Mi'veid Mixac: Shabbos and Achdus: 2 Peas in A Pod

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Dvarim Hayotzim Min Halev


mi`veid Volume XII - Issue 16

mixac The DRS Weekly Torah Publication
ck hah

This week’s issue of

c"kv in ohtmuhv ohrcs
is sponsored by
Shabbos and Achdus: 2 Peas in a Pod
By Yered Elisha Ginsberg, 12th Grade GourmetGlatt.com • 516.569.2662

M oshe assembled the entire assembly of the Children of Israel and said
to them, “these are the things that Hashem commanded, to do them: On
six days, work may be done, but the seventh day shall be holy for you, a day
of complete rest for Hashem…” (Shemos 35:1-2) The commentators discuss PARSHAS VAYAKHEL
why the commandment of Shabbos was preceded with the mentioning of the 22 ADAR 1, 5771
FEBRUARY 26, 2011
gathering of the entire nation, something we don’t see anywhere else in the
Torah. Another issue that needs to be discussed is the placement of the teach- All Zmanim are calculated by myzmanim.com for
Woodmere, NY (11598)

ing of Shabbos here. It has already been taught numerous times, why mention Candle Lighting: 5:23 pm
Latest ‫קריאת שמע‬: 9:20 am
it again here? ‫ שבת‬Ends: 6:24 pm
The Nesivos Shalom explains, based on the Rashi in the beginning of
the parsha who writes that Moshe taught these halachos to Bnai Yisroel the
day after Yom Kippur, the day that Moshe came down from Har Sinai. That
means that this was the day after Hashem had already appeased Bnai Yisroel
for the sin of the golden calf. The parsha of Shabbos was meant to be a lesson
to Bnai Yisroel as to a particular type of Teshuva. As the Gemara in Avodah To sponsor an edition of
Zarah (4b) writes, Bnai Yisroel only sinned in order to teach way of teshuva Dvarim Hayotzim min HaLev
to the masses, that even after the biggest sin in the entire world, they were email us at
[email protected]
(Continued on page 2)

The Power of Motivation

By Benny Aivazi, 10th Grade

A nd they came, everyone whose heart stirred him. (Shemot 35:21)

In order to build an impressive architectural masterpiece such as the Mishkan, many skilled craftsmen
and workers were required. Yet the Jews who built it were former slaves and had no experience in fine archi-
tecture, let alone the construction of the Mishkan. How then, could they possibly build such an extraordinary

