Bond Market Development in Pakistan: State Bank of Pakistan
Bond Market Development in Pakistan: State Bank of Pakistan
Bond Market Development in Pakistan: State Bank of Pakistan
Bond Market
Development in Pakistan
Muhammad Arif
September 2007
Abstract: Bond market development has now gained priority in fostering financial sector
growth in all economies whether developed or developing. Asian and Mexican crises
have given a clear message that this market, falling between equity and bank finance,
needs proper attention failing which investment climate within these countries would
remain under threat. With this perspective, the paper has been drafted highlighting
Pakistan’s economic conditions, its financial market architecture, securities market
structure with its status, issues, and reforms in hand and then finally proposing future
Introduction 3
History 4
Part I: Overview of the Economy and Financial Sector 5
Overview of the Economy 5
Policy Environment 7
Fiscal Policy / Debt Management 7
Monetary Policy / Monetary Aggregates / Interest Rate 7
Foreign Exchange Rate Policy / Foreign Exchange Rate 9
Financial System 10
Architecture of Financial System in Pakistan 10
Central Bank 11
Objectives, Functions & Organization 11
Banking System (Bank Institutions) 12
- Roles, Degree of Consolidation and Competition 13
Non-Banking Financial System (NBFI) 13
Financial Markets 14
Money Market 14
Equity Market 18
Bond Market (Government & Corporate Bond Market) 21
Debt and Foreign Exchange Reserve 23
Foreign Direct Investment Inflows 23
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The fixed Income market falls in between equity market and bank finance. Hence
obviously, it suits to the class of investors/borrowers that are neither high risk lovers nor
completely risk averse or relatively act under safe parameters within bank finances.
Various financial market crises surfaced during the last decade of 20th century notably
Mexican and Asian Crisis in 1997 which gave clear message that without developing
domestic bond markets, an
economy would remain under risk
of capital outflows. To attract
capital flows and support growth
efforts, existence of domestic
bond market is highly essential
that provides opportunity to the
investors to diversify the risk
profile of their portfolio.
The paper tries to discuss the status of debt market in Pakistan with issues and dilemmas
confronting its development with suggesting ways for their resolutions.
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Prior to 1990, Federal and Provincial Governments used to borrow on tap instruments
with predetermined rates. The main thrust of Federal Government borrowing was through
captive funding. Large statutory preemptions and borrowing from SBP at highly
concessionary rates enabled the Government to finance its large fiscal deficits. In such an
environment the only tool available to counteract was to makes successive increases in
Statutory Liquidity Requirement (SLR) and Cash Reserve Requirement (CRR). There
was very little scope for development of Government Securities Market in Pakistan that
could provide benchmarks for private sector to play their role in development of Capital
Market in the country. To cover non-banking segment, Prize Bonds were introduced in
1960 followed by various NSS schemes. However 1990 onward, market based
Government Securities came in to existence. With the introduction of long term paper in
1992 (FIB), long term yield curve emerged that gave opportunity to the Corporate to
come up with their instruments that became reality in 1995.
Foundation of the corporate bond market was laid in 1995 with the first issue of Term
Finance Certificates (TFC). Since then, issuance of listed TFCs has totaled approximately
PKR 67 billion. The Corporate Bond market in Pakistan has been much more vibrant
over the 2001-05 periods, adding approximately PKR 65 billion in issuance or 98% of
total issuance to-date.
Pace of development of Islamic Money and Sukuk market is a new phenomenon that
gained importance with the induction of 6 full-fledged Islamic Banks and 16
conventional banks to conduct Islamic banking business in Pakistan; however the size of
Sukuk Market is very small at the moment. To facilitate Corporates to raise short term
funding i.e. up to 9 months, Commercial Papers have recently been allowed but the
market has yet to take its roots.
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The growth targets for FY07 have been achieved despite headwinds faced by the
economy from rising oil prices, hovering around $ 70-75 per barrel that put severe strains
on the country’s trade balance on the one hand and budget on the other, and massive
earthquake of October 8, 2005 causing extensive damage to property, infrastructure,
School, Hospital etc.
Real GDP:
Real GDP grew by 7.0% in 2006-07 as against 6.6% last year. Pakistan economy has
grown at an average rate of almost 7.0% per annum during the last five years and over
7.5% over the last four years, thus enabling it to join the exclusive club of the fastest
growing economies of the Asian Region.
Agriculture Sector:
Agriculture sector accounts for 20.9 percent of the GDP and employs 43.4 percent of the
total work force. Growth in the agriculture sector registered a sharp recovery in 2006-07
and grew by 5.0 percent as against the preceding year’s growth of 1.6 percent. Recovery
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of major crops from (-) 4.1 to (+) 7.6 on the back of higher production of wheat and
sugarcane helped this sector to contribute positively in the overall GDP growth.
Manufacturing Sector:
Overall manufacturing sector accounts for 18.2 percent of GDP. This sector registered an
impressive and broad based growth of 8.45 percent in FY07 compared with 9.9 percent in
Large-Scale Manufacturing:
Growth in large-scale manufacturing (which accounted for around 70 percent of overall
manufacturing) at 8.75 percent somewhat decelerated against last year’s achievement of
10.68 percent. The decline in growth in the manufacturing sector is attributed to
multiple reasons like reduced production of cotton crop, sugar shortage, steel and iron
problems, high oil prices etc.
