The Gates of Hell - Forbidden Magic
The Gates of Hell - Forbidden Magic
The Gates of Hell - Forbidden Magic
reduces him to a Constitution score of 0. the Ninth of the Nine Perditions. Furthermore, the vic-
Alternatively, the caster can deal energy drain by tim is utterly reduced from whatever height he once had
means of this seed; in such a case the base Spellcraft DC in terms of HD and/or class levels, starting over as a ad-
is 23. The creature touched takes four negative levels; vanced lemure (for every 9 HD the victim possessed, he
each additional negative level to be bestowed increases acquires 1 HD as a lemure to a maximum of 6 HD). The
the Spellcraft DC by +6. Negative levels bestowed in victim is now at the whim of the Lords of the Nine and
this manner disappear after 20 hours; if a factor is used the Peers of Perdition. Most accursed are sent to the
to increase the duration, the target must successfully save front lines of Avernus where their destruction results in
after 24 hours if the negative levels have not been re- utter annihilation. Some are eventually promoted
moved, otherwise they automatically convert to actual through the ranks as per normal.
level loss. Any creature that gains negative levels equal This epic spell has always been identified with The
to his current levels or hit dice dies with no save. Overlord of Hell, Asmodeus. This spell has two primary
benefits to Asmodeus. Obviously, it allows Asmodeus
New Epic Spells to use the power of Hell on his foes, turning them into
useful fodder for his interests. Second and more impor-
Accursed tantly, it allows him to ensure that any devil – but par-
Transmutation [Death, Evil] ticularly nupperibos – can be immediately and perma-
Spellcraft DC: 162 nently demoted to the lowest stature in Hell’s Hierarchy.
Components: V, S, XP All the Lords of the Nine have the ability to cast ac-
Casting Time: 1 action cursed nine times a day at triple the area of effect only
Range: 300 ft. on other devils or servants of Hell (those bearing the
Area: 100-foot radius Devotee of Darkness or Soulsworn feats); this functions
Duration: Permanent above and beyond their ability to cast accursed 3/day as
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial (see below) a spell-like ability. Furthermore, the Lords of the Nine
Spell Resistance: Yes do not spend any experience when casting this spell, and
To Develop: 1,152,000 gp; 23 days; 46,080 XP. Seeds: the effect is treated as instantaneous rather than perma-
compel (DC 19), destroy (DC 29), reflect (DC 27), slay nent.
(DC 25), slay (DC 25), transform (DC 21), transport Asmodeus has the ability to temporarily confer the
(DC 27). Factors: area increased 400% (+10), one- power of this ability to designees nine times per day. In
action casting time (+20), victims lose all abilities and these cases, the beneficiaries of this power may cast ac-
memory (ad hoc +25), memories transported across pla- cursed once per day for as long as Asmodeus sees fit to
nar boundaries (+4), target to area effect (+10), increase allow it, receiving a +45 Spellcraft bonus on casting at-
spell’s save DC by 13 (+26), bonus on caster level check tempts.
to overcome spell resistance +9 (+18). Mitigating fac-
tors: burn 8,600 XP (-2), transforms only mortal, living XP Cost: 8,600 XP.
humanoids, monstrous humanoids, and devils (ad hoc -
10), destruction is of corpse only, and only if the slay Asmodeus’ Heretical Infection
seed is successful (ad hoc –2), reflect only prevents the Transmutation [Death, Evil]
soul from leaving the vicinity of the corpse (a la dimen- Spellcraft DC: 126
sional anchor) for one round (ad hoc –8), only memories Components: V (Dark Speech), XP
are transported to Perdition (ad hoc –8), second slay seed Casting Time: 1 standard action
only takes effect on failed save, and then only deals 1d4 Range: 300 feet
negative levels, and only for 9 hours (ad hoc –10). Target: 40 foot radius
Duration: 27 rounds (see below)
The caster of accursed calls on the power of Hell to Saving Throw: Will negates
transform its victims into the lemures of Perdition. In Spell Resistance: Yes
casting accursed, a burning miasma of brimstone and To Develop: 1,134,000 gp; 23 days; 45,360 XP. Seeds:
smoke vomits from the center of the area of effect. This afflict (DC 14), reflect (DC 27), slay (DC 25), transform
conflagration destroys the physical body of the victim. (DC 21), transform (DC 21), transform (DC
However, the disembodied soul momentarily hovers over 21). Factors: one action casting time (+20), no somatic
its corpse, held in stasis. With a word and a curse in the component (+2), restricted cancellation of effects – see
infernal tongue, the caster lulls the victim’s soul into a below (ad hoc +20), target to area effect (+16), increase
trance in which it willingly swears allegiance to the Le- area by 100% (+4), increase negative levels by 1d4 (+4).
gions of Hell; the caster is treated as being 9 levels Mitigating Factors: burn 5,400 XP (-54), caster pos-
higher in terms of caster level checks to overcome spell sesses the Dark Speech feat (ad hoc -2), 27 round dura-
resistance. Once completed, the victim’s soul is painfully tion (ad hoc -13).
condensed into a protoplasmic husk, becoming a lemure
even as the sentience and individuality of the victim de- The Overlord of Hell knows that The Word is the
scends shrieking into the Pit of Darkness. Those that center of all Creation. Without The Word, nothing
manage to save still reel from the attempted violation on would exist. The Overlord, alongside The Progenitor of
their soul, suffering 1d4 negative levels for nine hours. Order and The Supreme Virtue, used The Word to mani-
The Fortitude save DC is 33 + the relevant spellcasting fest the Laws that bind the Cosmos into its current con-
ability modifier. figuration. It is this very same Word that allows gods to
Once the transformation takes place, the victim has no create, destroy, and rule over the Material Plane. It is
memory of his former life, abilities, or powers. These that very same Word, in vastly smaller concentrations,
memories are stripped from him and cast into Nessus, that allows lesser beings to manipulate the energy around
them. Among mortals, the greatest aspects of The Word
revolve around those spells related to the cosmic and Spell Resistance: Yes
divine, those tinged with morality. After all, these To Develop: 1,233,000 gp; 25 days; 49,320 XP. Seeds:
Words, like holy word or cloak of chaos, allow divine afflict (DC 14), banish (DC 27), transport (DC 27). Fac-
spellcasters within the Material Plane to stave off the tors: alter effect from banishment to entrapment (ad hoc
attacks of Asmodeus’ servants. Yet, these spells as spo- +2), increase maximum total Hit Dice affected by 85
ken by mortals pale before the might and conviction with (+42), quickened spell (+28), change target to 20-ft. ra-
which The King of Hell speaks The Word. Before him, dius area (+10), increase area by 350% (+14), increase
all other Words falter. There is no greater testament to spell’s saving throw DC by +5 (+10). Mitigating fac-
this than Asmodeus’ heretical infection. tors: only affect the souls of those who have died within
With a terrible whisper of Dark Speech fouler than the area of effect (ad hoc –10), facilitate transport of
any save that uttered by Leonar, the caster of heretical souls via teleport, planeshift and the like, but do not pro-
infection targets all good-aligned spellcasters within a vide those actual travel-related effects by means of this
40-foot radius. If a Fortitude save is failed, the victim is spell (ad hoc –11), burn 1,600 XP (-16).
infected as he feels an oily, malevolent darkness writhe
in the bottom of his soul. However, the victim does not As a free action that counts as a quickened spell, the
know the depths of his dilemma until he attempts to cast caster sets in place a hellfire-red net of energy that
any spell with the good descriptor (this includes exalted thrums and throbs in a 90-ft. radius, centered on the
spells from the Book of Exalted Deeds). When such caster. All creatures in possession of a soul that die
spells are cast, the victim finds that billowing fumes of throughout the duration of the spell are anchored to the
black and red energy vomit from his eyes and mouth as caster, unable to leave for the next plane of existence,
the elements of his spell’s intent are reversed or outright and unable to be raised, resurrected, or true resurrected.
cancelled. Thus, the casting of holy aura by a cleric suf- A soul is entitled to a Will save to negate the effect, but
fering from heretical infection results in the spell func- the save DC is equal to 25 + the caster’s spellcasting
tioning as unholy aura; if there is not a clear opposite, ability modifier. No more than 100 Hit Dice worth of
the spell simply does not function. Worse still, if the creatures can be affected per casting of this spell.
spell cast requires a verbal component, the caster finds If the caster travels to another plane, the anchor re-
that he screeches out heretical or blasphemous repudia- mains in effect, dragging any souls with him to the new
tions of his faith, suffering 2d6 negative levels; this spell destination.
is so pervasive that even if the caster prepares and casts This spell was originally developed by Mephistophe-
spells bearing the good descriptor by means of the Silent les.
