Valuation of Portfolio Credit Default Swaptions
Valuation of Portfolio Credit Default Swaptions
Valuation of Portfolio Credit Default Swaptions
November 2003
Valuation of Portfolio
Credit Default Swaptions
Claus M. Pedersen
We describe the details of the CDX and TRAC-X portfolio swaption contracts and argue why Black's formulas are
inappropriate for their pricing. We present a simple, easy to implement, alternative model that prices the swaptions
using the credit curves of the reference entities and a single volatility parameter.
Lehman Brothers | Quantitative Credit Research Valuation of Portfolio Credit Default Swaptions
Investors are increasingly finding portfolio credit default swaps (also called portfolio CDS,
portfolio default swaps or, in this report, simply portfolio swaps) useful for gaining exposure
to market wide credit spreads. Options on portfolio default swaps (portfolio credit default
swaptions, portfolio default swaptions, or simply portfolio swaptions) allow investors to
leverage this exposure and provide a tool for gaining exposure to market wide credit spread
volatility. Standardized portfolio default swaps referencing the CDX.NA.IG (in this report
simply CDX) and TRAC-X NA (in this report simply TRAC-X) entities are today trading
with bid-offer spreads as low as 1-2bp. Recently, CDX and TRAC-X swaptions have seen
increasing trading volume as well. Lehman Brothers is a market maker in CDX and TRAC-X
portfolio swaps and swaptions.
The purpose of this research report is to introduce the CDX and TRAC-X portfolio swaptions
and present a simple model for their pricing and risk management. Such a model already
exists for single-name default swaptions in the form of a modification of Black’s formulas for
interest rate swaptions. These Black formulas for default swaptions provide the values of
swaptions that knock out if the reference entity defaults before swaption maturity. To price an
option to buy protection that does not knock out, it is therefore necessary to add to the Black
formula price the value of protection until swaption maturity. Portfolio swaptions do not
knock out. It has therefore been suggested to price these as single-name non-knockout default
swaptions using a credit curve representing the average credit worthiness of the reference
entities. However, such an approach will tend to overvalue high strike portfolio swaptions
compared with a model that more explicitly models the underlying cashflow.
The easiest way to see that Black formulas give mispricing is by examining the pricing of a
deep out-of-the-money payer swaption (this is an option to buy portfolio protection at a very
high strike spread). If it is priced as suggested above, its value will be close to the value of
protection until swaption maturity. This is incorrect; the price should approach zero as the
strike increases. This is because, when the strike is very high, the payer will not be exercised
even if a reference entity has defaulted unless the portfolio spread on the non-defaulted
entities has widened sufficiently.
We propose to directly model the terminal value of the swaption using a single state variable
which we call the default-adjusted forward portfolio spread. As long as no defaults have
occurred, this spread can reasonably be called the forward portfolio spread since it is the
I would like to thank Peter Alpern, Georges Assi, Jock Jones, Roy Mashal, Marco Naldi and Lutz Schloegl for
discussions and comments.
November 2003 Please see important analyst certification(s) at the end of this report. 1
Lehman Brothers | Quantitative Credit Research Valuation of Portfolio Credit Default Swaptions
strike for which the payer and receiver portfolio swaptions are equal in value. If no defaults
have occurred at swaption maturity, the spread is simply the portfolio spread itself. As we
explain in detail below, we propose to incorporate defaults directly into the spread and
thereby avoid modeling the number of defaults which would otherwise be required to
explicitly model the terminal value of a portfolio swaption.
In section 2, we describe the CDX and TRAC-X portfolio swap and swaption contracts. In
section 3, we explain why the Black formulas for default swaptions should not, as suggested
by others, be used to price portfolio swaptions. In section 4, we present our alternative
valuation model. Section 5 concludes.
No-R means ‘no restructuring’ and refers to the fact that only default (bankruptcy and failure to pay) can trigger the
CDX contract. In the US, CDS mainly trade under the Mod-R (modified restructuring) clause which includes
restructurings as a credit event. For details see O’Kane, Pedersen and Turnbull (2003).
The reference entities in the new on-the-run swap are chosen by voting among CDX market makers. The voting
system is fundamentally different from the rules-based methodology used to determine the constituents of the
Lehman Brothers Credit Default Swap Index. See Berd et al. (2003) for more details.
4 After publication of the new reference entities, CDX market makers will submit 5- and 10-year quotes, the medians of
which will become the new fixed rates.
