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Chap 15

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ActivPhysics can help with these problems: cos[(10π s−1 )t]. (b) The maximum (positive) velocity
All Activities in Section 9 occurs at t = 0 if sin φ = −1 (from Equation 15-10),
therefore, the motion is described by Equation 15-9
Sections 15-1 and 15-2: Oscillations and with A = 2.5 cm, ω = 5 s−1 , and φ = −π/2. Since
Simple Harmonic Motion cos(ωt − π/2) = sin ωt, the expression simplifies to
Problem x(t) = (2.5 cm) sin[(5 s−1 )t].
1. A doctor counts 77 heartbeats in one minute. What
are the period and frequency of the heart’s
oscillations? 5. Determine the amplitude, angular frequency, and
phase constant for each of the simple harmonic
Solution motions shown in Fig. 15-33.
If 77 heartbeats take 1 min., then one heartbeat (one
cycle) takes T = 1 min /77 = 60 s/77 = 0.77 s, which is Solution
the period. The frequency is f = 77/ min = 77/60 s = The amplitude is the maximum displacement, read
1.28 Hz. (One can see that T = 1/f.) along the x axis (ordinate) in Fig. 15-33. The angular
frequency is 2π times the reciprocal of the period,
Problem which is the time interval between corresponding
2. A violin string playing the note “A” oscillates at points read along the t axis (abscissa). The phase
440 Hz. What is the period of its oscillation? constant can be determined from the intercept and
slope (displacement and velocity) at t = 0. One sees
Solution that (a) A ≃ 20 cm, ω ≃ 2π/4 s ≃ 21 π s−1 , and φ ≃ 0;
(b) A ≃ 30 cm, ω ≃ 2π/3.2 s ≃ 2 s−1 , and φ ≃ −90◦ ≃
T = 1/f = 1/440 Hz = 2.27 ms (Equation 15-1).
− 12 π; (c) A ≃ 40 cm, ω ≃ 2π/(2×2 s) ≃ 21 π s−1 , and
φ ≃ cos−1 (27/40) ≃ 48◦ ≃ 41 π.
3. The vibration frequency of a hydrogen chloride
molecule is 8.66×1013 Hz. How long does it take
the molecule to complete one oscillation?

T = 1/f = 1/(8.66×1013 Hz) = 1.15×10−14 s = 11.5 fs
(Equation 15-1).
figure 15-33 Problem 5 Solution.
4. Write expressions for simple harmonic motion Problem
(a) with amplitude 10 cm, frequency 5.0 Hz, and 6. A 200-g mass is attached to a spring of constant
with maximum displacement at t = 0 and (b) with k = 5.6 N/m and set into oscillation with amplitude
amplitude 2.5 cm, angular frequency 5.0 s−1 , and A = 25 cm. Determine (a) the frequency in hertz,
with maximum velocity at t = 0. (b) the period, (c) the maximum velocity, and
(d) the maximum force in the spring.
(a) Use Equation 15-9 with A = 10 cm, ω =
2π(5 Hz) = 10π s−1 and φ = 0. Then x(t) = (10 cm)×
232 CHAPTER 15

Solution Solution
For apmass on p a spring, Equation 15-8a gives With the carbon atom end of either “spring” fixed,
p the
ω = k/m = (5.6 N/m)/(0.2 kg) = 5.29 s−1 . Then frequency of either oxygen atom is ω = 2πf = k/m.
(a) f = ω/2π = 0.842 Hz (Equation 15-8b), (b) T = Therefore k = (2π×4×1013 Hz)2 (16×1.66×10−27 kg) =
1/f = 1.19 s (Equation 15-8c), (c) vmax = ωA = 1.68×103 N/m.
(5.29 s−1 )(0.25 m) = 1.32 m/s (Equation 15-10), and
(d) Fmax = mamax = mω 2 A = kxmax = kA = Problem
(5.6 N/m)(0.25 m) = 1.40 N (Equations 15-2 or 10. Sketch the following simple harmonic motions on
3 or 11). the same graph: (a) x = (15 cm)[cos(2.5t + π/2)],
(b) motion with amplitude 30 cm, period 5.0 s,
Problem phase constant 0; (c) motion with amplitude
7. An astronaut in an orbiting spacecraft is “weighed” 15 cm, frequency 0.40 Hz, phase constant 0.
by being strapped to a spring of constant k =
400 N/m, and set into simple harmonic motion. If Solution
the oscillation period is 2.5 s, what is the (a) This equation has amplitude 15 cm, period
astronaut’s mass? T = 2π/(2.5 s−1 ) = 2.51 s (t in seconds is understood),
and phase constant 21 π. Note that cos(ωt + 21 π) =
Solution −sin ωt. (b) and (c) both are represented by equations
We suppose that the other end of the spring is of the form x = A cos ωt, but the amplitude and
fastened to the spacecraft, whose mass is much greater period of (c) are half those of (b). Except for the
than the astronaut’s, and that the orbiting system is difference in phase, (c) is nearly the same as (a).
approximately inertial. Then Equation 15-8c gives
m = k/ω 2 = k(T /2π)2 = (400 N/m)(2.5 s/2π)2 =
63.3 kg.

8. A simple model for an automobile suspension
consists of a mass attached to a spring. If the mass Problem 10 Solution.
is 1900 kg and the spring constant is 26 kN/m,
with what frequency and period will the car
undergo simple harmonic motion?
Solution 11. Two identical mass-spring systems consist of 430-g
Equations 15-8b and 8c give f = (1/2π) k/m = masses on springs of constant k = 2.2 N/m. Both
0.589 Hz, and T = 1/f = 1.70 s. are displaced from equilibrium and the first
released at time t = 0. How much later should the
Problem second be released so the two oscillations differ in
phase by π/2?
9. A simple model of a carbon dioxide (CO2 ) molecule
consists of three mass points (the atoms) connected Solution
by two springs (electrical forces), as suggested in
Fig. 15-34. One way this system can oscillate is if Suppose that both masses are released from their
the carbon atom stays fixed and the two oxygens maximum positive displacements, the first at t = 0
move symmetrically on either side of it. If the and the second at t = t0 . Then, since the phase (the
frequency of this oscillation is 4.0×1013 Hz, what is argument of the cosine in Equation 15-9) of each
the effective spring constant? The mass of an motion is zero at release, φ1 = 0 and ω2 t0 + φ2 = 0.
oxygen atom is 16 u. The difference in phase is 21 π = (ω1 t + φ1 ) − (ω2 t +
p2 ) = (ω1 − ω2 )t + (φ1 − φ2 ) = −φ2 , where ω1 = ω2 =
k/m (for identical
p mass-spring
p systems). Thus, t0 =
−φ2 /ω2 = 21 π m/k = 12 π (0.43 kg)/(2.2 N/m) =
0.694 s. (In terms of the period, t0 = −φ2 /(2π/T ) =
figure 15-34 Problem 9. 4 T, which is intuitively more obvious.)
CHAPTER 15 233

