Critically Assess The Problems of Budget Implementation in Nigeria
Critically Assess The Problems of Budget Implementation in Nigeria
Critically Assess The Problems of Budget Implementation in Nigeria
Control and monitoring of revenues ± by the Ministry of Finance
Cash and debt management
Internal controls, including over payroll and procurement
In year modifications of the budget
In-year financial reporting
Reporting externally on budget i mplementation
External audit of budget implementation
Problems in budget implementation systems may reflect lack of incentives for
good budget implementation, rather than lack of capacity. What are the
incentives for compliance or non -compliance ± institutional issues are
important, not just ³technical´ fixes?
To what extent are donors and their requirements part of the problem - project
µring fencing´ requirements and non use of country systems , -lack of
predictability of donor funding, both project funding and budget support .for
example IMF, World Bank and others.
Budget Implementation problems as a result of poor budget preparation. These
arise such that; Problems in budget implementation may reflect a poorly
formulated budget ± for example lack of credibility/realism. And lack of a
comprehensive budget may complicate implementation ± for example separate
timetable and rules for capital budget, extra-budgetary funds. And, also, where
spending ministries have not been fully involved in their budget formulation so
that they understand and own their budge 7t.
Ê34 3
The importance of implementation underscore the basic functions of budgeting
and implementation in Nigeria since, much time is spent by the Nigerian
government (often with World Bank, IMF assistance or encouragement)
preparing elaborate po verty reduction focused budgets. A budget guides the
government on a developmental plan that most times needs to be consolidated
to achieve a meaningful aim. Budget implementation is importance because it
assesses government performance over time, that is, it measures government
score card and effective comparison can be made. An effectively implemented
budget improves and strengthens the various macro-economic various suck as
poverty, unemployment, inflation, and the financial systems. In total, an
efficient and implemented budget encourages
Ê; Assurance that budget aggregates are
sustainable over the medium-term and promote economic stability
Ê7 Assurance that public money is spent in
accord with national priorities and on programs that are effective in
achieving public objectives and effective distribution of wealth
Ê #
7 Assurance that public services are
delivered in an efficient, fair and courteous manner, and are accessible to
I have been able to establish that budget implementation problems can arise
from socio-economic factors as well as inadequate budget preparation , donor¶s
unredeemed pledges as well as inadequate data from the finance Ministry and
spending ministries. I can therefore affirm that for an effective budget
implementation to be achieved, there must no leak in the preparation process
and involvement, transparency/accountability to curb public officer¶s excesses,
execution monitoring and correct estimation of macro -economic variables. Also
$&&8( +-$+785-..+ (2003). Y
Pearson Prentice Hall Pub.