(Embodying corrections up to 11th February, 2008)
Govt. Secretariat
Official website: www.finance.kerala.gov.in
The service personnel of the State of Kerala comprise officers of the former
Travancore-Cochin State, those transferred from the former Madras State on the date of
reorganization of the States and those appointed to the service of the new State on or
after 1st November 1956. The officers of the former Travancore – Cochin State
themselves consist of officers who belonged to the former States of Travancore and
Cochin. The service conditions of these different categories of officers are now governed
by three different sets of Rules, viz., (1) The Travancore Service Regulations, (2) The
Cochin Service Regulations and (3) The Fundamental Rules (Madras), the Madras
Pension Code and the Madras Manual of special Pay and Allowances. The need for a
unified set of rules to regulate the service conditions of the employees of the State of
Kerala is obvious. Accordingly Government are pleased to issue these new unified rules
under the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India.
Part I - Rules relating to the General Conditions of Service, Pay fixation, Leave,
Joining time, Foreign Service, etc.
Part II - Rules relating to Travelling Allowance
Part III - Pension
These rules shall be deemed to have come into force from the 1st November 1959.
3. These rules are applicable to all officers who entered the service of the Kerala
State on or after the 1st November, 1956. The rules are also applicable to those who
came into the service of this State from the former State of Travancore – Cochin and the
former Madras State and who elect to be governed by these rules. No option will however
be given in regard to the T.A. Rules. All officers will be governed by the new rules in the
matter of Travelling Allowance.
Any officer who finds any error or omission in these rules or any difficulty in
implementing them is requested to bring it to the notice of the Secretary to Government,
Finance Department.
Since the issue of the First Edition, there have been several amendments to
these rules; very many ‘Rulings’ and ‘Government Decisions’ have also been issued
there under. These ‘Rulings’ and ‘Government Decisions’ have been furnished under
the relevant Rules to make their application easy. All the amendments issued upto
31st March 1964 have been incorporated in this Edition.
Finance Secretary
More than six years have elapsed since the issue of the Second Edition of the
Kerala Service Rules. During this period there had been considerable changes in the
service conditions of Government employees necessitating the issue of a series of
amendments to the Rules. All the amendments, rulings and decisions introduced
after the issue of the Second Edition have been incorporated in this Edition.
A change has been made in this Edition. This volume contains only Parts I –
(Rules relating to the General conditions of Service, Pay, Leave, Joining time,
Foreign Service, etc.) and II – (Rules relating to Travelling Allowance) of the Kerala
Service Rules and the relevant Appendices and Forms. Part III – (Pension) will be
issued as a separate volume.
The arrangement of the rules followed in the previous editions has been
retained in this Edition also.
The Preface to the previous Editions have been reproduced and the
instructions contained in the concluding paragraph of the Preface to the First Edition
continue to apply.
Any officer who finds any error or omission in these rules or any difficulty in
implementing them is requested to bring it to the notice of the Secretary to
Government, Finance Department.
The present edition comprises of Parts I and II of the Kerala Service Rules
and follows the form and order adopted in the fourth edition. Part III Kerala Service
Rules has since been issued as a separate Volume in 1974. This edition
incorporates all amendments, rulings and decisions ordered by Government up to
31st December 1985.
Any officer who finds any error or omission in these rules or any difficulty in
implementing them is requested to bring it to the notice of the Secretary to
Government, Finance Department.
This Sixth edition of Kerala Service Rules, Volume I is published after a lapse
of 14 years since the last edition. All amendments and modifications up to 31st
August 1999 have been incorporated in this edition.
A number of changes have been made in this new edition. The traditional
format has been changed. Referencing is made easy as the number and date of the
Government Orders incorporating amendments/ modifications are shown on the right
side along with the relevant portion of the text, instead of the foot notes followed in
the past.
This Volume will be available for sale on CD ROM also from the Finance
The Seventh Edition of the Kerala Service Rules Vol. I is published after a lapse of
9 years since the last edition. This edition incorporates all amendments, rulings and
decisions ordered by the Government up to 11/02/2008.
This volume will be available for sale on CD Rom also from Finance Department.
Travelling Allowances
(Embodying corrections up to 5th May, 2006)
Chapter I
Section I Grades of officers 1-4 105
,, II General 5-5A 106
,, III Permanent traveling allowance 6-8 107
,, IV Conveyance allowance 9-11 108
,, V Mileage allowance 12-36 109
,, VI Daily allowance 37-40 120
,, VII Actual Expenses 41 121
Chapter II
Section I General 42-45 122
,, II Journeys on tour 46-64 123
,, III Journeys on transfer 65-73 132
,, IV Journey to join New Appointment 74-76 139
,, V Journey to attend an examination 77-79 139
,, VI Journey when proceeding on or
returning from leave 80-83 140
,, VII Journey for joining first
appointment 84 140
,, VIII Journeys during suspension or to
give evidence or to attend a
court of law 85-87A 141
,, IX Journeys to obtain medical
treatment, etc. 88-95 144
,, X Journeys in attendance on an
incapacitated officer or member
of his family 96 145
,, XI Journeys on a course of training 97-98 146
XII Journeys of the family of an officer
who dies in service 99 146
XIII Journey of an officer after
retirement 99A-99B 147
Chapter III
Section I Journeys by Railway 100-102 148
,, II Journeys by Sea or River Steamer 103-104 148
,, III Journeys by Air 105-106 148
,, IV Other journeys 107-109 149
,, V Method of calculating daily
allowance 110 150
Chapter IV Grant of Travelling Allowance to
those who are not in regular
Government service 111-112A 151
Chapter V Controlling Officers 113-116 153
Appendices and Forms 155-206
(16 A) Last Grade Service.- means service in any post included in the [G.O.(P) 1060/79/Fin.,
Kerala Last Grade Service constituted by the Special Rules for the dt. 6-12-1979]
Kerala Last Grade Service, published under G.O.(P) 82/Public
th *[G.O.(P) 626/93/Fin.,
(Rules) Department, dated the 8 March 1966, in Part I of the
th dated 4-10-1993]
Kerala Gazette No.14, dated the 5 April 1966, as amended from
time to time, and includes *all other posts carrying the lowest scale
of pay in the schedule of pay scales in force from time to time and
service in any post declared by the Government to be a post in the
Last Grade Service.
(17) Leave salary.- means the monthly amount paid by Government to
an officer on leave.
Note 3.-The following classes of officers are exempted from producing a medical
certificate of health :-
(1) an officer recruited through a competitive examination who had to
undergo medical examination in accordance with regulations prescribed
for appointment to service under Government;
(2) an officer in service other than the last grade appointed in a temporary
vacancy of less than three months duration;
(3) an officer in the last grade appointed in a temporary vacancy of less
than six months duration ;
(4) a temporary officer who has already been medically examined in one
office if transferred to another office without a break in service subject to
the provision of Note 2 above;
(5) a retired officer re-employed immediately after retirement.
[Rules 23-24A
[Rule 24A
† †
This amendment shall be deemed to have come into force [GO (P)637/02/Fin.
witheffect from 5 February, 1996. dt. 19.10.2002]
CHAP.IV] PAY [Rules 27-28
CHAP.IV] PAY [Rule 28A
Provided that the provisions of this rule shall not apply to ∗&**[G.O.(P)
promotions from posts carrying a scale of pay the minimum pay of 191/2002/Fin.
which exceeds *Rs.3900 &** Rs.12,600 respectively. dt. 1-4-2002
This amendment shall be deemed to have come into force with
st st
effect from *1 March 1992 and **1 March, 1997respectively.
The limit of Rs.550 has been revised to Rs.650 with effect from 1st [G.O.(P) 624/84/Fin.,
January 1966 [G.O. (P) 261/67/Fin., dated 4th July 1967, G.O.(P) dt. 29-10-1984]
91/68/Fin., dated 5th March 1968] and Rs.650 to Rs.900 with effect
from 1st July 1968 [G.O. (P) 173/70/Fin., dated 20th March 1970] and
from Rs.900 to Rs.1200 with effect from 1st July 1973 [G.O. (P)
136/75/Fin., dated 1st April 1975 and from Rs.1,200 to Rs.1,550 with
effect from 1st July 1978[G.O.(P) 493/79/Fin., dated 28th May 1979]
and from Rs.1550 to Rs.2100 with effect from 1st July, 1983 [G.O.(P)
1109/87/Fin. dated 23rd December 1987] and from Rs.2100 to
Rs.2640 with effect from 1st July 1988 [G.O.(P) 1005/92/Fin. dated
27th November, 1992]
Provided also that where a Government servant is immediately before [G.O.(P) 348/75/Fin.,
his promotion or appointment to a higher post, drawing pay at the dt. 1-8-1975]
maximum of the time-scale of the lower post, his initial pay in the time-
scale of the higher post shall be fixed at the stage next above the pay
notionally arrived at by increasing his pay in respect of the lower post
by an amount equal to the last increment in the time-scale of the lower
Effective from the date of order.
Provided that if he has either previously held substantively or officiated [G.O.(P) 710/70/Fin.,
in (i) the same post or (ii) a permanent or temporary post on the same dt. 5-10-1970]
time-scale or (iii) a permanent post on an identical time-scale or a
temporary post on an identical time-scale, such post being on the
same time-scale as a permanent post, then the initial pay shall not be
less than the pay which he drew, on the last such occasion and he
shall count for increment the period during which he drew that pay on
such last or any previous occasions.
This amendment shall be deemed to have come into force with
effect from 21 July 1964.
Ruling No.1
In cases where the application of the rule would give rise to anomalies
in as much as an officer officiating in a higher post could get his pay
refixed at a stage higher than the pay drawn by another who stands
confirmed in the higher post on the same scale of pay, the anomaly
will be removed by refixing the pay of the senior officer at the stage
equal to that fixed for the junior officer in the higher post, the orders of
refixation being issued by the competent authority under Rule 34, Part
I, Kerala Service Rules. The refixation of pay in such cases will be
made subject to the following conditions:
CHAP.IV] PAY [Rule 28A
(a) Both the junior and senior officers should belong to the same
cadre and the post in which they have been promoted or
confirmed, as the case may be, should be identical and in the
same cadre.
(b) The scale of pay of the lower post in which they would have
drawn their pay but for their promotion or confirmation should
be identical.
(c) The anomaly should be directly as a result of the application
of Rule 28A. For example, if the junior officer draws from time
to time a higher rate of pay than the senior by virtue of fixation
of pay under the normal rules or any advance increment
granted to him, the provision contained in this ruling should
not be involved to step up the pay of the senior officer.
(d) The refixation of pay of the senior officer should be done with
effect from the date of refixation of pay of the junior officer.
The next increment of the senior officer will however be
drawn on the date on which it would have fallen due but for
this refixation of pay.
Ruling No.2
In the case of a Government servant, officiating in a post and [G.O.(P) 24/65/Fin.,
whose pay had been refixed under this rule, if he is confirmed in dt. 13-1-1965]
that post with effect from a retrospective date, the refixation of pay
done after the date of confirmation will have to be revised. The
over payments consequent on such revision will first be set off
against the arrears, if any, that might become payable to the
Government servant for a portion of the period from the date of
confirmation to the date of issue of orders of confirmation. The
balance of overpayments that cannot be set off against the arrears,
if any, shall be waived.
This Ruling will be deemed to have come into force with effect from
3 February 1962.
Ruling No. 3
The refixation of pay in the higher officiating post on the [G.O.(P) 650/72/Fin.,
date of change of pay in the lower time-scale contemplated in this dt. 12-12-1972]
rule cannot be allowed during the period of bar on increment with
or without cumulative effect. But, in the cases of bar on increment
without cumulative effect there is no objection to give the refixation
on a notional basis and to give the monetary benefit after the expiry
of the period of bar. Increments accruing in the lower
substantive/officiating post from time to time cannot also be allowed
during the period of bar.
Ruling No 4
Increments barred with or without cumulative effect in the [G.O.(P) 150/77/Fin.,
lower substantive officiating post shall not be reckoned for dt. 17-5-1977]
fixation/refixation of pay in the higher time-scale. But in the case of
bar on increment without cumulative effect, there is no objection to
grant the barred increments notionally for fixation/refixation of pay
and to give the monetary benefit after the expiry of the period of
Ruling No. 5
A revision of pay as contemplated in Ruling No. 2 shall not [G.O.(P) 79/75/Fin.,
be necessary in the case of retrospective confirmation ordered after dt. 3-3-1975]
the date of retirement of an officer.
CHAP.IV] PAY [Rule 28A
This ruling will be deemed to have taken effect from 3 February
CHAP.IV] PAY [Rule 28A - 30
This decision shall be deemed to have come into force with effect
from 1 July 1973.
CHAP.IV] PAY [Rule 30
1. Cases in which the revised scale of pay takes effect from a date prior to the
date of suspension.
In such cases the officer should be allowed to exercise the option under
Rule 30 even if the period, during which he is to exercise the option, falls
within the period of suspension. He will be entitled to the benefit of
increase in pay if any, in respect of the duty period before suspension,
and also in the subsistence allowance, for the period of suspension, as a
result of such option.
2. Cases in which the revised scale of pay takes effect from a date falling within
the period of suspension—
(iii). If the pay drawn in the previous scale is not a stage, then the
pay in the revised scale may be fixed at the next lower stage,
the difference being treated as personal pay to be absorbed in
future increase in pay.
2. The above principles will also be adopted for regulating the pay
of an officer holding a post on a provisional basis when
appointed to a higher or a lower post provisionally, except in
cases of reversion.
3. Past cases settled otherwise, will not be re-opened. [G.O.(P) 297/66/Fin.,
dt. 5-7-1966]
Ruling No.1
If an officer earns increment earlier than or after the original date [G.O.(P) 364/67/Fin.,
on which he was supposed to get it at the time of exercise of option dt. 14 –8-1967]
under the above rule due to revision of the date of increment, his
pay should automat ically be re-fixed with effect from the revised
date of increment with reference to the original option exercised by
him under this rule and there will be no need for exercising a fresh
option and issue of special orders for this.
CHAP.IV] PAY [Rules 30-31
Ruling No.2
The pay of an officer when the post held by him is
upgraded will be regulated as follows :
(i). If the competent authority specifically orders that the
appointment of an officer to the upgraded post involves an
enhancement of duties and higher responsibilities and is
therefore a promotion, pay will be fixed under Rule 28, 28A
or 37 (a) of Part I, Kerala Service Rules, as the case may be.
(ii). In other cases, pay will be fixed under Rule 37 (a), Part I [G.O.(P) 522/81/Fin.,
Kerala Service Rules. dt. 21-8-1981]
In cases where penalties of withholding of increments are [G.O.(P) 329/84/Fin.,
imposed on an officer, one after another, in separate disciplinary dt. 5-7-1984]
cases, the effect of the first order withholding increment will
CHAP.IV] PAY [Rules 31-33
continue for the period specified in that order. There after, the pay
will be fixed by granting the increments which would have been
admissible, but for the imposition of penalty and only then will the
second order withholding increment be implemented, which will
continue to be in force for the period specified therein, and so on.
32. Where an efficiency bar is prescribed in a time-scale, the increment
next above the bar shall not be given to an officer without the
specific sanction of the authority empowered to withhold
Note 1.- On each occasion on which an officer is allowed to pass
an efficiency bar which had previously been enforced
against him, he should come over to the time-scale at
such stage as the authority competent to declare the bar
removed, may fix for him, subject to the pay admissible
according to his length of service.
Note 2. - The cases of all officers held up at an efficiency bar should
be reviewed annually with a view to determine whether
the quality of their work has improved and generally,
whether the defects for which they were stopped at the
bar have been remedied, to an extent sufficient to warrant
the removal of the bar.
33. The following provisions prescribe the conditions on which service
counts for increments in a time-scale :-
Periods of service in a post on a time-scale at the same [G.O. (P) 235/80/Fin.,
stage of pay only will count for increment in that time-scale. dt. 7-4-1980]
The above ruling will be deemed to have come into force
with effect from 1 November 1959.
(b) (1) Service in another post other than a post carrying less pay [G.O.(P) 544/62/Fin.,
referred to in clause (a) of Rule 21, whether in a substantive or dt. 8-11-1962]
officiating capacity, service on deputation and leave except
leave without allowances taken otherwise than on medical
G.O.(P) 81/64/Fin.,
certificate shall count for increments in the time-scale
dt. 21-2-1964]
applicable to the post on which the officer holds a lien as well
as in the time-scale applicable to the post or posts, if any, on
which he would hold a lien had his lien not been suspended.
(2) All leave except leave without allowances taken otherwise than
on medical certificate and service on deputation count for
increments in the time-scale applicable to a post in which an
officer was officiating at the time he proceeded on leave or
deputation and would have continued to officiate but for his
proceeding on leave or deputation:
Provided that the leave without allowances under Rule 91 A shall
[G.O.(P) 204/76/Fin.,
count for increments subject to the following conditions :-
dt. 15-7-1976]
CHAP.IV] PAY [Rule 33
*Provided also that leave without allowances taken without [G.O.(P) 145/86/Fin.,
production of medical certificate in continuation of maternity leave dt. 11-2-1986]
in accordance with the proviso to Rule 102 will count for increment’.
*This proviso shall be deemed to have come into force with
effect from 5 June, 1978.
Note.- In cases coming under sub-clause (2) the appointing
authority should certify that the officer would have actually
continued to officiate in the post but for his proceeding on
leave and the period of leave will count for increments only to
the extent it is covered by the certificate. Where no officiating
arrangement is made in a leave vacancy and where the
incumbent is likely to return to the same post after the expiry
of the leave the authority sanctioning the leave may issue
such a certificate at the time of grant of leave. In all cases
where the certificates are issued the fact should be recorded
in the Service Book as and when such certificates are issued
along with the leave particulars.
(c) If an officer, while officiating in a post or holding a temporary post
on a time-scale of pay, is appointed to officiate in a higher post or
to hold a higher temporary post, his officiating or temporary
service in the higher post shall, if he is re-appointed to the lower
post or is appointed or re-appointed to a post on the same time-
scale of pay, count for increments in the time-scale applicable to
such lower post.
If an officer on reversion from an ex-cadre post to the parent cadre
is appointed to a post on a scale lower than that of the ex-cadre
post but not on the same time-scale as the post held at the time of
his transfer to the ex-cadre post, the service rendered on the
higher scale in the ex -cadre post shall count for increments in the
time-scale applicable to the cadre post subject to the same
conditions as are laid down for cases falling under item (ii) of
proviso to Rule 28.
Exception .- In cases where the appointment is to officiate in a
higher post or to hold a higher temporary post, in the
regular line, the officiating and temporary service in the
higher post shall count for increments in time-scale
applicable to the lower post, even if the officer is not re-
appointed to the lower post or is not appointed or re-
appointed to a post on the same time-scale of pay.
The period of officiating/temporary service in the higher post which
counts for increment in the lower is, however, restricted to the
period during which the officer would have officiated in the lower
post but for his appointment to the higher post. This clause applies
also to an officer who is not actually officiating in the lower post, but
who would have so officiated in such lower post or in a post on the
same time-scale of pay had he not been appointed to the higher
CHAP.IV] PAY [Rule 33
Note.- For the purpose of this rule, the officiating and temporary [G.O.(P) 97/70/Fin.,
service in the higher posts will include the period of leave dt. 3-2-1970]
which counts for increments under clause (b).
dt. 1-3-1972]
(d) If an officer’s substantive tenure of a temporary post is interrupted
by duty in another post other than a post carrying less pay referred
to in clause (a) of Rule 21 or by leave other than leave without
allowances or by foreign service, such duty or leave or foreign
service counts for increments in the time-scale applicable to the
temporary post if the officer returns to the temporary post:
Provided that the Government may in any case in which they are
satisfied that the leave was taken on account of illness or for any
other cause beyond the officer’s control, direct that leave without
allowances shall be counted for increments under this clause.
(e) Foreign service counts for increments in the time-scale applicable
service for purposes of increment under Rule 33 (a) read with Rule
12 (35) (b).
4. The above procedure will not apply to the grant of advance [Circular No. 8/64/Fin.,
increments on notional basis for purposes of fixation of pay due to dt. 23-1-1964]
considerations other than of meritorious services of Government
CHAP.IV] PAY [Rules 34-36
(ii) The stage in the time-scale (in terms of rupees) to which the
Government servant is reduced in the following form :
CHAP.IV] PAY [Rules 36-37
(i) If the order of reduction lays down that the period of reduction
shall not operate to postpone future increments, the
Government servant should be allowed the pay which he
would have drawn in the normal course but for the reduction.
If, however, the pay drawn by him immediately before
reduction was below the efficiency bar he should not be
allowed to cross the bar except in accordance with the
provision of Rule 32, Part I, Kerala Service Rules.
(ii) If the orders specifies that the period of reduction was to
dt. 14 -01-1964]
operate to postpone future increments for any specified period,
the pay of the Government servant shall be fixed in
accordance with (i) above, but after treating the period for G.O.(P) 262/66/Fin.,
which the increments were to be postponed as not counting for dt. 16-6-1966]
37. (a) Subject to the provisions of Rule 33 (c) and Rule 39, an officer
holding a permanent or officiating post, if appointed to officiate on
a higher time-scale of pay, will draw as initial pay the stage next
above his pay in the lower time-scale irrespective of whether the
pay in the lower time-scale is a stage in the higher time-scale or
not. A refixation will be allowed whenever there is change of pay in
the lower time-scale, i.e., when his pay therein becomes equal to
or greater than the pay which he draws in the higher time-scale.
*[G.O (P).211/05/Fin.,
*(b) In the case of officiating appointments from a higher time scale of
dt. 11-5-2005.]
pay to a lower time scale of pay, by direct recruitment, the officer’s
officiating pay in the lower time scale shall be fixed at the
minimum of the scale of pay of the new post without considering
his pay in the higher time scale except in the cases where such
appointments are made in accordance with the Special Rules
applicable to such appointment and in the case of such
appointments, the Officer’s officiating pay in the new time scale
shall be fixed at his officiating pay in the previous appointment, if
it is a stage in the new time scale or at the next lower stage, if it is
not a stage in the new time scale, the difference being treated as
personal pay to be absorbed in future increases. But nothing in
this sub rule shall apply to cases of reversions.
Provided that in cases covered by sub-rules (a) and (b) other than cases of
re-employment after resignation, removal or dismissal from public service,
if he has previously either held substantively or officiated in (i) the same
post, or (ii) permanent or temporary post on the same time-scale, or (iii) a
permanent post on an identical time-scale or a temporary post (including a
post in a body, incorporated or not, which is wholly or substantially owned
or controlled by the Government ) on an identical time-scale, then the
initial pay shall not, except in cases of reversion to the parent cadre
governed by item (iii) above, be less than the pay which he drew on the
last such occasion and he shall count the period during which he drew that
pay on such last and any previous occasions for increment in the stage of
the time-scale equivalent to that pay. The service rendered in a post
referred to in item (iii) shall, on reversion to the parent cadre, count
towards initial fixation of pay to the extent and subject to the conditions
indicated below:
(a) the officer should have been approved for appointment to the
particular grade/post in which the previous service is to be
(b) all his seniors, except those regarded as unfit for such
appointment, were serving in posts carrying the scale of pay
in which the benefit is to be allowed or in higher posts,
whether in the department itself or elsewhere, and atleast one
CHAP.IV] PAY [Rule 37
(c) the service will count from the date his junior is promot ed and
the benefit will be limited to the period the officer would have
held the post in his parent cadre had he not been appointed
to the ex-cadre post.
Ruling No. 1
When a person in a post (whether within the cadre of his service or [G.O.(P) 417/78/Fin.,
not) is for any reason prevented from officiating in his turn in a post dt. 12-4-1978]
on a higher scale or grade borne on the cadre of the service to
which he belongs, he may be authorised by special order of the
appropriate authority proforma officiating promotion into such scale
or grade and thereupon be granted the pay of that scale or grade
if that be more advantageous to him on such occasion on which
the person immediately junior to him in the cadre of his service (or
if that person had been passed over for reasons of inefficiency or
unsuitability or because he is on leave or serving outside the
ordinary line or forgoes officiating promotion of his own volition to
that scale or grade, then the person next junior to him not so
passed over) draws officiating salary in that scale or grade. But in
case, where the person immediately junior to him happens to
assume charge of the post on a later date than that of another
junior, the senior who is outside the ordinary line shall be eligible
for the benefit of proforma officiating promotion with effect from
such date as the other junior assumes charge of the post:
Provided that all persons senior to the persons to whom the benefit
under the substantive part of this rule is to be allowed are also
drawing, unless they have been passed over for one or other of the
reasons aforesaid, officiating salary in the said or some higher
scale within the cadre :
Provided further that not more than one person (either the senior
most fit person in a series of adjacent persons outside the ordinary
line, or if such a person either forgoes the benefit on his own
volition or dues not require benefits by virtue of his holding a post
outside the ordinary line which secures him at least equivalent
benefits in respect of salary and pension then the next below the
series ) may be authorised to draw the salary of the higher scale or
grade in respect of any one officiating vacancy within the cadre
filled by his junior under this rule.