Services Sector:
The services sector continued to perform strongly for third year in a row and grew by 8.0
percent in 2006-07 as against 9.6 percent of last year. Growth in the services sector in
2006-07 was primarily attributable to strong growth in the finance and insurance sector,
better performance of wholesale and retail trade, as well as transport and the
communications sector.
During the fiscal year 2006-07, the real gross fixed capital formation or domestic fixed
investment grew by 20.6 percent against 17.6 percent last year. As percentage of GDP,
total investment reached 23 percent in 2006-07 from 21.7 percent last year.
Public sector investment on the other hand registered massive growth of 46.7 percent as
against a hefty 32.9 percent increase last year. The growth in domestic investment was
largely a public sector phenomenon last year but this year, it was mainly public-private
sector partnership driven.
National savings as percentage of GDP increased to 18.0 percent in 2006-07 from its
previous level of 17.2 percent last year. National savings contributed to around 84% of
financing of domestic fixed investment during 2006-07.
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Policy Environment:
Fiscal Policy:
Pakistan has gained further strength on fiscal side. Revenues are buoyant, expenditure is
rationalized, fiscal deficit is at sustainable level and revenue deficit has almost been
eliminated. Resultantly, Public debt is fast moving towards a sustainable level. Tax
collection by the Federal Board Revenue (FBR) has picked up. As a result of prudent
fiscal management over the last 5 years, the burden of interest payment in domestic
budget has declined sharply, thereby, releasing resources for development and social
sector program. Pakistan has succeeded in reducing fiscal deficit from an average of 7
percent of GDP in the decades of 1980s and 1990s to an average of 3.5 percent during the
last seven years.
Debt Management:
Pakistan’s public debt grew at an average rate of 18 percent and 15 percent per annum
during the 1980s and 1990s, respectively – much faster than the growth in nominal GDP
i.e. 11.9% and 13.9% respectively. Resultantly, public debt rose from 56 percent of GDP
at the end of the 1970s to 92 percent
by the end of the 1980s. In other
words, it increased by 36 percentage
points of GDP during the 1980s.
Public debt was 85 percent of the
GDP by the end of the 1990s. The
root cause of rising debt burden has
been the persistence of large fiscal
and current account deficits.
Pakistan, on average, sustained fiscal
and current account deficits of
almost 7 percent and 5 percent of
GDP, respectively during 1990-99.
It is in this background the Government decided to devise new debt management strategy
to arrest the rising trends of debt. Reduction in the fiscal and current account deficits,
lowering the cost of borrowing, raising revenue and foreign exchange earnings, and debt
re-profiling from the Paris Club have been the key features of the debt reduction strategy.
To provide legal cover to debt reduction strategy a Fiscal Responsibility and Debt
Limitation Act 2005 has been promulgated in June 2005. As a result of the credible
strategy being followed by the Government, the public debt- to-GDP ratio, which stood at
almost 85 percent in end June 2000, declined substantially to 53.4 percent by the end of
March 2007, a decline of 28 percentage points in country’s debt burden in 7 years.
Monetary Policy:
Easy and accommodative monetary policy stance that have been pursued during the last
few years by the SBP which underwent considerable changes during the FY05, switching
from a broadly accommodative to aggressive tightening. In order to arrest the rising
trend in inflation, SBP continued with its tight monetary policy stance till FY08 by
raising discount rate from 9.5 percent to 10.0 percent from 1st August, 2007. Tight
monetary policy stance is likely to continue until inflationary pressures are significantly
eased off in the time to come.
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Monetary Aggregates:
Annual trends of monetary aggregates i.e. M1, M2 and M3 since June 2000 are below:
Interest Rate:
Pakistan experienced an unprecedented inflow of foreign exchange after the events of
9/11. SBP had to actively intervene in the FX market to purchase the excess supply of
foreign exchange with the objective to contain volatility in the exchange rate, manage
liquidity in the system and at the same time to build-up foreign exchange reserves. These
market interventions led to surplus liquidity in the banking system. Therefore, SBP had to
sterilize the expansionary effects of foreign capital inflows on monetary aggregates and
inflation. MTB yields - that are considered tool for interest rate signaling - went down
considerably without any change in discount rate during FY 02 and FY03 in wake of
heavy inflows that started coming in onward Sept,2001 (See Table 3 and Figure 3).
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Table 3: Interest Rate
2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07
MTB End Change End Change End Change End Change End Change
June bps June bps June bps June bps June bps
Situation started reversing since mid 2003 and gained pace 2004 onward under rising
inflation figures that forced SBP to increase its discount rate by 200 bps in April 2005.
Thereafter SBP intervened in the
inter-bank market quite frequently.
For example during FY07 SBP
conducted 71 OMOs and withdrew
liquidity to the extent of Rs 936.65
billion against the marginal injections
of Rs 61.0 billion resulting in average
overnight rates to hover around 9.0
percent for most of time during FY07.
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In order to promote exchange rate stability, Pakistan has experimented with different
exchange rates systems i.e. fixed, managed; free float with a cap on its downward
movement till the rupee was finally set on free float from July 21, 2000.
One of the most important episodes in Pakistan’s FX history was the freezing of
Residents Foreign Currency Accounts after nuclear detonation by Pakistan in 1998. A
two-tier exchange rate system was introduced w.e.f. 22nd July 1998, with a view to reduce
the pressure on official reserves and prevent the economy to some extent from adverse
implications of sanctions imposed on Pakistan. However, effective 19th May 1999, the
exchange rate has been unified, with the introduction of market-based floating exchange
rate system, under which the exchange rate is determined by the demand and supply
positions in the foreign exchange market.
