Pundit Test Procedure
Pundit Test Procedure
Pundit Test Procedure
BFC 21303 V'
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This experiment deals with determination of degree of denseness of granite rock and to understand the theory and evaluate the rock denseness on granite rocks in Minyak Beku.
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a) To determine a rock denseness of granite rock in Minyak Beku. r 0Y"'- hl+ol1?
b) To evaluate the elastic modulus of rocks.
c) To understand the theory Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity test. tA)
The knowledge of the physical behaviour of a rock is essential in any engineering investigation directly concerned such with hydraulic structure, tunnelling, drilling which have a direct effect on the strength and deformation properties of the rock mass, The physical of a granite rock are primarily a function of its mineral composition, texture, degree of weathering, alternation and rate of solution.
Portable Ultrasonic Non-destructive Indicator test or as known as PUNDIT Test is a method for estimating the degree of denseness of rock. The pundit is light and portable apparatus, simple to operate and has a high order of accuracy and stability. With the advent of this apparatus, it became easy and cheap to inspect rocks. This equipment generates ultrasonic pulse with a frequency of 50kHz - 150kHz and measures the transit time for transmitting transducer through the sample to the receiving transducer by displaying it in the form of three digits on three numerical indicator tubes. The transmitter converts electrical pulse into mechanical ones which are later reconverted into electrical pulse by the receiver.
BFC 21303
Figure 3.1 : PUNDIT Test equipments
The compression or longitudinal waves or the P-waves (primary) travels faster in denser material. Typical P-waves velocity (V p) for materials like top soils and clays is less than 2000mls compared to hard rock that may exceed 3000mls. Rock of low porosity also exhibits a higher Pwave velocity. P-wave velocity can be used to differentiate between soil and rock material and also as a guide for rock classification. If velocity of secondary (s) wave (Vs) is also measured in Pundit Test, a number of dynamic material properties example dynamic elastic modulus, E and v of rock sample can be approximated using equation:
E = [ (VSl * y)/ g J[3*(VpNs)1 - 4/(VpNs)1 - 1) J
Where y is unit weight of sample (KNlml) and g is gravitational pull.
Indirect or index tests do not provide directly the strength of the rock. Strength of the rock material is measured numerically using index and converted to strength using specific correlation (e.g. UCS estimated from hammer around rebound number) strength value obtained is less accurate. However, tests are relatively easier to conduct. Although the value of the strength obtained is less accurate but tests can be done in large number. Thus, improve the strength value for better estimation on rock strength.
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u C o VI
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Engineering Geology
Figure 4.3 : SPECIMEN - Granite Rocks
BFC 21303
Figure 4.4 : GEL
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Engineering Geology
BFC 21303
Figure 4.5 : SCALE
1. Preparing before use: Before switching on the 'V' meter, the transducers should be connected to the sockets marked "TRAN" and "REC". The 'V' meter may be operated with either:
a) The internal battery,
b) An external battery, or
c) The A.C line.
Set reference: A reference bar is provided to check the instrument zero. The pulse time for the bar is engraved on it. Apply a smear of grease or gel to the transducer faces before placing it on the opposite ends of the bar. Adjust the 'SET REF' control until the reference bar transit time is obtained on the instrument display read-out.
Range selection: For maximum reading, it is recommended that the 1.0 microsecond range be selected for path length up to 9999mm.
Pulse velocity: Having determined the most suitable test points on the material to be tested, make careful measurement of the path length 'L'. Apply couplant to the surfaces
... Vl Q.I t>...
·u o Q.I > Q.I Vl
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.~ C o Vl ro L.. ...
Engineering Geology
BFC 21303
of the transducers and press it hard onto the surface of the material. Do not move the transducers while a reading is being taken, as this can generate noise signals and errors in measurements. Continue holding the transducers onto the surface of the material until a consistent reading appears on the display, which is the time in microsecond for the ultrasonic pulse to travel the distance 'L'. The mean value of the display readings should be taken when the units digit hunts between two values.
I r .... velocity = (path leDgth + T"",el time) I
5. Separation of transducer leads: It is advisable to prevent the two transducer leads from coming into close contact with each other when the transit time measurements are being taken. If this is not done, the receiver lead might pick-up unwanted signals from the transmitter lead and this would resuJt in an incorrect display of the transit time.
6. Elastic ModuJus: In menu number 5, insert the value of path length obtained in unit meter and the value of density in unit kg/rrr'. Then run the test after placed the transducer at the material. Do not move the transducers while a reading is being taken, as this can generate noise signals and errors in measurements. Continue holding the transducers onto the surface of the material until a consistent reading appears on the display.
Repeat step 1-6 again using another sample of granite. All reading were recorded.
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VI ro ... ...
Engineering Geology
BFC 21303
~terpretation of Results
The quality of rock in terms of uniformity, incidence or absence of internal flaws, cracks and segregation, etc, indicative of the level of workmanship employed, can thus be assessed using the guidelines given below, which have been evolved for characterizing the quality of granite in terms of the ultrasonic pulse velocity.
Table 5.1 : Typical values of V, for Rocks
·From founnaintraux (1976)
..... VI <IJ f-
·w a <IJ > <IJ VI
::J 0...
u C a VI ro L..
