Converting Infix To Postfix

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Converting Infix to Postfix

(A * (B + C) – D * E) / F

Parse the given input string from left to right

      Input         Post-Fix

   Expression    Expression


       A A

       +              + A

       ( A

        B AB

        +            + + AB

        C            ++ ABC

         )            + ABC+

        -             - ABC++

        D             - ABC+D

        *             - ABC+D*

       )           ABC+D*-

       /           /

       F ABC+D*-F


Converting Infix to Prefix

(A * (B + C) – D * E) / F

 Reverse the input string first and parse the given input string from left to right


The final output string obtained is reversed again to obtain prefix expression

Prefix expression to infix 

Post fix expression to infix

 A B / C + D *   

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