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Bill Dobbins’ incredible shots of Viviana Soldano in the
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Do low carbs mean low intensity? Plus, stubborn-fat
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Steve Holman talks bloodbath bodybuilding and muscle-
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Be sure to cover
all the angles of
pull in your back
Big-Back Attack
The back, in my opinion, is the most complex
muscle group in the entire body and the most chal-
lenging to fully develop. It’s also the most impres-
sive when bodyfat is low and all of its muscles are
standing out in bold relief. There are a lot of muscles
to think about when you approach back training—
the lats, the teres, the rhomboids, the posterior
delts, the upper and middle traps, the erectors and,
yes, the muscles that lie deep within the back that
aren’t visible.
Neveux \ Model: Will Harris
Use one lower-back movement: this together a few years ago—and for my many clients
as well. —Eric Broser
•hyperextensions, rack deadlifts, good mornings (I’m
partial to deads)
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Squat Pad
If that describes you, do not fear,
my friend. Some slight adjustments in
PUMPING WITH THE PROS form and position, and the bench press
will swell your pecs to Colemanesque
Super Gripper
melon delts—and out to failure. One
Toney does. of these rack-run-
Unlike most guys ning sets should be
with awesome shoulders, however, he doesn’t give all the all it takes, but if you have the fire and the guts, do it twice.
credit to presses and, in fact, feels that lateral raises are Just be sure you aren’t in the middle of a crowded dumb-
the real key to building those boulders. “Learning how to bell rack at your gym’s peak time, monopolizing 10 pairs
do a perfect lateral raise,” he says, “is the real beginning of of ’bells.
The other lateral lasher is seated dumbbell
side raises—with an eight-second pause at
the top of each rep, during which you con-
tract your medial delts for all they’re worth.
This is a humbling experience, as even the
strongest among you will find it brutal to
perform eight to 10 good reps with anything
more than 20 or 25 pounds in each hand,
and most trainees won’t need more than 12-
or 15-pounders at most. Presses will always
be a crucial part of building shoulders, but
don’t underestimate the value of lateral raises.
Trying either or both of the above will show
you why.
Neveux \ Model: Todd Smith
—Ron Harris
Seated Row
Push Ups Handle
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egy pay off? You tell me—Branch won
back-to-back titles at the Charlotte Pro
and Europa Supershow before placing
eighth at the Mr. Olympia.
pia, so he’ll have a full year away from the stage.
Consider also Chris Cormier, who had a disastrous show-
Even if you’re competing at the local or regional level, you
ing at the ’05 Olympia. Rather than jumping right back into
can learn from Chris. Though you don’t necessarily need to
a contest diet to try again for the Arnold Classic title (he had
work on gaining overall size or improving a bodypart, you still
been runner-up there six consecutive times), Chris realized he
can’t get into peak condition very often. Unless you’re one of
was exhausted from too many contests (70 pro shows in 12
the rare bodybuilders who naturally stay shredded year-round,
years) and needed a break. His goal now is the ’06 Mr. Olym-
the process of preparing for a contest,
with all the strict dieting and cardio it
entails, is too much to ask of your body
more than once a year.
So before you start planning your
competition schedule, honestly ask your-
self whether the time is right to compete,
or if you might be better off waiting. Just
think: Wouldn’t it be cool to be the guy
backstage whom everyone whispers
about, as in, “Who the hell is he, and
where has he been hiding?” I know I still
dream about it.
—Ron Harris
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Smart Training
Superset 2
Bigger Arms
B-1 Parallel-bar dips 4 x 4-6 reps, 3/2/1/0 tempo
B-2 Overhead rope
extensions 4 x 8-10 reps, 3/1/1/0 tempo
Rest 10 seconds between B-1 and B-2
Rest three minutes between B-2 and B-1
Q: I’ve trained for several years, and my arms are Do the close-grip chinups with your palms supinated
now 17 inches. What do you suggest I do to jolt my (facing you), with four to six inches between your two little
arms into new growth? fingers. If you need to substitute close-grip lat pulldowns
for the chinups, you’re too weak to do this advanced rou-
A: I recommend using a postexhaustion routine. Per- tine. The same goes for dips; it’s a nonsubstitution routine.
form a compound (multiple-joint) exercise that recruits a The 10 seconds’ rest between the close-grip chins and
lot of motor units, and follow it immediately with a supe- the incline dumbbell curls should be the time it takes you
rior isolation exercise that also taps into the motor-unit to go from the chinup bar to the incline bench. At the end
pool. Just the amount of delayed-onset muscle soreness of 10 seconds you should be curling the dumbbells. Keep
you’ll get from the routine on your first go will convince the 10-second rest interval strict. If you’re strong enough,
you of its effectiveness for building large, muscular arms. use additional weight tied to a chin-and-dip belt for extra
The routine looks like this: resistance.
For incline curls the lower the angle on the bench, the
Superset 1
greater the stretch placed on the long head of the biceps
A-1 Close-grip chins 4 x 4-6 reps, 4/0/1/0 tempo brachii. Be sure to fully supinate your hands in the bottom
A-2 Low-incline dumbbell position of the incline curls. Curl the dumbbells, keeping
curls 4 x 6-8 reps, 5/0/1/0 tempo your upper arms perpendicular to the floor for at least the
Rest 10 seconds between A-1 and A-2 first 90 degrees of elbow flexion. That’s to minimize anteri-
Rest three minutes between A-2 and A-1 or-deltoid recruitment. After 90 degrees, particularly if the
Want giant, jutting peaks and full, sweeping tri’s? Try postexhaustion supersets.
44 SEPTEMBER 2006 \
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Muscle-Training Program 83
From the IRON MAN Training & Research Center
by Steve Holman and Jonathan Lawson
Photography by Michael Neveux
s we discussed in our last example, one of our delt routines in line with the specificity concept,
installment, sear-factor was dumbbell upright rows, two one we’ve been experimenting with
training, or going for sets with three-minute rests and that’s giving us an exceptional surge
the burn, is very im- max-force-generating X Reps; then in size and strength.
portant during our rip- we’d follow with a double-drop As we’ve said numerous times,
ping phase. Achieving set—three back-to-back sets—on two keys to packing on size are max
that burn in the target muscle in- forward-lean laterals, a contracted- force and extended tension. What
creases growth hormone, which is a position exercise that provides if instead of combining those two
potent bodyfat blowtorch as well as continuous tension. in one workout, as we did in last
an anabolic-hormone amplifier—it After we’d been doing things month’s program, we attacked max
synergizes with testosterone, for that way for a while, however, we force at one workout and extended
example, to boost its size-building started thinking about specific- tension at the next? There’d be no
power. Nevertheless, max force, not ity. Specificity is more than just a performance interference or adap-
burn, has been our primary focus hard word to pronounce—it’s a tation confusion. In other words,
because of the intense anaerobic key muscle-training concept, and your muscle cells would need to
stress it brings—and anaerobic we were using it, to a degree. Max- cope with and recover from only
work produces the most hypertro- force generation was our specific one type of stress. As strength-train-
phy. goal up front, and we used the best ing researchers Vladimir Zatsiorsky,
That’s why in last month’s pro- exercises for that purpose—com- Ph.D., and William Kraemer, Ph.D.,
gram we began each bodypart rou- pound movements that place the put it in their new book Science and
tine with a big, basic, compound target muscle in the ergonomically Practice of Strength Training, Sec-
movement—usually the ultimate correct position to blast out reps ond Edition (Champaign, Illinois:
exercise identified in The Ultimate with extreme force (the ultimate Human Kinetics; 2006), “Training
Mass Workout e-book—using exercises). Then we shifted our em- adaptations are highly specific…and
straight sets and longer rests. After phasis to continuous tension, once the transfer of training gains can
that we transitioned into a single- again using specific exercises for differ greatly even in very similar
joint contracted-position exercise a specific goal—single-joint con- exercises.” As our latest research is
for continuous tension and drop tinuous tension moves to fuel the showing at the ITRC, it all depends
sets for the sear-factor effect—the fire. Now we’re thinking that there on how you train the exercise.
chisel-with-sizzle method. For may be a better way that’s more For example, certain types of
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This is Rob Thoburn’s
method (see page 140).
Basically, you take a
weight that allows
eight to 10 reps and
do a set, and then you
rest for 10 seconds, hit
it again, rest for 10 sec-
onds, and so on till you get
only one rep. It usually works
out to three to five sets, using the
same poundage on each.
DC Training
This is Dante’s method, and he recom-
mends using it on compound exercises. Take
a weight that allows 10 reps and do a set, rest
20 seconds, rep out with the same weight,
rest 20 seconds and rep out one last time. It’s
three sets with 20 seconds of rest after each,
all done with the same weight. Dante recom-
mends 20-second breaks to allow fatigue
products to clear from the muscle. Research
shows, however, that for max-force produc-
X Reps done tion you need 2 1/2 to three minutes after
at exhaustion each set to clear the fatigue products. That’s
extend the reason we consider both of these meth-
tension time ods to be rush-to-exhaustion techniques.
and trigger Because they call for very short rests be-
tween sets, they are less force oriented and
more force
more geared toward extended tension.
production The more endurance-oriented nature
in the target of those methods is one reason train-
muscle. ees get a surge in results when they
first try either of them—because
most trainees aren’t used to work-
ing the endurance components
of the fast-twitch 2A fibers.
Most bodybuilders do heavy
straight sets with tension times
that are too short to get at the
endurance components of
the 2As—six to eight reps at
a rapid pace causes a set to
last less than 20 seconds. If
they use a more endurance-
oriented method like DC
training or the ROB tech-
nique, the mitochondria
in the muscle cells and the
sarcoplasm and noncon-
tractile proteins that do not
directly contribute to the
production of muscle force
begin to develop, producing
some new hypertrophy. The hitch
is, if you use those methods exclusively,
your force production and anaerobic stimula-
tion may eventually suffer.
