Normative Psychoanalysis
Normative Psychoanalysis
Normative Psychoanalysis
How the Oedipal Dogma Shapes Consumer Culture
©2010 Pierre F. Walter. All rights reserved.
Published by Sirius-C Media Galaxy LLC
ISBN 978-1-453744-31-4
Quotation Suggestion
Pierre F. Walter, Normative Psychoanalysis: How the Oedipal
Dogma Shapes Consumer Culture, Newark: Sirius-C Media
Galaxy LLC, 2010
About the Author
Parent-Child Emosexual Entanglement
Introduction 14
Parent-Child Co-Dependence 16
Emotional Abuse 28
The Oedipal Mold
Oedipal Culture 45
Castration or Permissiveness?
Oedipal Hero
The Cultural Roots of Abuse
Introduction 61
Repression and Depression
Why Depression? 74
Introduction 128
Summary 188
Part One
Child Sexuality and Child Abuse
Q-08. What are the main points where you differ in terms of strategy?
Q-11. Do you opt for modernizing laws of consent or for abolishing them?
Q-12. It is often argued sex was dangerous for children. Do you agree?
Part Two
Myths and Reality About Adult-Child Erotic Attraction
Myth One
Myth Two
Myth Three
Myth Four
Myth Five
Myth Six
Myth Seven
Myth Eight
Myth Nine
Part Three
Selfhelp and Life Authoring
Q-11. What is the minimum amount of Life Authoring work to get results?
General Bibliography
Emotional Flow, Audio Book, 2010
Emonics, Audio Book, 2010
Patterns of Perception, Audio Book, 2010
A Psychological Revolution?, Audio Book, 2010
Eight Dynamic Patterns of Living, Audio Book, 2010
Consciousness and Shamanism, Audio Book, 2010
The Lunar Bull, Audio Book, 2010
Processed Reality, Audio Book, 2010
Notes on Consciousness, Audio Book, 2010
Minotaur Unveiled, Audio Book, 2010
Oedipal Hero, Audio Book, 2010
Consciousness and Shamanism, Audio Book, 2010
Eight Dynamic Patterns of Living, Audio Book, 2010
The Lunar Bull, Audio Book, 2010
Creative Prayer, Audio Book, 2010
The Star Script, Audio Book, 2010
The Drug Trap, Audio Book, 2010
Child Play, Audio Book, 2010
Reich’s Greatest Discoveries, Audio Book, 2010
Orgonomy and Schizophrenia, Audio Book, 2010
Wilhelm Reich und Orgonomie, Audio Buch, 2010
Consciousness and Shamanism, Audio Book, 2010
Eight Dynamic Patterns of Living, Audio Book, 2010
Parent-Child Co-Dependence
• when mother constantly has ‘no time’ for the baby and
admonishes the baby to be ‘not so demanding’;
• etc.
There are many myths that distort and tear down natu-
rally erotic but non-sexual relations between parents and children,
and these distorted popular views actually foster and purport co-
dependence instead of helping to avoid it.
For example, contrary to popular belief, the pathological
co-dependence between parent and child is not the result of
too much physical interaction and shared affection and ten-
derness, but in the contrary through touch hostility and prudishness.
For example, it has often been believed that a boy will de-
velop a co-dependent relationship with his mother when he is
‘too close’ to her, or when he sleeps with his mother in the
same bed. This is simply not true. The causes of mother-son co-
dependence are often depicted in an overly simplified or even
distorted manner. To begin with, it is not through abundant
shared pleasure, affection, tenderness, and body touch that
co-dependence is brought about. It’s not through mother and
son, or father and daughter, sleeping together, taking baths
together, sharing nudity, and it’s not through their sharing a
naturally sensual and erotic attraction for each other.
In the contrary, if these elements were causative factors
in the etiology of co-dependence, any abundantly sensual mother-
ing or fathering would lead to entrapping children in pseudo-incestuous
relations. But this is not the case. If a mother is fully erotically
present for her boy-child, without being incestuous, and em-
braces him sensually while giving him at the same time the
necessary amount of autonomy according to his age and abilities,
the boy will easily master the Oedipus Complex and develop his
fully functional heterosexuality; he will then project his libido
upon peer girls of his age, or approximately of his age. The
same is true in the father-daughter relation with regard to the
girl-child’s mastering the Electra Complex and projecting her
sexual feelings upon peers boys. There are many false signals
in today’s popular culture and vulgarized psychological pub-
lications. These false signals lead to parents’ becoming more
and more insecure as to the role physical affection and sen-
sual touch play in healthy parenting. This makes that parents
are more or less constantly bombarded with ambiguous mes-
sages with the consequence that many parents retreat physi-
cally from their children, thereby inclosing them in atrocious
feelings of abandonment, loneliness and despair.
As a result of 1960s American pediatrics that advocated
physical separation between parents and child which in the
meantime is seen as a fundamental error, many of today’s par-
ents had a deprivatory childhood themselves and became dys-
functional parents of their own children. In the contrary, it is
through the absence of the father together with a shame-
based identification process in the mother-son relation that
mother-son co-dependence is brought about. The reason for
the more dramatic constellation in the mother-son relation
has to do with the greater psychic fragility of the human male in
general, and with the simple fact that it’s the mother who is
the matrix, not the father, in particular. If we want to add
one more problem complex here it’s the co-dependent mother-
daughter relation.
Françoise Dolto
There are boys who stay lovingly fixated upon their
mothers; their behavior is characterized by the fact
that they do not attempt to ‘seduce’ any other woman.
If the father is alive, the two men are constantly dis-
puting, for the fact that the boy does not detach him-
self from his mother and searches out other love and
sex objects proves that the boy has not liquidated - in a
friendship of equality with his father - his pre-oedipal
homosexuality. He will therefore prepare for getting ‘in
trouble’ with his father through his difficult and pro-
vocative behavior.2
When the father has left and the boy ‘dedicates him-
self ’ to his mother, this behavior can be accompanied
by real social sublimations, which are associated with
the activities derived from the repression of genital
and procreative sexuality, but this boy cannot behave
sexually and affectively like an adult. He suffers from
inferiority feelings toward men that he unconsciously
identifies with his father; he can also be a hyper-genital
who is always avid to get new sex partners toward
whom he will never build real attachment, but he will
show impotent in relations with any woman he really
loves, because this is associated in his unconscious with
the tabooed incestuous object.3
‣ etc.
And when the boy is on the right track and really devel-
ops a unique genuine interest, mother will have enough rea-
sons to tell him that he’s inadequate for it:
Much evil in the world done by men has its roots here, in
a stiffening mother-son relation that deprives the young boy
for years of his vital energies, blocking his emotional flow to
a point of self-forgetfulness.
This is, then, the reason why these men one day explode,
so to speak, for thinking of themselves for one time, and do
something horrible, to a woman, a little girl, or an elder.
And who goes to jail is always the boy, then a man, and
not his mother. And that, in my humble opinion, should be
changed. Women are to be made responsible for being abu-
sive as mothers, not only men, as fathers!
Women always claim to not being given enough respon-
sibility under patriarchy, but most women bluntly deny their
abusive attitudes toward their sons in our society, which is an
abuse of responsibility, an abuse of power. However, this
abuse is hidden for the most part, and often veiled behind
feminist activism, a career or what I came to call a victim atti-
tude. Women always cry for abuse when it’s about them, never
when it’s about the sons they drive into madness, suicide,
child rape or even murder. And here our laws have to
change, definitely!
Of course, in the clinical and psychotherapeutic practice,
co-dependence does not in the first place manifest as a
parent-child problem, but as a husband-spouse problem, and
that is why it comes up in marriage counseling and family
therapy. And that is exactly what makes it so intricate and
difficult to heal it in the therapeutic setting. What many prac-
titioners overlook is that the problem does not originate in the
partner relation but in the earlier parent-child relations that
both partners went through and that they project, as a matter
of unconscious automatisms, upon their partner. We all pro-
ject our parent of the opposite sex upon our spouse or hus-
band, only that there are two essentially different ways of
Published by Sirius-C Media Galaxy LLC, 2010
Chapter One : Parent-Child Emosexual Entanglement | 27
Emotional Abuse
Christopher Bagley
Emotional abuse causes the most long-term harm to
children, although combinations of emotional with
physical and/or sexual abuse cause the most harm to
long-term mental health.
any, but to the following factors that are, or are not, present
in such cases:
Oedipal Culture
Castration or Permissiveness?
Françoise Dolto
All those who study behavior problems, functional
organic troubles, the educators, the doctors in the true
sense of the term, must have notions about the role of
libidinal life and know that sexual education is the
grain for the social adaptation of the individual.7
Françoise Dolto
To prohibit the child to masturbate and sexual curios-
ity means to force the child to pay unnecessary atten-
tion to activities and which normally, before puberty,
are unconscious or preconscious. (…) Developing con-
sciousness prematurely in an atmosphere of guilt does
great harm to the development of the child because it
deprives the child of ways to use their vital energies
(libido) that is inherent in those spontaneous activities.
Psychically healthy children who have mastered the
genital stage are toilet-trained, graceful in their body
and dexterous with their hands, they talk well, listen
and observe a lot, like to imitate what they see others
doing, ask questions and expect truthful answers, and
when they don't receive them, begin to make up magi-
cal explanations.8
It goes without saying that for those who are against all
expressions of children’s eroticism, Dolto’s ideas about child
masturbation must sound somewhat progressive or permis-
sive. But from the background of the larger picture that I am
trying to paint here, masturbation, while it’s good of course
and while many children need it just for getting rid of their
surplus bioenergetic charge, is not the real thing what the child
needs and asks for. To repeat it, we are born to learn copulat-
ing, not masturbating, and what children should learn in-
stead of becoming proud masturbators is to become humble
partners in a real sexual embrace where set and setting are
correct, and where there is mutual respect, dignity, love and
acceptance. To say this, excuse me, is not an apology for pe-
dophilia, as such a social policy, once enacted, would naturally
lead, just as in most native cultures, to sexual relations among
If a random number of children choose adult mates, this
then has to be respected, for there can only be one result
when we give the child the right for free choice relations. If
children are free to choose their mates, they must be allowed
to have adult partners as well. To do so does not imply a le-
gal implementation of pedophilia as a new social and legal
paradigm, let me be explicit about this! However, it well im-
plies that there is no criminal punishment for adults who en-
gage in sexual relations with consenting children. But as mat-
ters are in our culture, the basic resistance against children as
erotic beings is not even child-adult sexual interaction, but
Françoise Dolto
It is true that Freud was normative in this matter. But
why not? The task of psychoanalysis is to bring about
a social revolution or changing the cultural paradigm.
We are here as psychoanalysts to heal the neurosis, in
the individual case, that comes from the cultural re-
pression of the child’s sexuality. This is our task, not
more and not less. Freud has seen it in the same way.10
Françoise Dolto
[W]hen you see a child masturbating often, a child
who is normal, you can be certain it’s a gifted child
that should be initiated into superior activities, which
require a higher mental level than those usually re-
served for children of that age. But even more often,
it’s a neurotic child for whom masturbation has be-
come an obsessional habit. Such a child must be given
treatment, not punishment. To intimidate the child, or
even prohibit masturbation will impair the develop-
ment of the child; in case the child obeys the prohibi-
tion he will become dull and insensitive, and if he does
not obey he will become instable, angry, undisciplined
and revolted. Neither of this is intended to be brought
about by the adults who react in those ways; but this is
what adults are doing to children, without knowing
what they are doing.11
search on the human energy field clearly shows, the vital en-
ergy level is well brought to a new balance through orgasm,
but that is not all there is in sexual love. What is perhaps even
more essential than the sexual abreaction is the tactile experi-
ence of two nude bodies being close in excitation for a while,
which results in a high-level exchange of bioelectricity and emotional
flow which is like feeding our internal batteries, strengthening
our immune system and working counter to the aging proc-
ess. From this larger picture that I tried to paint here, the pre-
tended revolution of so-called infantile sexuality sounds like a
bad joke, if it was not a bad trick, and actually a big lie and a
real enslavement of the child in the name of a life-denying
dead culture that knows only to consume and to possess, and
as a result, to conquer and to rape, but not to live and to love
and respectfully embrace.
Of course, what Dolto reasons here about the develop-
ment of the rational mind is all true; it’s genitality that brings
about the objective mind. But our society is not a group of
genitally developed individuals, which is why it is so deeply
irrational and mystical, and so little responsible. Our society
is one of anally fixated fabulators who are caught in the trap
of mysticism that they call, in their madness, psychoanalysis.
