Bharti AXA Life Insurance-Dinesh
Bharti AXA Life Insurance-Dinesh
Bharti AXA Life Insurance-Dinesh
I the undersigned, hereby declare that this project entitled “SALES PROMOTION
Bharti AXA Life Insurance, LUCKNOW” is written and submitted by me to
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of MASTER OF BUSINESS
ADMINISTRATION under the guidance of my company guide Mr. Ashish Kumar
Srivastava. This report neither full nor in part has ever been submitted for award of
any other course of either this Institute or any other Institute.
my guide Mr. Ashish Kumar Srivastava- Manager of Agency at Bharti Axa Life
Insurance and other members of the Division, Bharti Axa Life Insurance,
That project was a great experience for me. As is made aware of professional
culture that exists in an organization, about the market, qualities required work
and how to deal with the customers. I am extremely thankful to our respected
project. There valuable suggestions and advices have been a constant source of
Finally, I express my thanks to the Respondents who took part in the survey.
Place : Lucknow
Date : 25.08.09
Project Report on Sales Promotion, Recruitment, Training and Development of Life
Project Report on Sales Promotion, Recruitment, Training and Development of Life
S. No. Contents
1.0 Executive Summary
2.0 Introduction to the Project
2.1 Purpose of the Project
2.2 Significance And Importance of the Project
2.3 Objective of Project
2.4 Scope of project
2.5 Theory on Recruitment and Training
2.6 Training and Development
2.7 Types of Training and Development
2.8 Limitations of the Project
2.9 Brief history of the Insurance sector in India
3.0 Profile of Organization
3.1 Joint Venture Bharti and AXA
3.1.1 Bharti AXA Life Insurance
3.2 Products of Bharti AXA Life Insurance
3.2.1 Products for Individuals
3.2.2 Products for Groups
4.0 Research Design and Methodology
4.1 Research Design
4.2 Sample Design
4.3 Recruitment Process
4.4 Survey Questionnaire
5.0 Data Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation
6.0 Findings and Suggestions
6.1 Findings
6.2 Suggestions
7.0 Solutions
8.0 Results
9.0 Conclusion
10.0 Bibliography
11.0 Annexure
11.1 Annexure 1
11.2 Annexure 2
Project Report on Sales Promotion, Recruitment, Training and Development of Life
Project Report on Sales Promotion, Recruitment, Training and Development of Life
The project is about recruitment, training and development of Life advisors. The
project was undertaken by 6 member team and the entire task was divided into
sub- tasks. The process started from identifying the need, then advertising the
same to prospective individuals by distribution of pamphlets, holding various
activities in residential areas etc. then individuals were surveyed. The
questionnaire was designed in such a manner that it gave a general idea about
the ability and capability of respondent as a prospective life insurance advisor.
Certain scores were allotted depending on the answers given by the respondent.
Those who were high on the scores were motivated to visit the office for
conduction of their interview. After the successful completion of interview
individuals were informed if they were selected for training of Life advisors.
They were asked to fill the NAAF form and a fee was collected from them along
with their photographs. After successful completion of training an exam was
conducted and those who qualified the exam were selected as life advisors.
The project report submitted here covers theory on recruitment, training and
development, flowchart of activities undertaken for recruitment, training and
development, data analysis of the survey and a list of suggestions and
recommendations for the company at the end of the entire study.
In the last few years, the market has undergone some fundamental changes in terms of
technologies, sources of recruitment, competition in the market etc. In an already
saturated market, where the practices like poaching and raiding are gaining
momentum, Sales professionals are constantly facing new challenges in one of their
most important function- Selling. They have to face and conquer various challenges to
find the best candidates for their organizations which can meet there targets.
The project focuses on the challenges facing the Sales department in the growing
insurance industry in India. Problems caused by the lack of skilled personnel and the
increasing demand for skilled employees are also discussed in the project.
Team objective: To recruit more than 5 Life advisors during two months in
Lucknow region.
The project involved recruiting life advisors for Bharti AXA Life insurance in
Lucknowregion. The task was taken up by a 6 member team and the entire
process of recruitment was divided into sub- tasks. To further it, the project also
involved arranging for preliminary training of Life advisors.
The process of recruiting and training Life advisors can be broken into the
following steps:
• Identifying individuals who are willing to solicit insurance business as a
life advisor of the company.
• Assisting in scheduling the training and examination of the life advisors.
• Assisting and coordinating with Agency Development Manager of the
company for licensing and coding of Life Advisors.
Project Report on Sales Promotion, Recruitment, Training and Development of Life
By their very nature, Bharti AXA Life Insurance require higher advertisement
and sales promotion expenses than any consumer product offering measurable
performance. Different kinds of advertising and sales promotion exercises are
required to serve the needs of different classes of investors. For instance, an
aggressive ‘push’ marketing strategy is required for retail markets, where
investors are not adequately aware of the product and do not have specialized
skill in financial market, in contrast with ‘pull’ marketing strategies for the
wholesale market.
There are certain issues with reference to advertisement, publicity literature and
offer documents, which deserve attention. Most of the Life Insurance
advertisements look similar, focusing on scheme features, returns and incentives.