Spell feat he still suffers 1d6 negative levels.
To further bolster the power of Evil and the unity of XP Cost: 1,600 XP.
Law, Asmodeus’ heretical infection also forces the in-
fected to answer in chorus to all other terrible Condemn
spells. When spells bearing the evil descriptor or em- Conjuration (summoning, teleportation) [Evil]
powered by Dark Speech are cast within 100 feet of a Spellcraft DC: 71
heretical infection victim, the victim must make a Forti- Components: V, S, XP
tude saving throw with a penalty equal to the spell’s ef- Casting Time: 1 action
fective level (taking into account feat increases) or repeat Range: 300 ft.
the same spell on his next turn. Not only does the victim Target: 1 creature with a soul
suffer the effects detailed above, he also burns the appro- Duration: Instantaneous
priate spell levels, starting from the highest possible spell Saving Throw: Will negates
slot available (the victim will also suffer any ill effects Spell Resistance: Yes
associated with casting corrupt, vile, or evil spells To Develop: 639,000 gp; 13 days; 25,560 XP. Seeds:
against good-aligned casters as well as the effects of us- reveal (DC 19), summon (DC 14), transport (DC 27).
ing Dark Speech). Factors: transport unwilling creature (+4), strip soul
It is very difficult to cancel the effects of Asmodeus’ from target (ad hoc +23), one-action casting time (+20),
heretical infection. First, aside from the caster, only a change from touch to target within 300 ft. (+4), increase
disjunction can end the effect before its duration ex- spell’s saving throw DC by +10 (+20). Mitigating fac-
pires. Second, even if the spell is cancelled or expires, tors: caster takes 10d6 backlash damage (-10), burn
the negative levels remain for 24 hours, converting to 5,000 XP (-50)
actual level loss after that time (this can be negated by a
successful save for each negative level at the 24 hour A hell-red light enters the caster’s eyes and encases
mark) and permanently remaining unless a good-aligned his hands as he calls the soul of the targeted creature
31st level cleric casts greater restoration within 9 days. from its body and sends it directly to hell; the infernal
energies manipulated to perform this feat deal 10d6
XP Cost: 5,400 XP. points of damage to the caster. The shell of a body which
remains is effectively dead, although successful retrieval
Cold Anchor to the Soul of the soul can allow the creature to live again without
Abjuration [Evil] the need for resurrection; in the meanwhile, the body
Spellcraft DC: 137 starts to rot and decay (and without magical intervention
Components: None to prevent decomposition, the body will be unable to be
Casting Time: 1 free action returned to short of resurrection or the like within 24
Range: Personal hours). The target is entitled to a Will save to negate the
Area: 90-ft. radius emanation centered on the caster spell’s effect; the DC is equal to 30 + the relevant spell-
Duration: 20 minutes casting ability modifier.
Saving Throw: Will negates Within Hell, the creature’s soul is quickly claimed by
a Lord or Courtier of Perdition who has the greatest compulsion render class abilities dependent on conduct
claim on it. For example, a warmongerer’s soul is likely inaccessible until atoned for, as per usual.
to be claimed by Bael, while a tyrannical despot may be Although this spell affects a maximum of six crea-
claimed by Asmodeus himself. Typically, unless the soul tures (and all six are affected identically), the use of Di-
is of some importance, the creature is transformed into a plomacy and Intimidation may in fact cause others to
lemure in short order. stray from their beliefs and “sin”. Powerful devils use
this spell to spread a wide net of apostasy in relatively
XP Cost: 5,000 XP short period of time. Carreau is attributed as its author.
age. allow transport of unwilling creatures that fail a Will
If cast within the Iron Tower, the duration of this save (+4), allow interplanar travel (+4), cast as a free
power is doubled (66 hours). action (+28), allow spell to last 3 rounds, but with 2 uses
of epic dimension door per round (ad hoc +8), change
XP Cost: 15,000 XP. duration to 10 rounds (ad hoc x3). Mitigating factors:
burn 10,000 XP (-100)
Dust in the Wind
Psychoportation As a free action that counts as a quickened spell, the
Psicraft DC: 114 caster makes use of the astral, ethereal or shadow plane
Components: Vi, XP to travel instantaneously to any point on any plane to
Casting Time: 1 standard action which she has at least a reliable description of. She may
Range: 100 feet take with her up to 1,000 lb of creatures and/or objects,
Area: 100-foot radius, centered on the caster but she must be touching them when she uses epic di-
Duration: Permanent (see text) mension door to take them with her. Unwilling creatures
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates or objects are entitled to a Will save to avoid the effect,
Spell Resistance: Yes and spell resistance applies in such situations. Each
To Develop: 1,026,000 gp; 21 days; 41,040 XP. Seeds: round after the 1st round (for a total of 10 rounds) the
drain (DC 19), energy (weather effects) (DC 25), trans- caster can teleport as a free action once again, using the
form (DC 21), Factors: transform living into nonliving same guidelines.
(+10), reduce to 1-action casting time (+20), change tar- Alternatively, the caster can choose to cast the spell so
get to 20-foot radius (+12), increase area to 100-foot that it lasts only 3 rounds, enabling her to use the effects
radius (+16), increase save DC by 30 (+60), specific of the spell twice per round (i.e. two free action telepor-
method of breaking spell (ad hoc +10). Mitigating fac- tations per round for 3 rounds). Thus, the caster could
tors: burn 6000 XP (-60). feasibly teleport into a high security cell of which she
had obtained a reliable description, grab hold of her im-
Drawing upon the winds of time, the manifester prisoned companion, and teleport out again in the same
unleashes temporal energies which instantly age his foes round.
to time forgotten statues of sand, which are then blown
away, scattered to the end of the earth. XP Cost: 10,000 XP.
Creatures and objects in the affected area who fail
their saves are instantly turned into sand sculptures. Esoteric Aegis
Within 10 minutes, a fierce wind then blows through the Abjuration
area, scattering the dust over a 2 mile area and destroy- Spellcraft DC: 83
ing the sculptures. Components: V, S
Because the creatures affected are not dead, they can Casting Time: 1 minute
not be restored with true resurrection or spells using the Range: Personal
life seed. A wish or miracle can gather the dust, but a Effect: 10-ft. radius emanation
successful caster level check against Dust in the Wind Duration: 24 hours
must be made in order to break the spell (using break Saving Throw: None
enchantment, greater dispel magic, or similar effects). If Spell Resistance: No
the dust is not placed back in the exact form of the crea- To Develop: 747,000 gp, 15 days, 29,880 XP. Seeds:
ture (requiring a successful Craft: sculpture check equal ward (DC 14), transform (DC 21). Factors: gain +10
to 25 + the creature's HD), the creature is dead upon the bonus on DC to avoid being dispelled (ad hoc +20),
breaking of the enchantment. If the creature is brought to make spell effect tenacious (as per the feat) (ad hoc +10),
life via a means that does not normally cost it a level end dispel checks that fail to dispel this spell automati-
(such as true resurrection), it loses one level and one cally (ad hoc +4), ward against mage’s disjunction (+16).
permanent point of Constitution. If it is brought to life Mitigating factors: change range from touch to personal
via a means that normally costs levels or Constitution, it (-2)
loses both the level and point of Constitution in addition
to whatever penalties the recovering spell inflicts. The caster calls upon the very fabric of magic to fash-
ion a ward to protect his own working of the Word from
XP Cost: 6,000 XP those that would tear it down. A shimmering, dusky
globe surrounds the caster, intercepting any attempts to
Epic Dimension Door end his spells by means of dispel magic, or similar spells
Transmutation [Teleportation] and epic spells, and providing a +10 bonus on the DC
Spellcraft DC: 125 against which the dispel attempt must succeed. Any dis-
Components: XP pel attempt which succeeds can then proceed as normal,
Casting Time: 1 free action but esoteric aegis works as if under the effects of the
Range: Touch Tenacious Magic feat, and thus cannot be dispelled, only
Target: You and touched objects or creatures weighing suppressed for 1d4 rounds. Dispel attempts that fail are
up to 1,000 lb not entitled to checks against lesser spells within the area
Duration: 10 rounds or 3 rounds (see text) of effect (this differs from the usual procedure of area
Saving Throw: None or Will negates (see text) dispel magic attempts). Furthermore, mage’s disjunction
Spell Resistance: No or yes (see text) is warded against in its entirety.
