Roadside Design Guide 3rd Edition (2006)

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Roadside Design Guide


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© 2006 by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. All rights reserved. Duplication is a violation of applicable law.

© 2006 by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America. This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without written permission of the publishers, ISBN: 1-56051-349-7 Publication Code: RSDGCHP6-3

© 2006 by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.

All rights reserved. Duplication is a violation of applicable law.

Executive Committee 2005 - 2006


President: Harold Llnneukohl,


Vice President: David Sprynczynatyk,

North Dakota

Secretary- Treasurer: LaITY King, Pennsylvania

REGIONAL REPRESENTAmrES REGION I: Jim Capaldi, Rhode Island, One- Year Term Robert Flanagan, Maryland, Two- Year Term Harold Linnenkohl, Georgia, One- Year Term Joe Mclnnes, Alabama, Two-Year Term Prank Busalacchi, Wisconsin, Onc- YcarTcrm Carol Molnau, Minnesota, Two-Year Term David Sprynczynaryk, North Dakota, One-Year Term Victor Mendez, Two- Year Term





Immediate Past President:

John Njord, Utah


Executive Director: John Horsley, Washington,

© 2006 by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.

All rights reserved. Duplication Is a violation of applicable law.


Highway Subcommittee

on Design 2006

Chairman: Vice Chairman: Secretary: AASHTO Staff l.taison:

Allen D. Biehler, Pennsylvania Robert L. Walters, Arkansas DwightA. Horne, FHWA Jim McDonnell, P. E.

Alabama, Don T. Arkle, P. E. Steven E. Walker, P. E. Alaska, Mark Neidhold Robert Campbell Arizona, Mary Viparina Arkansas,
Phillip L. Mcf'ounell, P. E.

Charles D. Clements, P. E. California, Mark Leja, P. E. Kevin E. Hanley, P. E. Colorado, Mithilcsh "Mitch" Kumar Gary Wlvleacham Connecticut, Arthur W. Gruhn Michael W. Lonergan James H. Norman Delaware, Michael H. Simmons Michael F. Balbierer James M, Satterfield, IV District of'Columbia, Kathleen Penney
lahra Dorriz

Allen Miller Florida, Robert W. Greer Jim Mitis, P. E. David O'Hagan, P. E. Georgia, James "Ben" Buchan, P. E. Babs Abubakari, P. E. Brent Story, P. E.

Gary C. P. Choy Julius Fronda


Loren D. Thomas Damon Allen

Illinois, Michael Hiue Indiana, Gerald Mroczka, P. E. Jeff Clanton, P. E. Iowa, Michael J. Kennerly David L, Little Deanna Maifield Kansas, James O. Brewer, P. E. Richard G. Adams, P. E. Laivlonte C. Armstrong, P. E. Kentucky, David Kratt, P. E. JeffD. Jasper, P. E. Robert D. Martin, P. E. Louisiana, Nicholas Knlivado, III, P. E. Lloyd E. POIia, Jr. Maine, Jerome A. Casey, P. E. Maryland, Kirk G. i\·lcClelJand Robert D. Douglass Massachusetts, John Blundo, P. E. Stanley W. Wood, Jr. Michigan, Mark A. Van Port Fleet, P. E. Minnesota, Mukhtar Thakur Mississippi, David Foster John B. Pickering, P. E. C. Keith Purvis. P. E. Missouri, David B. Nichols Kathryn P. Harvey Montana, Paul R. F erry Lesly Tribelhorn


© 2006 by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. All rights reserved. Duplication is a violation of applicable law.

Nebraska, Turek Dawn Allyn James J. Knott Nevada, Frank Csiga, Jr., P. E. Ruedy Edgington Rand Pollard, P. E. Paul K. Sinnott, P. E. New Hampshire, Craig A, Green New Jersey, Kiran B. Patel Brian Strizki New Mexico, Gabriela Contreras-Apodaca Joe S. Garcia Dennis Valdez New York, Philip J. Clark, P. E. Daniel D' Angelo, P. E. Richard W. Lee, P. E. North Carolina, Jay A. Bennett, P. E. Deborah M. Barbour Art McMillian North Dakota, Mark Gaydos Ohio, Cash Misel Dirk Gross Timothy McDonald Oklahoma, Tim Tegeler Oregon, Thomas J. Lauer Pennsylvania, R. Scott Christie, P. E. Brian D. Hare, P. E. Puerto Rico, Ariel Perez Jose E. Santana-Pimentel Rhode Island, J. Michael Bennett, P. E. South Carolina, Robert I. Pratt, P. E. John V. Walsh, P. E. South Dakota, Joel Gengler Joe J. Feller Tennessee, JcffC. Jones Mark Holloran

Texas, Mal'kA. Marek Utah, James C. Mclvlinimee Vermont, Kevin Marshia, P. E. Scott Rogers Virginia, Mohammed Mirshahi Bnrton A. Thrasher, P. E. Washington, Harold Peterfeso, P. E. Richard Albin, P. E. Ken L Smith, P. E., CVS West Virginia, Jason C. Foster Gregory Bailey Wisconsin, Jerry H. Zogg, P. E. Wyoming, Paul P. Bereich Tony Laird U.S. DOT Member Federal Aviation Administration, Rick Marinell i, P. E. Associate Member - Bridge, Port, and Toll New Jersey Turnpike Authority, J. Lawrence Williams Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission, Barry L. Troup, P. E. Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, Scott D. Murrell Associate Member - Federal USDA Forest Service, Ellen G. LaFayette Associate Member - International Alberta, Allan Kwan British Columbia, Richard Voyer Ontario, Joseph A. Bucik Saskatchewan, Sukhy Kent AASHTO Staff Liaison Jim McDonnell, P. E.

© 2006 by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. All rights reserved. Duplication is a violation of applicable law.

Task Force for Roadside Safety - 2006

Current Members Richard B. Albin Mark C. Ayton Drew Boyce Ben Buchan Joe Bucik Bernie Clocks in Keith A. Cota (Chair) Dean Focke Gregg C. Fredrick
Harry Lee James


Georgia Ontario South Dakota

New Hampshire Ohio


Joe Jones Rodney D. Lacy David L. Little

Mark AMarek

Mississippi Missouri

Aurora Meza
Richard D. Powers (Secretary)

Steve Reeves Jiten Soneji James P. Tenaglia Steven Walkcr(Vice Chair) Richard D. Wilder

Iowa Texas Texas FHWA Mississippi Delaware Pennsylvania Alabama New York

1998 -- Present 1999 _. Present 2002·- Present 1999 - Present 1997 - Present 2003 - Present 1992 - Present 2004 - Present 200 J - Present 200 J - Present 2004 - Present 200 I- Present J 992 - Present 1986 - Present 200 I - Present 1986 - Present 2002 - Present 2004 - Present 200 I- Present 1997 - Present 2001 - Present

Randy Cannon Mack Christensen B. Patrick Collins

Former Members
1998-2001 1998-2005 1996-2001 1996-2003 2001-2004 1998-2003 1985~2002 1999~2001 1992-2001 1998-2005 1992-2003 1997-2004 1986-2001 1991-2001 1994-2003

South Carolina

F. Daniel Davis Monique R. Evans Earle S. Freedman

Charles A. Goessel

Utah Wyoming Arizona

Ohio Maryland

Billy Hattaway Kenneth F. Hurst N. Kent Israel Douglas E. McClure Patrick L. Mclfaniel Arthur D. Perkins Ronald J. Seitz
George J. Stelzmiller

New Jersey Florida Kansas

Louisiana South Carolina

Missouri New York Kansas North Dakota

Advisors Nick Artimovich Ken F. Kobetsky Charles F.lvlcDevitt lames T. McDonnell Charles W. Niessner Harry Taylor FHWA AASHTO
1998 1997 1986 2000 2000 1986 - Present



-2004 - Present - Present -2006


© 2006 by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.

All rights reserved, Duplication is a violation of applicable law.

The Roadside Design Guide is developed and maintained by the AASHTO Subcommittee on Design, Technical Committee for Roadside Safety. The guide presents a synthesis of current information and operating practices related to roadside safety and is written in dual units-metric and U.S. Customary units. The 2006 edition of the guide supersedes the 1996 AASHTO publication of the same name and includes an update to Chapter 6, "Median Barriers," which replaces Chapter 6 of the 2002 edition.

In this guide, the roadside is defined as that area beyond the traveled way (driving lanes) and the shoulder (if any) of the roadway itself. Consequently, roadside delineation, shoulder surface treatments, and similar onroadway safety features are not extensively discussed. While it is a readily accepted fact that safety can best be served by keeping motorists on the road, the focus of the guide is on safety treatments that minimize the likelihood of'serious injuries when a driver runs off the road. A second noteworthy point is that this document is a guide. It is not a standard, nor is it a design policy. It is intended for use as a resource document from which individual highway agencies can develop standards and policies. Whi le much of the material in the guide can be considered universal in its application, there are several recommendations that are subjective in nature and may need modification to fit local conditions. However, it is important that significant deviations from the guide be based on operational experience and objective analysis.
To be consistent with AASHTO's A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, design speed is as the basic speed parameter to be used in this guide. However, since the design speed is often selected based on the most restrictive physical features found on a specific project, there may be a significant percentage of a project length where that speed will be exceeded by a reasonable and prudent driver. Conversely, there will be other instances where roadway conditions will prevent most motorists from driving as fast as the design speed. Because roadside safety design is intended to minimize the consequences of a motorist leaving the roadway inadvertently, the designer should consider the speed at which encroachments are most likely to occur when selecting an appropriate roadside design standard or feature. Design values are presented in this document in both metric and U.S. Customary units, The relationship between the metric and U.S. Customary val lies is neither an exact (soft) conversion nor a completely rationalized (hard) conversion. The metric values are those that would have been used had the guide been presented exclusively in metric units; the U.S. Customary values are those that would have been used if the guide had been presented exclusively in U.S. Customary units, Therefore, the user is advised to work entirely in one system and not to attempt to convert directly between the two. The reader is cautioned that roadside safety is a rapidly changing Held of study, and changes in policy, criteria, and technology are certain to occur after this document is published. Efforts should be made to incorporate the appropriate current design elements into the project development. Comments from users of this guide on suggested changes or modifications resulting from further developmental work or hands-on experience are appreciated. All such comments should be addressed to the A merican Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Engineering Program, 444 North Capitol Street NW, Suite 249, Washington, DC 20001.

© 2006 by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. All rights reserved. Duplication is a violation of applicable law.


© 2006 by the American Association or State Highway and Transportation Officials. All rights reserved. Duplication is a violation of applicable law.

Table of Contents


,, , ,

, ,..,.., , ,

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, ,

, ,.,





1.4 1.5 CHAPTER 2:

'·3 1-4




2.1.2 2.1.3 2.2

Roadside Geometry ANALYSIS PROGRAlvlS , , Crash Costs BENEFIT/COST


2-2 2-2 2·2



3.0 3.1 3.2 3.2. t 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.2.4 :U 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 3.3.4 3.3.5 3.4 OVERVIE\V , 3-[ ,3-1 3-2 3-2 ' Slopes Channels ,., , , CONCEPT , , , , 3-8 3-8 , ,.. 3-10 3-11 3·13 , Variable Slopes and Backslopes ' ,, 3·[3 3-13 Tl-IE CLEAR ROADSIDE CONCEPT ROADSIDEGEO;\,[ETRY Foreslopes Backslopes Transverse Drainage


OF THE CLEAR-ZONE Foreslopes Foreslopes '

Non-Recoverable Critical Foreslopes


of Clear-Zone
Applications FEATURES

for Drainage


3-13 3-13 3-[4




© 2006 by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.

All rights reserved. Duplication is a violation of applicable law.

3.4.1 3.4.2 3.4.3

Curbs Cross-Drainage Traversable Extension Shielding Parallel Eliminate Traversable Relocate Shielding Drop Inlets Drainage Features the Structure Designs the Structure Structures Designs of Structure

3-14 3·15

3-17 3-17 3-17 3·18 3-19 3·19 3-19

3.4.4 CHAPTER 4:


4.1 4.2

4-2 4-2

4.3.2 4.3.3

4-4 Signs

4.4 4.5 4.6 4.6.1



4-10 4-10 4-13 4-13


Traffic Signals
Motorist-Aid Railroad Mailbox Fire Hydrants Supports UTILITYPOLES TREES Callboxes Warning Devices Crossing

4.6,4 4.6.5

4-14 4-14

4.7 4.8 CHAPTER 5:



5.1.2 5.2 5.2.1

Current Crash Test Criteria Barrier Classificaticns


5·1 5-2

Roadside Bystanders, Motorcycles

5-2 and Bicyclists Design FACTORS Pedestrians, and Barrier

5.2.3 5.2.4 5.3


5-5' 5-8



© 2006 by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. All rights reserved. Duplication Is a violation of applicable law.

5.4 5.4.1 5.4.2 5.4.3 5.5 5.5.1 5.5.2 5.5.3 5.5.4 5.5.5 5.5.6 5.5.7 5.5.8 5.6 5.6.1 5.6.2 5.6.2.[ 5.6.3 5.6.4 5.7 5.7.1 5.7.2 5.7.3 CHAPTER 6:

STRUCTIJRALAND Three-Strand Ironwood Cable



5-8 5-9 5-9 5-9 5-12 5-12 5-12 5-15 5-15 5-16 5-16 5-17 5-18 5-18

Standard Sections of Roadside Barriers W-Beam (Weak Post) Aesthetic Guardrail Box Beam (Weak Post) Blocked-Out \V-Beam (Strong Post) Blocked-Out Blocked-Out Blocked-Out Thrie-Beams Thrie-Beam Thrie-Beam (Wood Strong Post) (Steel Strong Post) Guardrail

Modified Thrie-Bcam Merritt Parkway Aesthetic Steel-Backed Concrete Barriers Stone Masonry Transition Wall/Precast Masonry Wall Guardrail Systems
Long-Span, Double-Nested

Timber Guardrail

5-21 5-23 5-23 5-23 5-23 5-24 5-26 5-26 5-26 5-26 5-26 5-26 5-26 5·26 5-27 5-27 5-27 5·27 5-29 5-29 5-30 5-31 5-32 5·37 5-37 5-37


SELECTION GUIDELINES Barrier Performance Capability Barrier Deflection Characteristics Site Conditions Compatibility Life-Cycle Maintenance Routine Maintenance Crash Maintenance Material and Storage Requirements Simplicity of Barrier Design Aesthetic and Environmental Considerations Field Experience PLACE1vIENT RECOMMENDATIONS Lateral Offset Terrain Effects Curbs Slopes Flare Rate Length of Need UPGRADING SYSTEl'v[S Structural Establishing Inadequacies Inadequacies Needs Priorities of Upgrading Design/Placement Costs


© 2006 by the Amerlcan Association of Slate Highway and Transportation Officfals. All rights reserved. Duplication Is a violation of applicable law.

6-1 6-1 6-1


6.4 6.4.1 6.4.I.1

PERFOlliVIANCE STRUCTURAL Crashworthy Weak-Post, Three-Strand




Median W-Beam Cable



6·4 6-5 6.4.LS 6.4.2

High. Tension Cable Barrier Box-Beam Median Barrier

Blocked-Out Blocked-Out Modified Concrete


W-Beam (Strong Post)

Thrie-Beam (Strong Post) Barrier System Median

6-8 6-10 6·10

Thrie-Beam Barrier

End Treatments Transitions



6-15 6-16 6-16 6-16 6-16 6-17 6-17 6-17

6.4.3 6.5 6.5.1


SELECTIONGUJDELL'\fES Barrier Performance Barrier Deflection Compatibility C05tS Maintenance Aesthetic and Environmental Considerations Field Experience PLACEMENT Terrain Effects Fixed Objects UPGRADING within the Median SYSTEIvIS RECOMMENDATIONS Capability Characteristics


6.5.6 6.5.7 6.6 6.6.1 6.6.2 6.7

6-17 6·17 6-17

6·20 6-20




7.3 7.4

I Bridge Railings



Test Level 2 Bridge Railings Test Level 3 Bridge Railings Test Level 4 Bridge Railings Solid Concrete Massachusetts Wyoming BR27C Test LevelS Bridge Railings Bridge Railings S3 Steel Bridge Railing

7-3 7-3 7-3 7·4

704 , 7-4 7-6 7·6 ~ 7-6 7-7

7.4.4 7.4.5 7.4.6 7.5 7.5.1

Two-Tube Bridge Railing

Test Level 6 Bridge Railings SELECTION GUIDELlNES Railing Performance


© 2006 by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. All rights reserved. Duplication is a violation of applicable law.

7.5.2 7.5.3 7.5.4 7.5.5 7.6 7.7 7.7.1 7.7.2 7.8 CHAPTERS:

Compatibility Costs Field Experience Aesthetics PLACEMENTRECONflvfENDATIONS UPGRADING OF BRIDGE RAILINGS Identification Upgrading of Potentially Systems Retrofits Deficient Systems

7-7 7-7 7-8 7-8 7-8 7-8 7-8 7-10 7-12 7-13 7-14 7-14

Concrete Retrofit (Safety Shape or Vertical) W-Beam/Thrie-Beam TRANSITIONS Metal Post and Beam Retrofits

BARRIER END TREATM ENTS AND CRASH CUSHIONS 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.2.1 8.2.2 8.2.3 8.2.4 8.2.5 8.2.6 8.2.7 8.2.8 8.2.9 8.2.10 8.2.[ I 8.2.12 8.2.13 8.2.14 8.3 8.3.1 8.3.2 OVERVIE\V PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS EN'DTREATi\'IENTS Three-Strand Cable Terminal Wyoming Box Beam End Terminal (\vYBET-350) Barrier Anchored in Backslope Eccentric Loader Terminal (ELT) Slotted Rail Terminal (SRT-350) REGENT Terminal Vermont Low-Speed, \V-Beam Guardrail End Terminal Flared Energy-Absorbing Terminal (FLEAT) Beam-Eating Steel Terminal (BEST) Extruder Terminal (ET-2000) Sequential Kinking Terminal (SK]~350) QuadTrend-350 Narrow Energy-Absorbing CRASH CUSHIONS Concepts Kinetic Energy Principle Conservation Characteristics
of Momentum 8-1 8-1

8-1 8-2 8-2 8-2 8-7 8-7 8-10 8-10 8-11 8-11 8- 13 8-14 8-14 Terminal (NEAT) 8-15 8-15 8·15 8-18 8-18 Principle Attenuation Systems II} , Terminal (CAT) , 8-19 8-19 8-19 8-19 8-19 8-22 8-22 8-22 Crash Cushion (TRACC) Crash Terminal (REACT 350) System (NCIAS) Impact Attenuation 8-25 8-25 8-25 8-25

Sloped Concrete End Treatment

of Operational

Advanced Dynamic Impact Extension lVIodule(ADIEM Brakemaster 350 Crash Cushion Attenuating Bullnose Guardrail System ABSORB 350
QuadGunrd Family

Trinity Attenuating Narrow Connecticut

Reusable Energy-Absorbing Sand-Filled Plastic Barrels

© 2006 by the American Association of Slate Highway and Transportation Officials.

AUrights reserved. Duplication is a violation of applicable law. 8.4 8.4.1 8.4.2 8.4.3 8.4.4 8.5 8.6 CHAPTER 9:

Gravel-Bed Dragnet

Attenuator System (VAS)

8-32 8-33 8-33 8-34 8-34 8-34 8-34 8-34 8-37 8-37 OTHER SAFETY 9-1 9-1 9-1 9-2 Barriers Barriers 9-2 9-2 9-3 9-3 9-4 9-4

Water Twister Vehicle Arresting SELECTION GUIDELINES Site Characteristics Structural Costs Maintenance Characteristics

and Safety Characteristics



Concept ill Work Zones

TRAFFIC BARRIERS Temporary Longitudinal Flare Rates Offset Types of Portable Concrete Barrier (PCB) Systems Connections Portable Concrete Safety-Shape NCHRP Report 350 Tested PCB Systems Tested and Operational Special Cases 9.2. [.3[ Securing PCBs to the Traveled Way Other Concrete Barriers Other Barriers Water-Filled Triton

9-13 9-13 9-13 9-15 9-15


Plastic Shell with Steel Barriers Safety Barrier GUARDIAN 9.2.2 9.2.3 9.2.4 9.3 9.3. I xlv

9-15 9-18 9-18 9-20 9-20 9-20 9-20 9-20 9-21 9-21 9-21 9-21 System (ClAS) Modules (ADI EM II) 9-21 9-24 9-24 9-24

Timber Barrier Curb/Rail End Treatments Transitions PCB Steel Plate Transition Applications CRASH CUSHIONS Stationary Crash Cushions Sand-Filled Plastic Barrels QUADGUARD CZ SYSTEM TI{.ACC REACT 350 CZ Connecticut Impact Attenuation ABSORB 350 Advanced Dynamic Impact Extension DRAGNET
© 2006 by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. All rights reserved. Duplication Is a violation of applicable law.

9.3.2 9.4 9.4.1 9.4.l.4 9.4.2 9.5 9.5.1 9.5.2 CHAPTRR 10: ROADSIDE 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.3.1 10.3.2 10.3.3 10.3.4

Truck-Mounted Test-Level Placement Buffer Distance


(TMAs) Attenuators

9-24 9-24 9-26


for Truck Mounted

~ Vehicle Report 350 Criteria

9-26 9-26 9-26 9-26 9-26 9-27 9-28 9-28 9-28 9-29 9-29 9-31 C 10,000 TrvIAs 9-31 9-31 9-31 9-32 9-32 9-32 9-32 9-33 9-33

Mass of a Shadow Delineation

TMAs Meeting NCHRP RENCO Ren-Gard Connecticut TiVIA

815 T!'vIA


Mobile Protection
Vanderbilt Safe-Stop Scorpion Tl\{A Ti\·lA

System 350

U-lvlAD lOOK Ti\'IA A 10,000 and Scorpion T!'vIA RENCORAlvll00K Channelizing Performance Devices Evaluation Criteria Markers


Cones and Tubular Vertical Panels Drums Barricades Longitudinal


Barricades Work-Zone Sign Supports Sign Supports

9-35 9-35 9-35 9-35 9-38 9-39 9-41 9-41 9-41 9-42

Signs and Supports Long/Intermediate-Term Wheeled Short-Term \Varning Portable Work-Zone Devices FEATURES Sign Supports



OTHER WORK-ZONE Glare Screens Pavement

Edge Drop-Offs



ENVIRONMENTS 10-1 10-2 10-2





10-3 10-4

Barrier Warrants Barriers Guidelines Pedestrian to Protect Adjacent Land Use Barriers

10·4 10-4 10·4

for Pedestrian Restraint

and Bicyclist


© 2006 by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.

All rights reserved. Duplication Is a violation of applicable law.


10.4 10.5



10-5 10-5

10.6 10.7 10.8 10.9 10.10

Protective Screening at Overpasses


10-7 10-7 10-7 10-8







1 1.2 11.2.1 11.2.2


Regulations Mail Stop and Mailbox Location " Mailbox Turnout Design Mailbox Support and Attachment Design



, 11-3

11.2.3 11.2.4 ! 1.3


t 1-14 A-I 8-1

A Cost-Effectiveness

Selection Procedure , , , ,.., ,

, ,

Selected Roadside Barrier Design Details Selected Median Barrier Design Details Model Regulation for the Accommodation of Mailboxes and Newspaper

,.. Col 0-1 ,.. E-l G-1


Delivery Boxes on Public Highway Rights-of-Way APPENDIX E GLOSSARY


Postal Operations and Manual Delivery Services .., ,..,

, , ,


© 2006 by the American ASSOCiationof State Highway and Transportation Officials. All rightsreserved. DupJicaUon Is a violation of applicable law.

List of Figures

Figure I.t 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7
3.& 3.9 3.10

Title Traffic fatality rate per billion vehicle kilometers [miles] by year Clear-zone distance curves (metric units) Clear-zone distance curves [U.S. customary units] Example of a parallel foreslope design Preferred cross slope design Median transverse slope design Examples of alternate median drainage Preferred cross sections for channels with abrupt slope changes Preferred cross sections for channels with gradual slope changes Design criteria for safety treatment of pipes and culverts Safety treatment for cross- drainage culvert Inlet/outlet design example for parallel drainage Alternate location for a parallel drainage culvert Safety treatment for parallel drainage pipe Breakaway support stub height measurements

1-2 3-3 34 3-8 3-9 3-9 3·10 3·11 3·12 3-16 3·16 3·18 3-19 3·20 4-3 4-4 4-5 4-5 4-6 4-7 4·7 4-9 4-9 4·10 4·11 4·11 4·12 4·15

3.11 3.12 4.1

42 43
4.4 45 4.6 4.7

Wind and impact loads Multidirectional coupler

roadside signs sign support

Impact performance of a multiple-post Typical uni-directional slip base

Slotted fuse plate design Perforated fuse plate design Uni-directional Multidirectional slip base for small signs slip base for small signs


4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 5.2a 5.2b 5.3a 5.3b 5.4

Oregon 3·bol! slip base Example ofa cast aluminum transformer base Example of'a Iuminaire slip base design Example of'a frangible coupling design Prototype breakaway design for utility poles Comparative risk warrants for embankments Comparative risk warrants for embankments Example design chart for embankment and traffic volume (metric units) Example design chart for embankment warrants based on fill height, slope, and traffic volume [U.S. customary units] Example design chart for cost- effective embankment Example design chart for cost-effective Definition of roadside barriers embankment warrants based

(metric units) [U .S. customary units]


5·3 5-4 5--6 5--6 traffic speeds 5·7 5-7 5·8 fill height, slope,

warrants based

and volumes, slope geometry and length of slope (metric units) warrants based on traffic speeds and volumes, slope geometry and length of slope [U.S. customary units]

© 2006 by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. All rights reserved. Duplication is a violation of applicable law.



