Defining Mobile Learning in The Higher Education Landscape: Mohamed Osman M. El-Hussein and Johannes C. Cronje
Defining Mobile Learning in The Higher Education Landscape: Mohamed Osman M. El-Hussein and Johannes C. Cronje
Defining Mobile Learning in The Higher Education Landscape: Mohamed Osman M. El-Hussein and Johannes C. Cronje
Technology & Society, 13 (3), 12–21.
The article seeks to clarify the meaning of mobile learning by applying its key concepts to learning experiences
in post-school education. In other words, it seeks not to discuss one fixed meaning of mobile learning but to
disassemble the basic components and provide an interpretation of the model in the context of higher education.
The article argues that in order to comprehensively understand and define mobile learning, we should from the
outset separate its key components and arrange them under three different concepts. The first concept relates to
the mobility of the technology. The second concept hinges on increased learner mobility. The third concept
examines the mobility and dynamism of the learning processes and the flow of information. The article
concludes that knowledge in the modern world is transformed by the development of revolutionary technologies
in society.
Mobile learning, Mobility, Mobile technology, Mobile learner, Design, Instruction, Higher education, E-learning
The evolution of handheld portable devices and wireless technology has resulted in radical changes in the social and
economic lifestyles of modern people. Today, many technological devices are produced in portable form and people
have become accustomed to them. These devices are reshaping users daily lives in different ways. But the
development of digital technologies has so far been limited to social communication and few people have regarded
mobile learning as a core pedagogical activity in higher institutions of learning. Although this model has been used
as a minor adjunct to learning activities such as lectures and assignments, it is still not the primary mode of delivery
in higher education. Currently, the instructional technology transmitted by means of mobile technology is mainly
social and, to a lesser extent, economic.
Advanced mobile devices such as “smart” cellular telephones are very popular among people primarily because they
are wireless and portable. These functionalities enable users to communicate while on the move. The popularity of
these devices is therefore a consequent of their ability to function at multiple levels. Moreover, the intense
commercial competitiveness in the mobile device industry is forcing manufacturers to be very innovative, constantly
striving to introduce new features that can give them a competitive edge.
Against this backdrop, visionary educators, designers and developers should begin to consider the implications of
these devices for the modern teaching and learning environment. In such an environment, contents and services can
be relayed to a university student by personal wireless mobile devices. This will add another layer to the personal
computer-based model of teaching and learning. This also means e-learning will take place in conditions that will be
radically different from those educators and learners are familiar with. Providing university students with services,
content instruction and information outside the traditional learning space is becoming more acceptable among
education providers who predicate their services on the routine use of advanced information and communication
This article seeks to provide a comprehensive definition of mobile learning and attempts to understand why actual
learning practices are changing very rapidly while the learning theories that support educational practices are not. To
find viable answers, the article will describe the different components of mobile learning that reflect on the
increasing mobility of learners, learning and learner technology.
The emergence of revolutionary technologies has had a significant impact on educational technology. It has
increased the potential of e-learning as a mode of delivery in education. By definition, mobile learning (or “m-
learning”) is learning by means of wireless technological devices that can be pocketed and utilised wherever the
learner’s device is able to receive unbroken transmission signals (Attewell & Savill-Smith, 2005). For example,
ISSN 1436-4522 (online) and 1176-3647 (print). © International Forum of Educational Technology & Society (IFETS). The authors and the forum jointly retain the
copyright of the articles. Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies
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Laouris and Eteokleous (2005) have reiterated the need for a definition of mobile learning that takes into account all
the aspects of the mobile learning process Nyir (2002) has also contributed to a philosophy of mobile learning that
relies on Dewey’s insights into democracy and education. Nyir and his contemporaries argue that mobile devices are
responsible for undermining and, in many cases, eliminating the fixity of traditional classrooms such as lecture halls,
laboratories and all the paraphernalia of traditional education. For decades, these traditional spaces have depended on
static models of communication and devices for subject delivery. Significantly, mobile devices are revolutionary
because they transcend the boundaries of the structural stasis of classrooms and lecture halls and their associated
modes of communication – they do not have to be confined to one particular place in order to be effective.