An investor exposed to the increasing number of Life Insurance products finds
that all the available brands are rather identical, and cannot appreciate any
This industry primarily sells quality of services, given that the performance
cannot be promised. It is with this attribute along with procedural simplicity,
that the fund gradually builds its brand and its class of loyal investors. The
qualities of services are broadly categorized as:
Life Insurance managers must give due attention and evaluate their
performance on each front. They may also consider an option of conducting a
service audit for controlling and improving the quality of service.
Project Report on Sales Promotion, Recruitment, Training and Development of Life
Investment in Life Insurance is not a one-time activity. It is a continuous activity.
The same investor, if satisfied, will come to the fund again and again. When the
investor sends his application, it is not only an application, but it also contains
vital information. Most of this information if tabulated and analyzed, would
provide important insights into investor needs, preferences and behavior and
enables us to target customers need more accurately, to achieve better
penetration, deeper loyalty and reduced costs. It is in this context that direct
marketing will assume increased importance. Knowing the customer thoroughly
is of utmost importance. Unlike the consumer goods industry, it is not possible
for Life Insurance industry to test market and have pilot projects before launch.
At the same time, focusing and concentrating on a particular geographic area
where the fund has a strong presence and proven marketing network, can help
reduce network, can help reduce issue expenses and ultimately translate into
higher returns for the investor. Very little research on investor preference is
available, but the industry can collectively have a data bank, and share the
information for appropriate use.
• Liquidity,
• Capital appreciation,
• Safety of principal,
• Tax treatment,
• Regulatory restrictions,
Project Report on Sales Promotion, Recruitment, Training and Development of Life
On the basis of these attributes the Life Insurance market may be broadly
segmented into five main segments as under.
1) Retail Segment
These may be further classified on the basis of their income levels. It has been
observed that prospects in different classes of income levels have different
patterns of preferences of investment. Similarly, the investment preferences for
urban and rural prospects would differ and therefore the strategies for tapping
this segment would differ on the basis of differential life style, value and ethics,
social environment, media habits, and nature of work. Broadly, this class
requires security of the principal, liquidity, and regular income more than
capital appreciation. It lacks specialised investment skills in financial markets
and highly susceptible to mob behaviour. The marketing strategy involving
indirect selling through agency network and creating awareness through
appropriate media would be more effective in this segment.
2) Institutional Segment
This segment characterizes less number of participants, and large individual
volumes. It consists of banks, public sector units, financial institutions, foreign
institutional investors, insurance corporations, provident and pension funds.
This class normally looks for more specialized professional investment skills of
Project Report on Sales Promotion, Recruitment, Training and Development of Life
the fund managers and expects a structured product than a ready-made product.
The tax features and regulatory restrictions are the vital considerations in their
investment decisions. Each class of participants, such as banks, provides a niche
to the fund managers in this segment. It requires more of a personalized and
direct marketing to sustain and increase volumes.
3) Trusts
4) Non-Resident Indians
This segment consists of very risk sensitive participants, at times referred as ‘fair
weather friends.’ They need the highest cover against political and exchange
risk. They normally prefer easy exit with repatriation of income and principal.
They also hold a strategic importance as they bring in crucial foreign exchange –
a crucial input for developing country like ours. Marketing to this segment
requires special kind of products for groups of foreign countries depending upon
the provisions of tax treaties. The range of suitable products are required to
design to divert the funds flowing into bank accounts.
5) Corporates
Generally, the investment need of this segment is to park their occasional surplus
funds that earn return more than what they have to pay on account of holding
them. Alternatively, they also get surplus fund due to the seasonality of the
business, which typically become due for the payment within a year or quarter
or even a month. They need short term parking place for their fund,. This
segment offers a vast potential to specialized money market managers. Given the
relaxation in the regulatory guidelines, fund managers are expected design
products to this segment.
Project Report on Sales Promotion, Recruitment, Training and Development of Life
Thus, each segment and sub-segment have their own risk return preferences
forming niches in the market. Bharti AXA Life Insurancemanagers have to
analyze in detail the intrinsic needs of the prospects and design a variety of
suitable products for them. Not only is that, the products also required to be
marketed through appropriately different marketing strategies.
Increasing sales have given Life Insurance promoters the budget to spend more
on advertising, which has further boosted sales
The Atheists are turning believers. Life Insurances, private sector ones in
particular, who had written off advertising as the “ultimate waste of money”
have nearly tripled their press media spend from Rs.12.20 crore in the period
January to April 1998 to Rs. 31.6 crore in January to April 1999, according to
data supplied by Prudential ICICI AMC (PIAMC) and sourced from ORG-
What’s interesting is that in this period the share of the private sector Bharti
AXA Life Insurancein the category’s total media spending has surged from 20
percent to 52 percent. This can be attributed to private sector funds (given the
data available with the Association of Bharti AXA Life Insuranceof India) seeing
an increase share of net inflows relative to the bank-sponsored counterparts in
the public sector.