The Ramban explains that it was due to their motivation, as was described in the Passuk above. The
people who were referred to in the Passuk were extremely motivated and ready to help, and brought about the
building of the Mishkan. Even though they were not trained, they possessed natural talent, which was only
(Continued on page 3)
2 ‫דברים היוצאים מן הל“ב‬
Torah Teasers (Yered Elisha Ginsburg-Continued from page 1)
By Rabbi Moshe Erlbaum given the advice of performing the mitzvah of Shabbos.
‫פרשת ויקהל‬ The Gemara in Shabbos (118b) writes that anyone who
Questions keeps Shabbos with all of its halachos, even if he serves
idolatry like the generation of Enosh, will be atoned.
1. Besides for this ‫פרשה‬, where else does the Torah use Shabbos has the ability to atone a Jew troubled with any
the word "‫“ ”וַיַּ ְקהֵל‬and he assembled together”? (2 type of sin.
times) This is a very strange idea though. Shabbos is
2. What types of jewelry were donated by the nation? (4 looked upon as a mitzvah that is the source of “ahavah”
answers) and “dveikus” with Hashem. The Bnai Yissachar even
3. a) What was done "‫“ ”בַּבּקֶר בַּבּקֶר‬every morning”? b) writes that the numerical value of “Shabbos” is equiva-
What else in the Torah was done "‫( ”?בַּבּקֶר בַּבּקֶר‬3 lent to “Love with all heart, Love with all soul, Love
with all possessions.” Only someone who truly cares
4. Where are "‫“ ” ְכנָ ַפיִם‬wings” mentioned?
5. a) Which two items in the ‫ משכן‬were made of one solid and loves Hashem could possibly reach and tap into the
piece of gold, "‫ְשׁה‬ ָ ‫ ”?זָהָב ִמק‬b) What else that was full kedusha of Shabbos. How is it possible for someone
used in the ‫ מדבר‬was fashioned from one solid piece who served idolatry to be able to reach the highest lev-
of metal? els of Shabbos and be able to atone for his sins? It
6. Which item found in the ‫משכן‬was "‫“ ”רָבוּ ַע‬a perfect seems impossible that someone who would feel such a
square”? (3 answers) weak connection with Hashem could suddenly change
face and reach the highest levels of love of Hashem!
The answer to this is found in the opening pas-
Answers suk of the parsha, “Moshe gathered the entire assembly
1. In ‫פרשת כי תשא‬, the nation gathered around ‫אהרן‬ of Bnai Yisroel…” The Nesivos Shalom explains that it
when they thought ‫ משה‬was late in returning from is extremely difficult for an individual to change from
‫הר סיני‬. In ‫פרשת קרח‬, Korach and his congregation serving idols to reaching the highest levels of Shabbos
gathered around ‫ משה‬and ‫ אהרן‬to rebel. alone. However, Shabbos was given to the entire Bnai
2. The people brought "‫“ ”חָח וָנֶזֶם וְ ַט ַבּעַת וְכוּמָז‬bracelets, Yisroel. Rav Elyashav writes that the pasuk says “and
nose rings, rings, and body jewelry.” Bnai Yisroel shall guard the Shabbos, in order to per-
3. a) ‫ בני ישראל‬continued to bring gifts to ‫ משה‬for the form the Shabbos…” (Shemos 31:16). The guarding of
Mishkan “‫“ ”בַּבֹּקֶר בַּבֹּקֶר‬every morning.” b) The the Shabbos is an obligation for every person to keep
same expression of "‫ ”בַּבֹּקֶר בַּבֹּקֶר‬is used in the Shabbos, while the “performing of Shabbos” is an obli-
following three places: In ‫פרשת בשלח‬, in describing gation to make sure that all Jews are performing Shab-
when the ‫ מן‬was collected; in ‫פרשת תצוה‬, when the bos. Only when all Jews are performing Shabbos is
Torah describes how ‫ אהרן‬burned the ‫קטרת‬every
Shabbos considered a sign between us and Hashem.
morning; and in ‫פרשת צו‬, when the Torah describes
Every Jew has a place in Klal Yisroel, this idol worship-
how ‫ אהרן‬would kindle wood on the ‫מזבח‬every
per is no different. He will be helped out by the rest of
morning to keep the fire burning upon it.
4. The ‫ כרובים‬had "‫“ ” ְכנָ ַפיִם‬wings” that spread over the
his fellow peers in order to reach the depth of Shabbos,
‫ארון קדש‬. allowing him and all of Bnei Yisroel to keep Shabbos
5. The ‫ כפרת‬with the ‫ כרובים‬on top of it was made " ‫זָהָב‬ the way it was meant to be kept, and he will therefore be
ָ ‫“ ” ִמק‬of one banged out solid piece of gold. The atoned for his sins.
‫ מנרה‬was made "‫ְשׁה‬ ָ ‫“ ”זָהָב טָהוֹר ִמק‬of one banged out We all need to work together in order for Shab-
solid piece of pure gold.” b) In ‫פרשת בהעלותך‬, bos to be respected for what it is. The zemiros we sing
Moshe is commanded to fashion two ‫חצצרות‬, on Shabbos define Shabbos as “Me’ein Olam Habah”.
trumpets, each out of "‫ְשׁה‬ ָ ‫“ ” ֶכּסֶף ִמק‬one solid piece When we sit down for the Seudas Shabbos and sing
of banged out silver.” some zemiros and enjoy a nice bowl of cholent, we need
6. The length and width of the ‫ מזבח הזהב‬and of the ‫מזבח‬ to remember that this is a day where Hashem gives us
‫ הנחשת‬were equivalent thus forming a "‫“ ”רָבוּ ַע‬a an extra neshama to experience double the amount of
perfect square.” The ‫חושן‬, the breastplate of the kedusha. We need take advantage of this amazing op-
‫ כהן גדול‬was also a perfect square. ■ portunity and use it on Shabbos itself and carry it with
us throughout the week until next Shabbos!
Have a fantastic and holy Shabbos! ■
Dvarim Hayotzim Min Halev 3

