Hereby authorized the City to enter into a Financing Agreement with JG avon, LLC FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE 1-90 interchange at Nagel Road. The parties have drafted a Financing Agreement which sets forth their respective duties and responsibilities for the construction. Hereby declaring an emergency.
Hereby authorized the City to enter into a Financing Agreement with JG avon, LLC FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE 1-90 interchange at Nagel Road. The parties have drafted a Financing Agreement which sets forth their respective duties and responsibilities for the construction. Hereby declaring an emergency.
Hereby authorized the City to enter into a Financing Agreement with JG avon, LLC FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE 1-90 interchange at Nagel Road. The parties have drafted a Financing Agreement which sets forth their respective duties and responsibilities for the construction. Hereby declaring an emergency.
Hereby authorized the City to enter into a Financing Agreement with JG avon, LLC FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE 1-90 interchange at Nagel Road. The parties have drafted a Financing Agreement which sets forth their respective duties and responsibilities for the construction. Hereby declaring an emergency.