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Ritual of Sigma Alpha Epsilon

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~_ ... -tL "irhe nib.!':!1 !1!1 S1-\FlD!iII "~UJ 'E-P1C1i11 IW fIrolQI;w:d -f die )i"UJ'iI _ Ita! ~ lli!l,Pi 10 ~'I:lIICL'J<1: f~!jll' UIILC ~,u Ume, l,hnNcl~!ii~ ~~IlJ, P!'IU'~n1y ~ '~_ "'ftLn 'ilb!l1inJ! WII;~ th,e (~I\i!I~1 iI,ntM!f11 A!'·lih.: ft,ahlHiity W\~I'I~ I~IJI'~ Voiindni,. 'ft~j,' fMI:lu~JtII ~y t~i!.1~J milJi.jah! 1ti1' !:I!d~~;itlllioo! ~ 1'iI~!l!:! I!!!~.I!!, ~he 'ClU!'ml~ Uih,!!!~ ~b mt, ~); f!,,!mlli1l~l~ill'l~ jliJIrAd *" lhe'pYd c!I ~.!OCJ IBtI!~ ma~ lliliho!! ~PKlI'i! 1IIIII'j~~

.i.tJ libl! 1~1!'j:ICik<WIJtj~llii ,!II ~ -. r\h,~iO:!~' I.;IIWI. ~

Tlie :_iIIii!l Ukliilii" II,tilli'II. Jill' 'l1'li: RitmLt wllil ddc:~ ~ IQILD"f~ 11111_"(:11 .gf !!i!~l~!!itJl,.;'i'i 'I!l!Jlr~'VC n ,!!.oJ! I~!)! ~ ~n ,,'11, uloli!!!lllill lbe 1Lil!l!II ,Il~ u. we, ~ i~ ha~w!p lk!¥~I\~~t A" (lp!f!!to,c, ,!IOd C~~; C"~!I~y ~ ~ :bq, the 11m" bl~rHlnU.~ll liI~!I. ~j,!i'!! lih~ 'Wl~'':IM:IiiJI~ !l!I i~, (;r .. t .. iI·,krfi"J _Ill .JI, n~ dgnt!lc.~z;.

lu, l!a<l'il' Ilib!: IiHlgJ _n: of!H;ililmyinch.:!dcdl ,ii1llwugh '1Lq' hiid 1_ wa,rihd~ AI C'lid~ ,ill I~"'."'I~ i",ll~ Will 'ha, "'-e gf em~~w' '!A' the. 01' d~d:opmg .iii"' ~~!l who !iftlii'Ij[J ,,~g,li_ iii On:: _i!iiIi~ pPt .. ,boil, I'oIItmJi.

En Ji!l&J'lit wu ftllt 'wbc to add w! "he ~rll!!tloi'!wLM:" _ ,~ 'iU ~ 11Ioa: ~lioo '~"I!!c fl!'l~.~!~!l Pln~. ,I'~ I~linkient II~ Uld ~ Oh!"OOlL41f1.'tilt:lMi"~ Sl:prk'l;" ~, ,I, :]~mUy had OO!: 1wtd~1o!;g11. 'oI!!\U .bo,

,~. .

It Ii nu:! "'liRl:J!~ Irc'Ii'W_ ,empbiUli! Ew, 1_ I~ iOO kinp-.I,!'lbic' luI.ilF' _ up to ,1f.I.~Je .u!!d:itmp11f'yklg ,100M'; proL~1i'eL A ~w Mcu~iIIJ' ~ Mid II, ~8Qna!1 (li!r_.r ih",,,,~ l!!biJ, bemW'f,ittoo.

Tille ,l!iIJ~~ed hUtnJilm -..111 FInd: ,limber tlIi!!ll\plc.e, Ihl3l9l')I' CI!f 'Ih~ ~~ilan ,III thI: nj~W!i1 ill 1_ :F~\!lww,dli gIi ;PJe¥ioo~ edL4!~ '1h_:bve now hecgMl hila, voIw.1MuI ~QJ be, iDlilu~: hi '~II!I;l ,,"~Ik ... ttoo, I.Hl~ ,~ ilqfrA ,jQ ~ ,IIiWlad i~


,~!tdt 'Ib 1:Igf!illq ,101m, I'lt:til)' Slo~ I:j,)'~kk

C~!l T.

Em~tB. ,ggm\ tlbl!imll!:l,




,fi~', Ph:dgJog ceremony , , , .. , .....•.....•.•........ " .. " , ,4

O,peoin.g ,GeI;C!mOftI •.... , ...•.••..•....• , ..•... '0" ", •.•.•••••••• ,. "' ". ,.~ ••••••• ", •••• ,....... 18

al_,g C'clranOO, " , ,., ..•... u.".". 00 .'00 , •• ,.- .•• , ,22-

Qremony (orlml:llillatiQP 0" OIJk-eJ'J: _ - - •.. ,. :21,1


Imtia~lo,~ 1[l'el,cm,OJI.'Y , •••••••••• , .•. " _ ',' " •••• , •• , •••• " •••• ,.. 28,



S@~ed AT( .. .g.~t of Temp1~' ,for Il!IIltiathm I(D,ill§am)' , .. _-. ,.,. ,80 Sygpstcd, AJir~gema1:1 of 'tihe om~-ef:S, .. ~d l~rllipbenl!1.lli ..

of I:h· InElillti_ .• , , .. "., , .....••... A.·.·' ••• , , ••••.•••••••• ·'0··· .•. ,,' .,., ru,

kpp:rond :Iwn~ of WtiaU.QD' PiII!O!!phema'b: (Uiiilgl'lillln) " ..•..••• - ,... ....82,

Dcsuipllion lof m:,tleS (!H' O,lfreefl ·~f Ilh~ ~nUh.Uon " -'.~'... ,83

r I ~


II h


~ ,

.BU1'kd, Cc:remun,., ~ .. ~ .. " .. , ,,, " ., , , ,."., .•.... , 88





... ptcdging ~"<mdn, " 10, 11ci' used ,for ,every plaJge of tllic' C'l!a,ptn';" w]~U., pledged dR,liy s "" ,II ~,F~lpkdginl. shout. talc plaNlIJt d\lo~rl1~tpmu1.1".1~ .r W~ ~, GuedS-~lOuld ibe ,enCCWl'agedi 1:0 ,.Uend.

b. Fonna'l pted&ingmay beltddin me' .~r CbapIa .~phc:e~ A 'llW iiklM. of initiatirm ",f"maTia IhouId.be displalyn ill!UJ

JJa:dWipaltiDig u:1I~ slwuldwear m_, - .

'¢. llle mm:nentArdlQl .. E~ RO!X!~.nd&:!UnClliI Civol:li:der _. ilU :s1""ioilCd ,II • eaWc in :Un: Iront ,uI: thi: 1iOOm..11Ic Eminent lltraiM, lind! Eminent WiIJ'daJ, lim pntcd ,.1 lhcenl~1 _r.




Eo A.: Cmuumt :1'1~<Ji!lL:l15, all in ~itess for me' 'l!;e~tlllOI:1¥ 1Il)W to, tail:.e ipla.oe?

,IE. n.; A1~ is in [-eadl~, Etnine.d An,~hOlll.

,B.A.i: 1"];Je1l! I ~~ you, ,~k o~~t ll!~ w1mamlo 'he forman,. pt~p t:.Ql Idle lqra'H,y lOti .rig ~f Sigmil/ltpha Epliiln.

A ,.

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. _ Th~""'!iImuId lie, ~ .priot 10 die reo~' u I. the

Ipprupnalc P1pD.... -

'The EmiDmI AJdau:n ~,unce.Hem __ , De _tal.

. . '

'E. A.: We·p:e .. ~hlcd for the' purpose ,of rOnDlI.l1y p'edgU:lg you to Sigm;I .. AlpbaEpsilan. BefOf~; the inv'.liIltioo of pledged tip' (~n 1Ie.~pkd you mud bmd" !pQu,tdll.tJit 1:0' otU NoN." Or&:r by D oL1ipUo'D wfdcll. ;is, entl,rely ieansiStenl: wIth the nahl1'C, '0" II 'lnie m~ and ,II gentleman. Belote }',Db' initi;),'tion. iinlu '0"[ Fr.d!l!r~ oily QUIIY be aCbieVe4. you ,mUd ~"uDptek!,a, ',,"kid ,of pl~ip 'which 'ill ,~,~ loicA: ,YOW loyl1Ilay.ndI eflthwri1lllm~ 111111: whiith oon'IaiID;OO im:prope:r ,wduI, or 'pbysal peril

. .


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An: you wjJlmg: 10 prooe:cd wiith the ~moo)' uI ptedgjn# fLEOOES; I 111m •


E. 4..1 Eromenl R~r., imtf1l1cl 'hesc ClIIndldMt.I in lIte W!!tme of

,t 'ow: Orda'~

' .

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E.. :ll: 'low lhi,¥itl,UIDH t~i;oj" .2:.i.E imp,Hes lIilJO~e an ,else ~WI :),.01lI, .Il. .. gcntle~n.(hJi!1' FAtemu'y i~ fmllKfud OH f;detllwhlp.~D

• ~~I S~!fmaA~phtEpsiltln, itt ·~.P~ ~g~Ull'Oldy tim:5e 'wililldi!.e tfr:ll:lb and. q~lilJma ·d'ii. ~e[U:!rI'IlnaQiI wbich .ur~s.o! .M""c.,~ry I. the p1~1uiti~!l Qf tk rnust. l;lSti1lg ftdeJlrb:!~jp';

YOuwil~ live witb Qlj;in ahe 51ro:mg,~ "I fra:.,':JIIi!l'~ ~e.bUo~llihiiU· '~folit; w'th Ihe .Ido;pti,Oll (If ,,,,,t ki.d.G~. yO!u ai!w;l,Wlnne U~ ~lJibili~~ '~;Q p~nrD onrhOMFedlTliillme:~Oi!fld. reput:;lll:ion. baLh ,M thrs CiUllpOll: wMJin the wUI:M out~dc the w.allS ~ !~~f .Al!,";!:


'liD a~oomp~il!'b 'mC!IltndIDS,. we s'I~a~I, e"1Jet.1~ that y~iJrch<lf~il~r' ,~ibilt '(ho5e lM,*eotill .marJb 0:£ .~"d Ita!ltie. "aim., gpod. ~t:. ntanshilp ;and' ~p'h'~~1 wb!k-b Shain s:tOilillip yUH '.!Ii g:elltlline saJI! of· M:~IiI,efV#. lOr tt~ Cha,t~ and in O'W' .. fr.aternUy .ili~. large. wehaveo1:d dd. biirdin,1 't:r,aWUgHS; I'o'IIbjd~ w~rde 'tbe indhid~l!!Il in his,~mMI 'Mnd!~ :;mi:l: 'in hi~ rebtUonsh'p!ii wnl. his" ft.·.uow InPl.ln k"cping. wilh d'!.eseioo.alS. ~we .gtMe~n. in specillic !tenifllS. ,~nc defjniU~I' Clf • tore g,~Ulml'iilni wbicb nwU~be ,(Nu' d~~ty t'O lUetnOliu j!!od t'X.cmp:n~ ai,.i;!i ~d of J~uf; fm!tcwaJi obli~I!!!t:ll!):Il.



"'1'HE Tf:tllE ,r;:mN1'I",~MAN'"

The tPlI!i gentl"'mg 111 ,the lilIlilillll wbm;e~QldNtd p~; f~oP'l!g.~~ willlPd! an .iI4"JU~e ~ ,of Pf'Dl'lntdy ~ ~md WOOliill :RU~n~1 iSiC:qull to,illl elilu~fgrl!nc~r. WM does I~t. l~.e Ihe· ~r miUI li1!ll:l5Cl{)Wi or hilspo,yeRy. Il':itl,'!!t1.lIiCIlIJiCI .~iIh ,n:f :b~oo.~u1'y. 'O:fl!;OY ~nl!JlI ~£ ~~i$ hdti:iwtily' or ,dcl~n'P1!it)'~ who< is h,im~1:f 'hl,lt!f~h~~:l1 if ~wtf~!i,"ilty,cmllr~b f.jlm ~.o btiuwh'ie:g:I:'Ul!lMI'~ who, di[le!loot n::lltlterw'4!u:~lh. enng;e ·hcf!i}. 'POYl~ ,ot tllDllst ,ofl~is oiWQ l~i!Cj~,ur !i!elriil!l¥lCmtlotSj, wltl1,peab wltb fir.i!l:III!'knG~ btll~. a!w·lIYs, \'IIi!h &i:~1 ;!IInd 5ym:pa,{h)'; 'wh~ ,d~fo:llows: 'l!ii,'Ii WrQrd\; whl 'lhinbi td thcf:JghbllJudJ fee~~nR of .oUleB mthm ~n 0': :his~n~ .'nd' wh<) !IIi[:lptll!Jl'5' w~li ·Im _,. .~'OID~ny. It

mWl wi.th wnalll1li bOQar IE: ~t:.red .j)I~ ¥il'tue ,me. "

E. .n.. f:wil:!ent Armon. lIl,e andl'd'Ilte:sai"e Qi!IlW' .1~l1I1IomJ m the N.~ of !!JI,U' ,~r.

E. A,~E!triIiMnt 'Ohro.n:leb. Iim£lnlct .,'~~ ~d'W4~ :lbnllerin lie heRb,p ud ilJr:l1dilticms ,o:f our Frah!f1ili~y.

Eo Ch.:: II ~I~ ,Ij):flen bene!JicW b~ feO~~~l!Ipon Oll!ili' ab. and idea~, :aDd upon '0_ IpmJRSS lin .• t~l!ihl[ng tt~r:n. MillAy :II: maolliUI stl:,ped, UdD' ,wmplaOOl!l.CY lind satMorcth:ll1 llY ne~ng l~' fe~'cwhill

befla!~iaf!sigeemt)'· .and criH~ly.· ,

.&5 .1Ii :ptlUlp of :Ed.. your nliiJil 13.ti.d. fnr~rnCllijI." d'0i1,. win be Ito .Itam *he, 'h~pesl st;ho'IUt~clli¥em~IiiO!!l1lmensum'e wU:h yOW' IIiCllIdeRlu:abr1i~,. 1£ you,rilil m. ,flIu.-lcooe...YIliit. ME Dli!t)" will 10n ,disappollILt )'WI' p.umU., your friendS and ygm: Fr.':em:ity. lint

• mgn::.i!n~11'.YOU wm :be .fi:tili~g 1~"U~U.

" . WI aba ~N ,cd)'OlJ.,iU1ilI!leslI gf yomI"' ',liatem1t, ~~ iIiIIliI.!!

lIide1Iil7. aat ,!lU, ha'\!\C • :sy.thetkl Wl~nhilllding :.da 'L'OmPl'C' ~ive .nowl'edg~ ·of tM liff~ .id~1s.:lnd 1!l~!l}r7 0' d~ 'FmcmJty whI~h, ... ~~. t~ .f~iR.



,. .

" ~ ~ ". ...

r M'W cain ,a'r IIIttenU:bn ~o Tll'EI~HOE:Nr:x,.Ilc:' ptedg.'e mlin~i lof !ligmli .A~,pba.l~n.lou ,aI.cn~~I:Q' ~d it ibfqJ;ily,. tt~, memorize ~ft\llin portimu; a",liIltol ,dis,p1~y IkMwAl. 'Uge .and undemapdlng Gf it be~OHUNli (''UblIdRlltilm ~f p~U' pJ~allip. :SJ~ •. AI;pba Ep6ihm has It grori~(~1 ~I]imlryi .lmdmty bc':'''OHling fa.nu:Jiwitn it, w~ pi!irp:rih!!ll:lle th., :metllOna ,Wi those woo .have conb"ibuEn: ~o ILLS :1~Ii.ress:.

v '",<1,1' ~,~, - -h-: .- - - - ~r~ ,~I,.~., - mi • .,. .... 101' diI - S" - ~ •.

1011 __ .1 ~ leJlJm ~ e .HO!!Hte5 0 one m~_ """"'.... _ ~!jll _ nJlmlue

Oount1ll1 .!Y'i!d tht':!)m~~ ·oI·I)f;(iIYi~ ,I;' ,~ . 'WiYIllMIftIl). Ind I:hc·RlmCS. '~UOll5 :afl!doonege aflni~U~m"" of ,aU the 'C1I!lliIP~,e:1iS '0:( SkEin .~. I'1rrol¥hl!.oe:," the ft!iIJml!!li~ndlbwigllili of IIIU Cf'lKllt l..e'lIkIr Or.ganfQJUfili!5 en 'this~t1iIpus...d Itbe nlimes of 11!.C,princi,._offb:r.o of tlds lIniv.eli'!'iit:r (or C.o1feg,c).

It. wae m8'D lias saw.. "I CI:IIC oot who wdl.eslhe hidllty' . of II people .iF yot!! hi me write Ilhcirsnngs.'·

1iIM asp'lmUoOi" :ide- • .Js ;rod ~)Teamnt tnlmilmie!li ,of Sigm .. , AI[IJilli, EpSilon ..,e ~icd in i!t$mng~ Our FraW:m1Jly u; (mo.WQ thm~t Ihe land liS it Ki:uging Fmtemily. TBu wiUI ,be expected tQ lean1 tlle ZAEsongs used 1f)' this Chapter and, to jow illl theml Do iI:n oocas!Ions.