As the custodian of country’s external reserves, the State Bank is also responsible for the
management of the foreign
exchange reserves. The task is
being performed by an Investment
Committee which, after taking
into consideration the overall level
of reserves, maturities and
payment obligations, takes
decision to make investment of
surplus funds in such a manner
that ensures liquidity of funds as
well as maximizes the earnings.
These reserves are also being used
for intervention in the foreign
exchange market.
Table 4: End-Period Average Exchange Rate (PKR/USD)
SBP has successfully achieved FY01 FY02 FY03 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07
exchange rate stability during Interbank 64.11 60.05 57.80 58.17 59.69 60.21 60.52
FY07 as rupee registered a
KERB 66.80 60.18 57.85 58.53 60.46 60.63 60.95
marginal depreciation of 0.51
percent compared to 0.87 percent last year (see Table 4). The stability of Pak rupee was
mainly contributed by prudent intervention of SBP in the inter-bank forex market and
increased inflow of workers’ remittances. Higher demand for dollar due to rise in oil
prices coupled with surge in demand for imported machinery generated some pressure on
Pak rupee during FY05 – FY07. However, this pressure was effectively managed by SBP
through provision of support for oil and commodities thus maintaining the exchange rate
2. Financial System
Architecture of Financial System in Pakistan:
The Financial system in Pakistan is now market oriented as against its past. State Bank of
Pakistan, Central Directorate of National Savings and Securities and Exchange
Commission are the main institutions regulating the financial system. The features of
financial system in Pakistan can be summarized as under:
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• Autonomous Central Bank.
• Commercial banks, Investment banks, Leasing companies, Modarba, Mutual
Funds are permitted in the private sector.
• Deposits and lending rates determined by the banks themselves.
• Market oriented interest rate policy.
• Use of indirect monetary management tools.
• Floating exchange rate regime.
• Benchmark yields curve available for 3 months to 30 years on the basis of 9
benchmark issues.
• Equity and Corporate Bonds market being regulated by a separate entity viz.
• Securities are exchanged on the basis of delivery versus payment system with T+3
for corporate securities and T+0 for Government Securities.
• National Saving schemes being regulated by a separate entity viz. CDNS working
under MOF. CDNS has been given autonomy in 2007.
• Commercial Banks are in phase of merger and acquisitions for having healthy
equity base for meeting Basle II requirements whereas new banking licenses are
now being issued to the Islamic banking institutions only.
Banks (46) Non Banking Financial Insurance Co. Capital Markets NSC’s
Public Sector Banks (4) Housing Finance Co. (6) Life Insurance Co. (5) Stock Exchange (3)
Local Private Banks (25) Leasing Co. (20) Non-Life Insurance Co. Central Depository Co. (1)
Like any Central Bank of developing countries, State Bank of Pakistan performs both the
traditional and developmental functions to achieve macro-economic goals. The traditional
functions, which are generally performed by central banks almost all over the world, may
be classified into two groups: (a) the primary functions including issue of notes,
regulation and supervision of the financial system, bankers’ bank, lender of the last
resort, banker to Government, and conduct of monetary policy, and (b) the secondary
functions including the agency functions like management of public debt, management of
foreign exchange, etc., and other functions like advising the government on policy
matters and maintaining close relationships with international financial institutions. The
non-traditional or promotional functions, performed by the State Bank include
development of financial framework, institutionalization of savings and investment,
provision of training facilities to bankers, and provision of credit to priority sectors. The
State Bank also has been playing an active role in the process of Islamization of the
banking system. The main functions and responsibilities of the State Bank can be broadly
categorized as under.
During 1990’s realizing the inherent weaknesses of the financial structure, Government
initiated a broad based program of reforms in the financial sector. Reforms covered seven
important areas:
1. Financial liberalization,
2. Institutional strengthening,
3. Domestic debt,
4. Monetary management,
5. Banking law,
6. Foreign exchange
7. Capital market.
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Under financial liberalization banking licenses were allowed to Private Sector in 1992
and Privatization process was initiated under which major Public Sector Banks were
privatized to improve efficiency and competitiveness in the banking sector. Now there
are only four public sector banks with less than 15% of deposits base.
Roles, Degree of Consolidation and Competition between Private and Public Sector
SBP continued with its reforms agenda for banking system and strengthening of
supervisory capacity during FY 2007 to ensure soundness of financial system. It
undertook initiatives in a number of areas like enhancement of minimum capital
requirements (MCR) for banks to Rs.6 billion by end of December, 2009, introduction of
variable capital adequacy ratio based on Institutional Risk Assessment Framework
(IRAF) rating of banks/DFIs along with outlining a road map for smooth transition from
Basel-I to Basel-II. As the implementation of Basel-II poses tremendous challenges for
the banking system, SBP has encouraged the financial institutions for capacity building in
terms of upgrading the IT systems and enhancement of expertise in specialized areas like
risk management and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) through seminars and workshops.
Since 2000 mergers and acquisitions have taken place in the banking industry. The policy
of merger and consolidation has resulted in efficiency for banks/DFIs through high
penetration of technology and greater manoeuvrability in enhancing their business
volumes, sale and size to achieve cost efficiencies.