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The value of a CDX swap is driven by the CDS spreads on the 125 reference entities. When
the spreads are high compared with the fixed rate, the swap has a positive value to the
protection buyer who therefore pays a CDX price to the protection seller at contract initiation
(when the swap price is negative its absolute value is paid by the protection seller to the
protection buyer). The swap price is quoted in the form of a CDX spread which can be readily
converted into the price.
The conversion from spread to price can be done via the CDSW calculator on Bloomberg.
The calculation is to discount fixed payments equal to the CDX spread minus the fixed rate,
as when calculating the mark-to-market on a CDS5. The conversion can be written as:
P = PV 01⋅ (S − FR )
where FR is the fixed rate, S is the quoted CDX spread, P is the corresponding CDX price,
and PV01 is the risky PV01 from today to swap maturity, ie, the value of receiving 1bp on the
CDX payment dates until maturity of the swap or default, whichever occurs first.
The market standard for quoting CDX spreads assumes that the PV01 is calculated using
discount factors that have been calibrated to fit a flat CDS curve with spreads equal to the
CDX spread. The calibration uses a recovery-given-default of 40% and default-free interest
rates taken from the current Libor curve.
See O’Kane and Turnbull (2003) for details on how to calculate the mark-to-market of a CDS.
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P( K ) = γ ( K )(K − FR )
where FR is the fixed rate in the underlying CDX swap contract, and γ(K) is the risky PV01
calculated at the exercise date using the same assumptions as if converting a CDX spread
quote of K into its corresponding CDX price. That is, γ(K) is the risky PV01 calculated from
a credit curve that has been calibrated to a flat CDS curve with spreads equal to the strike
spread, K, using a recovery-given-default of 40% and the Libor curve at the exercise date.
Consider an example. On November 6, 2003, a CDX payer swaption on the 5-year CDX swap
with a notional of $100 million was traded. The swaption maturity is March 22, 2004, the
strike spread is K = 55bp, and the fixed rate is FR = 60bp. If we assume that the Libor curve
on March 22, 2004 is equal to the forward Libor curve for that date observed on November 6,
2003, then we can find the exercise price. Under this Libor curve, the risky PV01 is γ(K) =
0.0453 ($ per $100 notional). The exercise price is then 0.0453·(55-60) = -0.227, so if the
swaption is exercised, the protection seller must pay $227 thousand to the protection buyer. This
cash transfer of $227 thousand is independent of the number of defaults that may have occurred
before swaption maturity and the CDX spread at swaption maturity. The only uncertainty
about the amount arises from uncertainty about the Libor curve at the exercise date.
When the swaption is exercised, the protection buyer has in effect bought protection on all
reference entities, including those that may have defaulted before swaption maturity. The
protection buyer can then immediately settle for protection payment on any defaulted entities.
The terminal value of the swaption therefore depends on the recoveries on defaulted entities
and the mark-to-market on the CDX swap with the defaulted entities eliminated.
Depending on the maturity of the swaption and the time from the option trade date to the
following roll date, the CDX swap with the defaulted entities eliminated may or may not be
on-the-run at option maturity. However, given the relatively short swaption maturities usually
seen (most swaptions trade with maturities of six months or less), this CDX swap should be
liquid throughout the life of the swaption.
Let us extend the example above to determine the terminal value of the swaption. Assume
that one reference entity defaulted before March 22, 2004, and the cheapest deliverable
obligation issued by the defaulted entity trades at $45 (per $100 notional). Also assume that
the quoted market CDX spread on March 22, 2004, on the CDX swap with the defaulted
entity eliminated is 75bp. Finally, assume as above that the Libor curve on March 22, 2004, is
the forward Libor curve for that date observed on November 6, 2003. In this case, the payer
swaption will be exercised and the swaption seller must make an initial $227 thousand cash
payment to the swaption buyer at exercise (see details above). After exercise, the swaption
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buyer can deliver $800 thousand of notional of the deliverable obligation mentioned above
and receive a $800 thousand cash payment. The cost of the deliverable is $360 thousand. The
last step in determining the terminal value of the swaption is to find the mark-to-market of the
CDX swap with the defaulted entity eliminated. The notional of this CDX swap is $99.2
million and the market value to the swaption buyer of this position turns out to be $675
thousand (found as 0.0450·(75-60)·$99.2 million/100, given that the risky PV01 calculated
from a flat curve of 75bp is 0.0450). Altogether the payer swaption has a total value of $1.342
million (227+800-360+675). Notice that for this particular example, the effect of one default
is about the same as a 10bp widening in the CDX spread on the non-defaulted entities.