".' , "

I, ", "f.- I,

I J -

E. C'h.; 'I1ds'is 'd1e. Sol'lgJ.:a;oo'Il of ZAL Male th~ $lII.~ II p;:ut of • yom fraternity Iii. lind 10(YOUf memon.es (IIf ZAB;

Emineld M'duu~. Irhe pI~ga 'have DOW' heen Rdficlendy and pIOpe;rly :umntcted. in the 'heril:iJge aDd, ·t .... ditious of S.iignlll Alp'u KpOQn.

r CJ n IJ l

&. A.= U·aVi'. hHb ~hJsit~ted in tbe Dail:tlre. beri1qe·.ad ~ of OUr FmtemityPJd m, )'OIIt.1i duticl, as pIeJge.s to· It. -,if there: is ~y.- douM: :in ,YoW' mind illS 10 .)'00'1 .desire to, ,hec.'Ome. pled!1-=' ,ofA1'ljf i} fl of ,~ . ~pter 01' Si.gma A"pIa Eps&lDil. qx:ak now.



f I


Eo A.~ tlui.,. no ~dool,t. niH: your righl hand. 'pn:mm1iK'C ,o.il'.... rne and Kpeat ,aftel rn.e:


:1.. _ _ _ ,~", ,oftJ~e bO:M!t uf h!lV~f:!_g~el1) ~ woJth,,~ beoorm. a '~Rdkbit:C!jfo:rStgIQ A]l-lbp, :Epsilut SO:lommY~r~l: I WiiU nflv.erfllva,liby _, ~nI wh;ltsoe¥er. 1ft, ,Ill libel' ritUal. ot OdUlf '~cts of f.c Fmlaillit)'~ 'whIch hn:e bMn ~ Iro m~, ,or'Whieb may Ill!!! ,~~~ Or (lom1mun~ nl:ed: t:Q'rn~~ at ani)" Ume.

·1 W$nwcar' ~1~,tqe bi.ld~, al,titU apPmpl'late Um~ .•. lIJlld .. ~wliU .protect· l!I:-,and 'lilenamc :il symholi:lli~, frmlfil !tlVefYq,HJft,er v.lhai!l& ~er.

I !Will~ IJDloya1 llind ~!,tn' :Sj.lPfla A.phll ,E.~'G .. :1,WlIU ,otl'Si~: i'is It:caclidinp. J wUI .~ .idu(l by lbikkals. I wjill' be :IO'\!'e~ by' I~, Rl1~1 ,~~c~~ JI~ .lfiDg ;IiS,dw,., _nutcDnaiel~ wi~h In1 .II~ 'to, my home~ '~,o, Iny bat :seJ~1 ,!il'Qd '~Qln_' God.

E.A..N!}w'tfu!JI'yO'"~ hI\I~! 'beOO! i~'~~ in :~ n.a1W'e ,of~!J!!!'Ff-.t~J'· nit.:r ~ ~.I)O us 'byyo-ur :solemn oath. I. the Eminent .A.rcl.H1'Q of (;llIJptEf do dGtllln'YOQlof.IQ'IIIII.y pl ... ':d~ to S'!ma, AI~Ep~JlIMI' ,~d- hI I~.e!f!' IlhefMfl 1~,V!C5~ 'Quml:t~~ th ptcdp gop i!!!OO pkdgG '~dg,1!l; ,feellQg, ~"lUI6&nt lh~t "auw,lU bring; t. 'W~ h!l!~ .nd .dJ,,;i~!8t."I:.j~m' dl!lf'.iil'lg, YOW'11IClkld: or pm~,~ tioo.

"I dli'!ii :pdJ~tllenminJnt .lkmd,wh ~.~ .t 11m I~d: of dia Ulle of' pJcdp$ dnu~u' dx!1 ~ony .~. 1000aKl" 't~e1 d. 'l,'luSMnn of pI~~. bi&d:ps ffQm' ~ "W'e inl J~t ·of h:·F.mPt~'l A.~n lind. cun~it to "1.e 'fiil$t pledge·. The Emi~t .Archon pkcal: II pI,,~;e badge nu, ,tJ~ 11Im-I'DIt ~li!c: II'~ _ ~lIllum rJ:OO P~IJI\iiliti IUI.e'.pI~.eGdl" ",!ill ,campll!1ieu Utt:wm.t AR.bon I\CW:RUi, Ito, 'his: 11.'111 ..


E. A,; !Gem~ Il.'Of:Igrill,tgla~e.ytN O:!1I.II!JUllrling thb;., d!i!1 t~t f~fmilI :dep tnwilirdlllem'l!ICnh~p in 611lvFratemity .. !I.~iCY' it Mil'ld: ll~~ ~UCI. c~ng51.hn~,au wi~h (he ~t)h'iit II~KI ~gnUy ~I ~U'.!i"OJdeI'~

•• ' ,; ; - - ~t· -'iI! IU·- n~ .. ~ --- -1'- ~ -d-'; . ,md _. - ,!ilfit r . _ ' ,. _ -

.p"~;e.,. .rOlU u, p",,-,e,O!' ,;!: __ !un lI!IIe!H ·~.!i_.nl' .K. _ _ JIIW", :[ •••• _ a.~"",' ,LOn

Willil I!!j pnv!l: al:wu.y~1 tu 1~ umb~n, 1~,l~PY ~.d. hem,"fi!Ohd.


n-~.~ ". - -. _ ~,~ 31l rj 1: ~ ,f........., II • .-

~lI\uu~e", ~. _ ~ .• ~~ , .• ~ .. mal .... ~r:i' ~ p~lh .;0, )'\OU

.1~ :newp~sdg~, iIIInd ~l :rni' )1011 .• :y~!lr ~rd.~t IliI.PJllUrI: ~h~. ,!l.MyIMY'mny'~ ,1~eship ~o a sUc~~"eulmiutlo~i' d~by" ~s: t.e ,un! I:Oralllfr:ttl~ 'Df Sigm" .AJ,pJia Ill'llilun..


, I

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11.is ft'~ny iii 'b. be U~ fM o .. niOl e¥ief)' Rpa1ar (2gptcr medina 0.1' ,hWI.df:dio.n •. If pledl~ u is the case lfi tna", ~

•• -..!I' "L~ cc... ... __.. o!f 1M 1"'1. .. -...., 1IKd. . die· ,--in. ',' . c·

alIGJIQ """ ,III"M, ..... ~ '_ .__-.,..... '. '. 10.1.. "open 1 ~y

iii IdJ ,p moo ,;as lite pled,ga In: ~ 'Eol go 1~1 'lheir rqulaf~'

DleetiDl;' .

'I'bc'Emine1lll: ""'n, _II ~ CftIJ penoRentem..g Jibe 'cm;ple~ SlJouldhc, .wt ~~ 0, penon., llema)' dgIlm,p Itb lind ~ .. iq J;Udl, pasiOn I:a Pl':C die sigmmd 'p,w.--wo. N';o person ,II~ mt. the temple lun~z.aL HPt mat) -.PI hu.:tnelll.t.a; of Sigma A!pha~iton be, "mi~ On ~ oceasian~ sudI- im"fia. I:~ !lind imbllal10ns of loffite~ Ute' ~! W~ sIWJ dJcek mlllnllemM, prior to die O,pemnl of me meetin,.

Whtnlbe C:::U,pter i$ ~ ..... the mcnlbca Ire Riled, the Elmnad Au'hop ~i .nd addr-e!lSl!S (be Eml'iBnlWanin. _, ('OILJR'j;

EA.: hinml W,arden. ~ it' )'OW' belief' that .u ~ ~III .. e ~J!fribegi .. good dandingof :SigmiiJ Allpllii& EpsiMn?

Eo w..: ,5Qch, is my beUef. Eminent Arcl:i.ot ••

E. A.~: 'c.~tmg 'thet!li. ,Adelplmi. one and liI1l:., hlJ (be l~ IiII Si,Wila Alpb. EpsiJlon.

MQI'HS~ (:reeUing. Eni,inent ,ArL-liOnt ,gwelling UK' pm'qlenty 'In Ulilf bdoved mder,.

E. A..: Adel.,hoi. be ki:ndJ:y al~diolM.'il (Ulili to 'llO'ther wUh: bKlth-eliy ,I~ in 'h~ .prefill'rring ,one OIJli:Illwr.

~klimll!3r1i.;Hebn.d,lWM' "g_: mIMI liro-W 'f.r~1, iI !b1lnr n<t-utl~, '1.0 IdW'~11 togd:1M:f in WIIl,,.1

Ru'EI (';aU,

Alte ... ~U ~II, Ibt!Hlnl~(!nllile~~, 1ltl1ii1'1It!lI, dlieEminenl ARho:n

all' Lo,wlicllill.- IhcFe i!O or b POt II. IJQIH'1Im. :shu .... d iI.hc: l;iil.tcr he, the' \

~l HUl'EPiiM'.!i!it: Ar:on ~'lIOti~ dte '!Cha:pt"., .nd., vote is:tlbq

H . In ,fldjuumllkflt·. U tllae U !II quomm. me medin.,l ,continues u

ID:lfow~ •

'l11~ members .aPA lhc Emine:IlI,t ,Md)en _de am olJi;u D.mld,tiln~y;, ~bc emi.u)ul ,Ardton raponD;.1:H ~g m' .~~

The :Eminenl 'ChnpJjiDiml:Y nQ.W' :1Udi·. :sd'ecli'oa .. ~fJ:O~ ~ BiYe .800 oIer p.yer.

A.~nyBrut~r~ entmnrg Ilih!'. ShIn .• lule the EIIIkI,ent ~. od.t

'UI!IIlI" L_"-,II" ""_"1n!'I:t..d' 'take' 1m ~ ·"'-n·,. ."L~D~"'L..._ 1""-"1 DEIllIla, ~"'''''''''II>''-.I!-''''t '. . - ... --. _. _ ..... tt UK; &IIII'UUIE'ISO ..




''11m; ~~n'Io:nJ' 'il 'ta 'be! IL:I:5Cd deer '1II'c.,alapWmHlW,B fK 1nita1. :I .. _,of,o~

At 4wmnlCftt .. dlll~t A~n rap:~1 limm: ""d: die' ERIiI'neut A1I',dlon, lind tm!ftILca ,[unn 'dlc',Rp ciRIe.

As· ~ ,!II Ii~! Creek ~b.IJ~ ~ ~ the Son •. l.odUr ,should 1_ II~, ClJqttr :in ~n,Cin,I",F"'dr ,~ iii' _~! ~1 linl addition leild 'Uti Id yeD. .


,E .. A;~ AdClpboj. ~y Ul-= ~nW (If r~lily :aM f:Jb~rnl4"dp.'Whlch we ~; :~boU~.g!ilO'w f1rm.:~ ~~!ltmn_g.~r ~t1~t, dlliy .uf ,mlf' liv~;, mllf ~n1 amd :!fl-! f~itlf~ ;~ip tlQ 'IIHU' mliM. IfIUIIY lID lB:jL"0li'd ev-er mar ,~1lI' uni.o.nhut ,!IlritUl1Ig Uf:I~r tlw bn,nu::hes of .liM! OU~ or~" l~ 1!lI!!i: t~]:~:~\!'~!lI in Otl~t~,;!_oo inY~ ~1!'d:l!.cf :U~ 00'11: :~ mWlJ)" Yld~; wh!:~II~ l!I·~'!i_).n ~mldt:n;'ive' ~!) l~h!!:w~lf~fC ~f IDYl' !lh&r amd th h;):l)ph!.\llil!i of Us ~~mlN.l~

'M we gCJ' out lfl'{lm, ~ dl~ hmlJP~. lilt us re~iIiI~mll!l.!f' tb3it: e;i.d~ d~y brillgsi~:s:tIrniah, Sind hm11JlillUOM" ~t5 py~: li1nd SQIiJO~ "_~I

~, 'WI, :med them In nlC ipirit ,~r :tha:tp'b'IIMn~h,y "Nbi~111 our Ordelf p~ Lei: • ., :!!Ui"«: to ~1nJ!wdJ~I~ed~cril\l tbe I~ ,!:II O~f F't-demity. ,~IJd :~,'VCi II~elnuJa~e i~ vith!~, !1:~Klclrl~l'i1.ihiui teaclili'op; ~e:r :~eq:tjJlg ~h!! nllll'ty of t~~,iIIilt lin t~~{l IlOldi:~' peall!iCo

M~Wl<tN~ With moo1deJ: Onllll i;o~o.dt~r,~

Ar:uI: band 1(It!d, ,cwpcdjlil 1~u:ru.!I. :Rlm'IlIIin 'WO Dliiulihtn e~_

Of thlli' ,our Il.I1dil~S btntII.

& A,.~ J;U, (Si~"en in I'ow tonI! h~ Credo,.)



l't~ '~Rirngny' hi alwaryJ Ijl!igtcpd pan uf. ~t.17 orspe:_ me!l.tin.g;i' npened and ~~n.h dw.l, fQ_1od aremouies.,

E.A.;Em~nl hum'er, !!:I!JU. ·the ron Oif IUI!ti newl;y el~~ed ,tlillit:~eg,

of. .t)lIJl)hlfo, .lInd h:l: (h~llI1.iJ:PPeo:lf I~fnre thc! ,,,,U_.

~ha:t. :they 1m".), be dtdy i:(i!dil!c~:t.'i!I] uU!UI IU~~iJ~ ~\!,~riIIl dlJ!tiulilS.

R.!!ln c<0lJI1 of "~wl!yeleell:dolii~~ wi. titEt\: dml,..~i:On. :Elacih ,.,f6c~.t ,~~, 1m. n!lill!e g ,eallu.itlid~~nd",.pd tab :his, p'~ec '.fOB the illl:;1iw •.

IHSTII.W!'I"iG O!1f1~~ YOIlll l!litve been dll!~y clect(.ld ~Q! mlllse\!l~Jn~I'y ~he omt~ ~ip;t,t:d It' the ron IL-a11' }Inn ha'W'!l j;t~~ Ill!a~d..

TiI~!! duUI.'Ii!i ,of" 'O~!if' uffi~t:!llre!~t rn~lh in ltbe Natiunill I .... w}i,

(If 't.he f'"f,aE:er.JlIi~Y!!lind 'nl1i!~ Uy·,Lawlt of . UI'!OIIpt.t!T •

. 1t~:yOUl ,!treDo~!~ _to cnt~J I~lpt?n mbe duth .. ~ ·~f 10~~~ rtt!i,Pe~:Uvc om_bf:ar Jn mind I~t UpolD you ~~t$ !!ldklU:io~1 JesptUlljlbi~Hy 18'1 I~W!' 'W'dt.J~q;g: I!ndpl\l)g~S5 Olf ,th" Cb~,t.e'...'J'lIe ~htll .. ljli:t~.~ of lhf.!! ICI~l1ili~r depe:!1'~ '~!~!l!' the e!l!ef-gJ !II1d d!~~~iI1Ue$:!i! '~;'lt:ll whid~7'!:IU~Jf~~m ~g\l" 'W,~d.·. rU!l!:~ ~g.:.c J'~ Qf' ~luy:alL¥ 1Ji~1.d, I!m~J~ln tht!! ,(~I~!lg,l: ,of ,rnu' dutie,lli be <liJiI! in:.~pli~tiO'm to t:I!~! who come ,allier ),OI:!. In klee;.p hidl' dLC~lltm~.rds ·t'f

.~ ,'(;lnlpttir QI'MrlIlmMDCC ~h~lmtsti:ge t!lf:!ilI~JI!l~

Ahlb~ :~psi~n.

I!)!, lu.e(lIQ'1 yOUJ!ll!t~t;,mt"e! ur' lll~~, Ilffi~mlitsihni:ti(.':ll. ,r,lIi~ )"~ r~lt han~ and RIJiI'iI~1 .I!!fittlr nw tfI~~ ,outil. !l}f tl!Ui~~i

Oft1:!!I;!,m,t; ... , ~I'~'h"!l!: ~~e!i' U~ l:n~:i1aniug, urrtt.~r, ~ ci~!,heF,u1!1:Y ~ltm~u!, ~,ro!i1'L~ dla;t.1 wm:. f~ithrtl!UY~isduu~e~ 'It. die I k!st uf' ~uy ... 11~i"lt)i,. 1.1l!:! dilltlle$ 0:1 Ili1!Y OfEil~. lIiI ~t rClItllh in I~'w NilllLht~!U1E ~w~ ofN~~I'!~

,A:tjlh:li ~;lul1JJ and j'lll lth~ Uy·IOilIw.s, 0(' .~ ~_~,


Ins.tsining ODiic.et" places upan the .uk!etl af ,cKl.1 uHkel' me roDe beannt; dIe insigni., iii Iliil Qm~

.' Offkcrs t.ke- their respedivc itatilmS;, .nd Chapa_ :lllJHtinl EOg,. • dnlido

I ,1n$TM.U<NC Onu;:ut (now &(;-I~A! yon., U:i.C EmIUiml

A.,.-IKm.yow., , .he Eminem :Depuly A,R!oon_, ,you.

1M Eminent RecmdeJ',. tete.,)_ ----Chapter:. ,dlJ!f eJalied and' qul.W. and 'inV'eM yllO eacll withl )"our rObe 'uf oRl.c,-e. Cha;lJting you 10 fumO wild. due ..lUi/pee 'lh~ tnl5t thillt yo~ 'haWl assumed.

