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M.O.R.T. & H.


Sr. No. Unit Rate for 2005-2006

Code Completed Labour

1 Prime coat
(Providing and applying primer coat with bitumen emulsion Sq.M. 13.00 --
on prepared surface of granular Base including clearing
of road surface and spraying, primer at the rate of 0.60
kg/sqm using mechanical means.)
Spec. No. M.O.R.T. & H - 502

2a Providing and applying tack coat on the prepared surface

heating by fames in roller and spraying bitumen with spray
set footed in bitumen boller on B.T. surface @ 5 kg/10
Spec. No. : M.O.R.T. & H.- 503

i) 60 / 70 Bulk Sq.M. 9.60 --

ii) 30 / 40 Bulk Sq.M. 10.05 --

2b Providing and applying tack coat on the prepared surface

heating by fames in roller and spraying bitumen with spray
set footed in bitumen boller on Granular surface with
primer at 7.5 Kg per 10 Sqm.
Spec. No. : M.O.R.T. & H. - 503

i) 60 / 70 Bulk Sq.M. 14.05 --

ii) 30 / 40 Bulk Sq.M. 14.85 --

2c Providing and applying tack coat on the prepared surface

heating by fames in roller and spraying bitumen with spray
set footed in bitumen boller on W.B.M. surface Rate of
application 10 Kg / 10 Sqm.
Spec. No. : M.O.R.T. & H.- 503

i) 60 / 70 Bulk Sq.M. 18.75 --

ii) 30 / 40 Bulk Sq.M. 19.80 --

2d Providing and applying tack coat with bitumen emulsion Sq.M. 5.00 --
using emulsion pressure distributor at the rate of 0.20 kg
per sqm. on the prepared bituminous/granular surface
cleaned with mechanical broom.
Spec. No. M.O.R.T. & H. - 503

Sr. No. Unit Rate for 2005-2006
Code Completed Labour

3 Bituminous Macadam
(Providing and laying bituminous macadam with 40-80 TPH
hot mix plant producing an average output of 35 tonnes
per hour using crushed aggregates of specified grading
premixed with bituminous binder, transported to site, laid
over a previously prepared surface with paver finished to
the required grade, level and alignment and rolled as per
clause 501.6 and 501.7 to achieve the desired compaction.)
Spec. No. M.O.R.T. & H - 504

50 / 75 mm compacted thickness with 3.3 % Bitumen

for Grading (40 mm nominal size)
i) 60/70 Grade Cu.M. 2340.00 --

ii) 30/40 Grade Cu.M. 2436.00 --

4 Bituminous Penetration Macadam

(Construction of penetration macadam over prepared Base
by providing a layer of compacted crushed coarse aggregate
using chips spreader with alternate applications of
bituminous binder and key aggregates and rolling with a
smooth wheeled steel roller 8-10 tonne capacity to achieve
the desired degree of compaction.) bitumen @ 5 Kg per sqm.
Spec. No. M.O.R.T. & H. - 505

i) 50 mm thick using 60/70 Bulk Sq.M. 131.00 --

ii) 50 mm thick using 30/40 Bulk Sq.M. 138.00 --

iii) 75 mm thick using 60/70 Bulk Sq.M. 173.00 --

iv) 75 mm thick using 30/40 Bulk Sq.M. 182.00 --

Sr. No. Unit Rate for 2005-2006
Code Completed Labour

5 Built-Up-Spray Grout
(Providing, laying and rolling of built-up-spray grout layer
over prepared base consisting of a two layer composite
construction of compacted crushed coarse aggregates using
motor grader for aggregates, key stone chips spreader
may be used with application of bituminous binder after
each layer and with key aggregates placed on top of the
second layer to serve as a Base conforming to the line,
grades and cross-section specified the compacted layer
thickness being 75 mm) excluding cost of prime / tack
Spec. No. MORT & H - 506