In order to reduce size on non performing loans schemes was devised that has enabled
banks/DFIs to make huge recoveries and write-off which reduced the ratio of non-
performing loans from 9.9 percent in 2002 to 1.98 percent by end-March 2007.
These institutions play a key part in channelizing funds in Pakistani financial system by
accepting term deposits of differing maturities and providing financing to a variety of
sectors of the economy, with SMEs and consumer financing being the areas of especial
focus. Parallel to the broader banking sector, in the early 1990’s, the financing activities
of these institutions registered healthy growth under the market reforms instituted. During
this period NBFIs in Pakistan underwent a significant shakeout due to a program of
comprehensive financial sector reform which included: -
Further, structure of non-bank financial institutions was more skewed with a hefty share
of development finance institutions (all in public sector) at 78.6 percent. Apart from
DFIs, non-bank financial institutions remained practically unsupervised due to lack of
autonomy and multiplicity of supervisory agencies over them that included Corporate
Law Authority, Monopoly Control Authority and Controller of Capital Issues, all
attached directly with the Ministry of Finance. During 1990’s an NBFI Regulation and
Supervision Department was established in State Bank that subsequently issued ‘Rules of
Business’ to supervise them. In 2003 the regulations of NBFIs except DFIs were
transferred to SECP.
4. Financial Markets:
Financial Markets in Pakistan comprise of Money Market (MM), Equity Market, Bond
Market, Foreign Exchange Market (FX) and Derivatives Market. The main players are
Banks, Non Bank financial Companies (NBFCs), Corporates, Stock Exchanges,
Government and general public and the Regulators i.e. SBP and SECP.
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In Pakistan, MTB auctions provide interest rate signals to the market. Auctions are held
on fortnightly basis and are used for raising short-term funds for the Government. SBP
holds MTB auctions through selective
PDs (Currently there are 10 PDs i.e. 8 Table 6: MRTB Stock (Rs in billion)
banks, 1 DFI and 1 Brokerage house). FY02 FY03 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07
MTBs are available at discount at 208.13 403.0 350.5 465.6 502.5 451.5
quoted prices i.e. auctions are held at
multi priced basis. MTBs with its risk profile serve the purpose of meeting banks SLR
requirements and as collateral in the Repo market.
Secondary Market:
OMOs are conducted through Repo or outright basis and are intended to absorb or inject
liquidity in the MM using T-Bills. Only Commercial Banks are allowed to participate in
the OMO. The role of Open Market Operations as a monetary policy tool went under
various evolutionary phases. From 1995 – 2004, SBP’s Monetary Operations were
focused on T-Bill Auctions with pre-determined schedule of fortnightly OMOs of fixed
tenors with no forecasting capability of market liquidity. The mechanism resulted in high
degree of volatility in Overnight (O/N) & short-term Money Market Rates. In 2002, pre-
determined approach was abolished and the conduct of OMOs was made flexible on as
and when required basis to counter unpredictability of cash flows (but tenors were in the
multiple of one week). These arrangements helped in better management of liquidity and
kept short-term interest rates as per monetary policy targets.
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The complete profile of OMO’s since 1999 is as follows: -
To counter interim flows and reserve averaging liquidity, it was decided in April-2005
that broken-date OMOs could be conducted (from 01-day onwards). This measure helped
SBP in managing market flows effectively and bringing short-term rates in line with
Monetary Policy objectives.
During 2005, SBP Treasury
introduced Money Market
Computerized Reporting System
(MM-CRS) for Banks which not
only helped in assessing the
Market Liquidity, but also helped
SBP to have a better grip on
Market Gaps and interbank
activity, thus strengthening the
market management capability of
SBP's through better forecasting.
These arrangements have so far
being helpful in curtailing market
volatility to a greater extent.
This is also evident from the SD and CV numbers for FY 2004-05, 2005-06 and 2006-07.
Table 8:
O/N Rates FY05 FY06 FY07
Average % 3.95 8.07 8.01
SD 2.33 0.75 0.97
CV 0.59 0.09 0.12
The situation as such made the discount rate insignificant and market started to look for
some other explicit interest rate signal and consequently, 6-month cutoff yield emerged
as the major monetary policy signal during this period. The role of discount rate at that
time was dormant.
However, onwards Table 10: Discount Window Facility (PKR Billion)
August 2003, with MTB FY03 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07
yields picking up, No of Occurrences 65 11 60 125 74
discount rate once again Volume in billion 688.9 46.5 521.4 762.3 687
gained its importance.
Since SBP has now started using OMO as more effective tool 2005 onward, so obviously
one can question that consequent to this occurrences of resorting to this activity should
have been dropped down. However this did not happen and cannot happen till monetary
policy execution framework in Pakistan is changed by adopting some other framework to
manage interest rate (currently it is being done by targeting monetary aggregates that are
not proving effective particularly when the Central Bank has no clue about Government
outflows/inflows i.e. Main component of MM flows).
