1 ªMobilityª ± Hard to fathom, but it really wasn't all that long ago that even a plain
The magic word old telephone was a luxury item. But, as we all know, technology's only
constant is change. In this day and age, many folks need to be access-
ible everywhere, whether they're at work or play, in the office or at
home. To meet this demand, the GSM standard (Global System for Mo-
bile Communications) for mobile telephony was introduced in the mid-
1980s. Today, GSM is the most popular mobile radio standard in the
world. A boom is underway, such that many GSM users find life without
their phone practically inconceivable.
Where now? A few years ago, Michael Jackson sang ª. . . just call my
name and I'll be thereº. While this might seem inconceivable now, it
might become reality sooner than we think, given the rapid pace of
technological evolution. Faced with a whirlwind of speculation, ETSI
(the telecom standardization authority in Europe) decided to base the
air interface of the planned universal mobile telecommunications sys-
tem (UMTS) on a mix of WCDMA and TD/CDMA technologies. The in-
frastructure of the existing GSM networks will most likely be used.
Marc Kahabka
2 GSM overview
Before GSM networks there were public mobile radio networks (cellu-
lar). They normally used analog technologies, which varied from country
to country and from manufacturer to another. These analog networks
did not comply with any uniform standard. There was no way to use a
single mobile phone from one country to another. The speech quality in
most networks was not satisfactory.
3 GSM system
Fig. 2
transceivers to provide the required call handling capacity. A cell site
may be omnidirectional or split into typically three directional cells.
. The base station controller (BSC): A group of BTSs are connected
to a particular BSC which manages the radio resources for them.
Today's new and intelligent BTSs have taken over many tasks that
were previously handled by the BSCs.
The primary function of the BSC is call maintenance. The mobile sta-
tions normally send a report of their received signal strength to the
BSC every 480 ms. With this information the BSC decides to initiate
handovers to other cells, change the BTS transmitter power, etc.
The network . The mobile switching center (MSC): Acts like a standard exchange
subsystem in a fixed network and additionally provides all the functionality
needed to handle a mobile subscriber. The main functions are regis-
tration, authentication, location updating, handovers and call routing
to a roaming subscriber. The signaling between functional entities
(registers) in the network subsystem uses Signaling System 7 (SS7).
If the MSC also has a gateway function for communicating with other
networks, it is called Gateway MSC (GMSC).
. The home location register (HLR): A database used for management of
mobile subscribers. It stores the international mobile subscriber identity
(IMSI), mobile station ISDN number (MSISDN) and current visitor location
register (VLR) address. The main information stored there concerns the
location of each mobile station in order to be able to route calls to the mo-
bile subscribers managed by each HLR. The HLR also maintains the ser-
vices associated with each MS. One HLR can serve several MSCs.
. The visitor location register (VLR): Contains the current location of
the MS and selected administrative information from the HLR, neces-
sary for call control and provision of the subscribed services, for each
mobile currently located in the geographical area controlled by the
VLR. A VLR is connected to one MSC and is normally integrated into
the MSC's hardware.
. The authentication center (AuC): A protected database that holds a
copy of the secret key stored in each subscriber's SIM card, which is
used for authentication and encryption over the radio channel. The
AuC provides additional security against fraud. It is normally located
close to each HLR within a GSM network.
. The equipment identity register (EIR): The EIR is a database that
contains a list of all valid mobile station equipment within the net-
work, where each mobile station is identified by its international mo-
bile equipment identity (IMEI). The EIR has three databases:
± White list: for all known, good IMEIs
± Black list: for bad or stolen handsets
± Grey list: for handsets/IMEIs that are uncertain
Operation and The OMC is a management system that oversees the GSM functional
Maintenance Center blocks. The OMC assists the network operator in maintaining satisfac-
(OMC) tory operation of the GSM network. Hardware redundancy and intelli-
gent error detection mechanisms help prevent network down-time. The
OMC is responsible for controlling and maintaining the MSC, BSC and
BTS. It can be in charge of an entire public land mobile network (PLMN)
or just some parts of the PLMN.