This issue of
c"kv in ohtmuhv ohrcs
is also sponsored by Feivy Fuchs:
'vk ,usuvk cuy
With gratitude to 'v , we would like to thank
the following people:
Rabbi Y. Kaminetsky Daniel Genachowski Dani Scheinman
Rabbi E. Brazil Yaakov Hawk Moshe Spirn
Yaakov Abittan Eli Lonner Chili Szlafrok
Ariel Axelrod Zev Miller May all of our Tef-
David Beer Max Ottensocer filos be answered!
Avi Genachowski Yoni Pollok Feivy Fuchs
(Benny Aivazi-Continued from page 1)
expressed through the mitzvah of building the Mishkan. Yet what was so

Only 3 Weeks
special about this mitzvah that it enabled Bnei Yisroel to receive such

Rav Henach Lebowitz explained that there are two components to

success: talent and experience. If a person only has one of these charac- Till Purim!!!
teristics, then he will not achieve as much as he would if he had both.
The builders of the Mishkan had talent, yet they were lacking in experi-
ence, and there was no teacher to show them how things should be done.
To make a mistake in the building process was dangerous. This is when
their motivation and unusual drive to do the mitzvah played a crucial
role in taking them past their lack of experience and fear of the un-

Sometimes, one may have talent without experience or vice-

versa, yet it should not deter them from achieving greatness. Although
every ambition should be thought out and planned, one must always re-
member that motivation is the key to success, and we should not give up.

Have a Great Shabbos! ■

4 ‫דברים היוצאים מן הל“ב‬

Eating on Erev Shabbos
Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz
I. Contradictory Passages in the Gemara. The gemara sage in Gittin that frowns upon eating
speaks explicitly about eating on Erev Shabbos on erev Shabbos is a reflection of nor-
in two places: mative halacha. The permissive ap-
A. The Gemara in Gittin (38b) tells us that there proach of R’ Yosi recorded in Pesa-
were two families in Yerushalayim that were chim speaks only of occasional extenu-
decimated. The first one held large meals on ating circumstances when one must eat.
shabbos and ignored the public lecture that Regular meals, in this view, should not
ran simultaneously. While the other one held be scheduled for Friday, but may be
large meals on “Erev Shabbos”. Rashi offers had on rare occasions.
two explanations of the phrase “erev Shab- 2. Second, the Ramban suggests, that the
bos”. First, he explains that “erev Shabbos” normative halacha permits eating on
in fact refers to Friday night when shabbos erev Shabbos, as suggested by R’ Yosi
has already started. The problem with having in Pesachim. The gemara in Gittin re-
a large Friday night meal is that the halacha cords the tragic consequences of a fam-
requires that we show more respect to the ily who ate so much on Friday that they
daytime of shabbos than to the night. This ate only a bare minimum of food for
family that emphasized the evening meal did their Shabbos meal. Their sin was not
so at the expense of the morning meal, which so much in eating on Friday as much as
is considered halachically inappropriate. Sec- in not eating properly on Shabbos.
ond, Rashi explains that “erev Shabbos” in- B. The Beis Yosef (Orach Chaim 249) suggests
deed refers to Friday before the onset of that the contradiction is easily resolved by
shabbos. A significant meal on Friday is distinguishing between the word
likely to have a negative impact on the Fri- “ochel” (employed by R’ Yosi in Pesachim)
day night seudas shabbos because it is diffi- and “kove’a seuda” (employed by the ge-
cult to enjoy a large meal when one’s stom- mara in Gittin). R’ Yosi permits one to be
ach is still full from an earlier meal that day. “ochel” which simply means to take some-
B. The gemara in Pesachim (99b) records the thing to eat. The gemara in Gittin condemns
opinion of R’ Yosi who holds that in contrast the family that was “kovea seudah” which
to erev Pesach when one is limited in when implies enjoying a meal that was greater
he may eat, one may eat on erev Shabbos up than a typical weekday meal, but never con-
until the beginning of shabbos. This idea demns one who eat light snacks on Friday.
seems to run contrary to the previously cited The Rambam seems to precede the Beis Yo-
passage from the gemara in Gittin (at least sef in drawing this distinction. The Rambam
according to Rashi’s second explanation of (Hilchos Shabbos 30:4) writes that one
the gemara). should not have a large set meal on Friday,
II. Resolving the Contradiction. The resolution to this but may snack all day. The Magid Mishnah
contradiction will have a clear impact on what explains that the Rambam holds that one
is considered permissible behavior and eating may not have a meal larger than a typical
patterns on erev Shabbos. weekday meal at any point on Friday, but
A. The Ramban (Gittin ad loc.) offers two ap- may have a typical weekday meal on Friday
proaches to resolve the contradictory pas- up until a few hours before shabbos. Within
sages: the last few hours before shabbos one may
1. First, the Ramban suggests that the pas- (Continued on page 5)
Dvarim Hayotzim Min Halev 5