FX Market activities:
Equity Market:
Equity Markets has remained buoyant during last three years and its shares in GDP have
jumped from 10% in 2002 to 36% in 2006. Equity markets have played an important role
in mobilizing domestic and foreign resources and channeling them to the most productive
medium and long term uses. Since these funds are not intermediated therefore it is
desired that the resource allocation should be more efficient. In Pakistan capital market
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Table 12: Performance of Stock Exchanges in Pakistan
FY98 FY99 FY00 FY01 FY02 FY03 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07
Karachi Stock Exchange
Total Listed 773 765 762 747 712 702 668 659 658 655
New 2 - 1 4 4 2 16 15 14 11
Fund Mobilized 2.2 1.6 0.4 3.6 15.2 23.8 4.2 54 41.4 22.3
(Rs. Billion)
Total Turnover
of Shares (in 15 25.5 48.1 29.2 29.1 53.1 97 88.3 104.7 33.5
Lahore Stock Exchange
Total Listed
- - - 614 581 561 647 524 518 519
2 1 2 3 3 2 18 5 15 7
Fund Mobilized
0.3 - 0.4 2.5 14.2 4.1 3.1 42.1 24.5 7
(Rs. Billion)
Total Turnover
of Shares (in
5.6 9.8 1.6 7.8 18.3 28.2 19.9 17.5 15.1 5.6
Islamabad Stock Exchange
Total Listed
- - - 281 267 260 251 232 240 240
2 1 0 5 3 1 8 5 6 6
Fund Mobilized
11.3 5 .0 0 0.8 3.7 11.5 2.6 27.6 - 12
(Rs. Billion)
Total Turnover
of Shares (in
0.5 3.3 3.1 1.4 2.7 2.1 1.4 0.7 0.4 0.04
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Performance wise equity market in Pakistan looks highly lucrative in the group of
emerging economies, however its
volatility as depicted through lows Table 14: Performance of Global Stock
and highs in its indices is causing Markets during FY07
problems and has invited attention Index (in local currency terms)
of its immediate regulators (Stock Country 30-Jun-06 30-Jun-07
% Change
Exchanges) and apex regulator in USD
(SECP) to take appropriate steps. Pakistan 9,989 13,772 37.6
Some of these are as follows. India 10,609 14,651 56.4
Taiwan 6,704 8,883 30.8
1. COT/Badla financing have Hong Kong 16,268 21,773 33.0
been replaced with Malaysia 915 1,354 57.0
continuous funding system Japan 15,505 18,138 8.7
(CFS) since august 22, 2005. China 1,672 3,821 139.9
This is an interim arrangement to enhance market liquidity and would end on
alternate mode of leverage financing i.e. margin financing.
2. To protect investors and curbing market abuse, the proprietary trading regulations
have been amended.
3. Listing regulations have been brought in line with code of corporate governance.
4. For protection of investors trading via account of other brokers have been barred.
5. Futures contracts have been standardized with multiple durations i.e. for 30, 60
and 90 days.
6. Risk management governance and transparency measures have been brought in
i.e. providing margin verification system, exit mechanism, regulations for good
governance and disclosure in future market.
7. Unique identification numbers have been developed by the central depository
company for each investor.
8. KSE has introduced free float index as KSE-30 sensitive index to represent the
market on free float rather then the number of outstanding shares.
Pakistan’s equity market performance was not good when compared to other emerging
markets of Asia. As shown in the accompanied table, Pakistan ranked amongst the worst
performing market by posting a dollar gain of only 3% in 2006 versus MSCI EM return
of 29%. In fact, Pakistan’s performance was slightly over stated as it also includes
dividend yield of approx. 6.0% in 2006. Pakistan has a “total return” Index compared to
most of regional indices which do not include dividends.
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Bond Market (Government &
Table 15: Asian Emerging Markets
Corporate Bond Market):
US$ Return
Country Index
Bond Market is composed of Pakistan 2006
Investment Bonds of 3, 5, 10, 15, 20 and China SSE A 138.3%
30 year maturities Corporate bonds Indonesia JSX 69.9%
(Term Finance Certificates), Sukuks and Philippine PSE 54.1%
Commercial Paper. Overall this market India SENSEX 49.3%
is 5% of GDP at the moment which is Sir Lanka CSE All 34.6%
very small as compared to other Malaysia KLCI 30.4%
economies. Taiwan TWII 20.3%
Korea Kospi 13.0%
Government Bond Market: Thailand SETI 10.1%
Pakistan KSE-100 3.2%
Volume of Govt. bonds market in Table 16: Outstanding Amount of Securities
Pakistan can be seen from Table 16. (Rs. In Billion)
June 04 June 05 June 06 June 07
Main features of government bond
market in Pakistan are as under: PIB 331.65 307.60 303.87 352.52
• Bonds are issued in 3, 5, 10, FIB 33.54 14.59 6.64 2.15
15, 20, and 30 years tenors. Total 365.18 322.19 310.51 354.67
• Bonds are issued through
auction system in which only Primary Dealers (PDs) can participate.
• Issued at Par.
• Coupon payments are made semi annually.
• Bonds are issued in the form of un-certificated bonds and are maintained in
SGLA maintained by the SBP.
• Bonds are SLR eligible securities and individuals, institutions and corporate
bodies including banks can purchase, irrespective of their residential status.
• Bonds are tradable in secondary market.
Corporate bond Market:
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Table 17: Term Finance Certificates
FY No of Coupon Range Volume (Million Matured Outstanding
1995-00 11 16.25% - 19.00% 9,890 460 9,430
2001-03 50 8.00% - 11.25% 48,694 2,450 46,244
2004 4 7.00% - 16.00% 2,700 1,601 59,683
2005 14 4.47% - 14.30% 16,100 7,080 70,305
2006 9 10.66% - 13.42% 18,135 3,840 80,088
2007 10 12.07%-13.06% 11,650 22,402 84,767
Total 98 ----- 107,169 15,431 -
Derivative Market:
Derivatives business started in Pakistan in 2003 when Citibank Pakistan entered into a
Forward Rate Agreement with its client with prior permission of SBP. Since then banks
have executed thousands of derivative transactions mostly in the Foreign Currency (G-7
currencies only) Options, Forward Rate Agreements and Interest Rate Swaps. Dealing
into any other structure requires prior SBP approval on case-to-case basis.
