Csir Life Sciences
Csir Life Sciences
Csir Life Sciences
intentionally left
Copyright © 2007 New Age International (P) Ltd., Publishers
Published by New Age International (P) Ltd., Publishers
– Atoms ...................................................................................................... 62
– Molecules and chemical bonding ................................................................ 63
• Bioenergetics ........................................................................................................ 65
• Enzymes .............................................................................................................. 66
– Enzyme kinetics ........................................................................................ 70
– Control of enzyme activity ......................................................................... 71
– Mechanism of action ................................................................................. 73
• Lipids .................................................................................................................. 74
• Carbohydrates ...................................................................................................... 79
• Sugars ................................................................................................................. 82
• Glycolysis ............................................................................................................ 83
• Amino acids ......................................................................................................... 90
• Protein Structure and folding .................................................................................. 93
• DNA structure ...................................................................................................... 98
• DNA replication .................................................................................................. 100
• DNA Repair ........................................................................................................ 101
• RNA structure, Transcription and RNA Processing ................................................ 103
• Proteins synthesis ............................................................................................... 106
• Metabolic interrelationship ..................................................................................... 111
• Practice Test Paper-I ............................................................................................ 114
• Practice Test Paper-II .......................................................................................... 127
Chapter 3 Physiology ............................................................................................. 140–186
• Response to stress .............................................................................................. 140
– Water stress ........................................................................................... 140
– Oxygen stress ........................................................................................ 140
– Salt stress .............................................................................................. 141
– Heat stress ............................................................................................. 141
– Cold stress ............................................................................................. 141
• Transport across membrane ................................................................................. 142
• Plant Hormones .................................................................................................. 144
– Auxin ..................................................................................................... 144
– Gibberellin .............................................................................................. 145
– Cytokinin ............................................................................................... 147
– Ethylene ................................................................................................. 148
– Abscisic acid .......................................................................................... 148
• Animal Hormones ................................................................................................ 149
• Summary of endocrine glands and their harmones .................................................. 151
• Reproduction ...................................................................................................... 157
Contents ix
Seven CSIR NET Life Science Papers (Memory Based) .......................................... 549–632
(Dec., 03 – Dec., 06)
Cell Biology
Cell Biology: Structure and function of cells and intracellular organelles (of both
prokaryotes and eukaryotes): mechanism of cell division including (mitosis and meiosis)
and cell differentiation: Cell-cell interaction; Malignant growth; Immune response: Dosage
compensation and mechanism of sex determination.
1. Resolving Power: Ability to distinguish two close points as two separate points by
any optical system is called as its resolving power. The resolving power of human eye
is 100 micron. Mathematically, resolving power = l2 where l is the source of
illumination. Resolving power of compound microscope & electron microscope is 0.3
microns & 10 Å respectively.
2. Zacharis Janssens combined lenses in an effort to improve magnifying efficiency
and resolving power. He produced the first compound microscope which combines
two lenses for greater magnification.
3. About Cell Concept :
(a) Marcello Malpighi (1628-1694), an Italian microscopist, studied the structure
of plants. He believed that the plants are composed of separate structural units
which he called “utricles”.
(b) Robert Hooke (1635-1703), examined thin slices of cork (dead outer bark of an
oak) under his microscope. He saw hundreds of very small hexagonal ‘boxes’ or
‘chambers’ which are together appeared like a ‘honeycomb’. The term ‘cell’
was coined by Robert Hooke to denote these chambers. His observations,
alongwith the figures, were published in 1665 in Micrographia.
(c) Anton von Leeuwenhoek, 1674, using good quality simple lenses (magnifying
upto 200 times) observed unicellular organisms and called them ‘wild
animalcules’. In this way, he was the first to observe “living and moving
individual” cells as compared to the “fixed” cells seen by earlier workers.
(d) H.J.Dutrochet (1824), a French scientist, boiled some tissues and separated
the cells from one another. He expressed the idea of individual cells i.e., cells
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were not just spaces between a network of fibres, but that these were separate
and separable units.
4. Concept of Protoplasm :
Corti (1772) first of all observed that all cells contain a living substance. This was
first observed by Corti (1772). Felix Dujardin (1836), observed it in living amoebae,
and called it ‘Sarcode’. In 1839, J.E. Purkinje used the word ‘protoplasm’ to describe
the living substance. Hugo von Mohl (1846), also suggested the same name – protoplasm
– for the similar substance found in plant cells.
5. Robert Brown, an English naturalist, described in 1828, characteristic dancing of
cell particles. It is now, therefore, known as Brownian movement.
6. Nucleus : In 1831, Robert Brown saw that small spherical body was present in
every plant cell. He used the word ‘nucleus’ to identify them.
7. Cell Theory : Two German biologists, M.J. Schleiden (1838) and Theodor Schwann
(1839) proposed cell theory (or cell doctrine) – which unified the ideas prevailing at
that time. He stated that –
(a) living things are composed of cells and cell products.
(b) cells are the fundamental structural units of living organisms.
In fact, Schwann coined the word “metabolism” for all chemical processes carried on
in the cell. Actually, he called cells “the unit of life”.
8. Rudolf Virchow (1858), a German pathologist, developed the idea of generation to
generation continuity of cell that Omnis cellula e cellula (i.e. cells arise from pre-
existing cells). This occurs by the division of cell.
9. Nucleolus: In 1781, Fontana had seen dense spherical body inside nucleus.
Schleiden (1838) also described it. But, it was given the name “nucleolus” by Bowman
10. Nageli and Cramer (1855) gave the name “cell membrane” to the outer boundary of
the protoplasm. Overton (1899) proved its existence. J.Q. Plowe (1931), later on,
called it ‘plasmalemma’.
11. Protoplasm Theory : Max Schultze (1861) proposed the protoplasm theory.
According to it “cell is an accumulation of living substance (or protoplasm) which is
limited by an outer membrane, and possesses a nucleus”.
12. Plastids : N. Pringsheim and J. Sachs (1865-1892) described coloured bodies in the
cytoplasm which were called plastid by Haeckel in 1866.
13. Schimper (1883) classified plastids into three types – Leucoplasts (colourless),
Chloroplasts (green) and Chromoplasts (colour other than green). The green
plastids were also identified by Meyer (1883) who called them autoplasts. However,
Errera gave the name chloroplasts to them.
14. Mitochondria : Kollicker (1880) was the first to observe small thread-like structures
in the cytoplasm of the striated muscle cells of insect. These were called ‘fila’ by
Flemming (1882). Altmann (1890) described them as “bioplasts”. It was Benda (1897)
who coined the term mitochondria.
15. Centrosome : Boveri (1888) used the word “centrosome” for a body found at one
pole of the cell near the nucleus in animal cells. Most of the plant cells were found to
be lacking it.
Cell Biology 3
16. Golgi apparatus : Camello Golgi (1898), an Italian scientist, discovered in the
cytoplasm of nerve cells of owl/cat, a complex structure which he called ‘Internal
reticular apparatus’.
17. Protoplasm is a polyphasic crystallo-colloidal solution. Various theories about the
nature of protoplasm are:
(a) Alveolar theory of Butschli;
(b) Fibrillar theory of Velton;
(c) Granular theory of Altman;
(d) Colloidal theory of Fischer;
(e) Reticular theory of Fromann, and
(f) sol gel theory of Hyman.
But colloidal theory of Fischer is best. Conversion of sol into gel and vice versa is due
to colloidal nature of cytoplasm.
18. Cyclosis of cytoplasm in eukaryotic cells is due to sol gel conversion and
microfilament activities.
19. In Paramoecium, cyclosis moves food vacuoles in ‘8’ like manner.
20. Cytoplasm coagulates at temperature above 60°.
21. Amount of water in cell is usually not more than 3 quarters, i.e. 75%.
22. pH of cytoplasm, nucleoplasm and human blood is 6.9 ± 0.2, 7.4 ± 0.2 and 7.34 ± 0.2
23. Proteins and enzymes in the cytoplasm are found in colloidal form. This increases
their surface area. Vitamins, amino acids, minerals, sugars and nucleic acids are
found in solution form.
24. Cell coat (Glycocalyx or extraneous coat) is made up of oligosaccharides which act
as recognition-centre during organ transplantation.
25. Swammerdam was first to describe (RBC of frog). Dutrochet (1824) gave the idea
of individuality of cells.
Term cell (L. cella = hollow space) coined by Hooke (1665) is misnomer as cell is not
a hollow structure. It has cytoplasm and contains organelles, inclusions and nucleus.
Leeuwenhoek (1672) was first to see a free cell under microscope and called them
tiny animalcules. Malphigi (1661) called cells as saccules (utricles).
26. Contribution of scientists in the field of tissue culture
(a) Haberlandt (1902) suggested the idea of tissue culture.
(b) Steward et al (1957) provided first evidence of cellular totipotency by growing
mature problem tissue of carrot roots in a medium supplemented with coconut
(c) Tissue culture was raised by White (1932) when he grew tomato roots on artificial
(d) Callus by White, Gauthret and Nobecourt.
(e) Differentiation of Callus into tissues by Skoog and Miller.
(f) Single cell culture (cellular totipotency) by Steward (1957).
(g) Nurse technique to get callus from a single cell by Muir et al (1958).
(h) Microchamber technique for single cell culture by Vasil & Hilderbrandt
4 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
(i) Embryoid (non zygotic embryo) culture by Steward et al (1963), Halperin &
Wetherell (1964).
(j) Embryo culture by Laibach (1928).
(k) Pollen/Haploid androgenic culture from anthers of Dature by Guha &
Maheshwari (1966).
27. Unicellular eukaryote is 1-1000 mµ in size.
28. Ostrich egg (Largest cell) is 15-20 × 13.5-15 cm in size.
29. Human nerve cell (Longest animal cell) is 90 cm.
30. Largest acellular plant Acetabularia is 10 cm long.
31. Viruses do not have a cellular structure. Ostrich egg is not considered as true cell as
it stores a large amount of reserve food.
32. In human beings, cells of kidney are smallest and of nerve fibre longest.
33. Smallest cell (Mycoplasma gallisepticum – PPLO) is 0.1 to 0.3 to mµ in size.
1. All cells are enclosed by a thin, film-like membrane called the plasma membrane
or plasmalemma.
2. Danielli and Davson (1935) proposed a “Trilamellar model”. According to this,
the plasma membrane is formed of a bimolecular layer of phospholipids (35 Å thick)
sandwitched between two layers of proteins (each 20 Å thick). Thus, the total thickness
of plasma membrane, as per their model, should be 20 Å + 35 Å + 20 Å = 75 Å (i.e.,
about 75 Å).
The model was proposed even before the plasma membrane was seen under the
electron microscope.
3. J.D. Robertson (1959) proposed a “unit membrane concept”. According to this, all
biological membranes shared the same basic structure :
(a) These are about 75 Å thick.
(b) These have a characteristics trilaminar appearance when viewed with electron
(c) The three layers are a result of the same arrangement of proteins and lipids as
proposed by Danielli and Davson.
4. Singer and Nicolson (1972) put forward the “fluid mosaic model” of membrane
structure. It is the latest and most widely accepted model. According to this model,
the cell membrane consists of a highly viscous fluid matrix of two layers of phospholipids
molecules. These serve as a relatively impermeable barrier to the passage of most
water soluble molecules. Protein molecules on their complexes occur in the membrane,
but not in continuous layer; instead, these occur as separate particles asymmetrically
arranged in a mosaic pattern. Some of these (peripheral or extrinsic proteins) are
loosely bound at the polar surfaces of lipid layers. Others (called integral or intrinsic
proteins), penetrate deeply into the lipid layer. Some of the integral proteins penetrate
through the phospholipids layers and project on both the surfaces. These are called
Trans membranes or tunnel proteins.
5. The plasma membrane contains lipids (32%), proteins (42%), carbohydrates (6%) and
water (20%) although variations are always there.
Cell Biology 5
6. The carbohydrates occur only at the outer surface of the membrane. Their molecules
are covalently linked to (i) the polar heads of some lipid molecules (forming
glycolipids) and (ii) most of the proteins exposed at outer surface (forming
glycoproteins). The carbohydrates so bound to membrane components constitute
the glycocalyx of cell surface.
7. The sugar portions of glycolipids and glycoproteins are involved in
recognition mechanisms:-
(a) Sugar recognition sites of two neighbouring cells may bind each other causing
cell-to-cell adhesion. This enables cells to orient themselves and to form tissues.
(b) Through glycoproteins, bacteria recognise each other (female bacteria are
recognized by male bacteria; Paramoecia of different mating types recognize
each other).
(c) These provide the basic of immune response and various control systems, where
glycoproteins act as antigens.
8. Lipids and integral proteins are amphipathic in nature (i.e. have both hydrophobic
and hydrophilic groups). The hydrophobic ends are situated inside the bilayer while
the hydrophilic groups are directed outwards. Thus, the membrane is held together
primarily by hydrophobic attraction.
However, the lipids have links in their fatty acid tails. These links prevent close
packing of molecules and make the membrane structure more fluid. The fluidity
increases with decreasing length of fatty acid tails.
9. Thousand of different types of proteins can occur in cell membranes. These may be
purely structural (provide elasticity and mechanical support) or have additional
functions as :
(a) Carriers, for transporting specific molecules into or out of the cell.
(b) Receptors, for immediate flow of information into the cells.
10. Gases like O2 and CO2 diffuse rapidly in solution through membranes.
11. Ions and small polar molecules diffuse slowly through the membranes. Unchanged
and fat soluble molecules pass through membranes much more rapidly.
12. Endocytosis occurs by an infolding or extension of plasma membrane to form a
vacuole or a vesicle (small vacuole). It is of two types :
(a) Phagocytosis (i.e. cell eating): Material is taken up in solid form. The cells
involved in phagocytosis are called phagocytes or phagocytic cells (e.g. white
blood cells). The vesicle/vacuole formed is called phagocytic vacuole.
(b) Pinocytosis (i.e. cell drinking): Material is taken up in liquid (solution/colloid/
suspension) form. If the vesicle formed is extremely small, the process is known
as micropinocytosis and the vesicle is micropinocytotic.
13. Exocytosis or reverse of endocytosis by which materials are removed from the cells
including reverse pinocytosis.
14. Membrane Channels: They are of two type’s aqueous channels for the passage of
water and ion channels for the passage of ions. Nehar and Sakmann got Noble prize
for discovery of single ion channels.
15. Pseudopodial Movement: Pseudopodia are blunt outgrowths which are formed by
three developments. Sol-gel changes, cytoplasmic streaming and extension of plasma
membrance e.g., Amoeba, Macrophages, WBC, etc.
6 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
17. Undulation: They are small protrusions, projections or ruffings of the membrane
which pass out like a regular wave in the area of contact with a solid substratum.
1. Smaller cells with smaller volume have more surface area. Surface: volume ratio
decreases with increasing size of cell. Larger cells increase their surface area by
developing a cylindrical shape or by forming numerous extensions of the cell membrane
like microvilli, ER, etc.
2. Smaller cells have more surfaces: volume ratio and higher nucleo-cytoplasmic ratio
hence are more active.
3. Position, cell wall, age, viscosity of cytoplasm, skeleton and function of the cell, control
the shape of cell, e.g., RBC is biconcave to increase surface area. Nerve cells are
large as they are able to conduct impulses.
4. Cells regulate their activities by flow of energy and flow of extrinsic and intrinsic
(genetic) information.
5. Green cells trap radiant solar energy and convert it into chemical (potential) energy
like ATP which on oxidation of food is converted into kinetic energy for doing work.
6. Schwann (1839) recognized that animal and plant cells are alike except that animal
cells lack cell wall. Schleiden stated that cell is the unit of structure and budded off
from nucleus. Rudolf virchow (1855) was first to modify cell theory and gave
generalization- “Omnis cellula e cellula”. Viruses are exception to cell theory. The
specialized cells lose some of their autonomous activities, e.g., muscle and nerve
cells do not divide and RBCs do not respire.
7. Cells show 3 types of organization:
(a) Prokaryotic cells e.g., Bacteria, cyanobacteria, archaebacteria, mycoplasma
(PPLO), rickettsiae. Size 0.1 to 5 µ; DNA : RNA ratio 1 : 2, r-RNA-65%, A + T / G
+ C ratio = 0.88; only one envelope system; membrane bound organelles absent;
histone, nuclear membrane, nucleolus, cyclosis meiosis absent.
(b) Eukaryotic cell. Size 3 to 30 µ, DNA : RNA is 1:1, rRNA = 45%, A + T / G + C
ratio = 1.52; two envelop system, membrane bound organelles; histone and true
nucleus present.
(c) Mesokaryotic cell e.g., Dinoflagellates (a type of algae) – histone protein absent
but nucleus present.
8. Cell organelles (organoids) are of four types on the basis of membranes.
(i) Organelle bounded by single unit membrane. e.g., Microbodies
(peroxisomes, sphaerosomes, glyoxysomes, lysosomes), ER, golgi bodies.
(ii) Organelle bounded by double membrane e.g., Plastids, mitochondria and
(iii) Organelle bounded by triple membrane e.g. Transosomes.
(iv) Organelle without any membrane e.g., Ribosomes, centriole, nucleolus.
9. Protoplasm of eukaryotic cells shows of streaming movements known as cyclosis :
It is of two types.
(i) Rotation (cytoplasm moves around a vacuole in one direction) e.g., Hydrilla
leaf cells.
Cell Biology 7
used by Benda (1897) who stained them with Janus green B (a vital stain); size
1 = 10µ × 0.2 – 1 µ; Number 1 per cell in Microsterias and Trypanosoma; 50,000 in
Choas chaos and 30,000 to 3 lakhs in oocytes of sea urchin.
A mitochondrion has two chambers and two membranes. Inner membrane is folded
to form cristae which bear oxysomes (F 0 -F 1 particles, elementary particles, ATPase
particles. (Fernandez and M oran particles). Oxysomes are 104 to 105 in number,
called functional unit of mitochondria, discovered by Fernandez-Moran (1961).
Inner chamber has a double stranded, naked circular 5 µ long prokaryotic DNA with
high G-C ratio, 70S ribosomes, RNA and 70 types of enzymes. 70% of total enzymes of
cell are found in mitochondria. This DNA is 1% of total DNA of cell and discovered by
Nass (1966). Kreb’s cycle and oxidative phosphorylation occur here. Mitochondria are
called cell within cell.
19. Microbodies : These are (lysosomes, sphaerosomes, glyoxysomes and peroxisomes):
They are smallest single membrane bounded organelle. Lysosomes (suicidal bags,
disposal units, scavenger of cell) are microbodies of 0.2-0.8 µ size filled with 40 types
of acid hydrolases to digest (autolysis) almost every type of organic matter except
cellulose. They are common in WBC, liver, spleen etc. They work at pH-5 and cause
lysis of foreign body; discovered accidently by Christian de Duve (1955) from rat
liver. Novikoff (1956) observed them under TEM. They show pleomorphism
They are of four types: (i) Primary lysosomes (Storage granules) have inactive
enzymes; (ii) Secondary lysosomes (Heterophagosomes or Digestive vacuoles
or Phagolysosomes) cause digestion (Heterophagy); (iii) Tertiary lysosomes
(Residual bodies or Telolysosomes) removes wastes by ephagy from cell by acting
as scavenger or disposal unit; (iv ) Autophagic vacuoles (Cytolysosome or
Autophagosomes) are complex lysosomes and digest old / injured / dead cells and
tissues to keep cell healthy (autolysis or autodigestion). Scavenging, disappearance
of tail, softening of gums, acrosomal activity of sperm are few other examples.
Autophagy is digestion of stored food (glycogens, fat and proteins) during starvation
to provide energy. Thus autophagy has no role in scavenging. If lysosomes burst and
release their enzymes, the entire cell is digested and liquefied. It is called autolysis.
Osteoclasts (which digest bones) are rich in lysosomes; Plant cells lack lysosomes
except Neurospora, root tip of maize, yeast and seeds of pea and cotton.
Lack of Lysosome cause Pombe’s Disease. They are also involved with diseases such
as Tay-Sachs Syndrome and Rheumatic Arthritis (An Autoimmune disease).
Types of Microbodies
(a) Sogaerisines (Plant lysosomes) are micro bodies filled with hydrolytic enzymes
for fat synthesis. They are highly refractile and rich in fat (98%) and take black
stain with Sudan iii / Osmium tetraoxide. These are abundant in endosperm of
oily seeds.
(b) Transosomes are triple layer bounded organelle in ovary follicle cells of birds
to help in yolk formation.
(c) Lomasomes are boder bodies between cell wall and cell membrane, common in
fungi, discovered by Moore and Mc Allister (1961) and help in cell proliferation
and elongation for diffusion of substances required in cell wall formation.
10 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
3. For most tissues at any given time, only a few cells are in mitosis, and most are in
4. Interphase consists of three sub-phases.
• G1 is Gap 1, the period just after mitosis and before the beginning of DNA
• Next is S (synthesis), which is the time when the cell’s DNA is replicated.
• G2 is the time after S and prior to mitosis.
5. Mitosis and cytokinesis are referred to as M phase.
6. The G1-to-S transition commits the cell to enter another cell cycle.
II. Cyclins and other proteins signal events in the cell cycle
1. Transitions from G1 to S and G2 to M depend on activation of a protein called cyclin-
dependent kinase, or Cdk.
2. A kinase is an enzyme that transfers a phosphate from ATP to different protein(s).
This is called phosphorylation.
3. Activated Cdk transfers phosphates from ATP to certain amino acids of proteins that
then move the cell in the direction of cycling.
4. The Cdk effect on the cell cycle is a common mechanism in eukaryotic cells.
• Studies in sea urchin eggs uncovered a protein called the maturation promoting
• A mutant yeast that lacked Cdk was found, which stalled at the G1–S boundary.
• These two proteins, one from sea urchins and the other from yeast, were similar
in structure and function. Other Cdks have been found in other organisms,
including humans.
5. Cyclin is a protein that interacts with Cdk. Cyclin binding of Cdk exposes the active
site of the kinase.
6. The cyclin-Cdk complex acts as a protein kinase that triggers transition from G1 to S.
The cyclin then breaks down and the Cdk becomes inactive. Several different cyclins
exist, which, when bound to Cdk, phosphorylate different target proteins.
• Cyclin D-Cdk4 acts during the middle of G1. This is the restriction point in G1,
beyond which the rest of the cell cycle is inevitable.
• Cyclin E-Cdk2 acts at the boundary of G1 to S to initiate DNA replication.
• Cyclin A-Cdk2 acts during S and also stimulates DNA replication.
• Cyclin B-Cdk1 acts at the G2-to-M boundary, initiating mitosis.
7. Cyclin-Cdk complexes act as checkpoints. When functioning properly, they allow or
prevent the passage to the next cell cycle stage, depending on the extra- and
intracellular conditions.
• An example is the effect of p21 on the G1-to-S phase transition.
• If DNA is damaged by UV radiation, p21 is synthesized (a protein of 21,000
• It binds to the two different types of G1 Cdk molecules, preventing their activation
until damaged DNA is repaired. The p21 is then degraded, allowing the cell
cycle to proceed.
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8. Some targets for cyclin-Cdk complexes include proteins that condense chromosomes
and others that cause fragmentation of the nuclear envelope.
9. Cyclin-Cdk defects have been found in some cancer cells.
• A breast cancer with too much cyclin D has been found.
• The protein p53, which inhibits activation of Cdk, is found defective in half of all
human cancers.
7. Internal and External Cues Regulate Cell Cycle Internal signal delays start of
anaphase (separation of chromosomes) until all kinetochores are attached to spindle
• Anaphase promoting complex (APC) is kept in inactive state by proteins associated
with kinetochores.
• Signal ceases when all kinetochores are attached.
8. Growth factors are external signals that stimulate cells to divide.
• Platelet derived growth factor (PDGF) is required for division of fibroblasts.
• PDGF binds to tyrosine kinase receptors on surface of cells and triggers signal
transduction pathway.
9. Density dependent inhibition describes phenomenon whereby cells stop growing
after reaching a certain density. Growth is limited by availability of growth factor.
10. Cancer Cells Have Escaped Cell Cycle Controls
• Cancer cells do not exhibit density dependent inhibition.
• Cancer cells do not stop growing when growth factor is depleted.
• Cancer cells stop at random points in cell cycle (not checkpoints).
• Some cancer cell lines are immortal and can divide indefinitely given the right
ingredients.e.g. HeLa cells.
• p53 gene mutations in tumor suppressor genes (e.g. p53) result in cancer functional
p53 aids cell in checkpoint control at G1 and G2
4. The prokaryotes have a site called ori, where DNA replication begins, and a site ter,
where it ends.
• Ori is short for origin of replication.
• Ter is short for terminus of replication.
5. As DNA replicates, each of the two resulting DNA molecules attaches to the plasma
membrane. As the bacterium grows, new plasma membrane is added between the
attachment points, and the DNA molecules are moved apart.
6. Cytokinesis, which is cell partitioning, begins around 20 minutes after chromosome
duplication is completed. A pinching of the plasma membrane to form a constricting
ring separates the one cell into two, each with a complete chromosome.
• A tubulin-like fiber is involved in the purse-string constriction.
6. In each recognizable pair of chromosomes, one comes from each of the two parents.
The members of the pair are called homologous chromosomes and are similar, but
not identical, in size and appearance. (An exception for sex chromosomes exists in
some species.)
7. The homologous chromosomes have corresponding but generally not identical genetic
8. Haploid cells contain just one homolog of each pair. The number of chromosomes in
a single set is denoted by n. When haploid gametes fuse in fertilization, they create
the zygote, which is 2n, or diploid.
9. Some organisms have a predominant life cycle in a 1n (haploid) state. (Algae & fungi)
10. Some organisms have both a 1n vegetative life stage and a 2n vegetative life stage.
11. In diplontic organisms, which include animals, the organism is usually diploid. (Some
insects are excepted.)
12. Homologous chromosomes exchange parts and recombine during meiosis so that the
chromosomes passed on to gametes are mixtures of those received from two parents.
The two chromosomes of a mixed homologous pair then segregate randomly into
haploid gametes. This shuffling greatly increases the diversity of the population and
opportunities for evolution.
The number, shapes, and sizes of the metaphase chromosomes constitute the karyotype
13. It is possible to count and characterize individual chromosomes.
14. Cells in metaphase can be killed and prepared in a way that spreads the chromosomes
around a region on a glass slide. A photograph of the slide can be taken, and images
of each chromosome can be organized based on size, number and shape. This spread
is called a karyotype.
7. During prophase I, synapse occurs: The two homologs are joined together held by a
synaptonemal complex of proteins. This forms a tetrad, or “bundle of four,” which
consists of two homologous chromosomes with two sister chromatids.
8. At a later point, the chromosomes appear to repel each other except at the centromere
and at points of attachments, called chiasmata, which appear X-shaped. These
chiasmata reflect the exchange of genetic material between homologous chromosomes,
a phenomenon called crossing-over.
9. This crossing-over increases genetic variation by “mixing and watching” the genes on
the homologs.
10. In the testis cells of human males, prophase I takes about a week.
11. In the egg cells of human females, prophase I begins before birth in some eggs and
can continue for 50 years in others depending on their release in the monthly ovarian
12. Following telophase I, in some species, there is a reappearance of nuclear envelopes.
If this occurs, it is called interkinesis, a stage similar to mitotic interphase, but there
is no replication of genetic material and no crossing-over in subsequent stages.
The second meiotic division separates the chromatids
13. Meiosis II is similar to mitosis.
14. One difference is that DNA does not replicate before meiosis II. The number of
chromosomes is therefore half that found in diploid mitotic cells.
15. In meiosis II, sister chromatids are not identical and there is no crossing-over.
Meiosis leads to genetic diversity
16. The products of meiosis I are genetically diverse.
17. Synapsis and crossing over during prophase I mix genetic material of the maternal
with that of the paternal homologous chromosomes.
18. Which member of a homologous pair segregates or goes to which daughter cell at
anaphase I is simply chance.
19. Since most species of diploid organisms have more than two pairs of chromosomes,
the possibilities for variation in combinations becomes huge.
1. Cell Division was first studied by Strasburger (1875) in plants, W. Flemming (1882)
in animal cells and Prevost and Dumas (1824) in frog egg.
2. Any agent that stimulates cell division is called mitogen. Temperature, cytokinin,
auxin, gibberllin, insulin, steroids and mitogens.
3. The continuation of species from one generation to next is governed by two processes;
syngamy (union of gametes) and division of cells (meiosis and mitosis).
4. A cell divides to have high surface area per unit of volume and high nucleocytoplasmic
ratio. The smaller the size of cell, more the surface area and nucleo-cytoplasmic ratio
it has.
5. Genetic continuity is due to duplication of DNA in cell division that occurs in S-phase.
Cell Biology 21
6. Mitotic poisons are inhibitors of cell divisions. Azides and cyanides inhibit prophase;
colchicines checks spindle formation; chalones inhibit cell division in vivo and in
vitro both; ribonuclease blocks prophase; heat shocks prevent cell division and
Mustard gas agglutinate all chromosomes.
7. Animal cytokinesis is centripetal and plant cytokinesis is centrifugal.
8. In fungi, spindle is formed inside nucleus (intranuclear division); nuclear membrane
remains intact; nucleus divides by furrow (karyochoriosis).
9. Endomitosis is duplication of chromosomes without division of nucleus.
10. Non-disjunction is failure of migration of chromatids at anaphase; discovered by
Bridges (1961).
11. Brachymeiosis: It is believed by some mycologists that in some ascomycetes,
fertilization takes place in single celled stage resulting in a diploid nucleus which
then undergoes free nuclear divisions followed by pairing (dikaryon formation). These
dikaryons then fuse and thus become a tetraploid nucleus. This is ascus mother cell.
If it has to form haploid ascospores it must now undergo two reductional & one
equational division. This is knows as brachymeiosis.
12. Acetocarmine is made by dissolving carmine dye (obtained from cochineal Coccus
insect) in acetic acid. It gives purple red colour to chromosomes.
13. C-mitosis is colchicines induced mitosis. Colchicine is an alkaloid, obtained from
underground corms of autumn crocus – Colchicum autumnale. It was discovered by
Dustin (1934) and used by Blakeslee (1937) to induce polyploidy. Granosan is similar
to colchicines in action. Both inhibit spindle formation.
14. In Cyperus, one meiosis produces one pollen grain instead of four.
15. Cell doubles in size and then stops growing in G1 phase. G1 is longest, most variable
phase in which maximum growth occurs. Circumstances which induce a cell to divide
arise in G1 under the influence of some cytoplasmic clock. Decision for cell division
also occurs here.
16. Size of nucleus increases in interphase; size of nucleolus increases in first four
substages of Prophase-I of meiosis.
17. Aristolochia (duck weed) has all types of tetrads.
18. Protein (histone) for DNA synthesis is formed in S-phase while tubulin protein required
for spindle is synthesized in G2 .
19. All organelles (organoids) including centrioles are doubled in G2 .
20. Amount of DNA doubles in S-phase.
21. Interphase is most active phase followed by prophase. This interphase takes 70-95%
of total time of cell cycle. M-phase takes very less time.
22. Amitosis is called direct or incipient cell division and is found in yeasts, protozoans,
monerans (prokaryotes), cartilage and degenerated/old tissues.
23. Mitosis forms 2 daughter cells that are morphologically and genetically similar. It
distributes chromosomes equally both quantitatively and qualitatively. Term mitosis
was given by W. Flemming (1870). Meristems, cells of bone marrow, base of nails
and skin are used to study mitosis.
22 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
24. Spindle is astral (amphiastral) and arises from centriole in animal cell and in plant
cell; it is anastral and arise from cytoplasmic proteins by gelation. It consists of
microtubules made up of sulphur rich tubulin protein (95-97%), RNA (3-5%) and
ATPase. Spindle is seen with polarizing microscope only.
25. Prophase is of longest duration.
26. Metaphasic chromosomes are least coiled. The structure of chromosomes is best
studied at metaphase while shape of chromosomes is best studied at
27. Anaphase is of shortest duration; centromere divides and disjunction occurs here.
About 30 molecules of ATP are needed to move one chromosome from equator to
28. Telophase is reverse of prophase. Nuclear membrane reappears from ER and remnants
of original nuclear membrane.
29. Meiosis was first discovered by Boveri (1892), studied by Strasburger (1883) and
Winiwarter (1990); term by Farmer and Moore (1905). It is double division in
which nucleus divides twice but chromosomes only once. It is antithesis of fertilization
and havles the number of chromosomes. It maintains number of chromosomes
constant through successive generations.
30. Meiosis occurs in diploid reproductive cells (meiocytes) at the time of reproduction.
31. Anthers of unopened young flowers and testes of grasshopper are widely used to
study meiosis.
32. Zygotene is zipping or synapsis or pairing of homologous chromosomes.
33. Tetrad formation occurs at pachytene stage.
34. Diplotene is of longest duration and involves chiasmata formation very distinctly.
Crossing over begins at pachytene but chiasmata becomes distinct at diplotene, hence
we can say crossing over occurs at diplotene.
35. Transportation is exchange and rejoining of chromatids parts during crossing over.
36. In metaphase-I, migrating chromosomes are dyad, i.e., each chromosome has 2
37. Reduction in number of chromosomes occur in anaphase-I but haploidy (reduction) in
terms of DNA occur during anaphase-II.
38. In Trillium, anaphase-I directly enters into metaphase-II.
39. Tetrad is a group of 4 haploid cells formed during meiosis. It can be tetrahedral,
isobilateral, linear, decussate or T-shaped but tetrahedral tetrad is most common
in plants.
40. Kinetochore is a proteinaceous region of the centromere in chromosome to which
spindle fibres attach.
41. Nucleoprotein complex present between synapsed chromosomes is called synaptinemal
42. Karyokinesis is division of nucleus. It was first studied by Schleiden.
43. Chromatids move towards the pole at a speed of 1 µm per minute.
44. Chiasmata are the result of crossing over and first observed by Janseens (1909).
Cell Biology 23
45. He La cells are human cancer cells of a patient Henrietta Lack; maintained in
tissue culture since 1953. They divide and double their number in every 24 hrs &
widely used in research.
46. During G2, a cell contains double the amount of DNA (4n) as compared to original
diploid cell (2n).
47. Repair of damaged DNA also takes place in the interphase.
48. In plants, mitosis occur in meristematic tissues (shoot & root tips). Root tip is the
most preferred regions to observe mitosis.
49. Anaphase is a rapid phase lasting only 2-3 minutes. It starts abruptly. The
centromere splits into two; each chromatid is pulled slowly towards a spindle pole
(each chromatid with own centromere now becomes a separate single stranded (1
DNA) chromosome. The chromatids are moved (towards the pole they face) at a
speed of 1µm/minute. The separation of the chromatids starts at the centromeres
while the arms trail behind it. As a result, the chromosomes are pulled into V, J and
T shapes.
50. The telophase lasts for an hour or so.
51. Stimulation of mitosis: Kinetin (6-furturyl amino purine) increases the mitotic
rate in meristems of Allium. At low concentration, it reduces the duration of interphase
and increases the mitotic rate.
52. In human males, meiosis starts after puberty.
53. In human females, meiosis starts at the end of 3rd month of prenatal life. In the fifth
month of prenatal life, the oocytes reach the diplotene stage and remain arrested at
this stage for many (About 12) years, when ovulation occurs.
54. Number of meiosis required to form n number of seeds/grains = n + n/4 (for all cases
except cyperus); in cyperus, it is = n + n.
Specializations of Plasmalemma
They are of three types:
(i) Outpushings (Evaginations) - microvilli, flagellar or ciliary sheaths, stereocilia.
(ii) Inpushings (Invaginations) - pores, mesosomes, lomasomes and transfer cells.
(iii) Junctional Complexes. They are connections between adjacent cells, across intervening
space of 15 - 20 nm width which is often filled with tissue fluid. Cementing material is
called adherenes, fusion as occludens, spot as macula and strip as zonula. Common
junctional complexes are plasmodesmata, gap junctions, interdigitations, intercellular
bridges, tight junctions, desmosomes and terminal bars.
1. Microvilli (Singular-Microvillus). They are numerous (upto 3000) fine plasmalemma
evaginations (each O’ 6 - 0,8 ,um long and 0.1 ,um in diameter) which gives striated or
brush border appearance under optical microscope. Microvilli are supported internally
by micro filaments. Externally they possess glycocalyx. Areas in between the microvilli
are specialised for absorption. Surface area is increased several times, e.g., intestinal
epithelium, hepatic cells, convoluted regions of renal tubules, lining of gall bladder
and uterus.
24 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
1. Cancer is a disease of the body’s cells. It occurs when cells in the body become abnormal
and grow out of control. A change which makes the gene faulty is called a mutation.
Some special genes, called control genes, instruct the cell to copy its genes correctly,
and to divide in an orderly manner. They stop controlling cell division, which is
2. Benign Tumors: Tumors arise with great frequency, especially in older animals and
humans, but most pose little risk to their host because they are localized and of small
size. The surface interaction molecules that hold tissues together keep benign tumor
Cell Biology 25
cells, like normal cells, localized to appropriate tissues. A fibrous capsule usually
delineates the extent of a benign tumor.
3. Malignant tumor: In contrast, the cells composing a malignant tumor, or cancer,
express some proteins characteristic of the cell type from which it arose, and a high
fraction of the cells grow and divide more rapidly than normal.
4. Some malignant tumors remain localized and encapsulated, at least for a time; an
example is carcinoma in situ in the ovary or breast.
5. Most, however, do not remain in their original site; instead, they invade surrounding
tissues, get into the body’s circulatory system, and set up areas of proliferation away
from the site of their original appearance.
6. The spread of tumor cells and establishment of secondary areas of growth is called
metastasis; most malignant cells eventually acquire the ability to metastasize.
7. Thus the major characteristics that differentiate metastatic (or malignant) tumors
from benign ones are their invasiveness and spread.
Types of Cancer
1. Carcinoma: It includes tumors of brain, breast, skin, cervical region. These are
derived from epithelial tissue, originating from either ectoderm or endoderm. These
occurs as solid tumors, located in the nervous tissue on the body surface or associated
2. Sarcoma: They are the cancers of connective tissues, cartilage, bone or muscles
which are mesodermal in origin.
3. The leukemias: A class of sarcomas, grow as individual cells in the blood, whereas
most other tumors are solid masses. (The name leukemia is derived from the Latin
for “white blood”: the massive proliferation of leukemic cells can cause a patient’s
blood to appear milky)
4. Lymphoma: Lymph nodes, bone marrow, liver and spleen produces excessive
lymphocytes. Cancer in them are called as lymphomas eg. Hodgkin’s disease.
26 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
5. The first recognized oncogene, v-src, was identified in Rous sarcoma virus, a cancer-
causing retrovirus. Retroviral oncogenes arose by transduction of cellular proto-
oncogenes into the viral genome and subsequent mutation.
6. The first human oncogene to be identified encodes a constitutively active form of
Ras, a signal-transduction protein. This oncogene was isolated from a human bladder
7. Slow-acting retroviruses can cause cancer by integrating near a proto-oncogene in
such a way that gene transcription is activated continuously and inappropriately.
8. Tumor-suppressor genes encode proteins cell cycle if DNA is damaged or chromosomes
are abnormal, receptors for secreted hormones that function to inhibit cell proliferation,
proteins that promote apoptosis, and DNA repair enzymes.
9. Inherited mutations causing retinoblastoma led to the identification of RB, the first
tumor-suppressor gene to be recognized.
1. Immunity means protection from disease and especially infectious disease. Cells and
m olecules involved in such protection constitute the immune system and the response
to introduction of a foreign agent is known as the immune response.
2. Not all immune responses protect from disease; some foreign agents, such as the
allergens found in house dust mite, cat dander or rye grass pollen, cause disease as
a consequence of inducing an immune response.
3. Likewise some individuals mount immune responses to their own tissues as if they
were foreign agents. Thus, the immune response can cause the autoimmune diseases
common to man such as multiple sclerosis, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis or
myasthenia gravis.
4. Most individuals do not suffer from autoimmune disease because they have developed
tolerance towards their own (self) tissues.
5. Acute Inflammation: The acute inflammatory response which has been described
in previous lectures is a key part of the innate immune system. Many infections,
especially where small wounds are the route of entry, are eliminated by the
combination of complement and recruitment of phagocytes, which flow from the acute
inflammatory response.
A defining aspect of the innate immune system is that it carries no memory of an
encounter with a foreign organism.
What is an antigen?
1. An antigen is defined as “anything that can be bound by an antibody”. This can be an
enormous range of substances from simple chemicals, sugars, small peptides to complex
protein complexes such as viruses.
2. The small antigens are not, however immunogenic in themselves and need to be
coupled to a carrier to elicit an immune response. Such small antigens are referred
to as haptens.
3. Requirement of Antigen to cause immune response are: Non-self, Complex in
structure, should more then 5 KD in size and must have atleast on epitope.
4. In fact antibodies interact specifically with relatively small parts of molecules. These
are known as antigenic determinants or epitopes.
5. Sometimes the epitope is composed of a string of amino acids as might be found in a
short peptide, such epitopes are said to be linear. Other epitopes are formed by more
complex 3-dimensional structures present only as part of a native protein, such epitopes
are called conformational.
Adaptive immunity
Specific memory is the hallmark
of the adaptive immune response
New challenge
antibody response
1° challenge 2° boost
response to new
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
time in days
1. The second level of defence increases in strength and effectiveness with each
encounter. The foreign agent is recognised in a specific manner and the immune
system acquires memory towards it.
Cell Biology 29
2. The first encounter with an antigen is known as the primary response. Re-encounter
with the same antigen causes a secondary response that is more rapid and powerful.
3. Acquired immunity is a useful evolutionary adaptation because it improves the efficacy
of the innate immune response by focusing the response to the site of invasion/
infection as well as providing additional effector mechanisms that are unique to
4. The difference between innate and acquired immunity lies in the antigen specificity
of lymphocytes. This property is conferred upon lymphocytes by the expression of cell
surface receptors that recognise discrete parts of the antigen known as antigenic
5. The cell surface receptor of B lymphocytes, (derived and mature in Bone marrow
in mammals or the Bursa of fabricius in chickens) is an immunoglobulin molecule
which, when secreted by the B cell, is known as an antibody.
6. Immunity provided by Immunoglobulins (antibodies) is termed as humoral immunity
array of constant regions which can activate the various cells mentioned above through
ligation of their immunoglobulin receptors.
Ig G Ig A Ig M Ig D Ig E
Sedimentation Coefficient 7 7 19 7 8
Carbohydrate % 45 42 80 75 50
Complement fixation Å – + – –
Placental transport Å – – – –
Selective secretion of
seromucous glands – + – – –
Heat stability + + + + –
2. Lymphocytes: Lymphocytes that are critical for immune reactions are of two types:
B-cells and T-cells. Both develop from stern cells located in the liver of the foetus and
in the bone marrow cells of the adult. Those that migrate to the thymus, differentiate
under its influence and are known as “T-cells”; while those that continue to remain
in the bone marrow are called “B-cells”. The young lymphocytes migrate to thymus
and later on lymphoid tissues such as spleen lymph nodes and tonsils where they
undergo final maturation.
1. Humoral immunity produces antibodies in response to toxins (ex bee venom), free
bacteria, and viruses present in the body fluids.
2. "Humor” is medieval term for body fluids. Here it refers to the fluid of the blood and
the lymph.
Cell Biology 31
The introduction of vaccination has been one of the most decisive advances leading to the
dramatic downward trend in the incidence of many viral diseases.
32 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
A. Live Vaccines
1. Live attenuated organisms
Organisms whose virulence has been artificially reduced by in vitro culture
under adverse conditions, such as reduced temperature. This results in the selection
of mutants which replicate poorly in the human host and are therefore of reduced
virulence. Replication of the vaccine strain in the host reproduces many of the features
of wild type infection, without causing clinical disease. Most successful viral
vaccines belong to this group.
The immune response is usually good—when the virus replicates in the host cells,
both antibody as well as cell mediated immune responses are generated and
immunity is generally long lived. Often, only a single dose is needed to induce long
term immunity.
Potential drawbacks to these vaccines include: the danger of reversion to virulence
and the possibility of causing extensive disease in immuno-compromised individuals.
2. Heterologous vaccines
Closely related organism of lesser virulence, which shares many antigens with the
virulent organism. The vaccine strain replicates in the host and induces an immune
response that cross reacts with antigens of the virulent organism. The most famous
example of this type of vaccine is vaccinia virus: Both cowpox virus and vaccinia
virus are closely related to variola virus, the causitive agent of smallpox. The
eighteenth centuary physician, Edward Jenner observed that milkmaids who had
been infected with cowpox virus were immune to smallpox. Widespread use of vaccinia
virus as a vaccine has lead to the world-wide eradication of smallpox.
3. Live recombinant vaccines
It is possible, using genetic engineering, to introduce a gene coding for an immunogenic
protein from one organism into the genome of another (such as vaccinia virus). The
organism expressing a foreign gene is called a recombinant. Following injection into
Cell Biology 33
the subject, the recombinant organism will replicate and express sufficient amounts
of the foreign protein to induce a specific immune response to the protein.
C. Recombinant proteins
Immunogenic proteins of virulent organisms may be synthesized artificially by introducing
the gene coding for the protein into an expression vector, such as E-coli or yeasts. The protein
of interest can be extracted from lysates of the expression vector, then concentrated and purified
for use as a vaccine. The only example of such a vaccine, in current use, is the hepatitis B
D. DNA Vaccines
DNA vaccines are at present experimental, but hold promise for future therapy since they
will evoke both humoral and cell-mediated immunity, without the dangers associated with live
virus vaccines.
The gene for an antigenic determinant of a pathogenic organism is inserted into a plasmid.
This genetically engineered plasmid comprises the DNA vaccine which is then injected into
the host. Within the host cells, the foreign gene can be expressed (transcribed and translated)
from the plasmid DNA, and if sufficient amounts of the foreign protein are produced, they will
elicit an immune response.
this reason, when vaccine is administered before the age of one year, a booster dose
is recommended at 15 months.
2. Mumps: Live attenuated virus developed in the 1960’s. In first world countries it is
administered together with measles and rubella at 15 months in the MMR vaccine.
3. Rubella: Live attenuated virus. Rubella causes a mild febrile illness in children, but
if infection occurs during pregnancy, the foetus may develop severe congenital
4. Polio: Two highly effective vaccines containing all 3 strains of poliovirus are in general
The killed virus vaccine (Salk, 1954) is used mainly in Sweden, Finland, Holland
and Iceland.
The live attenuated oral polio vaccine (Sabin, 1957) has been adopted in most
parts of the world; its chief advantages being: low cost, the fact that it induces mucosal
immunity and the possibility that, in poorly immunized communities, vaccine strains
might replace circulating wild strains and improve herd immunity.
The inactivated Salk vaccine is recommended for children who are
5. Hepatitis B: Two vaccines are in current use: a serum derived vaccine and a
recombinant vaccine. Both contain purified preparations of the hepatitis B surface
protein. The serum derived vaccine is prepared from hepatitis B surface protein,
purified from the serum of hepatitis B carriers. This protein is synthesised in vast
excess by infected hepatocytes and secreted into the blood of infected individuals. A
second vaccine, produced by recombinant DNA technology, has since become available.
Three doses are given; at 6, 10, and 14 weeks of age. As with any killed viral vaccines,
a booster will be required at some interval (not yet determined, but about 5 years) to
provide protection in later life from hepatitis B infection as a venereal disease.
5. Hepatitis A: A vaccine for hepatitis A has been developed from formalin-inactivated,
cell culture-derived virus.
6. Varicella-Zoster virus: A live attenuated strain of varicella zoster virus has been
3. Barr body = Located inside the nuclear envelope, it is a densely staining object that
is an inactivated X chromosome in female mammalian cells. Most Barr body genes
are not expressed. They are reactivated in gonadal cells that undergo meiosis to form
gametes. Female mammals are a mosaic of two types of cells, those with an active
maternal X and those with an active paternal X. Which of the two Xs will be inactivated
is determined randomly in embryonic cells. After an X is inactivated, all mitotic
descendants will have the same inactive X. As a consequence, if a female is
heterozygous for a sex-linked trait, about half of her cells will express one allele and
the other cells well express the alternate allele. Examples of this type of mosaicism
are coloration in calico cats and normal sweat gland development in humans. A woman
who is heterozygous for this trait has patches of normal skin and patches of skin
lacking sweat glands.
4. X chromosome inactivation is associated with DNA methylation. Methyl groups
(-CH3) attach to cytosine, one of DNA’s nitrogenous bases. Barr bodies are highly
methylated compared to actively transcribed DNA. What determines which of the
two X chromosomes will be methylated? A recently discovered gene, XIST is active
only on the Barr body. The product of the XIST gene, X-inactive specific transcript, is
an RNA; multiple copies of XIST attach to the X chromosome inactivating it.
4. Genic Balance Theory for sex determination in Drossophilla was given by Bridges
(on the basis of ratio of number of X chromosome to sets of autosomes)
Constitution X/A ratio Sex index
5. It was concluded that X/A ratio of > 1.0 expresses super femaleness, 1.0 femaleness,
1.0 femaleness, below 1.0 and above .05 intersexes, maleness and <0.5 super maleness.
6. Y-chromosome is male determiner in man but not in Drossophila.
7. Environmental control of sex determination occurs in Turtles, Crocodiles, Certain
lizards and Alligators.
8. Hormonal Sex determination occurs in Screw’s Cock/ Hen, Free Martin in cattle,
Practice Test Paper-I
9. A C3 mustard plant was grown at 300 ppm of CO2 in 14 h light and 10 h dark cycles,
it was transferred to 1000 ppm CO2 . This will lead to (other environmental parameters
remaining identical)-
(a) Increased photosynthesis (b) Decreased Photosynthesis
(c) Increase in Respiration (d) No Change
11. Which part of translational modification of proteins does not occur in lumen of ER-
(a) Glycosylation
(b) Ubiquitnation
(c) Conformation folding & formation of quaternary structure
(d) Formation of Disulphide bonds
12. Freshly broken chromosome ends are sticky & tend to fuse, however ends of intact
chromosomes are stable. Their stability is due to presence of-
(a) Centromeres
(b) Telomeres
(c) Special membrane around chromosomes
(d) Kinetochores
13. Plant cell wall is generally made up of-
(a) Cellulose and pectin (b) Cellulose
(c) Chitin (d) Murin
14. Which one of the following is correct for structure of cell wall of fungi and Bacteria?
(a) Both have glycopeptide
(b) Both are made up of N-acetylglucasamine
(c) Both are made up of murin
(d) Both are made up of chitin
18. Plasma membrane the functional as well as structural role is played by-
(a) Proteins (b) Lipids
(c) Cholesterol (d) Oligosaccharides
20. The plasma membrane of intestine is highly folded into microvilli. The main function
of Microvilli is-
(a) To Secrete digestive enzymes (b) To help in blood circulation
(c) To increase its absorptive surface (d) For ageing of worn out cells
21. The structure formed where two adjacent membrane are thickened with disc shaped
adhesive material in between and tonofibrils radiating out from adhesive region is-
(a) Gap junction (b) Tight junctions
(c) Desmosomes (d) Plasmodesmata
22. The outer part of cytoplasm is usually termed as-
(a) Plasmasol (b) Plasmagel
(c) Nucleoplasm (d) Protoplasm
27. Lysosomes are polymorphous organelles enclosed by a single membrane. They contain
vast array of hydrolytic enzymes which can digest any foreign material except-
(a) Cellulose (b) Starch
(c) Glycogen (d) Lipids
28. Spectrin of erythrocytes and cytochrome c of mitochondria, which can be easily
dissociated by high ionic strength and metal ion chelating agent are example of-
(a) Extrinsic Protein (b) Intrinsic protein
(c) Tunnel Protein (d) Cytoplasmic Protein
40 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
30. RER is found abundantly in goblet cells, pancreatic cells and liver cells is mainly
engaged in-
(a) Glycosylation of protein
(b) Folding and Secondary Structure formation
(c) Production of Secretory & cytosolic protein
(d) Production and Excretion of protein
31. Microsomes are not found in cell in natural condition. They are-
(a) Present only in certain bacteria
(b) Broken pieces of ER during centrifugation
(c) Broken pieces of golgi during centrifugation
(d) Present in certain fungi
32. Among the following which is not present in smaller subunit of ribosome-
(a) Peptidyl transferase (b) Binding site for t RNA
(c) A Site (d) P site
33. Polyribosome are seen in-
(a) Bacteria (b) Fungi
(c) Angiosperms (d) Mammals
38. Fruit rotting can be checked by slowing down the action of enzyme polygalactouronose
of the organelle-
(a) Golgi (b) Lysosomes
(c) Glyoxysome (d) Peroxisome
Practice Test Paper–Cell Biology 41
39. In prokaryotes where the mitochondria is absent, the site of oxidative phosphorylation
and electron transport chain including dehydrogenases is-
(a) Mesosomes (b) Endosomes
(c) Plasma membrane (d) Microsomes
41. Photosynthetic pigments are located in membrane on specific areas called as-
(a) Oxysomes (b) Quantosomes
(c) Photosystem (d) Antenna molecules
51. If a fragment of a chromosome breaks off and then reattaches to the original
chromosome but in the reverse direction, the resulting chromosomal abnormality is
(a) a deletion. (b) an inversion.
(c) a translocation. (d) a nondisjunction.
52. Why are individuals with an extra chromosome 21, which causes Down syndrome,
more numerous than individuals with an extra chromosome 3 or chromosome 16?
(a) There are probably more genes on chromosome 21 than on the others.
(b) Chromosome 21 is a sex chromosome and 3 and 16 are not.
(c) Down syndrome is not more common, just more serious.
(d) Extra copies of the other chromosomes are probably fatal.
53. Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes, while our closest relatives, chimpanzees,
have 24. Chromosome studies indicate that at some point early in human evolution,
two chromosomes simultaneously broke into a large portion and a small portion. The
large parts combined to form a large chromosome, and the small parts combined to
form a much smaller chromosome (which was subsequently lost). This important
chromosomal change could best be described as
(a) nondisjunction followed by deletion.
(b) translocation followed by deletion.
(c) duplication followed by deletion.
(d) translocation followed by inversion.
54. Each cell in an individual with Down syndrome contains ____ chromosomes.
(a) 3 (b) 22
(c) 24 (d) 47
55. Disorders involving unusual numbers of sex chromosomes show that maleness is
caused by the
(a) presence of an X chromosome.
(b) presence of a Y chromosome.
(c) absence of an X chromosome.
(d) absence of a Y chromosome.
56. A particular allele can have different effects if it was inherited from a male rather
than a female. This phenomenon is known as
(a) extranuclear inheritance. (b) aneuploidy.
(c) sex-linkage. (d) genome imprinting.
Practice Test Paper–Cell Biology 43
62. We can be sure that a mole of table sugar and a mole of vitamin C are equal in their
(a) weight in daltons
(b) number of molecules
(c) volume
(d) number of atoms
65. Acid precipitation has lowered the pH of a particular lake to 4.0. What is the hydrogen
ion concentration of the lake
(a) 10–4 M (b) 4.0 M
(c) 10–10 M (d) 104 M
44 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
67. Oligosaccharide are usely attached to extrinsic phase of plasma membrane by-
(a) Proteins (b) Lipids
(c) Both a & b (d) Not specific
69. Which of the following term includes all others in the list?
(a) Monosaccharide (b) Carbohydrate
(c) Disaccharide (d) Starch
70. The structural level of a protein least affected by a disruption in hydrogen bond is the
(a) secondary level (b) tertiary level
(c) primary level (d) quaternary level
75. Choose the pair of terms that correctly completes this sentence; Catabolism is to
anabolism as ––––––––– is to ––––––––––.
(a) exergonic ; spontaneous (b) free energy ; entropy
(c) exergonic ; endergonic (d) work ; energy
76. According to the first law of thermodynamics
(a) matter can be neither created nor destroyed.
(b) all processes increase the order of the universe.
(c) systems rich in energy are intrinsically stable
(d) energy is conserved in all processes
Practice Test Paper–Cell Biology 45
77. How you can separate Gram + ve bacteria from Gram –ve bacteria-
(a) Presence of Techoic Acid (b) Absence of periplasmic Space
(c) Exotoxin Produced (d) All of the above
80. The cell wall of microorganisms is coated with certain plasma protein promoting the
attachment of microbe to phagocytes, only then they can be phagocytosised. The coat
protein are called as-
(a) Globins (b) Opsonins
(c) Ovulbumins (d) Phagosonins
81. After the damage of body tissues, blood vessel is dilated where damage has occurred,
due to which permeability of blood vessel also increases. Vasodilation is caused by-
(a) Histamine (b) Kinin
(c) Prostaglandin (d) All of above
82. The process of sneezing of phagocytes between the endothelial cells of blood vessels
and reaching to damaged area is known as-
(a) Margination (b) Metastasis
(c) Diapedesis (d) Angiobiosis
83. In humans interferon is produced by leucocytes, fibroblasts in connective tissue and
lymphocytes and are termed as a-IFN, b-IFN and g-INF resp. The interferons are-
(a) Antibacterial proteins (b) Antiviral Protein
(c) Anti cancerous protein (d) Anticancer protein
86. Lysosomes are polymorphous organelles containing vast array of hydrolytic enzymes
which can digest any foreign material only at pH-
(a) 5 (b) 6
(c) 9 (d) 7
46 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
88. Number of amino acids in light and heavy chain of typical immunoglobin are
(a) 110, 220 (b) 220, 440
(c) 440, 880 (d) 880, 1760
92. Lymphokines that recruit the macrophages for Phagocytosis are secreted by-
(a) T-cells (b) B-cells
(c) Complement system (d) MHC
93. Liposomes are-
(a) Lipid filled bags (b) Artificial membranes
(c) Liver Fat bodies (d) Eukaryotic organelle
94. Which among the following act as bridge between cell mediated and humoral immunity-
(a) T-cytoxic cells (b) T-suppressor cells
(c) B-cells (d) T-helper cells
95. In humans cell recognition molecules are-
(a) HLA (b) B-cells
(c) T-Cells (d) Immunoglobins
96. Cancers cell are monoclonal, are characterized by uncontrolled growth, invasion of
other tissues and dissemination to other tissues. The phenomenon of invasion to
other tissues is termed as-
(a) Angiobiogenesis (b) Metastasis
(c) Diapedesis (d) Transformation
Practice Test Paper–Cell Biology 47
97. A major protease secreted by cancer cells acts on plasminogen and converts it into
plasmin. Plasmin is proteolytic enzyme that dissolves blood clots and also removes
exposed protein groups at cell surface. If the plasminogen is removed form the medium,
(a) The morphology of cancer cells returns to normal.
(b) The cancer cell will show more exponential growth.
(c) Cancer cell will die
(d) No change will be seen
98. One of the major higher molecular weight glycoprotein component which can be
easily isolated from normal cultured fibroblast by mild treatment of urea, also occur
at “foot prints” that moving culture cells leaves, is totally absent in cancerous cell is-
(a) Fibronectin (b) Albumin
(c) Ferritin (d) Transferin
99. The sex determination in drossophila is based on-
(a) X-Chromosome (b) Y chromosome
(c) Autosome (d) Both a & c
8. In muscle cells the ____ is specialized for the storage and release of calcium.
(a) smooth ER (b) the Golgi apparatus
(c) contractile vacuoles (d) rough ER
Practice Test Paper–Cell Biology 49
11. Cells will usually divide if they receive the proper signal at a
(a) M (b) S
(c) G2 (d) G1
12. Dye injected into a plant cell might be able to enter an adjacent cell through a
(a) tight junction. (b) microtubule.
(c) desmosome. (d) plasmodesma.
13. A researcher made an interesting observation about a protein made by the rough ER
and eventually used to build a cell’s plasma membrane. The protein in the membrane
was actually slightly different from the protein made in the ER. The protein was
probably changed in the
(a) Golgi apparatus. (b) smooth ER.
(c) mitochondrion. (d) nucleus.
14. When elongated, tube-shaped cells from the lining of the intestine are treated with a
certain chemical, the cells sag and become round blobs. The internal structures
disrupted by this chemical are probably
(a) cell junctions. (b) microtubules.
(c) rough ER. (d) dynein.
15. The electron microscope has been particularly useful in studying bacteria, because
(a) electrons can penetrate tough bacterial cell walls.
(b) bacteria are so small.
(c) bacteria move so quickly they are hard to photograph.
(d) with few organelles present, bacteria are distinguished by differences in individual
16. Cell fractionation is the most appropriate procedure for preparing ____ for study.
(a) isolated cells which are normally found tightly attached to neighbouring cells
(b) cells without a functional cytoskeleton
(c) isolated organelles
(d) the basic macromolecules
50 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
17. Which of the following clues would tell you whether a cell is prokaryotic or eukaryotic?
(a) the presence or absence of a rigid cell wall
(b) whether or not the cell is partitioned by internal membranes
(c) the presence or absence of ribosomes
(d) whether or not the cell carries out cellular metabolism
18. Seema would like to film the movement of chromosomes during cell division. Her
best choice for a microscope would be a
(a) transmission electron microscope, because of its magnifying power.
(b) scanning electron microscope, because the specimen is alive.
(c) transmission electron microscope, because of its great resolving power.
(d) light microscope, because the specimen is alive.
19. A plant cell was grown in a test tube containing radioactive nucleotides, the parts
from which DNA is built. Later examination of the cell showed the radioactivity to be
concentrated in the
(a) rough ER. (b) peroxisome.
(c) nucleus. (d) central vacuole.
20. When isolated liver cells are combined with nonpolar toxins initial processing in the
___ increases the solubility of these compounds as an initial step in their excretion.
(a) smooth ER (b) Golgi apparatus
(c) mitochondrion (d) rough ER
22. The concentration of calcium in a cell is 0.3%. The concentration of calcium in the
surrounding fluid is 0.1%. How could the cell obtain more calcium?
(a) passive transport (b) diffusion
(c) active transport (d) osmosis
23. Phospholipid molecules in a membrane are arranged with their ____ on the exterior
and their ____ on the interior.
(a) hydrophobic heads . . . hydrophilic tails
(b) hydrophilic heads . . . hydrophobic tails
(c) nonpolar heads . . . polar tails
(d) hydrophobic tails . . . hydrophilic heads
25. Which of the following correctly matches a phase of the cell cycle
(a) S, immediately precedes cell division (b) M, duplication of DNA
(c) G1, immediately follows cell division (d) G2, cell division
27. A biochemist measured the amount of DNA to be doubled during the cells in growing
(a) between prophase and anaphase
(b) between anaphase and telophase
(c) during the M phase of the cell cycle
(d) between the G1 and G2 phases
29. Which of the following functional processes results from the presence of protein within
the plasma membrane?
(a) enzymatic activity (b) signal transduction
(c) intercellular joining (d) all of the above
31. Imagine two solutions separated by a selectively permeable membrane which allows
water to pass, but not sucrose or glucose. The membrane separates a 0.2 M sucrose
solution from a 0.2 glucose solution. With time how will the solutions change?
(a) Nothing happens because the two solutions are isotonic to one another.
(b) Water enters the sucrose solution because the sucrose molecule is a disaccharide,
and is larger than the monosaccharide glucose.
(c) Water leaves the sucrose solution because the sucrose molecule is a disaccharide,
and is larger than the monosaccharide glucose.
(d) The sucrose solution is hypertonic and will gain water because the total mass of
sucrose is greater than that of glucose.
52 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
35. A plant cell is placed in a solution whose solute concentration is twice as great as the
concentration of the cell cytoplasm. The cell membrane is selectively permeable,
allowing water but not the solutes to pass through. What will happen to the cell?
(a) No change will occur because it is a plant cell.
(b) The cell will shrivel because of osmosis.
(c) The cell will swell because of osmosis.
(d) The cell will shrivel because of active transport of water.
45. The diploid stage of a plant that exhibits an alternation of generation is the
(a) antheridium. (b) gametophyte.
(c) spore. (d) sporophyte.
47. Mitosis and cytokinesis result in the formation of ______; meiosis and cytokinesis
result in the formation of ________.
(a) 4 diploid cells; 4 haploid cells
(b) 2 diploid cells; 2 haploid cells
(c) 2 diploid cells; 4 haploid cells
(d) 2 diploid cells; 2 diploid cells.
54 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
48. Which of the following occurs during meiosis but not during mitosis?
(a) Chromosomes align at the metaphase plate.
(b) Chromosomes condense.
(c) Chromosomes migrate to opposite poles.
(d) synapsis
57. In humans, the haploid number of chromosomes is 23. Independent assortment has
the possibility of producing _____ different gametes.
(a) 232 (b) 8 million
(c) 223 (d) 24
67. Tissues are typed before an organ transplant to make sure that the _____ of donor
and recipient match as closely as possible.
(a) T cells
(b) antibodies
(c) MHC (major histocompatibility complex) proteins
(d) histamines
70. In a series of immune system experiments, the thymus glands were removed from
baby mice. Which of the following would you predict as a likely result?
(a) The mice suffered from numerous allergies.
(b) The mice never developed cancerous tumors.
(c) The mice suffered from autoimmune diseases.
(d) The mice readily accepted tissue transplants.
71. The body produces antibodies complementary to foreign antigens. The process by
which the body comes up with the correct antibodies to a given disease is most like
(a) going to a tailor and having a suit made to fit you.
(b) ordering the lunch special at a restaurant without looking at the menu.
(c) going to a shoe store and trying on shoes until you find a pair that fits.
(d) selecting a lottery prize-winner by means of a random drawing.
Practice Test Paper–Cell Biology 57
72. The antigen-binding sites of an antibody molecule are formed from the molecule’s
variable regions. Why are these regions called variable?
(a) They can change their shapes on command to fit different antigens.
(b) They change their shapes when they bind to an antigen.
(c) They can be different shapes on different antibody molecules.
(d) Their sizes vary considerably from one antibody to another.
73. The biggest difference between cell-mediated immunity and humoral immunity is
(a) how long their protection lasts.
(b) whether a subsequent secondary immune response can occur.
(c) whether clonal selection occurs.
(d) how they respond to and dispose of invaders.
75. What do the antibodies secreted by plasma cells (the effector cells of humoral
immunity) do to attack their targets?
(a) activate complement to punch holes in them
(b) clump cells together so that phagocytes can ingest them
(c) cause antigen molecules to settle out of solution
(d) all of the above
77. The idea behind vaccination is to induce _____ without the vaccinated individual
having to get sick.
(a) passive immunity
(b) the primary immune response
(c) anaphylactic shock
(d) nonspecific defenses
78. A group of researchers have tested many chemicals and found several that have
potential for use in modifying the action of the immune system. Which of the following
would seem to have the most promise as a drug for inhibiting transplant rejection?
(a) Compound A13: acts like histamine
(b) Compound Q6: suppresses cytotoxic T cells
(c) Compound N98: a potent allergen
(d) Compound M31: stimulates helper T cells
58 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
79. Collagens:
(a) are high in glycine, hydroxylysine and hydroxyproline
(b) are the most abundant proteins in vertebrates
(c) are the most abundant component of the extracellular matrix in animals
(d) all of the above
80. The ECM of animals cells consists of what three classes of molecules?
(a) protein-polysaccharides, structural proteins, microtubules
(b) structural proteins, lipid bilayers, adhesive glycoproteins.
(c) lipoproteins, polysaccharides, and adhesive glycoproteins.
(d) structural proteins, protein-polysaccharides, adhesive glycoproteins
85. Two of the most common adhesive glycoproteins in the ECM are:
(a) laminins and elastins
(b) collagens and elastins
(c) fibronectins and laminins
(d) collagens and fibronectins
87. The most abundant glycoproteins in the basal lamina are ______
(a) collagens (b) entactin
(c) laminins (d) fibronectins
90. A red blood cell has just been targeted for destruction. This cell:
(a) has an increase in sialic acid groups.
(b) has a decrease in sialic acid groups
(c) has exposed galactose residues
(d) B and C
92. The reason urine does not seep out of the bladder is due to the role of:
(a) adherens junctions (b) hemidesmosomes
(c) gap junctions (d) tight junctions
98. The rule is derived from the ER and is continuous with the ER of two adjacent plant
(a) middle lamina (b) annulus
(c) plasmodesma (d) desmotubule
I. Properties of water
A. Water is polar
B. Effect on non-covalent bonds
1. electrostatic A+ ......... B–
2. hydrogen bonds –
–A–H.......B (A,B=N,O,S)
3. hydrophobic bonds (exclusion by water)
4. van der Waals forces optimal distance (Vanderwall contact distance)
C. Water ionization
1. H2 O < > H+ + OH–
[ H + ][ OH − ] [ H + ][ OH − ]
2. Keq = =
H2O [55 .5 ]
Kw = Keq × 55.5 = [H+] [OH– ] = 1 × 10–14 at 25oC
3. Pure water: [H+] = [OH– ] = 1 × 10–7
III. Buffers
1. A buffer is a mixture of a weak acid and the salt of that acid.
2. The practical buffer zone is pKa ~
n 1 pH.
3. The Henderson-Hassalbalch equation is used for calculations involving buffers.
[A − ]
pH = pKa + log
[ HA ]
4. pH of a buffer is theoretically independent of dilution (depends only on the ration of
A– /HA and pKa).
[ H + ][ A − ] x2 x2
2. Ka = = ~
[ HA ] [ HA ] − x [ HA ]
x = [H+] = {Ka x [HA]}–
V. Atoms
• Atoms are like a planetary system with negative electrons circling around a positively
charged nucleus
• In electricity opposite charges attract one another; like charges repel
• All atoms are formed by the attraction of oppositely charged particles
(electrons & protons)
• Nucleus: has protons with (+) charge and neutrons with (0) charge
• Almost all of mass of an atom is located in the protons and neutrons of the
• The number of protons is called the atomic number
• The type of atom is determined by the number of protons: carbon has 6
protons, nitrogen has 7, etc...
• Orbits have electrons with (–) charge
• Orbits are organized in a series of shells around the nucleus
• Electrons have a very small mass
• Chemical reactions involve the electrons, especially those in the outer shell
• Charges in an uncharged atom must balance (electrons = protons)
• Isotopes: if you change the number of neutrons in the nucleus you produce different
isotopes of an element
• Some, but not all, isotopes are radioactive
• Schematic diagram of 3 isotopes of carbon:
Biochemistry 63
• 6 electrons spin around nuclei in 2 shells (inner shell has 2 electrons; outer has
• Nuclei all have 6 protons: this makes them carbon atoms
• Different numbers of neutrons produce different isotopes:
• Carbon–12: 6 neutrons: this is the most common isotope of carbon (over
• Carbon–13: 7 neutrons: a rare natural isotope
• Carbon–14: 8 neutrons: a radioactive isotope produced in the atmosphere
by cosmic rays; it is also produced in atom bomb tests
• The isotope numbers are the sums of the protons and neutrons and they
give the relative atomic masses
• Carbon–14 has a higher mass and weighs more than carbon–12
• The chemical properties of the 3 isotopes will be almost identical, but some of the
physical properties will be different
• Isotopes are frequently used as “tracers” in research and medicine
• Hydrogen bonds
• Occur when a hydrogen ion is sandwiched between 2 atoms, usually nitrogen
and oxygen
• Much weaker (about 25 times) than covalent or ionic bonds
• Occur between molecular groups with permanent dipoles
• Water: makes water molecules stick together. Responsible for many of the strange
properties of water.
• Proteins: cause protein chains to spiral and bend, giving unique shapes. In DNA:
hold together the 2 chains to form the double helix. Allow chains to “unzip” for
replication and transcription.
• Van der Waals & other weak bonds
• Weak forces that can bond like atoms together
• Especially important between chains of carbon atoms
• Although weak, numerous bonds between the chains can add up to produce
significant cohesion
• Determine physical state of compounds: gas, liquid or solid
• Occur when one atom induces a temporary dipole in another atom
• Important in holding like molecules together. Often determine the solid, liquid
or gas state of a compound. Saturated fats are solid at room temperature because
the have more van der Waals attractions than unsaturated fats, which are liquid.
1. Enzymes were discovered by Buchner (1897-1903) but term enzyme was given by
Kuhne (1878).
2. Almost all enzymes are proteins. However, ribozyme, ribonuclease P are non
protein enzyme.
3. Every cell produces its own enzymes because they cannot move from cell to cell due
to high molecular weight.
4. All components of cell including cell wall and cell membrane have enzymes.
5. Maximum enzymes in the cell are found in mitochondrion.
6. Smallest enzyme is peroxidase and largest enzyme being catalase found in
7. Enzyme urease isolated from Jack bean Canavalia was crystallized by Summer in
1926, who proved protein nature of enzymes.
Biochemistry 67
8. Enzymes show reversible reactions and act by lowering energy of activation by more
than 50%.
9. Enzymes show three dimensional structures.
10. Km (Michaelis Mention Constant) is the substrate concentration at which the
chemical reaction attains half its maximum velocity. It is an inverse measure of the
affinity of an enzyme for its substrate. Small the Km, the greater the substrate affinity.
Allosteric enzymes do not obey Km constant.
11. Over 2000 enzymes have been recorded. Enzymes are synthesized by living cells.
Most of the enzymes remain and function inside the cells. These are called
endoenzymes (or intracellular enzymes). On the other hand, the enzymes which
leave the cells and function outside them are called exoenzymes (or extracellular
enzymes). These retain their catalytic ability even when extracted from cells. Rennet
tablets (containing the enzyme rennin from the calf’s stomach) have been in use for
coagulating milk protein to obtain casein (cheese from milk).
12. A large number of enzymes require an additional non protein component called
prosthetic group for their efficient activity. Prosthetic group may be divided rather
loosely into two groups – (a) Metal activators; (b) Cofactors or coenzymes.
13. In holoenzymes, the apoenzyme (protein part) determines the specificity while
coenzyme (prosthetic group) determines the catalytic functional activity of enzyme.
14. The proteinaceous part of enzyme is called apoenzyme. The apoenzyme plus non
proteinaceous part is called holoenzyme. Some enzymes require a loose association
with certain organic substances for their activity. These prosthetic groups are called
cofactors or coenzymes. Examples of coenzymes are – NAD (nicotinamide adenine
dinucleotide), NADP (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate), ATP (adenosine
triphosphate), CoA (coenzyme A), FMN (Flavin mononucleotide) and FAD (Flavin
adenine dinucleotide). FAD and FMN contain riboflavin (vitamin B2 ) as a component.
Riboflavin is the hydrogen accepting part of FAD/FMN.
15. Enzymes are required in minute quantities which is sufficient to convert a large
amount of substrates (starting materials of a reaction) to products (ending materials
of a reaction).
16. Every enzyme has its own optimum pH. Any shift towards alkaline or acidic side
results in a decrease in enzyme activity because it denatures the enzyme molecule
(changes its shape). Pepsin of gastric juice has optimum activity at pH 2.0, while
trypsin shows maximum acitivity at pH 8.0.
17. Every enzyme has a specific optimum temperature.
18. Over a range of 0–40°C, the rate of enzyme controlled reaction almost doubles for
every rise of 10°C. (Q10 = 2).
19. Most enzymes show maximum activity in a temperature range of 25–40°C.
20. Enzymes are thermolabile i.e. are denatured at high temperatures. The loss of catalytic
properties begins at 36°C and is almost complete as 60°C is reached. However, dried
enzyme extracts can endure temperature of 100°C–120°C or even higher. That is
why; dry seeds can endure high temperature than germinating seeds.
21. Enzymes are generally specific for the type of reactions they catalyse. This specificity
is very strong for some enzymes.
68 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
22. Enzymes are colloidal in nature; and have high molecular weights raning from 10,000–
50,000. However, the molecular weights of catalase and urease are 2,50,000 and
4,83,000 respectively.
23 IUB (1962) has divided enzymes into 6 classes (oxidoreductases, transferases,
hydrolases, lyases, isomerases and ligases). Each class is divided into sub-classes
and each sub-class into sub-sub classes depending upon the type of reaction and nature
of substrate. Thus every enzyme has a four digit code called EC Number (Enzyme
Commission Number).
24. The enzymes are classified into 6 groups on the basis of type of reactions
they catalyse:
(a) Oxidoreductases: Transfer of H and O atoms or electrons from one substance
to another. Examples are dehydrogenase, oxidase.
(b) Transferases: Transfer of a specific group (methyl, aceyl, amino or phosphate)
from one substance to another. Examples: transaminase, kinase.
(c) Hydrolases: Hydrolysis of a substrate. Examples are lipase, amylase, peptidase,
esterase, phosphatase, carbohydrase, and protease.
(d) Lyases: Non hydrolytic removal or addition of group from substrates, C–C, C–
N, C–O, or C–S bonds may be split. Examples are decarboxylase, fumarase, and
(e) Isomerases: Change of a substrate into a related form by intramolecular
rearrangement. Examples are phosphohexose isomerase.
(f) Ligases (synthetases): Joining of two molecules by synthesis of new C–O, C–
S, C–N or C–C bonds with simultaneous breakdown of ATP. Examples are acetyl
CoA synthetase (acting on fatty acids), pyruvate carboxylase.
25. The enzyme lowers the activation energy of a reaction. (The energy required for
substrates to react in order to get converted into product is called energy of activation).
An enzyme (E) combines with its substrates (S) to form a short-lived enzyme-substrate
(ES) complex. Within this complex, the chances of occurring of reaction are greatly
increased. Once a reaction has occurred, the complex breaks up into products and
enzymes. Thus, the enzyme remains unchanged at the end of the reaction; and is
free to interact again with more substrates.
26. Most enzymes are far larger molecules than substrates. Only a small portion of the
enzyme (3-12 amino acids) comes into direct contact with the substrate. This region
is called the active site of the enzyme. An enzyme may have more than one active
site. The remaining amino acids maintain the correct globular shape of the molecule.
It is important for proper functioning of the active site.
Fischer (1890) proposed lock and key hypothesis to explain specificity. He proposed
that enzymes have a particular shape into which the substrate or substrates fit exactly.
For a lock to work, it must be provided with right key. Similar is the case with
enzyme and substrates.
27. The best evidence for this lock and key hypothesis (or template theory) of enzyme
action comes from the observation that compounds similar in structure to the substrate
inhibit the reaction.
28. Evidence from protein chemistry suggested that a slight rearrangement of chemical
groups occurs in both enzyme and substrate when as ES complex is formed. It means
Biochemistry 69
that enzymes and their active sites are rather flexible structures. Koshland (1959),
therefore, suggested induced-fit hypothesis. According to it, when a substrate combines
with an enzyme, it induces change in the enzyme structure. The amino acids
constituting the active site are moulded into a precise formation which enables the
enzyme to perform its catalytic function more effectively.
29. Enzyme action can be inhibited by (a) denaturation of enzymes (b) competitive
inhibition (c) non competitive inhibition (d ) allosteric modification of feedback
(a) Denaturation: Change in the spatial arrangement of polypeptide chain within
the protein molecule so that its unique structure is changed. As a result, the
physical or biological properties are changed.
(b) Reversible Inhibition:
1. Competitive inhibition: A substance which closely resembles actual
substrate structure competes with the substrate for the active site. There
is a decline in the number of actual substrate molecule binding the site, as
many of these are occupied by closely resembling substance. As a result,
enzyme action is inhibited. Can be reversed by increasing the substrate
concentration. Vmax unaffected & Apparent Km increased by factor
(1 + [I]) /KI). Examples:
• Inhibition of activity of succinate dehydrogenase by malonate &
• Sulpha drugs e.g. sulphanilamide inhibit the synthesis of folic acid in
bacteria by competing with p-amino benzoic acid (PABA).
• AZT and AIDS
• Methotrexate and dihydrofolate reductase
2. Non competitive inhibition: The inhibitor has no structural similarity
to the substrate and forms an enzyme-inhibitor complex at a point other
than its active site so that the globular structure of the enzyme is changed.
As a result, even if the substrate is able to bind with the enzyme, catalysis
cannot take place. It is characteristic of allosteric and multisubstrate
enzymes. Km unaffected in simplest case. Vmax decreased by factor (1
+ [I])/KI) Cyanide inhibits the activity of cytochrome oxidase. Di isopropyl
fluorophosphates (nerve gas) effects nerve impulse transfer by combining
irreversibly with amino acid serine of acetylcholine esterase. It also poisons
a number of other enzymes with trypsin, chymotrypsin, phsphoglucomutase,
elastase etc. Iodo acetamide inhibits enzymes having sulphahydrol or
imidazole group.