i) using 60 / 70 bulk Sq.M. 99.00 --

ii) using 30 / 40 bulk Sq.M. 103.00 --

6 Dense Graded Bituminous Macadam

(Providing and laying 40 mm thick dense bituminous
macadam with 40 - 60 TPH batch type HMP producing an
average output of 35 tonnes per hour using crushed
aggregates of specified grading, premixed with bituninous
binder @ 4.25 % by weight of totak mix of mix and filler,
transporting the hot mix to work site, laying with a hydrostatic
paver finisher with sensor control to the required grade,
level and alignment, rolling with smooth wheelad, vibratory
and tandem rollers to achieve the desired compaction as
per MORTH specification clause No. 507 excluding cost
of prime / tack coat.
Spec. No. MORT & H - 507

i) 60 / 70 Bulk with Cement filler Cu.M. 3132.00 --

ii) 30 / 40 Bulk with Cement filler Cu.M. 3260.00 --

iii) 60 / 70 Bulk with stone dust filler Cu.M. 3050.00 --

iv) 30 / 40 Bulk with stone dust filler Cu.M. 3178.00 --

Sr. No. Unit Rate for 2005-2006
Code Completed Labour

7 Semi - Dense Bituminous Concrete

(Providing and laying 25 mm thick semi dense bituminous
concrete with 40-60 TPH batch type HMP producing an
average output of 35 tonnes per hour using crushed
aggregates of specified grading, premixed with bituminous
binder @ 4.5 mix and filler, transporting the hot mix to
work site with a hydrostatic paver finisher with sensor
control to the required grade, level and alignment, rolling
with smooth wheeled, vibratory and tandem rollers to achieve
the desired compaction as per MORTH specification clause
No. 508 complete in all respects.) excluding primer / tack
Spec. No. M.O.R.T. & H. - 508

a) With Vibratory roller

i) 60 / 70 Bulk with cement filler Cu.M. 3275.00 --

ii) 30 / 40 Bulk with cement filler Cu.M. 3413.00 --

iii) 60 / 70 Bulk with stone dust filler Cu.M. 3193.00 --

iv) 30 / 40 Bulk with stone dust filler Cu.M. 3330.00 --

b) With ordinary roller

i) 60 / 70 Bulk with cement filler Cu.M. 3215.00 --

ii) 30 / 40 Bulk with cement filler Cu.M. 3353.00 --

iii) 60 / 70 Bulk with stone dust filler Cu.M. 3133.00 --

iv) 30 / 40 Bulk with stone dust filler Cu.M. 3270.00 --

Sr. No. Unit Rate for 2005-2006
Code Completed Labour

8 Bituminous Concrete
(Providing and laying 40 mm thick bituminous concrete
with 40-60 TPH batch type hot mix plant producing an
average output of 35 tonnes per hour using crushed
aggregates of specified grading, premixed with bituminous
binder @ 5 % of mix and cement filler, transporting the
hot mix to work site, laying with a hydrostatic paver finisher
with sensor control to the required grade, level and alignment,
rolling with smooth wheeled, vibratory and tandem rollers
to achieve the desired compaction as per MORTH
specification clause No. 509 complete in all respects.)
Spec. No. M.O.R.T. & H. - 509

i) 60 / 70 Bulk with cement filler Cu.M. 3582.00 --

ii) 30 / 40 Bulk with cement filler Cu.M. 3738.00 --

iii) 60 / 70 Bulk with stone dust filler Cu.M. 3500.00 --

iv) 30 / 40 Bulk with stone dust filler Cu.M. 3656.00 --

9 Surface Dressing
(Providing and laying surface dressing as wearing course
in single coat using crushed stone aggregates of specified
size on a layer of bituminous binder laid on prepared surface
and rolling with 8-10 tonne smooth wheeled steel roller.)
Spec. No. M.O.R.T. & H. - 510

a) 19 mm nominal chipping size

bitumen @ 12.00 kg / 10 sqm.