Problem Solution
12. The quartz crystal in a digital quartz watch (a) From amax = Aω 2 and vmax = Aω, we find
executes simple harmonic motion at 32,768 Hz. ω = amax /vmax = (15 m/s2 )/(3.5 m/s) = 4.29 s−1 .
(This is 215 Hz, chosen so 15 divisions by 2 give a (b) k = mω 2 = (0.05 kg)(4.29 s−1 )2 = 0.918 N/m.
signal at 1.00000 Hz.) If each face of the crystal (c) A = vmax /ω = amax /ω 2 = vmax
/amax = (etc.) =
undergoes a maximum displacement of 100 nm, 2 2
(3.5 m/s) /(15 m/s ) = 0.817 m (the latter expression,
find the maximum velocity and acceleration of the in terms of given data, is preferred).
crystal faces.
Solution 15. Show by substitution that x(t) = A sin ωt is a
The amplitude is A = 10−7 m, and the angular solution to Equation 15-4.
frequency is ω = 2π(32,768 Hz) = 2.06×105 s−1 .
Therefore, vmax = Aω = 2.06 cm/s, and amax = Solution
Aω 2 = ωvmax = 4.24 km/s . If x = A sin ωt, dx/dt = ωA cos ωt, and d2 x/dt2 =
−ω 2 A sin ωt = −ω 2 x. Substituting into Equation 15-4,
Problem we find m(−ω 2 x) = −kx, which is satisfied if ω 2 =
13. A mass m slides along a frictionless horizontal k/m.
surface at speed v0 . It strikes a spring of constant
k attached to a rigid wall, as shown in Fig. 15-35. Problem
After a completely elastic encounter with the 16. Show by substitution that x(t) = a cos ωt − b sin ωt
spring, the mass heads back in the direction it is a solution to Equation 15-4, and that this
came from. In terms of k, m, and v0 , determine √ form
is equivalent to Equation 15-9 with A = a2 + b2
(a) how long the mass is in contact with the spring and φ = tan−1 (b/a).
and (b) the maximum compression of the spring.
It is easy enough to substitute the given expression
v0 into Equation 15-4, but it is shown in the paragraph
m before Equation 15-8a and in the solution to the
previous problem that cos ωt and sin ωt are solutions,
respectively. An important property of linear
figure 15-35 Problem 13. differential equations is that a linear combination of
solutions is also a solution. If we expand
Equation 15-9, using a trigonometric identity from
Solution Appendix A, we find A cos(ωt + φ) = A(cos φ cos ωt −
sin φ sin ωt).
√ If we define a = A cos φ and b = A sin φ,
(a) While the mass is in contact with the spring, the then A = a2 + b2 and φ = tan−1 (b/a), and the
net horizontal force on it is just the spring force, so it equivalence of the two forms is evident.
undergoes half a cycle of simple harmonic motion
before leaving the spring with speed v0 to the left. Section 15-3: Applications of Simple
This takes time equal to half a period 12 T = π/ω =
p Harmonic Motion
π m/k. (b) v0 is the maximum speed, which is
related to the maximum compression of the springp (the
amplitude) by v0 = ωA. Thus A = v0 /ω = v0 m/k. 17. How long should you make a simple pendulum so
its period is (a) 200 ms; (b) 5.0 s; (c) 2.0 min?
14. A 50-g mass is attached to a spring and undergoes Solution
simple harmonic motion. Its maximum The period and length of a simple pendulum (at the
acceleration is 15 m/s and its maximum speed is surface of the Earth) are related by Equation 15-18,
3.5 m/s. Determine (a) the angular frequency, therefore ℓ = (T /2π)2 g = (0.248 m/s2 )T 2 = 9.93 mm,
(b) the spring constant, and (c) the amplitude of 6.21 m, and 3.57 km respectively, for the three values
the motion. given.
234 CHAPTER 15

Problem (assumed to be Pan inertial system). P Then Newton’s

18. At the heart of a grandfather clock is a simple second law is F = m(a + a0 ), or F − ma0 = ma.
pendulum 1.45 m long; the clock ticks each time The rotational analog of this equation is the
the pendulum reaches its maximum displacement appropriate generalization of Equation 15-15 for a
in either direction. What is the time interval simple pendulum in an accelerating frame. The
between ticks? “fictitious” torque (about the point of suspension),
r × (−ma0 ), can be combined with the torque of
Solution gravity, r × mg, if we replace g by |g − a0 |, while the
right-hand side, |r × ma| = Iα, is the same as
The clock ticks twice each period
p of oscillation, so the Equation 15-15. For small oscillations about the
time between ticks is 21 T = π ℓ/g = 1.21 s.
equilibrium position
p (which depends on a0 ), the
period is T = 2π ℓ/ |g − a0 |. (a) If a0 = 0, T =
Problem p
2π ℓ/g, as before. (b) Take the y axis q positive up.
19. A 640-g hollow ball 21 cm in diameter is
suspended by a wire and is undergoing torsional Then a0 = 21 g̂ and g = −g̂, so T = 2π ℓ/(g + 12 g) =
oscillations at a frequency of 0.78 Hz. What is the p q
2π 2ℓ/3g. (c) If a0 = − 12 g̂, T = 2π ℓ/(g − 12 g) =
torsional constant of the wire? p
2π 2ℓ/g. (d) If a0 = g, T = ∞ (there is no restoring
Solution torque and the pendulum does not oscillate).
The rotational inertia of a hollow sphere about an axis
through its center is 23 MR 2 (see Table 12-2). Problem
Equation 15-14 gives κ = ω 2 I = (2π×0.78 Hz)2 × 22. A 340-g mass is attached to a vertical spring and
( 32 ×0.64 kg)( 12 ×0.21 m)2 = 0.113 N·m/rad. lowered slowly until it rests at a new equilibrium
position, which is 30 cm below the spring’s
Problem original equilibrium. The system is then set into
20. A physics student, bored by a lecture on simple simple harmonic motion. What is the period of
harmonic motion, idly picks up his pencil (mass the motion?
9.2 g, length 17 cm) by the tip with his frictionless
fingers, and allows it to swing back and forth with Solution
small amplitude. If it completes 6279 full cycles At the “new” equilibrium position, mg = kx1 (see the
during the lecture, how long does the lecture last? beginning of Section 15-3) so m/k = x1 /g = 0.3 m÷
(Hint: See Example 15-5.) (9.8 m/s2 ) = (T /2π)2 . Thus T = 1.10 s.

Solution Problem
Regarding the pencil as a thin rod suspended from one 23. A mass is attached to a vertical spring, which then
p as in Example 15-5, we find the period is T = goes into oscillation. At the high point of the
2π 2ℓ/3 g. The length of the lecture (if we assume oscillation, the spring is in the original unstretched
that the student
q became bored the instant it began) is equilibrium position it had before the mass was
2 attached; the low point is 5.8 cm below this. What
6279(2π)× 2(0.17 m)/3(9.8 m/s ) = 4.24×103 s =
is the period of oscillation?
70.7 min .

Problem Solution
At the highest point, there is no spring force (since the
21. A pendulum of length ℓ is mounted in a rocket.
spring is unstretched), so the acceleration is just g
What is its period if the rocket is (a) at rest on its
(downward). This is also the maximum acceleration
launch pad; (b) accelerating upward with
during the simple harmonic motion (since amax occurs
acceleration a = 12 g; (c) accelerating downward
where the displacement is maximum), so amax =
with acceleration a = 21 g; (d) in free fall?
g = ω 2 A. The peak-to-peak displacement
p is 2A =
Solution 5.8qcm, thus T = 2π/ω = 2π A/g =
(It may be helpful to think of an elevator instead of a 2π 0.029 m/(9.8 m/s2 ) = 0.342 s.
rocket in this problem.) Let a be the acceleration of
the pendulum relative to the rocket, and let a0 be the
acceleration of the rocket relative to the ground
CHAPTER 15 235

24. Derive the period of a simple pendulum by
considering the horizontal displacement x and the
force acting on the bob, rather than the angular
displacement and torque.

