7free Knitted Hats
7free Knitted Hats
7free Knitted Hats
1 RPamyan’s Hat
Allen Page 1
5 PCyrene
enobscot Bay Hat
Slegona PAge 4
6 BMeema
erry Hat
Spadola PAge 5
knitted hat patterns Meema Spadola’s EARFLAP HAT is inspired by her Granny’s
For the ANDEAN EARFLAP Hat, Mary Jane Mucklestone took Hats off to you, Knitting Daily reader!
inspiration from one of her favorite knitting books, Andean Folk
Knitting, Traditions and Techniques from Peru and Bolivia (Cyn- Cheers,
thia Gravelle LeCount, Dos Tejedoras, 1990). For her hat she
chose an adaptation of Earflap #10. She picked a familiar Shet-
land diamond for the colorwork motif and worked it in stranded
stockinette, which created long floats on the first and last rows Kathleen Cubley
of the motif. Take care to carry the unused color loosely on Editor, KnittingDaily.com
these rows.
and bold geometric patterns. The colors in this particular ver- Projects and information are for inspiration and personal use only.
sion were chosen by Pam’s son, Ryan, who insists that even Interweave Knits and Knitting Daily do not recommend, approve, or
in sunny California, it’s still hat weather from time to time. endorse any of the advertisers, p roducts, services, or views advertised
in this publication. Nor does Knits or Knitting Daily evaluate the
advertisers’ claims in any way. You should, therefore, use your own
The yarn in Sandi Wiseheart’s ENCHANTED EVENING EAR
judgment in evaluating the advertisers, products, services, and views
COVERING is actually made up of three different yarns: a rail- advertised in Knits or Knitting Daily.
road ribbon, a multi-hued silky twist, and a lovely merino. The
iii I Knitting Daily Presents: Make Knitted Hats: 7 Free Knitted Hat Patterns ©Interweave I Not to be reprinted. I All rights reserved. I www.knittingdaily.com
Knitting Daily Presents:
Make Knitted Hats: 7 Free Knitted Hat Patterns
The long stretch of winter is upon us and the cold is creeping in—it’s time to cover up your ears! Here are seven cool ways to keep warm!
Find your favorite earflap hat, or make them all!
Ryan’s Hat waste yarn. With RS facing, join green to 20 sts on needle for left
Pam Allen earflap. Working back and forth in rows on sts for right earflap
Finished Size 221⁄2” (57 cm) circumference. only, cont as foll:
Yarn Cascade Yarns Pastaza (50% llama, 50% Rows 1–4: With green, knit.
wool; 132 yd [121 m]/100 g): #063 brown, #050 Rows 5 and 6: With brown, knit.
orange, and #042 green, 1 skein each. Rows 7 and 8: With orange, knit.
Needles Size 9 (5.5 mm): 16” (40-cm) circular Rows 9–12: With brown, knit.
(cir) and set of 4 double-pointed (dpn). Adjust Rows 13 and 14: With green, knit.
needle size if necessary to obtain the correct gauge. Row 15: With green, k2, ssk, knit to last 4 sts, k2tog, k2—
Notions Waste yarn; tapestry needle. 16 sts rem.
Gauge 16 sts and 24 rows = 4” (10 cm) in two-color stranded St st Row 16: With green, knit.
patt from chart worked in the rnd. Row 17: With orange, k2, ssk, knit to last 4 sts, k2tog, k2—
14 sts rem.
Note Row 18: With orange, knit.
This hat is knitted down from the crown to the lower edge Row 19: With green, k2, ssk, knit to last 4 sts, k2tog, k2—
of the brim. The crown is divided into 6 sections, each of 12 sts rem.
which is increased by 1 stitch every other round. To make Row 20: With green, knit.
the hat smaller or larger, work fewer or more increase rounds. Row 21: With orange, k2, ssk, knit to last 4 sts, k2tog, k2—
Remember to adjust the size of the pattern repeats to fit the 10 sts rem.
total number of stitches in your customized version of the hat. Row 22: With orange, knit.