For proof, take a look at some figures. PIAMC – which spent Rs. 4.5 crore on
advertising in the entire fiscal year 2000 has spent the same amount during the
first four months of the current fiscal itself. Kothari Pioneer Life Insurance
which spent a negligible amount on advertising in 1999-2000 and Rs.163 lakhs in
2001 has already spent Rs. 453 lakhs in the first three quarter.
Birla Life Insurance, which spent Rs. 1 crore on advertising in the year 1999-
2000 plans to double that amount.
Clearly advertising types have something to cheer about. But what’s caused this
sudden attitudinal shift towards advertising? According to experts, funds are
being pushed into advertising more by intermediaries like banks who are
reluctant to sell a product whose name is unfamiliar to investor. Besides, since
Project Report on Sales Promotion, Recruitment, Training and Development of Life
more open-ended schemes are now available, some form of ongoing support to
keep sales booming has been deemed necessary by the funds.
In the words of Mr. Rajiv Vij, vice president marketing, Templeton Asset
Management (India) Pvt. Ltd., “ The industry has discovered that advertising in
the changed climate today, when investors are most receptive to Life Insurances,
can perk up sales by anywhere between 20-40 percent.” PIAMC managing
director Ajay Srinivasan gives his rationale for stepping up marketing spends:
“we believe that the brand is an important part of the consumer’s decision to
invest in a category that is not yet clearly understood by people.” According to
the Life Insurance marketers, advertising helps bring recall when consumers are
looking at investment opportunities. Srinivasan says that tactical advertising has
raised PIAMC’s brand awareness from five percent in June 1993 to 34 percent
now, as per a recent IMRB survey.
But what mode of advertising do these funds choose? “To sell the category,”
avers VIJ, “mass media is more effective because one needs to target a large
segment of the population.” Life Insurance marketers feel that since the category
is ‘information – centric’, press is the best medium to get across one’s message.
Within the print media, most marketers feel that a combination of leading
mainline and financial newspapers complemented by finance/ business
magazines, with relevant thematic appeal and editorial content are the perfect
Direct mail is another medium, which some funds have successfully used. But
rather than sending out mailers to all and sundry, there is a need for appropriate
Educational seminars are the final leg in the marketing and communication
process. In these, investors conditioned by advertising and hooked by an
interesting mailer can have lingering doubts clarified.
Advertising content by most of the funds too has undergone a marked change
from concept-selling ads dispelling myths, to selling specific schemes that meet
defined objectives/ goals.
But why is advertising suddenly working for Bharti AXA Life Insurancewhen it
doesn’t seem to have made a difference earlier? A sustained marketing strategy
instead of a few, scrappy ads is now seen to be the key to investor demand.
Fund marketers and industry observers however, caution against the danger of
selling the product for the wrong reasons. Funds need to focus on sustainable
communication. They need to build brands that strike a chord with investors by
relating to their concerns rather than selling flavour-of-the-month style. The
winning formula as industry watchers put it is the troika of performance, service
and trust for meeting long term needs or goals.
Project Report on Sales Promotion, Recruitment, Training and Development of Life
Changes that have taken place since the advent of the Net
• Lower Costs: Distribution of funds will fall in the online trading regime
by 2003. Bharti AXA Life Insurancecould bring down their
administrative costs to 0.75% if trading is done on- line. As per SEBI
regulations, bond funds can charge a maximum of 2.25% and equity
funds can charge 2.5% as administrative fees. Therefore if the
administrative costs are low, the benefits are passed down and hence
Bharti AXA Life Insuranceare able to attract mire investors and increase
their asset base.
• New investors would prefer online: Bharti AXA Life Insurancecan target
investors who are young individuals and who are Net savvy, since
servicing them would be easier on the Net.
• India has around 1.6 million net users who are prime target for these
funds and this could just be the beginning. The Internet users are going to
increase dramatically and Bharti AXA Life Insuranceare going to be the
best beneficiary. With smaller administrative costs more funds would be
mobilized .A fund manager must be ready to tackle the volatility and will
have to maintain sufficient amount of investments which are high
liquidity and low yielding investments to honor redemption.
• Net based advertisements: There will be more sites involved in ads and
promotion of Life Insurances. In the U.S. sites like AOL offer detailed
research and financial details about the functioning of different funds and
their performance statistics. a is witnessing a genesis in this area . There
Project Report on Sales Promotion, Recruitment, Training and Development of Life
are many sites such as and that are doing
something similar and providing advice to investors regarding their
Most investors associate Bharti AXA Life Insurancewith Master gain, Monthly
Equity Plans of SBI Life Insurance, UTI and Canbank Life Insurance and of
course Morgan Stanley Growth Fund. This is so because these funds truly had
participation from masses, with a fund like Morgan Stanley having more than 1
million investors. Investors feel that after 5 years, Morgan Stanley Growth Fund
units still trade below the original IPO price of Rs 10.
