Mother's Day Free Brooch Knitting Pattern

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FINISHED SIZE (very approximately) 8cm /3in

YARN small amounts 4 ply (light-worsted) or sport-weight yarn in various
colours of your choice
NEEDLES set size 3mm (US size 2) for the backing and two of the flowers,
& pair size 2mm (US size 0) needles for the two other smaller flowers
NOTIONS brooch backing or safety pin, yarn sewing needle

Special instruction:
w+t = Wrap and turn. Bring yarn to front of work between needles, slip
next st to right-hand needle, bring yarn around this st to back of work, slip
st back to left-hand needle, turn work to begin working back in the other

Mother’s day
pretty knitty brooch
Cast on 3 sts using MC and size 3mm (US size 2) needles.
1st rnd K3.
Work as i-cord; slide sts to other end of needle without turning, keeping
gauge tight, pull working yarn across the back of the i-cord.
Rnd 2 (inc) [Kfb] 3 times. 6sts
Rnd 3 K6 - knitting each set of 2 sts over 3 needles. RS facing, join in rnd.
Rnd 4 (inc) [Kfb] 6 times. 12sts
Rnd 5 K12.
Rnd 6 (inc) [K1, Kfb] 6 times. 18sts
Rnd 7 K18.
Rnd 8 (inc) [K2, kfb] 6 times. 24sts
Rnd 9 K24.
Rnd 10 (inc) [K3, kfb] 6 times. 30sts
Rnd 11 K30. FREEPATTERN page 2 FREEPATTERN page 3

Rnd 12 (inc) [K4, kfb] 6 times. 36sts Flower

Rnd 13 K36. Using 3mm (US size 2) needles cast on 35 sts.
Rnd 14 (inc) [K5, kfb] 6 times. 42sts 1st row (RS) P.
Rnd 15 K42. Row 2 K6, w+t.
Rnd 16 (inc) [K6, kfb] 6 times. 48sts Row 3 P4, w+t.
Rnd 17 K48. Row 4 K3, w+t.
Rnd 18 (inc) [K7, kfb] 6 times. 54sts Row 5 P2, w+t.
Rnd 19 K54. Place marker. Row 6 K1, w+t.
Rnd 20 [Yf, k2tog] 27 times (up to marker). Row 7 P4.
Rnd 21 K54. Bind off 7sts.
Rnd 22 (dec) [K7, k2tog] 6 times. 48sts *Row 8 K5, w+t.
Rnd 23 K48. Row 9 P4, w+t.
Rnd 24 (dec) [K6, k2tog] 6 times. 42sts Row 10 K3, w+t.
Rnd 25 K42. Row 11 P2, w+t.
Rnd 26 (dec) [K5, k2tog] 6 times. 36sts Row 12 K1, w+t.
Rnd 27 K36. Row 13 P4.
Rnd 28 (dec) [K4, k2tog] 6 times. 30sts Bind off 7sts.**
Rnd 29 K30. Rep from * to ** three times more.
Rnd 30 (dec) [K3, k2tog] 6 times. 24sts To make up each flower, thread up a sewing needle with the yarn end
Rnd 31 K24. from the bind off. Weave the needle and yarn in and out along the cast on
Rnd 32 (dec) [K2, k2tog] 6 times. 18sts edge. Pull up to gather to create the flower. Join row ends as they meet
Rnd 33 K18. and shape the petals with your fingers.
Rnd 34 (dec) [K1, k2tog] 6 times. 12sts Sew the flowers onto the backing, (I like the flowers with the ‘WS’ of the
Rnd 35 K12. knitting facing, but this is your choice). Work little stitches in yellow yarn into
Rnd 36 (dec) [K2tog] 6 times. 6sts the centre of the flowers and through the first layer of the backing. Sew a
brooch pin (or safety pin) onto the back of the brooch backing placing it a
Cut yarn, thread end through 6sts, pull up tight to close hole. little higher than halfway up so that the brooch sits nicely when worn.
Flatten the ‘ball’. Sew top to the bottom to stop the ball from popping up. The orange petals on the brooch were made by working rows 1 - 13
If necessary carefully press to flatten with an iron. binding off then making up as before. FREEPATTERN page 2 FREEPATTERN page 1