Row 23: With brown, k2, ssk, knit to last 4 sts, k2tog, k2—
Hat 8 sts rem.
With brown and dpn, CO 6 sts. Place marker (pm) and join for Row 24: With brown, knit.
working in the rnd; rnd begins at center back. Row 25: With brown, k2, ssk, k2tog, k2—6 sts rem.
Rnd 1: Knit. Row 26: With brown, ssk, *k1, BO 1 st (1 st rem on right-hand
Rnd 2: *K1, yo; rep from * to end—12 sts. needle); rep from * once more, k2tog, BO 1 st—1 st rem. Cut
Rnds 3, 5, and 7: Knit, working each yo through the back
loop (tbl) to close up the holes. Colorwork
Rnd 4: *K2, yo; rep from * to end—18 sts.
Rnd 6: *K3, yo, pm; rep from * to end, omitting placing a 19
marker at the end of last rep because end-of-rnd marker is
already in place—24 sts; 4 sts each in 6 marked sections.
Rnd 8: *Knit to marker, yo, slip marker (sl m); rep from * 15
five more times—6 sts inc’d.
Rnd 9: Knit, working each yo tbl to close up the holes.
Rnds 10–29: Rep Rnds 8 and 9 ten more times—90 sts. 11
Change to Colorwork chart and work Rnds 1–20. Note:
The chart shows the pattern as it will appear while you are
working it; because the hat is worked from the top down, 7
the chart will appear upside down from the way the hat
brown 5
looks when it is worn. When Rnd 20 of chart has been
completed, knit 2 more rnds in brown. Work in garter st 3
brown orange
(purl 1 rnd, knit 1 rnd) for 4 rnds—piece measures about
9” (23 cm) from CO. Break yarn. Earflaps: Place first 8 sts
brown orange green
on waste yarn, place next 20 sts on dpn for right earflap,
place next 34 sts on waste yarn for front of hat, place next brown orange green pattern repeat
20 sts on waste yarn for left earflap, place rem 8 sts on
orange green pattern repeat
1 I Knitting Daily Presents: Make Knitted Hats: 7 Free Knitted Hat Patterns ©Interweave I Not to be reprinted. I All rights reserved. I www.knittingdaily.com
©Interweave I Not to be reprinted. I All rights reserved. I www.knittingdaily.com Knitting Daily Presents: Make Knitted Hats: 7 Free Knitted Hat Patterns I 2
Andean Chart A spare dpn and chartreuse, use three-needle bind-off method (see
page 7) to BO sts tog. Work a second earflap center the same
way for other strip.
With green, cir needle, and RS of earflaps facing, pick up and knit
19 36 sts along top edge of one earflap (the edge opposite the point
triangle), use the backward loop method (see page 7) to CO 24
sts for back of head, pick up and knit 36 sts along top of second
15 earflap, use the backward loop method to CO 50 sts across fore-
head—146 sts total. Pm and join for working in the rnd. Work
k1, p1 rib for 7 rnds, inc 8 sts evenly spaced on last rnd—154 sts.
11 Work Rnds 1–25 of Andean Chart A in two-color stranded St
st. When Chart A has been completed, change to green and knit
1 rnd. Next rnd: *K4, k2tog, k3, k2tog; rep from *—126 sts rem.
7 Knit 1 rnd with green. Work Rnds 1–9 of Andean Chart B in two-
color stranded St st. When Chart B has been completed, work top
of crown as foll, changing to dpn when necessary:
3 Rnd 1: With green, knit.
Rnd 2: With green, *[K2tog] 4 times, k1; rep from *—70 sts rem.
Rnd 3: With green, knit.
Andean Chart B Rnd 4: *K5 chartreuse, k5 light blue; rep from *.
9 Rnd 5: *With chartreuse [ssk, k1, k2tog;], with light blue [ssk,
k1, k2tog]; rep from *—42 sts rem.