,1Nn'At.LING OwtCD-:__ ,BrotIIeDl, of Chapter •• pl\e$eRt

t,o you .liae o:IiIicen; duly :p1edGed ih) disdJarge. to .he 'best of thclr,ability. the dJ.'lties to: whieh you have e'k:elred 'hem. I bespeal for tltclll1 ,YOIU' hart,)" and earned eo-operation" thai I,ogetl~ w"'C ;nay _ seek 1:0 :pmmD1i1'J :iln, thifii, ~lII<l.'luimi~' ilndiQ ,his; Uid~Pin)' (Co'I~)the Cil:tJ5III:ur our bt,'1ovaI Fnllem:il, •








I. \"LU,l!~l' ,oo~y one man ill [bci~1 initiated. U!!ie ~g. form ·gf WIInb 'in ~~iIi!li~

!h. Il1i'li\;l!!h'l:ty Ip.;lnpliu!n~ali!lj gm~m .lInd m~~ ue '!!!mI!fll~in Ie,~u"daut~ ""ph dii;tg~fl~ 'P:!I p' ... g._>J : •• nd IIiilL

c. J~1i Sl.d!iI~HIlIU, to Ifw :l1I\'ul on, the IIlbr, 1I.c Emincnl: ARho! mould ~. p~ ... M,ed 'w,it:b !!!~IR! '!lNj WI.Onl or pM:ntel'.'ib1:! ~'I' lrom Illle ~h~tue ,uf ~tll!l~r:va m\il!y~rvj ~I! poinh:!I'o.

,d~ l1tll! ~lght in i~hli 'hllli :sh.la be ,....'VKIcd by lie .:il,1wninlltcd iWliipla aud eguU~ ~",p:p'kmentdl by su:Efil".ientindihl'Ct. I~.hliiollg Il~

,-ml .-O!li ..•. h ~~u~Ihe""":"':'~IID ---.'UN!r\ili_-~'·O:I.:::"~'II!~ -

.II! SI'!! __ . ~'"I'e _ •.• 0 C .IYHO .I ........... y,.a __ .~. __ , ........ _ !Ill", QU_.Q,

:4ud mef!~~n; III' lite .Fr"'lJl:m!~t)!- limll tg ~~p~.rydCbil ..t ltl.1i!! inil~I::IlliaP. 'TiI~ ~ilgtio'" kill Ibou:1l1lPe¥ft 1Je·SQ! dUk ,0 tglw,"~1 II.:' ~1ily ,gf u.ntUUur~llP~.

c'. ViliUh~A: HfOIlwft! :s&.cnd'd IX.I,ted gn Idle .rmnt lOW' .• lonl'R6! die E,n~ue,nl OllnJni~let', 11l1"~ day' will ~¥ie the. upp;tdllUlity bl lCt!'lIIInd ,idcntiryUH' n.,t4.~

f. Se~biin 'U" ~" Pl' I'I~ ball :dw:utd .. left VlCElt lor b:~~ ,,-iJ!to nuld be pamitlcd 'taen_ ,uol, __ llhcn~ClIiIIN

fJidn,g t:he. odt .. r VI' tile ti.minerd AlrdKltl •

. g .•. ~emQay sftoldlll be puf~i &om '~mQlf' ChlplftI:6e encour-apdlD mlLlmlhllin • c0I1/tinuinG: iilUU .. tkln t~ ·the, mC(n_B of whiCh will cutinLte 10 perform dle:tTfOL!i '~lib:an uoH:.

h. Inaddli'o.n ~dJtili' ollRl dutiii:j tbe ~,e SIIm~ .e' III 'M .JUt for all ~IIIC\S o'f ,nemk'tStatld! ~Q ~ ~n llacl ~~.

i. l1UDu,C!wud ~be:cel!ci_tny ., "Hiious 101'1.111 lie 1IiJ:!!I1 Will: he f(!"d .. ~d hill .... .cl,m;li'Ulel ,1IlI. ,the' ClliiIpler PR~

j.'hlll t_pa'f:llp1Jl!r~jJjtiIJ .... bccn,g~isI.elOril", _npd. du:::olB.n Q!f;e litn llheir l~rPl~, 'd~CI Eminml (len11a has lnol:mcd the t:.WIW!I'It Aldmn 111:11 'd\e'nemphylnan:: .... mhtedl.t. fhc door of chI! lin~lia,tion ll.an lind tile ~bcn aJe IRIIed. ldicEmilK:11!t A;,dKUli ~~I!!~!.di I~ thC!mminen~ W~I ~ifA'Q


• .






lh.eID!l!n\be;I'f.nd the Emm~t .h£1wn sd.tte ·euh nt:her limulta ... "ooy.

Emlilftit 'Cbapflllinpn.ys.

lbc' Emincnt ,&,.n raps· (ln~Ihe~lfS..~ KIted.


Eo .A4 nm_nl\Varden.h: it ytlllfhelld ~h~l~n .pe~N pr~nt ·are m~1r5· in. ,good ~ndjblg of ~~Ii"3j Allil:i lEpton?'

E.'W.~ Sucll is· P'lybclief. ,F..mincntln:.:,tlOn.


t.!.~~.. » .J 1].

f r} .J ..

MmBgl~ GI-ettin.g_j.E'minegt Afd~l!Jllj,grreelingil:Q.d: p:ro5~ril)'to ,!lUi"

beloved Ordct. .

E. A.~ Ade~~ be };md1, affe<.tio:ood ODe 'te, another w·UlIbroth.e,lfIy r~ :moo:OOt .pTd'errlnC onell'llOthet.

M~I:~5: .~ how' g09dl and ho:w p1e.asant.' i~. (OJ Bro,,;t~ri' 1:0. !~d t~el.her ~ ~jtyr

E~A.! %0 ,(Spoken in ~ow t~Greek.J.

. {:.

- - \.,.,. \? ~ ,'-

~ .

• +

I .'.

,A~ EP~t. k,M ,tJO~S;


,E'. A.:lminebt:Cb3iP~~. lQ ;,II. ptll~f ~ppm;mate for thiis

~ -,



:f 3'


"""1:., A.; (m-) Ade~phoitw~b!uil'e' ,!I!I$i8iJUh1cd lIIiI Ib~ lh~le lu t~,~ of pcd'oliQ!linGlm(ll5t~'~enm ,and sured t'eRIOOUY-. ~: whom· . WCb;;IJVGI ~hmen, ~~ ·~fVC wnh,l!l~ >1&1 the ,A.1~hI!I' uf'FnelMMlt,,' ,are

" ~t ,~, 'be ailmiil1:ed tOI Ou'!l fJ!ob'11e Chdcr and ~ Ai(~ .:.-, ~~tr

- , . . - ~'~' '~_j~ ~--!_.

Ff:ll:emity ",q .~y p~ly cl!.l:fm, 01U· 'hmtl~edy Ri~m ,arid ,ci:decm.

It ~.-., 1i:"·lfIl~l, imipDrb.ln~: .:lIultI.llJl.lhe tt''eq oUbel 'We' ~LO~l'd: :imp:rm '~I 'wJfb d~e, :.,rl~ilillal~~lit.y of' ,oot OWer ,al1d:tbe N~\ .or 'Ille lIl!elltiiO:I~ldp' whM~ ti~ fI~e ·,a'I)Oua 101 asliUllM'. n~ff.lR!:" Id. 'us, ba1qlidct 81nd: ordc,~m,. as, :u, weU: filting: lilllG nu.tuJ'C

'''~ OiL .. -- .... "'Il.u '......,w I· ... ,.~".~ ImI~'· '·8' •

~I' UJ"" ~i]I,rI.Olljl!._ 'Z l~~ -- I.v. !lII;lIt~ ll"'~'~ ~

E'lIdncnl Wal'dMj is: ,an inlreadt~ Ilhillt we nilOiY p~d, wuh IlbelinitillllikJlIi?

E. W'.~ ,All h1 inna.di~Elil1Il.nlml ARmn.

1.. A..Em'~I~gkL ~ y;ogready t~ P'ldo:rrm, ch.i!li' ~-n!l'!.i~fI~1 ~ntfl!l~itdl)Oo f~Y:f' ,~e?

K, lib 1,1mI ready.

- . , - _

'''''it,,1,;; 1'he1\ ~ cbar:p you" seek 1000d ./,Jme whom W~ ha.v:c e'h~n '10

hofii!:!r by'e'la::tiIng "~eml mm .. bera of th-= S',~ AIPha~noQ Fgt~R!!"Ii)'I' ,tut we mll',~ wlth!d~ due [(Inn .d l;tIR:ffP~.YlliQjti"le dem. into (hls !Ollit~


;' 't... ',

.~\ .

• - 'I f'



1; A.. ·,Fmo(, "",,,." "'7'lon .... 11 )'C P"'f ... ~:..I •. 10.

D1IfRt_illl:.. ,'_ .. .' _. /, _ _ ,_

HIlIDml1illl!1mI ·.d thhi, 1n'5UiC~n~~ JJ,r~ wU1ll1!!i! YUl!ntdi!'e!iif.'Om,·

Plunc. J'

:Le1 ~1!mCe: IeliW'!,. _. ~_ _ gw~ he·-;;;~cl".d lII:oound !~M!i5Qcn,-d' faBC,; FOr IUlihcr IftI" ,~-- J.ifnttlmUJ n~iI'.,

O'~ffled with IdleiiJI_ w!J11~~disUj'ading: [Wlif •.

A&lpb:!i~ ,eM: the r_i~· p31~ :Iiglu. ,"'1111. wape.

Our lowe .must '. ,'Mlilr ,!l;QQII:rtqt, ~;lilu.I' tl'tftrstUl'y~

\i'4Lg,fo ~ "'llopcs lie t'nllSh_ :;"100 ~, '!I.!OIHe.

'W'henWii!!! ff~.nd lI.lu1ib\y·,t~k~ ,i!I~ ".'.

FrlII!D[fih,tp IblilU bR~Jncn llile (]bdl. of I~~ way.

'Ph[ ,A.t~·~ 'nlmmjoM, lH'ig,ht. ¥.i\c goa~ Itogpther' 'Oil. 'Iih~pcilflfeut






The· lmiDe"t. W!Udq, 'lbtn '~ mil! ,lemple dUor pamtl)'~.ndl .Hai til!!!, Emiln.4!lId .~ 1!l!i1rt!!!ld, is 1iliJ!~ .• f~.


:&.W.; Who lnOcb?


E. H-~ At:rerpJmf..

. ,

E,W .• =W'liID is ."dc,plm~

:tt U.~ A ~tb~in. S1g,~ A':pJ~~ Ep;U'q. It ''W.. W'hQ~ Prtl!l£<i YOU! thb d:i5t,EIliC'tjOll!?

I ... " •

• ••• C' ~il.'· • '!'ft.-Oj""" "," ~ --._JI'_ - . ,,'.)11-

, .!!i:Oo .J~" .'W:Y"'"B'~ U~ 'Wp.uu.~Q (1'.1: .D'.L~8i.

. .

E. W',;: ~ .~ "~ .".rr,fQgml" E. .R.:Fmm (M. u.nUdllilttd ~y .

.., :I. W.. What .rld ''-9 ht:!~?

E., ,EI .. : Fnt~a:®o~(I, OUI" ,uMe mmtl~rhoodl .

. ItW,:: flQ,~ .f!~!1 eomt&red wtin the!lf!ep w.!iJich 'h'l ~re 0"1111 ~o

blib:P -

iE~. N.; It: D my bclidtlmt tlwy 'WK •

. Eo. W~: ~nt A:IidtoI1~high ,god huDOftld Ihlfol~ 'of IlMlr be:1llvedl Ol!delt. hefC l'land'IQI'IIe' N~fJ'f:I in the Silifted 'l!iIu.lm'lemD' ~1itcri~ ·of SiigmlA!!,ha E~itQf!i.

;'.-D >I - '1liIftc_ ~_..;I - -.'L -. h~.!L ~ ':1,-

--=-:co. ""'~ ¥"HQUFlnl" ~!i!.em _I~ . ...,I".


£.'11'.;: A. hmlhEf o.f' our OBr.

~& A~: '.en I 'c.~at'go you,admn ,,-Mm.



It , '



E~ 1:II.1EminenlA:~I!U.lI~. I ~1OI1li'e d\i~~)' perrr~fmL'1I, the ~;onIII!iU~" 0,. t~~ lal m·e. and HaW I,JlleSent iii) yo" rhe;w A~'IY'l~~ htlve ~enfhr:marllypt~rp ib} SiW~UiI, A,1:l-;!~ 1~;J!il1ml. haYIlSl:1ltisj!iJ.do:ri1:y ~ .alll~~~ lu fuU ~t."L'ft.rd ,!tQd ,~!V«'~tw,nh tot1;1, N,Uomd

LaW'S !bldl 't'lilP'h!!~ U1~~ . .IIWS IIfHl dOillt tMlli~ rlnOfDc'f:lt "lied e~"

'hanciaf. kl~6IMHtl'. alld ~-Iff,Ofall~~lfcnU:~-I:t f:~.f· :l!i!~tf.uiti:ot'liIIII~ by I(he B:y~LaW$ lof, n:i~pl~,. the mlPd1ll!t:fQlllljlM ~~ ,~!COUeg:e (Uwvr!:lnity)..:rui. tbe N,;l:UUD:Ji1 La.w:s; 0"SjgIUII, A,lp1\la R.pila,

-K "'. 'Ri,_"" ....... fc -, ·.··,I';~ ,-,~. ,- -,. -- u.'~ I,·' ·,0 'eo·: .... ommdde Olfd.c ...

. n.. ~"'~.~,M'I:. lDiIS'Ill_lll~~eluu iIJi!l: _jl.!Ut ""L __ ,_".",. ,,_,, ,'

aud,lIssnme Ihl! ~ponsib:i liit;ieswll.ich I.·tw,~ne~lmll 'Ilpog~_!. it 'HwmQ 'US ~o sta!IJ1!! 'ill britl' 'mi!'r creed, alldIJrilliI~iple5, tl ... t yOl~ may d!~' f!~~ Willingly ~1'~l5Cdlllie ito Itl~IiI., 'wben L"lIIIF"d UlraolUll ~o do ,m,;, We '1:eaeJ] l'b~t, rn:!ln. fll:lli~tUns: ~IJ~ slWJ~~ItI! ~ I!u 'db1~eJ' ,dulji~ :llDd HlilfJOWlet'lg,. C)I!',her~ltw~ tb;l!lll ~I~ lof Iql'lI,l.l: I~~!i'!";~ 'I!!lpymerlt. And ill ~ ,'gjug. 'WC I'!t~rve tu h",I~r,I;'l£!i gi~~ lUll!: metnbem the: :1iIct!em~, iii.: plil.dk.:c, of :f!l)llf '!!iirll.tlf:."l!l: ~ .oy~~ty. iFriiGnrlilrnlp, UOIiHU" ~udFrllltemn,. Wj:th us )!OLIi_m f1lildi relld¥ Ilulimhl, ,a!lldwlUiogklut'!l ~o ~jd yu~~ in all 'D:{ )'UUI' 'tlii1"h ,aims, 'LlI~d ~db1eamlmti~ till ,~heet· )'OI!I: :if;!1 yau, n~t:!u~nt"i ~~f .:-pnIK'l'tl~lt'y '00 ~oalilil. Ind tfJ dwl'C' al:i!k~~W' ~(!j!iKl$(lQ'!JiW~ O!'!I)itllt!' 'tnu::lol 'the IflbliR"~mns,whit.J:., yfn~ ue:IIi~~!!I~ ~J 1~.e· •. <!Ind!\ii,~~RI!! !lpba lIps~IOIIII w.iUil!l1 tum 'be 'lhlC= 1i!lJ! :filii' .

Jill •



. 11

The Em:ine-ml Aitcht;!n '. ,_~ :Members .. seated. ,At the ~UmI 'Ulr 1M p,,-el. tiI\l~, 'heOphyt. ncorted by 'lLlI' 'lFmm.cnt, :IIcrakllll.o41h.e. En.incnt W;ilI'de:n. :mlWI in, ngu'lu' t~.lWnl to tkc illla!r mf dl..c, :Em~,. Denl. Il~~' ad lI.1lil11nd lacing iitlQ aowd'ed: 'IWlIikn .. hen: an, ordwEy pr~cm, m i'm~Me, .. neopb}'tH may eHadclII IC'flr • .ee lind sbnd f.at!ing die al'ta., of tlte Enlmenl Rc:cO.rdCil~ 'Whilclhe ReophylC$ ,aft: 'adOg.". Emin.at Recorder _ RiJ!li: Front Seeae SlUfte, (OQ the righl. dde, of tiM! &aD r.dol die Jironl) mi'J¥eSi the ~1 haU" of the bteelin,1 wdtions * 1,0 posilion before Ihe . .rw~


~ A.: With ,this u(ioo'r5t:iodin~ of I1llil alms, ,arid idc..4'fis. of our Order. 00 )'Cu 'wi~ to, 1,!i6(.'Ome ~"I.m.uIJl!,n' iJjf the S.igrlfu,1i Alll~m Epsilon .FridemU:y?

NI!lO'.I!'.'nES·~ I do.,

-£. A.~ .Htnln.eal lteoordm., proceed lUi iinsJ:nlCf tlt£:$6 'U~f!lJlgtell' hi the r:equ"iremenU, of tlJJei .NaliOl14l1 L.aws.

E.R.. (Ri~} .NmpAy"u;. COme blth« and g,ive heed: to ahel'etfUliremeats ,of Ihc :N3/Ucma' LaWs.