4 Interfaces and
Providing voice or data transmission quality over the radio link is only
part of the function of a cellular mobile network. A GSM mobile can
seamlessly roam nationally and internationally, requiring standardized
call routing and location updating functions in GSM networks. A public
communications system also needs solid security mechanisms to pre-
vent misuse by third parties. Security functions such as authentication,
encryption and the use of Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identities
(TMSIs) are an absolute must.
Within a GSM network, different protocols are needed to enable the
flow of data and signaling between different GSM subsystems.
Figure 3 shows the interfaces that link the different GSM subsystems
and the protocols used to communicate on each interface.
5 The air
interface Um
5.1 Logical channels
on the air inter-
Several logical channels are mapped onto the physical channels. The
organization of logical channels depends on the application and the
direction of information flow (uplink/downlink or bidirectional). A logical
channel can be either a traffic channel (TCH), which carries user data,
or a signaling channel (see following chapters).
Fig. 6
5.2 Traffic channels A traffic channel (TCH) is used to carry speech and data traffic. Traffic
on the air inter- channels are defined using a 26-frame multiframe, or group of 26 TDMA
face frames. The length of a 26-frame multiframe is 120 ms, which is how
the length of a burst period is defined (120 ms divided by 26 frames
divided by 8 burst periods per frame). Out of the 26 frames, 24 are
used for traffic, 1 is used for the slow associated control channel
(SACCH) and 1 is currently unused (see Fig. 5). TCHs for the uplink and
downlink are separated in time by 3 burst periods, so that the mobile
station does not have to transmit and receive simultaneously, thereby
simplifying the electronic circuitry. This method permits complex an-
tenna duplex filters to be avoided and thus helps to cut power con-
5.3 Signaling The signaling channels on the air interface are used for call establish-
channels on the ment, paging, call maintenance, synchronization, etc. There are 3 groups
air interface of signaling channels:
. The common control channels (CCCH): A group of uplink and
downlink channels between the MS card and the BTS. These chan-
nels are used to convey information from the network to MSs and
provide access to the network. The CCCHs include the following
± The paging channel (PCH): Downlink only; the MS is informed by
the BTS for incoming calls via the PCH.
± The access grant channel (AGCH): Downlink only; BTS allocates a
TCH or SDCCH to the MS, thus allowing the MS access to the
± The random access channel (RACH): Uplink only; allows the MS
to request an SDCCH in response to a page or due to a call; the
MS chooses a random time to send on this channel. This creates
a possibility of collisions with transmissions from other MSs.
The PCH and AGCH are transmitted in one channel called the paging
and access grant channel (PAGCH). They are separated by time.
ation of a TCH or SDCCH; needed, e.g. for handover decisions; al-
ways allocated to a TCH or SDCCH; needed for ªnon-urgentº pro-
cedures, e. g. for radio measurement data, power control (downlink
only), timing advance, etc.; always used in parallel to a TCH or
± The fast associated control channel (FACCH): Similar to the
SDCCH, but used in parallel to operation of the TCH; if the data
rate of the SACCH is insufficient, ªborrowing modeº is used:
Additional bandwidth is borrowed from the TCH; this happens for
messages associated with call establishment authentication of the
subscriber, handover decisions, etc.
Almost all of the signaling channels use the ªnormal burstº format
(see section 5.4 Burst formats), except for the RACH (Random Access
Burst), FCCH (Frequency Correction Burst) and SCH (SynCHronization
Burst) channels.
5.4 Burst formats A timeslot is a 576 ms time interval, i.e. 156.25 bits duration, and its
physical contents are known as a burst. Five different types of bursts
exist in the system. They are distinguished by different TDMA frame
The normal burst (NB): Used to carry information on traffic and control
channels, except for RACH. It contains 116 encrypted bits.
unmodulated, sinusoidal oscillation, onto which the synthesizer of the
mobiles is clocked.
The access burst (AB): Used for random access and characterized
by a longer guard period (256 ms) to allow for burst transmission from
a mobile that does not know the correct timing advance at the first
access to a network (or after handover).
