CHAMBER 9 GENETIC KISS (The Conclusion or Is It?)
CHAMBER 9 GENETIC KISS (The Conclusion or Is It?)
CHAMBER 9 GENETIC KISS (The Conclusion or Is It?)
Learning Genetics
Willingly, together we have learned much about the culture of Sex in the previous eight
chambers. The purpose of each chamber was designed to get the Nu Afrikan to
examine this powerful force from a scientific perspective so that we would willingly be
able to overstand how this sacred science of RBGz (Releasing Bio-chemicals
„Gasmically) affects and infects us emotionally; and makes us consciously responsible
and accountable of the how, what, where, when and why we allow ourselves to be
sexually attracted to others be it in the name of LOVE or just plain old LUST. We will
conclude our rudimentary investigation into this powerful cult by examining some of the
biological affects that kissing neurologically transmits to the human psyche by way of
the brain its connection with the RBGz (endorphins). Scientific study suggests that
kissing is a learned behavior and not an instinctual one. Some historical studies that
are accepted as myths, tell quite a different story about Adam, Eve and the garden of
Eden and what was potentially taught to them that was forbidden for these newly made
humans to know.
In the final analysis, Love and/or/nor Lust doesn‟t even play a significant role in why
humanity is sexually magnetized towards each other. When learning how genes
respond (re-spawn . . . reproduce) to different types of environments, we learn that
some respond horizontally and the significance of Symbiogenesis within the genome of
os·cu·la·tion ( s ky -l sh n)
a. The act of kissing.
b. A kiss.
osculation - the act of caressing with the lips (or an instance thereof)
buss, kiss
touching, touch - the act of putting two things together with no space between them; "at his touch the
room filled with lights"
deep kiss, French kiss, soul kiss - an openmouthed kiss in which your tongue is inserted into the other's
Osculation is the scientific term for kissing and philematology (a new branch of scientific
researchers) is the branch of science that studies osculating (kissing). The parts of the
body used of course are the lips, nose and the tongue. What do we know about these
human parts scientifically?
Beyond their initial communication (labial, bilabial, and labiodentals consonant sounds)
and eating functions(keeping food in the mouth, as well as keeping things out of the
mouth), lips are the thinnest layer of skin on the human body. They are easily an
erogenous area because of the high number of nerve endings contained beneath the
skin of the lips, and therefore play a very important role in the act of intimacy. Lips also
play an important part in the law of attraction because people not only are attracted to
someone‟s eyes, etc.; they are also attracted to another person‟s lips.
Sexologists say that the lips symbolize the vulva which is what makes them sensually
and sexually attractive. Some of their surveys seem to suggest that the size of female
lips often indicate a woman‟s fertility.
The tongue is a muscular organ in the mouth. The tongue is covered with moist, pink tissue
called mucosa. Tiny bumps called papillae give the tongue its rough texture. Thousands of taste
buds cover the surfaces of the papillae. Taste buds are collections of nerve-like cells that connect
to nerves running into the brain.
The tongue is anchored to the mouth by webs of tough tissue and mucosa. The tether holding
down the front of the tongue is called the fermium. In the back of the mouth, the tongue is
anchored into the hyoid bone. The tongue is vital for chewing and swallowing food, as well as
for speech.
The four common tastes are sweet, sour, bitter, and salty. A fifth taste, called umami, results
from tasting glutamate (present in MSG). The tongue has many nerves that help detect and
transmit taste signals to the brain. Because of this, all parts of the tongue can detect these four
common tastes; the commonly described “taste map” of the tongue doesn’t really exist.
The tongue has a secondary function and that is in the act of kissing by being inserted
into another person‟s mouth whereby it comes in contact with that person‟s saliva, as
well initiating the licking sensations that can be felt by through the skin and all of these
sensations sends more messages to the brain the Master Neuro-Transmitter that directs
how each of the RBGz will be released and where, when, what, and why.
We all know that the French didn‟t invent tongue kissing. We can be sure that it was the
masterful skill of tongue kissing by the Egiptian Queen Cleopatra VII that conquered the
Roman General Marc Anthony. Osculation like all of the other bio-chemicals released
Gasmically can be very addictive if done correctly. The tongue is where all of the taste
buds are located and the interaction of two of these muscular organs engaging in
circular motions can become quite erotic will increase the production of saliva and
reduces the levels of hydrocortisone that modulates stress levels in the human body,
can have a relaxing effect when enjoyed by two people who believe that they are in love
or by two people who just enjoy having sex. Osculating (kissing) also helps to reduce
high cholesterol by preventing the hormone-glucocorticoids from forming.
