JX 8p

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f=Roland EOE POLYPHONIC SYNTHESIZER JX-8P Owner’s Manual Adio and television intererence "Warning — This equipment hes been verified to comply with the limite for a Clase 8 computing device, pursuant to Subpart J, of Par 15, of FCC rules. Operation with non certified or non verified equipment 'Stikely to result in interference to radio and TV reception ante detrines by suring te mse on Sd the aera encouraged to ty to cost te Sree ‘Coneder ining 2 rotop eve arermd with 7 ihe Fete! Conmanteston Comat Ofte, Meenngton, DE, 20402, Sock No ODN OD UO cab. ee Roland devs, yoy cn tan the proper OUSAB CONTENTS 1 Panel Description 3 4. WRITE MODE 21 2 Connection 8 A. Writing Operation 21 3 Operation 7 B. Copying 24 1. PLAY, EDIT and WRITE 7 C. Editing Patch Chain 22 2. PLAY MODE 7 A. Selecting Tone Color 8 5, MEMORY CARTRIDGE 23 B. Performance Control Section 8 A. Saving and Loading 23 1) Pitch BenderiLFO Lever 8 2) After Touch 8 6. OTHER FUNCTIONS 24 3) Portamento 9 A. Master Tune 24 4) Koy Mode Select 9 B. Selecting MIDI Function 24 ©. Patch Chain 10 . Eteor Indication 26 3, EDIT MODE " ® SpecificationsiOptions 27 A. Editing without Programmer u B. Editing using Programmer PG-800 12 ©. Parameter Table 4 D. Naming 20 TS ner [TIPANEL DESCRIPTIONS @Output Jacks ‘@MIDI Connect @Headphones Jack - @Protect @Hold Pedal Jack @Program: (“" Mode Selector Buttons ®Copy Buttons ~@Bank Selector Button OMemory Cartridge Holder | @write Button | (Roland Edit Knob @After Touch Knob |, ee omc) Cl) eessec @Master Volume Knob -+ —@Patch Chain B @Bend Range Selector Switch @Portamento paelh @After Touch Buttons @Pitch Bender/—|+| Edit Buttons LFO Lever | eroramento Time Knob 1 Connectors @Protect Switch @Power Switch: 'Programmer Connector 0 or Buttons [-@Display EE EEEEEE) 1 Chain Buttons Suttons ‘Tone Selector Buttons FEATURES ‘The Roland JX-8P is a 6 voice programmable syn- thesizer with Dynamics and After Touch functions. ts memory retains as many as 96 patch programs: 64 preset tone colors which are non-volatila and 32 in its internal memory which are freely. pro: grammabl + The optional Memory Cartridge (M-16C), can ex ond the JX-8P's memory capacity by 32 programs. ‘+The JX-8P's Edit function allows you to alter any fof the tone colors init to your taste. The optional PG-800 can be used for faster and easier editing operation, ‘+ The JX-8P allows you to put a name to each tone color using up to 10 letters before saving it. IMPORTANT NOTES POWER SUPPLY ‘= The appropriate power supply for this unit is ‘shown on its name plate. Please make sure that the line voltage in your country meets that. + Please do not use the same socket used for any noise generating device (such as motor, variable lighting system) + This unit might not work properly if tuned on im- mediately after turned off. If this happens, simp- ly tuin it off and turn it on again a few seconds later + Before setting up this unit with other devices, turn all of them off + This unit might get hot while operating, but there is no need to worry about it. + The name af the tone color oF parameter current, Iy in-use is shown in the Display Window. + The Patch Chain function is effectively used specially during lve performance, allowing you to call Up t0 8 patch programs one ater another in the order you have set. ‘+ Incorporated with MIDI, the JX-8P can be set up with other MIDI devices. CLEANING ‘+ Use a soft cloth and clean only with @ mild detergent, ‘+ Do not use solvents such as paint thinner, LOCATION Avoid using this unit in excessive heat or hu: rmidity or where it may be affected by direct sunlight or dust. REPAIRING ‘+ Save the necessary data on a cartridge before having the JX-8P rapaired, incase it happens to be accidentally erased. (2 CONNECTION "* Before making ot breaking the connections, be Oo 2000 0000 0000 1. OUTPUT (Output Jacks) ‘These jacks are to connect amplifiers. To benefit the full advantages of the JX-8°, use the amplifiers and speakers for Keyboard, P/ or audio equipment. Also, if using two amplifiers in stereo, the chorus effect will sound more effective 2. LEVEL (Level Selector Switch) With this switch, select an appropriate output level depending on the type of the amplifier you use. The knack