:B. R~ DoI)'O:U'~ in t~i.e sight ·uf hea.'ven ,and in dnJ: pi::~ni:C 01 itltesc ,8rotiteP. wUll.o~,~, n~illg; the :I~ast, iU'I!'.I1b.1l ~rv.il.t_ioo, tol.emnl, deela1e ~~ba:l roo wiU not Iocvea:1., OT UU."iIe ~o be ~lled. '0 .any liviDg lOul.b, ""t)['cU Of , .. ~.int'iiS. O'r by any me-.l!,l$' w'b.d:w ~. "nyth:ing; of th~' Imi1ure. dliiSiV;fI,~ liUOCie of' «'l]illr.!!~jnJl., 01" p!rOi:ietLlm laf tlteFral:e.rnit1~ 01' O!lf!ythitl~, w~.ic •• :iI, Ihi:ii l.inle :pas.o;es between its member.;; IIDd !1nu~II~?

NWJ'tl1FRS! I d".

E. It:· (~~b: froln m£mory wtllh r~:liugaJm,' darn),} Since Rl!iW cis Ii social 'hcin~, and fA Ms: !:lI'll.poer SJi~tim! ooly whcnl OI!S!'oeiill;h.-d 'Mth hi5 :fellow m.cliit, we beliJ¢Vc thili~. in Im~,.mr1:,i'Ju ':0 hi~ .d:i~ .... t'(ln :Irom fits. ·own II md win he his. d~Sfrl'ie. ndtt :uul d'~hliflt."e frbm the pall. maded ,oot by I:he 1le!!!.C1f~'tlnt Cireatcu. Tlu;l:oolHlw hHli.ridu-

• I


at wtil~tll~r 5;lV:illg~ DrcM~i;ted"fulr lh~ w.itlid of' Ilirupc:rut*!>I,;f~," Olil~tlt.it tobe~;o,whIl$alf~tion. ~aobw~fh -disl'm'!l ol~aU amlilmld him; ~mt he wbo~s L.u~ hy the He.s of £ltd,teunt~.dr~hoe, d!tn~,!llh w3ndc.>riug~1'I de~ftwH(b.,'Uf c;' u :~ton 1:liiIorr,em ~t !''''rld.., ul: l,o~d p ,"m h,eilviiQ~ oee':lill!'li, W.WJ:l. JCIC]S Ilhll:t UR'l'ei,!;~e l]u~\I!/II~o c:.ue rO:f-:hiIJ~. :lind ~he'il' fOI~drulllujln~~"";iucc Im'~fli t~~ lrul~u of joy'and Il'!O~alillll~ onhib! olil>lJ:l"Vo'ise ,~~~.~I~ding, h~rt, Knowing UI.e lJefil~lii~a,J ,etra~ts, 1J;hall'llmllWt~u\i1:y UoM' (nll:ll ",ut:'h -~Iati.w~. aficlbcm~vi1i!g tha~:whl:!'UJ "ropedy -'Cl'lIJdu~~ed. they immt gh!',1l) ;r~! to m;;I!ny ~d ,~t ::L(h:raJIEa_g~ l~ l'~~n hath of inte-Uectua' ~Iwd molal cultival[Ql~. We 'fl1nD f}lLBelve<! iuloa bil:C;lUi.elf'l.y harllll!. 10 be known ,,!" ~nd ,ull!l..-d th~ Siigtl~. A ~,E)h..I~,~I~II~Frdtcfil~Uy.

Bid: HI3.mlut<h3S morOlil dep.ravHyi. ... ea!~clid:~ted 1u :I~L' QUf e-d.eenli ror- cl~ ... r4(de,f* ,and I M:Uclii'b~.~ Ihil,ilt it wUI. w:eal.cl~ OiIud cven~ bl"Uy dmrqy tke bonds of f!lieut1:J',rp. auel: lh~reh:y ~se:nin~I)" int~l~ fere wlitb .• hlll ~t'll:-S w!d. wdf:Sf-e' of bu~' F-r<iteruity. we~'M:lge o"'!I:se~~e;s W be :shict1yn:!JorOlJI-'aud upright liD Ol!lf h~tcrL"'I!JiU!i'~w:ith QIlIC lliumthcr. and in (l~~r dealing;> with uur :Mlow mell" ,and in IIIU of oW"ltt:jmll5;;lt;t:ioll£.dlU'lilflg .~i:re:.

,AS!t!!.c beg III!I.~' o'f ... .¢llOmpUIi"hing thi~ ,e:ml, ~. hoM UU! fol'l!owm,g pril'l£~ples::"The iOl~eL't~ ·ofllhe .Ffa.~el!ll~ity sml;;rjU be hl (:uh;~Y.lure Ehe "tombs ~ i~nl)flo.ve thee ~liIlte~lC>l::hlal rtiC:"_I'~i~, oJ it~~ ~llIemibc~; 10 rurrDmldeat!h_ ~nemf'- wj~hldel!l.ds:. whose t,'::U'e .iillild duly .it shaH be to make: hi~1Il happy~ and ~DPI(¥Vi& bhml wUh brothers'iIl 'woom 'h~ t,1!iQ t'l!m :fQ.f advk-.e -m~d lIliSislalN1l!!: when n-ce;ded'!

TO, 'be· ,a_d'n~1uced. to ,nelinhership In -S~li!.lUa A~~hlli :E1)1.U~J.rI. (hil: cmdida~.e m~lSt ~1Ii Ifun~1ally :J;("Jtlt"!ptI,liMIJ lhl't~U~llhotd :the e.~L.iru :Fli'd~IefJlii~y ad inlu~II!i(.'t."Ol'dI w.I\EhJb.e •. ~dni(ilru:!!1 SiOL'::tal ,~bm.tlltnl,~ nmd. odginaloilje<.':tives of dl.e-fau.n-deRi of :Slg!,l~ ,,," IphaE1:~i~o1~., sided}' El1OTal, ~f' gent1emr;mly &:porUl:UUWt., or l(;rcdiit<tMein~ti[lc('_·' hta1 Mihil;~'y lI:nd ,{I;tta1inIll1~n1:!i., ,lIIl!!d ·0Il ,(udent ,Oif IG·onf\~llte .1'~1I.l: ~lt ,he -dornidfc uf .:In.- e!i-b1.t:1~.oo Cllap~efu:fthtlFra:llln,lilty. Nv jlJ.c shirUlJ,e .dmUted whp,iS kUDWW.. ~u have 1 ~'j~ ,II, UIiCII~ Iot)f o~ "'I:MI:I'u~-f 'colle&,'ll! fr:lltel"nity., o!l' Y!c:~I.!:~ ,~balfltt:tC!f beks. t'n,~ SlK';al ~lllt:!Il~~ Lt.-s !!Q neb~ry to d~ l~llC!lUiIJUo~~ nf t'!liC nm!lt ~nt ~1~1:Ji.'e fw-rh~I'H!U~ip>

1\PY one ~iug,U!Je fp1! ... ti:t·i~s :1100' (I,UaUfk+' .. til]~ IIiC~iu feE fbrth mcay I by tbe pre!jCrihe~: v~Ec of the ChO!Jph.:r '~'IUi,· cefli!l)d" ~~"'OIntl' UI IlDem.; iCf •.


TheEmml~RI, (luonidef r&n. The m:opIiwyia: leml!li;n 5tiading In ltiudrplll.ce:i.

Mcm.'.rmip is; f~U' lift; unlesl;1 immoral (:ondlu:;t.seandalooW'.

ClIIJCII!Sle lIg<lfimt dw: laws ,of the ~lte.GC or' of I,hie' l:iti'ild. dw.~J:ginG Itny ieCreJl Of :private: m<l!Uen; of' the Fr.~efrnty ~ uniibn with anothC'e ,concgef.mte~';IlUy" 'Dr other violation ,of 'diU! pl!i.-dges given at.tbe Urne 01 initiation. shalt :lilalJe ,expukion Qet.'io"SSaI)'.

,E, R; '1)0 ynu pro1mis;e thOliI)'O~1 win eit'ioo~v'oir t:o con:fJ;inn with ,lind e:lll'f)' oui 1,0 the! best ,of ynur 1I~.iln:y" C3(;h ;nul aU 01' Il~~ pl"O'Visioll5 of 'the NdlfiDalIll~ws of ,Sigma Alpbn :Epstlion" jLl81 read in your heuilll'& and dut yon wm t:hee:rfulli be :GQlVemed Ly '!iueb ,flL1e.s a.-td fe~dJtions as D.:t)' be impQMo-dby .I.,.,wlul 'iJull~W'ity in IMlfDlilnce fl~eof?

.NmPilU'l'ES: ~. d:a.

E. It,: Do ,,00 promiise' .hat )'Uu will 001 join or orglJin,i'l~ a..~y other coUeg .ft.tamty,. 01' o .. b~f' soe:i,ety. f.i~.em'.iedhip in ".'bieh ilf"liliy lie .rm:b~ by the Nilil:irui!lll J.a'WS of'Sjb~nil Aipk. E.fJ1;iloll, hy &he .la"otlS of "theconegia.~ iniStHnHQu (if 'widt.-h, }'Ula are a ~tndcnt.

'. ,Of l~ the Br...,Ltws, 0'1 idle iCha.:prer under. wlIO$e ,jllrisdit.1lio i YUh ma)' be?

NiZW"U:ns. I. do.

E.. ,R.: Etinfnent AI'Cbon. high andtl.OQ(;"ed .0.-0" er or our heroved Oldler. ihe&. NropIjy",i'!'k ~IZl~~f! nnw I . .een ~.Jmdelid~y ;.tI(ld prt,J'(!!I!r1y ins~n't.1ed m~1le' rcq,lJlita"~ls of Ibe Nii:lional LaWiIi.

~- E. A.~ E1n'~ Cb.1'\oniil:.h:r" 1.II;en, you Pillii,Y' PKI<;.;eOO.,

E. Ch.~ Neophfl1i:s:. wme hi/liter and gill'lc! heed 'to tbe nr...ding ·uf (f.I~ my$llt'C scron.



At the, b!ilwo.rd or ihea'boyc wmm.atuli, the: neopbyfk"'i. aiC(!!A,ed b,y the ,Hmjne;nt Iluodd !Iud tbe' Emmmt Wamen. man:llltl fegu1i1ir ~~der to, ,he ~ of dw hill :and' thent:el.o the· altar of the Eminen,':

Chnniic:le-,r I.tud5tiliud[:al'ing '.be laUer" n me ~LD;ulen a ... Ci' 100 small, for an ortk. .... y prti('~n. lhe~lt5 may e~ulc ,an aooU'1 ·fa.~ a'oo dand ~Adae:i:' iP'Isiilionl f,aeing l'hc !ldtar ,oflhe ,Eminenl'Chmnicler. The Emi"e.liit~ CliIWlltder ~ lly die Em.i"nent '\"~rdencanryin,g: lhe ''''',ater 'v'l·,IIIStiI. the,. 'perfo:nn:!! die luno'illfing tefeJJW11)' b:y dipping cacl. ~ytc:~s,'J .. g:er ~tipil .. lbe walle ... nd Ioudd'ngJllc' n,eophyle",s .,ip! and ~Y''1i 'with Iti~ ;lililoidened finpr 'lips ,al"id sayin,g"

¥/hil... the neophytes. are ~f<liein.l the Emfnml 'Chmnid~r a Left Frop:l Scene SL:iller mov~ IHie Wt balf of dile 'beefing cushiiom: "nto poSilioo 'hef'QfC du: altar.


M,a.), I:hese hands ~'K!: dean, Thac Eip1J; fro .... g~i.tt: be free.

Thex: eyes seem hi&s.C Sli3ipiidOID.

E. Cb .. ~ Do you pr'Dm~se dllliil )'Otl' "",UI, !Io (;·cmdll~t youncU' in. all ~he .'lI.i:rs of life.io ,aU :ib ItnH,I53(;·thm$ and d..li'eIi. as nil.: rOo T-clli,clt a,d,'ferndy upon tbe gJOOd munc of the Fra'~n~i·t)'?

N£OrI:l1ll''I'E!l~ l do •.

E. 0iJ.:: V:o you promise .'hal Jon wiH f:lichfully and pWUliI.Mly p .. y and ,discha~ge ,aU Eimtm.o"ialol}U~a'·iQus, iflU ... UiLhCJd. '~ll'JOrl )'ru~ a'S III member o( the: FrafenUt.y. ..noll 'IilnUitbOlll ohl •. Wtli4UitJ ,af'C!' I •• tly ~lQet.! you, win. CQ:~~erll WU~ i;i!~ tL.~hl i't uf IlIiiumr~IK~ uf la~v :md dauliing a~ pr:eli:::rn .. ld dill!!!"'; ,itgiti:u£l: YU'ii~'

NI!:Of'II"E~: I do.

. ... --

II .)~j~U'U[!1 II wlidll. It!~e p~~U~Irg;sd\I:a11 bc!. :do,ppcd lind, '1:I1i~

Emi~u!il~t A" .. IH~n :!ilim:n~~,I.1~~ the .p(lUpb,yl'Ci(I) 'bJI~lfmM'l!Ipel~Ey lthe Inalture 'of tile d'OIliIbE.~f 1l1f! doubt lcan, be Rsoh!',cd l!I!u~~fljil:illl_n - dlail pL"~; QIiIU.TW'~ tI~~ 1!,~,.I,.tt!'~) wl~, made 0[111:' nbj:eetiUll (5)1 d~n k ,adl~ ~o' ''''''7i~]!ldt~w .!IlkII' flil~inc~igncd lUte' fa~lowinl o~lth;

··~h~bby :~mUe lI~d~l!~ pr~inl Ply·ho:mor g,1i Icnll'emDp\, l~h:d ,I",,~n n","'~:r~\IIe,;dl 011' le:aUSl! '10 ,~, [~~ledlIIQli!I!ilY~!Ml' :lIny a~nt

Of 1~!i!!lmgHiC'aIiiQ~ w1tieh hlti C'f'R p~ "~Imr~f .!!nd _

~~-~,p~!~r of' tJ!1i!! S.ig-rna A:~,pi~!I! &p11~1 I~gt~mil.y.'"

''[be' Emioont .a.l.aa,1'd '~jl:n!!p, Ua 'i'hCl' Mt .nn. of the lim aeo,phyte, Ccst-od".,hi m to dm ~ or dle Em:j'nent CllKlOide.!r ;I!.pdp~lufill ~g, k~~~m. 'I,\1IIiIf!': Iltt; peophfl~ h~ipi!!,!ig Itht!Emiipeot .1,~P]d: ",oliS bJ, bl~ :rlgbt s'~dE. !f,~n,wki1iE '11K! Emiuc:nt \Vmr.en Msi Ploycd _,hiifiHII ~hll: lilme of f;lEQp''''yt.~: ,lind hu posUio_1 lliulft:o, '1J:le r,J1: Df Ih;a HWlldMfip1liYII:~.' \VI~~f!1 lh~ rwt.pCil!lpJilyk 'has GniS!lCdnpmg Idle Emimillnl: nwald 'hl~ai 1m niGht IImlRf:I.fiI, ~rb :hiTIilio d~WiX~, behind, (ll!l'l' Ullile l~~ hiU. 'u-~gi~1 po5i~ii:on.. SimuU,PI'I_usly'lihc' EmiR~tW:l!1n1~n .m~rl~ecr,." .!IS .~ooqWiillE~ lhc'5!eCtuul IllIeophr~e'. 'inleSl~lvM~&~i"~ IU,I! .w:.ed flOf the ,o'lflU n.~)'lh~" flu! EIOi~m!n!~ nenld .1Od Em:;n:ent i\',i':.tJidC'AI!!.1,tcmrth:lI:"

:D'I!IIi'~~I!g. U!C! ~igf:!iil'lg ,of Ihli: ~~)'1o-1ie kllOUI I!I~~ so'nl ''YDlllin, .:0, die DQII~~·· ""'f~l~ I~~JI del'd in m~lIlmanu~f a IUlC 1a...p4!!:.~ prt'le~~. UU! d!a~i!5 ~~~U~C .~I_g: ~~:tllu~!d, .bc: pcM<tpilndl un!~i:~ tiI_ femllin IDinty two< ur d~ n~p~l.r~es ,to :loi,Gn~ :IIiI!IId l1!.-~u 1f.!llM:C1!I\l!lilin,uc until 'Illel ~;Ii~~i:nGi!il GIiIi!3JI:t:tl.

., .

E. eh.; '1'0 1 [IoIlt.'OiDf JOe a 1iWI,e'I~~I:~'if oJ 1[lhe SigmaA~~lhit l~(l!iJlol'I F"r~lcn~U.r" 1iJU \'WiU Wle lr~ui red lt~ l:'!mcl1lgg)"l;H!n:elftn u~lh~lllg U~at is nut ~pUlCeil.yand r:rfll£t~)i' ,t\l:l~i~tgt WU~" llhlll 'L'hi.lifll!~·~}IU ,o.f iii 11.lnlle !UilIil.'!l ~:d ::Ii gtlnJt].eu~an. N'e\l'~i!'ll:hd;~ 'f ~hefe bi, .sun ~!I!'y .u!n. i! II your m i~d l!Ipllllt~1Pob~~\Vi,lh~e:¥~lr.. ~ak ti't no,",. fuv nm.;c .)!~tI h~e ent;e,IiCd! .)lOU h~ve' eilt!C'~oed :ffilfC!o'c,r. {1~0Ii~~~.} Uaving 11'10 ~l~C'h ,di:ui!bt. ~bCl!li l'i~~IIl~ro)'Otl!f f~ln _rne,. hill l:dbn tut you wUh,~~I'y IIndl '0£ J!Om; owna!;.'¢(If·d c'Jh.".I1' .~~lit:o ,t\(llIll1~:~IiI: .. lt of bm~.emh!J{lld ur,ith us" 'ttte m:emk-:l1'$, ·o:r the Sig'I~!1!! A11pha I:pUo~ll."i!lii!I:eruny"


Mcdyc w,c IIIillW U~e n.y~Hc 11;Q~~n Did ft!'11r IH:"~ :f"",li!'IiIi[USun111'GII;;en~ 'FIiI:'fl'!I :I,d 10000tiu1-1' !!!i~ beFGITC.