To Develop: 855,000 gp; 18 days; 34,200 XP. Seeds:
transport (DC 27). Factors: allow use of shadow or First Taste of Winter
ethereal plane for instantaneous travel as required (+4), Trasmutation
Spellcraft DC: 101 Range: Touch
Components: V, S, XP Target: Creature touched
Casting Time: 1 action Duration: 33 hours
Range: 300 ft. Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Area: 40-ft. radius Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
Duration: 1 round/level To Develop: 990,000 gp, 20 days, 39,600 XP. Seeds:
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates fortify (DC 27), fortify (DC 27), fortify (DC 27). Fac-
Spell Resistance: Yes tors: Increase save DC of any three spells during the
To Develop: 909,000 gp, 19 days, 36,360 XP. Seeds: duration by +9 (ad hoc +36), contingent on specific trig-
transform (DC 21), dispel (DC 19), foresee (DC 17). ger (+25), add evil descriptor (ad hoc +2), increase dura-
Factors: change creature to cold vulnerable (ad hoc tion by 65% (+2). Mitigating Factors: Increase casting
+20), increase dispel check bonus to +20 (+10), make time by 9 minutes (-18), two additional casters contribut-
spell effect tenacious (as per the feat) (ad hoc +10), 1 ing 5th level spell slots (-18).
action casting time (+20), change target to 20 ft radius
area (+10), increase area by 100% (+4). Mitigating fac- The caster speaks aloud in the Dark Speech whilst
tors: change from permanent to 1 round/level (ad hoc – drawing infernal symbols in the air, the ritual partici-
10), burn 1,700 XP during casting (-17), only dispel pants chanting words of power all the while. Throughout
spells that protect against cold (ad hoc –10). the casting time, a dark mist gathers at their feet, sparked
periodically by flashes of red lightning and cold blue
Making the sign of the triangle with his hands, the flames. At the end of the casting, the ritual participants
caster calls upon those within the area to be affected to sacrifice one fifth level spell each, whereupon the mist
surrender themselves to the cold of winter. The affected becomes entirely charged with the cold blue flames.
area erupts in black energy as all are targeted with an Forming unholy symbols, the blue-black mist is drawn
area dispel magic (1d20+20) that only targets spells and into the primary caster’s body.
items that protect against cold effects. A second wave of Thereafter, at any point within 33 hours of casting, the
energy emerges a split second later, appearing as a solid primary caster can add +9 when setting the save DC for
sphere of ice that shatters the moment it appears and im- any three spells that she casts. Each time when doing so,
mediately melts away. Creatures must save against DC black frost spiderwebs across her hands and feet, melting
20 + the relevant spellcasting modifier or become vul- away at the end of the spell’s casting time.
nerable to cold damage (i.e. cold damage deals an addi-
tional 50% damage). Creatures normally immune or re- Lilith’s Life Siphon
sistance to cold lose such protection against cold for the Necromancy [Evil]
duration of the spell, and are also treated as vulnerable to Spellcraft DC: 102
cold. Components: V, S, XP
Although the effect can be dispelled, it is treated as Casting Time: 10 minutes
being tenacious. In other words, a successful dispel at- Range: 60-ft
tempt merely suppresses the effect for 1d4 rounds. Area: 60-ft radius emanation, centered on the caster
This spell was first designed by Leonar, the Chancel- Duration: 60 hours
lor of Cania and Duke of the Infernal Tongue. Saving Throw: Fortitude half
Spell Resistance: Yes
XP Cost: 1,700 XP To Develop: 918,000 gp; 19 days; 36,720 XP. Seeds:
drain (DC 23), fortify (DC 17), transform (DC 21). Fac-
Greater Epic Mage Armor tors: change target from touch to 20-ft radius emanation
Conjuration (Creation) [Force] (+14), increase area by 200 % (+8), allow caster to de-
Spellcraft DC: 70 cide each round what ability to drain, or whether to in-
Components: V, S stead deal energy drain (ad hoc +6), increase damage die
Casting Time: 10 minutes by 3 steps (+30), allow duration to be set by the fortify
Range: Personal seed (ad hoc +13), increase ability drain by 2 points (+8),
Target: You increase duration by 200% (+4). Mitigating factors:
Duration: 72 hours (D) increase casting time by 9 minutes (-18), burn 2,400 XP
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) (-24).
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
To Develop: 630,000 gp; 13 days; 25,200 XP. Seed: Speaking in a measured cadence, the caster opens her
armor (DC 14). Factors: +36 additional armor bonus arms to the earth beneath, and demands the power of
(+72), increase duration by 200% (+4). Mitigating Fac- those that walk it. An inky cloud, half-hidden from vi-
tor: increase casting time by 9 minutes (-18), change sion, permeates the area of effect, centered on the caster.
target to personal (-2). Any living creature that enters the cloud has its life
steadily siphoned away.
Greater epic mage armor works as per epic mage The caster can decide round by round what ability
armor, except that it grants a +40 armor bonus to Armor score the cloud will drain, or whether the cloud will in-
Class, and lasts for 3 days. stead deal energy drain. Each creature within the area of
effect is entitled to a Fortitude saving throw to take only
Leonar’s Thaumaturgic Boost half damage of 4d4 points of ability drain, or 4d4 nega-
Transmutation (Evil) tive levels. Failure, of course, means that the creature
Spellcraft DC: 110 takes the damage in full.
Components: V, S, Ritual The drain dealt to each creature is tabulated sepa-
Casting Time: 10 minutes (contingency) rately, and the caster receives an enhancement bonus to
an ability score equal to one quarter of the amount Saving Throw: Will negates
drained from a particular creature. Thus if Lilith were to Spell Resistance: Yes
cast this spell and drain 13 points of Strength from a hu- To Develop: 837,000 gp, 17 days, 33,480 XP. Seeds:
man paladin, she would gain a +3 enhancement bonus to compel (DC 19). Factors: 1-action casting time (+20),
Strength for the duration of the spell. If an elven wizard no somatic component (+2), change target to 20-ft. ra-
entered the area of effect in the next round, so that both dius area (+2), increase spell’s saving throw DC by +20
the wizard and the paladin took 8 points of Strength (+40), dismissible by caster (+2), increase duration by
damage, she would gain an enhancement bonus to 495% (+10).
Strength of +5 (one quarter of the 21 points of Strength
drain dealt in total to the paladin). Enhancement bonuses Originally designed by Murmer, Duke of Philosophy,
granted in this fashion last for 20 minutes. the caster of this spell calls on those within the target
In the case of energy drain, the caster receives 5 tem- area to speak their minds, and leave nothing out. All
porary hit points for each negative level bestowed upon a those within the area of effect who fail a Will save with a
creature. Temporary hit points granted in this fashion last +20 bonus to the usual DC, find themselves speaking
for 20 minutes. The negative levels last for 24 hours, at aloud regarding all their thoughts, and doing so with
which time the affected creature must make another For- more words than are absolutely necessary.
titude save for each negative level received (at the spell’s Communication or other activities that rely on speech
original save DC), with success meaning that the nega- takes three times as long as usual (and thus spells with
tive levels disappear. A failure converts the negative verbal components take three times as long to cast,
levels to actual level loss. generally three standard actions). In combat, creatures
under the influence of the spell will clearly reveal what
XP Cost: 2,400 XP. their tactics are as they go about their maneuvers.
Bluffing becomes impossible; the use of Diplomacy and
Long Arm of the Treacher Intimidate may likewise be affected at the discretion of
Clairsentience the DM, and depending on the affected creature’s real
Psicraft DC: 115 feelings about those with whom he treats.
Display: None
Manifesting Time: 10 minutes Mephistopheles’ Frore Blast
Range: See text Evocation (Cold)
Effect: Magical sensor Spellcraft DC: 144
Duration: 20 minutes (D) Components: V, S, XP
Saving Throw: None Casting Time: 1 action
Power Resistance: No Range: 90 ft.