is to elect the postion that allows undistorted sound of desirable level with the amplifer’s volume set to 8 t0 7 3. PHONES (Headphones Jack) Connect headphones to this jack. 4. HOLD PEDAL (Hold Pedal Jack) Connect the damper pedal DP-2 (optional), and the Hold effect ean be turned on or off by pressing the pedal 5, MIDI (MIDI Connectors) ‘These are to connect athor MIDI dovices. Use the MiDUSync Cable MSC-25 or 60 optional Keypoard Amoi, 6. PG-800 (Programmer Connector) Connect the programmer PG-800 (optional! here by Using the 6 DIN Cable 7. PROTECT (Protect Switch) With this switch set 10 ON, the data will be prote- cted from accidental loss, ‘8, MEMORY CARTRIDGE (Memory Cartridge Holder) Connect the optional Memory Cartridge here. As shown in the picture below, set the Protect Switch ‘on the cartridge to the On position. Then securely Connect the cartridge into the holder with the Pro: tect Switch side facing backward ‘Before connecting oF disconnecting the cartridge. be sure to set the Protect Switch to the On position, To prevent the accidental loss of the data, never move the Protect Switch to the Off position, unless. it ie specifically instructed in the manual. WMA Protect Suteh OPERATION 1. PLAY, EDIT & WRITE Set up the JX.8P with the necessary equipment (euoh as amplifier and speaker), then turn the JX-8P, ‘and it will be ready to be played (= PLAY Mode). There are 96 different tone colors preprogrammed in the JX-8P's memory; 64 preset tone colors, ‘another 32 in the internal memory, (and 32 on the ‘optional cartridge - You can recall any of those pat ches by flick of @ switch, then edit it to your taste EDIT Model. This editing operation, however, does not automatically rewrite the existing tone color. H you wish to write the edited tone color, an ap: propriate writing operation is required, The 64 Preset tone colors, however wil never be erased, while the other 32 can be inevitably replaced with new pat- ‘ches by the writing operation (= WRITE Mode) 2. PLAY MODE Check al the connections are correctly made, then turn all the units on. The Display will espond with: Ro While the above display is seen, the JX-BP is being ‘tuned up, therefore cannot be played. When the tuning-up is finally completed, the number at the right side of the Display will become "1" Then the Display will be as shown below. 1 Name of the tone color in use 1B Number of the tone color (1 to 32) © Bankinuse (P. - P:Preset, J: Internal Memory, 2 Cartridge Memory) “Bank is a block which consists of 32 tone colors ach, ‘A. SELECTING A TONE COLOR ‘Any tone color can be recalled by using the Bank Selector Button @ and the Tone Selector Button @® There are four Banks in the JX-BP as follows. P: 32 Preset tone colors which cannot be erased from memory P : 82 Proset tone colors which cannot be erased ‘rom memory T+ 82 tone colors in the Internal Memory £: 82 tone colors on the Cartridge Memory In each bank of Pand-P, there are 32 tone colors preprogrammed. Ail the tone colors can be edited to your taste, but the Preset tone colors cannot be erased for new pat ches. Other 64 tone colors in the internal memory and cartridge can be replaced with new patches by the writing operation ‘The Memory Cartridge can be easily connected or disconnected, therefore, can be effectively used to ‘oxpand the memory of the JX-BP. Operation to select a tone color © Assign the bank you want by pressing the rele: vant Bank Selector Button ©. Press the Preset Button, and the Bank? and «Pare alternately selected, ® Assign the number of the tone color you wish to call by pressing the relevant Tone Selector But ton ©. B. PERFORMANCE CONTROL SECTION 1) Pitch Bender /LFO Lover Move this lever to change the pitch. Guitar’s bee: ing like effect can be obtained. At its center posi tion, this has no effect on the JX-8P’s sound, while the lft and right extremes of movement achieve the same amount ofthe pitch bend effect. The maximum ‘effect of tho bender can be optional with the Bend Range Switch @; Major 2nd, Minor 3rd, Major 3rd, land Perfect 5th. Pushing this lever forward will result in vibrato of. fect. I the sound has no vibrato, the sound will take fon usual vibrato effect, and if the sound already takes on vibrato, the effect will be deepened. 