Ignou Master in Social Work

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Ignou Master in Social Work (MSW)

The university offers this course in English and Hindi with the objective to provide
professional training at post graduate level in social work through distance learning and
to meet the growing demand of professionally trained social workers across the country.
The first year of the programmes is of 36 credits. Each course is of 4 credits except the
practicum which has 10 credits.

IGNOU MEG First Year: Compulsory Courses

• MSW-001 Origin and Development of Social Work

• MSW-002 Professional Social Work: Indian Perspectives
• MSW-003 Social Science Concepts for Social Workers
• MSW -004 Social Work and Social Development
• MSW-005 Social Work Practicum
• MSW-006 Social Work Research
• MSWL-001 Social Work Practicum-1 (Field Work)

Second Year Optional Courses

• MSW-007 Case Work and Counseling: Working with Individuals (Compulsory)

• MSW-008 Social Group Work: Working with Groups (Compulsory)
• MSW-009 Community Organization Management for Community Development
• MSWE-001 HIV/AIDS: Stigma, Discremanation and prevention (Optional)
• MSWE-002 Women and Child Development (Optional)
• MSWE-003 Disaster Management (Optional)
• MSWP-001 Project Work (Optional)
• MSWL-002 Social Work Practicum-II (Field Work : (Compulsory)
• Master in Social Work (Philonthropic)-On campus full time.


All graduates are eligible for admission.

Min.age as on 1st Jan. of the Academic Year

No bar


The programme can be completed in a minimum period of 2 years and a maximum

period of 5 years.

Medium of Instruction
This program is offered in English/Hindi medium.

IGNOU Helpline for General Enquiry

29535924-32, 29535062-65, 29534976, 29533647, 29535927, 29534397, 29536609,
29536667, 29536975, 29532964, 29534326, 29533767, 29533790,29536980(EPABX)

General Information on Academic Programmes

PH: 29532321; Fax: 29536588

IGNOU Master in Public Policy (MPP)

Program Code

For IAS probationers

IGNOU Helpline for General Enquiry

29535924-32, 29535062-65, 29534976, 29533647, 29535927, 29534397, 29536609,
29536667, 29536975, 29532964,29534326,29533767,29533790,29536980(EPABX)

General Information on Academic Programmes

PH: 29532321; Fax: 29536588

IGNOU Master in Public Administration

The future prospects of this programme is research and teaching in Public

All graduates are eligible for admission

Min age as on 1st Jan. of the Academic Year

No bar

Programme Fees
Rs.2800/- (1st year)
Rs.2600/- (2nd year)

M.A. Public Administration Programme is offered of two years duration, which can be
completed in total of 5 years.
Medium of Instruction
This program is offerred in English/Hindi medium

IGNOU Helpline for General Enquiry

29535924-32, 29535062-65, 29534976, 29533647, 29535927, 29534397, 29536609,
29536667, 29536975, 29532964,29534326,29533767,29533790,29536980(EPABX)

General Information on Academic Programmes

PH: 29532321; Fax: 29536588

IGNOU Master in Sociology (MSO)

The future prospects of this programme is research and teaching in sociology.

All graduates are eligible for admission

Min age as on 1st Jan. of the Academic Year

No bar

Programme Fees
Rs.2800/- (1st year)
Rs.2600/- (2nd year)

M.A. Sociology Programme is offered of two years duration, which can be completed in
total of 5 years.

Medium of Instruction
This program is offerred in English/Hindi medium

IGNOU Helpline for General Enquiry

29535924-32, 29535062-65, 29534976, 29533647, 29535927, 29534397, 29536609,
29536667, 29536975, 29532964,29534326,29533767,29533790,29536980(EPABX)

General Information on Academic Programmes

PH: 29532321; Fax: 29536588

IGNOU MBA, Masters of Business

The IGNOU MBA Programme consists of 21 courses in all. These comprise of:
* Eleven Courses, i.e., MS-1 to MS-11
* Five courses from any one of the specialization streams
* Compulsory Courses (MS-91, MS-95)
* One elective course (MS-92/93/94/96/97)
* Project Course (MS-100) equivalent to 2 courses.

IGNOU MBA - Some Rules

* A student can opt maximum of 4 courses per semester.

* One can take MS-100 (Project work) after at least 2 semesters.
* A course once selected for study, must be successfully completed within 4 semesters. In
case of failure to do so, the student will be required to seek re-admission by paying fees.
* If a student wants to change one course then he/she has to do it by 31st July for first and
second semester respectively on payment of a fee.
* The IGNOU MBA learner has to complete a Project work (MS-100) under some guide.
For fixing a guide the students has to contact the Co-ordinator. The Co-ordinator will fix
some from the academic counsellors. The student has to send a project synopsis to
IGNOU H/Q. After getting the approval from IGNOU the student has to send I copy of
the project work to IGNOU. One copy of the same project is to be submitted to the study
centre and I copy is to be given to the project guide.
* Submission of Assignments is pre-requisite for appearing in Term-End. For
Management Programme total number of assignment one has to submit is 1 per course.