VÉÜÇxÜ Continued

not eat any full meal, but may enjoy a light for Shabbos.
snack 3. Finally, the Biur Halacha (ad loc. d’h
III. Halacha. The Shulchan Aruch (Orach Chaim Mipnei) adds that the primary reason is
249:2) rules in accordance with the Rambam not only that one should be hungry go-
that one may not eat a meal of any sort in the ing in to shabbos, but that having a Fri-
three hours immediately preceding shabbos and day meal that rivals the Shabbos meal
may not eat a larger than average meal at all on show an inherent disrespect for shabbos
Friday afternoon. by equating it with a normal weekday.
A. There are three reasons offered by the B. Exceptions. The Rama (Orach Chaim
poskim for limiting one’s diet on Friday: 249:2) writes that one may participate in a
1. The Shulchan Aruch writes that the re- larger than normal meal on Friday if the
strictions are designed to keep one hun- meal is made in honor of a bris milah or
gry for the Shabbos meals, which aligns pidyon haben. The Mishnah Berurah ex-
with Rashi’s explanation of the gemara plains that even a bris milah that is taking
in Gittin. place after the eighth day may be done on
a. If the halacha is designed to dis- Friday because one is not permitted to de-
courage filling one’s stomach lay performing the mitzvah any more than
prior to seudas shabbos, it stands absolutely necessary. Consequently, the day
to reason that there should be a of the milah is considered the day on which
similar halacha prior to the Shab- it must be done. Similarly, a pidyon haben,
bos morning meal. In fact, the even after the baby is thirty days old, must
Biur Halacha (249) writes that be done as soon as possible. The accompa-
there is more reason to prohibit nying seudah may therefore take place on
participating in a Shabbos morn- Friday as well. Interestingly, not all poskim
ing kiddush after davening than agree that a milah shelo b’zmana may take
in eating before the Friday night place on a Thursday or Friday. The Shach
meal. Whereas the time right be- (Yoreh deah 266:18) discusses whether the
fore shabbos is not yet the time delayed bris should be pushed off until
that one is obligated in seudas Sunday so as to avoid any chance of having
shabbos, Shabbos morning after to desecrate shabbos in order to care for the
davening is already the time for newly circumcised baby. Nevertheless, nor-
seuduas shabbos. Therefore, eat- mative psak allows for a delayed milah to
ing on erev Shabbos would not take place on Friday if that is the earliest
be as problematic as eating on time we are able to perform the milah. If,
Shabbos morning prior to the however, the baby proves ready for a milah
morning meal. prior to Friday, the Noda B’Yehuda (Yoreh
2. The Mishnah Berurah (ad loc. 10) adds Deah Tinyana #166) rules that the milah
that one who eats on Friday is likely to may not be delayed to the end of the week,
neglect his responsibilities of preparing as doing so is likely to cause a need for chi-
for shabbos. The mitzvah of Kavod lul shabbos in caring for the recuperating
Shabbos demands that a Jew take time baby.
on Friday to prepare the house for shab- 1. Aside from the types of seudas mitz-
bos. When one is caught up in a major vah mentioned by the Rama, the
meal he is unlikely to designate the ap- Biur Halacha adds that one may
propriate amount of time to preparation (Continued on page 6)
6 ‫דברים היוצאים מן הל“ב‬