2) After Touch After Touch is the effect caused by pressing down 12 key hard after pressing the key in usual manner. The JX-8P’s After Touch can change any of the following 9 effects. Vibrato The vibrato effect is deepened, Briliance The higher frequency is emphasized, therefore the sound becomes brighter Volume The volume is increased Operation for After Touch © Select the effect on which you wish to have the After Touch effect, by pushing the After Touch But. ton ®. @ Adjust the intensity of the After Touch effect by Using the After Touch Knob @. When this knob is set to zero, there iene after touch effect obtained. ‘The indicator lights up. More than one effect cannot be obtained at a time 3) Portamento The portamento effect willbe on by setting the Por tamento Switch to ON. The time needed fora sound to change from a pitch to the other can be altered by using the Portamento Time Knob @. 4) Key Mode Select ‘The JX-€P contains 6 sound modules. Six di ferent key assign modes are provided to decide how these 6 synthesizer modules willbe assigned to the keys played. [EJ POLY withthe ndiatorghted This mode turns the JX-8P to @ 6 voice polyphonic synthesizer assigning one syn- thesizer module to each key pressed, This is suitable for the sound whase envelope curve i similar to piano’s or guitar's, therefore chosen for usual performance POLY with the Indicator flashing ‘This mode is very similar to Poly mode above assigning only one synthesizer voice to each key pressed. The primary ‘advantage of this mode is that only the last note or notes played together receive natural release length. This mode is suitable for the performance with por tamento effect. UNISON with the Indicator lighted In this mode, two sound modules are assigned to each key, therefore the ‘created sound s richer than in Poly mode, ‘That is, the JX-BP becomes 3 voice sy: athesizer. UNISON with the Indicator flashing ‘Ths is similar tothe Unison mode above, but the one module of the two modules is one octave lower than the other. Ch ‘SOLO with the Indicator lighted This mode turns the JX-8P to a single voice synthesizer that assigns one module to each key, SOLO with the Indicator flashing This mode turns the JX-8P to the monophonic synthesizer that assigns 6 ‘modules t0 one key pressed, Please be sure that you are not touching any key on the keyboard while changing the key modes, Otherwise, JX-8P willlose ‘the sound. If this happens, release the Key fonee, then press the key again. 10 ©. PATCH CHAIN There may be some tone colors which are more often sed. It will be handy i these patches are collected in sequence and called during ive performance in the same sequence. The JX-BP's Patch Chain function allows you to write 8 particular patches in sequence and recall them one after another, just by pressing buttons. Each patch in the Patch Chain can retain a tone color with different settings of Key Mode, After Touch, Bender Range, Portam- ento ON/Otf, Bend LFO Depth, Unison Detune and Portamento time. ©_Pross either the Patch Chain Button @.. Thon the Display shows "1" left side, and the number and name of the correspon: ding patch @ Press either [“] or [7] toadvance or back up a patch program inthe Patch Chai Gi [2 une eeecnearey Patch Chain Each number in the Patch Chain containe a patch rogram with tone color and several effect settings. oe While using a patch program of the Patch Chain, you may notice that it does not sound faithful to each position of the knobs in the Performance Control Section (such as Bend Range, Portamento). Ths is because the settings of the Performance Control Section are writen into each patch program together with other settings, and the actual positions of knobs have no effect on the sound. However, if you move the knob even slightly, the value of the parameter written in memory is temporary cancelled ana ready tobe controlled manually. This does not rewrite the value in memory, so if you want to retain it, ap propriate writing operation is required, (See Editing Patch Chain in‘ 3) 4 WRITE MODE” on page 22.) Patch Chain is a function of remembering the com: bination of the 8 patch programs with different ef fect and mode settings, that is. it has no ability of rotaining the nature of the patch programs in the Chain. Therefore, if the patch