Three-strand cable barrier 5-11 5-1 I 5-12 5-13 5-14 5-14 5-15 5-16 5-17 5-18

5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 5.14 5.15 5.16 5.17 5.18

\Veak post W-beam barrier Ironwood aesthetic guardrail Weak post box beam barrier Steel post W-beam with wood block-outs
Wood post \V-beam with wood block-outs

Wood post thrie-beam barrier Modified thrie-beam guardrail Merritt Parkway aesthetic guardrail Steel-backed timber guardrail New Jersey safety-shape barrier Ontario tall wall median barrier 2290 mm [90 in.] New Jersey barrier Stone masonry wall Precast masonry wail Long-span, double-nested Recommended Recommended Design parameters W -beam guardrail on embankments barrier placement for optimum performance for vehicle encroachments

5-20 5-20 5-21 5-22 5-22 5-28 5-29 5-31 5·32 5-35 5-35 5-36 5-36 5-37 5-38 5-39 5-40 embankments 5-41

5.20 5.21 5.22 5.23 5.24 5.25a 5.25b 5.26a 5.26b 5.27 5.28 5.29 5.30 5.31 5.32 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5
6.6 6.7

barrier location


Approach barrier layout variables Example design chart for a flared roadside barrier installation (metric units) Example design chart for a flared roadside barrier installation (U.S. customary units] Example design chart for a parallel roadside barrier installation (metric units) Example design chart for a parallel roadside barrier installation [U.S. customary units] Approach barrier layout for opposing traffic Suggested roadside slopes for approach barriers Example of barrier design for bridge approach Example of barrier design for bridge piers Example of barrier design for non-traversable Guidelines for median barriers on high-speed, Weak-post, \V-beam median barrier

Example of barrier design for fixed object on horizontal curve [U .S. customary units fully controlled-access roadways

542 6-2 64 6-5 6-6 6-7 6-7 6-8 6-9 6-9 6·10 6-11 6-12

cable median barrier

Brifen Wire Rope Safety Fence The Cable Safety System (CASS) U.S. High-Tension Cable System Safence Cable Barrier System Gibraltar Cable Barrier System Box-beam median barrier Strong-post W-beam median barrier Modified thric-beam medlan barrier Concrete safety-shape median barrier

6.8 6.9 6.10 6.11 6.12


© 2006 by the American Association of State Highway and TransportatJon Officials. All rights reserved. Duplication is a violation of applicable law.

Figure 6.13 6.14 6.15 6.16 6.17 6.18 6.19 6.20 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 7.10 7.11 7.12 7.13 7.14 7.15 7.16 7.17 7.1& 7.19 7.20a 7.20b 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 8.10 8.11 8.12 8.13 8.14

Title New York retrofit of concrete barrier Single-slope concrete median barrier Quickchange k moveable barrier system Barrier termination at permanent openings Barrierfiate" Recommended barrier placement in non-level medians Example of'a split median barrier layout Suggested layout for shielding a rigid object in a median Side-mounted, Massachusetts thrie-beam bridge railing S3 steel bridge railing railing \Vyoming two-tube bridge railing BR27C on sidewalk Tall concrete safety-shape Texas Type TT (Tank Truck) railing End treatment for traffic railing on a bridge in low-speed situations Terminating traffic barrier on bridge with end terminal Inadequate railing strength Lack of'continuity in railing Snagging potential Presence of brush curb Iowa concrete block retrofit bridge railing Thrie-beam retrofit (New York)
Metal post and beam retrofit


6-13 6-13 6-14 6-15 6-16 6-19 6-20 6-21 7-3 74 7-5 7-5 7'{) 7-7 7-9 7-9 7-\0 7-11 7-11 7-12 7-13 7-14

7-15 7-16 7-17

Possible solution to intersection side road near bridge W -beam transition to vertical concrete rail \V-beam transition to modified concrete safety shape Thrie-beam Thrie-beam transition to modified concrete safety shape steel post and beam bridge railing steel post and beam bridge railng , transition to curb-mounted Thrie-beam transition to curb-mounted "

7-17 7-18 7-18 7-19 8-3 8-3 8-5 &-5 8'{) ,. ,. ..,.' ,...,. ,. ",. 8·6 8-7 8-8 8-9 8-10 8-11 8-12 8-12

Grading for flared guardrail end treatment Grading for non-flared guardrail end treatment Three-strand cable terminal Wyoming box beam end terminal Barrier anchored in backslope W-beam guardrail anchored in backs lope Eccentric loader terminal Plan layout for eccentric loader terminal Slotted rail terminal (SRT-350) with l.2m [4 IlJ flare Slotted rail terminal (SRT·350) with O.9m [3 Il] flare ..,. REGEl\Tf " Vermont low-speed, W-beam guardrail end terminal Flared Energy-Absorbing Terminal (FLEAT) Beam Eating Steel Terminal (BEST)

,. ..,. 8-9

© 2006 by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.


All rights reserved. Duplication is a violation of applicable law.

Figure 8.15 8.16 8.17 8.18 8.19 8.20 8.21 8.22 8.23 8.24 8.25 8.26 8.27 8.28 8.29 8.30 8.31 8.32 8.33 8.34 8.35 8.36 8.37 8.38 9.1

Title Extruder Terminal (ET-2000) Sequential Kinking Terminal (SKT-350) QuadTrend-350 Narrow Energy-Absorbing Crash cushion applications Kinetic energy principal Advanced Dynamic Impact Extension Module (ADlEi\1 II) Brakemaster 350 Crash Cushion Attenuating Terminal (CAT) Bullnose guardrail system ABSORB 350 crash cushion QuadGuard QuardGuard U'vIC QuadGuard Elite Trinity Attenuating Crash Cushion (TRACC) Reusable Energy-Absorbing Narrow Connecticut Conservation The Fitch System The Energite System The Traff'ix System Suggested layout for the last three exterior modules in an inertial barrier .; Dragnet Iowa Temporary Concrete Barrier Rockingham Precast Concrete Barrier
J-J Hooks Portable Concrete Barrier

8-13 8-14 8-15 Terminal (NEAT) 8-16 8-16 8-17 8-18 8-21 8-21 8-22 8-23 8-23 8-24 8-25 8-26 8-26 8-27 " 8-27 8-28 8-29 , , , 8-30 8-30 8-32 , 8-33 94 9-6 9-7 9-7 9-8 9-9 9-9 installations 9-10 9-1 I 9-12 9-12 9-14 , 9-14 9-16 9-16 9-17 9-17 9-18 9-19 Crash Terminal (REACT 350)

Sloped concrete end treatment

Impact Attenuation System (NCAIS)

of momentum principal


[· lodified Virginia DOT Portable Concrete Barrier v


9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8


Precast Temporary Concrete Barrier

Georgia Temporary Concrete Barrier Idaho 20-ft New Jersey Portable Barrier California K -Rail (PCB) for semi-permanent Pin and Loop Joint Channel Splice Joint Vertical l-Beam Joint Lapped Joint J-Hook Join! Quickchange® Triton® Barrier OUARDIANTM Safety Barrier System Timber Barrier Curb/Rail System Low-Profile Barrier Sloped End Barrier System Low-Profile Barrier System

9.10 9.11 9.12 9.13 9.14 9.15 9.16 9.17 9.18 9.19


© 2006 by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.

All rights reserved. Duplication Is a violation of applicable law.

Figure 9.20 9.21 9.22 9.23 9.24 9.25 9.26 9.27 9.28 9.29 9.30 9.31 9.32 9.33 9.34 9.35 9.36 9.37 9.38 9.39 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5

Title PCB Steel Plate Transition QuadGuard™ CZ TRACC REACT 350 CZ Connecticut Impact Attenuation System Example-energy-absorbing Example-Energy-absorbing Example-Telescoping cartridge mounted in a frame (Ren-Gard 8 IS) cartridge mounted in a frame (ALPHA lOOK) 9-19 9-22 9-22 9-23 9-23 9-28 9-29 9-30 9-30 9-33 9-34 9-34 9-36 9-36 9-37 9-37 9-38 9-39 , " , , 9-39 9-40 11-1 11-2 11-3 11-5 11-8 , 11-9 II-IO II-II "" delivery and collection box units 11-12 11-13 11·14 11-15 11·16 11-17 "

steel frame with a cutter assembly (MPS-350)

Example=Steel or polyethylene cylinder assembly (Vanderbilt TlvIA) Cones and Tubular Markers Portable Vertical Panel Drum Type II Plywood and Metal Panel Barricade (bent) Type III Wood and Steel Barricade Type III (Skid-Type) Barricade with perforated square tubing support Longitudinal Channelizing Minnesota's Barricades \\'ood, H-Leg Design Sign Support Perforated Steel Square Tube (PSST) Type Ill Barricade Sign Support with aluminum panels Montana Sign Support X-Base Sign Support Typical single mailbox installations Examples of hazardous single mailbox installations Examples of hazardous multiple mailbox installations Suggested minimum clearance distance to nearest mailbox in mailstops at intersections Mailbox turnout Mailbox support hardware, Series A Single and doublemailboxassemblies.SeriesA Mailbox support hardware, Series B Single and double mailbox assemblies, SeriesB Single and double mailbox assemblies, Series C Collection unit on auxiliary lane (top) and neighborhood Cantilever mailbox supports Breakaway cantilever mailbox supports Minnesota swing-away mailbox "


11.8 11.9 11.10


11.12 IIJ3 11.14

© 2006 by the American Association

All rights reserved.

of State Highway and Transportation DUplication is a violation of applicable law.



List of Tables


Title First harmful event fixed-object fatalities by object type Clear-zone distances in meters [feet] from edge of through traveled way Horizontal Curve Adjustments Barrier warrants for non-traversable Selection criteria for roadside barriers
Summary of maximum deflections

3.1 3.2 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6a 5.6b 5.7 5.8 5.9 8.1 8.2

1-5 3-5 3-7 5-5 5-10 5-24 5-25 5-28 5-30 5-30 5-32 5-33 5-43 8-4 8-20 8-31 8-35 8-36 9-2 9-3 9-25 9-27 10-3 11-6

terrain and roadside obstacles

Roadside barriers and approved test levels

Suggested shy line offset (Ls) values Example bumper trajectory data (metric units) Example bumper trajectory data [U.S. customary units] Suggested flare rates for barrier design Suggested runout lengths for barrier design Roadside barrier inspection checklist Crashworthy end treatments Crashworthy crash cushions Sample design calculation for a sand-filled barrel system Reserve areas for gores Comparative maintenance requirements Example of clear-zone widths for work zones Temporary longitudinal barriers Suggested priorities for application of protective vehicles and truck mounted attenuators Example of guidelines for spacing of Shadow Vehicles Percentage of single vehicle run-off-the-road crashes by severity and lime period for urban principal and minor arterials in TlIinOIS

8.4 8.5

9.2 9.3


Suggested guidelines for lateral placement of mailboxes


© 2006 by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. All rights reserved. Duplication is a violation of applicable law.

"ter ~1
An Introduction to Roadside Safety



Roadside safety design, as one component of total highway design, is a relatively recent concept. Most of the highway design components were established in the late 1940s and the 19505. These components included horizontal alignment, vertical alignment, hydraulic design, and sight distance to name some of the 1110st ommon highc way design elements. These elements have been revised and refined over the years through experience and research. However, the highway design components themselves have remained about the same for several decades. Roadside safety design did not become a much discussed aspect of highway design until the late 1960s, and it was the decade of the 1970s before this type of design was regularly incorporated into highway projects. Because most highways are designed for twenty- to thirty-year projected traffic volumes, many roadway projects placed in service before the 1970s are only now becoming candidates for major reconstruction. This reconstruction offers an opportunity to incorporate cost-effective roadside safety concepts and design features. The purpose of this Guide is to present the concepts of roadside safety to the designer in such a way that the most practical, appropriate, and beneficial roadside design can be accomplished for each project.



Roadside design might be defined as the design of the area between the outside shoulder edge and the right-of-way limits. Some have referred to this aspect of highway design as off-pavement design. A question com-

monly asked revolves around whether spending resources off the pavement is really beneficial given the limited nature of infrastructure funds. Perhaps, some statistics bring the potentia! of crash reduction and roadside safety into focus. The United States suffers approximately 40,000 traffic fatalities each year. The actual number has fluctuated around this level since the midcl960s. At the same time, the number of vehicle kilometers [miles] traveled each year has increased approximately two and one-half times since the mid-1960s. Therefore, the traffic fatality rate per one billion vehicle kilometers [miles] given in Figure 1.1 has fallen by more than half since the mid-1960s. This significant reduction is due to several factors. Motor vehicles are much safer than they were in the past. Protected passenger compartments, padded interiors, and occupant restraints are some features that have added to passenger safety during impact situations. Roadways have been made safer through design improvements such as increased superelevation, intersection geometry, and the addition of grade separations. Drivers are more educated about safe vehicle operation as evidenced by the increased use of occupant restraints and a decrease in driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. All these contributing factors have reduced the motor vehicle fatality rate. How significant is the involvement of the roadside environment in highway crashes? Unfortunately, roadside crashes account for far too great a portion of the total fatal highway crashes. About thirty percent, or almost one in every three fatalities, are the result of a single vehicle fun-off-the-road crash. These figures mean that the roadside environment comes into play in a very significant percentage of fatal and serious-injury crashes.

Roadside Design Guide


111 [179] 99 [159] 98 [1581


l:i 100 OJ tl


[160] 70 (113] [120]



'" 7J 80

71 [114J



S !:Q
~ ~ ~

.. 8-


g 8 !:Q


34 [55J


[34J 20

22 [35] 13

.. t.



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0 '<t 0\







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..... Year

0 >D 0-.


'n >D






co 0\ ......

00 0\


0 0-. 0\

·n 0\

. [0]

FIGURE 1.1 Traffic fatality rate per billion vehicle kilometers

[miles] by year


There are many reasons why a vehicle will leave the pavement and encroach on the roadside, including: • • • • • • • driver fatigue or inattention excessive speed of drugs or alcohol

Through decades of experience and research, the application of the forgiving roadside concept has been refined to the point where roadside design is an integral part of transportation design criteria. Design options for reducing roadside obstacles, in order of preference, are as follows:

driving under the influence crash avoidance roadway conditions

such as ice, snow, or rain failure

vehicle component poor visibility

1. Remove the obstacle. 2. Redesign the obstacle so it can be safely traversed. 3. Relocate the obstacle to a point where it is less likely to be struck. 4. Reduce impact severity by using lin appropriate breakaway device. 5. Shield the obstacle with a longitudinal traffic barrier designed for redirection or use a crash cushion. 6. Delineate the obstacle if the above alternatives are not appropriate.
One on-roadway safety feature that is becoming more prevalent nationwide on facilities experiencing a significant number of run-off-the-road crashes is the use of transverse milled shoulder rumble strips to supplement pavement edge lines. These indentations in the roadway shoulders alert motorists through noise and vibration that their

Regardless of the reason for a vehicle leaving the roadway, a roadside environment free of fixed objects with stable, flattened slopes enhances the opportunity for reducing crash severity. The forgiving roadside concept allows for errant vehicles leaving the roadway and supports a roadside design where the serious consequences of such an incident are reduced.


An Introduction to Roadside Safety

vehicles have crossed the edge line and afford many motorists an opportunity to remain on or return to the traveled way safely. Several transportation agencies have reported significant reductions in single-vehicle crashes after installing shoulder rumble strips.

Chapter 10 discusses the application of roadside safety in the urban environment. While much of the information presented in this publication applies to rural high-speed conditions, this chapter offers information on urban roadside practices. Chapter 11 with Appendices D and E provides information on mailboxes and mailbox turnout design.


This publication has several references to crash-testing criteria and crash-tested hardware. The intended implication of referring to a device as crash tested is that the roadside hardware was tested to the applicable criteria in existence at the time when full-scale crash testing was done. While full-scale crash-testing criteria subjects roadside devices to severe vehicle impact conditions, the testing call not duplicate every roadside condition or vehicle impact situation. The testing provides for an acceptable level of performance under normalized conditions. However, every roadside device or installation has limitations dictated by physical laws, the crashworthiness of vehicles, and the limitation of resources. Some in-service impact situations may have more severe consequences if they occur beyond the design limits, which the testing was intended to replicate. National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report 350, Recommended Procedures for the

This Guide replaces the 200 Edition of the AASHTO Roadside Design Guide (1996). This publication can be considered a companion document for such current publications as A Policy 01/ Geometric Design of Highways and Streets and Standard Specifications for Structural Supports for Highway Signs, Luminaires and Traffic Signals. There are also several research publications and additional reference literature given at the end of each chapter. Chapter 2 discusses methods for selecting appropriate alternative roadside safety enhancements. The discussion involves benefit/cost analysis to determine a ranking of alternatives in the absence of better local information. Appendix A offers an example of one methodology for accomplishing a benefit/cost analysis of various alternatives. Chapter 3 contains a discussion of the clear roadside concept. It gives some relative clear zone values from which design guidance may be derived. Examples of the application of the clear-zone values are also given. The chapter also includes a discussion of the treatment of drainage features. Chapter 4 provides information on the use of sign and luminaire supports within the roadside environment. Both small and large signs are included and criteria for breakaway and non-breakaway supports are presented. The chapter concludes with discussions of miscellaneous roadside features such as mailbox supports, utility poles, and trees. Chapters 5, 6, 7, and 8 provide information concerning roadside barriers and crash cushions. Chapter 5 discusses roadside barriers. Appendix B gives selected details for these roadside barriers. Chapter 6 provides equivalent information for median barriers and Appendix C gives selected median barrier details. Chapter 7 includes information on appropriate bridge railings. Chapter 8 offers the latest state-of-the-practice information on barrier end treatments and crash cushions. Chapter 9 discusses the application of the roadside safety concept for the temporary conditions found in construction or maintenance work zones. For example, the chapter contains information on clear zones in a work zone, temporary barriers, truck-mounted attenuators, and temporary traffic control devices.

Safely Performance Evaluation of Highway Features (1),

contains the current recommendations for testing and evaluating the performance oflongitudinal barriers, terminals, crash cushions, breakaway or yielding supports for signs and luminaries, breakaway utility poles, truckmounted attenuators, and work zone traffic control devices. NCHRP Report 350 establishes uniform procedures for the testing and in-service evaluation of permanent and temporary safety features and supersedes previous recommendations provided in NCHRP Report 230 (2). Major revisions from NCHRP Report 230 included test vehicle changes, number of impact conditions, adoption of the "Test Level" concept, widened ranges of devices, and metrication. The uniform testing and evaluation procedures set forth in NCHRP Report 350 provide the following benefits: • a basis for comparison of impact performance merits of candidate safety features; guidance for safety feature manufacturers; and

• •

a basis for the formulation formance specifications.

of safety feature per-


Roadside Design Guide

NCHRP Report 350 presents specific impact conditions for conducting vehicle crash tests. The conditions include vehicle mass [weight], speed, approach angle, and point on the safety feature to be hit. Standard test vehicle types are defined for small passenger cars, standard %-Ion pickup trucks, single-unit van trucks, tractor/van-type trailer units, and tractor/tanker trailer units. The impact speeds range fr011135to 100 kmJh [approximately 20 to 60 mph} and approach angles vary from 0 to 25 degrees. The specific NCHRP Report 350 test conditions and evaluation criteria for each type of roadside device are summarized in the chapters that address that type of device. The report itself is out-of-print but can be viewed and downloaded from the following web site: http:// NCHRP+projects. From this site, NCHRP Report 350 can be found by clicking on Area 22, then on Project 22-7. The file is very large and is primarily intended for research personnel who conduct the actual crash testing.



This publication is intended to present information on the latest state-of-the-practice in roadside safety. The concepts, designs, and philosophies presented in the following chapters can not, and should not, be included in their totality 011 every single project. Each project is unique and offers an individual opportunity to enhance that particular roadside environment from a safety perspective. The guidelines presented in this publication are most applicable to new construction or major reconstruction projects. These projects, which often include significant changes in horizontal or vertical alignment, offer (he greatest opportunity for implementing many of the roadside safety enhancements presented in this document. For resurfacing, rehabilitation, or restoration (3R) projects, the primary emphasis is generally placed on the roadway itself to maintain the structural integrity of the pavement. It will generally be necessary to selectively incorporate roadside safety guidelines on 3R projects only at locations where the greatest safety benefit can be realized. Because of the scope of 3R projects and the limited nature of most rehabilitation programs, the identification of areas that offer the greatest safety enhancement potential is critical. Accident reports, site investigations, and maintenance records offer starting points for identifying these locations. The importance of designing the roadside to be as clear as practical can be seen by noting which objects and slope conditions are most frequently associated with fatal runoff-the-road crashes. Table 1.1 shows the numbers of fatalities in the United States from 1993 to 1999 resulting from collisions with specific roadside objects or slope

conditions. This information was obtained through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's (NHTSA) Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) and identifies the first harmful event in a series of events resulting in a fatal crash. In some cases, the first harmful event is also identified as the most harmful event. For example, if a motorist strikes a tree, the impact with the tree is likely to be classified as both the first and most harmful event. On the other hand, if the first harmful event is striking an embankment, the most harmful event is often a rollover. FARS data for each State can be accessed directly at The amount of monetary resources available for all roadside safety enhancements is limited. The objective of designers has to be to maximize roadside safety on a system-wide basis with the given funds. Accomplishing this objective means addressing those specific roadside features that can contribute the most to the safety enhancement of that individual highway project. If the inclusion of the highest level of roadside design criteria is routinely required in each highway design project, regardless of cost or safety effectiveness, it is likely that system-wide safety may stay static or may be degraded. This potential will certainly exist if other roadside needs arc not improved because funds were not judiciously applied to the most viable safety enhancement need. Given the fact that objects and slope changes must be introduced at varying points off the pavement edge, the enhancement of roadside safety involves selecting the "best" choice among several acceptable design alternatives. The experience gained from decades of selecting design alternatives, the research done all vehicle dynamics, and the technological advances in materials offers the potential for maintaining and enhancing one of the safest national transportation systems in existence. This document is intended to represent the spectrum of commonly available roadside design alternatives. In most cases, these alternatives have shown significant benefits under appropriately selected field conditions. Many of these roadside enhancements have, over time, demonstrated their ability in the field to improve roadside safety conditions. In many areas, this publication strives to give the advantages and disadvantages of roadside technology. With this information, designers can make more knowledgeable decisions about the best applications for individual projects. It should be noted that no attempt is made, or implied, to offer every single roadside enhancement design technique or technology. Finally, this publication is not intended to be used as a standard or a policy statement. This document is made available to be a resource for current information in the area of roadside design. Agencies may choose to use this information as one reference upon which to build the roadside design criteria best suited to their particular location



to Roadside Safety

TABLE 1.1 First harmful event fixed-object fatalities by object type

FIXED OBJECT Boulder Bridge/ Overpass Building Concrete Barrier Culvert/Ditch Curb/Wall Embankment Fence Guardrail Impact Attenuator Sign or Light Support Tree/Shrub Utility Pole Other Fixed Objects OtherPolef Support Total Fatalities

YEAR 1993 82 448 100 229 1,359 810 1,060 397 1,128 23 471 3,035 1,274 575 301 11,292 1994 96 434 77 183 1,380 830 1,143 441 1,125 28 453 3,014 1,096 587 350 11,237 1995 90 459 77 229 1,476 921 1,269 432 1,191 35 580 3,198 1,135 564 359 12,015 1996 93 435 62 221 1,437 947 1,239 478 1,137 26 634 3,128 1,096 569 404 11,906 1997 87 431 96 239 1,396 915 1,186 429 1,159 19 514 3,220 1,111 534 359 11,695 1998 90 402 78 259 1,491 823 1,206 473 1,248 19 504 3,226 1,092 508 312 II ,731 1999 91 409 81 280 1,481 753 1,268 512 1,185 24 546 3,348 1,070 508 352 11,908

and projects. Knowledgeable design, practically applied at the local level, offers the greatest potential for a COIltinually improved transportation system.


Michie, J. D. National Cooperative Highway Research Program Report 230: Recommended Procedures for the Safety Pel/01'1lWl1Ce Evaluation of Highway Appurtenance. Transportation Research Board. Washington, DC, 1981.

1. Ross, H. E., Jr., D. L. Sicking, and R. A. Zimmer. National Cooperative Highway Research Report 350: Recommended Procedures for the Safety Performance Evaluation of Highway Features. Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 1993.

t'!b", ~. "'$!nli~fh,er 2" ..