One must remember that a Life Insurance does not provide assured returns and
neither can it "manufacture" returns out of thin air. Returns provided by Bharti
AXA Life Insuranceare a function of the returns in the underlying asset class in
which the fund invests. Good funds can beat returns in their asset class to some
extent but that’s all. E.g. take the case of a sector specific fund like a pharma
fund which invests only in shares of pharmaceutical companies. If the Govt.
comes with new regulation that severely restricts the pricing freedom of these
companies resulting in negative outlook for the sector, the prices of all stocks in
the sector could fall substantially resulting in severe erosion in the NAV of the
fund. No one can do anything about it. A good fund manager would probably sell
part of the fund before prices fall too much and wait for an opportune time to
reinvest at lower levels once the dust has settled. In that case, the NAV of the
fund would fall to a lesser extent – but fall it will. If the investor in the fund has
Project Report on Sales Promotion, Recruitment, Training and Development of Life
invested in some stocks in the sector on his own, in all probability, his personal
investments may have depreciated to a larger extent.
Most Life Insurance managers took some time to realize the changed
circumstances wherein the open economy ushered in by the liberalization took
the full impact of the global deflation in commodity prices. This problem was
compounded further by the Asian crisis after which cheap imports from Asia
caused severe pressure on profits.
One more issue is that the fund managers in many funds were not
"professionally qualified and experienced". This is especially true of some of the
funds floated by nationalized banks. Some of these individuals were transferred
from the parent organization and did not really know much about investment
Lastly, investors would do well to have a look at the investments, which they
made on their own. In most cases, they would have done much worse than the
Life Insurances. We have received numerous requests for advice from individual
investors on what to do about their own investments. If that were any indicator,
investors would have done really badly.
Project Report on Sales Promotion, Recruitment, Training and Development of Life
(Rs. In Crore) ( in %)
Suitability for a job is typically assessed by looking for skills, e.g. communication,
typing, and computer skills. Qualifications may be shown through résumés, job
applications, interviews, educational or professional experience, the testimony of
references, or in-house testing, such as for software knowledge, typing skills,
numeracy, and literacy, through psychological tests or employment testing.
C) On boarding:
Project Report on Sales Promotion, Recruitment, Training and Development of Life
A well-planned introduction helps new employees become fully operational
quickly and is often integrated with the recruitment process.
Project Report on Sales Promotion, Recruitment, Training and Development of Life
Project Report on Sales Promotion, Recruitment, Training and Development of Life
Project Report on Sales Promotion, Recruitment, Training and Development of Life
In some organizations the term Learning and Development is used instead of Training
and Development in order to emphasize the importance of learning for the individual
and the organization. In other organizations, the term Human Resource Development
is used.
Types of T & D
1. Coaching
2. Continuing Professional Development or CPD
3. E-learning aka Online Learning, Distance Learning, Web-Based
4. Executive education
5. Executive development
6. Leadership development
7. Instructional Animation
8. Instructional Design
9. Instructional Strategies
10. Knowledge Management
11. Organizational Learning
12. Organizational knowledge
13. Mentoring
14. Teaching Method
15. Blended learning
16. Outbound Management Development Programmes
17. Performance Management
13. Teaching methods are best articulated by answering the questions, "What
is the purpose of education?" and "What are the best ways of achieving
these purposes?". For much of prehistory, educational methods were
largely informal, and consisted of children imitating or modeling their
behavior on that of their elders, learning through observation and play.
In this sense the children are the students, and the elder is the teacher. A
teacher creates the course materials to be taught and then enforces it.
Following are some reasons that demotivate and demoralize people from
becoming Life advisors. I came across the following obstacles that arose in the
process of recruitment:
Lack of awareness among the people – This is the biggest limitation found
in this sector. Most of the people are not aware about the importance and the
necessity of the insurance in their life. They are not aware how useful life
insurance can be for their family members if something happens to them.
Insurance does not give good returns – Still today people think that
Insurance does not give good returns. They are not aware of the modern Unit
Linked Insurance Plans which are offered by most of the Private sector players.
They are still under the perception that if they take Insurance they will get only
5-6% returns which is not true nowadays.
The business of life insurance in India in its existing form started in India in the
year 1818 with the establishment of the Oriental Life Insurance Company in
The story of insurance is probably as old as the story of mankind. The same
instinct that prompts modern businessmen today to secure themselves against
loss and disaster existed in primitive men also. They too sought to avert the evil
consequences of fire and flood and loss of life and were willing to make some sort
of sacrifice in order to achieve security. Though the concept of insurance is
largely a development of the recent past, particularly after the industrial era –
past few centuries – yet its beginnings date back almost 6000 years.
Life Insurance in its modern form came to India from England in the year 1818.
Oriental Life Insurance Company started by Europeans in Calcutta was the first
life insurance company on Indian Soil. All the insurance companies established
during that period were brought up with the purpose of looking after the needs
of European community and these companies were not insuring Indian natives.
• Bombay Mutual Life Assurance Society heralded the birth of first Indian
life insurance company in the year 1870, and covered Indian lives at
normal rates.
• Bharat Insurance Company (1896) was also one of such companies
inspired by nationalism. The Swadeshi movement of 1905-1907 gave rise
to more insurance companies.
• The United India in Madras, National Indian and National Insurance in
Calcutta and the Co-operative Assurance at Lahore were established in
• In 1907, Hindustan Co-operative Insurance Company took its birth in one
of the rooms of the Jorasanko, house of the great poet Rabindranath
Tagore, in Calcutta.