programs are edited {and overwritten or a replaced with new patches, the Patch Chain accordingly changes, I you want to return to the usual Play mode, turn the Power Switch @ OFF once, then turn it ON. again Prossing(*] and] atthe same Time wl eto I 3. EDIT MODE Like any analog synthesizer, the JX-8P had various jnarameters which can be edited for sound synthesis, ‘The JX-BP, however, does not feature knobs or awit {ches on its pane! for you to touch or move. Instead, there are two methods of synthesizing. One is call ing each parameter and changing its value with the Edit Konb. The other is using the optional progra- smmer PG-800 which works just like pane! con- trols of a synthesizer For quicker and easier editing or synthesis from scratch, the PG-800 may be essential A. EDITING WITHOUT PROGRAMMER. A nubmer (11 to 951 s assigned to each parameter. Call the parameter whose value you wish to change by using the Tone Selector Buttons ®. “Use the Edit Map located in the right to the Tone Selector Buttons @ to find out the number of each parameter © Callthe patch you wich to eat by using the Bank Selector Button and the Tone Selector Button @ Press the [7] of the Est Buttons @. ‘The JK-8P is turned to the Edit mode, and the Display will show ; 13 8 indication differs depending on the tone color. Prossing tho [button wil aways cause the Display to respond with the same Indication above " 12 %® Number of the parameter you have called (11 t0 95) & Name of the param © Value of the parameter (The same number means different values according to the parameters, refer to Parameter Table on page 14 to 19.) ® By using the Tone Selector Buttons 110 9, assign ‘the numberof the parameter whose value you wish to change. (11 t0 98) © Play the JX-8P, and while listening to the sound, ‘change the value of the parameter with the Edit knob ©. ® Repeat steps @ and @ as many times as necessary. B. EDITING USING PROGRAMMER PG-800 ‘The Programmer PG-800 works just lke pane! con: trols of a synthesizer. That i, using the PG-800 with the JX-8P, you can easily solect any patch you ike and edit it by knobs and switches which are tangi- ble, as you would with a usual synthesizer “Refer to “Parameter Table’ shown on page 14 t0 19 to study the function of each parameter. “To set up the PG-800 with the JX-8P, use the 6P DIN Cable of the PG-800. e= S00 ea 6° DIN Cable The PG-800 operates with the JX-BP set to either Play or Edit mode. 11) When the JX-BP Is set to the Play mode: Using the controls on the programmer, you can edit the tone color currently in use. The Display, then shows [ae ‘with the tone number flashing 2) When the JX-BP is set to the Edit mode: The programmer works just lke in Play mode above, ‘and moreover, by assigning the parameter number you like, you can change the Display to see the parameter value. 3) When the Manual Button on the programmer is pressed: In this case, the whole panel setting of the PG-800 ‘decides the tone color. That, now, existing patch program in memory has nothing to do with your sound synthesis. You make @ new patch from scratch, The Display Window will respond as shown below. é While editing @ parameter with the PG-800, even ifthe current set positions of the knobs or switches are exactly what you desire, change the position fonce then return it, Otherwise, the parameter value might not be affected by the PG-B00, thereby remain unchanged, Recall in Eait While or after editing a patch program, you may wish to listen to the original tone color before edited. The JX-BP allows you to recall the original patch program ‘without erasing the edited program. Operation © Make sure that the JX-8P is now set to the Play mode. If not, turn the JX-BP to the Play mode. @ Pross the Tone Selector Button of the edited tone color. Now, the original tone color will be heard. The display will respond as shown below with the tone number lighted. i 1 @ To return to the edited tone color, simply press the same Tone Selector Button. ‘The Display will respond as shown below with the tone number flashing. ate ‘The orginal and edited tone colors can be alternately selected by pressing the rolevant Tone Selector Button. 