To Develop: 1,035,000 gp; 21 days; 41,400 XP. Seed: Area: A cone-shaped burst
reveal (DC 19). Factors: allow manifester to both see Duration: Instantaneous
and hear through sensor (+2), manifest any powers using Saving Throw: Fortitude partial
sensor as origin point (+6), no display (+4), free manifes- Spell Resistance: Yes
ter from the need to maintain line of effect to the sensor To Develop: 1,296,000 gp; 26 days; 51,840 XP. Seeds:
in order to cast spells through it (x10). Mitigating fac- drain (DC 19), energy (DC 19), transform (DC 21). Fac-
tors: burn 16,700 XP during manifesting (-167), increase tors: increase cold damage by 56d6 (+112), increase
casting time by 9 minutes (-18), only allow sensor to Dexterity damage by 14 (+56), transform affected crea-
exist within the being of a creature under the effects of tures into chunks of ice (+10), 1-action casting time
the trojan curse epic power (ad hoc –10). (+20), change area to 40-ft cone (+2), increase area by
125% (+5), increase spell’s saving throw DC by 20
The manifester can only use this spell in conjunction (+40). Mitigating factors: burn 15,000 XP during cast-
with the trojan curse epic power. With the target creature ing (-150), caster takes 10d6 points of backlash damage
firmly in the grip of the trojan curse, the manifester calls (-10)
on his power over such a creature to manifest a magical
sensor within said creature. The manifester is thereafter There are few creatures in creation that can withstand
able to see and hear as if in the place of the target crea- the effects of the frore blast. Drawing on the cold that
ture for the duration of the spell. existed in the nothingness before creation, the caster
Using the sensor as a focal point, the manifester is forces that energy outwards in a 90-ft cone directly be-
able to manifest powers through the target creature for fore him, transforming the landscape into so much ice.
the duration of the power. Creatures caught within the cone take 66d6 points of
Leviathan is the author of this power, and its greatest cold damage, 18 points of Dexterity damage, and are
wielder. transformed into statues of ice and frost. A successful
fortitude save halves the cold and Dexterity damage, and
XP Cost: 16,700 XP. negates the transformation effect. Creatures immune to
cold still take the Dexterity damage and are still subject
Lure of Loquacity to being transmuted into ice. Objects are likewise af-
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] fected (although attended or magical objects are entitled
Spellcraft DC: 93 to a Fortitude save to take partial damage only).
Components: V The cold that courses through the caster is so intense
Casting Time: 1 standard action that it likewise deals 10d6 points of damage to the caster;
Range: 75 ft. this cannot be avoided in any fashion.
Area: 20-ft. radius Mephistopheles often casts this after his opponents
Duration: 99 hours (D) have been struck with the epic spell first taste of winter.
For the duration of the spell, the target creature is
XP Cost: 15,000 XP treated as shaken.
moral issues increases by +1. Either way, the usual goal this will be the receptacle for the stolen portion of the
of the casting of this spell is to lead the victim down a target’s soul.
dark path and into damnation. Thus, every three actions For nine minutes the caster speaks the arcane words
the victim undertakes that directly perpetuate Lawful of binding, touching the target periodically with the fo-
Evil principles result in the victim’s alignment shifting cus, and slowly drawing out some of the essence of the
one step closer to Lawful Evil. For example, if the vic- target’s soul. At the climax of the spell, the caster pierces
tim is convinced to allow the assassination of a Lawful the skin at the back of the target’s hand (or a similar,
Neutral judge, thereby paving the way for a thieves’ appropriate appendage), so that the blood runs over the
guild leader to get away on a technicality of the law, the cage and gem. Simultaneously, he expends 5,000 XP to
action (or inaction, in this case), counts as Lawful Evil seal the effect of the spell. An unwilling target is entitled
for the purpose of this spell. If and when the victim be- to a Will save (DC = 40 + the caster’s relevant spellcast-
comes Lawful Evil, she gains one last save with a -9 pen- ing ability score modifier) to negate the effect, but will-
alty (this stacks with the daily increases on the DC). If ing targets, or targets who are Soulsworn to the caster,
she fails, not only does she become Lawful Evil perma- are automatically affected.
nently, she also becomes a permanent thrall to the caster, From that time on, the caster is able to do certain
even if she does not know this explicitly. things to a creature over which he has a soul hold, so
It is very difficult to identify and overcome this terri- long as he is touching the gemstone focus. Firstly, he
ble spell. Any attempt to discern enchantment effects, can afflict the creature’s soul in a most unpleasant man-
like the use of Sense Motive, are confronted by a -9 pen- ner, leaving the target creature dazed or sickened. Sec-
alty on the check per day that the victim is under the in- ondly, he can sense the whereabouts of the creature per-
fluence of the serpent. True seeing may be used to iden- fectly, and can speak with the creature by means of te-
tify the spell, but only if the intended purpose is to find lepathy over any distance, even over planar boundaries.
some force controlling or manipulating the victim; even Finally, the caster can kill the creature with no save, al-
so, true seeing only offers a 33% chance of revealing though this ends the spell. The soul of the creature passes
anything unusual. Once this spell is identified, the ex- in its entirety through the gem before passing on to its
aminer sees a large, reddish, serpentine shadow on the proper plane of existence (this does provide a window of
victim. For more recent castings or for victims who opportunity to entrap the soul and prevent resurrection,
have overcome the temptations, the snake is small and although other magicks must be used to accomplish such
perched at the shoulder near the ear; older castings or a thing). By means of these things, the caster can often
those in which the victim has gone almost completely obtain the services and obedience of the target creature,
into the lure of Lawful Evil, the serpent’s coils are if only out of fear for the welfare of its eternal soul.
wrapped around the victim’s body, its tongue lodged in Rumor has it that this spell was first developed by
the victim’s ear. Mephistopheles, Lord-Regent of Cania.
Once the serpent is uncovered, only greater restora-
tion followed immediately by a miracle can cancel the XP Cost: 5,000 XP.
effect (it is possible that the caster will notice what is
going on if he has Sense Motive and/or Spellcraft). Summoning Sanctuary
XP Cost: 4,900 XP. Spellcraft DC: 80
Components: Components
Soul Hold Casting Time: 1 minute
Transmutation (Calling) [Death, Evil] Range: Touch
Spellcraft DC: 80 Effect: 30-ft. spherical emanation
Components: V, S, M, F, XP Duration: 24 hours
Casting Time: 9 minutes Saving Throw: None
Range: Touch Spell Resistance: Yes
Target: One living creature touched To Develop: 720,000 gp; 15 days; 28,800 XP. Seed:
Duration: Permanent ward (DC 14). Factors: increase area of effect by 200%
Saving Throw: Will negates (see text) (+8), increase bonus on caster level check to overcome
Spell Resistance: Yes (see text) spell resistance by +20 (+40), determine creature type to
To Develop: 720,000 gp; 15 days; 28,800 XP. Seeds: be warded against at the time of casting this spell (ad hoc
afflict (DC 14), contact (DC 23), slay (DC 25), summon +4), prevent spiritual wounds within summoning area
(DC 14), transform (DC 21). Factors: change target to (ad hoc +14).
creature touched (+4), transfer a portion of the target’s
soul to a receptacle (ad hoc +5), afflict target so that they This spell creates an area in preparation for summon-
are dazed or sickened at the caster’s choice (ad hoc +4), ing a powerful creature. Proof only against physical at-
increase spell’s saving throw DC by 20 (+40). Mitigat- tacks, it prevents the next summoned creature, and all
ing factors: increase casting time by 8 minutes (-16), other creatures of that type summoned into the area for
burn 5,000 XP at time of casting (-50), requires an ex- the duration of the sanctuary, from leaving a 30-foot
pensive focus (ad hoc –2), requires a difficult material spherical emanation area by any means. The summoned
component (ad hoc –2) creature may be able to break past the barrier by means
of its spell resistance, in which case the caster makes a
Soul hold, like non-epic spells such as mark of justice, caster level check with a +20 bonus.
can generally only be performed on targets that are will- Additionally, the typical effects of summoning a pow-
ing (compelled creatures count as willing) or restrained. erful cosmic entity to the Prime are ignored if the crea-
The caster must have on hand a gemstone set within a ture is summoned within a summoning sanctuary. Thus
gold or silver stylized cage to the value of 18,000 gp; summoning or calling a Duke of Hell to the Prime in
conjunction with this spell has none of the ill effects The caster draws up to her full height, and her appear-
mentioned in Chapter One. ance becomes fearful as she commands the targeted crea-
ture to obey her or writhe in agony. A malicious, dark
Trojan Curse energy darts from her outstretched hands to strike at the
Telepathy (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] target, who is then entitled to a Will save. A successful
Psicraft DC: 115 save at this juncture negates all further effects.