The tangential component of Newton’s second law, for
a simple pendulum of mass m and length ℓ, is
m(d2 s/dt2 ) = −mg sin θ. (The radial component
guarantees that the motion follows a circular arc.)
The horizontal displacement is x = ℓ sin θ. For small
displacements, x ≈ ℓθ = s, so the equation of motion is
d2 s d2 x x d2 x g 
m 2 ≈ m 2 = −mg , or = − x.
dt dt ℓ dt2 ℓ
This is the equation forpsimple harmonic motion with
period T = 2π/ω = 2π ℓ/g. figure 15-36 Problem 25.

of torsional oscillations diminishes by 20%, what is

the mass of the beam?

figure 15-37 Problem 26.

Problem 24 Solution.
The frequencies before and after the steel workers
jump, f2 = 0.8f1 , can be related to the rotational
inertias of the beam, withpand without them, through
Problem Equation 15-14, f2 /f1 = I1 /I2 , since the torsional
25. A solid disk of radius R is suspended from a spring constant κ is not changed. Before, I1 = 12 M ℓ2
2 1 2
of linear spring constant k and torsional constant (Table 12-2), and after, I2 = I1 + 2m(ℓ/2) = 12 ℓ ×
κ, as shown in Fig. 15-36. In terms of k and κ, (M + 6m), where m = 75 kg is each steelworker’s
what value of R will give the same period for the mass. Therefore I1 = (f2 /f1 )2 I2 = 12 M ℓ2 =
1 2 2
vertical and torsional oscillations of this system? 12 (0.8) ℓ (M + 6m), or M = 6(75 kg)(0.64)÷
(1 − 0.64) = 800 kg.
Equating the angular frequencies for vertical and Problem
torsional oscillations (Equations 15-8a and
p 15-14), we 27. Geologists use an instrument called a gravimeter
find k/M = κ/I = κ/( 21 M R2 ), or R = 2κ/k. to measure the local acceleration of gravity. A
particular gravimeter uses the period of a
Problem 1-m-long pendulum to determine g. If g is to be
26. A thin steel beam 8.0 m long is suspended from a measured to within 1 mgal(1 gal = 1 cm/s2 ) and if
crane and is undergoing torsional oscillations. the period can be measured with arbitrary
Two 75-kg steelworkers leap onto opposite ends of accuracy, how accurately must the length of the
the beam, as shown in Fig. 15-37. If the frequency pendulum be known?
236 CHAPTER 15
Solution oscillations is 2π 2R/g. Hint: You may find the
For a simple pendulum, ℓ = (T /2π)2 g. If the period is parallel-axis theorem useful.
known precisely (∆T ≈ 0), then the fractional errors
in ℓ and g are the same, i.e., ∆ℓ/ℓ = ∆g/g = 1 mgal÷
980 gal ≈ 10−6 .

28. A pendulum consists of a 320-g solid ball 15.0 cm
in diameter, suspended by an essentially massless
string 80.0 cm long. Calculate the period of this
pendulum, treating it first as a simple pendulum
and then as a physical pendulum. How much
error is introduced by the simple pendulum
approximation? Hint: Remember the parallel-axis figure 15-38 Problem 29 Solution.

Solution Solution
Forqa simple pendulum, Tsimp = 2π ℓ/g = p
Equation 15-16 gives T = 2π I/M
p gℓ =
2π 0.875 m/9.8 m/s2 = 1.877 . . . s. The more exact
2 2
2π (M R + M R )/M gR = 2π 2R/g, where we
expression for this type of physical pendulum (called used the parallel axis theorem for I, with ℓ = h = R.
Borda’s pendulum) is
p q Problem

Tphys = 2π I/mgℓ = 2π 2 2 /mgℓ
5 mR + mℓ 30. A solid disk of mass M and radius R is mounted
on a horizontal axle, as shown in Fig. 15-39. A
= Tsimp 1 + (2R2 /5ℓ2 )
p spring of spring constant k is connected to the disk
= Tsimp 1 + 0.4(7.5/87.5)2 at a point 12 R above the axle, and in equilibrium
= (1.00147 . . .)Tsimp = 1.880 . . . s. runs horizontally to a wall. If the disk is rotated
slightly away from equilibrium, what is the
The fractional error is (Tphys − Tsimp )/Tphys = 0.147%. angular frequency of the resulting oscillations?
Hint: For small θ, sin θ ≃ θ and cos θ ≃ 1.

For small (approximately horizontal) displacements of
the end of the spring, x ≈ 12 Rθ. The restoring torque of
the spring about the central axle, τ ≈ −( 21 R)(kx) ≈
− 41 kR2 θ, equals I(d2 θ/dt2 ) for the disk. This is the
q for simple
q harmonic motion p with ω =
1 2 1 2 1 2
( 4 kR )/I = ( 4 kR )/( 2 M R ) = k/2M.

Problem 28 Solution.

29. A thin, uniform hoop of mass M and radius R is
suspended from a thin horizontal rod and set figure 15-39 Problem 30 Solution.
oscillating with small amplitude, as shown in
Fig. 15-38. Show that the period of the
CHAPTER 15 237

Problem Problem
31. A point mass m is attached to the rim of an 32. Repeat the previous problem for the case when
otherwise uniform solid disk of mass M and radius the disk does not contact the ground but is
R (Fig. 15-40). The disk is rolled slightly away mounted on a frictionless horizontal axle through
from its equilibrium position and released. It rolls its center. Why is your answer different?
back and forth without slipping. Show that the
period of this motion is given by Solution
T = 2π 3M R/2mg. The net (restoring) torque about the axle is due only
to the point mass, therefore τ = −mgR sin θ = Iα,
Solution where I = 21 M R2 + mR2 . For small angles, sin θ ≈ θ,
so α = −(mgR/I)θ, which is the equation for simple
An exact solution of this problem requires advanced harmonic motion with period
methods in analytical mechanics. However, there are p p
two simple heuristic arguments showing that the T = 2π I/mgR = 2π (R/g)(1 + M/2m).
period given is approximately correct, for small Alternatively, we could use Equation 15-16 for a
displacements from equilibrium, if the point mass is physical pendulum, whose CM is suspended a distance
also assumed to be much smaller than the mass of the ℓ =pmR/(m + M ) from the axle. Then T =
disk, i.e., m ≪ M. 2π I/(m + M )gℓ , as before. This result is not the
Consider the disk when it is displaced by a small same as that of the previous problem, because the
angle, θ ≪ 1, from equilibrium, as shown in the sketch. forces acting are different (there is an axle, there is no
The unbalanced torque about the point of contact, O friction, etc.). (Also, in this problem there is no
(which is instantaneously at rest for rolling without restriction on the relative size of the masses, whereas
slipping) is τ = Iα = −mgR sin θ ≈ −mgRθ. This is a the answer to Problem 31 holds only for m ≪ M.)
restoring torque because it is in the opposite direction
to the angular displacement. If we neglect m compared
to M, the rotational inertia is just that of the disk
about O, or I = 12 M R2 + M R2 = 23 M R2 (recall
Equation 12-20), so α ≈ − mgRθ/I = −(2mg/3M R)θ.
This is the equation for simple harmonic motion (see
Equation 15-13) with period T = 2π/ω = 2π×
3M R/2mg (see Equation 15-14).
Alternatively, the potential energy varies like that
of just the point mass (since that of the disk is
constant when it rolls on a horizontal surface), so
U = mgy = mgR(1 − cos θ) ≈ 12 mgRθ2 , for small θ.
For m ≪ M, the kinetic energy is approximately that
of just the disk, rolling without slipping, or K =
1 2 1 3 2 2
2 Iω = 2 ( 2 M R )(dθ/dt) . The total energy is E =
1 1 3
K + U ≈ 2 (mgR)θ + 2 ( 2 M R2 )(dθ/dt)2 . By analogy

with a mass-spring system (where E = 21 kx2 +

1 2
2 m(dx/dt) ), this represents simple harmonic
with angular frequency (analogous to k/m) of Problem 32 Solution.
q p
(mgR)/( 23 M R2 ) = 2mg/3M R (see also
Problem 44).
33. A cyclist turns her bicycle upside down to tinker
with it. After she gets it upside down, she notices
the front wheel executing a slow, small-amplitude
back-and-forth rotational motion with a period of
870 12 s. Considering the wheel to be a thin ring of
mass 600 g and radius 30 cm, whose only
figure 15-40 Problem 31 Solution. irregularity is the presence of the tire valve stem,
determine the mass of the valve stem.
238 CHAPTER 15