PRINTER FRIENDLY VERSION... Rnd 12 (inc) [K4, kfb] 6 times. 36sts

Rnd 13 K36.
FINISHED SIZE very approximately 8cm /3in
Rnd 14 (inc) [K5, kfb] 6 times. 42sts
YARN small amounts 4 ply (light-worsted) or sport-weight yarn in various colours of your
choice Rnd 15 K42.
NEEDLES set size 3mm (US size 2) for the backing and two of the flowers, & pair size Rnd 16 (inc) [K6, kfb] 6 times. 48sts
2mm (US size 0) needles for the two other smaller flowers
Rnd 17 K48.
NOTIONS brooch backing or safety pin, yarn sewing needle
Rnd 18 (inc) [K7, kfb] 6 times. 54sts
Rnd 19 K54. Place marker.
Special instruction:
w+t = Wrap and turn. Bring yarn to front of work between needles, slip next st to right-
Rnd 20 [Yf, k2tog] 27 times (up to marker).
hand needle, bring yarn around this st to back of work, slip st back to left-hand needle, Rnd 21 K54.
turn work to begin working back in the other direction. Rnd 22 (dec) [K7, k2tog] 6 times. 48sts
Rnd 23 K48.
Mother’s day
Rnd 24 (dec) [K6, k2tog] 6 times. 42sts
pretty knitty brooch Rnd 25 K42.
Backing Rnd 26 (dec) [K5, k2tog] 6 times. 36sts
Cast on 3 sts using MC and size 3mm (US size 2) needles. Rnd 27 K36.
1st rnd K3. Rnd 28 (dec) [K4, k2tog] 6 times. 30sts
Work as i-cord; slide sts to other end of needle without turning, keeping Rnd 29 K30.
gauge tight, pull working yarn across the back of the i-cord. Rnd 30 (dec) [K3, k2tog] 6 times. 24sts
Rnd 2 (inc) [Kfb] 3 times. 6sts Rnd 31 K24.
Rnd 3 K6, knitting each set of 2 sts over 3 needles. RS facing, join in rnd. Rnd 32 (dec) [K2, k2tog] 6 times. 18sts
Rnd 4 (inc) [Kfb] 6 times. 12sts Rnd 33 K18.
Rnd 5 K12. Rnd 34 (dec) [K1, k2tog] 6 times. 12sts
Rnd 6 (inc) [K1, Kfb] 6 times. 18sts Rnd 35 K12.
Rnd 7 K18. Rnd 36 (dec) [K2tog] 6 times. 6sts
Rnd 8 (inc) [K2, kfb] 6 times. 24sts
Rnd 9 K24. Cut yarn, thread end through 6sts, pull up tight to close hole.
Rnd 10 (inc) [K3, kfb] 6 times. 30sts Flatten the ball. Sew top to the bottom to stop the ball from popping up. If
Rnd 11 K30. necessary carefully press to flatten with an iron. FREEPATTERN page 3

Using 3mm (US size 2) or 2mm (US size 0) needles cast on 35 sts.
1st row (RS) P.
Row 2 K6, w+t.
Row 3 P4, w+t.
Row 4 K3, w+t.
Row 5 P2, w+t.
Row 6 K1, w+t.
Row 7 P4.
Bind off 7sts.
*Row 8 K5, w+t.
Row 9 P4, w+t.
Row 10 K3, w+t.
Row 11 P2, w+t.
Row 12 K1, w+t.
Row 13 P4.
Bind off 7sts.**
Rep from * to ** three times more.
To make up each flower, thread up a sewing needle with yarn end at the
bind off. Weave the needle and yarn in and out along the cast on edge.
Pull up to gather to create the flower. Join row ends as they meet and
shape the petals with your fingers.
Sew the flowers onto the backing, (I like the flowers with the ‘WS’ of the
knitting facing, but this is your choice). Work little stitches in yellow yarn into
the centre of the flowers and through the first layer of the backing. Sew a
brooch pin (or safety pin) onto the back of the brooch backing placing it a
little higher than halfway up so that the brooch sits nicely when worn.
The orange petals on the brooch were made by working rows 1 - 13,
binding off then making up as before.

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