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M1490292a FAQ Eldar 2009

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Errata Q. How do the Runes of Witnessing in one Eldar army

work against the Runes of Warding in another army?
Page 35 – Intercept.
A. Proceed as follows: when the Farseer attempts to
The last sentence should be changed to: use a psychic power, roll 3D6. Consider the two lowest
results for the purposes of passing the test (ignoring
In assaults, they never require worse than 4+ to hit the highest result). Then, if the total of the 3D6 was 12
vehicles that do not have a WS. or more, the Farseer suffers a Perils of the Warp attack
(do not do this if the Farseer has already suffered such
an attack because of the lowest two results being a
Page 45 – Vibro Cannon. double 1 or double 6).
The third sentence should be changed to:
If any of the vibro cannons hit, draw a single 36" Q. How do the Runes of Witnessing work when facing
straight line from one vibro cannon in any direction. a Hive Tyrant with Shadow in the Warp?
A. The Runes neutralize the effect of the Shadow in the
Page 47 – Wraithsight. Warp for that Farseer, so the Farseer will take Psychic
tests using 2D6, as normal.
The last sentence should be changed to:
Inactive models may not move, shoot, assault, attack in
close combat or make sweeping advances, and are hit Q. Which Eldar psychic powers are psychic shooting
automatically in close combat. attacks?
A. Destructor, Eldritch Storm and Mind War (though
they include a few exceptions to the normal shooting
Page 65 – Warp Spiders, Wargear. rules, as specified in their description).
The Wargear entry should be changed to:
Wargear: Death spinner, warp jump generator. Q. If an army has two Autarchs, does it get +2 to its
Reserve rolls?

Page 65 – Swooping Hawks, Wargear. A. The player may choose each turn whether to add
+1, +2 or no bonus to his reserve rolls.
The Wargear entry should be changed to:
Wargear: Lasblaster, plasma grenades, haywire
grenades, Swooping Hawk wings and grenade packs. Q. How are multiple shots from the Exarch’s Tempest
Launcher resolved?
A. Resolve them as a multiple barrage.

FAQs Q. Can Skyleap be used to leave play in the same turn

the unit deep strikes in?
Q. If an Eldar unit finishes its fall back move within
12" of a friendly Avatar (or he moves within 12" of a A. Yes, but be careful with using this tactic too much,
unit that is falling back), does the unit immediately or you risk getting very little use out of your unit over
regroup? six turns.
A. Yes, the unit immediately regroups, just like a unit
that is assaulted when falling back (this means that it
ignores regrouping restrictions and it does not move Q. If a Swooping Hawk unit is falling back when the
the usual 3”). Also note that regrouping as described turn begins, can it utilise Skyleap that turn?
above is the only thing that the unit can do in that A. No, it cannot. That unit must test to regroup before
phase. it can move, and the rules for regrouping are quite
strict about what the unit can do that turn, whether it
passes the test or fails it.
Q. Is the Avatar immune to wounds caused by
incinerators, inferno cannons and inferno pistols?
A. Yes, as they are all either melta or flame weapons Q. Can a unit of Swooping Hawks use Skyleap if the
under different names. unit contains an Autarch without wings?
A. The unit may only utilize Skyleap if the Autarch has
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Wings. The Autarch must then remain with the unit Q. Does the Wave Serpent’s energy field negate the +1
and deep strike together with them (i.e. it cannot bonus to the penetration roll from the tank hunters
separate from the unit when it is placed back into universal special rule?
A. As the tank hunters universal special rule does not
alter the strength of the attack, the energy field has no
effect on it.
Q. Can an Autarch without a jump generator join a
unit of Warp Spiders with Surprise Assault in reserve,
and then deep strike into play with them?
Q. When Eldrad Ulthuan’s Divination is used to move
A. An Autarch may only deep strike with a unit utilising a vehicle with an embarked unit onboard, does this
Surprise Assault if he has a jump generator, otherwise count as having moved two units or just one?
the unit will have to move onto the table from the
board edge. A. One. Embarked units do not count towards the
Divination total.

Q. Is an Autarch with a warp jump generator (who is

not joined to a unit) that rolls doubles on his second Q. Are Autarchs fleet of foot while equipped with a
jump automatically removed as a casualty? jump generator?