We like both methods, but we suggest using
dio may limit your recovery from your weight workouts, .com. IM
especially if it’s traumatic to the joints, like running. On the
Steve Holman
[email protected]
80 SEPTEMBER 2006 \
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Mr. Natural Olympia John Hansen’s
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protein each day. If you spread that over six meals, you’d be
Close-grip bench presses 12, 10, 8, 8
Pushdowns 4 x 15, 12, 12, 10
Cable extensions 3 x 12, 10, 10
Neveux \ Model: Ward El Idrise
ook at this one!” Randy was going lie’s Angels: Full Throttle” that costs 700 grand. Use
through the phase where he was your head, Randy. If those things really were just like
wowed by the marketing techniques steroids, why would so many people still risk getting
used in supplement ads. They’re de- fake drugs, getting ripped off and getting arrested
signed to downplay the impor- to buy steroids?” That one had my boy stumped. He
tance of hard training and eating flipped through a few more pages.
frequent nutritious meals—which can’t possibly “What about this one? These before and after pic-
have much of an impact on your results compared tures are pretty amazing.” I glanced, having seen that
to the latest wonder product. company’s ads about 10,000 times before.
“See? This one turns into Dianabol when you take “If the stuff works so great at making you gain
it.” He pointed to the product, which appeared right muscle and lose fat, riddle me this,” I said. “Why is
next to a bottle of actual Dianabol tablets, no doubt everyone in the before photos pale, hairy, slumped,
to entice those who are afraid to use illegal drugs totally relaxed and looking miserable, like their girl-
but who would buy them in a heartbeat if they were friend just left them for the Rock [my wife happens to
legal. drool over the Rock]? Then in the after shot they have
Randy was getting so excited, I thought he was a tan, the hair is shaved off, they’re flexing and have a
going to have an orgasm, and I didn’t want to be big goofy smile like they just had a steamy one-night
around for that. It was time to nip this chicanery in stand with J-Lo [I do more than drool over J-Lo]? And
the bud before Junior’s mind got warped any fur- why does it say at the bottom of every single after
ther. photo, so-and-so’s results not typical? If the stuff is
“Get real, Randy,” I said. “Anyone who has ever so great, how come we can’t expect to get results like
used steroids would try these things and demand any of the guys and girls in the ad?” Randy was silent,
his money back for false advertising. If these things as he was obviously seeing my point.
really worked like steroids, the FDA would have “Look,” I told him, “bodybuilders are so desper-
been on them like Kobe Bryant on a hot hotel desk ate to get an endorsement contract and get their
clerk.” pictures in the magazines that they will do just about
“But there’s a legal loophole: They convert in the anything. I have actually known guys who stopped
body to steroids!” I could tell my protégé had fallen training, stopped using steroids and ate a bunch of
for the bullshit hook, line and sinker. I sighed. crap to take a before picture in which they looked
“More like your money and all the money from like absolute dog shit. Then they would train hard
the other suckers is going to be converted to a shiny and eat properly, get back on all the juice and take
red Ferrari for the crook who sells this junk. Prob- the after pictures. You know what they would do with
ably the real cool one Demi Moore drives in “Char- those pictures?”
Supplements can
help, but they aren’t
magic bullets.
Randy shrugged. I put up my arm and relaxed it, just and the Easter Bunny weren’t real
“They would make many copies like the guy’s arm was in the first and that Martha Stewart wasn’t really
and send them along with a letter picture. as nice and sweet as she appeared to
to 10 or 20 different supplement “Before,” I said slowly. I flexed the be on her TV show.
companies, telling them about the arm. “After. That’s all he’s doing in “I am sure a lot of them have some
incredible results they experienced the two pictures, except it also looks effect but nothing like what they
with the company’s product—which like he stopped training for a couple want you to believe.”
in most cases they had never even months before he took the first pic- “So I shouldn’t use supplements?”
tried—and inquiring about the pos- ture. Who knows? It might not even Randy asked sullenly. “You use a lot
sibility of endorsing it or appearing be the same person’s arm.” of supplements. That time I was at
in the ads. Most of the time they Randy frowned and started shuf- your house your kitchen looked like
would just take the before pictures fling the pages again. a GNC franchise.”
when they started their diets for a “Look,” I thundered, “if you show “Of course you should use supple-
contest and then shoot the after me an ad for pills to make your Mr. ments, but only as a supplement to
photo once they were in top condi- Happy grow, I am going to roll that good eating and hard training. No
tion.” magazine up and beat you over the bodybuilder wants to admit for a
Randy wasn’t giving up just yet. head the way I would a dog that minute that maybe the reason he
He had one more ad. “Okay, check pees on the rug.” He put the maga- isn’t getting the results he wants is
this out. You know how a lot of guys zine down. simply because he doesn’t train hard
today are injecting synthol into their “I used to fall for those ads too, enough or eat right. That would be
arms?” believe me,” I confessed. “I don’t too painful, and he would have to as-
“Yes,” I said, ready to spit some know how much hard-earned cash sume some actual responsibility. In-
sarcasm, “and it usually looks so I blew on bogus supplements that stead, bodybuilders keep on looking
realistic that none of us suspect had slick ads, but it had to be a few for some magic supplement to fill in
their ridiculously out-of-proportion thousand bucks all told. I wanted to the gaps and catapult their bodies
lumpy arms and shoulders are full think that some pill or powder was into what they see in the magazines.
of coagulated MCT oil.” going to suddenly make this huge Show me a guy who trains his ass off
“This stuff does the same thing, difference and have me looking like and eats six nutritious meals a day
site enhancement, but you just rub Arnold in no time.” with no supplements, and then show
it on. Look at the guy’s arm before “So none of these things work?” me a guy who trains like a wuss and
and after.” I shook my head. Randy Randy was crestfallen. It was like I eats a couple junk food meals a day
wasn’t that stupid. I knew he wasn’t. had just told him that Santa Claus but uses a lot of supplements. The
Protein powder
works because your
muscles need a
continuous supply
of amino acids to
Those after
photos could
involve so-
called illegal
ow many repetitions should not get too picky here. Whether you
and performing them quickly, as I’ll prioritize muscle growth and high reps
explain below. are for strength endurance. Note that
For now let’s assume that the those are very broad generalizations,
average rep speed is about five and many factors come into play
seconds. Two seconds for the that can change the guidelines, such
concentric, or lifting, phase and three as past training history, makeup
seconds for the eccentric, or lowering, of muscle fibers and nutritional
phase. For most intermediate-to- status. Remember, many people are
advanced bodybuilders that’s a good exceptions to the rules, and you may
approximation of a standard rep. Let’s or may not be one of them.
Best of Both
One of the questions I
am commonly asked is,
How can trainees optimally
develop strength and size?
Let’s face it—most of us are
looking for gains in both
areas. Normally, the way to
do it is to perform workouts
focusing on strength for a
couple of weeks and then
switch to workouts focusing
on hypertrophy for a couple
of weeks, but guess what? I
want it all, and I bet you do
A favorite workout I
recommend is the classic
five-sets-of-five routine.
It’s an absolute blockbuster
that has been somewhat
forgotten recently thanks to
the newer training methods
being developed. Still, this
workout should be taken off
the shelf, dusted and given
a serious test drive often.
The reps are relatively low,
working the strength and
hypertrophy zones; however,
the volume is relatively
high, enabling you to deliver
plenty of stress to the
muscles. It’s a time-tested
workout designed to pack
on size while supercharging
strength levels. Here’s a
sample workout:
Bench presses, 5 x 5
Barbell curls, 5 x 5
Lateral raises, 2 x 8
Bent-over lateral
Model: Jay Cutler
raises, 2 x 8
The two main exercises
in the workout get the 5x5
scheme. For shoulder girdle
Bench presses, 1 x 12
Barbell curls, 1 x 12
From experience I know that
it’s best to use only two exercises
with this method. While that may
not seem like very much, you’re
subjecting the muscles to so many
different rep ranges, the workout
An Interview With Muscle-Training Researcher Rob Thoburn on His
Controversial Rest-Only-Briefly Mass-Building Method
by Jim Kimbrell, Ph.D. • Photography by Michael Neveux
lifter look bigger and leaner in less than executive and scientific adviser for Bio-
a week? That you could accomplish this engineered Supplements & Nutrition
with workouts of half an hour or less? (BSN) in Boca Raton, Florida. I work
Would you say the person telling you there as well, as the lead scientist. Rob’s
those things was crazy? training theories are very interesting
Before you dismiss those statements, and have scientific merit, so
read the following interview. There’s elaboration is in order.
is most suitable for? and ask for his or her approval first.
JK: Who is the ROB method RT: Males and females, 18 years
intended for? I get the feeling it and up. If you’re too young—or JK: When did you develop the
isn’t for total beginners. for any other reason your medical method?
RT: If you have at least one year doctor has told you to avoid lifting RT: In the early 1990s I began
of lifting experience under your belt, weights—then you can use the ROB experimenting with different rest-
then ROB is definitely worth trying. method doing bodyweight-only period lengths in my workouts. I
Give it a go for four weeks, and exercises, like pushups, free squats, came up with the name ROB in
watch your appearance change with abdominal crunches, leg lifts and so 2003. During one of my earliest
Ready, Set,
Model: Dave Liberman
less intense contraction. If you curls and calf raises have proven
More on Dumbbells could curl a 150-pound barbell for particularly effective.”
and Unilateral Training a maximum of one rep, you might Mike would remind you to
think that you’d be able to curl keep your purpose firmly in
Q: I train with free weights 75 pounds with each arm for one mind—that you’re a bodybuilder,
in my gym, using Mike’s rep. That’s not the case, however. not a weightlifter, and that your
Consolidated Routine. Many Because the nervous impulse is not primary purpose is not to hoist the
times I have to wait for the divided on a unilateral exercise, heaviest weights possible but to
barbell I want to become free, it’s greater, and the strength of the achieve maximum, high-intensity
as we have a lot of members at contraction is greater. So, if you contractions of the muscle or
my gym. Can I use dumbbells only curled one arm, you’d find muscles you are training to induce
on some of the exercises, or am that you could curl more than half optimum growth.
I better to wait until those guys the weight, maybe 85 pounds.
are finished with the barbell? Dumbbell training can be useful,
occasion I have my
clients train one side
of the body at a time.
Unilateral training is
quite effective, as it
enables you to get a
Neveux \ Model: Lee Apperson
stronger contraction.
