perhaps the aura is the result of receptor cells in the human
retina responding to the quantum wave movement. An observer with a
well-trained mind can discern the changes in the mind o f a person whose
aura is being observed, through one of the five somatic senses. Our
feeling that wc know someone whom wc have never met before, is a
natural phenomenon, based on quantum principles, when we tunc in to
the other person's quantum wave movements (thoughts).

Holograms arc film records of the interference pattern that results
when light reflected from a 3-D object interacts with a laser beam. The
111m records the diffraction pattern in the same way photographic film
records light intensity and colour. When a laser beam passes through
the diffraction pattern in the film a 3-D optical image of the original
object hangs ever suspended in mid air. By looking through the flat
holographic plate one can sec the original object as if it were being
viewed through a window, but the original object may no longer be
present. Even when the plate is cut into small pieces and held up to
laser light, it will produce the image of the entire original object, just
as the whole plate has done. Thus, complete isomorphism between the
holographic image and the actual object is preserved.
Karl H. Pribram, neurosurgeon and hologram expert, discovered
th at the human brain functions holographically. Through elaborate
mathematical analysis of interference wave functions, Pribram

discovered powerful evidcncc of holographic object-rendering 'hardware'

within the brain's memory and perception centres. According to him, a
hologram is composed solely of frequencies, and thus the frequency
domain is really a "black hole" where time and spacc have collapsed,
dissolving their natural boundaries. A new order of reality reigns therein,
where para-normal events like telepathy, near death experiences (NDE),
remembering past lives, or healing are projections of a holographic reality.
Causality is excluded in the absence of spacc and time, in other words,
when time and space collapse, so docs causality. The holographic model
of memory and perception fully accounts for the brain's stupendous
storage capacity. When death approaches, one experiences the
holographic reality without mediation. That is why core experiences in
NDE exude such certitude and conviction regarding their vision. The
process of dying involves a gradual shift of consciousness from
conventional reality to the holographic reality of pure frequencies. Once
passed over into the new reality, the consciousness still functions
holographically, re-constituting frequencies back into perceivable
object images.
The hologram provides a pcdagogically useful analogue to
bridge the gulf between personal and transpersonal consciousncss or
cosmic consciousness. In the personal/individual consciousness there
is multiplicity whereas in the transpersonal/unitivc consciousncss, the
multiplicity is absent; there is apprehension of the essential ultimacy
of unity, dissolving the boundary between personal self and the external
In short, new physics teaches us that all time is simultaneous,
devoid of any divisions; each body is in dynamic relationship with the
universe and every other body through sub-quantum supcrluminal
contact; all matter, space, and time arc relative. The observer and the
observed arc so inter- connected that isolation and insulation arc
impossible, and hence "pure objectivity" is simply non-existent. The
elemental components of the human body are in dynamic relationship
with all the other particles in the universe at the molecular, atomic and
sub-atomic levels. The mind functions holographically, cach thought
creating a discrete three-dimensional reality of parallel universes or
frequencies in which anything is possible, transcending limitations of
time and spacc.

Near Death Experience (NDE)

T h e Core Experience:
Dr. Bruce Goldberg, in chapter 17 of his book Soul Healing
(P-165) says that approximately 40 percent of the people narrating their
Near Death Experiences (NDEs) describe what is known as a corc
experience. This begins with a feeling of overwhelming joy and
happiness; there is lack of pain and other bodily sensations, and a
brilliant white light is usually seen. During NDE the person appears to
be hovering above the physical body; the hearing and vision seem to be
highly developed; clarity and alertness dominate the mental state. A
dark void or tunnel now appears to be pulling at their astral body, and
they eventually enter this tunnel. The presence of a loving being is felt
as the individual emerges from this tunnel. The person's life is played
back in rapid episodes (holographic projections). The person appears
to be immersed in white light at this time. A highly evolved spiritual
being or beings now give the person a choice of going on in the light, or
returning to the physical body. Once the decision to return is made, this
experience quickly ends, and there is no recollection of the process of
returning. Ninety five percent of NDEs arc positive, and actually
transform the personality of the recipient. Many patients do not want
to return to their physical bodies because of the love and joy enjoyed in
NDE. In some cases there is a direct urging to re-enter the body.
Dr. Raymond, A. Moody, Jr. in his book Life A fter Life (Bautann
Edition, reprinted in 1977, page 16) published a model of the experience
of death. Dr. Moody got interested in the subject of death experience
after he listened to Dr. Ritchie's NDE from Dr. Ritchie himself, and
therefore his book is dedicated to Dr. Ritchie. Sceptics say that if these
are not hallucinations and unconscious fantasies they arc induced by
drugs, religious beliefs or due to brain anoxia.
Dr. Michel Sabom, Assistant Professor of Cardiology at Emory
University, Atlanta, though sceptical of Dr. Moody's findings, got
interested in out of body experiences (OBEs). He teamed up with a
psychiatric social worker and studied over 120 cases of NDEs. The
statements of some of the patients—how they floated above their body
and watched the operation; the description of the instruments used;
how the heart looked; the operation procedure etc. by patients having
no medical background amazed Dr. Sabom. He states: "To me this is
the strongest evidence that these were not just hallucinations or

fantasies." Professor Kenneth Ring, a psychologist at the University of

Connecticut carried out research on NDEs and observed that his subjects
coming from a wide range of ages, and educational back grounds and
temperaments had similar OBEs. Many of them did not believe in
religion at all. Dr. Fred Schoonmakcr, Director of Cardiovascular
Scrvicc at St. Luke's Hospital, Colorado, studied 2,300 cases of NDEs
using sophisticated equipment that monitored patients' vital parameters.
His records show that there was no lack of oxygen supply to the brain.
In a number of cases, the EEG recordings were flat for periods ranging
from 30 minutes to three hours. This proves beyond doubt that the
OBEs cannot be due to anoxia or abnormal electrical activity in the
brain. Extra sensory perceptions (ESPs) reported by patients undergoing
NDEs have been documented extensively. Dr. Moody found an elderly
woman's account of her NDE so accurate that she even correctly
reported the colours of the instruments used on her body, not
withstanding the fact that she had been blind for over 50 years.
Dr. Bruce Goldberg citcs the NDE of Mark shortly after his birth,
six weeks premature and under three pounds in weight. Mark's father
was in the US Navy, stationed in the Philippines at Sangley Point Naval
Base. The thermostat in the hospital incubator was broken and mark
experienced his first OBE and only NDE. Mark States: "I found myself
floating above my isolate, looking at this red, prune-like thing with
tubes attached, wondering if there wasn't some mistake. This couldn't
be the body 1 was supposed to be in. Something was wrong here, and I
didn't like it. As I was hovering near the ceiling of this room shaped
like an 'L', 1 was aware of both hot and cold sensations, with heat
coming from directly above, the cold emanating lower down around
me. I also remember the walls being a purple colour, and my isolate
was off in the short end of the ' L', separate from the other babies down
in the long end of the room. The 'voice' that wasn't a voicc said 1
should go back into that body, and that everything would be fine, not to
worry. The 'voice', thus saved Mark's life. Thirty years after this NDE
Mark met the navy doctor who delivered him. The doctor acknowledged
that, in fact, Mark was delivered in an 'L' shaped room painted mauve.
The doctor also informed Mark that he was placed in the corner of the
room near the closet to protect him from being further compromised by
the germs of other infants.
The OBE not associated with NDE differs from the latter in
that we do not find reports of white lights, beings of light or panoramic

life reviews. Such reviews of life experience are absent in NDEs reported
among children. Dr. Goldberg cites several case studies wherein NDEs
have redirected lives, created saints, inspired religions, empowered
individuals and led to very special forms of soul healing. Howard Mickel
of Wichita State University reported a Colorado man's spontaneous
remission of leukemia following a NDE. Psychic precognitions have
also been reported by some persons following a NDE.

Talking about multi-dimensionality, Dr Deepak Chopra said -
"Evolution is an ongoing proccss, and everyone is on the journey
whether one knows it or not.... and in that is the experience of multi-
dimensional nature of the universe, because the universe is different in
different states of consciousness. Biology is different in different states
of consciousness; knowledge is different in different states of
c o n s c i o u s n e s s , p e r c e p t i o n is d i f f e r e n t in d i f f e r e n t states of
consciousness. Wc have not woken up to our multi-dimensionality. All
the multi-dimensional universes that we hear about in Vedanta and even
in theosophy are different projections of consciousness."

Seven States of consciousness

Most people go through life in three states of consciousness -
Waking, Dreaming and Sleeping: Beyond the three states of
waking, dreaming and sleeping is the fourth state of consciousness called
' Turya ' in our tradition.
Turya (Soul-consciousness): It is experienced when your
consciousness goes beyond waking, dreaming and sleeping to have a
glimpse of the soul When he first experienced the soul, Walt
Whitman said - 'I must not be awake for everything looks to me as it
never did before, or else, I am awake for the first time, and all that was
before was just a sleep'.
Turya-Tatta (Cosmic consciousness) - It is the ever present
witnessing awareness which wc call Sakshi or Silent witness. The best
English translation of this state of silent witness is cosmic consciousness.
It means, my body is fast asleep, but my consciousness is observing the
body in sleep state, or my body is dreaming, and I, the witness, am
observing the body in dream state, or my body is giving this lecture,
but I. the spirit, am observing the body giving this lecture. In cosmic

c o n s c i o u s n e s s , you have both local and non-local a w a r e n e s s

simultaneously. Local a w a r e n e s s is when your a w a r e n e s s or
consciousncss is localised to objects in space and time, and non-local
awareness is when your awareness is with the absolute, with the evcr-
prcscnt witnessing awareness. It is referred to in the New Testament
when Jesus Christ says - T am in this world, but not of it.' In cosmic
consciousncss you arc alert to the role you play, at the same time you
know that you arc not the role you play... It is our destiny to play
infinity of roles, wc arc aware of the roles we play, but don't identify
with any roles wc play, not even in dream, not even in sleep, not even
in waking consciousness... Then you start actually to have a connection
to what is happening in the non-local world. This is where coincidences
start to occur, where miraclcs start to happen, where creativity blossoms,
where solutions appear spontaneously because you arc conncctcd.
God-consciousness: Beyond cosmic consciousness is God-
consciousness, Each state of consciousncss crcatcs a different
functioning of the nervous system, because these are physiological
states, and because the nervous systems is responsible for perception
and cognition, feelings and emotions, biology and social interactions,
environment and behaviour of nature. With each shift in consciousncss
all of these shift. Nature shifts becausc nature is not independent of our
So, in God-consciousness there is a blossoming of what our Rishis
called the Siddhis and the Riddhis. Siddhis are supernormal powers in
the natural world; and Riddhis are control over the elements and forces
of the cosmos. In God-consciousness, I become aware of the ever-present
witnessing awareness in the object of my perception. The local
perception is - 'this is a beautiful flower, has a nice smell, soft; and in
non-local perception, as I see this flower, I sec rainbows, sunshine,
earth, water, wind, and the whole universe manifesting as this flower. I
sec the infinite void. I see the creation of the universe, and then, as I go
beyond that, I feel the presence of God. If I can't find God in this, I
won't find God in the book of religion, because God is not a concept.
God is the holy presence of the spirit in every object of our perception...
In God-consciousness, spirit here communicates with spirit there.. .and
it is also the realm of miraclcs... so in God-consciousness, spirit or
God is not difficult to find. God is impossible to avoid. Wherever you
go, in every object you feel the presence of God...

Unity-consciousness: The ever present witnessing awareness

in the subject of cxpcricnce becomes one with the ever present
witnessing awareness in the object of experience, and there is the
intellectual and experiential realization that there is only one witness,
and the whole universe is a manifestation of that one witness. So w hen
my spirit not only communes with your spirit, but merges with your
spirit, and then I feel, there is only one spirit; the whole universe is my
manifestation. In chapter ten of Bhagawat Gita, when Arjun says to
Krishna - 'Reveal to me who you are' and then he sees the whole
universe in Krishna's being - this is unity consciousness. So this is an
evolution we talk about"...