Display: None Should the subject fail, they look on requests that the
Manifesting Time: 1 round caster makes in a most favorable manner. Should the
Range: 75 ft. caster request something that the target would not usu-
Target: One living creature ally do, he can choose not to do so, but must immedi-
Duration: 1 week ately make a Fortitude save at the original DC or take 4
Saving Throw: Will negates points of Constitution damage and suffer such intense
Power Resistance: Yes pain that he takes a –4 penalty on attack rolls, checks and
To Develop: 1,035,000 gp; 21 days; 41,400 XP. Seeds: saving throws. A successful Fortitude save halves the
compel (DC 19), conceal (DC 17). Factors: unobtrusive damage and the penalty. The pain effect continues until
(ad hoc +6), manifest as a full-round action (+18), con- the request has been agreed to, and the target begins to
ceal from magical or psionic detection (+6), compel undertake activity to fulfill the request.
creature to follow unreasonable course of action (+10), Powerful devils have been known to use this spell to
increase duration by 740% (+15), no display (+4), in- deliberately condition captors to undertake evil tasks of
crease power’s save DC by 10 (+20) their own free will, and thus pervert any goodness the
captor may have had. In many cases, this scenario
The manifester concentrates on the desired target, pleases the devil more than simply quashing the sub-
willing into existence a hidden presence within the tar- ject’s will.
get’s being. If the target fails a Will saving throw (save This spell has been used so extensively by the per-
DC 30 + manifesting ability modifier), he can thereafter sonal servants of Asmodeus that many consider him to
be compelled by the manifester to do anything at the be the author of this dread magick.
caster’s whim, from any distance, even across planes. As
with the non-epic spell dominate person, the caster can XP Cost: 5,000 XP.
concentrate on the spell as a standard action to receive
full sensory input as interpreted by the mind of the sub- New Incantations
ject (the caster cannot actually see or hear at the target’s
location, but has a good idea of what is happening there). Rite of the Diabolical See
The compulsion is unobtrusive, and is usually left latent Transmutation [Evil]
until some point where the target’s “treachery” is of Effective Level: 9th
greatest potential efficacy. The trojan curse can only be Skill Check: Knowledge (religion) DC 33, 9 successes
detected by divinations if the caster of the divination Failure: Death
succeeds on a caster level check against the manifester of Components: V, S, M, XP, Special
the trojan curse. Casting Time: 90 minutes
The trojan curse lasts for one week, even if the target Range: Personal
has already fulfilled the primary purpose of the manifes- Target: You
ter. However, evil psions tend to compel those under the Duration: Instantaneous
effect of the trojan curse to kill themselves once their Saving Throw: None
task is finished. Spell Resistance: No
The Prince himself, Leviathan, first developed this
epic power. An ancient incantation, the purpose of the Rite of the
Diabolical See is to unlock in the caster truly fiendish
Tyranny power. Attempted (successfully, at least) only by the
Enchantment (Charm) [Mind-Affecting, Evil] most powerful Cardinals of Asmodeus, the incantation is
Spellcraft DC: 79 a private affair, the secrets of which are unlocked as the
Components: V, S, XP caster advances in the unholy priesthood of the King of
Casting Time: 1 action Hell.
Range: 75 ft. The Lord of the Nine does not make it easy to seek his
Target: One living creature favor by means of this rite. For those who fail to cast the
Duration: 33 hours incantation precisely (or who do not gain the favor of
Saving Throw: Will negates and Fortitude half; see text Asmodeus), death awaits (although a successful Fort
Spell Resistance: Yes save DC 23 means that the caster instead takes 9 points
To Develop: 711,000 gp; 15 days; 28,440 XP. Seeds: of Constitution drain and is exhausted). Furthermore, the
charm (DC 14), afflict (DC 14), drain (DC 19). Factors: incantation can only be cast in the midnight hour during
1 action casting time (+20), increase duration by 165% a new moon. The sky must be wreathed in cloud, and the
(+4), deal Constitution damage every time a request is invocant must conduct the rite in a desecrated area. Nine
refused (ad hoc + 20), afflict target with pain every time fires are lit in a circle surrounding the caster, while the
a request is refused (ad hoc +20), increase penalty on invocant stands within a shallow pit (3 feet deep) exactly
attack rolls, checks, and saving throws to –4 (+12), central to these pyres. The invocant appeals to Asmodeus
threatening act against charmed creature does not end the for his blessing nine times, each time calling on the King
spell (ad hoc +4), add evil descriptor (ad hoc +2). Miti- of Hell by one of his nine titles.
gating factors: Burn 5,000 XP during casting (-50). Upon uttering his final appeal, the caster is caught up
in dark flames that leap from within the pit. It is at this
time that he knows whether his prayers have been an- Demon Dread: As with a demon bane weapon, a de-
swered or not; for those whom Asmodeus approves take mon dread weapon excels at attacking demons. Against
no harm at the flames, instead finding themselves im- such foes, its effective enhancement bonus increases by
bued with great power (see Chapter 3 for further details). +6, and it deals an additional +6d6 points of damage. If it
All others are harmed as detailed above. scores a successful critical hit against the foe, that crea-
ture must make a Fortitude save (DC 27) or be destroyed
Material Components: Rare incense and the blood of instantly and turned to dust. (This even affects creatures
celestial creatures to the value of 33,300gp immune to critical hits or death magic.) Bows, cross-
XP Cost: 500 XP bows and slings so crafted bestow the bane quality upon
Special Requirement: The caster of the incantation their ammunition.
must have at least 10 levels in the Cardinal of Asmodeus Overwhelming Conjuration; CL 24th; Craft Magic
prestige class. Usually, this is the only way that a charac- Arms and Armor, summon monster IX; Price +7 bonus.
ter can discover the exact phrasings and so forth to cast
the incantation. Those without the prerequisite level of Hellfire: Upon command, a hellfire weapon is
advancement in the unholy priesthood can still attempt sheathed in vicious flames. The hellfire does not harm
the invocation, but there is no chance of success (i.e. the the wielder. The effect remains until another command
incantation will automatically fail, with consequences as is given. A hellfire weapon deals an extra 1d6 points of
detailed above). damage on a successful hit. This damage is profane in
nature, and not subject to resistance. Ranged weapons so
Unholy Supplication crafted bestow the hellfire energy on their ammunition.
Divination [Evil] Moderate Evocation; CL: 10th; Craft Magic Arms and
Effective Level: 6th Armor, hellfire; Price +2 bonus.
Skill Check: Knowledge (the planes) DC 21, 6 suc-
cesses Hellfire Blasting: On command, a hellfire blast
Failure: Attack weapon is wreathed in black or blood-red flames (this
Components: V, S, M, SC, B deals no damage to the wielder). On any hit, the fire
Casting Time: 60 minutes bursts forth, dealing +3d6 points of bonus hellfire dam-
Range: See text age. On a successful critical hit it instead deals +6d6
Target: Personal points of hellfire damage (or +9d6 if the critical multi-
Duration: 12 minutes plier is x3, or +12d6 if the critical multiplier is x4, etc.).
Saving Throw: None Bows, crossbows, slings, and other ranged weapons be-
Spell Resistance: No stow the bonus hellfire damage upon their ammunition.
Overwhelming Evocation; CL: 22nd; Craft Magic
This incantation is used to contact and speak with a Arms and Armor, Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor,
particular Courtier of Perdition. The rite must be per- hellfire storm; Price: +7 bonus.
formed in the hours before dawn, so that upon comple-
tion of the necessary protocols, the chief supplicant has Hellfire Burst: A hellfire burst weapon functions as a
less than 33 minutes before the sun rises. Eight addi- hellfire weapon that also explodes with hellfire on a suc-
tional casters are required for this incantation, and each cessful critical hit. In addition to the extra damage from
caster (including the primary one) must burn 66 gp worth the hellfire ability, a hellfire bust weapon deals 1d10
of incense in unholy censors during the invocation. points of hellfire damage on a successful critical hit. If
No image is formed of the devil being sought; how- the weapon's critical modifier is x3, add an additional
ever, successful casting of the unholy supplication en- 2d10 points of damage instead, if the multiplier is x4,
ables communication between the primary caster and the add an additional 3d10 points of hellfire dam-
Courtier for 12 minutes. This tête-à-tête is most often age. Ranged weapons so crafted bestow the hellfire en-
used to enable the supplicant to swear oaths of fealty to ergy on their ammunition. Even if the hellfire ability is
the Courtier (see the Devotee of Darkness feat in Chapter not active, the weapon still deals extra damage on a criti-
3), but is also used to ask questions of the Courtier or to cal hit.
report on services performed for the Courtier. At the end Moderate Evocation; CL 12th; Craft Magic Arms and
of the duration, the primary caster is exhausted and auto- Armor, hellfire storm; Price +3 bonus.
matically contracts the disease devil chills.
