11KV Capacitor Bank - SPEC

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SPECIFICATIONS FOR 11 KV, 3000 KVAR HT CAPACITOR BANK WITH SURGE ARRESTERS , ISOLATORS FOR OUTDOOR USE PROJECT: MATERIAL CODE DESCRIPTION : DESIGN, ENGINESRING, MANUPACTURE , TESTING , PACKING AND SUPPLY TO SITE OF 11 KV 3000 KVAR CAPACITOR, BANK WITH ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENTS VIZ. REACTORS, NEUTRAL CURRENT TRANSFORMERS, ISOLATORS WITH EARTH SWITCH AND LIGHTNING ARRESTERS , ASSOCIATED STRUCTURE ETC TO BE INSTALLED AT BHEL,R.C PURAM. DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS, j ENCLOSED. QUANTITY REQUIRED : 1 SET. PROBABLE SUPPLIER TOTAL PAGE S~SEVEN (146) fo i vA TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR 11 KV CAPACITOR BANK SCOPE: This specification covers procurement of 3 (2+1) MVAR 11 KV Capacitor banks with associated equipment viz, reactors, Neutral current transformers, tsolators with earth switch & lightning aresiers , associated structure elc., to be installed in 11 KV Sub-stotion at BHELR.C.Puram STANDARDS: The eauiement's shall comply with the Ielest applicable Indian Standards IEC specification. Depacitors : StB926/Lates! IEC 871-2 ) Series Reactor TWSSS53 <} Bushings 1 2099 d] Indicaiing Insirumenis : IS 1248 e) Internal fuse : 1S 12672 / IEC 595 #) Curent iranstormers : IS 2705 / 1984 g} Degree of protection for enclosures: 12147 of control gecr h} Electrical wiring 1S 2274 i} Current limiting fuses : '§ 9985 (Part-l)/2979 i) Ughining orresters : '$ 3070{Part-} 1985/1EC 99-1/ . \EC IC 37 WG-4 kf Isolators : IS 3818-1972, 1 9920 (Parts \1V} 1985 Post Insutators : 18 2544-1973 and IS 5350 (Part ill) 1973 EM PARTICULARS: 9] Nominal System Voltage Pl KY b} Highest System Voltage HiZKV c} Number of Phases 23 d] Frequency 150 Hz 6} System Grounding : Solidity earthed f) Voltage Variation 130% to + 10% g) frequency variation 4% to + 1% CAPACITORS: DESIGN AND STANDARDIZATION; The capacdor banks shall be suitable for cuidcer use . single/twe tier steel rack ossembly suilable to accommodate ali the units of bank with ali interconnections of the units fuses and bus bers. 5.1 ny eepaciter uniis shall be manulactured by adopting lates! technolegy of using dieiectic system AC properyine tlm & the Polypropolyne having higher sicbilily ahd low loss per KVAR. The impregnent used shall be most suitable for high temperature. The impregnation shail be carted out under high vaccum far increasing dielectic strength. Type of impregnant shall be non-PC8 copacilor liquid. The capacitor unis shall be hermifically secled ond suitable for operation on 3 phase 1] KV 50 cfs. AC supply. The capacitor elements shall be designed for low working stress per micron to ensure larger life and also a low toss, per KVAR The 11 KV 3 phase capacitor banks shell have a net output of 3000 KVAR os specified afier allowing for the reactors ard the units may be conveniently orranged according to the standard practice of the manufacturer and type of protection offered. The switching in and out of the bank shali be by means of vaccum circuit breaker. PRINCIPAL PARAMETERES: 9} Nominal system voltage TUK 'b) Rated voltage of the capacitor 2.65 bank KV ¢} Rated output of capacitor bank + 3947.5 (2645+1322.5) KVAR at rated voliage 4} Rating of capacitor unit with 2 200 KVAR or intemal fuses Manufacturer's standard ) Connection of capacitor bank : Double Star with internal fuses/ Manufacturer's standara, {) No. of units/bonk +15 or manuiaciurer's standard 9g) Power loss : Not fo exceed 0.2 watt/KVAR including Losses in fuses subject to tolerance as per iS 1349.5 hj. Permissible over loads + Maximum permissisie overioads with reference jo voltage, cument ond reactive outpui shali contorm to 1$13425 i) Type of grounding Ungrounded j), Capacitor impreanant :Non toxic {ie,] Non PCB k} Type of Protection temal fuse Wy Type of discharge ntemally through resistor provided within the capacitor unit m) Capacity to receive in rush currents: Not jess than 100 fime rated current The tenderer shall give calculations for rise in voltage in other