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The basic purpose of permitting banks to undertake derivatives is to enable the market
participants and/or corporate to hedge their exposures in the financial markets. However
since the market is at a very nascent stage therefore it was decided that initially Financial
Derivatives Business Rules (FDBR) issued by the SBP would cover only the vanilla
structures and Banks who wish to enter into non-vanilla structure would take SBP
Reserve Management function would continue to remain an area of high priority in the
years to come in order to achieve goals to bring SBP in line with the best practices of
other Central Banks in the area of Reserves Management
During FY06, FDI flows into Pakistan sustained its trend. This reflects the improved
macroeconomic fundamentals and relative policy stability, while privatization proceeds
have registered an unprecedented rise to US$ 1.5 billion mainly on account of
privatization of PTCL, KESC and HBL.
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1. General Overview;
Government Bond Market:
The Debt management reforms in early 90’s in conjunction with monetary management
measures resulted in establishment & development of well functioning primary &
secondary market for short as well as long term government papers.
In 2000 the State Bank of Pakistan introduced new long term GOP paper “Pakistan
Investment Bond” (PIB) with maturities of 3, 5, 10 years by replacing Federal Investment
Bonds (FIBs) having same maturities. The FIBs were discontinued in 1998.
To streamline the auction of government securities and to develop secondary market for
the government papers, SBP introduced selective Primary Dealer (PD) system in 2000.
Scheduled banks/DFIs/listed Brokerage Houses of good repute were selected under this
distribution mechanism as PDs. Currently there are 10 PDs including one DFI and one
brokerage house. Inception of auctioning mechanism coupled with PD system have
resulted in the development of secondary market for both short- and long-term
government securities and efficient price-dissemination mechanism improving overall
efficiency of Bond and Money Market.
In 2005, SBP introduced a system of performance measurement for PDs to ensure their
full role in creating liquid bond market in Pakistan. In 2005, SBP also facilitated market
participants in developing Government Bond Indices in Pakistan. Currently three indices
representing Total Return and Clean Price indices are being quoted by two brokerage
houses and Financial Market Association (FMA), body representing Treasuries of the
banks. With the development of Fixed Income Securities market in Pakistan, SBP
allowed Commercial banks to make available Derivatives products to their clients. In this
regard SBP issued guidelines on Forward Rate Agreements (FRA), Interest Rate Swaps
(IRS) and Currency options in 2005.
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Corporate Bond Market:
Foundations of the corporate bond market were laid in 1995 with the first issue of Term
Finance Certificates. Since then issuance of listed TFCs has totaled approximately PKR
80 billion A combination of factors resulted in the issuance boom in the past five years.
Amongst those were de-regulation of the banking sector, lower interest rates, availability
of benchmarks for both fixed and floating rate debt, active inter-bank trading markets in
government securities, coming of age for mutual funds, etc.
Sukuk Market:
Immense growth in Islamic banking industry during the last four years has necessitated
for emergence of Sukuk (Shariah complaint instrument) market in Pakistan. However till
this day only three issuances have come into the market and that too from the corporate
side (See Part I for details). GOP Sukuk has yet to be issued that is being awaited as it
would in-fact provide yield curve for future Sukuk issuances.
Commercial Paper:
SBP and SECP issued guidelines for their issuance three years back. The tenor of
commercial papers is 3, 6 and 9 months. The Corporates can issue CPs on attaining
criteria i.e. equity of the corporate is not less than Rs 100 million, minimum credit rating
for short term CP should be A- and for long tenor A, it should have clean credit
information Bureau (CIB) report and as per the latest ended balance sheet report the
company maintains a minimum current ratio of 1:1 and a debit equity ratio of 60:40. CP
market is at very nascent stage in Pakistan. Packages Ltd was the first company to raise
working capital through CP.
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Banks invested heavily in 10-years PIBs
(see Figure 10).followed by 5-years.
Investment in longer terms PIBs is still
mainly because they have been introduced
in recent past. We except more invest in
longer term PIBs in future as the market
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macro economic indicators. Currently its Sovereign rating by Standards and Poors is B+
(Foreign currency) and B for short term and BB for long term
(Local Currency).
This process seems likely to Table 24: External Liabilities against Bond Issues
continue to keep Pakistan’s FY02 FY03 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07
presence in the international
Volume in
Capital Market for developing its 620 465 810 1225 1900 1905
million USD
domestic bond market as well.
SBP manages Government Securities market on behalf of the GOP, whereas SECP is
responsible for Corporate Bond Market. Both are autonomous bodies.
Trading and Settlement System: - Government Securities are exchanged through
depository of State Bank of Pakistan or through its Public Debt Offices in case the
security is in physical form. Equities and corporate bonds are exchanged through
computerized books maintained by Central Depository Company constituted under
Central Depositories Act, 1997. Funds are transferred through clearing system catered by
SBP. Securities are held and transferred in accounts maintained at Central Depository
Company of Pakistan on delivery versus payment at T+3 arrangements for Corporate
Securities. State Bank depository is providing settlement at T+0 arrangements for
Government Securities. National Clearing Company Ltd (NCCL) providing settlement
for equity trading would undertake Corporate Securities cash settlement in future.