Biological Responses
In the foregoing paragraphs wc have discussed about different
states of consciousness that human beings exhibit. We shall continue
our discussions on human consciousness as presented by Dr. Deepak
Chopra - "Anything which can be seen, perceived, conceptualized is
not real, but depends on something which cannot be conceptualized,
imagined, visualized or perceived, and that something is consciousness.
It is this consciousness that conceives, that governs, that constructs,
and it becomes what wc call mind, and through the mind it becomcs...
the biological organism through material body which has perception,
cognition, feelings, emotions, moods, biological activity, social
interaction, and there is an environment too. The whole cosmos is
projected as a result of self-interacting dynamics of the non-local, non-
conccptualisable, transcendent reality that our great spiritual traditions
talk about. Then it localizes in our physiology through activity that is
both local and non-local. Local means linear interactions; non-local
means interactions in the world of simultaneity, the inter-dependent
co-arising of events. In a human being this localization is felt to be
through what wc call the seven "Chakras" in India. These are the
gateways for the non-local, eternal, transcendent, beyond space-time,
ultimate reality that localizes in our biology. Chakras are metaphors
for our consciousness which is non-local but bccomcs local. In so doing
consciousness expresses itself through biology. Biological responses
that we have in certain situations are the expressions of out-
consciousness when it localizes... There are seven biological responses
that correspond to these seven Chakras.

1. Fight and Flight Response:

"This is the most primitive response that has been going on in our
physiology for millions of years. When we were surrounded by ferocious
animals, the only way to survive was cither to fight the predator or run
away... But, since wc arc no longer in that situation where wc were
surrounded by ferocious animals who used to enjoy us for breakfast,
lunch and dinner, these responses are inappropriate. When we have
inappropriate fight and flight response wc call that response as stress—
a perception of psychological or physical threat. In a truly dangerous
situation this response is really useful. Your blood pressure, levels of
adrenaline, C o r t i s o l rise, heart rate becomes fast, your sweat gland
activity increases, body temperature increases, platelets become sticky.
All of these are very appropriate because you needed to increase your
temperature, heart rate, blood pressure, to run faster; increase sweat
gland activity to release excess heat, your pupils dilate, all these are for
survival. When the situation is not dangerous, you arc not going to run,
and then all of these become destructive. So the fight and flight response
is responsible for all the epidemics of the modern times - cardiovascular
disease, hypertension, cardiac angina and sticky platelets".

2. Reactive Response:
"If s the survival response of the ego. When ego is threatened you
react. Just like the body has fight and flight response your ego has
reactive response. It tries to control a threatening situation by
confrontation or intimidation. You are either nice, nasty, or stubborn -
these are the three control dramas. If none of them works, then you
play the victim - poor mc. So. the four types of control dramas are:
nicc, nasty, stubborn and poor me. We learn these control dramas at a
very early age, about three years of age... You become very skilful in
this response by eight years, but at 20 years this does not work, because
you are not so cute then. Now 99.99% of humanity... including out-
great leaders of the world arc in fight and flight response, or in the
reactive response".

3. Restful Awareness or Alertness Response ( R A R ) :

"When you meditate your body is rested, your mind is alert, fully
awake, consciousness is not referring back to the ego. but referring
back to the soul, it transcends the ego. We are more or less effortless,
detached from that which is trivial and mundane; we are much more
spontaneous in our activity because our ego is not in the way. According

to evolutionary biologists, human beings discovered RAR about 6000

vears ago when the sages of the Upanishads in India and Socrates,
Plato, Pythagoras, Confucius—these great people around the world were
transforming consciousness by going into RAR".
4. Intuitive Response:
"Intuition is a form of intelligence that is contextual, not linear,
is relational, holistic, nurturing beyond cause-result relationship.
Intuition is eavesdropping (overhearing) the mind of the universe...
it's far beyond the rational thought... this is the cause of this. But it is
not really the way the universe functions. The way the universe functions
is - ' i n d e p e n d e n t co-arising'— means everything is the causc of
everything else... Everything in the world is interdependent... Scientists
today refer to this as the holographic paradigm... That's why Rumi
said—'the whole universe exists in you, ask all from yourself.' Intuitive
response is the ability to go into samadhi (deep meditation) and ask a
question, or you introduce an intention (Ichcha Shakti), and it
orchestrates the fulfilment...' Yoga Sutras' of Patanjali says that if you
have Dhyan. Dharana and Samadhi at the same time, you have Sidhis.
Samadhi means the observer, the process of observing, and the observed
have become one single consciousness, that is the reality. Samadhi is
the field of all possibilities, i.e., anything is possible. Dharana means
you put focused attention in that samadhi; Dhyan is meditation that
takes you there. All the Ridhis, all the Sidhis arc expressions of the
intuitive response... The Universe, at its most fundamental level is a
Held of possibilities that responds to intention.
5. T h e Creative Response:
"This response is beyond the intuitive response, it means that I
can create something that never existed before. It is based on
discontinuity, because true creativity has a context and meaning that
transform into a new context, a new meaning without an intervening
context or meaning ... Anytime, if anything is predictable, it is not
creativity... True creativity comes from the soul, not from the mind.
What we call healing is biological creativity, becausc if somebody has
heart disease or lung cancer and he has to be healed, the biology has to
do something unpredictable; if prognosis is there, it is not creativity...
True creativity, they say. is death... because when you die, you recreate
> ourself through a quantum leap... Reincarnation is a quantum leap, it
is a discontinuity. You take the same karmic software, and now create a

new mind, new body, new context, new meaning - that is creativity. So
where do I go after I die?... I don't go anywhere. Every time I
localise.. ..and then delocalise. Every thought is a localised memory or
desire - they came from karma that localise and de-localise... When I
die 1 delocalise to be localized through a quantum leap of creativity.
That's the creative response that is happening every second... the
universe also creates itself through a quantum jump".
So the creative response is part of the Eternal World Drama (EWD)
wherein souls reincarnate in order to clear their karmic accounts.
6. Visionary Response:
"This response is evoked when you go beyond the personal soul
and get in touch with the archetypal souls - the souls of gods and
goddesses, a part of our collective spiritual inheritance. When you get
in touch with the Archetypal soul, the vision that comes changes the
whole of humanity. When Mahatma Gandhi touches that, humanity
changes, or when Baba touches that, humanity changes, and it goes
even beyond that. Humanity, civilisation, worlds change because that
soul is not a personal soul anymore, that soul has touchcd realms of
gods and goddesses, and gone even beyond that". This visionary
response is induccd through the Godly versions taught in Brahma
Kumaris. Here wc arc taught the phrase "Aham so, so aham" that inspires
us to visualise ourselves as the deities of Golden Age (archetypal souls)
and to become like them. .

7. Sacred Response:
"Here, you go beyond the archetypal souls and become one with
the source of all creation, and you actually begin to see that you are
creating the universe. This evolution of consciousness is orchestrated
through our biology.
As wc move up these responses through our biology, reality
shifts; as reality shifts, you start experiencing coincidences. Coincidence
means that incidents happen simultaneously in response to an intension
you had cither consciously, or unconsciously. All these coincidences
are orchestrated through intensions, which somehow enter into the field
of acausal, non-local inter-relatedness. That means, everything is related
to everything else, and everything is the cause of everything else. The
linear thinking that says - this is the cause, this is the cffect - is no
longer there. That is what we call "acausal, non-local, quantum
mechanical inter-relatedness" or "synchronicity ". It means, everything

is orchestrating everything in response to your intension... He whose

mind is in harmony with the cosmic mind, experiences the rhythm of
the universe - synchronicity. Your body is biological rhythm of the
universe. In nature everything is synchronised with everything else...
so never ignore a coincidence. It's an anonymous message from God to
pay attention to the field of infinite possibilities that exist beyond space,
time and causality. In space, time and causality everything is linear, but
in the world of God everything is simultaneous, and synchronicity is a
glimpse of that. So, when you have coincidence, you have to ask what
is God telling me right now, what is God suggesting to me?... something
will happen that will show you the karmic significance of that
synchronistic experience. The next stage from synchronicity is what
we call miracle.

"When you participate in the on-off activity of the universe through
intention, you orchestrate a miracle. The word miracle in English is
Mirari in Frcnch - means filled with wonder. You have not only glimpsed
the mind of God, you have participated in the creativity of God by
introducing your intension and orchestrating through your intention,
the harmonious interactions of the elements and forces of the cosmos
that result in the quantum leaps of the creativity that are already the
pattern of behaviour of the universe".

Benefits of the Rajyoga Concept of

It would be appropriate to sum up the discussion on
consciousness by quoting B.K. Jagdish Chander Hassija, the chief
spokesperson of the Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa
Yidyalaya. The material given below is excerpted from a paper presented
by him at the Fourth international symposium on science and
consciousness at Uxmal, Yucatan, Mexico from 4th to 8th January, 1994.
"According to Rajyoga School or system the selfis an indivisible,
irreducible persistent or permanent person. It is a point of consciousness
which cannot be split, for it is a simple and single entity. According to
Gita. the self cannot be cut or split by any weapon or instrument nor
can it be burnt by fire...

"The concept of the self given here is not only in accord with the
Raj yoga philosophy but also in line with Samkhya and Nyaya (Indian
Logic) schools of Indian philosophy and in consonance with some
Upanishads such as Mandukya Upanishad. The evidence from the cases
of rc-incarnation, studied, investigated and verified, also supports us.
The research on the basis of hypnotic regression also gives credence to
"The concept that the self is a persistent metaphysical entity
that has a moral dimension and experiences happiness or sorrow
according to the Law of Karma and rc-incarnation, would, if followed
in practical life, help build a better society morally where human rights,
duties and principles of a healthy life also will be observed. That society
will have law and order and peace, built on good relations. It will be a
socicty based on the concept of world-brotherhood under the fatherhood-
motherhood of one benign, compassionate, kind and loving God. It
will counteract in any easy, powerful and natural manner, without
causing any bad a f t e r c f f c c t s — the negative f o r c e of hatred,
discrimination, divisionism, injustice and cruelty.
"The concept of the metaphysical self will also have the effect
of developing full human potential as it will release the mind from
negativity, anxiety, fear, hatred, jealousy, anger, depression etc. and
will fill it with enthusiasm and give it positive outlook and attitudes...
It will supplement physics, and be in accord with quantum physics so
far as understanding the collection and integration of information fed
into the brain is concerned... It will throw light on the nature of
conscious, sub-conscious and unconscious mind, and also on libido, id
and ego in a better way as compared to Sigmund Freud, would explain
the timeless nature of instincts, dealt with by McDougall and make
understandable the nature of conditioning studied and experimented
with by Pavlov and others. It has the ability to explain the collective
consciousncss and the archetypes of Jung and also many questions
related to behavioral psychology etc.
" This concept is in accord with health sciences, for by explaining
mind-body connection as taking place in the region of the hypothalamus
and the pituitary, it explains the psychosomatic cause of diseases and
lays proper emphasis on the importance of a healthy mind by giv ing a
new definition of health that takes into account the social and moral
By reducing or eliminating the tendencies of stark materialism,

commercialism, exploitation and greed it reduces conflict in the society

and promotes better social, political and natural environment posed by
uncontrolled consumerism.
"It also explains the functions of and control over emotions and
other manifestations of consciousness and thus helps in behavioural
transformation and social reform...
"Thus speaking about the overall merits and effects of this
concept one can say that it solves more questions and raises the least of
questions as compared to other disciplines and is of immense value. It
helps make one's lifestyle based on simplicity, co-operation, honesty,
integrity, purity and peacc."