When you train both
sides simultaneously,
the neurological
impulse is divided,
which results in a
stronger at every workout. Mike walked him through the reaching up, but nothing is being
Recently, however, my mass process: provided to them. You’re only eating
increases have plateaued. “You did effect a positive change enough to maintain the first story,
Have I reached the limit of my in your muscles, as evidenced by the existing mass. ”
genetic potential already? your tremendous strength increases. In your case, I would suspect
You’ve been training to failure, that your physique might be more
A: While it’s possible to fulfill your which is what nature requires linear—naturally more straight up
genetic potential—however good or you to do to activate the body’s and down—than round or muscular.
bad—within the first 12 months of growth mechanism. That in itself So you have a disadvantageous
training, I suspect that this is not the isn’t sufficient, however. Once it’s ratio of mass to surface area, or
case, since you’ve only been training activated, you must supply it with skin. At a Toronto seminar in 1981,
for six months. You might just the nutrition it requires to build new Mike explained that all physical
have stimulated more growth than tissue, something you’re not doing. organisms create heat relative
you’re allowing yourself to produce. Visualize the activated growth to their (continued on page 164)
In other words, you’ve placed a mechanism as a moving conveyor
demand with high-intensity training
to produce a size increase, but
belt. Now picture a number of little
men standing on that conveyor
Unilateral training
you may not be providing the raw
materials necessary for your body to
belt, reaching out. They’re reaching
for the nutritional and calorie
allows you to get a
respond to that demand optimally. ‘cement’ you need to build the stronger contraction
A client of Mike’s had made terrific second story, the new muscle mass.
increases in his strength but wasn’t If you continue to consume only a in the target
eating enough for his body to maintenance level of calories, you
produce much in the way of mass. frustrate those little men. They’re muscle.
Neveux \ Model: Tommi Thorvildsen
(continued from page 161) physical “Whales live in oceans because area for his mass. Therefore, more
mass and radiate it relative to their they have to. They have so much of his calorie energy is radiated into
surface area. “But as you get bigger physical mass that their surface the atmosphere than occurs with
and bigger,” he said, “your mass areas aren’t adequate to sufficiently other body types. Bodybuilders
increases at a greater rate than your radiate the heat their great mass with this body type usually have
surface area can radiate that heat. produces. Therefore, they have to to eat large quantities of food
And the first thing your calories are live in the cold water of the ocean, just to maintain a normal body
used for is to maintain body heat.” which can absorb the heat of their temperature.”
While Mike was referring to bodies. Otherwise, they’d overheat Whatever you’ve been eating is
calorie needs diminishing with and die. A linear-physique, or not enough to provide growth. My
a significant increase in muscle ectomorphic, bodybuilder would advice is that you establish your
mass, his point is relevant to your be at the other end of the spectrum. present average daily calorie intake
situation. As he put it: He has, in a sense, too much surface and increase it by 500. If after 10 to
14 days on the higher intake you
haven’t gained a pound or two,
Your neck increase your calories by another
muscles receive 300 to 500. When Mike’s clients
indicated a problem with gaining
an enormous weight, he often suggested that they
amount of start increasing their calories. If you
find some bodyfat creeping on to
stimulation from your physique, simply reduce your
a host of other calories a bit. You’ll find the “sweet
spot” that keeps fat off but allows
exercises. your body the calories it requires to
build the muscle you’ve stimulated.
(continued from page 164) champs— a folded towel on your forehead The Wisdom of Mike Mentzer, all of
have at least one weak bodypart. so that you can place a dumbbell which are available from Mentzer’s
None of it was the result of a lack horizontally across the top. In official Web site, www.MikeMentzer
of concern for those bodyparts; essence, you’ll be doing neck curls. .com.
they were simply born with less Allow your head and neck to extend John Little is available for phone
muscle fiber density in those fully over the edge of the bench, consultation on Mike Mentzer’s
areas. This, I suspect, is the source and then raise them as high as you Heavy Duty training system. For
of your problem with your neck can. Perform one set for six to 10 rates and information, contact
and forearms. Neither Mike nor I reps at every second or third back Joanne Sharkey at (310) 316-4519 or
often prescribe any direct neck or workout.” at, or see
forearm exercises for our clients, as the ad on the opposite page.
those muscles receive an enormous Editor’s note: For a complete Article copyright © 2006, John
amount of stimulation from a host presentation of Mike Mentzer’s Little. All rights reserved. Mike Ment-
of other exercises. Mike gave shrugs Heavy Duty training system, zer quotations provided courtesy
and deadlifts as examples: consult his books Heavy Duty II, of Joanne Sharkey and used with
“A few years ago I had a client High Intensity Training the Mike permission. IM
who made remarkable progress Mentzer Way and the newest book,
with all of his major muscles, but
his best progress was in the area
of his neck—for which he did no
direct exercises—and all he did
was shrugs and deadlifts. That’s
Forearms are
an interesting point that should probably the most
impress the advocates of volume
training, as it demonstrates worked—and
how little direct high-intensity
resistance exercise is required for overworked—
optimal results.”
A similar situation exists with the
muscle group of
forearms, which are probably the the entire body,
most worked—and overworked—
muscle group of the entire body, as as they’re directly
they’re directly involved in almost
every exercise. When you perform
involved in almost
curls, pulldowns, rows and shrugs, every exercise.
your forearms receive enormous
stimulation, often giving out before
the primary muscle you’re working.
My advice for now is to forget
about direct forearm and neck
work. Genetically weaker muscles
rarely reach full parity with the
remainder of the musculature.
Also, you’ve only been training
for six months. Over time, as you
regularly impose high-intensity
training stresses on your major
muscles, your neck and forearms
will gain mass. Be patient. If the
problem persists after another
More High-Intensity Q & As
hat limits muscular In short, it helps to soak up acid supplements. He is currently the
gains? Certainly, not produced during hard training, acid chief science officer of Natural
training hard enough that inhibits energy production in Alternatives International in San
will prevent you from working muscle. Marcos, California.
progressing at an acceptable rate. The primary muscle-buffering
Not paying enough attention to substance is called L-carnosine. It’s JB: What is beta-alanine, and
diet will also inhibit rapid size and a dipeptide, consisting of two amino how does it work in the body?
strength gains. On a more elemental acids—beta-alanine and histidine— JW: It’s an amino acid that isn’t
level, however, muscle fatigue puts bonded together. Several studies involved in structural proteins.
a major damper on muscle growth. clearly show that the limiting factor It combines with another amino
The actual causes of muscle fatigue for carnosine synthesis in muscle is acid, histidine, to form a dipeptide
during training can vary, from a lack beta-alanine. that serves as a buffer in muscle.
of sufficient carbs and calories to Beta-alanine is a comparatively In human muscle the dipeptide
dehydration. The most familiar sign obscure nutrient and is one of the combination of beta-alanine and
of impending fatigue during any few known “beta” amino acids. histidine is called L-carnosine.
particular set, however, is an intense Other amino acids are “alpha”
burning sensation in the trained amino acids and are found in the JB: Can the body synthesize
Neveux \ Photo Design by Aldrich Bonifacio \ Model: Berry Kabov
Free download from
(continued from page 176) and caffeine along with the
JB: Since carnosine consists JB: Some new supplements beta-alanine in the belief
of beta-alanine and histidine contain both beta-alanine and that carbs and caffeine are
bonded together, wouldn’t histidine. Does that serve any synergistic with it and make it
taking extra histidine also lead purpose other than looking work better. Any truth to that?
to increased muscle carnosine? good on the label? JW: Simple carbs, such as
JW: No, because histidine is JW: Adding histidine to a glucose, can increase the uptake
used in protein synthesis reactions supplement that already contains of beta-alanine into muscle. The
throughout the body, and increasing beta-alanine is superfluous. It’s effect relates to increased insulin
it merely leads to increased amino similar to adding L-arginine, secretion induced by the simple
acid competition. On the other a precursor of creatine, to a sugars. Insulin promotes the entry
hand, beta-alanine is not involved supplement that contains creatine. of all amino acids—including beta-
in protein synthesis reactions and alanine—into muscle. Caffeine has
thus would directly be used for JB: Some companies also its own ergogenic effect, but that is
carnosine synthesis in muscle. include simple carbohydrates independent of the effect of beta-
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“By increasing muscle
levels of carnosine, beta-
alanine use allows you to
train harder and longer
before fatigue sets in.”
Model: Todd Smith
Using a beta-alanine supplement JB: Does it work better for such as chicken, turkey and shrimp.
leads to a rapid increase in blood men than it does for women?
beta-alanine, but that also drops JW: We’ve done several studies JB: Since some studies show
quickly, too. Based on that, we feel featuring both male and female that bodybuilders usually have
that taking several small doses is subjects, and no gender difference elevated muscle carnosine
more effective—two to four times is apparent in the results. We are levels, why would they need to
a day. The most efficacious dose is now conducting a new study that use a beta-alanine supplement?
about one to 1 1/2 grams taken two specifically examines the effects JW: Our studies have clearly
to four times a day. Taking more of beta-alanine in women, so we shown that even in trained
than the suggested doses doesn’t should know more about that soon. athletes who have elevated muscle
seem to increase the beneficial carnosine levels, you can still
effects of beta-alanine. JB: Some studies show increase carnosine further by using
that creatine works better in beta-alanine supplements. This
JB: Is there an optimal time younger people. Does that also would translate into a significant
to take the supplements? apply to beta-alanine? performance gain, even for world-
JW: Our studies don’t point to JW: Some data show that class or champion athletes.
any particular optimal time. The carnosine levels in the body drop as
important thing is supplementing you get older. Increasing carnosine JB: Are there any stimulant
over time so that you get increased levels through supplemental beta- effects, such as those linked
carnosine in the muscle. alanine use may be even more to other supplements like
effective for those over age 40, in ephedrine and caffeine, with
JB: Are there any side effects whom carnosine levels are often beta-alanine?
linked to using beta-alanine? lower. JW: No.
JW: Compared to creatine, there
is no increase in hydration, or JB: What about teenagers JB: Does beta-alanine
water retention, when using beta- and younger people? Is beta- interact with other
alanine supplements. The only alanine safe and effective for supplements? Should it be
side effect we’ve found is a slight that age group? taken alone?
flushing effect that’s similar to, but JW: The beta-alanine safety JW: In the studies conducted
on a smaller scale than, what the profile is similar to that of creatine thus far, beta-alanine has been
B-complex vitamin niacin causes. (hundreds of studies found no ingested only with simple sugars,
That happens mainly when larger adverse effects with normal use). nothing else. Mixing beta-alanine
doses are used. For those who Another thing to consider is that in a protein shake would probably
find the effect uncomfortable, more creatine and beta-alanine can not be a good idea. That relates to
taking smaller doses more often be gotten through diet. Thus, we’re competition for absorption into the
eliminates it. Taking beta-alanine not talking about pharmacological body among various amino acids
with simple sugars also blocks the levels but rather physiological levels that use the same transport system
flush effect. that are contained in various foods, to get into cells and muscle cells.