The efforts are in hand for implementing RTGS system in Pakistan by the SBP.
Law: - For government securities issuance, profit payment and redemption, State Bank
Act 1956, Banking Companies Ordinance 1962, Public Debt Act, 1944 and Public Debt
Rules, 1946 are the relevant laws. For equity and corporate bonds issuance, Company
Law, Trust Act 1882, SECP Act 1997 and Securities and Exchange Ordinance 1969 are
relevant. The work is in hand with the Banking Commission for bringing reforms in
banking laws and SECP for modifying Capital Market Laws.
• The retail market meant for individual investors is weak in Pakistan. For easy
investment, either the individual investors have to resort to national saving
schemes or deposit schemes in the banks. However, immense volatility in interest
rates during couple of years has restricted their options which have to be
addressed by the regulating authorities.
• After discontinuation of investment by the institutional investors in the saving
schemes, Government has now provided them the long term bond viz. Pakistan
Investment Bonds. The other avenue for them can be the corporate bond market
which has started to take off within a period of last ten years.
• Foreign investors are allowed in Pakistan but their less presence denotes that the
investment policies are not perfect to the liking of foreign investors. In Pakistan,
capital account convertibility is not allowed nor did the reserve position of the
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country allowed to go for such luxury in the past. However, the matter can be
addressed by allowing certain other incentives, like floating of exchange/inflation
linked bonds as have been experienced in other countries or by offering tax
• Issuance Strategy: - In Government Securities market the T-Bills are issued on
fortnightly basis whereas PIBs are issued on quarterly basis; however no prior
announced calendar exists. PDs serve the distribution channel for Government
securities whereas Corporate Bonds are issued after taking approval from the
SECP and on getting rated from the Rating agencies and finally on listing from
the Stock Exchanges. Banks/ Asset Management Companies/Brokerage Houses
serve as manager for their issuances.
10% 10% - -
Corporate 0.15% (initially)
10% *10% -
securities 0.10% (Transfer)
*For amount above 0.150 million
Benchmarks: - Sovereign curve exists for 30 years. KIBOR Curve, reflecting clean
market, from 7 days to 3 year exists. PKRV curve up to 30 years and IRS Curve up to 10
years also exist.
There are two local rating agencies in Pakistan namely PACRA and JCR-VIS.
PACRA was established in 1994 as a joint venture between IBCA Limited (the
international credit rating agency), International Finance Corporation (IFC) and the
Lahore Stock Exchange. To date, PACRA has completed well over a hundred ratings,
including major industrial Corporate, financial institutions and debt instruments. In
addition to local ratings, PACRA has also successfully completed two international rating
assignments in collaboration with Fitch.
Regulatory Framework:
SBP is responsible for monetary policy and managing government securities market
whereas SECP caters for corporate securities market. Autonomy extended to SBP and
SECP and with their automation a well-placed regulatory framework is already there for
securities market in Pakistan.
The importance of the payment and settlement systems mainly stems from their role in
the financial sector. Following the financial sector reforms that had targeted reducing
financial risks and increasing reliability and speed, the payment and settlement systems
have changed to a large extent.
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o It helps implementation of monetary policy, including achievement of monetary
targets or inflation objectives through use of market based indirect monetary
policy instruments.
o Funding of Government Budget deficits on market-oriented funds reduces the
debt servicing cost over the medium to long term through development of a deep
and liquid market of Government Securities.
o At micro economic level development of securities market helps change the
financial system from bank-oriented system to multi layered system where capital
markets can complement bank financing.
o The development of bond market forces the financial intermediaries to develop
other products like Repo, Structured finance and Derivatives.
The strategies and techniques in bringing developments and reforms need to be properly
sequenced and phased; otherwise they can hamper the overall objectives of reforms. In
Pakistan the pre 1990 era was bit slow, however post 1990 era was amply fast which
brought distortions in some areas of Financial and Capital Market developments. It has
been experienced time and again that liberalization of financial markets can not bring
good results till it is followed with tailored made regulatory framework. The Mexico,
Brazil and Asian financial market crisis have made it abundantly clear that moving ahead
in financial market developments are to be based upon necessary regulatory framework.
Since its inception in 1990, Bond Market in Pakistan has witnessed lot of initiatives.
Some are as follows: -
o Sale of government securities auction based through introduction of 6-month
market treasury bills in 1990. 3 and 12 months MTBs were introduced in 1997.
o Government borrowing from SBP made market based.
o Liberalized current account restrictions
o Introduced OMO in place of direct controls to manage liquidity and interest rate
in the money market
o Introduced 3-day repo as lender as last resort facility
o Federal Investment Bonds were introduced in 1992 to provide yield curve up to
10 years maturity
o Extended depository arrangements by the SBP for government securities in form
of Subsidiary General Ledger Account (SGLA)
o Established Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) as an
autonomous body
o Introduced Selective Primary Dealer System in 2000
o Introduced Pakistan Investment Bonds in 2000 in place of FIBs that were
discontinued in 1998
o Introduced Jumbo Issue of PIBs and Non-competitive Bidding Option for active
PIB trading in secondary market.
o Established Central Depository Company to introduce scrip-less trading in
shares/Corporate Bonds.
o Introduced PIBs of 15 and 20-year tenors in Jan 2004 that has now been extended
up to 30 years.
