Three Phase Revision Student
Three Phase Revision Student
Three Phase Revision Student
D. Farquharson
2. Explain the different ways in which windings can be connected together (include labelled
3. For Star connected supplies, explain phase, line voltage, and current relationships.
4. For Delta connected supplies, supplies explain phase, line voltage, and current relationships.
5. State the instantaneous and sinusoidal expression for the following: - Windings connected in star,
RYB, phase max voltage 160v.
6. Draw to scale, a phasor diagram showing the above voltages.
2. Three identical loads each having a resistance of 30 Ω and inductive reactance of 40 Ω are
connected first in star and then in delta to a 400 V three-phase supply. Calculate the phase
currents and line currents for each connection.
3. The above unbalanced star connected loads are connected to a 3 phase, 4 wire supply with a line
voltage of 415v. Calculate
(iv) the value of voltage present if the neutral was disconnected at the load and measured
Outcome 4