To take an ideological crap science and culture-protection
system such as psychoanalysis for the ultimate truth about life
or childhood is about the greatest madness I have ever heard
of in my life. What Dolto says in the following quotes is valid
even more for real genital cultures such as the Trobriand islands
where children learn to copulate from early age, and not, as
in our culture, to become virtuous masturbators and pleasing
Published by Sirius-C Media Galaxy LLC, 2010
Chapter Two : The Oedipal Mold | 53
Françoise Dolto
It is only after the liquidation of the Oedipus that thought
can be put at the service of so-called altruistic sexual-
ity, which means that seeking narcissistic satisfactions
must have been overcome, without however invalidat-
ing those satisfactions.
In the genital state, thought is characterized by
common sense, prudence, and objective observation.
It's what we call rational thought.12
boys than with girls, for reasons we do not yet fully under-
stand, but it has been argued by many psychologists that men
generally are psychically more fragile than women.
Françoise Dolto
There are boys who stay lovingly fixated upon their
mothers; their behavior is characterized by the fact
that they do not attempt to ‘seduce’ any other woman.
If the father is alive, the two men are constantly dis-
puting, for the fact that the boy does not detach him-
self from his mother and searches out other love and
sex objects proves that the boy has not liquidated - in a
friendship of equality with his father - his pre-oedipal
homosexuality. He will therefore prepare for getting ‘in
trouble’ with his father through his difficult and pro-
vocative behavior.13
When the father has left and the boy ‘dedicates him-
self ’ to his mother, this behavior can be accompanied
by real social sublimations, which are associated with
the activities derived from the repression of genital
and procreative sexuality, but this boy cannot behave
sexually and affectively like an adult. He suffers from
inferiority feelings toward men that he unconsciously
identifies with his father; he can also be a hyper-genital
who is always avid to get new sex partners toward
whom he will never build real attachment, but he will
show impotent in relations with any woman he really
loves, because this is associated in his unconscious with
the tabooed incestuous object.14
Françoise Dolto
[P]erverse behavior or social delinquents, both are the
result of a non-liquidated Oedipus, or a not yet liqui-
dated one.16
Oedipal Hero
Wilhelm Reich
The unarmored organism does not know an impulse
to rape and murder little girls, or to get pleasure
through violence. It is therefore indifferent toward all
moral rules that try to repress such impulses. It cannot
comprehend that one has intercourse with another
only because there is an opportunity for it, for example
being in one and the same room with a person of the
other sex. The armored character, by contrast, cannot
envision an orderly life without coercive laws against
rape and lust murder.20
The rape victim has put her life inside her body and the
rape symbolically liberates her from that body that enclosed
it. That is the logic of rape, seen from the side of the passive
partner. From the side of the active partner, rape is the desire
to liberate oneself from Oedipal constriction through liberating
Why Depression?
‣ Lack of autonomy;
‣ Be ideal!
the more for children because children think in real and not
in ideal categories.
Ideals are abstract ejaculations of thought that the child’s
mind cannot bring about. And fortunately so! Ideals may have a
certain moral value, but within education they are not only
worthless, but really destructive, because they pervert the
child’s psyche through their make-believe to represent truth.
What is truth? Only the mature mind of an adult, allow
me to say this cum grano salis, disposes of enough objectiveness
to recognize the relativity of ideals, that is, their always being
part-truths. Traditional repressive and obsessively coercive
education can realize its sordid goals only through sublime
psychic terror. Of course, this terror primarily focuses upon
the child! This was known by tyrants of all times until today.
Etymologically I am speaking here about ideologies and
not about ideals, and while I am well aware of the difference,
at the end of the day, believe me, all boils down to the same;
every ideal can be converted or perverted into a life-denying
ideology or into religious tyranny. Not only in antiquity but
as well in our days millions of people are sacrificed for ideals.
All wars, in the whole of human history, have been fought for
ideals. Hitler’s Nazi ideology is based upon an ideal of racial
purity, the horrors of marxist, communist or stalinist perse-
cution and torture were founded upon well-sounding ideals
of social reform, the destruction that the cultural revolution
in China has caused to the cultural heritage of humanity was
motivated by ideals. The merciless cruelty of the Crusades
and the Inquisition or of the French Revolution were founded
upon religious and political ideals – and so forth without end.
Copyright © 2010 Pierre F. Walter. All rights reserved.
80 | Normative Psychoanalysis
Be Ideal!
ries, do what you will, are needed as a base condition for re-
spect. Parents who are unable of relating affectionally and
empathetically to their children, are often abusive because
they tend to confound their body boundaries with those of
their children.
As already pointed out, incest is exactly based upon this
‘possession thinking’ so deeply rooted in materialistic society,
and patriarchy has established it long ago in the relationship
between the father, as the patria potestas, and all females and
female children that inhabit the household. That power to
rape-and-enjoy all that is subordinated, and except it’s male,
was also used to assure male supremacy over female slaves,
and maids and their girl children. It is still a custom that can
be found in remote regions in Latin America and Asia, and
generally in highly patriarchal societies.
From this perspective, incest could be redefined as sexual
dominance over all females, regardless of age, being present
in the larger household. Incest is originally a non-sexual or
rather a pre-sexual matter: it’s about power that we are talk-
ing. As the French psychoanalyst Françoise Dolto put it in
one of her books, incest begins where parents rule over the
bodies of their children as princes reign over their vassals.
Such parents suggest to their children that they do not
own their bodies, but that the child’s body is owned by the
parents of the child, and beyond that, the state.
It’s the mother who later asks her young boy to ‘dedicate
himself to her’ that was unable to care in the first place for
that fragile newborn with its exorbitant narcissistic needs. Of
course, her own pathological narcissism was clashing with the
natural narcissism of the baby and she was disgusted at that
little ‘yucky thing being so selfish ‘n naughty all the time!’, as
one mother-abuser put it, who killed her infant by repeated
hyper-violent beatings.
A sadistic narcissist reacts with violence and stress at the
natural narcissism of a baby where a natural parent smiles
and tries to liberate all reserves of latitude and patience he or
she can mobilize. That’s what childcare means in fact, what
Respectful child rearing is unthinkable without granting
the child a gradually growing amount of autonomy. This is
what builds the soul power in the child, it’s respect combined
with autonomy. Soul power is a natural force but it needs to
be nurtured to grow undisturbed. We can also say that it’s the
power of the mindbody unit of the growing life. It can be
observed in the free play of the child’s emotions, their strong
will, their fantasy, their spontaneity and a natural authority
that children display who grow under the loving embrace of
respectful parents.
This natural authority of the child, and their sometimes
astonishing wisdom are directly connected to the child’s soul
power, their deepest intuition, their Tao. Through this author-
ity the child distinguishes himself or herself as a self-defined
person, a person who intuitively knows about her bounda-
ries. This is a will that is fed by intuition and that says ‘I want
this. I do not want that. I love this, but that I do not love’.
With children who were not castrated by love prohibi-
tions or hypnotized into depression by magic spells, this I-
AM force grows naturally and without strife, because this
force is a direct outflow of the will to live, our inborn survival
instinct. Life does not only want to be but it wants to be in a
specific way, it wants to distinguish and re-define itself con-
stantly, like a well-to-do business does.
This objective necessity to grow away from the womb
and toward the world corresponds subjectively to something
like a will for distinction that is inherent in every growing life
and that is participating in the creation of an autonomous and
self-contained energy system that is clearly separated from that of
the mother. It is for this reason that all and everything that
disturbs the autonomy quest of the child has a direct nega-
tive impact upon the child’s growth, and even daily matters
such as toilet behavior, appetite, sleeping habits, psychoso-
matic ailments, and so forth.
A new alternative educational paradigm that is enriched
by the insights from bioenergy research can only be natural,
ecological and holistic. It is out of question to interfere in any
way in the child’s energy system and its coherent mindbody con-
tinuum, as such interference can only result in emotional dis-
turbances. The right approach is one of restraint and re-
spect; we only have to let nature do its job and the natural
wholeness of the child display and develop all its rich foliage.
To achieve this, one thing is of paramount importance:
to respect and foster the child’s natural autonomy and wistful
Published by Sirius-C Media Galaxy LLC, 2010
Chapter Three : The Cultural Roots of Abuse | 99
even temporarily. How are you going to live with total per-
ception without your mind exploding or you jumping out of
the window? It’s very dangerous, really, to engage in sudden
mind-opening experiences without an expert guide at your
side, and many end in psychiatric hospitals after their so-
called spiritual journeys. Tell me what is spiritual in such fool-
ish endeavors? Is preparing a bowl of soup not something
spiritual? Is taking care of your child not something spiritual?
Is having fantastic and happy sex not something spiritual?
Why the hell do you need to travel to India in order to feel
spiritual …? It’s but a fashion and it will vanish as sudden as
it began. And there you are again, back home, tendering
your garden, pampering your children, feeding your pets,
sweeping the floor and cooking your soup. And have you got
rid of your ego? Did your guru buy it from you? If you are at
all serious, stop all this nonsense and begin doing your home
work. Your home work begins at home, and it ends at home.
It begins with yourself and it ends with yourself. And not in
India. And not on the moon. You want to experience psycho-
sis? Go ahead, but I promise you that you will return home
anyway. And nothing will have changed besides you got your
six senses back, and stay with same old soup.
What many preachers of ‘consciousness boosting’ have
overlooked is that you can enlarge only what before has been
compressed. That’s not my insight, but Lao-tzu said this,
quite some time ago, in his Tao Te Ching. If you want to blow
up your ego, you have to strengthen it first, and a lot! How to
do that? By getting to know it. What is it all about? Is it yel-
low or is it red, big or small, smooth or hairy?
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Chapter Three : The Cultural Roots of Abuse | 107
Healing Co-Dependence
– Let me be your baby and you will be my baby. I will feed you and
you will feed me. I will carry you in my womb and you will carry me in
your womb. And one day I will give you birth and you will give me
birth. And we will be newborn souls in the universe – through our love.
You hear that suggested in each and every love song on
all radio stations all over the world. And this is logically so
because it’s directly flowing from our collective consciousness
into all our thoughts and actions.
Now, the further step I invite you to take is to see that
you can project this imagery of a lost paradise not only upon
individuals, but also upon groups, organisms, political par-
ties, sects, sport clubs or groupings that incarnate certain
ideologies whatever their names are.
To demonstrate what I mean, let us first have a look at
what means integration. What is the difference between fusion
and integration? Integration is the loyal cooperation of an
individual with a greater whole, a group, community, or or-
But will you remain an individual once you are within the
group or will you be dissolved into an obedient automaton?
This depends on two factors:
self in the garage of his mother’s house with the fancy idea
to become a painter. And it was there where it happened,
when, so lost in his shaky lifestyle, dependent on drugs and
alcohol and any kind of sex for killing his boredom, he en-
countered, through a friend’s invitation, the people of that
church. They were cunning enough to not reveal their sordid
program to him right away. They were eating him slowly and
thoroughly, bit by bit, but without leaving one bite for the
dogs. His letters that formerly were literary productions of
high lucidity and emotionality become pamphlets with pages
and pages of Bible references, exhortations, admonitions, a
total black-and-white image of the world with no space for
pleasure, for innocence. It was all one black soup of burning
guilt, shame, accusation, violence and horror, a catastrophic
worldview that predicted the end of all times in a few years
to come. I let it go for about six months, always hoping he
could find the force to turn away from these black-coated
pigs, but he was unable to, and I broke off the relationship.
To believe that any form of collective endeavor could
improve the human condition is one of the greatest errors of
humanity. The human being is perfect as an individual and
through synergistic cooperation with other individuals good
results can be achieved, but to believe that the togetherness
with other humans could improve the human potential is a
deceptive belief. When we study what our greatest sages say
and always said, it’s rather through solitary study and com-
fortable aloneness (not loneliness) that humans develop all
that makes them surpass themselves in the long run. The
greatest evolutionary potential is rooted in the single human,
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Chapter Three : The Cultural Roots of Abuse | 121
not in the group human, in solitary life and not in group life,
and also not necessarily in family life. Totalitarian ideologies
and political systems tend to misuse the family in breeding
rampant educational co-dependence to bring about weak and con-
fused humans, because they need that kind of humans. Truly
individuated and autonomous beings are much more difficult
to control and manipulate.
In such systems, the youth is signed up to conform to the
standard through youth organizations such as the Hitlerjugend,
the Nazi youth organization and similar organisms in more
recent times, through gender segregation, strict education
with brutal forms of punishment, emotionally, physically and
sometimes sexually abusive relationships between educators
and youth, and the integration of family, youth organizations
and the military for propagandistic reasons. In order to avoid
the development of genuine and intimate relationships be-
tween the young, each member of the organization, adult or
child, is supposed to ruthlessly spy out, persecute and denun-
ciate any suspect intimate behavior and report it to the capo-
Such systems, because of their total denial of any true
humanity cannot last. The human machine as it were cannot
run smoothly and naturally on violence and draconian laws.