Solution k1 k2
The bicycle wheel may be regarded as a physical
pendulum, with rotational inertia I = M R2 + mR2
about its central axle, where M = 600 g is the mass of
the wheel (thin ring) and m is the mass of the valve
figure 15-42 Problem 35.
stem (a circumferential point mass). The distance of
the CM from the axle is given by (M + m)ℓ = mR
(this is just Equation 10-4, with origin at the center of
the wheel so x1 = 0 for M, x2 = R for m, and xcm = Solution
ℓ). For small oscillations, the period is given by The effective spring constant for this combination (see
Equation 15-16 (where Mp+ m is the total mass), Chapter 5, Problem 73(b)) is k = k1 k2 /(k1 + k2 ), and
therefore T = 2π/ω = 2π I/(M + m)gℓ = 2π×
p ω 2 = k/m.
(M + m)R2 /mgR . Solving for m, we find m =
M [(g/R)(T /2π)2 − 1]−1 = (600 g)[(9.8/0.3)× Section 15-4: Circular Motion and Simple
(12/2π)2 − 1]−1 = 5.04 g. Harmonic Motion
Problem Problem
34. A mass m is mounted between two springs of 36. An object undergoes simple harmonic motion in
constants k1 and k2 , as shown in Fig. 15-41. two mutually perpendicular directions, its position
Show that the angular frequency of oscillation is given by r = A sin ωtı̂ + A cos ωt̂. (a) Show that
given by the object remains a fixed distance from the
p origin—i.e., that its path is circular—and find
ω = (k1 + k2 )/m. that distance. (b) Find an expression for the
object’s velocity. (c) Show that the speed remains
constant, and find its value. (d) What is the
angular speed of the object in its circular path?

p The object’s distance from the origin is |r| =
(A sin ωt)2 + (A cos ωt)2 = A, a constant, so its path
figure 15-41 Problem 34. is a circle with that radius. (b) Differentiating, we find
v = dr/dt = ωA cos ωtı̂ − ωA sin ωt̂. (Note that v · r =
0, as required for
p circular motion.) (c) The object’s
speed is |v| = (ωA cos ωt)2 + (−ωA sin ωt)2 = ωA,
Solution also a constant. (d) From Equation 12-4, the angular
At equilibrium, both springs are either extended or speed is v/r = ωA/A = ω.
compressed, since their forces must be in opposite
directions. If the mass is moved by an amount ∆x to Problem
the right of the equilibrium position, the force of the 37. The equation for an ellipse is
first spring increases by k1 ∆x to the left, and the force
x2 y2
of the second spring decreases by k2 ∆x to the right 2
+ 2 = 1.
(which is also an increase to the left). Thus, the net a b
force is (k1 + k2 )∆x to the left, which represents a Show that two-dimensional simple harmonic
restoring force (opposite to the displacement ∆x to motion whose two components have different
the right). The effective spring amplitudes and are π/2 out of phase gives rise to
p constant is k1 + k2 ,
and angular frequency ω = (k1 + k2 )/m for elliptical motion. How are a and b related to the
oscillations about the equilibrium position. amplitudes?

Problem Solution
35. Repeat the previous problem for the case when Simple harmonic motions in the x and y directions,
the springs are connected as in Fig. 15-42. with different amplitudes and π/2 out of phase, are
x = a cos(ωt + φ) and y = b cos(ωt + φ ± π/2) =
∓b sin(ωt + φ). These describe an elliptical path
CHAPTER 15 239

with semi-major or minor axis equal to the amplitudes, Solution

a or b, since (x/a)2 + (y/b)2 = cos2 (ωt + φ) + The condition that the potential energy equal twice
sin2 (ωt + φ) = 1. the kinetic energy implies that U (t) = 21 kx(t)2 =

2K(t)p= mv(t) , or ωx(t)/v(t) = ± 2, where
Problem ω = k/m. For x(t) = (45 cm) sin(πt + π/6) as given
38. The x and y components of motion of a body are (note that ω = π(s−1 )), v(t) = dx/dt = ω(45 cm)×
harmonic with frequency ratio 1.75 : 1. How many cos(πt + π/6), so the
√ above condition becomes
oscillations must each component undergo before tan(πt + π/6) = ± 2. There are four angles in each
the body returns to its initial position? cycle which satisfy this (since tan θ = − tan(π − θ) =
tan(π + θ) = − tan(2π − θ)), which are π(t + 61 ) =
Solution 0.955, 2.19, 4.10, and 5.33 radians. (We chose the
Since ωx /ωy = 1.75/1 = 7/4, seven oscillations in the x cycle with phases between 0 and 2π radians; for any
direction are completed for four in the y direction. other cycle, an integer multiple of 2π can be added to
these angles.) The times corresponding to these
Section 15-5: Energy in Simple Harmonic phases are t = (0.955/π) − 61 = 0.137 s, 0.529 s, 1.14 s,
Motion and 1.53 s, respectively. (An integer multiple of 2 can
be added to get the times for any other cycle.) The
Problem positions of the particle corresponding to these phases
39. A 1400-kg car with poor shock absorbers is are x(0.137 s) = (45 cm) sin(0.955) = 36.7 cm =
bouncing down the highway at 20 m/s, executing x(0.529 s) = −x(1.14 s) = −x(1.53 s), since
vertical harmonic motion at 0.67 Hz. If the sin θ = sin(π − θ) = −sin(π + θ) = −sin(2π − θ).
amplitude of the oscillations is 18 cm, what is the (During each cycle, the particle passes each of the
total energy in the oscillations? What fraction of points ±36.7 cm twice, traveling with the same speed,
the car’s kinetic energy is this? Neglect rotational but in opposite directions.)
energy of the wheels and the fact that not all the
car’s mass participates in the oscillation. Problem
42. A torsional oscillator of rotational inertia
Solution 1.6 kg·m2 and torsional constant 3.4 N·m/rad has
The total vibrational energy is Evib = 21 kA2 = a total energy of 4.7 J. What are its maximum
1 2 2 1 2 2
2 mω A = 2 (1400 kg)(2π×0.67 Hz) (0.18 m) = angular displacement and maximum angular
402 J. The car’s total energy is E = Etrans + Evib = speed?
1 2 1 2
2 M vcm + Evib ≈ 2 (1400 kg)(20 m/s) = 280 kJ, so
Evib /E is only about 0.144%. Solution
For a torsional oscillator, E = 21 κA2 = 12 Iω 2 A2 =
Problem 1 2
2 I(dθ/dt)max , therefore A = 2E/κ =
40. A 450-g mass on a spring is oscillating at 1.2 Hz. p
2(4.7 J)/(3.4 N·m)
p = 1.66 rad
p = 95.3 , and