3. Uncompetitive (I binds to ES complex). Km, Vmax both decrease.
Characteristic of multisubstrate enzymes
(c) Irreversible inhibitors: Generally achieved by Covalent modification. Similar
to non-competitive kinetics (Vmax lowered, Km unaffected) Examples:
(i) PCMB and GAPDH
(ii) DFP and Serine hydrolases (trypsin, chymotrypsin, acetyl choline esterase,
(iii) Suicide substrates: generation of reactive intermediate by enzyme
70 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
A. Quantitation of enzymes
1. activity = “how much” ( moles product formed per minute)
2. specific activity = “how pure” ( moles product/min. per mg protein)
3. Turnover number, kcat = “how efficient” = Vmax/[ET] (moles product/min.
per mole enzyme)
A. Nomenclature
1. Trypsinogen – inactive precursor of trypsin
2. Procarboxypeptidase – inactive precursor of carboxypeptidase
B. Activation by proteolysis (e.g., digestive enzymes from pancreas)
A. Unusual kinetics
1. Classic example is “sigmoid” kinetics (S-shaped Vo v/s [S] curve) which is
referred to as positive cooperativity between subunits
2. Many other possibilities: atypical rate vs [substrate] curves.
B. Usually Multi-subunit, Separate binding site (allosteric site) for activators, inhibitors
(positive or negative modulators or effectors)
C. Example: Protein kinase A
1. cAMP binds to regulatory (R) subunits
2. Catalytic subunits released, active
3. Catalytic and Regulatory sites are on separate polypeptides
II. Active site: often polar and ionizable amino acids important
A. Catalytic center
B. Binding site
Lipids are esters of fatty acids and polyhydric alcohol. The term ‘lipid’ was first used by
Bloor (1943). These are the compounds of C, H, O but the ratio of H and O is more than
2:1 (i.e., the ratio of oxygen is lesses as compared to carbohydrates). These are water-
insoluble organic substances which can be extracted from the cells by organic solvents
such as ether, chloroform and benzene. Their general form ula is C nH2nO2 . Some lipids
have P, N and S also.
1. Simple lipids – esters of fatty acids with alcohol. Simplest alcohol in fats is glycerol
(a trihydric alcohol) e.g., fats, oils and waxes. Triglycerides are common in nature.
2. Compound lipids – These lipids contain an additional group alongwith fatty acids
and alcohols, e.g., phospholipids, glycolipids and lipoproteins.
3. Derived lipids – These are isoprenoid structures e.g., steroids, terpenes, carotenoids.
• Fatty acids are carboxylic acid with a chain of more than four carbon atoms ending
with COOH group. Plants can synthesize all fatty acids. Animals can not synthesize
linoleic, linolenic and arachidonic acid. These are called essential fatty acids.
Their deficiency causes sterility, kidney failure and stunted growth.
• Saturated fatty acids have no double bond. Their melting point is high. Palmitic acid,
stearic acid are saturated fatty acids.
• Unsaturated fatty acids are commonly present in vegetable oils, cod/shark oil. Their
melting points are low. Oleic acid has one double bond, linoleic acid has two, linolenic
acid has three and arachiodonic acid has 4 double bonds. Fatty acids with more than
one double bond are called polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA).
• Drying oils are unsaturated fatty acids which can be converted in hard fats on
being exposed.
• Edible oils can be converted into hard fats through hydrogenation.
• Waxes are esters of long chain monohydric alcohols like cetyl, ceryl or mericyl.
• Lanolin forms a protective, water insoluble coating on animal fur.
• Bees wax secreted from abdominal glands of honey bees has palmitic acid
and mericyl alcohol.
• Paraffin wax is a petroleum product.
• Cutin is formed by cross esterification and polymerization of hydroxyl fatty
acids and other fatty acids without esterification by alcohols other than glycerol.
Cuticle has 50-90% cutin.
• Suberin is condensation product of glycerol and phellonic acid. It makes the
cell wall impermeable to water.
Biochemistry 75
I. Functions of membranes
Permeability barrier, transport, communication with the “outside”, cell-cell recognition,
environment for non-aqueous reactions, cell volume regulation and locomotion.
Carbohydrates are mainly compounds of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Carbohydrates are so
called because in most of them, the proportion of hydrogen and oxygen is the same as in water
(H2 O) i.e., 2:1. Their general formula is CXH2X OX. These are also knows as saccharides
(compounds containing sugar). Carbohydrates are produced by green plants during
photosynthesis. These constitute about 80% of the dry weight of plants. Carbohydrates are
divided into 3 main classes – monosaccharides , derived monosaccharides and
1. Monosaccharides
• These have single saccharide units which cannot be hydrolysed further into still
smaller carbohydrates; have general formula CNH2NON. These are composed of 3–7
carbon atoms, and are classified according to the number of C atoms as trioses (3C),
tetroses (4C), pentoses (5C), hexoses (6C) and heptoses (7C). Of these, pentoses and
hexoses are most common. Monosaccharides are important as energy source and as
building blocks for the synthesis of large molecules.
• All monosaccharides are either aldoses or ketoses. The two simplest monosaccharides
are trioses e.g., glyceraldehydes and dihydroxyacetone.
• Tetroses (e.g. erythrose) are quite rare. Erythrose takes part in the synthesis of
lignin and anthocyanin pigments.
• Ribose, ribulose, xylulose and arabinoses are pentoses. Xyluloses and arabinoses
polymerise to form xylans and arabans which are cell wall materials.
• Glucose, fructose, mannose, galactose are hexoses. These are white, sweet-tasting,
crystalline and extremely, soluble in water.
• Glucose is the universal sugar. It is also known as dextrose or grape sugar or
corn sugar.
• Fructose is the most common form of sugar in fruit. It is also known as levulose. It
is the sweetest among naturally occurring sugars.
• Monosaccharides have ‘free’ aldehyde or ketone group which can reduce Cu++ to Cu+.
Hence, these are also called reducing sugars.
2. Derived monosaccharides
• Deoxy sugar – Loss of oxygen atom from ribose yields deoxyribose, a constituent of
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3. Oligosaccharides
The sugars with limited numbers (2–10) of monosaccharides are called oligosaccharides.
These include trisaccharides, tetra saccharides, hexasaccharides, heptasaccharides, etc.
• Disaccharides: These are formed by condensation reactions between two
monosaccharides (usually hexoses). The bond formed between two
monosaccharides is called a glycosidic bond. It normally forms between C-
atoms 1 and 4 of neighbouring units (1,4 bond). Once linked, the monosaccharide
units are called residues.
(a) Maltose (glucose + glucose), lactose (glucose + galactose), sucrose (glucose
+ fructose) are most common disaccharides. Sucrose is most abundant in
plants and is known as cane sugar or table sugar. It is the sugar we buy
from market.
(b) On hydrolysis , disaccharides release their respective constituent
monosaccharides (e.g., hydrolysis of sucrose yields one molecule each of
glucose and fructose).
• Trisaccharides: Sugars composed of 3 monosaccharide units are called
trisaccharides (e.g., raffinose). Raffinose is a common saccharide found in
plants. Upon hydrolysis, it yields one molecule each of glucose, fructose and
• Larger oligosaccharides are attached to the cell membrane and cell
recognition is due to their presence. They also take part in antigen
Polymerisation of a large number of small molecules results in the formation of large
molecules of high molecular weights, which may be branched or unbranched. These are called
macromolecules. These include some polysaccharides, proteins and nucleic acids.
These are polymers of monosaccharides and are branced or unbranched linear molecular chains.
These are insoluble carbohydrates and are considered to be non-sugars. Starch, glycogen,
cellulose, pectin, hemicellulose, inulin and polysaccharides.
Polysaccharides are of two types –
• Homopolysaccharides – consists of only one type of monosaccharide monomer e.g.
starch, glycogen and celluse, fructan, xylan, araban, galactan.
• Heteropolysaccharide – consists of more than one type of monosaccharide monomer
e.g. chitin, agar, arabanogalactans, arabanoxylan etc.
Polysaccharides are of three main types – storage (e.g. starch and glycogen), structural
(e.g. chitin, cellulose) and mucopolysaccharides (e.g. keratin sulphate, chondroitin sulphate,
hyaluronic acid, agar, aliginic acid, carragenin & heparin).
Biochemistry 81
1. Storage polysaccharide
(i) Starch, glycogen and inulin are reserve food materials. Starch turns blue with
• Starch is a polymer of glucose. It is the major reserve food in plants. Starch has
two components – amylase (an unbranched polymer) and amylopectin (a branched
• Amylopectin – consists of 2000 – 200,000 glucose molecules forming straight
chain and branches (after 25 glucose units). Branching point has a, 1-6 glycosidic
• Amylose – consists of a, 1-4 glycosidic linkage between a-D glucose molecules.
It is straight chain of 200-1000 glucose units. It is helical; each turn consists of 6
glucose units.
Starch molecules accumulate in the form of layers (stratifications) around a shifting organic
centre (hilum) to form starch grains. In eccentric starch grains, hilum lies on one side. These
are found in potatoes. In concentric starch grains, hilum is present in the centre. These are
found in wheat, maize, and pea.
• Dumb-bell shaped starch grains are found in the latex of Euphorbia.
• Starch grains with single hilum are called simple (e.g. maize); but those with
more than one hilum are called compound (e.g. potato, rice).
(ii) Glycogen: Glycogen is the animal equivalent of starch; many fungi also store it.
Glycogen turns red-violet with iodine. It consists of 30,000 glucose units joined by a,
1-4 bonds, much more banched than starch. Branching point has a, 1-6 linkage,
branching occurs after 10-14 glucose units.
(iii) Inulin: It is an unusual polysaccharide and polymer of fructose. It is used as a fructose,
particularly in roots and tubers of the family Compositae (e.g. Dahlia tubers).
Middle lamella which binds the cells together is composed of calcium pectate. Due
to this substance, water absorption capacity of wall is increased.
Fruit walls contain high percentage of pectin. During ripening, the pectins break
down into sugars resulting in the sweetning and loosening of fruits.
Hemicelluloses are homopolymers of D-xylose linked by b 1-4, Xylans, arabans,
galactans are hemicelluloses. These are rarely used as food (e.g. dates – Phoenix).
III. Mucopolysaccharides
These are gelatinuous polysaccharides formed from galactose and mannose. Slimy substances
of bhindi, agar agar, alginic acid and carrageenin obtained from seaweeds are
mucopolysaccharides. Mycopolysaccharides are found in the cell walls of bacteria also.
(a) Keratin sulphate – consists of acetyl glucosamine, glaactose and sulphuric
acid, provides strength and flexibility to skin and cornea.
(b) Chondroitin sulphate – consists of flycuronic acid and acetyl glucosamine,
present in the vitreous humor of eye, synovial fluid and cerebrospinal fluid etc.
(c) Heparin is a polymer of a, 1-4 glucosamine and glucuronic acid. It is anticoagulant
present in human blood. Husk of Plantago ovata and mucilage of Aloe barbedense
are medicinally used. Agar, alginic acid carragenin are obtained from marine
Brown algae (Phaeophyceae).
I. Sugar chemistry
A. Sugars are carbohydrates (Poly hydroxy aldehydes or Ketones)
1. empirical chemical formula (CH 2 O)n
2. polyalcohols
3. hydrophilic, polar
B. Carbonyl classification of sugars
1. Aldoses – aldehyde at the C-1 carbon
2. Ketoses – carbonyl somewhere other than C-1 (usually C-2)
C. Stereochemistry of sugars
1. all sugars have at least one chiral carbon (except DHA)
2. naturally occuring sugars are in the D-form
3. Fisher projection 2-D representation of sterochem.
4. Epimer – sugars differing in config. at one chiral carbon
D. Intramolecular cyclization of sugars
1. Sugars readily form ring structures
(a) Condensation of a hydroxyl with a carbonyl
(i) hemiacetal – cyclization between aldehyde and hydroxyl
(ii) hemiketal – cyclization between ketone and hydroxyl
(b) Different size cyclic structures may be formed
(i) pyranose – six member ring
(ii) furanose – five member ring
Biochemistry 83
2. Anomeric carbon – new chiral center formed in the cyclization or form many
esenzymes have specificity for the anomeric carbon
3. Haworth projection – 3-D representation of cyclic structure
E. Sugar chemistry
1. Reducing sugars
(a) carbonyl group has reductive potential
(b) anomeric carbon must be free (not polymerized)
(c) can reduce Cu2+(cupric) to Cu+(cuprous)
1. All life processes require energy. Much of the food obtained by autotrophic and
heterotrophic nutrition is used as a source of this energy. The energy rich compounds
are broken down to release energy by the process of respiration. Respiration is a
process by which the energy of the food is made available to the cells.
2. Glucose is the most common respiratory substrate.
3. Photosynthesis is 10 times faster than respiration.
4. About 50% of sugar formed in photosynthesis is used in respiration.
5. Efficiency of respiration is 40-45%.
6. Cellular respiration is essentially (a) a catabolic process, (b) involves biological oxidation
of organic molecules and (c) results in the release of the energy in the form of ATP.
ATP is a derivative of AMP (Adenosine monophosphate) to which two additional
phosphate groups are attached through an anhydride linkage. The two bonds are
indicated by symbol (~). When last high energy phosphate bond is hydrolysed 8.9
kcal energy is released. When second phosphate bond is broken, 6.5 k calories of
energy is released. However, if the third phosphate group (i.e., of AMP) is hydrolysed;
only 3.4 kcal of energy is liberated. The energy released by the breaking down of
phosphate groups in ATP and ADP (Adenosine diphosphate) is much more than the
energy released on the hydrolysis of most of the other covalent bonds.
7. ATP is an instant source of energy within the cell. It is mobile and transports chemical
energy to energy requiring processes within the cell. The hydrolysis of ATP releases
energy. Since ATP is found in all living cells, it is called universal energy carrier
or “energy currency” of cells.
8. A respiratory substrate is a “substance which is oxidized to yield the energy necessary
for cell maintenance and growth”. These, include (i) carbohydrates, (ii) fats, (iii) proteins.
9. Types of respiration:
(a) Aerobic respiration. It takes place in the presence of oxygen. Complete
oxidation of the substrate results in the formation of CO2 and water accompanied
by the release of energy e.g.
C6 H12 O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2 O + energy
(Glucose) (686 kcal)
In most forms of life, respiration occurs aerobically.
(b) Anaerobic respiration. It takes place in the absence of oxygen and results in
incomplete degradation of the substrate. CO2 and organic compounds like ethyl
84 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
alcohol, lactic acid etc., are produced accompanied by the release of some energy,
water is not a product of this reaction.
C6 H12 O6 ® 2C2 H5 OH + 2CO2 + energy
Usually, anaerobic respiration occurs in the deep seated tissues of plants and
animals, in germinating seeds, in fruits and among many microorganisms e.g.
yeasts and bacteria.
10. A large variety of organisms (anaerobic) employ anaerobic respiration as their major
energy yielding process. In fact, some bacteria are even killed if exposed to substantial
amount of oxygen. These are termed as obligate anaerobes. The organisms which
can respire both in the presence and the absence of the oxygen are called facultative
11. Mechanism of respiration: In aerobic as well as anaerobic respiration, initial
sequence of events is the same; collectively termed as glycolysis. Glycolysis (splitting
of sugar) results in the breakdown of one molecule of glucose into two molecules of
pyruvic acid. It is completed in the cytoplasm of the living cell not in the
mitochondria and does not require the presence of oxygen. It is also known as Embden-
Meyerhof-Parnas pathway after the names of three German scientists who discovered
12. The process of glycolysis maybe sub-divided into three steps:
(a) Phosphorylation, (b) Splitting of fructose-1, 6-diphosphate, (c) Formation of pyruvic
13. Fate of pyruvic acid in aerobic respiration: In aerobic respiration, each pyruvic
acid molecules enters a mitochondrion where its oxidation is completed. It is carried
out in the following phases: (a) Formation of acetyl coenzyme A and (b) Krebs cycle.
14. Acetyl CoA is produced not only from pyruvic acid, but also produced as a result of â-
oxidation of fatty acids undergoes TCA cycle. Enzymes required for Kreb’s cycle are
found in the matrix of mitochondria except succinate dehydrogenase which is bound
to inner membrane.
15. TCA: An amphibolic pathway: The TCA cycle is a central metabolic pathway playing
an important role in both: catabolism and anabolism. It serves as a pathway for
oxidation of not only carbohydrates, but fat and proteins also, serving as a common
oxidative pathway (catabolism). On the other hand, the intermediates of the TCA
cycle are used in the synthesis of macromolecules (anabolism).
• The term amphibolic (dual purpose) is preferred for such pathways.
16. One molecule of ATP (via GTP), four NADH, 1 FADH2 and two molecules of CO2 are
released per molecule of pyruvic acid oxidized. However, as two molecules of pyruvic
acid are formed from one glucose molecule, TCA cycle must occur twice for each
molecule of glucose respired. Therefore, 2 ATP, 8 NADH and 2 FADH2 are formed
from 2 molecules of pyruvic acid (coming from one molecule of glucose).
17. The hydrogen ions and electrons removed from respiratory intermediates by
dehydrogenation during glycolysis and TCA cycle are ultimately oxidized to water by
molecular oxygen. They reduce acceptor molecules such as NAD+ and FAD to NADH
and FADH2 respectively. From NADH or FADH2 , these are passed along a chain of
intermediate substances (a chain of electron acceptors and transfer molecules). The
enzymes necessary for the transfer of electrons are present in the inner mitochondrial
Biochemistry 85
20. The accumulation of lactic acid in the muscle causes fatigue. However, durng rest,
the lactic acid is again converted into pyruvic acid and undergoes aerobic respiration.
21. Remember
(a) 264 Gms of CO2 is liberated during complete oxidation of 180 gms of glucose.
(b) a-ketoglutaric acid is first dicarboxylic acid formed during Kreb’s cycle.
(c) Number of ATP molecules formed by complete oxidation of pyruvic acid is 15.
(d) Mercury is used in anaerobic respiration experiments because it does
not react with CO2.
(e) Rate of respiration is measured by respirometer.
(f) Fermentation was discovered by Gay Lussac.
(g) Enzyme extracted from yeasts which brings about the fermentation is zymase.
(h) Fruits and seeds are stored at low temperature to reduce the rate of respiration.
(i) If a leaf is kept in sugar solution, the rate of respiration increases.
(j) Dinitrophenol inhibits ATP synthesis (uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation).
(k) Oligomycin inhibits oxidative phosphorylation (energy transfer inhibitor).
(l) Abnormal rise in respiratory rate of ripening fruits is called climactric e.g.
22. Fermentation differs from anaerobic respiration by following features
(a) Fermentation is an extracellular process.
(b) It usually occurs in the presence of microbes.
(c) Enzymes extracted from cell can perform fermentation.
(d) A small quantity of oxygen rather stimulates fermentation, while anaerobic
respiration occurs in the absence of oxygen.
23. Higher concentration of CO2 and absence of O2 adversely affect the rate of respiration
(except in anaerobic respiration).
24. 1 molecule of glucose or fructose produces a total of 38 ATP molecules out of which
two are used and therefore, net gain of ATP is 36. Out of this 38 ATP, 4 ATP are
formed by direct (substrate) phosphorylation and 32 ATP by oxidative phosphorylation
through ETS and 2 by through GTP.
25. 1 molecule of NADH2 forms 3 ATP and 1 FADH2 forms 2 ATP through ETS located
on inner membrane of mitochondrion.
26. One turn of Krebs cycle produces 12 ATP, 11 ATP through ETS and 1 ATP by substrate
27. ATP formation is an endergonic process and occurs in chloroplast and mitochondria.
28. RBC and muscles get energy by glycolysis.
29. Ratio of CO2 formation in aerobic and anaerobic respiration is 3:1.
30. Ratio of ATP in aerobic and anaerobic respiration is 18:1.
31. Kreb’s cycle is basically a catabolic cycle but also functions as anabolic cycle and
hence called amphibolic cycle. Its starting product is citric acid which is a
tricarboxylic acid. It undergoes 4 oxidations and 2 decarboxylations to produce
CO2 and H2 O. It occurs in matrix of mitochondria.
32. ETS, is located on inner membrane of mitochondria, is responsible for ATP synthesis
(oxidative phosphorylation).
Biochemistry 87
33. ETS involves hydrogen and electron carriers and oxysom es (F 0 – F 1 particles) located
on inner membrane of mitochondrion. The sequence of these carriers is:
N A D H 2 → FMN → CoQ → Cyt b → Cyt c1 → Cyt c → Cyt a → Cyt a3 .
34. Flow of electron in ETC is Fe+3 → Fe +2 → Fe +3.
35. Cytochromes are Fe+2 rich intrinsic proteins. Cyt a3 has both Cu+2 and Fe+2 and acts
as cytochrome oxidase.
36. Ratio of the volume of CO2 liberated to the volume of O2 absorbed during respiration
is called Respiratory Quotient, the RQ.
(a) RQ is an index of type of substrate being respired. Different substrates
(carbohydrates/fats/proteins/organic acids) yield different values of RQ on
(b) When carbohydrates are completely oxidized, RQ = 1.
(c) When fats and proteins are respired, RQ is less than one.
(d) For organic acids (malic/oxalic acids etc.), RQ is greater than one.
(e) In succulents (e.g., Opuntia, Bryophyllum) RQ = zero as no CO2 is released (is
fixed into organic acids).
(f) During anaerobic respiration, RQ is infinity (O2 is not absorbed)
C6 H12 O6 → 6C2 H5 OH + 2CO2
(RQ = 2 / 0 = ¥ )
37. Overall reaction
1. 2 pyruvates, 2 NADH and 2 ATP produced per glucose
2. 2 stages (hexose and triose stages)
(a) hexose stage
(i) glucose phosphorylated and cleaved to form two glyceraldehyde-3-P
(ii) uses 2 ATPs per glucose
(b) triose stage
(i) converts two glyceraldehyde-3-P to two pyruvates
(ii) generates 4 ATPs and 2 NADH
3. Oxygen supply determines end product of pathway
(a) Aerobic conditions
(i) NADH is reoxidized by ET/Ox Phos
(ii) pyruvate is used for acetyl CoA synthesis
(b) Anaerobic conditions
(i) NADH is reoxidized by reducing pyruvate to lactate
(ii) lactic acid is produced
38. Pyruvate has multiple fates
1. Anaerobic glycolysis (higher organisms)
(a) Allows glycolysis to continue without O2
(i) NAD+ needs to be regenerated from NADH
(ii) electron transport is inoperable
(iii) LDH reoxidizes NADH
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A. Physical characteristics
1. Charge
(a) Amino acids are dipolar ions (zwitterions) at neutral pH
(i) zwitterion is a dipolar molecule with pos. and neg. charges spatially separated
(ii) definition of zwitterion in book is incorrect
(b) Ionic states of amino acids depend on pH
(i) amino acids have two or three dissociable protons
(ii) pKa of the dissociable proton and the pH determine its degree of dissociation
H–H equation: pH = pKa + log{[A– ]/[HA]}
2. Titration curve of an amino acid
(a) calculated using the H-H equation
(b) Isoelectric point (pI) – pH at which the molecule has a net charge = 0 (average of
the two appropriate pKa values)
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3. Polarity
(a) nine nonpolar amino acids
(i) tend to orient to the inside of proteins
(ii) Gly, Ala, Val, Leu, Ile, Met, Pro, Phe, Trp
(b) eleven polar amino acids
(i) tend to orient to the outside of proteins
(ii) Ser, Thr, Tyr, Asp, Glu, Asn, Gln, Cys, Arg, Lys, His
5. UV absorbance
(a) aromatic a.a.s (Trp, Tyr, Phe) absorb UV light
(b) absorbs UV light between 260-280 nm
B. Stereochemistry
1. Most amino acids have optical activity
(a) chiral centers are asymmetric centers (usually carbons)
(b) a-carbon of amino acids is chiral
(c) chirality yields stereospecificity
(d) Gly is not chiral (has no a-carbon)
2. L and D enantiomers (stereoisomers)
(a) enantiomers are nonsuperimposable mirror images of the same molecule
(i) L is levorotatory, D is dextrarotatory
(b) L and D nomenclature from L and D-glyceraldehyde (Fisher convention)
(i) not equivalent to R and S
(ii) most natural a.a.s are L
(iii) some a.a.s are R, some are S
(c) L and D forms are chemically and physically distinguishable
(i) different activity, melting points, and spectra
A. Chemical properties
2. Synthesis
(a) condensation produces water
(b) energy required (ATP hydrolysis)
3. Peptide bond is hydrolyzable
(a) acid hydrolysis generates free amino acids
(i) 6N Hydrochloric acid heated at 110°C for 24 hr in a vacuum
(b) base hydrolysis generates free amino acids
(i) 4N Sodium hydroxide heated at 100°C for 4 hr
(c) cyanogen bromide cleaves at the COOH-terminal side of Met
(d) enzymatic hydrolysis of peptide bonds by proteases
(i) peptidases are specific for certain amino acids
4. Polypeptides are polyampholytes
(a) ampholyte has both acidic and basic pKa values
(b) isoelectric point – pH at which the net charge is zero
For example: H3 N +–Ala–Lys–Ala–Ala–COO–
pKa of the Alpha-carboxyl group = 3.6 pKa of the Alpha-amino group = 8.0
pKa of the delta-amino of the Lysine = 10.6
at pH = 1 the net charge is +2 at pH = 6 the net charge is +1
at pH = 14 the net charge is –1
the isoelectric point pI = (pKa2 + pKa3)/2 = (8 +10.6)/2 = 9.3
B. Nomenclature
1. Size
(a) dipeptide (2 aminoacids & 1 peptide bond), tripeptide (3 aminoacids & 2 peptide
(b) oligopeptide – several amino acids (up to 20)
(c) polypeptides (more than 20 amino acids). All proteins are polypeptides
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2. 3.6 amino acids per turn, rise per helix 5.4 Å, rise per aminoacid 1.5 Å
3. carbonyl oxygen hydrogen bonded to 4th amide hydrogen (n®n+4)
4. amino acid R-groups orient out
5. proline breaks the helix
(b) beta-pleated sheet
(i) polypeptide chains side by side
(ii) polypeptide chains can be parallel or antiparallel
(iii) carbonyl oxygen hydrogen bonded to amide hydrogen
(iv) beta-strand is a single pass of the polypeptide
(c) reverse turn, beta-bend
(i) allows a sharp turn in polypeptide chain
(ii) carbonyl oxygen hydrogen bonded to 3rd amide hydrogen (n®n+3)
(iii) Glycine is required
3. Fibrous proteins demonstrate secondary structure
(a) Fibroin
(i) silk is fibroin
(ii) antiparallel-beta-pleated sheet
(b) alpha-Keratin and tropomyosin
(i) alpha-keratins in wool and hair and epidermal layer
(ii) tropomyosin is a thin filament in muscle
(iii) alpha-helix allows elasticity
(iv) alpha-keratin converts to beta-pleated sheet with heat or stretching
- disulfides are important to maintenance of keratin secondary structure
- alpha-keratins are beta-pleated sheets; feathers and claws
(c) Collagen
(i) structural protein; skin, bones
(ii) triple helix (not alpha-helix)
(iii) sequence (Gly-Xaa-Pro) ‘ x or (Gly-Xaa-HyPro) x
(iv) glycine required for triple helix to form, contains many modified amino
(v) hydroxyproline stabilizes the structure, vitamin C required for hydroxylation;
E. Structural elements
1. Sequence motif – small functional linear polypeptide sequence (may not be 3-D)
(a) signal peptide
(b) ER-retention signal
(c) mitochondrial and nuclear targeting signals
(d) RGD cell adhesion motif
2. Supersecondary structure (structural motif)
(a) smallest conformational unit (may be functional)
(b) exam p les àà (helix-loop-helix), hairpin, beta-barrels
- Rossman fold, a nucleotide binding site
- leucine zipper mediates transcription factor dimerization
- zinc finger is a DNA binding motif
3. Domain
(a) the part of a polypeptide chain that can independently fold into a tertiary structure
(b) often domains have units of function
(c) proteins may contain one or many domains
D. Denaturation is unfolding
1. Requires some input to overcome hydrophobic forces
(a) heat
(b) denaturant (urea or guanidinium)
2. Requires reductant to reduce disulfide bridges to sulfhydryls
B. Most DNA in a cell exists as the Watson-Crick double helix which is known as
B form DNA
Major features: right handed helix; bases on inside and sugar phosphate backbone on outside;
base pairs are formed through hydrogen bonding; A pairs with T; G pairs with C; bases are
perpendicular to the helical axis stacked on top of each other and interacting through hydrophobic
interactions and van der Waals interactions; 3.4 A per base pair; ~10 base pairs per helical
turn; strands are antiparallel; strands are complementary
• A form – having 11 base pairs (instead of 10 base pairs per turn), the base pairs are
not perpendicular to the axis, but are tilted.
Biochemistry 99
C. DNA supercoiling
1. a supercoil is when the double-helix twists around itself
2. supercoils can be positive or negative but natural DNAs exist in the negative
supercoiled form
3. DNA can be supercoiled if it is circular or if is linear and has fixed ends
4. supercoiled DNA is more compact than relaxed DNA
5. negatively supercoiled DNA molecules are easier to unwind than relaxed molecules
- DNA unwinding is required for replication and transcription
Topoisomerases are enzymes that catalyze changes in DNA supercoiling
1. Type I topoisomerases function by breaking a phosphodiester bond of one strand,
passing the other strand through the break and resealing the break—they can only
remove supercoils
2. Type II topoisomerases function by breaking both strands and passing a double
strand region through the break before resealing the break—require ATP
3. Topoisomerases are targets of numerous chemotherapeutic drugs: adriamycin, VP16
(tenoposide), VM26 (etoposide), camptothecin
D. Nucleases
Enzymes that catalyze hydrolysis of phosphodiester bonds in nucleic acids
1. exonucleases cleave terminal nucleotides from either the 5' or 3' end of a polynucleotide
2. endonucleases cleave in the interior of nucleic acid molecule—restriction enzymes
are endonucleases that cleave at specific sequences of DNA
2. Elongation
(a) DNA polymerase III extends RNA primers
(b) helicase continues to unwind parental DNA strands ahead of polymerase
(i) the leading strand continues uninterrupted (DNA pol III has high
(ii) on the lagging strand, approximately 1000 bp are replicated before
primase must synthesize a new RNA primer to be elongated by DNA
pol III. —Okazaki fragments
3. DNA polymerase I (in E. coli)
Klenov fragment have 5’®3’ polymerase (fills in the gap) and 3’®5’
Exonuclease activity (Proofreading activity). Another unit removes RNA
primer (5'-3' exonuclease activity) and
4. DNA ligase
Seals the nicks—E. coli DNA ligase requires NAD+ and Bacteriophage l
requires ATP
5. Termination of replication takes place within a region of the circular E. coli
chromosome called ter
F. The replisome is a large multiprotein “machine” that is thought to replicate both the
leading and lagging strand simultaneously
G. Proofreading: Pol III (and Pol I) has 3'—5' exonuclease activity —if incorrect base is
inserted it can back up 1 nucleotide and then continue polymerization
H. DNA replication in eukaryotes
1. enzymatically the mechanism is basically the same as in prokaryotes
2. each chromosome has multiple origins
3. DNA is replicated only during S phase of the cell cycle and only once during each
cell cycle
4. the substrate (template) for replication is chromatin
5. a special enzyme called telomerase is necessary for replicating the ends of linear
(a) the ends of eukaryotic chromosomes are called telomeres and are made up
of short repetitive sequences
(b) telomerase is an enzyme that contains both protein and RNA components
(c) the RNA component is used as a template to synthesize new telomere repeats
(d) telomerase and cancer
C. Depurination
Pathway is similar to that above except that excision repair begins with AP endonuclease
E. Mismatch repair
1. mismatches can occur when DNA polymerase inserts the wrong nucleotide during
2. mismatch repair is “coupled” to replication
3. How do the mismatch repair enzymes distinguish which base is incorrect?
(a) parental DNA is methylated—in E. coli an enzyme called Dam methylase
methylates the C in both strands at the sequence GATC
(b) immediately after replication only the parental strands are methylated (the DNA
is hemimethylated)
4. the defective gene in one form of hereditary colon cancer was recently found to be
the human homologue of mutS
F. Recombinational repair
1. occurs during DNA replication
2. major steps:
(a) DNA polymerase skips over damaged DNA leaving a gap opposite the lesion
(b) the undamaged parental strand recombines into the gap (this is facilitated by
recA protein in E. coli)
(c) the new gap in the parental strand is filled by DNA polymerase and ligase
Biochemistry 103
I. Structure of RNA
A. RNA is a polymer of ribonucleotide monophosphates
1. purine bases are adenine and guanine; pyrimidine bases are cytosine and uracil
2. RNA molecules can have extensive secondary structure
(a) intramolecular base pairing
(b) regions of base pairing in RNA form an A-type double helix
(c) many secondary structures of RNA have defined functional roles
D. Numerous other small RNA’s are also found in cells—in eukaryotic cells these can be
put into two general classes: snRNA = small nuclear RNA & scRNA = small cytoplasmic
1. snRNA’s and scRNA’s are found complexed with proteins and carried a variety of
cellular functions (snRNP and scRNP)
III. Transcription
A. RNA molecules are transcribed from a DNA template by RNA polymerases
B. requirements for RNA polymerases: DNA template, ATP, GTP, CTP, UTP, Mg++ (no
primer is necessary for RNA polymerase)
104 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
(b) many genes contain a sequence called the TATA box approximately 30 bp upstream
from the transcriptional start site; a transcription factor named TFIID specifically
binds to the TATA box to help position the polymerase at the initiation site.
Some genes lack a TATA box but also utilize a sequence-specific transcription
factor to target polymerase to the initiation site.
3. Capping of the 5' end of the transcript
(a) very soon after the transcript is initiated a 7-methylguanosine “cap” is added to
the 5' end of the transcript by guanosyl transferase
(b) 7mG cap is an important signal for the translation process and may also help
protect the message from degradation
4. Polyadenylation by Poly (A) polymerase
(a) the 3' end of (most) transcripts is modified by polyadenylation
(b) the poly A tail is usually about 200-250 nucleotides
(c) the poly A tail is not encoded by the gene but is added post-transcriptionally
(d) polyadenylation requires a specific sequence (AAUAAA) in the mRNA
(e) no specific termination signal is known for eukaryotic genes and transcription
proceeds past the polyadenylation signal
5. mRNA splicing
(a) intron sequences are removed from primary transcripts by a process called splicing
(b) splicing requires consensus splicing signals at the 5' and 3' ends of the intron, a
consensus branch point 10-40 bases upstream of the 3' end of the intron
(c) splicing is carried out by a large complex called the spliceosome—the spliceosome
is assembled from small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (snRNP’s)
I. Overview of Translation
A. Translation is the process by which a polypeptide chain is synthesized by ribosomes
using the sequence of codons in an mRNA to direct the sequence of amino acids.
B. Translation is the ultimate step in gene expression.
C. The energy cost for protein synthesis is very high.
1. Only a small fraction of the energy input of translation is needed to form the
peptide bond.
2. The majority of energy is invested to assure that the sequence of the polypeptide
is correct.
3. If incorrect polypeptides (e.g. enzymes) are made by the cell, it could have
devastating effects on cell function.
D. The mRNA is always read from 5' to 3'.
E. The polypeptide is always synthesized in the direction of amino-terminus to carboxyl-
1. The function of tRNA is deliver the correct amino acid to the ribosome as directed by
the codon on the mRNA for incorporation into the polypeptide.
2. The tRNA has two important functional features
(a) A tRNA is covalently bound to an amino acid at its 3' end.
(i) This form of tRNA is called an amino acyl tRNA.
(ii) Each tRNA will be bound to only one of the twenty possible amino acids.
However, there can be multiple tRNAs for each amino acid.
(b) The tRNA contains a triplet sequence of nucleotides that are complementary to
the triplet codons of the mRNA. This sequence is called the anti-codon.
(i) The covalently bound amino acid and the anti-codon strictly correspond to
one another.
(ii) As a result, the pairing of codon of the mRNA and the anti-codon of the
amino acyl-tRNA during translation will deliver the correct amino acid to
the growing polypeptide chain.
3. Structure of tRNA
(a) Cloverleaf structure
(i) 73-93 bases in length
(ii) Many unusual bases (Psuedo Uracil, Thymine, Dihdroxy Uracil etc.)
(iii) The nucleotides form many intra-chain base pairs, resulting in a
secondary structure that resembles a cloverleaf.
(b) Acceptor Stem
(i) This is a region of the tRNA that is the site of attachment for the appropriate
amino acid.
(ii) It is formed by seven regular Watson & Crick base pairs between the 5' and
3' ends of the tRNA.
(iii) The 3' terminal end of all tRNAs is always CCA-OH.
(a) It is not base paired and is the site of attachment of the amino acid.
(b) The amino acid is covalently bound through an ester linkage between
the carboxyl group of the amino acid and the 3' hydroxyl group of the
ribose of the tRNA.
(c) Anticodon Loop
(i) The anti-codon loop contains the three nucleotide sequence that is the reverse
complement of the codon of mRNA to which it corresponds.
(ii) It consists of a total of seven unpaired bases; three of which are the anti-
4. Wobble Hypothesis
(a) Four common bases in mRNA can be arranged in 43 or 64 different combinations
(b) How does this relate to the 20 aa’s available for translation?
108 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
C. Ribosome
1. Performs 3 essential functions
(a) Selection of mRNA initiation site.
(b) Ensures correct pairing of codons and anticodons.
(c) Catalyzes formation of peptide bonds.
2. Ribosomes are large protein-RNA complexes that are divided into a large and small
(a) Large subunit.
(i) In prokaryotes this subunit is called the 50S subunit.
(ii) In eukaryotes this subunit is called the 60S subunit.
(iii) It contains the active site for catalyzing polypeptide bond formation. This
enzyme within the ribosome is called the peptidyl transferase.
(b) Small subunit
(i) In prokaryotes this subunit is called the 30S subunit.
(ii) In eukaryotes this subunit is called the 40S subunit.
(iii) It is primarily responsible for positioning the ribosome at the intitiation
codon and pairing codon and anti-codon during synthesis.
B. Prokaryotic translation
1. Initiation– three steps to initiation
(a) mRNA binds to 30S.
(i) Ribosome aligned by base pairing of a region of 16S rRNA of the 30S
ribosomal subunit to a region on the mRNA 6-10 bases upstream of the
initiation codon.
Biochemistry 109
(iii) Translocation
(a) Movement of peptidyl-tRNA from A-site to the P-site and release of
deacylated tRNA from the P-site.
(b) Also requires GTP hydrolysis.
(iv) Steps in elongation are repeated until a stop codon is reached.
(v) Many ribosomes at various stages of translation can be bound to a single
(a) This structure is called a polysome.
(b) As a result many polypeptides are synthesized simultaneously from a
single mRNA.
3. Termination
(a) When the ribosome encounters a UGA, UAG or UAA codon, no amino acid is
added to the polypeptide. These codons are called termination codons.
(b) Termination also requires release factors.
(c) Function of release factors
(i) Catalyze hydrolysis of peptidyl tRNA
(ii) Promote dissociation of 50S subunit
(d) 30S dissociates or moves to the next start codon on the polycistronic mRNA.
C. Eukaryotic translation
1. Several differences from prokaryotes in the initiation stage.
(a) Initiation takes place at 1st AUG on the mRNA within Kozak Sequence
(b) Methionyl-tRNAmet is used to initiate translation.
(c) There is no Shine/Dalgarno sequence in eukaryotes. The 40S Rb binds to the 5'
cap structure of the mRNA and scans to kozak sequence.
(d) Initiation complete with association of 60S subunit.
2. Elongation and termination are very similar in prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
I. Review of digestion
A. Carbohydrates, Proteins hydrolyzed and circulated as monomers
1. N a+ dependent uptake into intestinal cells
2. Intestinal cells ® blood ® liver ®
3. Insulin stimulates uptake
B. Fat digestion different from CHO, Protein
1. requires bile salts; Vit. A, E, and K fat soluble
2. breakdown, resynthesis of triglycerides in mucosal cells
3. chylomicrons ® LYMPH, by-passing liver
4. Medium Chain Fatty Acids enter blood directly as free fatty acids
5. Liver takes up VLDL remnants, LDL, resynthesizes VLDL
6. Role of specific apolipoproteins
(a) A-I activates HDL-LCAT (Lecithin-Cholest. Acyl transferase)
(b) B-48, B100, E for CM, VLDL, LDL receptors
(c) C-II activates Lipo Protein Lipase (LPL)
7. Effects of intracellular cholesterol
(a) directly inhibits and decreases synthesis rate of HMG-CoA Reductase
(b) decreases rate of synthesis of LDL receptors
(c) stimulates Acyl-CoA Cholesterol Acyl Transferase (ACAT)
B. Adipose
1. The major triacylglycerol (and calories) store
2. One of the major fates for excess dietary fats
3. Synthesis and breakdown of triglycerides under hormonal control
4. Synthesis requires glucose (NADPH via PPP; glycerol phosphate)
5. Hormone sensitive lipase (cAMP) releases FA, glycerol
C. Skeletal muscle
1. Fuel preference: Fatty acids > ketone bodies > glucose; BCAA
2. Glucose and glycogen primary fuel during exertion
3. Early starvation (first few days): muscle protein is broken down for energy throughout
body and for gluconeogenesis (liver)
4. Muscle releases amino groups as ALA, GLN
5. As ketone bodies from liver rise, muscle proteolysis shut off
D. Heart
1. Heart has more mitochondria per gm of tissue than muscle, liver
Biochemistry 113
E. Brain
1. Glucose preferred substrate (60% of total glucose consumption at rest)
2. Long term fasting: adapts to ketone bodies as fuel (rate depends on conc.)
F. Other tissues
1. Intestinal cells:
(a) Metabolize ASP, ASN, GLU, GLN for energy
(b) Release citrulline, proline, NH3 , and ala
2. Kidney
(a) Citrulline from intestinal cells used to make ARG
(b) Long term fasting – significant gluconeogenesis
(c) In acidosis, GLN ® ALA + NH4 + (excreted) + HCO3 – (retained)
3. Red blood cells: GLUCOSE, GLUCOSE, GLUCOSE
5. In a diluted starch solution, a-salivary amylase is added at pH 1.6 and kept at 35°C for
half an hour and then Iodine solution is added. What would be the result?
(a) no black colour will appear
(b) black colour will appear
(c) solution will be clear and colourless
(d) solution will be sweet
7. The most striking example of an unique point mutation is found in a disease called
(a) Night blindness (b) Thalassemia
(c) Down syndrome (d) Sickle cell anaemia
8. For the formation of one molecule of hexose sugar, how many turns of Calvin cycle
are needed ?
(a) Six (b) One
(c) Thirty-six (d) One-sixth
10. The maximum number of Hydrogen bonds in which water molecule can participate
(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 3 (d) 4
11. Denaturation of proteins leads to loss of biological activity by
(a) formation of amino acid
(b) loss of primary structure
(c) loss of both primary and secondary structure
(d) loss of secondary and tertiary structure
12. The pKa of acetic acid is 4.76. What is the pH of 0.1 M solution of acetic acid?
(a) 5.76 (b) 2.88
(c) 2.43 (d) 1.88
24. Silencers are located to upstream of transcription start site and function-
(a) in both the orientation (b) in forward orientation
(c) in reverse orientation (d) None of the above
26. Which one of the following electrophoresis dependents least on the charge of the
(a) Free zone capillary electrophoresis
(b) Gel electrophoresis
(c) SDS-polycrylamide gel electrophoresis
(d) Isoelectric focussing
Practice Test Paper–Biochemistry 117
27. Which one of the following compound has the highest group transfer potential for
phosphate ?
(a) Glucose-6-phosphate (b) Fructose-1, 6-diphosphate
(c) 2-phosphoenolpyruvate (d) Adenosine triphosphate
28. Which one of the following sets of glycolytic enzymes is allosterically regulated?
(a) Glucokinase, phosphofructokinase and pyruvate kinase
(b) Hexokinase, aldolase and pyruvate kinase
(c) Phosphofructokinase, enolase and pyruvate kinase
(d) Hexokinase, phosphofructokinase and pyruvate kinase
29. Which one of the following compounds is required for acetyl coenzyme A (acetyl
CoA)to enter the citric acid cycle?
(a) Isocitrate (b) Malate
(c) Oxaloacetate (d) Pyruvate
30. Which one of the following DNA polymerase is essential for both the replication and
repair of DNA?
(a) DNA polymerase I (b) DNA polymerase II
(c) DNA polymerase III (d) DNA polymerase d
31. The factor required only for accurate initiations of transcription in prokaryotes is
(a) alpha (a) (b) beta (b)
(c) rho (r) (d) sigma (s)
32. A post-transcriptional processing event that occurs in the formation of both messenger
RNA (mRNA)and transfer RNA (t-RNA) in eukaryotes is
(a) the addition of the sequence CCA to 3' ends
(b) the removal of introns by splicing
(c) the modification of some of their bases
(d) cleavage event before polyadenylation
33. Eukaryotic mRNAs differ from Prokaryotic mRNAs in that
(a) they do not have a 5' untranslated region
(b) their coding regions are separated by spacers
(c) they do not have 3' UTR
(d) they have a free 3' hydroxy group on each of their ends
34. Degeneracy of the genetic code means that
(a) a given base triplet can code for more than one amino acid
(b) there is no punctuation in the code sequence
(c) the third base in a codon is net important for coding
(d) a given amino acid can be coded for by more than one base triplet
35. Which one of the following sequences is most likely to be a restriction enzyme
recognition site?
(a) CGGC (b) CGC
118 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
36. Which step is the first in the formation of a double stranded complementary DNA
(c DNA) target for cloning?
(a) blunt end ligation
(b) DNA dependent DNA synthesis
(c) Restriction enzyme cleavage
(d) Primer annealing
39. In an enzyme reaction the reaction velocity becomes more than double when the
substrate concentration is doubled. This is possible when the equation governing the
kinetics is
(a) Michelis-Menton Kinetics
(b) Micheils-Menton Kinetics with substrate inhibition
(c) Michelis-Menton Kinetics with product inhibition
(d) Hill Equation
40. A mixture separated on HPLC gives clearly defined peaks whereas in a manually run
column the peaks tend to blend into each other. This is primarily because
(a) the small size of the packing material used in the HPLC column
(b) the better control of flow in HPLC
(c) the use of high pressure in HPLC
(d) the use of better detection systems in HPLC
41. Which is true about enzymes,
(a) they always increase rate of reaction
(b) they always decrease rate of reaction
(c) they do not disturb the equilibrium
(d) Always carry irreversible reactions
46. A short length of double stranded DNA molecule contains 120 adenine and 120 cytosine
bases. The total number of nucleotides in this DNA fragment is
(a) 60 (b) 120
(c) 240 (d) 480
47. Which of the following element plays an important role in nitrogen fixation?
(a) Manganese (b) Molybdenum
(c) Zinc (d) Copper
52. The largest energy reserve (in terms of kilocalories) in humans is:
(a) liver glycogen (b) muscle glycogen
(c) adipose tissue triacylglycerol. (d) muscle protein.
120 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
53. In the interaction of a hormone with its receptor all of the following are true EXCEPT:
(a) more than one polypeptide chain of the hormone may be necessary.
(b) more than one second messenger may be generated.
(c) an array of transmembrane helices may form the binding site for the hormone.
(d) hormones released from their receptor after endocytosis could theoretically
interact with a nuclear receptor.
54. Some hormone-receptor complexes are internalized by endocytosis. This process may
(a) binding of hormone-receptor complex to a clathrin coated pit.
(b) recycling of receptor to cell surface.
(c) formation of a receptosome.
(d) all of the above
55. In hypopituitarism it is necessary to maintain the ovarian cycle in female patients. In
the ovarian cycle:
(a) GnRH enters the vascular system via transport by a specific membrane carrier.
(b) corpus luteum rapidly involutes only if fertilization does not occur.
(c) inhibin works by inhibiting synthesis of a subunit of FSH.
(d) LH is taken up by corpus luteum and binds to cytoplasmic receptors.
56. All of the following statements about actin and myosin are true EXCEPT:
(a) the globular head section of myosin has domains for binding ATP and actin.
(b) actin is the major protein of the thick filament.
(c) the binding of ATP to the actin-myosin complex promotes dissociation of actin
and myosin.
(d) F-actin, formed by aggregation of G-actin-ATP-MgH complex, is stabilized when
tropomyosin is bound to it.
57. Starch digestion is more efficient after heating the starch with water because heating:
(a) hydrates the starch granules, making them more susceptible to pancreatic
(b) partly hydrolyses a-1, 6 links.
(c) converts the linear amylose to branched amylopectin, which resembles glycogen.
(d) inactivates amylase inhibitors, which are common in the tissues of starchy plants.
58. Micelles:
(a) are the same as emulsion droplets.
(b) form from bile acids at all bile acid concentrations.
(c) although they are formed during lipid digestion, do not significantly enhance
utilization of dietary lipid.
(d) always consist of only a single lipid species.
Practice Test Paper–Biochemistry 121
59. Certain tissues effect Cl– secretion via a Cl– channel (CFTR protein-cystic fibrosis
transmembrane regulatory protein). Cholera toxin abnormally opens the channel
leading to a loss of NaCl. Treatment for cholera and sports drinks for electrolyte
replacement are fluids high in Na+ and glucose. The presence of glucose enhances
NaCl replenishment because:
(a) absorbing any nutrient causes Na+ uptake.
(b) glucose prevents Na+ excretion.
(c) Na+ and glucose are transported in opposite directions.
(d) glucose is absorbed across intestinal epithelial cells via a Na+ -dependent
60. Of two people with approximately the same weight, the one with the higher basal
energy requirement would most likely be:
(a) taller (b) female if the other were male.
(c) older (d) under less stress.
61. Basal metabolic rate:
(a) is not influenced by energy intake.
(b) may decrease up to 50% during periods of starvation.
(c) increases in direct proportion to daily energy expenditure.
(d) is not responsive to changes in hormone levels.
62. The primary effect of the consumption of excess protein beyond the body’s immediate
needs will be:
(a) excretion of the excess as protein in the urine.
(b) an increase in the “storage pool” of protein.
(c) an increased synthesis of muscle protein.
(d) an enhancement in the amount of circulating plasma proteins.
67. The effects of vitamin A may include all of the following EXCEPT:
(a) prevention of anemia. (b) serving as an antioxidant.
(c) cell differentiation. (d) the visual cycle.
68. Ascorbic acid may be associated with all of the following EXCEPT:
(a) iron absorption.
(b) bone formation.
(c) wound healing.
(d) participation in hydroxylation reactions.
69. The transmembrane portion of a protein spanning the membrane is most likely to be
composed of aminoacids that are-
(a) basic (b) acidic
(c) glycosylated (d) hydrophobic
70. All the following compounds are Intermediate of the citric acid cycle except
(a) Isocitrate (b) Malate
(c) Pyruvate (d) Succinate
75. In some places a protein molecule may twist or fold back on itself. This is called
_____ and the coils or folds are held in place by _____.
(a) tertiary structure . . . hydrogen bonds
(b) primary structure . . . covalent bonds
(c) secondary structure . . . peptide bonds
(d) tertiary structure . . . covalent bonds
76. A hydrophobic amino acid R group would be found where in a protein?
(a) forming a peptide bond with the next amino acid in the chain
(b) on the outside of the folded chain, in the water
(c) on the inside of the folded chain, away from water
(d) forming hydrogen bonds with other R group
78. How many different kinds of protein molecules are there in a typical cell?
(a) Twenty (b) about a hundred
(c) Thousands (d) billions
80. Which of the following do nucleic acids and proteins have in common?
(a) They are both made of amino acids.
(b) Their structures contain sugars.
(c) They are hydrophobic.
(d) They are large polymers.
81. Which of the following would probably not be affected when a protein is denatured?
(a) primary structure (b) secondary structure
(c) hydrogen bonds (d) tertiary structure
83. Palm oil and coconut oil are more like animal fats than other plant oils. Because they
____ than other plant oils, they can contribute to cardiovascular disease.
(a) contain fewer double bonds (b) are less saturated
(c) contain more sodium (d) are less soluble in water
84. A shortage of phosphorus in the soil would make it especially difficult for a plant to
(a) DNA (b) proteins.
(c) cellulose. (d) fatty acids.
86. Which of the following ranks the molecules in the correct order by size?
(a) water . . . sucrose . . . glucose . . . protein
(b) protein . . . water . . . glucose . . . sucrose
(c) water . . . protein . . . sucrose . . . glucose
(d) protein . . . sucrose . . . glucose . . . water
87. On the basis of the principle of complementary base pairing you would expect the
percentage of ___ to be equal the percentage of ____.
(a) A ... T (b) A ... G
(c) T ... G (d) A ... C
88. Lipids differ from other large biological molecules in that they
(a) are much larger. (b) are not truly polymers.
(c) do not have specific shapes. (d) do not contain carbon.
89. Water is a polar molecule. This means that
(a) the opposite ends of the molecule have opposite charges.
(b) water molecules are linear, like a pole.
(c) water is one of the many hydrophobic molecules.
(d) the atoms in water have electronegativites which are equal.
90. Cellular respiration is an example of
(a) an anabolic pathway. (b) a catabolic pathway.
(c) bioenergetics. (d) thermodynamics.
91. Organisms are described as thermodynamically open systems. This means that
(a) the metabolism of an organism is isolated from its surroundings
(b) organisms can reverse the increase in entropy.
(c) organisms acquire energy from their surroundings.
(d) organisms are capable of circumventing the second law of thermodynamics.
Practice Test Paper–Biochemistry 125
95. What must be true if the reaction AB plus CD to AC plus BD occurs spontaneously?
(a) The delta G of the reaction must be negative.
(b) the reaction must be exergonic.
(c) the environments has adequate thermal energy to meet the EA requirement.
(d) all of the above
99. Sucrase normally catalyses the catabolism of sucrose to glucose and fructose. What,
if any, changes could be made to the system so that sucrase could synthesize sucrose
from the two products?
(a) increase the temperature of the system
(b) alter the concentration of molecules so that sucrase is low and glucose and
fructose are very high
(c) selectively denature the enzyme by varying the pH
(d) phosphorylate either the glucose or the fructose
100. A plot of enzyme velocity against temperature for an enzyme indicates little activity
at 0 degrees celsius and 45 degrees celsius, with peak activity at 35 degrees celsius.
The most reasonable explanation for the low velocity at 0 degrees celsius is that at
this temperature
(a) the hydrogen bonds that define the enzyme’s active site are unstable.
(b) at low temperatures the substrate becomes an allosteric regulator.
(c) the enzyme was denatured.
(d) there is too little activation energy available.
Practice Test Paper-II
3. Hydrogen bonds can be expected to form only between electronegative atoms such as
oxygen or nitrogen and a hydrogen atom bonded to:
(a) carbon. (b) an electronegative atom.
(c) hydrogen. (d) iodine.
4. The ion product of water:
(a) is independent of temperature.
(b) has a numerical value of 1 × 10–14 at 25°C.
(c) is the equilibrium constant for the reaction H3 O+ and OH– .
(d) requires that [H+] and [OH– ] always be identical.
5. Lysosomal enzymes:
(a) are hydrolases.
(b) usually operate at acidic pH.
(c) are normally isolated from their substrates by the impermeable lysosomal
(d) All of the above are correct.
14. Which of the following statements about E. coli DNA polymerases is correct?
(a) All polymerases have both 3' to 5' and 5' to 3' exonuclease activity.
(b) The primary role of polymerase III is in DNA repair.
(c) Polymerases I and III require both a primer and a template.
(d) Polymerase I tends to remain bound to the template until a large number of
nucleotides have been added.
15. Both strands of DNA serve as templates concurrently in:
(a) replication. (b) excision repair.
(c) mismatch repair. (d) transcription-coupled repair.
Practice Test Paper–Biochemistry 129
16. All of the following statements about telomerase are correct EXCEPT:
(a) the RNA component acts as a template for the synthesis of a segment of DNA.
(b) it adds telomeres to the 5' ends of the DNA strands.
(c) it provides a mechanism for replicating the ends of linear chromosomes in most
(d) it is a reverse transcriptase.
20. All of the following are true about nucleotide excision repair EXCEPT:
(a) removal of the damaged bases occurs on only one strand of the DNA.
(b) it removes thymine dimers generated by UV light.
(c) it involves the activity of an excision nuclease, which is an endonuclease.
(d) only the damaged nucleotides are removed.
21. During the elongation stage of eukaryotic protein synthesis:
(a) the incoming aminoacyl-tRNA binds to the P site.
(b) a new peptide bond is synthesized by peptidyl transferase site of the large
ribosomal subunit in a GTP-requiring reaction.
(c) the peptide, still bound to a tRNA molecule, is translocated to a different site on
the ribosome.
(d) streptomycin can cause premature release of the incomplete peptide.
28. The transport system that maintains the Na+ and K+ gradients across the plasma
membrane of cells:
(a) involves an enzyme that is an ATPase.
(b) moves Na+ either into or out of the cell.
(c) is an electrically neutral system.
(d) in the membrane, hydrolyzes ATP independently of the movement of Na+ and
29. A mediated transport system would be expected to:
(a) show a continuously increasing initial rate of transport with in increasing substrate
(b) exhibit structural and/or stereospecificity for the substance transported.
Practice Test Paper–Biochemistry 131
34. If cyanide is added to tightly coupled mitochondria that are actively oxidizing succinate:
(a) subsequent addition of 2,4-dinitrophenol will cause ATP hydrolysis.
(b) subsequent addition of 2,4-dinitrophenol will restore succinate oxidation.
(c) electron flow will cease, but ATP synthesis will continue.
(d) subsequent addition of 2,4-dinitrophenol and the phosphorylation inhibitor,
oligomycin, will cause ATP hydrolysis.
43. All of the following statements about acetyl-CoA carboxylase are correct EXCEPT:
(a) it undergoes protomer-polymer interconversion during its physiological
(b) it is inhibited by cAMP-mediated phosphorylation.
(c) it is activated by both palmitoyl CoA and citrate.
(d) its content in a cell responds to changes in fat content in the diet.
Practice Test Paper–Biochemistry 133
47. Aminotransferases:
(a) usually require a-ketoglutaramate or glutamine as one of the reacting pair.
(b) catalyze reactions that result in a net use or production of amino acids.
(c) catalyze irreversible reactions.
(d) require pyridoxal phosphate as an essential cofactor for the reaction.
50. In humans, sulfur of cysteine may participate in all of the following EXCEPT:
(a) the conversion of cyanide to less toxic thiocyanate.
(b) the formation of thiosulfate.
(c) the formation of taurine.
(d) the donation of the sulfur for methionine formation.
134 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
51. More free energy is released during the citric acid cycle than during glycolysis, but
only 1 mole of ATP is produced for each mole of acetyl CoA that enters the cycle.
What happens to most of tile remaining free energy that is produced duril1g the
citric acid cycle?
(a) It is used to synthesize GTP
(b) It is used to reduce electron carriers
(c) It is lost as heat
(d) It is used to reduce pyruvate
52. The reduction of pyruvate to lactic acid during fermentation allows glycolysis to
continue in the absence of oxygen. Why?
(a) Water is formed during this reaction
(b) This reaction is a kinase reaction
(c) This reaction is coupled to the oxidation of NADH to NAD+
(d) This reaction is coupled to the reduction of NAD+ to NADH
53. Assume that eukaryotic cell has abundant glucose and O2 but needs ATP. The proton
gradient in mitochondria of the cell will be generated by_____________ and used
primarily for ––––––––––––––.
(a) the electron transport chain; ATP synthesis
(b) the electron transport chain; substrate-level phosphorylation
(c) glycolysis; production of H2 O
(d) fermentation; NAD reduction
54. The general name for an enzyme that transfers phosphate groups from ATP to a
Protein is
(a) Protein kinase (b) Phosphorylase
(c) Phosphatase (d) ATPase
55. All of the following arc potential control mechanisms for regulation of gene expression
in eukaryotic organisms EXCEPT
(a) Gene amplification (b) The degradation of mRNA
(c) The lactose operon (d) Transcription
56. It is theoretically possible for a gene from any organism to function in any other
organism. Why is this possible?
(a) All organisms have similar nuclei
(b) All organisms have the same genetic code
(c) All organisms are made up of cells
(d) All organisms have transfer RNA
57. DNA fragments from a gel are transferred to a membrane via a procedure called
Southern blotting. The purpose of Southern blotting is to
(a) Analyze the RFLPs in the DNA
(b) Separate out the PCRs’
(c) Permanently attach the DNA fragments to a substrate
(d) Separate the two complementary DNA strands
Practice Test Paper–Biochemistry 135
59. In Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome lack of activity of the defective enzyme (HGPRTase) should
result in higher than normal tissue concentrations of all of the following EXCEPT
(a) adenine (b) guanine
(c) uric acid (d) hypoxanthine
60. A complete lack of adenosine deaminase causes SCID (Severe combined
immunodeficiency). Which of the following is LEAST true
(a) Loss of the enzyme causes increased levels of dATP because there is less turnover
of adenosine nucleosides in general
(b) Increased dATP decreases the concentration of all rNTPs, blocking RNA synthesis
(c) Increased dATP inhibits ribonucleotide reductase, such that de novo production
of all rNDPs is inhibited
(d) Adenosine deaminase loss causes SCID because T cells are particularly sensitive
to DNA replication inhibition
61. DNA and RNA synthesis polymerization [of deoxynucleotides] which takes place
(a) In a 3' to 5' direction
(b) In a 5' to 3' direction
(c) In either (or both)directions
(d) DNA in 5' to 3' and RNA in 3' to 5'
63. The RNA in the cell with the greatest sequence diversity is
(a) Messenger RNA (b) Ribosomal RNA
(c) Transfer RNA (d) (a) and (c)
64. During the overall process of protein synthesis, amino acids become covalently attached
(a) Messenger RNA (b) Ribosomal RNA
(c) Transfer RNA (d) More than one of the above
65. Proteins whose binding to DNA acts to prevent transcription are known as
(a) Activators (b) Operators
(c) Repressors (d) Transcription factors
67. A piece of DNA of length 10 KB obtained using EcoRI digestion is being inserted in a
pBR322 plasmid (approximately 4 KB) vector which was first digested by the restriction
enzyme EcoRI. The optimum vector: insert ratio (µg/µg) should be approximately
(a) 0.1 (b) 0.5
(c) 1 (d) 5
68. Dried fish treated with salt and nitrates has been found to contain the mutagen
2-chloro-4-methylthiobutanoic acid (CMBA). From what amino acid is CMBA derived?
(a) Lysine (b) Cysteine
(c) Methionine (d) Valine
70. When a muscle contracts, what is happening to the Ca++ levels inside and outside the
(a) High amounts of cytosolic Ca++ are released to the extracellular space
(b) Ion channels open to allow extracellular Ca++ to flow into the cell
(c) Ca++ from the nucleus is released to the cytoplasm and this triggers contraction.
(d) Ca++ ions attach stoma and this causes muscle contraction
71. Acetyl CoA enters the TCA cycle by combining with:
(a) oxaloacetate. (b) succinate.
(c) citrate. (d) alpha-ketogluterate.
78. Both the mitochondrion and the chloroplast have all of the following EXCEPT
(a) an inner and an outer membrane. (b) ATP synthase.
(c) cristae. (d) electron transport.
79. Which of these molecules or complexes has a greater oxidizing potential than oxygen?
(a) Photosystem I (P700+) (b) Photosystem II (P680+)
(c) NADP + (d) plastiquinone
80. In the Calvin cycle, CO2 is fixed to ribulose bisphosphate catalyzed by an enzyme
familiarly known as
(a) Ribozyme (b) LHCII
(c) Rubisco (d) P680
87. Epithelial cells within the intestine can absorb glucose against a concentration gradient
by linking glucose transport with sodium transport, since sodium is much more
concentrated outside the cell. What term best describes this strategy?
(a) Antiport (b) Active transport
(c) Cotransport (d) Importation
88. This most abundant ECM protein is formed of alpha-helix trimers that are bundled to
form rigid cable-like fibrils.
(a) Collagen (b) Proteoglycans
(c) Fibronectin (d) Laminins
89. Which of these molecules definitely indicates the presence of secondary cell walls?
(a) Cellulose (b) Hemicellulose
(c) Pectin (d) Lignin
90. The concept that proteins possess amino acids that act as an address code is called
(a) signal hypothesis. (b) cell theory.
(c) peptide transferase proposal. (d) protein address concept.
91. Which of the following does NOT happen in cyclic photophosphorylation?
(a) ATP is produced
(b) Photosystem I reaction center is active
(c) Electron transport occurs in the photosynthetic membranes
(d) NADPH is formed
92. The conversion of light energy to chemical energy during photosynthesis begins when
an excited pigment molecule:
(a) undergoes fluorescence (b) loses energy as heat
(c) undergoes an oxidation reaction (d) increases its molecular motion
93. An overall result of photosynthesis in plants is the use of electrons from water to
(a) glucose (b) carbon dioxide
(c) oxygen (d) NADPH
96. What cellular compartment becomes acidic (high concentration of hydrogen ions)
during mitochondrial electron transport?
(a) Mitochondrial stroma
(b) Cytoplasm
(c) Endoplasmic reticulum
(d) Space between inner and outer mitochondrial membranes
97. In the absence of oxygen, the primary purpose of fermentation is to:
(a) produce amino acids for protein synthesis
(b) oxidize glucose to generate reduce electron carriers
(c) generate alcohol for beverages
(d) regenerate NAD+ from NADH allowing glycolysis to continue
Stress: Stress can be defined as any environmental factor that can have an adverse effect on a
Plant’s growth, reproduction, and survival. Plants can respond to stress in several ways they
can escape the effects of stress by completing their growth during less stressful periods or they
may suffer injury if the stress is present and they cannot cope. Plants can cope with
environmental stress through a combination of development and physiological responses.
marshes, are continuous with aerial roots that provide access to oxygen. Experimentally it was
shown that oxygen deprivation stimulates the production of hormone ethylene, which causes
some of the cells in the roots cortex to age and die. Enzymatic destruction of the cell walls
creates air tubes that function as ‘snorkes’ providing oxygen to the submerged roots.
system activity, and supplies energy needed for other types of transport
such as symport and antiport.
2. Ca++ ATPases are responsible for keeping intracellular Ca++ at low
levels, a necessary precondition for muscle contraction.
(b) Symport
• To transport some substances against a concentration gradient, cells use
energy already stored in ion gradients, such as proton (H+) or sodium (Na+)
gradients, to power membrane proteins called transporters.
• When the transported molecule and the co-transported ion move in the
same direction, the process is known as symport.
• Example: transport of amino acids across the intestinal lining in the human
(c) Antiport
Cell uses movement of an ion across a membrane and down its concentration
gradient to power the transport of a second substance “uphill” against its gradient.
• In this process, the two substances move across the membrane in opposite
• Example: transport of Ca2+ ions out of cardiac muscle cells. Muscle cells
are triggered to contract by a rise in intracellular Ca2+ concentration, so it
is imperative that Ca2+ be removed from the cytoplasm so that the muscle
can relax before contracting again. This antiport system is so effective that
it can maintain the cellular concentration of Ca2+ at levels 10,000 times
lower than the external concentration.
4. Movement of Large Molecules: Exocytosis & Endocytosis
(a) Large molecules (proteins, nucleic acids, polypeptides larger than a few amino
acids, polysaccharides larger than a few sugars) are not carried by transport
(b) There are mechanisms for moving larger molecules, but they don’t enter into
(i) Exocytosis: membrane vesicle fuses with cell membrane, releases enclosed
material to extracellular space. Ex: release of digestive enzymes from
pancreatic cells; mucus, milk, hormones, etc.
(ii) Endocytosis: cell membrane invaginates, pinches in, creates vesicle
enclosing contents. Three common situations:
1. Phagocytosis: Typically works on debris, bacteria, other particulate
matter. Contents of the “phagosome” are usually fused with lysosome
to create “phagolysosome”, where material is broken down. Especially
common in white blood cells such as macrophages and other
2. Pinocytosis: similar to phagocytosis, but ingests fluid rather than
particulate matter. “Cell drinking”. Ex. cells lining blood capillaries
take fluid from blood (but not red cells), move fluid across their
cytoplasm, release into extracellular space surrounding cells outside
the capillary.
144 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
In all plants, there occur in minute quantities of certain substances (plant growth regulators or
phytohormones) which regulate growth and differentiation. Five major types of growth
substances are recognized: auxins and gibberellins (both concerned with cell enlargement and
differentiation); cytokinins (concerned with cell division); abscisic acid (with resting states like
lateral buds); and ethylene (with senescence-ageing),
1. Auxins
The auxins are weak organic acids with the acidic group positioned at the end of the side chain
attached to an unsaturated ring(s) system. Presently, indole acetic acid (IAA) and other natural
or synthetic growth-regulating substances having structures and functions similar to IAA, are
termed auxins.
(i) Charles Darwin conducted his experiments concerning growth on canary grass
(Phalaris canariensis).
(ii) Went is credited with the discovery of auxin.
(iii) Auxins are synthesized mainly in apices and exhibit polar transport.
(iv) Using Avena curvature test, Kogl and Haagen Smit (1931) found that human urine
contained a growth substance, which was isolated and given the name auxin a
(auxentriolic acid). In 1934, Kogl and coworkers isolated another compound auxin-b
Physiology 145
(auxenolinic acid) from corn germ oil and heteroauxin (now known as IAA or indole 3-
acetic acid) from human urine. The auxins a and b could not be isolated again and
their existence is doubtful but IAA has been isolated in crystalline form from different
sources by different investigators at different times.
(v) Plants having excurrent habit (palms, conifers, polyathia) have greater apical
Functions of auxins
(i) Cell elongation
(ii) Cell divisions
(iii) Phototropism
(iv) Geotropism
(v) Apical dominance
(vi) Root initiation
(vii) Abscission
(viii) Feminising effect
(ix) Parthenocarpy
(x) Weedicide
(xi) Prevention of lodging
2. Gibberellins
Gibberellins are synthesized in the apices of young leaves and roots and are transported through
xylem. Anti-giberellins are synthetic compounds which interfere with the synthesis of gibberellins
in the plant body, hence called growth retardants e.g. maleic hydrazide, phosphon D,
chlorocholine chloride (CCC).
Japanese farmer noticed ‘bakanae’ or ‘foolish seedling disease of rice’. As a result of the
disease, certain rice seed lings grew excessively tall and rapidly; and toppled over before forming
seeds. Crop losses as high as 40% were reported. In the beginning of twentieth century, it
became known that the disease is caused by a fungus Gibberella fujikuroi (perfect state of
Fuasarium moniliforme).
146 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
Kurosowa (1926) showed that the sterile filtrates of the fungus are capable of causing the
symptoms of bakanae disease in otherwise normal seedlings. Yabuta and Hayashi (1910) isolated
the growth inducing principle and called it Gibberellin. In 1938, Yabuta and Sumiki were able
to isolate the crystalline form of gibberellin from the culture of the fungus. This and other
similar compounds isolated were called gibberellins (after the name of the fungus Gibberella)
and were numbered GA1 , GA2 , GA3 .
Chemically all gibberellins arc terpenes a complex group of plant chemicals related to
lipids. All are weak acids. Gibberellins are found in abundance in young expanding organs
being synthesized especially in embryos, young apical leaves, buds, seeds and root tips. After
synthesis, these are translocated up or down the plants from the leaves.
Applications of gibberellins
(i) Internodal elongation: Like auxins, the main effect of gibberellins is on stem
elongation mainly by affecting cell elongation. Gibberellins stimulate stem elongation
and leaf expansion, but do not affect roots. Thus, gibberellins restore normal size and
growth to genetically dwarf varieties of pear and maize. Though stem growth of
normal plants is also promoted, but here these do not induce marked elongation. It is
believed that certain specific types of dwarfness in plants are due to deficiency of
(ii) Bolting: In many plants, leaf development is profuse, while internode growth is
retarded. This form of growth is called “rosette” e.g., cabbage. Just before the
reproductive phase, the internodes elongate enormously causing a marked increase
in height. The stem sometimes elongates from 5-6 times the original height of the
plant. This is called bolting. Bolting requires either long days or cold nights. So if a
cabbage head is kept under warm nights, it returns to its rosette habit. However,
application of gibberellins to these plants can induce bolting even under the conditions
that would normally favor rosette form. The gibberellins thus appear to have a role
in bolting or not bolting of a plant. Some gibberellin-like substances found in greater
amounts in bolted plants than in the non-bolted form.
(iii) Germination of seeds: especially in cereals, is triggered by soaking the seed in
water. After imbibition of water, the embryo secretes gibberellin which diffuses to
the aleurone layer, stimulating the synthesis of several enzymes, including amylase,
proteases, lipases. These enzymes catalyse the breakdown of food reserves in the
endosperm and the products liberated diffuse to the embryo, where they are used in
(v) Control of flowering: Gibberellins promote flowering in long day plants and inhibit
it in short day plants. These also control sex-expression in certain species. In general,
the application of gibberellins promotes the production of male flowers in female
plants of Callilabis.
(vi) Control of fruit growth: Along with gibberellins, the auxins control fruit growth
and development. Gibberellins cause parthenocarpy in pome fruits (apple, pear etc.)
and are now-a-days used extensively to increase the fruit size and bunch length in
(vii) Vernalization: Gibberellins can substitute vernalization.
(viii) Dormancy: Gibberellins overcome natural dormancy of buds, tubers, seeds etc.
Physiology 147
Commercial application
1. Fruit growth – increase number and size of grapes, tomato.
2. Parthenocarpy – in pomes.
3. Malt - Increase yield of mall from barley.
4. Delayed ripening – in citrus.
5. Overcoming dormancy – in photoblaslic seeds of tobacco and lettuce.
6. Flowering – in long day plants in non-inductive period.
3. Cytokinins
Cytokinins are substances which act primarily on cell division and have little or no effect on
extension growth. A number of compounds capable of promoting cell division are found in
During the period 1954-1956, Skoog found that coconut milk contained it substance that
stimulated cell division in tobacco pith cultures. In 1955, Miller et. al. separated from yeast
DNA an active stimulant of cell division which they called kinetin (because of its involvement
in cell division i.e. cytokinesis). Later on, the substance was identified as 6-furfuryl aminopurine.
Subsequently, the term cytokinin was adopted.The first naturally occurring cytokinin to be
chemically identified was from young maize (Zea mays) grains in 1963 and was called zeatin.
Applications of cytokinins
(i) Cell-division: Cytokinins are quite abundant wherever, rapid cell division occurs,
especially in growing tissues such as embryos, developing fruits and roots. In mature
plants, these are frequently synthesized in the roots and move to the shoots through
(ii) Morphogenesis: Cytokinins promote cell division. However, these never act alone.
In the presence of auxins, cytokinins promote cell division even in non-meristematic
tissues. In tissue cultures of parenchyma, mitotic divisions are accelerated when
both auxin and cytokinin are present. However, no response occurs with auxin or
cytokinin alone. Also, the ratio of cytokinins to auxins also controls cell differentiation.
When both of these are present in relatively equal quantities the cells do divide but -
fail to differentiate. If there is more cytokinin than auxin, shoot buds develop.
Relatively more auxin than cytokinins leads to the developments of roots.
(iii) Apical Dominance: Cytokinin and auxin can act antagonistically in the control of
apical dominance. While auxins promote the growth of apical buds, the cytokinin
stimulate the growth of lateral buds.
(iv) Delay in senescence: Cytokinins delay the senescence of plant organs by controlling
protein synthesis and mobilization of resources. This is evidenced by the fact the cut
leaves dipped in cytokinins stay green longer than the control leaves. This is called
Richmond Lang effect.
(v) Flowering: Cytokinins also induce flowering in certain species of plants and are also
responsible for breaking the dormancy of seeds of some plants
(vi) Phloem transport and Accumulation of salts in the cells.
(vii) Sex-expression – promote femaleness
148 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
Commercial application
1. Tissue culture.
2. Shelf life of vegetables, flowers is increased.
3. Overcoming senescence.
4. Ethylene
Ethylene is the only gaseous natural plant growth regulator. Some of the inhibitory effects
which were earlier thought to be due to auxins are now known to be the effect of ethylene.
A ripe or injured fruit in a container hastens the ripening of other fruits. ‘This is very
common observation and belief. Merchants have been using kerosene lamps and hay for hastening
the development of color in fruits. These effects are due to ethylene. In 1930’s it became known
that ethylene gas hastened the ripening of citrus fruits and affected plants growth in different
ways. Later on, it was found that certain ripe fruits e.g., bananas produced a gas with similar
effects. In 1934, maturing apple was shown to emit ethylene. Later on, it was found that
ethylene is emitted by a wide variety of ripening fruits, and from wounded organs.
Ethylene is produced by most or all plant organs. High concentrations of auxin induce the
formation of ethylene. Though it is a gas, it does not genenrally move through the air spaces in
the plants. Rather, it escapes from the plants surface.
Applications of ethylene
(i) Growth: It inhibits stem elongation and stimulates its transverse expansion. As a
result, the stem looks swollen.
(ii) Abscission: It accelerates abscission of leaves, flowers and fruits.
(ii) Fruit ripening: Its chief effects are on the ripening of fruits accompanied by a rise
in the rate of respiration (climacteric).
(iv) Flowering: Application of ethylene induces flowering in pineapp.12 and stimulates
the ripening of citrus fruits and tomatoes. Its application increases the number of
female flowers and fruits in cucumber plants.
A commercial compounds ‘ethephon’ breaks down to release ethylene in plants. It is
particularly applied to rubber plants to stimulate the flow of latex.
5. Abscisic Acid
For a long time it has been suspected that dormancy is caused by inhibitors. A group of scientists
led by Wareing initiated studies to find them. In 1964, pure crystals of a substance were called
dormin. It was found to be similar to another compound isolated from young cotton fruits in
1963 by another group of scientists. This substance accelerated abscission and was called
abscission II. In 1967 it was decided to call it abscisic acid.(ABA)
Since then, it has been found in all groups of Plants (from mosses to higher plants). In
liverworts and algae a compound lunularic acid had been found having activities similar to
ABA. Chemically, ABA is a terperioid. It is the only growth substance in its class.
ABA is synthesized in the leaves, stems, fruits and seeds. Isolated chloroplast can synthesize
it. It is distributed through the vascular system, especially phloem. ABA is a major inhibitor of
growth in plants and is antagonistic to all the three growth promoters.
Physiology 149
Commercial uses
1. It may be sprayed on tree crops to regulate fruit drop at the end of the season.
2. Application of ABA to green oranges turns them yellow by inducing synthesis of
3. Anti-transpirant.
1. Exocrine glands are those which drain out their secretion through a duct, e.g.
liver, intestinal glands, gastric glands.
2. Endocrine glands. The glands, which lack duct and discharge, their secretions into
the blood stream are called as Endocrine glands. They are also called as ductless
glands. The chemical secretions of endocrine glands are called hormones and are
popularly called the chemical messengers of the body. They affect definite part of
the body and prepare it for a specific function. The part of the body where a hormone
produces its effect is called the target.
• Endocrine secretion. Target organs lies at a distance or is far removed from
the site of origin of hormone.
• Paracrine secretion. Acting on cells in near vicinity.
• Autocrine secretion. Acting on same cells, which secrete it.
3. Mechanism of action of hormones:
Protein hormones act on the target receptors present on plasma membrane. These
receptors in turn excite second messengers inside the nucleus for action on DNA for
differential transcription second messenger can be.
• cAMP (3'5' cyclic adenosine mono phosphate) e.g. TSH, LH, ACTH, FSH,
vasopressin, parathyroid hormone, glucagons, secretin, catecholamines.
• Ca++ ions and calmodulin (calcium binding protein) e.g. ?
• Inositol phosphate and diacylglycerol
4. The name hormone was first used by the English physiologists. M. Bayliss and
E.H. Starling in 1909. A hormone (Gr. Hormao = to excite) may be defined as a
specific organic product of an endocrine gland secreted into the blood which carries it
to some part of the body (target organ) where it regulates a definite physiological
150 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
5. Heterocrine glands are those glands which are exocrine as well as endocrine in
functions e.g. testes, ovaries.
6. Hormones are required in specific amount. Their hyposecretion (secretion in lesser
amount than normal), as well as hypersecretion (secretion in larger amount than
normal) produces serious physiological disturbances in the body.
7. Properties of hormones:
The hormones have the following properties:
(a) They have low molecular weight.
(b) They are soluble in water and blood.
(c) They have no cumulative effect.
(d) They can act in very low concentration.
(e) They are non-antigenic.
(f) They are organic catalysts.
8. Kinds of hormones: Based on their influence on physiological activities and control,
the hormones may be divided into following 5 categories.
(i) Hormones concerned with metabolism e.g. Insulin etc.
(ii) Hormones for growth and development e.g. Somatotropin etc.
(iii) Horomones of digestion e.g. Gastrin, Secretin etc.
(iv) Hormones for reproduction e.g. Gonadotropic and Sex hormones.
(v) Hormones that control other endocrine glands e.g. Thyrotropin etc.