God Consciousness
We have seen Dr Deepak C h o p r a ' s description of G o d -
consciousness and the Sacred Response. Let us now see what Godly
versions taught in the Brahma Kumaris Spiritual University say on this
state of consciousness. In the introductory course itself you are told
that you are a soul, a child of the Supreme Soul or God, and both the
soul and Supreme Soul are alike in form and basic attributes - truth
(knowledge), peace, love, joy, purity, power and bliss. T h e only
difference between the two is that the souls are bound by the cycle of
birth and rebirth, whereas the Supreme is not. G o d is beyond the
physical Law of Entropy because he does not have a physical body
made of matter to which this law applies. Thus God is the ultimate,
unending source of metaphysical energy. God is almighty, omniscient,
omnipotent and benevolent.
God is one, creative principle, absolute truth and the Supreme
Parent (both Mother and Father) who is morally perfect, absolutely
just and a supreme benefactor.
With the right consciousness about God, and the self (soul) I can
use my most powerful tool - the thought energy of my mind - for God-
realization. If the quality of my thoughts can influence my physical
health, the atmosphere around me and my relationships, it will definitely
influence my relationship with God. Since the spiritual or metaphysical
energies attract like energies, as against the physical energies that repel
like energies and attract unlike energies, self-realization leads to God-
realization. Thus soul-consciousness is the means to achievc God-

The process of eliminating negativity is hastened by stepping away
from negative thinking that originates from the limited consciousness of
the body and bodily connections. When 1 sec myself as an eternal soul
and discipline my mind, 1 am able to discover the existence and nature
of God, and come closer to that one.
Form and attributes of God:
Just as the human soul is a point of sentient metaphysical energy
that radiates seven basic attributes - knowledge peace, love, joy, purity,
spiritual powers and bliss - God too is a brilliant point of divine light or
eternal sourcc of metaphysical energies. Sincc these qualities are
formless and the point of light is infinitesimal, some say that God is
formless. Anything that exists must have a form. Qualities are formless,
but their sourcc cannot be. God is not love, but the source of love, God
is not Truth, but the sourcc of true knowledge. When 1 know God as
point of light radiating the basic attributes of true knowledge, peace,
love, joy, purity, powers and bliss. I am able to bring that image on the
screen of my mind and experience these powers and qualities. In every
religion and culture, light is always associated with what is holy or
sacred. In numerous near death experiences (NDE) individuals have
related how they passed through a long tunnel at the end of which they
perceived a light that is self luminous and gives them a sense of
relationship and warmth, and is possessed of non-judgmental love and
compassion. What is unique in these reports is that their cxpcricnce of
this being of light and love is identical, independent of their religions
or social background.
In India, the most common representation of God is as an oval
shaped stone called Shiva-Linga representing the creative principle.
The names of the temples where a Shiva lingam is enshrined are
indicative of God's attributes or functions, like Somnath, the Lord of
Nectar; Vishwanath, the Lord of the Universe; Mukteswar. the Lord of
Liberation etc.. In worship Hindus bathe this form of God (Shiva-
Lingam) with milk, oil. water etc. Similar worship of God is mentioned
in Ch. 35, verse 14 of Genesis. It is said that Jacob, grandson of Abraham,
set up a pillar of stone at the place where God talked to him. He poured
an offering of a drink thereupon, and also poured oil thereon. God's
oval form of light is revered in Islam as "Sang-e-aswad" in Mecca.
Legend says that when Adam left paradise he came to a low hill where

lie saw a shining while oval stone which he circled seven times praising
(iod. He then built the Kaaba over this, which was rebuilt by Abraham.
The black oval stone called Sang-e-aswad in Mecca, is the original
white oval stone blackened by the kisses of millions, they say. One sect
of Buddhists in Japan meditates on a small oval shape on a stand as a
giver of peace.
N a m e and A b o d e of G o d
Anything that has a form has a name too. God has many attributive
and functional names in every language in the world. The Sanskrit name
"Shiva" has three meanings - benefactor, the seed of creation and the
point source. This name implies God's form as a point, God's role as a
benefactor of all and God's function as Supreme Creator or the eternal
seed of the human family tree called Kalpa Tree.
The abode of God is a region of absolute stillness, silence and
purity. There is no thought, speech or movement there. God, the
Supreme Soul, and the souls reside there in absolute silcncc, fdlcd with
the basic attributes. God remains there perfectly stable and unchanging.
I can reach there in a split second and experience supreme peace. Just
as God is ever constant in all His attributes, His abode is also unchanging
and constant in its qualities.
God's Relationships with M e
With the awareness of the self as a soul, the child of the Supreme
Being, I am able to experience God as my Supreme Mother whose love
is totally accommodating, unconditionally accepting, empowering, and
cleansing. Just as the soul is neither masculinc, nor feminine, God is
neither masculinc nor feminine. But, in the perfect personality of the
Supreme parent, the feminine qualities of loving, giving and accepting
are perfectly balanced with the masculine qualities of power, authority
and strength. I am also able to enjoy the benefits of other relations with
the Supreme Being, like: discovery of wisdom and truth from the
Supreme Teacher, receiving directions for each step in the spiritual
path from the Supreme Guide (preceptor), conversation and support at
any moment from the Supreme Friend, sharing of intimacies and long
term support from the beloved Supreme Consort, and so on. Through
my relationship with the supreme, I am able to transform my personality
traits. Now, my actions are not motivated by just what I want, but by
what is of benefit to the self and others. It is a change from a human
being to a divine being.

God is not an impersonal diffused energy, but a Supreme Person.

When I know God's form, location and attributes I can focus my thoughts
on that person and experience different relations at will. I can experience
the spiritual presence of God wherever I am. With just one thought I
am in God's presence.
G o d ' s Role in the Eternal World D r a m a
The Eternal World Drama is an eternal interplay of three operative
realities - God, souls and nature or matter made of atoms. In other
words, it is interplay between metaphysical energies of the souls and
God, the Supreme Soul on one side and the physical energies of nature
or matter made of atoms on the other side. The physical, chemical and
biological laws of nature keep the physical world going; and there is no
need for God's intervention until entropy (or the state of exhaustion of
available energy) sets in. At the physical level, all events arc the result
of interaction between souls and matter. At the metaphysical level, the
interaction between souls and God creates all the varied plots and by-
plots of the world drama based on the law of karma or cause and effect.
God acts on human souls, and they in turn act on matter. When souls
come into the process of entropy, matter simply follows. God neither
crcates Himself, nor human souls, nor matter. God simply recharges
the souls' spent spiritual energy, reversing entropy on the metaphysical
plane. The restoration of physical energy of matter automatically follows
this. It is now clear that God's acts of creation, destruction and
sustenance are on the metaphysical plane and not on the physical plane.
God Shiva has revealed in his Godly versions that those souls who
become self-sovereigns (Swarajya Adhikan') in the Confluence Age
will attain world sovereignty in the Golden Age. Wc can view self-
sovereignty at the macro level to be the reign of the sentient master
(soul or the being) over insentient matter (body or the human). This
aspect has been discussed in Ch. 2. Every organ of the body, including
the brain, is an instrument which the soul, the sentient master, uses to
express thoughts, words and actions, and also to experience the results
of actions.


Self-sovereignty at Macro Level

The sentient soul is the master seated on the chariot of the
human body holding the reins that control the five horses - the sense
organs. A powerful intellect is the sovereign and will power acts as the
reigns, as shown in the picture
Self-Sovereignty at Micro Level
Nevertheless, true sovereignty is at the micro level, and this relates
to authority exercised by the soul within its own empire. The term "self-
sovereign" in this contcxt implies that there is an emperor or monarch

Swa rajya Jl dilifiaa ri

who rules over a number of kingdoms through their respective kings

who in turn rule over their subjects. The intellect can be called the
emperor, and mind the empire; the seven original attributes in the
sanskara arc the kings, and the virtues or secondary qualities are the
subjects in the form of thoughts, desires etc. (See Picture)

Loss of Self-sovereignty through Ages

In the Golden Age and Silver Age, the deities who inhabited
Bharat were self-sovereigns. Intellect, the emperor reigned over mind,

the empire, naturally assisted by the seven kings, each being an

embodiment of the basic attributes of the soul-truth (knowledge) peace,
love, joy, purity, power and bliss. At the macro level the system of
governance was monarchy. The empire was ever illuminated by soul-
consciousness or with the seven hues of V1BGYOR that represent the
seven original attributes mentioned above.
Because of the interaction of the seven kings with matter (body)
during the first half of the Eternal World Drama (EWD) of 5,000 years,
as revealed by God Shiva, the seven original attributes wore off. In the
absence of the light of soul-consciousness, the darkness of body-
consciousness naturally set in at the end of the Silver Age, and this rule
of darkness of body-consciousness continues through the second half
of the cycle comprised of the Copper Age and Iron Age. During the
reign of darkness (ignorancc), the intellect, the emperor is dethroned,
the original attributes or the kings abdicate, and the virtuous subjects
(virtues) arc replaced by vicious ones. The vicious subjects (vices) led
by lust, anger, ego, attachment, greed, laziness, envy and so on take
over the reign. Democracy is the system of governance at the macro
level at the end of Iron Age when disharmony, disorder and chaos prevail
all over the world. There is an atmosphere of fear, grief, strife, violence
and terror at the end of the Iron Age.

Regaining self-sovereignty
God Shiva re-incarnates in the coiporcal world and empowers the
intellect, the emperor to regain the lost self-sovereignty during the
Confluence Age. Based on true knowledge about the self, about the
Supreme Father and the EWD, the intellect, exercises its control over
the mind, by allowing only positive thoughts to emerge on its screen
from the sanskaras (sub-conscious mind). The mind on its part transfer
all its relations to the imperishable Supreme Soul by severing them from
the bodied beings. By doing so, the mind gains emotional stability. With
that emotional stability it is able to experience peace and purity. When
pure thoughts, desires and visions fill the mind, the original attributes of

the soul manifest themselves as divine virtues and spiritual values, and
these come into play in all relationships in the family and the soeiety.
The self-esteem of self-Sovereign, when maintained, changes in the
self, the mind, body, relationships (family), society and environment take
place sequentially.

Self-sovereignty and the Law of Entropy

The Law of Entropy is the second law of thermodynamics that
says: "All energy in an isolated system moves from an "ordered" to a
"disordered" state. Self-sovereignty prevailed in the Golden Age and
Silver Age because there was the highest concentration of energy (both
physical and metaphysical) and hence maximum order prevailed in the
spiritual and physical realms. This state is called satoprcidhan. In this
state entropy is minimum and available energy is maximum and there
was complete harmony between physical and metaphysical energies
because of soul-consciousness in the deities. The deities of the Golden
and Silver Ages lost their self-sovereignty through gradual dissipation
of metaphysical energies through thought, speech and actions of 2.500
years i.e. half the Kalpa of 5000 years as revealed by God Shiva.
Thus, at the beginning of the Copper Age the deities of the
Golden Age had already lost 50% of their spiritual energy like the waning
of the moon. The full moon (Deities of Golden Age) is said to be replete
with 16 Kalas which are reduced to 8 by the end of the Silver Age. As
the intellect (the emperor) is weakened, it is incapable of exercising
control over the thought process and uncontrolled mental activity drains
away the scarce metaphysical energy much faster. Dissipation of
metaphysical energy has a direct impact on the depiction of physical
energy through uncontrolled industrial and domestic activity leading to
enormous increase in environmental pollution (entropy). The disorder
and chaos (tamopradhan sate) of the present world is indicative of the
maximum entropy that prevails at the end of the Iron Age. At this
juncture God. the eternal power house that is beyond the law of entropy,
intervenes to re-charge human souls with the spiritual energies of
knowledge, peace, love, joy. purity, power and bliss. Restoration of these
primary attributes of the souls leads to re-emergencc of the secondary

qualities of divine virtues and the tertiary qualities of spiritual/human

values in human relations, bringing harmony in society and peace in the
environment. Thus the energy cycle restarts with maximum potential at
the end of the Confluence Age or the beginning of the Golden Age.