7 Rnd 6: *K3 chartreuse, k3 light blue; rep from *.
5 Rnd 7: With green, *k1, k2tog; rep from *—28 sts rem.
green Rnd 8: With green, *k2tog; rep from *—14 sts rem.
3 Rnd 9: With green, rep Rnd 8—7 sts rem.
light blue 1
green turquoise Cut yarn, leaving a 6” (15-cm) tail. Thread tail onto a tapestry
needle, draw through rem sts, and pull tight to close top of hat.
light blue chartreuse Weave in loose ends. Block lightly
3 I Knitting Daily Presents: Make Knitted Hats: 7 Free Knitted Hat Patterns ©Interweave I Not to be reprinted. I All rights reserved. I www.knittingdaily.com
Hat Finishing
Brim: With cir needle, CO 65 sts. Do not join. Work back and Weave in rem ends. Block top of hat lightly to flatten point at
forth in rows as foll: top of crown, but avoid blocking earflaps, as this will negate
Row 1: (RS) K1 (selvedge st; see Notes), *k1, p1; rep from * to the shaping of the flap decreases. I-cord front edging: Turn hat
last 2 sts, k1, k1 (selvedge st). upside down and inside out with straight forehead section fac-
Row 2: P12, place marker (pm), p20, pm, p1 (center back st), ing you. Attach yarn to edge of earflap, about 4 rows away from
pm, p20, pm, p12. corner where forehead meets earflap, and 2 sts in from edge of
Row 3: K1, M1 pwise (see page 6), [k1, p1] 4 times, k1, ssk, slip flap. With cir and WS of hat facing, pick up and knit 4 sts along
marker (sl m), k2tog, [p1, k1] 9 times, M1 pwise, sl m, p1 side of earflap to corner, angling the pick-up slightly so that it
(center back st), sl m, M1 pwise, [k1, p1] 9 times, ssk, sl m, begins 2 sts from the earflap selvedge, and ends at the selvedge
k2tog, [k1, p1] 4 times, k1, M1 pwise, k1. in the corner; pick up and knit 27 sts from sts CO for forehead;
Row 4: Purl. pick up and knit 4 sts along side of earflap, angling the pick-up
Rep Rows 3 and 4 four more times (see Notes); when you fin- so it begins at the selvedge in the corner, and ends 2 sts in from
ish, there will be 3 purl sts tog at center back when viewed with earflap selvedge—35 sts. Break yarn. With WS of hat still facing,
RS facing. On the next RS row, change the center back st and slide sts back to beg of cir, and rejoin yarn to beg of picked-up
1 of the paired dec sts into a purl st to maintain rib patt. Work sts. Work 4-st attached I-cord as foll: *K3, ssk (1 st joined),
even in garter rib patt (k1, p1 rib on RS rows; purl on WS rows) with same side of work facing, return 3 sts just worked to left-
until earflaps measure 4” (10 cm) from CO, measured straight hand needle, bring yarn around behind work in position to knit
up along decrease line at deepest point, ending with a WS row. again; rep from * until 4 sts rem, k4, bring yarn around behind
With RS facing, use the cable method (see page 6), to loosely work, BO 4 sts. Cut yarn, leaving a 12” (30.5-cm) tail. With tail
CO 27 sts onto left-hand needle for forehead. Next row: (RS) threaded on a tapestry needle, sew end of I-cord to WS of earflap
Removing old markers as you come to them, work *p1, k1; rep to match appearance of beg of I-cord. I-cord ties: (make 2) With
from * across all sts, place new marker to indicate end of rnd, dpn and RS facing, pick up and knit 4 sts at bottom point of
and join for working in the rnd, being careful not to twist sts—92 earflap (2 sts on each side of decrease line). Work 4-st I-cord (see
sts total; rnd begins at start of sts CO for forehead. Knit 1 rnd. page 7) until tie measures 5” (12.5 cm) or desired length. BO
Rnd 1: *P1, k1; rep from * to end. all sts. Cut three 7–8” (18–20 cm) strands of yarn. With strands
Rnd 2: Knit. held tog, use tapestry needle to thread strands through BO end
Rep the last 2 rnds until piece measures 11⁄4” (3.2 cm), from of I-cord. Pull ends of strands even, and holding all 6 ends tog,
joining rnd, ending with Rnd 2. Dec rnd: [P1, k1] 5 times, p1, secure with 2 or 3 overhand knots placed close together at end
ssk, p1, k2tog, work in patt to end—90 sts; 2 sts dec’d in center of tie. Trim ends.
