Kinematics of Fluid: Uniform Flow

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Kinematics of Fluid

Lecture 11

Flow Patterns
 Uniform flow 0

 Non-uniform flow s  0

 Steady flow 0
 Unsteady flow t  0

Fluid Flow Classifications
Laminar & Turbulent Flows
 Characterised by respective mixing
 A turbulent flow has significant mixing
throughout the flow-field, caused by
eddies within flow
 A laminar flow is devoid of such intense
mixing and eddies and is much smoother
 Particularly important for boundary layers
and fully-developed pipe flows (see later)

Laminar vs Turbulent Flow

 Laminar  Turbulent

Path Lines & Streamlines
 A path line is the trace made by a
single particle over a period of time
 It shows the direction of a particle’s
velocity at successive instants of time
 A streamline shows the mean
direction of a number of particles at
a particular instant in time
 Path lines and streamlines are
identical in a steady fluid flow

 Lines drawn in flow with velocity vectors
tangential to them at all points
 Can be no flow across streamline
 Streamline pattern fixed for steady flow

Streamlines – Flow Examples

Stream Tube
 A 3-D envelope containing a bundle
of streamlines
 A stream filament is a stream tube
with a cross-sectional area
sufficiently small for the velocity to
be constant across any section

 Acceleration = rate of change of
 Components:
 Normal – changing direction
 Tangential – changing speed

 
V  V ( s , t )e t
 
 dV dV 
a 
et  V t dV V V
V 
dt dt dt dt s t

de t V 
 en
dt r
 V V  V 2 
a  (V  )et  en
s t r

       
 Cartesian coordinates V  ui  vj  wk a  axi  a y j  az k

du u dx u dy u dz u u u u u
ax      . u  v w
dt x dt y dt z dt t x y z t
dv v dx v dy v dz v v v v v
ay      . u  v w
dt x dt y dt z dt t x y z t
dw w dx w dy w dz w w w w w
az      . u v w
dt x dt y dt z dt t x y z t

Convective Local

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