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Code No: R05320104 Set No.

III B.Tech Supplimentary Examinations, Aug/Sep 2008
(Civil Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Discuss briefly how the surface and sub-surface flow across a barrage may
eventually lead to failure of the barrage, if not properly controlled. What pre-
cautionary measures will you recommend to safeguard such failures. Illustrate
your answer with neat sketches, wherever necessary.
(b) What are the main causes of failure of weir on permeable foundations and
what remedies would you suggest to prevent them. [8+8]

2. Following data refers to a canal fall site.

Item Upstream Downstream
Full supply discharge 50 cumecs 50 cumecs
Bed width 30 m 30 m
Full supply level 270.00 268.50 m
Bed level 268.00 m 266.50 m

Recommend the fall to be used. Design and sketch the following elements of the

(a) Length and RL of crest

(b) Length and RL of cistern. [16]

3. (a) State briefly how you will fix up the location and capacity of canal outlet.
(b) State requirements for an ideal outlet.Distinguish between a modular, a non-
modular and a semi-modular outlet. Give on example of each type. [8+8]

4. (a) What are different types of cross drainage works. Explain them in brief.
(b) Suggest suitable cross-drainage works, under the following situation and draw
neat sketch to illustrate the same. [8+8]

Canal data Drainage data

FSL/HFL 125.00 m 124.00 m
bed level 125.00 m 122.00 m
Discharge 100 cumeces 20 cumeces

5. (a) Discuss the physical factors governing the selection of a particular type of
(b) Describe the zoning of storages of a reservoir. [8+8]

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Code No: R05320104 Set No. 1
6. Check the stability of the concrete gravity dam for reservoir full condition. As
shown in figure 6. Neglect gallery in calculations. Assume co-efficient of uplift = 1,
Unit weight of dam material = 2.4 t/m3 , unit weight of water = 1t/m3 . Consider
free board = 2 m. Assume any other data not given. [16]

Figure 6
7. (a) Discuss in detail the salient features of any two types of earthen dams with
the help of neat sketches.
(b) Mention the circumstances under which the earthen dams are preferred. [10+6]

8. (a) Mention different types of spillways. Also mention different types of gates
used on spillways.
(b) Discuss the salient features that affect the hydraulic design of an Ogee spillway
with the help of relevant sketches. [6+10]


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Code No: R05320104 Set No. 2
III B.Tech Supplimentary Examinations, Aug/Sep 2008
(Civil Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Explain the functions of various components of a dviversion work.

(b) Discuss Khosla’s theory for design of weirs on permeable foundations, Enu-
merate the various corrections that are needed in its application. [8+8]

2. Design 1 m Sarda type fall on a channel carrying 20 cumecs discharge whose bed
width and water depth are 14 m and 1.5 m respectively. [16]

3. (a) What are the different types of canal outlets. Give one example of each. What
are the criteria for selection of the outlet capacity.
(b) Define the flexibility and sensitivity of an outlet, and derive a relation between
them. [8+8]

4. (a) During the construction of a canal, which type of cross drainage works shall
possibly come across. Briefly state the site conditions under which each one
is used.
(b) Describe various steps for the design of a syphon-aqueduct. [8+8]

5. (a) Discuss the factors influencing the selection of a site for a proposed dam.
(b) Write demerits of buttress dams. [8+8]

6. State the general conditions of stability of gravity dams. Explain step wise proce-
dure of analyzing high gravity dams. [16]

7. Write short notes on

(a) Rock toe

(b) Horizontal drainage blanket
(c) Cut-off trench
(d) Rip-rap. [16]

8. (a) Mention different types of spillways. Also mention different types of gates
used on spillways.
(b) Discuss the salient features that affect the hydraulic design of an Ogee spillway
with the help of relevant sketches. [6+10]


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Code No: R05320104 Set No. 3
III B.Tech Supplimentary Examinations, Aug/Sep 2008
(Civil Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Draw a neat sketch showing various components of a canal headwork. Briefly
explain the functions of each component.
(b) What is the difference between a weir and a barrage. Why is a barrage pre-
ferred to weir in modern times. [8+8]

2. (a) What is meant by canal falls. Why are falls constructed in modern canal
(b) What are roughening devices. Discuss their use in construction of falls. [8+8]

3. (a) Define setting and proportionality. Derive the expression for setting of a pro-
portional outlet if the outlet is an
i. Open flume outlet
ii. Orifice type outlet.
(b) What considerations will you have while selecting a particular type of outlet.

4. (a) What are different types of aqueducts based on the canal cross-section at the
crossing. Where will you adopt each type.
(b) What is transition. What is its purpose. Discuss various methods for the
design of transitions. [8+8]

5. (a) Discuss the physical factors governing the selection of a particular type of
(b) Describe the zoning of storages of a reservoir. [8+8]

6. (a) Discuss various modes of failures of a gravity dam in detail.

(b) Explain how seismic forces are taken into account in the design of solid gravity
dams. [8+8]

7. Explain the significance of the following with reference to earthen dams:

(a) Toe erosion

(b) Piping and sloughing
(c) Spontaneous liquefaction
(d) Water soluble materials [16]

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Code No: R05320104 Set No. 3
8. Describe the functioning of chute spillway and shaft spillway with the help of neat
sketches. [16]


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Code No: R05320104 Set No. 4
III B.Tech Supplimentary Examinations, Aug/Sep 2008
(Civil Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. Describe with the help of suitable sketches Bligh’s creep theory for the safe design
of apron in an irrigation work. [16]
2. (a) What are different types of cisterns used in falls. Discuss their salient features.
(b) Describe the procedure for the design of an Inglis-type fall. What are the
advantages of this type of fall. [8+8]
3. (a) State briefly how you will fix up the location and capacity of canal outlet.
(b) State requirements for an ideal outlet.Distinguish between a modular, a non-
modular and a semi-modular outlet. Give on example of each type. [8+8]
4. (a) Differentiate between
i. Aqueduct and syphon aqueduct
ii. Syphon aqueduct and canal syphon
iii. Aqueduct and superpassage
iv. Level crossing and inlet-outlet structure
(b) What factors will you consider while selecting a suitable type of cross-rainage
work. [8+8]
5. (a) Discuss the physical factors governing the selection of a particular type of
(b) Describe the zoning of storages of a reservoir. [8+8]
6. What do you mean by gravity dam? Explain in detail with neat sketches the
different forces that may act on a gravity dam. Indicate their magnitudes, directions
and locations. [16]
7. (a) How do you decide the section of a zoned earth dam if the following materials
are available:
i. Only silty clay is available.
ii. Only fine gravel or coarse sand is available.
(b) Explain the necessity of slope protection in earthen dams. How do you protect
upstream and downstream slopes of an earthen dam? [8+8]
8. Describe the functioning of chute spillway and shaft spillway with the help of neat
sketches. [16]


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