Note 1.- A fortuitous officiating promotion given to a person who is
junior to one outside the regular line does not in itself give
rise to a claim under the ‘Next Below Rule’.
Note 2.- The provisions in item (iii) of the proviso to the above rule
[G.O.(P) 393/63/Fin.
in respect of protection of pay and period of increment shall
dt. 2-7-1963]
be applicable to Government Servants on their
appointment directly or on transfer from a post carrying
identical time-scale of pay without fulfilment of the
conditions indicated thereunder subject to the condition that
this benefit will not be admissible to an individual who
enters Government service for the first time from a post in
a body incorporated or not which is wholly or substantially
owned or controlled by Government.
Ruling No. 2
1. Scope of the term “outside the ordinary line”.-The [G.O.(P) 610/64/Fin.,
expression “outside the ordinary line” occurring in Ruling dt. 27-8-1964]
No.1 is not intended to be rigidly interpreted as necessary
CHAP.IV] PAY [Rule 37
Ruling No. 4
[G.O.(P) 650/72/Fin.,
The refixation of pay in the higher officiating post on the dt. 12-12-1972]
date of change of pay in the lower time-scale contemplated in this
rule cannot be allowed during the period of bar on increment with
or without cumulative effect. But, in the cases of bar on increment
CHAP.IV] PAY [Rule 37
(i) If the pay drawn in the previous scale is less than the
minimum of the revised scale, then the pay in the revised
scale may be fixed at the minimum.
(ii) If the pay drawn in the previous scale is a stage in the
revised scale, the pay in the revised scale may be fixed at
that stage.
(iii) If the pay drawn in the previous scale is not a stage, then
the pay in the revised scale may be fixed at the next lower
stage, the difference being treated as personal pay to be
absorbed in future increase in pay.
CHAP.IV] PAY [Rules 37-37A
CHAP.IV] PAY Rule 37A - 37B
CHAP.IV] PAY [Rules 37B -40
40. The Government may issue general or special orders allowing acting promotions
to be made in place of officers who are treated as on duty under Rule 12 (7) (iii).
CHAP.IV] PAY [Rules 41-43
Government Decision
In respect of examinations conducted by the Education {G.O.(P) 193/60/Fin.,
Department, the Public Service Commission, the University etc., it dt. 12-4-1960,
is not necessary to accord individual sanction for acceptance of
G.O.(Ms) 45/61/Fin.,
remuneration in every case of Government servant undertaking
dt. 3-2-1961
such work. Any officer of Government, who is called upon to
undertake work in connection with the examination, conducted by &
the following examining bodies, will be permitted to accept such
st G.O.(P) 386/71/Fin.,
assignment and the remuneration therefore with effect from 1
dt. 5-7-1971}
November 1959:-
1. The Kerala University and other Universities.
2. The Union Public Service Commission, the Public Service
Commission of the States and the Secretarial Training School,
Cabinet Secretariat of the Government of India.
3. The London Chamber of Commerce.
4. The Departments of this Government.
5. The Forest Research Institute and Colleges, Dehra Dun and
6. The Kerala State Co-operative Union in respect of Co- [G.O.(P) 296/66/Fin.,
operative Subordinate Personnel Training Examination. dt. 4 -7-1966.
The item No.6 shall be deemed to have come into force
with effect from 10 May 1966.
48. Unless the Government by special order otherwise direct, one-third [G.O.(P) 389/65/Fin.,
of any non-recurring fee exceeding †Rs.2000 or one-third of any dt. 11-10-1965]
recurring fee exceeding †Rs.1250 a year, paid to an officer, shall
be credited to the General Revenues.
Note 1.- If any fee to which this rule applies exceeds †Rs.2000 non-recurring or
†Rs.1250 a year recurring one-third of the total amount payable should
be credited to the General Revenues, provided that the amount retained
by the officer concerned will not, merely owing to the operation of this
rule, be reduced below †Rs.2000, if non-recurring or †Rs.1250 a year if
Non-recurring and recurring fees should be dealt with
separately and should not be added for the purpose of crediting
one-third to General Revenues under this rule. In the case of the
former, the limit of †Rs.2000 prescribed in this rule should be
applied in each individual case, and in the case of the latter the
limit of †Rs.1250 should be applied with reference to the total
recurring fees for the financial year.
†This amendment shall be deemed to have come into [G.O.(P) 1248/97/Fin.,
force with effect from 26 July 1995. dt. 10-12-1997]
Note 2.-The above rule does not apply to fees received by officers from a
University or other examining body in return for their services as
examiners or from the revenues of another Government in return for their
services to that Government* and also to the royalties received by officers
from the publishers for the sale of the books written by them even with the
aid of knowledge acquired during the course of their service.
* This amendment shall be deemed to have come into force with effect
from 11th October 1971.
49. Honoraria.- The Government may grant or permit an officer to receive
an honorarium as remuneration for work performed which is
occasional in character and either so laborious or of such special
merit as to justify a special reward. Except when special reasons,
which should be recorded in writing exist, for a departure from this
This amendment shall be deemed to have come into force on 1
March, 1997.
(II) Posts in the same office, establishment or line of promotion or
cadre. - Cases of this nature shall further be divided as follows :-
(a) When the additional post is subordinate to the regular post,
*special allowance shall not be admissible e.g.,
Superintendent of Police holding charge of the post of
Assistant Superintendent of Police or Deputy Superintendent
of Police and District Collector holding the charge of the post
of Revenue Divisional Officer under him.
Note.-The reason for the non-grant of *special allowance In the above cases is
that the superior officer is expected to supervise the work of the
subordinates and the additional charge arrangements should not entitle
him to extra remuneration. The work of the additional post should be
redistributed among other subordinates in such a way that each one’s load
of work is increased to a small extent that no one need be given *special
(b) When the additional post is of equivalent and of the same
rank as that of the regular post the following principles shall
(1) If additional charge arrangements are in respect of different
territorial jurisdictions, the posts are definitely independent
and in such cases *special allowance shall be admissible,
e.g., Revenue Divisional Officer of one district/division holding
charge of another district/division and one Block Development
Officer holding charge of another block.
(2) If additional charge arrangements are in respect of posts in
the same office and of the same rank, *special allowance
shall not be admissible if the duties of the additional post are *[G.O.(P)635/02/Fin.
identical in nature and if the responsibilities are such as can dtd. 19.10.02]
easily be spread out among others holding the same post,
e.g., if a Deputy Collector goes on leave and if the Collector
has a number of Deputy Collectors working under him, he
should consider whether he can distribute the responsibilities
of the Deputy Collector on leave to the other Deputy
Collectors so as not to increase substantially each one’s load
of work.
This amendment shall be deemed to have come into force on 1
March, 1997
(3) If the additional charge arrangements are in the same office
and if the responsibilities attached to the post are indivisible
and cannot be distributed to more than one officer, special
allowance* shall be admissible. In such cases, a certificate to {**}Omitted
the effect that the responsibilities of the post held in additional [G.O.(P) 242/02/Fin.
charge are not divisible, should be furnished by the dtd. 22.4.02]
competent authority, {**} e.g. Deputy Director of Animal
Husbandry (Key Village) or Deputy Director of Animal
Husbandry (Veterinary) or Deputy Director of Animal
Husbandry (Extension) holding charge of the other post.
This shall be deemed to have come into force w.e.f. 13 October,
(c) When the additional post is superior to the regular post and is
carrying higher scale of pay *special allowance shall be
admissible, e.g., Deputy Secretary or Joint Secretary to
(d) *** All India Service Officers, State Government Officers and ***Substitution
Judicial Officers who are in the scale of pay of Secretary to [G.O.(P) 218/05/Fin.
Government and above shall not be eligible for charge dated 11-5-2005]
allowance for holding additional charge of other posts.
!Note: Clause (d) shall be deemed to have come into force with
! Insertion
effect from 13th October, 1995 in respect of All India Service
[G.O (P) 76/2007/Fin
Officers and 7th November, 2002 in respect of others.
dated 27/02/2007]
C. Deductions of the following nature should not be made from the subsistence
(i) Subscription to a General Provident Fund.
(ii) Amount due to Court attachments.
(iii) Recovery of loss to Government for which an officer is responsible.
(d) As regards recovery of overpayments, there is no bar to effect the same
from the subsistence allowance, but such recoveries of overpayments
should not ordinarily be made at a rate greater than one- third of the amount
of the subsistence allowance i.e., exclusive of dearness allowance if any,
admissible to him.
Note 3.- No payment under the rules shall be made unless the officer furnishes a
certificate that he is not engaged in any other employment, business,
profession or vocation. In the case of non-gazetted officers, the certificate
signed by the officer should be countersigned by a gazetted officer, in token
of acceptance. It should then be attached to ht e bill in which subsistence
allowance for the period covered by the certificate is claimed. In the case of
gazetted officers payment of subsistence allowance will be authorised by the
Accountant General on the basis of the sanction issued by the competent
authority and the Treasury Officer will pay the allowance only if a similar
countersigned certificate is attached to the bill claiming it.
Note 3A.-Compensatory allowance under clause (ii) above may be granted [G.O.(P) 320/68/Fin.,
provided the officer certifies that for the period for which the allowance is dt. 26-6-1968]
claimed, he continued to incur the whole or a considerable part of the
expense to meet which the allowance was granted. The maximum period for
which the compensatory allowance may be paid shall be limited to 180 days.
* This amendment shall be deemed to have come into force w.e.f. 25th July, *G.O.(P)58/06/Fin.
1995. dt.4.2.06
Note 4.- In the case of an officer under suspension before 27th July 1962 recovery
of House Construction Advance shall be limited to 1/3 of the subsistence
allowance or the usual rate of monthly instalment whichever is lower. No
penal interest shall be levied on the defaulted portion of the instalment.
This amendment shall be deemed to have come into force with effect from 25th
July, 1995.
55A. [Deleted] [G.O.(P) 549/88/Fin.,
dt. 31-8-1988]
This amendment shall be deemed to have come into force
with effect from 3 February 1988.
55B. (i) Notwithstanding any thing contained in Rule 55, when an officer is [G.O.(P) 907/97/Fin.,
placed under suspension while on leave without allowances, he dt. 24-10-1997]
shall not be eligible for any subsistence allowance during the
period of the leave. On the expiry of the leave if he continues to be
on suspension, he shall be entitled to the subsistence allowance.
If he is reinstated before the expiry of the leave, he shall continue
to be on leave till its expiry, unless the officer other wise desires.
(ii) In the case of an Officer on leave with allowances, the orders of
suspension shall have the effect of cancelling the leave for the
period of suspension. He shall be entitled to subsistence
56. (1) When an officer who has been dismissed, removed or compulsorily
retired including an officer who has been compulsorily retired under
Rule 60A, is reinstated as a result of appeal or review or would have
been so reinstated, but for his retirement on superannuation while
under suspension or not, the authority competent to order
reinstatement shall consider and make a specific order-
(a) regarding the pay and allowances to be paid to the officer for the
[Rules 56-56A
Note1.- The order of the competent authority under the preceding proviso shall
be absolute and no higher sanction shall be necessary for the grant of -
(a) Leave without allowances in excess of three months in the case of a
temporary officer; and
(b) Leave of any kind in excess of five years in the case of a permanent officer.
Note2.-The leave of any kind due and admissible referred to in the proviso shall [G.O.(P) 839/92/Fin.,
include commuted leave also. dt. 4-11-1992]
(6) The payment of allowances under sub-rule (2) or sub-rule (4) shall
be subject to all other conditions under which such allowances are
(7) The amount (not being the whole) of such pay and allowances
determined under the provision to sub-rule (2) or under sub-rule (4)
shall not be less than the subsistence allowance and other
allowances admissible under Rule 55.
(8) Any payment made under this rule to an officer on his
reinstatement shall be subject to adjustment of the amount, if any,
earned by him through an employment during the period between
the date of removal, dismissal or compulsory retirement, as the
case may be, and the date of reinstatement. Where the
emoluments admissible under this rule are equal to or less than the
amounts earned during the employment elsewhere, nothing shall
be paid to the officer.
56A. (1) Where the dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement of an
officer is set aside by a Court of Law and such officer is reinstated
without holding any further inquiry the period of absence from duty
shall be regularised and the officer shall be paid pay and
allowances in accordance with the provisions of sub-rule (2) or
sub-rule (3) subject to the directions, if any, of the court.
(2) Where the dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement of an
officer is set aside by the court solely on the ground of non-
compliance with the requirements of clause (2) of Article 311 of the
Constitution, and where he is not exonerated on merits, the pay
and allowances to be paid to the officer for the period intervening
between the date of dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement
including the period of suspension preceding such dismissal,
removal or compulsory retirement, as the case may be, and the
date of reinstatement shall be determined by the competent
authority and the said period shall be regularised, in accordance
with the provisions contained in sub-rule (4), (5) and (7) of Rule 56.
(3) If the dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement of an officer is
set aside by the court on the merits of the case, the period
intervening between the date of dismissal, removal or compulsory
retirement including the period of suspension preceding such
dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement, as the case may be,
and the date of reinstatement shall be treated as duty for all
purposes and he shall be paid the full pay and allowances for the
period, in which he would have been entitled, had he not been
dismissed, removed or compulsorily retired or suspended prior to
such dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement, as the case
may be.
(4) The payment of allowances under sub-rule (2) or sub-rule (3) shall
be subject to all other conditions under which such allowances are
(5) Any payment made under this rule to an officer on his
reinstatement shall be subject to adjustment of the amount, if any,
earned by him through an employment during the period between
Note 5.- If an officer under suspension is dismissed *or removed with retrospective *[G.O.(P) 46/80/Fin.,
effect from the date of suspension, no recovery should be made of the dt.15-1-1980]
subsistence allowance already paid to him, and arrears of subsistence
allowance, if any, due to him upto the date of the order dismissing *or removing
him should be paid to him. The arrears of subsistence allowance due to the
officer should not be adjusted against any amounts due from him to
Note 6.- If an officer under suspension is compulsorily retired with retrospective effect
from the date of suspension, the pension due to the officer from the date of such
retirement to the date of the order compulsorily retiring him shall be with held if
the rate of pension is lower than or equal to the rate of subsistence allowance
granted to him. In case the pension happens to be higher than the subsistence
allowance granted the difference shall be paid to the officer. (Note 6 shall be
deemed to have come into force with effect from 22nd August 1960).
Ruling No. 1
Notwithstanding the provision contained in clause (4), an officer [G.O.(P) 593/63/Fin., dt.
who is reinstated under clause (1) and who would have been eligible 21-11-1963]
for promotion to a higher post during the period of suspension but for
the suspension will be entitled to the pay and allowances of the higher
post only from the date on which he assumes charge of that post.
Ruling No. 2
It is not necessary to create an additional post to draw the pay [G.O.(P) 273/73/Fin.,
and allowances of an officer who has been placed under suspension dt. 11-7-1973]
and is reinstated in service, treating the period of absence as duty.
57. An officer who is detained in custody, whether on a criminal charge, or [G.O.(P) 266/67/Fin., dt.
otherwise, for a period exceeding forty-eight hours, or is undergoing 6-7-1967]
imprisonment, shall be deemed to be under suspension with effect
from the date of commencement of the detention or imprisonment, as
the case may be, and shall not be allowed to draw any pay and
allowances during such period of suspension other than any
subsistence allowance and other allowances that may be granted in
accordance with Rule 55, until he is reinstated in service. An
adjustment of his pay and allowances for such periods should
thereafter be made according to the circumstances of the case, the full
amount being given only in the event of the officer being acquitted of
blame or (if the proceedings taken against him were for his arrest for
debt) of its being provided that the officer’s liability arose from
circumstances beyond his control.
58. An officer against whom a criminal charge or a proceeding for arrest [G.O.(P) 266/67/Fin.,
for debt is pending in a court of law should also be placed under dt. 6-7-1967]
suspension by the issue of specific orders to this effect during periods
when he is not actually detained in custody or imprisoned (e.g., whilst
released on bail) if the charge made or proceeding taken against him
is connected with his position as an officer or is likely to embarrass
him in the discharge of his duties as such or involves moral turpitude
unless there are exceptional reasons for not adopting this course. In
regard to his pay and allowances the provisions of the rule above shall
59. Leave may not be granted to an officer under suspension.
60. (a) Except as otherwise provided in these rules the date of [G.O.(P) 344/75/Fin.,
compulsory retirement of an officer shall take effect from the dt. 31-7-1975]
afternoon of the last day of the month in which he attains the age
of 55 years. He may be retained after this date only with the
sanction of Government on public grounds which must be
recorded in writing, but he must not be retained after the age of
60 years except in very special circumstances.
(a a) An Officer in the Kerala Judicial Service or the Kerala State [G.O.(P) 457/95/Fin.,
Higher Judicial Service shall ordinarily retire when he attains the dt. 28-7-1995]
age of 60 years; but he shall have the option to retire when he
attains the age of 58 years. His continuance in service beyond
the age of 58 years shall however be subject to review by the
High Court as per the provisions of the Kerala Judicial Service
Rules and the Kerala State Higher Judicial Service Rules.
This amendment shall be deemed to have come into force
with effect from 31 December , 1992.
(a b) *A person appointed as Industrial Tribunal shall retire on *Insertion
superannuation at the age of 60 years. [G.O.(P) 213/05/Fin.,
dt. 11-5-2005]
This amendment shall be deemed to have come into force w.e.f.
1 July, 1995.
*(a c) A person appointed as Vigilance Tribunal under the Kerala Civil *Insertion [G.O (P)
Services (Vigilance Tribunal) Rules, 1960 shall retire on No.77/2008/Fin dated
superannuation at the age of 60 years. 11/02/2008]
*This shall be deemed to have come into force on the 9th day of
March, 2005.
(b) Officers in the Last Grade Service on 7 April 1970 will retire on [G.O.(P) 344/75/Fin.,
the afternoon of the last day of the month in which they attain the dt. 31-7-1975]
age of 60 years provided that this benefit will be available to them
only as long as they continue to be in the Last Grade Service as
defined in Rule 12 (16-A).
Note. 1- Ex-servicemen who were in armed force prior to 7th April, 1970 and who G.O.(P) 535/90/Fin. dt.
have been appointed as Last Grade Employees in the Last Grade 25-10-1990.
Service in the State after 7th April 1970 will also be eligible for the benefit
of the above rule provided they continue to be in the Last Grade Service.
**Note. 2-The patient employees appointed as Hospital attendant Grade II in the **Insertion
Leprosy Hospitals under Health Services Department will also be eligible
[G.O. (P) 159/02/Fin
for the benefit of the above rule irrespective of the date of appointment.
dt. 22-3-2002]
This amendment shall be deemed to have come into force w.e.f.23rd
August, 1984.
(c) The teaching staff of all educational institutions (including
Principals of Colleges) who complete the age of 55 years during
the course of an academic year shall continue in service till the
last day of the month in which the academic year ends. ++ But
the extended period of service will not count as qualifying service
for pension and the pay received during the period will not be
reckoned for computing average emoluments or pensionary
benefits or commuted value of pension. *(They shall be entitled
to the benefits of increments and promotion which fall due, before
the last day of the month in which they attain the age of 55 years.
But they shall not be eligible for increment or promotion during the
period of their service beyond such date). +++They shall also not
be eligible for the benefits of pay revision effective from a date
after the date of superannuation, under sub-rule (a) of rule 60. **
If they are on leave on the day they attain the age of 55 years and
fail to rejoin duty on the first working day immediately after the
date of superannuation they shall be retired with effect from the
date of superannuation under sub-rule(a) of rule 60. But in cases
where officers coming under this rule are under suspension on
the date of superannuation or thereafter but before the closing
day of the academic year, they shall be retired from service on the
date of superannuation or on the date of suspension whichever is
*Effective from 30 March 1982.
++ *[G.O.(P) 109/82/Fin.,
This amendment shall be deemed to have come into force with
th dt. 8-3-1982]
effect from 15 May, 1986.
+++ ++ +++
This amendment shall be deemed to have come into force with & &**[G.O.(P)
effect from 15 December, 2000. 331/06/Fin. dt.
** They shall come into force at once. 10.8.2006]
If, however, the day on which the teaching staff (including
[G.O.(P) 1005/79/Fin.,
Principals of Colleges) attain the age of 55 years falls within the
dt. 15-11-1979]
period of one month beginning with the day of reopening of the
institutions they shall cease to be on duty with effect from the date
of such reopening and they shall be granted additional leave from
the date of reopening to the last day of the month in which they
attain the age of 55 years. They shall be entitled to the benefit of
increment if it falls due before the actual date on which they attain
the age of 55 years.
Effective from 22 May 1970.
If they are eligible to continue in service till the close of the [G.O.(P) 344/75/Fin.,
academic year under the 1 paragraph of this sub-rule they shall dt. 31-7-1975]
be granted additional leave from the date of closing for vacation
till the last day of the month when the date of closing is earlier
than the last day of the month.
The additional leave granted under this sub-rule will not be
counted against the eligible leave and will count for pension.
During the period of leave they will draw leave allowance at the
same rate as the pay and allowances they would have drawn if
they were on duty.
Exception.- [Deleted] [G.O. (P) 229/90/Fin.,
st dt. 29-3-1990]
Effective from 1 April 1990.
Note 10.- In this rule the words “Last day of the month” used mean the last day of [G.O.(P) 11/76/Fin.,
the month in Christian Era. In cases where the date of superannuation dt. 13-1-1976]
is calculated in the Malabar Era in accordance with Note 6,
the corresponding date in the Christian Era shall be reckoned for arriving
at the last day of the month.
[Rule 60
61. Unless in any case it be otherwise distinctly provided, the rules in this
Chapter apply to all officers to whom these service rules as a whole
62. (1) Unless in any case it be otherwise distinctly provided by or under
these rules, an officer transferred to a service or post to which these
rules apply, from a service or post to which they do not apply, is not
ordinarily entitled to leave under these rules in respect of duty
performed before such transfer:
Provided that in the case of an officer who holds a
substantive, officiating or temporary post on the day previous to the
one on which these rules come into force, the maximum limit of
accumulation of earned leave specified in Rule 78 shall not apply
during the period of the first five years from the date of his
appointment to the service or from that of the commencement of
these rules whichever is later and such an officer may be allowed
during the said period of five years to avail himself of the accumulated
leave to his credit:
Provided further that on the expiry of the said period of fi ve
years the leave at the credit of the officer in excess of the normal
maximum limit of accumulation of leave laid down in Rule 78 shall
Provided also that he shall not earn leave during that period
unless the accumulated leave at his credit falls below 180 days.
(2) Subject to the provisions contained in Rule 77(vi), the half pay leave
to be carried forward will be the balance of furlough leave or leave on
half average pay for which an officer is eligible on the date on which
these rules come into force diminished by the leave on medical
certificate taken before such date, under the old rules governing him.
63. (a) If an officer, who quits the public service on compensation or invalid
pension or gratuity, is re-employed and if his gratuity is thereupon
refunded or his pension held wholly in abeyance, his past service
thereby becoming pensionable on ultimate retirement, he may, at the
discretion of the Government and to such extent as the Government
may decide, count his former service towards leave.
(b) An officer who is dismissed or removed from the public service, but is
reinstated on appeal or revision, is entitled to count his former service
for leave.
Note 1.- The re-employment of a person who has retired on a superannuation or
retiring pension is generally an exceptional and temporary expedient. In such
cases, the service of the re-employed pensioner should be regarded as
temporary and his leave during the period of re-employment regulated by the
rules in Appendix VIII.
Note 2.- Resignation of public service even though it is followed immediately by re-
employment entails forfeiture of past service and constitutes an interruption of
duty. But resignation to take up another appointment does not constitute an
CHAP-IX] LEAVE [Rules 64-68
64. The Government may issue orders specifying the authority by *[Deletion G.O (P)
whom leave other than *leave without allowances exceeding a No.65/2007/Fin dated
period of four months at a time, may be granted. 19/02/2007]
Effective from 6 March 1968. [G.O.(P)481/70/Fin.,
dt. 6-7-1970]
The power to sanction leave without allowances exceeding a [G.O.(P)313/76/Fin.,
period of four months at a time will rest with Government. dt. 5-10-1976]
This amendment shall be deemed to have come into force with
effect from 14th November 1966.
Leave cannot be claimed as a matter of right. When the
exigencies of the public service so require, discretion to refuse or
revoke leave of any description is reserved to the authority
empowered to grant it.
Note.- The nature of the leave due and applied for by an officer cannot be altered
at the option of the sanctioning authority and while it is open to the
sanctioning authority to refuse or revoke the leave due and applied for, it
is not open to him to alter the nature of such leave.