• The Indian Mercantile, General Assurance and Swadeshi Life (later
Bombay Life) were some of the companies established during the same
Project Report on Sales Promotion, Recruitment, Training and Development of Life
The Parliament of India passed the Life Insurance Corporation Act on the 19th
of June 1956, and the Life Insurance Corporation of India was created on 1st
September, 1956, with the objective of spreading life insurance much more
widely and in particular to the rural areas with a view to reach all insurable
persons in the country, providing them adequate financial cover at a reasonable
Project Report on Sales Promotion, Recruitment, Training and Development of Life
1870: Bombay mutual life assurance society is the first Indian owned life insurer.
1912: The Indian Life Assurance Companies Act enacted as the first statute to
regulate the life insurance business.
1928: The Indian Insurance Companies Act enacted to enable the government to
collect statistical information about both life and non-life insurance businesses.
1938: Earlier legislation consolidated and amended to by the Insurance Act with the
objective of protecting the interests of the insuring public.
1956: 245 Indian and foreign insurers and provident societies taken over by the
central government and nationalized. LIC formed by an Act of Parliament, viz. LIC
Act, 1956, with a capital contribution of Rs. 5 Crore from the Government of India.
Project Report on Sales Promotion, Recruitment, Training and Development of Life
The reforms were aimed at “creating a more efficient and competitive financial
system suitable for the requirements of the economy keeping in mind the structural
changes currently underway and recognizing that insurance is an important part of the
overall financial system where it was necessary to address the need for similar
Project Report on Sales Promotion, Recruitment, Training and Development of Life
The Insurance Act, 1938 had provided for setting up of the Controller of
Insurance to act as a strong and powerful supervisory and regulatory authority
for insurance. Post nationalization, the role of Controller of Insurance
diminished considerably in significance since the Government owned the
insurance companies.
But the scenario changed with the private and foreign companies foraying in to
the insurance sector. This necessitated the need for a strong, independent and
autonomous Insurance Regulatory Authority was felt. As the enacting of
legislation would have taken time, the then Government constituted through a
Government resolution an Interim Insurance Regulatory Authority pending the
enactment of a comprehensive legislation.
Bharti AXA Life Insurance is a joint venture between Bharti, one of India’s leading
business groups with interests in telecom, agri business and retail, and AXA, world
leader in financial protection and wealth management. The joint venture company has
a 74% stake from Bharti and 26% stake of AXA.
The company launched national operations in December 2006. Today, we have over
5200 employees across over 12 states in the country. Our business philosophy is built
around the promise of making people "Life Confident".
As we expand our presence across the country to cater to your insurance and wealth
management needs with our product and service offerings, we continue to bring 'life
confidence' to customers spread across India. Whatever your plans in life, you can be
confident that Bharti AXA Life will offer the right financial solutions to help you
achieve them.
Project Report on Sales Promotion, Recruitment, Training and Development of Life
Bharti Enterprises is one of India’s leading business groups with interests in telecom,
agri business, insurance and retail. Bharti has been a pioneering force in the telecom
sector with many firsts and innovations to its credit. Bharti Airtel Limited, a group
company, is one of India’s leading private sector providers of telecommunications
services with an aggregate of 60 million customers, spanning mobile, fixed line,
broadband and enterprise services. Bharti Airtel was ranked amongst the best
performing companies in the world in the BusinessWeek IT 100 list 2007. Bharti
Teletech is the country’s largest manufacturer and exporter of telephone terminals.
Bharti has a joint venture with ELRo Holdings India
Ltd. – ‘FieldFresh Foods Pvt. Ltd’ - for global distribution of fresh fruits and
vegetables. Bharti also has a joint venture - ‘Bharti AXA Life Insurance Company
Ltd.’ - with AXA, world leader in financial protection and wealth management. Bharti
has recently forayed into the retail business under a company called Bharti Retail Pvt.
Ltd. It also has a joint venture – ‘Bharti Wal-Mart Private Limited’ – with Wal-Mart,
for wholesale cash-and-carry and back-end supply chain management operations.
AXA Group
To be a leader and the preferred company for financial protection and wealth
management in India by 2012.
• Professionalism
• Innovation
• Team Spirit
• Pragmatism
• Integrity
Strategic differentiators:
Dream Life Pension, Bharti AXA Life Insurance’s unique pension product ensures
that your retirement life is your Dream Life.
Aspire Life helps you create a pool of wealth to meet your long-term needs, while
also providing you adequate protection in case the need arises.
You have always strived hard to achieve the best for you and your loved ones, so
when it comes to making an investment decision, we know that you would expect the
best from it too.
Your wealth, your status ensures that you get preferential status wherever you go. So
why shouldn't your money get the same?
A unit-linked product which offers enhanced protection along with wealth creation in
the long term.
for your family. Traditional money back insurance product for long term savings.
Your changing lifestages decide your financial milestone planning. When you foresee
intermittent financial requirements in the years to come, like regular expenses related
to your child’s education, liquidity becomes a key aspect of your planning along with
long term savings, and protection
All of us desire to maximise the happiness for our family at all times, irrespective of
the circumstances. The thought of unfortunate events befalling us may cause us
anxiety about providing a secured happiness to our loved ones.