5.5 Protocols on the . Layer 1 (GSM Rec. 04.04): The physical properties of the Um inter-
air interface face have already been described.
. Layer 2 (GSM Rec. 04.05/06): Here, the LAP-Dm protocol is used
(similar to ISDN LAP-D). LAP-Dm has the following functions:
± Connectionless transfer on point-to-point and point-to-multipoint
signaling channels,
± Setup and take-down of layer 2 connections on point-to-point
signaling channels,
± Connection-oriented transfer with retention of the transmission
sequence, error detection and error correction.
± Mobility management (MM) handles the control functions
required for mobility, e.g.:
± Authentication,
± Assignment of TMSI,
± Management of subscriber location.
Neither the BTS nor the BSC interpret CM and MM messages. They
are simply exchanged with the MSC or the MS using the direct transfer
application part (DTAP) protocol on the A interface. RR messages are
mapped to or from the base station system application part (BSSAP) in
the BSCREF for exchange with the MSC.
6 The Abis
The Abis interface lies within the base station subsystem (BSS) and
represents the dividing line between the BSC function and the BTS.
The BSC and BTS can be connected using leased lines, radio links or
metropolitan area networks (MANs).
Basically, two channel types exist between the BSC and BTS:
± Traffic channels (TCH): Can be configured in 8, 16 and 64 kbit/s
formats and transport user data,
± Signaling channels: Can be configured in 16, 32, 56 and 64 kbit/s
formats and are used for signaling purposes between the BTS and
6.1 The TRAU frame
Fig. 8
The TRAU (Transcoder Rate Adapter Unit) frame is the transport unit for
a 16 kbit/s traffic channel (TCH) on the Abis interface. It uses 13.6 kbit/s
for user data and 2.4 kbit/s for inband signaling, timing and synchroni-
zation. It is here that the positions at which the signaling and data bits
occur are determined.
The bit names shown in Fig. 8 are interpreted as follows:
(yellow or blue background): Synchronization bits
C... bits: Control/signaling bits
T... bits: Time alignment (TA) bits
D... bits: User data bits (payload)
The TRAU frame specifications are as follows:
Total bits per frame: 320
Synchronization bits: 25
Control bits: C1 to 15
C17 to 21 (frame dependent and for future applications)
There are four variants for the C, D and T bits,
depending on the frame type:
1. Speech frame
Data bits: D1 to 260
Control bits: C16 to 21
TA bits: T1 to 4
2. O&M frame
Data bits: D1 to 264
Spare bits: S1 to 6
3. Data frame
Data bits: D1 to 252
First bit of odd octets (5 to 39) is ª1º
4. Idle speech frame
Like the speech frame, but all data bits are set to ª1º
The protocol used on the Abis interface is LAPD, which is adapted from
ISDN. LAPD provides the following frame types that can be divided into
three groups:
± the unnumbered frames (SABM, DISC, UA, DM, UI),
± the information transfer frame (I)
± the supervisory frames (RR, RNR, REJ, FRMR).
In addition to the radio signaling procedures the Abis interface also pro-
vides a means of transport for operation and maintenance procedures
for BTSs, as well as a transport mechanism for Layer 2 management
procedures inherited directly from ISDN standards.
layer 2 management functions. The addition of another field to the
LAPD link layer address is for the TEIs. The TEIs that provide addres-
sing of the TRXs (transmitters and receivers) for the BTS are as fol-
7 The A interface The A interface lies between the BSC and MSC. If the BSC contains
the transcoder equipment (TCE), a traffic channel (TCH) occupies a
complete 64 kbit/s timeslot in the 2 Mbit/s or 1.544 Mbit/s PCM link
(layer 1, GSM Rec. 08.04). Out of 32 available timeslots on the PCM
link, a maximum of 30 traffic channels can be operated simultaneously,
since at least 2 timeslots are needed for control and signaling purposes
(TS0 for FAS/NFAS and another TS for signaling, usually TS16) on PCM
facilities. One signaling channel supports many 64 kbit/s PCM facilities
between one BSC and the MSC. Normally two active 64 kbit/s time-
slots are used for this purpose.