Leave ordinarily begins on the day on which transfer of charge is
effected and ends on the day preceding that on which charge is
resumed. When the day immediately preceding the day on which
an officer’s leave begins or immediately following the day on which
his leave expires is a holiday or one of a series of holidays, the
officer may leave his station at the close of the day before, or
return to it on the day following such holiday or series of holidays;
provided that -
(a) his transfer or assumption of charge does not involve the
handing or taking over of securities or of money other than a
permanent advance;
(b) his early departure does not entail a correspondingly early
transfer from another station of an officer to perform his
duties; and
(c) the delay in his return does not involve a corresponding delay
in the transfer to another station of the officer who was
performing his duties during his absence or in the discharge
from Government service of a person temporarily appointed
to it.
A restricted holiday enjoyed with the permission of the
[G.O.(P) 458/66/Fin.,
competent authority shall be treated as holiday for the purpose of
dt. 13-10-1966]
this rule.
67. On condition that the departing officer remains responsible for the
money in his charge, a competent authority may declare that
proviso (a) under Rule 6 is not applicable to any particular case.
68. Unless the competent authority in any case otherwise directs-
(a) if holidays are prefixed to leave, the leave and any
consequent re-arrangement of pay and allowances takes
effect form the first day after holidays; and
(b) if holidays are affixed to leave, the leave is treated as having
terminated on, and any consequent re-arrangement of pay
and allowances takes effect from, the day on which the leave
would have ended, if holidays had not been affixed.
CHAP-IX] LEAVE [Rules 68-70
Ruling No.2
There is no objection to an officer in a vacation [G.O.(P) 109/81/Fin.,
Department being permitted to suffix holiday (s) to leave and also dt. 9-2-1981]
to enjoy the vacation in continuation of the holiday so suffixed to
69. An officer on leave may not take any service or accept any
employment without obtaining the previous sanction of the
authority empowered to fill up the post held by him.
Note: This rule does not apply to casual literary work, or to service as an
examiner or similar employment; nor does it apply to acceptance of
foreign service, which is governed by the rules under Chapter XI.
70. All orders recalling an officer to duty before the expiry of his leave
should state whether the return to duty is optional or compulsory.
If the return is optional, the officer is entitled to no concession. But
if it is compulsory he is entitled to be treated as on duty from the
CHAP-IX] LEAVE [Rules 70-72
CHAP-IX] LEAVE [Rules 72-75
Government Decision
Initial pay on re-employment should be fixed at the [G.O.(P) 426/64/Fin.,
minimum stage of the time-scale of pay prescribed for the post in dt. 20-6-1964
which an individual is employed.
In cases where it is felt that the fixation of initial pay of the
G.O.(P) 218/68/Fin.,
re-employed officer at the minimum of the time-scale will cause
dt. 15-5- 1968]
undue hardship, the pay may be fixed at a higher stage by
allowing one increment for each year of service which the officer
has rendered before retirement in a post not lower than that in
which he is re-employed subject however to the proviso to
Rule 119, Part III of these rules.
Effective from 20 June 1964.
Note 2.-(c) The leave salary of an officer who is permitted during leave
preparatory to retirement before attaining the age of superannuation, or
during leave under Rule 75 to take up employment under any other
Government under a private employer or employment payable from a
local fund, will also be restricted during such employment as in (b) above.
Any kind of leave under these rules may be granted in
73. [G.O.(P)1002/97/Fin.,
combination with or in continuation of any other kind of leave
dt. 6-11-1997]
except leave under Appendices XII A, XII B and XII C. However,
leave under Appendices XII A and XII C may be granted in
combination with or in continuation of the leave under Appendices
XII A and XII C.
This amendment shall be deemed to have come into force
with effect from 12 April 1984.
The eligibility for leave is determined with reference to the [G.O.(P) 309/76/Fin.,
eligibility on the date on which an officer proceeds on leave. dt. 29-9-1976]
74. Vacation may be taken in combination with or in continuation of
any kind of leave, provided the total duration of vacation and
earned leave taken together, whether the earned leave is taken in
combination with or in continuation of other leave or not, shall not
exceed the amount of earned leave due and admissible to the
officer at a time under Rules 78 and 79. The combination of
earned leave and commuted leave will be limited to 240 days.
There will be no limit on the half-pay leave that can be availed of
at a time on medical certificate or private affairs. This will apply
even when such leave is taken preparatory to retirement.
Government Decision No. 1
It is permissible to allow a vacation to intervene between [Circular No. 90/63/Fin.,
two periods of leave. Similarly vacation may be prefixed or dt. 16-12-1963]
suffixed to leave or both prefixed and suffixed. The only restriction
is that the total duration of vacations and earned leave together
should not exceed the amount of earned leave due and
admissible to the officer under Rules 78 and 79, Part I, Kerala
Service Rules and that the duration of the total period of vacation,
earned leave and commuted leave taken together shall not exceed
240 days.
Government Decision No. 2
Special casual leave may be combined with vacation, but [G.O.(P) 216/76/Fin.,
in such cases combination of special casual leave with ordinary dt. 24-7-1976]
casual leave will not be permitted.
75. No leave shall be granted beyond the date on which an officer [G.O. (P) 645/81/Fin.,
must compulsorily retire: dt. 13-10-1981]
CHAP-IX] LEAVE [Rules 75-77
CHAP-IX] LEAVE [Rules 77-80
The period of leave without allowances availed of under [G.O.(P) 1171/87/Fin.,
Appendix XIIA for taking up employment will be excluded in dt. 30-12-1987]
reckoning completed years of service for purposes of calculating
half-pay leave to be earned under Rule 83 Part I Kerala Service
Government Decision No.1
Under Article 195, Travancore Service Regulations and [Cir. No. 17422/60/Fin,
Article 130 (4) of the old leave Rules in the Cochin Service dt. 30-3-1960]
Regulations, privilege leave on half salary can be granted in case
of urgent necessity to an officer serving in a vacation department
who enjoys the benefit of vacation. As the privilege leave is not
earned but only granted in cases of urgent necessity, neither credit
towards leave on this account need be made in the leave account
of the officer as on 1 November 1959 under Kerala Service Rules
for such leave already availed of prior to 1 November 1959
reduced from the half-pay leave admissible under Rule 77 (vi),
Kerala Service Rules.
Furlough on average salary taken prior to 1 November
1959 is to be reduced from the half-pay leave by twice the amount
of such leave for purposes of Rule 77 (vi) Kerala Service Rules.
Government Decision No.2
According to G.O.(Ms) 101, dated 22 January 1958 of [G.O.(Ms) 477/60/Fin.,
the Madras Government, the benefit of Rule 27 of the Madras dt. 11-10-1960]
Leave Rules, 1933 to certain approved probationers stand
extended upto 31 December 1962. In the case of those officers
allotted from Madras, governed by Madras Leave Rules and who
were eligible for the above concession and who have opted to be
governed by the Kerala Service Rules from 1 November 1959,
the accrued leave reckoned on the basis of the concession but not
availed of by them on 1 November 1959 will be treated as leave
standing to their credit for purposes of Rule 77 (v) Kerala Service
78. *[G.O. (P) 130/02/Fin.,
The earned leave admissible to an officer in permanent employ is
dt. 13-3-2002]
one-eleventh of the period spent on duty, provided that he will
cease to earn such leave when the earned leave due amounts .
*300 days.
*This amendment shall be deemed to have come into
st [G.O.(P) 837/92/Fin.,
force with effect from 1 November, 1998.
dt. 4-11-1992]
Subject to the Provisions of Rules 65 and 75 the maximum earned
leave that may be granted at a time to an officer shall be *180
* This amendment shall be deemed to have come into [G.O.(P) 908/97/Fin.,
force with effect from 1 November,1998. dt. 24-10-1997]
Exception.- In the case of an officer applying for leave preparatory *[G.O. (P) 130/02/Fin.,
to retirement, the maximum earned leave that may be dt. 13-3-2002]
granted at a time shall be *300 days.
*This amendment shall be deemed to have come into
force with effect from 1 November, 1998.
80. Earned leave is not admissible to an officer in permanent employ
serving in a vacation department in respect of duty performed in
any year in which he avails himself of the full vacation.
Officers undergoing training in institutions which have
regular vacations and who enjoy vacations of those institutions,
will be treated as officers serving in a vacation department for the
purpose of Rule 80 Part I, Kerala Service Rules.
81. The earned leave admissible to an officer in permanent employ
serving in a vacation department, in respect of any year in which
he is prevented from availing himself of the full vacation, is such
proportion of 30 days as the number of days of vacation not taken
bears to the full vacation.
If in any year the officer does not avail himself of the
vacation, earned leave will be admissible to him in respect of that
year in accordance with the provisions of Rules 78 and 79 above.
Note 1.- A vacation department is a department or part of a department to which
regular vacations are allowed during which the officers serving in the
department are permitted to be absent from duty.
Note 2.-The Principal, the Superintendent, the entire office staff, sergeant (if any)
and the gardeners of the following institutions will be treated as non-
vacation officers with effect from the dates specified against each:
1. Government Arts Colleges : 1.11.1959
2. Law Colleges, Training Colleges and
Physical Education Colleges : 8.3.1960
3. Engineering Colleges and Polytechnics : 13.6.1960
4. Junior Technical Schools : 18.5.1963
The Teaching staff in the Hindi Teachers’ Training Institutes at [G.O.(P) 205/72/Fin., dt.
Trivandrum and Trichur will be treated as non-vacation officers with effect 16-6-1972]
from 4th June 1970.
The headmasters of schools and non- teaching staff of the schools [G.O. (P) 39/73/Fin., dt.
under the Director of Public Instruction will be treated as non-vacation 5-2-1973]
officers with effect from the date noted against each:-
Headmasters of schools : 9.6.1969
Non teaching staff : 22.4.1960
Exception.- The Superintendents of the Junior Technical Schools G.O.(P) 78/70/Fin., dt.
attached to the Polytechnics at Kannur, Calicut and 29-1-1970.
Trichur will be treated as vacation officers.
This amendment shall be deemed to have come into force
with effect from 1 April 1967.
The Senior Agricultural Officer/Veterinary S urgeon and [G.O. (P) 95/89/Fin., dt.
Attenders in High Schools where Vocational Higher Secondary 24-2-1989]
Courses were introduced, will be treated as non-vacation officers
with effect from 13 August 1984.
[G.O. (P) 95/89/Fin., dt.
The Assistant Director of Fisheries and Attenders in the 24-2-1989]
High Schools where Fisheries have been introduced as vocational
subject, will be treated as non-vacation officers with effect from
28 May 1986.
Note 3.-The term “Year” should be interpreted to mean, not a calendar year in
which duty is performed, but twelve months of actual duty in a vacation
Note 4.- When an officer is transferred from a vacation department to a non-
vacation department, his period of service in the former will, for the
purpose of calculation of leave, be considered to have terminated with
effect from the close of the last vacation enjoyed by him.* [But if the
transfer is effected during the course of vacation, he will be deemed to
have been transferred to the non-vacation department on the close of the
vacation which he has partly enjoyed and he will be credited with
proportionate amount of earned leave under this rule for the period of
vacation which he was prevented from enjoying on account of such
transfer]. When an officer is transferred from a non-vacation to a
vacation department, his period of service in the latter will be held to
have commenced from the date of expiry of the last vacation previous to
such transfer.
* This amendment shall be deemed to have come into force with [G.O.(P) 409/82/Fin.,
effect from 6 August 1982. dt. 6-8-1982]
Government Decision
The above Note shall apply to appointments of [G.O.(P) 573/81/Fin.,
Government Officers in a vacation Department through the Public dt. 2-9-1981]
Service Commission while working in non-vacation Department in
the course of the academic year and vice versa.
Note 5.- The Library staff of Arts and Science, Training and Law Colleges shall [G.O.(P) 553/75/Fin.,
be treated as non-vacation staff. dt. 11-12-1975]
This amendment shall be deemed to have come into force with
effect from 7th November 1974.
Note 6.- The Heads of Nursery Schools shall be treated as non-vacation staff. [G.O.(P) 230/76/Fin.,
dt. 3-8-1976]
This amendment shall be deemed to have come into orce
f with
effect from 11th February 1976.
Note 7.- In the case of an officer of non-vacation department sent on deputation
for training to an institution having regular vacation, his eligibility for
earned leave shall be decided as follows:-
(i) if the officer is not permitted to enjoy the vacation and is retained by
the institution for duty, and if the head of the institution so certifies,
the officer shall be considered as on duty during that period and
earned leave for that period shall be admissible to him in accordance
with the provisions of Rules 78 and 79.
(ii) if the officer enjoys only part of the vacation, deduction of earned leave will [G.O.(P) 887/80/Fin.,
be in such proportion of 30 days as the number of days of vacation dt. 21-11-1980]
enjoyed bears to the full vacation.
Effective from 1st July 1975.
Ruling No. 1
An officer serving in a vacation department when put in full [G.O. (P) 366/70/Fin.,
additional charge of the duties of a post in a non-vacation dt. 27-5-1970]
department shall be considered to have been denied the benefit of
vacation if that charge arrangement falls within a vacation period.
Ruling No. 2
Teachers deputed for training under the Summer School [G.O. (P) 366/70/Fin.,
Training Programme during vacation shall be considered to have dt. 27-5-1970]
been prevented from availing themselves of the vacation provided
such period of training has been treated as duty under Rule 12 (7).
Ruling No. 3
Teaching staff who are N.C.C. Officers in Colleges, [G.O.(P) 364/72/Fin.,
Polytechnics and Schools, when detailed to undergo training or dt. 16-8-1972]
refresher course or for duty in connection with the conduct of
N.C.C. training or refresher course, during periods of vacation, will
be treated as on duty and allowed the benefit of earned leave
under the above rule.
CHAP-IX] LEAVE [Rules 81-85
Ruling No.4
Teaching Staff attending the work of Valuation and
Tabulation of S.S.L.C. and Higher Secondary Public Examination
[G.O.(P) 3113/98/Fin.
during vacation shall be considered to have been prevented from
availing themselves of the vacation and such period will be treated
as duty and allowed the benefit of earned leave under the rule.
82. Half-pay leave.- Half-pay leave as provided in Rule 83 may be
availed of on private affairs or on medical certificate.
83. The half-pay leave admissible to an officer in permanent employ in
respect of each completed year of service is 20 days.
84. Commuted Leave.- Commuted leave not exceeding half the [G.O. (P) 540/87/Fin.,
amount of half-pay leave due may be granted to an officer in dt. 20-6-1987]
permanent employ. When Commuted Leave is granted twice the
amount of such leave shall be debited against the half-pay leave
Ruling No. 1 [G.O. (P) 685/87/Fin.,
dt. 19-8-1987]
[Rules 86-88
regard to the grant of leave not due as in the case of those who
had not enjoyed half-pay leave in excess of what is admissible
under Kerala Service Rules. The Government accordingly direct
that officers whose credit on half-pay leave account results in a
‘nil’ balance on 1 November 1959 consequent on the wiping off of
the excess half-pay leave already available shall be eligible for a
further period of 360 days, leave not due under Rule 85, Part I,
Kerala Service Rules, provided they otherwise satisfy the
requirements of the rules.
86. The provisions of Rules 78, 80, 81, and 83, apply also to an officer
not in permanent employ except that in respect of the first year of
service the earned leave admissible is 1/22 of the period spent on
Provided that no earned leave shall be admissible to such
an officer in a vacation department in respect of the first year of his
Note1.-The leave of an officer appointed as a probationer (for a certain period
before confirmation of his appointment) will be regulated under the rules
prescribed for permanent officers. If for any reason it is proposed to
terminate the services of a probationer any leave which may be granted
to him shall not extend beyond the date on which the probationary period
as already sanctioned or extended expires, or any earlier date on which
his services are terminated by the orders of the authority competent to
appoint him.
Note 2.- Whenever the rate of earning leave changes, the fraction in the earned
leave accumulated at the earlier rate should be rounded off to the
nearest day i.e., fraction below half should be ignored and that of half
and more should be reckoned as a day. *Similarly, the fraction, if any, in *[G.O.(P) 230/67/Fin.,
the leave earned in accordance with the provisions of the first paragraph dt. 20-6-1967]
of Rule 81 by an officer serving in a vacation department should also be
rounded off to the nearest day.
When a full-time teacher is appointed to a part-time post, [G.O.(P) 275/65/Fin.,
the leave earned by him prior to becoming part-time cannot be dt. 5-7-1965]
granted to him while holding the part-time post. Such leave may,
however, be granted when he is reappointed to a full-time post.
@ @
86A. Notwithstanding anything contained in Rules 84, 86, 88 (ii) and 90, Substitution [G.O.(P)
an officer not in permanent employ who has completed three 75/07/Fin., dt.
years of continuos service shall be eligible for (i) commutted leave, 27/02/2007]
(ii) earned leave and (iii) leave without allowances as would be
admissible to him if he had held his post substantively.
87. An officer not in permanent employ appointed without interruption
of duty substantively to a permanent post will be credited with the
earned leave which would have been admissible if his previous
duty had been duty as an officer in permanent employ diminished
by any earned leave already taken. Leave is not an interruption of
duty for the purpose of this rule.
88. Leave without allowances.-
(i) Leave without allowances may be granted to ∗any officer in * & **[G.O.(P)
regular employment in special circumstances - 216/05/Fin.,
dt. 11-5-2005]
∗∗ Provided that the leave of person appointed under rule 9(a)(i) of
the Kerala State and Subordinate Service Rules 1958 shall be
regulated by rules under Appendix VIII of these rules, unless he is
already an officer on regular employment
(a) when no other leave is by rule admissible, or
CHAP-IX] LEAVE [Rules 88-89
89. (i) The authority which granted leave to an officer can commute it
retrospectively into leave of a different kind which may be
admissible but the officer concerned cannot claim it as a matter of
*Provided that earned leave shall not be commuted into
leave of a different kind †except as provided in the Note below
Rule 1, Appendix XIIC .
*Effective from 22 November 1971.
†This shall be deemed to have come into force with effect †[G.O.(P)1002/97/Fin.,
from 12 April 1984. dt. 6-11-1997]
(ii) Commutation of one kind of leave into another automatically
carries with it the drawal of arrears of leave salary or recovery of
amounts overdrawn.
(iii) Commutation of leave without allowances taken during temporary
service when no other leave was due, into earned leave on
confirmation without interruption of service, by giving retrospective
effect to the benefit of Rule 87 would be irregular and not in
accordance with the intention of Government. The real intention of
Rule 87 is to provide only for a retrospective recalculation of leave
at credit on the date of confirmation with a reduction on account of
the earned leave already taken. Except for the carry-forward of the
recalculated credit on confirmation, leave earned and taken should
be a closed chapter at that point and no readjustment of any leave
taken is automatically permissible as a consequence of such
recalculation. The closed chapter may however properly be re-
opened, for instance, to correct a miscalculation of leave earned or
taken or to readjust leave earned and taken when confirmation is
ordered with retrospective effect or at the discretion of the sanctioning
authority to convert leave of any one kind already taken into leave due
of any other kind admissible at the time leave was originally taken.
CHAP-IX] LEAVE [Rules 89-90A
Government Decision
When confirmation is given retrospectively with effect from
a date earlier than the date on which leave was already
sanctioned, such leave can be commuted and readjusted as
provided in Rule 89 (iii). Such cases do not come within the
purview of the ruling under Rule 11. What has changed is only the
status of the officer and not the rule in force at the time the leave
was sanctioned. The position will be clear from the following
Entry in service of an officer- 1 November 1960.
Date of his confirmation- 1 November 1961 (orders issued
on 1 November 1962).
Leave without allowances taken at any time during the period [G.O. (P) 204/66/Fin.,
from 1st November 1960 to 31st October 1961 cannot be dt. 17-5-1966]
retrospectively commuted into any other kind of leave. But leave
earned and taken after 1st November 1961 can be retrospectively
90. In addition to any leave which may be admissible to him, an officer in *[G.O. (P) 570/78/Fin.,
temporary employ, who contracts tuberculosis and undergoes dt. 11-7-1978]
treatment in a recognised sanatorium or under a qualified T.B
Specialist or a Civil Surgeon or who is suffering from leprosy and
undergoes treatment in a recognised Leprosy institution or under a
Civil Surgeon or a Specialist in Leprosy, recognised as such *or who is
suffering from cancer and undergoes treatment in a recognised Cancer
Institute or under a Civil Surgeon or a Specialist in cancer or who is
suffering from mental disease and undergoes treatment in a
recognised Mental Hospital or under a Civil Surgeon or a Specialist in
mental disease may be granted leave without pay upto a maximum
period of 18 months [including 3 months leave without allowances
authorised under Rule 88 (ii) above] on any one occasion subject to
the following conditions:-
(i) the officer is likely to continue in service till his return to duty;
(ii) the leave without allowances shall be granted subject to the
production of a certificate from the Medical Officer-in-charge of
the Sanatorium or qualified T.B. Specialist or a Civil Surgeon * or
a Specialist in Leprosy, Cancer or Mental disease as the case
may be specifying the period for which leave is recommended;
(iii) the medical officer in recommending leave shall bear in mind the
provisions of Rule 115.
90A. (a) A Government officer, whether gazetted or non gazetted, drawing a *G.O.(P)570/78/Fin. dt.
basic pay not exceeding †Rs.7800 per mensem who is granted leave 11-7-1978.
without allowances for the treatment of T.B., *Leprosy, Cancer or
Mental disease may be granted an ex-gratia allowance equal to 35 per
cent of the basic pay he was drawing immediately before the † [G.O.(P) 132/02/Fin.,
commencement of the leave, subject to a maximum of †Rs.2730 and dt. 14-3-2002]
minimum of †Rs.1820 per mensem. **In respect of cases relating to
treatment of cancer and mental diseases, the Rule shall be deemed to
have come into force with effect from 11th July 1978 and in respect of
other cases, with effect form 1st July 1978.
**This amendment shall be deemed to have come into force [G.O.(P) 373/83/Fin.,
with effect from 1st July 1978. dt. 7-7-1983]
†This shall be deemed to have come into force with effect [G.O.(P)149/96/Fin.,
from 1 March 1997. dt. 30-1-1996]
CHAP-IX] LEAVE [Rules 90A -91
(b) The allowance will be admissible only when the officer is not
eligible for any other leave with allowances.
(c) The allowance will be granted irrespective of whether the patient
undergoes treatment as an inpatient or as an outpatient under the
direction of a Civil Surgeon.
(d) The payment of the allowance will be made only on the production *[G.O.(P) 570/78/Fin.,
of a certificate issued by the Medical Officer-in-charge of the dt. 11-7-1978]
Sanatorium/Hospital or by one not below the rank of a Civil
Surgeon to the effect that the patient has been under his treatment
for T.B., *Leprosy, Cancer or Mental disease during the period for
which the allowance is claimed.
(e) The allowance in the case of an officer in temporary employ will be
limited to a maximum period of 18 months and that in the case of a
permanent employ to a maximum period of 36 months in all during
his entire service.
Note 1.- The concession of leave without allowance upto eighteen months will be
admissible also to an officer who for want of accommodation in any
recognised Sanatorium *or Cancer Institute or Mental Hospital at or near
the place of his duty receives treatment at his residence under a *[G.O. (P) 570/78/Fin.,
recognised *Tuberculosis Specialist, Leprosy Specialist, Cancer Specialist dt. 11-7-1978]
or Mental Disease Specialist and produces a certificate signed by that
specialist to the effect that he is under his treatment and that he has
reasonable chances of recovery on the expiry of the leave recommended.
Note 2.-The leave without allowances under this rule will be admissible only to
those officers who have been in continuous Government service for a
period exceeding one year.
Note 3.-The lists of recognised *Tuberculosis Institutions, Leprosy Institutions, *[G.O.(P) 570/78/Fin.,
Cancer Institutions and Mental Hospitals are given in Appendix V. dt. 11-7-1978]
Government Decision
Recoveries on advances such as ‘Onam Advance’, [G.O.(P) 159/63/Fin.,
‘Advance Pay on transfer’, etc., need not be made from the dt. 2-4-1963]
ex-gratia allowance admissible under this rule. Such recoveries
may be postponed till such time as the subordinate is fit to rejoin
duty or effected from any other amounts payable to the
subordinate, otherwise.
The payment of ex-gratia allowance in the case of leave [G.O.(P) 454/68/Fin.,
without allowances for treatment of T.B/Leprosy taken in dt. 20-8-1968]
continuation of other kinds of leave may be regulated on the basis
of the pay drawn by the officer immediately before the
commencement of the combined spell of leave.
91. Officers with a continuous officiating or temporary service of two
years or more, will be granted in addition to any leave which they
are eligible for, leave under this rule for obtaining superior
qualifications (e.g., B.A. and B.L.), provided, however, that the two
years minimum service will not be insisted on in the case of
temporary or officiating officers belonging to the Scheduled Castes
and Scheduled Tribes. Such leave will not, however be given for
broken periods but will cover the entire period of the course
concerned. In cases of failure, extension of leave will be granted to
cover the further period required for the completion of the course of
Note 1.- [Deleted] [G.O.(P) 204/76/Fin.,
dt. 15-7-1976]
Note 2.- The term ‘superior qualifications’ occurring in the above rule denotes only
CHAP-IX] LEAVE [Rules 90A -93
The time limit imposed by Rule 88 (ii) above will not apply
to leave for securing higher qualifications granted under this rule.