Recent initiatives that are yet to materialize include allowing bond strips against PIBs,
listing of Government Securities on Stock Exchanges, calendar for Government
Securities issuances
There cannot be any doubt that financial system of Pakistan has a lot of potential,
however, it is to be searched and put in place. Another angle, which needs to be brought
into the system, is to integrate it with global financial system. The vision, which anybody
can have in the market for the future financial system of Pakistan, can be briefed as
o It has to be market based
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o The market should have its own policing system in addition to Regulatory
o Development of new hedging products like derivates.
o Updating of accounting/auditing and reporting system in line with the
international standards.
o Fully automated financial system.
o New Government Securities Act to replace out dated Public Debt Act 1944.
o Listing of Government Securities on Stock Exchange to widen investor base.
o Implementation of Real Time Gross Settlement System to mitigate systemic risk
in fund settlement.
o Bond Stripping to create liquidity in the bond market and to induct zero coupon
yield curve.
o To foster growth of corporate Bond market in Pakistan by making it cost
o To develop Trading/Risk Management/price dissemination mechanism for
Corporate Bond Market.
o Financial Institutions to have controls i.e. Clear Strategies of duties at all levels,
Dual Controls, Rotation of assignment of duties, Internal auditing of all
operations, Audit programs for external auditing, Operational reviews.
o Development of newly inducted Islamic Finance (See Box 1)
o Development of Investor base specifically Mutual Funds (See Box 2)
o Development of Sub National Bond Market in Pakistan (See Box 3)
o Development of Infrastructure/Mortgage Finance (See Box 4)
Government is very keen to develop Capital Market in Pakistan. SBP and SECP, the two
main regulators of the whole financial system are bringing about reforms for the
development of capital market of the country in conjunction with GOP support. Recently
the main efforts made in this direction can be summarized as under:
Capital adequacy requirements have been raised for the participant institutions.
T+3 system has been introduced to make the system efficient. T+0 is already in vogue for
Government Securities.
Badla Financing has been replaced with Continuous Financing System (CFS) with
restriction on In-House CFS to curb speculative business in equity. Trading systems for
Corporate Bonds and Risk mitigating mechanism are in phase of development.
Derivative instruments have been introduced and their further development is on agenda.
The automation of SBP, Banking industry, Non-banking Financial Companies and stock
exchanges are at full swing.
New Government Securities Act to replace Public Debt Act 1944 for Government
securities is under finalization. Further new Act for Corporate Securities to replace
Securities and Exchange Ordinance 1969 is also under finalization.
Supervision systems of SBP and SECP have been revamped.
Establishment of Commodity Exchange is in phase of Implementation.
Demutualization of Stock Exchanges is in process.
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Professional hands are being appointed at the management level of all institutions of the
financial system to take care of their affairs efficiently and diligently.
Training arrangements have been given new importance and new shape to refresh and
enhance the working capabilities of staff working in the financial institutions
State Bank has been made completely free to decide its monetary management policies.
SBP/SECP and GOP are providing full support in growth of
Islamic/Mortgage/Infrastructure finance.
Page 33 of 37
1. Creating depth in money and securities market to improve the transmission channel of
monetary policy. This would facilitate investors/issuers to have better view of interest
rate movements. This includes introduction of SBP own instruments, review of
monetary policy execution framework to switch over to explicit interest rate targeting,
establishment of Market Stabilization Fund (an arrangement in which Government
share the cost of monetary policy operations with Central Bank), Capacity building of
DPCO, Projections of Government Cash flows.
4. Diversifying the investor base. The steps include development of Asset Management
Firms/Mutual Funds/Discount Houses to diversify investor base through legislative
6. Creating appetite for bond market by supporting Islamic Fund Industry, Mortgage and
Infrastructure Finance initiatives.
7. Building Benchmark curves i.e. Revaluation, Clean, IRS, zero coupon curves.
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12. New legislation aligned with current environment for Government as well Corporate
Securities Market.
13. Creating tax base on equity providing level playing field to all investors.
14. Allowing international depositories linked with domestic depositories for facilitating
international investors to invest in Pakistan.
15. Establishing cross border settlement mechanism. This would reduce cost of doing
business in own and with others markets.
16. Developing Derivatives market for facilitating investors/issuers to hedge the risks on
their portfolios.
17. Developing Bond Market in sequenced manner i.e. from simple to complex
18. For developing above Government as well Regulators (Central Bank and Securities
Commission) to work together in devising policies and than coordinating in their
Implementation process.
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Box 1: Development of Islamic Instrument Market (IIM)
State Bank of Pakistan is in process of developing IIM in Pakistan. In this regard GOP
has already been suggested by the SBP to issue its domestic Sukuk (Islamic instrument)
for fostering growth of Sukuk market in the country. Further SBP is also working to
develop the Islamic inter-bank market in collaboration with Islamic Financial Services
Board (A body representing Central banks of various countries for developing Islamic
banking). For the time being main challenge is to have such Instruments that can be used
to generate short term liquidity and for their use as monetary policy instrument. SBP is
working for their issuance /documentation/Term structure and pricing dynamics. The
purpose is to build up Primary and Secondary Market of Islamic instruments in Pakistan
enabling level playing field for Islamic banks to ensure their future growth.
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