In the event that the incantation is not performed per- Humiliating: A humiliating weapon deals 1 point of
fectly, the caster finds himself attacked by a summoned Charisma damage from the degradation of self worth it
kyton (as if by summon monster VI as cast by a 12th level inflicts when it hits a creature. On a critical hit, this
sorcerer). damage is instead 1 point of permanent Charisma drain.
Moderate Evocation; CL 10th; Craft Magic Arms and
Armor, dread word; Price +3 bonus.
New Magic Weapon Enhancements Note: Some weapons with this quality attack the
physical appearance of the creature struck, inflicting ugly
Demon Bane: A demon bane weapon excels at at-
wounds. These are known as scarring weapons, but the
tacking demons. Against such foes, its effective enhance-
effects are otherwise identical.
ment bonus increases by +3, and it deals an additional
+3d6 points of damage. Bows, crossbows and slings so
Cursed Item Quality—Helltouched: One in every
crafted bestow the bane quality upon their ammunition.
hundred of devil crafted items is helltouched. This curse
Moderate Conjuration; CL 12th; Craft Magic Arms
deals 1d10 points of fire damage to its wielder or wearer
and Armor, summon monster I; Price +1 bonus.
(and only the wearer) every round. While is not a con-
cern to devils, it can be a horrible surprise for the mortal
who dons a bracer or guantlet so cursed. Even demons New Magic Items
not immune to fire tend to avoid these items, as it weak-
ens their own innate resistance. Delay Scrolls: These scrolls are identical to normal
As much as devils would like to make this curse more magical scrolls, except that, when created, a delayed
prevalent, it is merely a side-affect of their creating time of effect is incorporated by the creator.
magical items. Delay scrolls are activated as per normal scrolls, but
do not take immediate effect. Delays of as short as 6
New Materials rounds, and up to as long as a day are possible. Casting
dispel magic or counterspelling can take place anytime
Soulsteel: This material is made from the extracted from the time the scroll is activated until it actually
souls of the damned. Forged through vile practices into comes into effect.
a solid form, this material is extremely hard and Spells that specifically target a creature or group of
deadly. Weapons fashioned from soulsteel deal one creatures cannot be delayed; only area affect spells can
point of permanent hit point loss on a critical hit. Armor be made into a delay scroll, and the area of effect is al-
fashioned from soulsteel provides damage reduction 2/-, ways centered on the scroll itself.
which stacks with damage reduction from other Delay Spell, Scribe Scroll; Price: Treat the spell level
sources. Soulsteel has 30 hit points per inch of thickness as being two levels higher than normal, and increase the
and hardness 15. final price by 20%.
Table 2-1: Pricing for Soulsteel Items Styx Collar: This magical collar wrought of adaman-
tine and soulsteel keeps the pernicious effects of the Styx
Type of Soulsteel Item Item Cost Modifier at bay. The collar also provides immunity to any water-
Light Armor 5,000gp based attacks (note: natural effects such as rough water,
or drowning, do not count as attacks), including holy
Medium Armor 10,000gp water; however, contact with holy water neutralizes the
collar for six hours, leaving the wearer open to future
Heavy Armor 15,000gp water-based attacks (and fully susceptible to the effects
Weapon 3,000gp of the Styx).
Faint abjuration; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item; avoid
Ammunition 60gp planar effects, protection from positive energy; Price
15,000 gp.
Hellforge Iron: This dark metal is created by using a
cold forging process coupled with a tempering of
the blade through hellflames. This material is highly New Minor Artifacts
valued in the Blood War, because the forging process
makes it extremely deadly to demons. When used Mark of the Dark Ministry: Upon being appointed
against demons, weapons crafted of hellforge iron have to the Dark Ministry, a pit fiend is granted a Mark of the
the critical multiplier increased as noted in table 2-2 be- Dark Ministry. The Mark not only identifies its wearer as
low. one of the supreme generals of the Legions of Hell, it
Hellforge iron penetrates damage reduction as cold also confers tremendous power.
iron. It has 30 hp per inch of thickness and hardness 20. The Mark of the Dark Ministry grants its wearer a +9
bonus to saves against the spell-like and supernatural
Table 2-2: Adjusted Critical Multipliers abilities of demons and other Chaotic Evil creatures.
for Hellforge Iron (vs. Demons) When traveling beyond Hell, the wearer is resistant to
attempts to return him or her to the Pit: within the Depths
Old Multiplier New Multiplier Below or within the Mortal Coil, the wearer cannot be
forcibly returned to Hell through the use of magic such
x2 x3 as word of chaos or holy word, feats such as Planar
Turning, or any special ability to censure fiends.
x3 x5 When in other Realities, the wearer receives a +9 bo-
x4 x7 nus to any saving throws against such attempts that allow
one. With turning or censure attacks, the attacker takes
Table 2-3: Pricing for Hellforge Iron Items a -9 penalty to the checks. The wearer gains a basic sav-
ing throw against attacks that do not allow a save.
Type of Hellforge Iron Item Cost Modifier The Mark of the Dark Ministry confers additional
Item powers against diabolical beings. At will, the Minister
may use greater command on any other devil; the devil
Light Armor 3,000gp receives no save nor does its spell resistance apply.
Medium Armor 6,000gp Three times per day, the Minister may use dominate
monster on any other devil; again the devil receives no
Heavy Armor 9,000gp save or spell resistance against the ability. The caster
level for these powers is 27th. Pit fiends are allowed Will
Weapon 2,500gp saves (DC 27) to resist. Dukes of Hell and higher rank-
ing devils are immune to these abilities.
Ammunition 50gp
Those bearing the Mark can cast the epic spell ac-
cursed as a spell-like ability 3/day. The Mark drains the
user of 900 XP each time this ability is used. though by a 21st level Sorcerer; the Will save DC is
Finally, the Mark bolsters diabolical troops within 90 28. Finally, the rod of tyranny can be used once per day
feet of the Minister. All troops receive the same resis- to close all gates and portals in the city to which it is
tances against attempts to being returned to Hell when in attuned; to make matters worse, all beings within 90 feet
another Reality as described above; furthermore, all of the rod (except for the wielder) are under the effects
troops (including the Dark Minister) find that their sum- of dimensional anchor for 9 rounds (spell resistance does
moning ability is doubled in terms of % of success and not apply against this effect).
the number of devils that can be summoned. A rod of tyranny is a gargantuan rod of glimmering
The Mark of the Dark Ministry appears as a simple ebony cold forged from iron drawn from the blood of
pentagram forged from cold iron drawn from the blood thousands of humanoid beings. The body of the rod is
of thousands of humanoid creatures. The pentagram rests cluttered with glowing, red runes in the Infernal tongue
on circle of black leather crafted from the protoplasmic while its tip is crowned with a golden pentagram. It may
remains of a balor; the circle is trimmed with the molted only be wielded by beings with Lawful Evil alignments;
feathers of a solar’s wings. Precisely who made the other beings suffer three negative level while carrying
Marks is unknown, but common theories suggest As- the rod.
tarte, a former Lord of the First, or The Overlord him- Strong Evocation; CL 21st; Weight 10 lbs.
self. When awarded to a newly promoted Dark Minister,
the Mark magically and painfully stitches itself into the Summoning a Power of Hell
breast of the pit fiend. Although it can be hidden from
non-diabolical beings, devils and other “natives” of Hell Of all the Powers of Hell, the Duke is the most fre-
(including petitioners and gods) automatically sense the quently summoned to the Prime Material. Although
power of a Mark of the Dark Ministry. ranking lower than an Arch-Devil and Lord-Regent, a
Strong Abjuration, Strong Conjuration, Strong En- Duke is far less likely to destroy obviously weak conju-
chantment; CL 21st; Weight: 1 lb. rors because a Duke is always looking for an opportunity
to increase its access to mortal souls and reaps a great
Rod of Tyranny: Each Governor of a major city in deal more from mortal interaction than the higher rank-
Hell receives a rod of tyranny. These minor artifacts not ing devils.
only reflect the station of the Governor in Hell, but they There are a fair number of mortals who seek to treat
also confer great power to the wielder. with a Duke of Hell, knowing full well what they risk in
A rod of tyranny may be wielded as a +3 axiomatic, such a venture because of the potential of great reward.