Ruling No. 2
The term “course” occurring in the above rule denotes a
course of study/training covering a specified academic period
culminating in a public examination, the success in which will
qualify the candidate for a degree/diploma/certificate or for
admission to another course and includes the training at the Pre-
examination Training Centres for I.A.S and other All India Service
Government Decision
Leave under this rule can be sanctioned by the authority [Circular
competent to sanction eligible leave and leave without allowances. No.46858/Rules-
Study leave under Rule 99, Part I, can be sanctioned only by 1/62/Fin.,
Government. dt. 30-10-1962]
91 A. Officers with a continuous officiating or temporary service of 5 [G.O.(P) 204/76/Fin.,
years or more may be granted in addition to any leave to which dt. 15-7-1976]
they are eligible for, leave for undergoing Post-graduate Courses in
the sphere of their duties which are primarily of benefit to the State,
such as Post-graduate Courses for teachers, Engineers and
Doctors. The leave shall be granted only with due regard to the
usefulness of the higher studies to the public service.
92. An officer on earned leave is entitled to leave salary equal to,-
(i) full (duty) pay i.e., pay admissible had he been on duty during
the period of leave;
(ii) dearness allowance applicable to the above duty pay; and
(iii) such other compensatory allowances as are admissible under
the rules during the period of leave:
CHAP-IX] LEAVE [Rules 95-97
97. (1) Subject to the conditions hereinafter specified, special disability [G.O. (P) 481/70/Fin.,
leave may be granted to an officer who is disabled by injury dt. 6-7-1970]
intentionally inflicted or caused in, or in consequence of the due
performance of his official duties or in consequence of his official
Effective from 6 March 1968.
(2) Such leave shall not be granted unless the disability manifested
itself within three months of the occurrence to which it is attributed,
and the person disabled acted with due promptitude in bringing it to
notice. But the Government, if they are satisfied as to the cause of
the disability, may permit leave to be granted in cases where the
disability manifested itself is more than three months after the
occurrence of its cause.
(3) The period of leave granted shall be such as is certified by the
medical attendant of the officer to be necessary. It shall not be
extended except on the certificate of the medical attendant of the
officer and shall in no case exceed 24 months.
(4) Such leave may be combined with leave of any other kind.
(5) Such leave may be granted more than once if the disability is
aggravated or reproduced in similar circumstances at a later date,
but not more than 24 months of such leave shall be granted in
consequence of any one disability.
[Rules 97-100
CHAP-IX] LEAVE [Rules 100-102
Note 1.- Maternity leave is also admissible to temporary female officers under this
Note 2.- [Deleted]
dt. 5-2-1981]
Note 3.- The female candidates undergoing pre-appointment stipendiary training [G.O.(P) 308/74/Fin.,
may be allowed leave for maternity purpose to the extent envisaged under dt. 20-9-1974]
this rule on full rate of stipend admissible. The benefit of this leave may
also be granted in the case of miscarriage/abortion subject to the same
conditions as laid in Rule 101 below.
This amendment shall be deemed to have come into force with effect
from 1st August 1973
Note 4.- Maternity leave under this rule and Rule 101 shall be admissible to [G.O.(P)825/80/Fin.
provisional female recruits continuing in service *in a single department dt.31-10-1980]
beyond one year provided they would continue in service but for
*[G.O.(P) 521/03/Fin.,
proceeding on such leave.
dt. 6-10-2003]
This amendment shall be deemed to have come into force with
effect from the 2nd July 1969.
*This amendement shall come into force w.e.f. 21st August, 2000.
@Note @
5 – Female recruits through Public Service Commission who join duty Insertion
within 135 days from their date of delivery (otherwise than on account of [G.O.(P)59/06/Fin. dt.
miscarriage) shall, on joining, be granted from the next day the balance 6.02.2006)]
portion of maternity leave admissible as on the date of joining duty,
subject to the following condictions:
(a) Holidays/vacation falling immediately after the date of joining service
cannot be prefixed to the leave.
(b) A certificate from the medical officer who attended the delivery
showing the date of delivery along with the medical certificate of
health as prescribed in Rule 13, Part I of Kerala Service Rules should
be produced.
This amendment shall be deemed to have come into force at once.
The expression ‘full pay’ occurring in the above rule means [G.O.(P) 413/90/Fin.,
pay as admissible to an officer under Rule 92, Part I, Kerala dt. 7-8-1990]
Service Rules.
101. Leave under Rule 100 above may also be granted to female
officers in cases of miscarriage including abortion subject to the
condition that the leave does not exceed six weeks and application
for the leave is supported by a certificate from the medical
102. Maternity leave may be combined with leave of any other kind but
leave applied for in continuation of the former may be granted only
if the request be supported by a medical certificate:
CHAP-IX] LEAVE [Rules 102-105
Note1.- Hospital leave will be granted only on production by the employee [G.O.(P) 308/85/Fin., dt.
concerned of a medical certificate from his authorised medical attendant to 29-5-1985]
the effect that the leave recommended is necessary to effect a cure and a
certificate from his head of office to the effect that the illness or injury was
directly due to risk incurred in the course of official duties.
Note 2.-Hospital leave is admissible to temporary employees also under this rule.
Note 3.-Hospital leave will be granted to the officers coming under clause (h) [G.O.(P) 143/68/Fin., dt.
above only in cases of injuries sustained while on duty as Home Guard 16-4-1968]
Volunteers and only if the application is supported by a certificate from the
Commandant General, Home Guards, to the effect that the injury was
sustained by the employee while on active duty as a Home Guard
Volunteer. This will be in addition to the certificate prescribed in Note I
104. Hospital leave may be granted for such period as the authority [G.O. (P) 320/75/Fin., dt.
granting it may consider necessary, on leave salary (1) equal to 17-7-1975]
leave salary while on earned leave, for the first 120 days of any
period of such leave; and (2) equal to leave salary during half pay
leave, for the remaining period of any such leave. In the case of a
person to whom the Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923, applies,
the amount of leave salary payable under this rule shall be reduced
by the amount of compensation payable under section 4 (1) (d) of
the said Act.
105. [Omitted] [G.O. (P) 522/67/Fin., dt.
CHAP-IX] LEAVE [Rules 106-109
106. Hospital leave is not debited against the leave account and may be
combined with any other leave which may be admissible.
Government decision
A register in the form, given below will be maintained by all
Heads of Departments and offices showing the various kinds of
special leave (e.g., special disability leave, hospital leave,
maternity leave, study leave, leave not due, commuted leave, etc.)
granted to Government servants from time to time to facilitate the
check by the local audit parties as to whether the conditions for the
grant of the leave have been fulfilled in individual cases, by the
authorities competent to sanction the leave.
Name and competent
designation Particulars to attest
Nature Period entries in
of the of sanction
officer of the Service
leave Book
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
107. A Law Officer, if his pay is fixed at a definite rate but his whole time
is not retained for the service of Government may be granted leave
as follows:-
(a) Leave on full pay during vacation of the Court within whose
jurisdiction he serves, provided that no extra expense is
hereby caused to Government. Such leave will be counted
as duty.
(b) Leave on half pay for not more than three months once only
in his service after three years of duty.
(c) On medical certificate, leave on half-pay upto a maximum of
six months at any one time, provided that two years of duty
must intervene between any two periods of leave on medical
(d) On the conditions prescribed in Rule 88 leave without
108. Leave under any one of the clauses of Rule 107 may be combined with
leave under any other clause.
109. An officer remunerated by honoraria may be granted leave on the
terms laid down in Rules 107 and 108 provided that he makes
CHAP-IX] LEAVE [Rules 109-116
110 A. Rules for the grant of leave to radiation workers in the State [G.O.(P) 92/68/Fin.,
Medical Service are given in Appendix XII. dt. 6-3-1968]
110 B. Rules for the grant of leave without allowances for taking up [G.O.(P) 953/86/Fin.,
employment abroad or within India are given in Appendix XII A. dt. 27-12-1986]
This amendment shall be deemed to have come into force
with effect from 16th December, 1983.
110 C. Rules for the grant of leave for study purpose for those ineligible for [G.O.(P) 654/95/Fin.,
leave under Rule 88 or Rule 91of Part I are given in Appendix XII B. dt. 10-10-1995]
This amendment shall be deemed to have come into force
with effect from 18th September 1984.
110 D. Rule for the grant of leave without allowances for the purpose of joining [G.O.(P) 1002/97/Fin.,
spouse are given in Appendix XIIC. dt. 6-11-1997]
This amendment shall be deemed to have come into force
with effect from 12th April 1984.
111. Rules regarding Casual Leave to Officers are given in Appendix VII.
CHAP-IX] LEAVE [Rules 116-117
CHAP-IX] LEAVE [Rules 117-118A
Government Decision
For the purpose of this rule, the Medical Certificates issued [G.O.(P)512/61/Fin.,
by the following medical authorities will be accepted provided that dt. 27-12-1961]
the certificates are in accordance with the provisions of the above
rule :-
1. Medical Officers of Government not below the rank of an
Assistant Surgeon.
2. Private Medical Practitioners of Modern Medicine registered in
Part A of the register of Modern Medicines.
3. Ayurveda Physicians and Homeopathic Doctors attached to
Government Hospitals and Dispensaries.
4. Private Practitioners of Indigenous Medicines registered in
Class A of the Register of Indigenous Medicines; and
5. Private Homeopathic Practitioners registered in Class A of the
Register of Homeopathic Medicines.
Notwithstanding anything contained herein, in the case of
applications for ‘leave not due’ under Rule 85, Part I, Kerala
Service Rules, Medical Certificate granted by the authorities
mentioned in items 1 and 3 alone shall be accepted.
*118. (a) In the case of certificate issued by an Assistant Surgeon, Ayurvedic *[G.O.(P) 118/65/Fin.,
Physician or Homeopathic Doctor attached to a Government dt. 3-4-1965]
Hospital or Dispensary or a private Practitioner of **Modern,
** [G.O. (P) 405/76/Fin.,
Indigenous or Homeopathic Medicine, the authority competent to
dt. 28-12- 1976]
sanction leave may at its discretion, secure a second medical
opinion by requesting a Civil Surgeon, District Indigenous Medical
Officer or the Chief Medical Officer, †Department of Homeopathy
† [G.O. (P) 192/76/Fin.,
as the case may be, to have the applicant medically examined.
Should it decide to do so, it must arrange for the second dt. 8-7-1976]
examination to be made on the earliest possible date after the date
on which the first medical opinion was given.
(b) It shall be the duty of the Civil Surgeon, the District Indigenous
Medical Officer or the Chief Medical Officer, *Department of
*[G.O.(P) 192/76/Fin.,
Homeopathy as the case may be, to express an opinion, both as
dt. 8-7-1976]
regards the facts of the illness and as regards the necessity for the
amount of leave recommended. For this purpose, he may require
the applicant to appear either before himself or before a Medical
Officer nominated by him.
(c) If the authority competent to sanction leave has doubts about the
second medical opinion also he may refer the case to the Medical
Board, constituted by the Director of Health Services on requisition.
118 A. When the competent authority has genuine doubts about the
fitness of an officer, it may refer him to a single man Medical Board
or the standing Medical Board, for expert medical opinion. If the
medical report is that the officer is not physically fit or mentally
sound, the officer may be deemed to have entered on eligible leave
from the date of the medical report, even if the officer does not put
in a leave application. If he does not produce a certificate from the
Medical Board that he is physically fit or mentally sound and has
been cured of his illness within a period of five years from the date
on which he was deemed to have entered on leave, he may be
deemed to have retired on invalid pension. If the actual date of
retirement of the officer falls within this period of five years he shall
retire on that date.
Note.—Eligible leave means leave due and admissible to an officer and the order [G.O. (P) 233/76/Fin.,
of sanctioning this leave will be earned leave and half- pay leave *or dt. 4-8-1976]
CHAP-IX] LEAVE [Rules 118A-124
CHAP.X] [Rules 125-126
Note 1.—An officer deputed for training will be allowed for the onward and return
journeys, the time actually required for the journeys, by the usual mode of
conveyance, between the place of training and the station from/to which
he proceeds, and the time so taken will be treated as part of deputation
period for training.
Note 2.—Probationers and approved probationers in one service (including other
officiating officers for whom no probation has been prescribed) when
appointed to the same or another service by direct recruitment shall be
allowed the minimum joining time (i.e., actual journey time) and transit
pay, provided that the posts held by them prior to transfer or the posts to
which they are appointed remain vacant during the period. They shall not,
however, be allowed Travelling Allowance.
[Effective from 22nd August 1960]
Ruling No. 1
Joining time under Rule 125 (b) (i), Part I, Kerala Service
Rules, will be admissible only in cases where an officer has
proceeded on and has returned from earned leave proper and is
posted to join a new post. In all other cases, it should be regulated
under sub-clause (b) (ii) ibid.
Ruling No. 2
A gazetted officer deputed for training should relinquish
charge of his post and prepare a charge report even if no officiating
arrangement is made in his place. He should also intimate to the
Audit Officer concerned, through the Training Institute/Officer, etc.,
the date and hour of reporting for training and on relief on the
completion of training.
Government Decision
Retired officers re-employed in Government service will be [G.O.(Ms) 11/67/PD.,
treated on par with provisional hands appointed under General dt. 17-1-1967]
Rule 9 (a) (i) of the Kerala State and Subordinate Services Rules,
1958 for purposes of joining time and only the actual journey time
allowed as joining time.
126. Not more than one day is allowed to an officer in order to join a
new post when the appointment to such post does not necessarily
involve a change of residence from one station to another. A
holiday or Sunday counts as a day for the purpose of this rule. No
joining time is admissible in cases where the change of post does
not involve an actual change of office.
Note.—A transfer shall be held to involve a change of station only if the distance [G.O.(P)48/66/Fin.,
between the two places is not less than eight kilometres. dt. 10-2-1966]
CHAP.X] JOINING TIME [Rules 126A-127
126A. When holiday(s) follow(s) joining time, the normal joining time may
be deemed to have been extended to cover such holiday(s).
When officers are transferred while on leave, joining time [G.O.(P)38/73/Fin.,
need be reckoned only from the date following the holiday(s), if dt. 5-2-1973]
any, suffixed to leave with the permission of the leave sanctioning
authority unless otherwise directed in the transfer order.
127. The joining time of an officer, in cases involving a transfer from one
station to another, is subject to a maximum of 30 days. Six days
are allowed for preparation and, in addition, a period to cover the
actual journey calculated as follows: -
CHAP.X] JOINING TIME [Rules 127-133
Exception 3.—A period of not more than one week will be allowed
to Forest Guards for transfer of charge and join
perambulation of the beats, the minimum time
actually required alone being, however, utilised for
the purpose. This period will be treated as an
extension of joining time in respect of the relieving
128. Except in the case of a journey performed by air, by whatever route
an officer actually travels, his joining time shall, unless a competent
authority for special reasons otherwise orders, be calculated by the
route which travellers ordinarily use.
Government Decision
Except in cases of journeys performed by air, which will be [G.O.(P) 52/66/Fin.,
covered by the provisions in sub-rule (a) of Rule 127, the dt. 14-2-1966]
entitlement to joining time of a Government servant, in cases
where his old headquarters and new headquarters are connected
by railway, should be calculated as admissible for a journey by
129. If an officer is authorised to make over charge of a post elsewhere
than at its headquarters, his joining time shall be calculated from
the place at which he makes over charge.
130. If an officer is appointed to a new post while in transit from one
post to another, his joining time begins on the day following that on
which he receives the order of appointment.
Note.—A second period of 6 days for preparation should not be allowed in
calculating the joining time of an officer who is appointed to a new post,
while in transit from one post to another.
Government Decision
In the case of a Government servant who is transferred [G.O.(P) 461/68/Fin.,
from one post to another but whose transfer is subsequently dt. 24-8-1968]
cancelled after he has handed over charge of his old post but
before he could take charge of the new post, the period intervening
between the date of handing over charge of the old post and taking
over the same later on account of cancellation of transfer orders,
should be treated as joining time, subject to the provisions of Rule
130 and the Note thereunder.
If a Government servant takes leave while in transit from one post
to another, the period which has elapsed since he handed over
charge of his old post must be included in his leave. On the expiry
of the leave, the Government servant may be allowed normal
joining time.
132. If an officer is appointed to a new post while on earned leave he is
entitled to joining time calculated from his old station in addition to
the earned leave. Should the officer join the new appointment
before the expiry of leave plus joining time admissible, the period
short taken should be considered as leave not enjoyed and a
corresponding portion of the leave sanctioned should be cancelled
without any reference to the authority which granted the leave.
When vacation or holidays immediately preceding vacation begin
during or immediately after the expiry of joining time admissible to
an officer or when an officer is transferred during vacation, he may
be allowed to join at the end of the vacation.
133. The Government may in any case extend the joining time
admissible under these rules, provided that the general spirit of the
rules, is observed.
CHAP.X] JOINING TIME [Rules 134-138
Government Decision
The period of overstayal of joining time of an officer may be
regularised by granting eligible leave under Rule 131, Part I,
Kerala Service Rules and the Joining time pay regulated under
Rule 136 (b) ibid
138. A person, in employment other than Government service or on
leave granted from such employment, if in the interest of
Government, is appointed to a post under the Government may, at
the discretion of Government, be treated as on joining time while
he prepares for and makes the journey to join the post under
Government and while he prepares for and makes the journey on
[Rules 139-143
139. The rules, in this chapter apply to those officers only who are
transferred to foreign service after these rules come into force.
Officers transferred previously will remain subject to the rules in force
at the time of transfer.
Government Decision
In cases where the deputation of an officer to foreign service [Circular No.
was sanctioned on a date prior to 1 November 1959 and the terms 66494/RA3/61/Fin.,
originally fixed extend beyond 1 November 1959, no change in the dt. 14-10-1961]
terms need be made even if the officer has opted to the Kerala
Service Rules, but extension of the period beginning from or after 1
November 1959 should conform to the provisions in the Kerala
Service Rules, provided the officer concerned has opted to the Kerala
Service Rules, the extension of the term being treated as a fresh
case of deputation.
140. (a) No officer may be transferred to foreign service against his will: [G.O.(P)254/70/Fin.,
dt. 27-4-1970]
Provided that this sub-rule shall not apply to the transfer of an
officer to the service of a body, incorporated or not, which is wholly or
substantially owned or controlled by the Government.
(b) A transfer to foreign service requires the sanction of the
*No officer shall normally be allowed to remain on deputation
to foreign service for more than five years continuously. Provisions of
Rule 24 will apply to an officer who continues in foreign service for
more than five years at a time.
*Effective from 17 December 1976.
141. A transfer to the foreign service is not admissible unless –
(a) the duties to be performed after the transfer are such as should;
for public reasons, be rendered by an officer of Government, and
(b) the officer transferred holds, at the time of transfer, a permanent
or temporary appointment paid from the General Revenues or
holds a lien on such an appointment or would hold a lien on such
a post had his lien not been suspended.
142. If an officer is transferred to foreign service while on leave, he ceases
from the date of such transfer to be on leave and to draw leave
143. An officer transferred to foreign service shall remain in the cadre or
cadres in which he was included in a substantive or officiating
capacity immediately before his transfer, and may be given such
substantive or officiating promotion in those cadres as the authority
competent to order promotion may decide. In giving promotion, such
authority shall take into account-
(a) the nature of the work performed in foreign service, and
(b) the promotion given to juniors in the cadre in which the question
of promotion arises.
144. An officer in foreign service will draw pay from the foreign employer
from the date on which he relinquishes charge of his post in
Government Service. Subject to any restrictions which the
Government may by general order impose, the amount of his pay, the
amount of joining time admissible to him and his pay during such
joining time will be fixed by the authority sanctioning the transfer in
consultation with the foreign employer.
Note 1.-When transfer to foreign service is sanctioned the pay which he shall receive
in such service must be precisely specified in the order sanctioning the
transfer. If it is intended that he shall receive any remuneration, or enjoy any
concession of pecuniary value, in addition to his pay proper, the exact nature
of such remuneration or concession must be similarly specified. No officer
will be permitted to receive any remuneration or enjoy any concession which
is not so specified, and if the order is silent as to any particular remuneration
or concession, it must be assumed that the intention is that it shall not be
Note 2.-No order of transfer to foreign service shall be issued without previous
consultation with the Finance Department. It shall be open to that
department to prescribe by general or special order, cases in which its
consent may be presumed to have been given.
*Note 3.-No deputation allowance shall be paid to the officers on deputation to *Substitution
foreign service. [G.O.(P)184/02/Fin
dt. 27-3-2002]
This shall be deemed tol have come into force w,e,f, 22nd July, 1997.
unless the foreign employer undertakes to afford to the officer privileges not
inferior to those which he would have enjoyed if he had been employed in the
service of Government
Note 6.-No officer to whose children educational concessions are admissible, should
be transferred to foreign service, unless the foreign employer undertakes to
afford these privileges which the officer would have enjoyed had he been
employed in the service of Government. [G.O.(P) 621/70/Fin.,
dt. 1-9-1970]
Note 7.-The transit pay and allowances and transfer Travelling Allowance of a
Government servant who proceeds on transfer from one foreign employer to
another without reverting to Government service should be borne by the
foreign employer to whom the Government servant proceeds on transfer.
Effective from November 24, 1967
Government Decision
The Heads of Departments, while proposing the deputation of (Circular Memorandum
officers to foreign service and the sections of the Secretariat while No. 42765/Rules -
sanctioning such proposals, will attach to the proposals or sanctions, 3/62/Fin., dt. 15-9-1962)
as the case may be, a separate statement giving the following details
(i) Name of the Government servant
(ii) Date of Birth
(iii) To whom lent
(iv) Official designation (post held substantively before transfer)
(v) Scale of pay of the post in Government service held
substantively by the officer
(vi) Head of account to which pay was debitable before transfer
(vii) Monthly rate of pay sanctioned in foreign service
(viii) Service rules applicable
(ix) Rate of monthly contributions provisionally fixed under rule:
(a) Leave salary
(b) Pension
(x) When lent
(xi) Where to be recovered
(xii) Whether creditable to State or Central
(xiii) Date of termination of foreign service.
Ruling No. 1
An officer holding a provisional appointment deputed to
foreign service, will be allowed to draw, in foreign service, the pay
and allowances attached to the provisional appointment, only if it is
certified by the competent authority that the officer would have held
the provisional appointment but for his deputation to foreign service.
Ruling No. 2
(i) For the period from 1-7-1978 to 30-4-1979, Officers on [G.O.(P) 359/81/Fin.,
deputation will be allowed deputation allowance at the rates dt. 4-6-1981]
prescribed in the concerned Government Order by which the
deputation was sanctioned based on their pre-revision pay in
Government Service.
Government Decision.
Leave salary and pension contribution will be recovered in [G.O.(P)883/70/Fin.,
whole rupees, fractions equal to 50 paise being rounded off to the dt. 2-12-1970]
next higher rupee. Rounding off will be done (1) at the initial stage
while calculating the rates of monthly contributions, (2) while
recovering contributions for part of a month at the beginning or at the
end of foreign service and (3) where rates of monthly contributions
are refixed due to a change in the rates of pay, deputation allowance,
etc., and the total contribution recoverable for a calendar month are
not in whole rupees.
This decision will take effect from 1 August 1970, i.e., in
respect of contributions for August 1970 recoverable in September
147. The rate of pension and leave salary contribution prescribed in Rule
146 is to secure the officer the pension that he would have earned by
service under the State Government if he had not been transferred to
foreign service and the leave salary on the scale and under the
conditions applicable to him. In calculating the rate of leave salary
admissible for earned leave alone, the pay drawn in foreign service
less, in the case of officers paying their own contributions, such part
of the pay as may be paid as contribution, will count as pay for the
purpose of leave salary; provided that the difference between the
amount of leave salary that would have been admissible to the officer
had he remained in Government Service and the amount of leave
salary admissible as aforesaid, shall be recovered from the foreign
Note 1.-As the rates prescribed for such contribution have been calculated on the
basis of the *leave on full or half pay normally taken by an officer during the
total period of his services and do not take into account any compensatory *
[G.O. (P) 491/75/Fin.,
allowance which may form part of leave salary, the whole expenditure in dt. 24-10- 1975]
respect of any compensatory allowance for periods of leave in or at the end
of foreign service shall be borne by the foreign employer and a condition to
this effect should be inserted in the terms of transfer to foreign service.
Note 2.-The foreign employers should in the case of officers transferred to foreign
service accept liability of leave salary in respect of disability leave granted on
account of a disability incurred in and through foreign service even though
such disability manifests itself after the termination of foreign service. The
leave salary charges for such leave should be recovered direct from foreign
employers, a condition to this effect being inserted in the terms of transfer to
foreign service.
Note 3.-Leave salary in respect of maternity leave granted to and enjoyed by a [G.O. (P) 21/66/Fin.,
female Government servant while in foreign service will be borne by the dt. 17-1-1966]
foreign employer.