DeU!I1!i, 1:n;JY R~m. lillit, cannot :sev,£'/, JAV(llstli'll u,..~ omd ~ives fnm\liCf. Str~ am], ,~OIutlflint ~ of :YMe:.

YQn~ri in n~i Alph.·:~, d:l'WninH 1~li:GJ~~:lI.o,~~ al!ild boJie5t IllQg~lilig Shd tbeir fun fm!lIU(ln flmil.

There: with p:r:feclbQDd'l: fIiOllk.llM.I. "Nnth the' ,AIII~i!1g E'iye FJ:e~l Love 'our' heilrt;5:!lh~!~ ,t;lg~r bind

E. A.~ Life b1:~t~lmt<i!n who ,are bog flU.5I: die; ~m1 O;IiUwl!o ,~lIlcet,. u gre~'y.,m!!lii'lpulf~. t~t tIS IUtltl;f(!. btilt ,~KU a!ii tbYkl b;l;vii!~S n.Q hope. M we: ~ IbJdf ... ~-cW>en h~ .n:m~if 'Ileit w' ch~ri_ his memo~ ~ftlftly,er.


'n~ B~id 'Q~n.r lWiiy Le. luscdiliit Idme '*iIum 0.1' ';.dl the CQ'~I~t of 1I~ QI!~1 ofkiQlof tt.ed~ ,D:mlher, an.dmay ht:!: puW~c 01" pri~4itc!'. I't. ""wuall,.-rI!Orm.Ui inadllilllmill to! OUietl' KliVn .nd ... y ~. 'heidi in • chuldl,piMik 'buillWnJ~ Oupblrhr"we, 01\' bo'lne.. In ,$iDPW i~t"nRl ~huc IH: dc~o;ed Msa m.cmbm of g: Ilmvc ,aU!p!li~>!i'. idle ~RnUlDy .~, I~unncd just prior 110 1M: RIu'bll'r~W ~RiQC with GHly ,he nltiive (lutpt;er.. aiI!ulmni ind :famUy pramt. It 15: aIll>U:lfiledi dUIII:othu IUibSl.,~lIInnl~: or a, ~UgiiQ!JJ r!ililblle win iN' nndm::t~d. . .llCoordiUI~Y I!i:!i w~n1 ,u, ~mpllcdililllr,dy (ram d~ .lUnd~ point gf '~be Pratanit,y.

:I.f tbe ~-.nululyb prj~ ... I'Ct Ilhi!) 'DpCflii IlIgSU!!'i~rnli' lilI.e il1!Ul:JlinH i~ ~: ,d!llIWP to th~ 'f;ay~t'.o£ the C!haphdn~ :lind the ~~g ~rri~ ~5 ~d ~rw' IJ f~;UI~, ,~~t~.!!' ~'~ng.lf I!IMl ~~mon)"h: ptihUe", 'iI'bi,1]inllllnd,Cmbi UpJacriW h_ill1,

EiIIeh !111. :II!:~"'~r w~ fofWllm in, tum IlInd ~ 'Brll! IlOOIi1i!C.fJt

.. • I

,or lwu"




. ,= '. " J', ' __ ' _,._._ ',.:._ _ _ ".:"__" j .; .• ~), •. , • '.,.' ....

,~ ".

E. A.~ With s.QH'owi!!!lgl .... 'afll.:l; W~ <'IRg3tlifl!n'!d haeto eXpf,e5:Ij Ii! hl:~ing 'E1JHn. Qf re~llm.dI a:fIi!X.:i~n rQr onr d~ D~otbp.f.~--~ As We ~¥ed hj:llUlm Ilf~! ~tis fiUifliA tb~1 'wc ihouMaccom . • him m. ·11!il'th ,oor (fIj,t:ePli!l1 re.~al:'d :Ii!i!d !~teelD,

P]~ r~ w'hife Ih~ F","~itu::nt CIi1~p1liihil I~ath us in 11!1':a~~r" (,P.~yer~)

E. A,~ . 'WewUI ~w .iOinm the :;i.f;!ging of '·VlD;leb, ", ~:S{l;ng;. V~ule~i.)

E. A.; p]~;.tS.e ~ ~ed~ Wtl wUl fI:(liW h~:~ ~ne'lilm:ria1 hiludl"1; fWin the r~~lowfiilg ,pc;liiOOrLS whowfl,l :speak witlmnl, f!:ld~~er :il~h'odllt'li:iOi!~~ 'Gi'~l1!aH}es ~!lf tl!~t(!I~k.)

(Mamtll'i,d trillnlt:esJ

\VUhou.1 iL'I:lroi1IlCbll(l!lIi, fre'Vic:J,L~1 se:l~tcd BRiIh.er Ii'D~' "'1.00.11"

;U.S" ~!i. a :50\0. -

11u~ dg,.;gni!!,'l~d BIOdu:, win ,offer :11 LriGf scnnOIl ,on 6e memorial -reds of the Fmll.endly.


(Solo! Wg~\

'f;. A.i May-Wi!! JO\o to a IIll'llTU ""d of; 5ite:llt f,r:.lyer.

E. ,A .. ;Pl~ be se.a:t.ed.

(~l,elll'lmi8't &fna,tb.:)

&.110.';: 1B1~(1 afC ~he tiil!$ w:bk\b bind our beillrts in protlH:i1yl;1(1ve.

I$,Nt'b:£rly tQ,\i'e 'il5 of oodi.atod ··,evercypne that lO'ifclh is 11O'rtil 0'£ God and knolN~dl God, 1(0:1:' c.~ i'S, 19,yc: .. And. M,W alddli'ih f;ailh" bope and 1o"'1C, I'~ese tlu'ee.. btl' the g:te>ali:est, of Ilbe~ :I5i l(W~·i. M<t;y the 'memory or ItheI" 'grlOOd, ~. :.Iiucllhe e;1GIImpte5, or their not ~e 1h'e:'!: be: a lasting bmUuge tR(1lULgb.OUt an Slu::t.·eeding gene fa-


, ..


l1u~ Sp;ll Idptu:Ep;iluu Mililmorild Scw.ice may 'be: ,~ ~tali1iy ~i:lt1 O~(i;!lI of till! ,Ffllltt'mity .. hCFC' it '5C!!CRts ~ppmpri!i!Jbl:. n, 1w: lie.me '~:rilldiil'{julldl~' ,wd. !!I! :rcn<,me 'be oond~lied at 'PIiD,vip~ Oil&'\'tll"iUolilS. wdcP.ih~i SChOlolll, ,lI!ud .somcF_ndelr'S Day'ptIHdng,L Pu.,., dJaIllU14fe", ~ CliI1l1~llClf may wisI\I, to IMIl'Wr 'Illc memo:ry '01 .. deputed ,Broths.n l!I~oo:i'''IIC1wp1!er~;lce. 'l1t~ m.g~tcd ,ccRmulluy H "upt~ alb'l~ 110' !!lll,' u, t~ l£'ir,e!!!!~!Wl~ ~nd may :bc, ~llu,tIlIt a !':"leQ, ~~U>lLioQ.

1'Il.c ~g b!ll~rfeadliiUI thc!' .n"ifl,l_

'NUh ,an ~1.;llfldiQ(.i!!R 'mrder afwoBhip will Iix 1000we.l:' Pe~; will have 'bccn~~lu!4r dcSignalMI 10 oleiJ' prayeJ!$P,nd Ir,uwta.



It A.= Bm1!l~e:rs ,(iamd gums:)~ we al,e D,a:~~u~IfGd~.IIIIl~~r to :Pliy tr,i!illulc ~p t~ 'of OIU' ,meH!,~~ who lliiliv~ f~~f!.OO the CliU1Jpt,tlTEilclfllU\l, ,(str!~ 0W" '1as1:. ~_UngJl,MW(l' cbe~d thtilnr!: ~n Eir~. U is en1), liitlin~ dwit W'C :1IJOOD:Fd th'l!~n 'OIU br~th,elii1:, li\q;~~d land ,£:St.eefnat 'the; tilnUt"

wm ,-u --l~~_,,. l~, - ~>., - .," - "'ilillnd!' .~' ._ .. i!!11~ p~ II',,,,",,, ,!!!~I!!,J!n:I~ra:m"._ .. _!ng~

'We win f1aw5ing, togethcro~ Ff'.lI~em;;t;y ,~ng·' Violclll"',

~QI; '\i'i,Q!:eti.) .


E. ,A .•. : .1 pR)'lGf for QI!ll"iBrot:h~1iS of the ChOllplll!!1I' Etem3!t (:Pl1!:yer.) E.A..: WOr&: 'loha!'lOri~'Thc F~tM~lit D~parted··.(Mcmo{f.l.al {l:1!1l'J: I5PC~ eiia,11 trilnjt~b)'81fotll~f:llspea"!ill,g with~ut: f~II~.h~ll'l.',rod't!ct;wn,)

E. A".: Ap.dJlCli: Ihl we QlliIIy :~ f!tl:ith:fnll 10 the~f lliR'eA1lOlriies. (iP:~y£J,.)' .E. A.: A :PR~1i' Ulitw8 m'~IILmal!:tl Sigma AllJha Ep!rii~oJl, a ~bkilc of ~ce' til t.~ a:«Im~ Ul!:. ~1,IIf'4:Y'~f."

E. A.; A pr.tycrt'ti!at we' 'ool~.lTt!it (MJ!~1.1l'ie5, I~I lhe IRSpoH5i'll~UUes .ot ~rm~p fQlmmld~ of'~ wiho h,.vc' :1JI1~C befa~. ,(:P1~aycr.)1

'" me: '(alii ""ouI of the aho",e almRi;:md, "'ClileuphyCes" .~ by tM .EmilMlnl U .. 'It,ald ,a.pd, iheEmm~nl Warde-a., mucb ·t.o I&c: &O:I!III pl' •. "M! hall and ;dand fadng the· ~njlJ' 0.1' the Em:inenl .... do ... lIthe ,quaden uc __ .. atl. 1~lie lW.!opb)1a :naay ~c1ceute • left raeeand 'F&lmAig in: lb.. poSition in fro,nl ·of die ,;E~1i 'or Jibe Emi1'lefl,t .. AI:CbIm.

The El!QtMfll Archon llIenildmin~ the o1Jligati.on.'Ibis dtDtddl be figBe' ina clurlfn;i:c:ellJnd in ml6cieol&y Shod pbrUti Uu,t the ~byln. nndeml:~Dd. elfery w_atnd. liN' able '101 ~I: IlOrn:dly. :No .1I.11tc.mpl ilIi made here 1mbreoil the obJig.alioll, into. ph~ ~n~ le~c" .Emill£n't .,,",,clmo "l1i pahlrally we p:hr'~1 'bed 50ited tohu; .OWlD dcUwry ..

IE. ·CIi.; .~ .. ent A.rchon, du.i. uet.~,J~yle.s luu~ duty sigrilld tbe Itly~1k scroll

J4.E.. A.: llK:D let tlu:m aga.iifE appl:'"oodJ lIind Imed before libe .. 1.ta!'~



~ ..

~,~\ ... ~

-'" y.,."

,-. ..• , ,_;r=

".' , .


I \ ). '







.fm. A,;;Em~, P'reee,ptOJ'. f::aithf.daoo: bnled lli'<ilher of DUI'_ '01&1'.

; . i~rutt .hue- rllWfd:. tI'~ in the nle'd!n~ug or the hlfSlgHliili of Siilllld ,A:I:p!~ :EpliUon.

'J"hg Eminent, ~tOl", pre-Wo~ ~ed 'by the daplcr,..r (he. o1Ippmpriahs- cOllilmiUa: Illicruof~ U ~n 'Or IIIi's abmty lUi II rituidiit. lie; may Iiii:' a membetr ofd1:e 1IIi~1ivc: U!I!I)I«' who b"u, been ~

fUf' l.his 5ft'\'J'ce DIil.et!! 'hbiilMiin ifl,t~~:ioa in oeda liD be av_ibhk fOf" ~

H'\'era'l~an, '0:1'11(1 may ~bc' an ulummu: 01 oul5l:.lndin, ,iiihilil:y:. He st.Quld mCmDr:i~ lliis p:I~~ o:f tlie-lnUliitii!ln cetcmDll1 .Hi ~ with, ,clarity

iIIInd feeliqg. -

.E.I.~.,~.-.I't.): U nOWhCtUliUtI)~; UI'Y tl'uly l~ il:!S,tl'll~ct ~I!I h~ tbC!,nru'I·.lng ~f th:ein~~~trn 01 S~gn!!ii, .:4.,m~dlJa· ~;~>ti.nun.

Eo I'~: llmF'J"i!:It.:mUy~· SYI11~~lb,~ hy U~ em'h1em wh:il:h i!!', di~la~ [lefoR yml!. 1nl~ U dii¥lt;b:llb~tp fb!'!J f~~1"'f~C!01, 01\5 1/I.'liil'!t!f\flll, t~M:

Q~ Qf UIIi! Fr: .. ll.en'lUy. Is {he ~~l~dt nf bC".ut vifi!:ue.. which hOl!I Jour divi,SiOitlS, ~! We feplf~'1d hl' t.11u qua1"t!!lrin~ thfi! ,c~I'{Hn::ll y,iiril:nu of ~LIX no~)Ic:, 'Oli\lfur~~,il;Jya'ljty" [ffjenltd~~p. :~ [1!u!~lr !Ii~!ICII [[I':i!:1'o klildty.

~n 'Ib!: 'fi~sl I.Llll:lIi1fCil', ;1.A~y,a:hy 1i5 [(If'jr~Il~.cd II.,. l~hr~1IJ (;ttuk 'C~, whostl(."o~fljr ar~j hlicl~'N'.1l!~~d i~ll.u(;1!it,e the S]l,l~tKI!Jif' iAlfld: beatdy u.f :U~e ~ifb~; Ihc:ysylu1!QU"tl1il ~btJ ~,ri~1 it, of t:ZI1l3~nti~ Laf whk.4~ U :~t'jjl!I!I!IXi~!: dbil!!Ji!lrilh ... Ho~.e!':l~lil:ui!i;II~~n! <*wt 1lMb'~1o Y·e~ce.~;!,1Ily IMlve.r f!l'i'l!tit~ ~V~f r\il:.\'kl'e'. ·1~UI·~il~l.~ ~Q ltlh~ abJcltl'[ ·of iti d~1 inl,l w1~h la~~15tI!!!!K::Y ~I~l: JiddU.ywhich death

il'5eilf (,"Qlt:IiIt ~\m:Y.7 '.~ r: i

ii· -Ii ., ~ .~ ~~

l1tcte ~s hut 'O<Ti)e WO!}i' ~)ywhitih lIi UU:lll1lCf uf Sil'l.fml. AI;Jh~

'\ !Ep~imunRr!l :L~IIive- :bi~ JJl~rot1iemh1' -


11u! Etli)i.l~f.lt I~reccplor p3h~ ,~ m01--neut during w]li'ch, tb£~ prel!uuli!lly _gn a h,:diniti~tcd ~1iiS;,~led inlhc' ,'1,oot ,I\'Uw nul' lbe alllal'~ ~lqJ up 10 llle r;ipt ~de of 'lite Eminent ,I"~or ~1 pgit'ft frnmtli~~ .Ib.' and in fron. 0" [ll.e ncophytes. 1111~ c.lPcllee stanek '!/\ilh htul tlOwcd" er:."lO ,do,wne'~st and '. so~ul «!qw~ion on, Mil raCl.'. '1,,".d, his, l.1lnm !((Illk,d bclri •• d hh bad!:.Th~l.woe",peUers. lone' on ead.5;id:e of the n-peUee, stand bl;llWng, die arms, IDf thE 11i1:,pcI1lec.

E. 'p :: A.'pho •• a,Brother 1~3S hfok,~n h~s< VQi!!W, ,di:OUott-ed his dI"f~ .. er ~ 50 lha:t rrittemU, '~I;O bim but ,iii l'Ial~i ~Jo loog~ (!~n, we ~!l:gard htm with hrotherly lave. pd ,esl:eem. Our .pillh nes, (,1~rly beron! os. and j;t become:;, am dt.ty 110 'impose, aoo ,e"~m@ Ihc!illutcUt.."C 'w'hich he deser'v~ii' nro~.h~r~. \l!iilwt sh.dl Illwt ~~tenc'e ~~?