Research method
The purpose of this article is to reflect on and understand the position of mobile learning in higher education. It also
hopes to develop a succinct definition applicable in the context of university and college education. The bulk of this
article is primarily an analysis of the literature about mobile learning. It sets out to critically examine a selection of
documents that relate to mobile learning. These documents consist of conferences proceedings, journal articles,
reports, projects and pilot studies of mobile learning projects. Nieuwenhuis (2007, p. 82) shows how such texts can
shed some light on the phenomenon under investigation. It was therefore necessary to read and reflect on all these
documents, to draw conclusions about issues around mobile learning. This approach allowed the authors to identify
relationships and connections between the ideas and information from the literature, and explicate existing
relationships between theory and practice in the field of mobile learning.
In order to identify the appropriate body of literature in this field, we conducted an online search of the international
journals that are devoted to research on mobile learning. The most important of these resources are described in
Table 1.
Table 1: Results of a web search to find the most important resources on mobile learning
Name of resources Rationale URL
Journal of educational ET & S deals with research on knowledge in the
technology and society modern world and how it is transformed by the
development of revolutionary technologies in
International Journal of (iJIM) describes the most recent trends and
Interactive Mobile research outcomes and presents the various
Technologies (iJIM) aspects of interactive mobile technologies.
International Journal of (IJMLO) is a refereed, multidisciplinary journal
Mobile Learning and which publishes research on the latest changes e/index.php?journalCODE=ijmlo
Organisation (IJMLO) in mobile learning
International Journal of (IJMC) focuses on the international scope of
Mobile overcoming cultural and national barriers. It se/inde.php?journalID=40
Communications also publishes articles on the accelerated rate of
(IJMC) technological changes in the global economy.
The Conference The theme of this conference was “Learning
Proceedings of anytime everywhere” 04/
Most of the articles in these academic journals and conferences capture research evidence on the practicalities of
mobile learning. The papers were selected based on the extent to which they have succeeded in explaining and
describing how mobile learning is growing in visibility and how it is acquiring an incremental importance in higher
education practice throughout the developed world (Traxler, 2007).
After selecting the appropriate articles, they were analysed by tabulating the various themes and sub-themes as
mobile technology, nomadic learner and mobile learning addressed by each article. Common themes were then
clustered and these clusters were used as the structuring themes of this article.
A conceptualization of mobile learning
The first step to research edification is to explore the wider context of mobile learning.
Mobile learning as an educational activity makes sense only when the technology in use is fully mobile and when the
users of the technology are also mobile while they learn. These observations emphasise the mobility of learning and
the significance of the term “mobile learning”. Traxler (2007) and other advocates of mobile learning define mobile
learning as wireless and digital devices and technologies, generally produced for the public, used by a learner as he
or she participates in higher education. Others define and conceptualise mobile learning by placing a strong emphasis
on the mobility of learners and the mobility of learning, and the experiences of learners as they learn by means of
mobile devices.
The two terms under consideration in this article are therefore mobility and learning. On the one hand “mobility”
refers to the capabilities of the technology within the physical contexts and activities of the students as they
participate in higher learning’s institutions. On the other hand, it refers to activities of the learning process, the
behaviour of the learners as they use the technology to learn. It also refers to the attitudes of students who are
themselves highly mobile as they use mobile technology for learning purposes.
Traxler (2007) writes: “so, mobile learning is not about ‘mobile’ or about ‘learning’ as previously understood, but
part of a new mobile conception of society”. Research and reflections on mobile learning should stimulate
multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary thinking and methods in education. They should facilitate our understanding
of outdated concepts and rigid assumptions about learning and what it may be in a society that has changed (at least
from a technological point of view) out of all recognition in the past few decades.
In this sense, it is impossible to attribute one fixed meaning to the concepts of mobile learning. To fully understand
this concept, it is critical to consider the relationships between each of the words used to describe the phenomenon of
mobile learning. The use of this premise to understand mobile learning presents an enormous challenge because there
are many words and terms, which have been used to define and explain mobile learning as a phenomenon.