4 C. PARAMETER TABLE DCO (Digitally Controlled Oscillator) (C0 is the digttycontoied oscar that con ‘ros the tc and generates the waveforms that se the round source ofthe synesies, Owing tots ‘igitl contelayatem, this offre superior pitch "ably compared tothe VEO (Wottage Contolied (Oncitato. The JX BP has 2 0CO"s Parameter oa rome Display Value Lisodenid (ieee cee bl © | ect ane octave stops from 2" to 16’ 42", 4,8", Pe ie = a4 q | Aru: ule Wave) 5 This it enoose the output wavotorm ofthe CO, Sin ! A (Saw Tooth) “a ssaun: ru (Square wave! 1025: We (Noise) a) This erangos the treavaney (pitch of the OCO, in veoitm | Sy 5 isu anes TNG 24 BCGe TUNE: 4 two Knee jeu BCOe TUNE! peoztm | - 42 note eee oe eee cee ae Range Selector, the tone color alteration ditfers as shown below. iF fice intensity of Key touching I = fo ws COFF:AN Keys hove the same Envelope time. {The highest Key A has the ENV time exact ha length ofthe iowost Key 0's 2:Thw Key 6 has the ENV time exactly half length of the lowest Key 0's. 23: The Koy © has the ENV time exactly hal length of the lowest Key 0 Parameter DCO-1 LFO Depth 2 tio [Programmer hn Display baruCtanal 44 350+ LPG ‘When the UFO output a modulating the OCO, this 4 ECO + LEG we pararatere used oust he depth ofthe melo at fon. For vibrato eect ect S216" wih the soe re BCoe Ny | 26 BOGe Leo 95) poe eee : CO-2 LFO Depth 5 o 75 BLO? ENP | Of) wmetvennnncamnsantcom] parometarisuseat est tho doth of the modula 23 9C0 | Cross Modulation one o 0-2 Envcope De Saco iG namin oe ‘the harmonic contonts by DCO-2, Te waveform is determined by the OCO-2's synchronization to co *5uE_ 2:Both SYNC and x MOD work together +5 103 :000-1 and 0C0-2 atfect each other piten, amon contents ae wavetorm, *0FF s680h 0CO:1 and DCO.2 ean hove sitlerent 5 be 7 a GUC ma DCO-2 Fine Tune ‘The taquency pte) ofthe OCO-2 ean be eajus ted with hs promoter *Vaniable range. #60 cant a1 0c0 Brn at BEG BINA | CO Dynamics Range ‘When te DCO's pic's contoed by the ENV, ana ‘the amount of th ENV is controled by Dyramios [Koy Touen) th parametor ade the senestity fof Key Touch. (Note 1), { q This select the pouty ofthe Envelope curve. Now rmaly, “is usea. In mode, ADSR cotter oor moan werEW2 18 16 MIXER ‘This where the volume Balance ofthe CO-1 and 060-2 is contotes Parameter Data ah = Display Value fence [Programmer las omiy tema This adjusts the level of it Mix Beat} eee This aduste the ov! of OCO-2 a3 Mik ENP 0 Ol iemenvomaeneoconsme tm merer mba uah eee RAE 2 | Depth and then by Dynamics, this sets the max- 4 0CO-2 Dynamics Range | pie ey TER NE eam me DCO-2 Envelope Mode fs ew Hl ata AD omc Parameter Data ; 2 = Display Value Function St HPR PREG High-pass Filter Cutoff Frequency The HEF (Hgh-Pase Fite is iter that passes ‘Maher fouency harmonies and cts othe ower ‘nes. As you increase the volun cto point goes {bs lower requoncy harmonies being cut of 62 VCF FREG VCE Cutoff Frequency isis fr changing the cutot point of the VOF. As You decrease th vu, eutottWequancy wil come oven, ana the wovtoraradualy becomes aprox ‘ation of sine wave, tan the sound wi ade out ty ofthe ey Touch, Note T) Parameter Data pumas femal Display Value Lites 0 Sacre me Se: the vam, the crested sow wit become more Resonance j SY YOR LEO filet atthe US sect eroasng te vue LFO Depth aq) : VE NE “hss contale he cutot point of he VCFin each note eve ele at eda eae 5 RRS ate ae increase the value, tone cola within one note | Envelope Depth ‘changes move rascal : og ut he cutot pant by kay poston I Sh VOR KEY SP A oone, prevents anya nthe armonse contents caused by pith aertion, ey cone 1 value 83 (= Progranners Knob"8")= G7 EF BYNA 3 | pene ra conta EN scien Tou Dynamics Range 2 jes OFF | O68 vor MOE ee Ae eeeeeee reece evererereeseerererrrreree mode, ADSR pattern will be inverted. = Envelope Mode und ol mors ENVTA 4 fee ola ae “a i vee er ee VGA (Voltage Controlled Amplitier)/ where the volume amplitude) of the sound is { Parameter Date : : feooe] Display Value Lita foe [Bt VER LEVEL! 