“Carnosine can
serve as an
antioxidant, so it
can have anti-aging
effects. Carnosine
levels do decrease
with age.”
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to New Gains
The Forgotten Resistance
Exercise Can Rip You Up
and Take Your Lower-
Body Development
to a New Level
by Dwayne Hines II
ers. Sprinting provides a terrific leg local gym, you’ll have to extend Sprint-
workout. In fact, sprinting is one of your borders. Fortunately you can ing
the top ways to work all of the leg do it for free—the best sprinting should
muscles, especially the hamstrings. venue is the local track. Check your be ap-
The next time you’re channel surf- neighborhood for a middle school, proached in the same manner as
ing with your TV remote in hand, junior high, high school or college. weight training: Begin by stretching
stop when you see some sort of and warming up before moving on to
track meet and check out the hams the main course. Former collegiate
on those sprinters. The glutes get a sprinter Mark Young points out, “If a
great workout as well. Sprinting should person has done no substantial run-
Personal trainer Paige Waehner
notes, “Do you watch the Olympics?
be approached in ning in the recent past, then he or she
needs to build a good base. The key
If so, you’ve probably noticed that
sprinters have muscular legs and
the same manner is to always start out very gradually,
and slowly work your way up to full
tiny butts. The reason is because of
all the sprinting they do during their
as weight training: sprinting speed over several weeks
or months. Starting out too quickly
When it comes to the benefits of
Begin by stretching is where you run into injuries. Log
some miles on the road three times
sprinting, consider this: When was
the last time you saw a fat sprinter?
and warming up a week for three weeks or so [before
starting the sprinting workouts].”
Yeah, stair climbing, power walking before moving on Once you have that base of endur-
and stationary biking all burn the fat ance built up a bit, start your first
off—eventually. Sprinting gets it off to the main course. sprinting session by jogging a half
• Methyl LEAN™
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For your initial workout perform where you are performing several
three sprints of 40 yards at approxi- sprints in the 50-to-100-yard range
mately 65 percent of your estimated at intensity levels varying from 70
maximum effort, and then call it percent up to 100 percent at each
a day. It’s important to ease into workout.
sprinting, so gradually increase the From that point you can move
difficulty of the workout from that on to longer sprints. Young points
base beginning session. Build up out that the first forays into the
by increasing the number of sprints range of 50-to-200 yards “should
you perform, the distance and the not be done anywhere close to
effort you put into them. Over the full speed. When beginning, they
course of the next two to three should be done at half speed at
months aim at getting to the point most. The speed can be increased
as strength increases and fitness
improves.” Young recommends
working up to sprints of 2x50
How often should meters, 3x100 meters and 3x200
you sprint? One How often should you sprint?
One session a week will work great,
session a week especially if you’re weight training
and also doing some cardiovascu-
will work great, lar, or aerobic, training. A session a
especially if you’re week will work the legs thoroughly
and keep the glutes and hams
weight training and tight, as well as leave room for the
growth and repair necessary from
also doing some your weight workouts.
Sprinting is a great way to take
cardio training. your legs to the next level, trim fat
off your physique and tighten up
Remember, your glutes to boot. If you’re look-
ing for some hot new exercise,
sprinting is taxing don’t overlook the potential pow-
erhouse results you can get from
leg work. sprinting. IM
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Metabolic Syndrome
suffer from an excess of cortisol, acids but also impairs the activity work with cortisol to break down
an adrenal hormone, have the of the main enzyme required for muscle. TNF-a is secreted from
disease Cushing’s syndrome. One glycogen synthesis in muscle. macrophages, or immune cells,
of its characteristics is an increase Those with insulin resistance have located in visceral fat. Interestingly,
of fat stores, especially in the more cortisol receptors in muscle, TNF-a actually stimulates fat
central, or trunk, area of the body. implying that insulin resistance breakdown, or lipolysis, but it’s
Many aspects of the metabolic may be related to increased muscle linked to elevated insulin levels,
syndrome resemble Cushing’s catabolism. insulin resistance and higher
disease, including the excess fat •Free fatty acids. Obese people blood pressure, all of which cancel
in the gut area. Excess cortisol is show elevated blood levels of free lipolysis. Excess TNF-a is also
linked to obesity because it turns fatty acids, mainly coming from linked to cardiovascular disease.
out that fat cells contain the enzyme visceral fat. That promotes excess Other adipokines associated with
that converts inactive cortisone insulin secretion, which itself results inflammation include interleukin-6,
into active cortisol. That leads to in increased bodyfat.11 Excess plasminogen-activator inhibitor-1
locally enhanced cortisol activity in free fatty acids also blunt growth and angiotensin.
fat cells. Rats that are bred to lack hormone release, explaining why The good news is that visceral fat
the cortisone-to-cortisol enzyme obese people show less growth can be reduced through exercise
in fat cells show smaller visceral hormone response. A sustained and diet, mainly because it’s more
fat depots, which translates into elevation of insulin induced by metabolically active than other
less chance of having metabolic free fatty acids leads to the death forms of bodyfat. Keep in mind that
syndrome. of beta cells in the pancreas, fat begets fat. Excess bodyfat leads
Cortisol interferes with the where insulin is produced. Result: to insulin resistance and higher
actions of other hormones, diabetes. Elevated FFAs can produce levels of insulin, which promote
including growth hormone, insulin resistance in muscle and bodyfat. Fatter people release higher
testosterone and insulin, inhibiting liver as well. They induce oxidative levels of FFAs, which interfere with
the release of insulin from the stress and promote elevations in insulin activity, leading to insulin
pancreas, which itself leads to the inflammatory adipokines.12 resistance.
insulin resistance. In muscle, FFAs also impair vascular function, Continuous release of fat
cortisol not only breaks down amino which can result in cardiovascular interferes with the muscles’ using
mortality. glucose as a source of energy.
A hypothesis suggests that The excess glucose, in turn, leads
once the level of subcutaneous to higher insulin levels, with the
fat is saturated, fat cells release glucose shunted into fat deposits.
adipokines that block further fat Insulin promotes fat storage by
synthesis. So instead of being stored increasing the activity of the fat
in fat cells, the fatty acids get into cell enzyme lipoprotein lipase
the blood, then deposited in various while blunting the activity of the
organs, limiting organ function. A fat-releasing enzyme, hormone-
fatty liver’s levels of blood lipids can sensitive lipase. Obese insulin-
lead to cardiovascular disease. In insensitive rats still respond
muscle excess fatty acids interfere to insulin’s lipoprotein lipase-
with glucose uptake, resulting in promoting activity.
insulin resistance. One reason
weight training relieves insulin
resistance is that larger muscles
have a greater capacity to store as
well as burn fat. That makes insulin
work better and helps prevent
both the metabolic syndrome
and diabetes.13
•Tumor necrosis
factor-alpha. TNF-a is a pro-
inflammatory adipokine that
stimulates the release of other
inflammatory mediators, which
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as well as SHBG. Some studies, are associated with a twofold that composes HDL, and it lowers
however, show that lower levels of to fourfold increased risk of elevated triglycerides through
SHBG predict metabolic syndrome developing metabolic syndrome increasing insulin sensitivity and
in both men and women.15 That in middle-aged, nonobese men.16 fostering lower bodyfat levels. On
makes sense because insulin is Giving them testosterone can the other hand, giving testosterone
known to lower SHBG. directly influence that by helping also lowers SHBG.
Another study found that low prevent it. For example, it increases Estrogen promotes fat deposition,
SHBG and total testosterone levels the liver production of the protein not in the gut but in the lower body,
much to the chagrin of many
women. But fat located in those
areas stays where it is and
doesn’t affect body metabolism.
Even so, a deficiency of
estrogen in women produces
many of the same effects as
the metabolic syndrome,
such as an unhealthy lipid
profile. Some studies show that
estrogen in women may help
control the level of visceral fat.
Obesity in women is linked to
estrogen-related breast cancer
onset. Excess insulin increases
estrogen activity through
decreasing SHBG, which binds
estrogen as well as testosterone
in the blood. Insulin also
promotes the conversion of
androgens in women into
The Exercise
Fortunately, visceral fat is
highly subject to oxidation, or
burning, and thus is the first
to go when you exercise and
diet. A number of studies have
confirmed that cardiovascular
fitness has an inverse
relationship with the level of
visceral fat and, subsequently,
metabolic syndrome.17 The
effect of exercise is so potent
that it overcomes the negative
One study found that aspects of metabolic syndrome,
the risk of dying from even in the presence of excess
visceral fat.
the cardiovascular In a study reported in the
complications of July 2005 issue of the journal
Circulation, 10,498 subjects
metabolic syndrome were evaluated for their
level of physical fitness, then
was high, but the checked again five years later
Neveux \ Model: Tamer Elshahat
Muscular strength
was found to
protect both normal
and overweight
men over a broad
age range.
Neveux \ Model: Rehan Jalali
interactions (one to six grams daily). bood-lipid-lowering nutrient, but foods that causes a huge increase
•Lipoic acid, or ALA, lowers only in doses of 1,000 milligrams a in blood triglyceride levels and gets
elevated glucose independently day or more. shunted directly into visceral fat
of insulin and works as an •Avoid processed carbs, such stores. The same is true for trans
antioxidant in fat and water- as high-fructose corn syrup, a fats, which lower HDL and increase
soluble environments. Lipoic common ingredient in processed LDL, thus making a bad situation
acid helps recirculate
other antioxidants, such
as vitamins C and E,
after they’ve oxidized.
It increases levels of the
important built-in anti- Fit women showed
inflammatory antioxidant a 20 percent lower
glutathione. The optimal
dose is 600 milligrams daily. risk, while highly
Divide the doses, since ALA
lasts only about one to two
fit women showed
hours in the blood. a 63 percent lower
•Several supplements
can help safely reduce risk of developing
elevated blood fats. They
include policosanol (20
metabolic syndrome.
milligrams daily); plant
sterol supplements (taken
with food, they prevent
cholesterol absorption);
and omega-3 fats found
in fish oil, which can
lower elevated blood
triglycerides by 60 percent.