9. Biochemical Classifaction of hormones: All hormones, depending upon their
chemical structure, may be classified under the following categories.
(i) Amines: Hormones of pineal gland (melatonin) and adrenal medulla
(catecholmines, viz., adrenaline, nonadrenaline).
(ii) Modified Amino Acids: Hormones of thyroid are iodinated tyrosine, e.g.,
(iii) Peptides: Hormones of hypothalamus (ARH, TRH, GRH, GIH), intermediate
(MSH) and posterior lobes of pituitary (ADH, oxytocin). ACTH of anterior pituitary
and calcitonin of thyroid belong to this category. They may further be
differentiated into short peptides (e.g., oxytocin, ADH) and long peptides (e.g.,
calcitonin, ACTH).
(iv) Proteins: Hormones of pancreas (e.g., insulin, glucagon), gastrointestinal tract,
some female hormones (e.g., relaxin of ovary and hCG of placenta), parathormone
(PTH) and most hormones of anterior pituitary except ACTH (e.g., TSH, FSH,
LA, LTH, GH) are proteinaceous.
(v) Steroids: Hormones are derived from cholesterol and other steroids, e.g.,
aldosterone, cortisol, sex corticoids (adrenal cortex), testosterone, estradiol,
progesterone (gonads except relaxin, placenta except hCG).
10. RIA – Radioimmunoassay technique to measure the hormones, their precursor and
their metabolic end products quantitatively in a living body.
11. Endocrine glands in human beings: In man the following major endocrine glands
are present.
(i) Pituitary gland or Hypophysis
Physiology 151
I. Pituitary Gland
It consists of three lobes, anterior, middle and posterior.
Location: Floor of diencephalons and attached to the hypothalamus by a stalk to form
hypothalamic – pituitary system.
(a) Anterior lobs of Pituitary: It possesses acidophils (a- cells), basophils (b-cells) and
chromophobes (precursors of other two). Acidophils produce two hormones (GH and
LTH) while basophils secrete five hormones (TSH, Lipotropin, ACTH, FSH, LH).
(i) Somatotropin or Growth Stimulating Hormone (GH)
Functions: Stimulates growth by accelerating the protein synthesis and retention
of calcium.
Effect of hyposecretion: Less secretion of GSH leads to dwarfism and
acromicria in adults.
Effect of Hypersecretion: 1. Gigantism. Due to excess secretion of GSH during
2. Acromeagly in adults.
(ii) Prolactin/ Lactogenic or Luteotrophic Hormone (LTH)– Proteinaceous
hormone (often included under gonadotrophins) that stimulates development of
mammary glands during pregnancy and lactation after childbirth. It is also called
maternity hormone.
(iii) Lipotropin or Adipokinetic Hormone– The hormone stimulates liberation of
fatty acids from stored fats.
(iv) Gonadotropins: The hormones, which regulate the sexual activity of gonads,
and other structures of the body. They include:
1. Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)
Functions: Stimulation of testes in male to form the sperms from the
seminiferous tubules: In females, the FSH stimulates ovary for the
maturation of ovation follicle. Here, it also stimulates the follicular cells to
secrete estrogen. The latter is responsible for the secondary sexual
characters in female.
Effect of hyposecretion: Failure of gamete formation from the gonads.
152 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
(i) Oxytocin (Pitocin): Stimulation of uterine contraction during child birth. Stimulation
of milk flow by mammary glands under the control of Prolactin or LTH.
(ii) Vasopressin (Pitressin, ADH): Influences water balance by reducing output of urine
by reabsorption of water from nephric filtrate in DCH and CT. Also, causes arteriole
constriction, raise blood pressure and causes contraction of several smooth muscles
like those of intestine, gall bladder, urinary bladder etc.
Hyper secretion
Causes Diabetes insipidus (Drinker’s disease) It is hormonal abnormality of polyuria
(excessive urine) or micturating dilute urine (hypotonic, sugar-free) several times a
The gland secretes two biogenic amine hormones
(i) Serotonin: Also by disintegrating blood cells. Constricts (Vasoconstriction) blood vessel
at site of injury and gives burning sensation.
(ii) Melatonin:. The hormone develops pale skin color in amphibians. It shows a marked
diurnal rhythm with maximum concentration at midnight and minimum during noon.
The hormone controls sleep, mood, ovarian cycle, delays puberty, opposes FSH and
LH hormones (hence anti-gonadotrophic).
Physiology 153
III. Thyroid
Location: Base of larynx
(i) Thyroxine
(ii) Triodothronine (Both are iodinated amino acids)
Functions: Regulate cellular oxidation of food and basal metabolism, growth and
Effect of hyposecretion:
(i) Cretinism in children, and Myxodema in adult.
(ii) Iodine deficiency goiter.
(iii) Hashimoto Disease: It occurs in middle aged females due to sensitization of their
own thyroid protein called thyroglobulin. There is mild hypothyroidism. The thyroid
gland is enlarged.
Effect of Hypersecretion: Exophthalamic goiter/ Grave disease indicated by
protruding eyes, loss of weight, nervous- ness and fast heart beat.
(iv) Calcitonin (Protein): Regulates calcium and phosphorus
IV. Parathyroids
Location: Behind thyroid
Hormones: Parathormone (protein)
Functions: Regulates calcium and phosphorus balance in the blood.
Effect of hyposecretion: Reduces Ca in blood and results in severe cramps Parathyroid
Effect of Hypersecretion: High Ca level in blood by releasing it from bones and leading
to ostestis fibrosa cystica.
V. Adrenals
Each adrenal has two parts, an outer cortex and inner medulla.
Location: Over the superior end of kidneys.
(a) Adrenal Cortex. The outer part of adrenals which further consists of three zones
(i) Zona glomerulosa:
Hormones: Mineralocorticoids (mainly aldosterone)
Functions: Regulation of Na+ and K+ in blood. Increases Na+ level, and lowers
that of K+
(ii) Zona Fasciculata
Hormone: Glucocorticoids (Mainly cortisol)
Function: Increase glucose level in body by changing proteins and fast to
Hypersecretion: Cushing’s syndrome due to high glucose level, and high Na+
level caused by excess of glucocorticoids. High B.P. and rise in blood volume.
(iii) Zona reticulosa
Hormone: Androgens (Male sex hormones)
154 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
VI. Gonads
(a) Testes. A heterocrine gland. The endocrine portion is represented by the Leydig’s
cells (Interstitial cells) present between the seminiferous tubules.
Location: Situated in Scrotum
Hormones: Testosterone and other androgens.
1. Growth of the reproductive system to full size and to functional state.
2. Stimulates sperm formation.
3. Formation of sexual characters of female.
Hyposecretion: Eunuchoidism (Inadequate formation of reproductive system,
incapability of sperm formation).
(b) Ovaries
Location: In the abdominal cavity.
(i) Oestrogen from follicular cells.
Function: Growth of female reproductive system to full size, formation of
secondary sexual characters of female.
(ii) Progesterone (secreted by corpus luteum).
(a) Suspends the ovulation.
(b) Formation of placenta.
(iii) Relaxin (produced by corpus luteum at the end of pregnancy)
Physiology 155
VII. Pancreas
A myxocrine gland. Its endocrine part is represented by Islets of Langerhans which have two
type of cells the a (alpha) cells, and b (beta) cells.
Location: In the duodenal loop.
(a) Beta cells
Hormone: Insulin (an anabolic hormone)
(i) Conversion of glucose to glycogen in liver and muscles.
(ii) Promotes protein synthesis in tissues.
(iii) Promotes synthesis of fats from fatty acids
(iv) Inhibits breakdown of proteins and fats.
Hyposecretion: Diabetes mellitus indicated by the rise of glucose level in blood, and
higher level of cholesterol, excretion of sugar by the kidneys in urine; excessive
thirst; delayed wound healing of proteins in tissues, and gangrene.
(b) Alpha cells
Hormone: Glucagon
(i) Converts glycogen to blood glucose in liver
(ii) Formation of glucose from amino acids.
VIII. Placenta
Location: A living connection between the foetus and uterine wall.
(i) Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)
Function: Produced in large amount in first few months of pregnancy. It stimulates
the enlargement of corpus luteum to secrete progesterone. Presence of hCG in urine
is indication of pregnancy, used for pregnancy test
(ii) Progesterone: Functionally same as the one produced by corpus luteum.
(iii) Estrogen: : Similar role as that produced by the follicular cells of ovary
IX. Thymus
Location: Near the heart. Gets reduced in adults.
Hormone: Thymosin (Protein)
Function: Proliferation of lymphocytes, and also regulates growth; important for immune
Hyposecretion: Poor development of immunity. Retarded development of sex organs.
X. Hypothalamus
(Composed of neurosecretory cells of the floor of diencephalons secrete neurohormones).
156 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
(i) They are chemicals used for communication amongst individuals of the same species.
Pheromones are produced by exocrine glands and are transmitted to other members
through air or excrements (e.g., urine in dogs).
(ii) Pheromones invoke a specific response in other members like recognition, attraction,
warning, etc. Bombykol is sex attractant pheromone produced by female silkworm
moth, which is received by male antenna several kilometers away.
(iii) Ant trail is due to pheromone. Queen Bee is recognized by workers due to release of
9-oxydecenoic acid by it. Dormitory effect is also believed to be due to pheromones.
Reproduction is the formation of new similar young living organisms by the grown up individuals
of a species or race. It is meant for perpetuation of the race/species because individuals are
bound to die after a life span. Reproduction provides group immortality. Four processes are
basic to reproduction – DNA replication, cell division, formation of reproductive units and
development of a new individual. Animal reproduction is of two types, asexual and sexual.
Asexual Reproduction
It is a mode of reproduction or formation of new young individuals from a specialized or
unspecialized part of single parent without the formation and fusion of gametes. Besides being
uniparental and absence of gametes, asexual reproduction is characterized by divisions through
mitosis only, genetic similarity between parent and young ones, rapidity and absence of haploid-
diploid alteration. Asexual reproductive propagule is called blastos. It contains totipotent cells
like archaeocytes (sponges), interstitial cells (cnidaria), parenchyma (platyhelminthes)
and neoblasts (annelids), etc. An individual produced through asexual reproduction is ramet.
Clone is group of all genetically similar individuals formed through asexual reproduction.
1. Fission: It is a type of asexual reproduction in which the body of an individual
undergoes division to produce two or more equal sized daughters.
(i) Binary Fission. The mature individual divides into two equal sized daughter
individuals. Binary fission is irregular (can occur in any plane) in Amoeba,
longitudinal in Euglena, oblique in dinoflagellates and transverse in Paramecium
and Planaria. In unicellular forms, binary fission is accomplished through mitotic
nuclear division followed by cytokinesis. In multicellular individuals like Planaria
the posterior part is fixed firmly to substratum while anterior part extends forward
and exerts a pull causing the middle part to break.
(ii) Multiple Fission: It is formation of a number of small daughters by division of
a parent. In unicellular forms, the nucleus divides a few times followed by
collection of cytoplasm around each daughter nucleus forming a number of
daughter cells, e.g., Amoeba, Plasmodium, Monocystis.
158 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
Sexual Reproduction
It is mode of multiplication in which the new individuals or young ones are formed through the
process of formation and fusion of gametes. Haploid (gametes)- diploid (individual) alternation
occurs. Gametogenesis involves meiosis. Fusion of gametes or fertilization restores the
chromosome number. The offspring is produced by the growth of the fusion product of gametes
called zygote. Sexual reproduction is commonly biparental. A number or variations appear in
the offspring.
Parthenogenesis (Apomixis)
It is the development of a new individual from a single gamete (generally the egg/ovum) without
involving fertilization. On the basis of chromosome sets, parthenogenesis is of two types:
(i) Arrhenotoky (Haploid Parthenogenesis). Haploid eggs grow to form haploid males,
e.g., arachnids, some insects.
(ii) Thelotoky (Diploid Parthenogenesis). Diploid eggs grow without fertilization into
diploid individuals, generally females, e.g., Gall Fly
Parthenogenesis can be natural or artificial. Natural parthenogenesis may be obligatory
or cyclic.
Natural Parthenogenesis
1. Obligatory/Complete Parthenogenesis: Males are absent. Females develop
parthenogenetically, e.g. rotifers, Typhlina brahmina (small lizard), Lacerta saxicola-
armeniaca (Caucasian Rock Lizard), Cnemidophorus (Whiptail lizard of America)
2. Cyclic/Incomplete Parthenogenesis: Both sexual and parthenogenetic individuals
occur. In aphids, several generations of parthenogenetic females develop followed by
Physiology 159
formation of both males and females to perform sexual reproduction. In Turkey, 40%
of the males develop parthenogenetically. In Honey Bee, male or drone develops
parthenogenetically (no meiosis at the time of spermatogenesis) while queen and
workers develop from fertilized eggs. Also in wasps and ants. In Gall Fly, larvae may
lay eggs that develop parthenogenetically (paedogenesis).
Artificial/Induced Parthenogenesis
Sugar, salt, alkaloids and other chemicals, heat, cold, pricking and other stimuli can stimulate
eggs to undergo cleavage and form parthenogenetic embryos. Being haploid, they generally do
not survive.
The process of formation off gametes in the gonads is called gametogenesis. Gametes are
produced by way of meiotic division resulting in the reduction of number of chromosomes to
one half. The production of sperms in the seminiferous tubules of testis is called spermatogenesis
and production of ova in ovaries is called oogenesis.
1. Spermatogenesis
Spermatogenesis is the process of formation of haploid functional spermatozoa from
diploid germinal cells of seminiferous tubules. Lining layer of seminiferous tubules
possesses primary germ cells and indifferent cells that mature into nurse cells or
Sertoli cells.
(i) Multiplication Phase: Diploid primary germ cells undergo repeated mitosis to
form a number of diploid spermatogonia.
(ii) Spermatocytogenesis: Each spermatogonia divided mitotically to from two
interconnected primary spermatocyte
(iii) Growth Phase: Primary spermatocytes grow in size.
(iv) Maturation Phase: Each diploid primary spermatocyte undergoes meiosis I to
form two haploid secondary spermatocytes. All the secondary spermatocytes
derived from a single spermatogonium remain attached to one another. Secondary
spermatocytes- divides by meiosis II, each giving rise to two haploid spermatids.
The spermatids become partially embedded in Sertoli cells for nourishment and
(v) Spermiogenesis: Spermiogenesis is differentiation of a spermatozoon from a
spermatid. Golgi apparatus forms acrosome. Centriole divides into two. Distal
centriole forms axial filament. Mitochondria collect around upper part of axial
filament. Nucleus undergoes condensation. A spermatozoon now separates while
the unused cytoplasm degenerates. Heads of spermatozoa remain embedded for
some time in Sertoli cells but ultimately the spermatozoa are released into
lumen of seminiferous tubule for onward passage.
Human sperm is dart-like flagellate structure of 60 µm length. It has four parts—
(i) Head. Knob-like terminal part has two components, acrosome and nucleus. Acrosome
contains sperm lysins. Nucleus is compact mass of DNA having some protamines.
On the outside is present a double membrane head cap.
160 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
(ii) Neck. It is short narrow part between head and middle piece, which contains two
centrioles, unconnected proximal centriole and distal centriole attached to axial
filament (that passes into middle piece).
(iii) Middle Piece. It is cylindrical part. It has axial filament surrounded by 10-14 spiral
turns of mitochondria and bearing towards the end a ring centriole or annulus.
Mitochondria provide energy for swimming but food is limited.
(iv) Tail. It is narrow vibratile long part, with two regions, main and end piece. Main
piece of tail is 0.5 mm in diameter near the beginning but gradually narrows behind.
It has an axial filament, small amount of cytoplasm and plasma membrane. In the
end piece, cytoplasm and membrane are absent.
2. Oogenesis
It is the process of formation, development and maturation of haploid ova from diploid germinal
cells of ovary. Oogenesis occurs in three phases
(i) Multiplication Phase. Diploid primary germ cells from germinal epithelium of
ovary multiply mitotically and form oogonia. The latter produce ovigerous cords or
egg tubes of Pfluger in mammals.
(ii) Growth Phase. It is prolonged and slow. Oogonia form rounded masses or egg nests
at the tips of egg tubes of Pfluger. An egg nest forms ovarian follicle. One central
oogonium grows and functions as primary oocyte. The others form the covering
follicular cells. The latter provide nourishment to primary oocyte. Some nourishment
also comes from outside. Enlarged primary oocyte secretes mucoprotein membrane
or zona pellucida outside its own plasma membrane or vitelline membrane. There is
increase in reserve food, size of nucleus, number of mitochondria, functioning of
Golgi apparatus and complexity of endoplasmic reticulum.
(iii) Maturation Phase. Meiosis occurs. Nucleus shifts towards animal pole and undergoes
meiosis I. A daughter nucleus alongwith small quantity of cytoplasm is extruded as
primary polar body or polocyte below zona pellucida. Simultaneously primary oocyte
is changed into haploid secondary oocyte. Ovum is generally shed in secondary oocyte
stage. Meiosis II is completed in fallopian tube at the time of fertilization. It then
produces a small secondary polar body and a large ovum. The primary polar body
may also divide.
Human egg or ovum is noncleidoic and alecithal (nearly microlecithal), rounded female gamete
having a diameter of about 100 mm. The ovum possesses three coverings – inner thickened
plasma membrane or vitelline membrane, middle mucoprotein zona pellucida and outer cellular
corona radiata with radially elongated scattered cells held in mucopolysaccharide (hyaluronic
acid). In between plasma membrane ( = vitelline membrane) and zona pellucida is peri-vitelline
space in which are present 1- 3 polar bodies towards animal pole. The opposite end is vegetal
pole. Cytoplasm of ovum is called ooplasm. It has a large nucleus or germinal vesicle. Ectoplasm
Physiology 161
Only a single ovum is released in human females from one of the two ovaries towards the
middle of ovarian/menstrual cycle. It passes into fallopian tube and rests inside ampulla for
some time. Human male produces 300 - 400 million sperms per ejaculation. They are deposited
in vagina during coitus. The process of deposition of sperms in the female genital tract is called
insemination. A number of them are demobilised or eaten.
Fertilization involves the following steps:
(i) Approximation of Sperm and Ovum. Sperms can remain motile for 24-48 hours.
They swim at the rate of 1. 5 - 3.0 mm/min. They are able to reach the ampulla part
of female genital tract partly by their own swimming and partly by contraction of
uterus and fallopian tubes. One sperm comes to lie against the ovum and undergo
fertilizin (from ovum) and antifertilizin (from sperm) compatibility reaction (Lillie,
1919) in the region of animal pole.
(ii) Acrosome Reaction. It prepares the sperm to fertilize ovum. The phenomenon is
called capacitation. In contact with corona radiata, the acrosome covering lyses to
release acrosome. With the help of sperm lysins (chiefly hyaluronidase), acrosome
dissolves corona radiata and zona pellucida in front of it.
(iii) Egg Reaction. A small protuberance or fertilization cone (cone of reception), develops
from the surface of ovum in the region of animal pole.
(iv) Penetration of Sperm. Sperm head establishes contact with lateral surface of
fertilization cone. Plasma membranes of the two dissolve. Contents of head (nucleus),
neck and middle piece of sperm enter ooplasm. Tail is left outside. Fertilization cone
subsides. Depolarisation of egg membrane kills other sperms. Plasma membrane of
the egg is now modilled with the help of mucopolysaccharide cortical granules into
fertilization membrane. A perivitelline space is created between it and zona pellucida.
(v) Activation of Ovum. Ovum (previously in secondary oocyte stage) undergoes meiosis
II and extrudes a secondary polar body. It is now the actual ovum or female gamete.
(vi) Fusion of Sperm and Egg Nuclei. The envelopes of the sperm and egg nuclei
degenerate and their chromosomes intermingle to form ‘synkaryon’. The act is called
karyogamy or syngamy. The proximal centriole brought by sperm help~ form the
spindle for the division of synkaryon (cleavage nucleus). Fertilized egg is also called
Practice Test Paper-I
1. Mineral nutrients
(a) are not essential to plant growth, since all a plant needs is water and CO2 .
(b) contribute little to the weight of a plant.
(c) enter plants via the stomata.
(d) are organic nutrients.
2. Professor Arun claims to have discovered a new macronutrient required for plant
growth. Most of Professor Arun’s colleagues are skeptical of this claim. Why might
they consider it unlikely?
(a) All the nutrients required for plant growth have already been found.
(b) It is very difficult to prove that a plant needs a certain nutrient.
(c) Plants need thousands of nutrients; a new one is not significant.
(d) Any nutrient needed in large amounts has probably been found already.
3. Soil could be deficient in any of the following nutrients. If you had to supply one of
them, which would be needed in the smallest amount?
(a) iron (b) phosphorus
(c) nitrogen (d) potassium
4. Which of the following is a symptom of magnesium deficiency?
(a) yellowing of younger leaves’ prior to yellowing of older leaves.
(b) enhanced plant growth, since magnesium is toxic to plants.
(c) chlorosis
(d) decreased transpiration
5. Topsoil
(a) is the relatively inert upper layer of soil.
(b) does not retain water.
(c) is a mixture of rock fragments, living organisms, and humus.
(d) is uniform in texture.
6. The roots of many aquatic plants have special structures that project above the surface
of the water. For example, cypress trees (which grow in swamps) have knees that
extend upward above water level. Which of the following is the most logical function
of these structures?
(a) obtaining carbon dioxide for photosynthesis
(b) nitrogen fixation
(c) obtaining oxygen for the roots
(d) transpiration
7. The clay particles in soil are important because they
(a) are composed of nitrogen needed by plants.
(b) eliminate spaces for air and facilitate drainage.
Practice Test Paper–Physiology 163
12. The enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia is
(a) catalase. (b) nitrogenase.
(c) reductase. (d) rubisco.
15. The term alternation of generations refers to a plant’s life cycle alternating between
(a) the production of haploid gametes by meiosis with the production of diploid spores
by mitosis.
(b) a haploid gametophyte generation and a haploid sporophyte generation.
(c) a haploid gametophyte generation and a diploid sporophyte generation.
(d) a flower producing generation and a leaf-producing generation.
164 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
16. Self-incompatibility
(a) works the same way in all plants.
(b) are all based on the same mechanism of transplant rejection seen in animals.
(c) maintains variation.
(d) is the rejection of a graft by a plant.
17. In angiosperms, each pollen grain produces two sperm. What do these sperm do?
(a) Each one fertilizes a separate egg cell.
(b) One fertilizes an egg and the other fertilizes the fruit.
(c) One fertilizes an egg and the other is kept in reserve.
(d) One fertilizes an egg and the other fertilizes a cell that develops into stored food.
18. What is endosperm?
(a) male reproductive cells in plants
(b) stored food in a seed
(c) cells that make up the bulk of a pollen grain
(d) the fleshy part of a fruit such as an apple or strawberry
22. Plants growing in harsh environments such as deserts, sand dunes, and arctic tundra
often reproduce vegetatively. This is because
(a) there are few animals available to pollinate them.
(b) they are members of plant families that only reproduce asexually.
(c) fruits would freeze or dry out in these environments.
(d) vegetative reproduction is not as risky as making seeds.
Practice Test Paper–Physiology 165
24. Which of the following seedlings will probably bend toward the light?
(a) tip covered with a cap made of black plastic
(b) tip separated from base by a gelatin block
(c) tip separated from base by aluminum foil
(d) tip cut off and place a block of agar over half of the cut portion; the side with the
agar block will bend towards the light
25. In shoots, branching is inhibited by _____ from the tip of a growing shoot, but this
effect is countered by _____ from the roots.
(a) cytokinins . . . auxins
(b) gibberellins . . . ethylene
(c) auxins . . . cytokinins
(d) gibberellins . . . abscisic acid
26. As leaf lettuce matures, the basal edible leaves suddenly send up a tall flowering
shoot. After the plant bolts like this, it no longer produces broad, tasty leaves. Suppose
you wanted to prevent bolting so that you could harvest lettuce longer. You might
look for some way to interfere with the effects of
(a) abscisic acid. (b) gibberellins.
(c) cytokinins. (d) ethylene.
27. Seeds of many desert plants will not germinate until a heavy rain washes away their
(a) phytochrome. (b) abscisic acid.
(c) gibberellins. (d) auxins.
29. When a plant structure such as a leaf is injured, it produces ______, which may cause
the part to age and drop off.
(a) cytokinins (b) ethylene
(c) auxins (d) abscisic acid
30. Once a flower is pollinated, changes occur that make it less attractive to insects. Its
petals, for example, shrivel and fall off. Pollination must
(a) increase the output of cytokinins in the flower.
(b) block the flow of auxins from the roots.
166 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
38. A certain short-day plant flowers when days are less than 12 hours long. Which of the
following would cause it to flower?
(a) a 9-hour night and 15-hour day with 1 minute of darkness after 7 hour.
(b) an 8-hr day and 16-hour night with a flash of white light after 8 hr.
(c) a 13-hour night and 11-hour day with 1 minute of darkness after 6 hr.
(d) a 12-hour day and 12-hour night with a flash of red light after 6 hr.
Practice Test Paper–Physiology 167
42. How does a gastrovascular cavity differ from an alimentary canal? The gastrovascular
(a) stores food but does not digest it.
(b) absorbs food molecules but does not produce hydrolytic enzymes.
(c) has only a single opening.
(d) functions in digestion but not absorption.
47. It is important to get some vitamin B-1 every day, but it is all right if intake of
vitamin A varies a bit. Why?
(a) Vitamin B-1 is an essential nutrient, and vitamin A is not.
(b) Vitamin A can be stored by the body, but vitamin B-1 cannot.
(c) The body needs much larger amounts of vitamin B-1 than vitamin A.
(d) The body requires vitamin B-1, but vitamin A is just an “extra.”
168 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
48. How would you expect the digestive system of a hawk, a carnivore, to compare with
that of a sparrow, a seed-eater?
(a) The hawk would have a larger gastrovascular cavity.
(b) The sparrow’s digestive system would be longer.
(c) The hawk would have a gizzard, but the sparrow would not.
(d) The hawk digestive system would be longer.
49. Gallstone surgery sometimes requires that the gallbladder be remove. Patients are
then advised to avoid ingesting large amount of fat because
(a) the gallbladder makes bile, which is necessary for fat emulsification.
(b) without the bile produced by the gallbladder, fats cannot be enzymatically
(c) the gallbladder produces the hormone enterogastrone.
(d) the gallbladder stores large quantities of bile, releasing it when necessary.
50. Researchers provided radioactively labeled food to a dog, and traced the movement of
absorbed molecules. Which type of molecule would move along a different path than
all the others?
(a) carbohydrates (b) proteins
(c) nucleic acids (d) fats
51. The cardiac sphincter surrounds the cardiac orifice. If this sphincter failed to properly
constrict, there might be a problem with
(a) regurgitation of food into the esophagus.
(b) movement of the bolus into the trachea rather than the esophagus.
(c) rapid emptying from the stomach to the small intestine.
(d) rapid emptying from the small intestine to the large intestine.
52. Which of the following might make the most effective antiulcer medication? A chemical
(a) stimulates parietal cells of the gastric glands.
(b) kills bacteria in the stomach.
(c) inhibits mucous cells of the gastric glands.
(d) stimulates chief cells of the gastric pits.
53. The lungs consist of many small air sacs and blood vessels, which greatly increase
surface area and improve the transfer of substances through their walls. The
structures in the digestive system similar in function to these air sacs and capillaries
are the
(a) villi. (b) colon and rectum.
(c) gastric glands. (d) high-density lipoproteins.
54. During some types of antibiotic treatments, patients often experience diarrhoea
(a) antibiotics are toxic to the colon’s epithelium as well as to bacteria.
(b) the bacterial flora of the large intestine digest fiber, which otherwise would
create osmotic pressure and result in decreased water reabsorption.
Practice Test Paper–Physiology 169
(c) antibiotics interfere with the vitamin absorption process normally occurring
within the large intestine.
(d) after intestinal bacteria have been killed, an unusually large amount of water is
55. Imagine that you have eaten a meal containing the following nutrients. Which would
not have to be digested before being absorbed?
(a) protein (b) polysaccharide
(c) disaccharide (d) amino acid
57. In a fish, blood circulates through ____, while in a mammal, it circulates through
(a) two circuits . . . four circuits (b) one circuit . . . two circuits
(c) four circuits . . . two circuits (d) one circuit . . . four circuits
58. A recording of the electrical activity of a patient’s heart shows that the atria are
contracting regularly and normally, but every few beats the ventricles fail to contract.
Which of the following is probably functioning improperly?
(a) AV node (b) semilunar valve
(c) coronary artery (d) pacemaker
62. Most oxygen is carried by the blood __. Most carbon dioxide is carried by the blood__.
(a) attached to hemoglobin . . . in the form of bicarbonate ions
(b) dissolved in the plasma . . . dissolved in the plasma
(c) in the form of H+ ions . . . in the form of bicarbonate ions
(d) attached to hemoglobin . . . attached to hemoglobin
65. Uric acid is the nitrogenous waste excreted by birds, insects, and many reptiles. An
advantage of excreting uric acid is that it ____ , but a disadvantage is that it _____ .
(a) saves water . . . costs energy
(b) saves energy . . . is highly toxic
(c) is not very toxic . . . wastes a lot of water
(d) is much more soluble in water than other wastes . . . costs energy
68. Which would have the toughest time surviving over the long term in the environment
(a) an osmoconformer in seawater
(b) an endotherm in a warm environment
(c) an ectotherm in a cold environment
(d) an ectotherm in a warm environment
Practice Test Paper–Physiology 171
69. Most aquatic animals excrete ammonia, while land animals excrete urea or uric acid.
What is the most likely explanation for this difference?
(a) They have different diets.
(b) Land animals can get the energy needed to make urea or uric acid.
(c) Ammonia is very toxic, and it takes lots of water to dilute it.
(d) Land animals cannot afford the energy needed to make ammonia.
70. Which of the following hormones has the broadest range of targets?
(a) ADH (b) TSH
(c) epinephrine (d) ACTH
71. Every time you eat a cookie or candy bar, your blood sugar increases. This triggers
an increase in the hormone
(a) insulin (b) epinephrine.
(c) adrenocorticotropin(ACTH). (d) glucagon.
78. Some glands produce hormones that stimulate other endocrine glands. Which of the
following hormones specifically acts to trigger secretion of hormones by another
endocrine gland?
(a) thyroid hormone (T3 and T4)
(b) progesterone
(c) adrenocorticotropin (ACTH)
(d) antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
79. How is the level of thyroxin in the blood regulated?
(a) Thyroxin stimulates the pituitary to secrete thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH).
(b) TSH inhibits secretion of thyroxin from the thyroid gland.
(c) Thyroxin stimulates the hypothalamus to secrete TRH.
(d) Thyroxin and TSH inhibit secretion of TRH.
80. The endocrine and nervous systems share which of the following in common?
(a) Both utilize feedback.
(b) Several chemicals serve as both hormones and neurotransmitters.
(c) Nerve impulses can cause endocrine glands to release hormone.
(d) all of the above.
81. It takes much longer for sex hormones and other steroids to produce their effects
than it takes nonsteroid hormones. Why?
(a) Steroids are bigger, slower molecules.
(b) Steroids usually must be carried longer distances by the blood.
(c) Steroids cause target cells to make new proteins, which takes time.
(d) Steroids must relay their message via a second messenger.
82. Which disorder is correctly matched with its cause?
(a) pituitary dwarfism and hyposecretion of growth hormone
(b) infant cretinism and hypersecretion of thyroxin
(c) low blood calcium and hypersecretion of parathyroid hormone (PTH)
(d) acromegaly and hyposecretion of growth hormone
83. Injections of a hormone are sometimes given to strengthen contractions of the uterus
during childbirth. What hormone might this be?
(a) adrenocorticotropin (ACTH)
(b) thyroxin
(c) oxytocin
(d) follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
Practice Test Paper–Physiology 173
85. Jet lag occurs when a person moves rapidly from one time zone to another, causing
conflict between the body’s biological rhythm and the new cycle of light and dark.
Some scientists suspect that jet lag may result from disruption of a daily hormone
cycle. Which of the following hormones do you think is the most likely suspect?
(a) epinephrine (b) insulin
(c) melatonin (d) estrogen
86. As a young girl, Sunita suffered a head injury that damaged her pituitary. An injury
to the pituitary is particularly serious because of all the functions controlled by this
gland As Sunita got older, she and her doctors found that all of the following except
_____ were affected.
(a) metabolic rate (b) blood sugar level
(c) her menstrual cycle (d) milk production
87. A hormone from the parathyroid gland works in opposition to a hormone from the
_____ to regulate _____ .
(a) posterior pituitary . . . metabolic rate
(b) thyroid gland . . . blood calcium
(c) pancreas . . . water reabsorption
(d) adrenal medulla . . . blood calcium
88. Diabetes insipidus is an inherited endocrine malfunction (unrelated to diabetes
mellitus) in which the kidneys fail to reabsorb normal amounts of water. Victims of
this disease produce gallons of urine each day, and their kidneys soon wear out.
Treatment of this disease involves replacing a missing hormone. Which of the following
do you think it is?
(a) glucagon (b) epinephrine
(c) glucocorticoids (d) antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
89. Because only the _____________ gland uses iodine to make its hormones, radioactive
iodine is often used as a treatment for tumors of this gland.
(a) pituitary (b) pancreatic
(c) thyroid (d) adrenal
90. Which of the following is a form of sexual reproduction?
(a) budding (b) fission
(c) fragmentation (d) hermaphroditism
174 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
91. A peak in ______ triggers ovulation on about the ______ day of the monthly cycle.
(a) LH . . . seventh
(b) FSH . . . second
(c) LH . . . fourteenth
(d) estrogen . . . twentieth
94. Which of the following hormones is the first to increase significantly every 28 days or
so and initiates the ovarian cycle?
(a) progesterone
(b) follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
(c) estrogen
(d) lutenizing hormone (LH)
97. Birth control pills contain synthetic estrogen and progesterone. How might these
hormones prevent pregnancy?
(a) They trigger premature ovulation, before an egg is mature.
(b) They cause the lining of the uterus to be sloughed off.
(c) They cause the corpus luteum to degenerate.
(d) They keep the pituitary from secreting FSH and LH, so ovulation does not
Practice Test Paper–Physiology 175
98. Pregnancy tests detect a hormone hCG in a woman’s urine that is present only when
an embryo is developing in her uterus. This hormone is secreted by
(a) the ovary. (b) the embryo.
(c) a follicle. (d) the endometrium.
99. In many mammals the testes are located outside the abdominal cavity within the
scrotum because
(a) the elevated pressure within the abdominal cavity would collapse the small
passage ways within the testes.
(b) this location allows for a shorter pathway to the urethra.
(c) blood flow to the scrotum is not interrupted during erection.
(d) sperm are unable to properly mature at the higher temperatures found within
the abdominal cavity.
100. Because the genetic composition of the foetus is not identical to that of the mother, it
is somewhat surprising that the foetus is not rejected as a foreign body. It appears
that this is because
(a) the embryo does not expresses paternal antigens on its cells until after birth.
(b) the embryo produces signal molecules that turn off the mother’s immune system
for the 9 months of pregnancy.
(c) a protective layer, the trophoblast, surrounds the embryo and prevents direct
contact with maternal tissue.
(d) special maternal immune cells produce antigenic modifier proteins (AMPs), which
mask the foreign antigens.
Practice Test Paper-II
1. One early, and inexpensive, approach to infertility is to test a woman’s urine for a
hormone that would indicate a high probability of ovulation. What hormone is this
test kit designed to detect?
(a) oxytocin
(b) follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
(c) testosterone
(d) lutenizing hormone (LH)
2. A sperm has several components; the function of the acrosome is
(a) produce base to neutralize the acidic environment of the female reproductive
(b) metabolize the sugars provided for energy by the semen.
(c) release an enzyme that breaks down the membrane of the ovum.
(d) propel the sperm as they swim through the fluid of the female reproductive
3. The drug RU486 was developed in France and is widely used in Europe as a method
of birth control. Its introduction to the United States has been controversial, however,
the drug is taken after sexual intercourse. It blocks the implantation of the developing
blastocyst. Opponents of the drug say it is an abortion pill. Its defenders point out
that it works the same way as
(a) the familiar birth control pill used for the last 30 years.
(b) spermicidal foam.
(c) an intrauterine device (IUD).
(d) tubal ligation.
9. Up to the eight-cell stage, the blastomeres of a mouse embryo can each form a complete
embryo if isolated. This indicates that
(a) differentiation does not depend on cytoplasmic determinants.
(b) the mouse embryo is strongly polarized.
(c) only the zygote is totipotent.
(d) cytoplasmic determinants are equally distributed during the early cleavage
10. One difference between the blastula and gastrula stages of development is that
(a) blastula cells are more differentiated than gastrula cells.
(b) there are many more cells in a blastula.
(c) the blastula consists of more cell layers.
(d) there is an opening from the cavity inside the gastrula to the outside.
11. Among the following which disease is not related to vitamin deficiency:
(a) Osteomalacia (b) Xerophthalmia
(c) Marasmus (d) Pellagra
12. A protein deficiency disorder characterized by match stick legs, protruded belly, oedema
of certain parts is:
(a) Marasmus (b) Kwashiorkor
(c) Rickets (d) Osteomalacia
13. Vitamin which cause Pernicious anaemia, glossitis, loss of peripheral sensation due
to its deficiency and also called as Erythrocyte Maturing Factor is-
(a) Vit B2 (b) Vit B6
(c) Cobaltamine (d) Folic Acid
16. Vitamin which is anti-sterility factor, anti-oxidative for membrane lipids, skin and
hair reduces atherosclerosis is:
(a) Tocopherol (b) Calciferol
(d) Phylloquinone (d) Pyridoxine
18. Which mineral is required for blood clotting, muscle contraction, ATPase, nerve
impulse transmission, heart functioning etc:
(a) Mg (b) Ca
(c) K (d) Fe
19. Mineral engaged in maintaining enamel and checking dental decay is:
(a) Selenium (b) Potassium
(c) Calcium (d) Fluorine
22. Which among the following is not a function of parathormone for maintaining optimum
level of Ca
(a) By mobilization from bone
(b) Reduced urinary excretion
(c) Increased absorption from intestine
(d) By mobilization from muscles
23. Which among the following is gastro-intestinal hormone:
(a) Insulin (b) Glucagons
(c) Serotonin (d) Secretin
27. The cells which functions as nurse cells for differentiating spermatozoa:
(a) Leydig cells (b) Interstitial cells
(c) Sertoli cells (d) Copus Epididymus
28. The type of egg/ovum of higher mammals on basis of amount of yolk is-
(a) Alecithal (b) Microlecithal
(c) Macrolecithal (d) Mesolecithal
37. Among the following which pair of hormone is secreted by posterior pituitary
(a) FSH & LH (b) ADH & Oxytocin
(c) GH and PRL (d) ACTH and TSH
38. Among the following shortest peptide hormone is-
(a) Thyrotropin releasing hormone
(b) Gonadotropin releasing hormone
(c) ACTH
(d) Insulin
39. Among the following, which hormone acts on sertoli cells of seminiferous tubules to
increase protein in sperm and other proteins; acts on ovarian follicle to stimulate the
maturation of ovum and production of estradiol-
(a) FSH (b) LH
(c) hCG (d) Progestrone
40. Which hormone stimulates pancreatic acinar cells to release bicarbonate and water
in duodenum at pH values below 4.5 to elevate duodenal pH
(a) cholecystokinin (CCK) (b) Gastrin
(c) Secretin (d) Erythropoeitin
41. Among the following which is not secreted by ovarian corpus luteum-
(a) Relaxin (b) estrogen
(c) Human placental lactogen (hPL) (d) Progestrone
42. Which hormone stimulates bone resorption; stimulates phosphate excretion by kidney
and raises serum calcium level-
(a) Calcitonin (b) Serotonin
(c) Parathormone (d) Endothelin
47. Among the following which hormone binds to the membrane receptors-
(a) Thyroxin (b) Estrogen
(c) insulin (d) testosterone
48. Among the following which protein is not involved in photo transduction cascade
during reception of light by rod cells
(a) Rhodopsin (b) Tranducin
(c) Phosphodiestrase (d) Adenylate cyclase
49. Among the following which is not an type of excitatory neurotransmitter in nervous
(a) Acetyl choline (b) Dopamine
(c) Histamine (d) g-aminobutyric acid (GABA)
52. The Effect of Vitamin A may include all of the following except-
(a) Prevention of anemia (b) Serving as antioxidant
(c) The visual cycle (d) Induction of certain cancers
53. In the propagation of nerve impulse by an electrical signal-
(a) the electrical potential across the membrane is maintained by ATP driven Na+-
K+ pump becomes more negative
(b) local depolarization of membrane causes protein conformational changes in ion
channels that allow Na+ and K+ to move down concentration gradient
(c) Charge propagation is bidirectional along axons
(d) “Voltage gated” ion channels have finite recovery time so the amplitude of the
impulse changes as it moves along the axon.
54. ATP concentration is maintained relatively constant during muscle contraction by-
(a) increasing the metabolic activity
(b) the action of adenylate cyclase
(c) the action of creatine phosphokinase
(d) All the above
182 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
58. Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) may be associated with all of the following EXCEPT-
(a) iron absorption
(b) bone formation
(c) acute renal disease when taken in high dose
(d) wound healing
61. The productivity of crop declines when leaves begin to wilt mainly because-
(a) the chloroplast of wilting leaves decomposes
(b) flaccid mesophyll cells are incapable of photosynthesis
(c) stomata close, preventing CO2 from entering the leaf
(d) Photolysis of water cannot occur
64. Carnivorous plant mainly compensate for soil that has relatively low content of-
(a) K+ (b) Nitrogen
(c) PO4 – (d) Ca++
65. A mineral deficiency is likely to affect older leaves more then younger leaves if
(a) the mineral is micronutrient
(b) mineral is mobile within plant
(c) mineral is required for chlorophyll synthesis
(d) Deficiency persists for longer time
66. The Thompson seedless grape is triploid, with three copies of each chromosome.
Which phase of the cell cycle would you expect triploid cells to be unable to complete.
(a) meiosis 1 (b) S
(c) meiosis 2 (d) G2
67. Some organisms are capable of asexual or sexual reproduction. Under favorable
conditions, reproduction proceeds asexually. When conditions become more stressful
reproduction switches to a sexual mode. Why?
(a) Sexual reproduction is simple and more rapid allowing larger numbers of offspring
to be produced.
(b) Sexual reproduction requires two separate individuals, who can mutually provide
nutrient support during stress.
(c) Asexual reproduction requires more energy.
(d) Sexual reproduction produces individuals with new combinations of recombined
chromosomes increasing diversity.
69. One of the earliest events that distinguishes meiosis occurs in prophase I and involves:
(a) Condensation of chromosomes
(b) Loss of the nuclear membrane
(c) Movement of chromosomes towards the metaphase plate
(d) Pairing of homologous chromosomes
70. Coral in the ocean grows by budding, where the new organism grows out of the old
one by mitosis. This form of replication is an example of:
(a) meiosis to produce a zygote (b) asexual reproduction
(c) sexual reproduction (d) gamete formation
184 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
71. ________ most closely resembles events of mitosis except that the cells are ________.
(a) interphase, diploid (b) meiosis II, diploid
(c) interphase, haploid (d) meiosis II, haploid
72. Which of the following is not alive, but requires life to be able to reproduce?
(a) Eubacteria (b) Fungae
(c) Protozoa (d) Viruses
74. A hormone that controls closure of stomata in response to water stress is-
(a) Abscissic acid (b) Gibberellins
(c) Proline (d) Ethylene
75. Which of the following plays the important role in the maturation of spermatocyte
outside the seminal vesicle of testis-
(a) Leydig Cells (b) Sertoli Cells
(c) Sperms (d) Spermatocytes
76. Among the following which phytohormone increases the femaleness tendency in plants-
(a) GA (b) IBA
(c) Ethylene (d) Kinetin
77. Which hormone is related with á-amylase activity in germinating seeds-
(a) GA (b) Kinetin
(c) Auxin (d) ABA
78. The amino acid which help in osmo regulation during stress condition is-
(a) Proline (b) Alanine
(c) b-glycine (d) Both a&c
79. The plants are termed as halophytes if they are growing in soil having salt concentration
(a) 0.1 % (b) 0.2 %
(c) 0.4 % (d) 0.5 %
84. Which of the following vitamins, if taken in excess is least likely to cause problems in
a healthy person?
(a) Vitamin A (b) Vitamin B
(c) Vitamin C (d) Vitamin D
85. When a muscle contracts, what is happening to the Ca++ levels inside and outside the
(a) High amounts of cytosolic Ca++ are released to the extracellular space
(b) Ion channels open to allow extracellular Ca++ to flow into the cell
(c) Ca++ from the nucleus is released to the cytoplasm and this triggers contraction
(d) Ca++ ions attach stoma and this causes muscle contraction
88. The nutritional medium was supplied to growing bacteria. If whole nutrient get
depleted in 20 cycles, then stage at which the amount of nutrient was half used-
(a) At end of 10 cycle (b) At beginning of 19 cycle
(c) At end of 19 cycle (d) At end of 11 cycle
89. Phytohormone responsible for conversion of stored proteins into glucose in germinating
cereals is-
(a) Cytokinin (b) Auxin
(c) Gibberellin (d) Abscissic Acid
90. Direct oxidation of peroxides in plants is carried our by-
(a) Superoxide Dismutase (b) Glutathione Synthase
(c) Catalase (d) Peroxidase
91. A strong peptide bond is present in arginine and aspartic acid. This Bond will be weak
if arginine is being replaced by-
(a) Glutamic Acid (b) Lysine
(c) Histidine (d) Proline
186 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
93. Pepsin which digest protein donot digest the cells of intestine because-
(a) Intestine cells do not have proteins
(b) Half life of pepsin is very low
(c) Pepsin acts only in acidic pH
(d) Pepsin do not digest intestine proteins
94. During nerve impulse when acetyl choline binds receptors, there is-
(a) In flow of Na & K ions
(b) In flow of Na and outflow of K ions
(c) In flow of K ions and outflow of Na ions
(d) In flow of K and H ions
95. Cellulose digester digest cellulose of fermentation. Fore gut fermentors such as rabit
and elephant ferment before intestine while hind gut digestor like deer ferment in
large intestine. It suggest that-
(a) Hind gut fermentor are effective digestor of Cellulose
(b) Fore gut fermentor are effective digestor of Cellulose
(c) Both hind gut & fore gut fermentor are effective digestor of Cellulose
(d) Cellulose digestion do not depend on gut position
97. Which hormone is present in high amount during pregnancy in urine and used for
pregnancy test-
(a) hCG (b) Progestrone
(c) Estrogen (d) Relaxin
• Five thousand years ago or earlier, people were using applied genetics in the form of
plant and animal breeding. The foundation for the science of genetics was laid in
1866, when Gregor Mendel used varieties of peas to conduct experiments on
inheritance. Mendel’s research was ignored until the turn of the twentieth century.
1866. His data challenged the blending concept, but he was ahead of his time. His
theory was ignored, perhaps because his biological peers were not accustomed to
reviewing mathematical data. Even Darwin, whose evolutionary theory rests on genetic
variation among individuals, failed to understand Mendel’s point and relied on the
blending concept.
• In 1900, Hugo de Vries, Karl Correns, and Erich von Tschermak each independently
published papers on the quantitative outcomes from crosses. Each cited Mendel’s
then rediscovered 1866 paper. By 1900, meiosis had been described and Mendel’s
ideas were finally accepted.
• True-breeding plants, when used for crossing with other plants that have an alternative
trait, are called the parental generation, designated P. The progeny from the cross of
the P parents are called the first filial generation, designated F 1 . When F 1 individuals
are crossed to each other or self-fertilized, their progeny are designated F2 .
• Mendel’s well-organized plan allowed him to observe and record the traits of each
generation in sufficient quantity to explain through analysis the relative proportions
of the kinds of progeny. His paper is recognized today as a model of clarity.
Genetics 189
• The F1 seeds were all spherical; the wrinkled trait failed to appear at all. Because the
spherical trait completely masks the wrinkled trait when true-breeding plants are
crossed, the spherical trait is called dominant, and the wrinkled trait is called recessive.
• The F1 plants were allowed to self-pollinate. This step was the monohybrid cross.
This is also called an F1 cross. Self-pollination is sometimes called selfing.
• The progeny, called F 2 , were examined: 5,474 were spherical and 1,850 were wrinkled
in ratio 3:1
• Mendel proposed that the units responsible for inheritance were discrete particles.
They existed within an organism in pairs, separated during gamete formation, and
retained their integrity. This is called the particulate theory, which is in sharp
contrast to the blending theory. Each pea has two units of inheritance for each
character. During production of gametes, only one of the pair members for a given
character passes to the gamete. When fertilization occurs, the zygote gets one from
each parent, restoring the pair.
• Mendel’s units of inheritance are now called genes. Different forms of a gene are
called alleles. Each allele is given a symbol. In the case of wrinkled seeds, S might
represent smooth and s wrinkled. By convention, uppercase S represents the dominant;
lowercase s represents the recessive.
• True-breeding individuals would have two copies of the same allele. Wrinkled would
be ss (two copies of same allele = homozygous). Smooth true-breeding would be SS
(two copies of same allele = homozygous). Some smooth-seeded plants could be Ss,
although they would not be true-breeding. Individuals that are smooth, but had a
wrinkled parent, are heterozygous: Ss.
• When an organism is studied for three different genes and has the alleles AABbCC, it
is homozygous for A and C genes but heterozygous for the B gene.
190 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
• When fertilization occurs, pairs are reestablished by receiving one copy from each
• The Punnett square is a simple box-like device that helps us to consider all genetic
combinations and can provide clarity by showing the expected frequencies of genotypes.
The S and s symbols represent the single allele each gamete receives. Fertilization
provides the two alleles for the new individual, one from the male (sperm) and one
from the female (egg).
• The Punnett square shows that the genotypes and associated ratios for a monohybrid
cross are 1 SS: 2 Ss :1 ss.
• Any progeny with an S would have the dominant (smooth) phenotype, so the phenotypic
ratio is 3 smooth to 1 wrinkled.
• Now it is known that a gene is a portion of the chromosomal DNA that resides at a
particular site, called a locus (plural is loci). The gene codes for a particular function.
Mendel arrived at the law of segregation with no knowledge of meiosis or chromosomes.
The mechanism of chromosome separation in meiosis I today explains his law of
Genetics 191
Mendel’s second law says that alleles of different genes assort independently
• The second law describes the outcome of dihybrid (two character) crosses, or hybrid
crosses involving additional characters. A dihybrid is an individual that is a double
heterozygote (e.g., with the genotype SsYy).
• Mendel’s second law states that the Ss alleles assort into gametes independently of
the Yy alleles. The dihybrid, SsYy, produces gametes that have one allele of each
gene. Four different gametes are possible and will be produced in equal proportions:
192 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
SY, Sy, sY, and sy. Random fertilization of gametes yields the outcome visible in the
Punnett square. Note its 4 × 4 table construction to accommodate 16 possible
phenotypes. Filling in the table and adding the like cells reveals a 9:3:3:1 ratio of the
four possible phenotypes (smooth yellow, smooth green, wrinkled yellow, and wrinkled
green). The law of independent assortment states that alleles of different genes
assort independently of one another during gamete formation.
• In fact, this law is not always true. The law of independent assortment is accurate for
genes that are on separate chromosomes, but not necessarily for genes that are on
the same chromosome (due to Linkage).
• Genes that are close to each other on the same chromosome tend to stay together, but
crossing over during meiosis may separate them. The closer together on the same
chromosome genes are, the more they tend to stay together.
(dihybrid) cross of SsYy generates 1/4 SS, 1/2 Ss, 1/4ss, and 1/4 YY, 1/2 Yy, 1/4 yy. The
probability of the SSYy genotype is the probability of the SS genotype, which is 1/4,
times the probability of the Yy genotype, which is 1/2. This would be 1/8 (1/4 × 1/2).
I. Linkage
If two different genes are located relatively close to each other on the same chromosome they
can not segregate independently. Term centimorgan (cM) is used in eukaryotic genetics
and map unit/Morgan in microbial genetics. The numbers of linkage groups are equal to
number of haploid sets of chromosomes. But in XX-XY type of organisms, number of linkage
groups will be one more in male than in the female as in male X and Y both are different
• Cis – tans arrangement of genes: If the dominant alleles A, B of two linked genes
are present on the same chromosome and their recessive alleles are present on the
homologous chromosomes, the arrangement of genes is called cis-arrangement.
On the other hand, if one dominant gene and other recessive gene are present on the
same chromosome (A,b) and their alleles type (a,B) on the homologous chromosome,
this type of arrangement is called trans-arrangement.
194 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
Number of recombinats
• Recombination Frequency = × 100
Total progeny
• Several ascomycetes fungi (e.g., Neurospora) produce asci, which hold the haploid
ascospores produced after meiosis in a specific linear order, an ordered tetrad. This
order reflects the organization and chromatids involved in recombination (crossover)
at meiosis.
• Maximum recombination frequency possible is 50 %.
• Crossing over is absent in case of male Drosophilla and female Bombyx mori (silkworm)
Crossing over take place at chaismata. These are physical structures involving two chromatids.
Not surprisingly the presence of one chaismata in a particular chromosome region can reduce
the frequency of others forming close to it. This is termed as interference.
• The extent of interference is calculated as coefficient of coincidence (S), which is
equal to observed number of double crossover divided by the expected number of
double crossover.
• Coefficient of Interference is 1 minus coff of coincidence (1 – S). If it comes to be
positive values interference is termed as positive while if the value is negative it is
termed as negative interference.
II. Dominance
Mendel actually investigated complete dominance, i.e. dominant gene totally masks the recessive.
A. Incomplete dominance
A blending of the effects of two alleles which creates an intermediate form. E.g. RR – red,
rr – white, Rr – pink. At first this appears to be blending inheritance – but use a Punnett square
to predict the colors obtained from crossing two pinks (Rr).
B. Codominance
Both genes are expressed, e.g. human AB blood types.
V. Pleiotropy
One allele can affect two or more traits. E.g. sickle cell anemia is caused by a single mutation
in the hemoglobin gene. It produces a number of effects.
Genetics 195
• Differences in alleles of genes are slight differences in the DNA sequence at the same
locus, which result in slightly different protein products. Some alleles are not simply
dominant or recessive. There may be many alleles for a single character or a single
allele may have multiple phenotypic effects.
alleles. Even if more than two alleles exist in a population, any given individual can
have no more than two of them: one from the mother and one from the father.
low land tropical areas where malaria is common. Sickle-celled individuals suffer
from a number of problems, all of which are pleiotropic effects of the sickle-cell allele.
Another example is the coloration pattern and crossed eyes of Siamese cats, which
are both caused by the same allele. These unrelated characters are caused by the
same protein produced by the same allele.
• Dominant alleles are necessary at both the A and B loci to produce purple pigment.
Both enzyme reactions, A and B, must take place. Such genes are called complementary
genes. A Punnett square for the dihybrid cross, with Xs drawn through the boxes of
offspring that cannot produce pigment, shows clearly the 9 purple:7 white ratio.
• Polygenic inheritance is a pattern responsible for many features that seem simple on
the surface. Many traits such as height, shape, weight, color, and metabolic rate are
governed by the cumulative effects of many genes. Polygenic traits are not expressed
as absolute or discrete characters, as was the case with Mendel’s pea plant traits.
Instead, polygenic traits are recognizable by their expression as a gradation of small
differences (a continuous variation). The results form a bell shaped curve, with a
mean value and extremes in either direction.
• How do we determine the order and distance between the genes that are located on
the same chromosome? A system was first developed in Thomas Hunt Morgan’s fly
lab in 1909. The biological model used was the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster,
which is still used today in chromosomal studies.
• Apart from gametes, most human cells contain two full sets of genetic information,
one from the mother and the other from the father. Eukaryotes have more than one
chromosome, and the number varies from organism to organism; for example, humans
have 46 and horses have 64. Each eukaryotic chromosome consists of a single, double-
stranded molecule of DNA; the molecule is extremely long relative to the size of the
cell. Many proteins associate with the DNA molecule. After the DNA of a chromosome
replicates during S phase, each chromosome consists of two joined chromatids. The
two chromatids are joined at a region called the centromere.
still package it. Interphase chromosomes are wrapped around proteins called histones.
These wraps of DNA and histone proteins are called nucleosomes (11nm diameter)
and resemble beads on a string.
• There are five classes of histones. The core of a nucleosome contains eight histone
molecules, two each from four of the histone classes. There are 146 base pairs of
DNA wrapped around the core, or 1.65 turns of DNA. One molecule from the remaining
histone class, histone H1, clamps the DNA to the core, and helps form the next level
of packaging.
• During mitosis and meiosis, the chromatin becomes even more coiled and condensed.
serves as a template for protein synthesis. Transfer RNA (tRNA) is the link between
the code of the mRNA and the amino acids of the polypeptide. The tRNA molecules
specify the correct amino acid.
• The number of different codons possible is 64, because each position in the codon can be occupied by one
of four different bases. Four possibilities for the first base, times four for the second, times four for the third
yields 64 possibilities. The 64 possible codons code for only 20 amino acids and the start and stop signals
found in all mRNA molecules. AUG, which codes for methionine, is called thestart codon. The start codon
initiates translation. Three of the possible codons are stop codons (UAA, UAG, and UGA). Stop codons
direct the ribosome to stop reading the mRNA since there is no t-RNA for them; that is, they end translation.
Transfer RNA’s carry specific amino acids and bind to specific codons
• Specific tRNA molecules function as adapters. Each carries an amino acid, associates
with mRNA molecules, and interacts with ribosomes. A tRNA molecule has 75 to 80
Genetics 205
and an mRNA molecule. This complex is bound to a region upstream (toward the 5'
end) of where the actual reading of the mRNA begins. The start codon (AUG) for
methionine (formyl methionine in prokaryotes) designates the first amino acid in all
proteins. (However, some proteins are trimmed after synthesis, and the methionine
is thereby removed). In eukaryotes initiator codon AUG lies within consensus
sequence known as Kozak sequence. The large subunit then joins the complex. The
process is directed by proteins called initiation factors, which use GTP as an energy
Posttranslational Events
• Some proteins require additional modification after synthesis before they become
functional. New chemical groups might be added to the protein, it might be folded
(with the assistance of other proteins), or it might get trimmed. Most of such mechanism
occurs in golgi complex and to some extent in lumen of ER.
208 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
Degradation of proteins
• Selective destruction of proteins involves ubiquitin, a small protein found universally
in eukaryotes (but not in prokaryotes). By an ATP dependent reaction its –COOH
terminal group becomes linked e-NH2 of the side chain of lysine residues of its target
Genetics 209
protein and once attached, that protein is marked for destruction. Proteasome present
in cytosol degrades the ubiquitin tagged protein. Chaperons also appears to play a
role in targeting protein in destruction.
• Lysosomes may participate in the destruction of longer lived structural protein.
They are also responsible for the autolytic destruction of cell during the development.
The disappearance of tadpole’s tail is example of this.
Barr body
Located inside the nuclear envelope, it is a densely staining object that is an inactivated X
chromosome in female mammalian cells. Most Barr body genes are not expressed. They are
reactivated in gonadal cells that undergo meiosis to form gametes. Female mammals are a
mosaic of two types of cells, those with an active maternal X and those with an active paternal
X. Which of the two Xs will be inactivated is determined randomly in embryonic cells. After an
X is inactivated, all mitotic descendants will have the same inactive X. As a consequence, if a
female is heterozygous for a sex-linked trait, about half of her cells will express one allele and
the other cells well express the alternate allele. Examples of this type of mosaicism are coloration
in calico cats and normal sweat gland development in humans. A woman who is heterozygous
for this trait has patches of normal skin and patches of skin lacking sweat glands.
• X chromosome inactivation is associated with DNA methylation. Methyl groups
(-CH3) attach to cytosine, one of DNA’s nitrogenous bases. Barr bodies are highly
methylated compared to actively transcribed DNA. What determines which of the
two X chromosomes will be methylated? A recently discovered gene, XIST is active
only on the Barr body. The product of the XIST gene, X-inactive specific transcript, is
an RNA; multiple copies of XIST attach to the X chromosome inactivating it.
Wild-type Neurospora were treated with a mutagen, an agent that causes changes in
the DNA. After treatment, they were grown in a complete medium. When testing
some of the treated strains, some were found that could no longer grow on minimal
medium, but instead needed certain supplements. These nutrient-requiring auxotrophs
were assumed to have mutated. For each auxotrophic strain, Beadle and Tatum were
able to find a single compound that could support its growth. One group of mutants
needed arginine to grow. Mapping studies established that some of these arg mutations
are at different loci, and therefore are in different genes. Beadle and Tatum
demonstrated that these different mutants had defective genes for the same
biochemical pathway, the pathway leading to arginine synthesis.
• If the gene defect affected earlier enzyme steps in the pathway, several different
substances could substitute for arginine. If the defect was for the enzyme step just
before arginine synthesis, only arginine could substitute. Beadle and Tatum thus
postulated the one gene, one enzyme hypothesis.
• Later it was learned that some enzymes are composed of different subunits coded for
by separate genes. The one gene, one enzyme hypothesis was later changed to the one-
gene, one-polypeptide hypothesis. Even this hypothesis requires modification because
some genes code for RNA molecules that are never translated into polypeptides.
subunits of hemoglobin. The red blood cells collapse when oxygen levels are low.
Missense mutations might reduce the functioning of a protein or disable it completely.
• Nonsense mutations are base substitutions that cause a change from a codon that
instructs the incorporation of an amino acid to a codon that terminates translation.
• A frame-shift mutation is when a single base is inserted or deleted in a gene. This
causes the most disruption when the event occurs at or near the beginning of the
template. This type of mutation shifts the code, changing many of the codons to
different codons. These shifts almost always lead to the production of nonfunctional
Chromosomal mutations are extensive changes in the genetic material
• DNA molecules can break and re-form. This can cause four different types of mutations:
deletions, duplications, inversions, and translocations. Deletions are a loss of a
chromosomal segment. Duplications are a repeat of a segment. Breaking and rejoining
leads to inversions if segments get reattached in the opposite orientation.
Translocations result when a portion of one chromosome attaches to another.
Translocations can be reciprocal or nonreciprocal. Translocations can make synapses
in meiosis difficult and can lead to aneuploidy (too many or too few chromosomes).
Human Disorders due to Chromosome Alterations
• Trisomy 21 (Down Syndrome): Affects on average one out of 700 children born in
USA. individuals are short in stature, suffer varying degrees of mental retardation
and are susceptible to a variety of diseases (leukemia, Alzheimer’s) Higher incidence
of Down’s children born to mothers over 35 years old.
• Trisomy 18 (Edward Syndrome)
• Trisomy 13 (Patau Syndrome)
• Klinefelter Syndrome (XXY): occurs one in every 2000 births. male sex organs,
but individuals are sterile and have feminine body characteristics
• Turner Syndrome (XO): females are monosomic for X chromosome, normal
intelligence but do not fully develop secondary sex characteristics are puberty., short
in stature
Structural Alterations
• “Cri du Chat” is result of deletion of a region of chromosome 5: Individuals are
mentally retarded and have a cry that sounds like a cat.
• Chromosomal Translocations: associated with some diseases e.g.. Translocation
of a part of chromosome 22 with a part of chromosome 9 results in chronic
myelogenous leukemia (Philadelphia 22).
• DNA polymerase sometimes makes errors in replication. These errors are often
repaired by the proofreading function of the replication complex, but some errors
escape and become permanent.
• Meiosis is imperfect. Nondisjunction can occur. Random chromosome breaks
rejoin incorrectly, leading to translocations.
• Induced mutations are permanent changes caused by some outside agent.
• Some chemicals alter covalent bonds in nucleotides. Nitrous acid deaminates
cytosine, converting it to uracil. DNA polymerase mistakes uracil for thymine
and puts an A in during replication instead of the G that would have been
incorporated otherwise.
• Benzoapyrene, a product of incomplete combustion, which is found in all smoke,
adds a large chemical group to guanine, making it unavailable for base pairing.
Any base might be inserted to fill the gap.
• Radiation damages DNA. Ionizing radiation (X rays) produces highly reactive
compounds and atoms called free radicals. Gamma rays also produce free radicals.
Free radicals can alter bases or break the sugar–phosphate backbone, causing
chromosomal abnormalities. Ultraviolet radiation is absorbed by pyrimidines in
the DNA, and when two thymines or two cytosines are next to each other on the
same strand of a double-stranded DNA molecule, a covalent bond can form.
Their interstrand covalent bonds make the DNA unreplicable.
• The long-term benefit of mutations is that they provide a genetic diversity for
evolution and account for all the differences between and within organisms,
excluding the effect of different environments. The detriment of mutation is the
outright death or poor fit of an organism to its environment.
Three main kinds of transposition are non-replicative transposition, replicative
transposition, and retroposition. In all three, a duplication (direct repeat) in donor DNA is
generated that is a few base pairs long.
All elements that carry reverse transcriptase, whether transposable or not. They fall into
several categories.
• Retroviruses
Their minimal gene content consists of the gag gene encoding the viral capsid, the
pol gene encoding replication functions including reverse transcriptase, and the env
gene encoding the envelope.
• Retrotransposons
They do not have an env gene, thus they cannot undergo proper packaging. Examples
are copia, gypsy, and Ty1
• Retroposons
Like retrotransposons, but they lack LTRs. Examples include LINEs (long interspersed
nucleotide elements) in mammals.
Genetics 217
• Retrons
They have no LTRs, and encode only the reverse transcription function. They occur
in bacteria and in the mitochondrial genome of plants, do not excise, and thus form
part of the genome.
• (Processed) retrosequences
Are genomic DNA sequences that are similar to other, intron-carrying genes, but are
characterized by lack of introns, boundaries corresponding to transcribed regions of a
gene, stretches of poly-A at 3'-end , short direct repeats at both ends, indicating past
transpotsition and no linkage with the original gene. The process of generating
processed retrosequences involves reverse transcriptase.
• They are often nonfunctional, because reverse transcriptase has a high error rate, no
regulatory signals are transposed & their 5' end is truncatd. Such non-functional
retrosequences are called retropseudogenes. Examples include SINE (short
interspersed nucleotide elements), LINE, and Alu elements (Alu is a retrosequence
derived from the 7SL RNA gene which is a part of the signal recognition particle.
• Some of these elements have acquired additional sequences, e.g., LINE elements
may have a reverse transcriptase. Functional retrosequences also exist. They are
called retrogenes. Examples are human phosphoglycerate kinase and muscle-specific
calmodulin gene in chicken.
fundamental unit (monomer) of the nucleic acid polymer. There are four nucleotides:
those with cytosine (C), those with guanine (G), those with adenine (A), and those
with thymine (T).
• Molecular structure of three nirogenous bases. In this diagram, there are three
phosphates instead of the single phosphate found in the normal nucleotide.
that the mouse developed pneumonia and died. Bacteria recovered from the mouse
had a capsule and killed other mice when injected into them.
1. The dead S strain had been reanimated/resurrected.
2. The Live R had been transformed into Live S by some “transforming factor”.
Further experiments led Griffith to conclude that number 2 was correct.
• In 1944, Oswald Avery, Colin MacLeod, and Maclyn McCarty revisited Griffith’s
experiment and concluded the transforming factor was DNA. Their evidence was
strong but not totally conclusive. The then-current favorite for the hereditary material
was protein; DNA was not considered by many scientists to be a strong candidate.
• The breakthrough in the quest to determine the hereditary material came from the
work of Max Delbruck and Salvador Luria in the 1940s. Bacteriophage are a type
of virus that attacks bacteria, the viruses that Delbruck and Luria worked with were
those attacking Escherichia coli, a bacterium found in human intestines.
Bacteriophages consist of protein coats covering DNA. Bacteriophages infect a cell by
injecting DNA into the host cell. This viral DNA then “disappears” while taking over
the bacterial machinery and beginning to make new virus instead of new bacteria.
After 25 minutes the host cell bursts, releasing hundreds of new bacteriophage. Phages
have DNA and protein, making them ideal to resolve the nature of the hereditary
• In 1952, Alfred D. Hershey and Martha Chase conducted a series of experiments
to determine whether protein or DNA was the hereditary material. By labeling the
DNA and protein with different (and mutually exclusive) radioisotopes, they would be
able to determine which chemical (DNA or protein) was getting into the bacteria.
Such material must be the hereditary material (Griffith’s transforming agent). Since
DNA contains Phosphorous (P) but no Sulfur (S), they tagged the DNA with radioactive
Phosphorous-32. Conversely, protein lacks P but does have S, thus it could be tagged
with radioactive Sulfur-35. Hershey and Chase found that the radioactive S remained
outside the cell while the radioactive P was found inside the cell, indicating that DNA
was the physical carrier of heredity.
Diagrams illlustrating the Hershey and Chase experiment that supported DNA as
the hereditary material while it also showed protein was not the hereditary material.
220 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
Human Allelic Disorders (Recessive)
• The first Mendelian trait in humans was described in 1905 (brachydactly) by Dr.
Farabee (no relation to your author). Now more than 3500 human genetic traits are
• Albinism, the lack of pigmentation in skin, hair, and eyes, is also a Mendelian
human trait. Homozygous recessive (aa) individuals make no pigments, and so have
face, hair, and eyes that are white to yellow. For heterozygous parents with normal
pigmentation (Aa), two different types of gametes may be produced: A or a. From
such a cross 1/4 of the children could be albinos. The brown pigment melanin cannot
be made by albinos. Several mutations may cause albinism: 1) the lack of one or
another enzyme along the melanin-producing pathway; or 2) the inability of the enzyme
to enter the pigment cells and convert the amino acid tyrosine into melanin.
• Phenylketonuria (PKU) is recessively inherited disorder whose sufferers lack the
ability to synthesize an enzyme to convert the amino acid phenylalanine into tyrosine.
Individuals homozygous recessive for this allele have a buildup of phenylalanine and
abnormal breakdown products in the urine and blood. The breakdown products can
be harmful to developing nervous systems and lead to mental retardation. 1 in 15,000
infants suffers from this problem. PKU homozygotes are now routinely tested for in
most states. If you look closely at a product containing Nutra-sweet artificial
sweetener, you will see a warning to PKU sufferers since phenylalanine is one of the
amino acids in the sweetener. PKU sufferers are placed on a diet low in phenylalanine,
enough for metabolic needs but not enough to cause the buildup of harmful
• Tay-Sachs Disease is an autosomal recessive resulting in degeneration of the nervous
system. Symptoms manifest after birth. Children homozygous recessive for this allele
rarely survive past five years of age. Sufferers lack the ability to make the enzyme N-
acetyl-hexosaminidase, which breaks down the GM2 ganglioside lipid. This lipid
accumulates in lysosomes in brain cells, eventually killing the brain cells. Although
Genetics 221
rare in the general population (1 in 300,000 births), it was (until recently) higher (1 in
3600 births) among Jews of eastern central European descent. One in 28 American
Jews is thought to be a carrier, since 90% of the American Jewish population emigrated
from those areas in Europe. Most Tay-Sachs babies born in the US are born to non-
Jewish parents, who did not undergo testing programs that most US Jewish
prospective parents had.
• Sickle-cell anemia is an autosomal recessive we have discussed in other sections.
Nine-percent of US blacks are heterozygous, while 0.2% are homozygous recessive.
The recessive allele causes a single amino acid substitution in the beta chains of
hemoglobin. When oxygen concentration is low, sickling of cells occurs. Heterozygotes
make enough “good beta-chain hemoglobin” that they do not suffer as long as oxygen
concentrations remain high, such as at sea-level.
• Cystic fibrosis is common in whites of European descent (1 in 2500 affected), one
out of 25 whites is a carrier (4%), gene codes for chloride channel (defective gene due
to addition or delertion of extra TTT sequence results in mucous buildup in lungs)
• Patients with Alcaptonuria excreted copious amount of homogenitisic acid, which
has startling effect of coloring their urine black.
Human Allelic Disorders (Dominant)
• Autosomal dominants are rare, although they are (by definition) more commonly
• Achondroplastic dwarfism occurs, even though sufferers have reduced fertility.
• Huntington’s disease (also referred to as Woody Guthrie’s disease, after the folk
singer who died in the 1960s) is an autosomal dominant resulting in progressive
destruction of brain cells. If a parent has the disease, 50% of the children will have it
(unless that parent was homozygous dominant, in which case all children would have
the disease). The disease usually does not manifest until after age 30, although some
instances of early onset phenomenon are reported among individuals in their twenties.
-Incurable; brain deterioration leads to death. Gene is present on chromosome no 4
and there is addition of extra CAG sequences (normally 25 repeats are present)
at end of huntigtin gene.
• Neurofibromatosis: It is one of the most common autosomal dominant genetic
diseases in human. It is of two types namely NF1 and NF2. Individuals with this
disease develop sm all-pigm e n ted skin lesions calledcafé-au-lait spots and small soft
fleshy growth called neurofibromata, which are benign tumors. These appear during
adolescence and tend to increase with the age. The defective gene is NF1 located on
chromosome 17 abd codes a protein neurofibromin which acts as a tumor suppressor
protein while NF2 gene is located on chromosome 22 and encodes a protein called
merlin which like NF1 gene product act as tumor suppressor gene.
• Polydactly is the presence of a sixth digit. In modern times the extra finger has
been cut off at birth and individuals do not know they carry this trait. One of the
wives of Henry VIII had an extra finger. In certain southern families the trait is also
more common. The extra digit is rarely functional and definitely causes problems
buying gloves, let alone fitting them on during a murder trial.
Sex-linked Traits
• Color blindness afflicts 8% of males and 0.04 % of human females. Color perception
depends on three genes, each producing chemicals sensitive to different parts of the
222 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
visible light spectrum. Red and green detecting genes are on the X-chromosome,
while the blue detection is on an autosome.
• Hemophilia is a group of diseases in which blood does not clot normally. Factors in
blood are involved in clotting. Hemophiliacs lacking the normal Factor VIII are said
to have Hemophilia A, the most common form. Normal Factor VIII can be supplied at
a high dollar and health risk cost, although the development of biotechnologically
engineered Factor VIII produced by bacteria lessens the health risk. England’s Queen
Victoria was a carrier for this disease. The allele was passed to two of her daughters
and one son. Since royal families in Europe commonly intermarried, the allele spread,
and may have contributed to the downfall of the Russian monarchy (Czar Nicholas’
son Alexei suffered from hemophilia A inherited from his mother who carried Victoria’s
genetic secret).
• Muscular dystrophy is a term encompassing a variety of muscle wasting diseases.
The most common type, Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD), affects cardiac
and skeletal muscle, as well as some mental functions. DMD is an X-linked recessive
occurring in 1 in 3500 newborns. Most sufferers die before their 20th birthday. In
1987, Louis Kunkel claimed to have isolated a protein, dystrophin, present in normal
individuals (about 0.002 % of their muscle protein) but absent in two individuals with
DMD. The lack of dystrophin is accompanied with a condition of muscle hardening
known as fibrosis, which restricts blood supply to the muscle which then die.
• Other diseases X-Linked disease include Lesch-Nyann syndrome (Mutated
HGPTR gene) and Fragile X syndrome (Due to fragile site on X chromosome at site
Sex limited traits: The genes of these traits are autosomal and found in both sexes but
express in one sex only e.g., milk glands in female, beard in man, deep male voice, antlers in
male deers, brilliant plumage in peacock, female or male musculature etc. The expression of
these genes is affected by sex hormones.
Sex influenced traits: In contrast to sex limited genes where the expression of a trait is
limited to one sex only, sex influenced genes are those autosomal genes which are influenced
by the sex of a bearer e.g., pattern of baldness, short index finger in male. These traits appear
more frequently in one sex than in the other. The baldness is affected by male hormone
• Some diseases are multifactorial which means they are due to both genetic and
environmental components. Examples: heart disease, diabetes, cancer.
1. Which of the following chromosomal alterations would you expect to have the most
drastic consequences?
(a) inversion (b) duplication
(c) translocation (d) deletion
4. Tay-Sachs disease runs in Seema’s family. On a family pedigree, she saw a half-
darkened circle. This represented
(a) a male with Tay-Sachs (b) a female with Tay-Sachs
(c) a carrier male (d) a carrier female.
5. On a pedigree tracing the inheritance of PKU, a horizontal line joins a black square
and a half-black circle. What fraction of this couple’s children would you expect to
suffer from PKU?
(a) none (b) 1/4
(c) 1/2 (d) 3/4
6. Ram and Nidhi are apparently normal, but their daughter was born with alkaptonuria,
an inherited metabolic disorder. If alkaptonuria is like most human hereditary
disorders, the probability of their next child being born with alkaptonuria is
(a) 0 (b) 1/4
(c) 1/2 (d) 2/3
10. You set up an experiment in which you breed two populations of true-breeding pea
plants. The first true-breeding population has yellow round seeds and the second has
green wrinkled seeds. All of the F1 plants yield yellow round seeds. When you self
fertilize the F1 the F2 generation yields a mixture of yellow round, yellow wrinkled,
green round and green wrinkled seeds. What does this tell you about the alleles for
seed color and shape?
(a) the recessive alleles are always expressed
(b) the alleles are on different chromosomes
(c) the two alleles for each character segregate during gamete production
(d) both genes are on the same chromosome
11. You cross a true-breeding red-flowered snapdragon with a true-breeding white-flowered
one. All of the F1 are pink. What does this say about the parent traits?
(a) red and white are codominant
(b) red is dominant
(c) both red and white are recessive
(d) red and white show incomplete dominance
12. While on a field trip in the jungle you find a new species of mouse. You catch a pair
and take them back to the lab. In mice, black coat color, B, is dominant to brown b,
yet the female mouse gives rise to a large litter in which 9 of the offspring were
black, 3 were brown and 4 were white. You conclude that
(a) a new mutation has occurred in the mice
(b) this is an example of polygenic inheritance
(c) there must be an epistatic interaction influencing coat color
(d) the coat color alleles are codominant
13. A new breed of domestic cat, the Indian Curl Cat, has unusual curled-back ears.
When the owners of Shulamith, the foundation cat from which the breed arose, crossed
her with a normal straight-eared domestic cat in each of her litters roughly half of
the kittens had curled ears. When both parents are curl cats, all the kittens have
curled ears. What does this tell you about the curled-ear trait?
(a) curled ears and straight ears are codominant traits
(b) curled ears and straight ears are show incomplete dominance
(c) curled ears are dominant
(d) curled ears are recessive
Practice Test Paper–Genetics 225
14. John and Jesica are planning a family, but since each has a brother who has sickle
cell anemia, they are concerned that their children may develop sickle-cell disease.
Neither John, Jane nor their respective parents have the disease. They consult a
genetic counselor who tells them
(a) there is very little chance that any of their children will have sickle-cell disease
(b) that all of their children will have sickle-cell disease
(c) that one out of four of their children could be expected to have sickle cell-disease
(d) that its possible that none of their children will have the disease but blood tests
on them both will be required to make sure
17. Heart disease, diabetes, cancer, alcoholism and many mental illnesses can best be
described as:
(a) symptoms of a bad life-style
(b) infectious diseases caused by microorganisms
(c) multifactorial disorders with a possible polygenic component
(d) all symptoms of Huntingdon’s disease
18. The genetic disease cystic fibrosis is caused by a defective allele that
(a) produces a dysfunctional enzyme that fails to break down brain lipids.
(b) causes hemoglobin molecules to collapse.
(c) produces a defective chlorine-channel membrane transport protein.
(d) produces a neurotoxin
19. Huntington’s disease is an example of a genetic disorder caused by
(a) a late-acting lethal dominant allele
(b) a non-lethal dominant allele
(c) a late acting recessive allele
(d) homozygous recessive alleles
226 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
22. Human males are much more likely to be have hemophilia (a failure of blood to clot
properly) than human females. This is the case because
(a) hemophilia is a contagious disease to which males are more susceptible
(b) the gene for hemophilia is carried on the Y chromosome
(c) hemophilia is carried on the autosomes
(d) the gene for hemophilia is sex-linked
23. In a particular species of mammal black hair (B) is dominant to green hair (b) and red
eyes (R) are dominant to white eyes (r). If a BbRr individual is mated with a bbrr
individual the expected phenotypic ratio of the offspring is 1 black-red : 1 black-white:
1 green-red : 1 green-white. However, when you mate these individuals you find that
the phenotypic ratio of the offspring is 6 black-red : 1 black-white : 1 green-red : 6
green-white. What could account for this difference?
(a) The genes for hair color and the genes for eye color are carried on different
(b) The expected results did not take genetic recombination into account
(c) The genes for hair color and eye color are linked
(d) The genes for hair color and eye color show dependent assortment
24. In the problem no. 23 the observed F 2 generation distribution of offspring was: black-
red 1,070; black-white 177; green-red 180; green-white1072. Based on this data, what
is the recombination frequency ?