unholy great club. Once per day, the Governor can call Indeed, there are even those who will summon a Duke
on the rod to exchange either its axiomatic or unholy with the intent of destroying the creature (incidentally
quality for another magical quality of equal or lesser and unsurprisingly, it is among this number that the best
value; this change lasts for 9 rounds. Three times per summoning techniques have been developed). Yet, in all
day, the rod of tyranny may be used to cast tyranny as cases, the presence of a Duke of Hell will at the very
least impact the life of the conjuror if not an entire area Duration: Instantaneous
once any form of summons is completed (see Chapter Saving Throw: None
One). Spell Resistance: No
Generally, summons require a significant length of
time to complete, which is why a Duke rarely finds itself Through foul rites, steadfast adherence to obscure
in a situation in which it is interrupted when brought into cosmic laws, and supplication to the powers of darkness,
the Prime. It is also important to note that a Duke typi- incantation of the pit allows the caster to open a seething
cally only offer boons after it has been summoned to the rift between the Realities Beyond to call on one of Dukes
mortal coil. First, the Duke knows how difficult it is for of Hell. Despite its relative ease in casting, incantation
mortals to breach planar boundaries in the process; it is of the pit is far less likely than its Forbidden Magic coun-
also aware of the degree of sacrifice necessary for a suc- terpart to conclude successfully for the caster.
cessful calling. Both of these factors indicate how seri- The incantation of the Pit requires that the casters (of
ous (and foolish) the mortal is about establishing a con- which there can be up to nine) create two magic circles
tract. Second, a Duke knows full well that once a sum- of protection against evil with silver dust on subterra-
mons takes place, a certain radius within the summons nean, unhallowed ground within an hour before mid-
will suffer a spiritual wound for a relatively long period night. They must leave at least nine feet of space be-
of time, increasing the chance of the Duke’s (or the tween the two magic circles. Then, by chanting infernal
Duke’s servants) return to the Prime. These two factors rites within the center magic circle, the casters must be-
prove to the Duke that a contact is a very likely end re- seech the appearance of a given Duke of Hell, announc-
sult of a summons, thus making the excursion to the mor- ing all the appropriate titles and associations of the Duke
tal coil a worthwhile investment of time (and risk) for the in order to draw its attention. The casters must name the
Duke. proper magicks with which the Duke identifies, the Re-
There are three primary ways to bring a Duke of Hell alities with which the Duke is associated, and finally the
into the world: ideals the Duke upholds.
When the incantation is complete, utter darkness en-
• Incantation of the Pit: This powerful incantation al- compasses a 90-foot radius extending from the center
lows the uninitiated to summon a Duke of Hell to the magic circle of protection against evil for one minute
Prime, but entails the greatest amount of risk for the after which the Duke or the Duke’s lackey appears
conjuror and the world at large. within the space between the two magic circles
• Circle of the Nine Pits: The most traditional means to (therefore, it is important that the casters can see in
summon a Duke of Hell, the circle of summoning gen- magical darkness or can dispel it as per the Duke’s spell-
erally protects the conjuror(s) and reveals to the Duke like ability caster level). The Duke’s appearance may or
that a potentially lucrative deal is around the corner. may not be accompanied by appropriate spectacle de-
However, the cost for this summons is steep and al- pending on the nature of the Duke; regardless, the ap-
most guarantees that the conjuror’s soul is seeped in pearance of a Duke of Hell is a terrible psychic experi-
evil before its casting. ence that scars the soul of those that witness the arrival.
Once the Duke appears, it can remain on the Prime Ma-
• Circle of Locking the Nine Gates: The most powerful terial for up to 9 minutes, although it has the right to re-
of the summoning methods, the circle of locking is
turn to Hell at any time prior. The Duke is under no
used by those seeking to either bind a Duke of Hell to
compulsion to be honest or polite with the casters; how-
service or those seeking to destroy or permanently
ever, the Duke is unable to take any hostile action unless
banish a Duke of Hell. This method runs the greatest
the Duke is attacked or a caster (or something else)
risk for both the conjuror(s) and the Duke, but guaran-
breaches either magic circle of protection. At the end of
tees the greatest rewards for the conjuror(s)… at least
the time frame, the Duke will depart with the appropriate
for a time.
spectacle and the magical darkness will end. All partici-
pants will immediately contract devil chills and the caster
It is worth repeating that not a single one of these
is exhausted.
means is fool or tamper-proof and that none of them
completely eliminate the adverse impact of a Power’s
Failure: Even if the casters speak each of these rites
presence in the Prime (as described in Chapter One).
with perfection, there is only a 90% chance that the ac-
Those concerned about the effect of a Power’s presence
tual Duke will answer the summons and appear in person
in the Prime may make use of summoning sanctuary (see
between the two magic circles of protection against evil.
above) or similar protections, in addition to the usual
Each failed skill check reduces the chance for success by
10%. If there are two consecutive missed skill checks,
not only is the incantation ruined, a fiendish servant (see
Incantation of the Pit (cooperative incantation) sidebar to determine the power of the servant) of the
Conjuration (Calling)
Duke appears, and one or both (randomly selected by the
Effective Level: 9th DM) of the magic circles of protection against evil are
Skill Check: Diplomacy DC 27, 1 success; Knowledge broken, allowing whatever comes through the incanta-
(arcane) DC 27, 3 successes; Knowledge (the planes)
tion of the Pit to attack PCs or flee into the unsuspecting
DC 27, 3 successes; Knowledge (religion) DC 27, 2
Material Component: 5,000 gp in silver dust to cre-
Failure: Attack ate the magic circles of protection from evil and a totem
Components: V, S, M, XP, SC, B and/or materials of interest or significance to the Duke
Casting Time: 9 minutes worth at least 500 gp (see the description of each individ-
Range: Touch ual Duke for details on appropriate material compo-
Target: You nents).
XP Component: 900 XP (thus, nine casters would tion unless the Duke is attacked or a caster (or something
each sacrifice 100 XP). else) breaches either magic circle of protection from evil.
Backlash: The primary caster is exhausted. All par- The Duke can attempt to breach the ward itself, although
ticipants suffer 2d6 points of Sanity damage upon the it would take a grave insult for the Duke to bother trying;
Duke’s arrival (if you are not using Sanity, then the par- a Duke receives a Will save DC 99 in order to breach
ticipants suffer 1d3 points of Wisdom damage). Upon one of the two wards one time during the duration of the
the Duke’s departure, all participants contract devil summons (note that in the event that the caster attempts
chills. The participants are not entitled to saving throws hostilities upon the Duke’s person, the save DC require-
to avoid these effects. ment to breach the ward is removed, and the Duke in-
Extra Casters: Up to nine. If there is only one stead makes a caster level check to determine whether he
caster, the skill check DCs increase to 29. can ignore the wards by means of spell resistance).
Upon the end of the time frame, the Duke will depart
Circle of the Nine Pits with the appropriate spectacle.
Conjuration (Summoning) [Evil, Lawful] This spell allows the summons of the weakest known
Spellcraft DC: 99 Duke of Hell, Titivulus. For more powerful Peers, the
Components: V, S, M, Sacrifice, XP caster can burn additional XP in order to meet the CR
Casting Time: 9 hours requirement; additionally, in the case of summoning an
Range: 75 feet Arch-Devil, 18,000 gp in silver is required. For a Lord of
Duration: 9 minutes (D) the Nine, 27,000 gp in silver is required. It is important
Saving throw: Will Negates (see text) to note that a Lord so summoned is not bound by the pal-
Spell Resistance: Yes (see text) try defenses of this spell and, although unable to remain
To Develop: 891,000 gp, 18 days, 35,640 XP. Seed: in the Prime for longer than nine minutes, can reach
summon (DC 14), ward (DC 14). Factor: Summon a through the ward and do with the caster as he desires.