When we kiss someone and swallow their saliva we are potentially swallowing millions
of bacterial colonies.
Scientists also believe that osculating (kissing) may have some type of an instinctive
function that is instructional in our genes.
Saliva also contains over 400 different species of micro-organisms and these 400
different micro-organisms live very happily inside of our warm mouths and particularly
on the tongue. When we osculate we pass on a few millions of these 400 different
species to whomever it is that we are osculating with willingly and/or unwillingly.
Let‟s take a closer look at what saliva is and its natural purpose within the human body.
Saliva has a number of purposes which make it an extremely useful substance, making it sorely
missed when people experience reduced salivary output. In addition to playing a role in the
digestive process, saliva is also very important for oral health. Some animals have developed
additional uses for their saliva. Swifts, for example, have particularly gummy saliva which they
used to glue their nests together.
One of saliva's most important roles is as a lubricator. Saliva keeps the mucus membranes of the
mouth moist, making them less subject to cracking and discomfort. This fluid also lubricates
food in the mouth, making it easier to chew and swallow. As anyone who has experienced dry
mouth knows, a mouth without saliva in it can start to feel extremely uncomfortable very
quickly, especially if you try to eat.
Saliva also contains several enzymes which perform various functions. The enzyme lysozyme is
antibacterial, so it helps to keep levels of oral bacteria at a manageable level. Digestive enzymes
like amylase are also present in saliva, breaking food down before it reaches the stomach to
make it easier to digest. When the enzyme balance of saliva is disrupted, it can cause health
problems, most commonly in the form of a flourishing of bacteria in the mouth.
This substance also has a number of minerals which are regularly deposited on the teeth, helping
to keep them healthy and to insulate them from bacteria in the mouth. In some cases, mineral
deposits may build up too much, in which case they are known as plaque. The digestive enzymes
in saliva also work to dissolve particles of food caught between the teeth, ensuring that they do
not rot and compromise oral health.
Although saliva is highly beneficial, it is best kept in the mouth. While saliva has some antibacterial
properties, it should not be used like an antibacterial agent, contrary to popular belief, because the
mouth is inherently not sterile. Applying saliva to a wound could lead to the introduction of oral bacteria
to the bloodstream, and this is not desired. Saliva can also harbor some viruses, which is one of the
reasons people are encouraged to avoid kissing sick people. (
Research shows that 80% of the bacteria contained in our saliva when exchanged
through osculation, is common amongst the general population, while the other 20%
has its own unique signature associated individually with the individuals engaged in the
act. The signature is unique because it instructs the body to increase the necessary
anti-bodies in the immune system (disease defense antigens) to prepare itself to defend
our bodies against the newly incoming micro-organisms (bacteria).
Where are these salivary glands located within the human body?
The glands are found in and around your mouth and throat. We call the major salivary
glands the parotid, submandibular, and sublingual glands.
They all secrete saliva into your mouth, the parotid through tubes that drain saliva,
called salivary ducts, near your upper teeth, submandibular under your tongue, and the
sublingual through many ducts in the floor of your mouth.
Besides these glands, there are many tiny glands called minor salivary glands located in
your lips, inner cheek area (buccal mucosa), and extensively in other linings of your
mouth and throat. Salivary glands produce the saliva used to moisten your mouth,
initiate digestion, and help protect your teeth from decay.
Human genome: All of the DNA that a person possesses. The human genome is made up of all
of the DNA in our chromosomes as well as that in our mitochondria. (Each of us has, in fact, two
genomes -- a large chromosomal genome and a much smaller mitochondrial genome.) Our
genome also includes every gene we own plus all of our junk DNA The human genome is both
"the treasury of human inheritance" and a vast dump (or recycling center).
A working draft of the human genome sequence was completed in 2000. Over the next three
years this draft sequence was converted into a "finished sequence." "Finished sequence" is a
technical term meaning that the sequence is highly accurate (with fewer than one error per
10,000 letters) and highly contiguous (with the only remaining gaps corresponding to regions
whose sequence cannot be reliably resolved with current technology). The finished sequence
covered about 99 percent of the human genome's gene-containing regions, and it had been
sequenced to an accuracy of 99.99% by April 2003.