Project Report on Sales Promotion, Recruitment, Training and Development of Life
Mortgage Credit Shield is a Group Product that provides coverage to people who have
availed of a Mortgage\ Home loan\ Home equity loan from an Institution/Bank.
Credit Shield is a Group Product that provides coverage to people who have availed
of a loan for 1 to 5 years from Group Policy holder.
Project Report on Sales Promotion, Recruitment, Training and Development of Life
Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. It
may be understood as a science of studying how research is done. We can say
that research methodology has many dimensions and research methods do
constitute a part of the research methodology. The study of research
methodology gives the student the necessary training in gathering material and
arranging or car-indexing them, participation in field work when required, and
also training in techniques for the collection of data appropriate to particular
problem, in the use of statistics, questionnaires and controlled experimentation
and in recording evidences, sorting it out and interpreting it. Knowledge of
research methodology plays a key role in project work. It consists of series of
actions or steps necessary to effectively carry out research and the desired
sequencing of these steps.
Data Collection Method
Data can be collected by Primary as well as secondary method.
This study on Life Insurances in India has been based on primary as well as
secondary data sources.
The primary data is collected by the getting the questionnaire filled from the
common investor above the age of 25.
For this research, I have made use of a questionnaire for ascertaining the
investment pattern of a common investor.
• Books
• Journals
• Magazine Articles
Project Report on Sales Promotion, Recruitment, Training and Development of Life
• Internet Websites.
Project Report on Sales Promotion, Recruitment, Training and Development of Life
An exploratory research is often the first in the series of projects that culminates
in one concerned with the drawing of inferences that are used as a basis of
monetary action. Exploratory study is often used as a introductory phase of a
larger study and results are used in developing specific technique for larger
study. Of the study the relevant questionnaire was prepared and circulated
among a stratified sample of 50 employees of BHARTI AXA LIFE INSURANCE
Limited. This questionnaire formed the basis for the views on each of the points
raised in the questionnaire. The data thus obtained formed the basis of
information regarding the existing recruitment and selection processes at
BHARTI AXA LIFE INSURANCE. and the same is analyzed and interference is
drawn regarding the various aspects of recruitment and the entire process of
Project Report on Sales Promotion, Recruitment, Training and Development of Life
Sampling technique:
Stratified sampling technique is adopted to conduct the research. Stratified purposive
sapling is a selection method for achieving a greater degree of representatives,
therefore decreasing the probable sampling error. It is based on the concept that a
homogeneous population produces samples with smaller sampling errors than does a
heterogeneous population. Stratified sampling is accomplished by placing all the
members of the population into groups according to some characteristics that is
common among them, that is homogeneous subsets of the population. Then specified
number of unit is chosen from each of the groups or strata by purposive means.
Sampling Plans
The sampling plan consists of sampling units, e.g. from functional departments
namely Marketing, Commercial, Technical and Human Resource. These employees
constitute the manpower in the company who are engaged in the day to day
functioning of the company, thus it is very important for them to understand the
various aspects of the entire selection process and also the importance of performance
appraisal system. Therefore, they had been selected for the project sampling
Sample Size:- Sample size was taken 1100 to undertake the survey.
Project Report on Sales Promotion, Recruitment, Training and Development of Life
The elaboration on all the steps given in the flow chart above is given in the following
Identifying vacancy and advertising it: the following changes in the scenario
led to the increasing vacancy for life advisors in Bharti AXA Pune.
After the identification of vacancy pamphlets containing the details were prepared
and were distributed. The pamphlets used by us have been provided as Annexure
1, 2 and 3.
The five Qs- The Qs are 5 different criteria where the candidates are to be analyzed.
Q1- The candidate should have been a resident of Lucknowfor at least five years.
Q2- He/ She should be married.
Q3- His/ Her annual income should be at least 1.2 to 1.5 Lakhs.
Q4- He/ She should be a graduate.
Q5- Minimum age to be eligible for being a life advisor is 18.
Project Report on Sales Promotion, Recruitment, Training and Development of Life
The significance of Qs
A high Q score implies possibility of better performance by the candidate as a life
advisor (meaning better revenue generation ability). On an average only a
candidate with a score of Q4 or Q5 was interviewed.
A low Q score implies lesser possibility of such performance.
Conduction of interview:
The applicant shall have to undergo at least 100 hours’ practical training in life or
general insurance business which may be spread over three to four weeks,
where such applicant is seeking license for the first time to act as an insurance
The training duration should be minimum 18 working days excluding Sundays and
No product training/market survey should be included into this hundred 100 hours
training. The product training, if any, to be given by the insurance company
should be over and above the minimum training hours prescribed by the
The attendance record of the trainees should be maintained at the Institute for
necessary inspection at any given point of time.
In case of short-fall of attendance, extra class may be permitted but the extra hours
may be specified separately with proper attendance and details of faculty.
Every Institute should have at least one qualified permanent faculty who is an
Associate or Fellow from the Insurance Institute of India for each stream i.e. for
Life and Non-Life.