Law of Karma and Self-sovereignty

The law of cause and effect or Law of Karma states that every
action has an equivalent reaction. In other words, if your action gives
happiness to others you get happiness in return. It is the metaphysical
equivalent of the Newton's First Law which says that every action has
an equal and opposite reaction. In the metaphysical plane the reaction
or result experienced is equivalent, and not opposite. The saying goes:
" As you sow, so you reap." The Law of Karma is absolute. It cannot
be manipulated or sidc-tracked. On the physical level there is no gap
between action and reaction, but on the metaphysical level there can be
a gap between action and reaction, or sowing and reaping. The seeds
of some action bring instantaneous results, others can take years or
even lifetimes to yield fruit. What happens in our personal world and
the world at large are the direct result of our actions. Social injustice,
inept governments, needless bloodshed and physical, emotional or psychic
pain arc the consequences of thoughts, words or deeds of this or previous
lives at a personal or collective level.
In the Golden Age and Silver Age wc were soul-conscious and
hence wc were self-sovereigns and therefore there was no conflict
between the three faculties of the soul - mind, intellect and sanskara.
There was harmony between soul and matter and hence body and mind
were healthy, personal relations were based on mutual respect, trust,
and love, and hence harmony, order, tolerance and justice prevailed in
the society. In the Copper Age and Iron Age, wc lose our self-sovereignty
as a result of the change of consciousness. When we become body-
conscious our karma or actions become negative and then, as per the
Law of Karma we suffer from pain in the body and mind; this causes
lurther drainage of metaphysical energies through negative, w asteful
thoughts. This loss of thought-energy further weakens the intellect, which

now becomes a prisoner of the sense organs and the vicious sanskaras.
This is how self-sovereignty is lost during the second half of the EWD.
In the Confluence Age, the short and sweet period between the Iron
Age and Golden Age, we souls co-create the new cycle of EWD along
with God, the Supreme Father.
The strongest relations I have now were established in previous
lives. The interactions together continue as long as karmic accounts
exist. When nothing more is left to give or receive our paths separate
by loss of contact, death or divorce. We then take up new relations
based on karmic accounts with other souls so that the EWD goes on
L e t ' s now sec how the s e l f - e s t e e m "Swadarshan
Chakradhari" helps bringing about metamorphosis of a body-conscious,
vicious human being to a soul-conscious, virtuous divine being, just as
the ugly crawling caterpillar transforms into a beautiful butterfly.
How to become Swadarshan Chakradhari
In order to become an embodiment of this self-esteem wc should
first be clear as to what it means. Let's analyse this self-esteem first.
The first part is "Swadarshan ', that means seeing the self. The second
part is "Chakradhari" which means the spinner of the wheel. These
two words when joined together mean that you have to be aware about
your own real self and its different stages through the entire cycle of
the Eternal World Drama (EWD) which goes on eternally based on the
law of cause and effect and cyclic spacc-time continuum.
Wc arc all passing through a very crucial stage in the EWD
when the old realities are giving way to new realities through a change
in our consciousness. In order to keep ourselves focused in this great
transformation, wc have to keep ourselves busy by spinning the wheel
of EWD; by this proccss wc remain "Swadarshan Chakradharis". This
means that we remain soul-conscious continually by visualizing the
self as a sentient point of light in the soul world; as a deity like Shri
Lakshmi and Shri Narayan radiating the seven energies of knowledge,
peace, love, joy, purity, power and bliss in the Golden Age; as a divine
being like Shri Sita and Shri Ram in Silver Age, as Ishtadev or Devi, the
object of worship, an idol, in the Copper Age and Iron Age, giving solace
to the devotees, and as the sons and daughters of Prajapita Brahma

(B.Ks.) in the a u s p i c i o u s C o n f l u e n c e Age when wc undergo

metamorphosis by becoming a divine being or deity from a human
The process of transformation from human being to divine being
through the self-esteem of "Swadarshan Chakradhari" involves
profound changes, both in biological and spiritual realms. This process
is comparable to what happens when a caterpillar transforms into a
It will be much relevant to quote Dr. Deepak Chopra* regarding
the biological transformation of the caterpillar into a butterfly. Talking
about the collective transformation that is taking place in the world he
said that the terrible situation in the world today provides an opportunity
for change. "One of the best examples of collective transformation is a
process in biology callcd metamorphosis. It is something like a
caterpillar becoming a butterfly. The two are quite different. The
caterpillar is like a worm; the butterfly is a very magical creature,
beautiful colours, that fiy. This is what happens: At some stage of its
development the caterpillar becomes very greedy, it starts to consume
more than it needs, when the consumption cxcceds its metabolic needs,
its body starts to die and starts to liquify. But within the body of the
caterpillar there are a few cells to which the scientists refer to as imaginal
cells. These imaginal cclls arc literally dreaming a new reality. These
cells vibrate in a different frequency of consciousness. When the
caterpillar's body recognizes these imaginal cclls, the immune cclls of
the caterpillar attack them. Because the imaginal cclls vibrate at a
different frequency, they remain immune to the on slought. Soon the
immune cclls give up, and the imaginal cclls start to gather in little
clusters. Then some thing else h a p p e n s - t h e clusters of imaginal cells
start to connect with each other; when the connectivity of these imaginal
cclls reaches a critical level, something magical happens. A gene, the
genetic code that was lying dormant in the caterpillar wakes up. and in
that genetic codc is the information for wings, information for a new

lixcvrpieil Irani lecture bv Dr. Deepak Chopra on .Jan. 6. 21106 at Academy tor
Better World. Cyan Sarovur,Mount Abu. India.

heart, information for the antennas, the information for legs, the
information for a new metabolic rate - the metabolism of Hying creatures
has to be different from the metabolism of a worm. The Imaginal Cells
start using the dying matter of the caterpillar as a nutritive soup; it
becomes the culture medium the imaginal cells use to grow and to
connect and soon the butterfly emerges with the flight to freedom."
Dr. Chopra then urged the gathering of over 800 medical scientists
and other professionals to start imagining the new reality because through
their transformation, the world will be transformed. He emphasized the
role of BKs as the imaginal cells all over the world and said that the
next step is to conncct these cells. He further mentioned that the imaginal
cells for metamorphosis of the caterpillar into a butterfly was discovered
about 300 million years ago, which God put in the human heart, and that
is why, in the human heart there is a longing for a new reality. All the
terrorism and all the disasters are comparable to the nutritive soup of a
dying carcass of a caterpillar. Dr. Chopra urged the gathering to go to a
website on "Peace Practiccs" where seven practices arc explained.
So let's not waste our consciousness on waste, negative, and
ordinary thoughts. Let us all concentrate on creating elevated thoughts-
let us remind ourselves we are co-creators of the new world paradigm—
the world of a perfect value-based socicty that is called heaven, paradise,
jannat, behisi, swarg and so on. Let's search for other imaginal cclls
around the world and then connect with each other to hasten the process
of metamorphosis at the spiritual level. The material or biological
changes will automatically follow. We shall now discuss certain phrases
often repeated by the incorporeal Supreme Father through His corporeal
medium as these too help in hastening our metamorphosis into divine

Aham So So Aham
These key words mean - ' I was originally a deity and so will 1 be
again'. It further reminds me of the different stages of evolution through
the entire cycle of Eternal World Drama (EWD). Through this Key
phrase God has revealed the different 'Varnas' or classes of human
beings through different ages of the EWD. In the Golden Age we were
deities - gods and goddesses (Devtas and Devis), in the Silver Age wc

were 'Kshatriyas', in the Copper Age we were 'Vaishyas', in the Iron

Age wc became 'Shudras', and in the Confluence Age we become
"Brahmins' - the mouth born daughters and sons of Prajapita Brahma
called Brahma Kumaris and Brahma Kumars respectively. During the
Confluence Age, the transitional period between Iron Age and Golden
Age God Shiva, the Supreme Teacher imparts Godly knowledge. Based
on this knowledge His Children practise Rajyoga that brings about the
ev olution of their consciousness leading to the transformation from
human beings to the divine beings. For this purpose incorporeal God
Shiva has established the Godly University—'Prajapita Brahma
Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya' through His corporcal medium
Prajapita Brahma. The aim and object of the university is to transform
human being to a divine being symbolized by Shri Lakshmi and Shri
Narayan, the World Sovereigns in the Golden Age. The curriculum of
this university includes four main subjects - Cyan, Yoga, Dharana
and Seva. This curriculum enables us to realise the popular saying in
India- "Nar Aisa karam Kare jo Nar Se Shri Narayan Bane; Nari
Aisa karam kare jo Nari se Shri Lakshmi Bane ". We shall now discuss
about the four subjects.

Gyan or Godly Knowledge

Godly knowledge is so profound as it deals with subjects like
the self or Soul, the Supreme Soul or God, His divine form, divine acts,
His divine attributes and so on. It further reveals the secrets of this
creation as the eternal interplay of physical and metaphysical energies,
in other words, the details of this eternal world drama which repeats
i t s e l f every 5000 years. It further reveals the law of karma or cause and
e f f e c t based on which the 'drama' goes on eternally. This profound
information is served to the seekers in such simple and attractive manner,
t h a t the seeker is able to consume the whole course in seven hours in
en days as if he is being treated to a sumptuous feast. It is the magic
the Supreme Intellect that such profound truth is served in such tasty
dishes that even the simple, uneducated village folk as well as great
cholars can consume them with relish, digest them and assimilate them
^'respective of their age, education, social or economic status, caste,

creed, race, faith, nationality and both macro and micro belief systems.
This seven day capsule-called seven day course is the introductory
course that enables you to enroll yourself as a regular student of the
Godly University. This course can be had even at a remote village in
India where the smallest branch of this great institution functions under
the name - 'Gila Pathashala', where usually a couplc following the
Raj yoga (RY) way of life conduct the class. Oncc you complete the
seven day course successfully, you arc equipped with the whole set of
preliminary information required to practise RY meditation, and also
to understand the 'Murli' which is the daily discourse on Godly versions.

Rajayoga Meditation
During the 7- day course you get practical cxpcriencc of RY
meditation which is an art of creating positive thoughts sequentially
enabling you to transcend the different realms of the cosmos or
Brahmaand and reach the soul w orld using the faculties of mind and
intellect. You arc now in the presence of the Supreme Soul, your Supreme
Father, Supreme Teacher and Supreme Preccptor, experiencing basic
attributes of the Supreme Soul and the Souls - bliss, knowledge, peace,
love, joy. purity and power. All these attributes being metaphysical
energies, can be linked to the seven hues of the VIBGYOR in the same
order. This linking will facilitate, the process of visualization of each
attribute. In the practicc of RY meditation it is useful to start with physical
and mental relaxation, then contemplation about the self, then
transcending the self using the faculties of mind and intellect from the
physical (corporeal) world to the incorporeal soul world. Once you reach
that realm, you can experience the seven attributes of the Supreme
through the processes of visualization and perception, share them with
fellow souls through the processes of'reception and distribution. Chapter
7 gives the details.

Dharana or Inculcation
This part of the curriculum is very vital in transforming the
self from its present degraded condition of a human being to the original
elevated condition o f a divine being like Shri Lakshmi and Shri Narayan.

This means, you beeome an embodiment of the seven basie attributes

mentioned above. When the basic attributes are re-established, your
consciousness about the self changes, i.e., you are able to stay in Soul-
Consciousness continually which leads to God-Consciousness and
Cosmic-Consciousness. Once your consciousness transforms in this
manner, you are expanding your consciousncss from personal to
transpersonal or from unitivc to cosmic realm. God Shiva explains this
profound change using the very simple Hindi words—Had and Behad
which literally mean-limited and unlimited. When you stabilize the self
in the basic attributes, the secondary qualities called virtues become
visible in you automatically. The tertiary qualities called values arc infact
the \ irtues in action as they come into play when you interact with
others. The inter connectedness of the self (soul) - t h e mind - the body
the relationship-thc socicty and environment have already been
discussed in Ch. 4..

Sewa or Spiritual Service

The spiritual knowledge and the personal experiences gained
through the first three subjects are shared with the fellow souls through
personal contact, through collective contacts as in Fairs and exhibitions,
rallies or yatras, campaigns for different sectors of socicty like youth
and women; through institutional p r o g r a m m e s like seminars,
conferences, meditation camps; through Radio and T.V. programmes,
print media, helpline, and of course through internet. Different
professional groups are served through different wings of the Rajyoga
Education and Research Foundation. There is a special research group
called SpARC, i.e., the Spiritual Application Research Centre which
initiates and executes in-depth studies on various aspects of spiritual
knowledge spanning all the four subjects of the curriculum.
While talking on human consciousness on January 6, 2005Dr.
Deepak Chopra of USA said: "In my know ledge, the most profound
information about consciousncss and its functioning is in the 'Yog
\asishth' wherein Vasishth teaches about consciousness to Ram...
\a>hisht's teaching about incarnations of God is a beautiful metaphor
!or all of us. It is that, every one has the divinity within, but we have
forgotten. The key to that divinity is to remember. The remembrance
Miies through 'Satsang - Good Company'. 'Sera -Service.' and

Simiran - Remembrance of God'...."

