Canadian Federation of Students Referendum Results Continue Being Delayed - University of Regina Students' Union
Canadian Federation of Students Referendum Results Continue Being Delayed - University of Regina Students' Union
Canadian Federation of Students Referendum Results Continue Being Delayed - University of Regina Students' Union
The University of Regina Students’ Union (URSU) today announced that it will seek a court injunction
against the Canadian Federation of Students’ (CFS), in an effort to push forward the CFS referendum
ballot counting process.
Members representing the Canadian Federation of Students on the Referendum Oversight Committee
(ROC) have not returned to Saskatchewan to finish counting the provisional ballots, which means
University of Regina students have been forced to continue to wait for the final results of the CFS
referendum which took place in late October.
While provisional ballots have been verified by the U of R Registrar’s Office, the counting delay comes as
a result of a disagreement between URSU and the CFS regarding the eligibility of First Nations University
of Canada (FNUC) students to vote in the referendum. An agreement was reached by members of the
ROC to count all agreed upon eligible voters prior to ballot counting the morning of October 29, 2010,
including the provisional non-FNUC student ballots. The decision on eligibility of the FNUC student votes
was to be left undecided until it was determined that the FNUC student votes held the balance of the
outcome. The CFS is now claiming that they will not continue with the ballot counting process until the
eligibility of FNUC student votes is decided, despite the prior agreement that was reached on October 29,
“It is unfortunate that students have to wait this long to find out what the end result of the referendum is,”
URSU President Kyle Addison said. “This court injunction application we are pursuing against the CFS
comes as a last resort; we are only doing this to get all the agreed upon eligible ballots counted, in hopes
that students will be able to find out the end result before Christmas.”
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Brennen Schmidt
University of Regina Students’ Union
Communications Co-ordinator
Office: (306) 586-8811 Ext. 216
Email: [email protected]
University of Regina Students’ Union 221 Riddell Centre, University of Regina, Regina, SK S4S 0A2