i) using 60 / 70 Sq.M. 33.00 --

ii) using 30 / 40 Sq.M. 34.00 --

b) 13 mm nominal size chipping

bitumen @ 10.00 kg / 10 sqm.

i) using 60 / 70 Sq.M. 28.00 --

ii) using 30 / 40 Sq.M. 29.00 --

Sr. No. Unit Rate for 2005-2006
Code Completed Labour

10 Open Graded Premix Surfacing

(Providing, laying and rolling of open graded premix surfacing
of 20 mm thickness composed of 13.2 mm to 5.6 mm
aggregates either using penetration grade bitumen or cut-
back or emulsion to required line, grade and level to serve
as wearing course on a previously prepared base, including
mixing in a suitable plant, laying and rolling with a smooth
wheeled roller 8-10 tonne capacity finished to required
level and grades on B.T. Surface excluding coat of primer
/ tack coat.
Spec. No. M.O.R.T. & H. - 511

a) using 60 / 70 grade bulk asphalt. Sq.M. 47.00 --

b) using 30 / 40 grade bulk asphalt. Sq.M. 49.00 --

11 Providing & laying open graded premix carpet of 25 mm

thick with specified graded crushed aggregates for wearing
course including loading of aggregates with F.E. loader,
heating bindeer & aggregates in hot mix plant 30 / 40
tonnes transporting the mixed material with tipper & laying
with paver finisher to the required level & grade, rolling
with power roller 8 - 10 tonnes including cost of tack coat
by bitumen 5 kg / 10 Sqm.

i) 60 / 70 grade bitumen with 80/100 tack coat Sq.M. 64.70 --

ii) 30 / 40 grade bitumen with 80/100 tack coat Sq.M. 66.60 --

Sr. No. Unit Rate for 2005-2006
Code Completed Labour

12 Close Graded Premix Surfacing / Mixed Seal Surfacing

(Mechinical means using HMP of appropriate capacity not
less than 35 tonnes / hour. Providing, laying and rolling of
close graded premix surfacing material of 20 mm thickness
composed of 11.2 mm to 0.09 mm (Type-a) or 13.2 mm to
0.09 mm (Type-b) aggregates using penetration grade
bitumen to the required line, grade and level to serve as
wearing course on a previously prepared base, including
mixing in a suitable plant, laying and rolling with a Smooth
wheeled roller 8-10 tonne capacity and finishing to required
level and grade. excluding cost of tack coat.
Spec. No. M.O.R.T. & H. - 512

Bitumen @ 19 kg / 10 Sqm.

i) Using 60 / 70 bulk Sq.M. 60.00 --

ii) Using 30 / 40 bulk Sq.M. 65.00 --

13 Seal Coat
(Providing and laying seal coat seeling the voids in a
bituminous surface laid to the specified level and cross
fall using Type A and B seal coats)
Spec. No. M.O.R.T. & H. - 513

a) Type A i) Using 60 / 70 bulk Sq.M. 24.00 --

ii) Using 80 / 100 bulk Sq.M. 22.60 --

b) Type B (Providing and laying of premix send seal

coat with HMP of appropriate capacity not less than 75
tonnes / hours using crushed stone chipping 6.7 mm size
and penetration bitumen of suitable grade.)

i) Using 60 / 70 bulk Sq.M. 18.50 --

ii) Using 80 / 100 bulk Sq.M. 17.60 --

Sr. No. Unit Rate for 2005-2006
Code Completed Labour

14 Providing and applying thermo plastic reflective Sq.M. 660.00 --

paint of any colour or compound for trafic lane strips
100 mm wide and 3 mm. thick of Pigment 10% on clean
dry and good road surface with 10% glass beads, 20%
binder, 10% extender and 60% of filler material as per
M.O.S.T. Specification No. 803.4
Spec. No. : M.O.S.T. & H 513


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