What such systems produce is chaos, and they destroy the
human potential in the long run. The laws of nature are op-
posing such systems since they are fundamentally directed
against nature. Nothing can in the long run be reached on a
collective level if not all participants contribute from a genu-
ine will and integrity to build something greater than per-
Copyright © 2010 Pierre F. Walter. All rights reserved.
122 | Normative Psychoanalysis
example, will work for a time without salary when the com-
pany is passing a critical downward spiral.
When companies, as it is in Japan, do not set off their
workers when they reach the end of their work cycle, and
continue to pay salaries, workers will give to their company
their full integrative support. When there is honesty and co-
operation between superiors and inferiors, says the I Ching,
the state prospers. The Japanese system may have instituted
beneficial symbiosis between the individual and commercial
companies, be they multinationals, and the individual is re-
spected in their full integrity as a person and as a citizen.
This system could thus be cited as one of the rare excep-
tions to the rule that usually such relationships end up in col-
lective fusion.
How is it possible? The answer is one of restraint. Where
the more powerful does not use his power over the less pow-
erful, but practices self-restraint, his power becomes greater
on the inside level, says the I Ching in hexagram thirty-four.
And in the long run it’s this inside power that brings about
revolutionary changes in human conduct and motivates peo-
ple to surpass themselves without being forced to. While sec-
ondary powers always bring about negative worldly effects
such as dominance, power hunger and the reign of the fittest,
primary power respects the individual and brings about per-
sonal growth.
When a system is able to respect and integrate the full
individual, it benefits in multiple ways because the individual
will give a surplus of creativity and originality to the system,
a surplus that sometimes brings about miracles. When the
Copyright © 2010 Pierre F. Walter. All rights reserved.
124 | Normative Psychoanalysis
bad karma. And his very mission to save them is his – mis-
understood – heroism, what makes him a false hero.
Well, in this moment it should ring in your ears, as it
should appear obvious from this point of my explanations
that what the Oedipal trap in fact leads to is narcissism, but I
see that differently than mainstream psychiatry. The differ-
ence consists in the fact that I see an entanglement, a missing
link between the tragedies of both Oedipus and Narcissus
that I have never seen mentioned in any psychology or psy-
chiatry treatise, nor in any work on mythology. Generally, the
two stories are explained as standing for different psychologi-
cal complexities. This is of course generally true, but that
does not exclude that they can be seen together as well.
The astonishing thing is that when you do this, as I did it
for the first time back in 1992, when I wrote my first sketch
on this problem, you will see not just one door, but a whole
series of doors opening in front of your eyes, and you will
discover the whole why-and-how our culture is so hopelessly
entangled in parent-child co-dependence, widespread emo-
tional abuse of children, a true denial of love, violence, self-
alienation, narcissism and widespread, and more or less so-
cially accepted schizophrenia. And you will also begin to under-
stand the true etiology of pedophilia, a problem that until
now is not understood by Western psychiatry and sexology,
while a certain acceptance has been established in the mean-
time for all sexual paraphilias. The fact that pedophilia is
misunderstood, and that adult-child erotic relations are not
socially coded, makes it easy for political opportunism to
creep in or even gain the overhand and put up pedophiles as
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Chapter Four : Oedipal Hero | 133
ing time and again they were born ‘as such’. That very ar-
gument of course turned against them in the long run, as it
turned against the homosexuals, while the latter still go on to
believe they had gained something like long-term social ac-
ceptance. In crisis situations and when polemics rise because
the reigning strata need a scapegoat for obfuscating their piti-
ful corruption and political incapacity, the homosexual cause
will be torn up and blown up again, and anarchy and chaos
will again break down the walls not of silence, but of their
bars, shops, cafés and houses.
Contrary to both right-wing polemics and mainstream
psychiatric ignorance, I have shown in The Idiot Guide to Emo-
tions (2010) and The Idiot Guide to Love (2010) that sexuality is
by no means a rigid and fixated condition, and that once the
functionality and the flow nature of the sexual energies is un-
derstood, all sexual attraction can be changed, if the person
desires so. The change of our emosexual attractions cannot
be brought about by coercion, not by imposing a behavior
standard on certain people, not by force. Not by violence. It
can change by itself when the person begins to weigh other
love options, and takes chances in other sexual avenues.
Sexuality is a matter of choice and predilection, and first
of all of emotional attraction that by and by becomes sexual-
ized. Hence, emotional choice primes before it ever becomes
a subject of sexual reasoning. And here is where I deliber-
ately contradict modern sexology that in its mechanistic Car-
tesianism is unable to grasp the primacy of our emotions, and the
fact that sexual attraction follows emotional predilection, and
not the other way around.
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Chapter Four : Oedipal Hero | 135
Address to Pedophiles
Do not absolutize your sexual attraction whatever it is
like. It may change tomorrow as a matter of overall
change of your life and love options, as a matter of
personal growth, or as a matter of deliberate choice.
When you absolutize and dogmatize your sexuality,
you are on the same track as the Oedipal Hero who
takes his Oedipal hangup, and the whole ridiculous
macho behavior that results from it, as eternal and
unchangeable. Fact is that we can change all in life, as
life itself is unending change. Those who deny this fact
are more often than not situated on the right wing of
the political spectrum and their denial of complexity is
only one element of their emotional distortion and
mental debility. The cause of childlove is no cause, as
love itself cannot be a cause. This is so because love
cannot be defined. And what cannot be defined cannot
be made a cause. Any cause of action for love will thus
be the cause of action for a concept of love you have
made up in your mind before you ever started out to
be an activist for that cause. The real cause that is
hidden behind the fake cause of childlove is the cause
of the child. It’s as simple as that, and in two senses of
the word: in the sense of a cause for your own re-
pressed inner child, who needs your empathetic inner
parenting, and of the cause of the children all around
you whose emotional and sexual needs are shunned by
present society’s many Oedipal Heroes who fight
against the proverbial windmills instead of seeing the
real causes. The cause of the child I am talking about
is a cause that will not serve the Oedipal Hero in his or
her eternal striving for glory nor your ego for sexual
fulfillment with children, which may equally serve your
personal glory. The cause of the child is paradoxical in
that it helps the child to become an adult, that it serves
the child to grow, and against both Oedipal culture’s
and your interest as a pedophile, to grow out of child-
hood as fast as possible.
Now let us look at the facts first. Laius, the King of The-
bes received from the oracle in Delphi a prediction he might
be killed by his own son, which could actually have consoled
him in a way because he was childless and it was exactly for
that reason that he came to consult the oracle. So he could
have reasoned, well, it was not meant to be, then. But what
did he? He first cast out his wife Jocasta. As she did not know
why her husband wanted to get rid of her, she managed to
get him drunk and made love with the drunken man, and got
pregnant. This sounds quite strange, as the couple had been
childless before, but anyway, it appears the invisible threads
road and drove the horses over him, thus murdering, un-
knowingly, his father. In addition, what was considered a par-
ticularly heavy crime in ancient Greece, he left the dead
corpse to lie unburied in the dirt. Here, the myth seems al-
most unbelievable. When we consider that Laius was a king,
how could it be that he was attacked so easily by a youngster
who happened to cross his way, without enjoying any protec-
tion from the part of the chariot driver and other staff ? Co-
incidentally, Laius had been on his way to Delphi again, to
find appeasement for having abducted a young boy for sex,
whereupon the gods had sent to Thebes an ugly monster,
which settled at the city gate asking every passenger a riddle:
‘What being, with only one voice, has sometimes two feet,
sometimes three, sometimes four, and is weakest when it has
the most?’ Oedipus, who went to Thebes straight after the
murder of his father, guessed the right answer and replied:
– Man, because he crawls on all fours as an infant, stands firmly
on his two feet in youth, and leans upon a staff in his old age.
The monster vanished and Oedipus was made king of
Thebes, and he married Jocasta, his own mother, without of
course knowing what he was doing. But his glory did not last
as a blind seer arrived at the court and declared that King
Oedipus was the murderer of Laius. Nobody believed him
but the Queen of Corinth then spread the information about
Oedipus’ origins. Jocasta committed suicide, and Oedipus
blinded himself and, pursued by the Furies, cursed his sons
(and brothers) Eteocles and Polyneices, and went into exile.
And here we see the curse taking over the next genera-
tion. After many years of wandering about the world, guided
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Chapter Four : Oedipal Hero | 145
A Teaching Tale?
‘What have I done that I receive such a bad and fatal oracle?’
With this quest for self-knowledge, namely, I would try to find
out who I am, what my roots are, what my parents have pos-
sibly thought or felt when they conceived me, and what the
circumstances were of my birth. Had Oedipus asked these
questions, he would with some probability have returned to
Corinth to seriously find out the truth about his origins by
questioning his adoptive parents. And if he had been honest,
serious and committed, there is again a chance they would
have told him the true story. And with this opening of his
consciousness, the spell of the oracle would have lost a lot, if
not all of its power.
The very act of inquiry, the quest for self-knowledge is ex-
actly what appeases the anger of even the most revengeful
gods, and this is why above the gate of the Apollo temple in
Delphi, visible for everyone who visits the oracle, is written:
– Know Thyself !
Ancient patriarchy as today’s consumer culture, which is
but a modernized vintage of it, are against the inner quest,
and do not teach young people what self-inquiry means and
how it can be carried out. And this is, after all, the greatest
pitfall of this cultural perversion we use to call patriarchy.
And to come back to Freud, I must note that I am not
ahead in my inquiry why he chose this tale for exemplifying
the child’s psychosexual growth. I can only guess that Freud
chose this tale for exemplifying the modern child’s neurosis,
or potential neurosis, the modern child’s cultural and indi-
vidual neurosis that namely results from a deeply schizophrenic
cultural setup.
Copyright © 2010 Pierre F. Walter. All rights reserved.
150 | Normative Psychoanalysis
Françoise Dolto
In the nuclear family of today, especially in urban
areas, the tensions and conflicts are much more explo-
sive, and this is so because they are underlying. Today,
the number of persons a child is in touch with is more
restrained than formerly. In the 17th and 18th centu-
ries, the child could transfer their incestuous feelings
toward other women than their mothers who enjoyed
to play little funny sex games with little boys or young
people of whom they were not the mother.40
ever their age. This is the way of the true hero. In the next
sub-chapters I am going to explore the more convoluted
ways of the Oedipal Hero. And then you may see for yourself
which is the better way for you. You can choose what kind of
hero you want to be, a true hero or a false hero. Oedipus was
the latter.
The true hero integrates self-knowledge, the fake hero, or
Oedipal Hero, does without. That’s really the only difference.
But that tiny difference in our inner setup, in our basic
worldview, our attitude, our orientation, you are going to see
in the following pages, makes a huge difference in the world,
in what the person brings about, as fruits, as karma.
To condense it, I’d say that the true hero creates human
progress and evolution while the Oedipal Hero creates denial,
stuckness, stifled evolution or devolution. Why this is so is
quite easy to understand. The true hero’s mission, as it is
based upon conscious choices brings about an increase of hu-
manity’s consciousness. The Oedipal Hero’s mission, as it is
based upon unconscious choices is to decrease humanity’s con-
sciousness. In still easier terms, the true hero brings more
light to the shadows, while the Oedipal Hero brings more
shadow to the light. You could also say that the Oedipal Hero is
the counterplayer to human evolution, and was historically
always prominent in times of fascism, political restoration,
religious tyranny and the retrogradation of true spirituality
into fundamentalist religious fanatism.
desire for knowledge that is inherent in all living, and it’s this de-
nial of knowledge that is the true reason why the person de-
nies sexual engagements, because sex with others brings knowl-
edge. While masturbation or autoerotic sex doesn’t. Only in-
tercourse brings this knowledge; it is highly significant that
the word is also used for denoting social intercourse. It brings
knowledge both about our mate and ourselves. This truth is
beautifully expressed in the Bible where sexual intercourse is
described as ‘carnal knowledge’ or when it is said that a man
is going to know a women when he goes in to his wife or con-
cubine. It has often been said that the Hebrew’s prohibition
of masturbation had procreational reasons, but it may also
have been an encouragement to seek intercourse in the sense
of ‘going out and multiply’ as a matter of social communica-
tion, instead of staying home and masturbating one’s soul off
in dreadful solitude.