(a) 30 percent (b) 7 percent
(c) 17 percent (d) 14 percent
25. How many map units is a recombination frequency of 5 percent equal to?
(a) 2.5 centimorgans (b) 10 centimorgans
(c) 5 centisturtevants (d) 5 centimorgans
26. A linkage map
(a) orders genes on a chromosome based on recombination frequencies
(b) can only be constructed for sex chromosomes
(c) orders genes on a chromosome based on their location with respect to a stained
(d) shows the actual ordering and spacing of genes on a chromosome
27. A male bee is
(a) X Y (b) diploid
(c) hapliod (d) Z W
Practice Test Paper–Genetics 227
28. What is the probability that a male will inherit an X-linked recessive gene from his
(a) 0 (b) 25 percent
(c) 50 percent (d) 75 percent
29. Duchenne muscular dystrophy is caused by a sex-linked recessive allele. Its victims
are almost invariably boys, who usually die before the age of 20. Why is this disorder
almost never seen in girls?
(a) Sex-linked traits are never seen in girls
(b) The allele is carried on the Y chromosome
(c) Nondisjunction occurs in males but not in females
(d) In order to express an X-linked recessive, a female must have two copies of the
30. Which of the following human genetic disorders is sex linked?
(a) hemophilia (b) PKU
(c) cystic fibrosis (d) achondroplasia
31. A genetic defect in humans results in the absence of sweat glands in the skin. Some
men have this defect all over their bodies, but in women it is usually expressed in a
peculiar way. A woman with this defect typically has small patches of skin with sweat
glands and other patches where sweat glands are lacking. This pattern suggests the
phenotypic effect of
(a) a mutation
(b) chromosome inactivation
(c) RNA splicing
(d) an operon
32. Which of the following is correct with regard to aneuploidy?
(a) inversion
(b) 2n + 1
(c) All aneuploid individuals die before birth
(d) 4n
33. If a fragment of a chromosome breaks off and then reattaches to the original
chromosome but in the reverse direction, the resulting chromosomal abnormality is
(a) a deletion (b) an inversion
(c) a translocation (d) a nondisjunction
34. Why are individuals with an extra chromosome 21, which causes Down syndrome,
more numerous than individuals with an extra chromosome 3 or chromosome 16?
(a) There are probably more genes on chromosome 21 than on the others
(b) Chromosome 21 is a sex chromosome and 3 and 16 are not
(c) Down syndrome is not more common, just more serious
(d) Extra copies of the other chromosomes are probably fatal
228 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
35. Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes, while our closest relatives, chimpanzees,
have 24. Chromosome studies indicate that at some point early in human evolution,
two chromosomes simultaneously broke into a large portion and a small portion. The
large parts combined to form a large chromosome, and the small parts combined to
form a much smaller chromosome (which was subsequently lost). This important
chromosomal change could best be described as
(a) nondisjunction followed by deletion
(b) translocation followed by deletion
(c) duplication followed by deletion
(d) translocation followed by inversion
36. Each cell in an individual with Down syndrome contains ____ chromosomes.
(a) 47 (b) 22
(c) 24 (d) 45
37. Disorders involving unusual numbers of sex chromosomes show that maleness is
caused by the
(a) presence of an X chromosome
(b) presence of a Y chromosome
(c) absence of an X chromosome
(d) absence of a Y chromosome
38. A particular allele can have different effects if it was inherited from a male rather
than a female. This phenomenon is known as
(a) extranuclear inheritance
(b) genome imprinting
(c) sex-linkage
(d) Prader-Willi syndrome
45. Scientists have discovered how to put together a bacteriophage with the protein coat
of phage T2 and the DNA of phage T4. If this composite phage were allowed to infect
a bacterium, the phages produced in the host cell would have
(a) the protein of T2 and the DNA of T4
(b) the protein of T4 and the DNA of T2
(c) the protein and DNA of T2
(d) the protein and DNA of T4
47. The X-ray diffraction studies conducted by ______ were key to the discovery of the
structure of DNA.
(a) McClintock (b) Franklin
(c) Meselson and Stahl (d) Chargaff
230 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
51. If reciprocal cross to not yield equal result it suggest that characters are-
(a) X-linked (b) Autosomal
(c) Extra-chromosomal (d) None
52. The difference which distinguish prokaryotic cell from eukaryotic is-
(a) ER
(b) Mesosome
(c) Nuclear Membrane
(d) Plasma membrane
53. During crossing over, exchange of genetic material takes place between
(a) Two chromatids
(b) Two chromosomes
(c) the non-sister chromatids of the paired chromosomes
(d) Two sister chromatids of each homologue
55. During Mitosis suddenly the chromosomes starts moving toward the opposite poles
(a) Prophase (b) Metaphase
(c) Anaphase (d) Telophase
59. The introduced cells in a tissue culture are made to divide and form a mass of
undifferentiated tissue cells called callus by
(a) adjusting the ratio of auxin-cytokinin
(b) transferring the plantlets to pots in natural environment
(c) keeping the inoculated vessels at a desired constant temperature in an incubator
(d) solidifying the enriched mineral medium with agar
62. A technician wanted to make antibody specific for mouse IgM. Accordingly he injected
a rabit with purified mouse IgM and obtained an an antiserum that reacted strongly
with mouse IgG. Unfortunately, however antiserum was also found to react with
other mouse Ig classes. Such result would be obtained if antiserum contained antibodies
directed against-
(a) The variable region of heavy chain
(b) The constant region of heavy chain
(c) The Fc portion of Ig molecule
(d) The light chain of Ig molecule
65. Genetically engineered male sterile crops plants have been produced by inserting-
(a) Viral coat protein gene (b) Chitinase gene
(c) Barnase gene (d) Opaque Z-gene
66. How many mitotic division are required to produce 12 pollen grains in cyperaceae
(a) 2 (b) 6
(c) 3 (d) 12
67. Which plant is used as model system to study developmental genetics of zygotic
(a) Dacus carota
(b) Arabidposis thaliana
(c) Zea mays
(d) Nicotiana tobacum
68. Your friend has just returned from the exam hall looking very nervous. He was
asked to choose a method for separating 3 amino acids differing in their polar side
chains. This method he choose was paper electrophoresis-
(a) You tell him he choose the right technique since this is a method of choice for
separating amino acids with different polarities
(b) You tell him he chooses wrong technique relies on net charge
(c) You tell him he is wrong because this technique also depends on how strongly
the amino acids bind to paper
(d) You tell him he is safe as long as he chooses a separation technique used for
amino acids
70. How many Barr bodies would be present in the WBC of an individual with 49 XXXYY
(a) 1 (b) 3
(c) 2 (d) 5
72. When the human genome draft sequence was released, which was least expected-
(a) The large amount of repetitive DNA
(b) The size of total genome
(c) The size of individual chromosomes
(d) The small number of protein coding genes
Practice Test Paper–Genetics 233
73. In Sanger’s Method of DNA sequencing, the growing DNA chains are terminated
(a) DNA polymerase is not very processive
(b) A radioactive nucleotide is incorporated
(c) The substrates become limitation
(d) A phosphodiester bond can not be made
76. In a Sephadex gel filteration column, a mixture of albumin, lysozyme and thymidine
was loaded. In what sequence these will be eluted from the column-
(a) Albumin > Lysozyme > Thymidine
(b) Lysozyme > thymidine > Albumin
(c) Thymidine > albumin > Lysozyme
(d) Thymidine > Lysozyme > Albumin
77. Animal viruses cannot be seen under phase contrast microscope because-
(a) They do not have a defined morphology
(b) They are too small to be seen under microscope
(c) They do not have any envelop that make them transparent under microscope
(d) Since they have no color, they are not visible
78. You have homogenized plant tissue and would like to separate chloroplast from nuclei.
Which of the following methods would be most suitable-
(a) PAGE
(b) Equilibrium density gradient centrifugation on CsCl gradients.
(c) Differential centrifugation using sucrose gradients.
(d) Gel filtration.
82. Which of the following biochemical Rx is most commonly utilized by living cells to
propagate intracellular signals?
(a) Acylation (b) Phosphorylation
(c) Methylation (d) Decarboxylation
83. Suppression mutation results in restoration of wild type phenotype. The suppression
of mutant phenotype is usually brought about-
(a) By misreading of mutant codon and incorporation of a correct amino acid
(b) By insertion of anather copy of gene
(c) By revertion of mutation to wild type
(d) Any deletion of mutant gene
84 A mouse in which one particular gene has been replaced by its inactivated form
generated in vitro is called-
(a) Transgenic mouse (b) Nude mouse
(c) Knock out mouse (d) Mutant mouse
89. Which one of the following group of proteins will be most conserved among different
(a) Metabolism (b) Transcription
(c) Translation (d) Cell signaling
90. The following are samples of repetitive elements that are found in a typical eukaryotic
(a) r-RNA (b) t-RNA
(c) SINES and LINES (d) Microsatellite
91. Which sequence are best to evaluate the phylogeny of closely related mammals-
(a) Coding sequences
(b) Ribosomal proteins
(d) Centromeric and telomeric sequences
92. Leber hereditary optic neuropathy is an inherited condition what causes a loss of
central vision resulting from a mutation in mitochondrial DNA. What is the probability
of the children of a man with mutations in two genes and a woman with normal
mitochondrial DNA inheriting this disorder as carriers?
(a) 0 % (b) 100 %
(c) 50 % (d) 66.67 %
93. A contig from the genome sequence of Plasmodium falciparum, with a single start
codon when translated, was found to have high similarity with the enzyme
dihydrofolate reductase and thymidylate synthase. Which of following statement is
(a) It contains domains present in both proteins, but neither in two enzymes
(b) It is single bi-functional protein
(c) Both the protein share a common domain
(d) The protein is unrelated to both the enzymes. There is a problem with the
similarity search program used for the study
94. The consensus sequence of 5' and 3' splice junctions in eukaryotic m-RNA contains-
(a) GU-GA (b) GU-AG
(c) AG-GU (d) CG-AG
96. In an experiment involving polymerase chain reaction (PCR) you have started with
100 ng of primers and 1 ng of genomic DNA. After a number of cycles, the same
amount of amplified product was observed. Indicate which of the following is the
reason for observation-
(a) Enzymes gets inactivated
(b) Limitations of primers
(c) Degradation of template
(d) Substrate inhibition of enzyme
97. A genetic cross between two F1 -hybrid pea plants for spherical seeds will yield what
percent spherical-seeded plants in the F2 generation? (spherical is dominant over
(a) 100% (b) 75%
(c) 50% (d) 25%
98. A genetic cross between two F 1 -hybrid pea plants having yellow seeds will yield what
percent green-seeded plants in the F2 generation? Yellow seeds are dominant to
(a) 100% (b) 25%
(c) 50% (d) 75%
99. When true-breeding tall stem pea plants are crossed with true-breeding short stem
pea plants, all of the _________ plants, and 3/4 of the __________ plants had tall
stems. Therefore, tall stems are dominant.
(a) F1 , F2 (b) G1 , G2
(c) parental, F2 (d) F2 , parental
100. To identify the genotype of yellow-seeded pea plants as either homozygous dominant
(YY) or heterozygous (Yy), you could do a test cross with plants of genotype _______.
(a) y (b) Y
(c) yy (d) YY
Practice Test Paper-II
1. mRNA can be isolated by passing cell lysate through a column of oligo (dT)-Cellulose.
The method is example of-
(a) Partition chromatography
(b) Ion-exchange chromatography
(c) Affinity chromatography
(d) Adsorption chromatography
2. Which of the following is most commonly involved in globular shape of protein in
aqueous solutions-
(a) Hydrogen bonds (b) Disulphide bonds
(c) Salt bridges (d) Hydrophobic interactions
13. A culture of tetracycline sensitive bacteria was infected by a phage that is delivered
from the lysis of a tetracycline resistant bacterial strain. This results in development
of tetracycline resistant in the original culture. What phenomenon has occurred-
(a) Conjugation (b) Recombination
(c) Transformation (d) Transduction
14. If the molecular mass of amino acid is 150 dalton, the molecular weight of its tripeptide
will be-
(a) 450 (b) 486
(c) 504 (d) 414
15. If the number of heterozygous pairs involved in a particular cross is three, the
phenotype ratio obtained in their F2 generation will be-
(a) 9:3:3:1 (b) 27:9:9:9:6:6:3:3:1
(c) 27:9:9:9:3:3:3:1 (d) 1:2:1:2:4:2:1:2:1
18. Which of the following restriction enzymes produces blunt end DNA fragments-
(a) EcoR I (b) EcoR II
(c) EcoR V (d) Bam H1
20. Which of the common bases (A,C,G,T) if DNA has no oxygen in its structure-
(a) Thymine (b) Adenine
(c) Cytosine (d) Guanine
23. If parents have AB and O blood group, their offspring could be of-
(a) O grp only (b) A & B grp
(c) A, B, O grp (d) A, B, O and AB
24. Similar set of regulatory genes control development in Arabidopsis, Drosophila and
mice. These genes are called-
(a) Homologous genes (b) Heterologous
(c) Homeotic (d) Orthologous
36. In the B form of DNA, the paired bases are planar , parallel to one another and they
(a) Parallel to long axis of double helix
(b) Perpendicular to long axis of double helix
(c) Inclined to long axis
(d) Inverted in respect to long axis
39. The genomic size of E. coli is 4.6 X 10 6 bp, if a 6 base pair cutter is utilized to obtain
restriction fragments, then what will be total number of fragments obtained-
(a) 1.12 × 10 3 (b) 7.66 × 10 5
(c) 25 × 10 4 (d) 3.83 × 10 3
41. Natural absorption of UV by DNA is due to nucleotide base pairs which increase on
denaturation. They absorb maximum amount of UV wavelength of-
(a) 200 nm (b) 260 nm
(c) 280 nm (d) 355 nm
44. The best DNA markers utilized to differentiate different human individuals (to
establish paternity & divergence) are-
(a) Single Nucleotide Polymorphism
(b) Rest Fragment Length Polymorphism
(c) Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA
(d) Simple tandem repeats polymorphism
45. Which chemical group are present at the extreme 3’ ends of single polynucleotide
(a) Phosphate group (b) Hydroxyl group
(c) Oxo group (d) CH 2 OH
46. The template DNA strand utilized for DNA replication is-
(a) 5'-3' direction (b) 3'-5 direction
(c) Random (d) In both direction
47. The enzyme coded by allele IA transferase which adds N-acetyl glucasmine and blood
group is designated as A, similarly IB encodes transferase which adds galactose to
precursor sugar, similarly IO encodes transferase which adds-
(a) No sugar
(b) N-acetyl glucasamine
(c) Galactose
(d) Both galactose and N acetyl glucasmine
242 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
48. If two recessive mutations are alleles of different genes, then F1 progeny are wild
type, this is due to-
(a) Incomplete dominance (b) Complementation
(c) Supplementation (d) Co-dominance
49. Sexual differentiation in Drosophila is controlled by gene called sex lethal (sxl). The
genes sensing the number of x chromosomes are called as-
(a) Supernumery genes (b) Denominator genes
(c) Numerator genes (d) Sex sensing genes
53. Protein phosphoryation, dephosphorylation and proteolytic cleavage are examples of:
(a) posttranslational control
(b) transcriptional control
(c) translational control
(d) control of RNA processing
54. Steroid hormone receptors are involved in:
(a) control of RNA processing
(b) posttranslational control
(c) transcriptional control
(d) genomic control
55. Which of the following is NOT an example of genomic control of gene regulation?
(a) alternative RNA splicing
(b) DNA rearrangement
(c) gene deletion
(d) gene amplification
57. ______ is an allosteric protein that is inactive until it binds to_____ , thus activating
(a) RNA polymerase, cAMP (b) CRP, ATP
(c) CRP, cAMP (d) RNA polymerase, ATP
58. The trp leader sequence contains a control region that is sensitive to tryptophan
levels such that it determines whether transcription will continue to completion. The
effect of this control element in the trp operon in E. coli is known as:
(a) gene amplification (b) RNA splicing
(c) attenuation (d) repression
65. It is possible for a cell to make proteins that last for months; hemoglobin in red blood
cells is a good example. However, many proteins are not this long-lasting. They may
be degraded in days or even hours. Why do cells make proteins with such short
lifetimes if it is possible to make them last longer?
(a) Most proteins are used only once
(b) Most cells in the body live only a few days
(c) Cells lack the raw materials to make most of the proteins they need
(d) Only cancer cells, which can keep dividing, contain long-lasting proteins.
68. Imagine an error occurring during DNA replication in a cell, so that where there is
supposed to be a T in one of the genes there is instead a G. What effect will this
probably have on the cell?
(a) Each of its kinds of protein will contain an incorrect amino acid
(b) An amino acid will be missing from each of its kinds of protein
(c) One of its kinds of protein might contain an incorrect amino acid
(d) The amino acid sequence of one of its kinds of protein will be completely changed
69. How does RNA polymerase know where to start transcribing a gene into mRNA?
(a) Transfer RNA acts to translate the message to RNA polymerase
(b) It starts at a certain nucleotide sequence called a promoter
(c) The ribosome directs it to the correct portion of the DNA molecule
(d) It looks for the AUG start codon
70. All your cells contain proto-oncogenes, which can change into cancer-causing genes.
Why do cells possess such potential time bombs?
(a) Viruses infect cells with proto-oncogenes
(b) Proto-oncogenes are genetic junk and have no known function
(c) Proto-oncogenes are unavoidable environmental carcinogens
(d) Cells produce proto-oncogenes as a by-product of mitosis
71. In Eukaryotes, which of the following mechanisms of gene regulation operates after
mRNA transcription but before translation of mRNA into protein?
(a) mRNA splicing and editing (b) DNA packing
(c) repressors and activators (d) protein degradation
Practice Test Paper–Genetics 245
72. A cell biologist found that two different proteins with largely different structures
were translated from two different mRNAs. These mRNAs, however, were transcribed
from the same gene in the cell nucleus. Which mechanism below could best account
for this?
(a) Different systems of DNA unpacking could result in two different mRNAs
(b) A mutation might have altered the gene
(c) Exons from the same gene could be spliced in different ways to make different
(d) The two mRNAs could be transcribed from different operons
73. A particular ____ carry the information for making a particular polypeptide, but ____
can be used to make any polypeptide.
(a) gene and ribosome . . . a tRNA and an mRNA
(b) gene and mRNA . . . a ribosome and a tRNA
(c) ribosome and mRNA . . . a gene and a tRNA
(d) gene and tRNA . . . a ribosome and an mRNA
74 Which of the following processes occurs in the cytoplasm of a eukaryotic cell?
(a) DNA replication
(b) translation
(c) transcription
(d) DNA replication and translation
75. The nucleotide sequence of a DNA codon is GTA. A messenger RNA molecule with a
complementary codon is transcribed from the DNA. In the process of protein synthesis,
a transfer RNA pairs with the mRNA codon. What is the nucleotide sequence of the
tRNA anticodon?
(a) CAT (b) GUA
(c) CAU (d) GTA
76. The nucleotide sequence of a DNA codon is ACT. A messenger RNA molecule with a
complementary codon is transcribed from the DNA. In the process of protein synthesis,
a transfer RNA pairs with the mRNA codon. What is the nucleotide sequence of the
tRNA anticodon?
(a) TGA (b) UGA
(c) TGU (d) ACU
77. During the process of translation (polypeptide synthesis), ____ matches an mRNA
codon with the proper amino acid.
(a) a ribosome (b) DNA polymerase
(c) ATP (d) transfer RNA
78. A sequence of pictures of polypeptide synthesis shows a ribosome holding two transfer
RNAs. One tRNA has a polypeptide chain attached to it; the other tRNA has a single
amino acid attached to it. What does the next picture show?
(a) The polypeptide chain moves over and bonds to the single amino acid
(b) The amino acid moves over and bonds to the polypeptide chain
(c) The tRNA with the polypeptide chain leaves the ribosome
(d) A third tRNA with an amino acid joins the pair on the ribosome
246 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
79. A geneticist found that a particular mutation had no effect on the polypeptide coded
by a gene. This mutation probably involved
(a) deletion of one nucleotide
(b) alteration of the start codon
(c) insertion of one nucleotide
(d) substitution of one nucleotide
80. A mutagen is
(a) a gene that has been altered by a mutation
(b) something that causes a mutation
(c) an organism that has been changed by a mutation
(d) the portion of a chromosome altered by a mutation
81. There are thought to be about ____ genes in a human cell.
(a) 30 – 100 (b) 300 – 1,000
(c) 3,000 – 10,000 (d) 30,000 – 50,000
84. There is about 1,000 times as much DNA in a human cell as in an E. coli cell, but only
about 50 times as many genes. Why?
(a) A human cell has much more noncoding DNA
(b) The DNA packing is much more complex in a prokaryotic cell
(c) Most of the genes in a human cell are turned off
(d) E. coli are less able to respond to their environment than humans. Moreover,
this response confuses cause and effect
85. The difference between tandemly repetitive and interspersed repetitive DNA is that
(a) interspersed DNA is also referred to as satellite DNA
(b) interspersed repetitive DNA is found throughout the genome.
(c) most tandemly repetitive DNA are transposons
(d) most interspersed repetitive DNA is at the telomeres
86. Multigene families arise as a result of
(a) transformation
(b) errors during DNA replication and recombination
(c) RNA splicing
(d) protein degradation
Practice Test Paper–Genetics 247
90. The control of gene expression is more complex in multicellular eukaryotes than in
prokaryotes because
(a) eukaryotic cells are much smaller
(b) in a multicellular eukaryote, different cells are specialized for different functions
(c) prokaryotes are restricted to stable environments
(d) eukaryotes have fewer nucleotide, so each nucleotide sequence must do several
93. Linkage groups are equivalent to haploid set of chromosomes, if male butterfly has
12 linkage groups, then female will have-
(a) 12 (b) 11
(c) 13 (d) 6
248 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
96. Physically 1 map unit on linkage maps can be defined as length of chromosome in
which, average crossover formed during 50 cells undergoing meiosis is-
(a) 1 (b) 25
(c) 50 (d) 100
97. Assuming equal sex ratio, what is probability that a sib ship of four children consists
entirely of boys-
(a) 25 % (b) 12. 5 %
(c) 6.25 % (d) 3.125 %
98. The spindle fibres attach to each chromosome in the region technically known as-
(a) Centromere (b) Centriole
(c) Kinetochoere (d) Astrals
Evolutionary Biology
• Our planet and our solar system has a history of about 4.55 to 4.60 Ga (Ga = billion
years). Our solar system originated LONG after the origin of the universe in the Big
Bang about 10 to 15 billion years ago. Big Bang is a theoretical explosion of thick
concentrated cosmic matter that occurred 10,000-20,000 million years ago to form
our universe and 100,000 galaxies. It was suggested by Abbe Lemaitre (1931).
• All matter formed during the Big Bang consisted of the element hydrogen. The
hydrogen atoms had to undergo nuclear reactions in stars, and the stars had to explode
as supernovas, before heavier elements than hydrogen (such as carbon, the main
building block of life on Earth) came into existence. Our Sun did thus not originate
straight at the origin of the universe.
• Sun, earth and other stars are formed from Nebula (cosmic dusts and clouds of gases).
Nebular hypothesis of Kant is for origin of solar system. The origin of our universe
is 10-20 billion years (10,000-20,000 million years or 104 to 204 million years) old. The
universe has 1 lakh million (100000 million) galaxies and 10000 million stars in the
milky way.
• The Sun was not as hot as it is today. The amount of solar radiation reaching the
Earth was only 70-80% of that of today, because nuclear reactions in the Sun were in
an earlier stage – we know that from observations on other stars.
• At first there was no Moon. The chemical composition of Moon rocks and the way in
which the Moon moves together with the Earth around the Sun indicate that the
Moon was formed by the collision of a Mars-size asteroid with early Earth, probably
at some time during the big meteor bombardment that ended about 4 billion years
ago (4 Ga). The material from the core of the big asteroid was added to Earth, its
250 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
mantle moved on and formed the Moon. The Moon was closer to Earth after it
originated, so the tides were much more pronounced than today’s tides.
• The Earth’s rotation rate was faster because tidal friction resulting from the presence
of the Moon had not yet slowed it down. Days may have been between 8 and 14 hours
long. Growth rings in Paleozoic corals shows that even as recently as 450 million
years ago there were more than 400 days in a year (a year is the time that it takes
the Earth to circle the Sun). Earth in the beginning was a hot spinning ball with a
temperature of 5273-6273 Kelvin (5000-6000 °C). The continents were probably smaller
than today’s, with more ocean surface, especially more than 3 billion years ago.
• The atmosphere had a very different composition. Our atmosphere at the moment
consists for about 80% of dinitrogen gas (N 2 ) and 20% oxygen gas (O2 ), with traces of
other gases. CO2 (carbon dioxide) at the moment makes up about 360 parts per million
of the atmosphere (much less than 1%, which is one part per hundred). Before the
industrial revolution atmospheric CO2 levels were about 280 ppm.
• The early Earth’s atmosphere was different: there was no free oxygen gas. The primary
atmosphere of the Earth, inherited from the swirling cloud of gas from our solar
system formed, would have been dominated by hydrogen gas, H2 , with ammonia,
NH3 , and methane, CH 4 . Atmosphere was reducing and called atmosphere I. Present
atmosphere is oxidizing and is called atmosphere II and has about 21% oxygen.
• Hydrogen gas is too light for a planet with the size of Earth to hold by its gravity, and
the primary atmosphere would have been blown away by the violent radiation of the
Sun in its so-called T-tauri stage. A secondary atmosphere would then be supplied by
outgassing from the Earth’s interior; either rapidly (big - theory) or more gradual.
This secondary atmosphere consisted of dominantly CO2 (carbon dioxide), with some
N 2 (dinitrogen gas), H2 O (water vapor), minor CO (carbon monoxide), SO2 (sulfur
dioxide), and H2 S (hydrogen sulfide).
• Biopoiesis is the study of origin of life on earth. Cosmology is the study of universe
• Life originated in Archaeozoic era but first evidence of life is from Precambrian period
of Proterozole era in ocean about 3.6-4.2 billion years ago. Scientists have found
isotopes of carbon in 3.8 billion year old rocks in Greenland.
• Oldest record of fossils is 3200-3500 (3.2 to 3.5 billion) million years old. The oldest
recorded fossil is from the banded domes of calcareous sediments (Stromatolites) in
Zimbawe (Rhodesia). It is 2.9 billion years old. Age of fossils is determined either by
14 C dating technique or by amount of lead in a rock.
• Fossil evidence suggests that prokaryotes appeared at least 2 billion years before the
oldest eukaryotes
• Two distinct groups of prokaryotes, Bacteria and Archaea, diverged early, between 2
to 3 billion years ago. Photosynthetic bacteria started the production of oxygen about
2.5 billion years ago, setting the stage for aerobic life.
• Eukaryotes emerged some 2 billion years ago. Strong evidence supports the hypothesis
that eukaryotic cells evolved from a symbiotic community of prokaryotes.
Evolutionary Biology 251
• Plants, fungi, and animals arose from distinct groups of unicellular eukaryotes during
he Precambrian. Plants evolved from green algae. Fungi and animals arose from
different groups of heterotrophic unicells. Based on molecular evidence, fungi are
more closely related to animals than they are to plants.
• The oldest fossils of animals are those of soft-bodied invertebrates from about 700
million years ago. The basic body plans of most of the modern animal phyla probably
arose in the late Precambrian.
• The transition from the aquatic environment to land was a pivotal point in the history
of life. The first terrestrial colonization was by plants and fungi some 475 million
years ago (Paleozoic); the move may have depended upon a beneficial association
between the two groups. The transformation of the landscape by plants created new
opportunities for all forms of life.
• Origin of life and evolution of life are independent processes. Origin of life is a chemical
process and evolution of life is a biological process.
calamity) to kill almost all the living organisms and then God created new generation
or new life from inorganic matter.
• Theory of spontaneous generation (abiogenesis or autogenesis) states that living
beings are formed from rain, mud, air, dung and other decaying organic matter. Van
Helmont claimed to produce mice from human sweat.
• Theory of biogenesis (i.e. life from life, omnis vivum ex. vivo) was proved by Redi,
Spallanzani and Pasteur independently. They disproved (refuted) theory of
spontaneous generation (abiogenesis). Francesco Redi (1668) proved that flies could
not arise from putrefying meat without their eggs. Spallanzani (1767) demonstrated
that putrefaction of meat is due to microbes in the air and it can be prevented by
boiling and sealing the meat in air tight containers. Pasteur gave a definite proof of
life arising from pre-existing life using microbes and sterilization methods.
Stanley Miller and Harold Urey tested the Oparin/Haldane hypothesis by Experiment
Stanley Miller, a graduate student in biochemistry, built the apparatus shown here. He filled it
w ith water (H 2 O) methane (CH 4 ) ammonia (NH3 ) and hydrogen (H2 ) but no oxygen. He
hypothesized that this mixture resembled the atmosphere of the early earth. (Some are not so
sure). The mixture was kept circulating by continuously boiling and then condensing the water.
The gases passed through a chamber containing two electrodes with a spark passing between
them. At the end of a week, Miller used paper chromatography to show that the flask now
contained several amino acids as well as some other organic molecules. In the years since
Miller’s work, many variants of his procedure have been tried. Virtually all the small molecules
that are associated with life have been formed: 17 of the 20 amino acids used in protein synthesis,
and all the purines and pyrimidines used in nucleic acid synthesis. But abiotic synthesis of
ribose — and thus of nucleosides — has been much more difficult.
One difficulty with the primeval soup theory is how polymers — the basis of life itself —
could be assembled. In solution, hydrolysis of a growing polymer would soon limit the size it
could reach. Abiotic synthesis produces a mixture of L and D enantiomers. Each inhibits the
polymerization of the other. So, for example, the presence of D amino acids inhibits the
polymerization of L amino acids (the ones that make up proteins here on earth). This has led to
a theory that early polymers were assembled on solid, mineral surfaces that protected them
from degradation, and in the laboratory polynucleotides and polypeptides containing about ~50
units have been synthesized on mineral (e.g., clay) surfaces.
Controversy over Classical Oparin-Haldane Theory
The classical theory held that life originated as a result of such actions as lightning strikes,
putting energy into a strongly reducing atmosphere, which would result in the formation of
many of the ‘building blocks of life’ – as shown by the laboratory tests done by Miller. This
theory in its simplest form has run into major problems, and has been practically abandoned by
scientists mainly because of three lines of evidence.
1. The atmosphere was probably not by far as reducing as had been thought (no
free H2 , NH3 , CH 4 ), but more neutral. The reactions to organic material, fired by electric
discharge, will still take place in such an atmosphere, but at a much slower rate than in a more
reducing atmosphere. At such slow rates it is very difficult to build up a rather large reservoir
of organic building blocks, thus chances of getting enough bits and pieces to react to big molecules
are very small: in a very dilute soup – type ocean the molecules never meet in large numbers.
254 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
2. The time available for the development of the first living cells has been getting
shorter and shorter, much less than the billions of years envisaged. The big meteorite
bombardment that also hit the moon stopped only by about 4.0 Ga. Life developed earlier would
prbably have been obliterated by the impacts. Organic material that carries the carbon isotope
signature of having originated by photosynthesis has been dated at 3.85 Ga. The remains of not
only cell-like organisms, but of stromatolites, are dated at 3.5 Ga. Stromatolites are limestones
secreted by the actions of photosynthesizing bacteria: not just very simple semi-life forms were
around, but fairly complex bacteria that could perform the difficult reaction of photosynthesis,
i.e., Eubacteria. The secretion of limestone (CaCO3 ) was probably mediated by the chemistry
coupling of reactions 1 and 2
H2 O + CO2 ® CH 2 O + O2 (Reaction 1)
2 HCO3 – + Ca2+ ® CaCO3 + CO2 + H2 O (Reaction 2)
If organisms use up CO2 in photosynthesis (reaction 1), they drive at the same time
reaction 2 towards the right, thus causing precipitation of calcite.
3. RNA was probably the first genetic material: An RNA Beginning?
Much more is known about how incredibly chemically complex even simple organisms
(bacteria) are, and about the complexity of inheritance. All organisms alive today store and
transmit hereditary information in two kinds of molecules called DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid,
a double spiral shape) and RNA (Ribonucleic Acid, a single spiral shape). Both DNA and RNA
are made up of four kinds of subunits called nucleotides. Sequences of nucleotides make up the
genes, and direct the formation of proteins, on which all life depends. Proteins consist of 20
different subunits called aminoacids, and the sequence of the nucleotides on DNA and RNA
determines the sequence of the amino-acids in proteins. There are large parts of DNA, however,
that do not code for proteins and appears to have no function (‘junk DNA’). Such junk DNA
occurs in Archaebacteria and Eukaryotes, not in Eubacteria. The formation of the proteins is
helped along by enzymes, which function as catalysts (catalysts help a reaction along without
participating in it). We call the nucleotides and aminoacids the building blocks of life; both have
been found in meteorites. We have a chicken and egg problem: DNA and RNA “tell” the organism
how to make proteins, but these same proteins are needed to make DNA and RNA, by acting as
catalysts to form these big, complex molecules. DNA and RNA are very complex molecules and
it appears to be very difficult to let these originate from simple amino acids. But there is no way
in which we can get proteins to duplicate themselves.
More and more evidence has become available that helps in solving the chicken and egg
problem. It is now known that some molecules made of RNA, called ribozymes, can act as
catalysts in modern cells. That means, that such RNA molecules could have used bits and
pieces of themselves to help them to replicate, without any use of proteins. There may thus
have been a ‘RNA-world’ in which RNA could have performed the functions of both nucleic
acids (DNA, RNA) and proteins. The theory that the first proto-living things were RNA-only
organisms is becoming widely accepted (and is called the theory of the RNA-world).
Several other bits of evidence support this notion of an original “RNA world”: Many of the
cofactors that play so many roles in life are based on ribose; for example: ATP NAD FAD
coenzyme A cyclic AMP GTP. In the cell, all deoxyribonucleotides are synthesized from
ribonucleotide precursors. Many bacteria control the transcription and/or translation of certain
genes with RNA molecules (Link to “riboswitches”), not protein molecules.
Even so, we keep the problems of a not reducing (neutral, also not oxidizing) atmosphere,
and very little time to get to the first photosynthesizing bacteria. There are two main schools
of thought (with many variants), often combined in one way or another.
Evolutionary Biology 255
1. The original source-material for life was not really carbon-based “life”, but some form
of self-replicating crystal. We are looking at: different and innovative ways in which
we could have used different commonly occurring, natural compounds as some kind
of template, or even as a real part of earlier organisms. The most commonly cited
possible inorganic compounds are pyrite, FeS2 (positively charged surface); and clay
minerals ( negatively charged surface). The floating bits and pieces of ‘building blocks
of life’ could have become organized in patterns using the crystals as a template, and
they could have stuck first to the charged surface (the building blocks commonly
have a positively and a negatively charged end). Note that crystals (regularly shaped
structures) have the possibilities of carrying “information” in their irregularities
(similar to the supermarket bar codes).
2. We looked in the wrong place (warm, shallow pond). Reducing circumstances may
not have been average in the atmosphere, but may have occurred locally, around
volcanic hot springs, and the first forms of life may have been similar to chemosynthetic
bacteria. Nice extra: if life originated in rather deep water (no sunlight needed): no
problems with high rate of UV-irradiation in the absence of an ozone shield (no O2 ).
Additionally, many metals that are required in very small amounts because they play
a role in complex organic molecules (such as chlorophyll) are present in waters
streaming out of hydrothermal vents – e.g., iron, nickel, manganese, magnesium,
molybdenum, selenium, copper.
Photosynthesis (which generates free oxygen) originated in Prokaryotes (Bacteria and Archaea)
very early in Earth history: we have evidence from stromatolites that photosynthesis occurred
about 3.5 Ga ago. The photosynthesizing organisms were probably similar to the modern
cyanobacteria (formerly called blue-green algae), which are Eubacteria.
256 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
When photosynthesizing organisms first became common, the free oxygen gas that they
generated did not immediately start to accumulate in the atmosphere: there were many chemical
compounds around in the oceans and on land that were not stable in the presence of free
oxygen gas, and that became oxidized.The most common of ‘things’ to be oxidized were iron
(Fe) on land, and sulfur (S) in the oceans. Presently, iron occurs in Fe2 O3 (rust), sulfur occurs
in sulfate (SO4 2-) in the oceans. The free oxygen gas was thus used up in oxidation reactions for
a considerable time, and during this considerable time we think that the oxygen concentrations
in the atmosphere did not become higher than 1 or a few percent of the present atmospheric
level (PAL). Most evidence thus suggests that the Earth’s atmosphere (thought not necessarily
its oceans) had a level of oxygen equal to about 10-15% of its present levels around 2 Ga.
Important Points
• Azoic Era –Era of invisible life.
• Archaeozoic Era-Era of former life or era of early life.
• Proterozoic Era-Era of former life or Era of early life.
• Palaeozic Era-Era of old life or Era of ancient life.
• Mesozoic Era-Era of middle (life also called “age of reptiles”).
• Coenozoic Era-Era of recent life (also called “age of mammals, birds, insects and
• Ordovician Period: “age of invertebrates”-and origin of amphibians.
• Devonians Period: “age of fishes” and of origin of amphibians.
• Carboniferous Periods: “age of amphibians”-and origin of reptiles. Earliest reptiles
evolved in carboniferous period.
• First mammals appeared in Triassic periods.
• Jurassic Period: “age of Reptiles”.
• Holocene Epoch: “age of Man”.
Continental Drift
A body of evidence, both geological and biological, supports the conclusion that 200 million
years ago, at the start of the Mesozoic era, all the continents were attached to one another in
a single land mass, which has been named Pangaea.
This drawing of Pangaea (adapted from data of R. S. Dietz and J. C. Holden) is based on a
computer-generated fit of the continents as they would look if the sea level were lowered by
6000 feet.
Evolutionary Biology 257
During the Triassic, Pangaea began to break up, first into two major land masses: Laurasia
in the Northern Hemisphere and Gondwana in the Southern Hemisphere. The present
continents separated at intervals throughout the remainder of the Mesozoic and through the
Cenozoic, eventually reaching the positions they have today. Let us examine some of the
Evolutionary Biology 259
In both mineral content and age, the rocks in a region on the east coast of Brazil match
precisely those found in Ghana on the west coast of Africa. The low mountain ranges and rock
types in New England and eastern Canada appear to be continued in parts of Great Britain,
France, and Scandinavia. India and the southern part of Africa both show evidence of periodic
glaciation during Paleozoic times (even though both are now close to the equator). The pattern
of glacial deposits in the two regions not only match each other but also glacial deposits found
in South America, Australia, and Antarctica.
Fossil reptiles found in South Africa are also found in Brazil and Argentina. Fossil amphibians
and reptiles found in Antarctica are also found in South Africa, India, and China. Most of the
marsupial alive today are confined to South America and Australia. But if these two continents
were connected by Antarctica in the Mesozoic, one might expect to find fossil marsupials there.
In March 1982, this prediction was fulfilled with the discovery in Antarctica of the remains of
Polydolops, a 9-ft marsupial.
Rules to Remember
• Williston’s Rule: During evolution of lineage, serially homologue parts tend to reduce
in number but get more and more differentiated e.g. prawn’s leg.
• Cope’s Law: it states that warm blooded animals to increase in size during the long
course of evolution.
• Bergman’s law: it states that warm blooded animals become larger in the northern
and colder parts of their range.
• Allen’s law: It states that extremities (like pinnae, nose) of animals living in the
northern and colder parts of their range have reduced.
• Gause’s law: (Gause, 1934) or the Competitive Exclusion Principle (Hardin,
1960).it states that two species having same ecological requirements cannot to occupy
indefinitely the same habitat.
• Gloger’s rule: it state that among warm blooded animals those living in warm and
moist climate develop more melanin pigment (are darker than animals in cold, dry
climates) whereas forms in dry, hot climates have more yellow and red pigment.
• Jordan’s rules: temperature also influences the morphology of certain fishes and is
found to have some relation with the number of vertebrae. Fishes inhabiting water of
low temperature tend to have more vertebrae than those of warmer water.
260 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
1. Fossil Evidence
Fossils: Any body, body parts (traces) of animals and vegetables buried and preserved by natural
causes. Fossils are remains, traces or other direct evidence of past life forms. Most fossils form
from burial of plants and animals in sediment; soft parts are more often consumed or decomposed
but may leave imprints if buried rapidly. Most fossils are embedded in sedimentary rock,
weathered particles that provide strata from lower older layers to upper newer layers.
Paleontologists study the fossil record based on boundaries between strata, where one mix of
fossils gives way to another. Transitional links are intermediate between major groups. The
fossil record allows us to trace the history of the modern-day horse Equus. The earliest fossils
in this lineage is Hyracotherium , which was the size of a dog, with cusped low-crowned molars,
four toes on each front foot, three on each hind foot—all adaptations for forest living. When
forests were replaced by grasslands, the intermediates were selected for durable grinding teeth,
speed, etc.with an increase in size and decrease in toes.
Types of fossils
(i) Body fossils: hard part of organism such as shell, tooth, bone etc.e.g. bones of
(ii) Subfossils: Remains of animals and plants preserved in rocks less than 10,000 years
e.g. vision in frozen ice. Sub fossils were formed after the last ice age during Holocene
(iii) Microfossils: microscopic remains less than 0.5 mm or 1/50th inch.
(iv) Macrofossils: Larger than 1 cm in size.
(v) Unusual fossils: Sudden preservation of entire organism e.g. Solenhofen Limestone
of Southern Germany – containing fossils Archaeopteryx.
(vi) Coprolities: fossils of droppings of animal faecal matter. Large coprolities of
crocodiles, Dinosaurs etc.
(vii) Bioclast: Fossils of fragments of fossils enclosed in sediments. The term is usually
applied to thin sections of fossils under microscope.
(viii) Gastroliths: These are found in abundance in the body cavities of certain reptiles.
(ix) Pseudofossils: Many objects of inorganic origin closely resemble the forms of organic
origin and are found in sedimentary rock.
• Preservation in ice: Woolly mammoths from Siberia. The flesh is so well preserved
that it can be fed to dogs several thousand years. Discovered from Lena Delta in 1790
and Siberia in 1901.
• Fossils in petroleum springs and asphalts: Rancho La Brea now in Los Angeles.
• Fossils in resins and ambers: e.g. Fossil fly in amber from Baltic forests of Europe
during Oligocene period.
• Pterification of hard parts: Fossils are found in sedimentary rocks. Soft parts
disintegrate leaving the fossil porous. Water seeps into fossil and replaces the hard
262 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
part particle by silica or iron pyrite. The process of so gradual and slow that even the
outlines of cellular structure are preserved.
• This process of fossilization to preserve the finer details is known as histometabasis.
• Moulds and casts: The material surrounding the fossil hardens and preserves the
outer details. The actual bodies disintegrate and are removed by slippage of the ground
leaving the harden cavities called moulds. When moulds are filled with natural deposits.
They are called as casts e.g. fossils of Pompeii city buried in volcanic ash of mount
Vesuvious in A.D.79.
• Impressions: Impressions of leaves of plants, feathers of extinct birds, wing
membranes of flying reptiles, skin of dinosaur.
• Tracks and trails: The footprints or tracks left in the soft moist mud gets hardened
up e.g. tracks of amphibians discovered near Pittsburg, Germany from Pennsylvanian
• Mummies: Bodies of dead animals or plants become dehydrated in the deserts and
are preserved as mummies.
Law of Superposition: the lower strata of a geological formation were first to be
deposited and is the oldest.
Connecting links are those living organisms which exhibit the characters of two different
groups of organisms. For examples, protopterus between osteichthyes (bony fish) and amphibian;
Ornithor-hynchus between reptilian and mammalian; Peripatus between annelida and
arthropoda: Fritschiella between aquatic and land plants.
Pseudofossils – are the fossils like impressions formed on some rocks due to mineral
Missing links are those extinct organisms which possessed the characters of two different
groups of organisms. For ex. Archaeopteryx (lizard -bird) is a missing links between the reptiles
and the aves.
Synapsid reptiles were mammals like that gave rise to mammals. They had a single
temporal fossa on the lateral side of skull and heterodon teeth. They are extinct.
3. Mass Extinctions
Extinction is death of all members of species in wild; mass extinctions are extinctions of many
species in short time. Five mass extinctions in fossil record define end of:
(i) Ordovician
Evolutionary Biology 263
(ii) Devonian
(iii) Permian
(iv) Triassic
(v) Cretaceous
Following extinctions, remaining groups expand to fill habitats vacated by extinct species.
Extinction of dinosaurs at end of Cretaceous: Proposed in 1977 that Cretaceous extinction
was caused by asteroid impact. Cretaceous-Tertiary border has high level of iridium, rare in
earth’s crust but common in meteorites. Calculations of effects of nuclear bomb explosions
(“nuclear winter”) compare with worldwide climate cooling expected from large asteroid impact.
Worldwide layer of soot also defines iridium layer. Huge meteorite crater of correct age found
in Caribbean Ocean and Yucatan peninsula; suspected site of impact of meteor that resulted in
dinosaur extinction, Marine animal fossil record indicates mass extinctions occur every 26
million years; corresponds to movement of solar system within Milky Way galaxy.
The Alvarez Theory
Louis Alvarez, his son Walter, and their colleagues proposed that a giant asteroid or
comet striking the earth some 65 million years ago caused the massive die-off at the end of the
Cretaceous. Presumably, the impact generated so much dust and gases that skies were darkened
all over the earth, photosynthesis declined, and worldwide temperatures dropped. The outcome
was that as many as 75% of all species — including all dinosaurs — became extinct.
The key piece of evidence for the Alvarez hypothesis was the finding of thin deposits of
clay containing the element iridium at the interface between the rocks of the Cretaceous and
those of the Tertiary period (called the K-T boundary after the German word for Cretaceous).
Iridium is a rare element on earth (although often discharged from volcanoes), but occurs in
certain meteorites at concentrations thousands of times greater than in the earth’s crust.
After languishing for many years, the Alvarez theory gained strong support from the
discovery in the 90s of the remains of a huge (180 km in diameter) crater in the Yucatan
Peninsula that dated to 65 million years ago. The abundance of sulfate-containing rock in the
region suggests that the im pact generated enorm ous am ounts of sulfur dioxide (SO 2 ), which
later returned to earth as a bath of acid rain. A smaller crater in Iowa, formed at the same
time, many have contributed to the devastation. Perhaps during this period the earth passed
through a swarm of asteroids or a comet and the repeated impacts made the earth uninhabitable
for so many creatures of the Mesozoic.
4. Biogeographical Evidence
Biogeography is study of distribution of plants and animals throughout the world.Current
distribution of organisms reflects evolutionary history; organisms evolve in one location and
spread out into other regions; for example, no rabbits are found in South America—they
originated elsewhere and did not each South America. Physical factors, including location of
continents, limit population range.
Continental drift states that continents have slowly moved over time. Explains close puzzle-
piece fit of east coast of South America with west coast of Africa, and other continent edges,
distribution of seed ferns throughout southern continents. Explains distribution of early reptiles
across many continents from time when land was conjoined and divided distribution of mammals
that evolved after continents parted.
264 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
5. Anatomical Evidence
Many organisms share a unity of plan; for example, vertebrate forelimbs contain same sets of
bones used for different functions in bat wings, whale fins, etc. Simplest explanation is having
a common ancestor whose basic forelimb plan was modified in succeeding groups as each
continued along its own evolutionary pathway.
Homologous organs are those which are similar in origin and basic structure but are
adapted different to perform different functions e.g. fore limbs of vertebrates having pentadactyl
limb origin and similar resemblance in arrangement of bones, muscles etc. Other examples of
homologous organs include legs in different insects’ teeth of man, thorn of Bougainvillea and
tendril of Passiflora.
Analogous organ are those organs which do perform similar function but are different
in basic structure and origin. For example, wing of insect and wing of bird leaf of plant and
cladode of Rucus etc.
Vestigial structures are reduced and functionless anatomical features that are fully
developed and functional in other ancestral groups. Vestigial structures are evidence of an
organism’s evolutionary history. eg. , Flightless birds have vestigial wings, Snakes have remnants
of a pelvic girdle, Humans have a tail bone but no tail, Whale – femur (large bone). Related
species share embryological development.
(a) All vertebrates exhibit notochord during development.
(b) All vertebrates, including humans, exhibit paired pharyngeal pouches.
(i) In fishes and amphibians, these become functioning gills.
(ii) In humans, they become the eustachian tubes, middle ear cavity, tonsils, and
thyroid and parathyroid glands.
(c) Simplest explanation is that fish notochord and pharyngeal pouches are primitive
fish features and fish are ancestral to other vertebrates.
Development of all triploblastic animals starts from zygote undergoes similar changes
to form gastrula having 3 primary germ layers (ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm) which
have same fate in organogenesis. Earlier embryos of different vertebrates resembles in possessing
similar structures like gills slits, notochord, tail etc. Not this only in the course of development
at different stages an embryo looks like the embryo of different phyla form which the given
organism has evolved. It is the recapitulation theory (modified into Biogenetic law by Haeckel)
which states that “ontogeny repeats phylogeny”.
6. Biochemical Evidence
Almost all living organisms use the same basic biochemicals: DNA, ATP, many identical enzymes,
DNA triplet code, 20 amino acids, introns, and hypervariable regions. (Prokaryotes i.e. true
bacteria (Domain Eukarya), do not have introns. This points to a long period of time since all
living things shared common acestory. Similarity of biochemistry is explained by descent from
common ancestor.
DNA base sequences differences in DNA between a number of organisms shows less
difference the more closely related they are; for example, 2.5% difference between humans and
chimpanzees but 42% difference between humans and lemurs. Amino acid sequences of
cytochrome c show similarity between human and monkey, distance from human to duck and
greater distance to Candida yeast. Data are understandable assuming humans and chimpanzees
share a more recent common ancestor than do humans and lemurs, ducks, or yeast. Biochemical
evidence is generally consistent with anatomical similarity of organisms.
Evolutionary Biology 265
Populations: Without variation (which arises from mutations of DNA molecules to produce
new alleles) natural selection would have nothing on which to act. A population is a group of
individuals living in the same geographical area and sharing a common gene pool. The gene
pool is the sum of all genetic information carried by the members of a population.
All genetic variation in a population is generated by mutation. Mutation is any
heritable change in DNA. Mutations can be changes of a single nucleotide base or may involve
changes in chromosome number. Whether a mutation is good, neutral, or harmful depends on
how it affects survival and reproductive success.
Mutation Rate: Gene mutations result in new alleles, and are the source of variation
within populations. Gene mutations are ultimately behind the other mechanisms that provide
variation. Due to DNA replication and DNA repair mechanisms, mutation rates of individual
genes are low, but since each organism has many genes, and a population has many individuals,
new mutations arise in populations all the time. Thus, mutations are relatively common, and
the mutation rate is an adequate source of new alleles. High levels of molecular variation are
common in natural populations, although many mutations (usually recessive) are hidden. The
mutation rate varies greatly among species and even among genes of an individual. Mutations
are caused by errors in DNA replication, chemicals, or radiation. Large scale effects of mutation
result only when mutation is combined with other factors that reshuffle the gene pool. Selection
acts on individuals, not their individual genes. Sexual reproduction increases variation by
reshuffling the genetic information from parents into new combinations in their offspring.
Mutations produce new alleles.
1. Genetic Drift
Gene flow moves alleles among populations through interbreeding as well as by migration of
breeding individuals. Gene flow increases variation within a population by introducing new
alleles produced in another population. Continued gene flow tends to decrease the diversity
among populations, causing gene pools to become similar. Reduction or restriction of gene flow
between populations is essential for the development of new species. The frequency of alleles
can change from generation to generation as a result of chance alone in a small gene pool. This
phenomenon is known as genetic drift.
Random mating involves individuals pairing by chance, not according to their genotypes
or phenotypes. Nonrandom mating involves individuals inbreeding and assortative mating.
Inbreeding is mating between relatives to a greater extent than by chance; inbreeding can
occur if dispersal is so low that mates are likely to be related and does not change allele
frequencies, but it does decrease the proportion of heterozygotes and increase the proportions
of both homozygotes at all gene loci. Assortative mating occurs when individuals tend to mate
with those that have the same phenotype. Assortative mating divides a population into two
phenotypic classes with reduced gene exchange. Genetic drift is changes in allele frequencies of
a gene pool due to chance or random events. This can occur in large or small populations.
Genetic drift causes gene pools of two isolated populations to become dissimilar as some alleles
are lost and other are fixed. Genetic drift occurs when founders (or colonizers) establish a new
population, or after a genetic bottleneck and resultant interbreeding. The founder effect is a
case of genetic drift in which rare alleles, or combinations of alleles, occur in higher frequency
in a population isolated from the general population. Founding individuals contain a fraction of
the total genetic diversity of original gene pool. The allele carried by founders is determined by
268 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
chance alone. Consider the Pilgrim colonists in New England. By no means did they represent
all the genetic variation of the human species or even genetic variations among Europeans.
2. A bottleneck effect
Drastic short-term reductions of population size caused by natural disasters, disease, or predators
may result in (by chance) the survivors representing only a small portion of the original gene
pool. Even when the population increases to its original size, a portion of its original genetic
diversity remains lost. This feature, termed a bottleneck, is a problem with many endangered
species. A bottleneck effect is genetic drift in which a severe reduction in population size results
from natural disaster, predation, or habitat reduction. This results in a severe reduction of the
total genetic diversity of the original gene pool. The cheetah bottleneck causes relative infertility
because of the intense inbreeding. Similarly, the Hawaiian silversword has passed recently
through its own bottleneck. Recent studies on humans suggest that there may have been one
or more instances of severe genetic bottlenecks in our own prehistory. The bottleneck effect
prevents most genotypes from participating in production of next generation.
4. Natural Selection
Not all members of a population necessarily have an equal chance of surviving and reproducing
(due to competition for resources and mates). By virtue of small phenotypic variations, some
individuals are better adapted to their environment than are others. The better adapted
individuals are more “fit” and tend to survive and reproduce, passing on their adaptations to
the next generation in greater frequency than those adaptations of the less “fit” members of
the population. Fitness is a measure of an individuals ability to survive and reproduce. Those
with the highest fitness are more likely to survive and reproduce. Thus, they make a greater
contribution to the gene pool, of the next generation than do those less “fit”. Natural selection
is the process of differential survival and reproduction that inevitably leads to changes in allele
frequencies over time as those individuals who are the most “fit” survive and leave more
offspring. There are three patterns, or types, of natural selection.
Numb er o f individual s
with ph enotyp e
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
Selection Selection
Evolutionary Biology 269
Numb er o f individual s
Large and small Two peaks
with ph enotyp e
individuals favored
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
1. Stabilizing Selection
Stabilizing selection favors the intermediate phenotype out of a range of phenotypes. The
extremes in variation are selected against. Selection works against both extremes.
2. Directional Selection
Directional selection tends to favor phenotypes at one extreme of the range of variation.
Insecticide resistance is an example. DDT was a widely used insecticide. After a few years of
extensive use, DDT lost its effectiveness on insects. Resistance to DDT is a genetic trait that
the presence of DDT in the environment made into a favored trait. Only those insects resistant
to DDT survived, leading over time to populations largely resistant to DDT. Another example
is Industrial melanism in the peppered moth (Biston betularia)). Before the Industrial
Revolution in the 18th and early 19th centuries, only light-colored moths were collected in
light-colored woodlands in England.There was a rare, dark form. With the pollution caused by
the buring of coal, the light-colored tree trunks became darker due to soot. The once rare dark-
colored moths became more prevalent, while the once-common light-colored moths became
increasingly rare. Reason: predation by birds. The color that had the greatest contrast with the
background (tree trunk) was at a disadvantage. Cleanup of the forest during the 1950s caused
the allele frequencies of light and dark moths to reverse to pre-Industrial Revolution levels,
dark moths are now rare, light moths are now common. The resistance of many bacterial
species to antibiotics ia another example of directional selection. Over 200 species show some
degree of antibiotic resistance, necessitating the development and more prudent use of a new
generation of antibiotic medicines.
3. Disruptive Selection
In some circumstances, individuals at both extremes of a range of phenotypes are favored
over those in the middle. This is called disruptive selection. An example: The residues (“tailings”)
of mines often contain such high concentrations of toxic metals (e.g., copper, lead) that most
plants are unable to grow on them. However, some hardy species (e.g. certain grasses) are able
to spread from the surrounding uncontaminated soil onto such waste heaps. These plants
develop resistance to the toxic metals while their ability to grow on uncontaminated soil
decreases. Because grasses are wind pollinated, breeding between the resistant and nonresistant
populations goes on. But evidently, disruptive selection is at work. Higher death rates of both
less resistant plants growing on contaminated soil and more resistant plants growing on
uncontaminated soil leads to increasing divergence of the populations into two subpopulations
with the extreme manifestations of this trait. The evolutionary significance of disruptive selection
lies in the possibility that the gene pool may become split into two distinct gene pools. This may
be a way in which new species are formed.
270 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
Mortality Selection: Certain genotypes are less successful than others in surviving
through to the end of their reproductive period.The evolutionary impact of mortality selection
can be felt anytime from the formation of a new zygote to the end (if there is one) of the
organism’s period of fertility. Mortality selection is simply another way of describing Darwin’s
criteria of fitness: survival.
Fecundity Selection: Certain phenotypes (thus genotypes) may make a disproportionate
contribution to the gene pool of the next generation by producing a disproportionate number of
young. Such fecundity selection is another way of describing another criterion of fitness described
by Darwin: family size. In each of these examples of natural selection certain phenotypes are
better able than others to contribute their genes to the next generation. Thus, by Darwin’s
standards, they are more fit. The outcome is a gradual change in the gene frequencies in that
Microevolution: Accumulation of small changes in gene pool over a relatively short
period of two or more generations. In classic observations and experiments, dark colored moths
went from being 10% of population to 80% when soot colored trees and switched success of
A population is a group of potentially interbreeding organisms of the same species occupying a
certain area. Members of a population vary from one another. This variation is the raw material
on which natural selection operates. There are several types of mutations, both at the gene-
level and the chromosome-level. Gene mutations provide new alleles, making these mutations
the ultimate source of variation. A gene mutation is an alteration in the DNA nucleotide
sequence, producing an alternate sequence, termed an allele.
Evolutionary Biology 271
Mutations occur at random, and can be beneficial, neutral, or harmful. Some chromosomal
mutations are changes in the number of chromosomes inherited, while others are alterations
in arrangement of alleles on chromosomes due to inversions and translocations.
In sexually reproducing organisms, genetic recombination is the reallocation of alleles
and chromosomes. Recombination results from crossing-over during meiosis, the random
segregation of chromosomes to gametes during meiotic division, and the random combination
of gametes during fertilization.
The entire genotype is subject to natural selection since new combinations of alleles may
have improve the reproductive success of the organism. For polygenic traits, the most favorable
combination may occur when the right alleles group by recombination. Not only are variations
created, they are also preserved and passed on from one generation to the next. The gene pool
is the total of all the alleles in a population, in the context of gene frequencies. Neither dominance
nor sexual reproduction will change allele frequencies.
Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium is a constancy of gene pool frequencies that remains across
generations, and might best be found among stable populations with no natural selection or
where selection is stabilizing. Microevolution is the accumulation of small changes in a gene
pool over a relatively short period.
Example: autosomal recessive inheritance with alleles A and a, and allele frequencies p
and q:
® frequency of the genotypes: : AA = p2 and the phenotypes [ ]: [A] = p2 + 2pq
Aa = 2pq [a] = q2
aa = q2
Example: phenylketonuria (recessive autosomal), of which the deleterious gene has a
frequency of 1/100:
® q = 1/100
therefore, the frequency of this disease is q2 = 1/10 000,
and the frequency of heterozygotes is 2pq = 2 × 99/100 × 1/100 = 2/100;
Note that there are a lot of heterozygotes: 1/50, two hundred times more than there are
individuals suffering from the condition. .
For a rare disease, p is very little different from 1, and the frequency of the heterozygotes
= 2q.
We use these equations implicitly, in formal genetics and in the genetics of pooled
populations, usually without considering whether, and under what conditions, they are applicable.
to a situation where, for instance, there are populations that are geographically isolated but
that could interbreed if brought in contact. Such populations represent one species under the
Merits of the BSC: The definition defines species as units of evolution, by virtue of their
interbreeding, which makes it a “natural” species concept from an evolutionary standpoint.
Problems with the BSC: It does not apply to asexual populations, thus raises the question
how, for example, many bacterial species are to be defined.In practice, the species concept used
for prokaryotes is still a typological species concept.
1. Prezygotic barriers
(a) Temporal isolation: Two species of field crickets reach reproductive age in the fall
and in the spring in the N East of U.S.
(b) Habitat isolation: Two sympatric species of herbivorous ladybird beetles feed on thistles
and blue cohosh, respectively. They mate on their respective host plants, which are
their microhabitats.
(c) Ethological isolation: Frequent in animals, the courting individual sends out signals
only to conspecific individuals, or, if not, the courted individual does not respond.
Female crickes tend to react only to the conspecific male’s courtship song. Male
moths are often only attracted by conspecific’s sex pheromones.
274 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
(d) Mechanical isolation: Two swedish orchids (genus Platanthera) use different moths
as pollinators. Their morphologies are such that the pollen masses (pollinia) attach
to different parts of the moths, i.e.,the proboscis and the eye. Plants with intermediate
flower morphology have lower pollination success.
(e) Gametic incompatibility: Especially important among external fertilizers, e.g., marine
invertebrates. In a species of large marine snails, the sperm contains an enzyme that
can dissolve the vitelline membrane only of a conspecific egg. In flowering-incompatible
plants, when pollen is placed on the stigma, the growth of the pollen tube through
the style may be arrested, a phenomenon not well understood physiologically.
2. Postzygotic barriers
When prezygotic barriers are crossed and a hybrid zygote forms, one of several postzygotic
barriers may prevent development of a viable, fertile hybrid.
(a) Reduced hybrid viability: Genetic incompatibility between the two species may abort
development of the hybrid at some embryonic stage. For example, several species of
frogs in the genus Rana live in the same regions and habitats. They occasionally
hybridize but the hybrids generally do not complete development, and those that do
are frail and soon die.
(b) Reduced hybrid fertility: If two species mate and produce hybrid offspring that are
viable, reproductive isolation is intact if the hybrids are sterile because genes cannot
flow from one species’ gene pool to the other. One cause of this barrier is that if
chromosomes of the two parent species differ in number or structure, meiosis cannot
produce normal gametes in the hybrid. The most familiar case is the mule which is
produced by crossing a donkey and a horse; very rarely are mules able to backbreed
with either parent species.
(c) Hybrid breakdown: When some species cross-mate, the first generation hybrids are
viable and fertile, but when these hybrids mate with one another or with either
parent species, offspring of the next generation are feeble or sterile. For example,
different cotton species can produce fertile hybrids, breakdown occurs in the next
generation when progeny of the hybrids die in their seeds or grow into weak defective
Modes of speciation
Reproductive barriers form boundaries around species, and the evolution of these barriers is
the key biological event in the origin of new species. An essential episode in the origin of a
species occurs when the gene pool of a population is separated from other populations of the
parent species. This genetically isolated splinter group can then follow its own evolutionary
course, as changes in allele frequencies caused by selection, genetic drift, and mutations occur
undiluted by gene flow from other populations.
The main modes here are allopatric, sympatric, parapatric, and peripatric speciation.
1. Allopatric Speciation
Speciation that occurs when the initial block to gene flow is a geographical barrier that physically
isolates the population. Such occurrences include emergence of mountain ranges, movement
of glaciers, formation of land bridges, subsidence of large lakes. Geographical populations often
differ genetically, which includes genetic markers associated with reproductive isolation.
Evolutionary Biology 275
Adaptive radiation = The evolution of many diversely adapted species from a common
ancestor. Examples of adaptive radiation are the endemic species (= species confined to a specific
small geographical region) of the Galapagos Islands which descended from small populations
which floated, flew, or were blown from South America to the islands. Darwin’s finches can be
used to illustrate a model for such adaptive radiation on island chains. A single dispersal event
may have seeded one island with a peripheral isolate of the ancestral finch which diverged as it
underwent allopatric speciation. A few individuals of this new species may have reached
neighboring islands, forming new peipheral isolates which also speciated.
Vicariant Speciation: Two populations of comparable size ecome separated by a barrier.
3. Sympatric Speciation
Sympatric speciation = Formation of new species within the range of parent populations.
Reproductive isolation evolves without geographical isolation. This can occur quickly (in one
generation) if a genetic change results in a reproductive barrier between the mutants and the
parent population. Many plant species have originated from improper cell division that results
in extra sets of chromosomes-a mutant condition called polyploidy. Depending on the origin of
the extra set of chromosomes, polyploids are classified in two forms: autopolyploids and
Autopolyploid = An organism that has more than two chromosome sets, all derived from
a single species. For example, Nondisjunction in the germ cell line (in either mitosis or meiosis)
results in diploid gametes. Self-fertilization would double the chromosome number to the
tetraploid state. Tetraploids can self-pollinate or mate with other tetraploids. The mutants
cannot interbreed with diploids of the parent population because hybrids would be triploid (3n)
and sterile due to impaired meiosis from unpaired chromosomes. An instantaneous special
genetic event would thus produce a postzygotic barrier which isolates the gene pool of the
mutant in just one generation.
276 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
4. Parapatric Speciation
Evolution of reproductive isolation within one continuous population in adjacent regions. It
may require very strong divergent selection within the population and or selection for
reproductive isolation itself, which is controversial.
1. Ecological factors
For example, the low dispersal rates of Drosophila and ample opportunities for geographical
isolation may have enabled rapid speciation in the Hawaiian islands.
3. Adaptive divergence
Two populations which adapt to different environments accumulate differences in the frequencies
of alleles and genotypes. During this gradual adaptive divergence of the two gene pools,
Evolutionary Biology 277
reproductive barriers may evolve between the two populations. Evolution of reproductive barriers
would differentiate these populations into two species. A key point in evolution by divergence is
that reproductive barriers can arise without being favored directly by natural selection.
Divergence of two populations is due to their adaptation to separate environments, with
reproductive isolation being a secondary development. Gradual genetic divergence of two
populations may also result in the evolution of pre-zygotic barriers. For instance, an ecological
barrier to inbreeding may secondarily result from the adaptation of an insect population to a
new host plant different from the original population’s host.
selection can cause significant change in only a few hundred or thousand generations. A few
thousand generations is considered rapid in reference to the geologic time scale.
The fossil record indicates that successful species survive for a few million years on average.
If a species survives for five million years and most of its morphological changes occur in the
first 50,000 years; then the speciation episode occurred in just 1% of the species’ lifetime. With
this time scale, a species will appear suddenly in rocks of a certain age, linger relatively
unchanged for millions of years, then become extinct.
An evolutionary spurt preceding a longer period of morphological stasis would explain
why paleontologists find so few transitions in the fossils record of a species. Because “sudden”
can refer to thousands of years on the geological time scale, differing opinions of punctuationalists
and gradualists about the rate of speciation may be more a function of time perspective than
conceptual difference.
There is clear disagreement, however, over how much a species changes after its origin.
Hybrid sterility has a continuous range, from none to complete, and may be caused by two
main factors generation of aneuploid gametes due to structural chromosomal differences between
the genes of the parents, which may interact “disharmoniously”, as opposed to the “co-adapted”
gene complexes within the species.
Arguments against this hypothesis are morphology can change within lineages, stable
lineages in the fossil record do fluctuate, the low resolution of the fossil record (<100000yr). If
its resolution was higher, the argument goes, one would observe that the apparently sudden
transitions are actually gradual transitions.
Punctuated gradualism: Character evolution is episodic, but not necessarily associated
with speciation. The most contentious issue here is between hypothesis one and two. To
distinguish between the two, one has to assess whether morphological change is usually associated
with speciation.
Missing links: They are frequent in the fossil record (e.g., body plan types), and there
are two alternative possibilities for why they occur. First, if most major phenotypic changes
were brought about by macromutations (saltatory evolution then no links would exist.
Goldschmidts macromutations were proposed as a complete “repatterning” of the chromosomal
material, not single gene mutations. There is no evidence for such large scale repatterning
leading to viable organisms. Single gene “macromutations” occur (e.g., homeotic mutations),
but they usually are highly deleterious. If most phenotypic evolution occurs according to the
punctuated equilibrium hypothesis via founder effect speciation, the frequent absence of missing
links would be explicable by the small transitional population sizes involved.Thus, the phenotypic
changes may be continuous, but poorly preserved.
A polymorphism is a genetic variant that appears in at least 1% of a population. Examples: the
human ABO blood groups, the human Rh factor the human major histocompatibility complex
(MHC). By setting the cutoff at 1%, it excludes spontaneous mutations that may have occurred
in — and spread through the descendants of — a single family.
Protein Polymorphisms: All the examples above are of the protein products of alleles.
These can be identified by: serology; that is, using antibodies to detect the different versions of
the protein and electrophoresis; if amino acid changes in the protein alter its net electrical
charge, it will migrate more or less rapidly in an electrical field.
Evolutionary Biology 279
Enzymes are frequently polymorphic: A population may contain two or more variants
of an enzyme encoded by a single locus. The variants differ slightly in their amino acid sequence
and often this causes them to migrate differently under electrophoresis. By treating the gel
with the substrate for the enzyme, its presence can be visualized. Electrophoretic variants of
an enzyme occurring in a population are called allozymes.
Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms (RFLPs): Proteins are gene products
and so polymorphic versions are simply reflections of allelic differences in the gene; that is,
allelic differences in DNA. Often these changes create new — or abolish old — sites for restriction
enzymes to cut the DNA. Digestion with the enzyme then produces DNA fragments of a different
length. These can be detected by electrophoresis.
Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs): Developments in DNA sequencing now
make it easy to look for allelic versions of a gene by sequencing samples of the gene taken from
different members of a population (or from a heterozygous individual). Alleles whose sequence
reveals only a single changed nucleotide are called single nucleotide polymorphisms or SNPs.
SNPs can occur in noncoding parts of the gene so they would not be seen in the protein product.
might not alter the cutting site for any known restriction enzymes so they would not be seen by
RFLP analysis.
Copy Number Polymorphisms (CNPs): Genetic analysis (using DNA chips and FISH)
has revealed another class of human polymorphisms. These copy number polymorphisms are
large (thousands of base pairs) duplications or deletions that are found in some people but not
in others. On average, one person differs from another by 11 of these. One or more have been
found on most chromosomes, and the list is probably incomplete. While most of this DNA is
non-coding, functional genes are embedded in some of it. How, or if, the person adapts to the
resulting change in gene number is unknown.
not every set of parents will produce the same number of offspring. The effect,
called random genetic drift, is particularly strong in small populations (e.g., 100
breeding pairs or fewer); when the gene is neutral; that is, is neither helpful nor
deleterious. Eventually the entire population may become homozygous for the
allele or — equally likely — the allele may disappear. Before either of these
fates occurs, the allele represents a polymorphism.
Balanced Polymorphism
In regions of the world (e.g., parts of Africa) where malaria caused by Plasmodium falciparum
is common, the allele for sickle-cell hemoglobin is also common. This is because children who
inherit one gene for the “normal” beta chain of hemoglobin and one sickle gene are more likely
to survive that either homozygote. Children homozygous for the sickle allele die young from
sickle-cell disease but children homozygous for the “normal” beta chain are far more susceptible
to illness and death from falciparum malaria than are heterozygotes. Hence the relatively high
frequency of the allele in malarial regions. When natural selection favors heterozygotes over
both homozygotes, the result is balanced polymorphism. It accounts for the persistence of
an allele even though it is deleterious when homozygous.
Another example: prion proteins: All human populations are polymorphic for the
prion protein PrPC. It is encoded by the prion protein gene (PRNP). Two of the alleles have
different codons at position 129: one encoding methionine; the other valine. Homozygosity for
either allele increases the susceptibility to prion diseases. People who are heterozygous are
more resistant. A study of elderly women who had survived the kuru epidemic of the first half
of the 20th century (eating the tissues of the deceased was banned in 1950) showed that 76.7%
of them were heterozygotes.
Until recently, evolution has been considered an organismal process in as much as whole
organisms were the units of natural selection and change was evident in populations only
insofar as organisms in the population changed. Now it is readily apparent that evolution can
take place at the molecular level, especially within DNA and RNA molecules, and that this
evolution arises by processes other than selection. For this reason, it is sometimes considered
non-Darwinian evolution.
Evolutionary Biology 281
important functional regions, for example) are influenced strongly by selection. These constraints
are different for different proteins and help to explain the rapid rates of change of some molecules
and slow rates of others. Therefore, it is not correct to consider the Neutral Theory and Natural
Selection to be alternative and opposing views in evolution. Clearly, they are both involved and
evidence for both is available, no matter which point of view (molecular or phenotypic) is taken.
The theory makes three basic predictions concerning molecular evolution:
1. rates of change of genes (and the proteins they code for) will be constant over time;
2. the highest rates of change will be observed for those portions of the genome that are
least subject to functional constraints, changes in which would lead to elimination by
selection; and
3. the maximum rate of molecular evolution is equal to the neutral mutation rate since
most mutations are neutral and any advantageous mutations are so rare they can
have little influence on the overall rate of molecular change.
The first prediction (constant rates of molecular change) is supported by molecular
data (for example, rates of change of various proteins like hemoglobin and cytochrome c, which
are discussed in many texts (e.g., Avers, 1989) that has been collected since Kimura first began
publishing on the Neutral Theory. The uniformity of protein change with time (different rates
for different proteins) suggests selection is not a particularly important factor because if it
were, rates of change would vary as the selection pressure changed with environmental change
(low in constant environments and high in variable environments, for example). This also
indicates that the amount of structural change to proteins produced by various taxa can be
used as an indicator of the amount of time since the taxa diverged (molecular clocks). However,
the rate of evolution depends on the DNA sequence examined, and even when the same sequence
is examined in numerous lineages, there are measurable differences in rates. For example,
mitochondrial DNA sequences have evolved more slowly in turtles than in other vertebrates
The second prediction (rates of molecular evolution will be highest in DNA positions
that have the least effect on function) is supported by most of the evidence we have from
molecular genetics, for example:
1. introns (noncoding regions of the genome) vary far more than exons (coding regions)
in lineages.
2. pseudogenes (nonfunctional regions of the genome corresponding to functional regions)
vary considerably more than functional genes.
3. the third position of codons varies more than the first two; substitutions at this third
position are called synonymous since they do not change the amino acid coded for by
the codon.
The third prediction (the neutral mutation rate sets the upper limit to change; positive
selection for favorable mutations is negligible) is supported by the observations given above.
Rates of sequence change in nonfunctional regions of a genome are much faster than those at
functionally constrained regions. However, the idea that positive selection for favorable changes
cannot influence molecular evolution is an extension of the theory that is not warranted in all
cases. A recent test of this idea by McDonald & Kreitman (1991) compared sequence data from
the alcohol dehydrogenase gene of three Drosophila species, individuals of which were sampled
from different geographic regions. They considered differences observed between species as
fixed and differences among individuals of the same species to be polymorphisms. The neutral
theory predicts that the ratio of silent substitutions (which do not alter the function of a gene
Evolutionary Biology 283
product) to replacement substitutions (which alter the amino acid sequence of a protein) should
be the same at all sites even if changes at some sites are functionally constrained; therefore,
the ratio of silent to replacement substitutions will be the same for both polymorphisms (within-
species differences) and fixed substitutions (between-species differences). What they found was
a much higher ratio (29%) of replacement to silent substitutions at fixed sites that distinguish
species when compared with polymorphic sites (5%) which do not distinguish species. This
suggests that some amino acid-replacing substitutions are adaptive and fixed not by drift but by
selection operating on individuals carrying these altered genes. This causes the frequency of
these altered genes to increase more rapidly than by drift alone, and spend less time in a
polymorphic state than selectively neutral silent changes. This contradicts one of the basic
assumptions of the neutral theory.
The neutral theory has engendered much controversy among population geneticists, but
has been of immeasurable importance for several reasons. First, it accounts for much of the
variation observed within and between species at the molecular level. Second, it furnishes a
null model for how molecular evolution will operate in the absence of selection
Molecular Clocks
If macromolecules change constantly over time, then we should expect that the structure of
these molecules obtained from different organisms will be different and that the amount of
differences will be an indication of the length of time since these organisms diverged from a
common ancestor. It is as if a “molecular clock” were keeping time in organisms. This idea has
been used to estimate the timing of divergence of various groups of organisms. However, it
depends heavily on the neutral theory.
One must assume that the molecules in question (or sequences within DNA molecules)
are changing randomly and constantly (and therefore not in response to selection, which would
vary the rate). One also needs to be able to calibrate molecular clocks using some reliable
secondary source of information (just as we use the news services as a source of “real” time to
set our watches). This could be fossil evidence indicating the actual time two groups shared a
common ancestor. However, this is not always available.
These assumptions are not always met. A basic problem with molecular clocks is that
they do not keep perfect time. Every gene (or gene product) appears to change at a rate
independent of others. For example, cytochrome c and globin genes are known to evolve at
different rates. Also, different organisms exhibit different rates (molecular evolution in humans
is slower than other anthropoid apes, for example); and organisms in the same clade may
exhibit different rates at different times.
Also, DNA from different genomes evolves at different rates (mitochondrial DNA evolves
at a 10-fold higher rate than nuclear DNA; chloroplast DNA is known to change very slowly;
rDNA has coding regions that are highly conserved and noncoding regions that are variable).
Rates are determined directly by calibration using fossil evidence or indirectly by comparing
with an out-group.
There have been many controversies about rates, however, and this is one area in which
phylogenies based on different techniques can differ widely. For example, consider the concept
of “mitochondrial Eve”, a paleolithic female who lived 200,000 years go in Africa and from
whom all present-day humans descended. This is based on a analysis of mitochondrial DNA,
which is inherited exclusively through the female and modified only by mutation; it also uses a
standard estimate of mutation rate of 2-4% per million years. However, the chronology and
284 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
origin are disputed by paleontologists, who use fossil and cultural evidence to track human
origins and consider the origin to be further back in time and to have included multiple sites in
Asia, Africa and Europe.
DNA and DNA products (proteins) can be obtained from living plant and animal cells fairly
easily, and then analyzed to determine evolutionary relationships among individuals representing
various taxonomic groups. DNA can even be removed from dried plant specimens and frozen or
mummified plant and animal tissues, although there is usually significant degradation and
therefore loss of systematic value.
Protein electrophoresis: Because proteins vary in size and have numerous charges,
both positive and negative, on their surfaces, different proteins will migrate differently in a
starch or acrylamide gel to which an electric field is applied. Even proteins that differ by one
amino acid substitution will exhibit different positions on a gel. These are visualized using
substrates specific to the enzymes of interest and stains to which the enzymatic reaction binds.
Electrophoresis is used to determine the genotype of individuals in polymorphic populations.
Allozyme electophoresis identifies allozymes, forms of an enzyme coded for by different alleles
at a locus. Isozyme electrophoresis is similar but isozymes are products of different loci in a
single genome. This technique was more widely used before DNA isolation techniques were
developed, but it is still used.
DNA-DNA hybridization: This method basically involves melting double-stranded DNA
of two samples at high temperatures (representatives of two sibling species, for example) and
then lowering temperatures to reanneal the single strands from each sample (if they come
from the same organisms, they are called homoduplexes and if they come from different
organisms, heteroduplexes). Reannealed homoduplexes are fairly tightly bound, and relatively
high temperatures are required to melt them; however, the more unrelated the two were
originally, melting of the reannealed heteroduplexes requires lower temperatures (if they
annealed at all originally). This technique has been used in many animal studies (including
human and other hominoid groups). However, it doesn’t seem to work very well with plants
because little reannealing takes place.
Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP): Basically, this method takes
a molecule of nuclear (or organelle) DNA and cuts it at known points using various restriction
enzymes that are specific for short (usually four or six) sequences of base pairs. The fragments
produced by this cutting are then separated electrophoretically to produce genetic markers
that can be used to compare individuals from various populations. Visualization of the fragments
can be accomplished by either radioactively labeling them or staining. Direct sequencing of the
fragments can also be done if they prove of systematic value.
Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD): This technique essentially uses
short synthetic oligonucleotide primers to scan a genome for small inverted repeats and then
amplifies the sequence in between using PCR (polymerase chain reaction) to make many copies.