This feat was achieved by the International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium which
included hundreds of scientists at 20 sequencing centers in China, France, Germany, Great
Britain, Japan and the United States. The five institutions that generated the most sequence were:
Baylor College of Medicine, Houston; Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis;
Whitehead Institute/MIT Center for Genome Research, Cambridge, Mass.; DOE's Joint Genome
Institute, Walnut Creek, Calif.; and The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute near Cambridge,
By now we all have heard that our salivary glands also contain our ancestral information
and genetists have found a way to test specific genetic markers (DNA strands) that
confirm or exclude the bonding capabilities between various human species, when
reconstructing one‟s potential ancestral genetic composition.
Can it be that when we osculate (kiss), we are transferring ancestral information? If so,
not only do we taste that information but more importantly—WE ARE SWALLOWING
Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) and the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC)
in Humans
HLA complex, antigens in the region of chromosome 6 containing genes that code for proteins that
enable the immune system to differentiate tissues or proteins between "self " and "nonself." These loci
are identified by numbers and letters, such as HLA-B27. Antigens are divided into three classes. Class I
antigens (HLA-A, -B, and -C) occur on the surface of all nucleated cells and platelets and are important in
tissue transplantation. If donor and recipient HLA antigens do not match, the nonself antigens are
recognized and destroyed by killer T cells. Class II antigens occur only on immunocompetent cells and
normally recognize foreign proteins. Class III antigens are nonhistocompatibility antigens, such as some
complement components, that map in the HLA complex. Also called histocompatibility complex, major
histocompatibility complex.
Histocompatibility complex
A group of genes whose products determine the compatibility of tissues or organs transplanted
from one individual to another of the same species or from one species to another. The
histocompatibility complex of proteins is found on the plasma membrane cells and helps identify
tissues as "self" or foreign. In humans the major histocompatibility complex contains 50 genes
on the short arm of chromosome number 6.
Major histocompatibility antigen
One of a group of proteins encoded by genes of the major histocompatibility complex on
chromosome 6.
Also, in reproduction, HLA may be related to the individual smell of people and
may be involved in mate selection.
Now we need to get some understanding of how the nose also plays a part in the
Genetic Kiss because when we are osculating (kissing), we are inhaling rather than
exhaling which is why we feel we need to come up for air after a long and passionate
genetic exchange between our salivary glands.
The Science of Sex: Does the Nose Know written by Brie Cadman states:
“The first study to indicate that chemical signals play a role in attraction was conducted by Claud
Wedekind over a decade ago. Forty-four men wore the same T-shirt for three days. They refrained from
deodorants and scented soaps so they wouldn’t interfere with their natural smell. Women then sniffed
the shirts and indicated which ones smelled the best to them. By comparing the DNA of the women and
men, the researchers found that women didn’t just choose their favorite scent randomly. They preferred
the scent of man whose major histocompatibility complex (MHC)—a series of genes involved in our
immune system—was most different from their own.
Researchers knew to look at the MHC because of its importance in animal’s sexual preferences. In mice,
it has long been known that MHC not only helps ward off infection, but it also plays a role in scent and
mate selection.
From an evolutionary perspective, choosing a mate with a different immune system makes survival
sense. . .”
Researchers are revealing hidden complexities behind the simple act of kissing, which relays
powerful messages to your brain, body and partner
Some scientists believe that the fusing of lips evolved because it facilitates mate selection.
"Kissing," said evolutionary psychologist Gordon G. Gallup of the University at Albany, State
University of New York, last September in an interview with the BBC, "involves a very
complicated exchange of information—olfactory information, tactile information and postural
types of adjustments that may tap into underlying evolved and unconscious mechanisms that
enable people to make determinations … about the degree to which they are genetically
incompatible." Kissing may even reveal the extent to which a partner is willing to commit to
raising children, a central issue in long-term relationships and crucial to the survival of our
Why do humans kiss? -- asks Roberto Morabito from Brooklyn, NY.