For example, Laouris and Eteokleous (2005), conducted a Google search in January 2005 by using the formula {+
“mobile learning” + definition} – and the search produced 1,240 items. When they repeated the same search at end
of June 2005 - only six months later, it produced 22,700 items.
To this end, the way in which the responses of previous search are understood will depend on who is asking a
question; why they are asking it and the context in which question is being posed. It also depends how the concepts
contribute to the total meaning and understanding of the phenomenon. This means different people mean different
things when they use the terms “mobile learning”.
Traxler (2007) notes that there are some definitions and understandings of mobile education, which focus only on the
technologies and hardware, whether it is a handheld and mobile device such as personal digital assistants (PDAs),
Smartphones or wireless. These definitions undermine a proper understanding of the uses of mobile technology in
learning by confining their explanations and descriptions to the actual physical way in which the technology
operates. Other definitions place more emphasis on what learners experience when they use mobile technologies in
education, while others inquire how mobile learning can be used to make a unique contribution to the advancement
of education and other forms of e-learning.
Mobile learning values and defends in its own unique way the introduction of what is radically new in the
technological, social and cultural spheres of human life and activity. We argue that human beings are obsessed by the
desire to change, to explore, to learn, design and to introduce what is absolutely new into the framework of past
conventions and protocols. Mobile learning opens our minds to the possibility of a radically new paradigm and
encourages us to abandon the constraints of our habitual ways of thinking, learning, communicating, designing and
This argument provides a strong theoretical framework for understanding how mobility and learning are manipulated
in design paradigms. However, the pedagogical view of collaborative learning can be regarded as the theoretical
fundamental of design perspective and technology also supports the design view of the system. After students
manipulate the mobile blogging system in a learning activity, the use of collaborative and technological perspective
should be observed in the experimental process which can further influence the design aspect by evaluating the
learning effect of students (Huang, Jeng, & Huang, 2009).
Traxler (2007, 1) again cautions that “the role of theory is, perhaps, a contested topic in a community that
encompasses philosophical affiliations from empiricists to post-structuralists, each with different expectations about
the scope and legitimacy of a theory in their work”. If we are to place the phenomenon of mobile learning within the
context of the theories of instructional design, we need to “break down the walls to open up new spaces” (King,
2006, p. 171). This means examining some of the foundational assumptions and presuppositions on which all-
previous understandings of the term “higher education”, or post-school education, are constructed. By using mobile
communication devices to deliver higher education content, we are likely to reduce the physical walls of the
classroom and replace them with other virtual barriers or constraints. However, it would support just in time learning
and training in higher education context and “the results showed a significant correlation between planning and
model quality, indicating an overall positive effect for the support tool” (Järvelä, Näykki, Laru & Luokkanen, 2007,
While the content of the education may remain the same, it is delivered by means of a radically new technology that
combines the advantages of the Internet as a convenience of portability and education “at any time and in any place”.
King (2006, p. 171) highlights how radically different the procedures connected with mobile learning are, when he
writes: “by breaking down the assumptions and process behind writing and speaking, we can go beyond them and
find new ways of thinking about the world”.
The advent of the technology has created new signs, new ways of writing and receiving information, and new ways
of transmitting video clips. These activities are rendered new and unique by a similar function: mobility. Mobile
technologies permit users to benefit from the changes in language and signs that have entered our language and
experience in the wake of these new technologies.
Derrida (2006) proposes that texts consist of “signifiers” (words) and the “signified”. The ways in which mobile
technologies are used have produced a whole new lexicography of signs and numbers as well as conventions for
‘deconstructing’ them. One example of this new lexicography is the number “4” (conventionally the signifier for the
numerable “four”). But in mobile-jargon, a kind of written patois, for this generation of higher education learners,
this numeral signifies the adverb “for”, as in “Just for me”, which in mobile technology text would be written “just 4
The limitations of mobile technology such as the small screen size of most of the devices, and the exponential
increase in the number of messages sent as SMSs (Short Message Services), have resulted in the unforeseen
consequence of creating new signs (“signifiers”) for new meanings (the “signified”). While these ways of
communications have subverted all the forms and conventions of formal language, they are nevertheless widely
accepted and understood and therefore considered to be normal in the context of mobile cellular devices. In fact, one
of the limitations of mobile cellular hardware (the very limited size of its screen) provided the impetus to design a
personal instruction and learning, and utilise a new format for text communication as well as imbue traditional forms
with and different meanings.