Roadside Safety and Economics

The consistent application of geometric design standards for roads and streets provides motorists with a high degree of safety. Design features, such as horizontal and vertical curvature, lane and shoulder width, signing, shoulder rumble strips, and pavement markings, play an important role in keeping motorists on the traveled way. Roadside safety features, such as breakaway supports, barriers, and crash cushions provide an extra margin of safety to motorists who inadvertently leave the roadway. Most of these appurtenances are routinely installed based on a subjective analysis of their benefits to the motorist; however, in some instances it may not be immediately obvious that the benefits to be gained from a specific safety design or treatment equal or exceed the additional costs. Thus, a designer must decide how and where limited funds should be spent to achieve the greatest overall benefit. One method that can be used to make this determination is a benefit/cost analysis, The primary benefit obtained from selecting one design over another, relative to safety, is the expected reduction in the future costs of crashes. These costs typically include property damage costs and personal injury costs. To estimate these costs, the expected number and severity of crashes that may occur for each roadside treatment must be estimated. In some cases, the total number of crashes may be reduced by a given treatment, such as providing a significantly wider roadside recovery area than previously existed. In other instances, the safety treatment may not reduce the total number of crashes but may reduce their severity. The installation of a median or roadside traffic barrier may have this effect. The costs used in a benefitJcost analysis are generally the direct construction and maintenance costs incurred by the highway agency. They can usually be estimated with a high degree of accuracy. A benefit/cost analysis must also consider the period of time (project life) over which each alternative treatment provides a benefit. Because different treatments can have different project lives, both benefits and costs must be annualized so direct comparisons between alternative design treatments can be made. To reduce total (life-cycle) costs to annualized costs, discount rates must be considered. An annualized benefit/cost ratio thus compares the expected savings (benefits) to society, through reduced costs from crashes, to the costs (construction and maintenance) incurred by the highway agency to provide a specific treatment. The following subsections identify the type of data that are needed to conduct a benefit/cost analysis and the general availability of this information, The major factors include: • • • encroachments, roadside geometry, crash costs. and


A benefitlcost analysis is a method by which the estimated benefits to be derived from a specific course of action' are compared to the costs of implementing that action, If the estimated benefits of a specific design exceed the cost of constructing and maintaining that design over a period of time, the safer design may be implemented; however, simply having a benefitJcost ratio greater than one is not ample justification for the construction of a roadside safety treatment. Each project must compete with others for limited safety funds, The designer must attempt to build those projects that best meet the public's need for safety and mobility.


Roadside Design Guide

2.1.1 Encroachments The benefits derived from a roadside safety treatment can be calculated by first estimating the number of vehicles that are likely to run off the road at a particular location. By definition, an encroachment occurs when a motorist strays from the traveled way. The primary factors that affect the number of encroachments are traffic volume, roadway alignment, and lane widths. The number of estimated encroachments is determined by multiplying an encroachment rate by the number of vehicles using the facility, resulting in a figure representing the number of encroachments per kilometer [mile] per year. Current encroachment rates are derived from a limited number of studies conducted over the past 30 years (l, 2). These rates should be adjusted when actual data at a specific location are available. They may also be modified based on engineering judgment for non-typical conditions. It should be further noted that not all encroachments result in crashes. For example, for small-angle encroachments, even a narrow recovery area may provide enough space for a driver to regain control and return safely to the roadway. To estimate the number of crashes that may result from encroachments, the angles of departure from the roadway and the speeds and types of vehicles involved must be considered.

2.1.3 Crash Costs Once an estimate has been made of the number of crashes that can be expected at a given location, this information must be translated into a cost that is directly related to crash severity. One method of accomplishing this is by assigning a Severity Index (SI) to individual crashes. This SI will vary with the type of vehicle involved, its speed and impact angle, and the type of obstacle struck. A crash may range in severity from minor to fatal. If an S1system is used, a crash involving no personal injuries and negligible property damage might be assigned an SI of zero, while a crash with a 100 percent chance of a fatality might be assigned an SI of 10. Between these extremes, crashes typically involve varying degrees of property damage coupled with slight, moderate, or severe personal injuries. Converting severity indices to crash cost is a relatively easy process, but it does require that a dollar cost be assigned to each type of crash. This step involves considerable judgment because it requires that a value be assigned to each crash classification, including fatal crashes. Primary sources of crash cost data include the National Safety Council, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, and the Federal Highway Administration.

2.2 BENEFIT/COST ANALYSIS PROGRAMS 2.1.2 Roadside Geometry Once a vehicle has left the roadway, a crash mayor may not occur. The end result of an encroachment depends upon the physical characteristics of the roadside environment. As noted earlier, the highway designer has a significant degree of control over roadside geometry and appurtenances. Flat, traversable, stable slopes will minimize overturning crashes, which are usually severe. Elimination of roadside hardware, its relocation to less vulnerable areas, or the lise of breakaway-type devices remain the options of choice in the development of safer roadsides. Obstructions that cannot otherwise be treated should be shielded by properly designed and installed traffic barriers or crash cushions if it is cost-effective to do so. Finally, if a fixed object or other roadside obstacle cannot be eliminated, relocated, modified, or shielded for whatever reason, consideration should be gi ven to delineating the feature so it is readily visible to a motorist. Several highway agencies have used the ROADSIDE analysis program presented in the two earlier editions of the Roadside Design Guide to both analyze site-specific alternative safety treatments and to develop design charts and tables using local data. Information on an updated and significantly revised version of ROADSIDE, called the Roadside Safety Analysis Program (RSAP), is included in Appendix A.

REFERENCES 1. Hutchinson, J. W., and T. W. Kennedy. Medians oj Divided Highways-Frequency and Nature a/Vehicle Encroachments. Bulletin 487. University of Illinois Engineering Experiment Station, 1966. 2. Cooper, P. "Analysis of Roadside Encroachments-Single Vehicle Run-off-Road Accident Data Analysis for Five Provinces," B. C. Research. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, March 1980.


Roadside Topography and Drainage Features

3.0 OVERVIEW This chapter includes a discussion on the development and evaluation of the clear roadside concept and its application to roadside design. It also discusses embankment slopes and ditches and how these features influence roadside features such as curbs, culverts, and drop inlets, whose purpose is to provide adequate roadway drainage. The designer is presented with several options that enhance safety without affecting the capabilities of these elements to drain the highway. Most of the clear roadside design guidelines discussed in this chapter have been practiced to varying degrees for several years. This chapter attempts to reemphasize and collect the currently accepted design principles to provide guidance in the area of roadside clearances. However, to include every recommendation or design value in this chapter on every future highway project is neither feasible nor possible. Engineering judgment will have to playa part in determining the extent to which improvements can reasonably be made with the limited resources available. As the designer studies the options available, some consideration should be given to the future maintenance of drainage facilities and roadside topography. Ongoing repair and upkeep will be necessary to ensure the continlied function and safety of various roadside drainage features. Personnel, materials, equipment, and cost are some of the considerations in every maintenance program. The designer should take into account the exposure of crews to traffic conditions while completing repairs. Also, maintenance activities can cause various levels of disruption in the traffic flow, which may increase the potential for crashes.



Beginning in the early 1960s, as more Interstate highways and other freeways were opened to traffic, the nature and characteristics of the typical rural highway crash began to change. Instead of head-on crashes with other vehicles or crashes involving trees immediately adjacent to the roadway, many drivers were running off the new freeways and colliding with man-made objects such as bridge piers, sign supports, culverts, ditches, and other design features of the roadway. In 1967, the AASHO Traffic Safety Committee (currently the AASHTO Standing Committee 011 Highway Traffic Safety) issued a report entitled Highway Design and Operational Practices Related (0 Highway Safety (1). This document became known as the "Yellow Book" and its principles were widely applied to highway COIlstruction projects, particularly high-speed controlled access facilities. A second edition of the Yellow Book, published by AASHTO in 1974, stated that "for adequate safety, it is desirable to provide an unencumbered roadside recovery area that is as wide as practical on a specific highway section. Studies have indicated that on highspeed highways, a width of9 meters [30 feet] or more from the edge of the through traveled way permits about 80 percent of the vehicles leaving a roadway out of control to recover." Subsequently, most highway agencies began to try to provide a traversable and unobstructed roadside area (clear zone) extending approximately 9 m [30 ft] beyond the edge of the through traveled way, particularly on highvolume, high-speed roadways. Many obstacles located within this clear-zone distance were removed, relocated, redesigned, or shielded by traffic barriers or crash cushions. It soon became apparent, however, that in some lim-


Roadside Design Guide

ited situations where the embankment sloped significantly downward, a vehicle could encroach farther from the through traveled way; thus, a 9 In [30 It] recovery area might not be adequate. Conversely, on most low-volume or low-speed facilities, a 9 III [30 ft] clear-zone distance was considered excessive and could seldom be justified for engineering, environmental, or economic reasons. The 1977 AASHTO Guide for Selecting, Locating and Designing Traffic Barriers (2) modified the earlier clearzone concept by introducing variable clear-zone distances based on traffic volumes, speeds and roadside geometry. Figure 3.1 or Table 3.1 can be used to determine the suggested clear-zone distance for selected traffic volumes and speeds. However, Figure 3.1 and Table 3.1 only provide a general approximation of the needed clear-zone distance. The curves are based on limited empirical data that was extrapolated to provide information for a wide range of conditions. The designer must keep in mind site-specific conditions, design speeds, rural versus urban locations, and practicality. The distances obtained from Figure 3.1 and Table 3. I should suggest only the approximate center of a range to be considered and not a precise distance to be held as absolute. The designer may choose to modify the clear-zone distance for horizontal curvature obtained from either Figure 3.1 or Table 3.1 by using Table 3.2. These modifications are normally considered only when crash histories indicate a need, or a specific site investigation shows a definitive crash potential that could be significantly lessened by increasing the clear-zone width, and when such increases are cost effective. Horizontal curves, particularly for high-speed facilities, are usually superelevated to increase safety and provide a more comfortable ride. Increased banking on curves where the superelevation is inadequate is an alternate method of increasing roadway safety within a horizontal curve, except where snow and ice conditions limit the use of increased superelevation. For relatively flat and level roadsides, the clear-zone concept is simple to apply. However, it is less clear when the roadway is in a fill or cut section where roadside slopes may be either positive, negative, or variable, or where a drainage channel exists near the through traveled way. Consequently, these features must be discussed before a full understanding of the clear-zone concept is possible. The AASHTO publication A Policy all Geometric Design of Highways and Streets (3) may be referenced for additional clear-zone discussion.

3.2 ROADSIDE GEOMETRY If a roadside is not flat, a motorist leaving the roadway will encounter a foreslope, a backslope, a transverse slope, or a drainage channel (change in sideslope from a foreslope to a backslope). Each of these features has an effect on a vehicle's lateral encroachment and trajectory as discussed in the following sections.

3.2.1 Foreslopes Foreslopes parallel to the flow of traffic may be identified as recoverable, non-recoverable, or critical. Recoverable foreslopes are 1VAH or flatter. If such slopes are relatively smooth and traversable, the suggested clear-zone distance may be taken directly from Figure 3.1 or Table 3.1. Motorists who encroach on recoverable Ioreslopes can generally stop their vehicles or slow them enough to return to the roadway safely. Fixed obstacles such as culvert headwalls will normally not extend above the foreslope within the clear-zone distance. Examples of suggested roadside design practices for recoverable foreslopes and the application of the clear-zone concept are in Section 3.3.1. A non-recoverable foreslope is defined as one that is traversable, but from which most vehicles will be unable to stop or to return to the roadway easily. Vehicles on such slopes typically can be expected to reach the bottom. Foreslopcs between 1V:3H and I VAH generally fall into this category. Since a high percentage of encroaching vehicles will reach the toe of these slopes, the clearzone distance cannot logically end on the slope. Fixed obstacles will normally not be constructed along such slopes and a clear runout area at the base is desirable. Section 3.3.2 discusses non-recoverable foreslopes. Example C provides an example for a clear-zone computation. A critical foreslope is one 011 which a vehicle is likely to overturn, Foreslopes steeper than 1V:3H generally fall into this category. If a foreslope steeper than 1V:3H begins closer to the through traveled way than the suggested clear-zone distance for that specific roadway, a barrier might be warranted if the slope cannot readily be flattened. Barrier warrants for critical foresIopes are discussed in Chapter 5.

Roadside Topography Gild Drainage Features



t/) ~

f5 f5
-1-1 U)U)


1V:5H 1V:6H 1V:8H 1V:10H











(J) ~ w(/)

lV:8H 1V:6H 1V:5H




go ""lfJ




1500 ~ 6000 DESIGN


,I, I

















'I I



750 ~ 1500 DESIGN

A.D. T. )












FIGURE 3.1 a Clear-zone distance curves {metric units]


Roadside Design Guide


oeslgn speed




will a. a. 99

5H:1V 6H'1V


aH:1V 10H:1V 20H:1V FLAT



(j) ~






6H:1V 5;!1J) o t- 5H'1V <I:=> •


a. a.






lL I

1 '1






so I





















FIGURE 3.1b Clear-zone distance curves [U.S. customary unlts]


Roadside Topography and Drainage Features

TABLE 3.1 Clear-zone distances in meters [feet] from edge of through traveled way

60 km/h or

UNDER 750 750 - 1500 1500-6000 OVER 6000 UNDER 750 750 - 1500 1500-6000 OVER 6000


IV:6H or flatter 2.0-3.0 3.0-3.5 3.5 -4.5 4.5-5.0 3.0-3.5 4.5 -5.0 5.0 -5.5 6.0 -6.5 3.5-4.5 5.0 - 5.5 6.0-6.5 6.5 -7.5 5.0-5.5 6.0-7.5 8.0-9.0 9.0-10.0* 5.5 - 6.0 7.5 -8.0 8.5 -10.0* 9.0 - 10.5* IV:5HTO IV:4H 2.0 - 3.0 3.5 -4.5 4.5 -5.0 5.0 - 5.5 3.5 -4.5 5.0-6.0 6.0-8.0 7.5 - 8.5 4.5 - 5.5 6.0 - 7.5 7.5 -9.0 8.0- 10.0* 6.0 - 7.5 8.0 - 10.0* 10.0 -12.0* 11.0 - 13.5* 6.0-8.0 8.5-11.0* 10.5 - 13.0* 11.5 - 14.0* IV:3H IV:3H 2.0-3.0

IV:5HTO IV:4H 2.0-3.0 3.0-3.5 3.5 -4.5 4.5-5.0 2.5 -3.0 3.5 -4.5 4.5 -5.0 5.5-6.0 3.0 - 3.5 4.5-5.0 5.0 -5.5 6.0- 6.5 3.5 -4.5 5.0 -5.5 5.5 - 6.5 7.5 - 8.0 4.5-5.0 5.5 -6.0 6.5 - 7.5 8.0-9.0 IV:6H or flatter 2.0-3.0 3.0-3.5 3.5 -4.5 4.5 -5.0 3.0- 3.5 4.5 - 5.0 5.0-5.5 6.0-6.5 3.0- 3.5 5.0-5.5 6.0 -6.5 6.5 - 7.5 4.5 - 5.0 6.0 - 6.5 7.5 - 8.0 8.0-8.5 4.5 -5.0 6.0-6.5 8.0 - 8.5 8.5 - 9.0

70-80 km/h


UNDER 750 750-1500 1500-6000 OVER 6000 UNDER 750 750-1500 1500-6000 OVER 6000

** ** **

** ** ** ** ** ** **

3.5 - 4.5 4.5-5.0 2.5 -3.0 3.0-3.5 3.5 - 4.5 4.5-5.0 2.5 - 3.0 3.0 - 3.5 4.5-5.0 5.0-5.5 3.0 -3.5 3.5 - 4.5 4.5 - 5.5 6.0-6.5 3.0 -3.5 3.5 - 5.0 5.0-6.0 6.5 -7.5




** ** **


110 km/h

UNDER 750 750 - 1500 1500-6000 OVER 6000

* Where


a site specific investigation indicates a high probability of continuing crashes, or such occurrences are indicated by crash history, the designer may provide clear-zone distances greater than the clear-zone shown in Table 3.1. Clear zones may be limited to 9 III for practicality and to provide a consistent roadway template if previous experience with similar projects or designs indicates satisfactory performance.

** Since recovery is less likely on the unshielded, traversable IV:3H slopes, fixed objects should not be present in the vicinity of the toe of these slopes. Recovery of high-speed vehicles that encroach beyond the edge of the shoulder may be expected to occur beyond the toe of slope. Deterruinntion of the width of the recovery area at the toe of slope should take into consideration right-of-way availability, environmental concerns, economic factors, safety needs, and crash histories. Also, the distance between the edge of the through traveled lane and the beginning of the IV :3H slope should influence the recovery area provided at the toe of slope. While the application may be limited by several factors, the foreslopc parameters which may enter into determining a maximum desirable recovery area arc illustrated in Figure 3.2.


Roadside Design Guide

TABLE 3.1 (Cont'd)


UNDER 750 750 - 1500 1500-6000 OVER 6000 UNDER750 750 - 1500 1500-6000 OVER6000 UNDER 750 750-1500 1500-6000 OVER 6000 UNDER750 750 - 1500 1500-6000 OVER6000 UNDER 750 750 - 1500 1500-6000 OVER6000

[U,S, Cus t omary U 111 s its] FORESLOPES

or flatter

IV:3H 7-10 10-12 12-14 14-16 8- 10 10-12 12-14 14-16 8-10 10-12 14-16 [6-18 10-12 12-14 14-18 20-22 10-12 12-16 16-20 22-24 IV:5HTO IVAH 7-10 10-12 12-14 14-16 8-10 12-14 14-16 [8-20 10- [2 14- 16 16- 18 20-22 12-14 16-18 18-22 24-26 14-16 18-20 22-24 26-30 IV:6H
or flatter

lV:5HTO IV:4H 7-10 12-14 14-16 16-18 12-14 16-20 20-26 24-28 14-18 20-24 24 - 30 26 -32 • 20-24 26 - 32 • n-40' 36 -44 • 20-26 28 - 36 • 34 -42 • 38 - 46'


40 mph
or less

7-10 10-12 12-14 14-16 10- 12 14- 16 16-18 20-22 12-14 16-18 20-22 22-24 16-18 20-24 26-30 30 - 32 • 18-20 24-26 28 - 32 • 30-34 •





7-10 10-12 12-14 14-16 10-12 14-16 16-18 20-22 10-12 16-18 20-22 22-24 14-16 20-22 24-26 26-28 14-16 20-22 26 --28 28-30


60 mph

•• •• •• •• ••



.. .. ••


• Where a site specific investigation indicates a high probability of continuing crashes, or such occurrences are indicated by crash history, the designer may provide clear-zone distances greater than the clear-zone shown in Table 3>1. Clear zones may be limited to 30 fl lor practicality and to provide a consistent roadway tempi ate if previous experience with similar projects or designs indicates satisfactory performance.

*' Since recovery

is less likely on the unshielded, traversable I V:3H slopes, fixed objects should not be present in the vicinity of the toe of these slopes. Recovery of high-speed vehicles that encroach beyond the edge of the shoulder may be expected to occur beyond the toe of slope. Determination of the width of the recovery area at the toe of slope should take into consideration right-of-way availability, environmental concerns, economic factors, safety needs, and crash histories, Also, the distance between the edge of the through traveled lane and the beginning of the lV:3H slope should influence the recovery area provided at the toe of slope. While the application may be limited by several factors, the foreslope parameters which may enter into determining a maximum desirable recovery area arc illustrated in Figure 3.2_

Roadside Topography and Drainage Features

TABLE 3.2 Horizontal Curve Adjustments

Kcz (Curve
RADIUS 900 700 600 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 (m) 60


Factor) (Mellie Units) DESIGN SPEED (kmfh) 90 1.2 100 110




1.1 1.1
1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2


1.2 1.3 1.3

1.3 1.4 1.4 1.5

1.2 1.3

1.1 1.1

1.2 1.3

1.2 1.2

1.4 1.5 1.5

1.3 1.3 1.4

1.4 1.5

1.4 1.5 1.5

1.3 1.3 1.4 1.5

1.3 1.3 1.4


K« (Curve Correction Factor) [U.S. Customary Units] RADIUS



1.1 I.l Ll 1.1

1.1 1.1


1.2 1.2

2860 2290 1910 1640 1430 1270 [150 950 820 720
640 570

1.2 1.2 1.2

1.2 1.3

1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2

1.3 1.3 1.4

1.2 1.2 1.2


1.2 1.3
1.3 1.3

60 1.2 1.2 1.3


65 1.2
1.3 1.3

1.3 1.3 1.4

1.3 1.3

1.5 1.5



1.4 1.4 1.5 1.5 -

1.4 1.4 1.5


1.5 -



1.5 -

380 CZc


= (Ld

meters [feel]

CZc '" clear zone all outside of curvature,


clear-zone Table 3.1)


meters [feet] (Figure 3.1 or

The clear-zone correction factor is applied to the outside of curves only. Curves flatter than 900 III [2860 It] do not require an adjusted clear zone.

= curve




Roadside Design Guide

Required Crear-Zone Distance (based on recoverable slope)

Through Traveled Way


Recoverable Slope 1V:4H or Flaller Slope (1V:6H or Flatter Desirable)

Non-recoverable Slope

Clear Runout Area" 1V:6H or Flatter Slope Desirable

• The Ciear Runout Area is additional clear-zone space that Is needed because a portion of the Required Clear Zone (shaded area) falls on a non-recoverable slope. The width of the Clear Runout Area is equal to that portion of the Ciear Zone Distance that Is located on the non-recoverable stope.

FIGURE 3.2 Example of a parallel foreslope design

Many State highway agencies typically construct "barn } roof' sections, providing a relatively flat recovery area adjacent to the roadway for some distance, followed by a steeper foreslope. Such a cross section is more economical than providing a continuous flat foreslope from the edge of the through traveled way to the original ground line and is generally perceived as safer than constructing a continuous steeper foreslope from the edge of the shoulder. Figure 3.2 depicts the clear-zone distance reaching a non-recoverable parallel foreslope and the subsequent clear runout area that may be provided at the toe of the non-recoverable slope to provide a maximum desirable adjusted clear-zone distance. Example clear-zone calculations for this type of cross section are also included in Section 3.3.4.

vehicle snagging rather than provide relatively smooth redirection. Warrants for the use of a roadside barrier in conjunction with backslopes are included in Chapter 5.

3.2.3 Transverse Slopes Common obstacles on roadsides are transverse slopes created by median crossovers, berms, driveways, or intersecting side roads. These are generally more critical to errant motorists than foreslopes or backs lopes because they are typically struck head on by run-off-the-road vehicles. Transverse slopes of 1V:6H or flatter are suggested for high-speed roadways, particularly for that section of the transverse slope that is located Immediately adjacent to traffic. This slope can then be transitioned to a steeper slope as the distance from the through traveled way increases. Transverse slopes of 1V: 101-1 desirable; however, are their practicality may be limited by width restrictions and the maintenance problems associated with the long tapered ends of pipes or culverts. Transverse slopes steeper than 1V:6H may be considered for urban areas or for lowspeed facilities. Figures 3.3 and 3.4 show suggested designs for these slopes. Safety treatments for parallel drainage structures are discussed in Section 3.4.3. Some alternative designs for drains at median openings are shown in Figure 3.5. The water flows into a grated drop inlet in the median to a cross-drainage structure or

3.2.2 Backslopes When a highway is located in a cut section, the backslope may be traversable depending upon its relative smoothness and the presence of fixed obstacles. If the foreslope between the roadway and the base of the bnckslope is traversable (lV:3H or flatter) and the backslope is obstaclefree, it may not be a significant obstacle, regardless of its distance from the roadway. On the other hand, a steep, rough-sided rock cut should normally begin outside the clear zone or be shielded. A rock cut is normally considi ered to be rough-sided when the face will cause excessive


Roadside Topography and Drainage Features

FIGURE 3.3 Preferred cross slope design

(ll Slope 1V:l0H or flalter desirable. 1 V:6H maximum on high-speed, high-volume facilities. (2) End Treatment as required to meet proposed slope.


{~,d. '"".
• ••• '. .' • ",.' .', •• ' to • ", .' .'


'.. .

Section A -A 'Use of the IIattest possible median cross slopes on high-speed highways, particularly within the appropriate clear-zone area, can provide an improved roadside. Safety treatment of culverts as discussed in Seclion 3.4.3 may further enhance the improvement.

FIGURE 3.4 Median transverse slope design


Roadside Design Guide

..:::::J----l-- Traffic


~N~~~~II',,: : : : : : : : :
I 1 1 1 I 1








'These alternatives Gould be considered




in lieu of a pipe underneath the median crossover.

FIGURE 3.5 Examples of alternate median drainage

directly underneath the travel lanes to an outside channel. This eliminates the two pipe ends that would be exposed to traffic in the median. The transverse slopes of the median opening would then be desirably sloped at I V: IOH or flatter,

3.2.4 Drainage Channels

A drainage channel is defined as an open channel usually paralleling the highway embankment and within the limits ofthe highway right-of-way, The primary function of drainage channels is to collect surface runoff from the highway and areas that drain to the right-of-way and convey the accumulated runoff to acceptable outlet points. Channels must be designed to carry the design runoff and to accommodate excessive storm water with minimal highway flooding or damage. However, channels should also be designed, built, and maintained with consideration given to their effect on the roadside environment. Figures 3.6 and 3.7 present preferred foreslopes and backslopes for

basic ditch configurations. Cross sections shown in the shaded region of each of the figures are considered to have traversable cross sections. Channel sections that fall outside the shaded region are considered less desirable and their use should be limited where high-angle encroachments can be expected, such as the outside of relatively sharp curves. Channel sections outside the shaded region may be acceptable for projects having one or more of the following characteristics: restrictive right-of-way; rugged terrain; resurfacing, restoration, or rehabilitation (3R) construction projects; or on low-volume or low-speed roads and streets, particularly if the channel bottom and backslopes are free of any fixed objects. If practical, drainage channels with cross sections outside the shaded regions and located in vulnerable areas may be reshaped and converted to a closed system (culvert or pipe) or, in some cases, shielded by a traffic barrier. Warrants for the use of roadside barrier to shield nontraversable channels within the clear zone are included in Chapter 5.


Roadside Topography and Drainage Features






1:8 1:6 1:5








I ..._










1:4 1:5 1:6 1:8


W 0.




« OJ


(FLAT) 0 0.1 0.2





= V /H

'This chart is applicable to all Vee ditches, rounded channels with a bottom width less than 2.4 m [8 It] and trapezoidal channels with bottom widths less than 1.2 m (4 ttl.