If the MSC is equipped with a TCE, the TCHs are converted from
64 kbit/s to 16 kbit/s in the transcoder equipment. If the BCS does not
contain a TCE, then the TCHs are 16 kbit/s on the A interface.
Between the BSC and MSC, the TCHs are ªrecordedº from 64 kbit/s to
16 kbit/s in the transcoder equipment (TCE).
7.1 Protocols on The signaling protocol (layer 2+3) between the BSC and MSC is based
the A interface on the SS7 standard, but is transmitted along with the user data within
the PCM facility. Normally timeslot 16 (TS16) of the 64 kbit/s frame is
The following protocols are employed:
. Layer 1 (GSM Rec. 08.04): 2.048 Mbit/s (ITU-T: E1) or 1.544 Mbit/s
(ANSI: T1) PCM link.
. Layer 2 (GSM Rec. 08.06): Here, SS7-based protocols are used for
layer 2; the message transfer part (MTP) protocol (responsible for
transmission security between the BCS and MSC) and the signaling
connection control part (SCCP) protocol (allows global addressing of
network elements and thus offers a service corresponding to the ex-
change layer). MTP and SCCP also perform layer 3 functions. SCCP
is used to transport DTAP and base station management application
part (BSSMAP) messages on the A interface, ensuring both conec-
tionless and connection-oriented message flows. The connections
can be related to a specific MS or radio channel.
An SCCP connection can be initiated by a mobile station (MS) or an MSC.
An SCCP connection can involve the following protocols:
. From the MS: ± MM: CM service request
± RR: Paging response
± MM: Location updating request
± MM: CM re-establishment request.
. From the MSC: Initiation of an ªexternal handoverº
(BSSMAP: handover request).
The MSC always manages an SCCP connection.
. Layer 3 (GSM Rec. 08.08): Contains the base station system appli-
cation part (BSSAP) protocol. This layer has multiple parts on the
MSC end:
. The base station management application part (BSSMAP) protocol
is the counterpart to the RR protocol on the air interface.
. The direct transfer application part (DTAP) protocol transmits CC
and MM messages and is transmitted transparently through the
BTS and BSC.
8 MSC-based
Fig. 9
All of the interfaces around the MSC use SS7-based protocols. The B,
C, D, F and G interfaces are referred to as MAP interfaces. These con-
nect either the MSC to registers or registers to other registers. The E
interface supports the MAP protocol and calls setup protocols (ISUP/
TUP). This interface connects one MSC to another MSC within the
same network or to another network's MSC. They are designated as
follows (protocols are explained in section 8.1 MSC protocols):
8.1 MSC protocols MAP (Mobile Application Part): (GSM Rec. 09.02) Used to control
queries to the different databases in the mobile radio network (HLR,
VLR and EIR). MAP responsibilities include access and location man-
agement (e.g. where is the called subscriber currently?), MSC-MSC
handover, security functions, O&M, SMS and supplementary services.
ISUP (ISDN User Part): Controls interworking (e.g. call setup/take-
down) between PLMNs and other networks, and provides the same ba-
sic functionalities as TUP.
9 Call setup
Fig. 10
(To help understand the complexity of a simple phone call, the pro-
cesses that are necessary in a GSM network to complete a connection
to a mobile telephone).
10 Test and
in GSM
Fig. 11
As you can see from the previous sections, GSM technology is very
complex. Naturally, such a technology is a challenge to install, commis-
sion, manage and optimize. The following section will consider some
sample network problems1.
For more information on GSM test applications, see the WG Application Notes
(available upon request)
Due to the limited nature of resources (not to mention their high cost),
network optimization is becoming a more and more critical economic
factor. To get a handle on network performance, network utilization,
subscriber behavior and quality of service (QoS), the following test
methods are useful:
Bit error ratio test (BERT): A BERT involves bit error measurement at
the PCM level and the GSM-specific level (TRAU frame ± TRAU: Trans-
coder and Rate Adapter Unit). The PCM bit error ratio (BER) is of inter-
est to GSM operators who need to verify the quality of leased lines
from fixed network operators.