of forehead sts. Cont even in patt until piece measures 31⁄4” (8.5
cm) from joining rnd, or about 71⁄4” (18.5 cm) from deepest point Penobscot Bay Hat
of earflaps, ending with Rnd 2. Cyrene Slegona
Crown: Changing to dpn when necessary, cont as foll: Finished Size 191⁄4” (49 cm) circumference; will
Rnd 1: (Rnd 1 of patt) P1, k1, p1, *k2tog, pm, k1, ssk, work 10 stretch to 23” (58.5 cm).
sts in established patt; rep from * 4 more times, k2tog, pm, Yarn Green Mountain Spinnery Mountain Mohair
k1, ssk, [k1, p1] 3 times, k1—78 sts rem. (70% wool, 30% mohair; 140 yd
Rnds 2, 4, and 6: Knit. [128 m]/2 oz [57 g]): #5-E edelweiss (white), #5-PE
Rnd 3: P1, k1, *k2tog, sl m, k1, ssk work 8 sts in patt; rep from peacock (dark blue), #5-WG wintergreen (dark
* 4 more times, k2tog, sl m, k1, ssk, [p1, k1] 3 times—66 sts green), and #5-IB ice blue (light blue), 1 skein each.
rem. Needles Size 7 (4.5 mm): 16” (40-cm) circular (cir) and set of 4
Rnd 5: P1, *k2tog, sl m, k1, ssk, work 6 sts in patt; rep from * 4 double-pointed (dpn). Adjust needle size if necessary to obtain the
more times, k2tog, sl m, k1, ssk, [k1, p1] 2 times, k1—54 sts rem. correct gauge.
When Rnd 5 has been completed, there will be 2 sts at the beg Notions Tapestry needle.
of the rnd before the first marker, so you don’t need to reposition Gauge 20 sts and 351⁄2 rows = 4” (10 cm) in hobnail st patt worked in
the marker yet. the rnd.
Rnd 7: *K2tog, sl m, k1, ssk, work in patt to 2 sts before m; rep
from * 4 more times, k2tog, sl m, k1, ssk, work in patt to Stitch Guide
end—42 sts rem. Hobnail Stitch: (multiple of 4 sts)
Rnd 8: Knit last st of rnd—2 sts before first dec m. Using background colors according to directions below, work
Rnds 9–10: Rep Rnds 7 and 8. as foll:
Rnd 11: Rep Rnd 7—18 sts rem. Rnds 1 and 2: Knit with background color.
Rnd 12: *K1, k2tog; rep from *—12 sts rem. Rnds 3 and 4: *Sl 2 sts as if to purl with yarn in back (pwise wyb),
Rnd 13: Knit. k2 with white; rep from *.
Rnd 14: *K2tog; rep from *—6 sts rem. Rnds 5 and 6: Knit with background color.
Cut yarn, thread tail on a tapestry needle, draw through rem sts Rnds 7 and 8: *K2 with white, sl 2 sts pwise wyb; rep from *.
twice, pull tight, and fasten off to WS of hat. Rnds 9 and 10: Knit with background color.
Repeat Rows 1–10 for pattern.