The attendance register of the faculty members should be maintained at the training
Project Report on Sales Promotion, Recruitment, Training and Development of Life
The record of the payment made to faculty should be maintained at the training
institute i.e. batch-wise payment detail should be maintained.
The faculty should provide details of the other Institutes with whom they have been
empanelled as part-time/guest faculty.
Register should be maintained at the training institute giving details of batches
completed, strength of the each batch, number of candidates decertified, name
of the sponsored insurer and details of faculty who imparted the training with
The seating capacity of each class-room should not exceed 40.
The fresh accreditation will be given on need basis after assessing the needs of the
particular city/town.
The initial approval will be for a period of 3 years and consideration of further
renewal up to 3 years would depend on the satisfactory compliance of
requirements of accreditation.
The insurance companies would regularly send their officials to oversee the proper
conduct of the training at the institutes and would not sponsor candidates to
those institutes that are not maintaining the required standards of and facilities
for the training.
The training institute must display the certificate of accreditation to impart training
issued by the Authority at the training institute.
The Institute should not allow a franchisee to conduct courses on its behalf even if the
faculty is that of the Institute. The Institute should conduct the training on its
own premises or hired premises with proper infrastructure.
No marketing fee/consultancy fee payment is permitted for getting the training
It will be the responsibility of the Insurance Company to check the status of the
institute before sponsoring any candidates for training.
In case of mofussil areas or the cities where there are no accredited institutes and an
insurance company intends to appoint agents, it will be the responsibility of the
insurance company to conduct training.
The Institutes must keep with them one set of records of the training at the place
where the training is being imparted.
The Institute should confine its activities only to the place/city for which it has been
given the approval. No training outside the said place/city is permitted.
Project Report on Sales Promotion, Recruitment, Training and Development of Life
The Institutes must submit a copy of the lease deed/rent agreement at the time of
seeking fresh accreditation/renewal/change of address of the institute.
On successful completion of training the candidates get COT i.e. the Completion of
Training Certificate by Bharti AXA.
1. Conduction of examination:
7.1 Syllabus: the syllabus prescribed by the authority for life insurance agents is
given in annexure 6. it is indicative and not exhaustive. The self study course
material developed by institute in book form only the broad basis of
examination which is available for sale with the institute and its associated
institutes. A candidate is expected to study the course material in depth and
also assimilate general information relevant to the subject. Candidate is also
expected to know up-to-date developments in the insurance industry.
7.2 Pattern of examination: normally objective type multiple choice
questions are asked. A candidate is required to indicate the correct alternative.
A candidate is required to secure at least 50% marks to be declared successful.
But the institute reserves the right to change, the pattern of question paper for
the examinations without notice to anyone to test the knowledge of the
candidate as it deems fit.
7.3 Mode of examination: The test can be taken up in either of the two
modes- online or offline. Depending on the mode of testing the training is also
arranged. For online mode the training is also done online whereas in offline
mode the training is done in the class room format of. The duration of
classroom training is 6+2 days. Where 6 days are reserved for compulsory
IRDA training and the remaining 2 days are for product based training.
7.4 Admission card: No candidate will be allowed to appear for the
examination unless he/ she produces the admission card. The admission card
will be issued by Bharti AXA. Besides admission card candidate must possess
COT issued by Bharti AXA.
7.5 Sample questions: a list of sample questions is given as annexure.
2. Final selection as Life Advisor: the final selection as Life advisor is
communicated to the candidate.
Project Report on Sales Promotion, Recruitment, Training and Development of Life
1. Name:
2. Age:
3. Sex: Male Female
4. Occupation:
• Government Employee
• Private Employee
• Student
• Proprietor
• Others
Analysis 1
Age of respondents: the following is the distribution of age of the respondents.
Age <25 Years 25-35 Years 35-45 Years >45 Years
Number of 584 396 73 47
Number of individuals
Age of respondents
73 47
<25 years 25-35 years 35-45 years >45 years
Analysis 2
Sex of respondents
Sex of Respondent
male female
Analysis 3
Occupation of Respondents
govt. employee
pvt. Employee
student, 436 student
Interpretation: Sample is dominated by students and Private Employees (76%).
Project Report on Sales Promotion, Recruitment, Training and Development of Life
Analysis 4
Number of Years spent in lucknow.
Interpretation: Most of the individuals (less than 1 yr) have come to Lucknow to
study or work. The individuals with 4-5 years spent in Lucknow or more are basically
Project Report on Sales Promotion, Recruitment, Training and Development of Life
Analysis 5
Marital status:
Marital status
368, 33%
732, 67%
Analysis 6
Familytypeof respondent
Analysis 7
Question: If you are married, do you have any children? How many?
Number of individuals
80 72
20 15
1 child 2 children 3 children 4 children
Interpretation: Only 185 respondents have children, of which 50% have only one
Project Report on Sales Promotion, Recruitment, Training and Development of Life
Analysis 8
medical illness,
347, 32% child education,
433, 39%
Interpretation: medical illness (32%) & child education (39%) are major concern
for future.