Since the segment of DNA being amplified is randomly located and of random length (its sequence
is usually not known), the sizes (lengths) of these pieces resolved on gels frequently vary from
genotype to genotype. This variation can be assessed in the same way as allozyme or RFLP
data. RAPD has become especially useful in population genetics because it can generate genetic
markers that are polymorphic among individuals in the same population, so “genetic individuals”
Evolutionary Biology 285
can be recognized in clonal species like fungi (for example, a recent RAPD study showed that
the world’s largest organism was a fungus that reproduced clonally and covered many hectares
of land). It has also been used to produce “genetic fingerprints” to resolve legal disputes. RAPD
is being chosen frequently over other molecular techniques now because it produces results
quickly and reliably at relatively low cost.
Direct Sequencing of Genomes: This involves precisely determining the nucleotide
sequence of a portion of a genome. Although this is more laborious, it provides relatively
reliable data with which to establish phylogenetic position of related taxa. Choices of genome
(or portion thereof) can affect the results obtained, but on the whole sequencing is used (generally
in a cladistic analysis) to establish monophyly or polyphyly of groups, ancestral vs derived
groups, etc.) when phylogenetic analysis is the object of the study.
As a general rule, choices of DNA sequences to be obtained are based on the amount of
evolutionary time involved in producing the variations in the group under study (highly
conserved portions of the genome are used when large amounts of time are involved and
rapidly-changing portions are used when not much time has passed).
In animals the mitochondrial genome (mtDNA) is frequently sequenced for comparisons
of taxa from within the same order; this is because mtDNA is maternally inherited, is not
subject to recombination and has numerous known orthogolous genes (that is, homologies of
the same gene in different taxa; as opposed to paralogous genes, which are different versions of
a gene in the same organism).
In plants, the chloroplast genome (cpDNA) is frequently chosen for the same reasons.
Few generalizations are:
1. Molecular techniques can be applied to a number of distinct genomes (nuclear,
mitochondrial, chloroplast) using a number of different nucleic acids (rDNA, cpDNA,
various RNAs, etc.)
2. Molecular clocks do not keep perfect time. Every gene (or gene product) appears to
change at a rate independent of others. For example, cytochrome c and globin genes
evolve at different rates. Also, different organisms exhibit different rates for the
same genes (molecular evolution in humans is slower than other anthropoid apes, for
example); and organisms in the same clade may exhibit different rates at different
Also, DNA from different genomes evolves at different rates (mitochondrial DNA evolves
at a 10-fold higher rate than nuclear DNA; chloroplast DNA is known to change very slowly;
rDNA has coding regions that are highly conserved and noncoding regions that are variable).
Rates are determined directly by calibration using fossil evidence or indirectly by comparing
with an outgroup.
There have been many controversies about rates, however, and this is one area in which
phylogenies based on different techniques can differ widely. For example, consider the concept
of “mitochondrial Eve”, a paleolithic female who lived 200,000 years ago in Africa and from
whom all present-day humans descended. This is based on a analysis of mitochondrial DNA,
which is inherited exclusively through the female and modified only by mutation; it also uses a
standard estimate of mutation rate of 2-4% per million years. However, the chronology and
origin are disputed by paleontologists, who use fossil and cultural evidence to track human
origins and consider the origin to be further back in time and to have included multiple sites in
Asia, Africa and Europe.
286 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
Rate of molecular change is constant: Clock can be calibrated using a reliable secondary
source of information (fossils, for example). Assumptions not always met (cytochrome c appears
to change at different rates at different times
DNA analysis: In addition to proteins, DNA is frequently analyzed directly as a source of
information about similarities among organisms
Molecular Systematics
Use of molecular data as characters to assess phylogenetic position of taxa for classification.
Generally uses sequence data from specific genes (rDNA, mtDNA, cpDNA, etc.). Comparison of
sequence across taxa reveals patterns of divergence in the past, molecular clocks are inferred
to establish timing of divergence when possible. Choice of genes depends on objective.
Some DNA changes relatively rapidly (mtDNA) and can be used for species within genera
or genera within families. Chloroplast DNA of plants changes very slowly and can be used to
establish phylogenies at the phylum level as origin of Angiosperms, relationships among
gymnosperms and origin of land plants
Ribosomal DNA has both highly conserved regions and spacers that exhibit rapid change,
so the choice of region depends on the scale of the phylogeny to be resolved.
Cladistic analysis is normally used to analyze data (which is very complex); outgroups
used to root trees
Potential problems
1. molecular clocks variable
2. same genes must be used for comparison
Practice Test Paper-I
1. The oldest microfossil so far of age 3.5 billion year ago was-
(a) Coacervates (b) Eobionts
(c) Microspheres (d) Cyanobacteria
2. In his book, “The origin of life (1938)” oparin submitted abiogenesis first bur biogenesis
ever since, this theory is named as-
(a) Spontaneous generation (b) Chemical origin
(c) Primary abiogenesis (d) Biogenesis
5. Among the following which molecule till now not synthesized by mimicking the
environment of pre-biotic environment-
(a) Ribose (b) Pyrimidines
(c) Purine (d) L-aminoacids
6. Among the following the evidence of evolution from biogeography is-
(a) Embryo development (b) Plate tectonics
(c) Darwin finches (d) Darwin turtles
12. Evidence from fossils records are obtained by calculating age of fossil found in–
(a) Metamorphic rock (b) Sedimentary rocks
(c) Igneous rocks (d) Earth crust
13. Mammals originated during the period-
(a) Triassic (b) Jurassic
(c) Cretaceous (d) Permian
14. First plant having seed habit (Heterosporous Pterodophyte) originated during-
(a) Silurian (b) Devonian
(c) Carboniferous (d) Permian
15. First human appeared during-
(a) Oligocene (b) Miocene
(c) Pliocene (d) Pleistocene
19. Mutation theory of Hugo de vries was put forward while working on-
(a) Drosophila (b) Ancon sheep
(c) Oenothera amarckiana (d) Antirrhinum
22. The raw material for evolution is variability of gene or allele at/in-
(a) individual level (b) population
(c) gene pool (d) community
24. If the individual ar one extreme of the size distribution (eg., larger one ) contribute
more offspring to next generation then such selection is called as-
(a) Directional
(b) Disruptive
(c) Cyclic
(d) Stabilizing
31. The processes of ____ and ____ generate variation, and____ produces adaptation to
the environment.
(a) sexual recombination . . . natural selection . . . mutation
(b) mutation . . . sexual recombination . . . genetic drift
290 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
33. Which of the following scenarios would most likely result in microevolution of a
population of humans?
(a) Only random mating took place in all people that reproduced in North America
(b) A colony of humans on the moon was isolated from earth
(c) The incidence of skin cancer in adults over age 40 rose significantly
(d) Both a and c
41. Most of the time, species are identified by their appearance. Why?
(a) If two organisms look alike, they must be the same species
(b) This is the criterion used to define a biological species
(c) If two organisms look different, they must be different species
(d) This is the most convenient way of identifying species
44. According to the _________ model, evolution occurs in spurts; species evolve relatively
rapidly, then remain unchanged for long periods.
(a) nondisjunction (b) gradualist
(c) adaptive radiation (d) punctuated equilibrium
45. Sympatric speciation is
(a) the appearance of a new species in the same area as the parent population.
(b) initiated by the appearance of a geographical barrier
(c) the emergence of many species from a single ancestor
(d) especially important in the evolution of island species
46. In some animals eg. Axolatal larvae of Ambystoma, the larvae fails to undergo
metamorphosis (iodine deficiency). It develops gonads, attains sexual maturity and
start reproduction. This is called-
(a) Parthenogenesis (b) Neoteny or paedogenesis
(c) Retrogress metamorph (d) Stagnant metamorphosis
47. Darwin finches from various islands of Galapagos island differed in size and shape of
bill due to-
(a) Mutation (b) Adaptive radiation
(c) Competition (d) Gene migration
292 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
48. The enzyme which is occurs in all eukaryotes and show great homology is-
(a) Cytochrome oxidase (b) Cytochrome c
(c) Cytochrome b (d) Cytochrome a
49. The hormone which is almost identical and occurs in all vertebrates is-
(a) Insulin (b) Thyroxine
(c) Glucagon (d) ACTH
59. Which of the following organism can carry out the reaction-
NO2 + oxygen ® NO3 + energy
(a) Nitrosomanas (b) Pseudomonas rubrum
(c) Micrococcus denitrificans (d) Nitrobacter
62. Among the following which do not bring variation at Individual level-
(a) Gene mutation
(b) Fertilization
(c) Meiosis and Crossing over
(d) Chromosome aberration and Hybridizations
63. Natural selection will operate under condition-
(a) Mutational equilibrium
(b) Random matting
(c) Differential reproduction
(d) Equal chances for all genotypes to live and reproduce
64. Natural selection will not operate if-
(a) Population is isolated and small
(b) Mutating population
(c) Random matting population
(d) Large population
70. Among the following which is not prerequisite for natural selection-
(a) Unit capable of reproduction
(b) Occurrence of heritable variations or differences among units
(c) Presence of more then one such unit in same environment
(d) Environmental homeostasis
71. Which is false about stabilizing selection-
(a) Constant or unchanging environment
(b) Introduces heterozygosity
(c) Favours average
(d) It tends to arrest variance & environmental changes
73. Appearance of abnormal characters which were normal in other supposedly ancestral
races for example appearance of cervical fistula in man which actually corresponds to
gill slits are-
(a) Race atavism (b) Family atavism
(c) Atavism of teratology (d) Ontogenic atavism
74. The ascidian larva on metamorphosis changes into degenerate adult. This is example
(a) Progressive metamorphosis (b) Directional
(c) Retrogressive (d) Cyclic
77. The transitional fossil form which shows characteristics of two different groups of
living organisms is called as-
(a) Missing link (b) Connecting link
(c) Living fossil (d) Link species
Practice Test Paper–Evolutionary Biology 295
78. Monotremes (egg laying mammals) and marsupials (pouched mammals) are restricted
to distribution in-
(a) Asia (b) Australia
(c) Africa (d) N. America
79. Among the following hormones, which are present in all animals-
(a) Pepsin, trypsin (b) Trypsin, Amylase
(c) Pepsin, amylase (d) Trypsin, secretin
80. Among the following which is most conserved in all eukaryotes and act as respiratory
pigment and accepts electron form H+-
(a) Ferrodoxin (b) Cytchrome-c
(c) Cyctochrome c oxidase (d) NAD dehydrogenase
81. Which hormone is identical and interchangeable and present in all animals is-
(a) Thyroid (b) Adrenalin
(c) Somatotropin (d) Insulin
82. Artificial selection tends to-
(a) Change gene frequency (b) Decrease biodiversity
(c) Increase vigor (d) All of the above
83. Prokaryotes called ____ are similar in many ways to eukaryotic organisms.
(a) archae (b) protozoa
(c) Cyanobacteria (d) dinoflagellates
84. Among the following which hormone is almost similar in beef, sheep, pig, whale,
horse, rabit and differs only in one to three amino acid position-
(a) Glucagon (b) Insulin
(c) Somatotropin (d) Somatostanin
87. Among the following which statement is false about r-selected species-
(a) Long generation time (b) Large number of offspring
(c) Short life cycle (d) Tendency to disperse
296 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
88. When an radioactive phosphorus is incorporated into DNA strand, the phospho diester
bond generally break after a short while because-
(a) The bond number of phosphorus decreases
(b) Phosphorus on radioactive decay converts into sulphur, which has valency of
(c) It attacks glycosidic bond
(d) It breaks hydrogen bond
89. Among the following which is generally not utilized for establishing phylogenetic
relationship between two species-
(a) % similarity (b) Geographical distance
(c) Marcoli distance (d) Amino acid sequence
90. Mangroves are highly productive ecosystem but they are poor in bird diversity because-
(a) Lack of structural diversity
(b) Lack of food diversity
(c) More number of predators that feed on birds
(d) Lack of breeding place
91. Among the following which would lead into new species formation-
(a) Increased resources
(b) Niche overlapping tolerance
(c) Niche specialization
(d) Lack of competition
92. Origin of life is not possible under present environmental conditions because-
(a) Hydrogen is absent
(b) Presence of oxygen
(c) Lack of source of energy
(d) Lack of raw material for origin of life
93. Disaster such as earthquake or fire may reduce the size of population drastically and
the genetic make up of the small surviving population is unlikely to be representative
of make up of original population the situation is termed as-
(a) Bottle neck effect (b) Adaptive radiation
(c) Founder effect (d) Gene migration
96. In a population individuals having heterozygous phenotype are more favored then
homozygous dominant which are more favored then homozygous recessive genotypes,
under such condition-
(a) Recessive alleles would be lost from population
(b) Dominant alleles would be lost
(c) Both alleles would remain in population
(d) Alleles would be lost randomly
97. A group of species which are phylogenitically closer but they are lacking common
ancestor. Such an group is regarded as-
(a) Monophyletic (b) Polyphyletic
(c) Paraphyletic (d) Sympatric
98. After implication of Green Air Act in England which species become virtually absent-
(a) Biston betularia carbonifera (b) Biston betularia typica
(c) Drosophila (d) Apes Americana
99. If an allele is linked to the second allele at other locus which is favorably selected are
inherited together. Such an movement of an allele without any evolutionary benefit
to next generation is termed as-
(a) Selective drive (b) Evolutionary drive
(c) Hitch hiking (d) Linkage
100. The morphological modification is transferred to next generation without any present
application which may prove beneficial in changed environment is termed as –
(a) Exadaptation (b) Pre-adaptation
(c) Analogous (d) Paralogous
Practice Test Paper-II
1. In the first order chemical reaction, if the time taken for half the reaction to be
consumed is t, the time taken for three-fourth to be consumed is-
(a) 1.5 t (b) ½ t
(c) 2 t (d) 1.33 t
2. Which of the following organism is most suitable to serve as a bio-fertilizer?
(a) Chlorella (b) Agrobacteria
(c) Azolla (d) Frankia
3. A radioactive compound Cs137 was collected on 1st February, 2002, and kept in a
sealed tube. On the 1st of July, 2002, it was found that only 3.125 % radioactivity was
left. This means that the half-life period of the isotope is
(a) 37.5 days (b) 30 days
(c) 25 days (d) 50 days
4. The two component of lichen is-
(a) Fungus and bacteria (b) Fungus and bryophyte
(c) Fungus and algae (d) Algae and Bacteria
5. Carbon-14 undergoes b-decay upon which it is converted into a new element having-
(a) Increased atomic number (b) Decreased atomic number
(c) Increased atomic mass (d) Decreased atomic mass
6. The first organisms that originated on earth were-
(a) Chemolithotrophs (b) Bacteriophages
(c) Photoautotrophic bacteria (d) Uninucleate eukaryotes
19. Crop rotation for restoring soil fertility refers to growing one of the following crops
between cereal crops-
(a) Pulse crops (b) Grass
(c) Composite (d) Trees
300 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
21. The oldest microfossils discovered so far of age 3.3 to 3.5 billions year ago was-
(a) Coacervates (b) Eobionts
(c) Microshperes (d) Cyanobacteria
22. In his book, “ The origin of life (1938)” oparin submitted abiogenesis first but biogenesis
ever since”, this theory is names as-
(a) Spontaneous generation (b) Chemical origin
(c) Primary abiogenesis (d) Biogenenesis
23. Experimental evidence for molecular evolution of life was provided by-
(a) Oparin (b) Haldane
(c) Urey & Miller (d) Sydney fox
24. During pre-biotic earth of life which chemical played important role in formation of
(a) Methane (b) Ammonia
(c) Hydrogen (d) HCN
25. Which of the following have lipid bilayer and can reproduce by budding-
(a) Coacervates (b) Microsperes
(c) Nanospheres (d) Protobionts
26. Which of them is evidence of evolution from biogeography as narrated by Darwin-
(a) Embryo devp. (b) Plate tectonics
(c) Darwin finches (d) Darwin turtles
27. Placental mammals such as mouse wolf and Australian marsupials such as marsupial
mouse, Tasmanian wolf shows-
(a) Parallel evolution (b) Convergent
(c) Divergent (d) Phylletic
28. Thorn of Bouganwalia and tendrils of cucurbits are-
(a) Homologous organ (b) Paralogous
(c) Analogous (d) Orthologous
31. Oparin and Sydney fox held that the large organic molecule synthesized abiotically
on primitive earth formed large colloidal aggregates due to intermolecular interactions.
The colloidal particles were called-
(a) Micorospheres (b) Eobionts
(c) Archaebacteria (d) Coacervates
33. Which is most essential requirement for origin of life on any planet-
(a) Water (b) Reducing environment
(c) Methane (d) Nucleic acids
34. Seal flippers, bird and bat wings, horse fore limbs and human arms are –
(a) Homologous organ (b) Analogaous organ
(c) Vestigeal organ (d) Orthologous organ
35. In bat the wing is formed of fold of a integument termed as-
(a) Pterodactyl (b) Patagium
(c) Phalanges (d) Carpels
36. Evolution of new forms in several direction from a common ancestor type is termed
as –
(a) Phylogenic evolution (b) Anagenesis
(c) Cladogenesis (d) Adaptive radiation
37. The similar body shape between animals of differently related groups represents-
(a) Convergent evolution (b) Co-evolution
(c) Parallel evolution (d) All of the above
38. Probable cause of appearance of cervical fistula, tail, hair on face in humans is-
(a) Mutation in homeotic gene (b) retrogressive evolution
(c) Atavism (d) Genetic drift
39. Adult frog and other amphibian excretes-
(a) Ammonia (b) Urea
(c) Uric acid (d) All
42. The Flora and fauna of south Africa and west south America resembles to-
(a) Europe (b) North America
(c) Australia (d) Asia
43. About 375 million years ago, all present continents formed a single giant land mass
called pangea which splits in two islands masses Laurasia and Gondwana around-
(a) 280 million year ago (b) 175 million year ago
(c) 120 million year ago (d) 80 million year ago
45. Radioactive isotope of carbon-14 can be used to determine age of fossil up to-
(a) 10,000 year old (b) 40,000 year old
(c) 1 Lakh year old (d) 10 lakh year old
46. When the preservation of genetic variability is through heterozygous superiority, it
is called-
(a) Heteropolymorphism (b) Balanced polymorphism
(c) Stabilizing polymorphism (d) Directional polymorphism
65. The evolution of numerous species in a short period of time from a single ancestral
population, such as Darwin’s finches, is called
(a) adaptive radiation (b) sympatric speciation
(c) gradualism (d) nondisjunction
66. Mass extinctions that occurred in the past
(a) cut the number of species to the few survivors left today
(b) resulted only from the merging of the continents
(c) were followed by diversification of the survivors
(d) wiped out land animals, but had little effect on marine life
67. What evidence most strongly suggests that an impact by an asteroid or meteorite
may have caused the extinction of the dinosaurs?
(a) Fossils show that dinosaurs suffered from cold and starvation
(b) Sedimentary rocks contain a layer of iridium, a mineral that is uncommon on
(c) There have been several near misses in recent years
(d) The dinosaurs disappeared rather abruptly, virtually overnight
68. Which of the following would cast doubt on the asteroid-impact hypothesis for the
extinction of the dinosaurs?
(a) finding a crater 200 million years old
(b) finding fossil dinosaur bones beneath a layer of iridium
(c) determining that birds are closely related to dinosaurs
(d) finding fossil dinosaur bones above a layer of iridium
69. Animals that possess homologous structures probably
(a) are headed for extinction
(b) evolved from the same ancestor
(c) have increased genetic diversity
(d) are not related
70. The wings of birds and insects have the same function, but they do not have the same
evolutionary origin. Bird and insect wings are
(a) homologous (b) phylogenetic
(c) analogous (d) binomial
71. Which of the following would be least useful in determining the relationships among
various species of organisms?
(a) DNA base sequences (b) homologous structures
(c) fossils (d) amino acid sequences of proteins
Practice Test Paper–Evolutionary Biology 305
72. A phylogenetic tree of bird families constructed by cladistic analysis would most clearly
show which of the following?
(a) characteristics shared by all bird families
(b) evolutionary relationships among families
(c) families that look most alike
(d) analogous structures shared by various species
73. Using cladistic analysis, a taxonomist wishes to construct a phylogenetic tree showing
the relationships among various species of mammals. Data about which of the following
would be least useful for this purpose?
(a) descriptions of various types of limbs (wings, legs, flippers, etc.)
(b) data about skull bones
(c) the fact that teeth vary among different types of mammals
(d) DNA base sequences
74. Which of the following was probably not present in large amounts in the atmosphere
at the time life is thought to have originated?
(a) water (H2 O) (b) methane (CH 4 )
(c) ammonia (NH3 ) (d) oxygen (O2 )
75. Biologists are interested in the role of clay in the origin of life. They think clay might
(a) supplied the raw materials for organic compounds
(b) catalyzed the formation of organic polymers such as proteins and RNA
(c) formed primitive cell membranes that could grow and divide
(d) catalyzed the formation of monomers such as amino acids and sugars
76. Which of the following is thought to have been the first step in the origin of life?
(a) formation of polypeptide spheres (b) formation of organic monomers
(c) replication of primitive genes (d) formation of organic polymers
80. You set your time machine for 3 billion years ago and push the start button. When
the dust clears, you look out the window. Which of the following describes what you
would probably see?
(a) plants and animals very different from those alive today
(b) a cloud of gas and dust in space
(c) green scum in the water
(d) land and water sterile and devoid of life
81. Selection of African tribes is more of heterozygous gene for RBC is due to-
(a) Severe malaria
(b) Environment instability
(c) More cases of Sickle cell anaemia
(d) both a & c
82. Molecular clock of evolution could be traced on basis of-
(a) Comparison of Short arm of 16-S RNA
(b) Substitution in amoniacids of polypeptide due to mutation
(c) DNA fingerprinting
(d) Fossil study
91. The Cuvier’s theory, which states that there had been several creations, each preceded
by another due to some geographical disturbances. Such theory is termed as-
(a) Theory of catastrophism (b) Special creation
(c) Pangenesis (d) Eternity of life
93. Ancient cyanobacteria, found in fossil stromatolites, were very important in the history
of life because they
(a) were probably the first living things to exist on Earth
(b) produced the oxygen in the atmosphere
(c) are the oldest known archae
(d) were the first multicellular organisms
96. Bacteria such as Streptococcus pneumoniae can cause disease in humans when
(a) the hosts immune system is compromised
(b) the bacterium develops resistance to all antibiotics
(c) a co-host such as Staphylococcus is present on the host
(d) that protozoan has pathogenic factors such as pili or capsules
308 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
97. Gram-negative bacteria have ________ peptidoglycan than Gram-positive cells and
their cell walls are _________ complex structurally.
(a) more . . . more
(b) more . . . less
(c) less . . . less
(d) less . . . more
Environmental Biology
1. Ecology
(a) “The scientific study of the interactions between organisms and their environments
is called ecology.”
(b) “Ecology concerns itself with the interrelationships of living organisms, plant or animal,
and their environments; these are studied with a view to discovering the principles
which govern the relationships.
2. Environment
(a) An organism’s environment may be distinguished into an abiotic component and a
biotic component.
(b) “Organisms are affected by their environment but, by their very presence and activities,
they also change it—often dramatically.”
3. Abiotic component
(a) The abiotic component of an environment are all of the non-living components of an
organism’s environment.
(b) These include such things as Temperature; Light; Water; Wind; Nutrients; Substrate
(e.g., rock and soil); Periodic disturbances.
(c) Generally, a given organism is capable of surviving over only a limited range of
abiotic variables, and the environments in which one (or more) abiotic component
ranges outside of an organism’s range of tolerance will not be able to support stable
populations of that organism.
310 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
4. Biotic component
(a) The biotic component of an environment are all of the other organisms found in an
environment with which an organism makes contact, directly or indirectly. These
organisms may be competing, preying upon, being preyed upon, providing shelter, or
in some other way impact on the environment.
6. Principle of allocation
(a) One way to understand ecology is in terms of flows of energy; organisms take in
energy and then use that energy to survive and to reproduce. All adaptations are
compromises, no organism is perfectly adapted to everything, and everything costs
energy. An organism must balance out its allocation of energy to survival and its
need to allocate energy to reproduction.
(b) Genotypes that strike a good balance between allocation to survival and to reproduction,
such that net reproduction is large compared with other genotypes, are said to have
higher relative fitnesses. These ideas form the basis of the principle of allocation.
(c) “Each organism has a limited amount of energy that can be allocated for obtaining
nutrients, escaping from predators, coping with environmental fluctuations, growth
and reproduction.”
(d) Energy allocated to survival is not available for reproduction.
(e) “Complex life like animals and plants needs a lot of energy.” Relatively simple
organisms have lower energy needs, but tend also to be more limited in where they
live or how much energy they can obtain per unit time.
7. Adaptation
(a) Organisms can respond to variations in the environment with variety of adaptations.
(i) Behavioural adaptations are almost instantaneous in their effects and easily
reversed, whereas Physiological adaptations may be implemented and changed
over time scales ranging from seconds to weeks.
(ii) Morphological adaptations may develop over the lifetimes of individual organisms
or between generations.
(iii) Adaptive genetic changes in populations are slower still, usually evolving over
several generations.
Environmental Biology 311
(b) The appropriate response to environmental change depends on the duration of that
(c) “The distinction between short-term adjustments on the scale of ecological time and
adaptation on the scale of evolutionary time begins to blur when we consider that the
range of responses of an individual to changes in the environment is itself the product
of evolutionary history.” That is, “phenotypic plasticity” is itself a product of
(d) “In general, plants are more morphologically plastic than animals; this response helps
them compensate for their inability to move from one environmental patch to another.”
9. Organismal ecology
(a) Organismal ecology is an attempt to understand how the characteristics of individual
organisms impact on the ability of those organisms to interact with their environment.
(b) Thus, for example, inferring that giraffes use their long necks to reach leaves found
high in trees is an example of organismal ecology (though often inferences are just a
bit more subtle and difficult than this example).
Exponential vs Logistic
Carrying Capacity (K)
Pop. 60
size Environmental
40 Resistance
16. Conformers
(a) For organisms within relatively stable environments, energy can be made available
for other uses if internal environments are allowed to vary as external environments
vary. Such organisms may be termed conformers.
(b) Note that a conformer may be very successful within its relatively stable environment,
but less able to survive outside of this environment.
(c) “Conformers that live in very stable environments . . . might be able to channel
more energy into growth and reproduction. However, the intolerance of such
specialists to environmental change severely restricts their geographical
17. Regulators
(a) At the opposite end of the spectrum are the regulators (i.e., versus conformers).
These organisms expend a great deal of energy to keep their internal environment
constant regardless of the nature of their abiotic environment.
(b) Such organisms may be more adaptable, but at the cost of great expenditures of
energy that could otherwise be put toward such things as reproduction.
(c) “Regulators that allocate a larger fraction of their energy to coping with
environmental changes may grow and propagate less efficiently, but such
organisms are able to survive and reproduce over a wider range of variable
18. Graininess
(a) Environmental grain refers to the patchiness of an environment, and the patchiness
of an environment is perceived differently by different organisms. A coarsely grained
environment has patches which are large enough that they may be distinguished. A
finely grained environment has patches which are so small that they may not be
314 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
readily distinguished, and an “organism may not even behave as though patches
exist,” but what is fine-grained to one (typically larger) organism may by coarse-
grained to another (typically smaller) organism.
1. Population
(a) A population in an ecological sense is a group of organisms, of the same species,
which roughly occupy the same geographical area at the same time.
(b) Individual members of the same population can either interact directly, or may interact
with the dispersing progeny of other members of the same population (e.g., pollen).
Population members interact with a similar environment and experience similar
environmental limitations.
2. Population size
(a) A population’s size depends on how the population is defined. If a population is defined
in terms of some degree of reproductive isolation, then that population’s size is the
size of its gene pool.
(b) If a population is defined in terms of some geographical range, then that population’s
size is the number of individuals living in the defined area.
Environmental Biology 315
(c) Ecologists typically are more concerned with the latter means of defining a population
since this is both easier to do and is a more practical measure if one is interested in
determining the impact of a given population on a given ecosystem, or vice versa.
3. Population density
(a) Given that a population is defined in terms of some natural or arbitrarily defined
geographical range, then population density may be defined as simply the number of
individual organisms per unit area.
(b) Different species, of course, exist at different densities in their environments, and
the same species may be able to achieve one density in one environment and another
in a different environment. Population densities may additionally be determined in
terms of some measure other than population size per unit area such as population
mass per unit area.
4. Patterns of dispersion
(a) Individual members of populations may be distributed over a geographical area in a
number of different ways including
• Clumped distribution (attraction)
• Uniform distribution (repulsion)
• Random distribution (minimal interaction/influence)
(b) Clumping may result either from individual organisms being attracted to each other,
or individual organisms being attracted more to some patches within a range than
they are to other patches; the net effect is that some parts of the range will have a
large number of individuals whereas others will contain few or none.
(c) A uniform distribution means that approximately the same distance may be found
between individual organisms; uniform distributions result from individual organisms
actively repelling each other.
(d) A random distribution means that where individual organisms are found is only
minimally influenced by interactions with other members of the same population,
and random distributions are uncommon; “Random spacing occurs in the absence of
strong attractions or repulsions among individuals of a population.”
(e) Note that both clumping and uniform distributions suggest that individual organisms
are either interacting with one another (actively seeking each other out or actively
avoiding each other), or are all competing with one another for the same limited
resources, regardless of the overall population density (as in the case of clumping
which results from geographical patchiness).
5. Demographics
(a) A population’s demographics are its vital statistics, particularly those statistics which
can impact on present and future population size.
(b) Two statistics that are of particular import are a population’s age structure and a
population’s sex ratio.
316 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
(c) Additional considerations (in human populations and for example) are considered to
the right ®
6. Age structure
(a) Age structure refers to the size of cohorts within a population.
(b) Parameters related to age structure include
(i) Fecundity (birth rate)
(ii) Generation time
(iii) Death rate
7. Cohort
(a) A cohort is a group of individuals all of whom have the same age.
(b) In a typical population, the size of cohorts will vary with age. For example, in a
typical population, younger cohorts will be larger (i.e., more individuals per cohort)
than older cohorts, all else being equal.
9. Generation time
(a) Generation time is simply the average span between the birth of individuals and the
birth of their offspring.
(b) “Other factors being equal, a shorter generation time will result in faster population
(c) Note that species which are capable of reproducing more than once will display an
overlapping of generations which basically means that parental cohorts and progeny
cohorts can be alive (and potentially competing with one another) at the same time.
Environmental Biology 317
(d) Note that another way of saying this is that when life expectancies exceed the
minimum time between generations, generations will overlap.
0-4 10-14 20-24 30-34 40-44 50-54 60-64 70-74 80-84
Age Groups
Type I (Man)
Type III
Age of Organism
Birth (scaled to maximum life spon Maximum
for each species) Life Span
17 Population growth
(a) The simplest case of population growth is that which occurs when there exist no
limitations on growth within the environment. In such situations two things occur
(i) The population displays its intrinsic rate of increase
(ii) The population experiences exponential growth
processing power available per dollar—note that on log-linear graph paper this curve
is approximately a straight line):
(g) “The J-shaped curve of exponential growth is characteristic of populations that are
introduced into a new or unfilled environment, or whose numbers have been drastically
reduced by a catastrophic event and are rebounding.”
(h) In other words, a population that is in an environment lacking limits will grow
exponentially (indeed, a population that is capable of growing will tend to grow
exponentially), and the rate at which growth will occur will be a function of rmax and
the degree to which the environment matches the ideal environment in which an
organism is capable of achieving rmax.
number of individuals
time (generations)
0 20 40 60 80 100
Number of Bacterial Cells
Billions of Humans
6 Billion-1999
3 Billion-1960
Ecologists define carrying capacity as the maximum stable population size that a
particular environment can support over a relatively long period of time. Carrying
capacity, sym bolized as K, is a property of the environment, and it varies over space
and time with the abundance of limiting resources.”
(b) In other words, for any given organism, there will be a maximum number of individuals
that the environment can support without the environment being consequently
degraded to the point where it can no longer support that number of individuals.
(c) Generally, as population size approaches carrying capacity, the amount of some key
resource declines per capita to the point where individuals experience either a higher
death rate or a lower fecundity; thus, as population size approaches carrying capacity,
the rate of population growth declines towards zero.
number of individuals
0 20 40 60 80 100
(d) That is, the population grows exponentially at a rate which is determined by rmax and
the suitability of a given environment to an organism’s needs until population size is
sufficient that the limitations associated with the carrying capacity of the environment
are approached.
(e) This slows the rate of population growth in a way such that the larger the population
becomes, the slower its rate of growth; this slowing of the growth transforms the
curve from a J-shaped one to an S-shaped one. Ultimately the rate of growth of the
population reaches zero at the carrying capacity.
(f) “Because the rate at which a population grows changes with the density of organisms
that are currently in the population, the logistic model is said to be density dependent.”
That is, population growth grows as population density approaches that dictated by
an environment’s carry capacity for that population.
(g) Note that populations do not typically display the idealized logistic growth seen with
the model. One deviation from idealized logistic growth is delayed feedback; this can
cause population size overshooting and, in fact, what is typically observed in real
324 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
populations is not just effects of random events but also populations sizes which vary
up and down around the carrying capacity rather than remaining invariant exactly at
the carrying capacity.
number of individuals
size is near carying capacity
60 due to density dependent factors
r-selected environmental instability
20 reduces population size before it
approaches carying capacity
time (generations)
0 20 40 60 80 100
(b) “Plants and animals whose young are subject to high mortality rates often produce
large numbers of offspring. Thus, plants that colonize disturbed environments usually
produce many small seeds, most of which will not reach a suitable environment.
Small size might actually benefit such seeds if it enables them to be carried long
distances… In other organisms, extra investment on the part of the parent greatly
increases the offspring’s change of survival.”
r K
Unstable environment, Stable environment, density
density independent dependent interactions
factors may exert their effect by reducing birth rates, increasing death rates, extending
generation times, or by forcing the migration of conspecifics to new regions.
(c) “The impact of disease on a population can be density dependent if the transmission
rate of the disease depends on a certain level of crowding in the population.” “A death
rate that rises as population density rises is said to be density dependent, as is a birth
rate that falls with rising density. Density-dependent rates are an example of negative
feedback. In contrast, a birth rate or death rate that does not change with population
density is said to be density independent… Negative feedback prevents unlimited
population growth.”
(d) Predation can also be density dependent since predators often can switch prey
preferences to match whatever prey organisms are most plentiful in a given
environment. “Many predators, for example, exhibit switching behaviour: They begin
to concentrate on a particularly common species of prey when it becomes energetically
efficient to do so.
28. Community
(a) A community consists of all of the organisms living within a certain geographical
area. These organisms include conspecifics as well as members of other species.
These organisms interact with each other both directly and indirectly.
(b) Numerous (pessimists might say “endless”) parameters affect what species are present
and in what abundance
(c) “Simple generalizations can rarely explain why certain species commonly occur
together in communities.”
(d) “The distributions of most populations in communities are probably affected to some
extent by both abiotic gradients and interactions [with other species].”
29. Co-evolution
(a) Not only do the abiotic and biotic components of an ecosystem impact on what species
are present and in what abundance, but species also are modified by their interactions
with other species
(b) Co-evolution represents the evolutionary modification of organisms in response to
other organisms, particularly when two organisms are mutually modified in response
to modifications displayed by the other, e.g.,
(i) a flower population better attracts certain insects which in turn evolve to better
exploit the flower population.
(ii) faster rabbits select for faster coyotes which in turn select for faster rabbits.
Environmental Biology 327
1. Interspecific interactions
(a) Coevolution is one consequence of a more general category of ecology called interspecific
interactions (between-species interactions). Previously, we considered intraspecific
interactions, i.e., those between very similar organisms, conspecifics.
(b) Interspecific interactions range from those between fairly similar organisms to those
between very dissimilar organisms.
(c) A key distinction between intraspecific and interspecific interactions is that the former
but not the latter share a gene pool;
(i) intraspecific interactions do not generally lead to the extinction of a species.
(ii) In interspecific interactions, losers can go extinct.
(d) Interspecific interactions include symbioses and can be categorized as
(i) Predation/parasitism (+/-)
(ii) Competition (-/-)
(iii) Commensalism (+/0)
(iv) Mutualism (+/+)
2. Commensalism
(a) Commensalism is a relatively unexploited interspecific interaction. The reason for
this has as much to do with its definition as anything, i.e., commensalism is a
relationship in which one member gains but the other member neither gains nor
loses; this places commensalism on a knife’s edge between predation and mutualism.
(b) If the “unaffected” individual is indeed affected, even just a little, then the relationship
can no longer, technically, be termed commensalisms. In the real world, it is
essentially impossible to determine whether the “unaffected” member really is
unaffected, so the concept is difficult to apply. Nevertheless, in absence of evidence
for mutualism or predation then an assumption of commensalisms is a reasonable
3. Mutualism
(a) Mutualisms, while not necessarily as common as predation or interspecific competition,
are still enormously common. This makes some sense since a mutualistic relationship
is one in which both members gain. However, it is likely that most mutualistic
relationships started out, in evolutionary time, as exploitative (+/-) relationships which
somehow were co-opted into less exploitative relationships. Examples include
everything from lichens, to bees and flowers, to mitochondria and the already lectured
on eucaryotic cell.
4. Predation
(a) +/– interactions include
(i) Predation
(ii) Parasitism
328 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
(iii) Parasitoidism
(iv) Herbivory
(b) These interactions all involve
(i) one individual killing and then eating the other fully (predation)
(ii) not killing and then eating the other partially (parasitism and herbivory), or
(iii) letting one’s offspring do the eating (parasitoidism).
(c) Note that an additional kind of + – interaction does not involve eating but instead is
the stealing of some non-food a resource from one individual by the other: vines on
trees, for example, or a cow bird’s brood parasitism.
(d) Of course, plants also tend to be eaten in pieces rather than as a whole organism, so
anything a plant can do to spare part of the plant from being eaten can also be
advantageous (this rule apparently is also true in terms of defenses against lawn
(e) Plant defenses against predation include
(i) Secondary compounds
(ii) Nutritional deficiencies
(iii) Mechanical defenses
7 Secondary compounds
(a) Secondary compounds are chemicals that plants produce that are distinct from the
primary metabolism to some extent common to all plants. One role of secondary
compounds are as defenses against predation, e.g., toxins.
(b) What is toxic to one herbivore may be useful to another; particularly humans take
great advantage of plant secondary chemicals using them as drugs (both recreational
and medicinal), spices, etc. Some animals (e.g., monarch butterflies) can actually
incorporate these toxins into themselves to make themselves unpalatable to some of
their own predators.
8 Nutritional deficiencies
(a) Plants additionally tend to lack certain nutrients (e.g., essential amino acids).
(b) Such nutritional deficiencies force predators to diversify what plants they consume,
thus preventing herbivores from getting too good (specialized) at exploiting a particular
plant species.
9. Mechanical defenses
(a) Anything a plant can do to keep a herbivore from reaching, biting, or deriving benefit
from once a piece that has been removed can serve to protect the plant from being
330 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
(b) Thorns prevent larger things from comfortably eating a plant, while hairs and other
small appendages can keep small things from reaching the plant.
(c) Plants also interfere with chewing by, essentially, being less than succulent, e.g.,.
the shell of a nut or silica deposited in the leaves of grass.
(d) (between nutritional deficiencies, mechanical defenses, and secondary compounds
one speaks of low forage quality and it is plants that represent low-quality forage that
tend to accumulate when herbivore pressures are high, i.e., high animal to plant
point, but limits the size of the mimic’s population since once mimics are sufficiently
prevalent, predators will catch on to the mimicry.
(b) However, when their numbers are sufficiently few, the mimic gains from protection
from predation while simultaneously not putting out the resources needed to achieve
lack of palatability, etc.
28. Consumers
Consumers are the heterotrophs, i.e., organisms that obtain their carbon from other organisms.
The typical consumer is a chemoheterotroph that consumes other organisms or parts of other
organisms to obtain their carbon and energy. In addition to the types of consumers listed below
we can also speak of omnivores, i.e., consumers that eat at different trophic levels including
consuming producers and detrivores, which are consumers that consume detritus which is the
broken up remains of organisms].
32. Decomposers
(a) Decomposers consume the waste given off by living organisms or the remains of dead
organisms which they did not kill.
(b) “The organic material that composes the living organisms in an ecosystem is
eventually recycled, broken down and returned to the abiotic environment in forms
that can be used by plants. Decomposers, which feed on nonliving organic material,
are key to this recycling process. The most important decomposers are bacteria and
fungi, which first secrete enzymes that digest organic material and then absorb the
breakdown products; some can even digest cellulose.”
(c) “In fact, all heterotrophs, including humans, are decomposers in the sense that they
break down organic material and release inorganic products, such as carbon dioxide
and ammonia, to the environment.”
environment that allows offspring of these species to grow, while inhibiting most of
the species typical of earlier stages of succession.”
(c) Climax communities will remain in place until either the climate changes, a better
competitor arrives, or the community is catastrophically disrupted, e.g., by fire or,
more recently, by extensive logging;
1. Island biogeography
(a) In order for an ecosystem to go through succession, the organisms in each wave of
succession must be available in the local environment. The farther an ecosystem is
from a source of these organisms, the less likely these organisms will be present and
therefore that succession will occur. The smaller an island is, the less likely that
species will find their way to the island and the more likely that species present on
the island will go extinct (due to smaller size and due to resultantly smaller populations,
(b) This can be seen most obviously on islands: the farther an island is from a source of
organisms, the less likely the given organisms will find their way to the island. The
flip side is that as a consequence of, if nothing else, random extinction, the smaller
an ecosystem is, the less able it is to hold on to the species that it has. Thus, the
farther an island or ecosystem is from other islands or ecosystems, and the smaller
the island or ecosystem, the more impoverished of species either is likely to be.
(c) Application of these ideas to our environment is somewhat profound because they
tell us that we can’t go on destroying ecosystems forever without risking their very
existence. In other words, eventually if we convert every last forest into farmland,
housing tract, or parking lot, the remnants of ecosystems will be so small that they
will be unable to sustain what species they start with, and ecosystems will be so far
apart that they will be unable to reacquire species from similar ecosystems
(d) This essentially, ultimately represents a genetic bottlenecking of the entire world,
and if the goal of humans is to survive past this environmental disaster of our own
making, then the big losers will most definitely be ourselves.
1. Ecosystem
(a) “An ecosystem consists of all the organisms living in a community as well as all the
abiotic factors with which they interact.”
(b) Note that the boundaries of ecosystems are typically not arbitrarily defined, but instead
are defined in some meaningful way: A pond, a field, a forest, etc.
(c) Ecosystems are typically understood in terms of
(i) Energy flow through ecosystems
(ii) Chemical cycling within (and through) ecosystems
Environmental Biology 337
(d) Note that both involve the movement of “stuff” through both biotic and abiotic
components of the ecosystem.
(e) “Ecosystems ecologists view ecosystems as energy machines and matter processors.
By grouping the species in a community into trophic levels of feeding relationships,
we can follow the transformation of energy in the whole ecosystem and map the
movements of chemical elements as they are used by the biotic community.”
Ecosystem Environment
Plants Dispersal Plants Consumers
Dispersal Plants
Migration Decomposers
Animals Migration
Erosion Erosion
and and
Soil Deposition Leaching Soil
Organic Organic
Matter Matter
2. Energy flow
(a) Energy does not cycle through ecosystems but instead enters ecosystems and is used
up within ecosystems. Ultimately, energy is lost from ecosystems primarily as waste
heat, the most thermodynamically unavailable form of energy.
(b) “Energy enters most ecosystems in the form of sunlight. It is then converted to
chemical energy by autotrophic organisms, passed to heterotrophs in the organic
compounds of food, and dissipated in the form of heat . . . The movements of energy
and matter through ecosystems are related because both occur by the transfer of
substances through feeding relationships. However, because energy, unlike matter,
cannot be recycled, an ecosystem must be powered by a continuous influx of new
energy from an external source (the sun). Thus, energy flows through ecosystems,
while matter cycles within them.”
“Pyramid of Life”
(c) Note that energy flows through ecosystems mostly as bonds between carbon atoms
and bonds between carbon and hydrogen atoms, e.g., as one finds in carbohydrates
and lipids; consequently, within and between organisms the carbon cycle and the flow
of energy are quite similar, at least until the two are decoupled in the course of
cellular respiration (i.e., the separation of carbon atoms from their energy).
3. Primary productivity
Only a small fraction of the sunlight striking the earth is converted to chemical energy by
primary producers. That sunlight energy that is converted to chemical energy, over a given
period, is termed primary productivity.
6. Biomass
Net primary productivity is stored as biomass (dry mass of organisms).
8. Limiting nutrient
(a) The productivity of an ecosystem is dependent on the primary productivity of the
primary producers within that ecosystem. Other than sunlight, primary productivity
is limited by nutrient availability.
(b) A limiting nutrient is that nutrient which is found in the lowest, relative concentrations
such that an increase in this nutrient will increase primary productivity while a
decrease in this nutrient will decrease primary productivity.
(c) Typically, either phosphorus or nitrogen serves as a limiting nutrient within a given
ecosystem, though water availability can (and often does) also serve to limit the
primary productivity of an ecosystem.
9. Secondary productivity
(a) “The rate at which an ecosystem’s consumers convert the chemical energy of the
food they eat into their own new biomass is called the secondary productivity.” Note
Environmental Biology 339
pork, etc). Another way of looking at it is this. Every time you eat meat, you are
taking food out of the mouths of 9 other people, who could be fed with the plant
material that was fed to the animal you are eating.
transportation of chemicals from one place to another is provided either by the sun
or by the heat released from the mantle and core of the Earth.
(g) [A portion of the nitrogen cycle as it occurs within fish tanks (here nitrification is a
good thing and ammonification, the production and subsequent build up of ammonium
ion, is a bad thing): The nitrogen cycle has some important practical considerations,
as anyone who has ever set up a saltwater fish tank has found out. It takes several
weeks to set up such a tank, because you must have sufficient numbers of nitrite and
nitrate bacteria present to detoxify the ammonia produced by the fish and decomposers
in the tank. Otherwise, the ammonia levels in the tank will build up and kill the fish.
This is usually not a problem in freshwater tanks for two reasons. One, the pH in a
freshwater tank is at a different level than in a saltwater tank. At the pH of a freshwater
tank, ammonia is not as toxic. Second, there are more multicellular plant forms that
can grow in freshwater, and these plants remove the ammonia from the water very
efficiently. It is hard to get enough plants growing in a saltwater tank to detoxify the
water in the same way.
(a) Animals typically display particular behaviors at different times of the day or times of
the year. The mechanisms underlying these rhythmic behaviors may be categorized
as endogenous or exogenous (coming from within the animal and coming from the
animal’s environment, respectively). Typically the exogenous signal is light (i.e., the
stuff that comes from the sun).
Environmental Biology 343
(b) For example, a typical animal will be able to almost-display rhythmic behaviours at
the appropriate times without exogenous signals (e.g., if deprived or light or changes
in light) but will only not be able to display behaviors at appropriate times with high
accuracy if deprived of the exogenous signals.
(c) Note that this endogenous-exogenous system allows animals to innately display
appropriate behaviours at nearly appropriate times independently of fallible exogenous
signals, but still adapt to changes in exogenous signals, e.g., as day lengths change
with the seasons.
1. Kinesis
(a) Kinesis is a movement behavior such that movement randomly occurs given the
presence of a stimulus; in practice, an organism will tend to settle down in a region
that is preferred by tending to move particularly when not present in the preferred
location. Kinesis is a mechanism of movement that involves activity only so long as a
stimulus is present (or, alternatively, only when a signal is absent).
(b) For example, an animal might move only when the environment is in some way
unfavorable; this movement does not occur in a specific direction but instead is
randomly directed, with attainment and maintenance of the animal within a more
favorable environment occurring simply because less movement occurs when the
movement-associated stimulus is not present.
2. Taxis
Taxis, by contrast with kinesis, is directed movement either toward or away from a stimulus.
3. Migration
Migration is the regular (annual) movement of animals over long distances. Migrating animals
find their way via one of three mechanisms
(i) Piloting (“map”)
(ii) Orientation (“compass”)
(iii) Navigation (“map” and “compass”)
4. Piloting
Piloting is the movement from one landmark to another such that terrain remains familiar
throughout the migration. Because of the requirement that an animal have essentially
memorized the directions for the entire trip (an internal map), piloting is typically employed
only for relatively short trips (or trips made over well land-marked land, e.g., over a well-worn
5. Orientation
(a) Orientation involves straight-line travel in a direction that is globally oriented (e.g.,
flying by compass). Compasses are not necessarily artifacts (i.e., man-made devices)
but may also be small, sensory magnets found within an animal’s head.
344 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
(b) Alternatively, many animals appear to orient using the position of the sun (or stars)
and innate knowledge of the time of the day.
6. Navigation
(a) Navigation involves possessing both a map and a compass.
(b) Maps are not necessarily paper things, i.e., one can possess a “map” within one’s
8. Search image
(a) Generalists, too, can specialize in the acquisition of specific food stuffs, particularly
by temporarily specializing. When specializing the generalist employs a specific search
image which is a behavioral algorithm for catching/obtaining a certain kind of food.
This search image will be employed, and even improved upon, until a decline in the
abundance of that food stuff leads to literally diminishing returns; then, rather than
suffering without adequate food supplies, the generalist can simply switch to a new
food type and new search image.
9. Optimal foraging
(a) What makes one food type and search image preferable to another?
(b) Basically, ideally, an organism chooses to consume the food that is easiest to acquire
on a per-unit-nutrient basis and in optimal foraging the benefits of a given forage
essentially are optimized relative to costs. Thus, for example, slow, tasty, and abundant
things are consumed preferentially to fast, rare, obnoxious things.
(c) Organisms that perform such a cost-benefit analysis are said to be optimizing their
(d) “Optimal foraging theory predicts that natural selection will favor animals that choose
foraging strategies that maximize the differential between benefits and costs. Benefits
are usually considered in terms of energy (calories) gained. However, other
optimization criteria, such as specific nutrients, are sometimes more important than
Environmental Biology 345
energy. Costs or tradeoffs associated with foraging consist of the energy needed to
locate, catch, and eat food; the risk of being caught by a predator during feeding; and
time taken away from other vital activities, such as searching for a mate.”
(e) As a consequence of the complexity of the cost-benefit analysis of optimal foraging
behavior, an organism does not necessarily do all necessary calculations in its head
prior to subduing food, but instead has certain rule-of-thumb behavioral tendencies
representing evolutionary algorithms defining what to eat under what circumstances;
it is typically these rule-of-thumb behavioral tendencies that are optimized in optimal
foraging behaviour.
(d) Animals often possess sophisticated rituals in which they attempt to bluff their
opponent into backing down, and animals also often have a good sense of when to
retreat as losers from an otherwise hopeless, potentially injurious cause.
(e) Agonistic displays by a human female and a mandrill male:
14. Courtship
(a) "In many animals, potential partners must go through a complex courtship interaction,
unique to the species, before mating. This complex behaviour often consists of a
series of fixed action patterns, each triggered by some action of the other partner and
initiating, in turn, the other partner’s next required behaviour. This sequence of
events assures each animal not only that the other is not a threat, but also that the
other animal’s species, sex, and physiological condition [e.g., receptivity to mating]
are all correct.”
(b) Part of courtship behaviour can additionally involve some degree of assessment by
one individual of the other individual.
(c) In addition to assuring that matings are successful in the sense that they produce
viable offspring, an animal additionally is motivated to increase the likelihood of the
success of offspring by finding, via courtship, mates that have the best genes or
behaviors, i.e., animals, given a choice, like to “marry up”.
(d) Sexual selection is the means by which a gender (typically males) either compete
directly over a female or compete for a female’s favorable attention; these battles in
turn select for secondary sexual characteristics that aid in the fighting of battles over
females or the attracting of females.
(e) In some species, e.g., humans, both parents often invest mightily in the raising of
offspring and sexual selection consequently impacts directly on both genders.
17. Altruism
Altruism is cooperative behavior in which the actor’s Darwinian fitness is reduced by the
behaviour. Particularly, this is when the actor’s individual (as opposed to inclusive) fitness is
reduced by the behavior
7. Atomospheric ozone layer which protect us from UV-B & C is getting depleted most
by addition of-
(a) Chloro flurocarbon (b) Carbon monooxide
(c) Carbon dioxide (d) Sulpur dioxide
8. A high BOD value in aquatic environment is indicative of-
(a) A pollution free system
(b) A highly polluted system due to excess of nutrients
(c) A highly polluted system due to abundant heterotrophs
(d) A highly pure water with abundance of autotrophs
9. In which of the following the maximum plant diversity is found-
(a) Tropical evergreen forests
(b) Tropical moist deciduous forests
(c) Sub tropical mountain forests
(d) Temperate moist forests
352 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
11. Among the following environmental pollutants has the problem of biomagnifications-
(a) SO2 (b) NO3
(c) Hg fungicides (d) O3 & CO2
12. An increase in the atmospheric level of automobile exhaust gases does not lead to-
(a) Pb Pollution (b) O3 Pollution
(c) Particulate air pollution (d) O3 Pollution
13. The compound mainly responsible for pollution which caused the ill famed Bhopal
gas tragedy was-
(a) NH4 OH (b) CH 3 NCO
(c) CH 3 NH2 O (d) CHCl3
14. In recycling of mineral elements within an ecosystem, the responsible direct acing
organism are called-
(a) Decomposers (b) Producers
(c) Primary consumers (d) Secondary consumers
15. Eutrophication of water bodies resulting to killing of fishes is mainly due to-
(a) Non-availability of food
(b) Non-availability of light
(c) Non-availability of oxygen
(d) Non-availability of essential minerals
16. The pyramid of biomass will be inverted in the ecosystem of-
(a) Forests (b) Ponds
(c) Grasslands (d) Drylands
19. The pyramid of number of a parasitic food chain in forest ecosystem is-
(a) Always inverted
(d) Always upright
(b) Mixture of inverted & upright
(c) Sometimes inverted and sometimes upright
Practice Test Paper – Environmental Biology 353
22. Plants that grows in saline water lodged habitat are called-
(a) Xerophytes (b) Halophytes
(c) Mangrooves (d) Mesophytes
28. Rate of storage of organic matter not used by heterotrophs is termed as-
(a) Net productivity (b) Net primary productivity
(c) Gross primary productivity (d) Secondary productivity
29. Abyssal zone in ocean has-
(a) No sunlight but contains decomposers and consumers
(b) No sunlight but contain producers
(c) Sunlight and decomposers
(d) Sunlight and producers
354 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
31. Among the following green house gases will absorb the light of wavelength-
(a) 200 nm (b) 300 nm
(c) 350 nm (d) 450 nm
32. The photochemical smog is produced by-
(a) Nitrogen oxides
(b) Hydrocarbons
(c) Nitrogen oxides & hydrocarbons
(d) Solar radiation on NOX & hydrocarbon
36. Increased incidence of floods in plains of North India are due to-
(a) Increased deforestation in catchment areas
(b) Increase in incidence of rainfall
(c) Silting of dams
(d) More area under cultivation
37. The two major aspects of ecosystem are-structure and function. By function we mean-
(a) The rate of biological energy flow i.e., the rate of production of respiration of
(b) Biological or ecological regulation including both regulation of organisms by
environment and relation of environment by the organisms
(c) The composition of biological community including species, numbers, biomass
and life history
(d) None of the above
Practice Test Paper – Environmental Biology 355
39. Moss bags, epiphytic lichens and mosses have used for monitoring-
(a) Air pollution (b) Water pollution
(c) Oil pollution (d) Land pollution
43. Early successful stages are tolerant of the harsh, abiotic condition in barren areas
are characterized by-
(a) Weedy a-selected (b) Weedy r-selected
(c) Weedy g-selected (d) Weedy k-selected
44. As ecosystem matures more g-selected replace g-selected. During this species richness
and total biomass increase. Under such condition productivity-
(a) Also Increase (b) remains unchanged
(c) Decreased (d) Random increase
51. Chimpanzees have a relatively low birth rate. They take good care of their young,
and most chimps live a long life. The chimp survivorship curve would look like
(a) a line that slopes gradually upward
(b) a relatively flat line that drops steeply at the end
(c) a line that drops steeply at first, then flattens out
(d) a line that slopes gradually downward
52. An oak tree produces thousands of acorns, but very few grow into mature oak trees.
The oak tree exhibits a . . . survivorship curve.
(a) Type I (b) Type II
(c) Type III (d) Type I or II
53. In the models that describe population growth, r stands for
(a) population density
(b) carrying capacity
(c) total number of individuals in the population
(d) growth rate
54. When the per capita birth rate equals the per capita death rate
(a) a population grows rapidly
(b) the size of a population remains constant
(c) density-dependent limiting factors do not affect the population
(d) a population is in danger of extinction
57. A population that grows rapidly at first and then levels off at carrying capacity can be
(a) by a logistic equation
(b) as delta N/ delta t equals B minus D
(c) as dN/dt = rN
(d) as being relatively unaffected by limiting factor
60. Which of the following is the most accurate comment on the Earth’s carrying capacity
for people?
(a) K is smaller now than it was a thousand years ago
(b) The human population is still a long way from K
(c) Our technology has allowed us to keep increasing K
(d) When it comes to humans, the concept of K is irrelevant
63. Milkweed plants produce bad-tasting and poisonous compounds that deter most plant-
eaters. But the caterpillars of Monarch butterflies are able to eat milkweed leaves
without being harmed. In fact, the chemicals obtained from milkweed actually protect
the Monarch from insect-eating birds. This example illustrates
(a) coevolution (b) competitive exclusion
(c) succession (d) mutualism
358 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
64. A bat locates insect prey in the dark by bouncing high-pitched sounds off them. One
species of moth escapes predation by diving to the ground when it hears sonar of a
particular bat species. This illustrates ____ between the bat and moth.
(a) mutualism (b) competitive exclusion
(c) ecological succession (d) coevolution
69. When goats were introduced to an island off the California coast, the goats lived in
the same areas and ate the same plants as the native deer. The deer population
dwindled, and the deer finally disappeared. This is an example of
(a) commensalism (b) succession
(c) coevolution (d) competitive exclusion
70. The niche of an animal is
(a) the number of individuals of the species the environment will support
(b) the same as its habitat
(c) the way the animal fits into its environment
(d) its den or nest
71. The resources a population actually uses describes its ________; while the resources
it actually uses are its _________.
(a) realized niche; habitat
(b) realized niche; fundamental niche
(c) fundamental niche; realized niche
(d) habitat; ecosystem
72. Two species of cuckoo doves live in a group of islands off the coast of New Guinea. Of
33 islands, 14 have one species, 6 have the other, 13 have neither, and none has both.
What might best explain this? The two species of birds could
(a) be on different trophic levels
(b) have similar niches
Practice Test Paper – Environmental Biology 359
75. In Paine’s study of the intertidal zone on the coast of Washington State he found that
(a) competitive exclusion inevitably reduced species richness
(b) mutualism among prey species maintained species diversity
(c) the mussel Mytilus preyed on the sea star Pisaster
(d) the presence of a keystone predator maintained community diversity
76. Under which of the following circumstances would interspecific competition be most
(a) when resources are most abundant
(b) in the presence of a keystone predator
(c) when organisms have quite different ecological niches
(d) when a foreign organism is introduced to a community
78. After clear-cutting, timber companies cannot afford to wait for the long process of
_____ to occur naturally; they plant trees right away.
(a) mutualism (b) succession
(c) coevolution (d) decomposition
79. The current view of succession is
(a) expressed by the equilibrial model
(b) that disturbance and nonequilibrium are inevitable
(c) that it ends once the climax community is established
(d) that it proceeds in a linear fashion
360 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
80. The . . . hypothesis contends that increased diversity is promoted when disturbances
prevent competitive exclusion. The . . . hypothesis contend that increased diversity is
promoted when disturbances result in the coexistence of several successional stages.
(a) dynamic equilibrium . . .Wilson/MacArthur
(b) Wilson and MacArthur. . . biogeography
(c) aposomatic; cryptic
(d) dynamic equilibrium . . .intermediate disturbance
88. Why is a diagram of energy flow from trophic level to trophic level shaped like a
(a) Organisms at each level store most of the energy and pass little on
(b) There are more producers than primary consumers, and so on
Practice Test Paper – Environmental Biology 361
93. Local conditions such as heavy rainfall or the removal of plants may limit the amount
of nitrogen, phosphorus, or calcium available to a particular ecosystem, but the amount
of carbon available to the system is seldom a problem. Why?
(a) Organisms do not need very much carbon
(b) Plants can make their own carbon using water and sunlight
(c) Plants are much better at absorbing carbon from the soil
(d) Many nutrients come from the soil, but carbon comes from the air
99. Ospreys and other top predators in food chains are most severely affected by pesticides
such as DDT because
(a) their systems are especially sensitive to chemicals.
(b) of their rapid reproductive rates.
(c) the pesticides become concentrated in their prey.
(d) they cannot store the pesticides in their tissues.
5. A non harmful species copies a harmful and tasteless form, the type of mimicry
shown is-
(a) Bateson (b) Mullerian
(c) Darwinian (d) Morganarian
6. Exotic weed which proved very harmful for forest and grassland is-
(a) Eupatromia (b) Verbenia
(c) Eichornia (d) Salvia
7. Latest news of conflicts between human and wild animals has happened due to-
(a) Habitat destruction
(b) Increased poaching
(c) Increased conservation
(d) Increased Human population
13. Drosophila shares more its genes with sister (75%) as compare to its daughter (50%)
due to-
(a) Eusocialbilty (b) Kin selection
(c) Haploidy diploidy (d) Parthenogensis
14. The gradual mode of speciation in single lineage in which species diverge in spurts of
relatively rapid change which result in increase in species is termed as-
(a) Punctuated equilibrium (b) Adaptive radiation
(c) Anagenesis (d) Cladogenesis
15. Profitability of prey for predator lies in its energy content and
(a) Prey density (b) Palatability
(c) Foraging time (d) prey availability
16. Net productivity of closed ecosystem is-
(a) 0 (b) <0
(c) >0 (d) +1/–1
27. The birds in tropics are generally smaller in size because of-
(a) To increase surface area to volume ratio
(b) To decrease surface area to volume ratio
(c) For easy flight
(d) Aestivation
28. In an pond ecosystem, net productivity by zooplankton is ‘p’ and biomass consumed
by small fishes is 'c', then the ratio of c/p is termed as-
(a) Assimilation efficiency (b) Net secondary productivity
(c) Consumption efficiency (d) Conversion efficiency
29. For climax which statement is INCORRECT?
(a) Number of perennial species increases
(b) Dependency on detritious food chain increases
(c) Vertical stratification of community increases
(d) Exploitation competition is more then normal competition
366 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
30. At present, the relationship between human and monkey can be stated as
(a) They both have common ancestors
(b) Human have evolved from monkey
(c) Both have very distinct phylogeny
(d) Relationship can not be established
31. Each organism occupies a particular trophic level in a food chain. Moving from one
trophic level to the nex involves an energy loss of about ...
(a) 10% (b) 30%
(c) 50% (d) 70%
(e) 90%
32. The greatest amount of food per acre is produced in the ...
(a) tundra (b) grassland
(c) marine biome (d) rain forest
33. Predator populations and types of decomposers are biotic environmental factors. Which
is an abiotic environmental factor?
(a) common flora (b) availability of prey
(c) presence of microbes (d) average precipitation
34. Which of these is a large reservoir of nitrogen that is unusable by most organisms?
(a) soil (b) ocean
(c) atmosphere (d) space
35. The concentration of which gas can be reduced by preventing forest depletion?
(a) Oxygen (O2 ) (b) Methane (CH 4 )
(c) Carbon dioxide (CO2 ) (d) Nitrous oxide (N 2 O)
36. What is the approximate increase in global surface temperatures in the past century?
(a) 1.5°F (.8°C) (b) 5°F (2.8 °C)
(c) 1°F (.5°C) (d) 2°F (1.1°C)
37. What the gas which contributes most to the Greenhouse Effect?
(a) Methane(CH 4 ) (b) Carbon dioxide (CO2 )
(c) All of the above (d) Nitrous oxide (N 2 O)
38. What has been the approximate rise in sea level over the past century?
(a) 14-16 inches (35-40 cm) (b) 10-12 inches (25-30 cm)
(c) 2-4 inches (5-10 cm) (d) 6-8 inches (15-20 cm)
39. This type of biome (habitat) has very long cold winters, short warm summers and
typically has acidic soils as a result of the cold temperatures and litter fall.
(a) Desert (b) Tundra
(c) Taiga (Coniferous forests) (d) Temperate forests
40. A population’s role in the community or the resources it uses is called its _____?
(a) Trophic structure (b) Niche
(c) Community interaction (d) Habitat
Practice Test Paper – Environmental Biology 367
41. Two species or populations are competing for the exact same resources, and one will
eventually exclude the other. What is the technical term for this?
(a) Predation (b) Competitive exclusion
(c) Coevolution (d) Mutualism
42. Predators can influence the structure of a community because their removal from
the community causes a catastrophic change in the composition and structure of the
rest of the community. What are the predators called because of this?
(a) Keystone species (b) Oppourtunists
(c) Coevolutionists (d) Edge species
43. What is the single most important factor contributing to losing or creating endangered
(a) air pollution (b) clearcut logging
(c) habitat loss (d) water pollution
49. Which of these is an explanation of why a population can fluctuate once it has reached
carrying capacity?
(a) All populations experience exponential growth once they reach carrying capacity
(b) A population of organisms always grows rapidly once it reaches carrying capacity
(c) Limiting factors can influence the number of organisms in a population once it
reaches carrying capacity
(d) The number of organisms decreases but never increases once it reaches carrying
(b) stability
of d eer
(c) carrying capacity
(d) density Time
52. When is it possible for a population growth rate to be less than zero?
(a) When the death rate is greater than the birthrate
(b) The population growth rate can never be less than zero
(c) When the birthrate is equal to the death rate
(d) When the birthrate is greater than the death rate
54. The population distribution for a country shows that each age structure is about the
same size. What type of population growth is this country experiencing?
(a) zero growth (b) rapid growth
(c) stable growth (d) slow growth
55. Based on the data in the graph, which of the colonies was least affected by temperature
as a limiting factor? Number of colonies of Bacterium
(a) 3
grown at different temperatures
Number of c olonies
(b) 4 50
(c) 2
(d) 1 20
56. Which of these is NOT a limiting factor to the growth 1 2 3 4
Temperature test runs
of a population?
(a) availability of food (b) increasing population of predators
(c) introduction of disease (d) long-term abundance of space
Practice Test Paper – Environmental Biology 369
58. The population of a country is experiencing a slow doubling time. Which of these is
true of that country?
(a) It can also be categorized as a developing country
(b) It has zero population growth
(c) It will never double its population
(d) It can also be categorized as a developed country
59. A population of rabbits experiences an increase over time. Which of these statements
about that population is true?
(a) The population may face increased competition due to resource depletion
(b) The population my face decreased competition due to resource depletion
(c) The population may experience exponential growth due to resource depletion
(d) The population may experience straight-line growth due to resource depletion
61. The portion of the shoreline that lies between the low tide line and the high tide line
is called the __________.
(a) intertidal zone (b) aphotic zone
(c) wetlands (d) plankton
62. An organism with the ability to withstand changes to biotic and abiotic environmental
factors is said to have __________.
(a) tolerance (b) a pioneer community
(c) limiting factors (d) secondary succession
63. Which of these biomes would you expect to find a coyote living in?
(a) desert (b) taiga
(c) tropical rain forest (d) tundra
64. Which of these statements is NOT true?
(a) Secondary succession happens in areas where organisms had previously live(d)
(b) Primary succession happens when communities of organisms populate otherwise
barren land
(c) Ecological change does not always equate with destruction
(d) The process of succession resulting in a climax community always happens within
one year
370 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
65. An undersea volcano in the Hawaiian Islands chain erupts, forming a new island in
the Pacific Ocean. Over the course of time, which of these would most likely be the
first species to survive on the new island?
(a) lichens
(b) grasses
(c) mammals
(d) birds
Primary and Secondary Succession
C 1
S pecies diver sity
B 2
Zero Time
71. Which marine biome is characterized by deep water depths that never receive sunlight?
(a) a lake (b) a bog
(c) an estuary (d) an aphotic zone
72 Which of these statements about the amount of food production after 20 °C is true?
(a) Food production remains the same as temperatures increase beyond 20 °C
(b) Food production stops as temperatures increase beyond 20 °C
(c) Food production drops drastically as temperatures increase beyond 20 °C
(d) Food production continues to increase as temperatures increase beyond 20 °C
73. Which of these statements is true?
(a) In a pyramid of energy, only about 40% of the energy at one level is available for
the next trophic level
(b) The law of conservation, which can be applied to the pyramid of energy, means
that energy is constantly created and destroyed
(c) In a pyramid of numbers, the population size usually gets smaller as the trophic
level increases
(d) In a pyramid of biomass, the weight of a lower trophic level is the same as the
level above it
74. A relationship among organisms where one species benefits while the other species
neither benefits nor is harmed is called __________.
(a) parasitism (b) predation
(c) mutualism (d) commensalism
75. What element is considered the building block of all the molecules of life?
(a) carbon (b) sodium
(c) magnesium (d) hydrogen
79. An organism which can produce its own food from simple raw materials and an energy
source is a(n)
(a) autotroph (b) producer
(c) both (a) and (b) (d) neither (a) nor (b)
80. As energy is passed from one trophic level to the next, the amount of usable energy
(a) increases (b) decreases
(c) remains constant (d) is highly variable
87. In the 1960’s myxomatosis was ‘accidentally’ released killing approximately 90% of
rabbits in the UK. What happened in the food chain below? Carrots®rabbits®foxes
(a) The number of carrots increased
(b) The number of foxes increased
(c) The number of carrots decreased and the number of foxes increased
(d) The number of carrots increased and the number of foxes decreased
88. Rabbits are important grazers, maintaining some important grassland habitats. If
another catastrophe were to reduce rabbit populations what would happen?
(a) Important grassland butterflies would be lost
(b) There would be more grass for the surviving rabbits
(c) The grassland would be invaded by trees and shrubs
(d) All of the above
89. A food web:
(a) Is made by a spider
(b) Shows how feeding relationships are interlinked
(c) Shows the number of organisms in a habitat
(d) Only shows important animals
91. Weeds compete with crops for resources. Farmers can get rid of weeds by using:
(a) Insecticide (b) Fungicide
(c) Herbicide (d) Rodenticide
93. Many pesticides are stored in an animal’s body fat. If a pesticide got into a lake, which
organism would have the highest level? microscopic plant®micro animal®fish ®osprey
(a) Osprey (b) Fish
(c) Microscopic animals (d) Microscopic plants
94. What do farmers using modern farming techniques rely on to ensure maximum crop
(a) Pesticides (b) Fertilisers
(c) Pesticides and fertilisers (d) Large machinery
95. Fertilisers can be washed into rivers by the rain. This can cause:
(a) Bioaccumulation (b) Eutrophication
(c) Biodegradation (d) Spontaneous combustion
374 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
100. The Rio declaration on the Environment and development and Agenda 21 encouraged
people to:
(a) Act local, think global
(b) Act global, think local
(c) Act as we are, think as we do
(d) Not worry, the earth will go on forever
Biodiversity is defined as ‘the variability among living organisms from all sources, including
terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they
are a part; this includes diversity within species, between species and of ecosystems’. India is
one of 12 megadiversity countries of the world. The innumerable life forms harbored by the
forests, deserts, mountains, other land, air and oceans provide food, fodder, fuel, medicine,
textiles etc. There are innumerable species, the potential of which is not as yet known. It
would therefore be prudent to not only conserve the species we already have information
about, but also species we have not yet identified and described from economic point of view.
Taxus baccata, a tree found in the Sub-Himalayan regions, once believe to be of no value is now
considered to be effective in the treatment of certain types of cancer. The diversity of genes,
species and ecosystem is a valuable resource that can be tapped as human needs and demands
change, the still more basic reasons for conservation are the moral, cultural and religious
Biodiversity has direct consumptive value in agriculture, medicine and industry.
Approximately 80000 edible plants have been used at one time or another in human history, of
which only about 150 have even been cultivated on a large scale. Today a mere 10 to 20 species
provide 80%–90% food requirements of the world. The indirect values imply the functions
performed by biodiversity which are not of any direct use such as ecological processes etc. In
India, many rural communities particularly the tribals obtain considerable part of their daily
food from the wild plants. Some examples are: Ceropegia bubosa in Central India and Western
Ghats. At one time, nearly all medicines were derived from biological resources. Even today
they remain vital and as much as 67%–70% of modern medicine are derived from natural
products. In developing countries, a large majority of the people rely on traditional medicines
for their primary health care, most of which involve the use of plant extracts.
• Genetic Biodiversity: Genetic variation within species both among living organisms
and the ecological complex in which they occur. eg., the genetic diversity in rabbit
376 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
Percentage of
Taxa2 Species Endemic Threatened World India to
species species the word
India has 47 000 species of flowering and non-flowering plants representing about 12% of
the recorded world’s flora. Out of 47 000 species of plants, 5 150 are endemic and 2532 species
are found in the Himalayas and adjoining regions and 1 782 in the peninsular India. India is
also rich in the number of endemic faunal species it possesses, while its record in agro-biodiversity
is very impressive as well. There are 166 crop species an numerous wild relatives of domesticated
animals. Overall India ranks seventh in terms of contribution to world agriculture.
• Desert. The extremely arid area west of the Aravalli hill range, comprising both the
salty desert of Gujarat and the sand desert of Rajasthan. 6.9% of the country’s
• Semi-arid. The zone between the desert and the Deccan plateau, including the Aravalli
hill range. 15.6 % of the country’s landmass.
• Western ghats. The hill ranges and plains running along the western coastline,
south of the Tapti river, covering an extremely diverse range of biotic provinces and
biomes. 5.8% of the country’s landmass.
• Deccan peninsula. The largest of the zones, covering much of the southern and
southcentral plateau with a predominantly deciduous vegetation. 4.3 % of the country’s
• Gangetic plain. Defined by the Ganges river system, these plains are relatively
homogenous. 11% of the country’s landmass.
• North-east India. The plains and non- Himalayan hill ranges of northeastern India,
with a wide variation of vegetation. 5.2% of the country’s landmass.
• Islands. The Andaman and Nicobar Islands in the Bay of Bengal, with a highly
diverse set of biomes. 0.03% of the country’s landmass.
• Coasts. A large coastline distributed both to the west and east, with distinct differences
between the two; Lakshadeep islands are included in this with the percent area being
Forest type2 Distribution % of forest area
Tropical forests2
Tropical wet evergreen2 North East and South, 5.82
Andaman and Nicobar island2
Tropical semi evergreen2 South and East2 2.52
Tropical moist deciduous2 Central and East2 30.32
Tropica littoral and swamp2 Along the coast2 0.92
Tropical dry deciduous2 West and Central2 38.2
Tropical thorn2 West and Central2 6.72
Tropical dry evergreen2 Central and South2 0.12
Subtropical forests2
Subtropical broad leaved hill forests2 South2 0.42
Subtropical pine2 Sub-Himalayan tract2 5.02
Subtropical dry evergreen2 North-East and South2 0.2
Temperate forests2
Montane wet temperate2 Himalaya and Nilgiris 2.02
(in Western Ghats)2
Himalayan moist temperate2 Temperate areas of Himalays2 3.42
Himalayan dry temperate2 Dry temperate areas of Himalayas2 0.2
Sub-alpine and alpine forests2
Sub-alpine2 Himalaya2 4.32
Moist alpine shrub2 Himalaya2 4.32
Dry alpine shrub2 Himalaya2 4.32
Biodiversity and Taxonomy 379
Apart from the biogeographic classifications described above ecosystems can also be
demarcated on the basis of purely geographical or geological features like mountains, islands,
valleys, plateaux, oceans; on the basis of vegetative cover like forests, grasslands, mangroves
and deserts; on the basis of climatic conditions like arid and semi-arid areas, permanently
snow-bound areas, high rainfall areas; on the basis of soil characteristic and other such criteria.
In some descriptions the biomes/ecosystems are clubbed together into very general habitat
classifications. The main natural habitat types are:
1. Forests
The forest cover of the country is placed at 633 397 sq km according to the forest survey of India
assessment (1997). This presents 19.27% of India’s total geographical areas. India is endowed
with diverse forest types ranging from the Tropical wet evergreen forests in North-Eastern to
the Tropical thorn forests in the Central and Western India.
2. Grasslands
In India the spread of grassland and shrubland is put at 12% of the total landmass while the
planning commission (1989) and Grasslands and Fodder research Institute, Jhansi gives an
estimate of about 3.7 to 3.9%. The diversity of grasslands in India is high ranging from semi-
arid pastures of the western part of the Deccan peninsula, the humid, semi-waterlogged tall
grassland of the Terai belt, the rolling shola grasslands of the western ghat hilltops, and the
high-altitude alpine pastures of the Himalayas.
3. Wetlands
Wetlands cover 3% of the Indian landmass, or nearly 100 000 sq. Km. Wetlands in India harbor
a vast variety of life forms that are a part of the complex food of these transitional ecosystems.
About 320 species of birds are associated with the Indian Wetlands. Apart from birds, the
wetlands support a diverse population of plants and animals including 150 species of amphibians.
Wetlands are the habitat of some of the world’s endangered and threatened flora and fauna.
The Western and Central flock of Siberian crane, one of the most endangered cranes in the
world, uses Keoladeo as its winter site. The brown antlered deer (Cervus eldi eldi) or ‘sangai’ is
found only in phumadis (floating landmasses) of Lok Tak Lake. Gahirmatha beach is a major
breeding site of olive ridley turtles. Chilka is the habitat of many threatened species such as
green sea turtle, Hawksbill turtle, dugong, and blackbuck.
4. Mangroves
Government of India estimated mangrove cover of 674 000 ha, which is about 7% of the world’s
mangrove. Mangroves are salt-tolerant ecosystems in tropical and subtropical regions. These
ecosystems are largely characterized by assemblage of unrelated tree genera that share the
common ability to grow in saline tidal zone. India harbours some of the best mangroves swamps
in the world, located in the alluvial deltas of Ganga, Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna, and Cauveri
rivers and on the Andaman and Nicobar group of Islands. The largest stretch of mangroves in
the country lies in the Sunderbans in West Bengal covering an area of about 4,200 sq. km. The
predominant mangroves species are Avicennia officinalis, Excoecaria agallocha, Heritiera fomes,
Bruguiera parviflora, Ceriops decandra, Rhizophora mucronata and Xylocarpus granatum.
Mangroves also harbour a number of molluscs, polychaetes and honeybees. The Indian
mangroves are host to 105 species of fish, 20 kinds of shellfish, and 229 crustacean species. The
Royal Bengal tiger is found in the Sunderban mangroves. Different species of monkeys, otters,
380 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
deer, fishing cats, snakes and wild pigs are common. A total of 117 species of migratory and
residential birds have been reported. The most common birds are flamingos, storks, sea eagles,
kites, kingfishers, sandpipers, bulbuls, and whistlers.
5. Coral reefs
Accurate estimates of coral reef extent in the world are not available. A rough estimate puts it
at 600 000 sq Km (Smith 1978) out of which 60% occurs in the Indian Ocean region and most of
it in south-east Asia. The coral reef cover in Indian waters is roughly estimated upto 19,000 sq.
Km (Wafar 1992). Indian reefs belong to the following categories:
1. PalkBay and Gulf of Mannar : Fringing
2. Gulf of Kachchh : Fringing, Patchy
3. Andaman and Nicobar Islands : Fringing
4. Lakshadeep Islands : Atolls
5. Central West coast : Patchy
The diversity of the Indian coral reefs is very impressive with about 200 coral species
belonging to 71 genera. The richest being Andaman and Nicobar Islands which alone harbors
179 species.
6. Deserts
In India, deserts extend over about 2% of the landmass. Three kinds of deserts are noticeable
in India:
1. The sand desert of western Rajasthan and neighbouring areas.
2. The vast salt desert of Gujarat
3. The high-altitude cold desert of Jammu and Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh.
Desert fauna in India is also quite diverse, with about 1200 sp. of animals reported from
Thar region of which 440 are vertebrates and 755 are invertebrates. Desert fox, Desert cat,
Houbara Bustard and some Sandgrouse species are restricted to the Thar area (Rodgers and
Pawar 1988). In the remote part of Great Rann, Gujarat lies the nesting ground of Flamingoes
and the only known population of Asiatic wild ass.
The cold deserts in India cover a vast area of 109 990 sq. Km, about 87,780 sq. km in
Laddakh (Jammu and Kashmir) and 22,210 sq. Km in Lahaul -Spiti (Himachal Pradesh). The
diversity of the high altitude cold deserts has been studied only recently with many insect
species being endemic. Interestingly the cold desert harbors Kiang a close relative of the Indian
wild ass found the Rann of Kachchh. Other distinctive animals include Snow leopard, Yak,
Tibetan antelope, Ibex, Blue sheep, Tibetan gazelle, Woolly hare etc.