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rose 3
5 I Knitting Daily Presents: Make Knitted Hats: 7 Free Knitted Hat Patterns ©Interweave I Not to be reprinted. I All rights reserved. I www.knittingdaily.com
Hat the desired finished length of tie. With strands held tog, use
Earflaps: With purple and cir needle, CO 6 sts. Do not join tapestry needle to thread strands through center of CO edge of
for working in the rnd. Purl 1 WS row. Cont in St st, *work earflap. Pull ends of strands even, anchor the hat with a heavy
2 rows even, then inc 1 st at each end of foll row; rep from book, and make twisted cord (see page 7). Secure cord with an
* 4 more times—16 sts. Purl 1 WS row—17 rows completed; overhand knot about 11⁄2” (3.8 cm) from the end. Trim loose
piece measures about 31⁄2” (9 cm) from CO. Cut yarn, place ends of tie for small tassels as shown.
sts on holder, and set aside. Make a second earflap in the same
manner. Brim: With purple, use the backward loop method Enchanted Evening Ear
(see page 7) to CO 12 sts for half of hat back, place marker Covering
(pm), return held 16 earflap sts to needle and knit across them, Sandi Wiseheart
pm, use the backward loop method to CO 28 sts for forehead, Finished Size 22” (56 cm) circumference, and
pm, return 16 held earflap sts to needle and knit across them, 91⁄2” (24 cm) high, unstretched.
pm, use the backward loop method to CO 12 sts for other half Yarn Kollage Yarns Serenity (60% merino wool,
of hat back, pm to denote end of rnd at center back (if desired, 25% silk, 5% wool, 5% polyamide, 5% viscose;
use a different color marker for end-of-rnd), and join for work- 150 yd [137 m]/106 g): dusty blue, 1 skein.
ing in the rnd—84 sts total. With purple, knit 1 rnd. Work Needles Size 13 (9 mm): 16” (40-cm) circular
Rnds 1–26 of Berry chart. When chart has been completed, (cir). Adjust needle size if necessary to obtain correct gauge.
knit 1 rnd lilac. Next rnd: With lilac, *k10, k2tog; rep from Notions Marker (m); tapestry needle.
*—77 sts rem. Change to rose and, shape top of crown as foll: Gauge 11 sts and 16 rows = 4” (10 cm) in St st worked in the round.
Rnd 1: *K9, k2tog; rep from *—70 sts rem.
Rnd 2: *K8, k2tog, rep from *—63 sts rem. Ear Covering
Rnd 3: *K7, k2tog, rep from *—56 sts rem. Using the knitted method (see page 7), CO 60 sts. Before join-
Rnds 4–9: Cont in this manner, working 1 st less before the ing, deliberately twist one end of the CO sts a full 360 degrees
k2tog in each rnd—14 sts rem after completing Rnd 9. around the needle to produce a moebius shape. An easy way to
Rnd 10: *K2tog; rep from *—7 sts rem. do this is to grasp the tail at the beginning of the CO row, pull
Cut yarn, thread tail through rem sts, pull tight, and fasten off it up and over the needle, then around to the bottom again. Be
to WS. sure to twist the stitches only once around the needle. Place
marker (pm), and join for working in the rnd. Knit 1 rnd. Purl 1
Finishing rnd. Knit every rnd until about 5 yd (4.5 meters) of yarn remains.
Weave in loose ends. Block lightly. Edging: With crochet Purl 1 rnd. Next rnd: BO very, very loosely until 1 st rem on right
hook, RS facing, and beg at center back, work 1 row of single needle, and no sts rem on left needle. With right needle tip, pick
crochet (sc; see page 7) around lower edge of hat. Join to beg up 1 st kwise from the first BO st at beg of rnd, and BO last st
sc with a slip st, and fasten off. Ties: (make 2) Cut 3 strands of over the picked-up st. Cut yarn and draw tail through last st to
yarn (one of each color) 85” (216 cm) long, or about 5 times fasten off. Weave in ends. Do not block. Y
Cable Cast-On
Begin with a slipknot and one knitted cast-on
stitch if there are no established stitches. Insert
Raised (M1) Increases
right needle between first two stitches on left nee- Purlwise (M1P)
dle (Figure 1). Wrap yarn as if to knit. Draw yarn
through to complete stitch (Figure 2) and slip this
Left Slant (M1L)
new stitch to left needle as shown (Figure 3).