Project Report on Sales Promotion, Recruitment, Training and Development of Life
Analysis 9
Interpretation: 72% of the individuals have made no provision for the future
Project Report on Sales Promotion, Recruitment, Training and Development of Life
Analysis 10
Interpretation: 76% of the individuals would like to make extra money. Such
individuals are identified and then they are motivated become Life advisors for an
extra source of income.
Project Report on Sales Promotion, Recruitment, Training and Development of Life
Project Report on Sales Promotion, Recruitment, Training and Development of Life
The findings are based on the survey undertaken and interview of individuals for
the procurement of life advisors.
selected Life 8
Individuals selected
for IRDA training
• The fee charged from candidates as application money should be waved off. It
should rather be paid by the Insurance Company.
• The strict training schedule should be made flexible. For a person who is Q4
or Q5 on score it is difficult for him/ her to be able to come for training
especially in case when he/ she is already working.
• The incentive system should be more attractive to motivate more and more
people for becoming Life Advisors.
• More and more promotional activities should be held for enhanced brand
building which will facilitate revenue generation and increased satisfaction
leading to customer retention in the long run.
The usual procedure to go about the project is to conduct the Group Field
Activity (GFA). In that, the trainees are sent to the market to gather data and leads.
They have only the survey questionnaire with them. We conducted this for the first 2
weeks. But the results were not up to the mark. The main reasons have been cited in
the limitations. To counter the hurdles faced, we came up with the following
1. Promotion:
While interacting with the prospects, we had to convey the idea orally. The
retention time is very little as the respondents are in some hurry. Besides, the GFA, is
something such as a brochure could be handed out to the prospects, it would stay on
their minds. The Brochure would contain all the major details such as the benefits, the
compensation, the work flexibility and the requirements of being an Life Advisor.
Thus we designed a brochure/pamphlet on the same lines. But being trainees,
the expenses had to be borne by us. So we decided to print the brochure as flyers on
cheap recycled paper. We decided to distribute these flyers while taking survey.
Along with distributing the flyers, we decided to put the flyers
along with our contact information in the newspapers of the area. For this, we
contacted the local newspaper vendor. This gave us higher number of leads as we
were approaching the right target prospect.
Project Report on Sales Promotion, Recruitment, Training and Development of Life
2. Event:
These are the forms which calculate the Q scores of the probable prospects. So
we decided to take the Initial screening form (ISF) questionnaire and get it filled by
the prospects in the first interaction itself so that we could shortlist candidates for the
second process. This saved time considerably as we did not have to go into details to
screen out the candidates. Now we could calculate the Q score directly.
4. Secondary Database:
Along with the GFA, the aforesaid actions helped us gather more leads for the
Business Opportunity Presentation.
Project Report on Sales Promotion, Recruitment, Training and Development of Life
• Those individuals whose Q score was greater than 3 were considered better
prospects to be Life advisors.
• 8 individuals successfully completed the training and passed the Exam and
were Finally selected as Life advisors at Bharti AXA Life Insurance, Gomti
Nagar, Lucknow.
Project Report on Sales Promotion, Recruitment, Training and Development of Life
Project Report on Sales Promotion, Recruitment, Training and Development of Life
For the purpose of this report, it was found that the questionnaire and interview
questions, employee manual were sufficient to obtain the information required to
analyze the process of requirement and selection within the organization. It has
been found that the organization has a sound understanding of what process
need to be used in order to achieve effective recruitment and selection of Life
advisors. In addition to this, there are several recommendations for the
For any firm to be successful the main objectives should be:
• Sustainable long-term growth,
• Stable income and
• Asset preservation;
• Need to emphasize quality and diversification in both equity and fixed
income asset classes.
• Focus should be on long-term consistent investment performance.
• Emphasis towards training and enhancing skills of recruits needs to be
• Invest more in current staff than in Recruitment:
• Conduct internal audit.
• Be Creative
• Understand and manage salary:
The general perception of life insurance has to change in India before progress is
made in this field.
Project Report on Sales Promotion, Recruitment, Training and Development of Life
Project Report on Sales Promotion, Recruitment, Training and Development of Life
Annexure 1
Project Report on Sales Promotion, Recruitment, Training and Development of Life
Annexure 2
Broad syllabus for pre- recruitment exam for life insurance agent:
1. Introduction to insurance:
• What is insurance
• Purpose and need of insurance
• Classification of risk
• The human asset
• Insurance as a social security tool
• Role of insurance in economic development
• riders
• annuities
• group insurance
5. Underwriting
• introduction
• classification of risk
• financial underwriting
• assessing risk
• adverse selection
• non medical underwriting
• recent rends
6. Insurance documents
• proposal form and personal statements
• first/ renewal payment receipt
• policy document
• endorsement
• prospectus
7. Policy conditions
• age, days of grace
• lapse and non- forfeiture
• paid up value
• revival
• assignment, nomination
• surrenders and loan
• foreclosure
• alterations
• married women’s property act policy
Project Report on Sales Promotion, Recruitment, Training and Development of Life
8. Claims
• maturity claims
• survival benefit payments
• death claims
• accident and disability benefits
• claims concessions.