In order to concentrate resources on those areas that are most vulnerable, conservationists
have identified certain areas as biodiversity “hotspots.” The term was first used by British
ecologist Norman Myers in 1988 to designate areas in which there is a disproportionate number
of endemic species (species that are found nowhere else) and which are losing habitat at a high
rate. In a February 2000 article in Nature, Myers and other ecologists identified 25 “hotspots”
that together comprise only 1.4 percent of the Earth’s surface yet contain 44 percent of all
species of higher plants and 35 percent of all land vertebrate species.
Biodiversity and Taxonomy 381
Hotspots are defined according to their plant vegetation. According to Myers’s definition,
a hotspot has to contain at least 0.5 percent of the world’s 300,000 plant species as
endemics. Plants are important because vegetation is what determines the primary productivity
of an ecosystem. Most, but not all, of the hotspots are in tropical areas; many are in developing
countries where populations rely on species-rich ecosystems for food, firewood, cropland, and
income from timber. In Madagascar, for example, about 85 percent of the plants and animals
are found nowhere else in the world
Biodiversity hotspots are areas that are unusually rich in species, most of which are
endemic, and are under a constant threat of being overexploited. Among the 25 hot spots in the
world, two are found in India. These are two distinct areas: the Eastern Himalayas and the
Western Ghats and are also depicted in the National forest vegetation map of India.
1. Eastern Himalayas
Phytogeographically, the Eastern Himalayas forms a distinct floral region and comprises Nepal,
Bhutan, neighbouring states of east and north-east India, and a contiguous sector Yunnan
province in south western China. In the whole of Eastern Himalayas, there are an estimated
9000 plant species, with 3500 (i.e. 39%) of them being endemic. In India’s sector of the area,
there occur some 5800 plant species, roughly 2000 (i.e. 36%) of them being endemic. At least 55
flowering plants endemic to this area are recognized as rare, for example, the pitcher plant
(Nepenthes khasiana). The area has long been recognized as a rich centre of primitive flowering
plants and the area is recognized as ‘Cradle of Speciation’.
Species of several families of monocotyledons, Orchidaceae, Zingiberaceae and Arecaceae
abound in the area. Gymnosperms and pteridophytes (ferns) are also well represented in the
area. The area is also rich in wild relatives of plants of economic significance, e.g., rice, banana,
citrus, ginger, chilli, jute and sugarcane. The region is regarded as the centre of origin and
diversification of five palms of commercial importance namely, coconut, arecanut, palmyra
palm, sugar palm and wild date palm. Tea (Thea sinensis) is reported to be in cultivation
in this region for the last 40,000 years. Many wild and allied species of tea, the leaves of which
are used as substitute of tea, are found growing in the North East in the natural habitats. The
‘taxol’ plant Taxus wallichiana is sparsely distributed in the region and has come under red
data category due to its over exploitation for extraction of a drug effectively used against cancer.
As regards faunal diversity, 63% of the genera of land mammals in India are know from
this area. During the last four decades, two new mammals have been discovered from the
region: Golden Langur from Assam – Bhutan region, and Namdapha flying squirrel
from Arunachal Pradesh indicating the species richness of the region. The area is also a
rich centre of avian diversity – more than 60% of the Indian birds are recorded in the
North East. The region also has two endemic genera of lizards, and 35 endemic reptilian species,
including two turtle. Of the 204 Indian amphibians, at least 68 species are known from North
East, 20 of which are endemic. From Namdapha National Park itself, a new genus of mammal,
a new subspecies of bird, 6 new species of amphibia, four new species of fish, at least 15 new
species of beetles and 6 new species of flies have been discovered.
2. Western ghats
The Western Ghats region is considered as one of the most important biogeographic zones of
India, as it is one of the richest centres of endemism. Due to varied topography and micro-
climatic regimes, some areas within the region are considered to be active zones of speciation.
382 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
The region has 490 arborescent taxa, of which as many as 308 are endemics this endemism
of tree species shows a distinct trend, being the highest (43%) in 8N-10°30’N location and
declining to 11% in 16N - 16°30’N location. About 1 500 endemic species of dicotyledonous
plants are reported from the Western Ghats. 245 species of orchids belonging to 75 genera are
found here, of which 112 species in 10 genera are endemic to the region.
As regards the fauna, as many as 315 species of vertebrates belonging to 22 genera are
endemic, these include 12 species of mammals, 13 species of birds, 89 species of reptiles, 87
species of amphibians and 104 species of fish. The extent of endemism is high in amphibian and
reptiles. There occur 117 species of amphibians in the region, of which 89 species (i.e. 76%) are
endemic. Of the 165 species of reptiles found in Western Ghats, 88 species are endemic. Many
of the endemics and other species are listed as threatened. Nearly 235 species of endemic
flowering plants are considered endangered. Rare fauna of the region includes: Lion Tailed
Macaque, Nilgiri Langur, Nilgiri Tahr, Flying Squirrel, and Malabar Gray Hornbill.
The Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) is the nodal agency in the Government of
India for planning, promotion, coordination, and overseeing the implementation of the
environmental and forestry programmes. The MoEF is also the focal point for implementation
of the Convention on Biological Diversity. The mandates of the Ministry interalia include survey
of flora, fauna, forests and wildlife, and conservation of natural resources. These objectives are
supported by legislative and regulatory measures. A number of institutions affiliated with the
Ministry are involved in the work related to various aspects of biological diversity. Survey and
inventorization of the floral and faunal resources are carried out by the Botanical Survey of
India (BSI) established in 1890, and the Zoological Survey of animals species have been recorded
by the BSI and ZSI respectively. The Survey organizations have published over the years,
documents on flora and fauna at country, state and in some cases district levels and for selected
ecosystems. Besides, extensive reports on inventories of resources indicating level of biodiversity
in selected areas have also been brought out. The Surveys have also published Red Data
Books (Originally printed by International council for conservation of nature and natural
resources) on endangered species. The voucher specimens are preserved in Central National
Herbarium (CNH) of BSI and National Zoological Collection (NZC) of ZSI. The Forest Survey of
India publishes every three years, a State of Forest in India report based on remote sensing
and ground truth data.
Existing policy response In situ conservation (within natural habitat)
India has a network of 85 national parks and 448 sanctuaries, covering 4.2% of the its land area
[MoEF 1998]. This number has progressively increased over the last twenty-five years. Areas
having significant biodiversity value are declared national parks or sanctuaries under the Wild
Life (Protection) Act of 1972 (henceforth referred to as WL Act), as amended in 1991. Before
this act, national parks and sanctuaries were being set up but under various state or area
specific acts.
With the coming of this act, all areas notified under any other act became parks or
sanctuaries notified under this act, Under the WL Act, national parks are given a higher
level of protection and no human use activity is permitted within them: The act specifies that:
“No person shall destroy, exploit or remove any wild life from a National Park or destroy or
Biodiversity and Taxonomy 383
damage the habitat of any wild animal or deprive any wild animal of its habitat within such
National Park except under and in accordance with a permit granted by the Chief Wild Life
Warden and no such permit shall be granted unless the State Government, being satisfied that
such destruction, exploitation or removal of wild life from the National Park is necessary for the
improvement and better management of wild life therein, authorises the issue of such permit.”
[Section 35(6) of the Act]. Also, no private land holding or right is allowed within a national
Sanctuaries are accorded a lesser level of protection, and grazing and some community
or individual rights can be permitted. Under the WL Act, national parks are fully protected
from all human disturbance and, consequently, correspond to the revised category Ia (Scientific
Reserves) of the IUCN categorisation system for protected areas. A sanctuary, where grazing
and various other rights can be permitted, corresponds to IUCN category IV Habitat and
Wildlife Management Area).
natural sites have been declared as “World Heritage Sites”, the name of which are
1. The Tura Range in Gora Hills of Meghalaya is a gene sanctuary for preserving
the rich native diversity of wild Citrus and Musa species.
2. Sanctuaries for rhododendrons and orchids have been established in Sikkim.
3. Large mammal species targeted protection based on the perception of threat to
them have been under implementation.
• Project Tiger. A potential example of an highly endangered species is the Indian
Tiger (Panthera tigris) The fall and rise in the number of Tiger’s in India is an index
of the extent and nature of conservation efforts. It is estimated that India had about
40 000 tigers in 1900, and the number declined to a mere about 1 800 in 1972. Hence,
Project Tiger was launched in 1973 with the following objectives:
• To ensure maintenance of available population of Tigers in India for scientific,
economic, aesthetic, cultural and ecological value
• To preserve, for all times, the areas of such biological importance as a national
heritage for the benefit, education and enjoyment of the people
• At present there are 25 Tiger Reserves spreading over in 14 states and covering an
area of about 33 875 sq km and the Tiger population has more than doubled now due
to a total ban on hunting and trading tiger products at national and international
levels and the implementation of habitat improvement and anti-poaching measures
(MoEF 2000)
• Project Elephant was launched in 1991-92 to assist States having free ranging
population of wild elephants to ensure long term survival of identified viable populations
of elephants in their natural habitats. Major activities of Project Elephant are:
• Ecological restoration of existing natural habitats and migratory routes of elephants.
Development of scientific and planned management for conservation of elephants
habitats and value population of wild Asiatic elephants in India
• Promotion of measures for mitigation of man-elephant conflict in crucial habitats and
moderating pressures of human and domestic stock activities in crucial elephant
• Strengthening of measures for protection of wild elephants from poachers and unnatural
caused of death. Research on Project Elephant management related issues Public
education and awareness programmes
• Eco-development
• Veterinary care
• Rhinos have been given special attention in selected sanctuaries and national parks
in the North East and North-west India. All these programmes, though focussed on a
single species, have a wider impact as they conserve habitats and a variety of other
species in those habitats. The Ministry of Environment and Forests constituted the
National Afforestation and Eco-development Board (NAEB) in August 1992. National
Afforestation and Eco-development Board has evolved specific schemes for promoting
afforestation and management strategies, which help the states in developing specific
afforestation and management strategies and eco-development packages for
augmenting biomass production through a participatory planning process of Joint
Forest Management and microplanning.
Biodiversity and Taxonomy 385
Threatened Species
The Number of Threatened Species for include “all full species categorized at the global
level as Critically Endangered, Endangered or Vulnerable.” Subspecies, introduced species,
species whose status is insufficiently known, and species whose status has not been assessed
are excluded.
Threatened species are classified in one of 3 categories:
1. Critically Endangered: includes species facing an extremely high risk of extinction
in the wild in the immediate future.
2. Endangered: includes species that are not “Critically Endangered” but are facing a
very high risk of extinction in the wild in the near future
3. Vulnerable: includes species facing a high risk of extinction in the wild in the medium-
term future. For each threat category, five criteria A-E are used to classify species in
one of the three categories mentioned above:
A- Declining population
B- Small population and decline or fluctuation
C- Small population size and decline
D- Very small population/very restricted distribution
E- Quantitative analysis (e.g. Population Viability Analysis)
On some human chromosomes, a short sequence of DNA has been repeated a number of times.
In any particular chromosomes the repeat number may vary from one to thirty repeats. Since
these repeat regions are usually bounded by specific restriction enzyme sites, it is possible to
cut out the segment of the chromosome containing this variable number of tandem repeats
386 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
or VNTR’s, run the total DNA on a gel, and identify the VNTR’s by hybridization with a probe
specific for the DNA sequence of the repeat. VNTR occurs in minisatellite DNA concentrated
around Telomere
It is widely known that each individual has a DNA profile as unique as a fingerprint.
Actually, over 99% of all 3 billion nucleotides in human DNA, which we inherit from each
parent, are identical among all individuals. However, for every 1000 nucleotides that we inherit
there is 1 site of variation or polymorphism, in the population. These DNA polymorphisms
change the length of the DNA fragments produced by the digestion of restriction enzymes. The
resulting fragments are called restriction fragments length polymorphisms (RFLP’s—“riflips”).
Gel electrophoresis can be used to separate and determine the size of the RFLPs. The exact
number and size of fragments produced by a specific restriction enzyme digestion varies from
individual to individual. The fundamental techniques involved in genetic fingerprinting were
discovered in 1984 by Alec J. Jeffreys.
Systematics is the study of relationships between organisms. It includes all relationships between
organisms in an attempt to identify patterns in their similarities. Systematics includes those
areas of biology concerned primarily with similarities and differences between organisms. It
includes disciplines such as evolution, phylogeny, comparative anatomy, comparative physiology,
comparative biochemistry, comparative embryology, comparative ethology, paleontology,
taxonomy, and classification. The object of systematics is the uncovering of genetic relationships
that will shed light on the evolution, or phylogeny, of the organisms being compared.
• Phylogeny is the evolutionary history of a group of organisms.
• The science concerned with the reconstruction of phylogenies is systematics.
Systematics includes any biological discipline involved in comparisons between
• Taxonomy is the science of naming and classification of organisms based on their
genetic (evolutionary) relationships. Taxonomy is very much a field of systematics in
that it is based on phylogeny and comparisons between organisms and groups of
organisms. It is the science of arranging living things into groups reflecting their
• Classification is the actual practice of placing animals into these groups.
• Nomenclature is the collection of rules and procedures of assigning names to the
There are between 1.4 × 106 (known as of 1992) and 100 × 106 (maximum estimate) species
alive on the planet today. With this many organisms we must have a filing, or classification,
system so we can keep track of the species, their relationships, and what we know about them.
388 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
One concern in this series of lectures is with phylogeny, how it is reconstructed, and how our
knowledge of it is incorporated into our classification of organisms.
Our understanding of phylogeny is based in part on fossils. A fossil is any preserved
remnant of an organism that lived in the past. Most organisms die without leaving a trace but
occasionally (rarely) some aspect of the organism may be preserved for great lengths of time,
sometimes millions of years. Fossils may be actual hard parts of former organisms, they may
be casts of organisms or their parts, they may be preserved artifacts made by the organism
such as burrows or footprints or fecal pellets. Many fossils are not the actual parts of the
original organism but replacements that have been mineralized.
The fossil record is very incomplete for a number of reasons. The discovery of a fossil by
a paleontologist is the culmination of a series of improbably events. First, very few organisms
die under circumstances that make fossilization likely. Relatively few individuals become fossils
to start with. Second, the fossils must survive millions of years of geologic events such as
erosion, vulcanism, pressure, faulting, orogenies (mountain building episodes), earthquakes
etc and remain intact. Thirdly, the fossil must occur I or be moved by some force to a location
at or near the ground surface where it has a chance of being found. Finally, the fossil must be
noticed by someone who recognizes it as being worthy of attention. All of these steps are
Dating: For fossils to be useful in constructing phylogenies we must have some idea of
their age. We use relative and absolute dating.
Relative dating. Most fossils are formed in sediments laid down in water. These sediments
become sedimentary rock which then may be lifted above the water to become dry land during
mountain building episodes. The sediments, and the fossils are laid down in chronological
order, with the oldest in the lower layers or strata, and the youngest in the upper strata.
Simply knowing the level of a stratum of a fossil gives information about its age relative to
other fossils in associated strata.
We also have methods of absolute dating whereby we can put actual ages, in years, on
fossils. Most absolute dating methods rely on known rates of radioactive decay whereby a
radioactive isotope decays to a stable isotope. Carbon 14, for example, has a radioactive decay
rate such that it takes 5,600 years for half of it to decay to nitrogen.
14 C and 12 C are taken up by living organisms in the ratio present in the environment. Let
this initial ratio be X. Once the organism dies the 14 C begins to decay at its known rate. In 5600
years the ratio will be X/2, in 11,200 years it will be x/4 and so on. By measuring the amount of
14 C remaining in carboniferous fossils and comparing the ratio with that originally present.
Because of its relatively short half life 14 C is useful only for times less than about 50,000
years. After that time there is not enough 14 C left to measure accurately. Carbon 14 consequently
is very useful in studies of recent human prehistory. Other isotopes, such as potassium-argon
are used for longer time ranges. Potassium 40 has a half life of 1.3 billion years.
390 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
DNA Hybridization It is now possible to compare the genes of two organisms directly to
see how similar their nucleotide sequences are. One technique for doing this is DNA
hybridization. In this method we look, not at the gene product (protein) but at the gene itself.
DNA from two organisms of interest is removed and heated to cause the 2 strands to
separate into complementary strands. The single stranded DNA from the two species is mixed
and allowed to cool so that double stranded DNA will reform. The new double strands are
hybrids. That is they are composed of one strand from each species. How tightly the two
strands bond to each other is a measure of how similar their nucleotide sequences are. if they
are perfect complements, with no different nucleotides, they will bond perfectly at all base
pairs for the entire length. if they differ they will not find partners for all their bases. The more
different they are, the poorer the match and the looser the bonding. The hybrid molecules can
be heated to cause them to separate again. The amount of heat needed to separate them is
proportional to the tightness of the bonding between them. If the nucleotide sequences are
identical then more heat will be required. The more different they are, the less the heat that
will be needed.
If we construct our phylogeny correctly, using only homology and no analogy, the resulting
taxa are monophyletic, meaning they have one common ancestor. If we slip up and include
some analogy, as in our tuna example, the resulting group is polyphyletic, since there are
many unrelated ancestors. Tuna, sharks, ichthyosaurs, and porpoises do not have a single
common ancestor. A group is polyphyletic if its members are derived from 2 or more ancestors
that are not common to all.
Sometimes we create polyphyletic groups knowing we are probably doing so but we lack
enough information to make monophyletic groups. The Protoctista, for example, is recognized
as a polyphyletic group of many very different organisms that have little in common other than
their unicellularity. As we learn more about these organisms we gradually remove them from
the Protoctista and place them in monophyletic groups. green algae, brown algae, red algae,
diatoms, flagellates, ciliates, amoebas, others
Botanical nomenclature is about naming plants. Bear in mind that plant names refer to abstract
entities – the collection of all plants (past, present, and future) that belong to the same group. As
you will recall, taxonomy is about grouping. Botanical nomenclature is about applying names
to taxonomic groups.
Scientific names of plants reflect the taxonomic group to which the plant belongs. One
must first decide on the groups to be recognized; only then does one start to be concerned about
assigning an appropriate name to the plant.
Scientific names are never misleading. No matter where you are, every plants has only
one correct name. so long as its taxonomic treatment is not in dispute. This last is a major
reservation, but we can ignore it for now. The universality of scientific names means that even
English speaking people can find out what species grow in China or Saudi Arabia by reading a
technical flora of these countries. Not only are the names the same, they are always written in
the Latin alphabet (which is the same alphabet as these notes).
Pronunciation. There is as little point about wo rrying over the ‘correct’ pronunciation
of scientific names as there is in worrying over which is the correct pronunciation of English
words. It may be difficult to recognize a scientific name if it is spoken by someone from another
part of the world but one can always recognize it when it is written out. In this, scientific
392 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
names are no different from other words. Think how hard it can be to understand different
versions of English. Nevertheless, it is advantageous to use the same pronunciation as the
other people you work with. Just be prepared to modify your pronunciation if you move to
another part of the world.
Taxonomy refers to forming groups. Plants that belong to the same group have the
same name. The taxonomic decisions concerning how a group is to be treated (what goes in
the group, what rank it should be recognized as ) MUST be made before it can be assigned a
name. It does not matter how you decide what its affinities are (unless, of course, you want
others to support and use your treatment), but you must make these decisions before you can
decide on an appropriate name for the group. So remember, taxonomy first.
If people are going to communicate around the world, there needs to be an internationally
accepted system of nomenclature. Creating such a system was not, and is not, an easy task. It
was not until 1930 that agreement was reached on an International Code had become standard
around 1753. There were, however, many areas where there was widespread agreement in
practice, with some of the practices dating back to before Linnaeus. For reasons that you will
learn later, Linnaeus is taken as the starting point for botanical nomenclature. Let’s consider
for a moment some of the areas of agreement that existed before there was formal agreement
on an International Code of Botanical Nomenclature.
To prevent such situations arising, the rules for designating a type specimen were made
more explicit. Since 1990 it has been necessary to identify the exact specimen that is to be the
nomenclatural type of the taxon, and the herbarium in which the specimen is located. Between
1958 and 1990 it was enough to specify who collected the specimen, where it was collected, the
date on which it was collected, and the collection number it was given, if any. The problem was
that, if the collector made several duplicate specimens, each of the duplicates is a syntype. In
most instances this is not a problem, but occasionally the supposed duplicates turn out to
belong to different species. Requiring that an author state exactly which of the specimens is to
be regarded as the nomenclatural type helps prevent even this kind of problem. If possible, the
accession number of the type should be specified as well as the name of the herbarium in which
it is located, but many older herbaria do not give their specimens accession numbers.
There are several different kinds of type specimen, but the most important are holotypes,
lectotypes, neotypes, and epitypes. The next most important are isotypes, syntypes, and paratypes.
The first four kinds of type refer to specimens that are, unequivocally, the nomenclatural type
of a name. A holotype is a specimen that has been designated the nomenclatural type of a
name by the person creating the name. If the person who originally published a particular
name did not designate a holotype, a later taxonomist may select a specimen to serve as the
nomenclatural type. This specimen then becomes what is called the lectotype of the name. If
the holotype or lectotype is destroyed or lost, a new type specimen can be selected. Such
replacement types are called neotypes.
An epitype is a specimen selected to be the nomenclatural type of name for which there is
a holotype, lectotype, or neotype available. Why would it be necessary to select another specimen
as a nomenclatural type? Sometimes the holotype, lectotype, or neotype simply does not show
the features that are needed to determine, unequivocally, to which of two taxa it belongs. In
such a case, it cannot be used to fix the meaning of a name. In such situations, another specimen
can be selected as the ‘anchoring’ specimen; it is this specimen that is the epitype.
Priority Principle (Principle III): This principle states, in essence, that if a taxonomic
group has been given two or more names, the correct name is the first name that meets the
Code’s standards for publication. Basically, this means that the priority of a name dates from
the time that it was first published and made known to other botanists. Writing the name in a
letter (or Email) to a colleague does not count, nor do notes made on herbarium sheets.
Taxonomic groups may end up with two or more names for several reasons. The most
common reason is taxonomic disagreement, about which the Code says nothing. Sometimes,
the person publishing a later name is simply unaware that the group has already been named.
In other cases, two (or more) names were given to different looking specimens of what was
later treated as a single group. Whatever the reason, the priority principle states that only the
first name validly and legitimately published for a particular taxonomic group is correct.
In determining priority, the date that matters is the date on which the material was
actually mailed to other institutions; this is not always the same as the year on the cover of a
book or journal.
RETROACTIVITY PRINCIPLE (PRINCIPLE VI): This principle states, “The Rules of
nomenclature are retroactive unless expressly limited”. The Retroactivity Principle means
that anyone proposing a change in the Code needs to consider the effect that the proposed
change will have on names published in a wide range of literature and over a considerable
period of time. This is an intimidating requirement. It is why all proposed changes to the Code
undergo committee scrutiny before being voted on. If the committee has a problem with a
394 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
proposed change, one of its members will get in touch with the person proposing the change.
The committee member may point out unforeseen consequences of the proposed change.
Alternatively, he or she may suggest examples that will make a stronger case for the change,
or suggest modifications that will avoid some undesirable consequences.
All proposals to change the Code are published in Taxon, but they remain proposals until
they are voted on at the next International Botanical Congress.
PRINCIPLES 1 and V: The other two principles are straightforward. Principle I states
that botanical nomenclature is independent of zoological and bacteriological nomenclature. If
an organism is considered to be a plant, then it must be named in accordance with the Botanical
Code. If it is considered a bacterium, it must be named according to the Bacteriological Code.
Principle V states that scientific names are to treated as if they were Latin, regardless of their
Principle V states that a scientific name must be treated as if it were Latin, but the Articles 16-
28 of the Code also specify what form the name must take. I have summarized them in the
table below.
Family names must be formed by combining a generic name with the suffix –aceae, but
there are eight exceptions to this rule. Each of the eight exceptional names was almost
universally used, and used in the same sense, throughout the world when the first edition of
the Code was prepared and so, in accordance with the overriding goal of achieving nomenclatural
stability, it was agreed that they would continue to be used. The eight names are Gramineae
Biodiversity and Taxonomy 395
(Grass Family, alternative Poaceae) Palmae (Palm Family, alternatively Arecaceae), Cruciferae
(Mustard Family, alternatively Brassicaceae), Leguminosae (Pea family, alternatively Fabaceae),
Guttiferae (St. John’s Wort Family, alternatively Clusiaceae), Umbelliferae (Carrot Family,
alternatively Apiaceae), Labiatae (Mint Family, alternatively Lamiaceae), and Compositae (Daisy
Family, alternatively Asteraceae).
Form Depends
The name of a species is ALWAYS a binomial. ‘Grandiflora’ is not the name of a species.
It has to be combined with a generic name to form the name of a species, as in Magnolia
grandiflora. The word ‘grandiflora’ is what we call the specific epithet. It states which species
of Magnolia is under discussion. Specific epithets are often adjectives that describe some attribute
of the plant (it helps to learn a little Latin - ‘grandiflora’ means large flowered), but may refer
to the habitat of a species (pratensis -of fields, lacustris - of lakes, saxicola - of rocky places), the
place where the species occurs (chinensis, europaea, canadensis), or a person that is somehow
connected to the species (the connection may be remote) - wrightii (referring a single, male
person named Wright), wrightiae (referring to a single female person named Wright), wrightorum
(refering to 2 or more people, one of whom - and possibly only 1 out of a 100 - was male) or
wrightarum (referring to 2 or more people with not even one male among them - the Romans
were sexist).
Technically speaking, subspecies is a higher rank than variety. A subspecies may include
several varieties. In practice, most taxonomists nowadays use one rank or the other, but not
both. Europeans tend to use subspecies and expect subspecies to occupy somewhat different
areas whereas Americans use variety to denote plants that are different from the plants first
put in the species. In practice, the two ranks are used almost interchangeably.
The names of all ranks from subgenus up must be capitalized. In most instances, the
specific epithet – and epithets for lower rankings, must not be capitalized. There are some
exceptions to this rule, cases where it is permissible, but not required, to capitalize the specific
or varietal epithet, but you need to be careful. Personally I recommend always using lower
case for epithets (names distinguishing species and lower ranks). That way one is never wrong.
• You will notice that scientific names are often followed by a word or a capital letter
and a period, or one or more unintelligible (to the uninitiated) sets of letters. To join
the initiated, read on.
• The letters and/or words that follow a scientific name (sometimes they may be within
a name – more on that later) are a shorthand reference to the name of the person or
person that first gave a name to the entity involved and, in some instances, to the
person of persons who first treated it at the rank being used. This is probably easier
to understand through some examples. Consider Oryzopsis exigua Thurber
• Note that only the first two words are italicized. This means you are looking at the
name of a species. ‘Thurber’ is the last name of the person who first gave a name to
this species – and the name he gave to it is the one shown. Consider “Oryzopsis
asperifolia Michx.”
• Again, you are looking at the name of a species in the genus Oryzopsis. This species
was first named by a fellow whose name is abbreviated to Michx. The period tells you
that his name has been abbreviated. His full name was Michaux. To whom do you
think “L.” refers to in “Triticum aestivum L.”? “Dichanthelium lanuginosum (Elliott)
• The name is Dichanthelium lanuginosum. As you immediately recognize (because
the name is a binomial), the entity being named is being treated as a species. The
first person to give a name to this species was a chap whose last name was Elliott, but
he named it Panicum lanuginsoum. An inner circle of initiates could tell you that
Elliott refers to Walter Elliott, who lived from 1803 to 1887, in eastern North America
(There is a book called Authors of Plant Names that provides such insight).
• “Gould” stands for Frank W. Gould came along later and decided that, although Elliott
was right in describing the species, he should have put it in a different genus, the
genus Dichanthelium. Elliott’s name is in parentheses to show that he was the first
person to say “Aha, these plants are different”’ Gould’s name is outside the parentheses
because he said, yes, Elliott was right - these plants are different – but they should be
included in the genus Dichanthelium, not Panicum Consider “Distichlis spicata (L.)
• Linnaeus [L. stands for Linnaeus] first described the entity, but as Uniola spicata,
not Distichlis spicata. Greene was the first person to say no, these plants should be
in Distichlis and then publish the combination “Distichlis spicata”. Linnaeus gets
credit for being the first person to describe the entity, Green for being the person to
give it the name shown.
Biodiversity and Taxonomy 397
• Most journals, and consequently many professors, ask that you cite the authorities
for a name when it is first used. It is a rather meaningless exercise. It is meant to say
“I am using this name in the sense that it was used by Greene (in the last example)”,
but really you are probably using it in the sense that it is used in some flora – or
based on what your boss told you. The 1999 Congress encouraged editors to be more
rational about when it was useful to cite authorities and when not, but I suspect that
most journals will continue to require them for some time to come.
1. The new name or combination be published in a normal botanical outlet (not the
Herald Journal or Statesman), copies of which are sent to at least two botanical
2. If the name is for a new taxon, the distinguishing characteristics of the taxon, and
preferably a full description, must be given in Latin and a holotype specified.
3. If the name is simply a new combination, perhaps reflecting the transfer of a species
from one genus to another or its demotion to a subspecies, there must be a clear and
complete reference to the place where the original name was first published.
Practice Test Paper-I
4. Most biologists agree that seaweeds are protists, even though most other protists are
microscopic unicellular creatures. Some biologists think that at least some seaweeds
should be considered plants, not protists. Which of the following would support the
latter position?
(a) Certain seaweeds contain several kinds of specialized cells.
(b) Certain seaweeds undergo sexual and asexual reproduction.
(c) Certain seaweeds are found to be prokaryotic.
(d) Certain seaweeds have very complex cells.
5. Protozoans called choanoflagellates live in small clusters. They look very much like
choanocytes, special feeding cells found in sponges, which are simple animals. Why
might biologists find choanoflagellates of great evolutionary interest?
(a) They show how the very first organisms might have lived.
(b) They might show how the first heterotrophs lived.
(c) offer hint about origin of multicellular organism
(d) They suggest what the first eukaryotes might have been like.
6. Which of the following is not evidence for the role of endosymbiosis in the origin of
(a) Chloroplasts have their own DNA.
(b) The inner membrane of a chloroplast is similar to prokaryotic membranes.
(c) Mitochondria and chloroplast both are surrounded by two membranes.
(d) The DNA in the eukaryotic nucleus codes for some enzymes in mitochondria.
Practice Test Paper – Biodiversity and Taxonomy 399
8. Among the following which statement is NOT a part of principles of current code
adopted by XII International Botanical Congress in Leningrad (1975).
(a) Botanical nomenclature is independent of Zoological nomenclature
(b) The application of names is determined by means of nomenclature types
(c) The nomenclature of taxonomic group is based upon priority of publication
(d) Scientific names of taxonomic group are treated as Italics regardless of their
9. Different hybrid forms of the same parentage are designated as-
(a) Apomicts (b) Nothomorphs
(c) Race (d) Variety
10. According to current code for Botanical Nomenclature, the names of class must ends
(a) –opsida (b) –idae
(c) –ales (d) –aceae
11. A specimen or element selected by a competent worker form the original material
studied by the author to serve as a substitute for the holotype if the latter was not
designated in the original publication or is lost or destroyed-
(a) Lectotype (b) Neotype
(c) Isotype (d) Paratype
12. Which technique is routinely used among plants for establishing genetic relationship-
(a) Amino acid sequence (b) Serological investigation
(c) Iso-enzyme profiling (d) Chromosome morphology
13. Numerical taxonomy is also referred as –
(a) Statistical taxonomy (b) Phenetics
(c) Computer aided taxonomy (d) All
16. For DNA fingerprinting the region of DNA used for study are the non-coding regions
of chromosome known as-
(a) VNTR (b) RFLP
(c) RAPD (d) All
23. Deep in the tropical rain forest, a botanist discovered an unusual plant with highly
developed vascular tissue, stomata, flagellated sperm, cone-like reproductive
structures bearing seeds, and an alternation of generations life cycle. He was very
excited about this discovery because it would be rather unusual for a plant to have
(a) highly developed vascular tissue and flagellated sperm
(b) vascular tissue and alternation of generations
(c) seeds and flagellated sperm
(d) alternation of generations and seeds
24. The Ozone layer saves from lethal UV. It mainly absorbs-
(a) UV-A (b) UV-B
(c) UV-A & B (d) UV-B & C
Practice Test Paper – Biodiversity and Taxonomy 401
25. Besides nomenclature of plants in wild, ICBN also gives binomial names for-
(a) Bacteria & Fungus (b) Fungus
(c) Fungus & cultivated plants (d) Cultivated plant
26. __________ are not native to a particular area, and can upset the balance of the
(a) Exotic species (b) Ultraviolet waves
(c) Decomposers (d) Reintroduction programs
27. What is the difference between a threatened species and an endangered species?
(a) A threatened species means that the population is likely to become endangered
An endangered species has population numbers so low that it is likely to become
(b) A threatened species is already extinct. An endangered species means that the
population’s numbers have increased greatly over the last 5 years
(c) A threatened species means that the population is likely to become endangered.
An endangered species is already extinct
(d) A threatened species and an endangered species are the same thing
32. Plants reproducing by spores such as mosses and ferns are grouped under the general
(a) Cryptogams (b) bryophytes
(c) sporophytes (d) thallophytes
33. Which one of the following pairs of plants are not seed producers?
(a) fern and Funaria (b) Ficus and Chlamydomonas
(c) Punica and Pinus (d) Funaria and Ficus
402 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
39. All of the following are reasonable hypotheses for the high diversity observed in
tropical rain forest except
(a) Habitat heterogeneity
(b) Climatic variability
(c) Niche specialization and resource partitioning
(d) Population interaction and coevolution
40. Research on the nothern spotted owl indicates that
(a) owl population will stabilize if an adequate number of immature forest source
habitats can be preserved
(b) metapopulations must be more closely spaced to compensate for the owl’s limited
flight capacity
(c) setting aside marginal habitat encourages dispersion of owls into areas where
reproductive success is unlikely
(d) the current owl population is too small to disperse into source habitats
41. A population of strictly monogamous swans consists of 40 males and 10 females. The
effective population size for this population is
(a) 50 (b) 40
(c) 20 (d) 10
42. Which of the following conditions is the most likely indicator of a metapopulation’s
long-term survival?
(a) The population is not subdivided into subpropulations
(b) Regular and extensire movement of individuals among patches makes the
subpopulations function essential as a single unit.
Practice Test Paper – Biodiversity and Taxonomy 403
45. Not all species contribute equally to the integrity of an ecological community, with
limited time and resources, it would be most reasonable to focus conservation efforts
(a) the large vertebrates (b) keystone species
(c) primary producers (d) exotic species
46. Populations with low effective sizes are susceptible to all of the following problems
(a) inbreeding
(b) genetic drift
(c) bottlenecking
(d) adaptive radiation
47. Which of the following errors would result in an underestimate of a specie’s MVP?
(a) underestimating the maximum age of reproduction
(b) underestimating the average birth rate
(c) overestimating the death rate
(d) overestimating the average fecundity
48. European zebra mussels, accidentally released into lake Erie in 1988, quickly displaced
native mussel species. This threat to biodiversity is an example of
(a) Metapopulation expansion
(b) exotic introduction
(c) habitat fragmentation
(d) over exploitation
49. Which of these ecosystems has the lowest primary productivity per square meter?
(a) a salt marsh (b) an open sea
(c) a coral reef (d) a grassland
52. A system of classification in which a large number of traits are considered is-
(a) Artificial system (b) Natural system
(c) Phylogenetic system (d) Synthetic system
54. A group of plants or animals with similar traits of any rank is-
(a) Species (b) Genus
(c) Order (d) Taxon
55. Basic unit or smaller taxon of taxonomy is-
(a) Species (b) Genus
(c) Family (d) Variety
63. The heat that radiates back to the earth from the greenhouse gases results in
(a) additional global warming (b) thermal inversion
(c) eutrophication (d) smog
71. A marine biologist dredged up a small animal from the bottom of the ocean. It was
uniformly segmented, with short, stiff appendages and soft, flexible skin. It had a
complete digestive system and an open circulatory system, but no skeleton. Based on
this description, this animal sounds most like
(a) a lancelet (b) a crustacean
(c) a mollusk (d) a roundworm
72. Phylum _____ includes the largest number of species.
(a) Mollusca (b) Arthropoda
(c) Annelida (d) Chordata
406 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
73. The key to the diversity and success of the arthropods is/are
(a) their trochophore larvae (b) their high reproductive rate
(c) an open circulatory system (d) jointed appendages
78. Among the following ex-situ conservation method for biodiversity conservation is-
(a) Biosphere reserve (b) National park
(c) Gene bank (d) Historical landscape
79. Among the following phenomenon, which does NOT support the increase in
(a) Niche specialization (b) Habitat/Resource partitioning
(c) Habitat fragmentation (d) Mass extinction
80. Among the following, which is NOT a characteristic of extinction prone species-
(a) low reproduction rate and specialized feeding habits
(b) large in size and feed at high trophic level
(c) Fixed migratory pattern or Specialized nesting or breeding areas
(d) Early sexual maturity and short life span
81. Several categories of risk of species extinction have been defined. A species can be
determined as vulnerable if there is considered to be-
(a) 10% probability of extinction within 100 years
(b) If the probability is 20% within 20 years or 10 generations
(c) If within 5 years or two generations the risk of extinction is atleast 50 %
(d) If the probability is 100% of extinction within 50 generation or 100 years
Practice Test Paper – Biodiversity and Taxonomy 407
85. Among the following, which is best used for biodiversity characterization-
(a) Shanon-weaver Index (b) Sociability Index
(c) Vitality Index (d) All of the above
86. The single greatest current threat to biodiversity
(a) greenhouse warming (b) the introduction of exotics
(c) overhunting (d) habitat destruction
87. Species diversity tends to decrease with
(a) increased habitat heterogeneity (b) increased distance from the poles
(c) increased ocean depth (d) increased fragmentation
88. Which of the following factors does not play a role in increased biodiversity?
(a) Complex population interactions
(b) The introduction of exotic species
(c) A higher degree of habitat heterogeneity
(d) Narrower niches
91. In a(n) ________ habitat natality exceeds mortality and in a(n) ______ habitat mortality
exceeds natality.
(a) fragmented. . .hot spot
(b) tropical. . .polar
(c) In both tropical and polar environments there may be regions where with differing
rates of mortality and natality.
(d) natural . . .source
(e) source. . .sink
408 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
92. Which of the follow does not apply to a population with a low effective population
(a) Genetic drift (b) Increased genetic diversity
(c) Reduced heterozygosity (d) Increased homozygosity
(e) Inbreeding
98. A type of agriculture that involves rotating a crop such as avocados with a leguminous
crop such as alfalfa is an example of
(a) landscape management (b) biodiversity maintenance
(c) maintaining genetic variation (d) sustainable agriculture
99. According to botanical nomenclature, which are not allowed-
(a) Synonyms (b) Antonyms
(c) Tautonyms (d) Isonyms
20. A system of classification in which a large number of traits are considered is-
(a) Artificial system (b) Natural system
(c) Phylogenetic system (d) Synthetic system
22. A group of plants or animals with similar traits of any rank is-
(a) Species (b) Genus
(c) Order (d) Taxon
25. Which of the following is not a homology shared by land plants and their closest
living algal relatives?
(a) thylakoid arrangement
(b) cell wall composition
(c) the presence of cuticle on the surface of leaves
(d) the presence of chlorophyll b and beta-carotene
26. The innovation that was essential to the survival of bryophytes on land was
(a) freedom from water to reproduce.
(b) the embryophyte condition
(c) vascular tissue.
(d) chlorophylla.
27. During the Carboniferous period, forests consisting mainly of ____ produced vast
quantities of organic matter, which was buried and later turned into coal.
(a) early angiosperms
(b) ferns and other seedless plants
(c) gymnosperms
(d) gymnosperms and early angiosperms
29. Ferns and mosses are mostly limited to moist environments because
(a) their pollen is carried by water
(b) they lack a cuticle and stomata
(c) they lack vascular tissue
(d) they have swimming sperm
32. An explorer found a plant that had roots, stems, and leaves. It had no flowers but
produced seeds. This plant sounds like a(n)
(a) fern (b) bryophyte
(c) angiosperm (d) gymnosperm
34. When you look at a pine or apple tree, the plant you see is
(a) haploid sporophyte (b) diploid sporophyte
(c) haploid gametophyte (d) diploid gametophyte
37. Angiosperms are different from all other plants because only they have
(a) a vascular system
(b) flowers
Practice Test Paper – Biodiversity and Taxonomy 413
39. Unlike most angiosperms, grasses are pollinated by wind. As a consequence, some
unnecessary parts of grass flowers have almost disappeared. Which of the following
parts would you expect to be most reduced in a grass flower?
(a) stamens (b) petals
(c) anthers (d) carpels
40. The portion of the flower that receives the pollen is the
(a) style (b) ovary
(c) anther (d) stigma
42. In a flowering plant, meiosis occurs within the _____, producing a spore that develops
into a female gametophyte.
(a) ovule (b) seed
(c) stamen (d) anther
43. The pollen tube releases two sperm cells into the embryo sac. The result of this is the
(a) union of the two sperm nuclei to form a zygote
(b) union of one sperm nucleus with the egg nucleus while the other sperm nucleus
unites with the nuclei of the center cell forming a triploid nucleus
(c) union of one sperm nucleus with the egg nucleus and the disintegration of the
other sperm nucleus
(d) fusion of both sperm nuclei with the egg nucleus and the formation of a triploid
44. The triploid nucleus of the embryo sac develops into the
(a) embryo (b) endosperm
(c) fruit (d) carpel
45. Some plants have evolved to attract specific animals. The animal receives a meal
that it does not have to compete for, and the plant is assured that its pollen will not
be wasted on plants of different species. Through time, the plant gets better at
attracting the animal and increases its reproductive success as a result.
Simultaneously, the animal improves its feeding on a specific plant and increases its
reproductive success as a result. This scenario is an example of
(a) coevolution (b) mutualism
(c) diversifying selection (d) commensalism
414 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
46. It has been proposed that plants, by _________, may have been responsible for global
________ during the Paleozoic.
(a) increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration . . . warming
(b) increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration. . . cooling
(c) reducing atmospheric CO2 concentration. . . warming
(d) reducing atmospheric CO2 concentration. . . cooling
47. The body of a fungus (with the exception of yeast) consists of threadlike ____ , which
form a network called a ____.
(a) mycelia . . . dikaryon
(b) hyphae . . . chytrid
(c) mycelia . . . hypha
(d) hyphae . . . mycelium
48. The hyphae of parasitic fungi that are modified to penetrate and absorb nutrients
from host tissue are called
(a) haustoria (b) asci
(c) basidiocarps (d) septa
50. The asexual spores produced by members of the division Ascomycota are called
(a) conidia (b) lichens
(c) asci (d) mycorrhizae
51. From the human perspective, which of the following kinds of fungi would be considered
the least useful or beneficial?
(a) mycorrhizal fungus (b) yeast
(c) rust (d) decomposer
52. Where and when does fertilization occur in the mushroom life cycle?
(a) underground, as a mycelium begins to spread
(b) on the surface of the ground, when a basidiospore germinates
(c) in a mushroom, when nuclei of a dikaryotic cell fuse
(d) underground, when hyphae of different mating types fuse
53. Fungi are classified on the basis of
(a) their source of food
(b) whether they form molds
(c) their sexual stage
(d) their commercial use
Practice Test Paper – Biodiversity and Taxonomy 415
57. All animals can trace their lineages to a common ancestor that lived in the
(a) Precambrian (b) Jurassic
(c) Pliocene (d) Devonian
58. Animals probably evolved from colonial protists. How do animals differ from these
protist ancestors?
(a) The protists were prokaryotic
(b) Animals have more specialized cells
(c) The protists were heterotrophic
(d) The protists were autotrophic
59. Which of the following animals does not have a body cavity?
(a) flatworm (b) ant
(c) mouse (d) earthworm
62. How do cnidarians and ctenophores differ from all other eumetazoans?
(a) Cnidarians and ctenophores have no nervous tissue
(b) Cnidarians and ctenophores have a gastrovascular cavity; other eumetazoans do
(c) Cnidarians and ctenophores have mesoderm, other eumetazoans do not
(d) Cnidarians and ctenophores are radially symmetrical
63. Ectoderm can give rise to _______; mesoderm can give rise to ______; endoderm can
give rise to _________.
(a) Muscle . . . liver . . . the central nervous system
(b) the lining of the digestive tract . . . muscle . . . lungs
(c) the central nervous system . . . liver . . . lungs
(d) muscle . . . liver . . . lungs
64. Which of the following is evidence that the extant phylum that is most closely related
to chordates is Echinodermata?
(a) They are both coelomates
(b) They are both deuterostomes
(c) The mature forms of both phyla exhibit bilateral symmetry
(d) They are both triploblastic
65. Zoologists have placed chordates and echinoderms on one major branch of the animal
phylogenetic tree, and mollusks, annelids, and arthropods on another major branch.
Which of the following is one of the bases for this separation into two branches?
(a) whether the animals have a skeleton
(b) type of symmetry
(c) whether the animals have a body cavity
(d) how the body cavity is formed
66. Which of the following is not a difference between protostomes and deuterostomes?
(a) the presence of a body cavity
(b) Protostomes are schizocoelous and deuterostomes are enterocoelous.
(c) the fate of the blastopore
(d) the cleavage plane of the embryo
67. All of the following are true of the phylum Platyhelminthes, except:
(a) they are dorsoventrally flattened
(b) they are all parasitic
(c) they are bilaterally symmetrical
(d) all of the classes of Platyhelminthes discussed in the text have members that
can reproduce sexually
76. Project Elephant was launched in 1991-92. Major activities of Project Elephant are:
(a) Ecological restoration of existing natural habitats and migratory routes of
(b) Promotion of measures for mitigation of man-elephant conflict
(c) Eco-development
(d) ALL
77. Paeonia is separated from Ranunculaceae and placed in paenaceae on the basis of-
(a) Embryology (b) Anatomy
(c) Cytology (d) Chemotaxonomy
418 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
79. Which statement most clearly contradicts Lamarck’s hypothesis that acquired
characteristics are inherited?
(a) The cactus plant spread very rapidly when introduced into Australia
(b) Most zebras can fun faster than lions, and their offspring also run faster than
(c) Bacteria which are resistant to penicillin have been discovered
(d) The seeds from a pine tree that was bent by the wind grew into tall, straight
trees in a sheltered valley
80. Which of the following observations or assumptions was NOT part of Darwin’s theory
of natural selection?
(a) Traits are inherited as discrete units called genes
(b) Evolution occurs over long periods of time
(c) Populations produce more offspring than their environment can support
(d) Organisms compete for limited resources
81. Which of the following are the main ideas that Darwin advanced in his works?
(a) species change over time
(b) living species have arisen from earlier life forms
(c) the earth is approximately 6,000 years old and is unchanging
(d) both a and b are correct answers
82. Which of the following is the best measure of the “fitness” of an organism?
(a) reproductive success (b) strength
(c) life span (d) geographic range
83. Biodiversity hot spots are mainly located
(a) at equator
(b) in temperate regions
(c) between tropics
(d) in artic region.
84. Which of these organisms population was threatened by DDT prior to it being banned
in 1972?
(a) brown pelican
(b) ginkgo tree
(c) black-footed ferret
(d) gray wolf
Practice Test Paper – Biodiversity and Taxonomy 419
85. Cyclosporine is a drug that is used to help organ transplant patients fight off rejection
of their new organs. What organism was used to help isolate this drug?
(a) soil fungus (b) plant
(c) bacterium (d) protist
86. A species that no longer exists in the wild but is protected by humans is said to live in
__ ______.
(a) an island (b) captivity
(c) a corridor (d) reintroduction
87. When the last member of a particular species dies, the species is said to be __________.
(a) isolated (b) diversified
(c) endangered (d) extinct
97. Among the following animal group which are highly diverse-
(a) Arthropod (b) Mollusk
(c) Pisces (d) Aves
98. The formation and usage of named for cultivated plants is governed by-
(a) ICBN (b) ICZN
(c) INCP (d) None
99. Among the following which rule was NOT part of Paris code decided in first
international Botanical Congress-
(a) Linnaeus as starting point for all plant nomenclature
(b) The rule of priority as fundamental
(c) The requirement for Valid and effective publication
(d) Each species named should be based on herbarium specimen (Type)
100. The first book written by Carlos Linnaeus, “The Father of Taxonomy” was-
(a) Species Plantarum (b) Genera Plantarum
(c) Origin of Species (d) Phoenix
Model Test Paper – 1
1. If a pendulum with a time period ‘T’ is placed on moon then its time period will-
(a) Increase (b) Decrease
(c) Unchanged (d) Infinity
2. When the canon is fired, it will move-
(a) Front (b) Back
(c) Randomly (d) not moves
3. Soldiers are not allowed to pass in synchronized march over a bridge because-
(a) It produces more noise
(b) Bridge may break due to resonance
(c) Uniform force distribution will break the bridge
(d) Center of mass of bridge will increase
4. If the cylinder of mass ‘m’ and radius ‘r’ is transformed into disc with radius ‘2r’, then
its moment of inertia will be-
(a) 2 (b) 4
(c) 1/2 (d) 1/4
5. On putting a thin water film over a glass plate it becomes more transparent to light
(a) Lesser would be reflection
(b) Lesser will be refraction
(c) Trapped air increase transparency
(d) It does not happens
8. About Haber’s process for ammonia production, the false statement is-
(a) It is second order reaction
(b) Slow at room temperature
(c) High pressure is required
(d) Al2 O3 is used as catalyst
12. Earth is slightly inclined on its axes, if axis of rotation is made perpendicular then
major effect will be on-
(a) Day & night (b) Seasons
(c) Tides of ocean (d) Rotation of earth
20. Consider the following programme and write the result that will print at end of
If A=4 and B=5
Do While A =/= 0
If A >= B
(a) 0, 0 (b) 0, 1
(c) 1, 1 (d) 1, 0
21. If there is double bond between A & T and triple bond between GC, then which
sequence will be most stable at higher temperature-
22. If a tall pea plant is crossed with pure dwarf pea plant, all F1 progenies were tall, in
subsequent generation after selfing of F1 generation progeny, the ratio of tall to
dwarf plant will be-
(a) 1:1 (b) 1:2:1
(c) 3:1 (d) All tall
23. White blood cells (WBC) have major function as-
(a) Defensive role (b) Respiration
(c) Tumor suppressor (d) Phagocytosis of cell debris
24. Rules stating that as we move toward the polar region from tropics the size of organism
(a) Allen’s rule (b) Bergman’s rule
(c) Fischer rule (d) Copes rule
25. During photosynthesis evolution of oxygen is from-
(a) Water (b) CO2
(c) Glucose (d) Chlorophyll
26. Maximum numbers of lines producing symmetrical planes from a regular hexagon-
(a) 3 (b) 4
(c) 6 (d) 8
424 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
27. If P=(1,2), Q=(–2, –10) & R=(1, m) and PQ+QR = Minimum, then the value of ‘m’ will
(a) + 6 (b) – 6
(c) + 8 (d) – 8
28. Twenty-Five student participate in competition, marks obtained by first two students
are 6 & 10. Each subsequent student gains an average of preceding students, then
the marks obtained by the 100 student will be-
(a) 6 (b) 8
(c) 10 (d) 16
29. How many boxes of size 2 × 2 × 4 can be fitted in a box of size 11 × 8 × 20-
(a) 100 (b) 110
(c) 120 (d) 220
d x d x
e sin 2 θ + e sin 2 ( θ − π / 2 )
dx dx
(a) 2e x(sinq – cosq) (b) 2e x(sinq)
(c) 2e x(cosq) (d) e x(sinq – cosq)
6. In humans, XX males and XY Females are rare, such rare sexes are due to-
(a) Deletion of X chromosome
(b) Deletion of Y chromosome
(c) XY translocation
(d) Duplication of X chromosomes
11. A single base pair mutation occurs in strand CATTACCG, its complementary strand
had a sequence GTTATGGC. It means mutation has changed base pair-
(a) A ® T (b) T ® T
(c) T ® A (d) A ® A
12. Crossing over occurs during-
(a) Mitotic Metaphase (b) Meiotic Metaphase
(c) Mitotic Prophase (d) Meiotic Prophase
13. Maize has 10 pairs of chromosome, what will be number of chromosome and chromatids
at Metaphase II-
(a) 10 & 10 (b) 10 & 20
(c) 20 & 40 (d) 5 & 10
16. In human females there is inactivation of one X chromosomes for dosage compensation
due to-
(a) Methylation (b) Acetylation
(c) Phosphorylation (d) Formylation
22. Set of genes that are originate by gene duplication are known as-
(a) Paralogues (b) Homologues
(c) Orthologues (d) Epilogues
23. Mammalian promoters sequence is located-
(a) at about 20 bp upstream of translational start site
(b) at about 20 bp upstream of transcriptional start site
(c) downstream of coding sequence
(d) within coding sequence
25. Which of the following technique would you use to separate molecules based upon
their size-
(a) Gel Exclusion chromatography
(b) Antibody affinity chromatography
(c) Ion Exchange chromatography
(d) Isoelectric Focusing
26. Which part of translational modification of proteins does not occur in lumen of ER-
(a) Glycosylation
(b) Ubiquitnation
(c) Conformation folding & formation of quaternary structure
(d) Formation of Disulphide bonds
27. Short Day (Long night) plants flowers when-
(a) night > critical dark period
(b) dark period interrupted by flash of light
(c) night < critical dark period
(d) night < critical dark period & day length is interrupted by dark period
29. If a girl born with sickle cell anemia, what must be true for parents-
(a) Only father has sickle cell an emia
(b) Only mother carried sickle cell an emia
(c) Only mother had sickle cell an emia
(d) Both parents carried sickle cell an emia
30. Michelis Menten hypothesis-
(a) Enables to calculate iso-electric point of enzymes
(b) Postulates all enzymes are proteins
(c) States that rate of a enzymatic reaction may be independent of substrate
(d) Postulates formation of enzyme substrate complex
31. The half life of radium is 1600, the fraction of sample after 6400 years would be-
(a) 1/4 (b) 1/16
(c) 1/8 (d) 1/2
32. Which enzyme doesn’t require primer-
(a) RNA dependent DNA polymerase
(b) DNA dependent DNA polymerase
(c) DNA dependent RNA polymerase
(d) Taq DNA polymerase
428 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
41. The bacteria which convert ammonium salts into nitrite is-
(a) Nitrobacter (b) Nitrosomonas
(c) Azobacter (d) none of these
42. The transfer of genetic material form one bacterium to another by virus is-
(a) Transduction (b) Translation
(c) Conjugatiuon (d) Transformation
45. The plasma membrane of intestine is highly folded into microvilli. The main function
of Microvilli is-
(a) To Secrete digestive enzymes
(b) To help in blood circulation
(c) To increase its absorptive surface
(d) For ageing of worn out cells
46. The structure formed where two adjacent membrane are thickened with disc shaped
adhesive material in between and tonofibrils radiating out from adhesive region is-
(a) Gap junction (b) Tight junctions
(c) Desmosomes (d) Plasmodesmata
47. How you can separate Gram + ve bacteria from Gram –ve bacteria-
(a) Presence of Techoic Acid (b) Absence of periplasmic Space
(c) Exotoxin Produced (d) All of the above
48. The process of sneezing of phagocytes between the endothelial cells of blood vessels
and reaching to damaged area is known as-
(a) Margination (b) Metastasis
(c) Diapedesis (d) Angiobiosis
54. When the earth originated, there was a large amount of methane and other
hydrocarbons but now in the present atmosphere, it is replaced by-
(a) Hydrogen (b) Oxygen
(c) Coal (d) CO2
57. Among the following which do not bring variation at Individual level-
(a) Gene mutation
(b) Fertilization
(c) Meiosis and Crossing over
(d) Chromosome aberration and Hybridizations
58. Natural selection will not operate if-
(a) Population is isolated and small
(b) Mutating population
(c) Random matting population
(d) Large population
62. Birds & mammals forms are generally larger size in colder region as compare to
warmer region. This is-
(a) Allens rule (b) Cope’s rule
(c) Bergman’s rule (d) Dollo’s Law
Model Test Paper – 1 431
63. The relationship in which one is benefited without other being harmed is-
(a) Ammensalism (b) Commensalism
(c) Proto-cooperation (d) Mutualism
64. When mimic resembles a ferocious/ poisonous/distasteful organism for eg. Viceroy
butterfly mimics monarch butterfly is –
(a) Aggressive mimicry (b) Conscious mimicry
(c) Protective mimicry (d) All of these
66. In a sample from an African population, the frequency of LM and LN alleles were
0.78 and 0.22 resp. What are expected frequency of MN phenotypes-
(a) 0.8 (b) 0.02
(c) 0.34 (d) 0.016
67. Changes in the seasons are caused by:
(a) the tilt of Earth’s axis toward or away from the sun.
(b) annual cycles of temperature and rainfall.
(c) variation in the distance between Earth and the sun.
(d) an annual cycle in the sun’s energy output.
68. Pelvic girdle and hind limbs in python are example of-
(a) Analogous organ (b) Homologous organ
(c) Vestigial organ (d) Paralogous organ
69. For muscles the major source of energy is-
(a) ATP (b) Phosphocreatin
(c) GTP (d) Lactic Acid
70. Early successful stages are tolerant of the harsh, abiotic condition in barren areas
are characterized by-
(a) Weedy a-selected (b) Weedy r-selected
(c) Weedy g-selected (d) Weedy k-selected
Model Test Paper – 2
1. If the pendulum with the time period 't' is placed in the space then its time period will
(a) Increase (b) Decrease
(c) Zero (d) Infiniti
2. If the ball is thrown with the intial velococity of 100 m/s with angle of 45 0, then what
would be ratio of its maximum height to maxim distance is-
(a) 1/2 (b) 1/2
(c) 3/4 (d) 1
5. A body of mass ‘m’ goes round a horizontal circle of radius ‘r’. The work done will be-
(a) mv2 /r (b) mv/r2
(c) mgh (d) Zero
6. pH of 10–8 M HCl will be -
(a) 6 (b) 8
(c) 6.92 (d) 7.08
7. The ground state electronic configuration of iron is [Ar] 3d6 4S 2 . The electronic
configuration of ferric ion will be-
(a) [Ar] 3d6 4S0 . (b) [Ar] 3d4 4S2 .
5 0
(c) [Ar] 3d 4S . (d) [Ar] 3d3 4S2 .
8. Among the following one that is not aromatic-
(a) cyclohexadienyl cation
(b) cycloheptatrienyl cation
(c) cyclopentadienyl cation
(d) cyclopropyl cation
Model Test Paper – 2 433
9. How much litre of 1.2 Molar solution be added to one litre of 0.6M Nacl to make it
0.75 molar
(a) 0.30 lit (b) 0.33 lit
(c) 0.36 lit (d) 0.15 lit
10. The BLACK is coded KCALB, then the white will be-
12. A litre of helium at 2 atmospheric pressure and 27° C is heated until both pressure
and volume are doubled . The final temperature of gas will be-
(a) 108° C (b) 927° C
(c) 1000° C (d) 1200° C
13. One machine can do work in 10 minutes and a second can do in 15 min, how many
minutes will both machines working together simultaneously take to do work-
(a) 8 (b) 9
(c) 6 (d) 5
14. If any side of triangle is doubled, the area of new triangle is k times of the old one, K
is equal to-
(a) 2 (b) 4
(c) 3 (d) Ö2
15. What is the probability of getting to consecutive kings from a peck of playing cards-
(a) 1/52 × 1/53 (b) 4/52 × 4/51
(c) 1/13 × 1/12 (d) 4/52 × 3/51
20. All living beings have self regulatory mechanism to maintain steady state and this is
called as-
(a) Homeostasis (b) Osmosis
(c) Phagocytosis (d) Parabiosis
2. In which phase of cell cycle the drug colchine exerts its effect-
(a) G1 (b) G2
(c) S (d) M
10. Symbiotic association between fungi and roots of higher plant is known as-
(a) Mycorrhyiza (b) Lichen
(c) Collaroid (d) Epiphytic roots
11. A known uncoupler of electron transport chain and oxidative phosphorylation is-
(a) Dinitrophenol (b) Ancymidol
(c) Triaconotol (d) Hexaacamzol
14. Among the following phyla, one evolutionarily closest to phylum chordata is-
(a) Annelida (b) Arthopoda
(c) Echinodermata (d) Onchycophora
15. Human originated in epoch known as-
(a) Pleistocene (b) Pliocene
(c) Miocene (d) Holocene
20. If you are asked to clone a man from a single cell and you are provided with the
following cells, which one would you will choose-
(a) Sperm (b) Erythrocyte
(c) Lymphocyte (d) Kidney fibroblast
21. The number of complementarity determining region(s) present in human kappa chain
(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 3 (d) 4
25. In Eukaryotic cell, DNA synthesis occurs during the phase of cell cycle-
(a) G1 Phase (b) G2 Phase
(c) S phase (d) M phase
26. The combination of closely related genetic markers which tends to transmitted as
unit to the next generation is called-
(a) Allotype (b) Haplotype
(c) Karyotype (d) Isotype
31. Selective transfer of which of the following antibodies are responsible for passive
humoral immunity in infants-
(a) IgA (b) IgM
(c) IgG (d) IgE
32. The animal that most recently extinct from India is-
(a) Asiatic Lion (b) Dodo
(c) Asiatic Cheetah (d) Golden Langaur
33. Which of the following anti-tumor agent act by impairing the de novo purine synthesis-
(a) Cytosine arabinoside (b) 5-flurouracil
(c) Methotrexate (d) Hydroxyurea
39. How many energy bonds are expended in formation of peptide bond-
(a) 2 (b) 4
(c) 3 (d) 6
40. Receptors for steroid hormones are found-
(a) On cell membrane (b) In cytoplasm
(c) In mitochondria (d) On ribosomes
Model Test Paper – 2 439
53. Selection of African tribes is more of heterozygous gene for RBC is due to-
(a) Severe malaria (b) Environment unstability
(c) More cases of Sickle cell anemia
(d) both a&c
54. Molecular clock of evolution could be traced on basis of-
(a) Comparison of Short arm of 16-S RNA
(b) Substitution in amoniacids of polypeptide due to mutation
(c) DNA fingerprinting
(d) Fossil study
68. In a sample from an African population, the frequency of LM and LN alleles were
0.78 and 0.22 resp. What are expected frequency of MN phenotypes-
(a) 0.8 (b) 0.02
(c) 0.34 (d) 0.016
69. Ozone layer is severely depleted at-
(a) Equator (b) Tropics
(c) Poles (d) Temperate
70. The anionic charge of phosphodiester bond of DNA in prokaryotes is balanced by-
(a) Polyamines (b) H-NS
(c) H-L (d) Histone
Model Test Paper – 3
3 3 0 0
4 5 A B
7. An atomic orbital having the quantum no. n = 1 and l = 1 will have the shape of:
(a) ellipsoId (b) dumb-bell
(c) cone (d) sphere
8. H–C–H bond angle in CH 4 is 109.5° due to lone pair repulsion. The H–O–H angle in
H2 O will:
(a) remain the same (b) decrease
(c) increase (d) become 1800
9. 19 girls and 9 boys are asked to stand in a circle. In an such arrangement, it is always
the case that there are:
(a) 2 boys standing next to each other
(b) 2 girls standing next to each other
(c) 3 boys standing next to each other
(d) 4 girls standing next to each other
11. If log 8 x = 3 then value of x is
(a) 32 (b) 30
(c) 42 (d) 2
12. At any time t, the rate of change in the no. of decaying nuclei is A times. the no. of
nuclei present where A is the decay constant. The time at which 2/3 of the originally
present nuclei would have decayed is:
(a) ln 2/l (b) l. ln 3
(c) ln 3/2 l (d) l. ln 2
15. The southwest monsoon occurs over major parts of India in the months from June to
September. The main cause of the monsoon:
(a) The land is cooler than the sea
(b) The centrifugal force deflects the wind
(c) The land is warmer than the sea
(d) Wind blows from North-east to south-west
21. Silver halides are used in photo-graphic plates because they are:
(a) Oxidised in air
(b) colourless
(c) easily soluble in hypo solution
(d) readily reduced by light
26. During the earthquake most damage is seen on earth crust because earth crust is-
(a) Rigid (b) Brittle
(c) Enelastic (d) Molten
27. A certain planet is revolving in a fixed orbit. If the radius of its orbit in increased four
times then its mean surface temperature will decrease-
(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 4 (d) 16
29. If an object absorbs green part of white light, then its color will be-
(a) Blue (b) Yellow
(c) Green (d) Purple
lmit / t 1
30. n → ∞ 2 + equals to
(a) Öe (b) e
(c) e 2 (d) e 3
446 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
1. A homozygous Rh positive man (RR) marries an Rh negative (rr) woman. Their first
child is normal, but their second child has hemolytic disease (Rh disease). The first
child did not have hemolytic disease because-
(a) the child was heterozygous
(b) the child lacked Rh antigen
(c) The mother had a previous blood transfusion that protected the child against
(d) Ant-Rh antibodies were not induced in the mother until the delivery of first
4. Members of which of the following groups cannot generate their own ATP-
(a) Lichens (b) Diatoms
(c) Viruses (d) Protozoa
7. All of the following mechanisms has been shown experimentally to contribute to the
formation of cancer cell EXCEPT
(a) Abnormally high energy reserves in cancer cell that cause them to divide quickly
(b) Mutations that cause excess proliferation of growth factor of cancer cells.
Model Test Paper – 3 447
(c) Mutations that reduced the need for growth factor in cancer cells
(d) Mutation that inactivate genes that normally inhibit cell division.
8. Which of the following statement is LEAST likely to be true of mutations in a diploid
organism such as fruit fly-
(a) Some loci are more mutable than others
(b) Some mutation can affect the activity of several genes.
(c) Some mutations can have lethal effects
(d) Most somatic mutations markedly alter the organisms phenotype.
9. The addition of colchicine to a culture of actively dividing flagellated eukaryotic cells
inhibit all of the following EXCEPT-
(a) Movement of the flagella
(b) Growth of the flagella
(c) Formation of microtubular cytoskeleton
(d) Polymerization of tubulin
10. In enzyme mediated reaction, enzyme molecules are capable of all the following
(a) altering the equilibrium of the chemical reaction
(b) decreasing the activation energy of the reactions.
(c) increasing the rate of reaction
(d) binding of molecules other then substrate molecules
11. The cDNA fragment that includes the ricin gene is 5.7 kilobases. If the entire fragment
codes for the ricin polypeptide, the approximate number of amino acids in the
polypeptide would be-
(a) 17,100 (b) 5,700
(c) 2,500 (d) 1,900
12. Member of which of the following classes of macromolecules are known to exhibit
enzyme like (catalytic) properties
II. Glycoprotein
III. Lipoprotein
IV. Polysaccharides
(a) II and III (b) I and II
(c) I, II and III (d) All the four
13. Which of the following statement is NOT characteristic of all viruses with DNA
(a) Replication occurs only in a living cell
(b) Replication involves the translation on cellular ribosomes
(c) The viral nucleocapsid is surrounded by a lipid envelope
(d) The viral genome is surrounded by a protein
448 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
14. In the presence of a fixed concentration of a competitive inhibitor, which of the following
would best characterized an enzyme catalyzed reaction when the concentration of
the substrate is increased?
(a) The Km increases
(b) The inhibition decreases
(c) The maximal rate of reaction (Vmax) increases
(d) The maximal rate of reaction (Vmax) decreases
15. Biological oxidation of glucose resulting in which of the following metabolic end product
would yield the largest number of ATP molecules?
(c) CO2 + N2 + H2 O (d) CO2 + H2 O
16. The distribution of transmembrane proteins in the plane of cell membrane can be
visualized by which of the following?
(a) Thin section electron microscopy
(b) Freeze fracture electron microscopy
(c) Ultraviolet spectroscopy
(d) SDS-gel electrophoresis
19. A peptidase hydrolyzes peptide bonds in small (A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
20. All of the following cellular events involve actin filaments EXCEPT
(a) Amoeboid movement
(b) Cytoplasmic streaming
(c) Contraction of smooth muscles
(d) Flagellar movement in bacteria
21. Eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells share all the following EXCEPT
(a) ribosome dependent proteins synthesis
(b) ATP synthesis linked to a protein gradient
(c) a selectively permeable membrane
(d) a cytoskeleton of tubulin
Model Test Paper – 3 449
22. In E. coli, induction of the lactose operon occurs when allolactose binds to
(a) galactosidase (b) lac mRNA
(c) the operator (d) the repressor
23. Synthesis and processing of eukaryotic messenger RNA includes all of the following
(a) formation of a ribonucleoprotein complex
(b) formation of a short region of RNA-DNA duplex
(c) Addition of polyuridine at the 3'end
(d) ligation of exons
24. The autoradiogram above (after the electrophoresis and southern
(a) 28 S 18 S
(b) 18 S 28 S
(c) 28 S 18 S
(d) 18 S 28 S
25. During which of the following stages of the cell cycle will a diploid cell contains twice
the amount of DNA found in a gamete?
(a) Prophase (b) Entire S phase
(c) Entire G1 phase (d) Entire G2 phase
26. With respect to human height, the production of short individuals by two average
sized parents is best explained by-
(a) mutation (b) Polygenic inheritance
(c) Epistasis (d) Discontinous variation
27. At which of the following trophic levels is the greatest amount of free energy available-
(a) Producers (b) Herbivores
(c) Top consumers (d) Decomposers
28. A balanced polymorphism may be maintained by all of the following EXCEPT
(a) Natural selection
(b) Directional selection
(c) Heterozygote advantage
(d) Use of multiple niches
29. A severe winter storm kills many chickadees. An investigation comparing the body
size of dead birds with that of survivors reveals that the dead birds include mainly the
largest and smallest members of the population. The winter storm exemplifies
(a) Stabalizing selection (b) Directional selection
(c) Balancing selection (d) Kin selection
450 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
30. All of the following may be true of a population with a stable age distribution EXCEPT
(a) The number of organism is changing at a constant rate
(b) Age specific births and death rates are not changing over time
(c) Population size increasing
(d) The proportions of organisms in each class are changing
31. Larger islands may have greater species diversity than smaller islands because larger
(a) are in tropics
(b) are farther from continents than smaller islands are
(c) have more habitat than smaller islands do
(d) have no reproductive isolation among their populations
32. Two if the premises that form the basis if Darwin's concept of natural selection are
(a) Ecotype and race
(b) heritability and fitness
(c) Uniformitarianism and catatrophism
(d) geographic and reproductive isolation
33. In an ecosystem, fixed carbon has accumulate in the form of organic matter derived
from dead plants and animals. Which of the following is the best explanation for this
(a) Decomposer activity has been low
(b) Producers have been utilizing sunlight inadequately
(c) There have been insufficient numbers of secondary consumers
(d) Nitrogen has been cycled, but carbon has not
34. Which of the following is a density-independent factor that could limit a population of
high altitude butterflies?
(a) A late spring snow storm
(b) Scarcity of oviposition sires
(c) Predation
(d) Parasitism
35. One summer the moose population of national park was unusually high, and park
naturalist noticed signs of malnutrition among the adults. The wolf population was
fairly low, near 20. That winter for first time in many years, a substantial number of
seemingly healthy adult mouse as well as calves and crippled animals were killed and
eaten by wolves. This description is part of a general situation in which the wolf and
moose populations-
(a) Are maintained in a stable equilibrium from year to year
(b) Are simultaneously becoming extinct
(c) Fluctuate out of phase with each other
(d) Fluctuate independently of each other
Model Test Paper – 3 451
36. A prime factor promoting the adaptive radiation of Darwin's finces on the Galapagos
Islands was the
(a) Variety of available and suitable habitats
(b) High predation pressure
(c) Genetic uniformity of the original invading populations of birds
(d) Presence of warblers and true wood peckers on the islands
37. All of the following are adaptations that permit the camel to be active by day in the
desert EXCEPT
(a) Thick fur (b) Hyperthermia
(c) Elongated nasal cavity (d) Water storage in hump
38. Among the following ecological relationships below which is most different from other
(a) Fungal mycelia around the algal cells in lichens
(b) Algal cells embedded in coral tissues
(c) Salmonella in the human gut
(d) Cellulose digesting protozoa in a termite gut
39. Niches of two coexisting species of pond snails of the same genus are likely to be
similar, but not identical, because of which of the following?
I. Closely related species use similar resources
II. Competitive interactions exist between these species
III. Unlimited resources are available
(a) I only (b) II only
(c) I and II only (d) I and III only
40. In which of the following habitats would one expect to find the highest diversity of
vascular plants?
(a) Salt marsh (b) Spruce-Fir forest
(c) Small islands (d) Prairie-forest ecotone
41. In deep-sea hydrothermal vents near the Galapagos Islands, bacteria obtain energy
by oxidizing hydrogen sulphide released from the vents. Giant tube worms, which
lack mouth and digestive systems, harbor the bacteria in their tissues and use them
as a source of organic molecules. Clams obtain energy by filtering bacteria directly
from the water, and numerous crabs and octopi feed on clams. In this unique ecosystem,
the bacteria are playing the role of
(a) Primary producers (b) Primary consumers
(c) Tertiary consumers (d) Decomposers
43. The massive adaptation radiation of insects over the world is most likely related to
(a) World wide increase in species diversity in the Cambrian period
(b) evolution of the land flora by the middle of Paleozoic era
(c) human alteration of the environment in the Pleistocene epoch
(d) environmental stability of the seas over all of geological time
44. One group of ecologist has suggested that producers are limited by compettion for
resources, primary consumers (herbivores) are limited by predation, and secondary
consumers (carnivores) are limited by food. If this was true, at which of the following
trophic levels would one expect to find substantial evidence for competitive exclusion?
(a) Producers only
(b) Herbivores only
(c) Carnivores only
(d) Producers and carnivores
45. Which of the following statements is most likely correct concerning the Hardy-
Weinberg equilibrium in natural populations?
(a) It occurs infrequently in small populations from natural communities
(b) It occurs in founding populations, but not in established populations
(c) It occurs in populations from late successional communities, but not from early
successional communities
(d) It occurs on small islands, but on large islands.
46. Under some circumstances a population can split into two or more species without
the existence of geographic barriers. All of the following genetically determined
behavior could provide conditions leading to speciation except-
(a) Selection of a specific host fruit for completion of life cycle by a fruit fly
(b) Association of courtship with a particular habitat type in a sparrow
(c) Choice of a butterfly of the time of day to breed
(d) Selection of prey types by a wide ranging hawk
47. If the alleles ‘A’ and ‘a’ conform to Hardy-Weinberg expectations, and if the frequency
of ‘a’ is 0.3, which of the following is the most common genotype in the population
(a) A (b) Aa
(c) AA (d) aa
48. The theory of punctuated equilibrium argues that
(a) Speciation and morphological divergence are weakly associated
(b) Selective forces act throughout a species life time
(c) Major morphological changes are separated by long periods of morphological
(d) Speciation rates are not related to evolutionary rates
Model Test Paper – 3 453
49. Which of the following is true of a selectively neutral gene that is a mutant allele at
a locus-
(a) Its effect on fitness are different from those of more frequent allele that leads to
normal phenotype
(b) It reaches high frequencies because of state of balanced polymorphism
(c) It confers neither reproductive advantage nor disadvantage on the individual
(d) Its expression is masked by the normal allele
52. The resemblance of body structures and mode of life of some species of Australian
marsupials to certain species of placental mammals is an example of
(a) Convergent evolution
(b) Punctuated equilibrium
(c) Sequential evolution
(d) Polymorphism
53. If one compares the primary structure of the protein cytochrome c in organisms that
are separated in evolutionary time, e.g, humans and yeast, one discovers that
(a) Hydrophilic amino acids are usually substituted fro hydrophobic amino acids
(b) The overall primary and tertiary structure of molecule is quite different
(c) The proteins have evolved different functions
(d) Considerable sequences similarity exist between the two proteins
54. Which of the following genotypes would produce the greatest variety of gametes of
the alleles assorted independently?
(a) aaBBCcDd (b) aabbCCDD
55. Which of the following is most likely to reduce competition in sympatric, closely
related species
(a) Darwinian fitness
(b) Kin selection
(c) Niche overlap
(d) Character displacement
454 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
56. It is now thought that the atmosphere of the primitive Earth was composed largely of
carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and water vapor. The composition of certain iron-containing
minerals suggest that the carbon dioxide began to be replaced by oxygen about 2
billion years ago. Which of the following is the best explanation for the change in
atmospheric composition?
(a) Ozone produced in the upper atmosphere by UV light broke down to oxygen
(b) Minerals such as iron oxide released oxygen into atmosphere
(c) Oxygen was present in volcanic gases and slowly accumulated with time
(d) Photosynthesis was established in primitive bacteria
57. The amino acids in the amino acid sequence of the polypeptide chain of human proteins
differs from those of chimpanzee by approximately what percent?
(a) 99% (b) 49%
(c) 9% (d) 1%
58. An evolutionary benefit of sexual reproduction is that
(a) It provides a mechanism of genetic recombination.
(b) It requires a lower level of resource investment than asexual does
(c) The offspring will resemble their parents genetically
(d) The reproductive success rates are less variable than for asexual reproduction
59. The unit of life in which biological evolution actually occurs is usually considered to
be the
(a) Whole organism (b) Population
(c) Species (d) Community
60. It has been proposed that mitochondria and chloroplast evolved from certain bacteria
that existed as endo-symbiotic organism in early cells. Which of the following will
best support this hypothesis-?
(a) Both organelles contain DNA molecule
(b) Both organelles have microtubules
(c) Both organelles lacks mRNA
(d) Only chloroplast can synthesize some proteins
62. All if the following are responses of the vertebrate egg to fusion with the male gamete
(a) Completion of maturation (meiotic division)
(b) Loss of the ability to undergo mitosis
(c) Transient elevation of intracellular free calcium
(d) Fusion of male and female pronuclei
Model Test Paper – 3 455
63. Which of the following is secreted principally by the corpus luteum of the human
(a) Luteinizing hormone
(b) Follicle stimulating hormone
(c) Gondotropin releasing factor and estrogen
(d) Progesterone
66. A vitamin that has an important role in the formation of collagen fibres and prevention
of scurvy is
(a) Thiamin (b) Riboflavin
(c) Ascorbic acid (d) Tocopherol
67. In mammals, which of the following are produced after rearrangement of DNA
sequence in specific cells?
(a) Hemoglobins (b) Actins
(c) Antibodies (d) Trypsins
68. In a cross between a pure bred, red-eyed female fruit fly and a white-eyed male, what
percent of the male offspring will have white eyes? (white eyes are X-linked, recessive)
(a) 100% (b) 75%
(c) 50% (d) 0%
69. Hemophilia in humans is due to an X-chromosome mutation. What will be the results
of mating between a normal (non-carrier) female and a hemophilac male?
(a) Half of daughters are normal and half of sons are hemophilic.
(b) All sons are normal and all daughters are carriers.
(c) Half of sons are normal and half are hemophilic; all daughters are carriers.
(d) Half of daughters are hemophilic and half of daughters are carriers; all sons are
70. Two unlinked loci effect mouse hair color. AA or Aa mice are agouti. Mice with
genotype aa are albino because all pigment production is blocked, regardless of the
phenotype at the second locus. At the second locus, the B allele (agouti coat) is dominant
to the b allele (black coat). What would be the result of a cross between two agouti
mice of genotype AaBb?
(a) 4 agouti: 4 black: 8 albino
(b) 9 agouti: 3 black: 3 albino: 1 grey
(c) 9 agouti: 3 black: 4 albino
(d) 8 agouti: 4 black: 4 albino
Model Test Paper – 4
1. Three numbers x, y, z are in geometric progression. If the sum of the three numbers
is 26 and the largest of the three number is 9 times that of the small number, then
the values of largest number is-
(a) 20 (b) 18.
