DWF Ls=8
DWF Ls=12
DWF Ls=16
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
FIG. 1. Effective quark mass induced by domain-walls for the free field configuration. Ls is the
number of lattice sites in the fifth direction.
In the presence of a realistic gauge potential, the effective quark mass result from the
finite wall separation may depend on how it is defined. Different definitions shall yield
results consistent up to a factor of order unity. One approach is to exploit the explicit quark
mass dependence in chiral Ward identities such as the Gell-Mann-Oakes-Renner (GMOR)
relation as done in Ref. [7]. Here we explore the effective mass in an alternative way. In
continuum field theory, the Atiyah-Singer theorem [8] states that the Dirac operator has a
zero eigenvalue in the presence of an external background with topological charge |Q| = 1.
The explicit form of the solution was found by ’t Hooft in 1976 [9]. On the lattice, however,
the notion of topological charge is ill defined: any gauge configuration can be continuously
deformed into a null gauge field. Moreover, the discretization of an instanton field can
introduce finite lattice-spacing effects lifting any exact zero eigenvalue. Therefore, a test of
the Atiyah-Singer theorem on lattice is usually complicated with various lattice artifacts.
There exists, however, a definition of lattice topology and fermion zero mode which
largely avoids this complication. In the overlap formalism, the Dirac operator is constructed
from the overlap of two many-fermion ground states [3]. According to their recipe, one
starts from a four-dimensional Wilson-Dirac operator with a negative Wilson mass m0 and
calculates its eigenvalues. For m0 small and positive, the number of positive eigenvalues
is equal to that of negative ones. When m0 increases, a level might cross from positive
to negative or vice versa. When this happens, the gauge field is regarded to have a net
topological charge |Q| = 1. Then the overlap determinant is exactly zero by construction.
This definition of lattice topology and zero mode do depend on, for instance, the Wilson
parameters r and m0 . However, the zero eigenvalue is exact, independent of the lattice
spacing a and volume V .