VÉÜÇxÜ Continued

celebrate a siyum with a large seu- IV. Friday Tasting. While we have discussed to this
dah on Friday. Apparently, the Biur point, the idea of restricting what we eat on erev
Halacha understands that a siyum is Shabbos, the Mishnah Berurah (250:2) writes
ideally held at the earliest possible that there is a mitzvah to taste the shabbos food
time and should not be delayed. If, on Friday. The Mishnah Berurah suggests that
as a rule, there would be no objec- this is done in order to ensure that the food is
tion to delaying a siyum, one would suitable for eating, and if it needs to be fixed
be required to delay the siyum in one can still fix it on erev Shabbos. Addition-
order to avoid having a large seudah ally, Machzor Vitri (191) cites a passage in the
on Friday. Talmud Yerushalmi that seems to ascribe inher-
2. Regardless of the type of seudas ent value to tasting shabbos food on Friday af-
mitzvah that one celebrates on a Fri- ternoon. The idea is that one attempts to extend
day, the Mishnah Berurah (249:13) the sanctity of shabbos and allows it to affect
writes that it is preferable to cele- his week. In the merit of doing so, the
brate the seudah in the morning, Yerushalmi states that one will experience a
rather than delay until Friday after- long life.
noon. A. Does one recite a beracha on the “tasting”?
C. Chumra. We have explained that it is hala- If one only tastes to adjust the flavor, the
chically permissible to eat a light snack at Shulchan Aruch (Orach Chaim 210:2) rules
any time on Friday, and to even eat a nor- that a beracha should not be recited. As in
mal meal early in the day. Nevertheless, the any case where a beracha is not necessary,
Tur (Orach Chaim 249) cites a practice of reciting a beracha would then be forbidden
righteous men to fast each and every Friday. (Mishnah Berurah ad loc.). If, however
For a precedent for such a pious practice, there is inherent value in the eating, and it is
the Tur points to a question posed by the not merely to taste for possible adjustment,
gemara in Eruvin (40b) where the gemara one would have to recite a beracha. It is
inquires whether people like the children of therefore best for a person who tastes the
Rav who typically fast on Friday may com- Shabbos food on Friday to have in mind that
plete their fast until dark. Regardless of the he is eating in a normal fashion and not
answer to the particular question, the very merely tasting the food.
mention of Rav’s children taking on this V. Conclusion. We have discussed the permissibility
practice of a weekly erev Shabbos fast, sug- of eating on erev Shabbos and explored how
gests that it is a praiseworthy practice. The eating on erev Shabbos may have a profound
Beis Yosef is puzzled why the Tur would impact on the way we observe Shabbos. It is
cite the question regarding Rav’s children as worthwhile noting the sensitivity that Chazal
the source for this pious practice, rather than had for setting optimal conditions to enjoy and
the explicit passage in Talmud Yerushalmi appreciate the beauty and sanctity of Shabbos.
that R’ Avon fasted ever erev Shabbos. As As with so many things in life, Shabbos is best
with many practices of the extremely pious, maximized with sufficient forethought and
this practice is not recommended for the preparation. ■
masses. The Mishnah Berurah (249:18)
writes that it is inappropriate for anybody
other than the extremely finicky to fast on
erev Shabbos because one should not greet
Shabbos on a completely empty stomach.
Dvarim Hayotzim Min Halev 7
By: Yonatan Aivazi

11th Grade
Use What We Are Given
In this week’s parasha, the posuk tells us how Moshe tells the people about Beztalel’s appoint-
ment. However the wording of the posuk is strange. The pasuk says “re’eh”-see. We can ask a question on
this: why did Moshe have to say “see”; why wasn’t this appointment of Betzalel any different than any
one else’s? What was there for Bnei Yisrael to see?

Rabbi Moshe Feinstein zt’l answers that Betzalel’s appointment was different than other appoint-
ments. Betzlalel was about to use his special god-given talents to use in building the Mishkan, in doing
Avodat Hashem. Moshe was trying to get the people to realize that Hashem gave these talents and these
talents are to be used in Avodat Hashem.

The lesson here is that Hashem gave everybody talents. The main thing is to not lose focus of why
we have them and to use them for the right way-for Avodat Hashem. We should learn from here to utilize
our talents and gifts on meaningful and spiritual actions as that is what their purpose is.

Shabbat shalom!!!!!

