Role of Media in Developing Personality
Role of Media in Developing Personality
Role of Media in Developing Personality
I. Argument
This essay consists in presenting the media and its influence on human
personality. In addition to the concepts of theory which will be subject of this essay will
explain media influences on personality and its contribution to the educational process.
Education is the decisive factor in the psihoindividuale development of a person
organizing systematizing and environmental influences. It has a social function, as
intermediary between human and environmental conditions.
The role of media in the society has become very important, representing a vital
source of information for any type of decision, and the media is their main medium of
dissemination. Beyond the role of information through the media another role is of
shaping opinions, ideas and individual attitudes.
The relationship between media and human beings can make in terms of global
consequences, specific influences or general tasks assigned to these systems. Thus,
feature information and communication media is first an informational role, but an effect
because the information submitted influences human thought and behavior.
III. The role of media
Through the media are transmitted both domestically and internationally and even
global information messages with various fun and entertaining character, mainly:
scientific, technical, cultural, artistic, political, economic, ethical, legal, sports, religious .
The development of mass media led to a widespread diffusion of information, resulting
from individuals desire to be informed. Reception of messages transmitted by means of
the above is done in three main ways, which can be combined or separated, in the listener
audio, video and written as a reader as a viewer.
V. Correlation media-education
Between education and media system there are long indissoluble ties, which were
continuously strengthened in recent years, particularly with the development of computer
networks. Interactions between the two areas is a concern for teachers, not only for them,
because the impact of mass communication on human personality can not be ignored.
With diversification of educational needs in the modern world, the media may represent
genuine learning resources. It is not just about programs and offer information and
training supports recoverable formal or non formal view, but also about influences
diffuse, spontaneous, unintended exercised by messages whose content was not designed
explicitly educational purposes.
Media develops in a cultural environment, select, produce and transmit values,
information, opinions, behavior patterns. Thus participating in informal education. While
the public perceive what the media shall be educating against certain trends and their
motivations. Most permeable media influences are young people who have and need to
be supplied from several cultural sources, the more social experiences to shape their own
identity and personality, they also need to adjust the integrate socially, culturally.
Thus, we can say that with the physical environment and social environment of
the individual's mental development has occurred and information environment, in media
that has infiltrated the other groups in an informal and unstructured.
The media is, alongside education, the organ of media, called to increase,
diversify constitute or cognitive and behavioral experiences of individuals. Media
together with other factors of human personality development must operate
simultaneously, linked by the interweaving of their functions and not independent,
isolated. Importantly, between these mean teaching to engender consistency relations and
not driven by competition or inconsistent value relationship.
Media education is a factor, leaving deep scars in the mind of the individual. It
may increase or diminish a person's experiences. In a computerized society, education
should not be left behind. The media is present in society through newspapers, radio,
television, Internet. Even if the information received through these channels, it must be
filtered, it is not always true. Due attention will help to separate good from evil, the
original unoriginal.
Information submitted by the media have a powerful and violent. Repeated
presentation of ideas, principles, opinions, etc.. The media is the best way of handling
individuals. For example, where a large amount of programs with high content of
violence is viewed by an individual with an early age, he tries to copy what he sees and
what I find interesting. Usually, by the fact that films containing scenes of violent action,
spectacular default, these productions attract younger audiences. The result is the
formation of an individual with a violent, possibly a person with a low culture (time spent
viewing movies, etc.. Is much greater than that spent reading a book, etc.).. So, in
addition to the beneficial role at autoeducation the media has negative consequences in
human personality development.
about the effect of communication. Some effects are mainly related to the physical
capabilities of an average consumer. In other situations it is time that some effect
The impact of the media on individuals subject to the following aspects:
• The person on the exercise effect (target);
• Nature of the effect;
• Duration of effect;
• Intentionality effect.
Along with the development of mass media, researchers have studied its effects
on people. Research on the effects media can track people who suffer from the effect
(statistical study). The effects can be tracked individually, as a group or company wide.
A) Pozitiv effects
Media contains tools that individuals can open wider knowledge of reality, the
formation of opinions and attitudes on events past, present and even future, involving all
mental processes. By using their individual becomes subject to its own training, but at the
same time, they are a way of leisure, it is provided that combines rational use of the
media. Positive Effects of information submitted by the individual media are:
• Informing the individual;
• individual relaxation with entertainment programs;
• Incite human thirst for knowledge through documentation in the field of nature,
adventure, the unknown (to stimulate intellectual curiosity).
B) Negative effects
Inform the individual, the age of increasingly young, about the world. Sources
that are available are varied, such as family, teachers, friends and media. Extra attention
should be given but the information taken from television, radio or Internet. This supports
the media is a valuable information, but must keep in mind that very often, or news are
aggressive, characterized by violence, or dealing with some very sensitive issues.
Thus, besides the positive effects that the media in shaping human nature, it has
negative influences, such as:
• Induction of passivity;
• Uniform tastes;
• Smothering imagination
• Desensitization to violence;
• Poor physical and academic performance;
• poor communication with family;
• Abuse of alcohol and tobacco
• Increase sexual life;
• Adoption of violent demonstrations and inappropriate expressions in language.
In accordance with the educational ideal of the society of today, media messaging,
it has the burden to select and remove those messages that negatively influence young
character modeling. To be effective for this purpose, the media must respect as much as
possible under a lofty and prestigious information. Given the important role they have
media in informing the population, an institution is essential to monitor the information
transmitted to the public. These institutions create a regulation to impose certain
restrictions, limitations, censorship. The role of this kind of institution is to control the
type of information transmitted to the general public and require a certain decency in
VIII. Conclusion
In conclusion, media has immense power over public opinion, so it can create
situations of minor disasters, or disasters can sometimes stop. Sad is that media
representatives are more interested in creating disasters than preventing them, because
they are better "sold", but this has a negative effect on human beings.
In the contemporary world society, with technical development mass media,
information transmitted by it has a great impact in shaping the personality of the younger
generation. By these means it is possible to improve the reception of messages from a
distance, the individual having knowledge of certain important events in different
It's very important what kind of information we receive through the media as they
could have a distorting role in individual lives, even if we find this negative effect
immediately. Highlight the role of family and school orientation toward selecting
younger generation information transmitted by the media.
Youth, their preparation, professional information messages are important sources
of education and training. Without diminishing the role and value of media, young people
must focus their efforts primarily towards learning and education resources provided by
schools, which are key factors of general and professional preparation of high
competence and efficiency. The media is important but can not and should not replace
Media is present as a means of education in the educational process of school
teachers calling on media management system of teaching-learning-assessment, but must
have regard to its selection.
IX. Bibliography
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Enciclopedică, Bucureşti, (1980);
2. Neacşu, I., Instruire şi învăţare. Teorii. Modele. Strategii, Editura Didactică şi
Pedagogică, Bucureşti, 1999;
3. Schramm,W., Coombes, P. H., Noile mass-media: un studiu în sprijinul
planificării educaţiei, Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică, Bucureşti, 1979;
4. Cătoiu, I.(coord.), Cercetări de marketing, Editura Uranus, Bucureşti, 2002;
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I. Argument..........................................................................................................................1
II. Media forms...................................................................................................................1
III. The role of media...........................................................................................................2
IV.Conditions of elevator and efficient media...................................................................2
V. Correlation media-education...........................................................................................2
VI. Media effects on personality..........................................................................................3
VII. Media Effects...............................................................................................................4
VIII. Conclusion..................................................................................................................5
IX. Bibliography..................................................................................................................6