Plasma Orbital Expansion of The Electrons in Water

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Long Beach 2010 PROCEEDINGS of the NPA 1

Plasma Orbital Expansion of the Electrons in Water

Chris Eckman
Idaho State University Undergraduate Student
246 Roosevelt Avenue, Pocetello, Idaho 83209
e-mail: [email protected]

Brown's Gas boasts a plethora of unusual characteristics that defy current chemistry. It has a cool flame of
about 130°C (266°F), yet melts steel, brick and many other materials. Confusingly, research both confirms and
rebuffs many claims about it, leading to a smorgasbord of theories today seeking to explain its unusual proper-
ties. One possible theory, currently gaining support even from establishment science, depicts "plasma orbital
expansion of the electron in a water molecule". In this process, unlike electrolysis, the water molecule "bends"
into a linear, dipole-free geometry. This linear water molecule expands to gain electrons in the d sub-shell, and
these extra electrons produce different effects on different target materials. Electrons that scatter at point of con-
tact produce heat based upon electrical conductivity, density and thermal capacity of the material. It also shows
why Rydberg clusters are a part of browns gas and how the linear water molecule needs these clusters to sur-
vive. This paper will explain this new theory and why it is gaining popularity among scientist in academia.

1. Introduction more. The original water molecules exist in a sp3 hybridized

state whereas the “linear” molecule would have to use the d sub-
George Wiseman defines Brown’s Gas (I agree with this shell of the n = 3 shell to become a sp3d hybrid state. This allows
definition) as "the entire mixture of gasses evolving from an for the expansion of the extra electrons (but it will not hold them
electrolyzer specifically designed to electrolyze water and not for long). Upon relaxation it would resume its original state
separate the resulting gasses." Brown’s Gas is unique. It has reclaiming its polarity and attraction to other water molecules.
testable properties that show something is different about this The water molecule would go from the tetrahedral and bent
gas. This paper shows the possibilities that exist to help explain shape (4 electron pairs, 2 used and 2 not used) to the trigonal
this phenomenon. bipyramidal (5 electron pairs, 2 used, 3 not used) and linear
One of the key differences in Browns gas is that some of the shapes, as in Figure 1.
water molecules go into an excited isomer plasma state; hence The energy that was soaked in to the new state is not very
Brown’s Gas has more energy density because water molecules stable and will quickly release the extra electrons and fall back
have more energy and are in small clusters called Rydberg into its regular state (just water). Rydberg clusters hold it in this
Clusters. Rydberg Clusters are atoms and (or) molecules that are new state and will cause the isomer to last much longer then if
weakly bound by the electrons and the electromagnetic force this isomer were by itself. Water in most forms is a great
together in miniature clusters. Plasmas are partially ionized gas, insulator. However in this odd form of “electric steam” it would
in which a certain proportion of electrons are free rather than act very much like a conductor. Indeed, Browns gas seems to be
being bound to an atom or molecule. The ability of the positive great at conducting electricity.
and negative charges to move somewhat independently makes
the plasma electrically conductive so that it responds strongly to
electromagnetic fields.
In Brown’s Gas there is a unique form of plasma in which
electrons are weakly held rather than free floating. This is
known as "Non-equilibrium plasma" or "cold plasma”. In this
type of plasma the electrons have high energies but the
molecules or atoms that hold the extra electrons are relatively
unenergetic. In a Brown’s Gas torch, these extra electrons are
what produce the immense heat, while the molecule or atoms Fig. 1. Normal vs. linear water molecule
releasing these electrons remains relatively cool. By definition, This new ‘electric steam’ is a form of plasma where only the
an isomer is any molecule that has the same number and type of electrons would be excited, and the water molecules would be
atoms, like H2O is always going to be water, but the structure or much cooler. Water vapor molecules will be broken up in the
orientation of those atoms in the molecule may be different. plasma, but we find that Brown’s Gas has a significant amount of
In Rydberg clusters this new form of water can exist much water in it. This would actually be absorbing a huge amount of
longer than if by itself. This allows the gas to hold more energy energy and lower the total amount of energy per liter, but this is
than normal H2 and O2 mixed and ignited. not the case. The water is protected if in a non-equilibrium
plasma state. This means that it still water but has a ‘shell’ or
2. Isomers of Water ‘layer’ of electrons being carried piggy-back by the water as seen
There are ways to determine the stability of isomers. Some in figure 1. Also Rydberg clusters hold more energy density and
isomers of molecules are naturally stable, but most of these keep the new water isomer stable longer.
unusual isomer states are unstable and will not last long. One If one was to take the individual atoms found in water and
method is to determine how much hold the atoms in a molecule combines the orbitals of each atom, the hydrogen can have a max
have for their electrons and how much room there would be for of 2 electrons and the oxygen will have a max of 8 electrons. The
2 Eckman: Plasma Orbital Expansion of the Electrons in Water Vol. 6, No. 2