The total energy of the oscillation is 0.51 J. What
(dθ/dt)max = ωA = 2E/I = 2(4.7 J)/(1.6 kg·m2 ) =
is the amplitude of oscillation?
2.42 s−1 = 139◦/s.
Solution Problem
The total energy of a one-dimensional mass-spring
43. Show that the potential energy of a simple
system is E = 12 kA2 = 21 mω 2 A2 (see Section 15-5), so
p p pendulum is proportional to the square of the
A = 2E/mω 2 = 2(0.51 J)/(0.45 kg)÷ angular displacement in the small-amplitude limit.
(2π×1.2 Hz) = 20.0 cm.
The potential energy of a simple pendulum (see
41. The motion of a particle is described by Example 8-6 and Fig. 8-14) is U = mgh =
x = (45 cm)[sin(πt + π/6)], mgℓ(1 − cos θ). For small angles, cos θ ≈ 1 − 12 θ2 ,
so U ≈ 21 mgℓθ2 .
with x in cm and t in seconds. At what time is the
potential energy twice the kinetic energy? What is
the position of the particle at this time?
240 CHAPTER 15

Problem Problem
44. The total energy of a mass-spring system is the 46. A mass m is free to slide on a frictionless track
sum of its kinetic and potential energy: E = whose height y as a function of horizontal position
1 2 1 2
2 mv + 2 kx . Assuming E remains constant, x is given by y = ax2 , where a is a constant with
differentiate both sides of this expression with the units of inverse length. The mass is given an
respect to time and show that Equation 15-4 initial displacement from the bottom of the track
results. Hint: Remember that v = dx/dt. and then released. Find an expression for the
period of the resulting motion.
Since E is a constant, Solution

d 1 2 1

dx dv The potential energy, relative to the bottom of the
=0= kx + mv = kx + mv . track, is U = mgy = mgax2 (analogous to 12 kx2 ), so
dt dt 2 2 dt dt
we suspect that the x component of the motion is
Dividing by v = dx/dt, we find m(dv/dt) = simple harmonic motion with “spring p constant”
m(d2 x/dt2 ) = −kx. k =√ 2mga. Then the period is T = 2π m/k =
2π/ 2ga . Indeed, Fx = −dU/dx = −2mgax =
Problem md2 x/dt

represents simple harmonic motion with
45. A solid cylinder of mass M and radius R is ω = 2ga . (The y component of the motion, however,
mounted on an axle through its center. The axle is is not simple harmonic motion.)
attached to a horizontal spring of constant k, and
the cylinder rolls back and forth without slipping Section 15-6: Damped Harmonic Motion
(Fig. 15-43). Write the statement of energy Problem
conservation for this system, and differentiate it to
47. A 250-g mass is mounted on a spring of constant
obtain an equation analogous to Equation 15-4
k = 3.3 N/m. The damping constant for this
(see previous problem). Comparing your result
system is b = 8.4×10−3 kg/s. How many
with Equation 15-4, determine the angular
oscillations will the system undergo during the
frequency of the motion.
time the amplitude decays to 1/e of its original

Since the damping constant is small, the motion is
under-damped and Equation 15-20 applies. The
time for the amplitude to decay to 1/e of its original
value isp
t = 2m/b = 59.5 s, while the period is
figure 15-43 Problem 45.
T = 2π m/k = 1.73 s, therefore the number of
corresponding oscillations is 59.5/1.73 = 34.4.

Solution Problem
With reference to Equation 12-24 (and the condition 48. The vibration of a piano string can be described
v = ωR for rolling without slipping) K = 12 M v 2 + by an equation analogous to Equation 15-20. If
1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 3 2 the quantity analogous to b/2m in that equation
2 Icm ω = 2 M v + 2 ( 2 M R )(v/R) = 4 M v . The
1 2
potential energy of the spring is U = 2 kx , where has the value 2.8 s−1 , how long will it take the
v = dx/dt, so E = K + U = 34 M (dx/dt)2 + 12 kx2 . vibration amplitude to drop to half its original
Differentiating, we find: value?
dE 3 dx d x 1 dx Solution
=0 = M ·2 + k · 2x , or
dt 4 dt dt2 2 dt
From Equation 15-20, one sees that the amplitude is
d2 x 2k one half the initial value when |x| /A = 12 =
=− x ≡ −ω 2 x.
dt2 3M exp{−(2.8 s−1 )t} or t = (ln 2)/(2.8 s−1 ) = 0.248 s
(The energy method is particularly convenient for (see Example 15-7).
analyzing small oscillations, since complicated details
of the forces can be avoided.)
CHAPTER 15 241

Section 15-7: Driven Oscillations and coefficients of the sin(ωd t + φ) and cos(ωd t + φ) terms
Resonance on each side are equal, respectively, that is, −mωd2 A =
−kA + F0 cos φ, and 0 = bωd A + F0 sin φ. Let
Problem ω02 = k/m, and these equations become F0 cos φ =
49. A mass-spring system has b/m = ω0 /5, where b is −m(ωd2 − ω02 )A, and F0 sin φ = −bωd A. Squaring and
the damping constant and ω0 the natural adding, we get Equation 15-23.
frequency. How does its amplitude when driven at
frequencies 10% above and below ω0 compare with Problem
its amplitude at ω0 ?
52. A harmonic oscillator is underdamped provided

that the damping constant b is less than 2mω0 ,
Solution where ω0 is the natural frequency of undamped
The amplitude at resonance (ωd = ω0 ) is Ares = F0 ÷ motion. Show that for an underdamped oscillator,
bω0 , so that Equation 15-23 can be rewritten as: Equation 15-23 has a maximum for a driving
A A (bω0 /m) frequency less than ω0 .
= = p 2
Ares (F0 /bω0 ) (ωd − ω02 )2 + b2 ωd2 /m2
" #−1/2 Solution
 mω 2  ω 2 2
0 d ωd2 Equation 15-23 for A is a maximum when the
= −1 + 2
b ω02 ω0 denominator of the right-hand side is a minimum. The
condition for this is
If (mω0 /b) = 5, and (ωd /ω0 )p
= 1.1 (10% above
d (ωd2 − ω0 )2 + b2 ωd2
resonance), then A/Ares = 1/ 25(1.21 − 1)2 + 1.21 =
65.8%, whilepfor ωd /ω0 = 0.9 (10% below resonance), dωd m2
A/Ares = 1/ 25(0.81 − 1)2 + 0.81 = 76.4%. 2(ωd2 − ω02 )(2ωd ) + 2ωd b2
=0= .
Problem Since ωd 6= 0, we may divide by it, obtaining ωd∗ =
50. A car’s front suspension has a natural frequency of 2
ω0 − b2 /2m2 for the frequency of the maximum.
0.45 Hz. The car’s front shock absorbers are worn Evidently, ωd∗ < ω0 . Although the motion is
out, so they no longer provide critical damping. underdamped for b < 2mω0 , A has a maximum √ in the
The car is driving on a bumpy road with bumps physical region (ωd > 0, b > 0) only for b < 2mω0 ,
40 m apart. At a certain speed, the driver notices and A has sharp resonance-type behavior for
that the car begins to shake violently. What b ≪ 2mω0 .
Paired Problems
The peak amplitude occurs at resonance, when
53. A particle undergoes simple harmonic motion with
ωd = ω0, so the car receives an impulse from the
amplitude 25 cm and maximum speed 4.8 m/s.
bumps once each period. It therefore travels the
Find (a) the angular frequency, (b) the period,
distance between bumps in one period, or 40 m = vT0 .
and (c) the maximum acceleration.
Thus v = 40 m/T0 = (40 m)f0 = (40 m)(0.45 Hz) =
18 m/s = 64.8 km/h. (Recall f0 = 1/T0 .)
Problem (a) Since vmax = ωA, ω = (4.8 m/s)/(0.25 m) =
19.2 s−1 . (b) T = 2π/ω = 0.327 s. (c) amax =
51. Show by direct substitution that Equation 15-22
satisfies Equation 15-21 with A given by ωvmax = 92.2 m/s2 .
Equation 15-23.
Solution 54. A particle undergoes simple harmonic motion with
When Equation 15-22 is substituted into maximum speed 1.4 m/s and maximum
Equation 15-21, one obtains m[−ωd2 A cos(ωd t + φ)] = acceleration 3.1 m/s . Find (a) the angular
−kA cos(ωd t + φ) − b[−ωdA sin(ωd t + φ)] + frequency, (b) the period, and (c) the amplitude of
F0 [cos(ωd t + φ)cos φ + sin(ωd t + φ)sin φ], where we let the motion.
ωd t = ωd t + φ − φ in the F0 -term, and used a
trigonometric identity. This equation is true if the
242 CHAPTER 15

