FMA - Airbus A320
FMA - Airbus A320
FMA - Airbus A320
Single Engine: the auto thrust is armed, with the most forward thrust
lever in the FLX/MCT detent. (Max Continuous thrust is commanded)
If the other thrust lever is below the FLX/MCT detent, thrust for that
engine would be commanded by TLA. It will be accompanied by a
LVR ASYM FMA message and a AUTO FLT ECAM message
The auto thrust is armed, with the most forward thrust lever in the CLB
detent. (Climb thrust is commanded)
If the other thrust lever is below the CLB detent its thrust will be
commanded by TLA. It will be accompanied by a LVR ASYM FMA
message and a AUTO FLT ECAM message
The auto thrust is armed, with the most forward thrust lever above the
IDLE detent and below the CLB detent. Thrust is commanded by the
THR LVR TLA. Airspeed (Managed or Selected) will be maintained by varying
pitch. It will be accompanied by a LVR CLB FMA message and a
AUTO FLT ECAM message. (LVR MCT if single engine)
The auto thrust is armed; with the most forward thrust lever above the
IDLE detent and anywhere up to and including the CLB detent. (MCT
single engine) Airspeed (Managed or Selected) will be maintained by
varying pitch.
Flashing white, During the initial climb will occur at the thrust
reduction altitude, programmed in the MCDU T/O PERF page.
Flashing white is used to prompt the crew to set the thrust levers to the
MCT detent. During T/O will illuminate if an engine is lost or for a
single engine GO Around. In both cases it occurs at Green Dot, but only
if EO CLR was not selected on the MCDU
Indicates that A/THR is armed but both thrust levers are not in the same
Vertical Modes
Speed Reference system is engaged. The aircraft will fly the vertical
path appropriate for the phase of flight.
T/O = V2 + 10
Engine Failure (T/O) = V2 If failure occurs above V2, current speed
up to V2 + 10
SRS GO Around = VAPP or current speed if higher
Windshear = SRS will allow the speed to decrease to maintain 120
fpm climb.
A climb utilizing the climb profile speeds at climb thrust will be flown.
The aircraft will climb to the FCU altitude and will ignore all altitude
The aircraft will attempt to maintain the profile speed by varying pitch.
Lateral Modes
Provides a steering command utilizing the localizer for the departure
runway from T/O roll through 30’ AGL.
RWY A LOC must be associated with the runway in use. If the LOC signal is
lost during the T/O roll a memorized track will be flown.
Provides a lateral path along the extended runway centerline for all
RWY TRK runways from 30’ AGL, Unless NAV mode is engaged.
Provides a lateral path based on the actual aircraft track at the time a
GA was initiated.
The heading or track selected in the FCU window will be flown.
If the heading knob is pulled before it is turned, the aircraft will turn in
HDG / TRK the direction the knob is rotated. If the desired heading is set prior to
pulling the knob the aircraft will turn in the direction to make the
shortest turn.
ROLL OUT Lateral guidance is provided for tracking the LOC along the runway.
Is the combined mode for a non ILS approach, FINAL is engaged for
FINAL APP vertical NAV and APP NAV is engaged for vertical NAV, the APP p/b
has been pushed.
Approach Capability
CAT I Approaches may be flown.
Autoland not available
Speed Tape
ND Symbols