RAR 3.00 32-bit console version
Welcome to the RAR Archiver!
RAR is a powerful tool which allows you to manage and control archive
files. The archive is usually a regular file, which name has a ".rar"
RAR features include:-
* Highly sophisticated, original compression algorithm
* Special compression algorithms optimized for text, audio,
graphics data, 32 and 64-bit Intel executables
* Better compression than similar tools, using 'solid' archiving
* Authenticity verification (registered version only)
* Self-extracting archives and volumes (SFX)
* Ability to recover physically damaged archives
* Locking, password, file order list, file security & more ...
Configuration file
RAR for Unix reads configuration information from the file .rarrc
in the user's home directory (stored in HOME environment variable)
or in /etc directory.
RAR for Windows reads configuration information from the file rar.ini,
placed in the same directory as the rar.exe file.
This file may contain the following string:
switches=<any RAR switches, separated with a space>
Environment variable
Default parameters may be added to the RAR command line by establishing
an environment variable "RAR".
For instance, in UNIX following lines may be added to your profile:
RAR='-s -md1024'
export RAR
RAR will use this string as default parameters in the command line and
will create "solid" archives with 1024 KB sliding dictionary size.
RAR handles options with priority as following:
command line switches highest priority
switches in the RAR variable lower priority
switches saved in configuration file lowest priority
Log file
If the switch -ilog is specified in the command line or configuration
file, RAR will write informational messages, concerning errors
encountered while processing archives, to a log file. In Unix
this file is named .rarlog and placed in the user's home directory.
In Windows it is named rar.log and placed in the same directory as
the rar.exe file. Switch -ilog allows to override the default log name.
cf Add files comment. File comments are displayed when the 'v'
command is given. File comment length is limited to 32767 bytes.
rar cf bigarch *.txt
Generate archive name using the current date and time.
Appends the current date string to an archive name when
creating an archive. Useful for daily backups.
Format of the appending string is defined by the optional
"format" parameter or by "YYYYMMDDHHMMSS" if this parameter
is absent. Format string may include the following characters:
Y - year
M - month
MMM - month name as text string (Jan, Feb, etc.)
W - a week number (a week starts with Monday)
A - day of week number (Monday is 1, Sunday - 7)
D - day of month
E - day of year
H - hours
M - minutes (treated as minutes if encountered after hours)
S - seconds
If the first character in the format string is '+', positions
of the date string and base archive name are exchanged,
so date will precede an archive name.
All other characters are added to an archive name without
1) use the default YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format
rar a -ag backup
2) use DD-MMM-YY format
rar a -agDD-MMM-YY backup
3) use YYYYMMDDHHMM format, place date before 'backup'
rar a -ag+YYYYMMDDHHMM backup
4) use YYYY-WW-A format
rar a -agYYYY-WW-A backup
-ep Exclude paths from names. This switch enables files to be added
to an archive without including the path information. This
could, of course, result in multiple files existing in the
archive with the same name.
-ep1 Exclude base dir from names. Do not store the path entered in
the command line.
all files and directories from the directory tmp will be added
to the archive 'test', but the path in archived names will not
include 'tmp\'
rar a -ep1 -r test tmp\*
This is equivalent to the commands:
cd tmp
rar a -r ..\test
cd ..
-ep2 Expand paths to full. Store full file paths (except a drive
letter and leading path separator) when archiving.
Send archive by email. Win32 version only.
Attach an archive created or updated by the add command
to email message. You need to have MAPI compliant email
client to use this switch (most modern email programs
support MAPI interface).
You may enter a destination email address directly
in the switch or leave it blank. In the latter case it
will be asked by your email program. It is possible to
specify several addresses separated with commas or
If you append a dot character to -ieml, an archive will be
deleted after it was successfully attached to email.
If the switch is used when creating a multivolume archive,
every volume is attached to separate email message.
Log errors to file (registered version only).
Write error messages to the file rar.log created in RAR
directory. It is possible to specify another log file name
instead of the default rar.log in the switch, for example,
-ilogc:\log\backup.log. If the specifed name does not
include path, the log file will be created in RAR directory.
Set advanced compression parameters.
This switch is intended mainly for benchmarking and
experiments, in the real environment usually it is better
to allow RAR to select optimal parameters automatically.
Please note that improper use of this switch may lead
to very serious performance and compression loss, so use
it only if you clearly understand what you do.
It has the following syntax:
-mc[param1][:param2][module][+ or -]
where <module> is the one character field denoting a part
of the compression algorithm, which has to be configured.