M~.MJ5~~ lie 5baIlbe es.peU""',,U

At the prOOOQnee;!i!U~nt of d\!is ~£e one af die' ape.len!: will ~v:e !hI:' t.adgc WOrn. by die u,pcU'ec !Ind., wafting ~low'ly to 'ELe athlF" hm.d il 10 1tH!i. E.ujp.cnt A:n!holl. ''l:hcA abe' two 'CIpelL!n conduct. the IgpelT,ee slowly and witl'l(iut 5Ii1iiiw' ef forct;: .~. "the mII:rn MiI.w_ 'dIC' .. lIar and Ibe neopll;yt~ prueecdi:ng ,(mm lhe righl. ,of the, .Emin.t:R'1 ~rdlOD to his h:JI and .hen tol .. he L'OI~ mlJ:a.ehluwhcR: IJlCYWPI' Ix sul .. >d in three ,cl:min :pre"iau~ly ~ed lOr' them. The back d'oo:r of d.e hdl: may be oPCI!I!ed and d, __ d'-Lut 001 liDO Inudly, led d~ elFed be spojJ'i.;(IJ-io, indicate Ilu1!I Ilu!! expdleeh::Q, l:eft I:he lemplC'.

l.,!"::J;{ r J~'J' , L

E. p~: 11~is :ii\1,umat(!$ moat (orct:fuUy 'lire pmlnl)1n~ wilh whf;!;l:b the Frfl!Jb!fR1ly will expel ,aU u.~'ofthy ud dbtuy ... f,1~~mben",D~~~ 'Of' .he l~KJit:'hcr w'llfi {:out iinue:5 ':arlhhd In 'th~ ~"Cpt~ in, I, prme*pl.:s !IlIf Dar dte'fW1,ed Orderdlef'e' is reserved, t:he tef.ldt!rlfl'in~raf'un O'f lovi~g haqd;, Lndwhc:n de:l'I.:h shalE It.'tllne 10 bLke: 11 •• :n fr~~ olllr miidst. 'his-retnai,,!;; Slit;l,llbe t:-anred by the !lllODg .mu." or lut4 $Un-'oWilllg B,ad .a.mit.'il:ed 8mth!l!B ~o hi!;, .iu~I,' r~Ung" pt;t('e~YI~hHe the IOClnol}' 0'[ his good ,I.k."ed.~ lind .1le e:l~i""ph= ,ur Mi noble lite

• shan ever .1.JiJe w'ith us .iI'5 ~. l!lSlil~ll,u;::rit;J!b'C throughg~d .. n sut'-

t;~ti'fQ!I; ,Gtmera~ions.



.:Du,iug tI~e b'Uler slage fIIf liite e:x:puTsmn Kene." the'funembL~J' ha~i OOfl'n, ,;JjE¥.IJng~ and n~1 In lihcn:ar o:f the 'lwJl~ will, Qne Qf tbe mG~ bpOn ;it t,o fep:reRnt Ihe, CJutptm' Et:emat,! with ~pdles at 'tht.: hC:l.!!d and loot 4Ind. if (.'01J''O'lImient" II! _ w:m1!J1h Q:r \i',_ of ftlMn'Q lllKtU, il. and: ,~n illuminati.". ,~-,pn.-nbl'inn, of Ithe inacutcllwn over :i:t,. 'l1:le ElliiiliH.llIl (l..a,pT,a:i.I:J! .nds, beMnd dO! fuoor.ll Mer. AI 'b end ,of Itllt' rOIl'c:guing spalclt" IlJeElllili,.ept Arcbon. fOl'owed by Ihe£qUQ~ Prl!~t~Q'~, ,the IIW1omll)' OBk:e:n. Ihe Eminenr flem'cL lihe IlalphyteJ: "uti lite Enllucnl, W~"1en fldiIi'CJ:i, to.be: (UI~iCW~ bier. The ethn' om~ ~r;nn: up the R<l1';uul stand bCMnd' tI~ :nmplrylft.; .rr tt,e ptr~riP:l i:s ~1mdl '_"UtU~gt" ~n :pr,e;sent :dlOtdd 'I:a'ke part ,in ,he June-m. ~on. A~ 't!liC E,miilie'lI,'t 1·~plO.i' IQkhf.'S ~iinl the .wo:r& ~~' Uircle··~ (he .EUiJ~l1;Cnt .A f:t\f~(!in. ra'pi 'wi~; 'Ih~ ~"Ilen;i_ lind tb~So. Le:ldi.. ... ~I.ads 'pmm,ptly :tllt singling ul .hi!! lOiiill '·'Neanr My Cod 10 ntcc·~. 11 c sin,gjog ,oont,inu~y,.fjile the prooeuinnl ~ r_in, andl uDtiil .aD litre ~.Jtandiil.g bcli'o!rc dme 'unEr.li1 bi,tr,. ''Ihcn _ the ,u.lm'll~ into '!lilept:e .!I!t d~t! ,end 'Clf • verse:. tM- Em.'nent ~ ~~s. poiinlin, ,lit Ihe.~\c time 1,0 tbe repfieSliilobUon of. h' inaculd~ccm.,

IElwpenlt 'Chaplain -. IIlIlliI:C 'l"cady_ li~ fin~l. 'Irihu.~ of ('tiSllett ,and alootio:n to our Brother of Ithe ,Cbap,er me"\a:l~ Ib.:;:t '"Pel Ina)" :;oilOW' .fl~· rwop1.~,te, 'bow"".: hOUirr Ow. UleIUOfY of Itbe fllli_thFul depmed, and be~U:K);1li tlu, 1u.:s.lO tilt: the Hmtber wbom de~th ,elaim£

fjOl~' OttlT' ZI>,tystic Circle.

_ I

d ,'"'



l.'tedge 'we ImIN !I:~l~ my,slic tokeu l1~t our lilDltd Rug.ln~ unbmk.en .• Firm aBd lomi"g as hdore.

1.1eui'tb Inay \len. 'nil t.~OiIlU ~velf. t..ove sUI. lives, ,iI.ill Jj~ fOIl\t:ycr. StrongHi1id c.'OElo'Aanl.Z'i, CJf yore"

t nAdell',. ill liM Alplw .'~ d:l!Iwnin~

I UJd~t b{Ii.E5l1i.I~' Itfiti~st IOlllgi.I!I:t Slm,u 'dn:ir' ('un Fnl~'tiU1~, [iiud,

llICH:l., with perIL'-. l~uuh r tahJ'I"I:I~)ll. ·N.e~d~ 1hc I\U~n~ I~"C l:lC'li1ml •

• :AWe 'rMU' hC" .. ns l~ntn dO:~f I.' nd.


At t;b~ t!~ldl ~f (he E'tuinc.~llm CI~~mi.!W~·~ '~II the'mng"L:mgiinff" ~ ~mll III~I :li~I:! .. hln~!l:n~1!' ~ UIUl' Cl!;!pl«!r :m:!*U :p:r(!if~r'" .<1: iii!: ~"tinged, "'~~i1\:: 111(1'FOCl~i!Un IM"!~! ~uw~y bu." b;!~~ftI I(he! ,!littaJr' and lmtil ,aU EI!"~c n::r,l.Iilntd tJillllll' famICl' p1!;Jecs. 'De Em~n~nl! A.mhol;U!!~ at llt:: cn~ uf ,~~ .. ,,"~ !lIi:1t 1I1UU111 cd" IAI!!~",g'·", 1:,0111' ,allce' :a:f!d, Ihc:m.embcn !iln·'~':I!II!!.:d~

A~,:'!OI!M~n ,~ Ilrl~ funcnl' pl~M911 ur Iflnbitte~ 'lhlid lhe: song ended, ~he I~~r' SKill!! s!~ifters ,d~oliih!J1 "lIIiddyli~~d qlll~ell:,pllliC!C: ,in tfioC 'rear 0.1' tiJlC'h!Lq II ~"'m..!!iU ~t!!il' w,iih M IlIim,,' ou i!t. dIll! l'Wo, .djcl~srtsl!!!1f!h:nJII,1 ,~ d_eJr ,Ill: ~i'~h:: dlu~Rgum,in tI~ ~~ndrq'll!lIr&"la" o:f tIle eoa~-o(~ i3mi""" O~er ,and! d'i--'tl.l. 1'~'liDrt1l 'dil!i ~1I~lIIr two B~U- c-c'. ~ ,..,...~~ , ,,-

."'..... '.. ..' _ _. ,6" .. " PI>\! ._.. . _ .. _ _ ... ,. .. _ _ .... Ien; IO! ~~ Cl!lCID"

p1 if)' (!'Ill LlII!I,g~~IUid',,~1 hlJliwd "'!~., At this :P'O'~frlIl dWil;il1l1~:liu !liJfFri~tW~jp! mml:lhl Ibc I,t n:~:n.ess,l!Jna (be ~amp l6igh~il:d. .

E. P.= ~n ~he~.l;OiIi!d: qUil:r1liil!f Fir~endd,~p r~fe.pl;~'f,!'jed~ I)~!rpme ~~(iKI.fi immQ~"I:I~a'h~ ,elilllllilJfl sigl1iiMi.es< ~h!l t'1,n:II~g~:hilind purUy ,o'.f~hiIV~Il1,~Ie: •

. !lind Oom.~i ,alii ,apl?~!II!,p:ri~.t!l: '!Ie FifleJuk1"11:':::i ~~l!Cd ~It!.!:ri

wt.~re bmlrU$ ,il!iI ,etl!l,m<'!!~ 'fI""me, Ali ~·alU.r i~ ~ hY' thehull'lllilllg

:pow.er of tmhl ~ir that l:h.~ b¢.at or Ae5h is ~l~St.,*iJftied~ 50 M~I~~wlI ,il'!i1piri~.lJ.Ij,ny t1ruc Good~ o.f iI.1l!ijlO'wj~g ",iJrll~u~,,!!, thew~t~OI'WS~!i~l.illli~ f1r!ll iir:od.'!l'!n.~:!l hUi!ilp oif .1 u~., the nn~of !bc h~":,

Eo P.: 'tOnG e:f IU~e 'fiF~t' ('1;u;d'lr,it~'th~IiN '{af ill Imel'lll~!r of UU~ F[liJt~~nUy iii ,tbt, he ,.all be, 'CIi!pal ~Ie' ()f '1!I!I3,ldu:~,:l!tld ~l.'jjJ~~h'~!( fr~tl,~lls. l1f1{l ~!l:"~ He' ~r Fri'end~lliil! (!'ml~I~Jt 11:101: be~ tC'f :>vnl~H ;"i'l!I;.~11 ~hjJl~~ II ~1 tllit,! ~~pcd Ib:lil!d;; ,eI 'twu h.Rj:iuli( .ul!d d~vo~ u -d 'mothers.

111e &r " " P' ' , : -I' - 'Ml:a)!I,- I' , , __ 11 ~I,.. . -i111' " "F, "'.' JlIJL:'" -",

I,. .. .'f!.~'fl'. ,_ ~e['p!nr " ... ~ '.o", ."HII.!IJ4! y;arr Qi~. nefilNln:lp. .' ue

Endllil~n:llh:~~llih!ll;Jl!1dEnlhU.lUI: "Yiil~dcn e.~ iiiit)' ,DNP:ytes Ito, [!ace ,!1II!liIlUt,

'the ~( .. ··Frie.nd.'i," iilltd Bin)" ok .soup in, lihC'alRImJpY i_II

be mulered i~ w,e' IIUInn~f IU, Ihe ~pI:er ~cn. '

Al.l~ (DllclnuDA of d~ ,liIlOg "F:riaJw," Ilhe Emil.eDt ~tor w .. U;:s, b;Kk (olilie Cnll't-i,r-A,rms. wbi,1\e lhe' (!mu'I.t:pt Ilenlll am' E-ninen:t \:V:..fd'cn CliUlOI,! the ulC\~phyte;> ild ~g;gliu fa.cc t., al.iII.T'.

l1ul' .Ila,nd CI""fcn;. dliiI!utd Laid ll!liiEtr pmllun Uinl:i~ the Eminenit Pr'eul,pt,ol' l'elUl'll1S 10 .he mml or the lUlU !lOCi dHl .Ieopbyies are again b:inl!l (1m albr llf ,llC EmincliltAtdlOid.

- ....

AJ1". ;I) ~ -I ,/ +. • •

"""lIr I

E. r.~ DJ'.!.w nea~. 'I~n~.·~t ht.,hnh[ hlllw leidihi1 is, Fl'l'OluM~ill; ol~f"Ie how slrmijt IUn: I ie of I nru Ir,alcfua1IuV'e. The .. ia:sped haud!; hefore' YUIiiI :tf'l!. t,lu)sc .or luyal Urll1hefS. ul'iUcd hi tbe bood~

,of Si,gm!il It "I,h.Jl! iEllSj!UI., .

MS]ljt6&RS~ Reh~~Id; hulW ,gorKlI und I~o,w i,~~smd ill; is ~!illr HJ'utl.\e1"S Ito dweU ,lO:gdher in nnHy!

E. 'P.~ ~ is tlte :sacred nam.e 01 Ffietld .. ~d'I,).

Mt:MIiERSl SOl hIIay tlIe £lCrwJI :llIallle of l"r.icmWI.ip he II.; i:lunedl:~w npou irAe aftu,i':S' of ),o .. tr Ik~rt3'+

E. :r~: May ,the s:;lC'.r:ed I':UDe uf lIu)therlytlJvc ney·el t.'ease ",nh n~ geniliil w~nnth, '10 st:re!i!,~llt:n YOUf ~n<lchment lor your Urorben. Marthe t,oudb of' III, Brulber's wmd' never raj I 10 awa]l;en in your IJ.~'" a growin~: sense of lhe ~olemn oll~1igilltkms of' F'rmllShip, and fill )''Ollt "~Qm wilh undying :iIOOlH' ,a:llld ~v6tit;m iiW"your

, <;l}eriShed f"l1ilemily .. ,(Song:: ~'ti(:ndr)



.. Th1l mug "VloTt/u'· its RwicKd in 5Ucl~ marlliiter :H 'the Clu:I,p:ter preferl'lO

The EmiucnlP«:ceptof' po~ntl to lh~ foumli,UlU(c:r o:f .I:he (lnt· otAmi5~

E. p~: 10 the: t1!1IDrd ~lilafil;el!' IIUilIDf is, rCr)r~nm,edl Dr(l!ps' ·of ~1~oodJ 5tllro.tUild ,pd 1Iie~nL'iath the litL'1lf4":Efs. the '~YlIull~lof Ute Qfc-d, iir:i1i"thc fa-tpl1y Irl1~ml w~tich ou... ~Iow~~, n I,e 'IIidl;c't. Sl)fiugs.(SQ,u,l;;j=


E. R.~ ,lEIoq.mm;dv theSe ,d£,ops.dedate tli!i!lt 'wi'U~ OUf Ufe.·~ blood we win ,~ ~~:f!S!t1liedl dles;U;n;d 'rnllit reposed in LiliaS lIyal SOitllO Df'MiMrva.