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Engineering Geology
BFC 21303
Length Width Height Weight kNl m3 (x 10.3 ) ~ V
No. (m) (m) (rn) Volume (m3) x1O·3 (kg) Density (kg/m3 )
1 0.14 0.13 0.06 1.090 2.765 2532.00 27.00·
2 0.12 0.05 0.05 3.000 0.709 236.00 6.96 v
3 0.09 0.08 0.06 0.432 0.950 2199.00 9.32
4 0.14 0.06 0.07 0.588 1.058 1799.00 10.00
5 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.336 0.745 2217.00 7.31
6 0.10 0.09 0.05 0.450 1.218 2706.00 12.00
7 0.15 0.10 0.04 0.600 1.410 2350.00 14.00
8 0.10 0.09 0.06 0.540 1.563 2894.00 15.00
9 0.15 0.09 0.04 0.540 1.557 2883.00 15.00
10 0.14 0.06 0.06 0.504 1.410 2798.00 14.00 RESULT AFTER PUNDIT TEST
Transit Time Velocity, Vp Path Length, PL Elastic, E
35.00 4516.00 0.989 34.40
25.00 5454.00 0.109 8.80 -c>
33.00 2812.00 0.151 48.20 .
23.00 7368.00 0.147 24.00 v
14.00 5333.00 0.074 55.40
21.00 4761.00 0.095 49.60
55.00 4054.00 0.158 19.80
121.00 1010.00 0.125 16.50
162.00 1200.00 0.123 16.50
17.00 8235.00 0.156 162.40 ~
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1000 - (I I" '
Length =0.14 m Width = 0.13 m Height = 0.06 m
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Engineering Geology
BFC 21303
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Volume = 1.090 x 10 -3 m3 Weight = 2.765 kg Density = 2532 kg/nr'
Length x Width X I Ieight 0.14 m x 0.13 m x 0.06 m 1.090 x 10 ·3 m3
Density Weight
Density = 2.765 kg
1.456 x 10 -3m3
Density = 2532 kg/m3
Result after PUNDIT test
Velocity 5454.00 m/s
Path Length 0.151 m
T ransi t Time 25 second
Elastic Module = 34.40 GNI m2 Q
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> Q) VI
::J a.
.~ c: o VI
'" L..
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Engineering Geology
BFC 21303
Rock Sample No.2
Length = 0.12 m Width = 0.05 m Height = 0.05 m
Volume = 3.000 x 10 -3 m3 Weight = 0.709 kg Density = 236 kg/m''
Length x Width x Height 0.12 m x 0.05 m x 0.05 m 3.000 x 10 -3 m3
Weight Volume
0.709 kg
3.000 x 10 -3 mJ
236 kglm3
Result after PUNDIT test
Path Length Transit Time Elastic Module
5454.00 mls 0.109m
25 second 8.80 GNI m2
.... VI ClJ ~ >....
'w .2
ClJ > ClJ ~ :J Q..
.~ C a VI
'" ...
~ :::>
Engineering Geology
BFC 21303
Rock Sample No.3
Length = 0.09 m Width = 0.08 m Height = 0.06 m
Volume = 0.432 x 10 -3 m3 Weight = 0.950 kg Density = 2199 kglm3
Volume V V
Length x Width x Height 0.09 m x 0.08 m x 0.06 m 0.432 x 10 -3 m3
Weight Volume
0.950 kg
0.432 x 10 -3 m3
2199 kg/m3
Result after PUNDIT test
Velocity Path Length Transit Time
2812.00 mls 0.989m
33 second 48.20 GN/m2
Elastic Module
... en QJ l-
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Engineering Geology
BFC 21303
The Ultrasonic pulse velocity test was carried out with a data of sample of testing for granite rocks. Before the test had been done, the six sample of granite rock bad been taken from the site at Minyak Beku. The proper weight for the sample was around 3KG to 6KG. The sample of rock had been tested to find out the velocity, and elastic module.
~e data that we bad get, is just got a slightly out of numbers from the specification of
the granite properties. This problems occurs because of this following method :-
• The Sample that we had been tested was not been properly cutted with the cutter, and thats make the surface was not totally flat.
• The size for the sample is not the proper size for the tested.
• The shape for the sample was too irregular and difficult to been tested.
Granite specification that had been taken from the book show the elastic module for the granite was too big If want to compare with-the data that-we had get. ../'
For example, the elastic value for the sample one was I.SOPA and the specification had
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shown that the granite elastic module was around 30-70 OPA and we can conclude that this kind
of rock was d~L? IY)rwgul<QoI')·
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o Qj >
(!J Vl
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.~ c o Vl
From this experiment we can conclude that this sample of granite rock is not suitable for used and it doubtful if we compare with the mechanical properties of rock. Ultrasonic pulse velocity test had been done to the sample to get the elastic module for the rock and also the pulse velocity. Granite had been known as the intrusive of igneous rock. It has more than 40% of quartz and it makes the rock strength higher. The composition of granite was full of great mineral added, and it also come with a strong and durable if compare with the others rock. The igneous rock usually been known as the hard rock, and the sedimentary, methamorphic rock
known as soft rock. Basically granite is the slow cooling on its composition of mineraL It makes the size for the granite are coarse grained.
In addition, laboratory experiments on granitic melts show that a granitic texture can develop in days. Furthermore, the presence of diseoloration halos of the short-lived isotopes of polonium in biotites and muscovite in granite are evidence of very rapid crystallization. These were some of the most prominent granite rock facts which support the claim that granite is one of the strongest, durable, abundantly found and vastly used rock in the world. Granite is not just to been added on the construction and durability of the structure, but also contributes to its versatility and grace. No wonder, it's the first choice for many people across the world when it comes to building a house or decorating the interiors.