Figure 1 Figure 2
With left needle tip, lift strand between needles Figure 1
from front to back (Figure 1). Knit lifted loop
through the back (Figure 2).
Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3
Right Slant (M1R)
Ssk Decrease
Slip two stitches knitwise one at a time (Figure 1). Figure 2
Insert point of left needle into front of two slipped With left needle tip,
stitches and knit them together through back loops Figure 1 Figure 2 lift strand between
with right needle (Figure 2). With left needle tip, lift strand between nee- needles, from back to
dles from back to front (Figure 1). Knit lifted front (Figure 1). Purl
loop through the front (Figure 2). lifted loop (Figure 2).
Figure 1 Figure 2
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Three-Needle Bind-Off
Twisted Cord
Place stitches to be joined onto two separate
Cut several lengths of yarn about five times
needles. Hold them with right sides of knit-
the desired finished cord length. Fold the
ting facing together. Insert a third needle
strands in half to form two equal groups.
into first stitch on each of the other two nee-
Anchor the strands at the fold by looping
dles and knit them together as one stitch. *Knit next stitch on
them over a doorknob. Holding one group
each needle the same way. Pass first stitch over second stitch.
in each hand, twist each group tightly in
Repeat from * until one stitch remains on third needle. Cut
yarn and pull tail through last stitch. Figure 1 Figure 2 a clockwise direction until they begin to
kink. Put both groups in one hand, then
release them, allowing them to twist around each other coun-
Short Rows: Wrapping a Stitch terclockwise. Smooth out the twists so that they are uniform
Work to turn point, slip next stitch along the length of the cord. Knot the ends.
purlwise to right needle. Bring yarn to
front (Figure 1). Slip same stitch back
to left needle (Figure 2). Turn work and Single Crochet (sc)
Figure 1 bring yarn in position for next stitch,
wrapping the stitch as you do so. Note:
Figure 1 Figure 2
Hide wraps in a knit stitch when right
side of piece is worked in a knit stitch.
Optional: Leave wrap if the purl stitch
shows on right side. Hide wraps as fol- Insert hook into an edge stitch, yarn over hook and draw a loop
Figure 2 through stitch (Figure 1), yarn over hook and draw it through
lows: Knit stitch: On right side, work
to just before wrapped stitch. Insert right needle from front, both loops on hook (Figure 2).
under the wrap from bottom up, and then into wrapped stitch
as usual. Knit them together, making sure new stitch comes
out under wrap. Purl stitch: On wrong side, work to just before Pom-Pom
wrapped stitch. I nsert right needle from back, under wrap from Cut two circles of cardboard, each 1⁄2” (1.3 cm) larger than desired
bottom up, and put on left needle. Purl them t ogether. finished pom-pom width. Cut a small circle out of the center and
a small wedge of the side of each circle (Figure 1). Tie a strand
of yarn between the circles, hold circles together and wrap with
I-Cord yarn—the more wraps, the thicker the pom-pom. Cut between
With double-pointed needle, cast on desired the circles and knot the tie strand tightly (Figure 2). Place pom-
number of stitches. *Without turning the pom between two smaller cardboard circles held together with a
needle, slide the stitches to other end of the needle and trim the edges (Figure 3). This technique comes from
needle, pull the yarn around the back, and Nicky Epstein’s Knitted Embellishments, Interweave Press, 1999.
knit the stitches as usual; repeat from * for
desired length.
7 I Knitting Daily Presents: Make Knitted Hats: 7 Free Knitted Hat Patterns ©Interweave I Not to be reprinted. I All rights reserved. I www.knittingdaily.com