By Kristina Fiore | Posted October 2, 2006
Posted in: Ever Wondered?, Life Science
Tags: anatomy, biology, Ever Wondered?, psychology
Today, the most widely accepted theory of kissing is that humans do it because it helps us sniff out a
quality mate. When our faces are close together, our pheromones “talk” – exchanging biological
information about whether or not two people will make strong offspring. Women, for example,
subconsciously prefer the scent of men whose genes for certain immune system proteins are different
from their own. This kind of match could yield offspring with stronger immune systems, and better
chances for survival.
The connection between the Kiss and the nose can be traced through the olfactory
receptors. When these receptors are stimulated they transmit messages to the brain.
Is it safe to say that if something can be tasted, it is enhanced by first being able to
smell it as well? So, it is a matter of scientific opinions that will one day tell us that
kisses also have a certain smell to them that is unique by natural design to every person
beyond what is experienced by tasting what a person has eaten prior to kissing another
person. Could this be the reason why we all want our breath to smell fresh when we
are about to kiss or be kissed by another person?
If there is a kiss of life there has to be a kiss of death as well. How do we determine
which one gives life and which one takes life away when dealing with the genetic kiss?
Remember kissing (osculating) is also symbolic and that means that there are various
types of kisses. We know that beyond the mouth to mouth penetration of the tongue by
inserting it into the mouth and sometimes down the throat for a more intense and erotic
sensation whereby the saliva is symbolically the sperm, et cetera—there is the obvious
genetic kiss of life and death through the sex act itself.
Every male type species that has ejaculation capabilities lose portions of their life
genetically while every female type species gains life if she is ovulating and becomes
pregnant during sex. In this scenario, the merger of the spermatozoon and ovum that
results in the formation of a fetus is the kiss of life and the male who ejaculates
hundreds of millions of his spermatozoon that have only one purpose that they all wish
to fulfill, will die trying to connect with the unfertilized ovum. Further studies show how
the surface of the ovum changes its electrical characteristics and kills the all of the
weaker spermatozoon cells allowing only one spermatozoon to emerge and merge as
the champion of fertilizing what will be genetically referred to as a zygote.
Genetics is a treasured science that provides those who clearly overstand its applied
functions know that this science is still being used to produce certain types of species
with a particular type of consciousness as well. Many historical and scriptural accounts
record how genetic transference was prohibited disdainfully by ruling hierarchies and
the Gods of these various Gene-SIS (mitoSIS/meioSIS) or creation myth stories. There
are accounts of Angels, Gods coming down from heaven (Alien beings visiting earth in
their various spacecrafts) and having sex with the daughters of mankind (Genesis 6:1-4
What were the historical interests in keeping bloodlines (genetic strands) pure?
These historical interests obviously suggest that there is something very valuable that
can be maintained or loss through genetic transference, as well as what new type of
hybrid species could be created with an engineered consciousness that could be used
for various purposes by the maker of these living species. The Book of Coming Forth
by Day describes in a coded language the accounts of Genesis (mitosis/meiosis) when
detailing how the Neteru (Nazduru) came into being.
There are also other accounts of some of these aliens that
genetically have their own agenda that are being ruled as conspiracy theories and non-
sense and those who speak of these beings are classified as being crazy.
Zecharia Sitchin: There were Giants Upon the Earth: Gods, Demigods, And Human
Ancestry: The Evidence of Alien DNA (Earth Chronicles)
What the Nu Afrikan woman must return to overstanding just how it is that she is the
keeper of the Family Jewels genetically because housed within her chromosomal cells
( is a cell called the Mitochondrion making the Nu
Afrikan woman the descendant from the ancient mothers who were the Mothers of all
life on this planet.
Mobkem replies to Yuhanna El: (please read the discussion in order to overstand the
Is The Y Chromosome A Defecr Of The X? Scientists Today Have Discoved That The Y Chromosome In
Sperm Has 2.8 Percent Less Genetic Material Than The X Chromosome In The Same Sperm Specimen.
Researchers Were Able To Sift Sperm To Produce Samples In Which 85 Percent Of The Cells Had An X
Chromosome. In Facr , The X Chromosome Is Five Times Larger Than The Y Chromosome,
Which Means That Female Existed For Generations Without Males. To Get The Y Chromosome Out Of
An X Chromosome, You Lose One Of Your Points, Thus The Chromosome Is Defected, Which Is Why A
Man Has The Same Components On His Body, That The Woman Does. For Example, The Breast And
Nipples, However Men Don't Breastfeed. Men Are Genetic Of Women.