The number one reason why free sexuality was histori-
cally forbidden to slaves is that it brings knowledge. In an-
cient Greece, for example, boylove, the erotic and passionate
love of adolescent boys, was permitted only to noble men,
not to slaves. A slave who would arrogate to engage in a love
relation with a boy would have been jailed.
Another well-known example is the Christian Church.
The taboo on sexuality outside the marriage bed and pro-
creation was a powerful aid in the Church’s quest for spiri-
tual dominion and control; the Church enforced this taboo
draconically, by using threat, persecution, torture and delib-
erate murder, during the Inquisition. The result was a popu-
lace that was highly ignorant, and is in wide parts still today,
Copyright © 2010 Pierre F. Walter. All rights reserved.
160 | Normative Psychoanalysis
Thomas Moore
It longs to fulfill these narcissistic images of itself. At
the same time it is painful to realize the distance be-
tween the reality and that image. America’s narcissism
is strong. It is paraded before the world. If we were to
put the nation on the couch, we might discover that
narcissism is its most obvious symptom. And yet that
narcissism holds the promise that this all-important
myth can find its way into life. In other words, Amer-
ica’s narcissism is its refined puer spirit of genuine new
vision. The trick is to find a way to that water of trans-
formation where hard self-absorption turns into loving
dialogue with the world.45
Thomas Moore
Narcissism has no soul. In narcissism we take away the
soul’s substance, its weight and importance, and re-
duce it to an echo of our own thoughts. There is no
such thing as the soul. We say. It is only the brain go-
ing through electrical and chemical changes. Or it is
only behavior. Or it is only memory and
ner, and thus projects her erotic wishes on her son. This may
be expressed in erotically seductive behavior, but in most
cases these women are actually erotically blocked on a con-
scious level. The problem here is that the boy won’t leave the
home in search of a partner and that the constant emotional
demands of the mother trap the boy in a pseudo-incestuous
and co-dependent partner relation where he becomes the
ersatz for the partner the mother denies herself to find.
The fact that such a relation remains platonic is insignifi-
cant compared to the impossibility for the boy to truly build
autonomy. In this constellation, what happens is that the
boy’s striving for autonomy either faces explicit demands of
the mother to stay close to her, or is charged with guilt and a
growing rationalization of the situation that will be expressed
by the boy in the wish to ‘protect’ the mother, to save the
mother from any harm she suffered previously with men.
Typically in this entanglement situation, the mother tells
her son in all length and width the misfortunes she suffered
in her love life, thereby invoking in him a self-defeating judgment
about himself, his own maleness. This negative judgment of the
male can be coarsely expressed in the slogan ‘all men are swi-
In my own case of co-dependence with my mother, all
this was aggravated further through the fact that my mother
put me in homes where I was cruelly mistreated, without car-
ing too much about the violence inflicted upon me on a daily
basis. This resulted in a particularly strong contradiction be-
tween the life I was leading during the week, in the home,
and the life I was supposed to live with her, during the week-
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Chapter Four : Oedipal Hero | 177
sees that the mother just uses him for her purposes and plays
power games with him.
From a bioenergetic point of view, it has to be seen that
the Oedipal conflict is traumatic for the child because of the
denial of sexual fulfillment it implies, while it triggers so much
longing in the child. It’s a real torture for the child, a real
trauma, and it has been admitted by psychoanalyst Françoise
Dolto that in most cases children lose their pre-Oedipal
memory, which only confirms my assumption that the Oedi-
pal construct in Western culture brings real trauma to the child
as it results in amnesia. In her book La Cause des Enfants
(1985), Dolto writes:
Françoise Dolto
Memory in adults erases all that belongs to the pre-
oedipal period. That is why our society has so much
difficulty to accept infantile sexuality. In past centuries
there were the nurses who knew it. Parents, however,
ignored it.47
experience the same rage they felt toward their mothers, but
that they repressed. This repressed rage, then, may become
sexually charged. This may, or not, depending on the level of
consciousness of the person, lead to a violent urge to punish
little girls by beating them up and/or by forcing oral, anal or
vaginal intercourse on them, or by abducting them for this
purpose. It has since long been established by psychiatry that
these urges, be they acted out or not, have their origin in an
unresolved Oedipus Complex.
The person will have greater control of this affliction if
he does not fight it but tries to understand his behavior, and
his emotional confusion. And here we see again the differ-
ence in behavior between the true hero and the Oedipal Hero.
The true hero will first of all acknowledge the desire, be
it hard to accept, and hard to live with, and cope with, even
if the desire is so virulent that it can never be acted out with-
out really hurting and harming the child physically, or emo-
This is, to repeat it, not the case with a pure sexual at-
traction, as in that case a way can be found in most circum-
stances to abreact sexually without actual penetration, but
only in the aggravating case that the desire is charged with
violence in such a way that penetration is needed for coming
off, and even worse, that the child has to be beaten, made
suffer and cry and give signs of expressing the pain, typically
by screaming, for the sadist being able to discharge orgasmi-
cally. It goes without saying that for any child, whatever their
age, and even an adult, the latter experience is not a particu-
larly nice one, while a tender sexual encounter with an adult
Copyright © 2010 Pierre F. Walter. All rights reserved.
186 | Normative Psychoanalysis
Part One
Child Sexuality and Child Abuse
Q-08. What are the main points where you differ in terms of strategy?
are the born educators, and society needs them badly! But
for this change to happen, a lot of objective information has
to be spread, as for now public opinion is very badly and
wrongly informed about the real world of pedophiles.
The ambience is one of bewilderment, secrecy and fear,
and the myths about so-called ‘pedophile predators’ are
really overshadowing reality. So the message I have for pedo-
philes is to remain positive, accept themselves, and help pub-
lishing objective information about their desire and their
lives, their reality, instead of hiding, making depressions and
indulging in a negative and fatalistic attitude. In my view,
pedophiles have to seek out exchanges also with straight peo-
ple and any kind of people, instead of just meeting and dis-
coursing in their forums, for this will root them more in real-
ity and help them to live with their desire, as conflictual as
that may be in our judgmental and actually very little ra-
tional society.
In my view, pedophiles should eventually understand
that it is futile and ineffective to indulge in so-called scientific
explanations or justifications for child sexuality and begin to
act, wherever possible, for the dignity of children. As I put it
in a slogan, we have to get away from child protection in or-
der to get to be at the service of children!
The grand public is simply not interested in what a pe-
dophile has to say about himself, about children or about his
relationships with children. The grand public has no true
interest in children and therefore no interest in those who
love them! What matters is action! There are many fields of
productive action for childlovers, for example in education,
Copyright © 2010 Pierre F. Walter. All rights reserved.
204 | Normative Psychoanalysis
agenda. Most of the time, today, when people use that term,
they connote the ideological vintage of child protection.
The ideology behind this kind of child protection de-
fends a worldwide business that was established over the last
two decades by people situated rather on the right wing of
society, and by people close to churches and sects, among
them many Christian fundamentalists and world puritans,
that is, Oedipal Heroes, to use my terminology, people who
have a persecutor mindset and who are emotionally imma-
ture if not infantile.
This ideology of protecting children from life comes over
to me, honestly, as a very blatant and stringent perversion in
the sense that it’s a paranoid worldview, that puts life upside
down in every respect.
And it’s no fun for the children, to be true. The rose and
blue world of modern civilization babies represents the plas-
tic shell in which they are incarcerated for ‘their own good’;
it is the clean façade of a culture that has lost the sense of
birth and death and, as such, of living.
The truth of childhood that child protectors tend to in-
voke authoritatively to justify their paranoid assumptions is in
fact a very relative concept; among hundred fifty cultures in a
survey, ours showed to be one of the three most sexually re-
Thus, from a global perspective, such kind of statements
are not only relative, they are simply invalid in their pre-
tended universality. Research on sexual conduct over times
shows that the only difference between now and the past is that since
three hundred years sexuality has become a privilege for
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Research FAQ : Frequently Asked Questions | 207
Q-11. Do you opt for modernizing laws of consent or for abolishing them?
Q-12. It is often argued sex was dangerous for children. Do you agree?
while for many adult males, for example, there is well a must
about being sexual, and frequently sexual, and sexual with
females, in order to prove to oneself that one is a man. While
all such reasoning is of course non-sexual, it’s purely intellec-
tual. And the child, the normal child, is not in that intellec-
tual overdrive and thus perceives sexuality as something one
may do, or not do, without being judgmental in any way
about it. If a child does want to engage in it, it’s because it
feels good, and feels good when one loves the partner. That’s
about all there is to say about it.
The inherent dangers in sex are not different from the
inherent dangers in living!
Those who fear sexploitation of children experience
their own sexuality in a childish way, lacking sexual aggres-
siveness so as to live their love and to enjoy life to its fullest.
All of us carry a part of the responsibility for every child
raped by our consenting to the perpetuation of laws that kill
children emotionally from birth and transform them into
sexless puppets.
An obedient puppet invites rape while a lively human is
in control of all their relations, including sexual ones. It is
our duty, then, as parents or educators to help children as-
sume their sexual desire and to handle sexual encounters of every
possible kind. This is done better through non-action than
through action since the natural self-regulation has prepared
the child to grow early into sexual exchange as part of emo-
tional bonding so as to satisfy the narcissistic ego. Nature has
provided the right way if only we could become sensitive
enough to perceive this truth again!
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Part Two
Myths and Reality About Adult-Child Erotic Attraction
Myth One
Myth Two
Myth Three
Most people, I guess, think that now the time has come
to either exterminate childlove completely or get a turn in
installing it, like a new sex software, in human society. The
exterminators are very busy. The whole state machinery is at
their disposition. The installers are fearful and their actions
are ineffective for the most part. The good news is that this
software does not need to be installed nor reinstalled on the
human computer because it has always been running as a
silent (and hidden) software kit all through the millennia of
human existence.
Grown-up people have always been attracted to the
young. Adolescents always were emotionally and sexually
attracted to pre-pubescent ones. What today is called hetero-
sexual pedophilia is a true non-sense since, historically, the ages
of consent were such that a man could enjoy the young fe-
male in just the same way as he could enjoy the grown-up
female. For both application needs, appropriate software was
Myth Four
‣ I have lived through that myself when I was a child. I liked it very much.
It has enriched me emotionally.
Emotional attitude: Positively subjective
‣ I had such experience. I felt like a stone, powerless, to say the least. It
was ugly. I was victimized, abused.
Emotional attitude: Negatively subjective
‣ I abhor it. People who do that have to be killed. Children are sacred.
Emotional attitude: Moralistic, judgmental, projective, defensive,
idealistic, pseudo-objective, negative, generalizing
Myth Five
has since long become immorality. And where such moral cor-
ruption is the order of the day, it is a well-known fact that
those with the roaring voice of righteousness have the most
of reasons to hide their multiple abuses.
Myth Six
Myth Seven
patriarchal culture and society, but it has been given new life
in the run of the child-abuse hysteria. Instead of validating
abuse as a symptom for a disease to be found out and healed,
they take it for the disease itself and begin to fight on a so-
cial, community level.
These self-declared victims were institutionalized within
the abuse culture. The special place they have in Judeo-
Christian culture is exactly the place that, during Colonial
times, slaves was given. Slavery never has been justified
openly by the hypocrite slave holders, but in a hidden way,
precisely in the way women and children are given their
place. They are given the place of slaves. The argument of
slavery always was protection. A slave must be protected from
evil, it was said, since they are ‘too stupid’ to decide about
their fate, because they are ‘too primitive’ to know what civi-
lization is about, because they are ‘too brute’ to know what
sensitivity is, because they ‘have no soul’ and thus ‘cannot
understand’ what distinguishes a master-Christian.
The same hypocrite sentimental foam is smeared around our
mouths today regarding women and children. It is argued
they were too weak to protect themselves, and that therefore
they had to be protected by the hero, the archetypal male
protector who acts like ‘a true Christian’ in holding evil far
from them, in taking them under his protective umbrella and
in watching over them. Golden slavery! That is their status
within the hero culture.
The truth is that in all of human history, it was only
tribal, shamanic cultures that have treated the female and the
child as equals, on all levels. But this is something the hero
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Research FAQ : Frequently Asked Questions | 231
Myth Eight
Myth Nine
Part Three
Selfhelp and Life Authoring
I may turn the question around and ask ‘How do the deeper
levels of my mind reach us?’ Consciousness is active and there is
a drive in the split-off parts of our residual civilized con-
sciousness to reconnect with us, so as to achieve the primor-
dial unity within us.