A Review of the Process of Evolution

We have discussed about the anatomy, biochemistry, physiology,
and psychobiology of human being in Ch. 2.. The information contained
therein, when put to practice in day-to-day life, keep us continually aware
about the reality of the self as an eternal, immortal sentient being who
has taken a human body in order to play the pre-ordained roles in the
Eternal World Drama (EWD). This eternal being, we call soul/or psychc
which has the consciousness, and is made up of the metaphysical energies
of bliss, truth (knowledge,) peace, love, joy, purity and power. These
subtle energies arc inter related at macro and micro levels (pi. sec Ch.
4). The state of consciousncss is the product of integrated functioning
of the three subtle faculties of the soul - mind, intellect and sanskar.
The readers may refer toCh. 6 wherein we have discussed about seven
states of consciousness. As consciousncss is the spring board for thought,
decisions, and actions, the soul reacts to external circumstanccs based
on what it feels itself to be at that particular moment. Broadly speaking,
our consciousness can cither be related to the soul or to the body. When
I have soul-consciousness, 1 have inner strength, and my tendencies
and talents are reflected in the form of virtues. When I am body-
conscious, the self is weak and my original tendencies emerge as vices.
Thus, vices are virtues that have lost their direction and power. With the
awareness that the actor, the role and the costume are separate, but
connected, I pay more attention to the way I am playing my role. I can't
change others, but I can tune my role with whatever situations require
me to do.

The state of the self and the state of the environment are intimately
interconnected, at the gross level, through mind, body, relationship,
and society (please sec diagram in Ch. 4). At the micro level also there
is interconnection between the primary qualities, between the primary
and secondary qualities (virtues), and between primary, secondary and
tertiary qualities (values) [please see diagrams of Inter Connection at
Macro and Micro Levels in Ch. 4

C h a n g i n g the Consciousness
My state of consciousness affects my mental state, attitude, vision,
and desire. These in turn affect the actions I perform and situations in
which I find myself, and these are the cffccts (experiences) of my actions.
When there is the desire for pure cxpericncc, then the intellect sclccts
those thoughts that will bear desired results. If I desire peace,
contentment, love, joy, and power, I will try to eradicate those thoughts
and sanskars, which are the seeds of disharmony and disquiet. Will
power is my ability to put into practicc the ideas I know to be for my
well-being, and to resist harmful activities. I use this will power to get
back to my original or highest state of consciousncss.

Evolution of Human Consciousness through

Raj yoga
We have been discussing about various aspects of human
consciousncss from the spiritual as well as scientific angles. The
evolution of human consciousncss through the journey of birth and
rebirth takes a quantum jump during the Confluence Age that started
w i t h the establishment of Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa

Vidyalaya in 1937 by the Incorporeal Supreme Soul, God Shiva through

ilis corporeal medium Prajapita Brahma. Godly knowledge about the
soul, the Supreme Soul, and the Eternal World Drama, which is sustained
by the invioble law of Karma, enable us to practise Rajyoga meditation
RY). Prajapita Brahma and Jagadamba Saraswati, lovingly called Baba,
Mama by the students of this spiritual university not only guided the
enior sisters and brothers into depth of Godly knowledge and intense
meditation, but also provided nurturance -both physical and spiritual,
hke a father and mother. In other words, the Supreme Parent, Shiva
Baba nurtured His children through Mama- Baba within the campus of
• :ic institution, away from the vicious world around. For fourteen years,
wer 400 inmates, both male and female of different ages underwent
niensc training in all the four subjects of the university, viz: Cyan,
Dharana andScva in the Sindh Prov ince w hich became part of
Pakistan in August 1947. In 1951 this divine family moved to Mount

Abu in Rajasthan from where the universal transformation of human

beings to divine beings continues to be guided.
Godly versions taught in this spiritual university are so simple
that even an illiterate person can understand and practise naturally.
Even so, each point has the depth of an ocean, providing ample scope
for contemplation, interpretation, and verification through practical
application. Godly injunctions giving spiritual laws (Niyams) and code
of conduct (Maryadas), when practised diligently, ensure fast progress
in the process of transformation. The rich experiences of the senior
sisters (Dadis) and senior brothers (Dadas) arc well documented and
shared freely.
Rajyoga Education and Research Foundation is an umbrella
organisation promoted by the Brahma Kumaris Spiritual University
for facilitating the dissemination of spiritual knowledge and providing
a platform for different sections of the society such as youth and women;
for different professions like medical, engineering, scientists, judiciary
ctc. SpARC - 'Spiritual Application Research Centre' is another
specialised group which comprises brothers and sisters interested in
scientific research on spiritual concepts.
Being associated with the Medical Wing, the Scientists and
Engineers Wing as well as SpARC, I have been experimenting different
techniques of RY meditation and its practical applications. Regular
readers of the series of articles in 'The World Renewal' magazine might
recall the meditation commentaries given in part VI. Since then the
sequence has been changed, new practical applications have been
evolved and the process itself has been modified. The salient changes
have been incorporated in this book..
We have discussed the functioning of different kinds of
metaphysical energies at the micro level and macro level during
meditation in Ch. 7. We shall now examine how disharmony among
physical and metaphysical energies causes disease and how raising
vibrational frequency, and keeping our four mortal bodies in alignment
with the Higher Self ( HS) restores harmony. The information below is
mostly sourccd from Arian Sams' book Healing the Past for a Vibrant
future published in India by Pustak Mahal.

Energy vibrations
Good or bad vibrations emanated by a person can be felt by
others. When you have strong hurtful feelings, your energy is trapped
and cannot flow freely. These blockcd feelings and negative vibrations
cause severe pains, and are extremely damaging to your physical health
\\ hen continued over a period of time. Besides your overall vibrations,
each of your bodies has its own vibratory sound. The physical body has
the lowest vibrational frequency and the soul the highest frequency.
Together, these different tones form a musical chord creating a deep,
rich tone combining the different frequencies into a balanced harmony.
Your HS always vibrates at a lovely pitch, but your other bodies may
sound discordant becausc of energy blocks in each of them. When these
blocks are cleared, and these energies combine to create a balanced
harmony, you feel joyful, expansive and loving. You feel more empathy
tor others; you see yourself and others more clearly and lovingly, if
more people vibrate at this 'gold harmony' level, the world would
become a far better place.
When you were born, you vibrated at a very high level. All
through your childhood, your family assaulted you with disapproval,
rage, manipulation, guilt, judgement, blame or neglect. These negative
energies distorted and blocked your feelings, and cloggcd your aura.
I he stronger their emotions, and the younger you were, the lesser the
ability to dispel them. Gradually, you ended up vibrating at a much

lower frequency that reflected your lowered self-esteem. The world

rcinforccd your belief then, and continues to do so. When you believe
"I am not so good" you create situations that reinforce your belief. The
lower your vibrational frequency, the worse the energies, experiences
and relationships you create for yourself. You tend to crcate co-
dependent relations that trap you in guilt and obligations. Then you
endeavour to give away your energy to others, leaving very little for
yourself; but your hope of getting something back is seldom fulfilled.
When you raise your vibrational frequency, you eliminate some part of
toxic energies within you. The 'present time field' exercise given in
Ch. 2 just does that. When you break that co-dependent need for other's
approval and allow yourself to be nurtured by your HS you raise your
energy level and your vibrations. Then you have so much energy, love
and joy that you gladly share these with others, out of abundance, not
out of need and hope of getting something back.

Raising Your Vibrational Frequency

Raising your vibrational frequency and keeping your mortal
bodies in alignment with the HS using exercises given below allow
you to have more energy for your healing. Under normal circumstances,
your reserve energy is barely half of what you were born with, because
your available energy is locked away in your traumas. When you are
sick, your body uses energy to fight illness, and hence available energy
is further reduced. This is why you need to rest to regain energy.
Temporary sickness like flu, cold etc. cleans out clogged energies and
raise your vibrations. Working with higher beings like HS or angels
also helps you raise your vibrational level. The most important effect
of raising your vibrational frequency is that the structures inside you
that do not match your new vibration must change as well.

Setting Vibration Scale

Imagine an energy scale that goes from 0-10. Zero is complete
evil, the worst kind of low life controlled by clementals and evil spirits—
that is your own hell on earth. Ten means you are at the level of

transccndcncc that can be sustained for a very short period only. Your
body cannot tolerate a vibration beyond its capacity and hence will pull
your vibration back to a bearable level almost immediately. Raising your
energy without clearing the blocks can hurt you physically and may
trigger a quick cold as your body tries to raise its vibration to compensate.
The present time field will help you by releasing a lot of those energies.
In order to keep your friends and family in your life, the vibrations
scale be set at a range of 5-6. At this range you can communicate with
most people, and it helps raise vibrations of other people around you. If
you set a higher vibration for yourself, others below that frequency
find it more difficult to interact with you, whoever falls below your
vibration cannot gravitate towards you. "It is as though you have
disappeared from their radar - you're invisible to them."

How Disharmony Among

Physical and Metaphysical Energies Cause
When four mortal bodies work together in harmony with
the HS, all the five energies are in alignment and then there is
an easy flow of energies back and forth between the emotional
body (conscious mind), mental body (rational mind or intellect),
the physical body, the etheric body and the HS. This is the 'gold
harmony level' and such a state existed in the Golden and Silver
A g e s as r e v e a l e d by God Shiva. W h e n s u c h h a r m o n y is
established now, we feel connected to God, the eternal source
of metaphysical energy, continuously bathed in love and joy. But
the strains of our life situations disturb the inner alignment, which
causes anger, frustration, shame and guilt so that we get caught
in the conflicting needs of the four mortal bodies. A good example
is the intellect (mental body or rational self) which denigrates or
cuts off the physical body and emotional body or the emotional
self (conscious mind or "heart") which uses manipulation to
remain in control. When this split occurs, there can be no
harmonious blending of energies and purpose. Instead, there is
internal dissention, frustration and stress. Some of the stress
arises in the childhood. The decision you make about the world

based on your environment in the first twelve months of your

life forms the foundation of your belief system. In the next two
years, you solidify this belief system that becomes the "Core
Issue" for the rest of your life. Core issue is a basic belief about
yourself and the world (please see Ch. 2). It is so overwhelming,
powerful and inherent in you at the cellular level, that your whole
life is controlled and coloured by it. There are three basic core
issues or fears: fear of death; fear of abandonment; fear of loss
of self-identity. These arise from an unfulfilled need for safety,
for love, or being yourself. The core beliefs may not seem obvious
in your daily life, but whatever you think, do or believe is in
reaction to your core belief, either striving to counter its influence
or succumbing to that belief. Whether the stresses arise in the
present childhood or have been embedded in the soul for several
life times, these lead to a clash and cacophony between the four
elements representing four mortal bodies (the earth represents
physical body, the air the aura, the fire the mental body and w ater
the emotional body) resulting in the formation of energy blocks.
Due to this internal warfare we forget our connection to the HS,
which could bring us into balance—if we could remember that it
exists. The longer the energy blocks resulting from the internal
conflict persist, they become more destructive to the energies
as well as to the physical body where they manifest as diseases
like cancer or simple pains.