FIGURE 3.6 Preferred cross sections for channels with abrupt slope changes



A basic understanding of the clear-zone concept is critical to its proper application. The numbers obtained from Figure 3.1 or Table 3.1 imply a degree of accuracy that does not exist. Again, the curves are based all limited empirical data that was then extrapolated to provide data for a wide range of conditions. Thus, the numbers ob-

tained from these curves represent a reasonable measure of the degree of safety suggested for a particular roadside, but they are neither absolute nor precise. In some cases, it is reasonable to leave a fixed object within the clear zone; in other instances, an object beyond the clearzone distance may require removal or shielding. Use of an appropriate clear-zone distance amounts to a compromise between maximizing safety and minimizing construction costs. Appropriate application of the clear-zone concept


Roadside Design Guide


1:10 0.5 1:8

1:6 1:5 1:4


1:2 1:2


(\j >(\j
II W 0...



1:4 0.2 1:5



0 _J

0 _J

UJ 0...




o <:(



(FLAT) 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4


'This chart is applJcable to rounded channels with bottom widths of 2.4 m [8 III or more and to trapezoidal channels with bottom widths equal to or greater than 1.2 m [4 It],

FIGURE 3.7 Preferred cross sections for channels with gradual slope changes

will often result in more than one possible solution. The following sections are intended to illustrate a process that may be used to determine if a fixed object or non-traversable terrain feature warrants relocation, modification, removal, shielding, or no treatment. The guidelines in this chapter may be most applicable (0 new construction or major reconstruction. On resurfacing, rehabilitation, or restoration (3R) projects, the pri, mary emphasis is placed on the roadway itself. The actual

performance of an existing facility may be measurable through an evaluation of crash records and on-site inspections as part of the design effort or in response to complaints by citizens or officials. Consequently, it may not be cost-effective or practical because of environmental impacts or limited right-of-way to bring a 3R project into full compliance with all of the clear-zone recommendations provided in this guide. Because of the scope of such projects and the limited funding available, emphasis


Roadside Topography and Drainage Features

should be placed on correcting or protecting areas within the project that have identifiable safety problems related to clear-zone widths. Bodies of water and escarpments are the types of areas that may be considered for special emphasis.

lowed by a non-recoverable foreslope. Example C demonstrates the method for calculating the desirable runout area.

3.3.3 Critical Foreslopes 3.3.1 Recoverable Foreslopes

Critical foreslopes are those steeper than I V:3H. They will cause most vehicles to overturn and should be treated if they begin with ill the clear-zone distance of a particular highway and meet the warrants for shielding contained in Chapter 5. Examples C, D, and E illustrate the application of the clear-zone concept to critical foreslopes.

The clear-zone distance for recoverable foreslopes of IV:4H or flatter may be obtained directly from Figure 3.1 or Table 3.1. On new construction or major reconstruction, smooth slopes with no significant discontinuities and with no protruding fixed objects are desirable from a safety standpoint. It is desirable to have the top of the slope rounded so an encroaching vehicle remains in contact with the ground. It is also desirable for the toe of the slope to be rounded to make it essentially traversable by an errant vehicle. Designing smooth cross slopes is normally accomplished by using standard or typical cross sections. The flatter the selected slope, the easier it is to mow or otherwise maintain and the safer it becomes to negotiate. The examples at the end of this chapter illustrate the application of the clear-zone concept to recoverable foreslopes.

3.3.4 Examples of Clear-Zone Application on Variable Slopes

A variable foreslope is often specified on new construction to provide a relatively flat recovery area immediately adjacent to the roadway followed by a steeper foreslope, This design requires less right-of-way and embankment material than a continuous, relatively nat foreslopc and is commonly called a "barn-roof' section. If an adequate recovery area (as determined from Figure 3.1 or Table 3.1) exists on the flatter foreslope, the steeper slope may be critical or non-traversable. Clear-zone distances for embankments with variable foreslopes ranging from essentially flat to 1V:4H may be averaged to produce a composite clear-zone distance. Slopes that change from a foresJope to a backslope cannot be averaged and should be treated as drainage channel sections and analyzed for travers ability using Figure 3.6 or 3.7. Although a "weighted" average of the foreslopes may be used, a simple average of the clear-zone distances for each foreslope is accurate enough if the variable slopes are approximately the same width. If one foreslope is significantly wider, the clear-zone computation based on that slope alone may be used.

3.3.2 Non-Recoverable


Foreslopes from 1V:3H up to I VAH are considered traversable if they are smooth and free of fixed objects. However, because many vehicles on slopes this steep will continue Oil to the bottom, a clear runout area beyond the toe of the non-recoverable foreslope is desirable. The extent of this clear runout area could be determined by first t1nding the available distance between the edge of the through traveled way and the breakpoint of the recoverable foreslope to the non-recoverable foreslope. (See Figure 3.2.) This distance is then subtracted from the recommended clear-zone distance based on the steepest recoverable foreslope before or after the non-recoverable foreslope. The result is the desirable clear runout area that should be provided beyond the non-recoverable foreslope if practical. The clear runout area may be reduced in width based on existing conditions or site investigation. Such a variable sloped typical section is often used as a compromise between roadside safety and economics. By providing a relatively flat recovery area immediately adjacent to the roadway, most errant motorists can recover before reaching the steeper foreslope beyond. The foreslope break may be liberally rounded so that an encroaching vehicle does not become airborne. It is suggested that the steeper slope be made as smooth as practical and rounded at the bottom. Figure 3.2 illustrates a recoverable foreslope fol-

3.3.5 Clear-Zone Applications for Drainage Channels and Backslopes

Drainage channel cross sections that are considered preferable in Figures 3.6 or 3.7 are not obstacles and need not be constructed at or beyond the clear-zone distance for a specific roadway. It is important that roadside hardware not be located in or near ditch bottoms or on the backslope near the drainage channel. Any vehicle leaving the roadway may be funneled along the drainage channel bottom or encroach to some extent on the backslope, thus making an impact more likely. Breakaway hardware may not func-


Roadside Design Guide

lion as designed if the vehicle is airborne or sliding sideways when contact is made. Non-yielding fixed objects should be located beyond the clear-zone distance for these cross sections as determined from Figure 3.1 or Table 3.1.



Effective drainage is one of the most critical elements in the design of a highway or street. However, drainage features should be designed and built with consideration given to their consequences on the roadside environment. In addition to drainage channels, which were addressed in Section 3.2.4, curbs, parallel and transverse pipes and culverts, and drop inlets are common drainage system elements that should be designed, constructed, and maintained with both hydraulic efficiency and roadside safety in mind. In general, the following options, listed in order of preference, are applicable to all drainage features: • • eliminate non-essential drainage structures; so they are to obstruction

design or modify drainage structures traversable or present a minimal an errant vehicle;

if a major drainage feature cannot effectively be redesigned or relocated, shield it using a suitable traffic barrier if it is in a vulnerable location.

The remaining sections of this chapter identify the safety problems associated with curbs, pipes and culverts, and drop inlets, and offer recommendations concerning the location and design of these features to improve their safety characteristics without adversely affecting their hydraulic capabilities. The information presented applies to all roadway types and projects. However, as with many engineering applications, the specific actions taken at a given location often rely heavily on the exercise of good engineering judgment and on a case-by-case assessment of the costs and benefits associated with alternative designs.

3.4.1 Curbs
Curbs are commonly used for drainage control, pavement edge support and delineation, right-of-way reduction, aesthetics, sidewalk separation, and reduction of maintenance operations. Curb designs are classified as vertical or sloping. Vertical curbs are defined as those having a vertical or nearly vertical traffic face 150 nun [6 in.] or higher. These are intended to discourage motorists from deliberately

leaving the roadway. Sloping curbs are defined as those having a sloping traffic face 150 mm [6 in.] or less in height. These can be readily traversed by a motorist when necessary, but a designer may prefer a height for sloping curbs of no greater than 100 mm [4 in.] because higher curbs may drag the underside of some vehicles. In general, curbs are not desirable along high-speed roadways. If a vehicle is spinning or slipping sideways as it leaves the roadway, wheel contact with a curb could cause it to trip and overturn, Under other impact conditions, a vehicle may become airborne, which may result in loss of control by the motorist. The distance over which a vehicle may be airborne and the height above (or below) normal bumper height attained after striking a curb may become critical if secondary crashes occur with traffic barriers or other roadside appurtenances. If a curb is used in conjunction with a metal beam traffic barrier, it should ideally be located flush with the face of the railing or behind it. Where the curb height is 150 mm [6 in.] or higher, the barrier should be stiffened to reduce its deflection to avoid the potential of a vehicle vaulting the rail. Curbs should not be used in front of sloping faced concrete barriers because such placement may result in unsatisfactory barrier performance. Curb/barrier combinations, particularly for bridge railings, should be crash tested if extensive use of the combination exists or is planned and a similar combination has not been previously tested. Refer to Chapter 5, Section 5.6.2, 'Terrain Effects" for additional guidelines about curb usage with traffic barriers. Also see Chapter 4 of A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets (2) for more information on curb configuration and placement. A National Cooperative Highway Research Program project, scheduled for completion in March 2003, is under way to develop design guidelines for the use of curbs and curbbarrier combinations. When obstructions exist behind curbs, a minimum horizontal clearance of 0.5 m [1.5 ft] should be provided beyond the face of curbs to the obstructions. This offset may be considered the minimum allowable horizontal clearance (or operational offset), but it should not be COIlstrued as an acceptable clear zone distance. Since curbs do not have a significant redirectional capability, obstructions behind a curb should be located at Of beyond the minimum clear-zone distances shown in Table 3.1. In many instances, it will not be feasible to obtain the recommended clear zone distances on existing facilities. On new construction where minimum recommended clear zones callnot be provided, fixed objects should be located as far from traffic as practical on a project-by-project basis, but ill 110 case closer than 0.5 III [1.5 ft] from the face of the curb.


Roadside Topography and Drainage Features

3.4.2 Cross-Drainage


Cross-drainage structures are designed to carry water underneath the roadway embankment and vary in size from 460 nun [18 in.] for concrete or corrugated metal pipes to 3 m [10 ft] or more for multibarreled concrete box culverts or structural plate pipes. Typically, their inlets and outlets consist of concrete headwalls and wingwalls for the larger structures and beveled-end sections for the smaller pipes. While these types of designs are hydraulically efficient and minimize erosion problems, they may represent an obstacle to motorists who run off the road. This type of design may result in either a fixed object protruding above an otherwise traversable embankment or an opening into which a vehicle can drop, causing an abrupt stop. The options available to a designer to minimize these obstacles are: • • • • use a traversable design; so that it is less likely to be

extend the structure hit; shield the structure;

delineate the structure are not appropriate.

if the above alternatives

Each of these options subsections.

is discussed

in the following Traversable Designs with optimal safety features could be defined as one that is almost flat, is completely traversable from the edge of the through traveled way to the right-or-way line, and would include sufficient area for all desirable clear-zone distance requirements. Such a facility would resemble a landing strip or runway at an airport. Thus, it is readily apparent from the start that roadside design must be a series of compromises between "absolute" safety and engineering, environmental, and economic constraints. The designer should strive for embankments as smooth or traversable as practical for a given facility. As indicated in Sections 3.1 and 3.2, traversable, nonrecoverable foreslopes may be rounded at top and bottom and may provide a relatively flat runout area at the bottom. If a foreslope is traversable, the preferred treatment for any cross-drainage structure is to extend (or shorten) it to intercept the roadway embankment and to match the inlet or outlet slope to the foreslope. For small culverts, no other treatment is required. For cross-drainage structures, a small pipe culvert is defined as a single round pipe with a 900 mm [36 in.] or less diameter or multiple round pipes

A roadside designed

each with a 750 mm [30 in.] or less diameter. Extending culverts to locate the inlets/outlets a fixed distance from the through traveled way is not recommended if such treatment introduces discontinuities in an otherwise traversable slope. Extending the pipe results in warping the foreslopes in or out to match the opening, which produces a significantly longer area that affects the driver who has run off the road. Matching the inlet to the foreslope is desirable because it results in an extremely small "target" to hit, reduces erosion problems, and simplifies mowing operations. Single structures and end treatments wider than I m (3 ft] can be made traversable for passenger size vehicles by using bar grates or pipes to reduce the clear opening width. Modifications to the culvert ends to make them traversable should not significantly decrease the hydraulic capacity of the culvert. Safety treatments must be hydraulically efficient. In order to maintain hydraulic efficiency, it may be necessary to apply bar grates to flared wingwalls, flared end sections, or to culvert extensions that are larger in size than the main barrel. The designer should consider shielding the structure if significant hydraulic capacity or clogging problems could result. Full-scale crash tests have shown that automobiles can cross grated-culvert end sections on slopes as steep as IV:3H at speeds as low as 30 km/h [20 mph] and as high as 100 km/h (60 mph], when steel pipes spaced on 750 mm [30 in.] centers are used for these cross-drainage structures. This spacing does not significantly change the flow capacity of a pipe unless debris accumulates and causes partial clogging of the inlet. This underscores the importance of accurately assessing the clogging potential of a structure during design and the importance of keeping the inlets free of debris. Figure 3.8 shows recommended sizes to support a full-sized automobile, and is based on a 750 mm [30 in.] bar spacing. It is important to note that the toe of the foreslope and the ditch or stream bed area immediately adjacent to the culvert must be more or less traversable if the use of a grate is to have any significant safety benefit. Normally, grading within the right-of-way limits can produce a satisfactory runout path. For median drainage where flood debris is not a concern and where mowing operations are frequently required, much smaller openings between bars may be tolerated and grates similar to those commonly used for drop inlets may be appropriate. It should also be noted that both the hydraulic efficiency and the roadside environment may be improved by making the culverts continuous and adding a median drainage inlet. This alternative eliminates two end treatments and is usually a practical design when neither median width nor height offill are excessive. Figure 3.9 shows a traversable pipe grate on a concrete box culvert constructed to match the 1V;6H side slope.

Roadside Design Guide

SPAN LENGTH up to 3.65 m [12 It] 3.65-4.90 m [12-16 HJ 4.90-6.10 m [16-20 flJ 6.10 m [20 ttJ or less with center support


87mm 100mm

[3 in.) [3.5 in.] !4 in.] [3 in.]


Pipe Safety Pipe Runners

'The chart above shows recommended safety pipe runner sizes lor various span lengths for cross·drainage structures. The salety pipe runners are Schedule 40 pipes spaced on centers of 750 mm [30 in.] or less.

FIGURE 3.8 Design criteria for safety treatment of pipes and culverts

FIGURE 3.9 Safety treatment

for cross-drainage



Roadside Topography and Drainage Features Extension

of Structure

For intermediate sized pipes and culverts whose inlets and outlets cannot readily be made traversable, an option often exercised by the designer is to extend the structure so the obstacle is located at or just beyond the appropriate clear zone. While this practice reduces the likelihood of the pipe end being hit, it does not completely eliminate the possibility. As noted in Section 3.1, the clear-zone distance should not be viewed as a discrete, exact dis" tance but as the center of a zone, which should then be analyzed on a site-specific basis. If the extended culvert headwall remains the only significant man-made fixed object immediately at the edge of the clear zone along the section of roadway under design, and the roadside is generally traversable to the right-ofway line elsewhere, simply extending the culvert to the edge of the clear zone may not be the best alternative, particularly on freeways and other high-speed, accesscontrolled facilities. On the other hand, if the roadway has numerous fixed objects, both natural and man-made, at the edge of the clear zone, extending individual structures to the same minimum distance from traffic may be appropriate. However, redesigning the inlet/outlet so it is no longer an obstacle is usually the preferred safety treatment.

head-on by impacting vehicles. As with cross-drainage structures, the designer's primary concern should be to design generally traversable slopes and to match the culvert openings with adjacent slopes. Section 3.2.3 recommends that transverse slopes that can be struck at 90 degrees by run-off-the-road vehicles be constructed as flat as practical, with 1V:6H or flatter suggested for locations susceptible to high-speed impacts. On low-volume or lowspeed roads, where crash history does not indicate a high number of run-off-the-road occurrences, steeper transverse slopes may be considered as a cost-effective approach. Using these guidelines, safety treatment options are similar to those for cross-drainage structures, in order of preference: • eliminate the structure • use a traversable design • move the structure laterally to a less vulnerable location • shield the structure • delineate the structure if the above alternatives are not appropriate Eliminate the Structure


For major drainage structures that are costly to extend and whose end sections cannot be made traversable, shielding with an appropriate traffic barrier is often the most effective safety treatment. Although the traffic barrier is longer and closer to the roadway than the structure opening and is likely to be hit more often than an unshielded culvert located farther from the through traveled way, a properly designed, installed, and maintained barrier system may provide an increased level of safety for the errant motorist.

3.4.3 Parallel Drainage Features Parallel drainage culverts are those that are oriented parallel to the main flow of traffic. They are typically used at transverse slopes under driveways, field entrances, access ramps, intersecting side roads, and median crossovers. Most such culverts are designed to carry relatively small flows until the water can be discharged into outfall channels or other drainage facilities and carried away from the roadbed. However, these drainage features can present a significant roadside obstacle because they can be struck

Unlike cross-drainage pipes and culverts which are essential for proper drainage and operation of a road or street, parallel pipes can sometimes be eliminated by constructing an overflow section on the field entrance, driveway. or intersecting side road. To ensure proper performance, care should be taken when allowing drainage to flow over highway access points, particularly if several access points are closely spaced or the water is subject to freezing. This treatment will usually be appropriate only at low-volume locations where this design does not decrease the sight distance available to drivers entering the main road. Care must also be exercised (0 avoid erosion of the entrance and the area downstream of the crossing. This can usually be accomplished by paving the overflow section (assuming the rest of the facility is not paved) and by adding an upstream and downstream apron at locations where water velocities and soil conditions make erosion likely. Closely spaced driveways with culverts in drainage channels are relatively common as development occurs along highways approaching urban areas. Since traffic speeds and roadway design elements are usually characteristic of rural highways, these culverts may constitute a significant roadside obstacle. In some locations, such as along the outside of curves or where records indicate concentrations of run-off-the-road crashes, it may be desirable to convert the open channel into a storm drain and


Roadside Design Guide



600 mm [24 in.] Max.



mm (4-8 in.) Max .•

»W//X:<"I/X,/X,.··i;<.'X ..:X:<X<I-r------------___J
• The 100- 10 200-mm [4- to 8-in.1 range applies 10 both inlet and outlet on two-way roads and only to Ihe side facing traffic on divided highways.

Section A-A

FIGURE 3,1 0 lnleUoutlet

design example for parallel drainage

backfill the areas between adjacent driveways. This treatment will eliminate the ditch section as well as the transverse slopes with pipe inlets and outlets. Traversable Designs As emphasized earlier in this chapter, transverse slopes should be designed with consideration given to their effect on the roadside environment. The designer should try to provide the flattest transverse slopes practical in each situation, particularly in areas where the slope has shown a high probability of being struck head-Oil by a vehicle, Once this has been done, parallel drainage structures should match the selected transverse slopes and should be safety treated if possible when they are located in a vulnerable position relative to main road traffic. While many of these structures are small and present a minimal target, the addition of pipes and bars perpendicular to traffic can reduce wheel snagging in the culvert opening. Research has shown that, for parallel drainage structures, a grate consisting of pipes set on 600 mm [24 in.] centers will significantly reduce wheel snagging. It is recommended that the center of the bottom bar or pipe be set at 100 to 200 nun [4 to 8 in.] above the culvert invert. Generally, single pipes with diameters of 600 mm [24 in.] or less will not require a grate. However, when a multiple pipe installation is involved, consideration of a grate for smaller pipes may be appropriate. Reference may be


made to the Texas Transportation Institute Research Study 2-8-79- 280, Safe End Treatment for Roadside Culverts (4), in which researchers concluded that a passenger vehicle should be able to traverse a pipe/slope combination at speeds up to 80 km/h r50 mph] without rollover. To achieve this result, both the roadway (or ditch) foreslope and the driveway foreslope should be IV:6H or flatter and have a smooth transition between them. Ideally, the culvert should be cut to match the driveway slope and fitted with cross members perpendicular to the direction of traffic flow as described above. This study suggests that it could be cost-effective to flatten the approach slopes to 1V:6H and match the pipe openings to these slopes for all sizes of pipes up to 900 nun [36 in.] in diameter for traffic volumes above 100 vehicles per day. The addition of grated inlets to these pipes was considered cost-effective for pipes 900 mm [36 in.] or greater for ADTs over SOD, and for pipes over 600 mm [24 in.] in diameter for traffic volumes over 13,000 vehicles per day. Because these numbers were based in part on assumptions by the researchers, they should be interpreted as approximations and not as absolute numbers. Figure 3.10 illustrates a possible design for the inlet and outlet end of a parallel culvert. When channel grades permit, the inlet end may use a drop-inlet type design to reduce the length of grate required. The recommended grate design may affect culvert capacity if significant blockage by debris is likely; however, because capacity is not normally the governing design criteria for parallel structures, hydraulic efficiency may


Roadside Topography and Drainage Features

Traffic Transition to 1V:6H or flatter

Flow In Drainage Channel

Alternate location-use grates if warranted by ramp traffic FIGURE 3.11 Alternate location for a parallel drainage culvert

not be an overriding concern. A report issued by the University of Kansas suggested that a 25 percent debris blockage factor should be sufficiently conservative for use as a basis for culvert design in these cases (5). This report also suggests that under some flow conditions, the capacity of a grated culvert may be equal to that of a standard headwall design as a result of decreased entrance turbulence. In those locations where headwater depth is critical, a larger pipe should be used or the parallel drainage structure may be positioned outside the clear zone as discussed in the following section. Shielding

In cases where the transverse slope cannot be made traversable, the structure is too large to be safely treated effectively, and relocation is not feasible, it may be necessary to shield the obstacle with a traffic barrier. Specific information on the selection, location, and design of an appropriate barrier system is contained in Chapter 5.

3.4.4 Drop Inlets Drop inlets can be classified as on-roadway or off-roadway structures. On-roadway inlets are usually located on or alongside the shoulder of a street or highway and are designed to intercept runoff from the road surface. These include curb opening inlets, grated inlets, slotted drain inlets, or combinations of these three basic designs. Since they are installed flush with the pavement surface, they do not constitute a significant safety problem to errant motorists. However, they must be selected and sized to accommodate design water runoff. In addition, they must be capable of supporting vehicle wheel loads and present no obstacle to pedestrians or bicyclists. Off-roadway drop inlets are used in medians of divided roadways and sometimes in roadside ditches. While their purpose is to collect runoff, they should be designed and located to present a minimal obstacle to errant motorists. Relocate the structure

Some parallel drainage structures can be moved laterally farther from the through traveled way. This treatment often affords the designer the opportunity to flatten the transverse slope within the selected clear-zone distance of the roadway under design. If the embankment at the new culvert locations is traversable and likely to be encroached upon by either main road or side road traffic, safety treatment should be considered. It is suggested that the inlet or outlet match the transverse slope regardless of whether or not additional safety treatment is deemed necessary. A suggested design treatment is shown in Figure 3.11. Figure 3.12 shows a recommended safety treatment for parallel drainage pipes.


Roadside Design Guide

FIGURE 3.12 Safety treatment for parallel drainage pipe

This can be accomplished by building these features flush with the channel bottom or slope on which they are located. No portion of the drop inlet should project more than 100 mill [4 in.] above the ground line. The opening should be treated to prevent a vehicle wheel from dropping into it; but unless pedestrians me a consideration, grates with openings as small as those used for pavement drainage are not necessary. Neither is it necessary to design for a smooth ride over the inlet. It is sufficient to prevent wheel snagging and the resultant sudden deceleration or loss of control associated with it.

2. AASHTO. Guide for Selecting, Locating and Designing Traffic Barriers. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Washington, DC, 1977. 3. AASHTO. A Policy all Geometric Design of Highways and Streets. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Washington, DC, 2001. 4. Texas Transportation Institute. Research Study 2-8-79-280: Safe End Treatments for Roadside Culverts. 5. University of Kansas. Development of Hydraulie Design Charts for Type IV End Sections for Pipe Culverts. KU-93-5. 1993.

1. AASHO. Highway Design and Operational Practices Related 10 Highway Design. American Association of State Highway Officials, Washington, DC, 1967.


Roadside Topography and Drainage Features

EXAMPLE A Design ADT: 4000 Design Speed: 100 kmlh [60 mph] Recommended clear-zone distance for lV:5H foreslope: 10 m to 12 III [32 ft to 40 ft] (from Table 3.1) 2.4 m [8 ft] Through Traveled Way 6.0

[20 ft]

Culvert Headwall

Discussion: The available recovery area of 8.4 m [28 ft] is less than the reconunended 10 111 to 12 m [32 ft to 40 ft]. If the culvert headwall is greater than 100 mm [4 i11.Jin height and is the only obstruction on an otherwise traversable foreslope, it should be removed and the inlet modified to match the I V:5H foreslope. If the foreslope contains rough outcroppings or boulders and the headwall does not significantly increase the obstruction to a motorist, the decision to do nothing may be appropriate. A review of the highway's crash history, if available, may be made to determine the nature and extent of vehicle encroachments and to identify any specific locations that may require special treatment.