It may have the following values:
A - audio compression;
C - true color (RGB) data compression;
D - delta compression;
E - 32-bit x86 executables compression;
I - 64-bit Intel Itanium executables compression;
T - text compression.
'+' sign at the end of switch applies the selected algorithm
module to all processed data, '-' disables the module at all.
If no sign is specified, RAR will choose modules automatically,
basing on data and the current compression method.
Switch -mc- disables all optional modules and allows only
the general compression algorithm.
<Param1> and <Param2> are module dependent parameters
described below.
Audio compression, delta compression:
<Param1> is a number of byte channels (can be 1 - 31).
RAR splits multibyte channels to bytes, for example,
two 16-bit audio channels are considered by RAR as four
channels one byte each.
<Param2> is ignored.
Text compression:
<Param1> is the order of PPM algorithm (can be 2 - 63).
Usually a higher value slightly increases the compression ratio
of redundant data, but only if enough memory is available
to PPM. In case of lack of memory the result may be negative.
Higher order values decrease both compression and decompression
<Param2> is memory in megabytes allocated for PPM (1-128).
Higher values may increase the compression ratio, but note
that PPM uses the equal memory size both to compress and
decompress, so if you allocate too much memory when creating
an archive, other people may have problems when decompressing
it on a computer with less memory installed. Decompression
will be still possible using virtual memory, but it may
become very slow.
1) switch -mc1a+ forces use of 8-bit mono audio compression
for all data.
2) switch -mc10:40t+ forces use of text compression
algorithm for all data, sets the compression order to 10
and allocates 40 MB memory.
3) switch -mc12t sets the text compression order to 12,
when the text compression is used, but leaves to RAR to
decide when to use it.
4) switches -mct- -mcd- disable text and delta compression.
-md<n> Select dictionary size <n> in KB. Must be 64, 128, 256, 512,
1024, 2048 or 4096 or a letter 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g'
The sliding dictionary is a special memory area used by the
compression algorithm. If the size of the file being compressed
(or the total files size in the case of a solid archive) is
greater than the dictionary size, then increasing the dictionary
size will generally increase compression ratio, decrease packing
speed and increase memory requirements.
RAR can reduce the dictionary size if it is significantly
larger than size of source data. It helps to reduce memory
requirements without decreasing compression.
Default sliding dictionary size is 4096 KB.
RAR a -s -mdd sources *.asm
RAR a -s -md512 sources *.asm
Will create a solid archive using a 512 KB dictionary.
Specify file types to store.
Specify file types, which will be stored without compression.
This switch may be used to store already compressed files,
what helps to increase archiving speed without noticeable loss
in the compression ratio.
Optional <list> parameter defines the list of file extensions
separated with a semicolon. For example, -msrar;zip;jpg will
force RAR to store without compression all RAR and ZIP
archives and JPG images. It is also allowed to specify wildcard
file masks in the list, so -ms*.rar;*.zip;*.jpg will work too.
If <list> is not specified, -ms switch will use the default
set of extensions, which includes the following file types:
ace, arj, bz2, cab, gz, jpeg, jpg, lha, lzh, mp3,
rar, zip, taz, tgz, z
-p[p] Encrypt files with the string <p> as password while archiving.
The password is case-sensitive. If you omit the password on the
command line, you will be prompted with message "Enter password".
rar a -pmyhoney secret1 *.txt
add files *.txt and encrypt them with password "myhoney".
-r0 Similar to -r, but when used with the commands 'a', 'u', 'f',
'm' will recurse subdirectories only for those names, which
include wildcard characters '*' and '?'
Set priority and sleep time. Available only in RAR for Windows.
This switch is used to regulate system load by RAR in a
multitasking environment. The possible task priority values are
from 0 to 15. When <p> is equal to 0, the default task priority
is used, 1 corresponding to the lowest task priority, 15 - to
the highest. The sleep time <s> is a value from 0 to 1000
(milliseconds). This is the period of time that RAR will give
back to system after every read or write during the packing or
unpacking operation. The sleep time setting is useful when
several tasks with the same priority are running in the system.
execute RAR with default priority and 10 ms of sleep after
each read or write
rar a -r -sfx -ri0:10 backup *.*
-rr[N] Add a data recovery record. This switch is used when creating or
modifying archive to add a data recovery record to the archive.
See the 'rr[N]' command description for details.
Create SFX archives. If this switch is used when creating a new
archive, a Self-Extracting archive (using a module in file
default.sfx or specified in the switch) would be created.
In the Windows version default.sfx should be placed in the
same directory as the rar.exe, in Unix - in the user's
home directory, in /usr/lib or /usr/local/lib.
rar a -sfxwincon.sfx myinst
create SelF-eXtracting (SFX) archive using wincon.sfx
Process only files modified after the specified date.