Mobile devices have therefore encouraged users to redesign old signs of instruction by attributing new meanings to
them. They reflect on the processes involved in this activity and point to the fact that: “the danger to meaning
[comes] from what is outside the sign {i.e., is neither the acoustic material used as the signifier, nor the signified
concept the sign refers to}. In the moment of writing, the sign can always ‘empty’ itself…for here the general
conditions for a deconstruction of metaphysics based on the notions of writing and difference, and first arrived at
through a reading of how the notion of the sign functions in the phenomenology, are explicitly stated” (Derrida,
2006, pp. xii-xiii).
The purpose of higher education and the relatively new ubiquity of mobile devices in our culture have imbued the
mobile device with new meanings. Higher education can now be presented in a more sustained and interactive
fashion to empower those who need it. The ontological irony of the situation is that certain unintended developments
in the social lifestyles of those who regularly use mobile technologies have opened up new possibilities for mobile
interactions that are not confined to social situations. What is being claimed is that new forms of social life and
human interactions owe their origins to technical developments. Interestingly the limitations have compelled users to
design new modes of interaction that utilise text rather than face-to face encounters. This implies that “the ontology
design enables for a more generic approach – it provides a common formalism for representing context-relevant
metadata for content units of diverse levels of granularity” (Jovanović, Gašević, Knight & Richards, 2007, p. 50).
According to (Huang, Huang & Hsieh, 2008, p, 3), the environments in which the study of mobile learning has been
conducted have some similar features with in previous studies. These features include:
1. enhancing availability and accessibility of information networks;
2. engaging students in learning-related activities in diverse physical locations;
3. supporting of project-based group work;
4. improving of communication and collaborative learning in the classroom, and;
5. enabling quick content delivery.
However, mobile learning provides the support for learning and training, and “mobile technologies have contributed
to the potential to support learners studying a variety of subjects” (Järvelä, Näykki, Laru, & Luokkanen, 2007, p. 71).
These are the developments that have made mobile devices strategic tools with the capacity to deliver higher
education instruction in a way that was never anticipated when the first prototypes of these devices were designed
and marketed. Designers can deliver successful higher education products to the present generation of learners, by
means of a technology, distinctively adapted for its own personal (mostly social) purposes. This makes technology a
particularly potent tool for the delivery and reinforcement of content that would otherwise be identified with the
higher education “establishment”. Devices “such as mobile phone and mp3 players have grown to such an extent
over recent years and are gradually replacing personal computers in modern professional and social context”
(Attewell & Savill-Smith, 2005). Modes of communication that were spontaneously developed by the younger
generation have been subverted to serve the purposes of transmitting higher education. Such structural changes in the
delivery of higher educational instruction add a powerful tool to the arsenal of available means that educators can use
to make delivery more efficient, personal and culturally acceptable to those who pioneered these new modes of text
delivery (Fullan, 2007).
These fundamental changes pose new problems to the designers. What new design paradigms and meanings can be
attributed to the use of mobile technology? How can we appreciate their full significance within the context of
traditional instructional design theory? Before the development of new forms of information and computer
technology such as the current mobile “smart” cellular telephones, the design paradigms by means of which the
delivery of higher education was understood remained essentially static. The extraordinary potential inherent in
mobile devices, anticipate radical changes in the very structure of educational dynamics especially in the way in
which people interact with one another in society.
The kind of informal learning through the use of mobile devices makes it an even more potent tool of educational
communication than the customary forms and modes of traditional education. These revolutionary changes
developed out of the unforeseen significance of human social life generally more “mobile”, creative and
opportunistic, than the formal modes of traditional education.
The Definition
The foregoing observations can help designers to understand the position and significance of mobile learning in the
context of higher education. It is possible to argue that the portability and mobility of these technological devices
have had strong implications for the meaning of terms that had been extensively defined in existing literature. Using
the mobile device as a signifier, the concepts of mobility can be divided into three significant areas: mobility of
technology, mobility of learner and mobility of learning especially in higher education landscape.