IGNOU MBA Syllabus and Fee Structure

FEE STRUCTURE Course fee of Rs. 700/- per course is payable at the time of Admission
and Re-Registration. Examination fee is included in the course fee. It also covers the cost
of study material and counselling. The following courses are currently on offer under

* MS-1 Management Functions and Behaviour

* MS-2 Management of Human Resources
* MS-3 Economic and Social Environment
* MS-4 Accounting and Finance for Managers
* MS-5 Management of Machines and Materials
* MS-6 Marketing for Managers
* MS-7 Information Systems for Managers
* MS-8 Quantitative Analysis for Managerial Applications
* MS-9 Managerial Economics
* MS-10 Organisational Design, Development and Change
* MS-11 Strategic Management
* MS-21 Social Processes and Behavioural Issues
* MS-22 Human Resource Development
* MS-23 Human Resource Planning
* MS-24 Employment Relations
* MS-25 Managing Change in Organizations
* MS-26 Organizational Dynamics
* MS-27 Wage and Salary Administration
* MS-28 Labour Laws
* MS-41 Working Capital Management
* MS-42 Capital Investment and Financing Decisions
* MS-43 Management Control Systems
* MS-44 Security Analysis and Portfolio Management
* MS-45 International Financial Management
* MS-46 Management of Financial Services
* MS-51 Operations Research
* MS-52 Project Management
* MS-53 Production/Operations Management
* MS-54 Management Information Systems
* MS-55 Logistics and Supply Chain Management
* MS-56 Materials Management
* MS-57 Maintenance Management
* MS-58 Management of R&D and Innovation
* MS-61 Consumer Behaviour
* MS-62 Sales Management
* MS-63 Product Management
* MS-64 International Marketing
* MS-65 Marketing of Services
* MS-66 Marketing Research
* MS-68 Management of Marketing Communication and Advertising
* MS-611 Rural Marketing
* MS-612 Retail Management
* MS-91 Advanced Strategic Management
* MS-92 Management of Public Enterprises
* MS-93 Management of New and Small Enterprises
* MS-94 Technology Management
* MS-95 Research Methodology for Management Decisions
* MS-96 Total Quality Management
* MS-97 International Business
* MS-100 Project course (Equivalent to two courses)

‘Student Handbook & Prospectus would be available from the Registrar (SR&E),
IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi- 110 068 and at all Regional Centers, Study Centers,
Centres. Student Handbook and Prospectus is also available on university’s website
www.ignou.ac.in. Advertisements inviting applications for MP are released in leading
national and local dailies in April and October.

For further information, please contact :

The Director
School of Management Studies
Indira Gandhi National Open University
Maidan Garhi, New Delhi- 110068
Ph: 011-29532073
Fax: 011-29532078
Email : [email protected]

IGNOU BSW Bachelor in Social Work

The Bachelor Degree Programme in Social Work is aimed at training individuals who are
already working or desire to work in the Development and Welfare sectors.Professionally
trained social workers are well qualified to be employed in these sectors due to the
following advantages:

• Interdisciplinary knowledge base

• Training in a wide variety of interpersonal skills
• Field work experience during which skills and knowledge are applied under
supervision of a professional social worker
• Exposure to the working of development/ welfare organizations, problem areas
and the implementation of development/ welfare programmes
• Entry into a body of professional social workers and related support systems
• Imbibing appropriate attitudes required for working with individuals, groups and

IGNOU BSW Eligibility

10+2 or its equivalent or BPP from IGNOU

Medium of instruction

The programme is offered in English and Hindi

Programme Duration

The minimum duration of this programme is three years and the maximum duration is six

IGNOU BSW Course Fee

Registration fees: Rs. 100

Progamme Fees: Rs. 2500 per annum including printed course materials, exam and
student support services

IGNOU BSW Programme Structure

First year

S.No. Subject Name Credits

1. Foundation Course in Humanities and Social Sciences (FHS –I) 8
2. Foundation Course in English 1 or Hindi 2 (FEG-1 or FHD –2) 4
Foundation Course in English or Foundation Course in Hindi (FEG-2
3. 4
or FHD –1 or Modern Indian Language [MIL]: any one)
4. Introduction to Social Work (BSWE-001) 8
5. Social work Practicum-I (BSWL-001) 8

Second year

S.No. Subject Name Credits

1. Foundation Course in Science and Technology (FST-01) 8
2. Social Work Intervention with individuals and groups (BSWE –002) 8
3. Social Work Practicum-II (BSWL-002) 8
4. Introduction to Family Education (BSWE-004) 8

Third Year

S.No. Subject Credits

Social Work intervention with communities and institutions (BSWE
1. 8
2. Social Work Practicum-III (BSWL –003) 8
3. Introduction to HIV/ AIDS (BSWE-005) 8
4. Substance Abuse and Counselling(BSWE-006) 8

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