Red yeast rice extract
contains lovastatin and
other substances that lower
blood cholesterol. A rat-
based study showed that
eating a diet containing
1 percent green tea,
which would be the
equivalent of drinking
about 800 milliliters of
green tea daily, reduced
cholesterol absorption by
37 percent. Tocotrienols, a
type of vitamin E, inhibit
cholesterol synthesis in
the liver much as statin
drugs do minus the side
effects; gamma and delta
tocotrienols are 30 times
more effective than the
alpha version. (By the way,
since vitamin E, as alpha-
tocopherol, interferes
with the lipid-lowering
effects of tocotrienols,
you should separate your
Neveux \ Model: Jennifer Micheli
role of saturation of fat depots in the A place for dietary fiber in the
pathogenesis of insulin resistance. management of the metabolic syn-
Med Hyptheses. 66(4):763-768. drome. Curr Opin Clin Nutrition
14 (2005). Hypogonadism and Metabolic Care. 8:636-640.
metabolic syndrome: implications 26 Sahyoun, N.R., et al. (2006).
ay aerobics to most bodybuilders, and you’ll usually get one of the following
responses: eyes rolled skyward, grudging concessions that aerobic work is
important for health (but not bodybuilding), some minimal enthusiasm for
cycling or running as a means of cutting up.
None of those represents The Truth. The truth is, aerobic training is es-
sential to the foundation of a high-intensity, mass-building, bomb-blasting
burnout of a workout. Here’s why.
For example, when you run, the however, indicates that aerobic once you are convinced that aero-
anaerobic process supplies the processes may play a greater role in bic capacity is essential for a great
energy at first, until your heart and energy production earlier on than weight workout, you will wonder,
lungs get up to speed. Then the was previously thought. It suggests as I did, if you can make the aerobic
aerobic system takes over and sup- that those athletes whose events are part of your training more intense
plies most of the energy—as long almost entirely anaerobic—such as by carrying weights while you do it.
as you are running slowly enough bodybuilders—ought not ignore the Let’s see if that’s true.
that it can handle the demand. If benefits of aerobic training to their Performing endurance exercises
you suddenly sprint, the anaerobic performance. The bottom line: If with the addition of weights has
mechanism steps back in to handle you’re gonna lift, you’d better run long been a method of increas-
a greater part of the load. for it! ing the intensity of a workout. The
increase in intensity depends on
Little Did They Know… To Weight or Not to the amount of weight and where
you position it: Heavy loads cause
It has been assumed for years a greater increase than light loads;
that since weightlifting primarily I assume that most people read- loads on the feet cause a much
involves the anaerobic process, a ing this love lifting as much as I greater increase than loads in the
bodybuilder’s do. So it seems hands, at least for workouts involv-
aerobic condi- inevitable that ing primarily leg work, such as run-
tion doesn’t im-
pose much of
a limitation on
his or her lifting
One study calls
that belief into
elite male
average age
22.5 years,
were tested to
determine their
maximal oxy-
gen uptake, a
measure of aer-
obic capacity.
The subjects’ anaerobic power was
also determined by having them
pedal a bicyle ergometer (stationary
bike) against extreme resistance for
60 seconds. Power was measured at
15-second intervals.
The results showed a significant
correlation between maximal oxy-
gen uptake and anaerobic power
after the first 30 seconds. In other
words, the athletes’ aerobic capac-
ity was significantly related to their
ability to perform what is consid-
ered to be primarily an anaerobic
What does that mean? It’s been The results showed
generally thought that energy pro- a significant
duction due to aerobic processes correlation
doesn’t really contribute until at between maximal
least two minutes into maximal oxygen uptake and
Model: Sebastion Segal
e’re always reading understand how muscles function. an exercise with zero resistance at
magazines and train- The peak-contracted point is the peak-contracted position (the
ing journals, searching actually where the muscle doesn’t top), after a layoff. We guarantee
for ways to build mass fire effectively. Why? According to that you will be extremely sore at
faster. That hunger for Steven J. Fleck, Ph.D., and William the pecs’ insertion points, the inner
information has made J. Kraemer, Ph.D., two of the most segment of the muscle. We know
our workouts much more efficient respected researchers in the mus- that from painful experience (see
on lots of different levels—helping cle-science game, at that peak-con- our X-Rep-Hybrid Mega-Mass Pro-
us develop X Reps and X-hybrid traction point there’s less tension gram in the Beyond X-Rep Muscle
techniques, for example. “because with excessive shortening Building e-book, www
But sometimes we read things there is an overlap of actin filaments
that make us shake our heads. That’s so that the actin filaments interfere Our contention is that stretch-
because a number of so-called facts with each other’s ability to con- position overload, with X Reps
are pure myth, passed down with tact the myosin crossbridges. Less or X-hybrid techniques, will help
hardly any rational thought. Sepa- crossbridge contact with the active insertion-point development of
rating the myths from the truths can sites on the actin results in a smaller any muscle (not to mention other
help you get a bigger, more detailed potential to develop tension.” mass-building benefits). Another
physique much faster, and that’s a In other words, in the peak-con- good example is pullovers or even
good thing (who the hell wants to tracted position—say, at the bottom undergrip pulldowns, both of which
waste time in the gym?). Here’s a of a cable crossover or the top of a provide more lat stretch than regu-
good example... leg extension—the fibers are very lar pulldowns. Those two exercises
One of the more common beliefs bunched up, so much so that they tend to cause the lower lats to jut
is that the peak-contracted position can’t produce as much tension as out more—like Frank Zane’s in his
of certain exercises produces detail when the muscle is more stretched, legendary vacuum pose.
and development at the insertion of or elongated. That’s why X-Rep pari- Can you get that key insertion-
a muscle. In other words, the flexed tals work best at the semistretched point stress with X Reps on com-
position of a cable crossover or pec point, but it’s also why hitting the pound exercises? That depends on
Model: Mike Morris
deck exercise etches the inner pecs, muscle with resistance at the stretch the exercise. For example, X Reps
where the muscle inserts on, or point will beef it up at its insertion done at the end of a set of bench
attaches to, the breastbone. On the (inner pecs, for example). presses overload the semistretched
surface that makes sense—till you Let’s say you do dumbbell flyes, point near the bottom, providing
the fibers are very bunched up, so tonlike action with X Reps and DXO.
much so that they can’t produce as Try it and see for yourself. It could
much tension as when the muscle put some new freak on your phy-
is more stretched, or elongated. sique!
Soy, Muscles to peak one to two hours after you eat soy, although the
major peak occurs after four to six hours. The half-life, or
and Hormones
time it takes to eliminate half the initial dose, is four to
eight hours.
From a bodybuilding standpoint the main concern is
that soy may interfere with other hormones, such as thy-
roid and testosterone. Testosterone is a major anabolic
The three primary supplemental proteins bodybuilders hormone, while thyroid hormones control the metabolic
use are whey, whey-and-casein combinations and soy. Of rate. Too much thyroid can lead to muscle catabolism, and
the three, soy is by far the most controversial. Soy contains too little thyroid output makes dieting difficult because it
active substances called isoflavones, such as genistin and blunts the rate of fat loss.
diadzin, that are also known as phytoestrogens, or plant Animal studies show that soy interferes with enzymes
estrogens. They are so named because of their structural involved in the synthesis of thyroid hormone. That re-
resemblance to estrogen. They confer certain health ben- search has been extended to human use of thyroid, but a
efits, such as decreased incidence of breast and prostate recent review of human studies found that soy or isofla-
cancers, but some people feel that the estrogenlike com- vone had no effect on thyroid function in healthy adults.1
ponents of soy can produce negative estrogenic effects, If anything, soy appears to increase the level of T4 thyroid
such as water retention. hormone in the body. It may, however, interfere with the
Each gram of soy protein contains three to four mil- absorption of thyroid drugs if taken concurrently. The
ligrams of isoflavones. Blood levels of isoflavones begin simple solution is to take soy at a different time.
Soy still may interfere with thyroid function under two
conditions. The first involves an existing problem, such as
hypothyroid, or low thyroid output, that’s not being treat-
ed by thyroid drugs. The second condition is a deficiency
Soy has positive
of the trace mineral iodine, which the body requires for
health benefits
the synthesis of thyroid hormones. The likelihood that
and appears to
most people in the United States have an iodine defi-
have no effect
ciency is remote. Seafood and iodized salt are common
on testosterone
sources of iodine, and most food supplements contain it.
levels if you also
The notion that soy interferes with testosterone me-
get protein from
tabolism stems from animal research, plus a few human-
other sources.
based studies. Studies with monkeys show that feeding
infant monkeys soy lowers testosterone levels—but that
doesn’t happen with adult monkeys. Some rat studies
show that soy lowers testosterone, others that it increases
testosterone. Studies with young men did show a minor
lowering of testosterone, but the effect was transient and
occurred only with a low-isoflavone soy protein, which
is curious because the isoflavones are thought to be the
active ingredients. Those who took a high-isoflavone soy
protein experienced no change in testosterone levels.
The latest study to examine the issue featured subjects
who were given a high-isoflavone soy protein supple-
ment, a vanilla whey protein supplement or a placebo,
vanilla cake mix.2 The subjects used the substances over
four weeks.
Only the soy protein provided an antioxidant effect,
while none of the proteins (or the cake mix) lowered
testosterone levels in any of the subjects. The authors
suggest that a particular amino acid pattern in soy was
responsible for the lowered testosterone levels found in
earlier studies, which would not occur if other proteins
were also ingested.
If you find something on the Web that IM readers should know about, send the URL to Eric at [email protected].
Here’s a site for you photo freaks. If you like to
browse images of bodybuilders for inspiration, post
on message boards or convert to a screen saver for
your PC, it’s a site made for you! Although not all of
the photo galleries are complete yet, you can easily
access hundreds upon hundreds of photos of ev-
eryone from Reg Park to Boyer Coe, Samir Bannout
to Dorian Yates—even current Mr. Olympia Ronnie
Coleman. And if you’re a fan of the legendary Arnold
Schwarzenegger, as I am, then this is your one-stop
shop of classic images (some of which belong to IM
publisher John Balik). Nearly 4,500 pics of the gover-
nor are available on the site, many of which you may
never have seen before: posing shots, gym pictures,
magazine covers, movie images and even a gallery
dedicated to the dozens of drawings, cartoons and
paintings that have been done of the man over the
years. It took me almost an hour to view them all. So
if you’re a fan of any era of bodybuilding, from the
classical lines of the ’50s and ’60 to the monstrous
freaks of today, you’re bound to find tons of pictures
of your favorites.