At the GSM level, by evaluating the control bits in the TRAU, a bit error
probability can be determined (uplink) during actual communications
(in-service). More accurate BER measurement requires out-of-service
simulation in which the 260 data bits in the TRAU frame are checked
using a pseudo-random bit sequence (PRBS).
Alarm monitoring: This test type checks all PCM links for layer 1
alarms, including:
± No signal,
± Alarm indication signal (AIS),
± No synchronization,
± Remote alarm,
± CRC alarm.
Network quality test: Includes a number of diverse measurements that
work together to provide an indication of network quality and reveal
potential areas for improvement. This includes:
± Island problems (see Fig. 11),
± Detection of coverage holes,
± Interference,
± Network load regarding signaling and traffic,
± Handover failures,
± Receive level (RXLEV) surveillance,
± Bit error ratio of a BTS (RXQUAL),
± Multipath interference and propagation delays,
± Frequency interference (due to frequency reuse),
± Call completion/disconnect rate,
± System overload.
Optimally qualifying a GSM network requires extensive protocol analysis
in the Abis and SS7-based interfaces. This is due to the intersection of
the GSM and SS7 protocol worlds, as described in section 8.1 ªMSC
System features This section provides a brief description of the GSM network
Roaming: The roaming feature allows a user to make and receive calls in any
GSM network and to use the same user-specific services worldwide1.
This requires a roaming agreement between the individual operators.
With worldwide roaming the MS is accessible under the same phone
number everywhere.
Handover: In a cellular network, the radio and fixed voice connections are not per-
manently allocated for the duration of a call. Handover, or handoff as it
is called in North America, means switching an ongoing call to a differ-
ent channel or cell. The execution and measurements required for
handover are a basic function of the RR protocol layer.
The first two types of handover involve only one base station controller
(BSC). To save signaling bandwidth, they are managed by the BSC
without involving the MSC, except to notify it upon completion of the
handover. The last two types of handover are handled by the MSCs
involved. An important aspect of GSM is that the original MSC, the
anchor MSC, remains responsible for most call-related functions, with
the exception of subsequent inter-BSC handovers under the control of
the new MSC, called the relay MSC.
Handovers can be initiated by either the BSC or the MSC (as a means
of traffic load balancing). During its idle timeslots, the mobile scans the
broadcast control channel of up to 16 neighboring cells, and forms a
list of the six best candidates for possible handover, based on the
received signal strength. This information is passed to the BSC and
MSC, at least once per second, and is used by the handover algo-
Multipath equalization: At the 900 MHz range, radio waves bounce off everything ± buildings,
hills, cars, airplanes, etc. Many reflected signals, each with a different
phase, can reach an antenna (also known as ªmultipath propagationº).
Equalization is used to extract the desired signal from the unwanted
reflections. It works by finding out how a known transmitted signal is
modified by multipath fading, and constructing an inverse filter to
extract the rest of the desired signal. This known signal is the 26-bit
training sequence transmitted in the middle of every time-slot burst.
The actual implementation of the equalizer is not specified in the GSM
Frequency hopping: The mobile station has to be frequency-agile, meaning it can move
between different frequencies in order to transmit and receive data, etc.
A normal handset is able to switch frequencies 217 times per second.
GSM makes use of this frequency agility to implement slow frequency
hopping, where the mobile and the BTS transmit each TDMA frame on
a different carrier frequency. The frequency hopping algorithm is broad-
cast on the broadcast control channel. Since multipath fading is depen-
dent on the carrier frequency, slow frequency hopping helps alleviate
the problem. In addition, co-channel interference is in effect rando-
mized. The broadcast and common control channels are not subject to
frequency hopping and are always transmitted on the same frequency.