Adapted from Darash Moshe ■

(Stories of Greatness-Continued from page 8)

but the traveler, eager to be forgiven, persisted in his explanations.
At last, Reb Yechiel Meir declared, "If you promise to do as I tell you, I will accept your apology." For a
slight moment, the traveler hesitated. Perhaps the tzaddik had looked into his soul and discerned some sort of rep-
rehensible sin that needed rectification? Would he be able to carry out a strict regimen of repentance that the tzad-
dik might require of him?
No matter, he decided, with a shake of his head. If amends needed to be made, he was ready, come what
may. As long as Rabbi Yechiel Meir would accept his sincere apology, it was worth everything. "Anything the
tzaddik will ask of me, I am ready to fulfill," he solemnly promised.
The rabbi smiled. "Well," he said. "This is my request to you. Every time you pass by the town of
Gostynin, you will come to my home and be my guest. For when do I ever get a chance to fulfill the mitzvah of
hospitality, hachnasat orchim, as I was able to this time? My townspeople spoil it for me!" ■

DH is on

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8 ‫דברים היוצאים מן הל“ב‬
David Freilich

This weeks story is a very cute one. food. Associate Editors

Adapted from a story by Mirish Kiszner, I To his delight, he found some raw Layout Editors
enjoyed it greatly and hope you will as well. oats and a saucepan of cooking fat. Never Judah Max Abittan
Good Shabbos! having played his hand at cooking before, the Dani Scheinman
Yitzie Scheinman
Darkness had descended on the small host placed it inside the oven and then, with
town of Gostynin. All the inhabitants were his face wreathed in smiles, served the dish to Rabbinic Articles
fast asleep, their doors and shutters closed his guest. While the visitor polished off the Yechiel Auman

tightly against the frigid night. food, the host stood by, beaming with pleas- Student Articles
For the traveler arriving to the town, ure. Adam Goldstein
Avrumi Blisko
this was a most unwelcoming sight. Tired, When the meal was over, Reb Yechiel
weak and hungry, he had nowhere to turn, no hastened to prepare the guest a warm bed, his Director of Production
Andrew Mermelstein
place to rest his weary head. own, for the little house boasted no spare bed.
Suddenly, from afar, he noticed a While the traveler slept soundly, the host Production Staff
Nison Basalilov
light shining in one of the windows. Sighing pored over his Talmudic volumes all through Jeremy Bienenfeld
with relief, he hurried in that direction and the night, learning with increased enthusi- Yaakov Bluestein
knocked on the door, hoping to be allowed to asm. Benjamin Watman

stay for the night. In the morning, the traveler awoke ‫סופרים‬/Authors
Benny Aivazi
It was the home of Rabbi Yechiel from his restful sleep and went to the syna- Yonatan Aivazi
Meir of Gostynin. A smile lit up the face gogue. After prayers, in the course of conver- Ariel Bagley
of Reb Yechiel Meir as he opened the door. sation with the townsmen, he discovered that Dan Bamshad
David Beer
"Shalom aleichem, Reb Yid! Welcome!" he his host was no other than the illustrious Marc Eichenbaum
called out as he ushered the stranger inside. Rabbi Yechiel Meir of Gostynin. Yered Elisha Ginsberg
Yitzchak Ginsberg
Quiet reigned in the little cottage; all Utterly ashamed and distressed, he Shmuli Gutenmacher
the household members had long since retired approached the tzaddik, the holy man, to offer Yaakov Hawk
for the night. Filled with joy, the host rushed his apologies. Elisha Ishaal
Aaron Joseph
about to serve his guest a glass of warm tea "I refuse to accept an apology from Yoni Kadish
and pastry. you," came the reply. "But," the traveler pro- Barak Klammer
Eli Lonner
However, when the visitor had tested, "I had no idea whose house it was, or Avi Moisa
downed the last of his drink and nary was a whose bed I'd slept in. Had I known, I would Yonatan Mehlman
crumb left on the plate, Reb Yechiel Meir, never have put the tzaddik through such trou- Gavi Nelson
Jonny Perlman
perceiving that his guest was still hungry, bles." Rabbi Yechiel Meir remained unfazed, Shmulie Reichman
searched about the house for some more (Continued on page 7) Yigal Saperstein
David Silber
Alex Selesny
Daniel Stroh
Jesse Steinmetz
The DRS Yeshiva High School For Boys Jeremy Teichman
Benjamin Watman

700 Ibsen Street, Woodmere, NY 11598 David Weitz

Maggid of DRS

Phone: (516) 295-7700 - Fax: (516) 295-4790 Yehuda Isaacs

c"kv in ohtmuhv ohrcs Rabbi Y. Kaminetsky
Weekly Torah Publication of the DRS Yeshiva High School Faculty Advisors
Rabbi E. Brazil
Rabbi M. Erlbaum
Rabbi A. Lebowitz

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