99] Ransaiecerne meee VCA Level 4 4 ag : og "7 Parameter fowl ae Funetion Programmer 2 VER MORE “Thnisoasecewhater wo contol eVCAby the | aw Ge vCR Mos oat rom tha EHV CAT ory the Gate | San 4] 1 deteines the snaitity af he Key Touch iDymames, eect. (Note 1) a4 CHORUS Expansive Chore Chorus Mode 4 10 tow Frequency Osler Ica ports oo a er ae Parameter | Data ea = Display Value runetlon Pres 1G NE] t= etna te FO oxo waetom SINE . Lp sise: Se vt OT coum: mL (Square Wave) uD 9.5) Reise nal ag aa a ao 74 BEND LO | 99|ieeenemanenmes (Bord tFO Dep) | Oi temmwteretenoteee reat ENV (Envelope Generator) “This generates he conto voltage Envelope) which [ Parameter foe Display Function [Programmer iat ENy dt ATT i ENV-1 Attack Time | {ieee eeecntetectal| 91 ENve ATT i ENV- Attack Time “This determines the tm required forte voltage to ‘each ite masimom from te momer the Key ayes Be Env? BECY ENV-1 Decay Time | |_ENV1 Decay Time | Ie ENVe TECY ENV-2 Decay Time “his determine he tno ques for he vokage to top trom the manimum tothe sustain ave 93 ENY 1 SUS aoe ENV-1 Sustain Level S3 ENve Sus | This ets the austin level to which the voage fas ENV-2 Sustain Level | BY ENV 4 REL | ENV-1 Release Time | 64 Enve REL ENV-2 Release Time ‘This ete the time needed forte voltage to vouch Zero from the moment the ey ia veleted aS ENV 4 KEY | ENV-1 Key Follow SS ENVe KEY } Ee hla eae ENV-2 Key Follow Tischer ene regaeao EY veo Irereaod higher Keys have shorter ENV tne. Note 2 19 20 D. NAMING You can write a name (with up to 10 letters} to each patch program. The names of the 64 preset patches cannot be changed just like their tone colors, but the names of the 32 preprogrammed patches can be ‘changed as you tke Operation © Push theEaix Button [7] . The Display shows thonameof he cutentonecoior, withthe int ter om the left lashing. This tel you thatthe 10 letters fom the 7th are ready to be changed. Enter, ing new letters wil replace the ot ones ® Using the Tone Selector Buttons @, Bank Selec: tor Buttons @, Key Mode Selector Buttons @ and After Touch Buttons @ which all have letters or marks at thelr down right comer, enter the name you lke. The Display responds with the entered letter Use the Patch Chain Buttons [7] ©, to move on to the next letter without changing te curent one. Also, use the [™"] Button to make a space. ‘To change from the Edt mode tothe Pay mode simply press the Eat Button [*] and the Display tat responds es below. ‘Then the JX-8? is returned to the Play mode. Here, the Display responds as above with the tone number flashing. This tells ou that the tone color and / or ‘the name have been edited but not yet written, the refore selecting other patch program will automat cally erase this patch. If you wish to retain the ‘edited tone color, the following Writing procedure is required 4, WRITE MODE “The Edit function does not automatically rewrite the existing program, unless the appropriate writing ro- cedure is taken, A. WRITING OPERATION © When editing is completed, press the Write But ton @. The bank and tone numbers flash. © Set the Protect Switch on the JX-8P to the OFF position, ® Select the Bank {Internal Memory or Cartridge) by using the Bank Selector Button |® Select the location forthe edited program by us ing the Tone Selector Button. Here, let's solect 17. {20 eeeeecenee Now, the edited tone color is written into tone umber 17. The JX-8P returns to the Play mode, and the Display reacts as above. If you have given a new rname to the edited tone color, that name will be also shown in the Display, © Return the Protect Switch on the JX-8P to ON. 8. COPYING By using the Writing function, you can copy a patch ‘program to a new location. This applies to between the internal memory and Cartridge, oF within the same memory area. Operation © With the JX-8P in the Play mode call the patch program you wish tocopy, then push the Write Bu ton @. The flashing numbers are Bank and Tone numbers of the patch program which has been selected. ® To copy a patch program within the internal ‘memory, or from the Cartridge memory to internal, set the Protect Switch on the JX-8P to OFF To copy a patch program within the Cartridge memory, or from the internal memory to the Car ‘widge, set the Protect Switch on the Cartridge to OFF @ Assign the Bank and Tone number of a new location When the above is seen in the Display, copying ie completed. And soon the JX-8P is automatically retumed to the Play mode. *Please note that the copying function erases the patch program previously written in that location, ® Return the Protect Switch to the ON position. *To turn from the Write mode to the Play mode, ‘simply press the Write Button @ again. The Display will show: Then soon, the JX-8P is returned to the Play mode. aa 2 . EDITING PATCH CHAIN Writing a new patch replaces the previous one within the Patch Chain, which is seen at the lett of the Display Window. To write new patch is By using the Patch Chain Button [7] and © cathe patch program you wish Tenlace ih a now one ® Select the patch number(tone color) you wish to write, by using the Bank Selector Button ® and Tone Selector Button @. @ Adjust the controls for the Key Mode, After Touch, Bend Range, Portamento On/Off, Bend LFO Depth, Unison Detune and Portamento Time to your taste © Sot the Protect Switch on the JX-BP to OFF. © Press the Patch Chain Button [=] © ‘The Display reacts as shown above, then the JX-8P is returned to the Play mode. © Return the Protect Switch to the ON position, eo) it you prose tho [=] Button @ while the Display shows Patch Chain number & “oe OS id ‘The new patch program is written here erasing the previous one. I you want to change the Patch Chain number 5 con: secutively, call, byusing the ["] Button, and repeat procedure @ to . 5 MEMORY CARTRIDGE ‘The data in the internal memory of the JX-8P can be saved on the optional Memory cartridge (M-16C). Also, the saved data can be loaded from the cartridge to the JX-BP at any time later. This expands the memory capacity of the JX-8P practically twice as much “Before connecting or disconnecting the Carttidge, set the Protect Switch to ON, ‘To set the data in the Cartridge memory ready to be used, press the Bank Selector Button “CARTRIDGE”, ‘A. Saving and Loading 1) Saving on the Cartridge © Set the Protect Switch on the cartridge to OFF. © Whileilding the Weitebutton @, push the Copy Button EE] @. The Display responds 2s shown below, But LOADING IS_NOT DONE AT THIS STAGE. When the Display responds as below, copying is done. And, soon, the JX-8P is automatically return ed to the Play mode. save COMPLETE | © Retin the Protect Switch on the Cartridge to ON, 2) Loading to the JX-8° © Set the Protect Switch on the JX-8P to OFF. © Wile poling the Wie button ®, push te Copy Button [2] @. The Display responds as shown below, Dot LOADING IS NOT BONE AT THIS STAGE @ Push the [E] autton again. ‘When the Display responds ws shown blow, copy. ing is done. Ang, the JX-BP is automaticaly et ned to the Pay mode LOAD COMPLETE © Return the Protect Switch to the ON. 23, 24 6. OTHER FUNCTIONS A. MASTER TUNE 1) Usual Tuning By using the Tone Selector Button @, you can tune in THe step within the range from A=437 to 446 He, Operation © Press either Key Mode Button [=] or [=] © Push the Edt Button @ [=] © By using the Tone Selector Button markod 1 10 10, change the frequency of the Standard Pitch Each button sets the frequency as shown below. ae Ta Re aT a [=] We Tae wae Tig He The Display ® will respond as shown below. Now, you can see the current pitch at #3 ® Set the Protect Switch on the JX-8P to the OFF position, then push || Button @. the Display respond with showing that the tuning is now completed, ® Return the Protect Switch on the JX-8P to the ON position 2) Tuning with other instrument Repeat the procedure (D:and @ in the 1) Usual Tuning ‘Then tune by moving the Edit Knob @. The Display responds the same in 1), and you can soe the eur rent pitch. The frequency changes continuously within the range from A= 436 to 448 Ho, Repeat the procedure ® andi®in 1) Usual Tuning, "Tuning in Unison Mode When the JX-8P is in the Unison mode, the same tuning operation as described just before adjusts the difference between two pitches. The Display ‘window responds as shown below. EEECENT At £22, a number from —50 to +50 is displayed B. SELECTING MIDI FUNCTION ‘The JX-8P allows to edit the setting of the MIDI ‘messages in a patch program and write it 11 Editing the setting of MIDI functions Operation © Pushtne Eat Button [=] @. The Disp wil respond 8 below ‘A: MIDI Function Number MIDI Function Name ‘c: Value oF On/Off of the MIDI Function ® Select the Function Number which value you ‘want to change, by using the Tone Selector buttons. 