Q-11. What is the minimum amount of Life Authoring work to get results?
tle down’. That’s perhaps the most effective way of doing the
work. But again, we’re all different and people should use
their discretion to get to know themselves to a point to decide
what is best for them!
hero culture. They live second hand lives and have not even the
slightest idea what it feels like to live one’s original first hand
Life Authoring was established to guide people back to
their original continuum, enabling them to lead a first hand
life, a life that is their own unique creation. The method pro-
vides a set of practical tools to achieve this goal with simple
means and by accomplishing simple tasks, tasks that everybody,
even of mediocre intelligence, can carry out. The difference
between Life Authoring and self-improvement is perhaps that I
do not believe that we can really improve ourselves. We are
perfect creatures.
But we are full of garbage, cultural garbage, verbal gar-
bage, intellectual garbage, and all we have picked up from
others, in order to make it on the social ladder. Life Authoring
is more of a cleansing process, a purge than a teaching, or a
new learning.
More and more structural transformations change the
world presently and we all know that in only ten years from
now the world will be more different compared to today than
it was a hundred years ago compared to yesterday. The ac-
celeration of human evolution on a personal and collective
level is a fact of life that even non-intellectuals today are
aware of – or made aware of by the mass media. Facing this
situation on a worldwide scale, it is one of the most irresponsible
attitudes of school systems around the world to go on with teaching
stuff instead of teaching learning skills and holistic intelli-
Adrienne, Carol
The Numerology Kit
New American Library, 1988
Albrecht, Karl
The Only Thing That Matters
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Das Bild des Menschen im Märchen
Hamburg: Hoffmann & Campe Verlag, 1982
Untertan Kind
Nachforschungen über Erziehung
München: Max Hueber Verlag, 1987
Mann, Edward W.
Orgone, Reich & Eros
Wilhelm Reich’s Theory of Life Energy
New York: Simon & Schuster (Touchstone), 1973
Mann, Sally
At Twelve
Portraits of Young Women
New York: Aperture, 1988
Immediate Family
New York: Phaidon Press, 1993
Marciniak, Barbara
Bringers of the Dawn
Teachings from the Pleiadians
New York: Bear & Co., 1992
Martinson, Floyd M.
Sexual Knowledge
Values and Behavior Patterns
St. Peter: Minn.: Gustavus Adolphus College, 1966
Masters, R.E.L.
Forbidden Sexual Behavior and Morality
New York, 1962
McCarey, William A.
In Search of Healing
Whole-Body Healing Through the Mind-Body-Spirit Connection
New York: Berkley Publishing, 1996
McCormick on Evidence
by Edward W. Cleary, 3d ed.
Lawyers Edition (Homebook Series)
St. Paul: West, 1984
McKenna, Terence
The Archaic Revival
San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1992
True Hallucinations
Being the Account of the Author’s Extraordinary
Adventures in the Devil’s Paradise
New York: Fine Communications, 1998
McLeod, Kembrew
Freedom of Expression
Resistance and Repression in the Age of Intellectual Property
Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 2007
McNiff, Shaun
Art as Medicine
Boston: Shambhala, 1992
Art as Therapy
Creating a Therapy of the Imagination
Boston/London: Shambhala, 1992
McTaggart, Lynne
The Field
The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe
New York: Harper & Collins, 2002
Mead, Margaret
Sex and Temperament in Three Primitive Societies
New York, 1935
Meadows, Donella H.
Thinking in Systems
A Primer
White River, VT: Chelsea Green Publishing, 2008
Mehta, Rohit
J. Krishnamurti and the Nameless Experience
A Comprehensive Discussion of J. Krishnamurti’s Approach to Life
Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 2002
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice
Phenomenology of Perception
London: Routledge, 1995
Originally published 1945
Phénoménologie de la perception
Paris: Gallimard, 1945
Miller, Alice
Four Your Own Good
Hidden Cruelty in Child-Rearing and the Roots of Violence
New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1983
Pictures of a Childhood
New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1986
Moll, Albert
The Sexual Life of the Child
New York: Macmillan, 1912
First published in German as
Das Sexualleben des Kindes, 1909
Monroe, Robert
Ultimate Journey
New York: Broadway Books, 1994
Monsaingeon, Bruno
Svjatoslav Richter
Notebooks and Conversations
Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2002
Écrits, conversations
Paris: Éditions Van de Velde, 1998
Montagu, Ashley
The Human Significance of the Skin
New York: Harper & Row, 1978
8. Auflage
Stuttgart: Klett/Cotta, 1995
Monter, E. William
Witchcraft in France and Switzerland
Ithaca & London: Cornell University Press, 1976
Montessori, Maria
The Absorbent Mind
Reprint Edition
New York: Buccaneer Books, 1995
First published in 1973
Moody, Raymond
The Light Beyond
New York: Mass Market Paperback (Bantam), 1989
Moore, Thomas
Care of the Soul
A Guide for Cultivating Depth and Sacredness in Everyday Life
New York: Harper & Collins, 1994
Murdock, G.
Social Structure
New York: Macmillan, 1960
Murphy, Joseph
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind
West Nyack, N.Y.: Parker, 1981, N.Y.: Bantam, 1982
Originally published in 1962
Das Erfolgsbuch
Wie sie alles im Leben erreichen können
Hamburg: Heyne Verlag, 2002
Murphy, Michael
The Future of the Body
Explorations into the Further Evolution of Human Nature
New York: Jeremy P. Tarcher/Putnam, 1992
Der Quanten-Mensch
München: Ludwig Verlag, 1996
Myss, Caroline
The Creation of Health
The Emotional, Psychological, and Spiritual Responses that Promote
Health and Healing
New York: Three Rivers Press, 1998
Naparstek, Belleruth
Your Sixth Sense
Unlocking the Power of Your Intuition
London: HarperCollins, 1998
Narby, Jeremy
The Cosmic Serpent
DNA and the Origins of Knowledge
New York: J. P. Tarcher, 1999
Nau, Erika
Self-Awareness Through Huna
Virginia Beach: Donning, 1981
A Radical Approach to Child Rearing
New York: Hart Publishing, Reprint 1984
Originally published 1960
Summerhill School
A New View of Childhood
New York: St. Martin's Press
Reprint 1995
Neuhaus, Heinrich
The Art of Piano Playing
London: Barrie & Jenkins, 1973
Reprinted 1997, 2001, 2002, 2006
First published in 1958
Neumann, Erich
The Great Mother
Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1955
(Bollingen Series)
Newton, Michael
Life Between Lives
Hypnotherapy for Spiritual Regression
Woodbury, Minn.: Llewellyn Publications, 2006
Ni, Hua-Ching
I Ching
The Book of Changes and the Unchanging Truth
2nd edition
Santa Barbara: Seven Star Communications, 1999
Nichols, Sallie
Jung and Tarot: An Archetypal Journey
New York: Red Wheel/Weiser, 1986
Nin, Anaïs
The Diary of Anaïs Nin (7 Volumes)
New York, 1966
Volume 1 (1931-1934)
New York: Harvest Books, 1969
Volume 2 (1934-1939)
New York: Harvest Books, 1970
O’Brian, Shirley
Child Pornography
2nd edition
New York: Kendall/Hunt, 1992
Odent, Michel
Birth Reborn
What Childbirth Should Be
London: Souvenir Press, 1994
Primal Health
Understanding the Critical Period Between Conception
and the First Birthday
London: Clairview Books, 2002
First Published in 1986 with Century Hutchinson in London
La Santé Primale
Paris: Payot, 1986
Ollendorf-Reich, Ilse
Wilhelm Reich, A Personal Biography
New York, St. Martins Press, 1969
Wilhelm Reich
Vorwort von A.S. Neill
München, Kindler, 1975
Ong, Hean-Tatt
Amazing Scientific Basis of Feng-Shui
Kuala Lumpur: Eastern Dragon Press, 1997
Oppenheim, Lassa
International Law
4th Edition, by Sir Arnold D. McNair
New York, 1928
Die revolutionäre Lernmethode
München: Scherz Verlag, 1979
New York: Carroll & Graf, 1991
Der Weg zum optimalen Gedächtnis
München: Goldmann, 1996
(Dr Gérard Encausse)
Traité de Magique Pratique
16e édition
St. Jean de Braye: Éditions Dangles, 1989
Patridge, Burgo
History of Orgies
New York, 1960
Pert, Candace B.
Molecules of Emotion
The Science Behind Mind-Body Medicine
New York: Scribner, 2003
Petrash, Jack
Understanding Waldorf Education
Teaching from the Inside Out
London: Floris Books, 2003
Phipson on Evidence
13th ed., by John Huxley Buzzard
Richard May and M. N. Howard
London: Sweet & Maxwell, 1982
Complete Works
Ed. by John M. Cooper
New York: Hackett Publishing Company, 1997
Plummer, Kenneth
Constructing a Sociological Baseline
in: in: Cook, M. and Howells, K. (Eds.):
Adult Sexual Interest in Children
Academic Press, London, 1980, pp. 220 ff.
Plutarch’s Lives
The Dryden Translation
New York: Bantam Books, 2006
Ponder, Catherine
The Healing Secrets of the Ages
Marine del Rey: DeVorss, 1985
Porteous, Hedy S.
Sex and Identity
Your Child’s Sexuality
Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1972
Prescott, James W.
Affectional Bonding for the Prevention of Violent Behaviors
Neurobiological, Psychological and Religious/Spiritual Determinants
in: Hertzberg, L.J., Ostrum, G.F. and Field, J.R., (Eds.)
Violent Behavior
Vol. 1, Assessment & Intervention, Chapter Six
New York: PMA Publishing, 1990
Alienation of Affection
Psychology Today, December 1979
How Culture Shapes the Developing Brain and the Future of Humanity
A Brief Summary of the research which links brain
abnormalities and violence to an absence of nurturing and bonding
very early in childhood,
in: Touch the Future: Optimum Learning Relationships
for Children & Adults
Spring 2002 (Ed. by Michael Mendizza)
Nevada City, CA, 2002
Pritchard, Colin
The Child Abusers
New York: Open University Press, 2004
Radin, Dean
The Conscious Universe
The Scientific Truth of Psychic Phenomena
San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1997
Entangled Minds
Extrasensory Experiences in a Quantum Reality
New York: Paraview Pocket Books, 2006
Raknes, Ola
Wilhelm Reich and Orgonomy
Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 1970
Randall, Neville
Life After Death
London: Robert Hale, 1999
Rank, Otto
Art and Artist
With Charles Francis Atkinson and Anaïs Nin
New York: W.W. Norton, 1989
Originally published in 1932
Rausky, Franklin
Mesmer ou la révolution thérapeutique
Paris, 1977
Redfield, James
The Tenth Insight
Holding the Vision
New York: Warner Books, 1996
Reich, Wilhelm
A Review of the Theories, dating from The 17th Century,
on the Origin of Organic Life
by Arthur Hahn, Literature Assistant at the Institut für
Sexualökonomische Lebensforschung, Biologisches Laboratorium,
Oslo, 1938
©1979 Mary Boyd Higgins as Director of the Wilhelm Reich Infant Trust
XEROX Copy from the Wilhelm Reich Museum
Early Writings 1
New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1975
Frühe Schriften 1
Aus den Jahren 1920-1925
Frankfurt/M: Fischer, 1983
Frühe Schriften 2
Genitalität in der Theorie und Therapie der Neurose
Frankfurt/M: Fischer, 1985
Menschen im Staat
Frankfurt/M: Nexus, 1982
People in Trouble
©1974 by Mary Boyd Higgins as Director of the Wilhelm Reich
Infant Trust
Record of a Friendship
The Correspondence of Wilhelm Reich and A. S. Neill
New York, Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1981
Selected Writings
An Introduction to Orgonomy
New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1973
Reid, Daniel P.
