This document lists 22 high frequency GRE words beginning with the letter A, along with their part of speech and definitions. Some of the words included are abase, meaning to lower in position or estimation, abdicate meaning to give up royal power, and aberration meaning a deviation from the customary course. It also includes words like abet meaning to encourage wrongdoing, abhorrent meaning hateful, and abyss meaning a bottomless gulf.
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This document lists 22 high frequency GRE words beginning with the letter A, along with their part of speech and definitions. Some of the words included are abase, meaning to lower in position or estimation, abdicate meaning to give up royal power, and aberration meaning a deviation from the customary course. It also includes words like abet meaning to encourage wrongdoing, abhorrent meaning hateful, and abyss meaning a bottomless gulf.
This document lists 22 high frequency GRE words beginning with the letter A, along with their part of speech and definitions. Some of the words included are abase, meaning to lower in position or estimation, abdicate meaning to give up royal power, and aberration meaning a deviation from the customary course. It also includes words like abet meaning to encourage wrongdoing, abhorrent meaning hateful, and abyss meaning a bottomless gulf.
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This document lists 22 high frequency GRE words beginning with the letter A, along with their part of speech and definitions. Some of the words included are abase, meaning to lower in position or estimation, abdicate meaning to give up royal power, and aberration meaning a deviation from the customary course. It also includes words like abet meaning to encourage wrongdoing, abhorrent meaning hateful, and abyss meaning a bottomless gulf.
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Letter ‘A’ High Frequency GRE Words
1. Abase (v} - To lower in position, estimation, or the like; degrade.
2. Abdicate (v) - To give up (royal power or the like). 3. Aberration (n) - Deviation from a right, customary, or prescribed course. 4. Abet (v) - To aid, promote, or encourage the commission of (an offense). 5. Abhorrent (adj.) - Very repugnant; hateful. 6. Abject (adj.} - Sink to a very low condition. 7. Abjure (v) - To recant, renounce, repudiate under oath. 8. Abnegate (v) - To renounce (a right or privilege). 9. Abominable (adj.) - Very hateful. 10. Abrasion (n) - That which is rubbed off. 11. Abrogate (v) - To abolish, repeat 12. Absolve (v) - To free from sin of its penalties. 13. . 14. Abstruse (adj.) - Difficult to understand. 15. Abut (v) - To touch at the end or boundary line. 16. Abyss (n) - Bottomless gulf. 17. Accede (v) - To agree. 18. Accomplice (n) - An associate in wrong-doing. 19. Accost (v) - To speak to.
1. Accouter (v) - To dress,
2. Acerbity (n) - Sourness, with bitterness and astringency. 3. Achromatic (adj.) - Colorless. 4. Acoustic (adj.) - Pertaining to the act or sense of hearing. 5. Acquiescence (n) - Passive consent. 6. Acreage(n)- Land, estate 7. Acrid (adj.) - Harshly pungent or bitter, 8. Acrimonious (adj.) - Full of bitterness. 9. Addle (v) - To make inefficient or worthless; muddle. 10. Adduce (v) - To bring forward or name for consideration, 11. Adjuration (n) - A vehement appeal. 12. Adjutant (adj.) - Auxiliary. 13. Adroit (adj.) - Having skill in the use of the bodily or mental powers. 14. Adumbrate (v) - To represent beforehand in outline or by emblem. 15. Advert (v) -To refer incidentally. 16. Affable (adj.) - Easy to approach. 17. Affluence (n) - A profuse or abundant supply of riches. 18. Affront (n) - An open insult or indignity. 19. Agglomerate (v) - To pile or heap together. 20. Aggrandize (v) - To cause to appear greatly. 21. Aggressive (adj.) - self assertive, forceful. 22. Aghast (adj.) - Struck with terror and amazement.