Government Decision No.1
In the case of an officer who takes leave on the conclusion of [G.O.(P)491/75/Fin.,
foreign service before rejoining his post, the leave salary should be dt. 24-10-1975]
calculated taking into account the pay drawn in foreign service also and the
difference in leave salary should be recovered from the foreign employer as
provided in the above rule. Orders sanctioning deputation to foreign service
should specifically include a provision for the recovery of difference in the
leave salary from the foreign employer. Leave salary in respect of leave
taken after rejoining duty under Government shall be governed by the
provisions in Rules 92 to 95 above.
However the recovery contemplated above will not apply in respect [G.O.(P) 214/85/Fin.,
of officers on deputation on foreign service terms to undertakings which are dt. 11-4-1985
owned or controlled by the Government, in whose case no leave salary
contributions will be realised.
per Rs.100 from the date of expiry of the period aforesaid upto the
date on which the contribution is finally paid. The interest shall be
paid by the officer or the foreign employer according as the
contribution is paid by the former or the latter.
151. An Officer transferred to foreign service may not without the sanction
of the Government accept a pension or gratuity from his foreign
employer in respect of such service.
152. An officer in foreign service may not be granted leave otherwise than
in accordance with the rules applicable to the service of which he is a
member and may not take leave or receive leave salary from
Government unless he actually quits duty and goes on leave.
Exception.- An officer on foreign service out of India may be granted [G.O.(P) 390/66/Fin.,
leave by the foreign employer on such conditions as he dt. 20-8-1966]
may determine. In any individual case, the authority
sanctioning the transfer may determine beforehand, in
consultation with the foreign employer, the conditions on
which leave will be granted by him. The leave salary in
respect of leave granted by the foreign employer will be
paid by him and the leave will not be debited against the
officer’s leave account.
This exception shall be deemed to have come
into force with effect from 1 March 1965.
Note.- An officer on foreign service is himself personally responsible for the
observance of the rules regarding leave in foreign service, by accepting
leave to which he is not entitled under the rules, he renders himself liable to
refund leave salary irregularly drawn, and in the event of his refusing to
refund, he forfeits his previous service under Government and ceases to
have any claim on Government in respect of either pension or leave salary.
Government Decision No. 1
Government Decision No. 2
*[Deleted] *[G.O.(P) 477/97/Fin.,
th dt. 1-4-1997]
*Effective from 30 May 1996.
153. An Officer in foreign service, if appointed to officiate in a post in
Government service, will draw pay calculated on the pay of the post
in Government service on which he holds a lien or would hold a lien
had his lien not been suspended and that of the post in which he
officiates. His pay in foreign service will not be taken into account in
fixing his pay.
154. An Officer reverts from foreign service to Government service on the [G.O.(P)250/83/Fin.,
date on which he takes charges of his post in Government service; dt. 11-5-1983]
provided that if he takes leave on the conclusion of foreign service
before rejoining his post, his reversion shall take effect from such
date as the Government may decide.
As and when an order transferring a non-gazetted employee
to foreign service is issued by the competent authority, the head of
the office where the employee is then working should make an entry
in his Service Book regarding the transfer to foreign service. The
head of office should simultaneously furnish to the Accountant
General information regarding the date of relief of the transferred
officer, his pay, date of his next increment, scale of pay
of post held by him at the time of relief etc. Based on the sanction
and particulars received from the head of office, the Accountant
General will intimate the departmental officer concerned and the
foreign employer the foreign service account number assigned to the
transferred officer and the rate of foreign service contribution
recoverable in his case. On receipt of the communication, the head
of office should note in the Service Book the rate of contribution as
fixed by the Accountant General. At the time of reversion of the
employee from foreign service, the head of the office to which he is
posted should intimate the Accountant General the date of his
rejoining State Service and the date of termination of his foreign
service as fixed under Rule 154, Part I, Kerala Service Rules. On
receipt of the sanction reverting the officer to State Service and the
particulars about his rejoining duty, the Accountant General will check
whether the foreign service contributions have been recovered in full.
As and when the recovery is completed, the Accountant General will
sent to the head of the office in which the Government servant is
working at that time a communication showing the position about the
recovery of contributions; a copy of it will be simultaneously endorsed
to the employee also. On the strength of this communication, the
head of the office should make an entry in the Service Book
regarding the position about the recovery of foreign service
contributions, giving reference to the communication received from
the Accountant General. The letter received from the Accountant
General in this regard should be kept in the Service Book itself for
facilitating future reference. The head of the office and the employee
concerned should acknowledge the receipt of the communication
regarding recovery of contributions. Based on the entries in the
Service Book made by the head of the office and copies of the
Accountant General’s communications kept in the Service Book, the
employee’s pension claims will be settled by the Accountant General
at the time of his retirement. In the event of any dispute arising later
about the recovery of contributions for want of necessary entries in
the Service Books, the employee concerned may produce his copy of
the communication received from the Accountant General as proof of
recovery. On production of his copy of the communication, the
Accountant General will verify the matter and settle his claims
While laying down the above procedure, Government would [G.O.(P)250/83/Fin.,
like to impress upon all departmental officers that the responsibility dt. 11-5-1983]
for making entries relating to foreign service in the Service Book of
the Non-Gazetted Officers rests with them.
Effective from 1 June 1983.
155. When an officer reverts from foreign service to Government service,
his pay will cease to be paid by the foreign employer and his
contributions will be discontinued with effect from the date of
156. When an addition is made to a regular establishment on the condition
that its cost or a definite portion of its cost, shall be recovered from
the persons for whose benefit the additional establishment is created,
recoveries shall be made under the following rules: -
a) The amount to be recovered shall be the gross sanctioned
cost of the service or of the portion of the service, as the case
may be, and shall not vary with the actual expenditure of any
Note.-*” The term ‘gross sanctioned cost of service’ shall also include Dearness
*[G.O. (P) 192/02/Fin.,
Allowance and other Compensatory Allowances, Bonus/Special Festival
dt. 1-4-2002]
Allowance, Interim Relief, Conveyance Allowance and all other allowances
that the employee would have drawn had he been working in the
Government Service at the same place”. The monthly compound of
bonus/special festival allowance, shall be worked out at 1/12th of the last
declared bonus/special festival allowance for effecting recovery on a monthly
Government Decision
The procedure for the recovery of the cost of an
establishment will be as follows :-
(i) Gross Sanctioned cost of the service.- This will include the
“average cost” of the several posts included in the establishment
together with the Dearness Pay, Dearness Allowance, Special
Dearness Allowance, Personal Pay/Special Pay, *Bonus/Special
Festival Allowance* and other Compensatory Allowance
admissible on the “average cost” for this purpose will be
calculated according to the formula given under Rule 12 (35),
Part I, Kerala Service Rules.
(ii) Pension and leave salary contribution. - This contribution in
respect of a post will be worked out at one-fourth-of the total of
the “average cost” plus Dearness Pay, Special Pay/Personal
Pay *and Bonus/Special Festival Allowance* admissible on the
average cost.
*Effective from 29 October 1992 [G.O.(P) 446/93/Fin.,
dt. 24-8- 1993]
(iii) Calculation of average age at entry in the grade.- (Circular No.
62/63/Fin., dt. 9-8-
(a) In grades where direct recruitment is generally made.- If the
recruitment is generally made between 18 and 24/25 years,
for example, the age of entry can with advantage be adopted &
uniformly as 21, instead of calculating it on the basis of age of
No. 5/64/Fin.,
entry of all persons in service on a date or recruited during a
dt. 16-1-1964)
specified period which would involve unnecessary labour not
yielding commensurate advantage. The average cost thus
worked out on the above basis may hold good till there is a
revision of scales or other conditions of service, e.g., age of
retirement, etc.
Note 5.- “Class IV employees drawing pay of Rs.950 and above consequent on [G.O.(P)391/02/Fin.,
getting time bound grade promotion shall be included under Third Grade dt. 19-6-2002]
for the limited purpose of Travelling Allowance/Daily Allowance claims”.
(These amendments shall be deemed to have come into force on 18th July 1994)
2. The Government may, for reasons which should be recorded, order
that any officer or grade of officers shall be included in a grade
higher or lower than that prescribed in the above rule.
3. An officer in transit from one post to another ranks in the grade to
which the lower of the two posts would entitle him.
4. The Travelling Allowance of an officer who is promoted or reverted
with retrospective effect, should not be revised in respect of the
period intervening between the date of promotion or reversion, and
that on which it is ordered.
Government Decision No. 1
In all cases of belated grant of increments, other than those [G.O.(Ms.) 452/60/Fin.,
where such increments have been specifically withheld under dt. 21-9-1960]
competent orders, where the class or grade of officers for drawal of
T.A. has been changed consequent on such belated grant of
increments, the officers concerned will be eligible to draw the
enhanced rate of T.A. with retrospective effect, i.e., from the date
on which the increment has actually fallen due.
Government Decision No. 2
In cases of belated issue of pay slips for ordinary increments, [G.O.(P.) 667/69/Fin.,
which do not depend on the passing of tests, completion of dt.. 15-12-1969]
probation, retrospective confirmation, promotion, revision of pay
scales, etc., but are delayed for some routine reason or other, the
officers concerned will be eligible to draw the enhanced rate of T.A.
with retrospective effect, i.e., from the date on which the increment
has actually fallen due. But such claims for arrears of T.A will be
paid by the Treasury Officers only after special audit by the
Accountant General.
Government Decision No. 3
It is clarified that the above Decision No. 2 is applicable to [G.O.(P) 570/75/Fin.,
all cases of belated issue of pay slips, when the delay in issue of dt. 22-12-1975]
pay slips is not due to any fault of the officer, i.e., it is only when
increments are delayed on account of specific orders of competent
authorities that the benefit contemplated in the above decision shall
be denied.
The following are the different kinds of Travelling Allowances
5. which may be drawn in different circumstances by officers:-
*Note: - Every recommendation made to Government for the grant [*Substitution C.S
of a conveyance allowance should contain detailed No.1/2002
information regarding the nature of the officers work, the G.O.(P)252/02/Fin.,
approximate area of the locality within which the dt. 25-4-2002]
conveyance is to be used and the approximate average
amount of travelling which the officer has to perform in a
*10. Except as otherwise provided in these rules and unless the
Government otherwise direct, a conveyance allowance drawn all
the year round, is not forfeited during absence from Headquarters
and may be drawn in addition to any other travelling allowance
admissible under the rules provided that an officer, who is in receipt
of a conveyance allowance shall not draw mileage allowance /
daily allowance for a journey within their specified area / jurisdiction
or within 8km, from time to time on such condition as the
Government may prescribe.
*11. A conveyance allowance shall not be drawn during leave or
temporary transfer / holidays prefixed or suffixed to leave and
during joining time.]
13. (a) For the purpose of calculating mileage allowance, a journey between
two places is held to have been performed by the shortest of two or
more practicable routes or by the cheapest of such routes as may be
equally short; provided that when there are alternative railway routes
and the difference between them in point of time and cost is not great,
mileage allowance may be calculated on the route actually used.
(b) The shortest route is that by which a traveller can most speedily reach
his destination by the ordinary modes of travelling. In case of doubt,
the Government will declare which shall be regarded as the shortest of
two or more routes.
Government Decision No. 1
The shortest distance between Ernakulam to Fort Cochin and [G.O.(Ms.)117/64/Fin.,
Mattancherry and vice versa would be the distance by road for dt. 16-3-1964]
purpose of Travelling Allowance.
Government Decision No. 2
The route via., Mavelikkara would be the shortest route for [G.O.(Rt.) 2723/64/Fin.,
journeys between Chengannur and Alleppey for purpose of Travelling dt. 8-12-1964]
[This will have effect till bridges are opened in all three ferries
in the Changancherry route]
[Rules 13-15
16. An Officer is required to travel by the class of accommodation for [G.O.(P) 216/65/Fin.,
which Travelling Allowance is admissible to him. The provisions of dt 29-5-1965]
all rules regulating mileage allowance are subject to the condition
that if an officer travels in a lower class of accommodation, he shall
be entitled to the fare of the class of accommodation actually used
plus the incidental expenses admissible to his grade calculated on
the distance travelled in the case of rail journeys and the incidental
expenses admissible had he travelled by the class of
accommodation by which he is entitled to travel in the case of
journeys by sea or air.
Note 1.- Officers who are eligible to travel by first class or air conditioned class and [G.O.(P) 186/89/Fin.,
who actually travel by that class and claim the fare accordingly, should dt. 29-3-1989]
furnish the following certificate in their Travelling Allowance bills namely:-
“Certified that I have actually travelled in the class of
accommodation for which the fare is claimed in this bill”;
Effective from 1 November 1979.
Note 2:- Non Gazetted Officers who are eligible to travel by first class/air [G.O. (P) 186/89/Fin.,
conditioned class but who are not drawing officers, shall furnish the dt 29-3-1989]
following declaration in their tour diary, namely:-
“I hereby declare that I have actually travelled by first
class/air conditioned class on …….(dates) from ……..
(place) to ……….. (place).
On the basis of the above declaration furnished by the non
gazetted officers, the drawing officers shall furnish the
following certificate in the Travelling Allowance bills of the
nongazetted officers, namely:-
Note 2.- Officers of the Second and Third Grades will be allowed to travel in air
conditioned second* class accommodation in Deluxe trains at public
st [G.O.(P) No.117/77/Fin.,
*Effective from 1 March 1975.
dt. 13-3-1977]
Note 3.- [Deleted] [G.O.(P)186/89/Fin.,
st dt. 29-3-1989]
Effective from 1 November , 1979.
19. The Government may, for special reasons which should be [G.O.(P)186/89/Fin.,
recorded, declare any particular officer or class of officers to be dt. 29-3-1989]
entitled to accommodation of a higher class than that prescribed
for his class in clauses (b) or (c) of Rule 18.
20. Except in the case of journeys on transfer (the rules for which are
contained in section III), the mileage allowance admissible to an
officer is as follows :-
*(a) First Grade and Second Grade Officers who do not actually travel in
First Class/Air conditioned class and officers who are not eligible
for First Class/Air conditioned class of accommodation are entitled
to mileage allowance at the following rates:-
(i) First Grade Officers - 36 paise per kilometre
(ii) Second Grade (a) Officers - 28 paise per kilometre
(iii) Second Grade (b) Officers- 28 paise per kilometre
(iv) Third Grade Officers - 24 paise per kilometre
(v) Fourth Grade Officers - 20 paise per kilometre
These rates are inclusive of incidental expenses and are
applicable for journeys irrespective of whether the places are
connected by rail or not.
Officers who are eligible for First Class/Air conditioned class of
accommodation and who actually perform the journey by such
class are entitled to claim actual rail fare plus incidental expenses
at the following rates:
(i) First Grade Officers - 12 paise per kilometre
(ii) Second Grade (a) Officers- 10 paise per kilometre
(iii) Second Grade (b) Officers- 10 paise per kilometre
(iv) Third Grade Officers - 6 paise per kilometre
(v) Fourth Grade Officers - 5 paise per kilometre
21. [Deleted] †
22. [Deleted] †
23. [Deleted] † [G.O.(P)186/89/Fin.,
st dt. 29-3-1989]
†Effective from 1 November 1979.
24. If available, return tickets at reduced rates should always be
purchased when an officer expects to perform the return journey by
rail within the period for which a return ticket is available. The
mileage allowance for the forward and the return journeys
wherever such return tickets are available and are purchased will
be the actual cost of the return ticket plus the usual allowance
admissible for incidental expenses each way.
30. For the purpose of these rules travelling by road includes travelling
by sea or river in a steam launch or in any vessel other than a
steamer and travelling by canal.
31. For journeys by road, mileage allowance is admissible at the [G.O.(P)391/02/Fin.,
following rates for each kilometre travelled irrespective of whether dt. 19-6-2002]
the places are connected by rail or not :
“I certify that I did not perform the road journeys for which
mileage allowance has been claimed at the higher rate by any public
conveyance which plies regularly for hire between fixed points and
charge fixed rates. I also certify that the journey was not performed in
any other vehicle without payment of its hire charges or without
incurring its running charges.”
Note 3.- An officer of the First Grade claiming higher road mileage for a journey
performed in his own car shall furnish the following certificate in lieu of
the certificate referred to in Note 2 above, namely:-
“I certify that the road journeys for which mileage has been
claimed at the higher rate were performed by me in my own car”.
Note 4.- All officers claiming road mileage should record in their Travelling
Allowance bills one of the following certificates as may be appropriate,
namely :-
(a) “Certified that I have not been provided with any Government
conveyance for my use”.
(b) “Certified that the Government conveyance provided for my use
was out of order/not available for journeys on ….(dates to be
Explanation.—In the case of non-gazetted officers, the drawing
officers shall record the certificate with suitable changes
and the controlling officer shall ensure that the
Government servants who are provided with Government
conveyance use such conveyance for their official
journeys and that otherwise, the prescribed certificate is
recorded invariably.
Note 5.- When two or more officers travel in a conveyance belonging to one of
them or hired by one of them, the officer who owns or hires the
conveyance may draw Travelling Allowance as if he travelled alone
and the other officer (s) may draw only th e Travelling Allowance as
admissible under Rule 107 read with Rule 110, even if he (they) meets
(meet) a portion of the cost of propulsion of the conveyance or of the
hire charges of the conveyance, as the case may be. A certificate in
the following form shall also be attached to the Travelling Allowance
bills of the officers claiming travelling allowance under the above
provision, namely:-
“Certified that I/We
(1) Name and Designation ………………………………….
(2) Name and designation …………………………………
(3) Name and designation …………………………………
(4) Name and designation travelled together from ………
………to ……………… on ………………………………
in a special conveyance (here enter Registration No. of
the vehicle) owned/hired by the officer whose name is
mentioned as No………. above, and that I have
claimed Travelling Allowance admissible under Note 5
below Rule 31, Kerala Service Rules, Part II.”
Note 6.- An Officer who performs a journey by a conveyance owned by another
officer without meeting the cost of its use and propulsion but whose own
conveyance immediately precedes or follows him is eligible for the
mileage allowance admissible under the rules. He shall, when he claims
mileage allowance certify that the cost of the use and propulsion of his
conveyance which immediately preceded or followed the conveyance by
which he travelled was met by him.
Note 7.-If an Officer of the First Grade, travels more than two hundred kilometres
a day by special conveyance, the rate of mileage admissible for the
excess over two hundred kilometres will be reduced to three fourths of
what is normally admissible.
Note 1.- Daily Allowance is calculated on the actual pay the officers are in receipt
of, and with reference to the grade to which they belong.
Note 2.- If a Government servant who stays during tours in circuit houses, [G.O. (P) 426/66/Fin.,
inspection bungalows, rest houses, etc., is required to pay any charges dt 17-9-1966]
on account of stay at such places, even though it may not cover the
entire cost of the facilities provided, no reduction in the daily allowance
will be made.
40. The Government may, for reasons which should be recorded and
on such conditions as they may think fit to impose, sanction for any
officer or class of officers, a daily allowance higher or lower than
that prescribed in Rule 39, if they consider that the allowance so
prescribed is inadequate or excessive.
41. Unless in any case it be otherwise expressly provided in these
rules, no officer is entitled to be provided with means of conveyance
by or at the expense of Government, or to draw as Travelling
Allowance the actual cost or part of the actual cost of travelling.
42. The Travelling Allowance admissible to an officer for any journey is
calculated with reference to the purpose of the journey in
accordance with the rules laid down in Sections II to XI of this
Note 1.- When an officer who is permitted on his own request to attend meetings or
conferences or congresses held in India and if any Government
interest is served thereby, he may be paid (under specific orders of
Government) a single railway fare of the class of accommodation to which
he is entitled under these rules for the journey each way, without any road
mileage or daily allowance for halt, at the place of meeting.
Travelling and daily allowances under these rules, are however, admissible
when an officer is officially sent to attend a conference, congress or
Note 2.- The officers of Government travelling on University business will receive
Travelling Allowance direct from the University according to its rules.
Note 3.- An officer as a member of a Staff Council shall be eligible for Travelling
Allowance and Daily Allowance as on tour for the journeys performed by
him for attending the Staff Council Meeting and back.
43. Unless in any case it be otherwise expressly provided in these rules,
an officer making a journey for any purpose is not entitled to recover
from Government the cost of transporting his family or his personal
luggage, conveyances and camp equipage.
44. The Government may, by general or special order, direct that the
ordinary rates of daily allowance or mileage allowance or both shall
be increased either in a definite ratio or in any other suitable manner
for any or all officers travelling in any specified locality in which
travelling is unusually expensive.
Note 1.-When travelling in hilly tracts, officers are entitled to draw an additional 25
per cent of the daily allowance or mileage allowance ordinarily admissible
to them in Class I tracts and 12 ½ per cent thereof in Class II tracts.
Appendix IX gives the list of Class I and Class II hilly tracts.
Ruling No. 1
A Government servant whose headquarters is situated in a
special tract and who undertakes a journey from headquarters and
returns thereto on the same day, is not entitled to the higher rate of
daily allowance applicable for halts in the special tract irrespective of
whether the journey is performed entirely in the special tract or partly
in the special and partly in the ordinary tract.
Ruling No. 2
A Government servant whose headquarters is situated in a
hilly tract may claim half daily allowance admissible under Rule 63
for the day of arrival at and for the day of departure from a place in
Class I or II hilly tract at the enhanced rates applicable to the class
of the hilly tract where he halted, provided his absence from the
headquarters exceeded eight hours.
This ruling shall be deemed to have come into force with
effect from 20 July 1960.
Ruling No. 3
The area between Dehra Dun and Mussorie in Uttar [G.O.(Rt.) 787/61/DD.,
Pradesh will be treated as Class I hilly tract for purposes of Note I to dt. 9-10-1961]
Rule 44, Part II, K.S.R.
Note 2.- The rate of daily allowance of an officer who spends part of a day in a hilly
tract and part in a place to which the ordinary rates apply is determined
according to the place where he halts after the journey.
Note 3.- Officers travelling or halting outside the State may be given daily allowance
at the following rates :-
(i) Officers of the First Grade † Rs.100 a day
(ii) Officers of the Second Grade (a) † Rs.70 a day
(iii) Officers of the Second Grade (b) † Rs.60 a day
(iv) Officers of the Third Grade † Rs.55 a day
(v) Officers of the Fourth Grade † Rs.35 a day
+(This amendment shall be deemed to have come into force [G.O.(P) 391/02/Fin.,
with effect from 1 September 1995.) dt. 19-6-2002]
45. When an officer of a grade lower than the first grade is required by
the order of a superior authority to travel by special means of
conveyance, the cost of which exceeds the amount of the daily
allowance or mileage allowance, admissible to him under the
ordinary rules he may draw the actual cost of travelling in lieu of
such daily or mileage allowance. The bill for the actual cost must be
supported by a certificate, signed by the superior authority and
countersigned by the controlling officer, stating that the use of the
special means of conveyance was absolutely necessary and
specifying the circumstances which rendered it necessary.
46. The headquarters of an officer shall be in such place as Government
may prescribe.
47. The Government may define the limits of the sphere of duty of any
Note 1.- The Heads of Departments and District Collectors are empowered to [G.O.(P) 454/80/Fin.,
sanction journeys of subordinate officers to the adjoining districts of dt.16-7-1980]
neighbouring States.
Effective from 30th August 1979.
Note 2.- The Heads of Departments and District Collectors will be competent to
undertake journeys outside the State in the adjoining districts of
neighbouring States in public interest.
Note 3.- The Board of Revenue is empowered to sanction journeys of Potdars G.O.(Ms.) 157/Rev.,
outside the State accompanying remittances to the Reserve Bank of India dt. 14-2-1962]
agencies in accordance with instructions from the Currency Officer.
Effective from 14th February 1962.
Note 4.- The Inspector-General of Police is empowered to sanction the journeys
outside the State of all officers of his department below the rank of
Assistant Superintendent of Police/Deputy Superintendent of Police. *He
is also empowered to sanction journeys outside the State of all officers *[G.O.(P) 440/67/Fin.,
below the rank of Superintendent of Police in the Crime Branch in dt. 5-10-1967]
connection with investigation of cases.
54. When an officer in receipt of Permanent Travelling Allowance travels on duty, with
proper sanction, beyond his sphere of duty, he may exchange his Permanent
Travelling Allowance for the mileage allowance for the entire journey including such
part of it as is within his sphere of duty and may draw in addition Permanent
Travelling Allowance for any day of his absence for which he does
not draw mileage allowance. This rule does not apply to an officer
who travels beyond his sphere of duty in the course of a journey
from one place within that sphere to another such place, or to an
officer who makes, by road alone, a journey not exceeding 32
Ruling No. 1
The sanction of competent authority for admitting daily
allowance in excess of ten days would be necessary only when the
number of full daily allowances drawn inclusive of the half daily
allowance under Rule 63 exceeds ten; but the daily or half daily
allowances, if any, admissible for the days of travel covered by Rule
60 (c) should be excluded in calculating the daily allowances.
Ruling No. 2
Daily allowance will be allowed for the first three months at
the rates specified in this rule even in cases of halts on tour
exceeding three months.