The Tao of Health, Sex & Longevity
A Modern Practical Guide to the Ancient Way
New York: Simon & Schuster, 1989
Renault, Mary
The Persian Boy
New York: Bantam Books, 1972
Reps, Paul
Zen Flesh, Zen Bones
Rutland: Tuttle Publishing, 1989
Rhodes, Richard
The Making of the Atomic Bomb
New York, Simon & Schuster, 1995
Richardson, Justin
Everything You Never Wanted Your Kids to Know About Sex
With Mark. A. Schuster
New York: Three Rivers Press, 2003
Richet, Charles
Metapsychical Phenomena
Methods and Observations
Kessinger Publishing Reprint Edition, 2004
Originally published in 1905
Robbins, Anthony
Awaken The Giant Within
New York: Simon & Schuster, 1991
Unlimited Power
The New Science of Personal Achievement
New York: Free Press, 1997
Roberts, Jane
The Nature of Personal Reality
New York: Amber-Allen Publishing, 1994
First published in 1974
Roman, Sanaya
Opening to Channel
How To Connect With Your Guide
New York: H.J. Kramer, 1987
Rosenbaum, Julius
The Plague of Lust
New York: Frederick Publications, 1955
Rossman, Parker
Sexual Experiences between Men and Boys
New York, 1976
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
Émile ou de l’Éducation, 1762
Reprint, Paris: Garnier, 1964
Rudhyar, Dane
Astrology of Personality
A Reformulation of Astrological Concepts and Ideals in
Terms of Contemporary Psychology and Philosophy
New York: Aurora Press, 1990
An Astrological Triptych
Gifts of the Spirit, The Way Through, and The Illumined Road
New York: Aurora Press, 1991
Astrological Mandala
New York: Vintage Books, 1994
L’astrologie de la transformation
Paris: Rocher, 1984
Ruperti, Alexander
Cycles of Becoming
The Planetary Pattern of Growth
New York: CRCS Publications, 1978
Rush, Florence
The Best Kept Secret
Sexual Abuse of Children
New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1980
Saint-Simon, Claude-Henri de
De la réorganisation de la société européenne
Avec Auguste Thierry
Paris, 1814
Lausanne: Centre de Recherches Européennes, 1967
Salas, Floyd
Tatoo the Wicked Cross
New York: Grove Press, 1967
Salomé, Jacques
Si je m’écoutais, je m’entendrais
Avec Sylvie Galland
Paris: Éditions de l’Homme, 1990
Sandfort, Theo
The Sexual Aspect of Pedophile Relations
The Experience of Twenty-five Boys
Amsterdam: Pan/Spartacus, 1982
SantoPietro, Nancy
Feng Shui, Harmony by Design
How to Create a Beautiful and Harmonious Home,
New York: Putnam-Berkeley, 1996
Satinover, Jeffrey
Homosexuality and the Politics of Truth
New York: Baker Books, 1996
Sri Aurobindo ou l’aventure de la conscience
Paris: Buchet/Castel, 1970
Schérer, René
Album systématique de l’enfance
Avec Guy Hocquenghem
Recherches No. 22
Paris: E.S.F., 1976
Le corps interdit
Avec Georges Lapassade
Paris: E.S.F., 1976
Schonberg, Harold
The Great Pianists
From Mozart to the Present
New York: Simon and Schuster (Fireside), 2006
Originally published in 1963
Schumacher, E.F.
Small is Beautiful
Economics as if People Mattered
San Francisco: Harper Perennial, 1989
Schwartz, Andrew E.
Guided Imagery for Groups
Fifty Visualizations That Promote Relaxation, Problem-Solving,
Creativity, and Well-Being
Whole Person Associates, 1995
Senf, Bernd
Die Wiederentdeckung des Lebendigen
Aachen: Omega, 2003
Erstmals veröffentlicht 1996 mit Zweitausendeins Verlag in Frankfurt/M
Sepper, Dennis L.
Goethe Contra Newton
Polemics and the Project of a New Science of Color
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988
Shalabi, Ahmad
Cairo, 1970
Sharaf, Myron
Fury on Earth
A Biography of Wilhelm Reich
London: André Deutsch, 1983
Wilhelm Reich
Der heilige Zorn des Lebendigen
Berlin: Simon & Leutner, 1994
Sheldrake, Rupert
A New Science of Life
The Hypothesis of Morphic Resonance
Rochester: Park Street Press, 1995
Shone, Ronald
Creative Visualization
Using Imagery and Imagination for Self-Transformation
New York: Destiny Books, 1998
Singer, June
New York: Doubleday Dell, 1976
Smith, C. Michael
Jung and Shamanism in Dialogue
London: Trafford Publishing, 2007
Spiller, Jan
Astrology for the Soul
New York: Bantam, 1997
Spock, Benjamin
Dr. Spock’s Baby and Child Care
8th Edition
New York: Pocket Books, 2004
Spretnak, Charlene
Green Politics
Rochester, VT: Inner Traditions, 1986
Stein, Robert M.
Redeeming the Inner Child in Marriage and Therapy
in: Reclaiming the Inner Child
ed. by Jeremiah Abrams
New York: Tarcher/Putnam, 1990, 261 ff.
Steiner, Rudolf
An Introduction to the Spiritual Processes in Human Life
and in the Cosmos
New York: Anthroposophic Press, 1994
Stekel, Wilhelm
A Psychiatric Study of Onanism and Neurosis
Republished, London: Paul Kegan, 2004
Psychosexueller Infantilismus
Die seelischen Kinderkrankheiten der Erwachsenen
Berlin: Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1922
Du bist viele
Das 100fache Selbst und seine Entdeckung durch
die Voice-Dialogue Methode
München: Heyne Verlag, 1994
Strassman, Rick
DMT: The Spirit Molecule
A doctor’s revolutionary research into the biology of near-death
and mystical experiences
Rochester: Park Street Press, 2001
Stratenwerth, Günter
Schweizerisches Strafrecht
Besonderer Teil II, 3. Aufl.
Bern: Stämpfli, 1984
Statutory Construction
Ed. By Sands, 4th Edition
London, 1975
The International Legal System
Cases and Materials
2nd Edition
Minneola, N.Y.: Foundation Press, 1981
Szasz, Thomas
The Myth of Mental Illness
New York: Harper & Row, 1984
Talbot, Michael
The Holographic Universe
New York: HarperCollins, 1992
Tansley, David V.
Chakras, Rays and Radionics
London: Daniel Company Ltd., 1984
Tarnas, Richard
Cosmos and Psyche
Intimations of a New World View
New York: Plume, 2007
Tart, Charles T.
Altered States of Consciousness
A Book of Readings
Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley & Sons, 1969
Tatar, Maria M.
Spellbound: Studies on Mesmerism and Literature
Princeton, N.Y., 1978
Oeuvre complète
Paris: Gallimard/Unesco, 1969
Temple, Robert
The Sirius Mystery
New Scientific Evidence of Alien Contact 5000 Years Ago
Rochester: Destiny Books, 1998
Textor, R. B.
A Cross-Cultural Summary
New Haven, Human Relations Area Files (HRAF)
Press, 1967
Thorsson, Edred
A Handbook of Rune Magic
San Francisco: Weiser Books, 1984
Tiller, William A.
Conscious Acts of Creation
The Emergence of a New Physics
Associated Producers, 2004 (DVD)
Psychoenergetic Science
New York: Pavior, 2007
Tischner, Rudolf
F.A. Mesmer
München, 1928
Todaro-Franceschi, Vidette
The Enigma of Energy
Where Science and Religion Converge
New York: Crossroad Publishing, 1991
Toffler, Alvin
Knowledge, Wealth, and Violence at the Edge of the 21st Century
New York: Bantam, 1991
Revolutionary Wealth
How it will be created and how it will change our lives
New York: Broadway Business, 2007
Tolle, Eckhart
The Power of Now
A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment
Novato, CA: New World Library, 2004
A New Earth
Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose
New York: Michael Joseph (Penguin), 2005
Too, Lillian
Feng Shui
Kuala Lumpur: Konsep Books, 1994
Unlawful Sex
Offences, Victims and Offenders in the Criminal Justice System
of England and Wales
The Report of the Howard League Working Party
London: Waterloo Publishers Ltd., 1985
Vanguard, Thorkil
A Symbol and its History in the Male World
New York: International Universities Press, 2001
Villoldo, Alberto
Healing States
A Journey Into the World of Spiritual Healing and Shamanism
With Stanley Krippner
New York: Simon & Schuster (Fireside), 1987
Mending The Past And Healing The Future with Soul Retrieval
New York: Hay House, 2005
Vitebsky, Piers
The Shaman
Voyages of the Soul, Trance, Ecstasy and Healing from
Siberia to the Amazon
New York: Duncan Baird Publishers, 2001
Originally published in 1995
Ward, Elizabeth
Father-Daughter Rape
New York: Grove Press, 1985
Watts, Alan W.
The Way of Zen
New York: Vintage Books, 1999
This Is It
And Other Essays on Zen and Spiritual Experience
New York: Vintage, 1973
Weiss, Jess E.
The Vestibule
New York: Ashley Books, 1979
Wharton’s Criminal Law
14th ed. by Charles E. Torcia
Vol. II, §§99-282
Rochester, New York: The Lawyers Cooperative Publishing Co., 1979
Digest of International Law
Vol. 6
Washington, D.C.: Department of State Publication 8350, 1968
Whitfield, Charles L.
Healing the Child Within
Deerfield Beach, Fl: Health Communications, 1987
Whiting, Beatrice B.
Children of Six Cultures
A Psycho-Cultural Analysis
Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1975
Wiener, Jon
Gimme Some Truth: The John Lennon FBI Files
Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1999
Wilber, Ken
Sex, Ecology, Spirituality
The Spirit of Evolution
Boston: Shambhala, 2000
Quantum Questions
Mystical Writings of The World’s Greatest Physicists
Boston: Shambhala, 2001
Wild, Leon D.
The Runes Workbook
A Step-by-Step Guide to Learning the Wisdom of the Staves
San Diego: Thunder Bay Press, 2004
Wilhelm Helmut
The Wilhelm Lectures on the Book of Changes
Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1995
Wilhelm, Richard
The I Ching or Book of Changes
With C. Baynes
3rd Edition, Bollingen Series XIX
Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1967
Dream Cards
Understand Your Dreams and Enrich Your Life
New York: Simon & Schuster (Fireside), 1991
Wing, R. L.
The I Ching Workbook
Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1984
Woerly, Franz
Esprit Guide
Entretiens avec Karlfried Dürckheim
Paris: Albin Michel, 1985
Parallel Universes
New York: Simon & Schuster, 1990
Wydra, Nancilee
Feng Shui
The Book of Cures
Lincolnwood: Contemporary Books, 1996
Yang, Jwing-Ming
Qigong, The Secret of Youth
Da Mo’s Muscle/Tendon Changing and Marrow/Brain Washing Classics
Boston, Mass.: YMAA Publication Center, 2000
Yates, Alayne
Sex Without Shame
Encouraging the Child's Healthy Sexual Development
New York, 1978
Republished Internet Edition
New York: Simon & Schuster, 1998
Author Copyright 1959, Renewed 1987 by Anne Yeats
Ywahoo, Dhyani
Voices of Our Ancestors
Cherokee Teachings from the Wisdom Fire
New York: Shambhala, 1987
Znamenski, Andrei A.
Critical Concepts in Sociology
New York: Routledge, 2004
Zinker, Joseph
Se créer par la Gestalt
Montréal: Les Éditions de l’Homme, 1981
Zukav, Gary
The Dancing Wu Li Masters
An Overview of the New Physics
New York: HarperOne, 2001
Zweig, Stefan
Die Heilung durch den Geist
Mesmer, Mary Baker-Eddy, Freud
Frankfurt/M: Fischer Verlag, 1982
Originally published in 1931
Zyman, Sergio
The End of Marketing as We Know It
New York: HarperCollins, 2000
ISBNs shall not be referenced for the reason that I publish with
different outlets and publishers, using various ISBN blocks. The
ISBN numbers, if needed, can be found on They
are always referenced with the publication.
English Publications
by Pierre F. Walter
Awareness Guides
Audio Books
A Psychological Revolution?
On the Teaching of Krishnamurti
Newark: Sirius-C Media Galaxy LLC, 2010
Child Play
Coaching Your Inner Child
Newark: Sirius-C Media Galaxy LLC, 2010
Creative Prayer
The Miracle Road
Newark: Sirius-C Media Galaxy LLC, 2010
A Systemic Analysis of Emotional Identity in the Etiology of Sexual
Newark: Sirius-C Media Galaxy LLC, 2010
Emotional Flow
A Holistic Approach to Healing Sadism
Newark: Sirius-C Media Galaxy LLC, 2010
Love or Laws?
When Law Punishes Life
Newark: Sirius-C Media Galaxy LLC, 2010
Minotaur Unveiled
A Historical Assessment of Adult-Child Sexual Interaction
Newark: Sirius-C Media Galaxy LLC, 2010
Notes on Consciousness
Elements of an Integrative Worldview
Newark: Sirius-C Media Galaxy LLC, 2010
Oedipal Hero
The Hidden Side of Glory
Newark: Sirius-C Media Galaxy LLC, 2010
Patterns of Perception
Preferred Pathways to Genius
Newark: Sirius-C Media Galaxy LLC, 2010
Power or Depression?
The Cultural Roots of Abuse
Newark: Sirius-C Media Galaxy LLC, 2010
Processed Reality
Pitfalls of Perception and the Cosmic Mind
Newark: Sirius-C Media Galaxy LLC, 2010
Soul Jazz
Recognizing and Realizing Your Soul Values
Newark: Sirius-C Media Galaxy LLC, 2010
The Webolution
A Publishing Highway?