Roadside Design Guide

, EXAMPLED Design ADT: 300 Design Speed: 60 km/h [40 mph] Recommended clear-zone distance for IV:I0H slope: 2 m to 3


[7 ft to 10 ft] (from Table 3.1)

Through Traveled Way

10 Discussion: The available clear-zone distance is 1.8 III [6 ft], 0.2 m to 1.2 III [1 ft to 4 ft] less than the recommended recovery area. When an area has a significant number of run-off-the-road crashes, it may be appropriate to consider shielding or removing the entire row of trees within the crash area. If this section of road has no significant history of crashes and is heavily forested with most of the other trees only slightly farther from the road, this tree would probably not require treatment. If, however, none of the other trees are closer to the roadway than, for example, 4.5 m [15 ft], this individual tree represents a more significant obstruction and should be considered for removal. If a tree were 4.5 III [15 ft] from the edge of through traveled way, and all or most of the other trees were 7.5 III [25 ft] or more, its removal may still be appropriate. This example emphasizes that the clear-zone distance is an approximate number at best and that individual objects should be analyzed in relation to other nearby obstacles.


Roadside Topography and Drainage Features

EXAMPLE C Design ADT: 7000 Design Speed: 100 km/h [60 mph} Recommended clear-zone distance for IV:IOH foreslope: 9 to IO m [30 to 32 ft] (from Table 3.1) Recommended clear-zone distance for IV:8H foreslope: 9 to 10 m [30 to 32 ft] (from Table 3.1) Available recovery distance before breakpcint of non-recoverable foreslope: 5 m (17 ft] Clear runout area at toe of foreslope: 9 to 10 III (30 to 32 ft] minus 5 m [17 ft] or 4 to 5 m (13 to 17 ft]

Through Traveled Way


4 m to 5 m 5

[17 ft] .. ...

4 m [13 ftJ ..

[13 to 17 ft]

or less

8 Discussion: Since the non-recoverable foreslope is within the required clear-zone distance of the 1V: lOR foreslope, a runout area beyond the toe of the non-recoverable foreslope is desirable. Using the steepest recoverable fares lope before or after the non-recoverable foreslope, a clear-zone distance is selected from Figure 3. I or Table 3.1. In this example, the 1V:8R foreslope beyond the base of the fill dictates a 9 to IO m [30 to 32 fl] clear-zone distance. Since 5 m {l7 ft] are available at the top, an additional 4 to 5 III [13 to 17 ft] could be provided at the bottom. All foreslope breaks may be rounded and no fixed objects would normally be built within the upper or lower portions of the clearzone or on the intervening foreslope.
It may be practical to provide less than the entire 4 to 5 m [13 to 17 ft] at the toe of the non-recovernble foreslope. A smaller recovery area could be applicable based on the rounded foreslope breaks, the flatter IV:IOH foreslope at the top, or past crash histories. A specific site investigation may be appropriate in determining an approximate runout area beyond the toe of the non-recoverable foreslope.


Roadside Design Guide


Design ADT: 12,000 Design Speed: 110 km/h [70 mph] Recommended clear-zone distance

for IV:6H foreslope:

9 to 10.5 III [30 to 34 ft] (from Table 3.1)

Through Traveled Way





III [13


2 rn [7 ft]

l~ Discussion: Since the critical foreslope is only 7 III [23 ft] from the through traveled way, instead of the suggested 9 to 10.5 III [30 to 34 ft], it should be flattened if practical or considered for shielding. However, if this is an isolated obstacle and the roadway has no significant crash history, it may be appropriate to do little more than delineate the drop off in lieu of foreslope flattening or shielding. Although a "weighted" average of the foreslopes may be used, a simple average of the clear-zone distances for each foreslope is accurate enough if the variable foreslopes are approximately the same width. If one foreslope is significantly wider, the clear-zone computation based OIl that foreslope alone may be used.


for IV:5H foreslope: [7 ft to 10 ft] (from Table 3.1)

Design ADT: 350 Design Speed: 60 krn/h [40 mph] Recommended clear-zone distance


to 3


Through Traveled Way

0.5 [1.5



1 III [3 ft]

1.5 Discussion: The available 1.5 m [4.5 ft] is 0.5 m to 1.5111 [2.5 ft to 5.5 ftl less than the recommended recovery area. If much of this roadway has a similar cross section and no significant run-off-the-road crash history, neither foreslope flattening nor a traffic barrier would be recommended. On the other hand, even if the 1V:5H foreslope were 3 m [to ft] wide and the clear-zone requirement were met, a traffic barrier might be appropriate if this location has noticeably less recovery area than the rest of the roadway and the embankment was unusually high.

Roadside Topography and Drainage Features

EXAMPLE F Design ADT: 5000 Design Speed: 100 kmlh [60 mph] Recommended clear-zone distance for IV:8H foreslopc: 8 m to 9 III [26 ft to 30 ft] (from Table 3.1) Recommended clear-zone distance for IV;5H foreslope: 10 m to 12 m [32 ft to 40 ft] (from Table 3.1)

Through Traveled Way


[20 ft]


The IV:8H foreslope and the 1V:5H foreslope may be averaged taking into account the distance available on each foreslope. The distance (6 m [20 ft]) along the 1V:8H slope is multiplied by the slope of 1/8 (VIH). The distance (5 m [17 ftJ) along the IV:5H foreslope is multiplied by the slope of 115. The resulting distances are added together and divided into the sum of the two distances (6 m [20 ft] plus 5 m [17 ft]) available. The result is an "average" foreslope which may be used in Figure 3.1 or Table 3.1. For sections flatter than or equal to IV:lOH, a slope of IV:lOH is used. Decimal results of 0.5 or greater may be rounded up to the next even numbered slope while decimal results less than 0.5 may be rounded down to the next even numbered slope. The calculations are given below:


1. 2.
3. 4. 5.

11 III [37 ft]/1.75 m [5.9 HJ '" 6.3 rounded to 6 Enter Table 3.1 for the IV :6H or flatter slopes The clear-zone distance from Table 3.1 is 8 m to 9 III [26 ft to 30 ft] for the given speed and traffic volume. Since the example has II III [37 ft] available on the two foreslopes, it is acceptable without further treatment.

6 m [20 ft] x (1/8) + 5 m [17 It] x (115) = 1.75 m [5.9 ft] 6 III [20 It] + 5 m [17 ft] = 11 m [37 It]

In this example, it would be desirable to have no fixed objects constructed on any part of the 1V:5H foreslope. Natural obstacles such as trees or boulders at the toe of the slope would not be shielded or removed. However, if the final foreslope were steeper than 1VAH, a clear runout area should be considered at the toe of the foreslope. The designer may choose to limit the clear-zone distance to 9 m [30 ft] if that distance is consistent with the rest of the roadway template, 11 crash analysis or site investigation does 1I0t indicate a potential run-off-the-road problem in this area, and the distance selected does not end at the toe of the lion-recoverable foreslope.


Roadside Design Guide


Design ADT: 1400 Design Speed: 100 kmlh [60 mph]

Recommended dear-zone distance for IV:6H foreslope (fill): 6 to 7.5 III [20 to 24 ft] (from Table 3.1) Recommended clear-zone distance for lV:4H backslope (cut): 5 to 5.5 III [16 to 18 ft] (from Table 3. I)




4 6

Discussion: For channels within the preferred cross-section area of Figures 3.6 or 3.7, the clear zone may be determined from Figure 3.1 or Table 3.1. However, when the recommended clear zone exceeds the available clear zone for the foreslope, an adjusted clear zone may be determined as follows:
i 1.


Calculate the percentage of the recommended clear-zone range available from the edge of through traveled way to the PVI of the foreslope (4.5 III /6 x 100 75% and 4.5 III /7.5 x 100 = GO% [14.5 ft /20 ft x 100 73% and 14.5 ft /24 ft x 100 60 %]). Subtract these percentages from 100% and multiply results by the recommended range of clear zones for the backslope (LOO% -75%) x 5111;;: 1.25 m, and (100% - 60%) x 5.5 m= 2.2 m [(100% - 73%) x IG ft = 4.3 ft and (100% - 60%) x 18 ft 7.2 ft], The range of required clear zone on the backslope is 1.25111 to 2.2 III [4.3 to 7.2


Add the available clear zone on the foreslope to the range of values determined in Step 2 (4.5 m + 1.25 m = 5.75 m and 4.5 m + 2.2 m:;: 6.7 III [14.5 ft + 4.3 ft:;: 18.8 ft and 14.5 ft + 7.2 Ii:;: 21.7 [t]). The adjusted clear-zone range is 5.75 to G.7 meters [18.8 to 21.7 ft], if

Because the tree is located beyond the adjusted clear zone, removal is not required. Removal should be considered this one obstacle is the only fixed object this close to the through traveled way along a significant length. To determine the recommended clear zone for the foreslope in the trapezoidal calculated. See Example F for the method of foreslope averaging. channel, an average foreslope

must be

Drainage channels not having the preferred cross section (see Figure 3.6 or 3.7) should be located at or beyond the clear zone. However, backslopes steeper than 1V:3H are typically located closer to the roadway. If these slopes are relatively smooth and unobstructed, they present little safety problem to an errant motorist. If the backslope consists of a rough rock cut or outcropping, shielding may be warranted as discussed in Chapter 5.

Roadside Topography and Drainage Features

EXAMPLE H Design ADT: 800 Design Speed: 80 km/h [50 mph}

Recommended clear-zone distance

for lV:4H Ioreslope: 5 2.4


III to


[16 ft to 20 ft] (from Table 3.1)

1.8 m [6 ft]
Shoulder Through Traveled Way

[8 ft]

Discussion: The ditch is not within the preferred cross section area of Figure 3.6 and is 0.6 III to 1.8 III [2 ft to 6 ft] less than the recommended clear-zone distance. However, if the ditch bottom and backslope are free of obstacles, 110 additional improvement is suggested. A similar cross section on the outside of a curve where encroachments are more likely and the angle of impact is sharper would probably be flattened if practical.

Design ADT: 3000 Design Speed: 100 km/h [60 mph] Recommended clear-zone distance

fur IV:6H fnreslope:

8.0 to 9.0 ft]


[26 to 30 ft] (from Table 3.1)

III [12

Through Traveled Way

III [8






Discussion: The rock cut is within the given clear-zone distance but would probably not warrant removal or shielding unless the potential for snagging, pocketing, or overturning a vehicle is high. Steep backslopes are clearly visible to motorists during the day, thus lessening the risk of encroachments. Roadside delineation of sharper than average curves through cut sections can be an effective countermeasure at locations having a significant crash history or potential.


Chai~tf~l~ 4
Sign, Signal, and Luminaire Supports, Utility Poles, Trees, and Similar Roadside Features

4.0 OVERVIEW I. Remove the obstacle. Although a traversable and unobstructed roadside is highly desirable from a safety standpoint, some appurtenances simply must be placed near the traveled way. Manmade fixed objects that frequently occupy highway rightsof-way include highway signs, roadway lighting, traffic signals, railroad warning devices, motorist-aid callboxes, mailboxes, and utility poles. Approximately 15 percent of all fixed-object fatalities each year involve crashes with sign and lighting supports and utility poles. Although of a lesser order of magnitude, collisions with other roadside hardware are frequently severe as well. Finally, it must be recognized that approximately 3,000 motorists a year are killed as a result of crashes with trees and other vegetation. This chapter is not intended [0 provide technical design details. Virtually all highway agencies use standard drawings for their roadside device installations and it is assumed that these drawings will comply with the AASHTO Standard Specifications for Structural Supports for Highway Signs, Luminaires and Traffic Signals (1). Similarly, information on existing operational hardware is included only to the extent necessary to familiarize the designer with the types of breakaway devices available and how each is intended to function. The highway designer is charged with providing the safest facility practicable within given constraints. As noted in Chapter 1, there are 6 options from which to choose a safe design. In order of preference, these are: 2. Redesign the obstacle so it can be traversed. safely. 3. Relocate the obstacle to a point where it is less likely to be struck. 4. Reduce impact severity by using an appropriate breakaway device. 5. Shield the obstacle with a longitudinal traffic barrier or crash cushion or both if it cannot be eliminated, relocated, or redesigned. 6. Delineate the obstacle if the above alternatives are not appropriate. While options I and 2 above are the preferred choices, these solutions are not always practical, especially for highway signing and lighting which must remain near the roadway to serve their intended functions. This chapter deals primarily with option 4, the use of breakaway hardware, which has become a cornerstone of the forgiving roadside concept since its inception in the mid-J960s. Emphasis is placed on the selection of the most appropriate device to use in a given location and on installing the support to ensure acceptable performance when it is hit. The final section of this chapter addresses the problems associated with trees lind shrubs and provides the designer with some guidelines to follow on this frequently sensitive topic.


Roadside Design Guide





The term "breakaway support" refers to all types of sign, luminaire, and traffic signal supports that are designed to yield when impacted by a vehicle. The release mechanism may be a slip plane, plastic hinge, fracture element, or a combination of these. The criteria used to determine if a support is considered breakaway are found in Reference I and NCHRP Report 350, Recommended Procedures for

35 km/h [20 mph] impacts. Pendulum test results for impacts at 35 kmih [20 mph] may be extrapolated to predict 100 kmlh [60 mph] impact behavior providing the support breaks free with little or no bending in the support, This extrapolation method should not be used with base-bending or yielding supports.

the Safety Performance Evaluation of Highway Features

(2). Breakaway support hardware previously found acceptable under the requirements of either the 1985 or 1994 editions of the AASHTO Standard Specifications for

Sign, luminaire, and similar supports must first be structurally adequate to support the device mounted on them and to resist ice and wind loads as specified in the AASHTO Standard Specifications for Structural Sup-

Structural Supports for Highway Signs, Luminaires and Traffic Signals (1) are acceptable under NCHRP Report 350 guidelines. The Federal Highway Administration maintains lists of acceptable, crashworthy supports. These criteria require that a breakaway support fail in a predictable manner when struck head-on by an 820 kg [1,800 lb] vehicle, or its equivalent, at speeds of 35 km/h {20 mph] and 100 km/h [60 mph]. It is desirable to limit the longitudinal component of the occupant impact velocity to 3,0 m/s [10 fils]; but values as high as 5.0 m/s [16 ft/s] are considered acceptable, These specifications also establish a maximum stub height of 100 mm [4 in.] to lessen the possibility of snagging the undercarriage of a vehicle after a support has broken away from its base. In addition to the change in velocity criterion, satisfactory breakaway support performance depends on the crash vehicle remaining upright during and after the impact with no significant deformation or intrusion of the passenger compartment. The appropriate procedures for acceptance testing of breakaway supports are described in NCHRP Report 350. Full-scale crash tests, bogie tests, and pendulum tests are used in the acceptance testing of breakaway devices. In full-scale testing, an actual vehicle is accelerated to the (est speed and impacted into the device being tested, The point of initial impact is the front of the vehicle, either centered or at the quarter point of the bumper. Full-scale tests produce the most accurate results; however, their main disadvantage is cos!' Bogie vehicles are also used to test breakaway hardware. A bogie is a reusable, adjustable surrogate vehicle used to model actual vehicles. A nose, similar to a pendulum nose, is used to duplicate the crush characteristics of the vehicle being modeled. Bogie vehicles are designed to be used in the speed range of 35 to lOa km/h {20 to 60 mph]. To reduce testing costs, pendulum tests are also used to evaluate breakaway hardware. Pendulum nose sections have been developed that model the fronts of vehicles. Pendulum tests have typically been used to test luminaire support hardware. However, due to the physical limitations of pendulums, pendulum testing is limited to

ports for Highway Signs, Luminaires and Traffic Signals

(1). Other concerns are that they be properly designed and carefully located to ensure that the breakaway devices perform properly and to minimize the likelihood of impacts by errant vehicles. For example, supports should not be placed in drainage ditches where erosion and freezing might affect the proper operation of the breakaway mechanism. It is also possible that a vehicle entering the ditch might be inadvertently guided into the support. Signs and supports that are not needed should be removed, If a sign is needed, then it should be located where it is least likely to be hit. Whenever possible, signs should be placed behind existing roadside barriers (beyond the design deflection distance), on existing structures, or in similar nonaccessible areas. If this cannot be achieved, then breakaway supports should be used, Only when the use of breakaway supports is not practicable should a traffic barrier or crash cushion be used exclusively to shield sign supports. As a general rule, breakaway supports should be used unless an engineering study indicates otherwise. However, concern for pedestrian involvement has led to the use of fixed supports in some urban areas. Examples of sites where breakaway supports may be imprudent are adjacent to bus shelters or in areas of extensive pedestrian concentrations. Supports placed on roadside slopes must not allow impacting vehicles to snag on either the foundation or any substantial remains of the support. Surrounding terrain must be graded to permit vehicles to pass over any non-breakaway portion of the installation that remains in the ground or rigidly attached to the foundation. Figure 4.1, adopted from the AASHTO Standard Specifications

for Structural Supports for Highway Signs, Luminaires and Traffic Signals (1), illustrates the method used to measure the required lOa mm [4 in.] maximum stub height. Breakaway support mechanisms are designed to function properly when loaded primarily in shear. Most mechanisms are designed to be impacted at bumper height, typically about 500 mm [20 in.] above the ground, If impacted


Sign, Signal, and Luminaire Supports, Utility Poles, Trees, and Similar Roadside Features

Stub of Breakaway Support

100 mm (4 in.) Max.

Ground Line

1500 rnrn [5 ttl

FIGURE 4.1 Breakaway support stub height measurements

at a significantly higher point, the bending moment in the breakaway base may be sufficient to bind the mechanism, resulting in non-activation of the breakaway device. For this reason, it is critical that breakaway supports not be located near ditches, on steep slopes, or at similar locations where a vehicle is likely to be partially airborne at the time of impact. The type of soil may also affect the activation mechanisms of some breakaway supports. Fracture-type supports (i.e., high-carbon, U'-channel posts, telescoping tubes, wood supports, etc.) could push through loose or saturated soils, absorbing energy and possibly adversely affecting a support's fracture mechanism. Usually this is not a problem for a fracture-type support embedded tess than I III [3 ft] because the support will likely pull out of the soil, unless it has a special anchor plate designed to ensure that it does not. However, for fracture-type supports with pull-out-resisting anchors, supports embedded more than 1 III [3 ft], or any other support that might be sensiti ve to foundation movement, consideration should be given to qualifying them through crash testing in the "weak soil" described in the NCHRP Report 350 testing guidelines in addition to qualifying them through the "standard soil" crash tests called for in NCHRP Report 350. As explained in the Commentary on Chapter 2 in the NCHRP Report 350 (2): The weak soil should be used, in addition to the standard soil, for any feature whose impact performance is sensiuve to soil-foundation or soil-structure interaction if iden ti fiable areas of the state or local jurisdiction in which the feature will be installed con-

tain soil with similar properties, and if there is a reasonable uncertainty regarding the performance of the feature in weak soil. Tests have shown that some base-bending or yielding small sign supports readily pull out of the weak soil upon impact. For features of this type, the strong soil is generally more critical and tests in the weak soil may not be necessary. Special anchor plates or design details may also be used to accommodate expected wind loads. Since these design details could affect proper performance, it is recommended that these designs also be tested in both soils. To affect a truly cost-effective program of breakaway supports, there are other items that need to be considered. Availability of a particular support will affect installation costs and replacement costs. Durability of the support will affect the expected life of a non-struck support. Also, there may be some supports that can be reused after being impacted by a vehicle, which may be more cost-effective even though the initial costs are high. Thus, the expected impact frequency and simplicity of maintenance may influence an agency's selection.

4.3 SIGN SUPPORTS Roadway signs can be divided into three main categories: overhead signs, large roadside signs, and small roadside signs. The hardware and corresponding safety treatment of sign supports varies with the sign category.

Roadside Design Guide

Heslstance provided by torsional rigidity of sign background One flange and web cut throuqh Connection must be strong enough to develop the strength of the sign background Fuse Plate permits hinge 10 activale when support Is struck by a vehicle Wlnd Force

r-Sign Backqround and Windbeams


Hinge Joint

Fuse Plate prohibitsh inge from aotlva ting under wind 10 ads

Hinge Joint

Vehicle force Shear resistance is overcome by vehicle force

Breakawa Shear Base

One flango and web cui through

Shear reactlon must resist wind force; moment reaction must resist overtuming moment caused by wind force

Breakaway Shear



reaction is small






FIGURE 4.2 Wind and impact loads on roadside signs

4.3.1 Overhead Signs Where possible, overhead signs should be installed on or relocated to nearby overpasses or other existing structures. Overhead signs, including cantilevered signs, generally require massive support systems that cannot be made breakaway. All overhead sign supports located within the clear zone should be shielded with a crashworthy bar-

per section of the support is likely to penetrate the windshield of an impacting vehicle. • A single post, if2.1 III [7 ft} or more from another post, should have a mass [weight} less than 67 kg/Ill [45Ib/ft]. The total mass [weight] below the hinge, but above the shear plate of the breakaway base, should not exceed 270 kg (600 It). For two posts spaced less than 2.1 m [7 It] apart, each post should have a mass [weight] less than 27 kg/m [18Ib/ft]. • No supplementary signs should be attached below the hinges if such placement is likely to interfere with the breakaway action of the support post or if the supplemental sign is likely to strike the windshield of an impacting vehicle. The breakaway mechanisms oflarge roadside sign supports are either a fracture or a slip-base type. Fracture mechanisms consist of either couplers or wood posts with reduced cross sections. Most couplers are considered to be multidirectional, i.e., they are expected to work satisfactorily when struck from any direction. Figure 4.4 shows one type of multidirectional coupler in common use,

4.3.2 Large Roadside Signs Large roadside signs may be defined as those greater than 5 ni [50 ft2] in area. They typically have two or more breakaway support posts. The basic concept of the breakaway sign support is to provide a structure that will resist wind and ice loads, yet fail in a safe and predictable manner when struck by a vehicle. The loading conditions for which the support must be designed are shown in Figure 4.2. The desired impact performance is depicted ill Figure 4.3. To achieve satisfactory breakaway performance, (he following criteria should be met: • The hinge should be at least 2.1 III [7 fl] above the ground so that no portion of the sign or up-

Sign, Signal, and Luminaire Supports, Utility Poles, Trees, and Similar Roadside Features

Base releases
and hinge activates

VehIcle passes underneath sign

Vehicle rorce



FIGURE 4.3 Impact performance of a multiple-post sign support

FIGURE 4.4 Multidirectional coupler


Roadside Design Guide

FIGURE 4.5 Typical unl-dlrectional

slip base

Slip-base type mechanisms activate when two parallel plates slide apart as the bolts are pushed out under impact. The designs may be either uni-directional or multidirectional. Horizontal slip bases using the four-bolt pattern shown in Figure 4.5 are uni-directional, The upper hinge design for uni-directional impacts consists of a slotted fuse plate on the expected impact side and a saw cut through the web of the post to the rear flange. The rear flange then acts as a hinge when the post rotates upward. This commonly used design is shown in Figure 4.6. Slotted plates may be used on both sides of the post if impacts are expected from either direction. Proper functioning of the slip base and fuse plate designs requires proper torque of the bolts. If the bolted connection is too tight, friction forces between the plates may prevent activation of the breakaway base under intended loading conditions. If the bolts are under-torqued, the posts may "walk" off the base under wind and other vibration loads. The use of keeper plates is recommended to retain the clamping bolts in place even if the bolted connection relaxes over time. Designing for wind toad is necessary for large signs. A check of wind load designs 011 the fuse plates should also be made. A perforated steel fuse plate meeting the requirements of ASTM A 36fA 36M has been shown to perform satisfactorily when used as the fuse plate 011 a

steel post. Since this design does not require its connections to be torqued to a specific value, it is relatively failsafe and recommended for lise in lieu of slotted fuse plates. The perforated design is shown in Figure 4.7. In some low-speed tests, the fuse plates on large roadside sign supports have failed to activate and the support has pulled away from the sign panel. The change in vehicle speed has still been acceptable. However, fuse and hinge plates should not be eliminated based on these lowspeed tests. While they are more likely to activate in a high-speed impact, they act as a back-up safety feature in low-speed impacts. Although the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) (3) specifies the general location of large roadside signs, the highway designer has a significant degree of latitude in the exact placement of any given sign. Crash test results show that breakaway supports installed on level terrain will perform as intended when struck head-on by a vehicle. However, if these supports are installed on a slope or the possibility exists that a vehicle may be spinning or sliding on impact, the breakaway feature may not function as well as when it is installed 011 level terrain. Even if a sign is erected on breakaway supports, it can cause significant damage to an impacting vehicle and injuries to the vehicle occupants. Once hit, the sign becomes a maintenance problem. These


Sign, Signal, and Luminaire Supports, Utility Poles, Trees, and Similar Roadside Features

FIGURE 4.6 Slotted fuse plate design

FIGURE 4.7 Perforated fuse plate design

Roadside Design Guide

are obvious reasons for locating all signs where they are least likely to be hit and, when feasible, outside the clear zone, even if they are breakaway.