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Lehman Brothers | Quantitative Credit Research Valuation of Portfolio Credit Default Swaptions
FT (T , TM ) = F0 (T , TM ) exp − σ 2T + σ T ε
where ε is a standard normal random variable under the risk neutral measure, corresponding
to Ft(T,TM) being lognormally distributed with volatility σ. The formulas are6:
log( F0 (T , TM ) / K ) + σ 2T / 2
d1 = , d 2 = d1 − σ 2T
σ T
where K is the strike, PS0KO is the knockout payer value and RS0 is the receiver value. The
value of a payer that does not knock out is:
PS 0 = PS 0 + FEP0 (0, T )
where FEPt(0,T) (front-end protection) is the value at time t of a contract that pays par minus
the recovery-given-default at swaption maturity, T, if default occurs between time 0 and time
T. Determining the forward spread, the forward PV01, and the front-end protection, requires a
CDS curve for the issuer. The shape of the curve is significant in the valuation.
It has been suggested that the above methodology can be used to value a portfolio swaption,
using a CDS curve that represents the average creditworthiness of the reference entities. As
an approximation we could, for example, for each maturity calculate the average spread
across reference entities and shift the averages to ensure that the 5- and 10-year points match
the quoted portfolio spreads. We could also adjust the averages in such a way that if all the
reference entities had the adjusted average curve, then the intrinsic portfolio spreads would
equal the quoted portfolio spreads.
Although this approach is appealing because of its simplicity, it is not theoretically sound. It
is easy to see this by examining the pricing of payer swaptions as the strike increases. For a
very high strike, the above approach will give a price close to FEP, the value of the front-end
protection. When the strike is infinite, however, the price should be 0, since such a swaption
should not be exercised even if most entities defaulted7.
If all reference entities had the same CDS curve, then the approach would correctly price the
difference between the payer and the receiver (this will become clearer in the next section).
From that perspective, the front-end protection has to be included in the payer price.
However, this causes the decomposition into the payer and receiver prices to become skewed
towards high prices for high strike swaptions.
When the reference entities do not have the same CDS curves the pricing of the difference
between the payer and the receiver also breaks down. Using the average curve will tend to
overvalue a long-payer short-receiver position compared with the approach we suggest in the
For more details on how to derive the formulas, see the section on modeling credit options in the Lehman Brothers
Guide to Exotic Credit Derivatives and the references given there.
Theoretically the swaption could be exercised if all entities defaulted and had a combined recovery of less than 40%.
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next section. This is mainly caused by the concavity in the value of the protection leg of a
CDS when seen as a function of the CDS spread level.
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where γ(K) is the risky PV01 from T to TM calculated on a credit curve that has been fitted to
a flat CDS term structure with spreads equal to K, using a recovery-given-default of 40% (see
section 2.2 for details).
Because the front-end protection values at T, FEPTi(0,T), incorporate defaults between 0 and
T, we can write the terminal swaption values as:
where PS is the payer and RS is the receiver. We see that PST(K) – RST(K) = VT – P(K) and
we get the put-call parity:
PS 0 ( K ) − RS 0 ( K ) = V0 − P( K ) D(0, T ) (4)
The function γ and the constant FR were defined in the previous section. D(t,T) is the Libor
discount factor from t to T.
When K = X0 then V0 = γ(K)(K – FR)D(0,T) = P(K)D(0,T), and from the put-call parity
PS0(K) = RS0(K). In words: the default-adjusted forward portfolio spread is the strike for
which the value of the payer is equal to the value of the receiver. Because of this relationship
we can simply call the default-adjusted forward portfolio spread the forward portfolio spread
when no defaults have yet occurred. So X0 is the forward portfolio spread at time 0 for time T.
If no defaults have occurred at T, then the default-adjusted forward portfolio swap is the
portfolio swap itself, and VT is the value to the protection buyer of all the underlying CDS.
By the definition of XT (VT = γ(XT)(XT – FR)), XT is the portfolio spread at T. This is
consistent with the above terminology of calling Xt the forward portfolio spread at t for T
when no defaults have occurred before t.
When specifying the distribution of XT, we must ensure that the default-adjusted forward
portfolio swap is priced correctly in the model. XT will be specified under the risk neutral
measure (where D(t,T) is the numeraire price at time t≤T). Specifically, we must ensure that:
V0 = D(0, T ) E[VT ]
or equivalently, using (1) and (5):
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E [P( X T )] = P( X 0 )
We assume that XT is lognormally distributed with:
X T = X 0 exp ( µ − σ 2 )T + σ T ε
where ε is a standard normal random variable. µ is the drift and σ the volatility of the default
adjusted forward portfolio spread. We choose this specification because of its simplicity and
because a lognormal distribution is fairly consistent with empirical evidence. It is not difficult
to imagine that the Xt process may contain jumps. Xt may jump, for example, if there is a
surprise default of one of the reference entities. On the other hand, an entity usually defaults
only when its spreads are already high, in which case the jump in the portfolio spread at the
actually time of default may be small. In general, the lognormal distribution in our portfolio
context seems more appropriate than assuming a lognormal spread for a single entity.