How to Re-establish Harmony Among the Five

Selves of the Human Being (Jeevatma)l
The surest mechanism to restore balance among the different
energies is a transcendent, expansive spiritual love that fills us with joy
and makes us glad to be ourselves. By connecting with our HS, we
begin raising our self esteem, and acccpting our birth right of
unconditional love. Once we can feel the love our HS dearly wants to
give, it becomes easier for us to accept it from others, both human and
divine. As already discusscd earlier, the HS or the perfect form of the
embodied soul is its bodiless stage or videh avastha. In this perfect
form we are full in all attributes of the Supreme Soul such as bliss,
knowledge, peace, love, joy, purity and power. Raj yoga meditation

mentioned in ch. 9 helps to re-establish harmony among physical,

biological and metaphysical energies by purifying, empowering and
activating the five elements as well as the emotional and mental selves.
As an adjunct to meditation, we can use psycho-therapeutic exercises
>ii\ en in Arian Sarris' book. Simple and effective exercises for cleaning
the aura, for creating a 'present time field', for aligning the four mortal
bodies with the HS etc, when practised regularly, will help the process
of re-establishing and maintaining harmony among different energies of
the immortal self and the four mortal bodies. Since all the four mortal
bodies (subtle body, physical body, mental body and emotional body )
occupy the same space together, and arc designed to work as one unit,
changing old patterns in one body causes an energy shift in all of them,
leading to restoration of the lost communication and harmony. The How
of subtle energies between the physical and ethcric bodies is the basis
for acupuncture and acupressure that heal by removing energy blocks.
There arc psycho-thcrapcutic procedures designed to achieve
transformation of sanskaras. These again can be used as an adjunct to
Raj yoga to achieve self-transformation. By visualising the HS, the
perfect and bodiless soul eight inches above the head, wc can remain in
the bodiless state (Videhi) continually, and by seeing others as 'vic/ehi'
or 'sampurna swamp ' wc can foster universal brotherhood most
Exercises for Aligning Four Mortal Bodies
with HS (Videhi)
The four mortal bodies, when aligned with the HS, vibrate at
the same pitch, although for a few moments. While doing this exercise,
\ou have to actually move around, it is not sufficient to do it in the
• Have four seats, put a cushion each on two seats,
• Sit down on the first seat wrapping a shawl around you. Clean out
your aura and put yourself in present time.
• The shawl represents your aura. Remove the shawl slowly and
mindfully and drop it on the scat. Say - "I am taking off my aura
and leav ing it here" as you do that.

• Now go to the first cushion, pick it up and sit down. Say - "1 am
leaving my emotional body here", and imagine it going into the
cushion. Stand up and drop the cushion on the seat.
• Go to the next cushion, pick it up and sit down. Say - "I am leaving
my mental body here" and imagine it going in to the cushion. Stand
up and drop the cushion on the scat.
• Go to the last seat and sit down. This is your physical body.
• Imagine your HS sliding down your crown plexus at the top of
your head and filling your body with its presence. Your body starts
vibrating at a much higher pitch. Your body may show its blockages
through aches and pains. Make a mental note of these points for
clearing them using other exercises. Sit for a few moments, allowing
the HS to align itself with the physical body.
• Move to the mental body, pick up the cushion, and sit down, hug
the cushion, call the mental body back inside you so that HS can
align with it. Your mental body may make some comments,
acknowledge these by simply saying - "thank you" and continue
the cxercisc whether you believe it is effective or not.
• Now repeat this procedure with the emotional body, letting the HS
align with it.
• Go to the third scat, pick up the shawl, wrap it around your body,
allow the HS to align itself with the aura. You may find it extremely
difficult to hold the alignment for more than a few moments when
you have many blockages. You may find it quite comfortable if the
blockages arc only a few.
• Imagine orange rays of purity from Shiva Baba filling your aura
and other bodies and reprogram your cells for love and joy, replacing
the negative vibrations of the past.
Every time you do this cxercisc, the body, soul, mind and intellect
blend together harmoniously, the way you were in the Golden Age
and Silver Age.
Exercise for Changing Vibrational Armour
You were born with a clcan and pure vibration armour. But as you grew
up you acquired accrctions and blocks that form a kind of psychic
armour which lowers your vibrations.
• Imagine you are wearing armour which is heavy and hence it is

hard to walk around.

• Tap your body with the present time wand to bring your armour
into present time..
• Take your armour off piece by piece. Drop it on the ground with a
clatter and step away from it. Look back and see your armour lying
on the ground
• Take out of your heart the original high vibration energy envelope
that your baby self came in.
• Climb into this enormously flexible baby-sized body suit. Pull it
on over your feet and legs, arms and hands, up your torso and
shoulders, over your head and facc until it covers you completely.
• Dispose of your old armour using a cosmic garbage truck.

The new suit will protect you with the highest cosmic vibrations,
free of personal contamination
Yoga literally means union or connection. In Rajayoga, the human
consciousness or soul establishes a conncction with the Supreme Soul
or God through thought energy. In order to establish the spiritual union,
I should first have the awareness that I am a soul, a point of sentient
light or spiritual energies. The seven basic attributes of the soul and the
Supreme Soul (God) - bliss (balancc), knowledge (truth), peace, love,
joy. purity and power - can be identified as seven metaphysical energies
corresponding to the seven hues of the light spectrum, VIBG YOR. The
soul is a finite source of spiritual energies and God is the infinite source
of these. The purpose of Rajayoga meditation (RY) is to regain these
basic attributes from God, the eternal power house. It is like connecting
the soul's battery to the eternal power house and getting fully charged.
We can visualize the soul as having seven cells or seven photon fields
of VIBGYOR (sec picture of Vidchi in Ch.2). God has revealed through
His corporeal medium, Prajapita Brahma, that the human soul when
embodied (Dehi) is loeated at the centre of the forehead, between the
eyebrows, and expresses itself through three faculties of mind, intellect
and latencies (Sanskara). Scientists have now found that the mind, the
thinking faculty of the soul, is located in between the three endocrine
glands - hypothalamus, pituitary and pineal body - within the brain.
The psychobiological diagram of the human being ( Ch. 2) shows that
the faculties of Dehi - mind and intellect - get integrated with the
physical body, and in that process they become the Emotional body
and Mental body, respectively. This diagram reveals the four mortal
bodies and the immortal Higher Self (Super conscious mind) w ho wc
would prefer to call Videhi, which means bodiless soul. It also shows
the seventh plexus (Chakra) located in the cthcric body, through which
the Vidchi communicates with the Dehi. A thorough understanding of
the information in Ch. 2 is essential before starting the meditation
exercise. This meditation is called Rajayoga because through this union
of the soul and the Supreme Soul the intellect becomes the sovereign

ruler of the conscious and sub-conscious minds. Thorough understanding

of the seven Chakras and their link with the five elements and various
parts of the body will enable us to practise healing meditation effectively.

Pre-requisites for Rajayoga Practice:

• True knowledge of the self, both when embodied (Dehi) and when
bodiless { Videhi). (sec Ch.2)
• True knowledge about God, the Supreme Soul - form, name, abode,
attributes, functions, similarities and dissimilarities with the human
soul. (Sec Ch.6).
• True knowledge about the geography of the universe i.e. clear

The True Geography of the Creation


understanding of the three worlds/regions (see picturc) -

The incorporeal soul world called 'Brahma Lok\ 'Shanti Dham',
'Nirvan Dham 'and so on. This world can be seen only through
divine insight. It is filled with golden red light which is called the
sixth clement or 'Brahm'. There is no thought, word or motion
here and therefore supreme silence prevails here. There is no matter
The subtle world of the three subtle deities - Brahma, Vishnu and
Shankar. There is no matter and no sound here, but thought and
motion arc present here.
The corporeal world of matter, sound and motion where an eternal
interplay of the souls, nature and God goes on, constituting the
Eternal World Drama (EWD). Earth is the drama stage and the
stars, moon and sun provide light to this stage and the plants,
animals, birds, flowers etc. are for decoration of the stage. Human
souls act in this drama wearing the costumes of male or female
• Clear understanding of the cyclic repetition of the EWD, awareness
about the auspicious Confluence Age which affords supreme
opportunities of co-crcation with God. (See picture in Chapter 3)

Initiation of Meditation:
Rajayoga can be practiced sitting comfortably with your
backbone straight and eyes open. RY is a long journey of remembrance
starting from the coiporeal world and extending to the incorporeal soul
world. The human body cannot be taken beyond the corporeal world,
and therefore it is important that we learn to detach ourselves from the
consciousncss of the body. This detachment is essentially a mental
exercise which is facilitated by physical and mental relaxation. You
may adopt any relaxation technique. However, regulating your breath
by very slowly breathing in, holding the breath easily as long as you
can. and breathing out very slowly three to five times will provide
sufficient relaxation.

Scientists say that the embodied soul (Dehi) is bound to 100
trillion cells of the physical body through its faculties of mind

(Kmotional body) and intellect (Mental body). God says that you have
lo become Videhi (bodiless soul) and then remember the incorporeal
Supreme Father. Therefore, I visualize myself (Dehi) moving out of my
seat in the brain through the crown plexus and stationing myself about
eight inchcs above the head to become bodiless or Videhi. In order to
visualize my seven basic attributes I expand the point of light into a zero
and visualize the seven photon fields of VIBGYOR that represent the
basic attributes - bliss, knowledge, peace, love, joy, purity and power in
the same order. This is the perfect stage or Sampurna Swarup of the
soul that God Shiva always sees. Videhi being full in all the seven basic
attributes is equal to Supreme Father Shiva. Now I, the Videhi, move to
the soul world in my perfect stage.
Seven-Rays Rajayoga Meditation for
Empowerment of the Self and
the Entire Humanity
This meditation includes four steps - visualisation, perception,
recption and distribution. First I visualize Shiva Baba radiating the
basic attributes as seven hues of VIBGYOR, divine virtues and powers
to the infinity.(Sec picture of God Shiva below).

Now I cxpcricncc the basic attributes and the sweetness of

different relations with Shiva Baba.
I start with indigo rays of true knowledge.. .1 see the indigo photon
rays of the Supreme Teacher coming to me.. .illuminating my indigo
photon field .. .1 stay in this experience (perception) .. .all the points of
Godly knowledge are very clear to me now... I become ... Trikaldarshi,
the knower of the three aspects of time...
Videhi with Seven Basic Attributes and Seven
Trilokinatli, the master of three worlds.. .master seed of the
human Kalpa Tree... I see the indigo photons of Shiva Baba filling my
indigo photon field (reception)... and overflowing to the corporeal
world...I see innumerable souls in the corporcal world receiving the
indigo photon rays (distribution).. .their indigo photon fields arc getting
illuminated ...they arc now linked to Shiva Baba through these

rays.. .their indigo photon fields get filled to the brim.. .start overflowing
and these unite creating waves of indigo photon rays.. .these waves are
moving around the world clearing the darkness of ignorance from
innumerable souls...
I repeat the four steps of visualization, perception, reception and
distribution with the remaining six attributes sequentially...- blue photon
rays of peace from S. Mother.. .green photon rays of love from S.
Consort.. .yellow photon rays of Joy from the S. Companion.. .orange
photon rays of purity from S. Preceptor (Spiritual Guide)... red photon
iays of spiritual powers from S. Father.. .and violet photon rays of bliss,
the state of balance.. .from the S. Child...
I, the empowered Videhi, return to my scat within the brain...
and remain there as Dehi... constantly aware of my Videhi stage...
radiating the spiritual energies of bliss, knowledge, love, joy, purity and
power all around me... These basic attributes... firmly imprinted in my
sanskara (sub-conscious mind)... naturally fill my conscious mind...
with the secondary qualities of divine virtues in the form of positive
thoughts.. .Now all my personal interactions are filled with moral values,
the tertiary qualities of the soul.