(c) 15 (d) 10
4. Aspirin is chemically-
(a) Methyl benzoate (b) Ethyl salicate
(c) Acetyl salicylic acid (d) o-hydorxybenzoic acid
5. Phosphorus normally exhibits a covalency of-
(a) +3 and +5 (b) +1 and +3
(c) +2 and +3 (d) +3 and +4
6. The reaction of ethanol, with a series of inorganic acid is studied. What is order of
reactivity of halogens acid with ethanol-
(a) HCl>HBr>HI (b) HI>HBr>HCl
(c) HBr>HI>HCl (d) HBr>HCl>HI
7. A beam of monochromatic blue light of wavelength 4200 Å in air travels in water
(refractive index = 4/3). Its wavelength in water will be-
(a) 2800 Å (b) 5600 Å
(c) 3150 Å (d) 4200 Å
Model Test Paper – 4 457
8. Which of the following has the highest percentage of ionic character in its bonding-
(a) Licl (b) BeCl2
(c) CsF (d) CsCl
9. When the temperature of a chemical reaction is increased, there is increase in the-
(a) Enthalpy (b) Entropy
(c) Free energy (d) Heat capacity
10. If the six amino acids in succession form a hexapeptide, the resulting structure will
(a) Six peptide bond and six Ca atoms
(b) Five peptide bond and six Ca atoms
(c) Five peptide bond and five Ca atoms
(d) Six peptide bond and five Ca atoms
11. For the following algolrithm, what is value of x on completion of the code-
do while i<10
end do
(a) 100 (b) 135
(c) 0 (d) 9
12. The geometry and the type of hybrid orbital present around the centre in BF 3 is
(a) linear, sp (b) trigonal planner, sp2
(c) tetrahedral, sp 3 (d) pyramidal, sp3
13. The electronic configuration of an element is 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3P6, 3d5, and 4s1.
This represent its
(a) Excited state (b) Ground state
(c) Cationic form (d) Anionic form
18. Which one of the five choices makes the best comparison? LIVED is to DEVIL as 6323
is to
(a) 2336 (b) 6232
(c) 3326 (d) 3236
19. Which number should come next?
144 : 12 1 : 100 : 81 : 64 : ?
(a) 17 (b) 19
(c) 36 (d) 49
20. From a garden two girls collect 25 flowers. Hema collects four times as many as Jaya
did How many flowers did Jaya collect?
(a) 4 (b) 5
(c) 8 (d) 10
21. A boy is 4 years old and his sister is three times as old as he is. When the boy is 12
years old, how old will his sister be?
(a) 16 (b) 20
(c) 24 (d) 36
23. Which of the following compounds would you expect to be most soluble in water?
(a) CH 3 –CH 2 –OH
(b) CH 2 –CH 2 –CH 2 –CH 2 –OH i=0
(c) CH 3 –CH 2 –CH 2 –CH 2 –CH 2 –CH 2 –OH
(d) CH 3 –CH 2 –CH 2 –CH 2 –CH 2 –CH 2 –CH 2 –CH 2 –OH
24. What would be the output of following program
(a) 2 yes
(b) 3
(c) 4 i 2 < 10
(d) 5
Print i
Model Test Paper – 4 459
25. If an integer occupies five character in its binary form. The number of characters
required for its decimal form will be-
(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 3 (d) 4
26. The distance between point A and B will be- 1
(a) Ö2
(b) 3
(c) 3Ö3
(d) Ö3 1
27. A wooden box of mass M is suspended between two springs having spring constant K1
and K2. Both springs are fixed to walls. If the wooden block is displaced along (+) X-
axis then the time period for oscillation will be-
(a) T = 2pÖm/k1 + k2
(b) T = 2pÖm(k1/k2) g K1 K2
(c) T = 2pÖm(k1 – k2) /g M
(d) T = 2pÖ(k1 – k2)/m
28. A satellite is revolving around an planet with orbital radius R. If mean density of
planet is r and universal gravitational constant is G. Then the orbital velocity will
depend on-
(a) G & r (b) r & R
(c) G, R & r (d) only on R
x dy
29. Given y = a . =
(a) xax–1 (b) 1/ax
(c) ax ln a (d) None of the above
30. Recently Govt. of India has allowed mixing of alcohol in petrol. What is the amount of
alcohol permitted for mixing in petrol?
(a) 2.5% (b) 10 – 15%
(c) 10% (d) 5%
1. One of the parents of a cross has a mutation in its mitochondria. In that cross, that
parent is taken as a male. During segregation of F 2 progenies that mutation is found
(a) one-third of the progenies
(b) none of the progenies
(c) all the progenies
(d) fifty percent of the progenies
460 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
6. Duodenum has characteristic Brunner's glands which secrete two hormones called
(a) Kinase, estrogen
(b) Secretin, cholecystokinin
(c) Prolactin, parathormone
(d) Estradiol, progesterone
7. Mast cells of connective tissue contain
(a) Vasopressin and relaxin (b) Heparin and histamine
(c) Heparin and calcitonin (d) Serotonin and melanin
8. Cancer cells are more easily damaged by radiation than normal cells because they
(a) Starved of mutation (b) Undergoing rapid division
(c) Different in structure (d) Non-dividing
9. ATPase enzyme needed for muscle contraction is located in
(a) Actinin (b) Troponin
(c) Myosin (d) Actin
11. A free living nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium which can also form symbiotic association
with the water fern Azolla is
(a) Tolypothrix (b) Chlorella
(c) Nostoc (d) Anabaena
12. In the ABO system of blood groups, if both antigens are present but no antibody, the
blood group of the individual would be
(a) B (b) O
(c) AB (d) A
13. Which one of the following pairs correctly matches a hormone with a disease resulting
from its deficiency?
(a) Luteinizing hormone - Failure of ovulation
(b) Insulin- Diabetes insipidus
(c) Thyroxine - Tetany
(d) Parathyroid hormone - Diabetes mellitus
16. You are required to draw blood from a patient and to keep it in a test tube for analysis
of blood corpuscles and plasma. You are also provided with the following four types of
test tubes. Which of them will you not use for the purpose?
(a) Test tube containing calcium bicarbonate
(b) Chilled test tube
(c) Test tube containing heparin
(d) Test tube containing sodium oxalate
21. Lack of independent assortment of two genes A and B in fruit fly Drosophila is due to
(a) Repulsion (b) Recombination
(c) Linkage (d) Crossing over
22. In your opinion, which is the most effective way to conserve the plant diversity of an
(a) By tissue culture method
(b) By creating biosphere reserve
(c) By creating botanical garden
(d) By developing seed bank
23. Which of the following is expected to have the highest value (gm/m2/yr) in a grassland
(a) Secondary Production
(b) Tertiary Production
(c) Gross Production (GP)
(d) Net Production (NP)
24. If by radiation all nitrogenase enzymes are inactivated, then there will be no
(a) Fixation of nitrogen in legumes
(b) Fixation of atmospheric nitrogen
(c) Conversion from nitrate to nitrite in legumes
(d) Conversion from ammonium to nitrate in soil
25. Age of fossils in the past was generally determined by radio-carbon method and other
methods involving radioactive elements found in the rocks. More precise methods,
which were used recently and led to the revision of the evolutionary periods for
different groups of organisms, includes
(a) Study of carbohydrates/proteins in fossils
(b) Study of the conditions of fossilization
Model Test Paper – 4 463
28. During transcription, if the nucleotide sequence of the DNA strand that is being
coded is ATACG then the nucleotide sequence in the mRNA would be
29. Extranuclear inheritance is a consequence of presence of genes in
(a) Mitochondria and chloroplasts
(b) Endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria
(c) Ribosomes and chloroplast
(d) Lysosomes and ribosomes
30. Viruses that infect bacteria, multiply and cause their lysis, are called
(a) Lysozymes (b) Lipolytic
(c) Lytic (d) Lysogenic
33. Crossing over that results in genetic recombination in higher organisms occurs between
(a) Sister chromatids of a bivalent
(b) Non-sister chromatids of a bivalent
(c) Two daughter nuclei
(d) Two different bivalents
38. The Ti plasmid, is often used for making transgenic plants. This plasmid is found in
(a) Azotobacter
(b) Rhizobium of the roots of leguminous plants
(c) Agrobacterium
(d) Yeast as a 2 µm plasmid
39. In a plant, red fruit (R) is dominant over yellow fruit (r) and tallness (T) is dominant
over shortness (t). If a plant with RRTt genotype is crossed with a plant that is rrtt,
(a) 25% will be tall with red fruit
(b) 50% will be tall with red fruit
(c) 75% will be tall with red fruit
(d) All the offspring will be tall with red fruit
Model Test Paper – 4 465
40. Which one of the following precedes re-formation of the nuclear envelope during M
phase of the cell cycle?
(a) Decondensation from chromosomes, and reassembly of the nuclear lamina
(b) Transcription from chromosomes, and reassembly of the nuclear lamina
(c) Formation of the contractile ring, and formation of the phragmoplast
(d) Formation of the contractile ring, and transcription from chromosomes
41. A normal woman, whose father was colour-blind is married to a normal man. The
sons would be
(a) 75% colour-blind
(b) 50% colour-blind
(c) All normal
(d) All colour-blind
42. In the amino acid GLY, the Ca atom is connected to one carboxyl group, one amino
group and two hydrogen bonds. The H-Ca-H bond angle is likely to be close to-
(a) 1800 (b) 900
(c) 109.50 (d) 1200
43. In which of the following structure, you are likely to see non-watson crick base pairs-
(a) B-DNA (b) A-DNA
(c) Z-DNA (d) t-RNA
44. In the structure of ideal Watson -crick B-DNA
(a) Base pairs are perpendicular to the helix axis
(b) Base pairs are parallel to the helix axis
(c) Base pairs are inclined with respect of the helix axis
(d) Hydrogen bond between bases are perpendicular to the helix axis
45. If the side R groups of alternate aminoacids along a polypeptide strand points in
opposite direction then the secondary structure of polypeptide stretch should be-
(a) a-helix (b) 310 -helix
(c) b-strand (d) Random coil
46. The peptide ITVNGKTY can take up the following three structures-
A. all 8 amino acids are in a-helix conformation
B. all 8 amino acids are in b-helix conformation
C. all 8 amino acids are in 310-helix conformation
Arrange the structure in decreasing order of their N to terminal distances-
(a) ABC (b) BCA
(c) CAB (d) BAC (changed)
47. The phospholipids which form a membrane bilayer are-
(a) Completely non-polar molecules
(b) Completely polar groups
(c) Ampipathic molecules with polar head group and hydrophobic tail
(d) None of the above
466 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
48. In the pedigree above, circles denotes females, squares denote males, and shaded
figures denote individual expressing a specific trait. Which of the following is most
probable mode of inheritance of this trait?
(a) Simple Mendelian dominant
(b) Simple Mendelian recessive
(c) Codominant relationship of a single pair
of alleles
(d) X-linked dominant transmission
49. Catabolite repression in E. coli bacteria, involving the catabolite activator protein
(CAP), is actually a type of positive regulation, because
(a) cAMP-CAP helps RNA polymerase to initiate transcription
(b) cAMP-CAP prevents RNA polymerase from initiating transcription
(c) Glucose stimulates the production of cAMP
(d) Glucose binds CAP and inactivates it
50. The rate at which a DNA fragment moves in an electrophoretic gel is primarily a
function of the fragment's
(a) Length
(b) Double helical structure
(c) Degree of methylation
(d) Adenine content
51. Mitochondria and chloroplast carry out oxidative phosphorylation and photo phospho
-rylation, respectively, by means of
(a) Conformational coupling
(b) Chemiosmotic coupling
(c) High energy intermediate coupling
(d) Sliding filaments
62. In the diagram above, the centre of each circle represents the location at which
homing pigeons were released. The top of each circle is the homeward direction, each
dot represents the direction taken by the one bird, and the arrows represents the
statistical average if the chosen directions. The bird in left-hand circle were equipped
with the magnets that prevented them from detecting the Earth's magnetic field.
This experiment demonstrated that homing pigeons
63. Two populations of land snails have been effectively isolated from each other for a
long period. According to the biological species concept, which of the following would
demonstrate that the two populations have become separate species?
(a) The two populations behave differently when subjected to same dose of pesticides
(b) Sterile hybrids are produced when member of the two populations are
experimentally mated
(c) DNA nucleotide sequence are different between two populations
(d) The two populations have different electrophoretic pattern of proteins
64. Behaviour by an individual that confers evolutionary benefits to a recipient at no
evolutionary cost to donor because the recipient delivers benefits to the donor at
some later time and behavior by an individual that increases the fitness of recipients
but lowers the fitness of donor are termed as
(a) Reciprocity and Altruism
(b) Cooperation and Spite
(c) Nepotism and Kin selection
(d) Symbiosis and Predation
Model Test Paper – 4 469
65. The birds in tropics are generally smaller in size because of-
(a) To increase surface area to volume ratio
(b) To decrease surface area to volume ratio
(c) For easy flight
(d) Aestivation
66. In an pond ecosystem, net productivity by zooplankton is ‘p’ and biomass consumed
by small fishes is ‘c’, then the ratio of c/p is termed as-
(a) Assimilation efficiency
(b) Net secondary productivity
(c) Consumption efficiency
(d) Conversion efficiency
67. For climax which statement is INCORRECT?
(a) Number of perennial species increases
(b) Dependency on detritious food chain increases
(c) Vertical stratification of community increases
(d) Exploitation competition is more then normal competition
68. At present, the relationship between human and monkey can be stated as
(a) They both have common ancestors
(b) Human have evolved from monkey
(c) Both have very distinct phylogeny
(d) Relationship can not be established
1. Three students are picked at random from a school having a total of 1000 students.
The probability that these three students will have identical date and month of their
birth is:
(a) 3/1000 (b) 3/365
(c) 1/(365)2 (d) 1/(365)3
2. In how many different ways can six players be arranged in a line such that two of
them, Ajit and Mukherjee, are never together?
(a) 120 (b) 240
(c) 360 (d) 480
3. A and B together can do a piece of work in 12 days, which B and C together can do in
16 days. After A has been working at it for 5 days and B for 7 days, C finishes in 13
days. In how many days C alone will do the work.
(a) 16 (c) 24
(c) 36 (d) 48
4. A spherical body moves with a uniform angular velocity w around a circular path of
radius r. Which one of the following statements is correct?
(a) The body has no acceleration
(b) The body has a radial acceleration directed directed towards the centre of the
(c) The body has a radial acceleration directed away from the centre of the path
(d) The body has an acceleration tangential to its path
7. Nine different letters are to be dropped in three different letter boxes. In how many
different ways can this be done?
(a) 27 (b) 39
(c) 93 (d) 69
8. A person stands at the middle point of a wooden ladder which starts slipping between
a vertical wall and the floor of a room, while continuing to remain in a vertical plane.
The path traced by a person standing at the middle point of the slipping ladder is
(a) A straight line (b) An elliptical path
(c) A circular path (d) A parabolic path
9. How many 3 digit numbers can be formed with the digits 2, 3, 5, 7 and 9 if the digits
are not repeated
(a) 60 (b) 90
(c) 210 (d) 405
15. Match List-I (Biosphere Reserves) with List-II (States) and select the correct answer
using the codes given below the Lists:
List-I List-II
(Biosphere Reserves) (States)
A. Similipal 1. Sikkim
B. Dehong Deband 2. Uttaranchal
C. Nokrek 3. ArunachalPradesh
D. Kanchenjunga 4. Orissa
5. Meghalya
19. A car is running on a road at uniform speed of 60 km/hr. The net resultant force on
the car is:
(a) Driving force in the direction of car’s motion
(b) Resistance force in the direction of car’s motion
(c) An inclined force
(d) Equal to zero
29. Viruses can disable computers. A computer virus can be transmitted one machine to
another if:
(a) They are used to run similar application
(b) They are used by same programme
(c) Floppy disks are exchanged between different computer
(d) They use different operating system
30. An atomic orbital having the quantum no. n=1 and l=1 will have the shape of:
(a) Ellipsoid (b) Dumb-bell
(c) Cone (d) Sphere
6. An ovule which becomes curved so that the nucellus and embryo sac lie at right
angles to the funicle is
(a) Hemitropous (b) Campylotropous
(c) Anatropous (d) Orthotropous
7. Ovulation in the human female normally takes place during the menstrual cycle
(a) at the mid secretory phase
(b) just before the end of the secretory phase
(c) at the beginning of the proliferative phase
(d) At the end of the proliferative phase
9. The cardiac pacemaker in a patient fails to function normally. The doctors find that
an artificial pacemaker is to be grafted in him. It is likely that it will be grafted at the
site of
(a) Atrioventricular bundle
(b) Purkinje system
(c) Sinuatrial node
(d) Atrioventricular node
10. Blood analysis of a patient reveals an unusually high quantity of carboxyhaemoglobin
content. Which of the following conclusions is most likely to be correct? The patient
has been inhaling polluted air containing unusually high content of
(a) Carbon disulphide (b) Chloroform
(c) Carbon dioxide (d) Carbon monoxide
11. In which one of the following enzymes, is copper necessarily associated as an activator?
(a) Carbonic anhydrase (b) Tryptophanase
(c) Lactic dehydrogenase (d) Tyrosinase
12. In Arthropoda, head and thorax are often fused to form cephalothorax, but in which
one of the following classes, is the body divided into head, thorax and abdomen?
(a) Insecta
(b) Myriapoda
(c) Crustacea
(d) Arachnida and Crustacea
476 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
13. Which one of the following is the correct matching of a vitamin, its nature and its
deficiency disease?
(a) Vitamin A - Fat -soluble - Night blindness
(b) Vitamin K - Fat -soluble - Beri -beri
(c) Vitamin A - Fat -soluble - Beri -beri
(d) Vitamin K - Water -soluble - Pellagra
14. In 1984, the Bhopal gas tragedy took place because methyl isocyanate
(a) reacted with DDT
(b) reacted with ammonia
(c) reacted with CO2
(d) Reacted with water
15. Lead concentration in blood is considered alarming if it is
(a) 20 µg/100 ml (b) 30 µg/100 ml
(c) 4 – 6 µg/100 ml (d) 10 µg/100 ml
17. One set of a plant was grown at 12 hours day and 12 hours night period cycles and it
flowered while in the other set night phase was interrupted by flash of light and it did
not produce flower. Under which one of the following categories will you place this
(a) Long day
(b) Darkness neutral
(c) Day neutral
(d) Short day
18. In which one of the following pairs is the specific characteristic of a soil not correctly
(a) Laterite - Contains aluminium compound
(b) Terra rossa - most suitable for roses
(c) Chernozems - Richest soil in the world
(d) Black soil - Rich in calcium carbonate
19. In a longitudinal section of a root, starting from the tip upward, the four zones occur
in the following order:
(a) Root cap, cell division, cell enlargement, cell maturation
(b) Root cap, cell division, cell maturation, cell enlargement
(c) Cell division, cell enlargement, cell maturation, root cap
(d) Cell division, cell maturation, cell enlargement, root cap
Model Test Paper – 5 477
25. The technique of obtaining large number of plantlets by tissue culture method is
(a) Plantlet culture (b) Organ culture
(c) Micropropagation (d) Macropropagation
26. Cell elongation in internodal regions of the green plants takes place due to
(a) Indole acetic acid (b) Cytokinins
(c) Gibberellins (d) Ethylene
30. A male human is heterozygous for autosomal genes A and B and is also hemizygous
for hemophilic gene h. What proportion of his sperms will be abh?
(a) 1/8 (b) 1 /32
(c) 1 /16 (d) 1 /4
33. Dough kept overnight in warm weather becomes soft and spongy because of
(a) Absorption of carbon dioxide from atmosphere
(b) Fermentation
(c) Cohesion
(d) Osmosis
34. In the somatic cell cycle
(a) In G1 phase DNA content is double the amount of DNA present in the original
(b) DNA replication takes place in S-phase
(c) A short interphase is followed by a long mitotic phase
(d) G2 phase follows mitotic phase
35. A nutritionally wild type organism, which does not require any additional growth
supplement is known as
(a) Phenotype (b) Holotype
(c) Auxotroph (d) Prototroph
36. Which of the following propagates through leaf-tip?
(a) Walking fern (b) Sprout-leaf plant
(c) Marchantia (d) Moss
39. If you are provided with root-tips of onion in your class and are asked to count the
chromosomes, which of the following stages can you most conveniently look into?
(a) Metaphase (b) Telophase
(c) Anaphase (d) Prophase
40. When a diploid female plant is crossed with a tetraploid male, the ploidy of endosperm
cells in the resulting seed is
(a) Tetraploidy (b) Pentaploidy
(c) Diploidy (d) Triploidy
41. India’s wheat yield revolution in the 1960s was possible primarily due to
(a) Hybrid seeds
(b) Increased chlorophyll content
(c) Mutations resulting in plant height reduction
(d) Quantitative trait mutations
42. The most likely reason for the development of resistance against pesticides in insects
damaging a crop is
(a) Random mutations
(b) Genetic recombination
(c) Directed mutations
(d) Acquired heritable changes
43. The following ratio is generally constant for a given species:
(a) A + G/ C + T
(b) T + C/ G + A
(c) G + C /A + T
(d) A + C /T + G
45. Lichens are well known combination of an alga and a fungus where fungus has
(a) A saprophytic relationship with the alga
(b) An epiphytic relationship with the alga
(c) A parasitic relationship with the alga
(d) A symbiotic relationship with the alga
46. In oogamy, fertilization involves
(a) A small non-motile female gamete and a large motile male gamete
(b) A large non-motile female gamete and a small motile male gamete
(c) A large non-motile female gamete and a small non-motile male gamete
(d) A large motile female gamete and a small non-motile male gamete)
480 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
48. In which one of the following habitats does the diurnal temperature of soil surface
vary most?
(a) Shrub land (b) Forest
(c) Desert (d) Grassland
52. During replication of a bacterial chromosome DNA synthesis starts from a replication
origin site and
(a) RNA primers are involved
(b) Is facilitated by telomerase
(c) Moves in one direction of the site
(d) Moves in bi-directional way
56. The most thoroughly studied of the known bacteria - plant interactions is the
(a) Cyanobacterial symbiosis with some aquatic ferns
(b) Gall formation on certain angiosperms by Agrobacterium
(c) Nodulation of Sesbania stems by nitrogen fixing bacteria
(d) Plant growth stimulation by phosphate-solubilising bacteria
63. Of the following ecological relationships, which one is the most different from the
other three?
(a) Algae embedded in coral tissues
(b) Salmonella in human. gastric tract
(c) Cellulolytic bacteria in a termite gut
(d) Pollen-collecting bees visiting flowers.
482 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
64. Wild type E. coli was plated on a Rifampicin containing medium and incubated at
37°C. Majority of the cells died; however, some colonies appeared after a few days.
What is the most likely explanation for this observation?
(a) Degradation of Rifampicin
(b) Mutation in DNA polymerase III
(c) Efflux of Rifampicin
(d) Mutation in the b subunit of RNA polymerase
65. Human genomic DNA is digested into fragments approximately 1 kb in size, denatured
and then renatured. Which of the following statements is true?
(a) All fragments will renature at the same rate
(b) Fragments composed largely of repetitive DNA sequences will renature fastest
(c) Fragments composed largely of non-repetitive DNA sequences will renature
(d) Fragments with high A:T content will renature fastest
66. When an infectious agent was analyzed chemically, it was found to contain nitrogen
and sulfur but not phosphorous. It is likely to be a
(a) Bacterium (b) Virus
(c) Mycoplasma (d) Prion
67. Which of the following hormones does not act by a second messenger system?
(a) Glucagon (b) Epinephrine
(c) Luteinizing hormone (d) Aldosterone
68. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis carries out protein separation based on
(a) Mass and hydrophobicity
(b) Mass
(c) Charge and mass properties
(d) Disulphide bonding
69. About 1 % individuals in a population suffer from a genetic disorder. The cause was
traced to such individuals being homozygous recessive for a single locus with two
alleles. The elder of the two children of a family (where both the parents are normal
suffers from the disorder, while the younger one is normal). What is the probability
that the third child of the family will be a normal daughter?
(a) 49.5% (b) 12.5%
(c) 37.5% (d) 25%
70. A red-flowered tall parent plant (P1) was crossed to a true breeding red-flowered
dwarf plant (P2) and half of the progenies obtained was red & tall and the other half
red & dwarf. In the next generation, half of all these progenies segregated only for
flower colour and the other half segregated only for height. The genotype of the P1 is
(a) Heterozygous for color & height
(b) Homozygous for color; heterozygous for height
(c) Heterozygous for color; homozygous for height
(d) Homozygous for color; homozygous for height
Model Test Paper – 6
1. Between 00:30 hrs on 1st January, 1801 to 23:30 hrs on 31st December 2000, how
many times did the sun rise in Bangalore?
(a) 73000 (b) 73050
(c) 73049 (d) 73051
2. A mammalian cell line grows as a monolayer in a cell culture. Individual cells are
disc-shaped, with a diameter of 1 micrometer. A colony made up of a single, dense
layer of such cells is one centimeter in diameter. What is the approximate number of
cells at the periphery of the colony
(a) 31400 (b) 314159
(c) 3143 (d) 10000
3. Let us designate the four hydrogen in the methane molecule as HA, H B, HC and HD.
Imagine a plane passing through the central carbon, HA and HB and another plane
passing through the central carbon, HC and HD. what is the angle between two
(a) 0° (b) 90°
(c) 109.47° (d) 120°
4. The oxygen consumption of a rat and a lobster were measured first after 1 hour at
30°C and then after 1 hour at 15 °C. Which of the following lobster best describes the
change in oxygen consumption from 30 °C to 15 °C ?
(a) Increased in rat and decreased lobster
(b) Decreased in rat and increased in lobster
(c) Increased in rat and unchanged in lobster
(d) Decreased in rat and unchanged in lobster
6. A solid object dropped from the top of a building takes 2 seconds to reach the ground.
What is the best approximation for the height of the building in meters?
(a) 10 (b) 20
(c) 40 (d) 80
9. The weights of fish in a pond are observed to be normally distributed, with a mean
weight of 10 kg and a standard deviation of 1 kg. What proportion of fish will be
heavier than 12 kg at a 95% confidence level?
(a) About 95% (b) About 33.3%
(c) About 5% (d) About 2.5%
10. Consider the equation px2+qx+r = 0. If rp = q2 / 4 then how many real solutions of this
equation are possible?
(a) 0 (b) 1
(c) 2 (d) Infinite
11. The female of a species of insects lays about 300 eggs in June-July. Half of them
hatch successfully (equal proportion of males and females) by October. Forty percent,
of the larvae form pupae by January, and adults emerge from one third of the pupae
by March. Mating takes place during May, and 20% of the adult insects manage to
mate successfully. Thereafter, all the adults die after the females have laid eggs in
June-July. There are no sex specific differences in survival, mortality, successful
completion of developmental stages and mating success. If 10 fertilized females are
released in a very large enclosure in June-July 2001, how many eggs are likely to be
laid during June-July 2005?
(a) 48000 (b) 6000
(c) 36000 (d) 24000
12. Which of the following is a post-zygotic isolating mechanism in speciation
(a) Behavioural isolation
(b) Seasonal isolation
(c) Fertilisation failure
(d) Hybrid sterility
Model Test Paper – 6 485
13. If the pH of the parietal cells in the stomach is 7 and that of the lumen of the stomach
is 1, then against what concentration difference do the parietal cells pump out protons?
(a) 1,000,000 (b) 6
(c) 60 (d) 700,000
14. One of the angles between the diagonals of a rectangle is 60°. The lengths of the sides
of the rectangle are in the ratio
(a) 1: 6 (b) 1: Ö2
(c) 1:.Ö3 (d) 1:Ö6
15. Apart from the 20 naturally occurring amino acids, 700 ‘unnatural’ amino acids have
been reported in the literature. If all the 720 were to be accommodated in the genetic
code, what is the minimum number of bases needed in a codon?
(a) 4 (b) 5
(c) 6 (d) 7
16. A stream is free of pollutants within a few miles downstream of a point at which it is
being contaminated by a small amount of sewage. This is most likely the result of
(a) Eutrophication (b) Decomposition
(c) Photosynthesis (d) Succession
17. Computers directly understand which language-
(a) Assembly language (b) Machine language
(c) BASIC (d) High level language
23. Our sun is a Young star. It will turn into_______ after 500 million years as
(a) White dwarf (c) Red giant
(b) Neutron star (d) Black hole
24. An air bus take off from London to Paris departs at 4:00 PM Monday. When it crosses
the Prime Meridian what will be time and Day
(a) 4:00 PM Sunday (b) 4:00 PM Tuesday
(c) 4:00 PM Monday (d) 4:00 AM Sunday
27. Fill the values of x and y in |xy| for Decimal number 9 in Binary codes-
(a) x = 0, y = 0 (b) x = 0, y = 0
(c) x = 1, y = 1 (d) x = 1, y = 0
28. Bug, in computer terminology means-
(a) Logical error
(b) Syntax error
(c) Organism effecting computer
(d) High level Programming
29. Consider the following programme and write the result that will print at end of
Do While A =/= 0
If A >= B
A = A–B
B = B–A
(a) 0, 0 (b) 0, 1
(c) 1, 1 (d) 1, 0
Model Test Paper – 6 487
30. If there is double bond between A & T and triple bond between GC, then which
sequence will be most stable at higher temperature-
1. A synthetic peptide has the sequence (Ala)10 and forms a right handed a helical
structure. Its molecular weight is
(a) 890 (b) 728
(c) 1000 (d) 710
6. HIV replicates its genome using unique mechanisms. Which of the following statements
about HIV is not correct?
(a) HIV is an enveloped RNA virus
(b) The virion contains an RNA dependent DNA polymerase
(c) A DNA copy of the HIV genome integrates into host cell DNA
(d) Virion contains an RNA dependent RNA polymerase
11. The colour of flowers of an annual species of plants is controlled by a single locus with
two alleles R and r, and the genotypes RR, Rr and IT are red, pink and white
respectively. A large number of seeds from individuals with pink flowers were collected
and planted on an island, where, because of absence of pollinators, only self-pollination
is possible. What will be the most likely outcome after 25 years?
(a) About 50% plants with red flowers, 50% with white flowers
(b) Almost 100% plants with pink flowers
(c) Red, pink and white flowered plants in a ratio of 1:2: 1
(d) Red, pink and white flowered plants in equal proportion
14. The synthesis of DNA was shown to be template dependent and semi-conservative.
This would predict that
(a) No organism can have a single-stranded genome
(b) RNA cannot serve as the genome of any organism
Model Test Paper – 6 489
17. A laboratory-synthesized protein has an amino acid sequence same as that of human
lysozyme but with all chiral residues in D-configuration. Which one of the following
statements is false?
(a) Such a protein will never fold into a compact shape
(b) This protein will have left-handed a-helical regions in the places of right-handed
a-helical regions in the natural lysozyme
(c) This protein will not be functional with the natural substrates
(d) This protein could form crystals
18. Which one of the following genes is defective in patients suffering from severe
combined immunodeficiency syndrome (SCID)?
(a) Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductor (CFTR)
(b) Adenosine deaminase
(c) Ribonucleotide reductase
(d) a2-microglobulin
19. Helium and Deuterium have the same
(a) Number of protons
(b) Protons to neutrons ratio
(c) Number of electrons
(d) Atomic mass
27. The residue histidine can act as a ligand for the heme iron in proteins such as
myoglobin because
(a) Histidine side chain has a pKa close to pH 5.0
(b) One of the nitrogens has a lone pair of electn;ms available for coordination
(c) The aromatic ring of the histidine can act favorably with the heme iron
(d) Five membered rings have a favorable dipolar interactions with ferrous or ferric
Model Test Paper – 6 491
31. In the genome of a eukaryotic organism, if all the four bases occur randomly, then
which amino acid pair will occur least frequently in its proteome?
(a) Methionine and Tryptophan
(b) Arginine and Serine
(c) Proline and Tryptophan
(d) Glycine and Methionine
32. Carboxypeptidase Y has the following kinetic parameters for a series of substrates.
At very low substrate concentration, which of these substrates would be hydrolyzed
most quickly?
Substrate Kcat (s–1 ) Km (M)
(a) Ala-He-Asp 2 × 10–1 3 × 1 0 –2
(b) Ala-Pro-Arg 5 × 10–3 2 × 10–6
(c) Ala-Val-Gin 5 × 10–2 4 × 10–3
(d) Ala-Ile-Lys 5 × 10–1 1 × 10–5
33. Some cells divide by budding. After budding, you have a mother cell and a daughter
cell. If the mother cell cannot bud any more, the increase in cell number as a function
of time will be
(a) Exponential (b) Linear
(c) Logarithmic (d) Hyperbolic
34. Histones, proteins that playa role in packaging DNA, are characterized by a
(a) High pI
(b) Low pI
(c) pI at 7
(d) Hydrophobic surfaces
492 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
39. What is the [S] for the enzyme-catalyzed reaction which has an initial velocity of
12.62 mole/litre/min, and the maximum velocity of 21.85 mole/litre/min, and a
Michaelis-Menten constant of 3.88 mole/liter?
(a) 2.51 mole/litre (b) 5.30 mole/litre
(c) 0.24 mole/litre (d) 4.31 mole/litre
40. When nonsense mutations occur in the reading frame of mRNA, protein synthesis
gets terminated at the nonsense mutation to deliver a truncated polypeptide. However,
in certain bacterial strains, this does not phappen; these bacterial cells are able to
synthesize full-length polypeptide. This phenomenon is due to
(a) Compensatory frame shift mutation that occurs elsewhere in the mRNA
(b) Involvement of suppressor tRNAs
(c) Polypeptide splicing at the broken point
(d) Post-transcriptional editing of the nonsense mutation
41. The sediment at the bottom of a lake contains small proportions of deuterium and
l3 C, the stable isotopes of hydrogen and carbon respectively. The methane produced
44. When a mutation produces the first copy of a new, advantageous allele within a
population of ‘wild-types’, the initial spread of this new allele through the population
will be faster if it is
(a) Dominant to the wild-type
(b) Recessive to the wild-type
(c) Co-dominant with the wild-type
(d) Semi dominant with the wild-type
45. The peptide, Ala-Arg-Gln-Met-Thr-Trp-Lys-Val, is treated with cyanogen bromide to
(a) Ala-Arg-Gln-Met + Thr-Trp-Lys-Val
(b) Ala-Arg-Gln-Met-Thr-Trp + Lys-Val
(c) Ala-Arg + Gln-Met-Thr-Trp-Lys-Val
(d) Ala-Arg-Gln + Met-Thr-Trp-Lys-Val
46. Which of the following antibiotics is inactivated by neomycin phosphotransferase?
(a) Ampicillin (b) Chloramphenicol
(c) Spectinomycin (d) Kanamycin
49. The absorbance of 0.02mM ATP solution at 260nm with a cuvette having a path
length of 0.5 cm is 0.154. Therefore, the molar absorption coefficient of ATP is
(a) 15400 (b) 7700
(c) 770 (d) 1540
50. Using standard 20 amino acids, how many tripeptide sequences can be designed with
at least one glycyl residue in every sequence?
(a) 40 (b) 4000
(c) 800 (d) 8000
51. N-linked Glycosylation can occur in a protein containing the amino acid sequence
(a) Asn- Thr- Thr-Gly (b) Asn-Asn-Asn-Gly
(c) Glu-Asn- Thr-Gly (d) Ser-Ser-Ser-Gly.
54. Urea is a water soluble product of nitrogen metabolism. How many hydrogen bonds
can it form with water molecule
(a) 3 (b) 4
(c) 6 (d) 2
55. Two identical twin adults look alike and they have been brought up in the same
environment. If a crime has been committed by one of them, which test will identify
the criminal with more certainty?
(a) DNA finger printing
(b) Blood group testing
(c) Finger print testing
(d) Serotyping
56. Membrane protein biogenesis initiates in the following compartment.
(a) Rough endoplasmic reticulum
(b) Golgi
(c) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
(d) Endosomes
Model Test Paper – 6 495
57. What is the number of hydrogen bonds in a double helical B-DNA structure of 100
base pairs with 20 adenines and 10 thymines in one of the two strands?
(a) 200 (b) 230
(c) 270 (d) 300
58. Which one of the following amino acids has chirality at the side chain?
(a) Threonine (b) Cysteine
(c) Valine (d) Proline
59. Which amino acid substitution will not result in a change in the mass spectrum of a
(a) Arg to Lys (b) Ser to Thr
(c) Ile to Leu (d) Asn to Met
60. In species with two sexes, “males” are defined by which of the following characters?
(a) Males have brighter colouration than females
(b) Males have smaller gametes compared to females
(c) Males are larger than females
(d) Males defend territories while females brood the eggs
61. Virally infected cells can be killed directly by
(a) B cells (b) Basophils
(c) NK cells (d) Eosinophils
62. Which one of the following [3 H] precursors can be used to monitor biosynthesis of
DNA in activated lymphocytes in culture?
(a) Thymidine tri-phosphate
(b) Thymidine di-phosphate
(c) Deoxythymidine tri-phosphate
(d) Thymidine
63. Actin filaments are involved in all of the following except
(a) Amoeboid movement
(b) Cytoplasmic streaming
(c) Contraction of smooth muscles
(d) Flagellar movement in bacteria
64. The Hardy-Weinberg Law describes
(a) Genotype frequencies of a population when evolutionary forces are not acting
(b) How sexual reproduction would change the relative gene frequencies in a
(c) How mutations occur and balance each other
(d) Genotype frequencies of a population when evolutionary forces are acting
65. The receptor for which of the following hormones is a transcription factor?
(a) Insulin (b) Glucagon
(c) Estradiol (d) Adrenalin
496 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
69. Which one of the following techniques was used in elucidation of the Watson-Crick
double helical model of DNA?
(a) Entirely by theoretical calculations and by using Chargaff’s rule without performing
any experiment.
(b) X-ray diffraction by single crystals
(c) X-ray diffraction by quasi crystals
(d) X-ray diffraction by fibers
70. Which one of the following interactions between the side chains of amino acids in a
protein structure is most favourable?
(a) Asp – Glu (b) Arg – Lys
(c) Lys – Val (d) Trp – Phe
Model Test Paper – 7
6. When you will treat phenol with dilute HNO3 at 20 °C, you will get
(a) Only ortho nitro phenol
(b) Only para nitro phenol
(c) Mix1ure of ortho and para nitro phenol
(d) Only 2,4,6 trinitro phenol
7. Soaps are
(a) Esters of fatty acids
(b) Metal salts of fatty acids
(c) Glyceryl esters of fatty acids
(d) Salts of fatty acids with organic bases
8. Natural rubber is a polymer of
(a) Butadiene (b) Isoprene
(c) Chloroprene (d) Nesprene
16. 0.1 M acetic acid is mixed with 02 M sodium acetate. Give that pKa of Acetic acid is
4.76, the pH of the mixture will be nearly
(a) 4.5 (b) 5.0
(c) 5.5 (d) 6.0
Model Test Paper – 7 499
17. The scalar product of two vectors (u, u2, u3) (V1, V2, V3) =
(a) u1V1 + u2V2 + u3V3 (b) u1 v2 + u2v1 + U3V3
(c) u3v1, + U2V2 + u1v3 (d) u3v2 + u2v1 + u1v2
22. The number of spectral lines emitted by atomic hydrogen excited to the nth energy
level is
(a) n(n + 1)/2 (b) n(n – 1)/2
(c) n2 /2 (d) n(n – 1)
23. A piece of ice slides down at 45° incline in twice the time if it takes to slide down a
frictionless 45° incline. The coefficient of friction between the ice and the incline it
(a) 2 (b) 1/2
(c) 1/4 (d) 2 ½
24. A bucket of water is hung from a spring balance. A piece of iron is suspended into the
water without touching the sides from an independent support. The reading on the
spring balance will
(a) increase
(b) decrease
(c) not change]
(d) decrease with depth of immersion of iron piece
25. Which is not an programming language-
(a) BASIC (b) C
(c) MS-WORD (d) LOGO
500 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
3 3 0 0
4 5 A B
29. A certain planet is revolving in a fixed orbit. If the radius of its orbit in increased four
times then its mean surface temperature will decrease-
(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 4 (d) 16
30. Charge density is more at poles because-
(a) Magnetic field is parallel to poles
(b) Magnetic field is parallel to equator
(c) Magnetic field is perpendicular to poles
(d) Magnetic field is perpendicular to equator
3. A short length of double stranded DNA molecule contains 120 adenine and 120 cytosine
bases. The total number of nucleotides in this DNA fragment is
(a) 60 (b) 120
(c) 240 (d) 480
8. Viruses are
(a) Cellular organisms
(b) Non-cellular organisms
(c) Unicellular organisms
(d) Cellular without wall
9. Which of the following does not contain both DNA and RNA ?
(a) Yeast (b) Bacteria
(c) Mycoplasma (d) Virus
10. Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate (SDS) is used while separating proteins by polyacrylanide
gel electrophoresis because
(a) It helps in solubilization of proteins thereby making it easier to separate
(b) It binds to proteins and confers uniform negative charge density thereby making
them move during electrophoresis
(c) Decreases the surface tension of the buffer used for electrophoresis
(d) Stabilizes the proteins
11. Absorption of UV radiation by proteins and nucleic acids is due to transition of Electrons
between the
(a) Vibrational energy levels
(b) Rotational energy levels
(c) Nuclear energy levels
(d) Electronic energy levels
502 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
13. Which of these statements about the amount of food production after 20° C is true?
(a) Food production stops as temperatures increase beyond 20° C.
(b) Food production continues to increase as temperatures increase beyond 20° C.
(c) Food production drops drastically as temperatures increase beyond 20° C.
(d) Food production remains the same as temperatures increase beyond 20° C.
14. Which of these organisms breaks down and releases nutrients from other dead
(a) Producers (b) Decomposers
(c) Herbivores (d) Carnivores
15. Which of these is NOT an example of a terrestrial ecosystem?
(a) Volcano site (b) Garden plot
(c) Rotting log (d) Human skin
17. Based on the data in the graph, which of the following statements is true?
(a) There is no food production happens at 10° C.
(b) Food production is the smallest at about 20° C.
(c) Food production is the greatest at about 30° C.
(d) Food production at 40° C is about 5 mg of glucose per hour.
18. Which of these organisms uses light energy to manufacture food for itself?
(a) A heterotroph
(b) An autotroph
(c) A carnivore
(d) An omnivore
20. A relationship among organisms where one species benefits while the other species
neither benefits nor is harmed is called __________.
(a) Mutualism
(b) Predation
(c) Parasitism
(d) Commensalism
21. A DNA solution of 100µM concentration when placed in a cuvette of path length 1 cm
gave an absorbency of 0.66. The extinction coefficient of DNA is-
(a) 6.6 × 103 (b) 0.66 × 103
(c) 1.5 × 10 –4 (d) 6.6 ×10 –3
24. The major Source of stability of the DNA Double helix structure is
(a) Hydrogen bonding between bases
(b) Screening of phosphate changes by counter ions
(c) Stacking interaction of neighboring basis
(d) Solvation of phosphates
25. Urea acts as a protein denaturant because it binds to the
(a) Charged residues of proteins
(b) Hydrophobic residues of proteins
(e) Peptide groups of proteins
(d) CH 2 group of the protein backbone
(c) Can be presented to T cells in association with both MHC-I and MHC-II molecules
(d) The virus has to use that B cell before any antigen presentation can take place
31. Super antigens stimulate
(a) Only T cells by binding to TCA in the absence of antigen presenting cells
(b) Can stimulate T, B and any other type of cells
(c) Only T cells by binding to the Vb domain of T cells receptor and the MHC-II
molecule an antigen presenting cells
(d) Only T cells by binding to CD2 molecules
32. For developing a candidate vaccine for malaria
(a) We should identify several T cell and B cell epitopes which can elicit protective
response in a large population
(b) We should identify only few T cell epitopes of the parasite
(c) We should identify only few B cell epitopes of the parasite
(d) We should identify epitopes which can induce antibody response in the host
36. How do the daughter cells at the end of mitosis and cytokinesis compare with their
parent cell when it was in G1 of the cell cycle?
(a) The daughter cells have half the amount of cytoplasm and half the amount of
(b) The daughter cells have the same number of chromosomes and the same amount
of DNA
(c) The daughter cells have the same number of chromosomes and half the amount
of DNA
(d) The daughter cells have half the number of chromosomes and half the amount
of DNA
506 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
37. Which of the following is FALSE in comparing prophase I of meiosis and prophase of
(a) The nuclear envelope disassembles in both
(b) The chromosomes Condense in both
(c) Each chromosome has two chromatids in both
(d) Tetrads form in both
38. Once transcribed the eukaryotic primary transcript typically undergoes substantial
alteration that includes.
(a) Fusion into circular forms known as plasmids
(b) Linkage to histone molecules
(c) Union with ribosomes
(d) Tetrads form in both
39. All of the following arc potential control mechanisms for regulation of gene expression
in eukaryotic organisms EXCEPT
(a) Gene amplification
(b) The degradation of mRNA
(c) The lactose operon
(d) Transcription
40. It is theoretically possible for a gene from any organism to function in any other
organism. Why is this possible?
(a) All organisms have similar nuclei
(b) All organisms have the same genetic code
(c) All organisms are made up of cells
(d) All organisms have transfer RNA
41. DNA fragments from a gel are transferred to a membrane via a procedure called
Southern blotting. The purpose of Southern blotting is to
(a) Analyze the RFLPs in the DNA
(b) Separate out the PCRs'
(c) Permanently attach the. DNA fragments to a substrate
(d) Separate the two complementary DNA strands
42. Influenza viruses require the presence of the nucleus in their host cells because
(a) They use reverse transcriptase to make a cDNA which is integrated into the
host genome
(b) They scavenge capped fragments from host mRNA in the nucleus to use as
primers for viral mRNA
(c) They use the host RNA polymerase II to transcribe viral mRNAs.
(d) They scavenge poly [A] tails from host mRNAs in the nucleus
43. HIV is the causative agent of AIDS and is a member of the Lentivirus genus of the
family Retroviridae. Which of the following features of HIV makes it different from
other members of this family?
(a) HIV uses reverse transcriptase to convert its RNA genome into cDNA
Model Test Paper – 7 507
44. Which of the following vectors can carry the longest piece of foreign DNA?
(a) Plasmids
(b) Bacteriophage
(c) Cosmids
(d) Yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs)
45. DNA and RNA synthesis polymerization [of deoxynucleotides] which takes place
(a) In a 3' to 5' direction
(b) In a 5' to 3' direction
(c) In either (or both) directions
(d) DNA in 5' to 3' and RNA in 3' to 5'
48. During the overall process of protein synthesis, amino acids become covalently attached
(a) Messenger RNA (b) Ribosomal RNA
(c) Transfer RNA (d) More than one of the above
49. Proteins whose binding to DNA acts to prevent transcription are known as
(a) Activators (b) Operators
(c) Repressors (d) Transcription factors
51. The presence of an extra chromosome in a eukaryotic cell is most likely due to
(a) Linkage (b) Fertilization
(c) Transposition (d) Non-disjunciton
52. In fruitflies, the autosomal gene R causes red eyes and an alternative allele r causes
white eyes. A testcross is done with a fly that is Rr. What percent of the offspring can
be expected to have white eyes?
(a) 0% (b) 25%
(c) 50% (d) 75%
508 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
54. Which of the following is incorporated in the model of logistic population growth but
NOT in the exponential population growth model?
(a) Change in population size over time
(b) Maximum sustainable population size
(c) Population birth rate
(d) Population death rate
55. Which of the following is the best example of competitive exlusion?
(a) Two fish species cannot live in the same habitat
(b) An introduced plant species will exclude a similar native species
(c) Two parasite species cannot occupy the same host
(d) Two bird species in the same forest cannot use the same set of resorces
56. Addition of detergents containing phosphates can disturb aquatic ecosystems because
the phosphates
(a) Kill bacteria (b) Poison fish
(c) Stimulate algae growth (d) Fertilize crop plants
57. A genetic defect prevents guard cells from closing stomata in the leaves of a plant.
This plant will most likely have excessive ______
(a) CO2 in its leaves (b) O2 in its leaves
(c) Nitrogen fixation (d) Loss of water
59. In a nephron of the human kidney, urea can normally leave the _______ and enter
the ______.
(a) Collecting duct / descending loop of Henle
(b) Collecting duct / ascending loop of Henle
(c) Ascending loop of Henle/ descending loop of Henle
(d) Ascending loop of Henle / collecting duct
60. In one complete turn of the Krebs cycle, what is the maximum number of ATP
molecules that can be produced in the Krebs cycle itself?
(a) 0 (b) 1
(c) 2 (d) 3
61. Which of the following do chloroplasts and mitochondria NOT have in common?
(a) ATP synthase (b) Electons transport chain
(c) ATP (d) NADH
Model Test Paper – 7 509
63. The pH of human blood is slightly basic. Which of the following is most likely to be
the pH of human blood?
(a) 10.6 (b) 7.4
(c) 7.0 (d) 6.4
69. A 5-month-old male presents with seizures and delayed development. Upon newborn
screen he was detected to have hyper phenyl alaninemia and is on a phenylalanine-
restricted, synthetic diet. The most likely cause for his current symptoms is a
(a) defect in tetrabydrofolate reductase
(b) defect in dihydropteridine reductase
(c) tyrosine deficiency
(d) tryptophan deficiency
70. Coding regions of eukaryotic gene that encode polypeptides are called
(a) hnRNAs (b) Exons
(c) Enhancers (d) Leader peptide
Model Test Paper – 8
4. The volume of which of the following materials decreases when it is heated from 0° C
to 5°C ?
(a) Air (b) Copper
(c) Water (d) Mercury
5. On a night when the sky is clear, the temperature may dip considerably; on a cloudy
night the temperature will usually dip much less. The reason for this difference is
(a) the clear sky allows radiant energy to escape readily from the earth
(b) on a cloudy night the clouds are warm and therefore retard the cooling
(c) the clear sky allows the cold of outer space to reach the earth
(d) currents of air carry the heat away from the earth on a clear night
6. Which of the following chemicals is useful in photography?
(a) Aluminium hydroxide (b) Potassium nitrate
(c) Silver bromide (d) Sodium chloride
Model Test Paper – 8 511
15. With the present-day advance in medical techniques, transplants are possible in all of
the following except
(a) Artery (b) Bone
(c) Cornea (d) Kidney
16. A transistor is most likely to be found in a
(a) Fuse (b) Fluorescent lamp
(c) Hearing aid (d) Wrist watch
512 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
18. Free surface of a liquid behaves like a sheet and tends to contract to the smallest
possible area due to the
(a) Force of adhesion (b) Force of friction
(c) Centrifugal force (d) Force of cohesion
19. If speed of rotation of the earth increases, weight of the body
(a) Increases (b) Remains unchanged
(c) Decreases (d) may decrease or increase
23. It takes 30 days to fill a laboratory dish with bacteria. If the size of the bacteria
doubles each day, how long will it take for the bacteria to fill one half of the dish
(a) 10 days (b) 15 days
(c) 29 days (d) 20 days
24. A tap can fill a cistern in 8 hours and another can empty it in 16 hours. If both the
taps are opened simultaneously, the time (in hours) to fill the tank will be
(a) 8 (b) 10
(c) 16 (d) 24
25. A and B can together do a piece of work in 12 days. B and C together can do the same
work in 16 days. After A has been working at it for 5 days, and B for 7 days, C finishes
it in 13 days. In how many days will C alone be able to do the work ?
(a) 16 (b) 24
(c) 36 (d) 48
Model Test Paper – 8 513
26. A certain distance is covered by a cyclist at a certain speed. If a jogger covers half the
distance in double the time, the ratio of the speeds of the jogger to that of the cyclist
(a) 1:4 (b) 4:1
(c) 1:2 (d) 2:1
27. If a man travels at 30 krn/hr, he reaches his destination late by 10 minutes, but if he
travels at 42 krn/hr, then he reaches 10 minutes earlier. Therefore the distance
travelled by him is
(a) 36 km (b) 35 km
(c) 40 km (d) 45 km
28. Receiving a file from another computer over network line is called-
(a) Log in (b) Downloading
(c) Copying in (d) Uploading
1. Which one of the following conditions differentiates eukaryotic DNA replication from
prokaryotic DNA replication?
(a) Bidirectional replication fork
(b) No use of an RNA primer
(c) Multiple origins of replication
(d) Use of only one DNA polymerase
2. Restriction-modification system of bacteria exists to
(a) Promote conjugation
(b) Encourage recombination of new genetic material
(c) Promote complementation
(d) Protect bacteria from invading foreign DNA
514 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
10. Bacterial cells can be rendered more permeable to the uptake of plasinids by treatment
(a) Heat (b) Calcium phosphate
(c) Alkali detergent (d) Ultrasound or magnetism
11. Which one of the following human genes has the longest stretch of DNA (~24 Mb)?
(a) Globin gene (b) Histone gene
(c) Dystrophin gene (d) Insulin gene
15. Hormones are thought to regulate gene activity primarily ay the level of
(a) Transport of RNA from nucleus to cytoplasm
(b) Post-translation processing of protein
(c) Transcription
(d) Translation
16. An antibiotic that resembles the 3' end of a charged tRNA molecule and brings
premature termination of protein synthesis is
(a) Streptomycin (b) Chloramphenicol
(c) Tetracycline (d) Puromycin
17. Consider the following statements :
1. In a bacterial ribosome, the 30 S subunit contains one molecule of rRNA and the
large subunit contains two molecules each of three types of rRNA.
2. All tRNAs have five loops caused by complementary base pairing and the anticodon
is at the third loop from the 5' end.
Which of the statements given above is / are correct?
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
21. Consider the following statements with reference to lactose (lac) operon in E. coli :
1. Lac enzymes are encoded in a single polycistronic mRNA molecule (lac mRNA).
2. Cyclic AMP induces the initiation of transcription of lac mRNA.
Which of the statements given above is / are correct?
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
Model Test Paper – 8 517
25. Which one of the following sensations is not generated by impulses initiated in naked
nerve endings?
(a) Touch (b) Pain
(c) Cold (d) Taste
26. In glycolysis, which enzyme acts on 2-phosphoglycerate to form phosphoenol pyruvate?
(a) Aldolase (b) Enolase
(c) Phosphoglycerokinase (d) Phosphoglyceromutase
30. With reference to mitochondrial ‘Electron Transport Chain’, which one of the following
statements is correct?
(a) Ubiquinone can carry two electrons and two protons simultaneously
(b) The electrons that each molecule of NADH contributes to the mitochondrial
electron transport chain provide enough power to create two ATPs
(c) The contribution of FADH 2 provides enough power for the production of three
(d) Cytochrome b and cytochrome c1 are parts of an enzyme complex known as
cytochrome oxidase
33. Dietary carotenes and carotenoids are absorbed & transported in the plasma of higher
mammals as
(a) Albumins (b) Globulins
(c) Lipoproteins (d) Glycoproteins
36. Proteins also release the energy in our body but before that their deamination is
carried out in
(a) Spleen (b) Muscles
(c) Lungs (d) Liver
43. With reference to the development of allantois in mammals, consider the following
1. It is composed of endoderm and splanchnic mesoderm.
2. As it grows, mesodermal components of allantoic wall give rise to the blood
vessel system of the allantois and fuse with mesoderm of chorion.
3. Allantois of mammals supplies / oxygen and nutrients to the embryo.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
45. Who of the following proposed the theory that all organs of an individual produce
minute particles carrying information about the organs?
(a) Wallace (b) Darwin
(c) Lamarck (d) Huxley
46. Neo-Lamarckism is getting a new life with the discovery of
(a) RNA interference (b) Epistasis
(c) Genetic imprinting (d) Paedomorphosis
48. Golden langur (P resbytis geel) is naturally found in which one of the Wildlife
Sanctuaries/National Parks?
(a) Periyar (b) Sariska
(c) Manas (d) Sasan Gir
49. Which one among the following is a mammal with least number of diploid set of
(a) Dog (b) Rhinoceros
(c) Barking deer (d) Red deer
Model Test Paper – 8 521
50. Who of the following has given the Y -shaped two-channel energy flow model consisting
of grazing and detritus food chains?
(a) Clements (b) Hardin
(c) Odum (d) Tansley
53. A taxon facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild in the immediate
future is regarded as
(a) Critically endangered (b) Endangered
(c) Vulnerable (d) Near threatened
54. Consider the following characteristics
1. Loss of hair on the skin
2. Loss of sweat -glands
3. Presence of thick blubber
4. Presence of swim bladder
In Cetacea, due to aquatic mode of life, which of the above are the adaptations that
have taken place?
(a) 1, 2 and 3 only
(b) 2, 3 and 4 only
(c) 1, 2 and 4 only
(d) 1, 3 and 4 only
55. The area over which an individual animal roams during the course of its usual daily
wandering and in which it spends most of its time is called
(a) Nesting territory (b) Home range
(c) Mating territory (d) Feeding range
56. The interspecific interaction between the termites and the protozoans (Trichonympha
sp.), present in the guts of termites is called
(a) Amensalism (b) Commensalism
(c) Parasitism (d) Mutalism
522 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
59. Similarity in the appearance of two or more unpalatable species resulting over
evolutionary time is called
(a) Mutual adaptation (b) Batesian mimicry
(c) Mullerian mimicry (d) Convergent mimicry
62. Which one of the following refers to the largest tiger reserve?
(a) Corbett (b) Sariska
(c) Nagarjunasagar-Srisailam (d) Kanha
1. An eye defect which usually results from an unequal curvature of the cornea is
(a) Nearsightedness (b) Astigmatism
(c) Colour blindness (d) Night blindness
2. The velocity of sound in air under normal conditions is
(a) 30 m/sec
(b) 320 m/sec
(c) 332 m/sec
(d) 3,320 m/sec
10. Hybridisation is
(a) Downward movement of water through soil
(b) A process of tilling the land
(c) Decayed vegetable matter
(d) Cross-fertilisation between two varieties
11. Of the following foods, which one is the best source of protein ?
(a) Butter (b) Fish
(c) Lettuce (d) Milk
16. On sudden cardiac arrest, which of the following is advised as a first step to revive the
functioning of human heart ?
(a) Mouth to mouth resuscitation (b) Giving external cardiac massage
(c) Sprinkling water on the face (d) Giving cool water to drink
19. Two numbers are in the ratio 5 : 4, and there difference is 10. What is the larger
(a) 30 (b) 40
(c) 50 (d) 60
20. The ratio of the prices of two houses A and B was 4 : 5 last year. This year, the price
of A is increased by 25% and that of B by Rs. 50,000. If their prices are now in the
ratio 9 : 10, the price of A last year was
(a) Rs. 3,60,000 (b) Rs. 4,50,000
(c) Rs. 4,80,000 (d) Rs. 5,00,000
23. A bag has 4 red and 5 black balls. A second bag has 3 red and 7 black balls. One ball is
drawn from the first bag and two from the second. The probability, that there are two
blacks balls and a red ball, is
(a) 14/45 (b) 11/45
(c) 7/15 (d) 9/54
24. The transverse, longitudinal and surface waves in an earthquake originate from
(a) The epicentre within the body of the earth
(b) The focus on the surface of the earth
(c) The focus within the body of the earth
(d) The epicentre on the surface of the earth
Model Test Paper – 9 527
26. Although only the southern part of India lies in the tropical region, but the whole of
India has tropical climate. This is because.
(a) India comes under the influence of monsoons.
(b) Northern part of India has large tracts of plain region
(c) Tropic of Cancer passes through the middle of the country
(d) High Himalayan mountain ranges separate it from the rest of Asia
27. What is the main cause of movement in the earth’s atmosphere?
(a) Difference in air pressure (b) Solar energy
(c) Difference in temperature (d) Wind
1. One of the parents of a cross has a mutation in its mitochondria. In that cross, that
parent is taken as a male. During segregation of F 2 progenies that mutation is found
(a) One-third of the progenies
(b) None of the progenies
(c) All the progenies
(d) Fifty percent of the progenies
528 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
7. Duodenum has characteristic Brunner’s glands which secrete two hormones called
(a) Kinase, estrogen
(b) Secretin, cholecystokinin
(c) Prolactin, parathormone
(d) Estradiol, progesterone
14. A free living nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium which can also form symbiotic association
with the water fern Azolla is
(a) Tolypothrix (b) Chlorella
(c) Nostoc (d) Anabaena
15. In the ABO system of blood groups, if both antigens are present but no antibody, the
blood group of the individual would be
(a) B (b) O
(c) AB (d) A
16. Which one of the following pairs correctly matches a hormone with a disease resulting
from its deficiency?
(a) Luteinizing hormone – Failure of ovulation
(b) Insulin– Diabetes insipidus
(c) Thyroxine – Tetany
(d) Parathyroid hormone – Diabetes mellitus
17. Angiosperms have dominated the land flora primarily because of their
(a) Power of adaptability in diverse habitat
(b) Property of producing large number of seeds
(c) Nature of self pollination
(d) Domestication by man
530 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
18. Which of the following hormones is not a secretion product of human placenta?
(a) Human chorionic gonadotropin
(b) Prolactin
(c) Estrogen
(d) Progesterone
19. You are required to draw blood from a patient and to keep it in a test tube for analysis
of blood corpuscles and plasma. You are also provided with the following four types of
test tubes. Which of them will you not use for the purpose?
(a) Test tube containing calcium bicarbonate
(b) Chilled test tube
(c) Test tube containing heparin
(d) Test tube containing sodium oxalate
20. In your opinion, which is the most effective way to conserve the plant diversity of an
(a) By tissue culture method
(b) By creating biosphere reserve
(c) By creating botanical garden
(d) By developing seed bank
21. Which of the following is expected to have the highest value (gm/m2 /yr) in a grassland
(a) Secondary Production
(b) Tertiary Production
(c) Gross Production (GP)
(d) Net Production (NP)
22. If by radiation all nitrogenase enzymes are inactivated, then there will be no
(a) Fixation of nitrogen in legumes
(b) Fixation of atmospheric nitrogen
(c) Conversion from nitrate to nitrite in legumes
(d) Conversion from ammonium to nitrate in soil
23. What kind of evidence suggested that man is more closely related with chimpanzee
than with other hominoid apes?
(a) Evidence from DNA from sex chromosomes only
(b) Comparison of chromosomes morphology only
(c) Evidence from fossil remains, and the fossil mitochondrial DNA alone
(d) Evidence from DNA extracted from sex chromosomes, autosomes and
24. A gene which suppresses the action of another gene not situated on the same locus
on the same chromosome is termed
(a) Jumping gene (b) Epistatic gene
(c) Supplementary gene (d) Hypostatic gene
Model Test Paper – 9 531
31. To get a constant specific growth rate in a fed batch reactor the feeding pattern
should be
(a) Constant rate
(b) Linearly increasing rate
(c) Pulse feeding
(d) Exponential feeding
32. A plasmid was treated with topoisomerase followed by an intercalator which is known
to unwind DNA by 18 degrees. Subsequently the ligand-DNA mixture was extracted
with phenol chloroform and run on an agarose gel where it was found to have 2
positive supercoils. The number of ligand molecules bound to one plasmid is
(a) Zero (b) 20
(c) 40 (d) 80
532 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
34. Chymotrypsinogen in the native state and reduced unfolded states is loaded in well A
and B respectively. They are electrophoreses and stain, one of the following results
is likely to be observed.
(a) Protein in well A would have moved longer distance than that in well B
(b) Protein in well A would have moved shorter distance than that in well B
(c) Protein in well A and B would have moved the same distance
(d) Protein in well A and B would not move at all
35. Urea is known to denature proteins at high concentration due to
(a) Its ability to disrupt water structure
(b) Its ability to hydrogen bond with the peptide group in proteins
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) Its ability to disrupt electrostatic interactions
37. Macrophages. which are also called monocytes, have the ability to
(a) Process and present antigens to T cells
(b) Produce antibodies
(c) Express IgM molecules on their surface
(d) Differentiate into dendritic cells when necessary
38. Indicate which statement is not correct. T helper cells
(a) Stimulate migration of macrophages
(b) Help B cells to produce antibodies
(c) Are cytotoxic to virus infected cells
(d) Help in generation of cytotoxic T Cells
39. Which of the following substances will not produce antibodies when injected into an
(a) Bacterial polysaccharides (b) DNA
(c) Dinitrophenol (d) Actin
Model Test Paper – 9 533
41. The dendritic cells can only present antigen to naive T cells-
(a) Because they constitutively express MHC-II and costimulatory molecules on
their surface
(b) Because they can phagocytose antigens very rapidly and process them
(c) Because they are the only antigen presenting cells present at the site of antigen
(d) Because they are the only type of cells which have receptors for naive T cells
42. In a mouse during the embryonic stage of development of the immune system
(gestation period)
(a) Both gd and ab thymocytes are generated in equal numbers
(b) The gd thymocytes predominate over the ab thymocytes till about 17 days of
(c) The ab thymocytes predominate over the ab thymocytes till about 17 days of
(d) There are no gd or ab thymocytes produced during the gestation period
46. Which one of the following toxins inhibits eukaryotic protein synthesis through the
depurination of a single adenine residue in 28S ribosomal RNA (rRNA)?
(a) Diptheria toxin (b) Ricin
(c) a-Sarcin (d) Colicin E-3
534 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
48. Which one of the following enzymes is tightly associated with the inner mitochondrial
(a) Citrate synthase
(b) Alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase
(c) Succinate dehydrogenase
(d) Fumarase
49. Which one of the following supports glycogen synthesis?
(a) High cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) levels
(b) Inactive adenyl cyclase
(c) Active phosphorylase-a
(d) Epinephrine
50. A patient is suffering from a deficiency in the activity of acetyl coenzyme A (CoA)
carboxylase. Which one of the following metabolites is most likely to accumulate in
the patient’s serum?
(a) Short-chain fatty acids
(b) Long-chain.fatty acids
(c) Ketone bodies
(d) Malonyl CoA
51. Which one of the following statements describes the ubiquitin-mediated degradation
of proteins in the cytosol?
(a) One molecule of ubiquitin binds. to the protein to be degraded
(b) The process is catalyzed by a single enzyme
(c) The process depends on adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
(d) The N-terminal residue of ubiquitin becomes covalently attached to the protein
to be degraded
52. A patient is suffering from untreated insulin-dependent diabetes. Which one of the
following metabolic actions is occurring in this patient?
(a) Glucose is used by skeletal muscle for fuel
(b) Ketone bodies are released by the liver into the blood
(c) Glucose is used by the liver for fuel
(d) Fatty acids are transported from the liver to the adipose tissue
61. While studying a cell with the electron microscope, a scientist notes the following
numerous ribosomes, a well-developed endoplasmic reticulum, chloroplasts, and a
cell wall. Which of the following could be the source of this cell?
(a) A fungus (b) An animal
(c) A bacterium (d) A plant
62. Which of the following statements is true about the Krebs (citric acid) cycle and the
Calvin (light-independent) cycle?
(a) They both result in a net production of ATP and NADH
(b) They both result in a release of oxygen
(c) They both are carried out by enzymes located within an organelle matrix
(d) They both take place within the cytoplasmic matrix
63. Which therapeutic antibiotic blocks the peptidyl transferase reaction of protein
(a) Chloramphenicol (b) Erythromycin
(c) Tetracycline (d) Puromycin
536 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
12. A flight started from Adelade on 5.00 A.M. Monday to california. It crosses
International date line at 10.00 AM, the time and day after crossing it would be
(a) 10.00 A.M. Sunday
(b) 5.00 A.M. Tuesday
(c) 10.00 A.M. Tuesday
(d) 5.00 A.M. Sunday
13. During the earthquake most damage is seen on earth crust because earth crust is
(a) rigid (b) brittle
(c) inelastic (d) molten
14. Both mother and father are of AB blood type. The possible blood types of their children
will be
(a) AB only (b) AA only
(c) AA and BB only (d) AA, BB and AB
Model Test Paper – 10 539
15. Which among the following animals has the tongue fixed in front and free at the
(a) Monkey (b) Rabbit
(c) Cat (d) Frog
18. The roots of the equation x2 + 7x + 12 = 0 are a and b. The real value of a2 + b2 is
(a) 5 (b) 2
(c) 0 (d) 3
19. The number of real solutions of cos2 − = 0 is
(a) 1/2 (b) 1
(c) 2 (d) infinity
π /2
20. The value of ∫ 1 − x2
dx is
−π / 2
(a) 2 (b) 0
(c) p (d) p/2
21. The average age of 40 students of a class is 15 years. When 10 new students are
admitted, the average is increased by 0.2 years. The average age of new students is
(a) 16 years (b) 15.2 years
(c) 16.2 years (d) 16.4 years
27. Indicate which one of the software requires a COMPILER for execution
(a) SPSS (b) LOTUS
28. An Hexadigit can be represented by
(a) Three binary consecutive bits
(b) Four binary consecutive bits
(c) Eight binary consecutive bits
(d) Sixteen binary consecutive bits
29. Which one of the following is the correct matching of a vitamin, its nature and its
deficiency disease?
(a) Vitamin A – Fat-soluble – Night blindness
(b) Vitamin K – Fat-soluble – Beri-beri
(c) Vitamin A – Fat-soluble – Beri-beri
(d) Vitamin K – Water -soluble – Pellagra
30. Lack of independent assortment of two genes A and B in fruit fly Drosophila is due
(a) Repulsion (b) Recombination
(c) Linkage (d) Crossing over
1. Which of the following amino acid is entirely incorporated in the nucleotide bases
(a) Glutomic acid
(b) Alanine
(c) Glycine
(d) Serine
Model Test Paper – 10 541
5. A genetic region found in all humans whose products are primarily responsible for
the rejection of grafts between individuals, is called
(a) Junctional
(b) Diversity
(c) Major histocompatibility complex
(d) Fc
6. Chiasmata are formed during meiosis
(a) Before metaphase I (b) After metaphase
(c) During prophase II (d) During metaphase II
8. Button like points of intercellular contact that serve as anchoring sites of intermediate
filaments and help to hold adjacent cells together are called
(a) Gap junctions (b) Connexons
(c) Cadherins (d) Desmosomes
9. DNA duplication occurs in
(a) Mitosis only (b) Meiosis only
(c) meiosis-I and mitosis (d) meiosis II and mitosis
12. Infant suffering from galactosemia are unable to utilize normal milk because they
(a) Lack the enzyme glucokinase in the liver
(b) Are unable to hydrolyse lactose
(c) Lack the enzyme glactose-1-phosphate uridylyl transferase
(d) Accumulate the sugar alcohol
13. The number of high energy phosphate bonds in ATP is
(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 3 (d) 0
19. One of the following enzymes is involved in translation step in protein biosynthesis
(a) Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase
(b) RNA polymerase
(c) Ribozyme
(d) Reverse transcriptase
20. The sites of O2 evolution and photophosphorylation in chloroplast are
(a) Grana stacks (b) Matrix
(c) Inner wall of chloroplast (d) Surface of chloroplast
Model Test Paper – 10 543
24. Pick out from the following the mammalian stress hormone
(a) Glucocorticosteriods (b) Estrogen
(c) Growth hormone (d) Relaxin
25. Solar tracking is exhibited by
(a) Helianthus annuus (b) Arabidopsis thaliana
(c) Mimosa pudica (d) Xanthium strumarium
26. Which of the following compounds have been reported to accumulate in a plant in
large amounts as a result of water stress?
(a) Aspartic acid (b) Proline
(c) Citric acid (d) Indoleacetic acid
27. Inhibition of photosynthesis by oxygen is called as
(a) Emerson effect (b) Warburg effect
(c) Pasteur effect (d) Red drop phenomenon
29. Erythrocytes resist shearing forces while travelling through narrow blood vessels
because they contain mesh work of
(a) Glycophoria A (b) Spectrin
(c) Hemoglobin (d) Ankyrin
32. The rate of occurrence, per generation, of spontaneous mutations in all living
organisms is
(a) 10–2 to 10–4 (b) 10–5 to 10–7
(c) 10–10 to 10–15 (d) 10–20 to 10–30
34. After digestion of chromatin for a short time with micrococcal nuclease, DNA
fragments of this size are obtained
(a) 100 base pairs (b) Variable length
(c) 200 base pairs (d) 146 base pairs
35. Which one of the following is not true for a disease inherited as a sex-linked dominant
in humans?
(a) All daughters of an affected male will inherit the disease
(b) Sons will inherit the disease, only if their mother has the diseases
(c) Daughters will inherit the disease, only if their father has the diseases
(d) Both affected males and affected heterozygous females will pass the trait to half
their children
39. The most common cause of the pleiotropic effect of gene is due to
(a) The same product of the given gene being involved in different metabolic pathways
(b) The gene making very different products in different cell types
(c) The DNA sequence of the gene getting changed in cell specific manner
(d) The gene not functioning in some cells
42. Molecular drive, which is associated with the origin of biological discontinuities, is
the consequence of
(a) Unequal crossing over, gene conversion and DNA transposition
(b) Environmental control of gene expression
(c) Selection
(d) DNA methylation
43. The process that led to the evolution of the common bread wheat from its progenitors
(a) Triploidy
(b) Aneuploidy
(c) Introgression
(d) Hybridization followed by doubling of the chromosomes
44. The hypothesis of Oparin and Haldane regarding origin of life is called as
(a) Autotroph hypothesis (b) Heterotroph hypothesis
(c) Chemotroph hypothesis (d) biogenesis hypothesis
45. Ribosomal RNAs are better molecules for phylogenetic studies because
(a) Antiquity of protein synthesizing process, and moderately well conserved
(b) They can be easily sequenced
(c) They are present in 70 S and 80 S ribosomes
(d) None of the above
46. The chemical evolution preceding biological evolution during origin of life was initiated
through formation of
(a) Condensing agents, e.g. cyanogens
(b) ATP and other triphosphates
(c) Both A and B
(d) Pre-biotic catalyst-like compounds
546 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
47. The evolutionary process involving long periods of stasis interrupted by short periods
of rapid speciation is called
(a) Quantum evolution (b) Punctual equilibria
(c) Macroevolution (d) Irregular modes
49. lThe condition which leads to a reduction in population to only a few individuals is
(a) Population oscillation (b) Migration
(c) Population crash (d) Bottleneck phenomenon
54. Population of plants within a species adapted genetically to a particular habitat but
able to cross freely with other plants of the same species is called
(a) Ecophene (b) Ecad
(c) Ecotype (d) Ecotone
55. Biotic potential of a species is
(a) Intrinsic rate of natural increase
(b) Theoretical maximum production of new individuals
(c) Difference between the intrinsic rate and the rate that occurs in an actual field
(d) Instantaneous coefficient of population growth
63. Consider an island population where a majority of the individuals display hexadactylyty
of their hands. Evolutionary biologist would readily explain this phenomenon based
(a) Dominance of hexadactyl condition
(b) Small size of founder population
(c) Novel mutation
(d) Improved fitness and adaptation of the hexadactyl individuals
548 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
64. Populations that are morphologically similar but do not interbreed for physiological
or behavioural reasons are grouped as
(a) Races (b) Varieties
(c) Sub-species (d) Sibling species
66. When all the original material collected by the author who described a new species,
is lost, the specimen designated to serve as nomenclatural type is
(a) Neotype (b) Lecotype
(c) Isotype (d) Holotype
1. If a pendulum with a time period ‘T’ is placed on moon then its time period will-
(a) Increase (b) Decrease
(c) Unchanged (d) Infinity
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
4. Soldiers are not allowed to pass in synchronized march over a bridge because-
(a) It produces more noise
(b) Bridge may break due to resonance
(c) Uniform force distribution will break the bridge
(d) Center of mass of bridge will increase
5. On putting a thin water film over a glass plate it becomes more transparent to light
(a) Lesser would be reflection
(b) Lesser will be refraction
(c) Trapped air increase transparency
(d) It does not happens
8. About Haber’s process for ammonia production, the false statement is-
(a) It is second order reaction
(b) Slow at room temperature
(c) High pressure is required
(d) Al2 O3 is used as catalyst
550 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
12. Earth is slightly inclined on its axes, if axis of rotation is made perpendicular then
major effect will be on-
(a) Day & night (b) Seasons
(c) Tides of ocean (d) Rotation of earth
13. The magnetic field around earth is a result of -
(a) Structure of earth crust (b) Plate faults
(c) Motion of liquid mantle (d) Motion in liquefied core
20. Consider the following programme and write the result that will print at end of
Do While A ¹ 0
If A ³ B
(a) 0, 0 (b) 0, 1
(c) 1, 1 (d) 1, 0
21. If there is double bond between A& T and triple bond between GC, then which sequence
will be most stable at higher temperature-
22. If a tall pea plant is crossed with pure dwarf pea plant, all F1 progenies were tall, in
subsequent generation after selfing of F1 generation progeny, the ratio of tall to
dwarf plant will be-
(a) 1:1 (b) 1:2:1
(c) 3:1 (d) All tall
27. If P = (1, 2), Q = (–2, –10) & R = (1, m) and PQ + QR = Minimum, then the value of ‘m’
will be-
(a) + 6 (b) – 6
(c) + 8 (d) – 8
552 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
28. Twenty-Five student participate in competition, marks obtained by first two students
are 6 & 10. Each subsequent student gains an average of preceding students, then
the marks obtained by the 100 student will be-
(a) 6 (b) 8
(c) 10 (d) 16
29. How many boxes of size 2 × 2 × 4 can be fitted in a box of size 11 × 8 × 20-
(a) 100 (b) 110
(c) 120 (d) 220
10. Rarely there is occurrence of gill clefts in higher animals, this shows-
(a) They may be useful for that organism
(b) Ancestral returns of that character
(c) Favorable mutation in organism
(d) Retrogressive Evolution
11. A single base pair mutation occurs in strand CATTACCG, its complementary strand
had a sequence GTTATGGC. It means mutation has changed base pair-
(a) A ® T (b) T ® T
(c) T ® A (d) A ® A
18. In human females there is inactivation of one X chromosomes for dosage compensation
due to-
(a) Methylation (b) Acetylation
(c) Phosphorylation (d) Formylation
31. The major pollution in lake by effluents coming from cloth industry containing high
detergents is by-
(a) Nitrates (b) Sulphates
(c) Phosphates (d) Silcates
32. In a stable well adapted populations there are frequent increase and decrease in
population size around a mean value, such population fluctuations are due to-
(a) Genetic drift (b) Disease & Mortality
(c) Carrying capacity (d) Migration
36. In some cases there are male characteristics in females due to-
(a) Hormonal imbalance (b) XXY chromosomes
(c) XYY (d) XXX
37. In Eukaryotic 5' -Capping in m-RNA is required for-
(a) Initiation of transcription (b) Initiation of translation
(c) Intron removal (d) Termination of transcription
40. In Present condition origin of life from inorganic molecules is not possible because of-
(a) Absence of raw material (b) Presence of Oxygen
(c) Low enthalpy (d) Presence of ozone layer
41. A female with 47 chromosomes have normal phenotype. Her chromosome complements
will be-
(a) 44 + XXY (b) 44 + XXX
(c) 45 + XX (d) 44 + XYY
43. Self cross between Aa results in AA, Aa & aa F1 progenies, the force of evolution
preserving either AA or aa is-
(a) Stabilizing selection (b) Cyclic
(c) Disruptive (d) Directional
44. A non harmful species copies a harmful and tasteless form, the type of mimicry
shown is-
(a) Bateson (b) Mullerian
(c) Darwinian (d) Morganarian
45. In mitochondria the enzymes of electron transport chain are located at-
(a) Outer membrane (b) Inter membrane space
(c) Inner membrane (d) Matrix
46. Glucose-1-P level is increased in body by the action of glycogen phosphorylase, this is
released from-
(a) Increased glycogen breakdown (b) Reduced glycogenesis
(c) Both (d) None
49. Amino acid sequence for a protein is known, we can estimate the sequence of m-RNA
coding that protein -
(a) Precisely (b) Can’t be predicted
(c) Precisely to certain extent if codon frequency is known
(d) Data not sufficient
CSIR-NET Life Sciences, Dec., 2003 557
51. Exotic weed which proved very harmful for forest and grassland is-
(a) Eupatromia (b) verbenia
(c) Eichornia (d) Salvia
52. Latest news of conflicts between human and wild animals has happened due to-
(a) Habitat destruction (b) Increased poaching
(c) Increased conservation (d) Increased Human population
58. Which branch of taxonomy gives equal weightage to all characters under study-
(a) Chemo taxonomy (b) Numerical taxonomy
(c) Paleotaxonomy (d) @ taxonomy
59. Human genome contains 3 × 10 9 bp having all four bp in equal proportion . A restriction
endonuclease can cut a segment of 4 bp long. then how many fragments will be
obtained after digestion-
(a) 1.2 × 10 7 (b) 1.2 × 10 6
(c) 1.2 × 10 5 (d) 1.2 × 10 4
61. Early embryonic stages of pig and mouse are almost identical, it reveals-
(a) Common ancestry (b) Progressive evolution
(c) Directional Evolution (d) Homology
70. A apple plant yielding 1 pound apple was crossed with a 1.5 pound apple yielding
plant, all F 1 progenies yielded apples of 2 pound, the F2 generation will be in ratio
of -
(a) 9:4:3 (b) 1:2:1
(c) 3:1 (d) 9:3:4
CSIR-NET Life Sciences, June, 2004
1. If the cylinder of mass ‘m’ and radius ‘r’ is transformed into disc with radius ‘2r’, then
its moment of inertia will be-
(a) 2 (b) 4
(c) 1/2 (d) 1/4
2. Among the following which is correct representation of rate constant ‘k’ and
temperature ‘t’, for an enzymatic reaction-
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
12. If the sum of square of two numbers is 12402 and the product of two numbers is 999.
Then what would be the sum of two numbers-
(a) Ö12402 (b) Ö909
(c) 120 (d) 306
13. Differentitation of below mentioned equation would be-
d x d x
e sin 2 θ + e sin 2 ( θ − π/ 2)
dx dx
(a) 2e x(sinq – cosq) (b) e x
(c) 2e x(cosq) (d) e x(sinq – cosq)
14. There are 15 boys and 13 girls in a class. 4 members are to be selected for a quiz
program such that two are girls and two are boys. In how may ways selection can be
15 × 14 × 13 × 12 15 × 14 × 13 × 12
(a) (b)
4 4 ×3
15 × 14 × 13 × 12 28 × 27 × 26 × 25
(c) (d)
4 ×3×2×1 4
CSIR-NET Life Sciences, June, 2004 561
3 3 0 0
4 5 A B
20. During the earthquake most damage is seen on earth crust because earth crust is-
(a) Rigid (b) Brittle
(c) Enelastic (d) Molten
21. A certain planet is revolving in a fixed orbit. If the radius of its orbit in increased four
times then its mean surface temperature will decrease-
(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 4 (d) 16
23. If an object absorbs green part of white light, then its color will be-
(a) Blue (b) Yellow
(c) Green (d) Purple
562 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
25. In honey bee males are developed parthenogenetically while female gives females
and sterile workers on fertilization. It means-
(a) Males cannot have male child
(b) Males cannot have female child
(c) Females cannot have male child
(d) Females cannot have female child
26. The main reason for various genetic disorders are-
(a) Mutation in gene at one more location’
(b) Faulty repair mechanism
(c) Faulty Transcription process
(d) Incorrect protein synthesis
27. Farmers generally grow legumes after cereals. Since leguminous plant have symbiotic
nitrogen fixing bacteria which provide nitrogen to plants. The nitrogen available to
plant is in form of-
(a) Nitrates (b) Nitrites
(c) Ammonia (d) Ammonium nitrate
30. Pepsin which digest protein donot digest the cells of intestine because-
(a) Intestine cells do not have proteins
(b) Half life of pepsin is very low
(c) Pepsin acts only in acidic pH
(d) Pepsin do not digest intestine proteins
5. A well known genetic disorder is carried by a woman. She marries a normal man and
her all female child are alive but she lost all male child. Such a disorder must be-
(a) X-linked dominant (b) X-linked recessive
(c) Y-linked dominant (d) Autosomal recessive
6. Among the following enzyme which is not involved in DNA replication process-
(a) Primase (b) RNA polymerase
(c) DNA polymerase (d) Helicase
11. The most critical step for correct proteins synthesis is-
(a) Binding of ribosome to m-RNA
(b) Formation of Initiation complex
(c) Aminoacylation of t-RNA
(d) Translocation of ribosome
564 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
12. Point mutation in which there is deletion or addition of one base pair is termed as-
(a) Deletion (b) Transition
(c) Transversion (d) Frame shift mutation
14. In human males, autosomal and sex trisomy mainly occurs due to-
(a) Non-dysjuncion of chromosome
(b) Error in meiosis
(c) Dominant Y chromosome
(d) Faulty Repair mechanism
15. Among the following which do not have any role in blood clotting mechanism-
(a) Ca++ (b) Na+
(c) Prothrombin (d) Platelets
16. Among the following which chemical inhibits the mitochondrial electron transport
(a) Streptomycin (b) Nystanin
(c) Azides (d) Penicillin
23. Phytohormone responsible for conversion of stored proteins into glucose in germinating
cereals is-
(a) Cytokinin (b) Auxin
(c) Gibberellin (d) Abscissic Acid
25. A strong peptide bond is present in arginine and aspartic aci(d) This Bond will be
weak if arginine is being replaced by-
(a) Glutamic Acid (b) Lysine
(c) Histidine (d) Proline
28. During nerve impulse when acetyl choline binds receptors, there is-
(a) In flow of Na & K ions
(b) In flow of Na and outflow of K ions
(c) In flow of K ions and outflow of Na ions
(d) In flow of K and H ions
29. Cellulose digester digest cellulose of fermentation. Fore gut fermentors such as rabit
and elephant ferment before intestine while hind gut digestor like deer ferment in
large intestine. It suggest that-
(a) Hind gut fermentor are effective digestor of Cellulose
(b) Fore gut fermentor are effective digestor of Cellulose
(c) Both hind gut & fore gut fermentor are effective digestor of Cellulose
(d) Cellulose digestion do not depend on gut position
30. Addison disease and Cushing syndrome are due to malfunctioning of –
(a) Adrenal medulla (b) Adrenal cortex
(c) Thyroid (d) Pituitary
31. Which hormone is present in high amount during pregnancy in urine and used for
pregnancy test-
(a) hCG (b) Progestrone
(c) Estrogen (d) Relaxin
566 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
35. When two fungi namely one sterile and other Microconidial are grown together in
culture, it was seen that sterile fungi get degenerated while size of conidia of
microconidial fungi increased. The probable reason might be-
(a) Sterile fungi suicide to provide nutrition to micro conidial fungi
(b) Microconidial fungi secreted toxins in medium
(c) Both cultures can not be grown together
(d) Nutritional requirement of both fungi is different
36. During inhibition of enzyme action Vmax remains unchanged while Km is altered.
Inhibition is-
(a) Competitive (b) Non-competitive
(c) Un-competitive (d) Allosteric
37. During an enzyme assay if the initial velocity Vo=Vmax , then substrate concentration
will be-
(a) a Km (b) Km
(c) ½ Km (d) 0.2 Km
42. Among the following which trend shows the decreasing population-
(a) More individual in post reproductive stage
(b) More individual in pre-repd stage and repd. stage
(c) Less individual in pre-repd stage & more in post repd stage
(d) Less individual in repd stage & more in repd stage
43. r-selection is characterized by-
(a) Rapidly developing individuals
(b) Slowly developing individuals
(c) Small number of offsprings
(d) Large sized offsprings
53. The place is designated as hot spot of biodiversity, if it have percentage of endemic
species more then-
(a) 0.5 % (b) 2 %
(c) 15 % (d) 30 %
54. On earth there are 15 hot spot of biodiversity. They covers total-
(a) 24 % of total plant species and 1.8 % of total land area
(b) 44 % of total plant species and 1.8 % of total land area
(c) 24 % of total plant species and 15 % of total land area
(d) 44 % of total plant species and 15 % of total land area
55. When different species formed are touching a boundary, such a speciation is termed
(a) Sympatric (b) Allopatric
(c) Allo-sympatric (d) Parapatric
61. The first oxygen evolving forms among the following were-
(a) Anaerobic autotrophs (b) Cyanobacteria
(c) Protists (d) Algae
70. Among the following which ions are not used in active transport-
(a) Na+ (b) K+
(c) Ca++ (d) Cl–
CSIR-NET Life Sciences, Dec., 2004
1. Among the following, which is maximum soluble in water-
(a) Phenol (b) Benzaldehyde
(c) Chlorobenzene (d) Aniline
2. KCl is highly soluble in water but MgO2 is insoluble in it because-
(a) KCl is ionic while MgO2 is covalent molecule
(b) Hydration energy of MgO2 cannot overcome its lattice energy.