A Woman Not Only Breastfeeds Her Children, But She Nurtures The Whole World With Her Wisdom.
This Is Seen In The Mother Child Statue Of Ancient Tama - Re Of The Seat Woman Breastfeeding The
Child, Who Not Only Symboizes A Woman But Wear The Horn Of The Bull. So, She Take On The Role Of
Woman And Man. Or A Symbol Of Hathor And Re.
So How Does This Mean That Woman Came First? To Find The First Being, Anthropologists Had To Use
147 Pregnant Women To Donate Their Babies Placentas To Science. Why The Placenta , The Placenta Is
The Easiest Way To Get Large Samples Of Body Tissue These Biologists Selected Women In America With
Ancestors From Africa , Europe , The Middle East And Asia , The Placentas Were Gathered And Frozen .
The Tissues Were Ground In Souped Up Warrring Blender, Spun In A Centrifuge, Mixed With Cell -
Breaking Detergent, Dyed Fluorescent And Spun In A Centrifuge Again. The Result Was A Clear Liquid
Containing Pure DNA. This Was The DNA In The Nucleus Of The Babies Cells. This DNA Came From
Outside The Nucleus, In A Compartment Of The Cell Called The Mitochondrion Which Produces Neary All
The Energy To Keep The Cell Alive.
What Is The Meaning Of The Word Mitochondrion? The Word Mitochondrion Is From New Latin ; Greek
mitos , warp thread + Greek khondros , diminutive of Khondrs , Meaning '' Grain , Granule '' , So Am I
Saying That If A Couple Doesn't Have A Daugther , Then Their Genes Disappear ? That Is Absolutely
Correct. If A Woman Fails To Have A Daughter Her Genes Disappear, Because The Mitochondria DNA
Does Not Pass On.
The Same Way You Are Taught That A Family Name Disappears If A Son Is Not Born , So It Is With
Mitochondrion This Was A Deliberate Attempt By Men To Suppress The Dominating Gene In Women ,
By Placing The Philosophy That Without A Son , The Family Lineage Dies . This Is Not True, If A Daughter
Is Not Born In The Family, Then Your Genes Disappear, Because The Mitochondrion DNA Can Only Be
Inherited By The Female Of The Family.
Genetic Kiss is a scroll or Actual Fact Manual #109written by the Honorable Elect, Dr.
Malachi Kobina York and in it he states: Pages 12-16 (the Egiptian hieroglyphics are
used but not shown here)
“141. Yet, in Paa Suf, ancient Hieroglyphics, Egiptian. It was seen as equals . . . Tefnut
142. The primeval female deity personifying moisture: TEF.NUT also means to “spit,
spitting forth moisture, water, liquid.” She was also the eye of RE.
The Mir Mehyetaat “Pyramids Papyrus” Text § 1652 States as they came out of Atum‟s
Faam “mouth” or Qazdub (penis) according to many from the semen of Atum; or from
the mucous which Atum sneezed from his nostrils on page 147 of the Routledge
Dictionary of Gods and Goddesses, 2nd Edition by George Hart: “. . . and thou didst spit
out as Shu “void, breath, wine, air, space” and didst spit out as Tefnut “moisture”
143. Once it was taught to the Caucasoids of Rome and Greece it became Mitos of the
Greek meaning “warp, thread” plus the Greek word Khondrion which is diminutive of
Khondus, meaning “grain, granule”
144. If you have no TEF-NUT, female offspring only a Shu “void, space” is what
becomes of your genes.
145. If you fail to have a daughter, your genes disappear because your Mitochondrial
DNA does not pass on; however, if you have a sister your family line will pass on
through her.
146. The y chromosome came about from a female scientist Sakhum-Muat, called by
the Sumerians or Babylonians of Kashta, Kish, Cush, Meroe, and Ethiopians, who
moved east and set up Sumeria under Kashta “Cush” son Nimrod, Sargon in their Bible,
Genesis 10: 6-9. (Read, Actual Fact, Ham‟s Seed)
147. This Sakhum-Muat of Egipt was also called Nin-Hur-Sag, Mother Ninti from Nunet.
148. She experimented with the side of an X chromosome, maimed the lower right
stem or rib, point by 2.8 percent by removing 2.8 percent of the X Chromosome.
