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BIOS SLIM - Texas Trial by DR Isabel Martinez

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Lipid and glucose optimization using phytonutrient combination

therapy in diabetes

Isabel Martinez, MD.1, Bobbi Horne1, Peter J.E. Verdegem, Ph.D., MBA2
Blue Mesa Medical Associates, Katy, TX, 2Unicity International, Orem, UT.

Introduction: Dietary approaches to management of lipid and glucose

parameters in diabetes is gaining popularity among patients. Monotherapy with
dietary ingredients has shown positive effects, but with limited clinical relevance.
Our research focuses on using a phytonutrient combination in optimizing lipid
and glucose parameters. All four ingredients have individual data supporting their
use for optimizing lipoprotein fractions in hypercholesterolemia. This pilot study
evaluates their combined efficacy in type-II diabetes.

Methods: A group of 34 subjects with established type-II diabetes and

hypercholesterolemia added the product to their diet. The drink was taken thrice
daily 15-20 minutes before meals. The fiber drink consists of viscous soluble
fiber, minerals, vitamins, policosanol, phytosterols, and an aqueous
Chrysanthemum morifolium extract. Lipid and glucose parameters were
measured at baseline, 4 and 8 weeks.

Parameter Inclusion B.L. t=8 ∆% p-value
criteria at BL (mg/dL) weeks
(mg(dL) (mg/dL)
TC All 208 178 -14.2 <0.01
TC >200 245 195 -21.5 <0.001
LDL-c All 127 104 -18.3 <0.05
LDL-c >160 197 141 -28.9 <0.005
HDL-c All 46 48 +3.5 n.s.
HDL-c <40 35 40 +14.4 n.s.
TG All 182 143 -21.3 n.s.
TG >150 242 163 -32.5 <0.05
Glu All 162 134 -17.3 <0.05
Glu >175 218 155 -28.9 <0.05
a a,b
HbA1c All 7.2 6.6 -9.4 <0.05
HbA1c >8a 9.2a
-15.8 <0.05
in %; bmeasurement at 12 weeks.

Conclusion: BiosLife, a phytonutrient combination drink, shows potential in

optimizing parameters associated with cardio vascular disease risk in type-II
diabetes. These findings are well in line with previously reported clinical results.
The fiber component has reduced the post-prandial glucose levels and the
resulting lower HbA1c levels indicate that BiosLife provides a natural option to
improve diabetes management.

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