This document provides translations between English and German words. It includes translations for terms like "to approach" which translates to "annähern", "midriff" which translates to "die Taille", and "to be conscious of sth." which translates to "sich einer Sache bewusst sein". It contains over 20 translations of terms that relate to concepts like the body, emotions, social interactions, and more. The translations will help someone learn both English and German vocabulary.
This document provides translations between English and German words. It includes translations for terms like "to approach" which translates to "annähern", "midriff" which translates to "die Taille", and "to be conscious of sth." which translates to "sich einer Sache bewusst sein". It contains over 20 translations of terms that relate to concepts like the body, emotions, social interactions, and more. The translations will help someone learn both English and German vocabulary.
This document provides translations between English and German words. It includes translations for terms like "to approach" which translates to "annähern", "midriff" which translates to "die Taille", and "to be conscious of sth." which translates to "sich einer Sache bewusst sein". It contains over 20 translations of terms that relate to concepts like the body, emotions, social interactions, and more. The translations will help someone learn both English and German vocabulary.
This document provides translations between English and German words. It includes translations for terms like "to approach" which translates to "annähern", "midriff" which translates to "die Taille", and "to be conscious of sth." which translates to "sich einer Sache bewusst sein". It contains over 20 translations of terms that relate to concepts like the body, emotions, social interactions, and more. The translations will help someone learn both English and German vocabulary.
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Englisch Erklärung Deutsch
to approach to come nearer annähern
midriff the middle part of the body between the chest and the hips die Taille to be conscious of sth. to be aware of, to notice sth. sich einer Sache bewusst sein outing a short trip with a group of people no longer than a day der Ausflug / die Exkursion to anticipate to expect erwarten to spot to notice sth. that is at first difficult to recognize etw. ausfindig machen, etw. entdecken on the pretence of making it appear you are about to do sth., pretending you are about to do den Anschein erwecken sth. the circumstances conditions that affect a situation Umstände, Gegebenheiten to reveal to show sth. that was hidden before etw. offenlegen underneath directly under another object unterhalb slightly a bit, a little etwas, ein bisschen hesitant uncertain about what to do because you are nervous zögerlich to be aware of sth. to notice sth. etw. erkennen, sich einer Sache bewusst sein awkwardness feeling of embarrassement die Verlegenheit to be caught off guard to be surprised and thus not prepared by sth. happening that is not expected überrascht werden in particular especially insbesondere, besonders to view to look at sth./s.o. etw. betrachten/ansehen to arose your interest to attract s.o.´s attention Interesse erwecken displeasure feeling of being annoyed and upset das Missfallen desperately with a feeling that you have little hope of success verzweifelt respectable socially acceptable angesehen to oblige to do sth. that s.o. has asked you to do gehorchen/verpflichten exhilaration feeling of being happy, excited, and full of energy Heiterkeit, Hochgefühl discontent feeling of unhappiness because you are not satisfied with sth. Unzufriedenheit distaste a feeling that sth. or s.o. is unpleasant (or offensive) Abneigung, Widerwille persona the personality you present to other people Persönlichkeit, Rolle occasion the time of a particular happening or event das Ereignis prejudiced against s.o./sth. having an unreasonable dislike of sth./s.o. because of race, religion etc. jmd. gegenüber voreingenommen sein obedient doing what you are ordered to do gehorsam modestly in way not intend to attract much interest, especially sexual interest bescheiden