(c) Size of K and Cl ion is small
(d) Both are equally soluble
3. Number of geometrical isomers for an octahedral molecule MA3 B3 would be-
(a) 2 (b) 3
(c) 5 (d) 8
4. Rate constant for any reaction may be represented as K ∝ [A]n. When the substrate
concentration of substrate is increased twice its rate of reaction increases four times,
then the value for n will be-
(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 4 (d) 1/4
7. There is dispersal of light into several colors after falling on oil drop suspended in
water due to-
(a) Diffraction of light by oil
(b) Different refractive index of oil and water
(c) Interference of light from lower & upper layers of oil
(d) Refraction of light from oil medium
8. An uniformly positive charged cupper wire is suspended by a rope as shown in diagram.
on bringing another unit positive charge toward one end of this wire, the cupper wire
would- +
(a) Repel away from positive charge +
(b) Will be attracted toward positive charge +
10. Consider the following program for factorial of real number ‘n’. It will not give the
valid result when the value of ‘n’ is –
FOR N=ÖN 2 +1
DO N=N+1
(a) – 1 (b) 0
(c) + 1 (d) –1 and 0
P Q P<Q P< = Q
3 7 1 A
5 5 B 1
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 ... + 100
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5... + 99
(a) 1 + 100/99 (b) 1 + 99/100
(c) 101/99 (d) 99/100
24. Among the following which organ is not used for respiration in organisms-
(a) Nose (b) Lung
(c) Skin (d) Gills
25. How genes are involved in carbohydrate synthesis-
(a) Gene code m-RNA, which code for carbohydrates
(b) Genes directly synthesize carbohydrate
(c) Gene code m-RNA, which is used by ribosome for protein synthesis
(d) Gene code for enzymes, which are involved in carbohydrate metabolism
26. According to Darwin theory of natural selection, the cause of variations in population
(a) Inheritance of acquired character
(b) They are pre-existing
(c) Due to environmental changes
(d) Due to mutation
27. Why we are wording about increasing concentration of CO2 , since in past the CO2
was higher then today’s amount-
(a) Burning of fossil fuels
(b) It has been never been so high
(c) It is added at highest rate on earth’s history.
(d) It is causing global warming
28. The order of following organisms as phylogenetic closeness to human-
(a) Chimpanzee > languor > lemur > tree shrews
(b) Languor > chimpanzee > tree shrews > lemur
(c) Chimpanzee > languor > tree shrews > lemur
(d) Languor > lemur > chimpanzee > tree shrews
29. When there is lunar eclipse on earth, a man is standing in shadow of earth he will
(a) Lunar eclipse (b) Total sun eclipse
(c) Annular sun eclipse (d) He will not see anything
30. There is a certain bond between A and B which is stronger then bond between A-A
and B-B because-
(a) The bond length between A-B is more then A-A and B-B
(b) More energy is required to break bond between A-B
(c) The energy of A/2 is and B/2 is more then AB/2
(d) The entropy of AB is less then A and B
574 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
31. The basic unit of the genetic material, which can be visualized, is -
(a) Metaphase chromosome
(b) Anaphase chromosome
(c) Interphase chromonema
(d) Nucleosome
2. Among the following which equation denotes the population growth when resources
are not limitating-
(a) N t = Noe –rt (b) dN/dt = rt
(c) N t/N t = Nt–N o (d) dN/dt = Krt
3. The cause of blood borne hepatitis is-
(a) HAV (b) HBV
(c) HCV (d) HGV
7. The portion of golgi which contain irregular cisternae and tubules is known as-
(a) Cis golgi (b) Trans golgi
(c) Medial golgi (d) Intercisternal golgi
8. Mannose-6 phosphate tagged protein are targeted to-
(a) Lysosome (b) Peroxisome
(c) Mitochondria (d) Vacuole
CSIR-NET Life Sciences, Dec., 2004 575
10. Then typical Mendel test cross ratio in two point cross is-
(a) 9:3:3:1 (b) 1:2:1
(c) 1:1 (d) 1:1:1:1
14. Three DNA strands have 40%, 50 % and 60 % GC sequence. The probability of matching
8 bp sequences will be more in-
(a) A (b) B
(c) C (d) A& C
15. During RNA processing splicing is mediated by-
(a) Sn RNA (b) m-RNA
(c) r-RNA (d) t-RNA
16. Hormone which is responsible for absorption of water by kidney and prevents water
loss is-
(a) ACTH (b) Insulin
(c) Vasopressin (d) Oxytocin
17. The main function of oxytocin is-
(a) Relaxation of uterine muscles during pregnancy
(b) Contraction of uterine muscles at birth
(c) Ovulation of egg from ovary
(d) Maintenance of embryo attached to placenta
18. Possible types of gametes formation from genotype AABBCcDdEe would be-
(a) 16 (b) 64
(c) 8 (d) 128
19. Generally the number of cells present in the embryo sac of angiosperm are-
(a) 7 (b) 8
(c) 3 (d) 5
576 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
20. Among the following which is not responsible for maintaining ionic balance in animal
(a) Ca++ (b) Mg++
(c) Na+ (d) K+
23. Profitability of prey for predator lies in its energy content and
(a) Prey density (b) Palatability
(c) Foraging time (d) Prey availability
24. Besides sexual reproduction in Planaria it also shows -
(a) Conjugation
(b) Budding
(c) Fragmentation and regeneration
(d) Binary fission
28. Cataloging and classification of plant species in India are maintained by-
(a) BSI (b) NBPGR
(c) Forest survey of India (d) National botanical garden
CSIR-NET Life Sciences, Dec., 2004 577
29. The branch of science which deals with classification, naming, identification of plants
on morphological basis without establishing the phylogenetic relationship is termed
(a) Taxonomy (b) Systematics
(c) Phenetics (d) Cladastics
30. In India, among the following the maximum number of species are of-
(a) Antelops (b) Apes
(c) Panthera sps (d) Marsupials
32. Taxol, an anti-cancerous drug is obtained from plant Taxus bacata which belongs to-
(a) Bryophytes (b) Pteridophytes
(c) Gymnosperms (d) Angiosperms
33. Among the following commonly used method for classification in numerical taxonomy
(a) Simple Matching Coefficient (S)
(b) Centroid Matching Coefficient
(c) Clustered Arithmetic average
(d) Unweighted Pair Group Method
34. If there is mutation in cdk/cyclin, the key molecule in regulating the cell cycle, then-
(a) There would be uncontrolled growth
(b) Cell will not pass to S phase
(c) The level of cdk/cyclins will enhance
(d) Cells will arrest to Go phase
35. Allergy or hypersensitivity reaction are due to secretions of –
(a) T-cells (b) Mast cells
(c) B-cells (d) Basophils
37. The structural change which leads into crossover suppression is-
(a) Deletion (b) Duplication
(c) Inversion (d) Translocation
44. Among the following which is generally not utilized for establishing phylogenetic
relationship between two species-
(a) % similarity (b) Geographical distance
(c) Marcoli distance (d) ______similarity
45. Mangroves are highly productive ecosystem but they are rich in bird diversity because-
(a) Lack of structural diversity
(b) Rich in food diversity
(c) More number of predators that feed on birds
(d) Lack of breeding place
46. Among the following which would lead into new species formation-
(a) Increased resources
(b) Niche overlapping tolerance
(c) Niche specialization
(d) Lack of competition
CSIR-NET Life Sciences, Dec., 2004 579
47. Origin of life is not possible under present environmental conditions because-
(a) Hydrogen is absent (b) Due to presence of oxygen
(c) Lack of source of energy (d) Lack of raw material for origin of life
48. Disaster such as earthquake or fire may reduce the size of population drastically and
the genetic make up of the small surviving population is unlikely to be representative
of make up of original population the situation is termed as-
(a) Bottle neck effect (b) Adaptive radiation
(c) Founder effect (d) Gene migration
50. In a population frequency of a homozygous recessive disease is 16% then the frequency
of dominant allele would be-
(a) 0.84 (b) 0.6
(c) 0.16 (d) 0.4
51. Ferritin tagged antibody can be visualized through-
(a) Fluorescence microscopy
(b) Electron microscopy
(c) Autoradiography
(d) Phase contrast microscopy
52. The bonding which are responsible for holding two beta sheets together is-
(a) Disulphide bond (b) Covalent bond
(c) Hydrogen bond (d) Hydrophobic interaction
53. The best example of regulation of enzyme by reversible covalent modification is-
(a) Phosophorylation (b) Acetylation
(c) Glycosylation (d) Proteolytic cleavage
54. Use of inactivated Sendai virus and PEG for fusion of two cells has proved very
beneficial in studies for-
(a) Transgenic
(b) Tissue culture
(c) Genetic manipulation
(d) Recombinant DNA technology
55. In a population individuals having heterozygous phenotype are more favored then
homozygous dominant which are more favored then homozygous recessive genotypes,
under such condition-
(a) Recessive alleles would be lost from population
(b) Dominant alleles would be lost
(c) Both alleles would remain in population
(d) Alleles would be lost randomly
580 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
56. The graph between new species encountered with progressive area covered would
(a) Straight line (b) Hyperbola
(c) Sigmoid (d) Parabola
58. First child of an parent is diseased They want to take help from genetic counselor for
their second child. The genetic counselor must know to predict the fate of second
(a) Both parents are diseased
(b) Disease is hereditary
(c) Marker for disease is monomorphic
(d) Marker for disease is polymorphic
61. When organisms are restricted to certain area and they are found nowhere else they
are called-
(a) Cosmopolitan (b) Endemic
(c) Sibling species (d) Ecotypes
62. If + represents the beneficial interaction and – represents the harmful interaction,
then the commensalism may be designated as interaction-
(a) ++ (b) + –
(c) + 0 (d) – 0
64. Transfer of impulse across the nerve fibres is not directly proportional to-
(a) Insulation of myelin sheath (b) Diameter
(c) Cold temperature (d) Length of neuron
CSIR-NET Life Sciences, Dec., 2004 581
65. Drosophila shares more its genes with sister (75%) as compare to its daughter (50%)
due to-
(a) Eusocialbilty (b) Kin selection
(c) Haploidy diploidy (d) Parthenogensis
68. A group of species which are phylogenitically closer but they are lacking common
ancestor. Such an group is regarded as-
(a) Monophyletic (b) Polyphyletic
(c) Paraphyletic (d) Sympatric
69. Among the following which is not an characteristic of r-Selected species-
(a) Short maturation time
(b) Short life span
(c) Small size of offspring’s
(d) More then one time offspring production
1. Moon have many craters which are easily visible from earth, but earth looks almost
without craters when seen from the space because-
(a) Earth have atmosphere
(b) Moon is located near asteroid belt
(c) Earth is bigger then moon
(d) Moon have formed earlier then earth
5. For element among the following properties, which donot show trends in periodic
(a) Electro negativity (b) Bond behaviour
(c) Neutron/proton ratio (d) Electron affinity
6. 92 U
was bombarded with a slow moving neutron which resulted in its fission forming
50 X +84
42 Y
and some neutrons. The number of neutron released were-
(a) 2 (b) 3
(c) 4 (d) 5
8. An laser beam with the wavelength 6300nm formed an interference pattern of 8.1 nm
while another laser beam of unknown wavelength produced an interference pattern
of 7.2 nm. Then the wavelength of second laser beam will be-
(a) 5600 (b) 4600
(c) 4800 (d) 3200
9. A wooden box of mass M is suspended between two springs having spring constant
K1 and K2. Both springs are fixed to walls. If the wooden block is displaced along (+)
X–axis then the time period for oscillation will be-
(a) T = 2pÖm/k1+k2 K1 K2
(b) T = 2pÖm(k1/k2) g M
(c) T = 2pÖm(k1-k2)2 /g
(d) T = 2pÖ(k1-k2)/m
10. During winters in Tundra when the lake freezes into ice, the temperature of water
just beneath the ice would be-
(a) 0 °C (b) –4 °C
(c) –10 °C (d) 4 °C
i 2 < 10
Print i
13. If an integer occupies five character in its binary form. The number of characters
required for its decimal form will be-
(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 3 (d) 4
584 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
14. n → ∞ 2 + equals to
(a) Ve (b) e
(c) e 2 (d) e 3
15. Integers 1 to 7 are randomly arranged in a line. What is the probability that first two
numbers in line are odd-
(a) 2/7 (b) 4/9
(c) 12/9 (d) 7/9
16. If the value of integer a = 8 and c = 10. The values of log a, log b and log c are in
certain arithmetic progression. The value for integer b will be-
(a) Ö81 (b) Ö80
(c) Ö18 (d) Ö1.8 A
17. The distance between point A and B will be-
(a) Ö2
(b) 3
(c) 3Ö3 1
(d) Ö3
18. If all the oxygen present in atmosphere is replaced by nitrogen. What would be effect
on atmospheric pressure-
(a) Increase by 9% (b) Decrease by 9%
(c) Increase by 3% (d) Remain unchanged
19. The main function of ozone layer is-
(a) Protect us from UV rays
(b) Maintain global temperature
(c) Global warming
(d) Absorption of cosmic rays
20. Generally the deeper layers of oceans have low temperature, probable reason is-
(a) Sunlight cannot penetrate below 100 m
(b) Salt decreases the freezing point
(c) Endothermic reaction of ocean due to tidal forces
(d) Exchange of heat from deeper layer of ocean to earth crust
21. A satellite is revolving around an planet with orbital radius R. If mean density of
planet is r and universal gravitational constant is G. Then the orbital velocity will
depend on-
(a) G & r (b) r & R
(c) G, R & r (d) only on R
CSIR-NET Life Sciences, June, 2005 585
22. In an photoelectric effect if the light incident is above the threshold frequency with
constant intensity then-
(a) Kinetic energy of emitted electron will increase and no effect on frequency of
(b) Number of electrons emitted is more
(c) Frequency of emission of electron will be more
(d) No net effect
23. If the sphere is uniformly charged with charge density r. Then the electric field at
point A which is at distance x from centre will be-
1 q q
(a) E = 4 πε 2 (b) E = 4πε 0
0 x x2
x A
1 q2 1 q
(c) E = 4 πε 2 (d) E = 4 πε
0 x 0 x
26. If protein synthesis can start without start codon, then the number of different amino
acids coded by fragment 5’ TAGGCATAGGCACTATAGG-3’
(a) 4 (b) 3
(c) 5 (d) 7
27. The given graph suggest that
(a) Survibility decreases with increase in reproductive
potential High food availability
29. Given y = ax = dx
10. During fusion of Rat and Human cell it was found that chromosomes of one species
was selectively eliminated, this had opened new doors to study-
(a) Transgenic study
(b) Chromosomal incompatibility
(c) Gene and linkage mapping
(d) Dominance of genes
11. B and T-cells of immune system are activated by-
(a) T-cytotoxic cells (b) T-helper cells
(c) Macrophages (d) B-cells
14. The nutritional medium was supplied to growing bacteria. If whole nutrient get
depleted in 20 cycles, then stage at which the amount of nutrient was half used-
(a) At end of 10 cycle (b) At beginning of 19 cycle
(c) At end of 19 cycle (d) At end of 11 cycle
15. Regarding gene expression in prokaryotes and Eukaryotes, which statement is correct-
(a) m-RNA and DNA are colinear
(b) m-RNA and protein synthesis can occur simultaneously
(c) processing of hn-RNA yields m-RNA
(d) RNA polymerase can bind to promoters situated upstream to gene
16. DNA fragment between size 2000 KD and 500 Kd can be separated using-
(a) PAGE (b) chromatography
(c) centrifugation (d) Pulsed field gel electrophoresis
17. The strongest evidence which suggest that RNA was ancient then DNA
(a) RNA can act as template for DNA synthesis
(b) RNA can work as catalyst
(c) RNA is single stranded
(d) RNA is genetic material in certain viruses
588 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
25. In an pond ecosystem, net productivity by zooplankton is ‘p’ and biomass consumed
by small fishes is ‘c’, then the ratio of c/p is termed as-
(a) Assimilation efficiency
(b) Net secondary productivity
(c) Consumption efficiency
(d) Conversion efficiency
27. At present, the relationship between human and monkey can be stated as
(a) They both have common ancestors
(b) Human have evolved from monkey
(c) Both have very distinct phylogeny
(d) Relationship can not be established
37. The probability of capturing an individual of certain species is P i, then total biodiversity
can be represented as
(a) S(P i ) 2 (b) 1 – S (P i ) 2
(c) 1– S(1-P i ) 2 (d) 1/S(P i ) 2
39. If a gene have a three alleles namely p, q, r. Then Hardy- Weinberg law can be
represented as-
(a) (p + q + r)2 (b) (p + q + r)3
(c) (p + q + r) (d) (p + q)2
40. In a graph population density is plotted on X-axis then what should be plotted on
Y-axis to get a bell shape curve
(a) dN/dt (b) 1 – dN/dt
(c) T (d) N t – 1
41. In an organism G + C content is 50 %. What is probability of matching 6 nucleotide
sequence in genome
(a) (0.25)4 (b) (0.25)5
(c) (0.25)6 (d) (0.25)7
45. The differences in chromosome morphology between different species can be compared
(a) chromosome banding
(b) Tritium Hydrogen labeling
(c) Fluorescence screening
(d) in-situ hybridization
CSIR-NET Life Sciences, June, 2005 591
51. A normal man was found to have 45 chromosomes the probable reason is-
(a) Deletion (b) Translocation
(c) Ecentric Fission (d) Mutation
53. Size of insect doesnot increased during the course of evolution as compare to
vertebrates because of-
(a) larval feeding (b) tracheal respiration
(c) heavy exoskeleton (d) None of the above
56. Areas with annual cool temperature and almost contant rate of precipitation
throughout year is
(a) Tundra
(b) Temperate deciduous
(c) Tropics
(d) Poles
CSIR-NET Life Sciences, June, 2005 593
57. What should be the criteria for choosing prey-predator relationship for long term of
biological control
(a) High host specificity and high virulence
(b) low host specificity and high virulence
(c) High host specificity and moderatevirulence
(d) moderate host specificity and moderate virulence
1. If each resistance in the given circuit is 1 ohm, then effective resistance between
point A and B will be-
(a) 0.5 ohm
(b) 1 ohm
(c) 8 ohm
(d) 12 ohm
2. According to debroglies equation wavelength associated with the charged particle is-
(a) l = nh/2p (b) l = nh/4p
(c) l = 2ME (d) l = h/Ö2ME
3. A wire AOB is placed perpendicular to magnetic field shown by dotted lines. If another
wire PQ slides from top to bottom parallel to magnetic field, then the graph for the
change in e.m.f as function of ‘t’ will be is as follows-
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
6. The electronic configuration of Atom ‘A’ is 1S2 2S2 2P 6 3S2 and atom ‘B’ is 1S2 2S2 2P 1 .
Their molecular formula will be-
(a) A3 B2 (b) A2 B2
(c) A2 B3 (d) AB
7. Among the following which oxides are not found-
(a) Fe 2 O3 , BaO, CaO (b) FeO, BaO2 , Mn3 O2
(b) Co 2 , CO, O3 (d) CO3 , MnO4
10. The series of lines present in the visible region of the hydrogen spectrum is
(a) Lyman (b) Balmer
(c) Paschan (d) Brackets
11. If the amount of ice at poles is doubled, then according to energy conservatives the
length of day will-
(a) Increase (b) Decrease
(c) No effect (d) Unpredictable
12. If earth would not have been not inclines 23 ½ on its axis, then there would be-
(a) Lesser rainfalls
(b) Hotter summers and cooler winters
(c) Length of day increase in northern hemisphere
(d) No seasonal rainfalls
13. If the mean temperature of earth would have been increased from 20 to 25 oC, then
the rate of radiation from earth will be-
1 2
298 298
(a) (b)
293 293
3 4
298 298
(c) (d)
293 293
596 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
23. If P is rational
Q is irrational
Then sum of P+Q will always-
(a) rational (b) Irrational
(c) Real number (d) Prime number
24. In the given figure the length BO will be A
(a) 12/5
(b) 3/4 5
4 O
(c) 5/3
(d) 4/5
25. 4x + 6y = 12 B 3
6x + 9y = C
(a) It has unique solution
(b) Have many solutions
(c) Have many solutions if C = 15
(d) Have many solution if C ¹ 15
26. If an pendulum clock strikes 6 times at 6 O’ clock and takes 30 seconds. Then the
time taken to strike 12 times at 12 O’ clock will be-
(a) 60 (b) 54
(c) 66 (d) 61
27. Given A =12, which is followed by condition A³11 it means-
(a) A cannot be 12
(b) A is lesser then 11
(c) A must be 12
(d) A must be smaller or equal to 11
29. Consider the truth table where ‘F’ stands for ‘false’ and ‘T’ for ‘true’; ‘V’ stands for
‘and’ and ‘A’ stands for ‘Or’
(a) A = True B = False (b) A = True B = True
(c) A = False B = False (d) A = False B = True
CSIR-NET Life Sciences, Dec., 2005 599
7. Among the following which exerts its effect during ‘S’ phase in yeast-
(a) cdc1 (b) cdc2
(c) cdc3 (d) cdc28
12. Among the following which amino acid can act as buffer against addition of acid-
(a) Glycine (b) Histidine
(c) Arginine (d) Phenylalanine
13. Which bond is can not be observed between enzyme and substrate-
(a) ionic covalent bond (b) Hydrogen bond
(c) Peptide bond (d) ionic bond
14. Lipids which ranges from 120-160 kD in size. Then also they are kept amongst the
macromolecules because-
(a) They are main component of membrane
(b) They are main component of cell
(c) In water they form large complex structures
(d) They are present in large amount
600 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
26. If we compare the respiration in amphibian and mammals we will find that-
(a) Positive pressure in both amphibian and mammals
(b) Negative pressure in both amphibian and mammals
(c) Positive pressure in amphibian and Negative in mammals
(d) Negative pressure in amphibian and Positive in mammals
29. Among the following which muscle protein as affinity to bind with Ca++ ions-
(a) Troposmyosin (b) Troponin
(c) Actin (d) Myosin
30. If 10 ml of 540 dpm of Cr was injected in a person and 1 ml of blood was withdrawn
after 10 minutes, it was found that it contains 40 dpm of Cr, it means the total
volume of blood in that person will be-
(a) 5.4 lt (b) 6.0 lt
(c) 6.2 lt (d) 6.4 lt
31. Among the following which is probable cause of unequal results during the reciprocal
(a) X-linked inheritance (b) Polygenic inheritance
(c) Mendelian Inheritance (d) Epitasis
602 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
34. If bacteria possess two copies of certain genes then they are referred as-
(a) Amphidiploid (b) Merodiploid
(c) Euploid (d) Polyploid
39. The PAGE profile of certain protein associated with klinefelter syndrome is as follows,
it means the non-disjuction of chromosome was in-
(a) Maternal Maternal Paternal Klinefelters
(b) Paternal
(c) Maternal and Paternal
(d) Cannot be predicted
46. If an allele is linked to the second allele at other locus which is favorably selected are
inherited together. Such an movement of an allele without any evolutionary benefit
to next generation is termed as-
(a) Selective drive (b) Evolutionary drive
(c) Hitch hiking (d) Linkage
47. Random change of gene frequency in a population is termed as-
(a) Genetic drift (b) Gene flow
(c) Mutation (d) Evolution
48. The morphological modification is transferred to next generation without any present
application which may prove beneficial in changed environment is termed as –
(a) Exadaptation (b) Pre-adaptation
(c) Analogous (d) Paralogous
49. The changes in prey brings changes in predator and vice-vers(a) Such an evolution
due to competition for existence is termed as-
(a) Converging evolution (b) Diverging Evolution
(c) Co-evolution (d) Parallel Evolution
604 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
54. Which graph best explains the relation between the body size of an organism and
intrinsic rate of growth ‘r’-
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
55. Among the following which is logistic equation-
(a) A C
(b) B
(c) C
(d) D D
56. If rate of mortality and natality become constant in each age group. Then the result
would be-
(a) Number of childrens increase
(b) Number of older one will increase
(c) Number of individuals in repd stage will increase
(d) The increase or decrease within any cohort will become independent
CSIR-NET Life Sciences, Dec., 2005 605
57. What would happen if we release the high BOD water into fresh lake-
(a) Opacity will decrease
(b) Number of organism will decrease
(c) Amount of dissolved oxygen will decrease
(d) No effect
58. Which sporulating bacteria also possess the phenomenon of social behaviour and
(a) Actinomycetes (b) Bacillus
(c) Cyanobacteria (d) Archaebacteria
59. During succession the bare rock is first colonized by-
(a) Algae (b) Bacteria
(c) Fungi (d) Lichens
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
63. Among the following which has permanent status and is governed by central legislation-
(a) National park (b) Wild sanctuary
(c) Forests (d) Sport gardens
64. The phenomenon of bioluminescence is observed in-
(a) Dinoflagelletes (b) Copypods
(c) Cyanobacteria (d) Archie bacteria
Read m, n
if m > 0
t=m Print m
m = reminder after n
divided by m
What would be print if initial value for m and n is 462 and 242
(a) 22 (b) 11
(c) 13 (d) 14
2. Let there is any numbers f and g and f>any number ‘n’ and n > n0 . f(n) > g(n). Then
f3 n = eÖlogen will be
(a) Ön (b) n2
(c) n (d) 1/n
3. Among the following what would be increasing order of gases dissolved in oceans
(a) CO2 < O2 < NH4 (b) Ar < N < Oxygen
(c) CO2 < Oxygen < Argon (d) CH 4 < NH3 < CO2
4. Under what conditions reaction will be exothermic at all temperatures
(a) DH<0 and DS>0 (b) DH>0 and DS>0
(c) DH<0 and DS<0 (d) DH<0 and DS=0
5. If there is any salt TiCl similar to CeCl2 in geometry, then coordinate numbers for Ti
will be
(a) 6, 8 (b) 6, 6
(c) 4, 4 (d) 6, 4
6. If Ú stands for ‘and’, Ù stands for ‘or’, Ø stands for ‘not’ and Þstand for ‘implies’ then
under what condition pÞ q = ØpVq stands true
(a) pÚ (p Ù q) (b) ØpVq
(c) pÙ (p Ú q) (d) Ø pÙ (p Ú q)
608 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
7. For an ideal gas at 1 atmospheric pressure if volume occupied is 830 cm3 at temperature
123 °C, calculate the number of moles in given gas (if R = 6. moles, 1 atmosphere =
105 )
(a) 1.5 × 10–1 (b) 1.5 × 10–6
(c) 1.5 × 10–9 (d) 1.5 × 10–4
8. Among the following which cannot act as electrolyte when dissolved in water
(a) C6 H12 O6 (b) CH 3 COOH
(c) NaHCO3 (d) NaCl
10. A stone of mass ‘m’ is moved in a circle of radius ‘r’ with constant speed ‘v2 ’. The work
done by the force over half the circumtence of the circe is
mv 2
(a) Zero (b) × πr
mv 2
(c) × 2 πr (d) mg × 2pr
11. If Q is antiparticle of P which will hold true
(a) mass will same (b) Will have opposite spin
(c) Obey pauli exclusion principle (d) Same number of neutrons
12. If all ice locked in icebergs melts what will happen to sea water level
(a) Increase by large extent (b) No effect
(c) Increase slightly (d) It will decrease
13. If a bacteria doubles itself in 5 minutes. What would be number of bacteria at end of
20 minutes if you start with 4 bacteria
(a) 64 (b) 32
(c) 48 (d) 16
x+2 1
14. Given fx = then f f
x+3 3
(a) 4/7 (b) 11/18
(c) 16/49 (d) 121/324
15. If radius of Circle A is 18 and of Circle B is 8 and both circle are touching each other
and tangent to line AB. Then what would be distance between A and B
(a) 24
(b) 28
(c) 25
(d) 32
CSIR-NET Life Sciences, June, 2006 609
16. If number n is greater then or equal to 1000 and lesser then 10000 (1000< n >10000)
and its factorial fx are separate and members of {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, then fx will be
(a) 6 × 6 × 6 × 6 × 6 (b) 5 × 6 × 6 × 6 × 6
(c) 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 (d) 6 × 5 × 3 × 2
27. Ratio of daughter radioisotope to parent isotope in certain sample was found to be
3:1. If half life of radioisotope is 5 m.y, then the age of sample is
(a) 20 my (b) 15 my
(c) 10 my (d) 25 my
28. If a sedimentary rock A is 20 m.y old. An another rock B is lying over it which is
dissected by 10 m.y. intrusive rock. Then the age of rock B will be
(a) In between 10 m.y and 20 m.y
(b) 20 m.y
(c) 10 m.y
(d) Lesser then 10 m.y
11. If water is oxygenated and inoculated by bacteria, then the graph of BOD with time
for duration of five days will be
Time Time
(c) BOD
(d) BOD
Time Time
612 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
12. Probability of occurring similar amino acid sequence in two oligopeptides of length n
will be
(a) 1/20n (b) n20
(c) 20n (d) 1/n20
13. The graph between area studied and number of species encountered will be
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(a) D B
(b) B C
(c) C D
(d) A
(a) 500m/s 100m/s 10 m/s
(b) 500m/s 100m/s 50 m/s
(c) 100m/s 50m/s 10 m/s
(d) 200m/s 100m/s 50 m/s 1 2 3 4 5
16. Among the following which relationship shows positive logarithmic interaction
(a) Generation time and animal size
(b) Generation time and longevity of animal
(c) Animal size and number of offspring
(d) Longevity and number of offspring
17. Among the following which is not an characteristic feature of r-selected species
(a) Maturity at later stage (b) Large clutch size
(c) Small size of offspring (d) Maturity at early stage of life
18. If a sequence 5’AAA(AAA)n AAAAAC 3’ was transcribed in cell free system and peptide
obtained was partially hydrolyzed with carboxypeptidase, the result was an Aspargine
residue and oligopeptide. It suggest the direction of translation was
(a) 5' – 3' (b) 3' – 5’
(a) 3' – 5' at pH 7.2 (d) 5' – 3'at pH 5.4
CSIR-NET Life Sciences, June, 2006 613
20. Albinos have visual problem in bright light because they lacks
(a) Melanin (b) Rods
(c) Cones (d) Creatin
21. The percentage of protein coding sequence in E. coli genome is
(a) 70 % (b) 24%
(c) 3 % (d) 0.2 %
22. If the frequency of recessive allele causing disease in homozygous recessive condition
in a population of 10,000 is 0.04, then the number people affected by disease will be
(a) 16 (b) 400
(c) 3600 (d) 496
23. Hard-Weinberg law in a population represents
(a) Genotype frequency
(b) Allele frequency
(c) Heterozygote frequency
(d) Homozygote frequency
27. Among the following which is best indicator of water pollution due mixing of human
(a) E. coli (b) Trypanosoma
(c) Paramecium (d) Bacillus
29. If the two or more morphological forms are favored against heterozygotes, such an
selection is termed as
(a) Disruptive (b) Directional
(c) Stabilizing (d) Cyclic
30. It has been observed the bacteria secretes toxin at high population density to check
the population size. This phenomenon is termed as
(a) Quremsensing (b) Population control
(c) Allelopathy (d) Inter specific Competition
32. It has been observed the transfer of certain X segment in XO Caenorhhabditis elegans,
restores female character. It suggest that mode of sex determination is
(a) X/A ratio (b) XY type
(c) A/X (d) Ploidy difference
33. Number of cycles required to completely hydrolyze arachodoic acid into acetyl CoA is
(a) 9 (b) 8
(c) 10 (d) 11
41. If a gene product in Sps A is 90 % similar to gene product in Sps.B. Such genes are
termed as
(a) Orthologous (b) Perilogous
(c) Paralogous (d) Allologous
45. The type of vegetation in climate having annual temperature range 5–20 °C and
rainfall 150–300 mm will be
(a) Temperate deciduous (b) Temperate evergreen
(c) Taiga (d) Grasslands
47. Which ion gradient is formed across the thylakoid membrane If a light is incident on
isolated thylakoid
(a) H+ (b) Na+
(c) Both Na and H + (d) Cl–
616 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
55. If the organism carrying the gene, the bearer survives to reproduce and also helps
the borne who carry many of the same genes survive to reproduce. This phenomenon
is termed as
(a) Inclusive fitness (b) Darwinian fitness
(c) Reproductive fitness (d) Survival fitness
59. The accumulation of DDT has decreased the population of Pelican ducks because
(a) Decreased availability of Ca for egg shells which leads into thin shelled fragile
(b) Killed all ducken
(c) Interfered Ca Metabolism
(d) Stopped synthesis of eggs
60. DNA is destabilized by
(a) Formamide (b) Polyglycine
(c) Sucrose (d) PEG
64. Phytoplankton spends very little energy on developing protective structures against
predator, this suggest that why
(a) Assimilation efficiency is high in aquatic ecosystem
(b) Productivity of aquatic ecosystem is low
(c) There is less competition
(d) Food chain is small
65. If bacteria genome and plasmid are allowed to replicate in same manner then
(a) Plasmid genome will replicate fast
(b) Bacterial genome will replicate fast
(c) Both will replicate at same time
(d) Depends on GC content
618 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
1. A ball is dropped from a height of 1 meter, collision with floor is inelastic and ball
looses half the energy after collision. What would be the total vertical distance covered
by the ball before it comes to rest-
(a) 2 m (b) 2.5 m
(c) 3 m (d) 4 m
2. Objects can not be seen from the corner of building but sound produced at back of
building can be heard because of -
(a) Diffraction
(b) Interference
(c) Reverbation of sound from building
(d) Refraction of sound
3. If two charges ‘+q’ and ‘–4q’ are placed on X-axis as shown in diagram. Where a
another charge ‘+q’ must be placed on X-axis that it do not experience any force
+q –4q
A d B
4. Length of two vectors A and B is equal. Sum of A and B is thrice of A–B. Then the
angle between the vectors A and B will be
(a) cos– (3/4) (b) cos– (1/4)
(c) cos (1/Ö2) (d) cos– (Ö3/2)
5. Wavelength of one light waves is l while other have l/2 but then also they have the
same intensity I. Then the ratio of number of photons associated with each light
waves is
n1 1 n1 1
(a) = (b) =
n2 2 n2 2
n1 3 n1
(c) n = 2 (d) n2
6. If atom A is at corners of cube while atom B is located on all planar faces, then
probable formula for the compound will be
(a) AB (b) AB2
(c) A2 B (d) A3 B
620 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
7. Among the following which equation best represents the formation of proton from
(a) 11N®11P + –10e (b) 11N®10P + –10 e + v
(c) 11N®11P + –10e + v (d) 11N®11P + –11e + v
10. Among the following which graph correctly represents relationship between P and V
for ideal gas
(a) (b)
(c) P (d) P
2 2 +4 3
4 2 +2 3
2 2 +2 2 4 2 +2 3
(a) (b)
5 5
2−2 2 3−2 2
(c) (d)
5 5
CSIR-NET Life Sciences, Dec, 2006 621
13. Consider the following equation Y= ½x+1½+ ½x-1½. The graphical representation for
above equation will be
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
If length BC is 10 cm and triangle is divided horizontally into nine zones by line P1,
P2, P3…P9 which are parallel to BC. The total length of all lines from P1 to P9 will be
(a) 40 (b) 80
(c) 45 (d) 90
15. If a weight of one elephant is 10,000 kg and of a rat is 10 g. Then amount of calories
needed to maintain constant body temperature for one elephant and for 10,0000 rats
will be
(a) More for elephant
(b) More for rat
(c) Both will require equal calories
(d) Calories are not needed to maintain body temperature
16. The DNA sequence for two DNA was found to be different then also they code similar
protein. It may be due to
(a) Start of transcription at different sites
(b) Using similar enzymes for transcription
(c) More the one codon can code single amino acid
(d) Due to mutation in DNA
622 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
17. If inheritance of disease to next generation is only possible through females. The
probable inheritance is
(a) Sex-linked
(b) Mendelian
(c) Organeller
(d) Autosomal
18. Till date we have not succeeded in generating vaccine against HIV because
(a) It has reverse transcriptase
(b) It mutates rapidly
(c) It don't have any protein over its surface
(d) It is intracellular pathogen
19. The key difference between Lamarckism and Darwinism is
(a) Genes are made up of DNA not RNA
(b) DNA codes for proteins
(c) Variations are at random
(d) Evolution is abrupt
20. Among the following which process does not remove CO2 from environment?
(a) Photosynthesis
(b) Eruption of Volcano
(c) Dissolution in Oceans
(d) Weathering of rocks
21. During ice age there was large ice deposit at poles and thus there was large
temperature gradient between poles-Equator. The wind velocity at that time would
have been
(a) Stronger in summers
(b) Stronger in Winters
(c) Stronger in all seasons
(d) No effect was seen
22. Same face of moon is visible on earth during its orbital revolution of 28 days.
Considering earth as stationary then with reference to earth correct statement for
the rotation of moon over its axis is
(a) Moon completes 28 rotation in 28 days in same direction to earth.
(b) Moon completes 28 rotation in 28 days opposite in direction to earth.
(c) Moon completes 1 rotation in 28 days in same direction to earth.
(d) Moon completes 1 rotation in 28 days opposite in direction to earth.
23. We can find terrestrial rocks as old as 3 billion year but rocks more then 200 million
is not seen in oceans because
(a) During this period rock dissolves in ocean
(b) In 200 MY rocks subduct into floor of ocean
CSIR-NET Life Sciences, Dec, 2006 623
26. There are various electronic gates like OR, AND, NOR, XOR etc. Which GATE is
described as universal?
(a) OR (b) AND
(c) XOR (d) NOR
27. Among the following which is not an hardware bus/port
(a) USB (b) CMOS
(c) Printer Port (d) Mouse Port
28. Consider the following flow diagram. If 1001 means from STATE A move to STATE B
then to STATE C return to STATE B and then to STATE A. The STATE achieved
after following code 001100010010
State 1 State
A 1 B
0 0 0 0
State 1 State
624 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
6. Effective population size for completely monogamous species having 40 males and 10
females would be
(a) 40 (b) 30
(c) 20 (d) 10
8. Among the following which follows the population growth pattern according to equation
dN/dt=rN when no limitating force is acting
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
14. In a massive earthquake on island only few related species of lizards survived and
occupied the island. The phenomenon is also referred as
(a) Founder effect (b) Bottle Neck effect
(c) Vodka-Bertoni effect (d) Darwin's effect
29. Cyanobacteria out competes the green algae in eutrophic lakes due to organic
pollutions because they can
(a) tolerate low oxygen level
(b) tolerate high phosphorus level
(c) fix nitrogen, so it is not limitating for them
(d) low light is required for photosynthesis
30. The organism with high parental care will also show
(a) Semelparity
(b) Iteroperety
(c) Maturation at early stage
(d) Small size of offsprings
31. If any one of the parent invest more time for parental care on offsprings it would lead
to differences in
(a) Life span (b) Mental level
(c) Metabolism (d) Differential sex mate
32. The development of social behavior is related to
(a) Complex Brain size
(b) Genetic relatedness
(c) Size of population
(d) Size of organism
628 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
34. The acidic nature of orange juice is mainly due to citric acid. What would be pH of
0.1 M citric acid, if K1 for citric acid is 8.4 × 10–4 .
(a) 2 (b) 3
(c) 4 (d) 5
35. Vavilov’s origin of centre for sorghum is
(a) South East Asia (b) Central Africa
(c) India (d) East Asia
37. Direct correlation between recombination frequency and distance between genes can
be disturbed by presence
(a) Heterochromatin region between genes
(b) Exons
(c) Introns
(d) Euchromatin
38. Among the following interactions which will not force co-evolution
(a) Commensalisms (b) Parasitism
(c) Mutualism (d) Interspecific competition
42. Among the following which order of arthropods has maximum species richness
(a) Hymenoptera (b) Lepidoptera
(c) Coleoptera (d) Diptera
43. The probability of a son to be color blind for parent with color blind father and normal
homozygous mother would be
(a) 0 % (b) 25 %
(c) 50 % (d) 100 %
46. Among the following which gas was totally absent during period of primitive origin of
(a) Oxygen (b) Hydrogen
(c) Methane (d) Ammonia
47. If a certain parasitic bacteria on insect prevents cross breeding among them. It will
lead into
(a) rapid speciation
(b) Divergence of insects
(c) Extinction of insects
(d) No effect
48. Among the following which compound links glycolysis and Kreb's cycle
(a) Acetyl Co A
(b) Pyruvic Acid
(c) Glucose
(d) Oxaloacetic acid
50. Which cell is involved in eliminating antigen by engulfing them without recognition
(a) phagocytotic cells (b) T-helper cells
(c) Killer T-cells (d) B-cells
51. Recently reptile fossils of age 200-250 MY have been found in Brazil and Ghana-
portion of West Africa. The landmass during that period was a portion of
(a) Pangea (b) Laurasia
(c) Gondwana (d) Tethys Sea
52. Among the following which gene is not concerned with induction of cancer
(a) Src (b) Ras
(c) P53 (d) Actin
55. Which species concept stress mainly on failure of interbreeding to keep them in
distinct species
(a) Biological species concept
(b) Ecological species concept
(c) Morphological species concept
(d) Phylogenetic species concept
56. The cells of warm blooded animals can be best stored at temperatures
(a) 37 °C (b) 0 °C
(c) –100 °C (d) –196 °C
57. The polysome can be describes as
(a) A special ribosome occurring in prokaryotes
(b) A DNA strand which is being transcribed by may RNA polymerase
(c) String of RNA occupied by many ribosomes
(d) Involved in control of transcription in prokaryotes
59. The pattern of genomic imprinting is maintained from one generation to another by
(a) Phosphorylation of DNA
(b) Methylation
(c) Acetylation
(d) Glycosylation
62. l-phage insert their DNA into bacterial host. The site for recombination on host is
termed as-
(a) attP (b) attB
(c) Xis (d) Int
63. A person heterozygous for sickle cell anemia has advantage for both malaria and
sickle cell anemia. It illustrates
(a) Directional selection
(b) Heterozygote advantage
(c) Disruptive selection
(d) Directed mutation selection
Test paper-II
1. (b) 2. (b) 3. (a) 4. (a) 5. (b) 6. (d)
7. (d) 8. (a) 9. (b) 10. (a) 11. (d) 12. (d)
13. (a) 14. (b) 15. (b) 16. (c) 17. (b) 18. (d)
19. (c) 20. (a) 21. (d) 22. (c) 23. (b) 24. (d)
25. (c) 26. (c) 27. (d) 28. (c) 29. (d) 30. (d)
31. (a) 32. (b) 33. (c) 34. (b) 35. (b) 36. (d)
37. (d) 38. (a) 39. (d) 40. (d) 41. (c) 42. (d)
43. (c) 44. (d) 45. (d) 46. (c) 47. (c) 48. (d)
49. (d) 50. (b) 51. (b) 52. (a) 53. (d) 54. (b)
55. (d) 56. (d) 57. (b) 58. (d) 59. (c) 60. (d)
61. (d) 62. (d) 63. (d) 64. (d) 65. (d) 66. (d)
67. (c) 68. (c) 69. (b) 70. (d) 71. (c) 72. (c)
73. (d) 74. (a) 75. (d) 76. (c) 77. (b) 78. (b)
79. (d) 80. (d) 81. (d) 82. (c) 83. (d) 84. (d)
85. (c) 86. (d) 87. (c) 88. (a) 89. (d) 90. (d)
91. (a) 92. (d) 93. (d) 94. (a) 95. (d) 96. (b)
97. (a) 98. (d) 99. (b) 100. (c)
634 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
Test Paper-II
1. (c) 2. (d) 3. (b) 4. (b) 5. (d) 6. (c)
7. (d) 8. (b) 9. (b) 10. (b) 11. (c) 12. (d)
13. (d) 14. (c) 15. (a) 16. (b) 17. (d) 18. (d)
19. (b) 20. (d) 21. (c) 22. (b) 23. (d) 24. (a)
25. (a) 26. (b) 27. (b) 28. (a) 29. (b) 30. (d)
31. (a) 32. (d) 33. (a) 34. (a) 35. (d) 36. (a)
37. (c) 38. (b) 39. (a) 40. (c) 41. (c) 42. (b)
43. (b) 44. (d) 45. (a) 46. (b) 47. (d) 48. (a)
49. (a) 50. (b) 51. (b) 52. (c) 53. (a) 54. (a)
55. (c) 56. (b) 57. (a) 58. (d) 59. (d) 60. (d)
61. (b) 62. (b) 63. (a) 64. (c) 65. (c) 66. (c)
67. (b) 68. (c) 69. (d) 70. (b) 71. (a) 72. (c)
73. (d) 74. (b) 75. (a) 76. (c) 77. (a) 78. (c)
79. (b) 80. (c) 81. (b) 82. (a) 83. (b) 84. (d)
85. (c) 86. (d) 87. (c) 88. (a) 89. (d) 90. (a)
91. (b) 92. (c) 93. (b) 94. (d) 95. (c) 96. (d)
97. (d) 98. (c) 99. (a) 100. (a)
Answer Key 635
Test Paper-II
1. (d) 2. (c) 3. (a) 4. (b) 5. (d) 6. (c)
7. (d) 8. (c) 9. (d) 10. (d) 11. (c) 12. (b)
13. (c) 14. (b) 15. (b) 16. (a) 17. (b) 18. (b)
19. (d) 20. (a) 21. (c) 22. (d) 23. (d) 24. (a)
25. (c) 26. (d) 27. (c) 28. (b) 29. (d) 30. (b)
31. (b) 32. (a) 33. (a) 34. (b) 35. (c) 36. (d)
37. (b) 38. (a) 39. (a) 40. (c) 41. (c) 42. (c)
43. (a) 44. (a) 45. (b) 46. (a) 47. (c) 48. (c)
49. (d) 50. (b) 51. (b) 52. (d) 53. (b) 54. (d)
55. (d) 56. (b) 57. (d) 58. (d) 59. (c) 60. (d)
61. (c) 62. (b) 63. (a) 64. (b) 65. (b) 66. (a)
67. (d) 68. (c) 69. (d) 70. (b) 71. (d) 72. (d)
73. (c) 74. (a) 75. (b) 76. (b) 77. (a) 78. (d)
79. (d) 80. (a) 81. (a) 82. (b) 83. (b) 84. (d)
85. (b) 86. (b) 87. (d) 88. (a) 89. (c) 90. (c)
91. (d) 92. (c) 93. (c) 94. (b) 95. (c) 96. (b)
97. (a) 98. (a) 99. (c) 100. (a)
636 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
Test Paper-II
1. (c) 2. (d) 3. (b) 4. (d) 5. (c) 6. (b)
7. (d) 8. (b) 9. (a) 10. (c) 11. (b) 12. (a)
13. (d) 14. (d) 15. (c) 16. (d) 17. (a) 18. (d)
19. (c) 20. (b) 21. (b) 22. (a) 23. (b) 24. (c)
25. (b) 26. (a) 27. (b) 28. (b) 29. (a) 30. (d)
31. (d) 32. (c) 33. (c) 34. (c) 35. (d) 36. (b)
37. (c) 38. (b) 39. (d) 40. (a) 41. (b) 42. (b)
43. (a) 44. (d) 45. (b) 46. (b) 47. (a) 48. (c)
49. (c) 50. (c) 51. (d) 52. (a) 53. (a) 54. (c)
55. (a) 56. (d) 57. (c) 58. (c) 59. (b) 60. (d)
61. (b) 62. (a) 63. (c) 64. (a) 65. (b) 66. (c)
67. (a) 68. (c) 69. (b) 70. (b) 71. (a) 72. (c)
73. (b) 74. (b) 75. (b) 76. (d) 77. (d) 78. (b)
79. (d) 80. (b) 81. (d) 82. (c) 83. (c) 84. (a)
85. (b) 86. (b) 87. (d) 88. (d) 89. (b) 90. (b)
91. (a) 92. (c) 93. (a) 94. (b) 95. (d) 96. (c)
97. (c) 98. (c) 99. (a) 100. (d)
Answer Key 637
Test Paper-II
1. (c) 2. (d) 3. (b) 4. (b) 5. (a) 6. (a)
7. (c) 8. (d) 9. (b) 10. (c) 11. (a) 12. (c)
13. (a) 14. (b) 15. (c) 16. (a) 17. (a) 18. (b)
19. (a) 20. (b) 21. (d) 22. (d) 23. (c) 24. (d)
25. (b) 26. (b) 27. (b) 28. (a) 29. (c) 30. (a)
31. (d) 32. (b) 33. (a) 34. (a) 35. (b) 36. (b)
37. (a) 38. (c) 39. (b) 40. (b) 41. (a) 42. (c)
43. (a) 44. (c) 45. (b) 46. (b) 47. (c) 48. (b)
49. (d) 50. (a) 51. (c) 52. (b) 53. (d) 54. (a)
55. (b) 56. (a) 57. (c) 58. (b) 59. (c) 60. (d)
61. (d) 62. (d) 63. (c) 64. (a) 65. (a) 66. (c)
67. (b) 68. (b) 69. (b) 70. (c) 71. (b) 72. (b)
73. (c) 74. (d) 75. (b) 76. (b) 77. (d) 78. (c)
79. (c) 80. (c) 81. (d) 82. (b) 83. (d) 84. (c)
85. (c) 86. (a) 87. (c) 88. (b) 89. (c) 90. (c)
91. (a) 92. (d) 93. (b) 94. (a) 95. (b) 96. (b)
97. (b) 98. (d) 99. (d) 100. (a)
638 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
Test Paper-II
1. (c) 2. (c) 3. (b) 4. (b) 5. (a) 6. (b)
7. (a) 8. (a) 9. (d) 10. (d) 11. (c) 12. (a)
13. (c) 14. (a) 15. (c) 16. (a) 17. (a) 18. (b)
19. (b) 20. (b) 21. (c) 22. (a) 23. (a) 24. (c)
25. (a) 26. (b) 27. (d) 28. (c) 29. (d) 30. (a)
31. (d) 32. (d) 33. (d) 34. (c) 35. (c) 36. (b)
37. (b) 38. (c) 39. (c) 40. (a) 41. (b) 42. (a)
43. (c) 44. (c) 45. (c) 46. (d) 47. (a) 48. (a)
49. (c) 50. (a) 51. (c) 52. (a) 53. (c) 54. (c)
55. (a) 56. (d) 57. (a) 58. (d) 59. (a) 60. (b)
61. (a) 62. (a) 63. (d) 64. (d) 65. (a) 66. (c)
67. (a) 68. (b) 69. (b) 70. (a) 71. (a) 72. (a)
73. (c) 74. (d) 75. (a) 76. (c) 77. (b) 78. (b)
79. (c) 80. (b) 81. (c) 82. (b) 83. (a) 84. (d)
85. (a) 86. (c) 87. (d) 88. (c) 89. (b) 90. (c)
91. (c) 92. (d) 93. (d) 94. (c) 95. (b) 96. (d)
97. (c) 98. (d) 99. (c) 100. (a)
Answer Key 639
Test Paper-II
1. (b) 2. (b) 3. (b) 4. (b) 5. (a) 6. (c)
7. (b) 8. (b) 9. (d) 10. (b) 11. (b) 12. (d)
13. (d) 14. (d) 15. (b) 16. (c) 17. (b) 18. (d)
19. (d) 20. (b) 21. (a) 22. (d) 23. (a) 24. (c)
25. (c) 26. (d) 27. (b) 28. (a) 29. (b) 30. (b)
31. (a) 32. (d) 33. (b) 34. (b) 35. (c) 36. (b)
37. (b) 38. (b) 39. (b) 40. (b) 41. (d) 42. (a)
43. (b) 44. (b) 45. (a) 46. (d) 47. (c) 48. (a)
49. (c) 50. (a) 51. (c) 52. (d) 53. (c) 54. (d)
55. (b) 56. (c) 57. (a) 58. (b) 59. (a) 60. (c)
61. (a) 62. (b) 63. (c) 64. (b) 65. (d) 66. (a)
67. (b) 68. (d) 69. (b) 70. (a) 71. (d) 72. (a)
73. (d) 74. (a) 75. (d) 76. (d) 77. (a) 78. (b)
79. (d) 80. (a) 81. (d) 82. (a) 83. (c) 84. (a)
85. (a) 86. (b) 87. (d) 88. (a) 89. (c) 90. (a)
91. (d) 92. (d) 93. (d) 94. (d) 95. (b) 96. (a)
97. (a) 98. (c) 99. (d) 100. (a)
640 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
Part – A
1. (b) 2. (b) 3. (b) 4. (c)
5. (a) 6. (a) 7. (d) 8. (a)
9. (b) 10. (d) 11. (a) 12. (d)
13. (d) 14. (a) 15. (c) 16. (a)
17. (d) 18. (c) 19. (a) 20. (d)
21. (d) 22. (c) 23. (a) 24. (b)
25. (a) 26. (c) 27. (c) 28. (b)
29. (b) 30. (b)
Part – B
1. (d) 2. (c) 3. (a) 4. (b)
5. (c) 6. (c) 7. (d) 8. (a)
9. (c) 10. (b) 11. (a) 12. (d)
13. (b) 14. (c) 15. (b) 16. (a)
17. (c) 18. (c) 19. (c) 20. (b)
21. (c) 22. (b) 23. (b) 24. (a)
25. (a) 26. (b) 27. (a) 28. (d)
29. (d) 30. (d) 31. (b) 32. (c)
33. (d) 34. (b) 35. (d) 36. (a)
37. (a) 38. (a) 39. (a) 40. (a)
41. (a) 42. (a) 43. (c) 44. (c)
45. (c) 46. (d) 47. (d) 48. (c)
49. (a) 50. (b) 51. (a) 52. (c)
53. (b) 54. (b) 55. (c) 56. (b)
57. (d) 58. (c) 59. (a) 60. (d)
61. (a) 62. (c) 63. (b) 64. (c)
65. (b) 66. (c) 67. (a) 68. (c)
69. (b) 70. (b)
Answer Key 641
Part – B
1. (a) 2. (d) 3. (b) 4. (a)
5. (d) 6. (d) 7. (c) 8. (c)
9. (b) 10. (a) 11. (a) 12. (b)
13. (c) 14. (c) 15. (a) 16. (a)
17. (c) 18. (c) 19. (b) 20. (d)
21. (c) 22. (c) 23. (b) 24. (b)
25. (c) 26. (b) 27. (d) 28. (b)
29. (a) 30. (a) 31. (a) 32. (a)
33. (c) 34. (b) 35. (a) 36. (a)
37. (c) 38. (b) 39. (c) 40. (b)
41. (b) 42. (d) 43. (c) 44. (a)
45. (a) 46. (b) 47. (b) 48. (b)
49. (d) 50. (c) 51. (b) 52. (a)
53. (d) 54. (b) 55. (b) 56. (b)
57. (c) 58. (a) 59. (b) 60. (d)
61. (c) 62. (c) 63. (a) 64. (c)
65. (c) 66. (c) 67. (b) 68. (c)
69. (c) 70. (a)
642 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
Part – A
1. (c) 2. (a) 3. (b) 4. (b)
5. (b) 6. (d) 7. (b) 8. (b)
9. (b) 10. (c) 11. (a) 12. (c)
13. (a) 14. (c) 15. (c) 16. (d)
17. (c) 18. (d) 19. (c) 20. (b)
21. (a) 22. (a) 23. (d) 24. (a)
25. (a) 26. (b) 27. (d) 28. (c)
29. (d) 30. (c)
Part – B
1. (d) 2. (b) 3. (d) 4. (c)
5. (b) 6. (d) 7. (a) 8. (d)
9. (a) 10. (a) 11. (d) 12. (c)
13. (c) 14. (b) 15. (d) 16. (b)
17. (b) 18. (c) 19. (c) 20. (d)
21. (d) 22. (d) 23. (c) 24. (b)
25. (c) 26. (b) 27. (a) 28. (b)
29. (a) 30. (d) 31. (c) 32. (b)
33. (a) 34. (a) 35. (c) 36. (a)
37. (d) 38. (c) 39. (c) 40. (b)
41. (a) 42. (b) 43. (b) 44. (d)
45. (c) 46. (c) 47. (c) 48. (c)
49. (c) 50. (a) 51. (c) 52. (a)
53. (d) 54. (c) 55. (d) 56. (d)
57. (d) 58. (a) 59. (b) 60. (a)
61. (d) 62. (b) 63. (d) 64. (d)
65. (a) 66. (c) 67. (c) 68. (d)
69. (d) 70. (c)
Answer Key 643
Part – B
1. (b) 2. (d) 3. (b) 4. (b)
5. (d) 6. (b) 7. (b) 8. (b)
9. (c) 10. (b) 11. (d) 12. (c)
13. (a) 14. (c) 15. (b) 16. (a)
17. (a) 18. (a) 19. (c) 20. (d)
21. (c) 22. (b) 23. (c) 24. (b)
25. (c) 26. (d) 27. (a) 28. (c)
29. (a) 30. (c) 31. (c) 32. (c)
33. (b) 34. (a) 35. (d) 36. (c)
37. (a) 38. (c) 39. (b) 40. (a)
41. (b) 42. (c) 43. (d) 44. (a)
45. (c) 46. (b) 47. (c) 48. (a)
49. (a) 50. (a) 51. (b) 52. (a)
53. (d) 54. (c) 55. (b) 56. (b)
57. (a) 58. (d) 59. (a) 60. (c)
61. (d) 62. (b) 63. (b) 64. (a)
65. (b) 66. (c) 67. (d) 68. (a)
69. (b) 70. (b)
644 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
Part – A
1. (d) 2. (c) 3. (b) 4. (b)
5. (a) 6. (b) 7. (a) 8. (d)
9. (a) 10. (b) 11. (d) 12. (b)
13. (a) 14. (a) 15. (d) 16. (b)
17. (a) 18. (b) 19. (a) 20. (c)
21. (c) 22. (d) 23. (a) 24. (c)
25. (a) 26. (b) 27. (a) 28. (a)
29. (c) 30. (b)
Part – B
1. (d) 2. (a) 3. (d) 4. (b)
5. (a) 6. (a) 7. (c) 8. (a)
9. (a) 10. (d) 11. (d) 12. (a)
13. (a) 14. (b) 15. (c) 16. (d)
17. (d) 18. (b) 19. (a) 20. (d)
21. (a) 22. (c) 23. (d) 24. (a)
25. (d) 26. (c) 27. (a) 28. (d)
29. (b) 30. (a) 31. (a) 32. (c)
33. (b) 34. (b) 35. (d) 36. (a)
37. (c) 38. (c) 39. (a) 40. (a)
41. (a) 42. (a) 43. (c) 44. (a)
45. (d) 46. (b) 47. (a) 48. (c)
49. (d) 50. (d) 51. (a) 52. (a)
53. (a) 54. (b) 55. (a) 56. (b)
57. (d) 58. (c) 59. (a) 60. (c)
61. (a) 62. (b) 63. (b) 64. (d)
65. (b) 66. (d) 67. (d) 68. (c)
69. (b) 70. (a)
Answer Key 645
Part – A
1. (b) 2. (c) 3. (c) 4. (d)
5. (b) 6. (b) 7. (d) 8. (a)
9. (d) 10. (b) 11. (c) 12. (d)
13. (a) 14. (c) 15. (b) 16. (a)
17. (b) 18. (a) 19. (c) 20. (a)
21. (c) 22. (c) 23. (c) 24. (c)
25. (a) 26. (b) 27. (b) 28. (a)
29. (d) 30. (d)
Part – B
1. (a) 2. (d) 3. (c) 4. (c)
5. (b) 6. (d) 7. (b) 8. (c)
9. (a) 10. (a) 11. (c) 12. (c)
13. (c) 14. (c) 15. (d) 16. (d)
17. (b) 18. (b) 19. (b) 20. (b)
21. (a) 22. (c) 23. (c) 24. (a)
25. (d) 26. (a) 27. (b) 28. (a)
29. (c) 30. (d) 31. (a) 32. (c)
33. (b) 34. (a) 35. (a) 36. (c)
37. (b) 38. (a) 39. (a) 40. (a)
41. (b) 42. (a) 43. (a) 44. (a)
45. (a) 46. (d) 47. (b) 48. (c)
49. (d) 50. (c) 51. (a) 52. (a)
53. (b) 54. (b) 55. (d) 56. (c)
57. (c) 58. (a) 59. (c) 60. (b)
61. (c) 62. (c) 63. (d) 64. (a)
65. (c) 66. (b) 67. (c) 68. (b)
69. (a) 70. (a)
646 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
Part – A
1. (b) 2. (a) 3. (a) 4. (b)
5. (c) 6. (d) 7. (b) 8. (b)
9. (b) 10. (c) 11. (a) 12. (c)
13. (a) 14. (b) 15. (a) 16. (c)
17. (a) 18. (a) 19. (a) 20. (a)
21. (d) 22. (a) 23. (a) 24. (c)
25. (c) 26. (d) 27. (b) 28. (d)
29. (d) 30. (c)
Part – B
1. (b) 2. (d) 3. (d) 4. (d)
5. (b) 6. (a) 7. (c) 8. (b)
9. (d) 10. (b) 11. (a) 12. (a)
13. (b) 14. (b) 15. (c) 16. (d)
17. (c) 18. (b) 19. (c) 20. (d)
21. (a) 22. (c) 23. (b) 24. (a)
25. (a) 26. (c) 27. (b) 28. (b)
29. (d) 30. (c) 31. (c) 32. (d)
33. (b) 34. (b) 35. (a) 36. (b)
37. (c) 38. (c) 39. (c) 40. (b)
41. (a) 42. (c) 43. (b) 44. (d)
45. (b) 46. (b) 47. (a) 48. (c)
49. (c) 50. (c) 51. (d) 52. (c)
53. (c) 54. (b) 55. (b) 56. (c)
57. (d) 58. (a) 59. (d) 60. (b)
61. (d) 62. (c) 63. (b) 64. (a)
65. (d) 66. (a) 67. (c) 68. (c)
69. (a) 70. (b)
Answer Key 647
Part – A
1. (a) 2. (b) 3. (a) 4. (c)
5. (c) 6. (c) 7. (a) 8. (a)
9. (b) 10. (b) 11. (c) 12. (b)
13. (c) 14. (d) 15. (a) 16. (c)
17. (c) 18. (d) 19. (c) 20. (c)
21. (c) 22. (a) 23. (c) 24. (c)
25. (b) 26. (a) 27. (a) 28. (b)
29. (b) 30. (d)
Part – B
1. (c) 2. (d) 3. (a) 4. (c)
5. (a) 6. (a) 7. (c) 8. (b)
9. (b) 10. (b) 11. (c) 12. (b)
13. (c) 14. (c) 15. (c) 16. (d)
17. (d) 18. (b) 19. (d) 20. (d)
21. (c) 22. (b) 23. (c) 24. (a)
25. (c) 26. (d) 27. (d) 28. (a)
29. (d) 30. (a) 31. (c) 32. (d)
33. (c) 34. (a) 35. (b) 36. (d)
37. (a) 38. (d) 39. (d) 40. (d)
41. (a) 42. (c) 43. (d) 44. (a)
45. (b) 46. (c) 47. (d) 48. (c)
49. (c) 50. (c) 51. (b) 52. (a)
53. (a) 54. (a) 55. (a) 56. (d)
57. (d) 58. (b) 59. (c) 60. (c)
61. (a) 62. (a) 63. (b) 64. (c)
65. (b) 66. (a) 67. (a) 68. (c)
69. (a) 70. (c)
648 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
Part – A
1. (b) 2. (c) 3. (b) 4. (d)
5. (a) 6. (b) 7. (a) 8. (d)
9. (b) 10. (d) 11. (b) 12. (d)
13. (b) 14. (a) 15. (b) 16. (b)
17. (b) 18. (a) 19. (c) 20. (a)
21. (b) 22. (a) 23. (a) 24. (c)
25. (d) 26. (a) 27. (c) 28. (a)
29. (a) 30. (d)
Part – B
1. (b) 2. (d) 3. (b) 4. (b)
5. (d) 6. (c) 7. (b) 8. (b)
9. (b) 10. (a) 11. (c) 12. (d)
13. (b) 14. (d) 15. (c) 16. (a)
17. (a) 18. (b) 19. (b) 20. (b)
21. (c) 22. (b) 23. (d) 24. (b)
25. (d) 26. (c) 27. (d) 28. (b)
29. (b) 30. (a) 31. (c) 32. (c)
33. (a) 34. (a) 35. (d) 36. (a)
37. (a) 38. (c) 39. (b) 40. (b)
41. (c) 42. (c) 43. (a) 44. (d)
45. (b) 46. (c) 47. (b) 48. (c)
49. (b) 50. (c) 51. (c) 52. (b)
53. (a) 54. (c) 55. (b) 56. (d)
57. (d) 58. (c) 59. (b) 60. (c)
61. (d) 62. (c) 63. (a) 64. (a)
65. (a) 66. (c) 67. (a) 68. (c)
69. (a) 70. (a)
Answer Key 649
Part – B
1. (c) 2. (c) 3. (a) 4. (c)
5. (c) 6. (a) 7. (c) 8. (d)
9. (c) 10. (c) 11. (b) 12. (b)
13. (b) 14. (a) 15. (d) 16. (a)
17. (c) 18. (d) 19. (c) 20. (a)
21. (c) 22. (d) 23. (a) 24. (a)
25. (a) 26. (b) 27. (b) 28. (b)
29. (b) 30. (d) 31. (c) 32. (c)
33. (d) 34. (c) 35. (c) 36. (d)
37. (c) 38. (a) 39. (a) 40. (a)
41. (c) 42. (a) 43. (d) 44. (c)
45. (a) 46. (c) 47. (b) 48. (a)
49. (d) 50. (d) 51. (d) 52. (c)
53. (c) 54. (c) 55. (b) 56. (b)
57. (c) 58. (b) 59. (c) 60. (a)
61. (d) 62. (c) 63. (b) 64. (d)
65. (a) 66. (a) 67. (a) 68. (d)
69. (a) 70. (a)
650 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
Part – B
1. (d) 2. (c) 3. (a) 4. (d)
5. (c) 6. (c) 7. (d) 8. (a)
9. (c) 10. (b) 11. (a) 12. (d)
13. (b) 14. (c) 15. (a) 16. (c)
17. (b) 18. (a) 19. (c) 20. (c)
21. (c) 22. (b) 23. (b) 24. (c)
25. (c) 26. (c) 27. (b) 28. (c)
29. (c) 30. (a) 31. (c) 32. (c)
33. (b) 34. (a) 35. (a) 36. (a)
37. (b) 38. (c) 39. (a) 40. (b)
41. (b) 42. (a) 43. (d) 44. (a)
45. (c) 46. (c) 47. (d) 48. (c)
49. (c) 50. (b) 51. (b) 52. (a)
53. (b) 54. (a) 55. (b) 56. (c)
57. (a) 58. (b) 59. (a) 60. (a)
61. (a) 62. (b) 63. (c) 64. (a)
65. (a) 66. (b) 67. (c) 68. (a)
69. (d) 70. (d)
Answer Key 651
Part – B
1. (b) 2. (b) 3. (a) 4. (d)
5. (a) 6. (b) 7. (b) 8. (c)
9. (a) 10. (d) 11. (d) 12. (d)
13. (a) 14. (a) 15. (b) 16. (c)
17. (b) 18. (c) 19. (b) 20. (a)
21. (b) 22. (b) 23. (c) 24. (a)
25. (a) 26. (c) 27. (c) 28. (b)
29. (b) 30. (b) 31. (a) 32. (a)
33. (b) 34. (b) 35. (a) 36. (a)
37. (c) 38. (a) 39. (b) 40. (d)
41. (a) 42. (a) 43. (a) 44. (a)
45. (c) 46. (a) 47. (a) 48. (b)
49. (b) 50. (b) 51. (d) 52. (a)
53. (a) 54. (b) 55. (d) 56. (a)
57. (b) 58. (a) 59. (c) 60. (c)
61. (b) 62. (a) 63. (a) 64. (a)
65. (d) 66. (a) 67. (a) 68. (a)
69. (a) 70. (d)
652 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
Part – B
1. (c) 2. (b) 3. (b) 4. (c)
5. (b) 6. (a) 7. (c) 8. (a)
9. (b) 10. (d) 11. (b) 12. (a)
13. (b) 14. (b) 15. (a) 16. (c)
17. (b) 18. (a) 19. (a) 20. (b)
21. (a) 22. (a) 23. (c) 24. (c)
25. (a) 26. (a) 27. (a) 28. (a)
29. (b) 30. (a) 31. (a) 32. (c)
33. (d) 34. (a) 35. (b) 36. (a)
37. (c) 38. (b) 39. (b) 40. (a)
41. (b) 42. (c) 43. (b) 44. (b)
45. (b) 46. (c) 47. (b) 48. (a)
49. (a) 50. (b) 51. (a) 52. (c)
53. (a) 54. (c) 55. (c) 56. (b)
57. (c) 58. (b) 59. (b) 60. (a)
61. (b) 62. (c) 63. (c) 64. (a)
65. (b) 66. (b) 67. (a) 68. (b)
69. (d) 70. (c)
Answer Key 653
Part – B
1. (b) 2. (c) 3. (d) 4. (a)
5. (c) 6. (d) 7. (c) 8. (a)
9. (a) 10. (c) 11. (b) 12. (d)
13. (b) 14. (c) 15. (d) 16. (a)
17. (b) 18. (b) 19. (a) 20. (a)
21. (b) 22. (c) 23. (b) 24. (d)
25. (c) 26. (b) 27. (a) 28. (b)
29. (b) 30. (c) 31. (b) 32. (b)
33. (a) 34. (c) 35. (c) 36. (c)
37. (b) 38. (a) 39. (a) 40. (b)
41. (c) 42. (a) 43. (c) 44. (a)
45. (a) 46. (a) 47. (c) 48. (b)
49. (b) 50. (b) 51. (a) 52. (b)
53. (c) 54. (c) 55. (a) 56. (b)
57. (b) 58. (b) 59. (b) 60. (b)
61. (b) 62. (b) 63. (a) 64. (a)
65. (a) 66. (b) 67. (d) 68. (b)
69. (a) 70. (c)
654 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
Part – B
1. (c) 2. (a) 3. (d) 4. (a)
5. (b) 6. (a) 7. (b) 8. (d)
9. (d) 10. (c) 11. (b) 12. (b)
13. (b) 14. (c) 15. (b) 16. (b)
17. (a) 18. (d) 19. (a) 20. (b)
21. (b) 22. (c) 23. (a) 24. (a)
25. (a) 26. (c) 27. (a) 28. (d)
29. (b) 30. (c) 31. (d) 32. (b)
33. (b) 34. (a) 35. (c) 36. (d)
37. (c) 38. (b) 39. (a) 40. (a)
41. (c) 42. (c) 43. (b) 44. (b)
45. (a) 46. (c) 47. (a) 48. (a)
49. (c) 50. (a) 51. (d) 52. (a)
53. (b) 54. (b) 55. (c) 56. (d)
57. (c) 58. (a) 59. (d) 60. (b)
61. (b) 62. (a) 63. (a) 64. (a)
65. (a) 66. (b) 67. (a) 68. (b)
69. (b) 70. (b)
Answer Key 655
Part – B
1. (a) 2. (a) 3. (a) 4. (a)
5. (a) 6. (a) 7. (a) 8. (a)
9. (a) 10. (a) 11. (a) 12. (a)
13. (a) 14. (a) 15. (a) 16. (a)
17. (a) 18. (a) 19. (a) 20. (a)
21. (a) 22. (a) 23. (a) 24. (a)
25. (a) 26. (a) 27. (a) 28. (a)
29. (a) 30. (a) 31. (a) 32. (a)
33. (a) 34. (a) 35. (a) 36. (a)
37. (a) 38. (a) 39. (a) 40. (a)
41. (a) 42. (a) 43. (a) 44. (a)
45. (a) 46. (a) 47. (a) 48. (a)
49. (a) 50. (a) 51. (a) 52. (a)
53. (a) 54. (a) 55. (a) 56. (a)
57. (a) 58. (a) 59. (a) 60. (a)
61. (a) 62. (a) 63. (a) 64. (a)
65. (a) 66. (a) 67. (a) 68. (a)
69. (a) 70. (b)
656 CSIR-NET Life Sciences
Part – A
1. (c) 2. (a) 3. (a) 4. (c)
5. (b) 6. (d) 7. (b) 8. (c)
9. (a) 10. (a) 11. (d) 12. (c)
13. (a) 14. (c) 15. (c) 16. (c)
17. (c) 18. (b) 19. (c) 20. (b)
21. (c) 22. (d) 23. (b) 24. (a)
25. (c) 26. (d) 27. (b) 28. (a)
29. (d) 30. (b)
Part – B
1. (b) 2. (b) 3. (c) 4. (c)
5. (c) 6. (c) 7. (a) 8. (d)
9. (d) 10. (d) 11. (c) 12. (d)
13. (a) 14. (b) 15. (b) 16. (a)
17. (a) 18. (d) 19. (c) 20. (b)
21. (b) 22. (b) 23. (a) 24. (b)
25. (d) 26. (b) 27. (a) 28. (a)
29. (c) 30. (b) 31. (d) 32. (a)
33. (c) 34. (d) 35. (b) 36. (a)
37. (a) 38. (a) 39. (c) 40. (b)
41. (a) 42. (d) 43. (a) 44. (a)
45. (a) 46. (a) 47. (a) 48. (a)
49. (b) 50. (c) 51. (a) 52. (d)
53. (d) 54. (a) 55. (a) 56. (d)
57. (c) 58. (d) 59. (b) 60. (a)
61. (c) 62. (b) 63. (b) 64. (b)
65. (a) 66. (a) 67. (b) 68. (a)
69. (a) 70. (b)