Exercise For Gaining Self-sovereignty

Swarajya Jlcffiifiaari

Cell M e m b r a n e = intellect = Emperor

Cell body = Wind - Empire

Nucleus = Sanskar = Capital

7 attributes m Sanskar are 7 Kingdoms

Please refer to the diagram of Self-Sovereign below. As described

therein, the intellect becomes the sovereign (Emperor or samrat), the
mind becomes the empire or samrajya, and sanskara becomcs its
capital. The seven basic attributes - bliss, truth (knowledge) peace,
love, joy, purity and power are the kings. The seven photon fields filling
the sanskara radially are seven kingdoms represented by the seven
hues of VIBGYOR. When these subtle metaphysical energies or photon
fields spread over the mind-empire, the secondary qualities or divine
virtues become naturally active. These virtues are metaphorically
perceived as the virtuous subjects of the empire. Intellect-the emperor
is shown as encircling the empire symbolizing its complete control over
mind, the empire, and sanskaras, the capital of seven kings. After
familiarizing this diagram and related concepts, the meditation
commentary for gaining self-sovereignty can easily be practised.
I.. .the embodied soul.. .Dehi leave my throne linked to the brow
plexus... pass through the crown plexus... position myself eight inchcs
above the head... I am Videhi now... replete with all the seven original
attributes... the seven-photon fields of VIBGYOR... the light spectrum
radiating bliss... knowledge ... peace... love... joy ... purity... power
in the same order. I ... the Videhi now move to the angelic world...
Brahmapuri along with my ethcric body... as a little angel... Bapdada*
fondles me in his lap... asks me to visit the Supreme Father at His
I, the Videhi, leave my subtle body.. .reach the soul world.. .1 see
Shiva Baba radiating the basic attributes to infinity... I visualize the indigo
photons of true knowledge from Shiva Baba, my Supreme Teachcr
coming towards me... I experience indigo photons of Baba filling my
indigo photon field... I stay in that experience... I feel replete with
Godly knowledge... the truth about the soul... Supreme Soul...the
Eternal World Drama...the law of karma... The indigo photons now
overflow into the corporcal world... kindling indigo photon fields.. .in
innumerable souls.. .Now these souls get linked to Shiva Baba.. .Indigo

The term Bapdada denotes angelic Brahma Baba and Shiva Baba in spiritual

photons from Shiva Baba fill their indigo photon fields.. .these too start
overflowing.. .indigo photons from all these souls join together... create
waves of indigo photons of truth...of true Godly Knowledge... in the
The above process of visualization, perception, reception and
distribution... 1 repeat with other attributes and relations ...I fill myself
with blue photons of Peacc from the Supreme Mother...create blue
photon waves of Peace in the universe...I fill myself with green photons
of Love from the Supreme Consort (Sajan)... create green photon waves
of spiritual love in the universe;.. .1 fill my self with yellow photons of
Joy from the Supreme Companion (Sakha)... create yellow photon
waves of Supra sensory Joy in the universe... I fill myself with orange
photons of Purity from the Supreme Preceptor (Guide).. .create orange
photon waves of purity in the universe;.. .1 fill myself with red photons
of might from the Supreme Father.. .creatc red photon waves of spiritual
powers in the universe,.. .1 fill myself with violet photons of bliss from
the Supreme Child... creatc violet photon waves of bliss in the
I, the empowered Videhi, return to my subtle body in Brahmapuri...
Now Bapdada... fills my mind, the empire, with divine virtues... the
virtuous subjects-, lightness... cheerfulness...fearlessness... egoless-
ness... worry-less-ness.. .royalty.. .as the Supreme Child...
Now Bapdada as Supreme Teacher...fills my intellect... the
emperor with divine virtues like discipline... honesty... generosity...
orderliness... reality... good wish...
As the Suprreme Mother... Bapdada fills the mind-empire with
divine virtues - introversion ... self confidence.. .patience... humility...
sweetness.. .tolerancc... cleanliness...
As the Supreme Consort...Bapdada fills the mind-empire with
divine virtues— humour...contentment...simplicity...
truthfulness.. .politeness.. .equality...
As Supreme Companion, Bapdada now fills the mind-empire with
the divine virtues of serenity ...
operation...courage... vitality...
My Supreme Preceptor... Bapdada fills the intellect... the
Hmperor with the virtues ofdetachment... obedience... far-sightedness

... aloofness...asccticism...witnessing awareness...

As Supreme Father... Bapdada fills the emperor-intellect with
divine v i r t u e s - t i r e l e s s n e s s . . . a p p r e c i a t i o n . . . s o b r i e t y . . .
determination... concentration... plainness... Bapdada further bestows
the e m p e r o r - i n t e l l e c t with spiritual p o w e r s like... p o w e r to
tolerate.. .power to accommodate... power to discriminate... power to
judge... power to face ... power to co-operate... power to withdraw...
power to pack-up... power to control... power to rule...
Now the intellect, empowered with spiritual powers,.. .adorned
with divine virtues... ruling over the sanskaras... the seven capitals...
the seven kings... and mind... the empire... its subjects... controlling
the sense organs.. .is the real sovereign... I enjoy this self-sovereignty...
the complete authority over Sanskaras... over the mind, over thoughts...
feelings... desires... All my sense organs arc under perfcct control of
the emperor... the intellect...
Subtle Services through Trinity (Trident) Form*
B a p d a d a now seats m e . . . t h e s e l f - s o v e r e i g n
microstar on his heart throne.. .in between Brahma .. .the
microstar and Shiva.. .the microstar. .. .A brilliant Trinity
or Trident (Trishul) of light and might is formed now.. .by
the combination of the three microstars.. .the Almighty
Shiva Baba.. .the Master Almighty Brahma Baba.. .and
myself.. .the self-sovereign. .. .This Combination of three
microstars.. .each emitting photon rays of the seven hues of VIBGYOR
that represent the seven metaphysical energies -
bliss...truth(knowledge)...peace... love... joy...purity...and
power...creates a powerful beam of 21 rays called sakash, the most
formidable force.
Bapdada now takes me on a quick round of the corporeal
world...shedding powerful... blue rays of peace...and red rays of
might.. .making weak and pcaceless souls peaceful and powerful.

\oh>: *
This step has been evolved based on Godlv versions received through corporeal
medium of Dadi llriday Mohini on October II. 1983. and revised on March
The trinity now returns to Brahmapuri... taking along all the
bodiless wandering souls in the corporeal world. ...These souls
experience p c a c c . . . j o y and l o v e . . . f r o m the Supreme Mother-
Father.. .become so content that they no longer want to return to the
corporcal world. ...They join the 'Spiritual Salvation Army' that
functions at Bapdada's command.
The Kalpa Tree*


Please see the Kalpa Tree and the subtle sapling that sprouted from its roots. This
subtle tree gets inverted into the corporeal world after the old tree is destroyed at
the end of the cycle.

ThcTrimty in the heart throne of Bapdada now focuses its formidable

'Sakash ' on to the roots of the inverted Kalpa Tree.. .spread over
Brahma Puri... All the souls in the corporeal world being part of the old
Kalpa Tree... receive the sakash of seven basic attributes from the
Trinity... .Many of them become BK-friendly.. .attain their God Fatherly
inheritance of mukti and jeevan mukti or liberation and beatitude*
I see the souls of my paternal and maternal family
spouse's parental family trees... my contact souls and their parental
family trees.. .being part of the Kalpa Tree.. .becoming BK-friendly
and attaining their inheritance of mukti and jeevan mukti.
I now visualize the sapling of the new subtle Kalpa Tree that
sprouted from the roots of the old Kalpa Tree.. .as a result of spiritual
energy focussed on it by Brahma and his mouth-born children....
Through the sakash from the Trinity...I forge strong bonds of
unlimited love and unlimited co-opcration.. .with the eight jewels (Ashta
Ratnas) with souls of the garland of victory (Vijay Mala).. .and with
16,000 Royal souls... for 84 births. ...Now I forge bonds of unlimited
love and co-opcration with the rest of the souls of 33 crore deities for
varying periods as per their roles in the EWD.. .1 forge bonds of good
wishes with all the human souls that constitute the human family tree or
Kalpa Tree.
Unlimited Subtle Service of Nature through
Healing Meditation
The seven Chakras in the ethcric body have their own photon
fields of the VIBGYOR spectrum. These chakras being predominantly
linked to the five gross elements of nature and to the mental body and
emotional body as explained in Ch. 2, focusing intense metaphysical
energies (sakash) of the same hue on them will purify, empower and

The concept of inverted Kalpa Tree having its roots spread out over Brahma
Puri, and the B.K. souls in angelic form focussing their Sakash on to these roots
it •as commended as "one of the good t vavs of subtle service" bv Rajvogi B.K.
Jagdish Chander llasija during personal discussion on 3rd May, 1998.

activate the elements of the physical body as well as the mental body
and emotional body. As the elements of the body are linked to those in
the entire universe at the sub- atomic level, the elements of the entire
universe get purified, empowered, and activated through this meditation
exercise.The linkage between the elements of the physical body and
the chakras as well as the benefits accrued by the empowerment of
each chakra are explained in the meditation exercise. Bccausc of the
health benefits we may call this exercise - Healing Meditation.

Healing Meditation.
This exercise can be used for unlimited subtle servicc of all the
souls as well as all the elements of nature, besides healing the physical,
mental and emotional bodies all at one go with deference to the Godly
injunction to do "Behad Seva" or unlimited service. The same technique
can be used for personal or limited purposes also. The commentary
given below is sequential to the foregoing meditation exercises.
Seated in the heart throne of the Trinity form I
visualize the subtle bodies of all the souls of the Kalpa Tree in Brahma
Puri. BapDada... the Supreme Surgeon... focuses the triple photon
beams of VIBGYOR on their videhi or sampurma swarup which
directs these energies... on to the corresponding photon fields... of the
seven chakras... purifying... empowering ... and activating... the linked
element... or body.. .Patients, all over the world, whether in hospitals,
clinics or elsewhere, are especially emerged in Brahmapuri during the
healing meditation.
I visualize red photons of spiritual powers from the Videhi...
being linked to red photons of the Mooladhar Chakra (Root Plexus),
the Earth element of the physical body... and the universe getting
purified... empowered and activated... As a result... the bones...
muscles... tendons... ligaments.. .skin... teeth and all the solid structures
of the physical body start functioning optimally... the sense of smell in
the nose... the sense of survival and g r o u n d i n g arc also
regulated...Diseases like osteoporosis, sciatica etc. are relieved.
Now linking the orange photons of purity from the videhi with
orange photons of Swadhisthan Chakra (Sacral Plexus)... purifies...

empowers and activates... the Water element of the physical body...

and the universe. As a result... all the body fluids like... blood and
lymph... are empowered... start functioning optimally. The excretory
organs are empowered... the reproductory glands sublimate their
energies to strengthen the power of Brahmacharya which in turn
empowers the brain... the nervous system... the endocrine system...
prolonging life span... The sense of taste on the tongue... the sense of
procreation...are also regulated.. .AIDS, gynaecological, prostatic, renal
and lower back problems, blood canccr get relieved
Now the yellow photons of joy... from the videhi are focusscd
on Manipur Chakra (solar plexus)... purifying ... empowering and
activating the fire clement of the physical body... and the universe. As
a result, the energy cycle within the cclls gets activated, thus consuming
excess blood sugar and relieving diabetes. Basal metabolic rate (BMR)
in 100 trillion cells of the body is enhanced... and ccll regeneration
hastened. The pancreas... the liver,... spleen... stomach... intestine
arc rejuvenated... empowering the digestive system... the endocrine
system... immune system. Vision is empowered...sharpened due to
rejuvenation of ocular muscles, optic nerve, retina, lens and cornea the
vision becomes very powerful as that of an infant, spectacles arc no
more required..Rejuvenated pancrcas releases more insulin and relieves
diabetes... Empowered fire element regulates
appetite...thirst...sleep.. .laziness... and tiredness... regulates sense of
seeing...strengthens sense of control and leadership
The videhi now links the green photons of selfless spiritual
love for all with the green photon field of Anahad Chakra (Heart
Plexus)... purifying... empowering., and activating the air element of
the body... and the universe.. .The functions of air, like moving, holding,
impelling, constricting and broadcasting are regulated...opening up all
blockages in the cardio-vascular system...and the
lungs...Consequently...the oxygen supply to all vital organs is
e n h a n c e d . . . i m p r o v i n g their efficicncy...The sense of touch is
regulated...Empowerment of the air element hastens cure of coronary
artery disease, angina, high BP and lung diseases.
The blue photons of peace are now focusscd on Vishudha
Ckakra (Throat Plexus).... purifying... empowering... activating the

spacc clement of the physical body... and the universe... As a result...

the r e s p i r a t o r y p a s s a g e s the s i n u s e s . . . and the cars arc
empowered.... Asthma patients experience great relief... hearing
problems get resolved. ...The power of silence subdues the power of
sound... and five vices - lust...anger... greed... attachment...ego...
become dormant for half the Kalpa... making me vicclcss...My
c o m m u n i c a t i o n skills and p o w e r of h e a r i n g and speech are
enhanced...stiff neck, thyroid and ENT problems get resolved...
The videhi... now focuses its indigo photons of truth
(knowledge) on the indigo photon field of Agya (AjnaJ Chakra (Brow
Plexus)... purifying...empowering...activating... the mental body
(intellect).... As a result... the intellect is filled with true knowledge
about the self... the supreme... and the eternal woi id Drama... it starts
ruling over the sanskars... and the mind... the five senses are now
under its perfect control... Even the five elements linked to the sense
organs become subservient... The brain... the nervous system too get
empowered.. .Nervous disorders, migraine etc. are relieved...IQ and
memory get enhanced...
Finally, the videhi focuscs its violet photons of bliss energy on
to the violet photon field in Sahasrar Chakra (Crown Plexus)
purifying... empowering and activating the emotional body (mind)...
As a result there is a balancing of truth and might... of maseulinc and
feminine energies.. .of disintegrating and synthesizing energies... union
of Shiva and Shakti... There is perfcct harmony between physical and
metaphysical energies...the 'Inner child' is now freed of its fears...I
enjoy the perfcct blissful stage callcd sat ...chit... anand swamp. All
the systems, especially the endocrine, nervous and immune systems
become empowered...I becomc a "Carefree Emperor"...Confusion,
apathy, depression, low emotional quotient (EQ) and spiritual quotient
(,SQ) get corrected... .
Now... I leave the heart throne of Bapdada in the Trinity
(combined) form... occupy my own subtle (ctheric) body... Now I am
an angel with Trinity power...