The drift µ is the free parameter used to ensure that E[P(X T)] = P(X0). The function P is well
behaved, and can be very well approximated using a polynomial spline. Even a simple
second-order Taylor approximation of P around X0 works well as long as the variance of XT
is not too high. In practice, the drift will be close to 0.
Once the drift has been fixed, and we have the approximation of the function P, it is
straightforward to price the swaptions by discounting the expected terminal value using the
distribution of XT. Substituting (5) and (1) into (2) and (3), and using the fact that P is an
increasing function, we get:
PS 0 ( K ) = D (0, T ) E ( P ( X T ) − P ( K ))1( X T ≥ K ) ]
RS ( K ) = D (0, T ) E [( P ( K ) − P ( X
0 T ))1( K ≥ X T )]
The equations can be solved in closed form when P is approximated by a polynomial spline.
Figure 1. Adjusted CDS spreads (in bp) on the CDX reference entities on November 6,
Maturity 6M 1Y 2Y 3Y 4Y 5Y 7Y
Average 35.6 39.0 44.1 48.8 52.3 55.6 61.3
Maximum 206 228 241 264 277 281 295
Median 22 24 29 33 38 40 46
Minimum 4 4 4 9 9 11 15
The first step in pricing the swaptions is to choose the best possible CDS spread curves for
the 125 reference entities. Usually it suffices to base the curves on yesterday’s closing levels.
The curves can then be adjusted to current market levels by using liquid CDS spreads (eg,
parallel shifting based on the 5-year CDS spreads). After the individual curves have been
adjusted to the current single-name market, all the curves must be adjusted so that the
November 2003 9
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portfolio of the 125 single-name CDS is priced according to the market CDX spread of 56, ie,
so that the intrinsic CDX spread is 56. This adjustment also incorporates the fact that CDX is
To price the swaptions, we must choose a spread volatility. The spread volatility in our model
is not the same as the spread volatility to be used with the Black formula. We model the
default-adjusted forward portfolio spread which incorporates the defaults that occur before
swaption maturity. The volatility in our model should therefore be higher than the volatility
used in the Black formulas. Based on market prices, we choose a default-adjusted forward
portfolio spread of 55%. Figure 2 shows the computed payer and receiver values. In
parentheses next to a price is the implied Black volatility when the average adjusted CDS
spread curve of the reference entities is used in the Black formula.
Figure 2. CDX swaption prices (in $ per $100 par) and implied Black volatilities off the average adjusted CDS spread
curve of the reference entities
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Lehman Brothers | Quantitative Credit Research Valuation of Portfolio Credit Default Swaptions
We presented the details of the CDX and TRAC-X swap and swaption contracts, and
introduced market-consistent terminology to discuss their pricing. We argued that Black’s
formulas for single-name default swaptions are inappropriate for pricing portfolio swaptions,
with the mispricing especially noticeable for deep out-of-the-money payer swaptions. We
presented an alternative model that directly models the terminal swaption values through a
default-adjusted forward portfolio spread. Our methodology ensures that a combined long-
payer short-receiver position, which is insensitive to spread volatility, is priced in a manner
consistent with the credit curves of the reference entities. Finally, we illustrated with
numerical examples that the price differences between our model and the Black formulas are
Berd, A., A. Desclée, A. Golbin, D. Munves and D. O’Kane (2003). The Lehman Brothers
Credit Default Swap Index, Lehman Brothers, Fixed Income Index Group, October 2003.
O’Kane, D, M. Naldi, S. Ganapati, A. Berd, C. Pedersen, L. Schloegl and R. Mashal (2003).
The Lehman Brothers Guide to Exotic Credit Derivatives, Lehman Brothers, October 2003.
O’Kane, D, C. Pedersen, and S. Turnbull (2003). Pricing the Restructuring Clause in Credit
Default Swaps, Lehman Brothers, June 2003.
O’Kane, D. and S. Turnbull (2003). “Valuation of Credit Default Swaps.” Quantitative Credit
Research Quarterly, Lehman Brothers, April 2003.
November 2003 11
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