units in the event of faiture of elements} of @ capacitor unit. The maximum rise in voltage shall not be more than 10% of rated voltage even if the entire capacitor unit failed/shost circuited & relevant calculations in support of this shall also be furnished. © PHYSICAL ARRANGEMENT OF BANKS: The tenderers shall state the total number of capacitor units per bank, number of seties groups per phase, number of units in parallel groups per phase and enclose the detailed sketches. The tenderer shell furnish the delciied write-up abovi the consiruction features and manutaciuring process of the capacitor unit delailing the internal arangemenis of elements, protective features of element, functioning of discharge device. The physical arrangement of bank with associated equipment viz isolators, lightning orresters, 4S PER STANPARD, 5.3 LOSSES: The capacitor shall be of low loss type. The lesses in capccitor including the losses in the fuses shall be guaranteed, For operation in co-ordination with the protection provided, ihe tenderer shobid furnish characteristics of the fuses. The calculalion for unboiance cusent on failures of fuse shall also be given. To ensure proper co-ordination of unbalance protection with fuse failure, unbalance characteristics staring from element failure, within an unit shall be furnished by the Bidder. if the loss figures obtained during testing is more then the guaranteed values, then capacitors are liable to be rejected summarily. DISCHARGE DEVICE: Suitaivle discharge resistor shall be provided in the capacitor in accordance wiih provision of IS | 3925 The discharge device shall reduce the residuai voltage from the crest value of the rated voltage to 50 volts or less within Jg minutes afier the capacitor is disconnected from Ine source of supply. 5.5 EARTH COMNECTION. The container of each capacitor unit shali be provided with suilable earihing terminal (marked with the ecrth symboi}. 5.6 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS OF CAPACITOR: 9} The capacitor shall be of non-PCB type ») The container shall be made from sheel of thickness not tess than 1.25 ram. ae ¢} Compisie mounting brackets supporting insulators and ali oiher components for elements for formetion of capacitor bank racks shali be supplied along with the Capacitor units, d} The contoiner shali be hermetically secled by controlled are welding process. The metal flanges of the bushing should be soldered/yweided fo the container and covered with epory compound, providing @ Slrong hermetical sea! to the conlainer. 5? 58 ©) The oulsige of the capacitor units ond other structures should have smooth and fidy look nd should be coated with weather-prooi, corrosion resistant epoxy point of light gray shade, shade No. 63) of IS 5. The siruciure shail be suitably Gi coated i] The capacitar urils shall be provided with a rating plate and terminal marking os sipuloted in IS 1399.5 g| Necessary mecns shall be provided to discharge the capacitor bank to voltage nol exceeding 50 volts intgminutes. CAPACHOR BANKS WITH DOUBLE STAR FORMATION: For capacitor banks connected in double star formation (capacitor banks with intemel fuses}, Neutral current transformer shall be supplied. the neutrals of Ihe two portions of the capacitor bank (connected in double siar formation) shail be connected through the neutral current transformer. « The ratio of neutral current transformer shall be selected such that the failure of ‘one unit in any group is deiected by an insicnianeous current operated relay with setting of 20%. The main technical particulars of the neutral current transformer shall be: aj Roted voliage Pl2KV ° b) Reference standard H82705 0% ¢} Ratio :To be specitied by tenderer (secondary should be | emp or SAmps for fuii rated cure: “ d} Reted burden Core | 1S VA Core II f1SVA @} Accuracy class Core! :5P Core tl it f] Accuracy limil factor Core | 110 Core I 16 Q) Short time rating 1 HGS times the primary roles current h) Minimum total creepage distance 2300 mm i) Basic insulation level :75«V peck > impulse withstand valloge power frequency