Chris Neumann November 2007

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Chris Neumann

9 7 0 Ch e stn u t S tr e e t # 1 0 , S an F r an c is co , CA 9 4 1 0 9 / 4 1 5 - 5 0 5 - 7 6 2 5 / ch r is @ n eu man n f a m i ly .o r g

• 10+ years consumer product management. 8+ years software development management.
• Developed successful consumer software business from product conception to sale of company to strategic buyer.
• Created aggressive and innovative market strategies that garnered meaningful media attention and wide spread brand
• Demonstrated ability to recruit, build, train, and manage off-shore development teams; experienced cross-functional
manager with track record of identifying consumer technology trends before mass adoption.
• Passionate, creative, energetic, proactive problem solver who can deliver quality results with limited time and

Professional Experience and Achievements

Face It Applications, San Francisco, CA July 07-Present
Face It is a consulting firm that develops Facebook applications.
• Secured development contracts with diverse companies, from early-stage startup companies to major consumer
• Created specifications and managed implementation of all software, both proprietary and contract.
• Expanded and managed Ukrainian development team from 3 engineers to 5+.
• Created spec and oversaw implementation of new proprietary viral Facebook application, “Christmas Tree,” which
gained 20,000+ new users in its first week of release – in early November – without a marketing budget.

Dovetail, San Francisco, CA March 05-October 07

Dovetail distributes high resolution, DRM protected films to consumers over the Internet.
• Co-founded startup company focused on distribution of high resolution video over the Internet.
• Recruited and hired an engineering team in Ukraine. Developed systems to effectively manage the team, including
writing very detailed specifications, bug tracking, and workflow management tools.
• Oversaw successful implementation of a new software concept that merged desktop software with a web experience.
Dovetail implemented its front-end user experience first in Flash, later in Flex. The Flex GUI communicates both
with a server-based remote content database and with local desktop software managing the peer-to-peer download
of the video, DRM, and film playback. Managed project which built a film uploading, encoding and DRM system,
allowing filmmakers to use our desktop software to upload large files (1GB+) to be encoded and made available to
• Secured content from multiple sources ranging from independent filmmakers, to NASA, to owners of content
• Worked with filmmakers to encode and promote their films both within the Dovetail site and externally. Offered
filmmakers multiple promotional opportunities including print, special events, online film festival, and tools such
as predesigned email templates.

PowerHouse Technologies (Now Migo Software), San Francisco, CA June 04-Feb 05

Migo Software develops computer personalization software based on external storage devices.
VP, Technology Development
• Launched product using media as primary vehicle; campaign resulted in millions of impressions and glowing reviews
from influential writers including Walt Mossberg of The Wall Street Journal, Stephen Wildstrom of Business
Week, Newsweek, and The New York Times.
• Created and launched product line extension for iPod; this line formed the basis for continuing product strategy of
making the software available for external storage devices of all types, as well as established a direct sales channel.
Prior to this, the Migo was sold to small and medium businesses through computer resellers (VARs).
Chris Neumann, page 2 [email protected]

First Person Software, San Francisco, CA December 01-June 04

First Person Software developed computer personalization software for USB drives
• Identified market opportunity for software on external storage drives and founded company. Raised funding in
November 2002, when new funding was extremely difficult to secure. Performed every duty necessary to run the
company except writing the actual software code.
• Responsible for product management, including major strategic design decisions. Made pivotal decision to sync
email with Outlook despite implementation challenges; this feature became a key differentiation between First
Person software and competitive products.
• Sourced and negotiated licensing agreements with key USB drive makers to distribute software.
• Negotiated the sale of the company to PowerHouse Technologies
Netcentives, Inc., San Francisco, CA September 00-August 01
Netcentives was the premier provider of outsourced loyalty and email marketing solutions
Product Manager
• Responsible for core product platform. Created Product Requirements Document (PRD), oversaw three different
development teams responsible for the upgrade of various platform components to SQL 2000 and J2EE compliance
as well as documentation of each platform component.
• Led cross-functional team in redemption catalog efficiency project. Project reduced man-hours to produce catalogs
by 50% and reduced change cycle time from 6 weeks to 3 days. Created set of requirements for new catalog.
Reviewed third-party technology providers versus in-house solution. Created comprehensive financial model and
presented it to senior management.
• Brought new ActivityRewards product to market. Worked with third-party technology suppliers to develop and
execute product to specifications. Participated in negotiation of long-term contracts. Developed internal cost model.
Created first company-wide pricing models and gained approval of executive committee. Conducted beta tests to
ensure functionality of product. Evangelized product internally.
Spinergy, Wilton, CT June 95-July 99
Spinergy designs, manufactures, and markets high-performance bicycle wheelsets
Director of Marketing
New Product Development
• Created multidisciplinary product development team. Reduced time to market by 50% by working with product
engineers to ensure new products met customer/market requirements.
• Established market acceptance using aggressive advertising and PR campaign.
Brand Management
• Responsible for PR campaign resulting in Spinergy products appearing in the high profile international marketing
campaigns of major brands including Coke, Advil, Ford, and US Postal Service. Campaign also resulted in
Spinergy wheelsets being featured on Pacific Blue TV show and being highlighted in December 1998 issue of Inc.
• Leveraged brand equity to sell into bicycle dealer channel; initial sales 50% above projections.
• Created “Faster by Design” global advertising campaign geared to recognizing key customer needs.
• To improve customer satisfaction and increase gross margin, developed and executed e-commerce partnership with
large mail order bicycle shop, thus enabling spare parts orders to be fulfilled directly through Spinergy web site.
Ed u ca ti on
Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA
B.S. Mechanical Engineering, 1995
Editor, Bucknell Engineer Magazine; President, Bucknell Cycling Team; Kappa Sigma Fraternity
Additional Coursework
Berkeley Extension: Statistics, Corporate Finance, Software Product Management
In t erest s
Flying: Licensed Pilot, Instrument Rating, 250 flight hours, own a Cessna 172SP
Cycling: Racer since age 12, top 10 in junior and collegiate national championships
TV show producer: How to Behave; won Honorable Mention in 2007 Webby Awards (other winners: AOL, CBS, MTV)
Skiing, independent films, new gadgets and toys, international travel

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