Format of the date string is YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.
It is allowed to insert separators like '-' or ':' to
the date string and omit trailing fields. For example,
the following switch is correct: -ta2001-11-20
Internally it will be expanded to -ta20011120000000
and treated as "files modified after 0 hour 0 minutes
0 seconds of 20 November 2001".
Process only files modified before the specified date.
Format of the switch is the same as -ta<date>.
-tk Keep original archive date. Prevents RAR from modifying the
archive date when changing an archive.
-tl Set archive time to newest file. Forces RAR to set the date of a
changed archive to the date of the newest file in the archive.
Process files newer than the specified time period. Format
of the time string is:
For example, use switch -tn15d to process files newer
than 15 days and -tn2h30m to process files newer than
2 hours 30 minutes.
Process files older than the specified time period. Format
of the switch is the same as -tn<time>.
Create volumes with size=<size>*1000 [*1024 | *1].
By default this switch uses <size> as thousands (1000) of bytes
(not 1024 x bytes). You may also enter the size in kilobytes
using the symbol 'k', in bytes using the symbol 'b',
in megabytes - 'm', in millions of bytes - 'M' or select
one of several predefined values using the symbol 'f'
following the numerical value. Predefined values can be
360, 720, 1200, 1440 or 2880 and replaced with corresponding
floppy disk size.
If the size is omitted, autodetection will be used.
If volumes are created on removable media, then after
the first volume has been created, user will be prompted
Create next volume: Yes/No/All
At this moment in time, you should change the disks. Answering
'A' will cause all volumes to be created without a pause.
By default RAR volumes have names like 'volname.partNNN.rar',
where NNN is the volume number. Using -vn switch it is
possible to switch to another, extension based naming scheme,
where the first volume file in a multi-volume set has
the extension .rar, following volumes are numbered from .r00
to .r99.
When extracting or testing a multi-volume archive you must use
only the first volume name. If there is no next volume
on the drive and the disk is removable, the user will be
prompted with:
Insert disk with <next volume name>
Insert the disk with the correct volume and press any key.
If while extracting, the next volume is not found and volumes
are placed on the non-removable disk, RAR will abort with
the error message:
Cannot find <volume name>
Archive volumes may not be modified. The commands 'd', 'f', 'u',
's' cannot be used with Multi-volume sets. The command 'a' may
be used only for the creation of a new multi-volume sequence.
It is possible, although unlikely, that the file size, of a file
in a multi-volume set, could be greater than it's uncompressed
size. This is due to the fact that 'storing' (no compression if
size increases) cannot be enabled for multi-volume sets.
Archive volumes may be Self-Extracting (SFX). Such an archive
should be created using both the '-v' and '-sfx' switches.
create archive in volumes of fixed size:
rar a -s -v1440 floparch.rar *.*
will create solid volumes of size 1440000 bytes.
-vd Erase disk contents before creating volume
All files and directories on the target disk will be erased
when '-vd' is used. The switch applies only to removable
media, the hard disk cannot be erased using this switch.
-w<p> Assign work directory as <p>. This switch may be used to assign
the directory for temporary files.
Pathname is limited to 259 symbols.
Maximum archive comment length is 62000 bytes.
Command limitations:
The commands 'd','u','f','c','cf' will not operate with archive
The command 'a' cannot be used to update an archive volume, only to
create one.
Exit values
RAR exits with a zero code (0) in case of successful operation. The exit
code of non-zero means the operation is cancelled due to error:
255 USER BREAK User stopped the process
8 MEMORY ERROR Not enough memory for operation
7 USER ERROR Command line option error
6 OPEN ERROR Open file error
5 WRITE ERROR Write to disk error
4 LOCKED ARCHIVE Attempt to modify an archive previously locked
by the 'k' command
3 CRC ERROR A CRC error occurred when unpacking
2 FATAL ERROR A fatal error occurred
1 WARNING Non fatal error(s) occurred
0 SUCCESS Successful operation (User exit)
Archive Special file containing one or more files optionally
compressed and/or encrypted.
Compression A method of encoding data to reduce it's size.
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check. Mathematical method calculating
special checking information for data validity.
SFX Archive module used to extract files from when executed.
(SelF-eXtracting module), usually in the form of a .EXE
Solid An archive packed using a special compression method which
sees all files as one continuous data stream. Particularly
advantageous when packing a large number of small files.
Volume Part of a split archive. Splitting an archive to volumes
allows storing them on diskettes. Solid volumes must be
extracted starting from first in sequence.
(c) 1993-2002 Eugene Roshal