This tripartite division of mobility is evident in the current literature on the subject and designers who have used
mobile technology for educational purposes have confirmed this. Figure 1 is a graphic depiction of the three
divisions of mobile devices that can deliver a higher level of educational instruction. In practice, the technology, the
learner and the actual learning process operate in an uninterrupted continuum within the social context of education.
The subversion of the signifier here (that operates to the advantage of the educator and the educated) is that mobile
devices were constructed and marketed as forms of technology, designed solely to enrich and enhance the social and
personal lives of users. The successful delivery of higher educational instruction depends on the tripartite
significance of the word mobility as it is used in the context of higher education. These three elements are
interdependent and are equally important in making mobile devices viable as instruments for the delivery of higher
education instructional contents.
Accordingly, the article’s authors define mobile learning as learning environmental based on mobility of technology,
mobility of learners and mobility of learning that augments the higher educational landscape.
Mobility of technology
The mobile technology referred to in this article is mainly more advanced cellular telephones. But there are other
forms of technology such as “smart” phones, digital cameras, flash-discs, iPods and personal digital assistance
devices (PDAs). Mobile devices used to deliver higher education content and instruction can also function as audio-
players, media-players and digital cameras. Advanced mobile devices are furnished with Wireless Application
Protocol (WAP) and Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi) capacities so that a user can connect to the Internet by means of his or
her PDA (Trinder, 2005).
The mobile cellular devices mentioned above have the capacity to link to the Internet and deliver content and
instruction that can enable learners to learn at anytime and anywhere in a format that is culturally prestigious among
people in the same age group. Most of the more advanced models can support a portable, digital and wireless
lifestyle and mode of teaching and learning. It is precisely the mobility of these devices that makes them highly
prestigious and therefore desirable as instruments of learning among learners in the same age group. In fact they are
highly valued by young people in their early twenties because they are visible indicators of wealth, privilege, luxury
and modernity. Mobile devices with advanced features like those mentioned above are therefore regarded as more
trendy, fashionable and prestigious among these consumers than the standard desktop personal computers that
connect to the Internet by means of landlines.
The first designers of this mode of delivery were extremely ingenious in the way in which they exploited the prestige
and iconic value of mobile devices among young people in their twenties. Educationists have in effect adroitly
utilised one of the most potent symbols of wealth, prestige and fashion among the young. Education by means of
mobile devices is therefore nothing if not revolutionary in its design methods, implications and results.
Trinder (2005, pp. 7-8) explains the functionalities of the most popular and expensive mobile phone technologies.
These include an organiser, video camera, telephone, GPS and film player. They also include games, e-book, e-mail
facility Internet access and musical MP3s. But the most popular functions in all mobile phone remain the short
messaging service (SMS) and the multimedia messaging service (MMS) – frequently used functions in the delivery
of higher education instructions. This innovation has been discussed in terms of Trinder’s (2005) classification of
PDA fuctionality.
Figure 2 highlights the functions of Personal Digital Assistant (PDA). This device connects easily with the Internet,
and enabling it to perform many different functions. (Kukulska-Hulme & Traxler, 2005, p. 2): Also “when combined
with wireless connectivity, learning activities can be monitored and coordinated between locations. However, the
task of designing such activities and appropriate learner support is complex and challenging. The impacts of new
mobile technologies need to be appraised and evaluated” (Kukulska-Hulme & Traxler, 2005, p. 2). This is because of
the challenges that still have to be overcome before this mode of educational delivery becomes as widely accepted as
e-learning. However, Motiwalla (2007) states that although it is inevitable that m-learning will soon become an
essential extension of e-learning, this transition will not happen overnight. Instant access to learning at any time and
in many places will obviously be very useful to learners, but only to a privileged few until wireless technology
becomes more efficient and widely available. It also depends on designers’ ability to apply the appropriate forms of
instruction that will make this mode of learning an essential tool in the delivery of higher education.
