Customer Intelligence Syste1
Customer Intelligence Syste1
Customer Intelligence Syste1
Submitted By:
Ashish Dudeja (2010MBA-03)
Ashish Kumar (2010MBA-04)
Executive Summary
Ability to aggregate in a single view all the data you have
about a customer.
To accomplish all of the above, you will need to collect and analyze
all the pieces of information available to your organization that relate
to the customer. This will allow you to understand the customer’s
profitability, as well as his or her expectations and preferences. With
this knowledge you can then determine the customer’s lifetime value
to your organization.
1) Theoretical foundation:
The theoretical foundation of customer intelligence is a guide
for how the enterprise makes customer related decisions. It may
include not only theory and the methods the enterprise uses to
analyze and treat customer but also value analysis from both
customer?s and enterprise?s view. With index measures and
weights placed on variables such as consumption behavior,
customer satisfaction and profitability analysis, a scientific and
logical decision is obtained.
5) Strategy layer:
This layer puts information or knowledge to use in promoting
decision-making and enterprise modeling. It is an aggregation of
concepts, methods and processes utilizing information from
several data sources, experience and hypothesis to promote
decision ability of enterprise. Through capturing, managing and
analyzing data, it provides all kinds of members throughout the
enterprise with knowledge to make decisions on strategy and
enterprise tactics.
Business Intelligence solutions are imperative in order to prevent and
reduce losses. As mentioned above, shortening the reaction time to
unforeseen events can save not only time, but also millions of dollars,
especially in industries such as technology, insurance or stock trading.
Risk is also reduced if information is more accurately represented.
Risks and events can be appropriately managed if acted upon in a
timely manner and if accurate information is applied. Losses can also
be prevented by utilizing automated alerts. Executives and managers
can be informed automatically as soon as a specific performance
metric goes above or below a certain threshold, and respond
appropriately before losses are incurred.
IBM CI systems solutions have been developed to address our
customers demanding expectations. We begin with a customer-centric
orientation so that we can understand customer needs and then match
them with our state-of-the-art hardware and software tools while
working to minimize implementation disruption. Our broad
experience includes business planning as well as technical
competencies. For CI software on IBM hardware, we test
interoperability and scalability at various levels. Base-level
interoperability tests examine functional compatibility with the IBM
DB2®suite and select IBM Business Partner software for analytics,
reporting or Web posting. These tests can serve as system
compatibility proof-points. Sometimes, more intense testing to
emulate specific enterprise environments is the only acceptable path
when the future of the enterprise may be at risk. We routinely conduct
such tests at our labs with IBM hardware and
• CI business practices by industry
• Technical infrastructure Integration
• IBM: data warehousing, tools, storage Management
• ISV: industry leader’s data warehousing, Analytics
• Proof of performance
• Hardware, software, data warehouse, tools
• Proof of performance
• Hardware, software, network, data Warehouse, ETL, analytics
Oracle Customer Intelligence (OCI) is a customer information viewer
that enables you to access enterprise-wide (360-degree) view of
customer information. OCI provides you with information viewing
tool, so you can search for and view detailed enterprise-wide
customer information. You can search for a specific customer through
simple, advanced search features, or alpha (A to Z) listing of
OCI provides graphical representation of results from analytics for
customer acquisition, customer profitability, customer retention,
customer satisfaction, customer loyalty and customer lifecycle that
you can view at a high level. You can get detailed information by
drilling down to group of customer for a specific period and
eventually to an individual customer.
Web/Reports server
BIS Core BIS Product
Schema Schema
Workflow Application
alerts s Schema