(c) In calculating the duration of a halt, any day on which the officer
travels or halts at a distance from the halting place exceeding eight
kilometres shall be excluded. On such a day the officer may draw
daily allowance or exchange it for mileage allowance, if admissible.
Government decision.
(i) The daily allowance admissible for halt at an outstation under [G.O.(P) 240/78/Fin.,
this rule and the daily/mileage allowance admissible for the dt. 6-3-1978]
journey should be calculated separately, irrespective of whether
the halt is preceded or followed by a journey which qualifies for
daily or mileage allowance.
(vi) When a Government servant, on tour, visits various outstations [G.O.(P) 321/70/Fin.,
on duty over a number of days, the total daily allowance dt. 15-5-1970]
admissible under this rule should not exceed the total daily
allowance calculated on the basis of the total number of hours
between the time of arrival at temporary residence duty point at
the first outstation and the time of departure from the temporary
residence/duty point at the last station of tour.
64. Government may, by general or special, order permit any officer or class of officers
to draw the actual cost of hiring a conveyance on a journey for which no
Travelling Allowance is admissible under these rules.
Note 1.- When a nongazetted or last grade officer is despatched on duty to a
place at some distance from his office, or is summoned to his office by
special order, of a gazetted officer outside the ordinary hours of duty, the
expenditure involved may be paid by Government and charged to
contingencies provided—
(a) That the head of the office certifies that the expenditure was actually
incurred, was unavoidable, and is within the scheduled scale of
charges for the conveyance used.
(b) That the officer concerned is not entitled to draw Travelling
Allowance under the ordinary rules for the journey, and that he is not
granted any compensatory leave and does not and will not otherwise
receive any special remuneration for the performance of the duty
which necessitated the journey.
Note 2.- The teaching staff in all Government Training Schools and Government
Training Colleges who undertake journeys for practice teaching will be
paid allowance at the following rates per day for the actual number of
days on which they perform journeys for practice teaching :-
(i) When the distance is less than two kilometres no conveyance
allowance will be allowed.
(ii) When the distance is two kilometres or more but less than four
kilometres—Rs. 2.
(iii) When the distance is four kilometres or more but less than six
kilometres— Rs.3.
(iv) *When the distance is six kilometres or more and no regular *[G.O.(P) 145/76/Fin.,
Travelling Allowance is admissible—Rs. 4. dt. 25-5-1976]
st [G.O.(Ms.) 403/Edn.,
Effective from 1 April 1961.
dt . 17-7-1961
G.O.(P) 468/61/Fin.,
dt . 20-11-1961]
Note 3.- Last grade officers deputed for treasury transactions within a radius of 8
kilometres will be paid an allowance at the rate of *Rs.5 per day by debit
to the contingencies of the Department concerned, when the distance to
the treasury from the headquarters exceeds two kilometres or more but
does not exceed 8 kilometres subject to following :
(i) The allowance will be paid to such officers who are required
under Article 284 of the Kerala Financial Code, Volume I to be
engaged for cashing bills or remitting money into the treasuries
when they are required to carry Rs.500 or more.
(ii) The allowance will be paid only for journeys to or from the
treasury which actually involve the carrying of money and not
(iii) The allowance will be paid only if no regular T.A. or other
remuneration is payable for the day.
(iv) The allowance will not be paid for more than three visits in a
week with reference to a particular office.
(v) The allowance will be admissible only if the officer is using his
own conveyance or engaging one for hire, if conveyance is used
no allowance will be payable.
(vi) The payment of the allowance will be extended to cases in which the
officers have to travel more than two kilometres from the office to the
State Bank for collection and remittance of cash eventhough the
treasury is situated at a place within a distance of less than two
kilometres from the headquarters.
*Effective from 15 December 1980. [G.O.(P) 186/89/Fin.,
dt. 29-3-1989]
Explanation.—For the purpose of determining the distance of two
kilometres from headquarters, the duty point at the
headquarters should be taken as the place or office
where the Government servant normally remains on
*(This amendment shall be deemed to have come into force with [G.O.(P) 391/02/Fin.,
effect from 1st September 1995). dt. 19-6-2002]
Note 1.- In the case of journeys on transfer performed by First or Second Grade [G.O.(P) 186/89/Fin.,
Officers by Mail/Express Train and actual First class fares for travel by dt. 29-3- 1989]
such trains are claimed, a certificate to the effect that the journey was
performed by First class by Mail/Express Train should be recorded by the
claimant on the Travelling Allowance bill.
Note 2.- If an officer carries his personal effects by passenger instead of by goods
train he may draw the actual cost of carriage upto a limit of the amount
which would have been admissible had he taken the maximum number of
kilograms by goods train.
Note 3.- An officer who carries his personal effects by road between places
connected by rail may draw actual charges upto the limit of the amount
which would have been admissible had he taken the same quantity by
goods train. Loading and unloading charges as well as packing and
unpacking charges will be allowed in such cases also. In cases where
the actual expenses claimed exceed the limit mentioned above, the
controlling authority may, for valid reasons, allow such claims subject to
the limit of the amount which would have been admissible, if the
maximum number of kilograms had been transported by goods train.
Note 4.- The claim for transport of personal effects between places connected
partly by road and partly by rail shall be regulated as follows:-
(1) For the rail portion.- As in Rule 67 (a) I (iii) and Note 2 or 3 of Rule
67 (a) I (iii)
(2) For the road portion.- As in Rule 67 (a) II (iii). [G.O.(P) 311/66/Fin.,
dt. 13-7-1966]
Places where a railway station is situated within eight
kilometres from the central point of the respective localities, will be
treated as places connected wholly by rail, for purposes of
calculation of charges for transport of personal effects on transfer.
Note 5.- Subject to the prescribed maximum number of kilograms an officer may
draw the actual cost of transporting personal effects to his new station
from a place other than his old station (e.g., from a place where they are
purchased en-route or have been left on the occasion of a previous
transfer) or from his old station to a place other than his new station,
provided that the total amount drawn including the cost of transporting
these personal effects shall not exceed that admissible had the maximum
admissible number of kilograms been transported by goods train from the
old to the new station direct.
(iv) Provided that –
(1) the distance travelled exceeds 150 kilometres;
(2) the officer is travelling to join a post in which the possession
of a conveyance is advantageous from the point of view of
his efficiency, or is travelling after being relieved from a post
in which the possession of a conveyance was advantageous
from the point of view of his efficiency; and
(3) Conveyances are actually carried by rail, steamer or other
he may draw the actual cost of transporting at owner’s risk
conveyances, on the following scales:-
I Grade Officers A motor car.
Government Decision
Children below five years can be counted as members of a [G.O.(Ms) 817/64/Fin.,
family for the purpose of claiming road mileage under the rule dt. 21-12-1964]
referred to above.
(iii) For the transportation of personal effects within the limits
prescribed in sub-clause I (iii) of this clause he may draw
the actual cost of transport limited to the mileage allowance *[G.O.(P) 311/66/Fin.,
at thrice the rate applicable to him.* dt. 13-7-1966]
(b) The following explanations are given for the terms employed
in clause (a) of this rule:-
(d) An officer claiming the cost of transporting personal effects must [G.O.(P) 279/67/Fin.,
support his claim by a certificate that the actual expense dt. 15-7-1967]
incurred was not less than the sum claimed and that only goods
belonging to him and his family were carried. All vouchers
claiming transporting charges of personal effects by road should
invariably mention the number of the lorry or other conveyance
by which, and the number of the house from and to which the
personal effects were transported. The officer should also state
in the certificate the weight of the personal effects actually
carried and the amount actually paid for their transport
separately by rail, road, steamer or other craft and the
controlling officer should record a certificate that he has
scrutinised the details and satisfied himself that the claim is
reasonable. The payees’ receipt for the charges paid for the
transport of personal effects should be attached to the bills.
(e) An officer claiming the cost of transporting a conveyance by rail [G.O.(P) 279/67/Fin.,
or steamer must support his claim by railway or steamer receipt. dt. 15-7-1967]
He should also produce a certificate that the conveyance
belonged to him. The receipt shall be attached to the bill.
(f) ‘Family’ for the purpose of these rules includes the officer’s wife,
children and step-children residing with and wholly dependent
on him. Not more than one wife is included in a family for the
purpose of these rules. In the case of a female officer the
‘family’ will include the ‘husband’ also provided he is residing
with and wholly dependent on her (the female officer).
Note 1.- Charges for the transport of personal effects of an officer on transfer may
be admitted in audit, if they do not for good and sufficient reasons
accompany him but are carried within a reasonable time before or after
the date of his journey on transfer.
Note 2.- The expression ‘date of his transfer’ occurring in the first sentence of Rule
67 (b) (iii) means the date on which the officer takes over charge at the
new station in case his family follows him or the date on which he hands
over charge at the old station in case his family precedes him.
Note 3.- Claims preferred under this rule for the carriage of personal effects should
be admitted in all cases at the lowest available rates for “smalls,”
“Smalls” are defined as goods which of themselves do not constitute a
working load for the unit of railway transport, the wagon. The minimum
load constituting a wagon load is specified, by each of the railways who
quotes reduced rates for wagon loads, in its tariffs.
Note 4.- In cases where an officer is transferred from Station A to Station B and
again transferred within a reasonably short time to Station C he may be
allowed to recover the cost of carriage of personal effects from Station A
to Station C subject to the conditions—
(1) that the tota l weight carried from Station B to Station C and from
Station A to Station C does not exceed the maximum limit
prescribed in the rule, and
(2) that the total cost of transporting the effects from Station A to Station
B, from Station B to Station C and from Station A to Station C does
not exceed the amount admissible from Station A to Station B plus
that admissible from Station B to Station C.
Note 5.- When an officer transports more than the maximum quantity admissible by a
cheaper route, he can draw actual charges not exceeding the amount
admissible for the maximum quantity by the normal recognised route.
Note 6.- A motor car may be treated as a part of personal effects in cases where an
officer is not entitled to its free transport in addition to personal effects.
68. An officer transferred from one post to another who under the orders [G.O. (P)186/89/Fin.,
of competent authority is permitted to hand over charge of his old dt. 29-3-1989]
post or to take over charge of the new post at a place other than the
headquarters is entitled to -
(i) Travelling Allowance as on tour from his old headquarters to the
place of handing over charge and from the place of taking over
charge to the new headquarters.
(ii) all concessions admissible under sub-rule (a) of rule 67 for journey
from the old to the new headquarters minus what will be admissible
to the Officer, for journey as on tour from the old to the new
69. An officer whose headquarters are changed while he is on tour, and
who proceeds to his headquarters without returning to his old, is
entitled to—
(i) Travelling Allowance as on tour for his journey upto the new
(ii)*all concessions admissible under sub-rule (a) of rule 67 from the *[G.O.(P)186/89/Fin.,
old to the new headquarters minus what will be admissible to the dt. 29-3-1989]
Officer for a journey as on tour from the old to the new
70. If the family of an officer, in consequence of his transfer, travels to a
station other than the new headquarters; Travelling Allowance for
the journey of the family may be drawn subject to the conditions that
it does not exceed the Travelling Allowance that would have been
admissible if the family had proceeded to the new headquarters
71. An officer appointed to a new post while in transit from one post to
another is entitled to draw Travelling Allowance under this section
for so much of the journey on transfer as he had accomplished
when he receives the fresh orders and for the journey from the
place at which he receives such orders to his new station.
72. An officer, who goes on leave not exceeding four months after he
has given over charge of his old post and before he has taken
charge of his new post, is entitled, whether the order of transfer is
received before or after the commencement of his leave, to
Travelling Allowance under this section as for a journey from his old
to his new post.
72A. When a Government servant whose case is not covered by Rule 72 [ G.O.(P) 295/84/Fin.,
is posted to a station other than that at which he was stationed dt. 12-6-1984]
before he went on leave, the controlling officer may permit him to
recover the Travelling Allowance under sub-rules I (iii) and (iv) or II
(iii), as the case may be, of Rule 67 (a) as for a journey from his old
to the new station.
73. When an officer of the Government is transferred to the
administrative control of another Government which has made rules
prescribing amounts and conditions of Travelling Allowances, his
Travelling Allowances for the journey to join his post under that
Government and for the return journey will be governed by the rules
of that Government regulating Travelling Allowances on transfer.
Note.— The controlling officer for the purpose of Travelling Allowance for the journey
of an officer to join his post under a borrowing Government as
well as for the return journey will be the controlling officer in regard to his post
under that Government.
74. Except as otherwise provided in these rules Travelling Allowance is
not admissible to any person for the journey to join his first
appointment in Government service.
75. When a pensioner, or an officer who has been thrown out of
employment owing to a reduction of establishment or the abolition of
his post, is reappointed to Government service, the Government
may permit him to draw Travelling Allowance. Travelling Allowance
under this rule should be calculated as for a journey on tour, but no
allowance may be drawn for halts on the journeys.
76. When mileage allowance is drawn under Rule 75 the rate admissible
is that of the grade to which the officer will belong after joining his
77. An officer is entitled to draw Travelling Allowance for the journey to
and from the place at which he appears for an obligatory
departmental examination, provided that Travelling Allowance shall
not be drawn under this rule more than twice for any particular
Note 1.- If a Government servant actually performs the journey to the place of [G.O.(P) 21/67/Fin.,
examination, but is not able to appear for the examination because of its dt. 18-1-1967]
cancellation at the last moment Travelling Allowance may be sanctioned to
him by the Government/the Head of Department concerned after due
verification of the facts. This concession will be admissible only if the
intimation regarding the cancellation did not reach the Government servant
before the commencement of the journey and the journey did not commence
too early, i.e. the date of its commencement was not in advance of the
schedule date of the examination by more than the minimum number of days
required for performing the journey.
Note 2.- If the place where the Government servant works is a centre for the [G.O.(P) 80/76/Fin.,
departmental examinations, he shall not be eligible for Travelling Allowance dt. 10-3-1976]
for appearing for the examinations at another centre under this rule, except in
case where he has to appear for the examination at that centre owing to
reasons beyond his control.
78. The Government may permit an officer to draw Travelling Allowance
for the journey to and from the place at which he appears for an
examination other than those specified in Rule 77.
79. Travelling Allowance under this section should be calculated as for a
journey on tour but no allowance may be drawn for halts on the
82. (a) When an officer is compulsorily recalled to duty before the expiry of
his leave and the leave is thereby curtailed by not less than one
month, he is entitled to draw mileage allowance for the journey from
the place at which the order of recall reaches him. If the period by
which the leave is curtailed is less than a month, mileage allowance
may be allowed at the discretion of the authority recalling the officer.
(1) To any person appointed to the Public Works the Medical or any
other department in any capacity requiring technical skill or
knowledge for which he has been specially trained.
Note.— Teachers deputed for training from Departmental Schools are entitled to
Travelling Allowance under the ordinary rules, for their journey to and
from the Training School or College.
[Rule 85
Note.—In the cases covered by Rule 85, no allowance for halts on journeys or at
the outstation where the enquiry is held will be allowed.
86. The following provisions apply to an officer who is summoned to give
evidence :-
(a) In a criminal case, a case before a court-martial, a civil case to
which Government is a party or a departmental inquiry held by a
properly constituted authority within the State :
(i) He may draw Travelling Allowance as for a journey on tour
attaching to his bill a certificate of attendance given by the
Court or other authority which summoned him.
(ii) When he draws such Travelling Allowance, he may not
accept any payment of his expenses from the court or
authority. Any fees which may be deposited in the court for
travelling and subsistence allowance of the witness must be
credited to Government.
(iii) If the court in which he gives evidence is situated within
eight kilometres of his headquarters and no Travelling
Allowance is therefore admissible for the journey he may, if
he is not in receipt of Permanent Travelling Allowance,
accept such payment of actual travelling expenses as the
court may make.
(b) Officials employed by the Central Government or by the
Government of any of the States appearing in cases in which
the State is a party, as witnesses on summons before the
Criminal Court of this State to give evidence regarding facts of
which they have official knowledge, will, on production of
certificates of attendance issued by the courts before which
they appear as witnesses, be paid Travelling Allowance by the
Government by whom they are employed at their own rates. In
cases where the State is not a party, such officials will be paid
Travelling Allowance by the summoning court according to its
own rules and the charges will be borne by the State within
whose limits the summoning court is situated.
When any of the Governments requisitions the services of
an official of a commercial department as a witness or any
other official as a technical or expert witness within the
meaning of section 45 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872, the
pay of the official concerned for the period of his absence from
his headquarters and Travelling Allowance and other expenses
due to him will be borne by the requisitioning Government. The
Travelling Allowance in such cases will be regulated by the
Travelling Allowance Rules applicable to the official
summoned. The charges will, in the first instance, be borne by
the Government under whom he is employed and will be
passed on after audit for payment to the requisitioning
Note:- Omitted.
G.O.(P) No.391/02/Fin.
dt. 19/6/2002
(This amendment shall be deemed to have come into force on 2nd
March 1990)
Note.- For the purposes of this rule the headquarters of an officer on leave shall
be considered to be the place of his headquarters where he was last on
(2) The rates of Travelling Allowance shall be those which would be
admissible under the rules for a journey on transfer less that
admissible to the officer.
(3) The family should perform the journey within three months of the
death of the Government employee and the Travelling Allowance
should be claimed as soon as possible after the journey is over. The
Travelling Allowance may be drawn in advance if the officer drawing
the bill is satisfied that the journey will be made.
99A. Travelling Allowance will be allowed to an officer on retirement to *[G.O. (P) 44/78/Fin.,
enable him to proceed to any place within or outside* the State dt. 10-1-1978]
where he proposes to settle down after retirement subject to the
following conditions :-
(i) The concession will be given only in cases of retirement on
superannuation, or on invalid, retiring or compensation pension, or
with effect from 30 July 1975, in cases of compulsory retirement
under Rule 60 A, Part I of these rules, but will not be given in other
cases of compulsory retirement or cases of removal or dismissal
from service.
* (ii) The Travelling Allowance will be given as for a journey on transfer [G.O. (P) 74/77/Fin.,
from the last headquarters to the place of residence, where he dt. 28-2-1977]
proposes to settle down. For regulating the claim accordingly,
every Government servant should furnish to his controlling officer
before his retirement, a declaration indicating the station where he *[G.O. (P) 44/78/Fin.,
intends to reside after retirement . The officers compulsorily retired dt. 10-1-1978]
under Rule 60-A, of Part 1 of these rules shall furnish the declaration
within one month after such retirement.
(iii) The journey shall be performed within one year of the date of [G.O. (P) 595/78/Fin.,
retirement: dt. 29-7-1978]
Provided that officers who are re-employed under the [G.O. (P) 537/80/Fin.,
Government of Kerala and whose re-employment is ordered while dt. 3-9-1980]
on leave preparatory to retirement or within one year of the date of
retirement, can avail themselves of the benefit of this rule, if the
journey is performed within one year from the date of expiry of the
period of re-employment.
(iv) If Travelling Allowance advance is allowed it should be restricted to [G.O. (P) 200/70/Fin.,
75 per cent of the Travelling Allowance admissible for the journey dt. 6-4-1970]
and a declaration should be obtained from the Government servant
giving his consent for recovery from his pension, if need be. The
detailed T.A. bill should be presented **within two months of the **[G.O. (P) 595/78/Fin.,
date of drawal of the advance to the last controlling officer for dt. 29-7-1978]
adjustment and counter signature. If the Government servant is a
Gazetted Officer the bill should be sent to the office of the
Accountant General for pre-audit before payment.
This amendment shall be deemed to have come into force
with effect from 8 January 1970.
99B. [Deleted] [G.O. (P) 277/75/Fin.,
dt. 30-6-1975]
*This amendment shall be deemed to have come into force [G. O.(P) 113/76/Fin.,
with effect from 15 May 1970. dated 6-4-1976]
(b) If he has to provide separate conveyance at his own expense for his
servants or luggage he may—
(i) if the journey is between places connected by rail or
steamer draw incidental expenses or three-fifth of a fare as
the case may be of the class of accommodation to which he
is entitled by railway or steamer, or
(ii) if the journey is between places not connected by rail or
steamer draw the daily allowance of his grade or half the
mileage allowance calculated for the journey.
If, however, a part of the journey is performed by other
means of locomotion he may draw mileage allowance admissible for
that part subject to the condition laid down in sub-clause (i) and (ii)
of clause (b) of Rule 62.
106. An officer, when making a journey by air in a Government machine
or in a machine chartered by Government for the purpose shall pay
a first class full or half railway fare, as the case may be, to
Government on behalf of each person not entitled to travel in that
machine who may accompany him.
Note.- If an officer wishes to take with him any non-entitled person in a Government
machine or in a machine chartered by Government, he should obtain the
sanction of the Government. In giving such sanction, care should be taken
to see that no extra expenditure is caused to Government thereby.
107. Except where otherwise expressly provided in these rules, when on
a journey other than a journey by railway or by sea or river steamer
or by air an officer uses a means of locomotion provided at the
expense of Government, a local fund or Government of another
State and does not pay the cost of its use or propulsion, he is
entitled subject to the provisions of Rule 110 to Travelling Allowance
as follows:-
(a) If he has not to provide separate conveyance at his own expense for
his servants or luggage, he may draw the daily allowance of the
grade and may not exchange it for mileage allowance. If, however,
part of the journey is made by other means of locomotion, he may at
his option draw in lieu of daily allowance the mileage allowance
admissible for that part.
When a Government servant performs a journey on transfer [G.O.(P) 617/63/Fin.,
in a conveyance provided by the Government, he may be allowed dt. 12-12-1963]
daily allowance for each calendar day of journey. He will not,
however, be eligible for any additional daily allowance for the
members of his family who accompany him and for whom he does
not pay any fare, nor will he be paid any allowance for the personal
effects carried along with him for which he does not pay any charge
except in the case of transport by rail in which case he may be
allowed the actual charges as provided under Rule 67 (a) I (iii),
Kerala Service Rules, Part II.
[Rules 107-110
110. When an officer, who is supplied with means of conveyance without [G.O.(P) 186/89/Fin.,
charges, returns to his headquarters on the same day, daily dt. 29-3-1989]
allowance admissible under Rule 103, Rule 105 and Rule 107 will
be limited to the incidental expenses at the rates given below:
Officers of the First Grade .. 8 paise per kilometre
Officers of the Second Grade .. 6 paise per kilometre
Officers of the Third Grade .. 4 paise per kilometre
Officers of the Fourth Grade .. 3 paise per kilometre
Effective from 1 July 1980.
When an officer is provided with free conveyance for part of
the journey or for one way journey only (i.e. either for going from or
for return to Headquarters) and he returns to his head quarters on
the same day the daily allowance if admissible under the rules will
be limited to the incidental expenses as indicated above for the
onward or downward journey as the case may be. He may in
addition draw mileage allowance admissible for the part of the
journey for which the conveyance is not provided free of charges,
provided the distance travelled exceeds 32 kilometres.
Note 1.- A chauffeur or driver or cleaner or mechanic of a motor car, jeep, van,
wagon, lorry, boat or other means of locomotion supplied at the expense
of Government will be allowed daily allowance at the rates specified
under these rules.
Note 2.- The rates of incidental expenses mentioned in this rule shall be subject to [G.O. (P) 186/89/Fin.,
a minimum of half daily allowance. dt. 29-3-1989]
Effective from 1 May 1981.
112 A. The rates of Travelling Allowance and batta in the case of those coming [G.O. (P) 1/66/Fin.,
under Rule 112 will be the rates allowable from time to time to non- dt. 1-1-1966]
official witnesses summoned by criminal courts, the discretion in the
matter of classification of such witnesses for the purpose being vested
with the concerned authority conducting the enquiry.
(f) to satisfy himself before permitting a claim under Rule 23 that the
officer actually bought a through ticket at the rate claimed and that
it was not possible for him to get a through ticket at a cheaper rate
by paying only for the appropriate class of accommodation over
that portion of the journey where accommodation of that class was
,, VI [Deleted]
,, XI [Deleted]
" XII C Rules for the grant of LWA for joining spouse
(Referred to in Rule 8 of Part I)
6. The party of the first part shall be eligible, subject to the exigencies
of public service, for leave and leave salary under the rules
contained in Appendix VIII to Kerala Service Rules, as amended
from time to time.
7. If the party of the first part is required to travel in the interest of
public service he shall be entitled to Travelling Allowance on the
scale provided for in the rules framed by the Government from
time to time in force and applicable to the class of officers serving
in the same station to which Government may declare him to
correspond in status or conditions of service.
8. The party of the first part shall be eligible for any concessions in
relation to medical attendance and treatment that may be
prescribed by the Government for the class of officers serving in
the same station to which the Government may declare the party
of the first part to correspond in status or conditions of service.
9. Notwithstanding anything herein before contained the party of the
first part shall, unless otherwise decided by the Government, be
entitled to receive in whole or in part as may be authorised by the
Government the benefits of any improvement that may be
sanctioned by the Government subsequent to the date of these
presents in the terms and conditions of the service of members of
the public service to which he may for the time being belong and
the decisions of the Government in respect of such improvement
in the terms and conditions of service of the party of the first part
shall operate so as to modify to that extent the provisions of these
10. Notwithstanding anything herein before contained the pay and
leave salary admissible under these present shall be subject to
any emergency cut that may be ordered by the Government for the
same period and on the same terms as for other officers under the
administrative control of the Government.