As an IRON MAN reader you
have as your goal building a big-
ger, stronger, leaner and healthier
body. You obviously need to pay a
tremendous amount of attention to
your diet. One of the most impor-
tant considerations when planning while taking up only half the time in the gym.
your menu should be the glycemic And that’s not all. Dave provides great
index (G.I.) and glycemic load (G.L.) of the carbohydrates that you information on how to use food and supple-
eat. According to, “Not all carbohydrate foods ments for weight gain, fat loss and general
are created equal; in fact they behave quite differently in our bod- health. He even shows you what his daily
ies.” The types and amounts of carbohydrates you take in daily
menu looks like, in case you want to forge
can have great implications for muscle growth, fat gain or loss and
your physique into classic proportions, as
conditions such as heart disease and diabetes. The site will help
you understand the glycemic index and how it’s determined, as well he did. Another great feature is free access
as teach you the difference between the index and the glycemic to his discussion forum, where you can
load. You simply type in the name of just about any food, and the interact with other bodybuilders—perhaps
site’s database retrieves all the information you need, including the even Dave himself. However, my favorite
G.I., serving size, carbohydrate per serving size and G.L. The G.I. part of the site has to be his gallery of im-
newsletter helps keep you up to date on any new happenings in ages, magazine covers, articles and more.
the world of carbohydrates and provides you with a low-G.I. “food I’d forgotten just how amazing and ahead of
of the month” and even low-G.I. recipes. Now, if you’ll excuse me, its time Dave’s physique was until I viewed
my blood sugar is running a little low. I’d love to snack on some all of the photos of this bodybuilding legend!
Gummi Bears right now, but after poring over the site, it looks like
Enjoy! IM
I’ll be chowing down some brown rice and veggies.
Wanna Bet?
Heath Wins Again; Ray Cleans
Up in Kamali Sweepstakes
With his victory over Darrem Charles at the New York
Pro in on May 20, Phil Heath remained unbeaten. According
to many who attended the event, this one was much closer
than Heath’s win seven days before at the Shawn Ray Colo-
rado Pro. David Henry continued to make me look good for
choosing him as the winner of my Most Overlooked award for
2005, adding an impressive fourth-place finish in the Big Apple,
Illustration by Aldrich Bonifacio
Hollywood ADD DVDS: DUGDALE HITS THE MARK—In the spirit of
Photos courtesy of
control to our customers,” said CEO Ryan DeLuca. “Our focus is
on industry-leading initiatives and products that enable our custom-
ers to get what they want, when they want it.” Coleman’s winners: Natosha Green, Eric
The corporation continues to be at the center of cutting-edge proj- Underwood and Jenetta Thompson.
ects that let bodybuilding fans follow the sport as never before—
including the above-mentioned radio show, live event Webcasts,
sponsoring the Fan’s Choice Award at pro shows and providing
up-to-the-minute contest results.
Next on tap is another Celebrity Look-alike contest, with the
winner getting a one-hour shopping spree at the Boise ware-
house (there’s another facility in Tallahassee, Florida). And, no,
DeLuca family members are not allowed to enter, since big daddy
Russ dominated last year’s votes thanks to his uncanny resem-
blance to Richard Gere.
Check out the mega-site at, and be How suite it was!
sure to read about what Russ, Ryan,
Chick, Timea Majorova and Chris-
tina Lindley were doing at an exclusive
Hollywood mansion prior to the “MTV
Movie Awards.” Hey, Russ, did you get
any work as a Gere double?
Reyes. Hatch. Contest Updates
lier reports that Dexter Jackson would be sitting out his second Mr.
Olympia competition in a row, news came out in early June that the Blade
would be slicing and dicing on the New Orleans Arena stage on Septem-
ber 29 and 30. Although many folks felt Dexter passed on the 2005 affair
because he lost a slot in the final placings (and 10 grand) to Gustavo
Badell, thanks to the now-deceased challenge round, in ’04, Jackson
said the break was necessary—he’d been competing a lot and needed a
The ’04 IRON MAN Pro champ and winner of back-to-back Arnold
Classic titles is one of the greats in the game and belongs in the Big
Show. Good news for fans—and promoter AMI—alike.
Mike Glass, Brenda Kelly.… Hey, if I listed all the name players who
were there, it would take up this whole column.
Congrats to overall winners Kim Torgersen in the men’s bodybuild-
ing competition, Marthe Sundby in the women’s bodybuilding division
and Hege Mathison in figure. Torgersen beat Prinston Martyn for
the overall, and you already know what I think of Martyn’s physique, so
Kim’s accomplishment speaks for itself.
Mickey Hargitay, Samir “the Lion” Bannout and Glenn Sundby
were the latest inductees into the Muscle Beach Hall of Fame; and, yes,
Mickey’s famous daughter, Mariska, just weeks away from delivering her
first child, was on hand to cheer on her dad.
Good job, Joe. Things were smokin’, for sure.
Passings: Ed Kawak
Sad news came in late May that Ed Kawak
Sundby. Mathison. had passed away in China at the age of 47 from a
heart attack. Kawak, of Lebanese descent, was a
5’7”, 240-pound-
er who had gobs
of thick muscle—
and great abs for
a guy with that
much beef. He
last competed in
To contact Lonnie
the ’99 Masters Teper about material
Olympia. possibly pertinent to
According to News & Views, write
reports, Kawak to 1613 Chelsea
leaves a daughter Road, #266, San
and one brother. Marino, CA 91108;
IM fax to (626) 289-7949;
or send e-mail to
Muscle Viviana Soldano Stars in a
Dramatic Desert Display
Photography by Bill Dobbins,
he Mojave Desert is a nice place to cope with the harsh conditions—but I
visit—but I wouldn’t want to live was wrong. No matter how far we had to
there. At least, not when it’s 112 walk in soft sand or how many hills we
degrees at 6 p.m., as it was the day I drove had to climb, Viviana made no complaint
figure model Viviana Soldano out into and showed no signs of discomfort or
the Mojave to take photos. Viviana had slacking of energy.
called me and asked if I wanted to do a Nor did she object to getting up at 4
desert shoot for my Web site and hers a.m. to do her makeup the next day. At
( I went on the 5:30 she was knocking on my motel-room
Internet and looked at the weather report. door ready and eager to work. It was
Supposedly, the temperature at the cooler in the morning, but we ended up
location I selected would be 95 degrees— doing a lot more climbing. By 10 a.m. we
hot but bearable. When we got there, were finished, ready for breakfast and the
however, I checked the temperature as drive back to L.A.
I negotiated the tricky switchback road Superenergetic as she was, Viviana
up and down the steep mountain slopes napped the whole way back. Not
in my four-wheel-drive truck. Yikes! The surprising, as desert-location work is
heat had climbed into triple digits. tough—models are rarely awake and
Viviana is an NPC figure competitor talking on the trip home. Well, that’s why
originally from Genoa, Italy, so I was they invented satellite radio.
concerned that she wouldn’t be able to —Bill Dobbins
es Hal-
the ba- (right)
C judge Ken Taylor
sics of Important guys. NP awi, whose compan
being a s Ab bas Mo uss
introduce ple
booth ht Sup ple me nts , put up the last cou
Pro Fig y to
promoter Jon Lindsa
babe. grand that enabled to five placings in
the mo ney pri zes
We like that.
the pro figure show.
National Enquirer and Star, didn’t just buy the magazines; he bought a
is making the move “as part half interest in Joe Weider’s Mr. Olympia
of a strategy to refocus on and all that went with it. Everyone who follows
its celebrity weeklies and Vegas bound no matter who’s running the the physiques sports has ideas about the
show. Gina Aliotti and Gina Camacho earned
lifestyle magazines,” accord- Olympia qualifications at the Cal Pro Figure success of that venture, and no one is going
ing to a Reuters report of competition in May. to be surprised if Mr. Pecker’s fascination
the same week. The bottom with producing the biggest contest in body-
line was the bottom line. The building—and all that goes with it—wanes
great expectations expressed by CEO David Pecker that considerably after the 2006 event. That has the speculators
the Weider deal would morph AMI into a major media com- working overtime about what’s to become of poor old Mr.
pany were still somewhere down the road. Said the WSJ, O—and they ain’t talking about Ronnie Coleman’s most
“While American Media will retain Shape and Men’s Fitness, recent birthday. As those who were pushed to the frontlines
it’s clear that those ambitions are being throttled back amid when AMI took over the Olympia Weekend know well, pulling
tepid financial results.” off an event like that is an enormous task. Who would take it
Understand that this is not all about the soft market for on? Who could? I know a possible answer to that, but it’s so
bodybuilding publications or government crackdowns on outrageous, I’m keeping it to myself.
dietary supplements. When the Journal said, “In the six Stay tuned for more on this story as it unfolds.
Girl talk.
MetRx regu-
lars Julie
Childs (left)
and Kim Har-
ris offer tips
on the fine
art of coping
when expo-
goers are
Photography by Ruth Silverman
taking pic-
tures of your
butt. It’s not a
problem I en-
counter often,
Arina’s Arena
Austrian champ dives into a crowded sea of figure pros
Somehow, though, I get the feeling that Arina Manta will bob to the surface. She’s cer-
tainly conquered more difficult challenges. A diving prodigy in her native Romania, Manta saw
the world and got the royal treatment from the Communist athletic machine—while she was
winning. “I was the youngest professional diver at the age of 12 and so was given a govern-
ment salary and better quality food. I was lucky enough and had just enough talent to stay at
the top for 10 years, until I was forced to retire [due to] a knee injury.”
She was in her late teens, studying sports science at a university, when the opportunity to
travel to Australia presented itself. “Romania is a great country, but at the time didn’t have the
freedom and excitement, and, of course, the opportunities that places like the USA and Aus-
tralia offered,” she said. “When Communism fell, I grabbed the opportunity to get out in case
things changed back to the way they had been before.”