Discontinuous trans- To reduce the MS's power consumption and minimize interference on
mission (DTX): the air interface, user signal transmission is interrupted during pauses
in speech. ªComfort noiseº is artificially generated by the MS to avoid
disruption due to an abrupt interruption in speech.
Discontinuous Another method used to conserve power at the mobile station is dis-
reception (DRX): continuous reception. The paging channel, used by the base station to
signal an incoming call, is structured into sub-channels. Each mobile
station needs to listen only to its own sub-channel. In the time between
successive paging sub-channels, the mobile can go into sleep mode,
when almost no power is used.
Power control: Several classes of mobile stations are defined in the GSM specifica-
tions, according to their peak transmitter power. To minimize co-chan-
nel interference and to conserve power, both the mobiles and the base
transceiver stations operate at the lowest power level that will maintain
an acceptable signal quality. Power levels can be stepped up or down
in steps of 2 dBm from the peak power for the class down to a mini-
mum of 13 dBm (20 milliwatts for MS).
The mobile station and BTS continually measure the signal strength or
signal quality (based on the bit error ratio), and pass the information to
the base station controller, which ultimately decides if and when the
power level should be changed.
Short Message SMS offers message delivery (similar to ªtwo-way-pagingº) that is guar-
Service (SMS) anteed to reach the MS. If the GSM telephone is not turned on, the
message is held for later delivery. Each time a message is delivered
to an MS, the network expects to receive an acknowledgement
from this MS that the message was correctly received. Without a posi-
tive acknowledgement the network will re-send the message or store it
for later delivery. SMS supports messages up to 160 characters in
length that can be delivered by any GSM network around the world
wherever the MS is able to roam.
Call Waiting (CW) CW is a network-based feature that must also be supported by the
GSM telephone (MS). With CW, GSM users with a call in progress will
receive an audible beep to alert them that there is an incoming call for
the MS. The incoming call can be accepted, sent to voice mail or re-
jected. If the incoming call is rejected, the caller will receive a busy
signal. Once the call is accepted, the original call is put on hold to allow
a connection to the new incoming call.
Call Hold (CH) CH must be supported by the MS and the network. It allows the MS to
ªparkº an ªin progress callº, to make additional calls or to receive in-
coming calls.
Call Forwarding (CF) This is a network-based feature that can be activated by the MS. CF
allows calls to be sent to other numbers under conditions defined by
the user. These conditions can be either unconditional or dependent on
certain criteria (no answer, busy, not reachable).
Calling Line ID Calling Line ID must be supported by the GSM network and the tele-
phone. The GSM telephone displays the originating telephone number
of incoming calls. This feature requires the caller's network to deliver
the calling line ID (telephone no.) to the GSM network.
Mobility The GSM network keeps track of which mobile telephones are powered
Management (MM) on and active in the network. To provide as efficient call delivery as
possible, the network keeps track of the last known location of the MS
in the VLR and HLR. Radio sites connected to the MSC are divided into
groups called ªlocation areasº. When a call is designated for an MS,
the network looks for the MS in the last known location area.
11 Outlook In early 1998, the ETSI standardization committee made up its mind on
the future, third-generation mobile radio standard, known as the univer-
sal mobile telecommunications system (UMTS). UMTS should support
all forms of mobile, satellite-based and fixed-network-based telecom-
munications. The user should be able to use all services (voice, data,
multimedia, etc.) in each of the stated areas.
Now that Europe has made its choice, work is underway towards
worldwide acceptance of the UMTS standard. There is still no agree-
ment on the network architecture, but network operators naturally hope
to reuse existing GSM networks to save money.