Solution Problem
(a) ω = amax /vmax = (3.1 m/s )/(1.4 m/s) = 2.21 s −1
. 58. A meter stick is suspended from a frictionless rod
(b) T = 2π/ω = 2.84 s. (c) A = vmax /ω = 63.2 cm. inserted through a small hole at the 25 cm mark.
What is the period of small-amplitude oscillations
Problem about the stick’s equilibrium position?
55. A massless spring of spring constant k = 74 N/m
is hanging from the ceiling. A 490-g mass is Solution
hooked onto the unstretched spring and allowed to If the point of suspension of the meter stick in the
drop. Find (a) the amplitude and (b) the period previous problem is moved so that ℓ = 0.25 m and
of the resulting motion. I = 12 M (1 m)2 + M (0.25 m)2 = 37 M (0.25 m)2 , the
period becomes T = 2π 7(1 m)/12g = 1.53 s.
(a) The distance from the initial position of the mass Problem
on the unstretched spring, to the equilibrium position, 59. Two balls each of unknown mass m are mounted
where the net force is zero, is just the amplitude, since on opposite ends of a 1.5-m-long rod of mass
the initial velocity for a dropped mass is zero. Then at 850 g. The system is suspended from a wire
the equilibrium position, mg = kA, or A = (0.49 kg)× attached to the center of the rod and set into
(9.8 m/s )/(74 N/m) = 6.49 cm. (Alternatively, when torsional oscillations. If the torsional constant of
dropped at the unstretched position (zero spring the wire is 0.63 N·m/rad and the period of the
force), the initial acceleration has its maximum oscillations is 5.6 s, what is the unknown mass m?
magnitude which is just g, so amax = g = ω 2 Apgives
the same result, since ω 2 = k/m.) (b) T = 2π m/k = Solution
0.511 s. The period of a torsional pendulum is given by
Equation 15-14, ω = 2π/T = κ/I. The rotational
Problem inertia of the rod and two masses, about an axis
56. A massless spring is hanging from the ceiling. A perpendicular to the rod and through its center, is
mass is hooked onto the end of the spring and I = (T /2π)2 κ = 12 M ℓ2 + 2m( 21 ℓ)2 so m = 12 [(T ÷
1 1
allowed to drop. If the amplitude of the resulting πℓ) κ − 3 M ] = 2 [(5.6 s/π×1.5 m)2 (0.63 N·m) −

motion is 20 cm, what is its frequency? 1

3 (0.85 kg)] = 303 g.

Solution Problem
If the mass is dropped from the unstretched position 60. Figure 15-44 shows a bird feeder that consists of a
of the spring, the maximum acceleration has 340-g solid circular disk 50 cm in diameter
magnitude g (at the top of the oscillations) as suspended by a wire attached at the center. Two
mentioned in the solution to Problem p 55. Then 65-g birds land at opposite ends of a diameter, and
q max = ω A = g, implies f = ω/2π = g/A/2π = the system goes into torsional oscillation at 2.6 Hz.
(9.8 m/s2 )/(0.2 m)/2π = (7/2π) Hz = 1.11 Hz. What is the torsional constant of the wire?

Problem Solution
57. A meter stick is suspended from one end and set The rotational inertia of the bird feeder (solid disk)
swinging. What is the period of the resulting and birds (point masses m) about the wire is I =
1 2 2
oscillations, assuming they have small amplitude? 2 M R + 2mR , so solving Equation 15-14 for the
torsional constant, we find: κ = (2πf )2 I = (2π×
Solution 2.6 Hz) [ 21 (0.34 kg) + 2(0.065 kg)](0.25 m)2 =
5.00 N·m/rad.
The meter stick is a physical pendulum whose CM is
ℓ = 0.5 m below the point of suspension through one
end. The rotational inertia of the stick about one end
is 13 M (1 m)2 , so Equation 15-16 gives the period as 61. Two mass-spring systems with the same mass are
p p undergoing oscillatory motion with the same
T = 2π I/M gℓ = 2π 2(1 m)/3g = 1.64 s.
amplitudes. System 1 has twice the frequency of
system 2. How do (a) their energies and (b) their
maximum accelerations compare?
CHAPTER 15 243

The solution of Problem 21 shows that the period of a
simple pendulum (point mass suspended in a constant
gravitational field)
p in an accelerating reference frame is
T = 2π/ω = 2π ℓ/ |g − a0 |. If a0 is perpendicular to
p(as for the air plane in this problem) then |g − a0 | =
2 2 2
pg + a0 , and the circular frequency is ω =
g 2 + a20 /ℓ. Since ω02 = g/ℓ p
at rest, we can eliminate ℓ
and solvep for a0 : (ω/ω0 )2 = 1 + (a0 /g)2 , or
(a0 /g) = (ω/ω0 )4 − 1. The ratio of the frequencies is
ω/ω0 = 91/90, so numerically, a0 = (9.8 m/s )×
p 2
(91/90)4 − 1 = 2.08 m/s .
340 g
50 cm 64. A 500-g mass is suspended from a thread 45 cm
long that can sustain a maximum tension of 6.0 N
figure 15-44 Problem 60. before breaking. What is the maximum allowable
amplitude for pendulum motion of this system?