From a technological point of view, mobile devices are becoming more and more capable of performing all the
functions necessary in learning design. Since affordability and sophistication of mobile device technology have
increased its popularity within the educational context and, educationalists should determine whether current theories
of psychological, educational learning and instructional design are adequate to describe the processes and meet the
challenges posed by this new mode of delivery. Traxler (2007) writes: “[designers have] not explored the actual
technologies or pedagogies in any detail and [have] sought to define questions for discussion rather than provide
answers for what might in fact be premature or inappropriate questions”.
Mobility of learners
E-learning mediated by personal computers is mostly bound by location and time (availability) because of the
configuration of a personal computer. The computer has no wireless learning tool linked to the Internet, which means
that one must always work in one place at a particular time determined by availability and connectivity. But with
mobile learning, learning can occurs at any place and at any time. The ordinary (non-mobile) personal computer with
landline connections to the Internet is constrained by the places in which they are located and their availability. Non-
portable personal computers are too heavy to move easily and so learners are compelled to work in the same place
and during the time slots allocated to them by university authorities. By contrast, learning with mobile is a learner-
centric activity because it is both mobile and nomadic, and not pedagogically teacher-centric as in the case of
traditional lectures and hardware installed in one particular location under the aegis of the university’s authorities.
Ting (2005) makes the following remarks about the advantages of mobile learning: “The overall advantages provided
by the mobile learning are [that it is characterised by] more flexible, accessible and personalised learning activities.
Such advantages […] keep the learners engaged in the ongoing learning activities and enhance their productivity and
effectiveness”. Furthermore, Guralnich (2008) suggests that the designer would be better served if he/she considered
the entire context in which learners will use particular m-learing programme. However, today’s designers often tend
to borrow design ideas from their e-learning experience.
Mobile learning devices also have the capacity to enhance a learner's sense of individuality and community as well
as his or her motivation to learn through participation in collaborative learning. These devices stimulate a learner's
sense of ownership of the content as he/she participates actively in a variety of social, collaborative and cooperative
activities - all of which are centred on the mobile learning device.
Educators and designers should address the needs of learners in this age of wireless communication and
connectedness. Slogans such as “walk and use”, “walk and talk”, “just for me” and “just in time” usher in the new
phrases in education like “You ring, we bring” ushered in previous developments in society. Instructional theory in
this mobile age should be learner-centric rather than technology- or teacher-centric. This is because, as Uden (2007)
oberves: “Mobile technologies offer new opportunities for students' educational activities in that they can be used
across different locations and times”. Students using mobile technologies are not only remote from their instructors;
they also fully control the access of information on their mobile devices. In this light,, one of the main advantages of
mobile learning is that it allows this generation of learners to enjoy a certain amount of freedom and independence.
Mobility of learning
Researchers and practitioners of mobile learning are engaged in pioneering experiments for transmitting the full
content of higher learning to students by means of mobile cellular devices. Walker (2007) points out that the
advantages of mobile learning are not dependent solely upon the ability to use a portable and wireless
communication device successfully. He argues that the kind of learning experienced by mobile owners is unique
because it is received and processed within the context in which the learner is situated. The context is utterly
individual – completely different from the rigid outlay of the traditional classroom or lecture room, and the computer
The international conference on mobile learning entitled MLearn 2004 adopted as its guiding statement the desire to
provide “learning anytime and everywhere”, Attewell & Savill-Smith (2005)’s paper and those of other contributions
were designed to indicate how such a vision could be fulfilled. Most of the papers presented at this conference
focused on the description and development of theories that would support the practice of mobile learning and the
design production of mobile learning materials and systems.
Mobile learning devices have also enriched the theory and practice of e-learning. Contemporary consumers of higher
education in developing countries almost always use mobile learning devices as adjuncts to e-learning in higher
education. Sophisticated mobile devices are currently capable of delivering a comprehensive range of e-learning
materials by means of web connections , infrared and bluetooth transmissions. For Ally (2005) “mobile learning [is
at the] intersection of mobile computing and e-learning; [it provides] accessible resources wherever you are, strong
search capabilities, rich interaction, powerful support for effective learning and performance-based assessment”.
There are two well-publicised convergences that are effected by mobile technology:
Firstly, a convergence between mobile technologies as learning and instructonal design, and the marketing of
mobile computer-communicators are combined into a single device. This device is able to access the Internet,
function as a telephone, camera, video and audio player and perform wireless computing tasks.