1 to 8, The Display will show the corresponding umber, Function name, and its value or OnvO¥t. @ By using the Edit Knob ®, change the value or onjort Tamer] Oipay Function Name | Description fa aed MIDI Ghanoel Selection : {SE Program Change [Patch Selecton 1 ‘After Touch. “TAtter Touch Value [Pitch Bend Volume 2) Writing the edited setting of MIDI Function Operation © Set the Pratect Switch on the JX-8P to OFF. ® Push the Write Button @. The Display responds. 1s below, showing that writing is done. And the IX-BP is automaticaly returned to the Play mode. @ Return the Protect Switch on the JX-8P to ON. Pitch Bend Value ‘Volume Value Mode Mode Send Dynamics Local ‘Active Sense ‘This sots the JX-8P's mode, ‘When this Function is on, even i the] receiver is not able to set the mode) fonts own, the JX-8P can send the mode it selects to the receiver. his adjusts the intensity of the, G0 Dynamics effect caused by velocity sensitivity. At 99, the offect is its maximum, and no effect at 200. This Funcion (OFF) dsconnects| ON-OFF | Gr the eyboerd tector fromthe oy thang aaction win the JK-OP athe is Function sme on th Bs J2CEP sends tosignal hat cane | rt the veeler or geting ou eonel in eats of scelont such a scent connection othe MD AS eee eee ccc i nen his Function wned onthe) G0 | SEP sends te Encusive Mossge | | | {or connecting itself to a computer, and other MIDI devices, I font, OFF =Not Sent 2 26 C. ERROR INDICATION I you make @ mistake duting writing, saving or loading. the following Error indication will be seen in the Display. 1, MEMORY PROTECTED This nan phon you have ted todo Weng or push the [burton with the Protect Switch Set the Protect Switch to OFF, and repeat the Of the devo which data isto be wrsten set wing procedure to ON 2. SELECT BANK C I Thisis seen when you have tried to write atone color, Select the Bank ether Internal or Cartridge to the Preset Bank. Memoryl, then repeat the Writing 3. INSERT CARTRIDGE ‘seen when you have tied to select the Car- tidge Memory Bank without the Cartridge con- «Insert the Memory Cartridge securely, then try again nected to the JX-8P, 4) SPECIFICATIONS/OPTIONS IX-8P : 6 Voice Synthesizer with Dynamics, After Touch Keyboar 1 keys. Memory Capacity Preset Internal Memory (Memory Cartridge! 64 Patch Programe 32 Patch Programs. 22 Patch Programe. ait Parameters, Names MID! Functions, Master Tune Panel Buttons Tone Selector (1 to 32) Bank Selector (Preset, Interna, Cartridge Patch Chain (Enter, <, » | Key Mode (Poly, Unison, Solo) After Touch (Vibrato, Briliance, Volume) Fait Parameter, Name, MIDI, Master Tune) Copy (Cartridge Internal, Internal ~»Carteidge) Write Controls & Switches Pitch BenderiLFO Lever Bend Range Select Portamento Time Portamento On/Off edit After Touch Volume Display Window 16 figuees Memory Cartridge Holder Panel Output Jacks x 2 {StereoiMono 1/4 Standard Phone Jack, 5k) ‘Output Level Switch (H/M/L} Headphones Jack (8 2 . Stereo) Hold Pedal Jack (DP-2) MIDI Connectors x 3 lin, Out, Thru — 5P DIN} Programmer Connector (6P DIN} Protect Switch Power Switch 977 (W) x 375 (0) x 92 (H} mm 38-7/16"(W) x 14.314(0) x 3-9/167\H) Weight 11.5kg 25 lb 60 o7 Consumption 25W Accessories Connections Cables x 2 Owner's Manual MIDI guide book Options Programmer PG-800 Memory Cartridge M-16C Pedal Switch DP.2 Carrying Case AB-2 27 renee T PG-800 =Rolend [hf] EF il DESCRIPTION OF THE PG-800 (OPTION) 6-voice polyphonic synthesizer MIDI Implementation Chart mopeL JX-8P Transmitted Recognized Rlomarks Function. Basic Detautt 1-16 1-16 memorized Channel Changed 1-16 1-16 Defautt Mode 1,3 Mode 1,3 memorized Mode Messages POLY, OMNI ON/OFFIO | POLY, OMNI ON/OFF Altered seReeeee REE MONO ignored Note 36 ~ 96 0-127 Number True voice seneasenacesen | 21-108 Velocity Note ON ° * v= 1-127 Note OFF x x After key's x x ‘Touch crs * * Pitch Bender * * 1] * * Modulation 5|* * Portamento Time 71) x * Volume Control oa} * * Hold 6} * * Portamento Switch ‘Change Prog * 04127 * 0-127 ‘Change True # senaeeenaeeeee 0 - 127 ‘System Exclusive . * System Song Pos x x Song Sel x x Common Tune x x System Clock x x Real Time — Commands x x ‘Aux Local ON./OFF x ° Detault ON All Notes OFF © (123) (123-127) Mes- Active Sense * * sages Reset x x Notes ‘ :Can be set or x manually, and memorized, Mode. 1 : OMNI ON. POLY Mode 3: OMNI OFF. POLY Mode 2: OMNION, MONO Mode 4: OMNI OFF, MONO No 29 6-voice polyphonic synthesizer move. JX-8P MIDI Implementation

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