Meditation at Vishnu puri

I, the angel with Trinity power.. .move to Vishnu Puri... I... Now
assume the form of four-armed Vishnu... I contemplate on the four
embellishments of Vishnu... the subtle deity... By adorning myself with
the wheel (chakra)... I bccomc replete with all divine virtues... and
these virtues arc carried to Golden Age where 1 will be "Sarva Gun
Sampann " - replete with all divine virtues... like Shri Narayan... the
world emperor.
By adorning myself with the macc (Gada)... I become completely
vicelcss (Sampurna Nirvikari)... as the golden aged deities
By adorning myself with the lotus flower... I become... "Maryada
Purushotam"... the one who m a i n t a i n s corrcct b e h a v i o u r . . .
decorum.. .convention... under all circumstanccs.
By embellishing myself with the conch (shankh)...\ become
replete with 16 celestial degrees (Solah kala sampuran)... like the full
moon... as in the ease of deities in the Golden Age. By this cxercisc 1
ensure my presence within the dynasty of Shri Lakshmi... and Shri
Narayan... in the Golden Age...

Meditation at Shankar Puri

I... the angel with Trinity power... now assume the form of the
subtle deity... Shankar... I am Videhi (bodiless)... Vairagi (ascctic)...
and Tapswi (meditative) like Shankar... Now. I go into deep meditation...
creating powerful flame of yoga. This yogic flame with seven hues
burns all the negativity in my sanskaras at the micro level brightening
the seven rays of basic attributes... The collective yogic flames generated
by B.Ks... burn the negatively charged...polluted... degraded... old
world...making way for the new world of Truth... Peace...Love...
Joy... Purity... Power... and Bliss...

Maintaining the Trinity (Combined) form in the

corporeal world
I, the angel with Trinity power... now return
to the corporeal world... my subtle body merges with
the etheric body... around the physical body... the
three micro stars now detach... Shiva Baba... the
brightest micro star... is seated in the pupil of my
right eye... Brahma Baba ... the brighter micro star
seated in the pupil of my left eye... I... the bright
micro star occupy my scat in the middle of the brain...
to bccomc Dehi (embodied soul) again.... 1... the Dehi am now
constantly linked to my own perfcct form... Videhi or higher self...
stationed eight inches above the head... The videhi is aligned to the
etheric body, physical body, mental body and emotional body through
the seven charkas in the etheric body... the three micro stars are again
united to bccomc the Trinity form or the Trident oflight and might. With
this awareness... I am able to maintain the self-esteem of Master
Almighty... quite naturally, and I maintain spiritual values in my social
This book is the compilation of a series of articles entitled ' Eternal
World Drama - The Eternal Interplay of Physical and Metaphysical
Energies' published in 'The World Renewal' magazine from November
2003 to March 2006 with some additional information added to it. God
Shiva, the Sun of Knowledge reveals the Truth (mysteries) about the
Soul, the Supreme Soul, the Eternal World Drama, and the Law of
Karma in the auspicious Confluence Age through His corporcal medium
- Prajapita Brahma. This book is an effort to unravel the mysteries of
the universe based on Supreme versions of the Sun of Knowledge, and
the corroborative scientific evidences.
In his Supreme versions called Murli, God has revealed that
human being or Jccvatma is combination of body made of insentient
matter or physical energy and Soul made of seven sentient metaphysical
energies-bliss, knowledge, peace, love, joy, purity and power. The
scnticncc or consciousness of the soul expresses itself through the three
faculties of the soul—mind, intellect, and sanskara. The composition
of the body and the soul, the scientific explanation of the interconnection
of the physical and metaphysical energies have been discusscd in Ch. 1
and 2. God has further revealed that the sentient soul is the creator, and
the insentient matter constituting the body and the universe is its
creation. This aspect has been discusscd in Ch. 6 from a scientific
Co-creation with God is a fact that God has revealed and the
modern science accepts it. (Please see Ch. 5 for further details). The
complementary role of science and spirituality has been highlighted in
different contexts in addition to the references given above. I hope that
this book on the mysteries of the universe fulfils the purpose of linking
Godly versions with science to some extent.

Inspirations, Intuitions and Encouragements

The series of articles on 'Mysteries of the Universe' published
in 'The World Renewal' magazine has been written with the inspirations
and intuitions from Bapdada - the Supreme Father Shiva and Brahma,
the progenitor of human family tree in spiritual union.
The monumental works of spiritual literature by our respected

senior brother, Rajyogi Jagdish Chancier Hassija like - 'The Eternal

World Drama', 'Science and Spirituality', "Bruhmacharya and so on
have been a sustained source of inspiration for writing this series.
Two other spiritual books that inspired me are: 'The New
Beginnings' and "Pathways to Higher Consciousness" written by Bro.
Ken O'Donncll, published by Eternity Ink, Australia.
I would like to record my heart-felt gratitude to the esteemed
readers of "The World Renewal", the editorial team, friends and well-
wishers for their very generous encouragement without which I could
not have continued the scries for over two years..

Complementarity of Science and Spirituality

Scientific elucidations of the reality about consciousness, about
pure potentiality, about non-local coordination, about uncertainty principle,
about co-creation with God, about death and rc-birth being a quantum
leap of the consciousness, about multidimcnsionality, about self-
interacting dynamics of the non-local transcendent reality that localises
m our physiology through activity, both local and non-local, through seven
chakras, give the intellect ample food for thought on the spiritual tenets
revealed through Godly versions. This has helped to improve upon the
practical applications of Rajyoga, the means par-excellence, for spiritual
evolution from a human being to divine being. The esteemed readers
may refer to the chapters 5 , 6 and 7 for clarity on the complementarity
of scicncc and spirituality. These have enabled my intellect to understand
the depth of Godly versions.

Personal Experiences
I have been practising the four steps of meditation—
visualization, perception, reception and distribution— since the early
eighties when I had the good fortune of listening to respected senior
brother, Rajyogi B.K. Nirwair who not only explained about these steps,
but also gave the audience the experience of Rajyoga in a public function
at Vile Parle, Mumbai. That exhilarating experience of Rajyoga is still
fresh, and this has inspired me to get a VCD prepared on Seven Rays
Rajyoga Meditation incorporating all the four steps.
I would like to place on record the great benefits I have gained

through the series of articles in 'The World Renewal."

The concept of Higher self (Sampurna Swarup) stationed eight
inches above the head as envisioned by Arian Sarris, the transpersonal
psycho-thcrapist, gave me a springboard to cxpcriencc bodiless state
or Videh avastha. Videhi being perfect bodiless soul is replete with all
the seven basic attributes. The awareness that my perfect stage - Videhi
is only a thought away, further, helps in maintaining the self-esteems
like 'Master Almighty' and 'Self-Sovereign'. Now 1 can, at will,
converse with my perfcct form, Videhi who is equal to Supreme Father,
being ever full in all the seven basic attributes or metaphysical energies.
Thus, I am able to practise God Shiva's direction to converse with the
self. Further, I am able to remember Shiva Baba continually, bccause
Videhi acts as bridge between Dehi and the Supreme Father. It is so
natural to consult Videhi on each and every moment, and experience
sure success. Thus Shiva Baba's Supreme Version - "Success is your
divine birth right" is experienced in day-today life.

The Sources of Information

The material for these articles are sourced largely from spiritual
literature of the B.Ks, the daily spiritual discourses called 'Murli'-
classcs, classes by Dadis, senior sisters and brothers. When the
information is sourced from a single publication, the same has been
acknowledged within the articlc. 'Biotic Principle'* has been sourced
for information on biological energy. Intuitions received through Videhi
have been a major source for this series as already mentioned.

Visions of the Imminent World Transformation

The esteemed readers may refer back to Ch.7 wherein the
transformation of human beings into divine beings is compared to the
metamorphosis of a caterpillar into butterfly. The scientific explanation
of the process of metamorphosis at micro level can be applied to the
transformation of the human being to divine being at the macro level.
In both the cases, there is a quantum leap of the consciousness. Just as
the imaginal cells got connccted in the case of the caterpillar to create

Note: *
"Biotic Principles " by Herbert L. Slahnke, published by Charles E. Merrill Books
Inc Columbus, Ohio, August 1962.

a wonderful, beautiful new reality called butterfly, the human

consciousncss that visualises the new reality of the Golden Age gets
connected to each other leading to a quantum leap transcending lime
and space, and as a result today's decaying old world is soon going to
be transformed into the new, rej uvenated, brilliant world of purity, peace,
prosperity and harmony. Let us all strive to ensure our presence in the
beginning of the Golden Age by becoming the imaginal cclls.
Now, let me conclude this book by expressing my heart-felt
thanks to Bapdada, Videhi, the editorial team, and the esteemed readers
of The World Renewal whose sustained interest in the articles and
whose persistant demand for making available the whole series in a
book form has led to the publication of this book.
r J; iA

A • : u Jifj Wiu i f

The World -Clock above shows that the Iron

Age is about to complete. That means, the
Golden Age will dawn very soon. Hence we
have to make haste to transform ourselves to
be able enjoy the pleasures of the Paradise
on earth.

It gives you true knowledge about your own self, about the
creation, about the eternal world drama, about the law of karma
or law of cause & effect, and about the creator.

Knowledge is power when it is converted in to wisdom and

applied in day to day life. Rajyoga is that practical wisdom.

Rajyoga is not merely a form of meditation, but it is a way of life

in which you apply spiritual knowledge in day to day life through
positive thought, positive compassionate speech and positive
action that give happiness to one and all. This book provides
meditation exercises for purifying, empowering and activating
the self, the elements of nature that constitute our body and for
transforming the entire creation through self-transformation.7rays
rajyoga is the scientific Rajyoga technic that can be adopted for
different purposes like purifying the elements of nature by which
you can heal your past life problems too. You find simple
guidance to attain all these, in Chapter-9.

True History and Geography of the creation are explained with

the help of pictures. The History reveals that whatever you are to
day is your role in the Eternal World Drama that repeats accurately
every 5000 years. This fact of cyclic repetition is scientifically
explained in Chapter-3. By aplying this point of eternal drama, we
can save ourselves from wastage of thought energy and physical
weakness too.The picture of three worlds shows how the cosmic
egg or "Brahmand" protects earth, the eternal revolving drama

Chapter - 4 on World Transformation through Self-

transformation can really make you Self-sovereign when the
information therein is assimilated and converted in to wisdom
through application in day-to-day life. Chapter-5 links spirit, mind
and matter and Chapter-6 links human consciousness with God
and nature. Chapter-7 deals with evolution of human
consciousness through the entire cycle.

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