11. In respect of any matter in regard to which no provision has been
made in this agreement the provisions of the Kerala Service Rules
shall apply to the extent to which they are applicable to the service
hereby provided for and the decision of the Government as to their
applicability shall be final.
In witness whereof Sri …………………… the party of the first
part and Sri ………… ……………… Secretary to the Government for
and on behalf of the Governor of Kerala hereunto set their hands the
day and year first above written.
Signed by Sri…………………… the party of the first part.
In the presence of witnesses:--
1 ……………………….
2 ……………………….
Signed by Sri ………………….. Secretary to the Government
for and on behalf of the Governor of Kerala.
In the presence of witnesses :--
[Referred to in Rule 12 (13) of Part I]
1. Secretaries, Additional Secretaries and Joint Secretaries to
Government (including Secretary to the Legislative Assembly).
2. Board of Revenue
3. Director of Public Instruction
4. Additional Director of Public Instruction
5. Director of Collegiate Education
6. Director of Examination and Text Books
7. Director of Technical Education
8. Chief Engineers
9. Chief Conservator of Forests
10. Director of Agriculture
11. The High Court
12. Chairman, Public Service Commission
13. Director of Public Relations
14. Transport Commissioner
15. Inspector General of Police
16. Director of Health Services
17. Advocate General
18. Registrar of Co-operative Societies
19. Inspector General of Registration
20. [Deleted]
21. Labour Commissioner
22. Examiner of Local Fund Accounts
23. Inspector General of Prisons
24. Director of Animal Husbandry
25. [Deleted]
26. Director of Harijan Welfare
27. Principals, Medical Colleges
28. ∗Director of Municipal Administration ∗G.O.(P) No.196/02/Fin.
dt. 3/4/2002
29. Director of Industries and Commerce
w.e.f. 5-9-1980
30. Director of Fisheries
31. Director, Bureau of Economics and Statistics.
32. Director of Indigenous Medicine
33. Director of Insurance [G.O.(P) 705/79/Fin.,
dt. 6-8-1979
(Referred to in Rule 23 of Part I)
Charge of Office
1. Unless for special recorded reasons (which must be of a public
nature) the authority under whose orders the transfer takes place
permits or requires it to be made in any particular case elsewhere,
or otherwise, the charge of an office must be made over at its
headquarters, both the relieving and the relieved officers being
2. The condition imposed by this rule that both the relieving and the
relieved officers must be present is not enforced in the case of
officers who are permitted to combine vacation or gazetted holidays
with leave.
(a) When they are prefixed to leave the outgoing officer will report,
before leaving headquarters, or if for urgent reasons the leave
is granted during vacation, or holidays, as soon as it is granted
that he makes over charge with effect from the end of the
vacation or holidays. The relieving officer will then take over
charge at the end of the vacation or holidays in the ordinary
(b) When they are affixed to leave the officer to be relieved will
make over charge in the ordinary way before the vacation or
holidays, the incoming officer on return at the end of the
vacation or holidays, taking over charge with effect from the
beginning of the vacation or holidays.
3. The headquarters of any other officer is either the station which has
been declared to be his headquarters by the authority which
appoints him, or, in the absence of such declaration, the station
where the records of his office are kept.
Leaving Jurisdiction
1. No officer (other than a Police Officer acting within his legal
powers) is entitled to pay or allowances for any time he may
spend beyond the limits of his charge without proper authority.
[Referred to in Rule 12 (31) and Rule 44 of Part I]
Note.- The allowance sanctioned to the Typists and Stenographers with higher
qualification in Typewriting and Shorthand, as the case may be, shall
however be treated as ‘Special pay’ falling under this class.
Government decision No. 1
The Supervisory allowance of Rs.15 per mensem sanctioned [G.O.(P) 615/64/Fin.,
to Head Typists in the scale of pay of Upper Division Typist will be dt. 31-8-1964]
classified as Class II Special Pay under Appendix IV, Kerala Service
Government decision No. 2
The Supervisory allowance of Rs.15 per mensem sanctioned [G.O.(P) 150/58/Fin.,
to Head Clerks and Head Accountants will be classified as special dt. 23-6-1958
pay under Appendix IV, Kerala Service Rules.
G.O.(P) 825/64/Fin.,
dt. 28-12-1964]
Class III—[Deleted]
Class IV.—The localities which have been recognised as
hilly to justify special compensatory allowance are: --
1. Portions of Devicolom, Peermade, Udumbanchola,
Pathanamthitta, Pathanapuram, Nedumangad and
Neyyattinkara Taluks referred to in para 1, under ‘A Class I
Tracts’ in Appendix IX.
This amendment shall be deemed to have come into force [G.O.(P) 576/75/Fin.,
with effect from 2 February 1970. dt. 27-12-1975]
2. The hill stations of Chalakudy and Trichur referred to in
Appendix IX.
3. *Omitted with effect from 9 March 1981. *[G.O.(P) 159/81/Fin.,
dt. 9-3-1981]
4. The Wayanad and Attapady Valley.
Compensatory allowance as specified below shall be
granted to officers stationed in the hill stations specified above.
5. The area comprising the whole of Idukki Village and the portions [G.O.(P) 159/81/Fin.,
of Velliamattom and Arakulam Village in Thodupuzha Taluk dt. 9-3-1981]
having the boundaries specified as item 6 under the heading “A
Class I Tracts” in Appendix IX.
This item shall be deemed to have come into force with
effect from 9 March 1981.
*Class Rate of
allowance per
Officers whose salary is upto and including Rs.800 60
Officers whose salary is above Rs.800 but below 80
Officers whose salary is Rs.1,500 and above 100
During Sessions of the Legislative
(Vide Rule 14, Part I)
1. The allowance will be given to such of the staff in the following departments [G.O.(P) 157/83/Fin.,
who are required to sit for overtime duty during the sessions of the dt. 28-3-1983]
Legislative Assembly at the rates sanctioned by Government by general or
special orders issued from time to time subject to the conditions specified in
Rules 2 to 6: -
(i) Stationery Department
(ii) Legislature Secretariat
(iii) Law Department
(iv) Public Relations Department
(v) Radio Wing and Electrical Wing of the Public Works Department
This Rule shall be deemed to have come into force with effect from 28th
March, 1983.
2. A person will be eligible for overtime allowance only if he has been on duty
on a working day for a minimum period of two hours before 10 a.m. or after
5.00 p.m. or for a minimum period of 3 hours on an intervening holiday
during the Assembly Session.
3. Such members of the staff whose presence may be necessary in the
interests of work shall be specifically required in writing by the Head of
Department/Office or by his immediate subordinate Gazetted Officer to
attend office earlier and/or to stay longer or to attend office on holiday. Only
individuals who have been so directed will be eligible for overtime allowance.
4. The following certificate will be signed by the drawing officer in the bills
claiming overtime allowance -
“Certified that Sri……………. ………….. was required under specific
orders to sit late in office/to attend office early on……………………..or to
attend office on Sunday/……………………….holiday and was detained
from.……… ……a.m to ………………….. a.m./p.m………………..to
……………….p.m. for disposal of urgent work relating to the Legislative
Also certified that the amount claimed by Sri……………………..is in
accordance with the rates prescribed in the rules in Appendix IV A of the
Kerala Service Rules.”
5. Members of the staff who are eligible for allowance in accordance with these
rules will not be eligible for any other additional remuneration,
conveyance/hire charges or compensation leave for the performance of the
same duties.
6. The allowance will be classified as ‘honorarium’ and will be drawn
in establishment/salary bills. In the case of Gazetted Officers, the allowance
will be authorised by the Accountant General on certificates furnished by the
Head of Department/Office or by his immediate subordinate Gazetted
Leprosy Institutions
b) Outside Kerala
1. Bethesad Leprosy Hospital, Nerespur, West Godavary District
2. The Salvation Army Leprosy Hospital, Babatla, Guntur District
3. Leprosy Hospital, Keserapalla, Krishna District
4. Leprosy Hospital, Salure, Srikakulam District
5. Leprosy Home, Vizianagram, Vishakapatnam District
6. Leprosy Home and Hospital, Ramachandrapuram (East
Godavari District)
7. A.L.C. Mission Leprosy Hospital, Kodur, Cuddapah District
8. Leprosy Clinic, Karwan
9. Leprosy Hospital, Dichpally
10. Leprosy Colony, Zeheerbad
11. Leprosy Colony, Narayanpet
12. Santipara Leprosy Colony, P.O. Bengaingaon (Goalpara
13. Christian Leprosy Colony, P.O. Barpheta, Jorhat
14. Seldeha Leper Colony (Santhal Parganas)
15. The Acworth Leprosy Home and Clinic, Vadaia Bombay No.31
16. The Leprosy Hospital, Sholapur
17. The Sasson Hospital, Poona (O.P.D.)
18. The Leprosy Hospital, Polarpur (District Kolaba)
19. The Anti-Leprosy Clinic, Ambewadi South, Satara District
(Referred to in Rule 111 of Part I)
1. Casual leave is not provided for in the rules as it is not recognised
as leave. Technically therefore an officer on casual leave is not
treated as absent from duty and his pay and allowances are not
intermitted. The grant of such leave need not be reported to the
Audit Officer, nor is it necessary for the officer to submit charge
certificates when he proceeds on or returns from casual leave.
2. (i) No officer may in any case be absent on casual leave for [G.O.(P) 648/78/Fin.,
more than twenty days in the course of one calendar year. dt. 24-8-1978]
But the members of the teaching staff of educational
institutions shall be eligible for casual leave only for fifteen
days in a calendar year.
(ii) All officers including teaching staff of educational institutions *[G.O.(P) 648/78/Fin.,
may be allowed to combine casual leave with Sundays and dt. 24-8-1978]
other authorised holidays provided that the resulting period of
absence from duty shall not exceed fifteen days at a stretch.
The fact that a maximum has been fixed for the amount of
casual leave which may be taken within a year, does not
mean that an officer is entitled to take the full amount of
casual leave as a matter of course.
Exception:- The maximum period of absence combining casual [G.O.(P) 51/89/Fin.,
leave with Sundays and other authorised holidays will dt. 30-1-1989]
be twenty days at a stretch for the State Government
employees working in New Delhi.
(iii) All officers including those who have put in less than a year’s
service will be allowed casual leave at the rate of 20 days
during a year without taking into account the length of service
put in by them subject to the discretion of the sanctioning
authority :
Provided that the teaching staff of educational institutions [G.O.(P) 622/79/Fin.,
may be granted casual leave for fifteen days only during a year. dt. 19-7-1979]
The amendment shall be deemed to have come into force [G.O.(P) 844/70/Fin.,
with effect from 1 January 1970. dt. 5-12-1970]
3. An officer requiring casual leave should take the orders of the head
of his office for such absence. When the head of an office requires
casual leave, he may take the leave and report the fact to his
immediate superior authority. Heads of Departments should
intimate their intention of taking casual leave to Government in the
department concerned. In cases in which the casual leave is
intended to be spent outside the jurisdiction of the officer, the
previous sanction of the competent authority should be obtained.
4. A register of casual leave taken should be maintained in every
5. (i) An officer may be allowed causal leave for half a day at his
request, provided that casual leave for half a day shall not be
granted to the staff of the department of Museums and Zoos who
work in shifts.
(ii) Casual leave for half a day at a time may be granted to the [G.O.(P) 505/77/Fin.,
technical staff of Government presses who have to work in the dt. 7-12-1977]
first shift that is from 8 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. with a noon interval
of one hour between 1 p.m. and 2 p.m.. In respect of the
second shift half day casual leave may be allowed only for the
second half of the shift that is from 9 to 11.30 p.m.
6. Casual leave cannot ordinarily be taken in combination with any [G.O.(P) 863/78/Fin.,
leave recognised by the rules, with joining time or with vacation. dt. 18-12-1978]
Heads of Departments may, however, sanction such combination
in special cases, provided there is no evasion of rules, for
instance, when an officer obliged to be absent owing to the
prevalence of infectious disease in his residence and placed on
special casual leave, himself contracts the illness and has to be
granted regular leave in continuation.
1) Smallpox
2) †Deleted † [G.O.(P) 189/76/Fin.
dt. 5-7-1976]
3) Plague
4) Cholera
5) Typhoid
6) Acute influenzal Pneumonia
7) Diphtheria
8) Cerebro-spinal meningitis
Note 3.- Leave under this head shall not ordinarily be granted for a period
exceeding 21 days, but in exceptional cases it may be granted upto 30
Note 4.- Special casual leave taken in any circumstances may be allowed to be
combined with ordinary leave or ordinary casual leave.
Note 5.- The heads of offices will also be eligible for special casual leave under [G.O.(P) 164/74/Fin.,
the Rules. dt. 17-7-1974]
(v) [Deleted]
(xi) An officer who is a member of the Indian Institute of Public [G.O.(P) 45/77/fin.,
Administration may be granted special casual leave to dt. 1-2-1977]
attend any meeting/seminar organised by the regional or
local branch of the said Institute and for the days required
for the journey from their place of duty to the place of
meeting/seminar and back.
(xii) (i) A Government officer who has lost all male children or all
female children after vasectomy/tubectomy operation
performed earlier; may be granted special casual leave for
undergoing recanalisation operation upto a period of 21
days or actual period of hospitalisation as certified by the
authorised medical attendant, whichever is less. Special
casual leave shall also be granted for the minimum journey
period required and spent for the to and fro journey for
undergoing the operation.
(ii) The grant of special casual leave shall be subject to the
following conditions, namely:-
(a) the operation has been performed in a hospital or a
medical college or an institution where facilities for
recanalisation are available.
(b) the request for the grant of special casual leave shall
be supported by a medical certificate from the doctor
who performed the operation to the effect that
hospitalisation of the officer for the period stipulated
therein was essential for operation and post
operational recovery.
(iii) *The period of absence in excess of the period of special *[G.O.(P) 381/83/Fin.,
casual leave as admissible under sub-clause (i) shall be dt. 8-7-1983]
treated as regular leave of the kind admissible under the
leave rules applicable to the officer or ordinary casual
leave as applied for by the officer.
Note.- Special casual leave granted under clauses (vii) to (xii) under the Family
Welfare Programme may be suffixed as well as prefixed to regular
leave or casual leave. However, special casual leave should not be
allowed to be prefixed or suffixed both to regular leave and casual
leave. The intervening holidays and/or Sundays may be
prefixed/suffixed to regular leave, as the case may be.
2. In the cases coming under clauses (i) to (iii) above, when the
absence from duty exceeds the period which may reasonably be
treated as casual leave under the discretion vested in the head of
the office, the officer may be granted for the entire period of
absence such regular leave with leave salary as may be due to him
and thereafter leave without allowances. In the cases coming
under clause (iv) above the excess over one month of the period of
absence should be treated as regular leave and debited to the
leave account
3. (a) Special casual leave not exceeding 15 days in one calendar [G.O.(P) 659/95/Fin.,
year may be granted to Government servants who take part in dt. 10-10-1995]
State Championship conducted by the respective State
Associations within the State and for attending selection trials
of State Teams for participating in National Championships.
(b) Special Casual leave not exceeding 45 days in one calendar
year may be granted to Government servants, who take part
in National level championships conducted by All India
Associations, for attending coaching camps of the State
Teams in preparation of participation in National
Championships and for attending selection trials of National
Teams for participating in International Championships.
(c) Special Casual leave not exceeding 90 days in one calendar
year may be granted to Government servants for representing
India in International Events and for attending coaching camps
of National Teams in preparation of International Events.
(d) Government officials who are office bearers in the National
Federations or Associations in sports and games and who are
members of the Kerala Sports Council may be granted special
casual leave not exceeding 30 days for the days of the
meeting and the minimum time required for the to and fro
(e) The period of leave mentioned above shall be independent of
one another and shall be exclusive of Public holidays that may
intervene. The period of absence in excess of the days
mentioned above in each case shall be treated as ordinary
leave admissible under relevant leave rules applicable to the
Government servants concerned. For this purpose, officers
may, as a special case, be permitted to combine special
casual leave with ordinary leave. Special casual leave shall
not, however, be granted in combination with casual leave.
(f) Special casual leave shall be granted only on production of
participation certificates issued by the respective Associations
and it shall be limited to the actual period of participation,
including the shortest transit period, subject to the limits
specified above.
11. The period spent in transit by the civil Government servants who
are called out for training in the Defence Reserves, from the date
of their relief from the civil posts to the date on which they report
themselves to the military authorities and vice versa will be treated
as special casual leave.
The period of transit should be limited to actual journey
time as laid down in Note 1 under Rule 125, Part I.
12. The period of absence (including the period spent in transit) of the
members of the teaching staff of the Medical Colleges, College of
Nursing and the Dental College, on account of their appointment
as Inspectors by the Indian Medical Council, Indian Nursing
Council or the Dental Council of India will be treated as special
casual leave, provided they are not paid any remuneration for the
inspection work.
*Teaching staff of Medical Colleges who are invited by the
Indian Medical Council, Indian Council of Medical Research, All
Indian Institute of Medical Sciences, Dental Council of India and
Indian Nursing Council as experts for attending board meetings
and scientific meetings will be granted special casual leave for the
days of meetings, including actual time taken for to and fro
journeys, provided they are not receiving remuneration from the
concerned Institution. The Principals of the Medical Colleges are
authorised to grant special casual leave in such cases in respect of
officers working under them.
*This amendment shall be deemed to have come into force [G.O. (P) 215/82/Fin.,
with effect from 8 June, 1981. dt. 7-5-1982.]
†Auxiliary Nurse Midwives/Nurses who are members of
the Indian Nursing Council will be granted special casual leave to
attend the meetings of the Council for the days of the meetings
including actual time taken for to and fro journeys provided they
are not receiving remuneration from the Council. The District
Medical Officers of Health are authorised to grant special casual
leave in such cases in respect of officers working under them.
†This amendment shall be deemed to have come in to [G.O.(P) 954/86/Fin.,
force with effect from 28 June 1984. dt. 27-12-1986]
13. Ex-servicemen boarded out of service and re-employed in [G.O.(P) 174/77/Fin.,
Government service in the State, if and when required to appear dt. 4-6-1977]
before the Reserve Medical Boards for the purpose of reassessing
their disability, will be granted special casual leave for a maximum
period of 15 days including the time spent in transit both ways.
Special casual leave under this rule may be granted on more than
one occasion in a calendar year, if needed.
14. Government servants, who have won gallantry awards and who [G.O.(P) 304/71/Fin.,
are required to participate in the Colour Presentation Ceremonies dt. 1-6-1971]
in connection with such awards will be granted special casual
leave for the period of their stay at the place where the ceremony
is conducted and the minimum period required for the journey from
headquarters to such place and back, subject to the condition that
the total period shall not exceed 10 days.
This amendment shall be deemed to have come into force
with effect from 1 April 1970.
Government Decision
The Rules in this section will apply to part -time teachers
also with effect from 7 August 1971.
15. The teachers under the Department of Technical Education may [G.O.(P) 199/74/Fin.,
be granted special causal leave upto a maximum of 10 days dt. 13-9-1974]
either prefixed or suffixed to the vacation, for attending short-time
refresher courses/seminars, in case the period of the training falls
outside the vacation period. For periods in excess of 10 days,
regular leave will be granted. For this purpose the teachers may,
as a special case, be permitted to combine special casual leave
with regular leave.
The Principals of the Engineering Colleges, Polytechnics,
Women’s Polytechnics and the Institute of Printing Technology,
Shornur are authorised to sanction special casual leave under this
This amendment shall be deemed to have come into force
with effect from 18 September 1973.
16. Disabled State Government employees, shall be eligible for [G.O.(P) 174/77/Fin.,
special casual leave for a maximum period of 15 days at a time dt. 4-6-1977]
(including the time spent in transit both ways) to attend Artificial
Limb Centre and stay in hospital for replacement/treatment of their
artificial limbs. Special casual leave under this rule may be
granted on more than one occasion in a calendar year, if needed.
16A. All physically handicapped employees eligible to claim G.O.(P) 800/85/Fin.,
conveyance allowance shall be eligible for special casual leave for dt. 10-12-1985]
a maximum period of 15 days in a calendar year for treatment of
illness connected with the physical handicap of the employee
concerned in hospital or at residence on production of medical
certificate to that effect from the authorised Medical Officers
attending on them.
17. Teaching staff of Government Colleges accompanying students’ [G.O.(P) 218/78/Fin.,
teams for University Youth Festivals organised by the University dt. 27-2-1978]
Union and teaching staff of schools who accompany the students’
teams for Youth Festivals, sports meets, coaching camps
conducted at State level shall be granted special casual leave for
the days of the events and the minimum period required for to and
fro journeys subject to the condition that the total period of such
special casual leave shall not exceed 15 days in a calendar year.
18. The staff guides, namely teachers in schools and junior lecturers [G.O.(P) 51/89/Fin.
and lecturers in colleges engaged in the Forest Club activities will dt. 30-1-1989]
be granted two days special casual leave in a calendar year for
attending to seminars, etc. relating to those activities.
Effective from 5 June 1985.
Subject to the following conditions, compensation leave at
the rate of one day for each public holiday may be granted to a
Government servant who attends office on public (authorised)
holidays under the orders of the head of office in order to attend to
urgent work arising from the absence of another Government
servant or from circumstances beyond the control of the
Government Servant:
(i) Such leave should be taken by a Government servant only
with the prior permission of the authority competent to grant
him casual leave.
(ii) The maximum period of such leave that can be taken by a
Government servant in a calendar year will be **fifteen days.
**Effective from 1 June 1989. [G.O.(P) 840/92/Fin.,
dt. 4-11-1992]
(iii) No Government servant will be permitted to take such leave
after the expiry of *three months from the public holiday (s) on
which he attended office and in lieu of which the leave is
(iv) Such leave will not be accumulated for more than *10 days *[Substitution G.O (P)
but such leave may be combined with casual leave or other No.61/2007/Fin dated
authorised holidays provided that the total period of absence 17/02/2007]
from duty shall not exceed *fifteen days.
*Effective from 7 May 1973. [G.O.(P) 548/77/Fin.,
dt. 23-12-1977]
(v) Such leave may not be combined with regular leave such as
earned leave, half pay leave, etc.
(vi) A Government servant touring on public (authorised)
holiday(s) in connection with performance of his duties is not
eligible for such leave in lieu of the holiday(s) on which he was
on tour.
(vii) Such leave shall not be admissible to heads of offices.
Effective from 3 July 1970.
Note.- The benefit of compensatory off for turn duty on Sundays and other closed [G.O.(P) 395/74/Fin.,
holidays will be allowed to the security staff, only without detriment to the dt. 29-11-1974]
normal security duties.
5. The terms “earned leave” and “leave on medical certificate on half pay”
used in these rules have the same meanings as they have in the other
rules of the Kerala Service Rules and the leave salary during leave
taken under these rules shall be regulated under Rules 92 and 93 of
Part I, Kerala Service Rules *.
*This amendment shall be deemed to have come into force with [G.O.(P) 491/75/Fin.,
effect from 1 April 1973. dt. 24-10-1975]
6. An officer initially engaged for a limited period becomes subject to the
ordinary leave rules in their entirety, on his being taken into permanent
employment. In such a case, the officer will be credited with all the
leave that would have been admissible, had his appointment been one
for an indefinite period from the start diminished by the leave already
taken. Leave on medical certificate, if any, already taken will count
against the maximum limit prescribed.
7. In the case of an officer who has been appointed for a limited period to a
temporary post or to a permanent post in an officiating capacity, leave
will be granted only on the further condition that his leave vacancy is not
filled up and that the leave or any portion thereof will not go beyond the
sanctioned period of his service.
Note.- The above rules will not apply to officers who were appointed before the coming
into effect of these rules or to officers in whose case the terms of their
appointment specifically provide for the grant of leave otherwise than in
accordance with these rules.
Government Decision No. 1
Rules in Appendix VIII will apply to provisional recruits in the [G.O.(P) 103/61/Fin.,
matter of leave. dt. 4-3-1961]
Government Decision No. 2
The leave earned by provisional recruits during provisional [G.O.(P) 388/70/Fin.
service diminished by the leave, if any, already taken will be carried dt. 3-6-1970]
forward on regularisation of their provisional appointment without any
The provisional recruits will be eligible for the leave admissible [G.O.(P) 322/93/Fin.,
to regular employees only from the date of regularisation of appointment. dt. 12-5-1993]
(Referred to in Note 1 to Rule 44 of Part II)
A. Class I Tracts
1. *Of the area detailed below the tracts falling within the taluks of [G.O.(P) 59/75/Fin.,
Devicolam, Udumbanchola, Peermade, Pathanamthitta, dt. 13-2-1975]
Pathanapuram , Nedumangad and Neyyattinkara will form Class I
tracts :-
The portion lying to the east of a due north and south line
from the northeastern most boundary of the Kunnathunad Taluk
upto Thattakkad and thence passing eastwards along southern
bank of the Periyar river upto the junction of its northern tributary,
the Muthirapuzhai or Munnar river thence southwards along the
western bank of the Periyar river, and its tributary, the
Cheruthoniyar and the Endayar upto Mundakkayam bridge on the
Kottayam – Kumili road, thence southwards straight on the junction
of the Aruthayar and the Pamabayar and thence to the junction of
the Palathada Aur and Kokkad Aur, thence due south to the
Achenkoil river crossing the Kallar and thence to Ramakal along
the southern bank of the Achenkoil river.