Solution Solution
(a) The energy of a mass-spring system is E = It is shown in Example 15-4 that the greatest tension
1 2 2 in a simple pendulum occurs at the bottom of its
2 mω A (see Section 15.5). If m and A are the same,
but ω1 = 2ω2 , then E1 = 4E2 . (b) The maximum swing, where Tmax = mg(1 + A2 ), and A is the angular
acceleration is amax = ω 2 A, so a1,max = 4a2,max as amplitude. Forpthe thread in this problem, Tmax <
well. 6.0 N, so A < (6.0 N/0.5×9.8 N) − 1 =
0.474 (rad) = 27.1◦. (Note that sin 27.1◦ = 0.456,
Problem about 3.8% less than the angle itself, so this answer is
only approximate.)
62. Two mass-spring systems have the same mass and
the same total energy. The amplitude of system 1
is twice that of system 2. How do (a) their
frequencies and (b) their maximum accelerations 65. A 500-g block on a frictionless surface is connected
compare? to a rather limp spring of constant k = 8.7 N/m.
A second block rests on the first, and the whole
Solution system executes simple harmonic motion with a
period of 1.8 s. When the amplitude of the motion
If the mass and total energy of two mass-spring
is increased to 35 cm, the upper block just begins
systems is the same, then ω1 A1 = ω2 A2 . Therefore,
to slip. What is the coefficient of static friction
A1 = 2A2 implies (a) ω1 = 12 ω2 and (b) a1,max =
between the blocks?
ω12 A1 = ( 21 ω2 )2 (2A2 ) = 21 a2,max .
Supplementary Problems
If the surfaces of contact are horizontal, it is the
Problem frictional force which accelerates the upper block,
63. While waiting for your plane to take off, you hence fs = m2 a(t) ≤ µs N = µs m2 g, or a(t) ≤ µs g.
suspend your keys from a thread and set the In simple harmonic motion, amax = ω 2 A, so when
resulting pendulum oscillating. It completes the upper block begins to slip, ω 2 A = µs g, or
exactly 90 cycles in 1 minute. You repeat the µs = (2π/1.8 s)2 (0.35 m/9.8 m/s ) = 0.44. [Note: the
experiment as the plane accelerates down the data given in the problem which were not used to find
runway, and now find the pendulum completes µs (i.e., k and m1 ) can be used p
to calculate that
exactly 91 cycles in 1 minute. Find the plane’s m2 = 214 g, since ω = 2π/T = k/(m1 + m2 ).]
66. The potential energy of a 75-g particle is given by
U = ax2 − bx4 , where a = 3.5 J/m2 , b = 1.2 J/m4 ,
244 CHAPTER 15

67. Repeat Problem 46 for a small solid ball of mass
M and radius R that rolls without slipping on the
parabolic track.

Problem 65 Solution.
The potential energy of the ball is U = mgy = mgax2 ,
and its kinetic energy (rolling without slipping) is
and x is in meters. (a) Show that there is a (from Equation 12-24) K = 12 M v 2 + 21 Icm ω 2 =
1 2 1 2 2 2 7 2
metastable equilibrium at x = 0. (b) Find the 2 M v + 2 ( 5 M R )(v/R) = 10 M v . Since the total
frequency of small amplitude oscillations about mechanical energy, E = U + K, is constant,
this equilibrium. Hint: For small x, x4 ≪ x2 . dE d


2 2
(c) What is the maximum amplitude for =0= M gax + M v
dt dt 10
oscillatory (but not necessarily simple harmonic)
dx 7 dv
motion to occur? = 2M gax + Mv .
dt 5 dt
Solution Notepthat in this problem (and in Problem 46)
(a) The equilibrium points (for one-dimensional v = (dx/dt)2 + (dy/dt)2 , so the motion is not
motion) are solutions of the equation dU/dx harmonic, in general. However, for small
p =0=
2x(a − 2bx2 ). These are x = 0 and x = ± a/2b = displacements, v ≈ dx/dt, and d2 x/dt2 = −(10ga/7)x,
±1.21 m. d2 U/dx2 = 2(a − 6bx2 ) is positive for x = 0, which is simple p
harmonic motion with period
which represents a relative minimum of the potential T = 2π/ω = 2π 7/10ga.
energy and therefore a point of metastable
equilibrium. (x = 0 is not an Problem
pabsolute minimum
because U (x) < 0 for |x| > a/b,pin fact U → −∞ for 68. A child twirls around on a swing, twisting the
|x| → ∞. d2 U/dx2 < 0 for x = ± a/2b, so these swing ropes, as shown in Fig. 15-45. As a result,
points are relative maxima of potential energy, the child and swing rise slightly, with the rise, h, in
representing unstable equilibria.) (b) In one- cm equal to the square of the number of full turns
dimensional motion, Fx = −dU/dx = −2x(a − of the swing. When the child stops twisting up the
2bx2 ) = md2 x/dt2 . For small x, 2bx2 ≪ a so swing, it goes into torsional oscillation. What is
d2 x/dt2 ≈ −(2a/m)x, which is the equation
p for simple the period of this oscillation, assuming that all the
harmonic motion with frequency f = 2a/m/2π = potential energy of the system is gravitational?
1.54 Hz. (c) The motion is oscillatory as long as the The combined mass of the child and swing is
particle is in the potential well surrounding x = 0 (see 20 kg, and the rotational inertia of the pair about
sketch). This
p is the case provided the total energy the appropriate vertical axis is 0.12 kg·m2 .
E < U (± a/2b) = a2 /4b = 2.55 J, p and the maximum
displacement from the origin, |x| < a/2b = 1.21 m. Solution
(See Problems 8-43 and 83, which deal with the The number of full turns (revolutions) is θ/2π, so
negative of this potential energy function, however.) h = (1 cm)(θ/2π)2 , where θ is the angle (in radians)
measured around the appropriate vertical axis. The
total energy, E = M gh + 12 Iω 2 = M g(1 cm)(θ/2π)2 +
1 2
2 I(dθ/dt) , is constant, so
dE θ dθ dθ d θ
= 0 = M g(1 cm) 2 +I , or
dt 2π dt dt dt2
d2 θ
M g(1 cm)
= − θ.
dt2 2π 2 I
Problem 66 Solution. This is simple harmonic motion with period
2π 2 I
T = 2π
M g(1 cm)
CHAPTER 15 245
s p
2 2(0.12 kg·m2 ) t > tc , where ω2 = k/(m1 + m2 ) = 3.39 s−1 is the
= 2π 2 = 6.91 s. angular frequency when both blocks oscillate on the
(20 kg)(9.8 m/s )(0.01 m)
spring (and f2 = ω2 /2π = 0.540 Hz, as asked in the
problem.) It follows from this that v(t) = −ω2 A×
sin(ω2 t + φ). The amplitude A and phase constant φ
can be determined from these two equations evaluated
just after the collision, essentially at tc , if we assume
that the collision takes place almost instantaneously;
then conservation of momentum during the collision
can be applied (see Equation 11-4). Just after the
collision, x(tc ) = 10 cm (given) and v(tc ) = (m1 v1 +
m2 v2 )/(m1 + m2 ), where just before the collision,
v1 = 0 (given m1 at rightmost point of its original
motion) and v2 = −1.7 m/s (also given). Numerically,
v(tc ) = (−1.7 m/s)(0.8)/(0.8 + 1.2) = −68 cm/s. Thus,
the two equations become x(tc ) = 10 cm = A ×
cos(ω2 tc + φ), and v(tc ) = −68 cm/s = −ω2 A ×
figure 15-45 Problem 68 Solution. sin(ω2 tc + φ), where ω2 andp tc are known. (In fact,
ω t
√2 c = ω 2 π/2ω 1 = (π/2) m1 /(m1 + m2 ) =
0.6 (π/2) radians = 69.7 .) ◦

Problem Solving
p for A (using sin2 + cos2 = 1), we find
A = x(tc )2 + [−v(tc )/ω2 ]2 =
69. A 1.2-kg block rests on a frictionless surface and is p
(10 cm)2 + (68 cm/3.39)2 = 22.4 cm. Solving for φ
attached to a horizontal spring of constant
(using sin / cos = tan), we find φ = tan−1 [−v(tc )÷
k = 23 N/m (Fig. 15-46). The block is oscillating
ω2 x(tc )] − ω2 tc = tan−1 (68/3.39×10) − 69.7◦ =
with amplitude 10 cm and with phase constant
−6.22◦ = −0.109 radians.
φ = −π/2. A block of mass 0.80 kg is moving from
(Note: The solution for A is equivalent to
the right at 1.7 m/s. It strikes the first block when
calculating the various energies in the second simple
the latter is at the rightmost point in its
harmonic motion, since just after the collision,
oscillation. The collision is completely inelastic, 2
K(tc ) = 21 (m1 + m2 )v (tc ) = 12 (2 kg)(−0.68 m/s)2 =
and the two blocks stick together. Determine the
0.462 J, U (tc ) = 2 kx(tc ) = 21 (23 N/m)(0.1 m)2 =
1 2
frequency, amplitude, and phase constant (relative
0.115 J, E = K(tc ) + U (tc ) = 0.577 J = 21 kA2 , or A =
to the original t = 0) of the resulting motion. p
2(0.577 J)/(23 N/m). Once A is known, φ can also
be found from either expression for x(tc ) or v(tc ), e.g.,
1.2 kg 0.80 kg
1.7 m/s ω2 tc + φ = cos−1 (10/22.4) = sin−1 (68/3.39×22.4).)