4.3.3 Small Roadside Signs Small roadside signs may be defined as those supported on one or more posts and having a sign panel area not greater than 5 m2 [50 ft2]. Although not usually perceived as an obstruction, small signs can cause substantial damage to impacting automobiles. Small sign supports are typically either driven directly into the soil, set in drilled holes, or mounted on a separately installed base. The breakaway mechanisms for small sign supports consist of either a base-bending, a fracture, or a slip base design. The most commonly used small sign support hardware and the characteristics of each are described below. Base-bending or yielding sign supports typically consist ofU-channel steel posts, perforated square steel tubes, thin-walled aluminum tubes, or thin-walled fiberglass tubes. A steel plate measuring approximately 100 mm x 300 mm x 6 mill [4 in. x 12in. x )/4 in.] may be welded or bolted to the pipe support to prevent the sign from twisting from wind loads. Performance of these base-bending supports is much more difficult to predict than other support types. Variations in the depth of embedment, the soil resistance, stiffness of the sign support, mounting height of the sign, and many other factors influence their dynamic behavior. Splicing of steel U-channel posts is not recommended unless tested because the impact performance of a spliced post cannot be accurately predicted. Unless crash tested with bracing in place, diagonal bracing of a sign support should be avoided because sllch bracing could significantly affect the crash performance of an otherwise acceptable design. This is particularly true for base-bending or yielding supports. When it is absolutely necessary to increase the strength of a post support system, larger breakaway or multiple breakaway posts should be considered. For single sign posts with bending or yielding characteristics, the sign panels should be adequately bolted to the post with oversized washers to prevent the panel from separating on impact and penetrating a windshield. At higher speeds, base-bending or yielding sign supports bend around the bumper causing the top of the support to impact the windshield or roof. Early research indicated that the shorter mounted signs would destroy the windshield and penetrate the occupant compartment. A minimum height of2.7 m [9 ft] to the top of the sign panel was recommended to alleviate the situation because it was expected that the top of the sign would then impact the roof rather than the windshield. This suggestion was valid at the time the research was conducted because of the preva-

lence of small cars. Recent computer simulation of 100 kmfh [60 mph] sign impacts with mid-size automobiles and light trucks show that the 2.7 III (9 ft] height results in the same undesirable location of impact that the lower signs had on the small cars. Therefore, there is no net crashworthiness benefit to requiring signs to be mounted higher. Agencies concerned with this undesirable behavior may wish to consider a small sign support system that incorporates a slip base or breakaway coupling mechanism for use on high-speed streets and highways. Fracturing sign supports are either wood posts, steel posts/pipes, or aluminum supports connected at ground level 10 a separate anchor. Wood posts are typically set in drilled holes and backfilled, while anchors for steel pipe and steel post systems are normally driven into the ground. Slip base designs for small sign supports may be broadly classified as uni-directional or multidirectional. The most basic types of uni-directional breakaway sign supports are the horizontal and inclined slip bases. The design shown in Figure 4.8 is typical. The inclined design shown uses a 4-bolt slip base inclined in the direction of traffic at 10 to 20 degrees from horizontal. This angle ensures that the sign will move upward to allow the impacting vehicle to pass under the sign without its hitting the windshield or top of the car. When this type of slip base is used for small signs, hinges in the posts are not needed. The major limitation of this slip base design is its directional property. The inclined slip base can only be struck from one direction to yield satisfactorily, Neither the horizontal nor the inclined slip-base designs should be used in medians, traffic islands, or other locations where impacts from more than one direction are possible. Multidirectional slip bases are typically triangular and are designed to release when struck from any direction. A typical design is shown in Figure 4.9. These types of breakaway supports are ideally suited for use on medians, channelizing islands, T'-intersections, ramp terminals, and other locations where a sign may be impacted from several directions. Slip base breakaway sign supports are subject to installation and maintenance problems that do not exist for rigid supports. Wind and other vibration loads may cause the bolts in the slip base to loosen. A keeper plate is recommended to prevent the clamping bolts, which have low torque requirements, from "walking" or migrating from the slots under wind loads. A more common problem is the failure of a slip base to release properly due to over-torquing of the clamping bolts in the slip base and in the hinge of small sign supports. Because the slip base operates on the weakened shear plane concept, over-torquing creates high friction between the slip base elements and may prevent the post from releasing properly when hit. For this reason, breakaway designs not dependent upon specific torque requirements


Sign, Signal, and Luminaire Supports, Utility Poles, Trees, and Similar Roadside Features

FIGURE 4.8 Uni-directlonal slip base for small signs

FIGURE 4,9 Muilldirectional slip base for small signs


Roadside Design Guide

FIGURE 4.10 Oregon 3-bolt slip base

are highly desirable. The Oregon 3-bolt slip base, shown in Figure 4.10, has 90-degree notch openings and thick washers. This design has very good breakaway performance and is much less sensitive to over-torquing. Problems with thread fabrication on clamping bolt nuts, improper assembly of slip base parts, and anchor bolts projecting into the slip base are other common deficiencies that should be avoided. In areas where critical wind velocities are prevalent, sign flutter can be a problem that should be considered. This phenomenon, where rapid rotation and twisting of the posts occur, can cause failure of the posts by fatigue.

In other cases, a vehicle could be yawing in the roadside to such an extent that two posts within a 2.1 III [7 ft] spacing would be struck. In many instances, the greatest change in vehicle velocity occurs when impacting breakaway hardware at slower speeds because less energy is available to activate the breakaway mechanism. Since vehicles leaving the roadway at very high angles or in a yawing mode would likely be traveling at slower speeds, the 2.1 III [7 ft] criterion is a reasonable safety factor that should be used ill roadside design of breakaway hardware.





SIGNS All breakaway supports within a 2.1 m [7 ft] spacing are considered to act together. This criterion is based on a need to minimize the potential for unacceptable performance of breakaway hardware. In some cases, a vehicle could leave the roadway at a sufficiently high angle such that two posts within a 2.1 m [7 ft] spacing would be struck. Breakaway luminaire supports are typically classified as frangible bases (cast aluminum transformer bases), slip bases, or frangible couplings (couplers). Examples of each type in common use are shown in Figures 4.11 to 4.13. Breakaway luminaire supports can be similar to breakaway sign hardware. The breakaway mechanism properly activates if loaded in shear rather than bending and is designed to release when impacted at typical bumper height


Sign, Signal, and Luminaire Supports, Utility Poles, Trees, and Similar Roadside Features

FIGURE 4.11 Example of a cast aluminum transformer base

FIGURE 4.12 Example of a luminaire slip base design


Roadside Design Guide

FIGURE 4.13 Example of a frangible coupling design

of about 500 mill [20 in.]. The devices may not perform properly when the supports are located along the roadside where impacts would result in bending rather than shear. Superelevation, slope rounding and offset, and vehicle departure angle and speed will influence the striking height of a typical bumper. If the foreslopes are limited to [V:6H or flatter between the roadway and the luminaire support, vehicles should strike the support at an acceptable height. As a general rule, a luminaire support will fall near the line of the path of an impacting vehicle. The mast ann usually rotates so it is pointing away from the roadway when resting all the ground. This action generally prevents the pole from going into other traffic lanes. However, the designer must remain aware that these falling poles may endanger bystanders such as pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists. At the present time, the height of poles with breakaway features should not exceed 18.5 m [60 ft], This maximum height is recommended because it is the approximate maximum height of currently accepted hardware and is also the height that can accommodate modern lighting design

practices when foundations are set at about roadway grade. To prevent a situation with potentially serious consequences should a pole fall on a vehicle, the mass [weight] of a breakaway Iuminaire support should not exceed 450 kg [1000 Ib). The type of soil surrounding a luminaire foundation may affect the performance of the breakaway mechanism. Experience shows that if foundations are allowed to push through the soil, the luminaire support will be placed ill bending rather than shear, resulting in non-activation of the breakaway mechanism. Foundations should be properly designed to prevent their movement or rotation or both in surrounding soils. Non-direct-burial luminaire supports generally require a substantial foundation. It is important that any such foundation is essentially flush with the ground because the 100 mill [4 in.] stub height criterion in the AASHTO breakaway specifications includes all non-breakaway elements above the ground line. In all breakaway supports housing electrical components, efforts should be made to effectively reduce fire and electrical hazards should an errant vehicle impact a


Sign, Signal, and Luminaire Supports, Utility Poles, Trees, (11/(1imilar Roadside Features S

structure. Upon knockdown, the electricity in the support/structure should disconnect as close to the foundation as possible. When Iuminaire supports are located near a traffic barrier, breakaway bases mayor may not be applicable, depending upon the type and characteristics of the barrier. Luminaire supports should not be placed within the deflection distance of a barrier. For the most part, the impact performance of barriers interacting with a luminaire support breakaway device during a crash has not been determined. This situation should be avoided unless crash testing of a particular combination of devices indicates that the performance is acceptable. If the support must be within the design deflection distance of the barrier, it should be a breakaway design or the railing should be stiffened locally to minimize the resultant deflection. Details on traffic barrier types and characteristics can be found in Chapters 5 and 6. Several state agencies mount luminaires on top of concrete median barriers, a practice that often requires modification to the luminaire support or median barrier or both. This type of installation generally docs not use breakaway supports because of the risk a downed pole might present to opposing traffic. A consideration in this design is the likelihood of truck impacts with the barrier, since a truck bed will typically overhang short barriers during an impact and could snag on the support that is located there. The resultant vehicle deceleration may be unacceptable. A final consideration on roadway lighting is a reduction in the total number of luminaires used along a section of highway. Higher mounting heights may significantly reduce the total number of supports needed. The ultimate design in this respect is the use of tower or high-mast lighting that requires far fewer supports located much farther from the roadway. From a roadside safety perspective, this is a preferred method for lighting major interchanges.

an obstruction. However, the potential risks associated with the temporary loss of full signalization at the intersection should be considered, When traffic signals are Ins talled on high-speed facilities (generally defined as those having speed limits of 80 km/h [50 mph] or greater), the signal supports, and the signal support box if not mounted on one of the signal support poles, should be placed as far away from the roadway as practicable. Shielding these supports can be considered if they are within the clear zone for that particular roadway. Consideration should be given to using breakaway supports for post-mounted signals installed in wide medians.

4.6.2 Motorist-Aid Callboxes

Motorist-aid callboxes should be treated as roadside obstacles. Their proximity to the traveled way warrants the use of crashworthy breakaway supports. Because of their size and weight, they can usually be designed to meet vehicle change-in- velocity requirements. A callbox must be securely attached to its support to prevent its separating and penetrating the windshield. To the extent possible, callboxes should be located behind traffic barriers warranted for other reasons. Not only does this make them less likely to be hit, but it also reduces the risk of a motorist using a callbox being struck by a vehicle. Callboxes must be accessible to wheelchair users.

4.6.3 Railroad Crossing Warning Devices

Highway and railroad officials must cooperatively decide on the type of warning device needed at a particular crossing, e.g., cross bucks, flashing light signals, or gates. As a minimum, crossbucks are required and should be installed on an acceptable sign support. Other warning device supports, such as signals or gates, can cause an increase in the severity of injuries to vehicle occupants if struck at high speeds. In these cases, if the support is located in the clear zone, consideration should be given to shielding the support with a crash cushion. Longitudinal barrier is not often used because there is seldom sufficient space for a proper downstream end treatment, a longer obstacle is created by installing a guardrail, and a vehicle striking a longitudinal barrier when a train is occupying the crossing may be redirected into the train. The designer must also be aware of the immediate risk to other motorists just after the devices are knocked down by impacting vehicles.

Other relatively narrow objects that are usually located adjacent to the roadway include traffic signals, motoristaid callboxes, railroad warning devices, fire hydrants, and mailboxes. These are discussed in the following sections.

4.6.1 Traffic Signals

Traffic signal posts present a special situation where a breakaway support may not be practical or desirable. As with luminaire supports, a fallen signal post may become


Roadside Design Guide

4.6.4 Fire Hydrants Fire hydrants are another type of roadside feature that may be an obstacle. While most fire hydrants are made of cast iron and could be expected to fracture upon impact, crash testing meeting current testing procedures has not been done to verify that designs meet breakaway criteria. However, at least one fire hydrant stem and coupling design is available which provides for immediate water shutoff if struck by a vehicle. Whenever possible, fire hydrants should be located sufficiently far away from the roadway so that they do not become obstructions for the motorist, yet are still readily accessible to and usable by emergency personnel. Any portion of the hydrant not designed to break away should be within 100 mm [4 in.] of the ground.

detailed study of crash records may identify high-frequency crash locations and point out improvements that will reduce the number lind severity of future crashes. Road users (the public and utility firms) can also provide input into the nature and causes of highway/utility crashes. The steps that are normally included in a comprehensive crash-reduction program are: • setting up a traffic records system, • identifying high-frequency crash locations, • analyzing high-frequency crash locations, • correcting the high-frequency crash locations, and • reviewing the results of the program. The size of the agency conducting the program may affect the degree of sophistication and complexity needed. Small highway agencies or utility firms may find it sufficient to place pins on a city map to identify high-crash locations, and then to review copies of police crash reports in order to select the best safety treatment. Large utility firms, units of local government, and state highway agencies may resort to computers to handle enormous volumes of data. Safely programs of the latter type frequently use sophisticated statistical software to select the best sites for trealment and to identify the most appropriate countermeasures. A manual procedure and a microcomputer program have been developed that enable the designer to determine which countermeasures could effectively reduce the frequency or severity of accidents at a given site. Details of this model are contained in Transportation Research Record (TRR) 970 (6). The following specific countermeasures were included in the analysis: • placing utility lines underground, • increasi ng lateral pole offset, • increasing pole spacing, • multiple pole use (joint usage), and • breakaway design. Unlike the first three countermeasures, the use of a breakaway design is intended to reduce the severity of an accident rather than its frequency. The design shown in Figure 4.14, consisting of ground level slip base and upper hinge assembly, has been successfully crash tested. This design may be considered for poles in vulnerable locations that cannot economically be removed or relocated, such as gore areas, the outside of sharp curves, and opposite the intersecting roadway at T-intersections. Several variations of the breakaway utility pole are available and have demonstrated satisfactory in-service perfonnance in the limited field trials to date.

4.6.5 Mailbox Supports Mailbox supports are addressed in Chapter 11.

4.7 UTILITY POLES Motor vehicle crashes with utility poles account for approximately 10percent of all fixed-object fatal crashes annually. This degree of involvement is related to the nurnberofpoles in use, their proximity to the traveled way, and their unyielding nature. As with sign and luminaire supports, the most desirable solution is to locate utility poles where they are least likely to be struck. One alternative unique to power and telephone lines is to bury them, thereby eliminating the obstacles. For poles that cannot be eliminated or relocated, breakaway designs have been developed and successfully crash tested. This alternative is briefly discussed below. Since utility poles are generally privately owned and installed devices permitted on publicly owned rightsof-way, they are not under the direct control of a highway agency. This dual responsibility sometimes complicates the implementation of effective countermeasures. For new construction or major reconstruction, every effort should be made to install or relocate utility poles as far from the traveled way as practical. Two AASHTO publications provide more detailed information on locating utility facilities within highway rights-of-way (4,5). For existing utility pole installations, a concentration of crashes at a site or a certain type of crash that seems to occur frequently in a given jurisdiction may indicate that the highway/utility system is contributing to the crash potential. Utility pole crashes are subject 10 the same patterns as other types of roadway crashes; thus, they are subject to traditional highway crash study procedures. A


Sign, Signal, and Luminaire Supports, Utility Poles, Trees, and Similar Roadside Features

FIGURE 4.14 Prototype

(b) breakaway design for utility poles

Another countermeasure that can be considered is adequate shielding of selected poles, particularly the massive supports used for major electrical transmission lines within the clear zone or in other vulnerable locations. An increasingly common practice is the delineation of poles that are not otherwise treated, particularly along streets and highways where nighttime run-off-the-road crashes are prevalent.

Single vehicle crashes with trees account for nearly 25 percent of all fixed-object fatal crashes annually and result in the deaths of approximately 3,000 persons each year. Unlike the roadside hardware previously addressed in this chapter, trees are not generally a design element

over which highway designers have direct control. With the exception of landscaping projects where the types and locations of trees and other vegetation can be carefully chosen, the problem most often faced by designers is the treatment of existing trees that are likely to be impacted by an errant vehicle. To promote consistency within a State, each highway agency should develop a formal policy to provide guidance to design, landscape, construction, and maintenance personnel for this situation. This section is intended to provide general guidelines from which 11 specific policy on trees may be developed. Trees are potential obstructions by virtue of their size and their location in relation to vehicular traffic. Generally, an existing tree with an expected mature size greater than 100 rum [4 in.] is considered a fixed object. When trees or shrubs with multiple trunks or groups of small trees are close together, they may be considered as having the ef-


Roadside Design Guide

feet of a single tree with their combined cross-sectional area. Maintenance forces can minimize future problems by mowing clear zones to prevent seedlings from becoming established. The location factor is more difficult to address than tree size. Typically, large trees should be removed from within the selected clear zone for new construction and for reconstruction. As noted in Chapter 3, the extent of the clear zone is dependent upon several variables, including highway speeds, traffic volumes, and roadside slopes. Segments of a highway can be analyzed to identify individual trees or groups of trees that are candidates for corrective measures. County and township roads, which generally have restrictive geometric designs and narrow, off-road recovery areas, account for a large percentage of the annual tree-related fatal crashes, followed by State and U.S. numbered highways on curved alignment. Fatal crashes involving trees along Interstate highways are relatively rare in most states. Following several years of research by the Michigan Department of Transportation, a Guide to Management of Roadside Trees (7) was distributed nationally by the Federal Highway Administration as Report No. FHWA-IP-8617. This document contains detailed information on identifying and evaluating higher risk roadside environments and provides guidance for implementing roadside tree removal. It also addresses environmental issues, alternative treatments, mitigation efforts, and maintenance practices. The remainder of this section is basically a summary of the information and recommendations included in that report. Essentially, there are two methods for addressing the issue of roadside trees. The first is to keep the motorist on the road whenever possible, and the second is to mitigate the danger inherent in leaving a roadway with trees along it. On-roadway treatments include • • • • • pavement marking, rumble strips, signs, delineators, and roadways improvements.

The installation of advance warning signs and roadway delineators can also be used to notify motorists of sections of roadway where extra caution is advised. Typically, these will be used in advance of curves that are noticeably sharper than those immediately preceding it. Roadway improvements such as curve reconstruction to provide increased superelevation, shoulder widening, and paving are relatively expensive countermeasures that may not be cost-effective in all cases. Off-roadway treatments consist primarily of two options • • tree removal, and shielding.

Pavement markings are one of the most effective and least costly improvements that can be made to a roadway. Centerline and edge line markings are particularly effective for roads with heavy nighttime traffic, frequent fog, and narrow lanes. Shoulder rumble strips can also be used to warn motorists that their vehicles have crossed the edgeline and may run off the road.

The removal of individual trees should be considered when those trees are determined both to be obstructions and to be in a location where they are likely to be hit. Such trees can often be identified by past crash histories at similar sites, by scars indicating previous crashes, or by field reviews. Removal of individual trees will not reduce the probability that a vehicle will leave the roadway at that point, but should reduce the severity of any resulting crash. Because tree removal can be expensive and often has adverse environmental impacts, it is important that this countermeasure be used only when it is an effective solution. For example, I V:3H and flatter slopes may be traversable, but a vehicle on a 1V:3H slope will usually reach the bottom. If there are numerous trees at the toe of the slope, removal of isolated trees on the slope will not signi ficantly reduce the risk of a crash. Similarly, if the recommended clear zone for a particular roadway is 7 III [23 ft], including the shoulder, removal of trees 6 m to 7 m [20 ft to 23 ft] from the road will no! materially change the risk to motorists if an unbroken tree line remains at 8 III [26 ft] and beyond. However, isolated trees noticeably closer to the roadway may be candidates for removal. If a tree or group of trees is in a vulnerable location but cannot be removed, a properly designed and installed traffic barrier can be used to shield them. Roadside barriers should only be used when the severity of striking the tree is greater than striking the barrier. Specific information on the selection, location, and design of roadside barriers is contained in Chapter 5.

I. AASHTO. Standard Specifications for Structural Supports for Highway Signs, Luminaires and Traffic Signals. American Association of
State Highway and Transportation Washington, DC, 200 I. Officials,


Sign, Signal, and Luminalre Supports, Utility Poles, Trees, and Similar Roadside Features

2. Ross, H. E., Jr., D. L. Sicking, and R. A. Zimmer.

National Cooperative Highway Research Program Report 350: Recommended Proceduresfor the Safety Evaluation of Highway Features. Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 1993. 3. Federal Highway Administration. Manual 011 Uniform Traffic Control Devices. FHWA, Washington, DC, 2000. 4. AASHTO. A Policy 011 the Accommodation of Utilities within Freeway Right-of-Way. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Washington, DC, 1989.

5. AASHTO. A Guide for Accommodating Utilities within Highway Right-of Way. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Washington, DC, 1994. 6. Transportation Research Board. Safety Appurtenances and Utility Accomodation. Transportation Research Record 970. Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 1984.

7. Federal Highway Administration. Guide to Management of Roadside Trees. Report No. FHWAIP-86-17. FHWA, Washington, DC, December 1986.


Chapter Roadside Barriers

5.0 OVERVIEW A roadside barrier is a longitudinal barrier used to shield motorists from natural or man-made obstacles located along either side of a traveled way. It also may be used to protect bystanders, pedestrians, and cyclists from vehicular traffic under special conditions. This chapter summarizes performance requirements and warrants for roadside barriers and contains guidelines for selecting and designing an appropriate barrier system. The structural and safety characteristics of selected roadside barriers and transition sections are presented bere. For similar information on end treatments, see Chapter 8. Finally, placement guidelines are included, and a methodology is presented for identifying and upgrading existing substandard installations.

5.1 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS The primary purpose of all roadside barriers is to prevent a vehicle from leaving the traveled way and striking a fixed object or terrain feature that is less forgiving than striking the barrier itself. Containing and redirecting the impacting vehicle using a barrier system accomplishes this. Because the dynamics of a crash are complex, the most effective means of assessing barrier performance is through fullscale crash tests. By standardizing such tests, designers can compare the safety performance of alternative designs.

Evaluation of Highway Features (NCHRP Report 350) (1), This report establishes six test levels (TLs) for longitudinal barriers to evaluate occupant risk, structural integrity of the barrier, and post-impact behavior of the vehicle for a variety of vehicle masses at varying speeds and angles of impact. TL-I, TL-2, and TL-3 require successful tests of an 820 kg [1,800 lb] car impacting a barrier at an angle of 20 degrees and a 2000 kg [4,400 Ib] pickup truck impacting a barrier at an angle of 25 degrees, at speeds of 50 km/h, 70 km/h, and 100 km/h [30 mph, 45 mph, and 60 mph], respectively. TL-4 adds an 8000 kg [17,600 Ib] single-unit truck at an impact angle of 15 degrees and 80 km/h [50 mph] to the TL-3 matrix. TL-5 substitutes a 36000 kg [80,000 lb] tractor-trailer (van) for the single-unit truck and TL-6 substitutes a 36000 kg [80,000 lb] tractor-trailer (tanker). For barrier approvals and performance acceptance, the designer is encouraged to contact the Federal Highway Administration'S (FHWA) Office of Highway Safety and to access FHWA's web site at http.z/ fourthlevel/hardwareflongbarriers.htm to view the acceptance letters for longitudinal barriers under NCHRP Report 350.

5.1.2 Barrier Classifications NCHRP Report 350 describes both experimental and operational acceptance phases for roadside barriers. In the experimental phase, a barrier that has acceptably passed crash testing is subjected to in-service evaluation. In the operational phase, a barrier that has been found acceptable through an in-service evaluation is classified as operational and it is recommended that its performance continues to be monitored. In practice, the determination of whether a barrier must undergo an experimental in-service

5.1.1 Current Crash Test Criteria A series of standard crash tests are presented in National Cooperative Highway Research Program Report No. 350, Recommended Procedures for the Safety Performance


Roadside Design Guide

evaluation is at the discretion of the user agency. Additionally, a barrier may be considered operational if it has been used for an extended period and has demonstrated satisfactory field performance in terms of construction, maintenance, and crash experience. All the barriers cited in this chapter have been found acceptable through crash testing and may be considered operational, although this would not preclude a user agency from treating any of the barriers as experimental to determine if they meet its needs. No matter what status, experimental or operational, that an agency ascribes to a barrier, it is strongly recommended that the barrier's performance be monitored for any problems in construction, maintenance, or crashworthiness. See NCHRP Report 350 for guidance on conducting inservice evaluations. Omission of a barrier system does not necessarily imply that it is not acceptable for use. There are barriers in use today that have not been subjected to full-scale crash tests but have performed satisfactorily over time.

the probability of crashes is low. Appendix A presents an analysis procedure that can be used to compare several alternative safely treatments and provide guidance to the designer in selecting an appropriate design. Highway conditions that warrant shielding by a roadside barrier can be placed into one of two basic categories: embankments or roadside obstacles. Pedestrians or other "bystanders" may also warrant protection from vehicular traffic. Specific highway features contained in each of these categories are discussed in the following sections.

5.2.1 Embankments Embankment height and side slope are the basic factors considered in determining barrier need as shown in Figure 5.1. These criteria are based on studies of the relative severity of encroachments on embankments versus impacts with roadside barriers. Embankments with slope and height combinations on or below the curve do not warrant shielding unless they contain obstacles within the clear zone. Figure 5. I, however, does not take into account either the probability of an encroachment occurring or the relative cost of installing a traffic barrier versus leaving the slope unshielded. Figure 5.2 is a modified warrant chart developed by a state that addresses the decreased probability of encroachments on lower volume roads. Figure 5.3 is another example of a modified warrant chart, one which considers the cost-effectiveness of barrier installation for the site-specific conditions noted on the chart. Figures 5.2 and 5.3 are presented as examples only and are not intended for direct application. Highway agencies are encouraged to develop similar warranting criteria based upon their own cost-effectiveness evaluations. A rounded slope reduces the chances of an errant vehicle becoming airborne and affords the driver more control over the vehicle. Optimum rounding is arbitrarily defined as the minimum radius a standard-sized automobile can negotiate without losing tire contact. It is dependent on the encroachment angle and speed as well as the characteristics of individual vehicles.