12 GSM glossary AB Access Burst
AGCH Access Grant CHannel
AIS Alarm Indication Signal
AMPS Advanced Mobile Telephone Service
AuC Authentication Center
BCCH Broadcast Control CHannel
BCH Broadcast CHannels
BER Bit Error Rate
BERT Bit Error Rate Test
BSC Base Station Controller
BSSAP Base Station System Application Part
BSSMAP Base Station Management Application Part
BTS Base Transceiver Station
BTSM BTS Management
CC Call Control
CCCH Common Control CHannels
CDMA Code Division Multiple Access
CM Connection Management
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check
CT0/1/2 (Standards for) Cordless Telephony 0/1/2
DB Dummy Burst
DCCH Dedicated Control CHannels
DCS 1800 Digital Cellular System 1800 (today: GSM1800)
DECT Digital Enhanced Telecommunications System
DRX Discontinuous reception
DTAP Direct Transfer Application Part
DTX Discontinuous Transmission
EIR Equipment Identity Register
ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute
FACCH Fast Associated Control CHannel
FAS Frame Alignment Signal
FB Frequency correction Burst
FCCH Frequency Correction CHannel
FDMA Frequency Division Multiple Access
GMSC Gateway MSC
GPRS General Packet Radio Service
GSM Global System for Mobile Communications
HDLC High Level Data Link Control
HLR Home Location Register
IMEI International Mobile Equipment Identity
IMSI International Mobile Subscriber Identity
IN Intelligent Network
INAP Intelligent Network Application Part
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network
L2ML Layer 2 Management Link
LAP-D Link Access Protocol for the (ISDN) D-Channel
LAP-Dm LAP-D for the GSM Um Interface
MAN Metropolitan Area Network
MAP Mobile Application Part
ME Mobile Equipment
MM Mobility Management
MS Mobile Station
MSC Mobile Switching Center
MSRN Mobile Station Roaming Number
MTP Message Transfer Part
NB Normal Burst
NMT Nordic Mobile Telephone Network
O&M Operations and Maintenance
OMC Operation and Maintenance Center
OML Operating & Maintenance Link
PCH Paging CHannel
PCM Pulse Code Modulation
PCS1900 Personal Communications System 1900 (today: GSM1900)
PHS Personal Handyphone System
PLMN Public Land Mobile Network
PRBS Pseudo Random Bit Sequence
QoS Quality of Service
RACH Random Access CHannel
RR Radio Resource management
RSL Radio Signaling Link
RXLEV Received Signal Level
RXQUAL Received Signal Quality
SACCH Slow Associated Control CHannel
SB Synchronization Burst
SCCP Signaling Connection Control Part
SCH Synchronization CHannel
SDCCH Stand-alone Dedicated Control CHannel
SIM Subscriber Identity Module
SMS Short Message Service
SMS Short Message Service Support
SS Supplementary Service Support
SS7 Signaling System Number 7
TA Time Alignment
TACS Total Access Communication System
TCAP Transaction Capabilities Application Part
TCH Traffic CHannel
TD/CDMA Time Division Code Division Multiple Access
TDMA Time Division Multiple Access
TMSI Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity
TRAU Transcoding and Rate Adaptation Unit
TRX Transceiver
TS Timeslot
TUP Telephone User Part
Um Air interface in GSM
UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunications System
VLR Visitor Location Register
WCDMA Wideband Code Division Multiple Access
13 Bibliography 1. GSM-Technik und Messpraxis [GSM technology and practical testing
± in German] ± Redl/Weber, Franzis', Poing
2. Microcells in mobile communications ± Tibor RakoÂ, GyoÄzoÄ Drozdy;
3. Overview of the Global System for Mobile Communications ± John
Scourias; University of Waterloo;
4. Mobilkommmunikation, Hochschulkolleg [Mobile communications,
High-school textbook ± in German] ± Ulrich Bochtler, Walter Buck,
Eberhard Herter; Steinbeis-Transferzentrum, Kommunikationszentrum
5. The Global System for Mobile Communications ± Michel Mouly,
Marie-Bernadette Paulet; Palaiseau, France
6. Vermittlungstechnik und Schnittstellen [Switching technology and
interfaces ± in German] ± Ulrich Bochtler; Steinbeis-Transferzentrum,
Kommunikationszentrum Esslingen
Want to know more Please visit our GSM webpage at http://www.gsm.wg.com or contact
about WG and GSM? your local Wandel & Goltermann sales office.