Newark: Sirius-C Media Galaxy LLC, 2010
Walter’s Encyclopedia
Academic Edition
Newark: Sirius-C Media Galaxy LLC, 2010
Walter’s Encyclopedia
Illustrated Edition
Newark: Sirius-C Media Galaxy LLC, 2010
Love or Morality?
Social Policy for the 21st Century
Newark: Sirius-C Media Galaxy LLC, 2010
Natural Order
Thesis, Antithesis and Synthesis in Human Evolution
Newark: Sirius-C Media Galaxy LLC, 2010
Normative Psychoanalysis
How the Oedipal Dogma Shapes Consumer Culture
Newark: Sirius-C Media Galaxy LLC, 2010
Poetic Writings
Stories, Pamphlets, Poetry, Changing the Love Pattern, The Hero Cult,
The Trial
Newark: Sirius-C Media Galaxy LLC, 2010
Scholarly Articles
Basics of Divination
How Divination Can Facilitate Smart Decision-Making
Newark: Sirius-C Media Galaxy LLC, 2010
Basics of Mythology
Some Leading Archetypes
Newark: Sirius-C Media Galaxy LLC, 2010
Permissive Education
A Summary
Newark: Sirius-C Media Galaxy LLC, 2010
French Publications
by Pierre F. Walter
Essais 1990-2010
Newark: Sirius-C Media Galaxy LLC, 2010
Écrits poétiques
Écrits poétiques
Newark: Sirius-C Media Galaxy LLC, 2010
Journal trilingue
Newark: Sirius-C Media Galaxy LLC, 2010
Livres Audio
Histoire vraie
Newark: Sirius-C Media Galaxy LLC, 2010
Le jardin infâme
Un regard sur l’âme et son corps
Newark: Sirius-C Media Galaxy LLC, 2010
Potentiel et créativité
Au sujet du développement de soi
Newark: Sirius-C Media Galaxy LLC, 2010
German Publications
by Pierre F. Walter
Essays 1990-2010
Zwanzig Jahre schriftstellerisches Engagement in den Bereichen
Bewusstsein, Friedensforschung, Musikologie, Orgonomie,
Kinderschutz, Gewaltverhütung und Persönlichkeitsentwicklung
Newark: Sirius-C Media Galaxy LLC, 2010
Nationale Unmündigkeit
Abschied von der Heroenkultur
Newark: Sirius-C Media Galaxy LLC, 2010
Poetische Schriften
David und Jonathan / David H. oder die Liebe zur Fotografie
Das Verfahren / Kurzdrehbücher und Sketche
Newark: Sirius-C Media Galaxy LLC, 2010
Frühe Jahre
Autobiographie 1955-1985
Newark: Sirius-C Media Galaxy LLC, 2010
Kleine Texte
Gedanken, Notebook, Traktate
Newark: Sirius-C Media Galaxy LLC, 2010
Wahre Geschichten
Newark: Sirius-C Media Galaxy LLC, 2010
Web Presence
Video Channels
‘Why I love Einstein’
Chapter One
‘Perennial Insights’
Minoan Civilization
The Egalitarian Society
The Roots of Violence
Pleasure and Intelligence
Pleasure and Touch
Pleasure and Violence
The Holistic Science Paradigm
‣ Generalities
‣ The Inner Selves
‣ Inner Child
‣ Inner Adult
‣ Inner Parent
‣ Inner Dialogue
‣ Multidimensionality of the Psyche
‣ Function of the Ego
‣ Inner Child Recovery
‣ Inner Child Healing
Chapter Two
‘Integrated Knowledge’
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
‘Genius and Geniuses’
Four-Quadrant Genius
The Genius of Leonardo
The Genius of Wilhelm Reich
‣ General Remarks
‣ Jarrett and Inner Knowledge
‣ Jarrett’s Shostakovich
Chapter Five
‘Forefathers of the Quantum Field’
Ether or Other
Chapter Six
‘What the Bleep Does the Bleep Know!?’
The Unified Field
Coherence, Connectivity, Entanglement, Nonlocality
The Impact of Consciousness
The Impact of Intention
Creating Our Own Reality
A New Science?
What the Bleep Does the Bleep Know!?
From the Same Author
Synopsis Monographs-Audio
Chapter One
The Myopic View
What Emotions Really Are
How Emotions Become Pathological
What Modern Scientists Say
Emotions and Schizophrenia
Chapter Two
‘Handling Emotional Flow’
Emotions are Functional
What is Emotional Flow?
‣ 1) Change (Flow)
‣ 2) Tao (Intelligence)
‣ 3) Yin & Yang (Duality)
‣ 4) The Five Elements (Interactivity)
‣ 5) Harmony (Equilibrium)
Integrating Emotions
Chapter Three
‘Healing Sadism’
What is Sadism?
The Two Faces of Sadism
The Sadism of Child Protection
The Sadism of Modern Science
Fake Heterosexuality
Oedipal Culture
The Cultural Child Sex Dogma
Rape vs. Loving Embrace
Addressing the Other Victim
A Possible New Social Policy
Chapter Four
‘Emotions and Sexual Paraphilias’
A New Regard on Sexual Paraphilias
The Energy Nature of Sexual Paraphilias
‣ Burr (1889-1973)
‣ Summary
Chapter Five
‘Transforming the Demonic Affliction’
Healing the Luminous Body
Paracelsus’ Aura Healing
From Hermetics to Quantum Physics
Framework for Holistic Healing
Chapter Six
‘Six Steps to Change Your Emotional Reality’
Facing Emotional Reality
Triggering Self-Awareness
Practicing Acceptance
Realizing Your Love
Facing Your Now
Making a Value Decision
Taking Action
Affirming Your Identity
Chapter Seven
‘Harnessing the Power of Emotional Identity’
Regaining Wholeness
Allowing Emotions
Developing Emotional Awareness
Developing Self-Vision
Become Flexible and Permissive
Chapter Eight
‘Fritjof Capra’s Essential Contributions to Holistic Science’
Chapter Nine
A New Old Science
The Hado Concept
Insights of Vibrational Medicine
The Human Energy Field
Morphic Resonance and Cell Vibration
‘The New Energy Science’
From the Same Author
Synopsis Monographs-Audio
‘Thanks to my Mentors’
A Novelty Topic
Seven Immunity Statutes
‘Restrictive Immunity and Burden of Proof’
Chapter One
‘The Law of Evidence and the Burden of Proof’
‣ Introduction
‣ Notion and Function
‣ Standard of Proof
‣ Incidence
‣ Standard of Proof
‣ Notion and Function
‣ Incidence
Chapter Two
‘The Restriction of Sovereign Immunity’
Chapter Three
‘The Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act 1976 (United States)’
Importance of the Act
Construction of the Act
The House Report
Procedural Questions
‣ Rule-and-Exception Construction
‣ The House Report Evidence Rule
‣ Conclusion
‣ Overview
‣ Foreign Affairs
‣ Interior Affairs
• Police Actions
• Actions for the Protection of Natural Resources
• The Price Fixing Procedure
• Standards of International Law
• The Court of Appeals Judgment
‣ Budgetary Activity
‣ National Defense
‣ Conclusion
• Foreign Affairs
• Internal Affairs
• Budgetary Activity
• National Defense
Chapter Four
‘The State Immunity Act 1978 (United Kingdom)’
‣ General Considerations
‣ The Rule-and-Exception Principle
‣ The Restrictive Immunity Doctrine
‣ Examination of the Precedents
‣ Examination of the Restrictive Immunity Doctrine
• A New Restrictive Immunity Rule
• It is a New Independent Rule
‣ Examination of I Congreso del Partido
‣ The Burden of Proof for Separate Entities of a Foreign State
‣ Conclusion
Chapter Five
‘The State Immunity Act 1979 (Singapore)’
‣ Generalities
‣ Application of British Case Law
‣ The Burden of Proof Situation
• The Burden of Proof for Immunity from Jurisdiction
• The Burden of Proof for Immunity from Execution
Chapter Six
‘The State Immunity Ordinance 1981 (Pakistan)’
Historical Development
Chapter Seven
Historical Development
The Burden of Proof for Immunity from Jurisdiction
‣ Generalities
‣ The Precedent I Congreso del Partido
‣ Separate Entities
Chapter Eight
‘The State Immunity Act 1982 (Canada)’
Legislative History
Construction of the STIA 1982
The Burden of Proof for Immunity from Jurisdiction
The Burden of Proof for Immunity from Execution
General Conclusion
‘General Conclusion and Theses’
General Conclusion
Summery Thesis
‘The Unasked Question’
Legal Materials
‘On Foreign Sovereign Immunities’
Table of Precedents
Chapter One
‘Evidence Brief’
Jurisdiction and Competence
Burden of Proof
The Evidential Burden
The Persuasive Burden
Chapter Two
‘Assessment of the Burden of Proof’
Chapter Three
‘Some Intricate Procedural Questions’
‣ Minimal Contacts
‣ Service of Process
‣ Default Judgment
‣ Foreign State and Agency and Instrumentality of a Foreign State
• The Legal Status of Romanian Bank
• The Legal Status of MASIN
• Credibility of the Affidavit
• Formal Requirements of the Affidavit
‣ Conclusion
Chapter Four
‘Solving Evidence Problems under the FSIA’
Chapter Five
‣ Clause One
‣ Clause Two
‣ Clause Three
‣ Introduction
‣ Expropriation in Violation of International Law
‣ The Minimal Contacts Requirements
‣ Conclusion
‣ The Immovable Property Exception
‣ Introduction
‣ Minimal Contacts or Nexus
‣ Causality
‣ Scope of Employment
‣ Exception
‣ Conclusion
Chapter Six
Foreign Affairs
Interior Affairs
‣ Police Actions
‣ Actions for the Protection of Natural Resources
• The OPEC Price Fixing Procedure
• Standards of International Law
• The Court of Appeals Judgment
‣ Budgetary Activity
‣ National Defense
‣ Conclusion
• Foreign Affairs
• Internal Affairs
• Budgetary Activity
• National Defense
Chapter Seven
‘The Burden of Proof for Immunity from Execution’
‘General Conclusion’
Table of Precedents
‘What is Consciousness?’
What is Consciousness?
Patterns of Perception
Chapter One
The Way of Fear
The Content of Consciousness
Split Consciousness
The Individual and Collective Unconscious
The Role of Emotions
Emptying Consciousness of its Content?
Points to Ponder
Chapter Two
Eight Dynamic Patterns of Living
‣ Autonomy
‣ Ecstasy
‣ Energy
‣ Language
‣ Love
‣ Pleasure
‣ Self-Regulation
‣ Touch
Chapter Three
What is Ayahuasca?
An Ayahuasca Experience
The Consciousness Theory
The Cognitive Experience
Literature Review
Points to Ponder
Chapter Four
‘The Spiritual Laws of Matriarchy’
The Lunar Bull
Historical Turn
Murder of the Goddess
The Murder Culture
The Spiritual Laws of Matriarchy
Bull and Serpent
Points to Ponder
Chapter Five
‘Processed Reality’
Processing Reality
Pitfalls of Perception
Spiritual Pitfalls
‣ Churches
‣ Sects
‣ Gurus
‣ Saviors
Ideological Pitfalls
Emotional Pitfalls
The Myths of Worldwide Democracy
Creating Reality
Points to Ponder
Chapter Six
‘A New Consciousness’
On Consciousness
On Love
On Power
On Science
On Health
On Emotions
On Peace
Points to Ponder
From the Same Author
Synopsis Monographs-Audio
What is Love?
Love or Abuse?
Chapter One
The Cultural Confusion
The Cultural Fear of Erotic Novelty
Chapter Two
‘On the True Nature of Human Sexuality’
The Silent Taboo
The Myth of Pedophile Predator Sexuality
Chapter Three
‘The Abuse-Centered Culture’
Understanding Abuse as Accidented Love
Abuse is Cultural, Not Biological
Chapter Four
‘The Demonization of Adult-Child Erotic Love’
What is Child Protection?
Consumer Protection?
From Protecting Children to Serving Children
Sex Offender
Chapter Five
The Institutionalized Victim
The Hidden Swine
Street Monster
Chapter Six
‘The Patriarchal Love Bias’
The Goddess Within
Emotional Abuse
Mind-Body Dilemma
Chapter Seven
‘The Truncated Account of Adult-Child Erotic Attraction’
Ancient Patriarchy
Victorian Era
Modern Times
Points to Ponder
Chapter Eight
‘Does Pedophile Love Equal Abuse?’