CR 29 creature (+54), summon unique creature (+60),
increase duration 350% (+14), allow CR of Duke to be XP Cost: 3,600 XP
summoned to be increased by +1 for each additional 200
XP spent during casting (ad hoc +2), dismissible by The Circle of Locking the Nine Gates (epic ritual)
caster (+2), two magic circles against evil (ad hoc +14 Conjuration (Summoning)
DC). Mitigating Factors: unique component (ad hoc – Spellcraft DC: 136 or more
9), burn 3,600 XP during casting (-40), increase casting Components: V, S, M, XP, Ritual
time to 9 hours (-20), 3d6 backlash Sanity (or 2d3 Will) Casting Time: see below
to the primary caster (-3 DC), crushed silver for magic Range: 75 feet
circles 4,500 each (ad hoc -3 DC). Effect: One summoned Duke of Hell
Duration: 27 rounds
A powerful example of Forbidden Magic, circle of the Saving Throw: Will negates (see text)
Nine Pits is only cast by the wealthiest, most powerful, Spell Resistance: No
and most desperate (or foolish) mortals. This powerful To Develop: 1,215,000 gp; 25 days; 48,600 XP. Seed:
epic ritual allows the casters to summon a Duke of Hell destroy (DC 29), summon (DC 14), summon (DC 14),
in order to discuss potential contracts, ask questions of it, ward (DC 14). Factors: summon a unique creature (DC
and even establish some kind of treaty or agreement with +60), summon a CR 29 creature (+54 DC), one magic
relatively small chance of the Duke breaching the wards circle against evil (ad hoc +10 DC), maximized damage
of protection. for destroy seed (ad hoc +10 DC), prevent regeneration
The creation of the circle requires the same general from divine damage (ad hoc +2), allow no save against
physical requirements as the incantation of the Pit (at damage from destroy seed (ad hoc +10), allow CR of
night and on unhallowed ground). However, it takes a Duke to be summoned to be increased by +1 for each
great deal longer to prepare and successfully cast… not additional 200 XP spent during casting (ad hoc +2), alter
to mention it is extremely expensive. Once the arrange- effect of second summon seed to banish (ad hoc +2),
ments are made, the caster and supporters begin the spell banish unique creature (ad hoc +60), enforce banishment
nine hours before midnight, offering supplications to the for 9d100 years (ad hoc +30). Mitigating factors: Eight
Powers of Hell, including appropriate sacrifices (see in- additional casters contributing 5th level spell slots (-72
dividual Peer descriptions in Chapters 7, 8 and 9 for fur- DC), 3d6 backlash Sanity (or 1d4 Wisdom damage) (-4
ther details on appropriate sacrifices and offerings). DC) to the primary caster, burn 9,900 XP (in equal
Thereafter, the casters can see Hell in their minds’ eye, shares from all participants) (-81 DC).
giving them a final opportunity to abandon their task. If
the casters continue, the two magic circles of protection One of the greatest spells designed by mortals, The
from evil are empowered, one within the other. Finally, circle of locking the Nine Gates allows the mighty or the
the Duke of Hell appears in a spectacle of its want within misguided to accomplish a feat few dare dream of: the
the two magic circles of protection. The appearance of a ability to permanently defeat a Duke of Hell. In locking
Duke of Hell is a terrible, psychic experience that scars the Nine Gates, casters may either banish a Duke of Hell
the soul of those that witness the arrival; the primary from the mortal coil for generations (if not permanently)
caster immediately suffers 3d6 points of Sanity damage or may permanently destroy a Duke of Hell, forever free-
in addition to whatever Sanity damage the Duke deals. ing the Cosmos of its malevolence. Mighty locking the
The Duke is present for up to 9 minutes during which Nine Gates may be, it still requires tremendous sacrifice
time it may interact with the casters, although it has the on the part of those brave or foolish enough to call on its
right to return to Hell at any time prior. The Duke is power.
under no compulsion to be honest or polite with the cast- Unlike the incantation of the pit and the circle of the
ers; however, the Duke is unable to take any hostile ac- Nine Pits, locking the Nine Gates does not require any
particular time for casting and has no monetary value might and knowledge to lay low its attackers.
associated with it. In spite of this, most casters tend to Whether the intent is to banish or to destroy the Duke,
call on its power during the dawn, believing that as the the duration of the spell is always 27 rounds. If after that
light of a new day emerges, the powers of darkness are at time has elapsed the Duke is neither banished nor de-
their weakest. And many, through misinformation, also stroyed, the spell ceases to function and the Duke is free.
use the very same material components associated with It may summon or call reinforcements, may return to
the circle of the Nine Pits. In any case, time of day and Hell, or may wander the mortal coil for up to nine days.
material components matter not in successfully casting Most Dukes, unless gravely wounded, are guaranteed to
the locking. All that is required are stout souls willing to exact immediate revenge against at least one of its tor-
risk more than their lives in the face of eternal tyranny. mentors before retreating to slowly ruin the lives of other
Still, there are some factors (discussed below) that may living adversaries.
have a beneficial impact on the effects of this spell once The circle of locking the Nine Gates can be adjusted
the Duke of Hell is brought into the mortal coil. to summon more powerful Dukes, Arch-Devils, or even
The circle of the locking the Nine Gates is best cast in a Lord of the Nine by sacrificing additional XP at the
an area that can easily be stained with blood. The blood time of casting to meet the CR requirement. Only the
of all participants is used to create the single magic circle primary caster is able to sacrifice this additional XP
against evil – facing inwards – to keep the Duke of Hell amount. While a Lord of the Nine can be banished and
in place. As a result, this Forbidden Magic is usually (theoretically) destroyed by this the use of the circle of
cast on stone foundations. Then, in an invocation to any locking the Nine Gates, any successful binding achieved
force opposed to the Powers of Hell, the caster(s) asks upon a Lord lasts no more than 9 days. Woe to any fool-
for a blessing from on high. As the spell progresses, the ish enough to attempt this on a Lord-Regent of Hell.
blood that creates the magic circle takes on a golden or Some casters that attempt the locking do so not to
silver sheen. With the final invocation by the caster(s), banish or destroy a Courtier, but rather to “bind” a
the Duke of Hell is suddenly dragged from Hell and Courtier to a particular service. Although possibly a fool-
forced into the center of the magic circle against evil. hardy approach, to garner service by threatening such a
Once the Duke appears, it immediately realizes that it is powerful creature with long-term banishment or destruc-
at grave risk for its very life. The Duke finds that it can- tion, there are cases of this approach working out suc-
not return to the Pit and that it cannot summon or call cessfully for the caster. The Courtier can be bargained
allies for the duration of the spell. What happens next with during the 27 rounds, and may decide to carry out
depends on the caster(s) intent. some request for the caster; however, this will generally
If the caster seeks to banish the Duke from future incur the wrath of Hell. The Courtier, once having given
summons, he begins to call on the power of his god, pa- its word, will generally perform whatever service it has
tron celestial, creed, or (in extremely rare cases) demonic agreed to, but will also attempt to utilize loopholes to
master, to cast the devil back into the Pit where it can be avoid or alter the terms of service.
chained for a millennium. Every three rounds for the Note: Table 2-4 gives details of factors which may
next 27 rounds, the Duke of Hell is allowed a Will sav- improve the chances of this spell being successful. These
ing throw to overcome the effect; if the Duke attempts to factors have not been included in the development of the
breach the ward (as described in circle of the Nine Pits), spell, but are rather blessings of the gods or cosmic enti-
he is automatically banished (as described below) with ties related to these factors at the time of casting this
no saving throw (the Duke is aware of this, and so can magick.
make its own informed choice). If the Duke of Hell ever
fails three consecutive saves, he is banished to Hell for XP Cost: 9,900 XP.
the next 9d100 years (neither the Duke nor the sum-
moner know how long the banishment will last, although
a well prepared legend lore spell can reveal clues to the
truth). Nothing, not even a greater cosmic entity nor a
god, can allow the Duke access to the mortal coil during
the first 90 years of its imprisonment. The Will save the Table 2-4: Save DC Modifiers for
Duke is forced to make may be further modified by con- Locking the Nine Gates (banish)
ditions included in the table 2-1 below (unless otherwise
Primary Caster Condition Spell’s Save DC Modi-
noted, the conditions stack).
If the caster hopes to destroy the Duke of Hell, a
slightly different effect occurs once the Duke appears. Access to the Dark Speech feat +3 DC
The Duke’s entry into to the mortal coil is a painful one
as not only is the Duke forced to the Prime, but so too is Access to the Words of Creation +4 DC
a portion of Hell. The simultaneous placement of these feat
two realities causes grave damage to the Duke; the Duke Cast on hallowed ground +7 DC
immediately suffers 120 points of divine damage, with
no saving throw. The Duke does not regenerate this Primary caster is a good-aligned +2 DC
damage during the duration of the spell (although he may cleric
use other means to heal). At this point, the caster(s)
must enter the magic circle against evil in order to battle Primary caster is Chaotic Good +5 DC
with the Duke. Should the Duke attempt to breach the
wards surrounding him as described in circle of the Nine Primary caster is a Servant of +5 DC
Pits, he automatically suffers 120 points of damage per Heaven (Lawful Good)
attempt. Most Dukes commit to battling those insolent Primary caster is the Thrall of a +3 DC
enough to summon it in this fashion, calling on all its Demon