*The portion lying to the south of a line starting from
Channar ghat peak and passing along the northern bank of the
Shendurni river upto the junction of the Quilon-Shencottah road
and Trvandrum-Schencottah road, thence passing southward along
the eastern side of the Trivandrum-Shencottah road upto Palode,
thence along the eastern side of the road from Palode, to Arianad
via Vidura till it meets the Nedumangad- Shorlacode road and
thence passing southwards along the Nedumangadu-Shorlacode
road till it meets the State Boundary.
*This amendment shall be deemed to have come into force G.O.(P) 366/75/Fin.,
with effect from 22 February 1973 dt. 11-8-1975]
2 Chalakudy Division.—Starting from 19 mile in Tramline at
Cherumkayam the line proceeds northwards to meet the division
boundary and thence follows the division boundary upto the State
boundary and thence along the Sekkalamudi, thence to
Parambikulam, thence along the Parambikulam river upto
Muduvarachal and thence westwards passing Kavali Anapandam
and meet the starting station at Cherumkayam.
Trichur Division (Nelliampathy Range).—
North.—The boundary starts from the inter-district boundary of
Trichur and Palghat at Vellamttimalai and proceeds more or less
northeast passing the northern side of Padagirimala and
Palayampara Estate and reaches the district boundary at nearly
one mile south of Govindamalai Estate; thence along the above
inter-district boundary towards northeast for about one mile and
reaches nearly half a mile northwest of Oottukuzhi Estate.
East.—Thence the boundary proceeds along the inter-district
boundary of Palaghat and Trichur and reaches the junction point of
Thekkadi and Vetti rivers.
3. Attappadi Valley and the Chenat Nair, * and Silent Valley Reserved
4. Sungam Range of Nemmara Forest Division.
5. *[Omitted]
*Effective from 9 March 1981. *[G.O.(P) 159/81/Fin.,
dt. 9-3-1981]
6. Idukki District.—The area comprising the whole of Idukki Village [G.O.(P) 159/81/Fin.,
and the portions of Velliamatom and Arakulam Villages in dt. 9-3-1981]
Thodupuzha Taluk having the boundaries specified below :
North.—Boundaries of Kotahmangalam and Devicolam Taluks.
East.—Boundaries of Udumbanchola Taluk.
South.—Boundaries of Peerumedu Taluk.
West.—The line across Arakulam Village, starting from t he tri-
junction of Passupara Village in Peerumedu Taluk and Arakulam
and Idukki Village of Thodupuzha Taluk and ending at first Zig point
on Thodupuzha-Idukki Road and the line thence across
Velliamattom village to the tri-junction of Idukki, Velliamattom and
Udumbannoor Village of Thodupuzha Taluk from where the
western boundary of Idukki Village goes north-wards to meet the
Taluk boundary of Kothamangalam.
The item 6 shall be deemed to have come into force with
effect from 9 December 1970.
B. Class II Tracts
1. The portions of the area other than those falling within the
taluks of Devicolam, Peermade, Udumbanchola and
Pathanmathitta detailed at A1 above, will form Class II tracts.
2. Chalakudy Division.—Starting from Cherumkayam the
boundary proceeds upto Kothamuzhi, thence along the
Kannamkuzhi thodu upto Chalakudi river, thence along the
river the boundary proceeds up to Echipara, thence to
Vellikulangara passing Konnakuzhi, Peeliarmuzhi, Kormala and
Veeranchira, thence the boundary proceeds nearly northwards
to cross the Vaikathu stream and meet the division boundary
and along the said boundary of Class I tracts and closes on the
starting station.
Nelliampathy Range.—
(Referred to in Rule 110 A of Part I)
Rules for the grant of leave to Radiation Workers in the
State Medical Service.
1. For the purpose of these rules:
(i) “Radiation worker” means a worker liable to exposure to
ionising radiation in the course of his official work which
shall include a person working inside the X-ray and
Radium Departments like Radiologist, Radiographer,
Technician and Nursing staff of Radiology Department but
does not include stretcher bearers, attenders, etc., of the
Radiology Department who are not exposed to radiation
while a patient is being X-rayed or treated.
(ii) “A year” means a year of duty.
2. Every radiation worker shall be granted thirty days special [G.O.(P) 992/97/Fin.,
casual leave in one spell, every year to recoup his health even dt. 5-11-1997]
when his health is apparently good.
This amendment shall be deemed to have come into force
with effect from 1 April 1995.
3. These rules shall apply to all radiation workers (permanent or
temporary employees) in the State Medical Service but not to
purely provisional hands.
The above Rule shall be deemed to have come into force
with effect from 29 March 1965.
@6. The maximum period of leave that may be sanctioned to an officer @ Substitution
during his entire service shall be limited to twenty years ***and such [G.O.(P) 637/02/Fin.
leave shall not extend beyond twelve months before the date of dt. 19.10.2002]
superannuation. If the officer who has availed himself of the leave
without allowances for a total period of 20 years, whether continuously
or in broken periods does not return to duty immediately on the expiry
of the leave, his service shall be terminated after following the
procedure in Kerala Civil Services (Classification, Control and
Appeal) Rules, 1960. This condition shall be incorporated in every
order sanctioning such leave.
@This shall be deemed to have come into force w.e.f. 5th February,
***This shall be deemed to have come into force with effect ***[G.O.(P)No.
from 2nd May 2002. 215/05/Fin.
dt. 11-5-2005]
1. Please see the Kerala Service Rules, Part III
2. Do
3. Do
4. Do
5. Do
6. Do
7. Leave Account (Rule 112-Part I)
8. Please see the Kerala Service Rules, Part III
8-A Do
9. Deleted
10. Deleted
11. Please see the Kerala Service Rules, Part III
12. Bond for officiating or temporary Government servants granted
leave (Rule 91—Part I)
13. Application for leave (Rule 113—Part I)
14. Overtime Register (Rule 7—Appendix IV A)
FORM No. 7
(Rule 112 of Part I)
Part I
Earned Leave
Duty Leave at on return
Leave Leave taken
Period credit Period from
earned (Columns leave
in days (days)
1/22 or 1/11 (Columns
From To 3 + 7)
From To 4 - 6)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Part II
Leave on half pay
Leave Leave at
Duty Leave taken
earned credit
Period in terms of leave on half
20 days
for every Columns
Half pay Commuted Period of leave not due taken
No. of completed years
Dates Dates
Period in days
Period in days
Final Balance
Days Days
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
FORM No. 12
WHEREAS the Government have granted to the Bounden
regular leave, followed by leave without allowances, for a period
………………. months ………….. days with effect from ………………
in order to enable the Bounden to study at ….. on condition that on
the expiry of the leave, the Bounden shall serve the
Government in such capacity as the Government may require in
the……………………..… Department of the Government or in any
other Department of the Government as the Government may
require, for a period of five years and also subject to the terms and
conditions hereinafter appearing and the Bounden and the sureties
have agreed to the same;
*FORM No. 13
(See Rule 113, Part I)
14. I undertake to refund the leave salary drawn during 'leave not due' which would
not have been admissible had rule 85, Part I Kerala Service Rules not been
applied in the event of my voluntary retirement or resignation from service at any
time until I earn half pay leave not less than the amount of leave not due availed
of by me.
Signature of applicant
(with date)
Signature(with date)
*If the applicant is drawing any compensatory allowance the sanctioning authority
should state whether on the expiry of leave he is likely to return to the same post or to
another post carrying a similar allowance.
*This shall come into force from 3rd November 1997.
Serial Number
Government servant required
to perform overtime work
authorised by the competent
FORM No. 14
Nature of work performed
during overtime hours
competent authority
This index has been compiled solely for the purpose of assisting references. No
expression used in it should be considered in any way as interpreting the rules.
Rule Part
Abolition of Post.-
Transfer from higher to lower scale on - is not a transfer within
the meaning of Rule 21 Note to 21 I
Absence after the end of leave-
Communication of - into leave 96 I
Leave salary not admissible for period of - 96 I
Absence with or without leave-
Definition of - 12 (1) I
Five years' - entails loss of Government employ 24 I
Absence on account of participation in strike 14 A I
Actual travelling expenses -
In addition to or in exchange for permanent travelling allowance 52, 53 II
Not admissible except under specific rule 41 II
At which an officer is required to retire 60 I
Age and Health Certificate-
On first appointment 13 I
Allotment of Residence(s) 45 I
Application(s)-for leave-
By an officer on foreign service 114 I
To whom made- 113 I
Definition of- 12(2) I
Duty includes service as on- 12(7) I
Leave admissible to- 110 I
Audit Officer-
Definition of - 12(3) I
Average pay- Note to 12(35) I
Definition of- 12(4) I
An officer shall not ordinarily be substantively transferred to a
post carrying less pay than his position in the- would justify
An officer transferred to foreign service will remain in his-and 21 I
may be given promotion
143 I
Calendar day-
"Day" means a - 12(6) I
Calendar month-
"Month" means a - 12(21) I
Casual leave-
Rules relating to 111 I&
Appx. VII
An officer who takes - while on tour is not entitled to travelling
allowance during such leave- Note to 58 II
Change of pay of a post-
How it affects pay of incumbent- 30 I
Charge of Office-
Joining time of an officer making over- elsewhere than at
Headquarters 129 I
Rule Part
Compensatory allowance-how affected 63 I
Pay- how regulated 53 I
Permanent travelling allowance- how affected 8 II
Commencement and end of leave- 66 I
Commencement of service- 23 I
Commuted leave-
Condition for - 84 I
Maximum commuted 84 I
Compensatory allowance(s)-
Definition of - 12(5) I
Hilly tract allowance falls under- Appx. IV
Includes travelling allowance. 12(5) I
Should be so regulated that it is not on the whole a source of
profit. 44 I
Conditions of service-
The whole time of an officer is at the disposal of Government 14 I
Contribution for leave and pension-
Cannot be withheld by an officer in foreign service 149 I
Date from which - ends 155 I
How to be calculated- 147 I
Liabilities of Government in return for- 155 I
No Government servant has any right of property in- 149 I
Rates of- 146 I
Remission of- 148 I
Responsibility for payment of 145 I
Controlling officer (s)-
Duties and powers of- 116 II
List of officers declared as thereon- 113 II
May allow full travelling allowance to an officer travelling
116 II
in a lower class of accommodation
May not delegate the duty of counter signature to a subordinate 114 II
Signature of- necessary on a travelling allowance bill before it is
Paid 115 II
Subsidiary Rules for guidance of-
116(e) II
To be declared by competent authority 113 II
Conveyance allowance-
Circumstances in which a - may be drawn 10 II
Conditions of grant of- 9 II
Drawal during leave an joining time 11 II
Bills for travelling allowance required- by controlling officer 115 II
Courts of Law-
Travelling allowance of officers summoned to give evidence 86,87 II
Crossing river by steamers-
Travelling allowance in case of- 28 II
Current duties-
Holding charge of- 53 I
Daily allowance(s)-
Definition of- 37 II
Beginning and end of absence from head quarters 56 II
Conditions of grant of - 37,38,55 & 59 II
Exchange of - for mileage allowance during the whole period of a
Tour 61 II
Exchange of - for mileage allowance on particular journeys 62 I
Exemption from operation of 10 days' rule 59 II
General rules as to drawing of- 38 II
Increase of- in special localities 40 II
May be drawn during a halt on tour or on a holiday during tour 58 II
May not be drawn during casual leave when on tour Notes 1 to 58 II
May not be drawn except during absence from headquarters on
duty 56 II
May not be except while on tour 38 II
May not be drawn for journeys within a radius of 8km. From
headquarters 57 II
Rule Part
May not be drawn for continuous halts of more than ten days at
one place exception 59 II
Pay for the purpose of- Note to 39 II
Rates of 39 II
Reduction of - after 10 days' halt at any one place 59 II
Special rates of- 40 II
Travelling allowance for journeys on tour of an officer not in
receipt of permanent travelling allowance is drawn in the
shape of- 55 II
When- may be drawn in addition to mileage 63 II
When half- are admissible 63 II
Definition of - 12(6) I
Government may delegate to subordinate authorities certain
powers conferred upon it 9 I
Of duty of countersignature of travelling allowance bills 114 II
No powers may be exercised or delegated under Kerala Service
Rules without consulting the Finance Department 10 I
Powers of make rules cannot be delegated be Government 9 I
Departmental Examination (s)-
Travelling allowance for journeys to attend an obligatory - 78 II
Pay and allowances cease from the date of- 54 I
Pay of an officer reinstated after- 56 I
Definition of- 12(7)
All-in a post on a time-scale counts for increments in that time- I
scale- 83
An officer ceases to be in Government employ after five years' I
continuous absence from- 24
An officer is on- during a course of instruction or training 12(7) I
Date of reckoning pay and allowances 23 I
Joining time counts as - 12(7) I
Portion of period spent on- credited to leave account 112 I
Recall to - from leave 70 I
Return to- from leave 71 & 72 I
Service as probationer or apprentice when treated as - 12(7) I
Students, stipendiary or otherwise, when treated as on- Notes 1 to I
When a period of suspension or dismissal will be treated as a 12(7) I
period spent on
56 I
Earned Leave-
How earned 78 I
Maximum granted at a time 79 I
Maximum allowed 78 I
Officers in vacation department 81 I
Efficiency Bar-
Increment next above-shall not be given without the sanction of 32 I
withholding authority-
Notes 1 to 32 I
Pay after crossing the -
Travelling allowance to attend 77 - 79 II
Extension of Leave-
Grant of 113 I
Extra work-
Additional remuneration for - when admissible 51 I
Family Travelling Allowance-
Admissible when a member of an officer's family follows him
within six months from the date of transfer or precedes him by
not more than one month. 67 IIb (iii) II
Certificate showing number and relationship of members of
Rule Part
family 67IIc II
Rule Part
General Revenues-
Definition of- 12(10) I
Definition of- 12(11) I
Cannot delegate powers to make rules 9 I
May delegate to subordinate officers certain powers conferred
upon it- 9 I
May dispense with medical certificate of health 13 I
May grant special disability leave to an officer who is disabled by
injury or illness 97 I
May make rules fixing the amounts which may be sanctioned as
honoraria by subordinate authorities and specifying the
conditions of grant 49 I
May make rules modifying or replacing any of the rules 11 I
May make rules prescribing the principles for allotment of
Government buildings 45 I
May make rules prescribing the amount of compensatory
allowances and the conditions under which they may be
drawn 44 I
May retain in service an officer after the age of compulsory
retirement 60 I
Power of - to fix pay of an officer 25 I
Power of - to relax the provisions of rules or orders made by it 7 I
Procedure to be followed by - in framing rules under authority of
these rules 9 & 10 I
The term pension includes- 12(24) I
Term- defined- 12(24) I
Half pay leave-
How earned 83 I
Halt -
Daily allowance may be drawn during a -on tour 58 II
Daily allowance not admissible for more than 10 days at one
place 59 II
Daily allowance rates 39 II
Exemption from 10 days' rule 59 II
Reduction of daily allowance after 10 days' at one place 59 II
Travelling allowance for journey from a halting place 60 II
Head of a Department -
Definition of- 12(13) I
Definition of- 46 II
Beginning and end of a period of absence from- 56 II
Daily allowance may not be drawn except during absence from
— on duty 56 II
Halting place shall be regarded as temporary —after 10 days’
halt 60 II
Joining time of an officer handing over charge elsewhere than at
— 129 I
Power to fix or charge the —of an officer 46 II
Travelling allowance admissible for journeys within 8 kilometres
of — 64 II
Travelling allowance admissible to officers handing over or
taking over charge else where than at 68 II
Health Certificate (or Medical Certificate of health) —
Form in which —should be prepared 13 I
Officers exempted from producing a — 13 I
Officer by whom —should be signed Note1, Rule 13 I
Required on first appointment 13 I
Hilly tracts —
Details of — Appx. IX
Compensatory allowance in — Appx. IV
Travelling allowance and daily allowance when travelling in Notes 1 and 2 II
to 44
Rule Part
Holiday (s) —
Definition of 12 (14) I
Daily allowance may be drawn during a — occurring during a
tour 58 I
Effect of affixing —to joining time 66 I
Effect of —on commencement and termination of leave 66 I
Honorarium —
Definition of — 12 (15) I
Circumstances in which — can be granted 49 I
Rules for the grant of 49 I
Hospital leave —
Leave plus salary equal to half pay 104 I
Not debited against the leave account 106 I
To whom allowed 103 I
Hotels and Traveller’s Bungalows —
Charges for – Not included in the terms “Actual travelling
expenses” 12 (1) I
Increments —
Conditions under which service counts for -- 33 I
Grant of – in advance of due date 34 I
Grant of – next in above the efficiency bar 32 I
Government may direct in individual cases that leave without
allowance counts for - 33 I
Period spent on leave and foreign service 33 I
Reduction to a lower grade or post 36 I
Rules regarding withholding of 31 I
Shall ordinarily be drawn as a matter of course unless withheld 31 I
Inefficiency —
Reduction to a lower grade or post on account of misconduct
or — 21 and 36 I
Initial pay —
Substantive post — 28 I
Officiating post of — 37 I
When the pay of a post is changed 30 I
Interpretation of rules —
Right of —reserved to Government 11 I
Joining first post —
Travelling allowance for -- 84 II
Joining time —
Definition of — 12 (16) I
Absence from duty after expiry -- 137 I
Admissible to persons in private employment while joining
Government service or on reversion from is — 138 I
Allowances during — 136 I
Appointment to a new post during transit 130 I
Conditions of grant of — 125 I
Conveyance allowance not admissible during — 11 II
Counts as duty 12(7) I
Making over charge away from head quarters 129 I
On transfer to foreign service 144 I
Penalty for exceeding — 137 I
Period admissible 127 I
Permanent travelling allowance – during 7 II
Time and place from which — is calculated 129-132 I
When transfer does not involve change of residence 126 I
When vacation is combined with leave and — 132 II
Journey —
Commencement and end of 15 II
Rule Part
Jurisdiction —
Competent authority may define the limits of sphere of duty 47 II
Last grade service —
Definition of — 12 (16-A) I
Law Officers —
Leave of part-time 107 I
Leave —
Definition of 77 I
Alteration of the nature of – due and applied – for 76 I
Beyond the date on which an officer must compulsorily retire 75 I
Can not be claimed as of right 65 I
Certificate of fitness to return to duty 71 I
Combination of holidays with – and joining time 68 I
Commencement and end of - 66 I
Commutation of - 76 I
Competent authority may refuse or revoke - 65 I
Extent of application of – rules - 61-63 I
Foreign service, leave to officer in - 152 I
Hospital - 103 I
Joining time in addition to - 125 I
Law Officers 107 I
Leave account maintained 112 I
Leave salary 92 I
Maternity – to female officers 100 I
Part – time service 107 I
Radiation workers 110A I
Private employment during - 69 I
Special disability - 97 I
Post – graduate Course - 91A I
Termination of - 66 I
Time spent on – how treated for purposes of increment 33 I
Travelling allowance to officers on - summoned to give
evidence 86 II
Travelling allowance to officer proceeding on or returning from
- 80-83 II
Vacation departments 81 I
Leave accounts (s) ,-
Absence without leave debited against as leave on half pay- 96 I
By whom maintained Note to 112 I
Maintenance of - 112 I
Leave not due -
Conditions of grant of - 85 I
Leave salary admissible is equal to half pay 93 I
May not be granted unless there is a prospect of return to duty 85 I
Limit of - 85 I
Leave on half pay -
Definition of - 77 I
Absence after expiry of leave debited as – against leave
account 96 I
Commutation of - 84 I
Leave salary for - 93 I
Leave salary -
Definition of - 12 (17) I
Amount of - 92-94 I
Hospital leave – equal to half pay 104 I
Leave without allowances 95 I
Rules regulating - 92-95 I
Special disability leave 97 I
Lien -
Definition of - 12 (18) I
Circumstances in which an officer retains a – on his post 17 I
Circumstances in which – is acquired 16 I
Rule Part
Rule Part
Rule Part
Subsistence allowance -
Definition of - 12 (32) I
Officer participating strike 55A I
Officer under suspension 55 I
Substantive pay -
Definition of 12 (33) I
Suspension -
Amount of subsistence grant of an officer under - 55 I
An officer retains lien on his post while under - 17 I
An officer under – on a charge of misconduct not required or
permitted to retire on reaching the date of compulsory
retirement 60 I
Leave not admissible to an officer under - 59 I
Reinstatement of an officer suspended pending enquiry 56 I
When the period of – is not treated as spent on duty 56 I
Temporary and officiating service -
Leave earned by - 86 I
Rule Part
Temporary post -
Definition of - 12 (34) I
Tenure of post
Pay and allowances attached to the – begin from the date on
which an officer assumes the duties of that post 23 I
Time-scale of pay-
Definition of - 12 (35) I
Initial pay of an officer appointed substantively to a post on- 28 I
Initial pay on transfer from a post on a - to anot her 28 I
Method of calculation of average pay of a post on a - Note to 12 (35) I
Option of retaining pay in the old – when the pay of post is
changed 30 I
Tour (s) -
Definition of - 48 II
Beginning and end of journeys on 56 II
General principles on which travelling allowance is drawn for
journeys on - 52 II
Government officers who are not entitled to travelling
allowance for journeys on – within sphere of duty 51 II
Halts on - 58 II
Journeys to Hill Stations Note to 44 II
Restrictions on the duration and frequency of - 50 II
Travelling allowance for journeys on 46-64 II
Travelling allowance ordinarily admissible for journeys within 8
kilometres of headquarters 57 II
Transfer -
Definition of - 12 (36) I
Conditions of admissibility of travelling allowance for journeys
on - 65 II
Grade to which an officer belongs during – for the purpose of
travelling allowance 3 II
Travelling allowance of an officer appointed to a new post
while in transist 71 II
Travelling allowance of an officer taking leave before joining a
new post 71 II
Transit -
Free – by railway 100 II
Officers in – How classified for travelling allowance 3 II
Travelling allowance (s)
Definition of 12 (37) I
Actual travelling expenses (See actual travelling expenses) 41 II
Calculated with reference to the purpose of the journeys 42 II
Carriage of conveyance 67 (1) II
Carriage of personal effects of an officer on transfer 67 (1) II
Classification of officers for - 1 II
Compensatory allowance includes - 12 (5) II
Competent authority decides which is the shortest route in
case of doubt 13 II
Competent authority may allow – by other than the cheapest
or shortest route 14 II
Controlling officer may not delegate the duty of
countersignature to a subordinate 114 II
Conveyance allowance 9-11 II
Conveyance hire 64 II
Countersignature by controlling officer of – Bills 115 II
Daily allowance 37-40 II
Different kinds of - 5 II
Duties and powers of controlling officers - 116 II
Family 67 (ii) II
Free transit by air 105 II
General rules 42-45 II
Government officer required to travel by the class of
accommodation for which – is admissible 16 II
Rule Part
44 II
Higher rates or journeys in special localities
Journeys by air 34-36 II
Journey in attendance on an incapacitated officer 96 II
Journey on a course of training 97 II
Journey on tour 46-64 II
Journey on transfer 65-73 II
Journey to attend an examination 77-79 II
Journey to obtain medical advice 88-95 II
Journey of an officer after retirement 99A II
Mileage allowance 12-36 II
Not intended to be a source of profit 44 II
Not ordinarily admissible for families 43 II
Of an officer appointed to a new post while in transit 71 II
Of an officer in transit from one post to another 3 II
Of an officer recalled from leave 70 I
Of an officer whose headquarters – are changed 69 II
Permanent 6-8 II
When – May be drawn during a halt on tour of more than 10
days 59 II
Travelling by railway -
Allowance for - 20 II
Class of accommodation for which – Officers are eligible 18 II
Through booking 23 II
Where the class to which an officer is entitled is not provided
in the train 22 II
Travelling by road -
Higher rate of mileage allowance 32 II
Rates at which mileage allowances are calculated 31 II
Travelling by sea or river -
Classes of accommodation to which officers are entitled 25 II
Competent authority to decide in case of doubt the class of
accommodation to which an officer is entitled 27 II
Crossing a river or arm of the sea 28 II
Fare with diet inadmissible 26 II
Vacation -
Combination of – with leave 74 I
Serial No. of
Date of Date of
Rules affected Rules affected
posting posting
Serial No. of
Date of Date of
Rules affected Rules affected
posting posting