figure 15-46 Problem 69. 70. The magnitude of the gravitational acceleration
inside Earth is given approximately by g(r) =
g0 (r/RE ), where g0 is the surface value, r is the
distance from Earth’s center, and RE is Earth’s
radius, the acceleration is directed toward Earth’s
The simple harmonic motion with just the first block center. Suppose a narrow hole were drilled
on the spring can be described by Equation 15-9 and straight through the center of Earth and out the
the given amplitude and phase constant; x(t) = other side. Neglecting air resistance, show that an
(10 cm)
p cos(ω1 t − pπ/2) = (10 cm) sin ω1 t, where object dropped into this hole executes simple
ω1 = k/m1 = (23 N/m)/(1.2 kg) = 4.38 s−1 . This harmonic motion, and find an expression for the
equation holds up to the time of the collision, i.e., for period. Evaluate and compare with the period of a
t < tc , where tc = π/2ω1 , since for the rightmost point satellite in a circular orbit not far above Earth’s
of oscillation, sin ω1 tc = 1, or ω1 tc = π/2. (This surface.
specifies the original zero of time appropriate to the
given phase constant of −π/2.) Solution
Equation 15-9 also describes the simple harmonic The force of gravity is directed toward the center of
motion after the collision; x(t) = A cos(ω2 t + φ) for the Earth, so an object in this hole (not subject to any
246 CHAPTER 15

other forces) has an acceleration d2 r/dt2 = T0 = 1.00 s, plot the period given above versus
−(g0 /RE )r. This represents one-dimensional simple amplitude for amplitudes from 0 to 45◦ . By what
harmonic motion about r = 0 (compare p to percentage does the plotted period differ from T0
q 15-4), with period T = 2π RE /g0 = for 30◦ and 45◦ ?
2π (6.37×106 m)/(9.81 m/s ) = 84.4 min . Since
q Solution
2 3 /GM , the same as for a
g0 = GME /RE , T = 2π RE E Numerical values are displayed in the table and sketch
satellite in an Earth-grazing orbit. below.

θ0 1
sin2 ( 12 θ 0 ) 9
sin4 ( 21 θ0 ) (T − T 0 )/T 0
71. A small object of mass m slides without friction in 4 64

a circular bowl of radius R. Derive an expression 15 ◦

.0042593 .0000408 0.4%
for small-amplitude oscillations about equilibrium, 30◦ .016747 .000631 1.7%
and compare with that of a simple pendulum. 45◦ .03661 .00302 4.0%

Problem 72 Solution.

Problem 71 Solution. Problem

73. A mass m is connected between two springs of
length L, as shown in Fig. 15-47. At equilibrium,
the tension force in each spring is F0 . Find the
Solution period of oscillations perpendicular to the springs,
What is intended in this problem is consideration of assuming sufficiently small amplitude that the
just motion in a vertical plane through the axis of the magnitude of the spring tension is essentially
bowl. (This corresponds to the same initial conditions unchanged.
as for a simple pendulum. Other conditions lead to
motion like various conical pendulums.) The
tangential component of Newton’s second law is
−mg sin θ = m(d2 s/dt2 ), where s = Rθ. For small
angles, −g sin θ ≈ −gθ ≈ R(d2 θ/dt2 ). This is simple L L
harmonic motion, with the same equations as p for a
simple pendulum (see Problem 24), so ω = g/R and m
T = 2π R/g.

72. A more exact expression than Equation 15-18 for
the period of a simple pendulum is




  figure 15-47 Problem 73.
2 4
T = T0 1 + sin θ0 + sin θ0 + · · · ,
4 2 64 2
where T0 = 2π ℓ/g is the period in the limit of
arbitrarily small amplitude, and θ0 is the Solution
amplitude. The · · · indicates that additional terms Suppose that no forces with components in the
(in fact, infinitely many more) are needed for an direction of motion act on the mass other than the
exact expression. For a pendulum with spring forces. If m is given a small displacement
CHAPTER 15 247

perpendicular to the springs (as sketched),

p the net Problem
force is Fy = −2F0 sin θ = −2F0 y/ L + y ≈ 2
75. A uniform piece of wire is bent into a V-shape
−2F0 y/L, for y ≪ L. Newton’s second law gives with angle θ between two legs of length ℓ. The
md2 y/dt2 = Fy , or d2 y/dt2 ≈ −(2F0 /mL)y. This is wire is placed over a pivot, as shown in Fig. 15-49.
the equation forpsimple harmonic motion with angular Show that the angular frequency of small-
p ω = 2F0 /mL and period T = 2π/ω = amplitude oscillations about this equilibrium is
2π mL/2F0 . given by
3g cos(θ/2)
ω= .
The CM of the bent wire is a distance h = (ℓ/2)×
cos(θ/2) from the pivot. The rotational inertia of the
Problem 73 Solution. bent wire (two thin rods) about the pivot is I =
2[ 31 ( 12 M )ℓ2 ] = 31 M ℓ2 , where M is the mass of the whole
wire. Equation 15-16 for the physical pendulum gives
r s r
Problem M gh M g(ℓ/2) cos(θ/2) 3g cos(θ/2)
ω= = 2
I M ℓ /3 2ℓ
74. A disk of radius R is suspended from a pivot
somewhere between its center and edge
(Fig. 15-48). For what pivot point will the period
of this physical pendulum be a minimum?

Suspension point

figure 15-48 Problem 74 Solution.

The period of the physical pendulum shown is
s s
I M R 2 + M ℓ2
T = 2π = 2π 2
M gℓ M gℓ
ℓ R2
= 2π + .
g 2gℓ
This is a minimum when
R2 R2
d ℓ 1
+ =0= − ,
dℓ g 2gℓ g 2gℓ2

or ℓ = R/ 2. (The fact that this represents a
minimum can be seen either by calculating d2 T ÷
dℓ2 > 0, or by noting that T → ∞ for ℓ → 0 and
ℓ → ∞, and so has a minimum between.)
248 CHAPTER 15

figure 15-49 Problem 75 Solution.

76. Integrating the nonconstant acceleration of a
harmonic oscillator over time from the time of
maximum displacement to the time of zero
displacement should give the velocity at zero
displacement. Carry out this integration, using
Equation 15-11 for the acceleration, and show that
your answer is just the maximum velocity.

The time of the maximum (positive) displacement is
given by the equation ωt1 + φ = 0, and the time of the
next zero displacement by ωt2 + φ = π/2, where the
displacement is given by Equation 15-9. Thus,
Z t2 Z t2
a dt = (−ω 2 A) cos(ωt + φ)dt
t1 t1

= − sin(ωt + φ)
ω t1
= −ωA sin(π/2) + ωA sin(0) = −ωA.
This is the maximum velocity, which occurs at zero
displacement; it is negative because we assumed the
oscillator started at +A.

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