She arrived in Sydney speaking no English and having no idea what the future held. A
dozen years later she’s long-established as a personal trainer, and her physique-competition
career, which started with Ms. Bikini contests, has led her to win her adopted country’s nation-
al fitness championship in 2003 and its highest figure title in ’05, when she also represented
Photo courtesy of Arina Manta
Australia at the IFBB World Amateur Championships. Now she’s branching out to yet another
continent—to the Europa Super Show, in Texas, for her pro debut, where, thanks to the ac-
companying photo, maybe she won’t be a completely unknown face.
In a recent issue of IRON MAN Australia, Vance Ang referred to the figure star’s “trademark
glutes and legs,” which are much in evidence in this shot. To find out whether they kept
Arina afloat at the Super Show, log on to
Pos-Zavile-ities A Masae
Another European looker joins the ranks By any other name…
Last month Masae
we shined the Tagami
P&C spotlight
on Inga Nev-
the hottest
Lithuanian body
to hit the pros
since two-time
Ms. O third-
placer Natalie
ene a decade
ago. Now meet
Inga’s good
friend Zavile
If she ever gives up physique com-
a three-time petition, she’s got a great name for a
Lithuanian romance novelist.
champ in body
fitness who is Speaking of L.T.’s Junior Cal, Masae
the ’03 Euro- Parker, 41, who cleaned up in figure at
pean champ that show in 2004, is another capable
and a two-time competitor who had to find a creative ap-
silver medalist proach to pinning down a pro card. Born in
at the World Tokyo but living in the Golden State with her
Championships. husband and three daughters, ages 17, 15
The radiant Currently living and 12, Masae did well on the So Cal NPC
outside New circuit, but, because she isn’t a U.S. citizen,
Raudoniene. she couldn’t take that route. Instead, she
Who could York City and
turn down a
went back to Japan, where she had previ-
training at the
ously competed as a bodybuilder, won the
The figure pros fuss over Mr. Lind- More food What
say. Have a cookie, says Chrissy. shots. the
Trish likes heck?
Chrissy. Debbie stays in shape
chasing her placings up
and down the score card.
Best Pia’s robe
lounge is almost
wear. as tall as
Martha she is.
it up.
Best poser. Latisha outdoes her previous efforts in the ready-
for-my-close-up sweepstakes.
veryone is familiar with the concept of Regardless of which group you belong to, there are
sport-specific training. It simply means certain rules everyone must follow when setting up a
that a strength program should include strength program. Keep in mind that when I refer to
exercises that help the athlete perform a strength program, I mean any training regimen that
better in his or her chosen sport. The de- includes pushing the muscles and attachments of your
fensive lineman has different needs from body to a higher strength level. For collegiate athletes
those of the quarterback in football, and that might mean striving for a 500-pound squat. For
they both have different requirements weekend golfers it could be improving their freehand
from those of basketball or tennis play- squat by 10 reps.
ers. The idea is widely recognized and One such rule—or guideline, if you prefer—is to do
used by coaches and athletes. at least one core exercise for each of the three major
There are a lot of people, however, who don’t take muscle groups; shoulder girdle, back, and hip and legs
part in any organized sports yet still want to maintain a at every workout. That’s necessary in order to maintain
high level of strength and fitness in order to live a fuller balanced strength. It doesn’t matter if you’re a top-
life. They should also design their programs to fit their ranked Olympic lifter or are training so you can im-
needs. I call it activity-specific training. The term espe- prove your racquetball game. If one area of your body
cially applies to older athletes, who are still quite active falls too far behind the others strengthwise, problems
even though they no longer take part in any competi- will result.
tive sports. I’m well aware of the split routine, but I believe
While many play in local golf tournaments, walk or athletes are way ahead if they condition all of their
run in charity events or enjoy a game of volleyball at a muscles in one session. It only makes sense: I cannot
family gathering, it’s always on the recreational level. think of any athletic activity that uses only part of the
Their goals are to have fun and get some exercise. Win- body. Even walking involves the back and upper body.
ning isn’t that important, although it is icing on the How many core exercises you include in your rou-
Model: Michael Semanoff
exercises, such as full squats, must tion to the smaller muscles, such ble. Since your biceps, the prime
exercise all the segments of their as the biceps, triceps, deltoids and movers of your arms, are involved
legs with specific movements; for calves. in every pulling exercise, you’re not
example, leg extensions for the One of the most important prin- going to be able to handle nearly
quads, leg curls for the hamstrings, ciples that everyone should adhere as much weight on those high pulls
adductor machine for the adductors to when organizing a training pro- or deads when they are tired as you
and freehand movements for the gram is to be sure to finish all of could if you had done them before
abductors. It takes all four exercises the big-muscle movements before curling. A second important point
to equal one primary—the squat. hitting the smaller groups. That may here: Putting stress on fatigued
In most cases doing three prima- not seem like much, but it is. Should smaller groups can lead to injuries.
ry exercises per workout is enough. you, for example, do multiple sets of An easy rule—big muscles, then
After you’ve sufficiently worked the curls before moving on to high pulls smaller ones. Get the hard stuff out
larger groups, you must give atten- or deadlifts, you’re asking for trou- of the way, and then have fun with
the beach work. How many auxiliary any auxiliary exercises. Put all your They also help lacrosse and tennis
exercises you put into your routine energy into building a firm base players, but I especially like them
once again depends to a great extent with the core movements, and then, for baseball. Strong forearms and
on your background. Experienced after four to six weeks, start includ- wrists carry the power generated by
bodybuilders and strength athletes ing one or two per session. Don’t the hips and legs, back, shoulders
can do four or five small-muscle fall into the habit of always doing and upper arms into the bat, as well
exercises and still recover, while the same ones. There are plenty to as throwing the ball. I’ve found that
beginners need to limit them to two choose from, and what you really when athletes wait until they have
per session. I’ll get to sets and reps want to be doing with your auxiliary improved on their basic lifts—bench
a bit later on, but with regard to work is improving weaker areas. press, power clean and squat—they
numbers of exercises to do, it’s best One of my favorite exercises for make much faster progress on wrist
to wait until your strength base is baseball players is wrist curls, done curls than if they start doing wrist
firmly established before you add with palms up and palms down. curls when they first begin training.
That’s because all three of those exercise, including all his auxiliary been worked during the perfor-
core exercises involve the forearms movements. When I asked him why mance of the primary exercise. More
and wrists. By waiting, they start seven, he told me it was because important, their attachments have
curling from a strong base, which that’s what worked. Eights were too been fatigued. It’s been established
enables them to make gains more many and sixes weren’t enough. for a long time that once you tire the
rapidly. That, in a nutshell, is what makes a tendons and ligaments, you cannot
For competitive athletes the for- good program—finding a formula improve their strength at that ses-
mula for gaining strength is four to that works for you. sion. They need time to rest before
six sets of four to six reps. As most For auxiliary exercises, I rec- they’ll respond to stimulation again.
readers know, I stay with five sets of ommend higher reps and gener- By doing the higher reps, you avoid
five for practical reasons. It’s easier ally adhere to the 40-rep rule. That stressing the attachments much less
to deal with the math when you’re means two sets of 20 or three sets than if you did lower reps, and the
working with a large number of of 15 or four sets of 12. I realize that muscles respond to the added work.
athletes, but four sets of six or six the latter two don’t add up to 40, but Now to those recreational athletes
sets of four will get the job done too. they’re in the ballpark. The reason I who often use light weights on all
I trained with a very strong athlete keep the reps relatively high is that their exercises. You’ll need very high
who always did seven reps on every the smaller muscles have already reps in order to force the muscles to
his routine, and every so often he training exercise and are not inter- often difficult to do, especially if
overdoes it and traumatizes some ested in pushing up the numbers. you’ve been the strongest member
joint or muscle. When he’s nursing a Then it doesn’t matter where you of a gym on some lift and suddenly
ding, he does much less than usual, place it in your schedule. find that you can no longer handle
and that becomes a light day. He has One of the keys to gaining or much weight on it because of some
a special set of exercises for those maintaining strength is to continu- physical problem—surgery, injury,
days. He also uses the light day in ally look for weaker areas and do etc. All older athletes have to deal
the event he’s really short on time. something to improve them. That’s with one or more areas that they’ve
But regardless of whether the just as true for recreational athletes hurt over the years. In many cases
weights used are quite heavy or the as it is for highly competitive ones. the injuries occurred outside the
workload is the highest, the harder Once you’ve identified an area that weight room, but regardless of how
workout should be first in the week. is lagging far behind, start doing the you dislocated your shoulder or
It’s just common sense. You always exercise or exercises for that body- damaged your lower back, you still
have more energy after a weekend part first in your routine—and do have to deal with it in your training.
or, in the case of the 75-year-old, a that until it improves. I’m talking You must learn how to train
day of rest. By the way, he told me about primary exercises. Additional around old injuries and not try to
that the only time his old injuries work for a weaker bodypart doesn’t bite the bullet and train through
bothered him was on Sunday morn- have to be a primary exercise. the pain. That’s a deadend street,
ing and afternoon, the day following Auxiliary movements can be use- healthwise. I trained with a man in
his rest day. Once he got in motion, ful as well. For example, you know his late 40s who decided that he was
all was fine and dandy. your delts need extra work, so you going to compete in Olympic lifting.
Your heaviest workout belongs start doing a variety of exercises at In his younger days he had done
at the first of the week and so do the end of your workouts, all with well in powerlifting, and he was de-
any high-skill exercises in your dumbbells, to strengthen them: termined to show everyone that he
routine. In addition, quick lifts such incline presses, seated or stand- could also master the quick lifts. He
as power cleans, power snatches, ing presses, and lateral and front was quite strong, but in order to be
full cleans, full snatches and jerks raises. A couple of sets of 20 over the successful in the snatch and clean
should get priority at every workout. course of several months will pro- and jerk, you also have to be very
That is, unless you’re doing some duce the desired results. flexible, and that quality he sorely
quick lift like the power snatch as a Recognize your limitations. That’s lacked. He had a history of shoul-
ith all the talk about genetics in bodybuilding, you There’s something enticing about genetic explanations:
might get the feeling that your future depends almost They’re very tidy; they relieve the individual of direct respon-
solely on your gene pool: If you chose your parents sibility; they offer the promise of solutions in the form of pills.
wisely, there are big titles in your future, and if not, you might
What could be easier? For example, the neurotransmitter sero-
as well crawl into a corner and cry. In fact, that tendency to tonin has been getting a lot of ink lately, and for good reason.
reduce the world to a series of gene maps isn’t limited to a Low levels of serotonin appear to be linked to everything from
10-foot radius of the dumbbell rack; genetic explanations are alcoholism to aggression, overeating to depression to suicide.
popping up for an ever-increasing range of behavior and char- Powerful stuff, that serotonin. It seems reasonable that people
acteristics. Once born, what’s a poor body to do? could correct their genetic deficiencies by taking medication to
boost their serotonin levels—just what some
would suggest.