oxygen is the only thing big enough to take on more electrons, 4. Energy in Brown’s Gas
however the Octet rule will not allow for it. The Octet rule says
that certain atoms, like oxygen, can have up to 8 bonding Because water normally is within the N=2 shell, it needs a lot
electrons. One thing to note is the octet rule CAN have of energy to move up and would rather break down into
exceptions, when dealing with isomers, excimers, and cold Hydrogen and Oxygen then move up. However Brown’s Gas
plasmas. may be moving up a level and storing the extra electrons in the
N=3 orbital. Each gap holds a large amount of energy.
3. Production Process of the New Water Isomer
In order to be conductive, a continuously bonded substance
needs to have a way for electrons to move through it. Water with
ions in it passes electrons along through unoccupied orbital sites
in the ions.
A substance such as salt would provide the ions needed to
lower the resistance of pure water. In substances, electrons are
pushed along by what is called a conduction band and a valence
These correspond to the LUMO and the HOMO. The LUMO
and the HOMO are acronyms for Highest Occupied Molecular
Orbital and Lowest Unoccupied Molecular Orbital. The LUMO, Fig. 2. N orbital’s with corresponding sub-shells
or conduction band, has some spots with no electrons in it,
otherwise known as unoccupied. The HOMO is full of electrons; The electron density also makes it appear to still be in the
it cannot push them along because it is full. Therefore, in order range of water, not O2 or H2 or O or H, since none of them seem
for the material to conduct, the material needs to excite electrons to give right answers mathematically for the electron densities.
from the HOMO to the LUMO so they can move through the However Brown’s Gas does. It is a unique relatively unknown
substance. The LUMO and the HOMO are way too far apart for structure of water.
conduction to take place. The energetic cost of exciting the Normally, the field present in the wire would create a net
electrons is just too high. Putting enough energy in would break acceleration in the same direction of the force; however the
the bonds in the material, destroying it, before it will conduct in constant collisions of electrons create a drag effect. The effect on
this way. a hole is an average group velocity referred to as the drift
Electrons can also move through "holes," or unoccupied velocity vd (in m/s). It is found by the following equations:
spaces in an unfilled HOMO state. There is a place for an electron J V
to move into in the HOMO, so the material can "push" electrons vd  
n e e ne e  L
across itself, from hole to hole. Water has no holes for any
electrons to move to. Since this avenue of electron-pushing is J= Current density (Amp/m2)
closed, and the electrons can't reach the LUMO energetically; ne = Free electron density of material in water (particles/m3)
they can't move in water. e= Electron charge (1.602 x 10-19 C/particle)
This is why if too much energy is pressed into water it will V= Applied voltage (V)
break into hydrogen and oxygen. Oxygen attracts electrons ρ= Resistivity of the material (Ω-m)
much more strongly than hydrogen (more electronegative), L= Path length (m)
resulting in a water molecule having a positive charge on the side Using these equations will help to determine what amount of
where the hydrogen atoms are and a negative charge on the joules the electrons carry in the gas. The material being hit by
other side, where the oxygen atom is. Electrical attraction Brown’s Gas has those extra electrons transferred into the new
between water molecules is due to this dipole nature of target material. Those electrons disperse causing high heat due
individual water molecules to pull each other closer together, to the electrical resistance of that material. There is a point where
making it more difficult to separate the molecules (meaning the the current density can become so large that the lattice binding
charge differences will cause water molecules to be attracted to energy in most materials can be overcome; this results in what is
each other). called the fusing point. The fusing point is a critical falling apart
This attraction is known as hydrogen bonding. Surface of the atomic structure, causing intense heat and energy.
tension is a manifestation of this unique bonding. Hydrogen The amount of joules that is added to browns gas due to the
bonding is a comparatively weak attraction compared to the extra electron presents would be approximately 600 (±34) joules
covalent bonds within the water molecule itself. In Brown’s Gas per liter of Brown’s Gas. This shows about the amount needed to
the new trigonal bipyramidal (linear) water molecule will be be added to just hydrogen and oxygen burning to be in the area
non-polar and will have a dipole-dipole with the negative charge of Brown’s Gas (about 1500 joules per liter). This result helps
pointing toward the oxygen. The hydrogen bonding will be strengthen the fact that Brown’s Gas is electrical in nature.
weakened considerably but could still exist.
The reason that some of the water molecules gets "stuck" in a 5. Rydberg Clusters
linear form and do not break down in to hydrogen and oxygen is
because the water isomer gets surrounded by hydrogen ions, The linear water isomer is stable if it contains Rydberg matter
oxygen ions and water vapor. The forces that are binding the clusters. These are clusters of highly excited matter (microscopic);
clusters are electric and partially hydrogen bonding. However the electrons are usually free floating in a limited area and can be
the interactions are a weak attraction and are known as Rydberg bound by individual atoms or molecules. The life of a cluster
clusters. will be dependent on what type of atoms and molecules make it