5.2 WARRANTS Barrier warrants are based on the premise that a traffic barrier should be installed only if it reduces the severity of potential crashes. It is important to note that the probability or frequency of run-off-the-road crashes is not directly related to the severity of potential crashes. The mere installation of barriers could lead to higher incident rates due to the proximity of the barriers to the traveled way. Typically, guardrail warrants have been based on a subjective analysis of certain roadside clements or conditions. If the consequences of a vehicle striking a fixed object or mnning off the road arc believed to be more serious than hitting a traffic barrier, then the barrier is considered warranted. While this approach can be used, often there are instances where it is not immediately obvious whether the barrier or the unshielded condition presents the greater risk. Furthermore, the subjective method does not directly consider either the probability of a crash occurring or the costs associated with shielded and unshielded conditions. Warrants may also be established by using a benefitto-cost analysis whereby factors such as design speed and traffic volume can be evaluated in relation to barrier need. Costs associated with the barrier (installation costs, maintenance costs, and crash costs) are compared to similar costs associated without barriers. This procedure is typically used to evaluate three options: (I) remove or reduce the area of concern so that it no longer requires shielding, (2) install an appropriate barrier, or (3) leave the area of concern unshielded. The third option would normally be cost-effective only on facilities with low volume, low speed, or both, or where engineering studies show

5.2.2 Roadside Obstacles Roadside obstacles include both non-traversable terrain and fixed objects, and may be either man-made (such as culvert inlets) or natural (such as trees). Together, these highway conditions account for over thirty percent of all highway fatalities each year. Barrier warrants for roadside obstacles arc a function of the obstacle itself and the likelihood that it will be hit. However, a barrier should be


Roadside Barriers






0.4 1;2.5


ur o.
0 -'
if! Z

B w
u, 0 -'


1:3 0.3

5 w

..: 0


IT: 1;4


13 a:

1:5 1:6







FIGURE 5.1a Comparative risk warrants for embankments (metric units)

installed only ifit is clear that the result of a vehicle striking the barrier will be less severe than the crush resulting from hitting the unshielded object. Non-traversable terrain and roadside obstacles that normally warrant shielding are listed in Table 5.L While roadside obstacles immediately adjacent to the traveled way are usually removed, relocated, modified, or shielded, the optimal solution becomes less evident as the distance between the obstruction and the traveled way increases. Table 3.1, Clear-Zone Distances, is intended as a guide to aid the designer in determining whether the obstruction constitutes a threat to an errant motorist that is signifi-

cant enough to warrant action. Most mall-made objects incorporated into a highway project can be designed to minimize or eliminate the danger they present to a motorist and thus make shielding unnecessary. This is particularly true of drainage features such as small culverts and ditches.

5.2.3 Bystanders, Bicyclists



An area of concern to highway officials is what has been termed the "innocent bystander" problem. In most such

Roadside Design Guide






c, <IJ

;;0.4 2.5:1 us a,

W o»
--' """'


3:1 0.3


0 w

u, 0 --'

o ::l u:



12 u,







0.0 10 20 30 FILL SECTION HEIGHT [UJ 40 50


FIGURE 5.1 b Comparative

risk warrants for embankments

[U.S. customary


cases, the conventional criteria presented in the previous sections cannot be used to establish barrier needs. For example, a major street, highway, or freeway may adjoin a schoolyard, but the boundaries are beyond the clear dislance. There are no criteria that would require that a barrier be installed. If, however, a barrier is installed, it could be placed near the school boundary to minimize the potential for vehicle contact. Reference should be made to Section 5.6.1 for lateral placement criteria. Consideration might also be given to installing a barrier to shield businesses and residences that are near the right-of-way, particularly at locations having a history of run- off- the-road , crashes.

Pedestrians and cyclists are another category of concern that should be given design consideration. The most desirable solution is to separate them from vehicular traffic. Since this solution is not always practical, alternate means of protecting them are sometimes necessary. As in the case of bystander warrants, there are no objective criteria to draw on for pedestrian and cyclist barrier warrants. On low-speed streets, a vertical faced curb will USlIally suffice to separate pedestrians and cyclists from vehicular traffic. However, at speeds over 40 kmfh [25 mph], a vehicle may mount the curb for relatively flat approach angles. Hence, when sidewalks or bicycle paths are adja-


Roadside Barriers

TABLE 5.1 Barrier warrants for non-traversable terrain and roadside obstacles!" Obstacle Bridge piers, abutments, and railing ends Boulders Culverts, pipes, headwalls Cut & fill slopes (smooth) Cut & fill slopes (rough) Ditches (parallel) Ditches (transverse) Embankment Retaining walls Sign/luminaire supports) Traffic signal supports" Trees Utility poles Permanent bodies of water
Notes: Shielding non-traversable terrain or a roadside obstacle is usually warranted on Iy when it is with in the clear zone and cannot practically or economically be removed, relocated, or made breakaway, and it is determined that the barrier provides a safety improvement over the unshielded condition. Marginal situations, with respect to placement or omission of a barrier, will usually be decided by crash experience, either at the site or at a comparable site. Where feasible, all sign and luminaire supports should be a breakaway design regardless of their distance from the roadway if there is reasonable likelihood of their being hit by an errant motorist. The placement and locations for breakaway supports should also consider the safety ofpedestrians from potential debris resulting from impacted systems. In practice, relatively few traffic signal supports, including flashing light signals and gates used at railroad crossings, are shielded. If shielding is deemed necessary, however, crash cushions aJ'C sometimes used in lieu of a longitudinal barrier installation.

Warrants Shielding generally required Judgment decision based on nature of fixed object and likelihood of impact Judgment decision based on size, shape, and location of obstacle Shielding not generally required Judgment decision based on likelihood of impact Refer to Figures 3.6 and 3.7 Shielding generally required if likelihood of head-on impact is high Judgment decision based on fill height and slope (see Figure 5.1) Judgment decision based on relative smoothness of wall and anticipated maximum angle of impact Shielding generally required for non-breakaway supports Isolated traffic signals within clear zone on high-speed rural facilities may warrant shielding Judgment decision based on site-specific circumstances Shielding may be warranted on a case-by-case basis Judgment decision based 011 location and depth of water and likelihood of encroachment

cent to the traveled way of high-speed facilities, some provision might be made for the safety of pedestrians and cyclists.

tops of these posts where they project above the rail e1emont, Some European countries have attempted to ad-

5.2.4 Motorcycles and Barrier DeSign

There have been numerous instances nationwide where roadside barriers have contributed to the severity of crashes involving motorcycles. Most commonly, motorcyclists have been seriously injured or killed after impacting some types of open-faced traffic barriers, particularly after contacting the edges of steel guardrail posts or the

dress this concern at locations having both high motorcycle use and a high number of crashes by adding a lower rubrail to the design or by padding the posts with expanded foam. However, no systematic approach toward this issue has been developed because of the random nature of motorcycle crashes and the questionable effectiveness of modifications to existing barriers. Based on the experience of other countries and the lack of any costeffective countermeasures or barrier designs, there appears to be little basis for developing guardrails designed for motorcyclists. There is some suggestion that a smooth,

Roadside Design Guide



I ~
...J (f)


ill 0.


KEY: 1:3.5 H

"')flE ~REFERA81£

9 12



1:4 3 6 15





FIGURE 5.2a Example design chart for embankment warrants based on fill height, slope, and traffic volume (metric units)




o ...J



KEY: 3.5:1 H


40 H



4:1 10 20 30 50 HEIGHT 1ft]





FIGURE 5.2b Example design chart for embankment warrants based on fill height, slope, and traffic volume [U.S. customary units]


Roadside Barriers


2-LANE 1V:2.5H SLOPE V ~gokmih



a a: a..

Q z





U5 w a a:



b «











----300 360


m FilL


0 //


420 480 540 600

120 180 240



FIGURE 5.3a Example design chart for cost-effeclive embankment warrants based on traffic speeds and volumes, slope geometry and length of slope (metric units)






a: LLJ a..
<!J U)




> o


b «




\ \\ \

~~ I--





ill 500






<0' FilL 30' Fill


2 4

8 10 12 14 16



WARRANT LENGTH [Hundreds of Feet]

FIGURE5.3b Example design chart for cost-effective embankment warrants based on traffic speeds and volumes, slope geometry and length of slope [U,S. customary unIts]


Roadside Design Guide

solid-faced barrier such as a concrete safety shape is least likely to cause traumatic injuries to cyclists upon contact.

• severe consequences associated with penetration of a barrier by a large vehicle. These same factors apply on reconstruction or rehabilitation projects but, in these cases, the designer will usually have the added benefit of past crash history, the past performance of the system, and maintenance costs associated with the existing barrier. In addition, a higher performance barrier is likely to lessen the severity of future crashes or reduce maintenance costs significantly. Section 5.4 includes information on the size of vehicle for which each system has been successfully crash tested.

5.3 PERFORMANCE LEVEL SELECTION FACTORS Most roadside barriers were developed, tested, and installed with the intention of containing and redirecting passenger vehicles with masses up to 2000 kg [4,400 Ib]. Properly designed and installed barrier systems have proven to be very effective in reducing the amount of damage and lessening the severity of personal injuries when struck by automobiles and similar-sized vehicles at relatively shallow angles (less than 25 degrees) and at reasonable impact speeds (less than 110 km/h [65 mph]). However, it has long been understood that barriers designed for cars should not be expected to perform equally well for larger vehicles, such as buses and trucks. Recognizing this fact, several highway agencies have developed and used barrier systems capable of redirecting vehicles as heavy as 36,OOO-kg[80,OOG-lb]ractor-trailer combinat tion trucks. Although objective warrants for the use of higher performance traffic barriers do not presently exist, SUbjective factors most often considered for new COIlstruction or safety upgrading include: • high percentage of heavy vehicles in traffic stream, • adverse geometries, such as sharp curvature, which are often combined with poor sight distance, and

5.4 STRUCTURAL AND SAFETY CHARACTERISTICS OF ROADSIDE BARRIERS This section includes information on the most commonly used operational roadside barriers as well as data on selected experimental systems. Separate subsections address standard sections of roadside barriers and transition sections. Figure 5.4 graphically depicts each of these elements for typical installations. Information on the structural and safety characteristics of each system is presented in a narrative format, and includes the following information: • a photograph or sketch of the barrier. • a barrier description showing the main elements of the barrier and post spacing. Prior to selection of a specific barrier system, the designer should








TRAN· smon







FIGURE 5.4 Definition of roadside barriers


Roadside Barriers

obtain full details of the system from standard drawings or a similar source. • a brief description of the impact performance of

each system. This will describe the range ofvehicles for which the system has been successfully crash tested. For standard sections, the dynamic deflection observed during the NCHRP Report 350 standard strength test for the 2000 kg [4,400 lb] pickup truck impacting a barrier at an angle of25 degrees and at a velocity of 100 km/h [60 mph] is used. • field performance data for experimental barriers are included when available. This provides the designer with in-service evaluation information and is intended to encourage the use and evaluation of additional pilot installations at appropriate locations.

Additional information on individual barrier systems, including design details and barrier damage resulting from tests, is presented in Appendix B.

5.4.1 Standard Sections of Roadside Barriers

Roadside barriers are usually categorized as flexible, semirigid, or rigid, depending on their deflection characteristics on impact. Flexible systems are generally more forgiving than the other categories since much of the impact energy is dissipated by the deflection of the barrier and lower impact forces are imposed upon the vehicle. This section is not intended to be all-inclusive, but to cover the most widely used roadside barriers, The barriers and approved test levels included in the following subsections are listed in Table 5.2. Three·Strand


[4,500 Jb] passenger sedan resulted in a lateral deflection of 3.5 m [11.5 ft]. This system will generally redirect vehicles in the 820-2000 kg [1,800--4,400 lb] ranges, but some discussion is needed to distinguish between design variations of this system. The steel S75 x 8.5 [S3 x 5.7] post design with 700 mm [28 in.] top rail height has been tested the most extensively of all past designs. In addition to the vehicle range described above, this design has successfully contained and redirected a low front profile car and an 1800 kg [4,100 lb] van. The cable barrier redirects impacting vehicles after su fficient tension is developed in the cable, with the posts in the impact area offering only slight resistance. However, testing on the S75 x 8.5 [S3 x 5.71 post design has shown that closer post spacing can reduce lateral deflection to some extent. (Prior testing with a 1600 kg [3,500 lb] car at 100 km/h [60 mph] on this design produced deflections of 2.1 m [7 ft] to 3.3 III [11 ft] for associated post spacing of 1.2-4.9 III [4-16 ft]). Several states with extensive experience using cable rail allow a down slope as steep as IV:2H behind the rail. Cable barriers placed on the inside of curves require additional deflection before tension develops in the cable. Among agencies using this barrier, guidelines vary regarding maximum curvature allowed. The State of New York installs the S75 x 8.5 [S3 x 5.7] post design 011 curves with radii up to 220 m [721.5 ft] with standard4.9m [16 ft] spacing and with radii up to 135 m [442.5 ft] with 3.8111 [12 foot] post spacing. Primary advantages of cable guardrail include low initial cost, effective vehicle containment and redirection over a wide range of vehicle sizes and installation conditions, and low deceleration forces upon the vehicle occupants. It is also advantageous in snow or sand areas because its open design prevents drifting 011 or alongside the roadway. Major drawbacks to the use of cable guardrail include the comparatively long lengths of barrier which are non-functional and in need of rep ail' following an impact, the clear area needed behind [he barrier to accommodate the design deflection distance, its reduced effectiveness on the inside of curves, and its sensitivity to correct height installation and maintenance.

The barrier system shown in Figure 5.5 consists of steel cables mounted on weak posts. Several variations of this design (SGROla and SGROlb) have been successfully crash tested. (See Appendix B for individual designs.) Impact performance: This system, with a top cable height of 760 mm [30 in.], has been successfully tested to NCHRP Report 350, TL-3. The dynamic lateral deflection observed during strength testing with a 2000 kg [4,400 lb] pickup truck at 95.1 km/h (59.1 mph] and at an angle of26.7 degrees was 2.4 III [7.8 ft]. Earlier testing with a 2040 kg W-Beam (Weak Post) The barrier system shown in Figure 5.6 behaves very much like a cable guardrail, i.e., the posts serve primarily to hold the rail at the proper elevation and they separate readily when struck. The \V-beam rail then redirects impacting vehicles as it is placed in tension. Post size is identical to the cable system (S75 x 8.5 [S3 x 5.71) design, but posts are


Roadside Design Guide

TABLE 5.2 Roadside barriers and approved test levels BARRIER SYSTEM (with AASHTO-AGC-ARTBA designation) TEST LEVEL

FLEXIBLE SYSTEMS • 3-Strund Cable (Weak Post) (SGROla & b) • W-Beam (Weak Post) (SGR02) • Modified W-Beam (Weak Post) (SGR02) • Ironwood Aesthetic Barrier SEMI-RIGID SYSTEMS • Box Beam (Weak Post) (SGR03) • Blocked-out \V-Beam (Strong Post) -Steel or Wood Post with Wood or Plastic Block (SGR04a & b) -Steel Post with Steel Block (SGR04a) • Blocked-out Thrie-Beam (Strong Post) -Wood or Steel Post with Wood or Plastic Block (SGR09a & c) • Modified Thrie-Beam (Strong Post) (SGR09b) • Merritt Parkway Aesthetic Guardrail • Steel-Backed Timber Guardrail RIGID SYSTE1\.fS (CONCRETE & MASONRY): • New Jersey Concrete Safety Shape -810 mm [32 in.] tall (SGM 11 a) -1070 mm [42 in.] tall (SGMllb) • F-Shape Barrier -810 mill [32 in.] (SGM lOa) -1070 mm [42 in,] (SGMIOb) • Vertical Concrete Barrier -810 mm [32 iu.] -1070 mm [42 ill.] • Single Slope Barrier -810 nun [32 in.] -1070 mill [42 in.] • Ontario Tall Wall Median Barrier (SGM12) • Stone Masonry Wall/Precast Masonry Wall

TL-3 TL-2 TL·3 TL-3 TL-3 TL-3 TL-2 TL-3 TL-4 TL·3 TL-3

TL-4 TL-5 1'L-4 TL-5 TL,4 TL-5 TL-4 TL-5 TL-5 TL-3

installed at 3.8 III [12 ft] centers to match the W-bcem hole pattern. The suggested distance from the ground to the centerline of the rail is 550 mm [22 in.]. Impact performance: The W-beam weak-post system has been successfully tested to NCHRP Report 350, TL-2 with a 2000 kg [4,400 Ib] pickup truck, The dynamic lateral deflection in the 2000 kg (4,400 Ib] test (26.1-degree impact angle, 71 kmJh [45 mph]) was 1.4 III [4.6 ft], This barrier failed a 99.8 kmJh [62 mph], 24.4-degree impact angle crash test; thus, it is not classified as a TL-3 barrier. However, the barrier is approved for a TL-2 barrier system with the mounting height of 550 mm [22 in.] to the center of the rail. This system may retain some degree of effectiveness after minor hits due to the rigidity of the W-beam rail element and thus has some advantage over a cable system, As with the cable system, lateral deflection can be re-

duced to some extent by closer post spacing. This system, as with all barriers having a relatively llaJTOW restraining width, is somewhat vulnerable to vaulting or vehicle underride caused by incorrect mounting height or irregularities in the approach terrain. A modification (0 the standard weak post design was developed and successfully tested to NCHRP Report 350, TL-3. The modifications included raising the mounting height to 820 nun [32.3 in.] and adding W-beam back-Up plates at each post. All rail splices were centered midspan between posts rather than at a post location, The dynamic deflection was measured at 2.12 III [6 ft 11.5 in.] when the barrier was hit by a 2000 kg [4,400 Ib] pickup truck at 102.4 krn/h [63.6 mph] and a 26.5-degree impact angle.


Roadside Barriers

FIGURE 5.5 Three-strand

cable barrier

FIGURE 5.6 Weak post W-beam barrier


Roadside Design Guide

FIGURE 5,7 Ironwood aesthetic guardrail Ironwood Aesthetic Guardrail The barrier shown in Figure 5.7 is a weak-post system consisting of S75 x 8.5 [S3 x 5.7J steel posts on 2000 nun [6.5 ft] centers supporting a composite rail element. This composite rail consists of203 mm [8 in.] diameter routed round-wood posts with a 6 mm [0.25 in.] thick steel channel embedded on the back side to provide the needed tensile strength of the system. The top height of the rail is 660 mm [26 in.]. The steel support posts are faced with 171 mrn [6.75 in.] diameter timber posts above the ground line to present an all-timber appearance from the roadway. The Ironwood guardrail, which is a proprietary design, was successfully tested to NCHRP Report 350, TL-3. Maximum dynamic deflection resulting from the 100 kmfh [60 mph] impact with the 2000 kg [4,400 Ib] pickup truck at an angle 01'25 degrees was 1640 mm [5 ft 4.5 in.]. There are currently no crash worthy terminal designs for the Ironwood guardrail or any of the other aesthetic barriers described in this Chapter. Acceptable end treatments include anchoring any of these barriers in a backs lope (see Section 8.2.3) or flaring the barrier to the edge of the clear zone established for a particular project.

Box Beam (Weak Post)

Figure 5.8 shows a typical installation of a box beam fail (SGR03 system). Resistance in this system is achieved through the combined flexure and tensile stiffness of the rail. Posts near the point of impact are designed to break or tear away, thereby distributing the impact force to adjacent posts. Impact performance: This system was successfully crash tested toNHCRP 350, TL-3. Dynamic lateral deflection in the 2000 kg [4,400 lb] pickup truck test (25.5-degree impact angle, 95.2 km/h [59 mph]) was 1.15 III [45 in.]. This system shares the same sensitivities to mounting height and irregularities in terrain as the weak-post \Vbeam systems. The suggested distance from the ground to centerline of rail is 610 mm [24 in.].


W-Beam (Strong Post)

Strong-post W-beam is the most common barrier system in lise today. It consists of steel posts (SGR04a) as shown in Figure 5.9 or wood posts (SGR04b) as shown in Figure 5.10 that support a \V-beam fail element that is blocked


Roadside Barriers

FIGURE 5.8 Weak post box beam barrier

out from the posts with routed timber, steel, or recycled plastic spacer blocks. These blocks minimize vehicle snagging all the posts and reduce the likelihood of a vehicle vaulting over the barrier by maintaining rail height during the initial stages of post deflection. Resistance in this and all strong post systems results from a combination of tensile and flexural stiffness of the rail and the bending or shearing resistance of the posts. Several acceptable strong post W -beum designs are in usc. The spacer blocks are typically timber or recycled plastic with a 150 mill [6 in.] width to match each post's dimensions. One of the most commonly used designs, the steel post guardrail system with steel blocks, failed to meet the NCHRP Report 350 evaluation criteria at TL-3 when the pickup truck snagged on a post and subsequently overturned. However, this system remains acceptable as a TL-2 barrier. In order to provide a TL-3 barrier with steel posts, 150 mm x 200 mill [6 in. x 8 in.] routed wood or plastic blocks of similar dimensions should be used as a substitute for the steel blocks. Steel post Wbeam using 150 mm x 150 mm [6 in. x 6 in.] routed wood or plastic blocks also met Report 350 evaluation criteria but

with some reduction in performance. Individual designs for these and other strong-post Webeam variations are shown in Appendix B. The standard length for timber posts has been increased to 1830 mm [6 feet] to match the length of steel posts, however, the recent Report 350 tests used the original 1625 mill [5 ft 4 in.] posts and either length remains acceptable. The original height to the top of the rail for strong post W-beam was 685 mm [27 in.]. This was slightly modified when the height measurement was changed from the top of the rail to the center of the rail with the adoption of metric units. A 550 mm (21.5 in.] height to the center of the rail translated to a 706 rnm [28 in.] top height. Eithertop rail height is considered acceptable. A design improvement suggested for new installations of this and other strong-post guardrail systems is deletion of the rectangular post bolt washers. These washers are not necessary for system strength over the normal range of expected impacts. Furthermore, during severe impacts producing large post deflections, it is desirable that the rail element separates from the posts as they rotate back and downward. This keeps the railing height relatively constant and


Roadside Design Guide

FIGURE 5.9 Steel post W-beam with wood block-outs

FIGURE 5.10 Wood post W-beam with wood block-outs


Roadside Barriers

FIGURE 5.11 Wood post thrle-beam


reduces the likelihood that an impacting vehicle will vault the barrier. Use of these washers in strong post transition sections is optional. Impact performance: Based primarily on testing of the two common designs noted above, this system is effective at redirecting vehicles in the 820-2000 kg [1,800--4,400 lb] range. The wood post (SGR04b) system with wood blocks passed the NCHRP Report 350 TL-3 test with a 2000 kg [4,400 Ib] pickup truck (24.3-degree impact angle, 100.8 kmlh [62.5 mph]). The maximum lateral deflection was 0.8 m [31.5 in.]. A steel post system with a 150 mill x 200 mm [6 in. x 8 in.] routed wood block also passed the NCHRP Report 350 TL-3 test with the 2000 kg [4,400 lb] pickup truck (25.5-degree impact angle, 101.5 km/h [63 mph]). The maximum lateral deflection of this system was 1.0 III [3.3 ft]. Strong post barrier systems usually remain functional after moderate to low speed impacts, thereby minimizing the need for immediate repair. Blocked-Out


There are three types of'thrie-beam barriers that have been tested under NCHRP Report 350. These barriers are discllssed in the following subsections. Blocked-Out Thrie-Beam Strong Post)


The SGR09c thrie-beam system, shown in Figure 5.11 and in Appendix B, is a stronger version of the blocked-out W-beam rail. The additional corrugation in the thrie-beam rail element stiffens the system, making it less prone to damage during low- and moderate-speed vehicle impacts. It also allows higher mounting of the rail, which increases its ability to contain vehicles larger than standard passenger cars under some impact conditions. The SGR09c system, with wood posts and blockouts, has been success-


Roadside Design Guide

FIGURE 5.12 Modified thrle-beam guardrail

fully crash tested with a top railing height of 810 nun [32 in.]. Impact performance: The SGR09c thrie-beam system with wood posts and wood blocks was successfully crash tested to NHCRP 350, TL-3. The dynamic lateral deflection observed during strength testing with a 2000 kg [4,4001b] pickup truck impacting at 99.6 kmlh [6l.9 mph] and at an angle of23.6 degrees was 0.68 III [26.75 in.].

deflection observed during strength testing with a 2000 kg [4,400 lb] pickup truck impacting at 98.2 kmfh [61.0 mph] and at an impact angle of 24.4 degrees was 0.58 m [23 in.]. In an earlier test to establish an upper performance limit, the original barrier (with steel offset blocks) contained and redirected a 9100 kg [20,000 lb] school bus, although it failed to keep the school bus upright during the test. Blocked-Out Thrie·Beam Strong Post)

(Steel Modified Thrie·Beam

The original SGR09a system, which used a steel blackout, failed to pass NCHRP Report 350, TL-3. The original steel spacer blocks have been replaced with routed timber or routed, recycled plastic with a [50 Illlll [6 in.] width to match the post dimensions. This barrier, as with the thriebeam wood-post system, has been successfully crash tested with a top railing height of8IO nun [32 in.], Impact Performance: The SGR09a thrie-beam system with steel posts and wood blocks was successfully crash tested to NCHRP Report 350, TL-3. The dynamic lateral

To improve the performance of thrie-beam guardrail for heavy vehicles, a steel block-out was developed. This 355 mm [14 in.] deep steel block-out has a triangular notch cut from its web (see SGR09b in Figure 5.12). This blockout design allows the lower portion of the thrie-beam and the flange of the steel block-out to bend inward during a crash, keeping the rail face nearly vertical in the impact zone as the posts are pushed backwards. This raises the height of the rail and further minimizes the likelihood of a vehicle rolling over the barrier. Other modifications to the standard thrie-beam design that have been incorporated


Roadside Barriers

FIGURE 5.13 Merritt Parkway aesthetic guardrail

into this barrier include omitting rectangular post bolt washers and increasing the top of fail height to 860 nun [34 in.]. Impact performance: This system has been successfully crash tested to NHCRP 350, TL-4 with a 2000 kg [4,400 Ib] pickup truck (100 km/h [60 mph], 25-degree impact angle) and an 8000 kg [18,000 Ib] single unit truck. Earlier tests with a 9100 kg [20,000 Ib] school bus (90 km!h [56 mph], 15-degree impact angle), and a 14,500 kg [32,000 lb] intercity bus (97 kmlh [60 mph], 14-degree impact angle) were also successful. Dynamic lateral deflection in the 2000 kg [4,400 lb] pickup truck and the school bus test were 0.6m [2 ftJ and 0.9 III [3 ft], respectively. Repair costs for all of the thrie-beam systems may be considerably less than other metal beam guardrail systems because the thrie-beam is not significantly damaged in shallow-angle impacts. Even for moderate to severe crashes, the barrier may remain partially functional and does not usually require immediate repair. Also, thrie-beam is generally easier to install and maintain than a W-beam/ rubrail system, where a higher effective barrier height is the design goal. Merritt Parkway Aesthetic


The Connecticut Department of Transportation developed and tested an aesthetic steel-backed timber rail supported by W150 x 22.5 [W6 x 15] steel posts on 2896 mm [9.5 It] centers. The rail element consists of 152 mmx 305 mm [6 in. x 12 in.] timber beams backed with 152 mill wide x 9.5 mill thick [6 in. x 3/8 in.] steel plates and splices to provide tensile continuity. Height to the top of the rail is 762 mill [30 in.]. A wood block measuring 100 mill deep x 200 mm wide x 280 mill high [4 in. deep x 8 in. wide x 11 in. high] separates the rail element from the posts to minimize snagging. This barrier, shown in Figure 5.13, was tested to NCHRP Report 350, TL-3. Design deflection with the 2000 kg [4,400 lb] pickup truck was 1150 mm [46 in.] when the system was tested without a curb and 1020 mm [40 in.] when tested behind a 1001111114 in.] curb. Either option is [ acceptable for use.