Secondly, and equally importantly, a “convergence is occurring between the new personal and mobile
technologies and the new conceptions of learning as a personally-managed lifelong activity” (Sharples, Taylor &
Vavoula, 2007).
Table 2: Convergence between learning and technology (Sharples, Taylor & Vavoula, 2007, p. 4)
New Learning New Technology
Personalised Personal
Learner-centred User-centred
Situated Mobile
Collaborative Networked
Ubiquitous Ubiquitous
Lifelong Durable
Table 2 encourages the designers to ask the following questions as they reflect on these new modes of educational
delivery: “What does this new mobile technology bring to learning?” One of the most significant answers to this
question is: “New technologies allow us to develop full digital records of our lives and experiences” Beale (2007).
Laouris and Eteokleous (2005) highlight the changes that one can expect to occur in consumers of higher education
when “tomorrow's learners will have access to a dynamically changing repertoire of devices and services that will
differ in speed, processing power, monitoring (and other outputs) characteristics. As our engagement with
technology changes with time, mobile learning becomes a function not only of time, but also of the momentarily
available and dynamically changing technology” Laouris and Eteokleous (2005).
For Banks (2008): “further studies are painting a picture of today’s youth becoming increasingly comfortable and
accepting of their new digital lifestyles, powered by technology such as mobile phones. These phones are, enriched
by portable entertainment devices such as iPods, digital cameras, Sony PSPs, and Nintendo’s Gameboy. Friendships
are made, maintained and lost online often in virtual worlds and on social networking sites such as MySpace and
Facebook. Much of what we are seeing today—generally out of the classroom but increasingly in it—is technology-
driven, but this technology is not universally accessible to all” (Banks, 2008, p. 53). If Banks’s vision is correct, then
more and more institutions of higher learning will embrace the potential inherent in emerging wireless and mobile
technologies for the purposes of higher education. Despite the importance of mobile wireless technological devices
as the sole provider or as an adjunct provider of higher education in the not-too-far future, there are still those who
refuse to recognise the potential of this emerging form of educational delivery.
In conclusion, the authors define mobile learning as “any type of learning that takes place in learning environments
and spaces that take account of the mobility of technology, mobility of learners and mobility of learning”.
Since mobile learning is spreading rapidly and likely to become one of the most efficient ways of delivering higher
education instruction in the future, it has become necessary to examine its implication for the design of teaching and
learning. The uses and applications of mobile learning have multiplied in different contexts even though the eventual
consequences of the proliferation of this medium are not yet entirely clear, either to designers and practitioners
themselves or to researchers. .
It is necessary for research on the effects and modes of mobile learning to investigate and explore the practice of this
particular medium in terms of the instructional design theories of the past, and to adapt such theories so that they can
account for the extraordinary number of changes that have taken place not only in education, but in society at large.
Designers and practitioners of education are therefore responsible to produce coherent and reliable accounts of the
likely consequences of the proliferation of mobile devices in the higher education landscape. The proper design of
the technologies leads to greater effectiveness of mobile learning. Such accounts should consider the multiplicity of
meanings that are implied by the mobility of educational delivery and the mobility of learners. It is also necessary to
describe in detail the various advantages and disadvantages of mobile instructional devices as tools for the delivery
of higher education. Philosophers of education should explain the philosophical and theoretical assumptions of
mobile learning in higher education. They should also clarify the design paradigm shifts that this mode of delivering
higher education has introduced into the world of practice.
Alexander, B. (2004). Going Nomadic: Mobile Learning in Higher Education. Educause Review, 39 (5), 28-35.
Ally, M. (2005). Using Learning Theories to Design Instruction for Mobile Learning Devices. Mobile Learning Anytime
Everywhere (pp. 5-8), London, UK: Learning and Skills Development Agency.
Attewell, J. & Savill-Smith, C. (2005). Mobile Learning Anytime Everywhere, London: Learning and Skills Development
Banks, K. (2008). Mobile Learning in Developing Countries: Present Realities and Future Possibilities. In S. Hirtz, & D. M.
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