withstand vollage 2B KV ims < jl Test requirements : All routine jesis shallbe ~ carried out k} Instrument security factor : Not more than 3 7 PROTECTION ARRANGEMENT: The capacitors shali be provided with 1 below, ssary projection devices as detailed FUSES: Each element of the capacitor unit shall be protected by internal element fuses conforming to IS 12672/EC 593 which shall be properly designed to cut off the element that may fail due 1p electrieal or mechanical failure. REACTORS: The reactor should be cir cooled dry type and non magnetically shielded. The reactor shail be with enclosure suitable for ouldeer duty having bushings os terminal citangements. The series reecter of 0.2% rating shail be connected on neutral end of Star section. The reactors shall be suitable to carry 130% or more of the raled current of the capacitor bank. NEUTRAL CURRENT TRANSFORMER: Unbalence current through Neutral current transformer is required. The current transformers shall have adequate rating and burden for both banks|if required summation CIs also can be used). If shall be of ouldoor type as indicated in clayse 5.7. LIGHTNING ARRESTORS: Ihe lightning arrestors shalt be of metal oxide, heavy duty lype and should have impulse flosh over characteristic and other technical parameters as per IS 3070 or any other equivalent international standards. ISOLATORS: STANDARDS: the isolators with supporting structure for two bonks of 2645 KVAr & 1322.5 KVAr shall conform fo the latest version of IS 1818 IS 9920 {Para-I to iV) and |S 9921 (Part-l to IV or any other international standards. The fsolators shail hove the following ratings: 9} Rated voltage Hi2KV b} Rated impulse withstand voltage SPER ¢} Roled curent B00A a) Rated frequency 250 Hz ®) Raied short time current 1 20KAs {| Rated peak short circuit current 150 KAY g! Rated may. dt fon of short ci : | Sec. 13, 13.1 140 GENERA: REQUIREMENTS: a! solcior sha'l be of doubie break offload lype. b} The shert circuil withstand capacity of Ihe isolator shall be ihe same gs that of circuil breakers. <} The isolator and total structure shall be suilable for outdoor operation with Gt coating and will have provision for manual operation. 2} The isolator shall be provided with earth blade with suitable interlocking arrangement. @} isolator shail have suitable mechanicai/electrieal inter locking arrangement. TESTS: Type test certificates of capacitors, capacitor fuses, Neutral current transformers, lighining aresiers, isoialors efc., shall be submilied by the successful tenderer for approval. The lype lest for capacitor shall include endurance ses! os per IEC. Type test for breaker shall include copacity of breaker for capacitor switching. ROUTINE TESTS: a) Capéciter : Rouline tests as per |S 13925. “ ib] Measurement of losses of capacitor on 5% of each consignment. GUARANTEED TECHNICAL PARTICULARS: The lenderer shall furnish guaranteed technice! particulars as per the cnnexues enciosea MOUNTING AND INTER CONNECTIONS: 4 diagram showing the mounting arrangement for housing the capacitor bank shall be fumished olong with the tender, Necessary arrangement shall be provided for connecting the capacitor banks with their associated protection equipment to the bus bars and respective vecuum circuit breaker { Indoor VCB will be ordered separately |, A schematic diagram for the comolsts capacitor * bank with proiective and control equipments of ihe capacitor banks snail also ecsompany the tender : The interconnections between the capacitor banks and the alll the associaled equipment viz, Neutral Curent Tronstormer, Reactors, Lighining Arrestors, lsolators eic., shall be provided by the successful bidder. ine elevating structures for mounting of the equipment are also to be provided by the bidder. The suitabie connectors alse shall be supplied along with the equipment. DESCRIPTIVE LITERATURE AND DRAWINGS: All descriptive literatures and drawings connected with the capacitors, contralling breaker, relays, isolator, Lightning Amesters etc... shall accompany the lender, son

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