Roadside Design Guide

FIGURE 5.14 Steel-backed

timber guardrail Steel·Backed

Timber Guardrail

The semi-rigid barrier shown in Figure 5.14 was developed as an aesthetic alternative to conventional guardrail systems. The system consists of alSO llltll x 250 mm [6 in. x 10 in.] wood rail backed with a 10111111 g in.] thick steel [3/ plate and supported by 250 mmx 300 mm x 2100 nun [10 in. x 12 in. x 7 ftl timber posts. The rail is offset from the posts by lOOmmx 225 mmx300mm[4in.x9in.x 12in.] wooden spacer blocks. The steel plate provides needed tensile strength to the system. The wood members provide a more rustic appearance than the steel and concrete normally used in barriers. Thus, this railing is often specified for use along roads under the jurisdiction of the National Park Service and similar agencies. Impact performance: This railing was originally crash tested under NCHRP Report 230 with an 820 kg [1,800 Ib] vehicle lit 81 km/h [50 mph], 20-degree impact angle, and with a 2040 kg [4,500 lb] vehicle at 81 km/h [50 mph], 25-

degree impact angle. More recently, this design was tested to NCHRP Report 350 at TL-3 with a 2000 kg [4,400 lb] pickup truck impacting at 98.7 km/h [6l.3 mph] at an impact angle of24.5 degrees. The dynamic deflection of the barrier was reported to be 580 111m[23 in.]. Detailed design information on this barrier and on the rough masonry and precast concrete guardwalls can be found on the FHWA's Eastern Federal Lands web site at http:// Concrete Barriers A Humber of rigid concrete systems have been developed that have varying shapes and heights of 810 mill [32 in.] and 1070 mm [42 in.], The concrete barriers with a height of 810 mm [32 in.] passed NCHRP Report 350, TL-4, while taller barriers of similar shape with a height of 1070 mm [42 in.] passed NCHRP Report 350, 1'L-5.


Roadside Barriers

FIGURE 5.15 New Jersey safety-shape


The New Jersey concrete safety shape roadside barrier is a rigid system having a sloped front face and a vertical back face. Except for the back face, the design details and performance of this barrier are identical to the concrete median barrier (CMB) and the reader is referred to Section for a more complete discussion of this design. The New Jersey safety shape barrier (SOMlla and b) shown in Figure 5.15 and the F-shape (SOMlOa and b) are both acceptable barrier profiles. Figure C.6 in Appendix C shows the differences between these similarly shaped barriers. The F-shape exhibited better performance in crash tests with 820 kg [1,800 lb] cars and 8000 kg [18,000 Ib] single unit trucks. Constant slope concrete barriers (shown in Figure 6.8 as a median barrier), developed by the State of Texas and the State of California, have also been tested with pickup trucks and single unit trucks and found to perform satisfactorily. The reduced cross-section of this roadside barrier (as compared to the CMB) makes it more vulnerable to overturn; therefore, the roadside version usually contains more reinforcing steel and/or a more elaborate footing design unless earth support is available on the back side of the barrier. Top of barrier height for the basic design is 810 mm [32 in.], but higher designs have been tested and built to obtain redirection of vehicles heavier than passenger cars.

Impact performance: Several ofthe semi-rigid concrete barriers such as the New Jersey concrete safety shape, Fshape, and constant slope face barriers with 810 mill [32 in.] height have been successfully tested to NHCRP 350, TL-4. The New Jersey safety shape has been the most commonly tested concrete barrier design in past years, and it has generally been tested in the median barrier configuration. A 1070 mm [42 in.] height modified New Jersey safety shape barrier, F-shape barrier, vertical concrete barrier, and the constant slope barrier have been successfully tested to NHCRP 350, TL-5. For example, the 1070 nun [42 in.] New Jersey safety shape barrier redirected a 36,300 kg [80,000 pound] tractor-trailer impacting at an angle of 15 degrees and a speed of 84 km/h [52 mph]. Another median type barrier that has been effectively used <1S a longitudinal system is the Ontario Tall Wall Median Barrier (SOM 12) as shown in Figure 5.16. This 1070 mm [42 in.] New Jersey shape non-reinforced wall system is classified as a high-performance barrier and has TL-5 approval under NHCRP Report 350. To counteract the overturning moment of trucks with higher centers of gravity or unrestrained loads, walls even higher than 1070 mill [42 in.] can be effective. Some significantly higher barriers have been constructed for special situations with satisfactory results in field application.


Roadside Design Guide

FIGURE 5.16 Ontario tall wall median barrier

FIGURE 5.17 2290 mm [90 in.] New Jersey barrier


Roadside Barriers

FIGURE 5.18 Stone masonry wall

One highway agency constructed a 2290 mm [90 in.] high, reinforced safety shape on the outside of a loop ramp that had been the scene of numerous truck crashes. This installation has contained impacting tractor-semi-trailers but has not eliminated the problem of rebounding Hucks sometimes rolling over onto the roadway. This installation is shown in Figure 5.17. Another state highway agency developed and installed a 2290 nun [90 in.] tall barrier for use as a railing on an elevated freeway ramp. It was tested successfully at NCHRP Report 350, TL-6, and has also been used in other states as a median or roadside barrier. Figure 7.6 shows the crash test installation for this barrier, A third truck barrier consists of a 1630 mm [64 in.] high concrete safety shape buttressed by an earth berm and topped with a metal W-beam guardrail, raising its total height to 23lO mm [91 in.]. The base of the wall is 1070 mm [42 ln.] and its top width is 710 mm [28 in.], The back face of the wall is vertical. Since its installation, the truck barrier was hit by a large vehicle that proceeded to leave the site. The guardrail along the top of the wall was pushed back slightly and the concrete was scraped, but no repairs were necessary. The use of the earth berm eliminated the need for an extensive footing and for excessive reinforcing in the wall itself. The semi-rigid metal beam guardrail on top appears to limit vehicle roll and minimize rebound in heavy vehicle impacts. Stone Masonry Wall/Precast Wall


A stone masonry wall barrier, shown in Figure 5.18, consisting of a reinforced concrete core (precast or cast in place) that is faced and capped with natural stone and mortar gives the appearance of a vertical-faced, stone masonry wall. This wall has been developed as an aesthetic barrier for use by the National Park Service on roads under its jurisdiction. A second aesthetic rigid barrier developed and tested for the National Park Service is the precast masonry wall. The design, as shown in Figure 5.19, is formed from solid, precast segments placed together to form what appears to be a continuous vertical masonry wall. The barrier was originally tested under NCHRP Report 230. A crash test with a 2000 kg [4,400 Ib] pickup truck at a speed of 99.1 kmlh [61.4 mph] and an impact angle of24.9 degrees has qualified the rough stone masonry wall described above as an NCHRP Report 350, TL-3 barrier. For further information and an update on the TL-3 performance of aesthetic barrier systems, the designer is encouraged to contact the FHWA's Office of Highway Safety. Impact performance: A smooth-faced design was successfully crash tested with an 820 kg [1,800 lbIcar impacting at 97 km/h [60 mph] and approximately a IS-degree

Roadside Design Guide

. FIGURE 5.19 Precast masonry wall

FIGURE 5.20 Long-span, double-nested W-beam guardrail


Roadside Barriers

angle, and with a 2000 kg [4,400 IbJ car impacting at 97 kmfh [60 mph] and a 25-degree impact angle. The aesthetic barrier was also crash tested with a 2000 kg [4,400 lb] pickup truck a199.1 km/h [62 mph] and an impact angle of24.9 degrees. A 690 mm [27 in.] high barrier consisting of rough stone masonry covering a 510 mm [20 in.] high reinforced COIlcrete core has also been successfully tested at 97 k111/h [60 mph] with 820 kg [1,800 Ib] and 2000 kg [4,400 Ib] cars. The 50 mm [2 in.] deep raked mortar joints add to the rustic architectural appearance of this barrier.

5.4.3 Transition Designs

Transition sections are necessary to provide continuity of protection when two different roadside barriers are joined together. Transition sections with gradually increasing lateral stiffness are necessary when a roadside barrier joins another barrier system such as a bridge rail, Of when a roadside barrier is attached to a rigid object such as a bridge pier. Since the most common lise of a transition section occurs between approach roadside barriers and bridge rail ends, the reader should refer to Section 7.8 for a full discussion on transition sections that are considered operational.

5.4.2 Long-Span, Double-Nested Systems


Guardrails are often placed over box culverts to prevent motorists from crossing open waterways and large ditches. The performance of guardrails is diminished when the span of the culvert is long and does not allow for sufficient post embedment. When full embedment of the guardrail post is not possible, the guardrail could easily be pulled out of the ground and result in vehicle snagging or vaulting. A design that alleviates the diminished performance of the guardrail with shallow embedded posts has been developed and crash tested to NCHRP Report 350 standards. A 7.62 m [25 ft] unsupported length of guardrail was tested for application over low-fill culverts. The long span design was constructed with two 2.66 mm [12 gage] thick nested W-beam ralls totaling 30.48 m [l00 ft] in length. A combination of steel and wood strong posts supported the nested W-beam. The wood strong posts in advance of the unsupported nested guardrail also included two wood block-outs attached to them. Each post measured 1830 mill [6.0 It] and was spaced 1905 nun [6 ft 3 in.] on center except for the 7.62 III [25 ft] spacing between the strong wood posts surrounding the unsupported span (see Figure5.20). The long-span, double-nested, guardrail system has been successfully tested to NCHRP Report 350, TL-3 with a 2000 kg [4,400 Ib1 pickup truck. The dynamic lateral deflection from the impact of the 2000 kg pickup truck impacting the unsupported section at a speed of 102.9 km/h [63.93 mph] and at an angle of24.7 degrees was 1450 mm [4 ft 8 in.], While the field tests were performed on a test installation without the actual field placement of a box culvert, headwall, and wingwall, the designer should position the back face of'the nested guardrail a minimum of 1.5 III [5 ft] away from the front face of the headwall. This position will prevent wheel contact on the culvert headwall or post debris wedged between the headwall and rail.

Once it has been decided that a roadside barrier is warranted, a specific barrier type must be selected. Although a number of variables and the lack of objective criteria complicate this selection process, there are some general guidelines that may be followed. The most desirable system is usually one that offers the required degree of shielding at the lowest cost for the specific application. Table 5.3 summarizes the factors that should be considered before making a final selection. Each of these factors is described in more detail in the following subsections.

5.5.1 Barrier Performance


The first decision to be made when selecting an appropriate traffic barrier concerns the level of performance required. Barriers passing NCHRP Report 350, TL-2 have been developed primarily for passenger cars and light trucks in low-severity impacts. TL-2 barriers offer marginal and/or limited protection when struck by heavier vehicles such as trucks and buses at high speeds and large angles of impact. If passenger vehicles are the main concern, a standard railing that satisfies other criteria (as listed in subsequent sections) will normally be selected. Locations with poor geometries, high traffic volumes or speeds, or both, and a significant volume of heavy truck traffic, may warrant a higher performance level or stronger railing system (i.e., NCHRP Report 350, TL-4 or greater). This is especially true if barrier penetration by II vehicle is likely to have serious consequences to other than the motorist. Similarly, for low-volume, low-speed roadways, a standard barrier passing NCHRP Report 350, TL-3 may not be costeffective. At locations like these, a less expensive system may adequately contain the likely range of expected vehicle impacts.


Roadside Design Guide

TABLE 5.3 Selection criteria for roadsIde barriers

Criteria 1. Performance Capability 2. Deflection 3. Site conditions

Comments Barrier must be structurally able to contain and redirect design vehicle. Expected deflection of barrier should not exceed available deflection distance. Slope approaching the barrier and distance from traveled way may preclude use of some barrier types. Barrier must be compatible with planned end anchor and capable of transitioning to other barrier systems (such as bridge railing). Standard barrier systems are relatively consistent in cost, but high-performance railings can cost significantly more. Few systems require a significant amount of routine maintenance. Generally, flexible or semi-rigid systems require significantly more maintenance after a collision than rigid or high-performance railings. The fewer different systems used, the fewer inventory items/storage space required. Simpler designs, besides costing less, are more likely to be reconstructed properly by field personnel. Occasionally, barrier aesthetics are an important consideration in selection. The performance and maintenance requirements of existing systems should be monitored to identify problems that could be lessened or eliminated by using a different barrier type.

4. Compatibility
5. Cost 6. Maintenance A. Routine B. Collision C. Material storage D. Simplicity 7. Aesthetics
8. Field Experience

The roadside barriers identified in Section 5.4 are listed in general order of increasing capabilities to contain and redirect large vehicles. Information on the specific types and weights of vehicles that were successfully contained and redirected by each barrier is included so the designer can select a barrier system [hal is capable of restraining a design vehicle larger than a standard-sized automobile.

5.5.2 Barrier Deflection Characteristics Once the desired performance level or barrier capability has been determined, the available deflection distance may dictate the type of barrier to install. If the distance between the barrier and the shielded object or terrain feature is relatively large, a barrier that deflects upon impact, thereby imposing lower impact forces on the vehicle and its occupants, may be the best choice. If the obstacle is immediately adjacent to the barrier, a semi-rigid or rigid ! railing system may be the only choice available. Most

semi-rigid systems can be strengthened locally by adding additional posts or by reinforcing the rail element (i.e., nested rail) to shield isolated fixed objects located near the rail. Table 5.4 summarizes the results of a computer simulation using the Numerical Analysis of Roadside Design (NARD) Program to determine maximum deflections for Standard SGR04a and SGR09 systems by varying post spacing and using single or double rails. Table 5.4 also provides the results of field testing completed by the Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) on single and double-nested \V -beam systems for post spacings of 1905 mm [75 in.] and 952 mm [38 in.] being hit with a 2000 kg [4,400 Ib] sedan at an impact angle of25 degrees and at 97 km/h [60 mph]. The computer-simulated deflections correlate with most of the actual field-tested measurements. The KDOT test on the double-nested rail \Vbeam with 1905 mm [75 in.] post spacing yielded a deflection greater than the similar test with single W-beam. Analysis of this test indicated that the soil moisture due 10 rainfall resulted in greater deflection in the nested sys-


Roadside Barriers

TABLE 5.4 Summary of maximum deflections

Run Number

Post Spacing mm

Beam Description

Impact Angle

Maximum Deflection' Simulation Field Test2


[in.J [75J [75] [38] [38] [75] [38] [38] [19] [19] [751 [75] [38] [38} {38] [38J [19]
{I 9]

[in.] [23.2] [35.7] (15.3J [21.3] [NA] {14.1] [17.2J [NA] [ 12.3] [19.2J [28.2J [15.2] [18.9]

NA 754 NA 597 9023 NA 498 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

{in.] [NA] [29.7] [NA] [23.5] [35.5J [NA] [19.6] [NA] [NA] [NAJ [NA] rNA] [NA] [NA] rNA] [NA] [NA] [NA] [NA]

I 2 3 4

1905 1905 952 952 1905 952 952 476 476 1905 1905 952 952 952 952 476 476 476 476

Sgl \V-Beam Sgl \V-Beam SgJ \V-Beam Sgl \V-Beam Dbl \V-Beam Dbl \V-Beam Dbl \V-Beam Dbl \V-Beam DbJ \V-Beam SgJ Thrie-Beam Sgl Thrie Beam Sgl Thrie-Beam Sgl Thrie-Beam Dbl Thrie-Beam Dbl Thrie Beam Sgl Thrie-Bemn Sgl Thrie-Beam Dbl Thrie-Beam Dbl Thrie-Beam

15° 25° 15° 25° 25" 15° 25" 15° 25° 15° 25° 15° 25° 15° 25° 15° 25° 15° 25°

589 907 389 541 NA 358 437 NA 320 488 716 386 480 333 414 NA 353 NA

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

[ 16.3] [NA] [13.9] [NA] [ 12.1]

[19] [19]

Simulation of 2000 kg [4,400 lb] sedan at 97 km/h [60 mph] Kansas Department of Transportation field test results with 2000 kg [4,400 Ib] sedan at 97 km/h [60 mph]


Test conducted during wet soil conditions

NA = Not Available " = Held test only

tem. The results of the computer simulation are reasonably accurate but may not be as precise as indicated in the table. This table should be used to indicate a recommended safe range and not an exact placement guide for fixed objects beyond the barrier. It should be noted that the table assumes adequate anchorage and soil strength. Compaction of the soil is of primary importance because any benefit realized by either strengthening technique (i.e., doublenested rail or reducing post spacing or both) can be reduced or eliminated if the soil cannot provide the required resistance to lateral load. The designer should also be

aware that a truck or similar high-center-of-gravity vehicle would likely lean over the rail upon impact, thus requiring an increasing offset to prevent contact with a shielded object. Should the designer need to consider the placement of a barrier with less deflection than available by a semi-rigid barrier system, then a more rigid system should be investigated. In addition, the designer may need to consider the placement of a taller barrier where the lean of the vehicle over the rail is a concern for larger trucks and buses.


Roadside Design Guide

5.5.3 Site Conditions

The choice of barrier type will often be influenced by conditions at the site. If the barrier is to be placed on a slope steeper than approximately 1V: lOH, a flexible or semi-rigid type should be used. However, no barrier should be placed on any slope steeper than IV:6H. Narrow grade widths, with corresponding narrow shoulders, may result in reduced post restraint and the need for deeper embedment, closer post spacing, or soil plates.

eliminated the interfere more control, but no more problems

need for this activity. Some systems may with right-of-way mowing and vegetation one system appears to create significantly in this area than any of the others. Crash Maintenance Crash maintenance includes all repairs or adjustments to barriers that are necessitated by vehicle impacts. These costs should play an important role in the selection of a barrier system since the majority of maintenance costs are usually due to crash repairs. The number of impacts that will occur along a particular installation depends upon a number of factors including traffic speed and volume, roadway alignment, and the distance between the edge of the traveled way and the barrier itself. The extent of barrier damage for any specific impact depends upon the strength of the railing system. Crash maintenance costs may become an overriding consideration in areas where traffic volumes are extremely high and crashes with the barrier are frequent. This is usually the case along urban freeways, where rail repair is difficult for a repair crew to accomplish without interfering with the motorists' use of the roadway. For this reason, a rigid traffic barrier such as the concrete safety shape is often the barrier of choice at such locations. A consideration in crash maintenance for post and rail systems is the ability of the rail element and possibly the posts to be re-used after a hit. Savings may be realized if the rail can be straightened. In some cases, of course, the rail will be damaged beyond repair, in which case salvage value may be a consideration.

5.5.4 Compatibility
As a general practice, most highway agencies use only a few different roadside barrier systems on new construetiOI1 and 011 reconstruction. The advantages of this are relatively obvious: the systems in use have been proven effective over the years; construction and maintenance personnel are familiar with the systems; parts and inventory requirements are simplified when only a few different types of barrier are routinely used; and end treatments! transition sections for normal installations can also be standardized. The only time a non-standard or special barrier design need be considered is when site characteristics or performance requirements cannot be satisfied with a standard railing.

5.5.5 Life-Cycle Costs

Initial costs and future maintenance costs of alternate barrier systems may weigh heavily in the final selection process. Normally, the initial cost of a system increases as its strength increases, but maintenance costs decrease. Conversely, a system having a relatively low installation cost usually requires significantly more maintenance effort following impacts. Material and Storage Requirements Before selecting a barrier system, an effort should be made to determine the future availability of the materials needed for repairs and their storage requirements. The need for stocking spare parts increases as the number of required parts increases. Thus, there are obvious advantages to using only a few barrier systems whose component parts are standardized, easy to stockpile, and readily available.

5.5.6 Maintenance
Maintenance factors can be grouped into one of three categories: routine maintenance, crash maintenance, and material and storage requirements. Simplicity of Barrier Design Routine Maintenance Routine maintenance costs are usually not appreciably different for any of the operational roadside barrier systems. Although some cleaning and painting are occasion" ally done, use of preservative-treated wood posts and galvanized steel posts and rail components have nearly The simpler the barrier system is, the easier it is to repair properly. Thus, the degree of expertise or the level of working knowledge of the system by the repair crew should be considered when selecting a barrier. An operational system that is improperly installed or maintained is only partially effective at best.


Roadside Barriers

5.5.7 Aesthetic and Environmental Considerations While aesthetics are a concern, they are not normally controlling factors in the selection of a roadside barrier except in environmentally sensitive locations such as recreational areas or parks. In these instances, a natural-looking barrier that blends with its surroundings is often selected. In such cases, it is important that the systems used be crashworthy as well as visually acceptable to the highway agency. Environmental factors may be important to consider in the selection process. For example, barriers with considerable frontage area may contribute to drifting of sand or snow in some areas. Snowplow operators should be cautioned against funning the blade next to the face of roadside barriers. Experience has shown that this practice will flatten the metal rail, loosen mounting hardware and posts, and occasionally lear the rail. Certain Iypes of railing may deteriorate rapidly in highly corrosive urban/industrial environments. In some cases, solid barriers may restrict sight distances of motorists entering the highway from a side road OJ' intersection or may block a motorist's view of a particularly scenic panorama.

• lateral offset from the edge-of-traveled way • terrain effects • flare rate • length of need Most of these factors are interrelated to the extent that the final design may be a compromise selected by the designer. More detailed guidelines on each of these factors are included in the next subsections.

5.6.1 Lateral Offset As a general rule, a roadside barrier should be placed as far from the traveled way as possible, while maintaining the proper operation and performance of the system. Such placement gives an errant motorist the best chance of regaining control of the vehicle without crashing into the barrier. It also provides better sight distance, particularly at nearby intersections. It is generally desirable that there be uniform clearance between traffic and roadside features such as bridge railings, parapets, retaining walls, and roadside barriers, par" ticularly in urban areas where there is a preponderance of these elements. Uniform alignment enhances highway safety by providing the driver with a certain level of expectation, thus reducing driver concern for and reaction to those objects. The distance from the edge of the traveled way, beyond which a roadside object will not be perceived as an obstacle and result in a motorist's reducing speed or changing vehicle position on (he roadway, is called the shy line offset. This distance varies for different design speeds as indicated in Table 5.5. If possible, a roadside barrier should be placed beyond the shy line offset, particularly for relatively short, isolated installations. For long, continuous runs of railing, this offset distance is not so critical, especially if the barrier is first introduced beyond the shy line and gradually transitioned nearer the roadway. Shylinc offset distance is seldom a controlling criterion for barrier placement. As long as the barrier is located beyond the perceived shoulder of a roadway, it will have minimum impact on driver speed or lane position. Where a roadside barrier is needed to shield an isolated condition, adherence to the uniform clearance criteria is not critical. It is more important in such cases that the barrier be located as far from the traveled way as conditions permit.

5.5.8 Field Experience There is no substitute for documented proof of a barrier's field performance. If a particular barrier system is working satisfactorily and does not require an extraordinary amount of maintenance, there is lillie reason to select and install another barrier for which these characteristics are not conclusively known. If site conditions warrant a non-standard installation, the highway agency that developed and! or used the new system should be contacted for specific information on the system and on its performance. It is particularly important that impact performance and repair cost data be maintained by appropriate highway agency personnel and that the information be made available to design and construction engineers charged with selecting and installing traffic barriers.

5.6 PLACEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Having decided that a roadside barrier is warranted at a given location and having selected the type of barrier to be used, the designer must specify the exact layout required. The major factors that must be considered include the following:


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