As Minerva WM at enee th~: e~nl.'Ddilln-e~~L of wb1du~n :and :~r amoilg gods andgoill:l~. ~~he a!QM of fhc;~n ull n~itill!.·' talrmd'heT p!~riit.y. 'ber ~n 'W:iI~,i!liJJL't,'~'hlu 110' d~e nt)C!!; uf ~~n. Silt: Was the patroness 'Difan ~~lu.1I11f'1;!'i, the p~~fv4lr ,iU u:JJpm\ec· 't:L"e5li fif the State. 'and uf ,aU tba't gi 'O'\C:!l d~ State dfcn.gthal.d :pw~rity. :She <CRiI1t:ed1 d.eollive ·.r~. ~ymb!J! of !.)C.a£.'e :.uIill'i.k~t1·

~~~ Withal:She i:1il ·no wila1dlug~s.'O. b'lu~n !timeof S'l:d~e ~e.af!l J' the armor' uf P'llifity. car,~ ~h~ w~;J"cm"u! wisdnlD c:iI,I,ld I;.~.wl~ edge. ,m hmll1:iea& :m":rJ pr~l~bi, hll:!' .foIOlweJ'\5.

11!lis, the!J. is, YO~llI' heritag~. "ou llel:K~iOIrlh .. :re! 10 be flf.l;Y,a~ ~ ~f: M~a TheFefal~,. iU;lU ILhe ~ri::Ur.>l.!i.ct im~and duties of yOW' ~Jlege 'liif~ ~!lid in thilitl~r.geT Uil~ k)'ond !hew .. 11~ of your Alma. '~tateJ. p_veUB;.~~t:'J~. a'lway1!' IIlid und!:!C" all C;it~illljLt:Otat~'e'S t.obe :bOllorab!i!j ,co~~d.e(InIS-lI!tl)d h~g.h·~uiudeJt;.~u.lm:llelll.


K.. P.; ne Plloenicl in thl! Im)lr;n~ 'ItltilidN. ,e~1f lill1jng •. I!:\i'~i!i dyh.g. .ye1 f;ili1!in'gne~er. Wtw,d:D~d,enl~lly.. il~a'UI~tl~ .. .tIe!:L'~a\c :5:ytnl~ .of. FD1:erni~y .in the~~you!l,h it ,i;tJiJii it~ nlelm'l.e~~, f~.ra daftt hokIS. (tu~mhll U~ l:n;ou), 1:~1te" !~~ Uilel" tOl Ute. w'i!ld~ stumg; ilili its iSJ.1hil .and 'oUawed by thi blyjOlgeye'.

6 ],

Emill~~u. lj!i\I;\CC,ptflr p!ltUtl'S ~g. 'U~~'ol.il'e_r p:lJiI!s uflhe 1a.!!!I.,gf~.lJIi'IIU

1.5, he: ~ab the ruU~w~nl; -

1l!C1 E!)I1Ijn:C!Rt I'Al~~~ol'd:Uriftig the 1$Ong: sbQuJd mU!I¥C bHk to tile ~1t.1_!r la:llf,,,ay ~lwtfln .he ('.giilt-4'AIm!i 'lQ'!d, ,_bad,g~ alild r:l!l~ the nl'lQph:}'Ws.,




II .




:1:0 pad U dic~., .a/l,t;lllCh ~hle'F ~m I;1IY1O t.~ln Ufl;'~: ~,;,Isk.; )'~t. wUh t'o!!t4l, fleW .rOt!U~ i;t, ,t.'1A!~b" it ~~l'OWS Ith1ll !irt;funl"~' EI!i\er bWI!,~~iu~ in vir'iUty,. II: g.Oes frol!~ 'Sh'Cllg,thtn ~~·f1!,~&.'1h. tl'fC.~'~ti~~~ '!IIlll!'i,bu.':(l

of Uli ,~t~!i1Jli,ty.

E.P'.~ 1lw P"'1r:t~le lillJN1cr d~;tll1(et~'Whh ~W'CJ!lly~~Wll pl,.'!IIf5i .. ,lb~i~, ~1f ~~~hl Je[p:fi~~~~ Itl.tl!t f~,~llr!r~IlI, 1~!Jd ,u:rftl\ol,h~Ii'~, uur nfSlt CI~l'!,tliL~r. ~'~uther


'I1!e lirnb:rkl:Loo cm(o;llj ,[II' :o;ih/t.'1!, un:iU~}g wMle Sie~)'l.!tlt!!U!!l~, It be ~ul:I.rt~riifll of' tM .li!Ji~'d. wUll~ulI: b!ll~iumiliilI,' 'w~tl11outlClK1'il~g;, ,~,,,. pel.!!l:Ii, lke· llmugbt •• m:l~milly:'

1heca~1 w~th [[li:lfP1c ll<1ullillCsandJ U:I!l! le~: Slu1mgtln~il~ llbe ~tl!!beOn.bc~~!" (h4; l!:iuM~U,y~f ,~n· F'~oit~m:i)t.y! ;ilud '1:1re

sewn beneath. bean; ~he~!:ailne. .

'111.e in~n"c1ul!l;l!r!'f!!p~~~~l> l~i. A,I:ph!Ji. la:l!l..~nid~~~!; ,~llat~o,. tSangi lIidil 10 ,~1~ 'f~I'1J'~),

lE.P.~' nl,!l\i'i~g 'h~ift!~e;~~~~t\ted fOIf )I(i!;l! Ih ~1r!11.H."1~~ ~rld, si~UqjL'~'U~'e ,of ltillils •. (lUI' ,elinll!i;nt, U 11(!>t\(j~ro,."S !lilY did)' 'to iW!1nu!t fnn 'fur~h~r in ~h!! Q!I:uwrittl)ln 'o:~ of U~~~ 1.a'W'S .. ,KlI l~i:I.U<dJ,

For' cn~~ t1iKl' 1E~IiIJI~e.Ili'Pt~~,tat luu~.lld repuh d"'N~n~;mm' ~tcnce ~jOv£.

1:ihc CR;I..Jc: plLnKfe~efl,tedl 'by ,U~C= ~!ctter.s UE,t and, ~tstln,U~1 tran!liillliil!!n mu~bc'llI'aMilJli~lted !only by w_dol moL1iih~ And Hd!thU ~U b~ j'nl'e!i1~ hcr,t:lI.or'dLa'U 'be,",dl~e,n Qf iprin,aI .~ywhllre,. under ,lIcn'Y ,cifeuUb'it'a~u;:e~.,

111(:: Ineml~:1!i Ylut;e u.~ Emfuc,)~ A:I'cm:m 'mQoretUim:i 'he: d;';':te. l1"eE1!ni~u:~nt, ,1\~l!iQUf:~PS Qnce !lind d~e nUlm'bmi .lillie ~wd. llc hldg.~ iii; 1i!l1!lWliBllltm

F(I;Ir ~!liIilpb.lIiili!,UIeEm~Re!iltrre~pti@rplda!!!nd~~ts: 'the C~, WOf,ma11o!;\'C ~!7IId d~cir in~eq.r¢ta:lian.

l1.c Gnre'p'k~~ n...,.ce~r!:t.e>d by the Ictl~1li 41A~ lind iits ,En~ 11I\a,!ilidJillllm!l1 hlu~:lI~ be 'CxAM"Jflltte4 o~y 'bY' 'Wfird,ol miIU)!ith; and neiUte!l1' m3l:1 be: [tlSCl7ld haenolf ~ll!l1IIU be '~~I~n, nQr ,rint_llin~unbll' lUll' drJ!;Q!I1I!L'ill!fl~





t ~



:E. f.; lihe name 'of l~ls Ff~teJ:1lity ShilUI:1'6 Si1.'JJ:!:li ,A~'llha E~i~nD. w~liidl a,re thu iiuiUlIJl t.eue<l'So;f tlil~' Gf~k, plu:~ x .1 ,iii" ,i II :~i:W'~ fY'm:g; ~~x.~x~.x~~x·x~x~xxx~~~

'L "



, .

\ ~ \


E.P~; l11.e ~clgl'; s.b ... U ~ .!i'llonn'b:ic, SlmJ lilts, ~Ql;IIiL~na~&uld.ln the u:p'per CQl"ne:!l ,af .t:he:.b;K]ge,. arnn..g~ij~ :;1 :stlraj~ht '~llI(e. ap,pes Uu,~ G'~ek :1:eUr:fS of wtffiimu,. and im:JJI1!,~ah::ly 1!J,c~Cl! ~ht:!:figm;e.5: in '~I~ c.rest.

In, L1llC lower: ,oom.er ·o{ U~e 'h ... dg!!l. 'Upon II! p!i!fewh't!! Melll:· gr"QYind".and~~llIn~byan ,C:I~ve wweatlh. apFaJthe I:!~ lietite~ .PhiA'ph<l!..!Nhlub :IlI!'Iii! the i,liIiUa1Ie[t~n ,~£ ~he, I~:rsl:a:n.d b$t wordS of' ~Clur glUliill,nglfllg!tto .: .I. J .1 .1 rsignifyliQG: .11 1:. 11.1 II: :lI!: :I!; .1: :11, ,I:,

"E. P,.: These· W'QnIki descr:ihe 1.liIfl: ittu1rdtlialiug and el!iUgbt~l'iing lJOW"er of our ,goddess of wi..dkll:n. ncr' aU"lilting 'WIIS ~'ib: the rhhl" of 11m ~un.

Emineiilil ,I,~eceptor .pci; .. b] '0' the. juacu~cheon in the Coa:t-ol., A~,m.

She dispelled. th~ ~m!S of iGlIDfiUlCC. /i,;r,; th.e sun .11 h.,eat: ofdawln ri~ i:n iiin il:5i splendor UpmilJOli dark ,IUild :'>iJe!!\t 1:'lIlfIh. '~ ~;hifth brea'ksl f(!rib in 'tmv'Ci~edl hriUhloucy 'fr'OlfD Che ~W"~ty of prteptrB(,'e ;md 1I<11.pi:r~itiOH. and ddQ.e!o1 'ev.er IlWte Inlid mare ltu~to the perfect day., -

The"llilclgroond uf wMte. upon which rest tbe m)!die lettt,~B. r:epresell!t; her' imr.rnilwlll.t~ ptnity. The o.l:ivew,reathls IlU! .symld Df victoryomd the l'C~arrd ,01£ b:~g,1l a,chi\ev~,t wi tb 'Yilih:h :she, del~,pb in crown :ber faithrul and ~'OU!l di$ciples.

The UQlI. nob e·1ring of the (orest. die :IOCieat ili:!d t;r~dil'.ion:al nnblcm m dtesuergth oindgJoryo(lm.u Fntel:'lidty,. al'So repft:liellls 315 the most $3.vage of WUd",iCam, the !!!Ht:a.med pusions of imill. As: Minell'1'lI. hol'ds Mm, doci:1'e ,!,I,t hef ree~sol IDil:l "r~m thr,O'ugh wi:sdom learn t~, SUbdlil.G the baser ~iolU and ,idincb of your nntlire'.t ami al'l~lin tbat true nohiHty of ... acter ill which :strength and virtu are united.



'The E~tU:fll :P,R~'t:o:f' ,mo¥,j!;jj L.tii.k tD the ,idbir .... W,II)' ~n t

Ilhe Cual-(lf·Ar, llJ and die badge, ,jiitid kmk;s, ,di:tcdly at the n,.yb!s.

Th~ insignia, thtrd"ore. aremtended tu remind you of .b~ things: ,the powell" uf ~nllh. file 0000 of pint)' in tk<e pU!mIiU or na •• ~ the J'CVC'&'d. whj~h (.'Q1~1eS tG ·tho~wllo !leek the t:n~tb.

nU! :Eminent P,lICftptnlf paQ5e'l lind Je'pea'is the ent,iN 'RPIi!~ .. hove.

E. P.:: E!Jninent, Arelw!i!i ••• h~Y:· I,I~W d~.Ly '11b'h'II'lctell, dJ~:G ,"ler;plj,~lcs i:n Ithe 'meaning of 'Ihl! i~g;Am 11' Sigma, Alpha Et.,sUun.

'n~b< ~'11"~uik~ Ilh~ H:n'iu ,o:f Ihe !Eminelnt P~~p'to,r"tho, now tch!l'P5 Ito h.,; :~~'~.


E. A., Wlu:liI .oy Pie:mb.er wishes, to ,eqlc:r I,he t,elJl1)le •• ~e sh.aSl s5gl1if)' bis de~be by sL.ruu distind nils: upon :thc door.


AI, ':00, point a 11I:e:;Io1' S~pe: Shtf'h:.r wiD rap EDUdl!; and. SloviJy I~ times. A. t Id:JI! Cifiid ur U!lC 'ibird Imp the Em:i!i!'Icnl lle:n,IIld and 'EmineJOlt \\f,;Ii!iden wUI st .... 'P' ~liIiC'1:d,. '~:w'q pt;;e. r.Q ,frou' and to, the :rl:l: andl rig:r:.!t of lhe neo,h:y~.ei!i clint! [a,cc:' each ,ot!su. '11l;c Emin~JIII: A.l"tboQ ill'emmes~

.y~ E. A.: ~Vhelil the .Em'inen:tWa.lJldeQ$1~illIUi~k~ 'E. w.~ \'llio Ie l'Iodks?

r\;~ E. A.:, The member n~pUc:s-~ .. N.: ,Addpho.li

E,\'.~ \Vl:io is Ade~pllo'S:?

E. H.:: ,AI. brother in S~!!!ima A1,l)1~... Eti~i1(Jn. E. W.:: ·\V)umoe gained you .his dtsH~1dtioll?' It H .. ; l1no~ the 'WisdOJIIII of Mfn~:I"I,ii •

~f It A... UnH1, 'tbesesigllK ~and ~"M'Or& ,ilJlre g'v,oo. RO ,o:i1le ~U be

,J. .1I!d.ni.ucdL


Now that ym. have :~lIllK:rii)l,-d 11:0 each ~md ~.n the. ad iit'les of t]~~ N;ltiona.~ L ... 'I~S and t:ihli:i,t(lf Ry-l.aws: and '}~Iye' l~n h',$1'ft1CtOO in the sigQ.~. l,ass":"llU~ ,;u!d pWl.'1:;d5; of o.lr liiuhlc Ufficli. !. tlae (Adin,g) Eli1!liinell~ ,A'rd,lD:O, Df ." -Chlrp·ttlr (you, ,respecli~ Cho,pfen), do herehy decLtr;e you ,1n.tlml.!C"r.S of Sigma, A,lpha Ep.Uon,and endow you 'w;Uhalit Ilhe honu[S, pr,ivileges: lU'ld respoo. .... llilitms of the Fr,die,rniity. '3i1111 in tolreo lltcnmf extend to'. youth!! fig~lit ham.. of br-Of,herimoil ilnd p~D:I: you '~I a badge, r~~I'l:A, t~jJt1IfideQ1t :that iifyou \Vie:.u" it wcdhjJy,. Y£lU

win neve:rregr;el :~v~n.g adopted it.. .

l1u:' Emollienl 4fthog, wi.h, the &nin~mil Wlllmea on Mi· ld: and d~e' Errninent Jlcr31d: ,00 WI rig.'t~ ~. 10 tbc lim ~,~, l1u:' Em:i'llIent ,Arcl'KlD removes II b'-Ie &om the CUlhion ~l.hdd by the ~ioenll \Vardeu') and p~M n on the .ne.ophyteo He IcaYC$ ttae badg~ uDf-asl.cned .. nil e:den. dlC pip 1:0, '1l1.a new member. "nie Emi'DeJillt Al'dtt'" tileD, lR~ 1:0 the left CQ repeal: lfie pmecd.u.re with, the n.u1. nruphyl:e' • ..dIUe ·Ihe Eminenl, nenld lm\l'!mj ~ &ad:' on Ihe om :Jnd eonendi d1ergri.,p. The I'r'Qcedure continu .. UiPlli." have rccei"ed Ihdr ba1lga 'Ou:! ~11~i •• l9d W.u'il~ .. ~ Eminent ,A.rclioq aqd Emi,.ml. II,tT,ald lhen :wltum '10 llile 'ront ,uf the altai' .1100 face tJ!Je new m~"n.


I ,j


K A.: In ,acceptirQgthe cll~rn!ly of this; budg'i!, du yl..~u .lf~)In~ ~h .. t

Y0ll! w:iU guard Ii~t -carel.llly?

.NOOl'll1"'tES: I do..

:It A.:: 1mI.t yoo 'will 'l:aoe I'Q)'a~ it) Ilhe :1N'im:iples: :for wI,"1 ich :it ~t:J!llll~~ NEOP.II"t'TE$: ] do.

, ,E', .A.: .And ltbat )'(I" will wea i:t a~ II COIIiShu11 rmuir. •. der of )'QUt ,obli:glltmmL'li _d rq)on.5ihililie:!l In, II m~moo-r of the Fl'atemll.Y?·

N'EOPH'ITQ~ r do.

E" A.: l1~JIlIl!imibeli'.!l uf Itille' r'lf;;l,tillmi~1 S1laJU r~U1g~~,e e::4(;h Q'I.h~!I' lily <Ii. :(fip of l(he ha:I:nJ~ ~Ii!o'\en ilft Ithe r!llU!;J!WtIm;l~ nl;:.tlUI.ltl'r':X!! XIi·~.

A.~,~lu~: p1l1~lt ILtlCl ~~ifl<Cinl 1[l:r~ldUind 'mmi~t: \",I!~ ~dvft!a:: ,:llmJI >E!.J;;~'!lIp.m)' (h~ grip. n~1 ung:~ ... rdediilnd U~U' CLlllmcd., 11~!t" l1ft:nain sJ~andi'l~g in d~is polfitiP!l fi!l~ng a~ oU1U,lIll'H (JWi:! E_~~.llt ,A~lll.im f'a.tJiIlilES:

It 0\.: M!eml~1:$ Ill:!!:.' ,al~ ~re(.<gp;i.z.f: 'CElch 'lilthif:ft bya .!NlI:I.!lle:, ,~v,el~ ~nl !bc fol~owi:ng JlW'u:ItIi\f.; Ii ~ II I) !I; ••

1·:h.<C ,Effiineml ,A~dmn~, I!Iw Emiurentlle<~";ld ,!!:nd I!~ :Emi'l'le,l'llt ",rar' dt:;II~liU!!'O' ,eililcl1~lJI~if y .1;l'Hll ,~Iu'le.