149. This resulted in a maimed lower right point, the y Chromosome, giving the
appearance of the letter y or y, which produces less genetic material, resulting in a y
chromosome, through chromosomal maniputlation, from where you get Man from Man-
ipulation, manpolulation “man-nipulate of the genes.”
150. All of this is nature (Nazduru) at work, from nature you get nurture.
151. So, a female can create a male without a male.
152. It‟s called the process by which she uses the Bartholin Gland, which is found on
both sides of the vaginal orifice that secretes a lubricating mucous and is equivalent to
the Bulbo urethal glands in the male,
153. which is located below the prostate and it discharges a component of the seminal
fluid (sperm) into the urethra.
154. The prostate secretes a thin milky fluid with a characteristic odor; this fluid
constitutes the greater part of the semen that is deposited in the female vagina and that
contains the spermatozoa.
155. So, this fact of truth, has been kept secret for far too long the women, female, is in
fact capable of reproducing seminal fluids, sperm, semen on her own internally without
the input of the male‟s sperm.
156. She can have children without a man.
157. It was done and is also still being done by many other species such as the
komodo dragons, hammerhead sharks, blacktip sharks, aphids, daphnia, and
158. Yet, a male can not reverse the process on his own. Truth is truth don‟t believe me
check it out.
159. So this means their Bible and Qur‟aan is wrong. Eve did not come from Adam
Strong’s #121 Aw-dawm, Genesis 2:23.
160. Adam came from Strong’s Hawwah “Eve”, Genesis 3:20.
161. If you don‟t overstand what it is really saying..Read The Black Book, Parts-One
and Two, for more on this.
162. And now what is so important about a genetic kiss and exchange of our saliva
holds your DNA to open your mouth and kiss another is to take in all of them; and it
does and can affect your genes.
163. Mind, body and soul.
164. Linked to your past, your ancestors or gene line, the beings who look over your
whole bloodline and Etheric Beings protect you.
165. Once you exchange your bodily fluids the strongest survive.
166. Your genes can be overpowered by one open-mouthed kiss, or the intake of
another‟s bodily fluids, be they saliva, semen, blood, sweat, tears or other fluids.
167. It‟s about your mind, body, soul, and spirit.”
I am sure there are other well noted Afrikan centered theories as well, that bare a
commonality with Dr. York‟s Actual Fact.
“IN THE genetic aristocracy, the Y chromosome languishes pretty near the bottom. Over the past
million or so years it has been shedding genes like a snake sheds its skin. Now comprising fewer
than a hundred genes, compared to the bountiful 1,000-odd boasted by each of the 45 other
chromosomes, it spends its life slaving away in the sweltering, destructive confines of the testes,
where millions of sperm are generated every day in a frenzy of cell division.
Over each replication hangs the threat of a random genetic mutation, which can be handed down
to the next generation. Unlike other chromosomes, which are paired and can exchange genetic
material with each other, the lowly Y has no duplicate from which to seek repair. Slowly but
surely, Y chromosomes throughout the world are being pounded into submission.
There will come a day, according to Bryan Sykes, professor of human genetics at Oxford
University, when Y chromosomes will cease to exist. And since the Y chromosome contains the
gene that confers maleness, that pivotal moment in human history will mark the extinction of
men. “The time in which it will happen is debatable, but the process of extinction is inevitable,”
insists Sykes, who puts forward the highly contentious idea of a man-free future in his book,
Adam’s Curse.”
Truly, only the strong will survive and the Nu Afrikan female must act now to make sure
that the Nu Afrikan male survives this genocidal attack not only against the Black womb
(black women are more likely to contract the HIV virus more so than any other
nationality of women- no need to wonder why any more) but viciously against all Nu
Afrikan Men. So, is there any more left to wonder as to why our Black Men are being
put to death in prisons and in street related violence, as well as the widespread
acceptance of miscegenation is also on the rise again. Other nations are freely giving
their daughters to Nu Afrikan Men in order to survive the Gene-ocidal Holocaust that is
coming; and the Nu Afrikan Female is being socially and subliminally seduced into
mating with other men from varying ethnic backgrounds.
by Rick Martin
from The Spectrum Website
May 2001
The question now remains, “Is the black gene still the strongest
gene within the human genome or has it been weakened beyond
repair from all of the willful, and forced miscegenation?”