Book Review
Book Review
Book Review
Book information:
B o d d e n , V a l e r i e . T h e S t o r y o f D i s n e y . M a n k a t o : C r e a ti v e E d u c a ti o n , 2 0 0 9 . 4 5 . P r i n t .
Review Information:
DJ DeBois
Pd. 4
The Story of Disney Written By: Valerie Bodden and Published By: Creative Education in 2009
This book is a Nonfiction Biography on Walt Disney and a story of how The Walt Disney Company
became the billion dollar empire it is today.
Theme: “We keep moving forward, opening up new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious
… and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” Walt Disney
When brothers Roy and Walt Disney opened up the Disney Brothers Studio in Hollywood in 1923, their
goal was modest: to make animated films. They began with a couple thousand dollars (most of it
borrowed), a second-hand camera, and a little else. What they ended up with was and entertainment
empire known as the Walt Disney Company. Today, that company does business around the world,
earning more than $34 billion a year. From its humble beginnings, it has expanded to encompass film
studios, theme parks, a cruise line, television and radio networks, record labels, publishing house and
retail stores. Yet despite its incredible growth, the Walt Disney Company is perhaps still most famous for
the animated character that got it all started: Mickey Mouse.
In this book the author is trying to explain the story of how The Walt Disney Company came to be a
billion dollar empire today. It talked about how Walt was always trained to make sure that every
customer was happy. This method taught to him by his father got him to be the famous person he is
today. As well as that his older brother Roy always made sure to keep Walt on track because if Walt
wasn’t, than neither was the company. One thing Roy E. Disney always said was, “Uncle Walt’s
imagination tended to be bigger than his head, but because of his creative imagination each time he
always did it differently.” One of the things that Walt constantly quoted was, “Keep Moving Forward no
matter how bad the situation,” and today we prove him to be correct.
Background information
Valerie Bodden is a published author of children's books and young adult books. Some of the
published credits of Valerie Bodden include The Story of Coca-Cola (Built for Success), The Story
of Disney (Built for Success), Painting the Picture: Imagery and Description (The Art of Creative
Prose), and The Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (Days of Change).
This book was very informative and I like it especially because I enjoy anything having to do with the
Walt Disney Company.
The one thing that I would have loved to seen in this book is maybe how Walt and Roy created the TV
Shows what they did to make the TV Shows come to life.
I read another book by Valerie Bodden called the story of Microsoft. I can relate because even though
the information was different she used the same amount and same format to create the book.
I can kind of relate Walt Disney’s problems to today’s society. Not a lot of money people trying hard to
save, but sometimes that money has to be spent either on needs and sometimes even wants. There are
sometimes where you have to budget yourself because nothing is free.
The Story of Disney I would have to say is a very useful book. I would recommend this to other people if
they were trying to figure out the story of how Disney got started, and other informational books by
Valerie Bodden I would recommend as well.
When brothers Roy and Walt Disney opened up the Disney Brothers Studio in Hollywood in 1923, their
goal was modest: to make animated films. They began with a couple thousand dollars (most of it
borrowed), a second-hand camera, and a little else. What they ended up with was and entertainment
empire known as the Walt Disney Company. Today, that company does business around the world,
earning more than $34 billion a year. From its humble beginnings, it has expanded to encompass film
studios, theme parks, a cruise line, television and radio networks, record labels, publishing house and
retail stores. Yet despite its incredible growth, the Walt Disney Company is perhaps still most famous for
the animated character that got it all started: Mickey Mouse. I would give this book a 9 on a scale of 1
-10, 1 being to lowest and 10 being the highest.