At Ihhl ptilint au: Emililenl: A,rrtl~lll:n :~; dlf~e ~im.£lI w~!th llleglilvcJ., 111c ~m:(;~ .. i!!Jimngo:~ t~t~ right. Df t!lllhb:I1C~I:t A'1i\eblll!lil' II:am 'd~ l(:5t e~ip t'ifGI~. A.UlinU,i;a'lil:d :nll~frliltil¢f;51 ,form filii ,~p eircll! 'with! '~:f1e !I!'Il~ Ironnf 1111;1!~1l)' <!!Itrh:'~l!niilnd aguuWan ii!!t ~Ii' ,~r .~ one' lili ~. 'IlI~e ucqph:yifn $1:llld: lt~ tl!ltir pll!!e~ illU:i'dc a!oC ~~c'. Th~ E'mii!1!ent '1YI!md~nadi¥,~ncn,tf!' tl.c: ~lllQ' ,!lnd t.~i (be pin 'Clgs]~I~Q lind tl:i!'!~ UPI Olil" tb_.e~d~blld, liid'e: of' '~'IE!rn~ml~nl .A:!fle~wnj the :EmipCint l]jll!!llLt:d bdu,; ,on hi~ 'fi~ht.ll~~ Ith(,ec ,gUi~e~nll!ndlng: wiU~i!l) tbE G~P drcl.c If~W'.: Ilite "W:lh)1~




. .

E. ,A.: I!!f~Jt~!F!I'e.(\l',. no,", ~)(.~~ro IkJad'()ln:~d. :;1$ DiIljJ~I~m" i!IIU~ n~t~i'\lt.-d ~lI!to IL~~fu,U f~t~ow~J~ip of!n~f ,e )!'~l~r.y'~~~!!!rc !rt~'l~ti~I!,g Ir!Jw Ilhe 6~t, ~~m~ int'l1!l:l prl.~~u,;:c ~f ~hec.lf'i'I' cir,cl~ ",f Sjs~ml.trl.lll}b" :r;il!!riill'I~!! wfiidl :IfIIIlbo~i:1L~, ~.tI~I~· Ilwmc tilnl'~i!!;.~. ~ bi*it W~l!J~'!:!U~ih"11 '!'lnto'l wilth~l:Il'ef im! .iIJ ~k1!11i!1 ,~f Ill'el~\uzdl~KuJ t,\o:llllpMo l!!udll."Ycil:i!!;~Hu,,,,

"'by ,)!IOU 1D~¥er II, U't~~'IM .wolllll 'Ql d~ed n!lfun~hmd Y01'IJ whale Inl!!CIi n~;JJ1i" UI~~ I~d~c:t unt{!Il~, 1nu~bid:i~~gmiidk'r the: 11~~!Hi\I~~ ~r the O~i\l'c u~ 1~~.t;"C ~Irlllil)l yau ~i~l~lll ba;p[,i~~ h~ t~~,I!I!i;J.t~~e!I fll',i.e(~hi:p which W~' IlIi!1!lJj, '~:r,i,fy~ :iJ~rd 'wh!mde'llIU. ~mn ~'.I:UI!~ t:o ~lIb )roiUI trofl'!< '!!I!;If; uli~.Ij;~. IU;I;Y yQt~ '11'C!!Ji:e~'ei;~,edl hdu ~!I m II Il\lC~ wi*'~ftg fdysU~ C~f\cl:~ of [~butMII!i ,00F the ClI~~li,l:l~r f)~!i1~~~ 'wid~ y~u:r bo~1I!l wihro'bill.. ~rm 1jI1"~ ~~'iuJ; !llil!IIK:lrUfl!.

llu:: _oond~ ,IJNP' ~i:n'l1c iii rlOW ibmedi:akTyFom!liCd: 'withlhe'Elinio, nc!gt ,A,rr.;11Qn sblrlJII1I,g ~t. The Eminent W\lf(l~ Mufifl.ili (be pin !cwhiw to IEh~ .. lir,llr. AUoIIift,g :lind Wtem~ue,p in .. ieUr lointrrdtlClC n~w broUlJt)rI inl'o, 11iI!I!!'grip'(;lnd~ iM1li1l!~tinJ tI~1 ~ its :rormlltialll!!. ~D~~Wl .~~t'~1lt HliIw ii!) thc'Brip,ei~. w;i[b Ilhepm:1'bTO.~iM ,of Id~ SU!L~a,q :I~ (Jij'l!' duor.

~. E. A.; A!Il .(lcU~ €If U'~!IC<I~t orPili"t pr.ovin,,'C OI'tlitlitio,1fIu'l n'I!!'i,L"eI'

~:) g~ ... a llitle)· Eimlne!11 A«·htlu of .C1u(ptclr 'Cll~1,d'6~) of ,fjil!llil1 ,A~,i,h £tPli~mOlill. :~~}'~~I~nly cl:wIl'8:e~~!.d ,ait1J1;ouil;I!1 Jfl'!:! tD i:mmh t1ltl' te':ltibiu~ of tl:ie 1"f',UeflitHy .tur~I.J;fl(!l ~nd p1ICY IW!lf N..,U()l!ll3' l.aw.s :lind the ny-~, .;_t~· ~f )lml[~' 'Ch:J:,tClrM. tn "~~'I;rd weU bm- I~cmo!r :1J~~1 'l~!Winlctrc~t!i.;:u~1, ~)m':I'ty t,o'm.l!i~h!~n her R[,ntaltiO!II ~ndlbi~'1 ,s~;;un[ill\~ 'I~)' !!l':I!leul:p1.,.,ry ,{)mlihwt Ullllill'II~~1uu'I:I: mc,.,

.~ .E. JMAde,1!I~lo~! ~t:aIk.e~~tMSliI,re iu 'ljll'ecS!'!n(~~g ~iO ymll rhe,w nmtlh;\'~ ~ntg th~ ~~;red f~!bwship (~f um' OruCIe.

M~:g~. 'W:!l' wt;l1eo:rn'lZ 111~nl[ ~IO' our' Ilu:<!lfL~

~. 11"\ f ,.

." !!I -

l\J' :&A ._~:_

~ _ n Adti!,phDi.mayt~~e '-!'Ids (I' fideUty!!!oo fri,end.\si~p •. :whitih we

tbus: ~mbo~b~!. gmw r~rm.el O!!!:!d :~t11:'(1:ngef l!:.a.cb &1' uf on~Hve.~~ millY b~,t~magy !J!nd g:Qgdfe~1,i.tl!R tt:i~!I~nl))nf '!il~hb1;i ~ll~"'y nQdi~(ml CI~f m;Q' O~!t union:: ~ud ""tidi!!~ Inl~'1'IJ\!c 'bfa!ilCh~ lor d~1il OJiv·e

• ,ufPa(.'e. 'let. us. ·tlu'lltii"'lIh~, ~h~1 nU~'iiic,.'S:ulli1 .~Q unt:a~th.Clf lhl~ oo~llca!md lua11ily \dil'tlllttS whid~lln:l "will. t\otu:ti~t~h!tl tc) ~ ~Itl wdfultJ oifo.ur O~f ~u:l Ui,c hllnd111:es.,l; ,iji(, :iil1> nrl~I'I)Ml'r:;'i.

,.\~! ...... ~ gl:) Il'utf:n,un Ithe tc,!rll~lt:", rue.t '~l~ re~nl~I~I;1 ~r thoitca,d~ ,(b.y brines; :~t:s Itri9ib iB.lld' 1.eI!l1~UiLtiut!I!!'i. ~t!~ j"1'~."t:d Sflifll'<lWI!. 'Let US!~t: tht1Rr in ~ h~ Sl,pirilt uf II hOl'1 11}1h.~h~lth, wh iClh '(mr !~ l!idc·r ~~i.ru:.E &1: ~L"!~ll!'ive !Io d~w ,de Il'ili.:J 't~I?l!~!:1i' liu t~!~ ,,, I~~;b; ul Our ,Ftatemity.. ',<Iud :resulve 110 C:~~I.u~~h;! ~t~ Y~r!uCli Hind dl~fM! il!! It~(;,.hjlll~ ever r...eq)~n~ l:l~c' nillit y ~I!f IUU~ ~~lii:fjt ~n Il~le bU~l,(btlif ~-.!! •

• tti~'~~iftl!;;;':V~~h ~~I;!mMt:ff~F.[U bJI dlltJ~~Ttrcf A,I!KI h;&mlr.tSil Id:LTHJd 'h~lhlil1 i~ffi. ~liIit:J:ilr! \l'o!\ll Ilht~l~i"'Ii'5Il."~r.

. or Ullj!l; Uillr loL'i~h~ hliJkl.

t1 A.; ZAB 1(S,po'l!len, h~ lni\l!l' ~m~C'ii~ 't :n:iI.~,,'1


As 5OI1na'l,dle Gll'h:k WD:~h",e bee:lI~keUil! IhcSong ~~Ii' sbouldle'Old me a.._~ptcr :in Dn~iing ··Fna-..h .... ,~nd iI' deif.'ed, may ~1[Jj addiilionl'tmd If!.e ,ll;AE y,~~l A.ncT tile ~{l1g ,~]" yell iI:hc. pp eircle di~I,,"ES. llte ·iI •• tiab re~nai.~ statldinlinllre~r pI';jIOOi r:a(;illliG, the imide.:

M ..... 'tIfllM'lfS m",le· ~mnl~rdflcl.ml~ 10 ~Rlil~,f;llie .n Ihe, mew mcmhHs.







l 'r

<5) , .

@f· =1 .1 (i> 0


Suggested, .Arl"3Ilgem,ents; ,of tbe OffiCC'fS 811d P:lra~ pt.erua~ ia, or'tbe 1.11 i U~l UOlll

:I. An hOfil!!~ary .grnH!~ of filM: i~!,iitiaHn!Il! (iii, pas. ,o:r '!)~t!!1 E. ,Ao .tllf tI~!i:! (ltlll,t:e!i' ar :I, -riiHillg lE. .A,. ,f:~tlil~, ~nfl11!!:C~'OlJfCti""c Ch;lph,~r}.

3. Till! Emincat :P,IiKe"lIu IDf' ~br(!' J:1ltUlaHmJl~ I!JIII '", flcmo~1IiY OfEiCCif "r rIle i:nitbilicm (!!J N<I!!tiomd or ~i~,~u"i~ ,omar ~rl~l .. h,nmt~) ..

T. 111:eEntiiruml: Deputy ,4:1i1t,hoo Dr tb~ Cllapl!l!f.

8.Re;iI.f Scene Sbifk~, U:apd (ll';u;pm afldolhet' he1~: in tllC wurk

1111 the ~Ir' of Ilbe h:d1 .

(II. .' AJllIg leMlera.nd c:oni:h!l(:lor of Ij.~ r:e!.p:!I~ lB., F.DtS~ Sitifl!a:s.,


,D. lh~nul':t'linatId8;ldg;c! ~'pl'~ MGJt Cin(u~gb rcu' ,gU Ih., )e(l}. C., 1lIe Sl:iItUIl: Dr :~n~.fYa.

D.'DHll Ilh,lminI81~Ir:M 1!.1,¢m OIl!lU,llhl!illl~cllu".:tr U'I~' ~)'d~. E. l1mA1:taf 'llif Fri:e:ud!obip'!liQ(lI blll!p !flr' Le;unlilil~',.

F.. mel JI;;'Jfr!d <cl:l¥imt..

G.l1l.C FfIKNl' IClndJn.





Dacr~piti.on 'I)f Gobes for Offi.cers ·of Lbe IIl~tiaUon Emilmlt ArdWH,_ItCl~,. pU1r:Pm~;. IW-~or.d :g;nhJ.

Fun ~t-Df·Am\'S, inch.ufilll'G. :m1li Al.p:h=.li bi,11 f\!1fI1I:imng UIt: dld!O~" "Ntl' and phl1n~GI!!>I;.g~u key d~H!~ i:!i!.pi,:rp:lt;! O~~ IO\.V'!l:~· ,IIIoIJrdc:r ordl"~pco

Put. E't!!!.in:enl .A.IiClmn,~l~ ... ~hi~ dr.~pg"d.." .Fun'CQilit,.of.A~, tlil~h,din_' PhiAlphabu.l. om.lrtting tlioC' :,s~!n~ CR\I),lan .~.r dai~, in wbil.e ,gn I:owc;r botd~,,· Oil' Ua,pc. -

Emiln~nt D~ty ArdlOfiI ..... UD~j green; dmpc:. aId ,pld.

O-e&~. onEYt :d~l,bi~ wU:bi:ll!'1l! ~~e~d!.

.Eunent :P.receptor-Babetp,OIiY.; dtlllp!J:j old ljidd. F:lgUR ,of Min~"",;Jj ~lhli.on, wuman • ., on, lRad,!! ..

l'lOO1ICi!l1: n.C'CoRlllr~.bc:., Gl'dlOldlj, dr.il!(lC. purp'lle •.

~mp !iiI", Ped~ta'i b~,di;tI:ot1Ul1 rihbo!n. wi'd. ~liel:d ~.rj, .l1im.ilar ~D ~d quQdtf~r oo;Jt..ol·a~

Emi~nl "(ilaruRr·~nohe. old ~d;dr.lipe •. pu~le, l;ieT:mdwilthin tlt.e ~Md'd' bon'c:r.

EmlMnt 'Qld'C~MClldl~llo~. ehlgQ1~ .I!pr:'~ .piWrpll:..

Suo, as ~~:a1~ in UK!;l't,pe.r·lmp'~d: ~"tClIl sh~e'!dl inl 'he Co!:l~'

,oI:.AfIIHo - .-

Eminenl -...,-j :t.,. .. ~ .. ~.L~_ old......:"d. ,dill!. :-_ '-.n-'fe •. - -~-- - _~n_c!l!l;J' .I,u,gc. --- fi ..... ,-. ---,pII •. pY!ip- --

FI~~eiJ!~ ilUJ.!d: drops Qf IM,ooI w[~hin d.u·t=ld. IboKJ!!.lr •. 11~~ llLkw hm third qtUlrt~f or l'iIIl'Cuaif.o'-Arm.s.

IEmioCl'ltW:aniI!HI,-lhJ'bc. !lif'i!!;)'i drape, Ift;~m.,

11!JTCC 'CIiOSH:I wU.hiocl.-11 ihiilild. to:lk.,g, :lro!l1l n~1: 'Ju;lidn ·or Colt·

rot·A:rnu. .

Emi:n~n' IlenJ'd-Ro!-. G~Y; drllpe:. :p.."eu.

Bwnlol; Bini wUldin .!Ii sldeM tl!!~~'f os '1~rt.'!IlJf·rll," the fuul~~h !CJ,lIl1ri1ev ,of ,~:t ... tf.A:filn~.

Eoonc:lill: '~pbin-lt!ldJe. gro.l!Y; dr.t.p!.l~ ,G)I'J1y .•

A w'Mtc Ihicld w.U.1]lin !Ii pmTI~ hoIfdt:f 'nd. :siil\'ef limy 'Clilm dt"Mi";!: d~ ~:icfd i,~~~Q f •• uli ·qu!!I1'I:C;lf~. .1!!U!lI~'iII!l, iii, wne h~1 lie

CQmplct.ec:o.l.gf~Af::Pil~. -

Alw 11I!!dh-,SI)tl I: G )r.l! with atnr~dt: IIi:rg.IJ:~·~ C'.u:d .... -A[JR!I. '''Mired' lln, 'IffiTu~ ~1ks: 1000\ll1~-d!~tit wml~.;uj ,0.11 l~lIl! rford :p.1IKiI. w:hc1n ,d!r,;!P.'1I~ nn .g tu',lie, l'h~lh ,~f ",hu~ :WUIII .H4'h'l:~~""l'nQ'W Ii'lik liMt1tiunfr.iuge ~Q~ r""iJitt,~~ '[~Idy.

~ L':J'

, •.......... 7 .. · .. ·.i

,',. ---'~~

-~ - I

. ,

, i

AfPm~dr,~e;n~ 0:( IlfIi~di~:;ifI:", r:.u:~bCilim!lI~. 'f~i~ E~fJ

OhapCc'r 'COII~gi!lik: ~b.QUI'd Ow. .



~ - . ._-

l1~e S~,!PJiI1II AI,bGpri~olli Mem6rilll Sc'JrVi~'rnay 'be .~ ~l ,Imy ~':J!I ,0U7_0, o.f d~eFrnh~mit" whcr'Ci it Aelfiili ap,ptopnllil:e. 'II '~ h!oolnetr.!!ldi~iQi~ 1d.~t5u}c:b O!! :K!n'!_oo«llullitdcd,.t :1PN,y;'u~CQ-nV~l1:UUR'l~ LC;HI!.!Hh~p, Sc'lmol!l: ,iiind' SOw,C F_ndClIlS Day G:!itt.ringJ,. FiUr," tbRmIlN'l\, :I, G.aplIH ma,,. wish ,to h.allor iiiI' menmJ)' of ,II! ,dcpadedl :Ol'uthel' in ill, . 'CI""J,J!~cr !Rn'icc.l1.1s _,;aln '~~-:Y it, ,&',pt.. iIl!b'b~, liO .!!Illy u lh~ cijrcumSt!i!!n~luI4 DUty :.' ~Ikd, to, lit _":vcn, ri~ualiOll!.

"lbe Song Lc,3.d,'e1t I:caw~n the dn,li:ng.

W[than ~COllndi!!ll.h :an omQ'of wDBflIip wnlh fQUo:w~d. Persons win M.'!!IIC [be!!)," [p1i'!l:!'Viody !~p'ed 'too1l1ef Pnll,YcQiI!f1Id trilbgl!Cl5.


. I~·

" II!J

:E. ,A.: Dwuilihc.rs '(lind ~5i). WlI: are G~th.rcd :t:og~druer to pay tr:ib'luie t.iD tl!u,}S!!i 'of QIU If-lenilOOn; WhO,ha~E j:O~f!W 't.h<e QI:J.,pt.cf Eternal (sillll:OCo.'.1ast n'I,«li~), ,As '~ che~d Itbero in, Ul:e. til i~ ()F11y ,6ttiiP,g: that:wc: ,accord tlu:molu br.O'llillc:llIy ~,W!.!id and ~~C'!zn .a:t t'h~ time,

Wiinllin,l~ 'f!i'~ ,~ndre.mi:lliin £tjjQdil'lg~.

'WewiU ~. sljilg b.lg~ther 'OUT Ffal'em!ity ~~ .. VioletS ",

'(~mg.; Yi~1e~' - - . .,-

I~ ,A.; A pf:O!iyerfo:r o!Urn.ti~ of I:he Ch;.pteJf merna:!. (Pfa1e!!'~' iE. J...: 'WOlI\dS to banQf "'lbe :FaUhflill 'mJ~plld~··. {Mcmotr'io:~. ,Qnd special. In'tmt:e:s b.~ftq:th~ s~killR wit~~O~il . .(llllrther itl~ ro,h .. d~o~~.)'

:I. ,It.~ A. pn;Ye~ th~t ·wc mlay be·r:il:ill,hf~'I' Itu, Iheili m~nt!lriii!l:li!!. ('\!lIyer.~ E,A,.: . A pr.!!)'er (hilt ~mi.l IRII:k#! Sigma J!l.1]'lihi!!! 'Elp5~tl]nil~e1~~d'e

ioiSl!!mf..'t! hI't,~'illlroUnd tl$, '(:~~r""'~f.) - -

E. A.,: A :PIi";I._yc;t tl~~ we C'fItmnU ,(M"!'$e~VCl tg the r~m:~bi:lit~n of lar.~~" m :tnCDtC:i"lY of t~ 'who have ,gml.e 'bdolJ'~ CPrnyr:E' .. ,

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