Terms Indicating Direction Relative To Body Axes

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Terms Indicating Direction Relative to  Psoas (loin)

Body Axes:  Radialis (radius)

 Scapularis (scapula)
 Anterior (front)  Temporalis (temples)
 Externus (superficial)  Thoracis (thoracic region)
 Extrinsic (outside)  Tibialis (tibia)
 Inferioris (inferior)  Ulnaris (ulna)
 Internus (deep, internal)  Uro- (urinary)
 Intrinsic (inside)
 Lateralis (lateral) Terms Indicating Structural
 Medialis/medius (medial, middle) Characteristics:
 Obliquus (oblique)
 Posterior (back)  Origin:
 Profundus (deep)  Biceps (two heads)
 Rectus (straight, parallel)  Triceps (three heads)
 Superficialis (superficial)  Quadriceps (four heads)
 Superioris (superior)
 Transversus (transverse) Terms Indicating Shape, Size, and Color:

Terms Indicating Specific Regions:  Alba (white)

 Brevis (short)
 Abdominus (abdomen)  Deltoid (triangle)
 Anconeus (elbow)  Gracilis (slender)
 Auricularis (auricle of the ear)  Lata (wide)
 Brachialis (brachium)  Latissimus (widest)
 Capitis (head)  Longus (long)
 Carpi (wrist)  Magnus (large)
 Cervicis (neck)  Major (larger)
 Cleido/clavius (clavicle)  Maximus (largest)
 Coccygeus (coccyx)  Minimus (smallest)
 Costalis (ribs)  Minor (smaller)
 Cutaneous (skin)  Orbicularis (circle)
 Femoris (femur)  Pectinate (comblike)
 Genio- (chin)  Piriformis (pear-shaped)
 Glosso/glossal (tongue)  Platys- (flat)
 Hallucis (great toe)  Pyramidal (pyramid)
 Ilio- (ilium)  Rhomboideus (rhomboid)
 Inguinal (groin)  Serratus (serrated)
 Lumborum (lumbar region)  Splenius (bandage)
 Nasalis (nose)  Teres (long and round)
 Nuchal (back of the neck)  Trapezius (trapezoid)
 Oculo- (eye)  Vastus (huge or great)
 Oris (mouth)
 Palpebrae (eyelid) Terms Indicating Direction of Fibers:
 Pollicis (thumb)
 Popliteus (behind the knee)  Rectus (straight)
 Oblique (diagonal)  Adduction: moves closer to the
 Transverse (across) midline
 Circularis (circular)  Depressor
 Extension: increases the angle of a
Terms Indicating Body Location: joint
 Flexion: decreases the angle of a
 Brachii (arm) joint
 Gluteus (buttocks)  Levator
 Infra (below)  Pronation: turns the palm of the hand
 Lateralis (lateral) down
 Pectoralis (chest)  Rotation: moves a bone around its
 Sub (underneath) longitudinal axis
 Supra (above)  Supination: turns the palm of the
hand up
Terms Indicating Action:  Tensor
 Dorsiflexion: elevates the foot
 Abduction: moves away from the  Plantar flexion: lowers the foot,
midline pointing the toes

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