Long Beach 2010 PROCEEDINGS of the NPA 3
up and will range from a few nano-seconds to a few hours. In Some things to note are the presence of monatomic hydrogen
lab experiments Brown’s Gas average life is 11 minutes. Rydberg and oxygen, but in very small parts. Normally monatomic
matter clusters are usually associated with solids and liquids, but hydrogen and oxygen would bond right away to form H2 and O2,
can be found in gases. Something also intriguing is Rydberg but it does not in Brown’s Gas, they remain ions. This helps to
matter clusters can be made using a unique electrolysis process prove that Rydberg clusters are forming.
in which special lengths and distances of the plates and the There are also other trace elements, most likely due to
materials are used. exposure to those elements while forming in the tank, impurities
in the water and traveling down the tube.
Evidence that Rydberg clusters have formed lies in the fact
that when compared with the molar content of two parts
hydrogen and one oxygen (compared to three molar of Brown’s
Gas), the Brown’s Gas is significantly heaver. The same molar
content shows that the density (not energy density) of Brown’s
Gas is much greater than that of just hydrogen and oxygen. If
this weight was that of water then the Brown’s Gas would be a
poor torch and transfer very little heat. In fact, most of the heat
would be absorbed into water vapor before hitting the target
However, for the case of Brown’s Gas, this water is trapped in
energetic states with ions and a new form of linear water isomer.
Fig. 3. Possible Rydberg cluster found in Brown’s Gas
This gives the gas a higher energy per volume (note that molar
The Rydberg clusters may have hundreds to thousands of and volume are very different) then that of hydrogen and
individual atoms and molecules in one cluster. Figure 3 depicts a oxygen.
Rydberg of a heterogeneous mix of water vapor, the linear water
isomer, some free electrons, monatomic and diatomic hydrogen, 6. Brown’s Gas Plasma Reaction to Materials
monatomic and diatomic hydrogen, and some trace elements.
Brown’s Gas will produce a different temperature at point of
contact depending on the target material. This is because
electrons that scatter at point of contact produce heat based upon
the melting or vapor point of the material, electrical conductivity,
density and thermal capacity of the material (how much heat it
will absorb). The extra electrons in the Brown’s Gas will repel
nearby electrons of the target material. The electron’s new
neighbor electron in the target material finds it repulsive, and
will move away, creating a chain of interactions that propagates
through the material at near the speed of light.
The drift velocity (electrons movement in a material) is
usually fractions of a millimeter per second, but if there are too
many electrons in one spot, the target will fall apart, at an atomic
scale, due to the sudden introduction of the new electrons and
the repelling negative forces.
Fig. 4. Number of atoms or molecules (1000s) found in Brown’s Gas These high energy electrons will not travel as fast as the gas
Figure 4 shows a break down of the elements and molecules was traveling, when it hits the surface of something the electrons
of Brown’s Gas. There are four main peaks above 30 thousand will slow down significantly, thus releasing their kinetic energy
particles present in the test; these peaks are the basis of Brown’s as heat; the more dense and resistive the material the hotter it
Gas. The first peak (from left to right) is diatomic hydrogen and will be, the less dense or more conductive the material results in
is found in abundant amounts in the Brown’s Gas mixture. less heat being generated. Almost everything gets hotter when
There are two peaks due to the fact that there were isotopes of used as a resistor for electricity.
hydrogen in the test sample. The next major peak is water vapor,
this normally would be undesired because it would take from the 7. Electrical Presence
energy of the gas, but it is needed to form the Rydberg clusters.
Therefore the water in Brown’s Gas is needed to help increase the
energy density of the gas. There are two peaks here because
there are isotopes in the water as well.
The third peak is the one that was deemed unidentified by the
test, but it is proposed that this is the linear water isotope,
because it contains the weight of water with a few extra
electrons. If this is the linear water molecule, than it is only
making up about 3 to 12% of the total gas. It would not form if
there were no Rydberg clusters present! It needs the other gases
to make it stable as seen in figure 3. The fourth peak is the
diatomic oxygen. This is less then what would be expected in Fig. 5. Tungsten and its oxides found in a Brown’s Gas torch
normal electrolysis, but is normal in Brown’s Gas.
4 Eckman: Plasma Orbital Expansion of the Electrons in Water Vol. 6, No. 2
Laboratory gas spectrometer analysis was used on the little to no oxidation of metals occurs. It produces a range of
Brown’s Gas and Tungsten. It proved that about 46% of the gas different effects in different materials, due to the interactions of
was tungsten dioxide, 11% was tungsten (VI) oxide (trioxide) and the electrons in the material and the electrons in the gas. There
the rest was about 43% straight tungsten metal, it was found that are great possibilities for the future.
electricity will commonly make tungsten dioxide. Normally,
"WO2 is prepared by reduction of WO3 with tungsten powder References
over the course of 40 hours at 900 °C".. It also has a super high
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[ 28 ] Welding Handbook, Vol. 2 (American Welding Society, 1991).
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