Child-Adult Sex vs. Child-Child Sex
Possible Etiologies of Pedophilia
Possible Etiologies of Child Rape
Pedoemotions are Universal
Aesthetic and Poetic Childlove
Affectionate vs. Sadistic Childlove
Does Pedophilia Equal Child Rape?
Free Choice Relations for Children?
Lover vs. Offender
Chapter Nine
‘Lovers or Abusers?’
What are Sexual Paraphilias?
Is Childlove ‘Sicko’ Behavior?
An Etiology of Boylove
An Etiology of Girllove
Childlove vs. Perversion
Chapter Ten
‘Love or Laws?’
Childlove and Sensuality
Childlove and Normalcy
Chapter Eleven
‘Free Choice Relations for Children?’
Chapter Twelve
‘The Roots of Violence’
Chapter Thirteen
§1 Preliminaries
§2 Competencies of Consultants
§3 Measures taken by Consultants
§4 Definitions
§5 Violence against Children
§6 Consent
§7 Degree of Violence and Burden of Proof
§8 Family and Educational Relations
Chapter Fourteen
‘Handling Pedophile Desire’
Accepting Your Childlove?
Coding Childlove
The Trap of Child Protection
The Trap of Morality
Chapter Fifteen
‘A Policy Change Proposal’
A 12 Points Agenda
‣ In the Aquarius Age Citizens are Customers, not Subjects to the Nation State
‣ Trusting the Goodness of the Citizen as a Rule for the Federal Government
‣ All Criminal Prosecution Without Primary Evidence is Unconstitutional
‣ Social Policy Making Done with Deliberate Focus Upon the Proactive Citizen
‣ Proposal 2/12
‣ All Sensual and Sexual Behavior is Prima Facie Part of Natural Behavior
‣ We Can Only Evolve from Where we Are, Not from Where We Wish to Be
‣ Realistic Social Policy Making Means to See the Human Positively,
Not Ideologically
‣ Idealism and Ideologies are the Leading Paradigms Since 5000 Years.
Where are We Now?
‣ Being Realistic in a Human World Means to Be Humanistic,
That is, Human-Friendly
‣ Proposal 9/12
‣ Proposal 11/12
‣ Proposal 12/12
From the Same Author
Synopsis Monographs-Audio
The Child and Sanity
The Hairy Issues
Chapter One
Minoan Civilization
The Egalitarian Society
The Nonviolent Trobrianders
Yin-Yang Balance
Pleasure, the Prime Regulator
‣ Definition
‣ What is the Nature of our Emotions?
‣ What are Pedoemotions?
‣ What is Pedoerotics?
‣ What is Adult-Child Sex Like?
‣ References
Chapter Two
Repression and Denial
Repression and Regression
Repression and Retrogradation
Repression and Projection
Cultural Perversion
Legislative Perversion
Religious Perversion
‣ Calvinism
‣ Puritanism
‣ The Inquisition
‣ Gerontophilia
‣ Pedophilia or Childlove
‣ Boylove or Pederasty
Parent-Child Co-Dependence
Emotional Abuse
‣ Introduction
‣ The Primary Abuse Etiology
Oedipal Culture
‣ Scientific Mysticism
‣ Mystical Thinking vs. Functional Thinking
‣ Mysticism vs. Spirituality
‣ Mysticism, Insanity, Cruelty, Brutality, Perversion and Fascism
‣ What is Narcissism?
‣ How to Identify Narcissism?
‣ Narcissism and Soul
‣ The Origin of Narcissism
Denial of Complexity
‣ Generalities
‣ Dangers of Conspiracy Thinking
‣ The Biggest Secret
• Pedophiles, Pedophilia
• The Reptile Theory
• The World is Being Dominated by Five Families
• Blaming People or Institutions
• Anti-Semitism
• Secret Societies
Youth Fascism
‣ First Example
‣ Second Example
‣ Third Example
Chapter Three
The Eight Dynamic Patterns of Living
‣ General
‣ The Eight Patterns
• The Autonomy Pattern
• The Ecstasy Pattern
• The Energy Pattern
• The Language Pattern
• The Love Pattern
• The Pleasure Pattern
• The Self-Regulation Pattern
• The Touch Pattern
‣ Generalities
‣ The Inner Selves
‣ Inner Child
‣ Inner Adult
‣ Inner Parent
‣ Inner Dialogue
‣ Emotional Flow
‣ The Nature of Emotions
‣ Emotional Awareness
‣ Emotional Balance
‣ Emotional Intelligence
‣ The Life Force
‣ The Emonics Terminology
• Akashic Records
• Aura
• E and E-Force
• Emonic and Demonic
• Emonic Charge
• Emonic Awareness or Emotional Awareness
• Emonic Current, Emonic Flow or Emotional Flow
• Emonic Integrity
• Emonic Setup
• Emonic Vibration
• Corroboration of Emonics
• Emonics and Sexual Paraphilias
• Emonics and Emosexuality
• Emonic Dysfunctions
Permissive Education
‣ Introduction
‣ The Failure of Moralistic Education
‣ Raising Humane Humans
From the Same Author
Synopsis Monographs-Audio
Chapter One
Parent-Child Co-Dependence
Closeness vs. Clinging
What is Emotional Entanglement?
Emotional Abuse
Chapter Two
What Means Oedipus Complex?
Is the Oedipus Complex Universal?
Criticism of the Theory
Oedipal Culture
‣ Castration or Permissiveness?
‣ Are Masturbating Children Better Citizens?
Chapter Three
‣ Be Ideal!
‣ Be Small and Helpless!
‣ Ignore Who You Are!
Chapter Four
The Complete Oedipus Story
A Teaching Tale?
The Oedipal Hero
Narcissus and Oedipus
The Postmodern Mix
From the Same Author
Synopsis Monographs-Audio
‘Thanks to my Mentors’
A Novelty Topic
Seven Immunity Statutes
‘Restrictive Immunity and Burden of Proof’
Chapter One
‘The Law of Evidence and the Burden of Proof’
‣ Introduction
‣ Notion and Function
‣ Standard of Proof
‣ Incidence
‣ Standard of Proof
‣ Notion and Function
‣ Incidence
Chapter Two
‘The Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act of 1976 (United States)’
Importance of the Act
Construction of the Act
The House Report
Procedural Questions
‣ Rule-and-Exception Construction
‣ The House Report Evidence Rule
‣ Overview
‣ Foreign Affairs
‣ Interior Affairs
• Police Actions
• Actions for the Protection of Natural Resources
• The Price Fixing Procedure
• Standards of International Law
• The Court of Appeals Judgment
‣ Budgetary Activity
‣ National Defense
‣ Conclusion
• Foreign Affairs
• Internal Affairs
• Budgetary Activity
• National Defense
Chapter Three
Legislative History
Construction of the STIA 1982
The Burden of Proof for Immunity from Jurisdiction
The Burden of Proof for Immunity from Execution
General Conclusion
General Conclusion
Summery Thesis
Legal Materials
FSIA 1976 (United States)
STIA 1972 (Canada)
Table of Precedents
‘What is National Sovereignty?’
What is Sovereignty?
A Modern Definition
Chapter One
‘The Rise of National Sovereignty’
Chapter Two
‘The United States of Europe, Utopia or Future Reality’
The Early Plans for Eternal Peace
Abbé de Saint-Pierre
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Immanuel Kant
Integration vs. Constitution
A European Constitution?
Chapter Three
‘The Restriction of National Sovereignty’
State Trading and Sovereignty
The Allocation of the Burden of Proof
Immunity from Jurisdiction
Immunity from Execution
The Signal Function of Restricted Sovereignty
From the Same Author
Synopsis Monographs-Audio
‘What is Shamanism?’
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Common Assumptions
The Detractors of Shamanism
‣ Sigmund Freud
‣ Bronislaw Malinowski and Margaret Mead
‣ Carl-Gustav Jung
‣ The Grand Opening
Chapter Four
‘Shamanism and the Use of Entheogens’
What is Ayahuasca?
An Ayahuasca Experience
The Consciousness Theory
Literature Review
Chapter Five
‘A Science of Pattern’
‣ 1) Autonomy
‣ 2) Ecstasy
‣ 3) Energy
‣ 4) Language
‣ 5) Love
‣ 6) Pleasure
‣ 7) Self-Regulation
‣ 8) Touch
Chapter Six
‘The Matriarchal Science’
The Lunar Bull
Historical Turn
Murder of the Goddess
The Murder Culture
The Spiritual Laws of Matriarchy
Bull and Serpent
Chapter Seven
‘A Scientific-Shamanic Approach to Religion’
The Unique Self
The Secret and the Real
Body and Soul
Desire and Morality
Approaching the Divine?
Chapter Eight
On Consciousness
On Love
On Power
On Science
On Emotions
On Peace
From the Same Author
Synopsis Monographs-Audio
Commentaries on Loving
Newark: Sirius-C Media Galaxy, 2010
‘What is Science?’
Book One
‘The Deeper Yielding’
‣ A) Positively indifferent
‣ B) Negatively indifferent
‣ C) Positively subjective
‣ D) Negatively subjective
‣ E) Moralistic, judgmental, projective, defensive, pseudo-objective,
negative, generalizing
‣ F) Positively affirmative, subjective, conscious
Book Two
‘The Deeper Meaning’
Book Three
‘The Deeper Understanding’
From the Same Author
Synopsis Monographs-Audio
‘A Comprehensive Technique’
Story Writing
Creative Prayer
Voice Dialogue and Spontaneous Art
Chapter One
The Technique
The Personal Vision Statement (PVS)
‣ Global Vision
‣ Creative Realization
‣ Relations and Intimacy
‣ Fame and Merits
Chapter Two
‘Creative Prayer’
What is Prayer?
Learn the Technique
Practice Creative Prayer
Activate Self-Healing
Build Self-Confidence
Create Inner Peace
Chapter Three
‘The Star Script’
The Star Script
Points to Ponder
Chapter Four
‘Healing Addiction’
A Common Etiology
Dealing with Addiction
Dealing with Sadism
‣ 1) Flow
‣ 2) Intelligence
‣ 3) Duality
‣ 4) Interactivity
‣ 5) Equilibrium
Chapter Five
‘Building Your Inner Team’
Who is Who Guide
Personal Diary
Creativity Central
Art Guide
From the Same Author
Synopsis Monographs-Audio
Real Scientists
The Promethean Role of the Scientist
A Pioneer of Holistic Science
Chapter One
Chapter Two
‘Reich’s Greatest Discoveries’
‣ References
‣ Essential Discoveries
‣ Defamed Yet Corroborated
‣ A Scientific Genius
‣ The Root Cause of Violence
‣ Advocacy for Child Sexual Rights
Chapter Three
‘Orgonomy and Schizophrenia’
The Energy Code
The Schizophrenic Split
Zur Natur der Orgonenergie
Reichs Pionierarbeit
Reichs Wichtigste Entdeckungen
Reichs Faschismusforschung
From the Same Author
Synopsis Monographs-Audio
‘What is Shamanism?’
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Common Assumptions
The Detractors of Shamanism
‣ Sigmund Freud
‣ Bronislaw Malinowski and Margaret Mead
‣ Carl-Gustav Jung
‣ The Grand Opening
Chapter Four
What is Ayahuasca?
An Ayahuasca Experience
The Consciousness Theory
Literature Review
Chapter Five
‘A Science of Pattern’
‣ 1) Autonomy
‣ 2) Ecstasy
‣ 3) Energy
‣ 4) Language
‣ 5) Love
‣ 6) Pleasure
‣ 7) Self-Regulation
‣ 8) Touch
Chapter Six
‘The Matriarchal Science’
The Lunar Bull
Historical Turn
Murder of the Goddess
The Murder Culture
The Spiritual Laws of Matriarchy
Bull and Serpent
Chapter Seven
‘A Scientific-Shamanic Approach to Religion’
The Unique Self
The Secret and the Real
Body and Soul
Desire and Morality
Approaching the Divine?
Chapter Eight
The Integrative Function of Shamanism and Channeling
On Consciousness
On Love
On Power
On Science
On Emotions
On Peace
From the Same Author
Synopsis Monographs-Audio
31 The United Nations Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or
Degrading Treatment or Punishment is an international human rights instru-
ment, under the purview of the United Nations, that aims to prevent tor-
ture around the world. The Convention requires states to take effective
measures to prevent torture within their borders, and forbids states to re-
turn people to their home country if there is reason to believe they will be
tortured. The text of the Convention was adopted by the United Nations
General Assembly on 10th of December 1984 and, following ratification by
the 20th state party, it came into force on 26th of June 1987. 26th of June is
now recognized as the International Day in Support of Torture Victims, in honor
of the Convention. As of June 2008, 145 nations are parties to the treaty,
and another nine have signed but not ratified it.