A. Yes – better to stick with a unit of Warp Spiders! A. Yes, unlike Warp Spiders.

Q. Can Guardians with a Heavy Weapon Platform Q. Does Mind War allow cover saves?
embark on a transport vehicle? A. Yes, this could represent the target diving behind
A. Yes, the platform does not take up any space in a cover, out of sight of the Farseer and therefore
transport vehicle. breaking the deadly mind-lock.

Q. Can either Heavy Weapon Platform crewman fire Q. The warp jump generator description says Warp
the weapon regardless of where they are in the unit? Spiders may make an extra move ‘instead of
assaulting’. Does this mean that they can make their
A. Yes, the position of the gun is immaterial. Either extra move during the Assault phase only if they are
crewman may fire the weapon, not just the one within in a position where they could assault or can they do
2" of it. it anyway?
A. This move can be made in any Assault phase during
which the Warp Spiders are not assaulting or fighting in
Q. Can a Fire Prism contribute its prism cannon to an assault.
another Fire Prism that is more than 60" away?
A. Yes, this form of support has no range limit.
Q. Can a unit of Warp Spiders, which just entered by
deep strike, move with their warp jump generator
Q. Can a Fire Prism still contribute its prism cannon during the Assault phase?
even if the cannon is destroyed or the vehicle is A. Yes, they can.
Stunned or Shaken?
A. No, the model must voluntarily give up its chance to
fire the prism cannon in order to contribute. Q. The Star Engines description says the vehicle may
move an extra 12" ‘in lieu of shooting’. Does this
mean that they cannot make this extra move if they
Q. Can a Fire Prism that contributes its prism cannon are unable to shoot for other reasons (such as being
still fire its other weapons at an enemy target? shaken). Also, when is this move executed – in the
Movement or the Shooting phase?
A. Yes, but when firing, the player must also declare to
which other Fire Prism they are contributing their A. As long as the vehicle is allowed to move that turn,
beam to. and does not shoot or embark/disembark troops, it
may use its Star Engines. This means that it can use
them when shaken, but not whilst stunned. This extra
Q. Can vibro cannons affect targets out of line of move of up to 12" is executed during the Shooting
sight? Friendly units? Units locked in combat? phase.

A. Yes, they are rather indiscriminate weapons.

Q. With Divination, does the redeployment of units
take place before or after the free movement of units
with the scout special rule?
A. Before. It says 'after both sides have deployed' and
the scouts move happens 'before the first player begins
his first turn'.

Q. If you have Wraithguards embarked in a Wave
Serpent, do they still have to make the Wraithsight
roll? If yes, can a friendly psyker within 6" of the
vehicle prevent them from making this roll?
A. Yes, and yes. However, if they fail their Wraithsight
roll and the Wave Serpent is destroyed during that
same player turn, all of the Wraithguards are destroyed
as well.

Q. Do barrage weapons have to roll to spot a unit of

Harlequins with Veil of Tears?
A. Yes, barrage weapons must still roll to spot them,
and cannot fire if they fail to spot them.

Q. Do searchlights work on units of Harlequins with

Veil of Tears?
A. No, they only work for night fighting.

Q. How does Veil of Tears work in a turn where the

night fighting rules are in effect?
A. If a unit wishes to target the Harlequins, first roll
for night fighting. If the roll is successful, then roll for
Veil of Tears. Only if this second test is also successful,
the unit can open fire.

Q. Does Veil of Tears work against weapons that do

not pick a specific target. For example, if a vibro
cannon is fired so that its line goes through a unit of
Harlequins, do you hit them even if they are out of
your spotting distance?
A. Yes, the Harlequins are not targeted specifically, so
the Veil of Tears has no effect.

Q. As Phoenix Lords are not Exarchs, but independent

characters, do their exarch powers (Shadowstrike,
Skyleap, etc.) affect units other than Aspect Warriors?
A. Their powers only affects units of Aspect Warriors.

Q. If a Farseer joins a unit that includes a Warlock

with the Embolden power, does he get to re-roll failed
Psychic tests?
A. Yes – the presence of the Warlock obviously helps
the Farseer to concentrate.

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