Things aren’t always as simple as they might
first appear, though, because researchers have
Optimism found that serotonin levels aren’t just the result
can feed of what’s inherited—they’re also the result of
your inner environment. Research has shown that mon-
champion. keys raised by their peers had lower levels of
serotonin than those raised by their mothers,
and the differences began to appear in mon-
keys as young as two weeks old. Similar pat-
terns have been found in a variety of research
programs, all indicating that serotonin levels
are most likely the result of environment as well
as inheritance.
“So what’s that got to do with adding an
inch to my arms or 25 pounds to my squat?”
you ask. The point is that you might be tempt-
ed to attribute all manner of good and ill to
genes and just collapse on the couch, letting
those genes do their stuff. Far more produc-
tive is an approach that says something like,
“Genes certainly are powerful, but so is my
environment. I can’t alter my genes, but my
environment is almost completely under my
control. If I have some ideas about how I’d like
to change myself, I’d better develop a top-
notch environmental attack plan.”
To control your environment for world-class
gains, here are some tips.
First, establish a good working knowledge
of bodybuilding and lifting, learning what works
and why. If you’re just starting off, you prob-
ably don’t know a Zottman curl from a bent
press, and it’s easy to believe whoever tells
efore Laree and I hop in the bomb and head north to Everyone is different, and few, very few, muscle builders
Bill Pearl’s Oregonian territory for a workout in his old require less. The theories recommending less come from either
barn gym, I thought I’d leave you with a stack of ques- the drug camp, where gains come from thin air; or the scientific
tions and answers to clutter your mind. So that you don’t think camp, where gains come from books, note pads and theories
you’re the only one, here are a few bombers struggling with and not experience; or boastful hotshots with limited under-
troubles of their own. standing and desire making deceptive claims. You’ve got to
We’re strange creatures, gaining comfort from the quanda- blast it, or you’ll get big and strong and fat.
ries of others. That doesn’t make us bad people. Listen, empa- Bring on the red meat, milk products and eggs big-time,
thize, and learn. along with chicken and fish, lots of salad and fresh vegetables
Q: I came across an article that said you went from and choice fruit. Get your carbs from whole grains. Protein
165 to 235 pounds in a year. I’d like to embark on a rules. Add essential fatty acids to your diet and a good protein
similar bulking diet, but I have a few questions. I’d powder for convenient and essential meals—a.m., p.m., pre-
like to know how often you trained each muscle per and postworkout. Bomber Blend is the best, in my opinion.
week and/or how often you would recommend train- No secrets here. Major bulking—say, from 165 to 235
ing. I would also like to know approximately how pounds in a year—is crazy. Not healthy, not fun, not possible.
much you were eating. Ten pounds a year is wise and manageable for a young man.
A: You read some article printed for entertainment value Train hard, eat right, and settle in. You can’t hustle muscle-
and not real information. Some muscle mags often do that building.
(not this one, of course). Truth is, I never gained more than 10 Q: I’m trying to get information on muscle build-
pounds in any given year while I was determined to build size ing and cardio for my friend who is incarcerated. As
and strength, and I did that by consistent force-feeding and his time to exercise is severely limited and equip-
training in general. I trained each muscle group two or three ment is insufficient, he needs in-cell training rec-
times a week, depending on the season or year of my life, and ommendations.
today I suggest training each muscle group twice a week as A: The best way to answer the exercise question is by ask-
the solid way to achieve muscle mass and density, fitness and ing myself, “What would I do if I were in the same dilemma?”
muscularity. I was once speaking directly to prisoners in their barred cells
who asked the same question. I suggested running in place,
performing high-rep crunches and leg raises and pushups.
There are ways to grasp bars (if available) and use them to
push and pull in a manner that duplicates real exercise. Deep
knee bends and lunges move a lot of blood. These various im-
provised movements, developed into a tight routine by practice
and common sense, will provide plenty of muscle work and
deep breathing and will raise the heart rate considerably.
The greater the affinity one has for exercise, the more realis-
tic and doable these basic suggestions are. The process re-
quires heart, imagination, purpose and fortitude—at the same
time building those qualities, something your friend needs in
stacks while behind bars.
Buy tuna at the prison store, drink lots of water, read the
Q: As I’m trying to get leaner, should I lay off
the protein before and after workouts? I’m getting
about 250 grams of protein per day, and part of that
is 50 before and 50 after the workout. I’m trying to
lose the fat and not the muscle. I’m wondering if
the protein was causing more harm than good.
A: The last place you want to reduce your calorie consump-
tion is with protein. Your protein composes only 1,000 calories
of your total daily intake. I recommend that you maintain the
anabolic environment (complete proteins, essential fats and nu-
trient-strong carb foods) and continue to train smart and hard.
Let the training build the muscle and the good food provide the
energy and ingredients for muscular gains over time. Think of
gaining muscle rather than losing fat.
You might drop your intake of the least valuable foods
Warner \ Model: Dave Draper
throughout the day. Keep the pre- and postworkout meals but
maybe—I hate to say it—perhaps, possibly, if you must, cut
them in half. Gasp. No, never mind! Forget I said that.
Q: I’m 60 years old, only 5’6” and 126 pounds.
I’m healthy, even though I had a bypass seven years
Robert Duranton
ne of the greatest athlete won the Mr.
bodybuilding stars France title and (per-
of the golden 1950s haps more important)
was from France: Robert gained the friendship
Duranton. In the magical of the contest’s overall
era of Steve Reeves, Roy victor: Steve Reeves.
Hilligenn, Dick Dubois and Reeves admired the
others, Duranton was one Frenchman’s massive
of the few foreign athletes deltoids and invited
whose charisma and phy- his new friend to come
sique could compete with to California and learn
the American stars. Many the techniques then
considered Duranton’s being used among
shoulders to be the best American bodybuild-
Ease Disease
Alzheimer’s Primer
nformation from suggests
that exercise is just not enough to prevent
Alzheimer’s disease.
“Preventing Alzheimer’s and other demen-
tias rests on a combination of six core lifestyle
strategies,” says Dr. Phyllis Staff, CEO of Alz-
heimersFree Press. “Focusing on only one strategy will leave people
vulnerable to developing dementia later in life.”
The six core strategies are exercise, diet, a program of vitamin and
herbal supplementation, regular brain stimulation, a satisfying work and
social life, and consistent spiritual practice. An effective program for
preventing Alzheimer’s includes all six.
—Becky Holman
296 SEPTEMBER 2006 \
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Going to Failure
n the gym going to failure brings great results,
but real success comes when you bring that
attitude into the real world. Success is generally
the result of going to failure many times. In life you
don’t have the luxury of a spotter when you fail.
Your attitude toward failure is your spotter.
Recently I sent a book proposal to a very accomplished literary agent. Within a
few weeks I got a rejection letter. Was I disappointed? You bet! I would be lying if I
said I wasn’t. But was I defeated? Absolutely not. In fact, it spurred me on, and it
seems that I’ve have found an agent better suited to my project.
Failure is part of success, and the feedback from failure is a great education. The
way to use failure to your benefit is to follow these simple steps:
1) Know that it’s part of the process and that you did the best you could with
what you had at the time.
2) Change or adjust your approach if necessary and write down what you
3) Take time to review your past successes. It’s important to remind yourself that
you have more successes than failures.
4) Take immediate action on something positive leading to your goal.
5) Stay focused on the ultimate outcome, not the short-term setbacks.
6) Don’t give up!!
Remember what Theodore Roosevelt said: “He who makes no mistakes makes
no progress.” Welcome the failures because they lead to the successes. Now go to
failure in all areas of your life so you’ll have great success in and out of the gym.
—John M. Rowley
Editor’s note: Rowley owned the gym where the movie “Pumping Iron” was
partly filmed, and he was also one of the youngest senior vice presidents of a major
real estate company in Manhattan. John’s passion is teaching people and com-
panies about goal-setting, how to stay motivated and how to add fitness to their
already busy lives so they will have the energy to pursue their dreams. You can
contact him at [email protected].
Stars of
Here Today!
Darren Telfair
Weight: 217
Height: 6’1”
Occupation: Quality engineer
Residence: Azusa, California
Factoid: Darren—who loves to eat—
is the ’06 NPC California Overall
Men’s champion.
Christian Egner
Photography by Jerry Fredrick
Location: Gold’s Gym, Venice, California
Dante Is Hot!
Thank you for featuring Dante and his Doggcrapp train-
ing method [“Dante’s Inferno,” July ’06]. Ron Harris did a
great job with the interview, and I really appreciated the
training program that was provided. It’s given my workouts
some new life.
Jack Labardo
via Internet
Editor’s note: Our apologies for missing that one. Back Editor’s note: For more comments from trainees who
to one teaspoon of sugar in our coffee. are using X Reps, as well as photos of Jaime, see the Satis-
fied X-Reppers section at Also, check out
THE GOLDEN MAN, PART 2 information on the new X-Rep e-book, 3D Muscle Build-
Great Scott ing—Featuring Positions-of-Flexion Size F/X Training.
More Larry Scott! I Vol. 65, No. 9: IRON MAN (ISSN #0047-1496) is published monthly by IRON MAN Pub-
just finished reading lishing, 1701 Ives Ave., Oxnard, CA 93033. Periodical Mail is paid at Oxnard, CA, and at
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[Legends of Body- tion rates—U.S. and its possessions: new 12-issue subscription, $29.97. Canada, Mexico and
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I couldn’t wait after top is a strange U.S. dollars. Send subscriptions to IRON MAN, 1701 Ives Ave., Oxnard, CA 93033. Or call
Photographs courtesy of Gene Mozée
feeling, almost
reading part 1. I went like a hazy 1-800-570-4766. Copyright © 2006. All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be
out to three stores dream.” reproduced in any manner without written permission from the publisher. Printed in the USA.