Church Bulletins

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St. Peter Chanel Catholic Church Espa: 6:20 am, 10:00am, 2.00 pn, 4:00 pn, 8:00 pm J WEEKDAYS - DIAS ENTRE SEMANA. English 600 am, 8:00am, 17:00 noon, 620 pm Espanol: 6:30 pm (en a Iglesia Antigua) HOLY DAYS -DIAS DE OBLIGACION Same as weksays Lo mismo qu: entre semana |CONFESSIONS — CONFESIONES. All Night: Fridays and Saudays JOVENES PARA CRISTO espatot: Sibados las 6:30 pm cr la Iglesia Antigua | ADULT INSTRUCTION ~ INSTRUCCION ADULTA Fr. Cinig MacMabon |COMMUNION TO THE SICK - A.LOS ENFERMOS nglsiespatiot: A priesiUn sacerdote {cal the Parish Otis Liamen a a Oficina dea Paroquia 12001 E. 214th Street Hawaitan Gardens, CA 90716 Park Office: $620724-7591 Spaulsh CCD: 56260-3637 Sz nals CC Conte mation: 562048-6498 Website: htpsfinw spcom. Staffed bythe Oblate ofthe Virgia Mary Fr Lary Darel, OMV, Pastor Fr Edvard Broom, OMY, Asoc Pastor Vincenzo Antolin, OMT, Asoc Pastor ,Fenundo Cueoca, OMY, Assoeiste Pastor OFFICE HOURS- HORAS DE LAS OFICINAS Parish Otic Oia de a Prous: 100-600 pm Spanish CCD\Cateismo en Espa 330.730 pm English CCD Catecsmo en Inglés: 2:06:30 pe A possible, pease do not bring chien othe hse, BAUTIZ0s echt y horas son anuncidas en la clase de bautizo. eles nino que serintauizados deben venir a dos clases Ls pcos tienen que venir solamene ala primera clase ss nccesario que sean buenos Caicos qu ractica Fe, fue huyan silo Confimados Las elses son ol primer Segundo Migrcles dl res as 7:30 pr en Esato, eo Iglesia Antigua Sino viven en ea paroqua tonen qe ot ner ua cata de peemiso de su pop gkesa pra bazar hios aqui Si es posible or favor no tiga ss ios a ches, MARRIAGES ‘Cont the parish office Monday through Friday, at est sg months prior to the date. We encourage all couples who ar living togetier to come and explore the possibility of geting smart inthe Char, MATRIMONIOS Lan a fin Lane Vises poe ci sy atc dela feck. Les recomend os lis pas pasos a seguir cass pore gles u =e on One Body Blessed Broken Given Unted in Goa through Evangoization Worship Religious Edveation ‘Community Formation ‘Outreach WELCOME TO CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION 41001 North Brand Boulevard + Glendale, CA 91202 ‘Tel 818-242-2570 « Fax 818-507-4976 - Website www REV. LARRY NEUMEIER ADMINISTRATOR PRO TEM REV. TOM SCHWEITZER IN ResipeNce DEACON RESTIE & MRS, NITA NORIEGA. DEacos Count REV, MSGR. EUGENE FRILOT Pastor Exicuus REV, MSGR. PATRICK THOMPSON IN ResiDeNce MASS SCHEDULE Monday dhrough Saturday 8:30 aa § 5:30 rx (Exception: Thursdays, 5:30 psu. isa Communion Service.) Sundays 7:30 § 9:00 § 10:30 am. § 12:00 Noon § 5:30 ram, CONFESSIONS _ Saturdays 3:30 0 4:30 pats Weekdays hy appointment Global Solidarity Weekend at Incarnation Church Feb 12/13, 2011 Deacon Raphael Ddamba will speak at all Masses. We tre one human family. Our responsibilities to each other cross national, racial, ‘economic and ideological differences. We are eaed 10 work globally for justice. Project Kizziis our opportunity to rch out to our brothers and sisters in Uganda, The jewelry on sale outside of church was made by the women of Kize. Donations will be maiched by a private donor! Sponsored by Incarnation Justice & Peace Ministry For more information email Petty Perel ot ppntreli®@hetwalzam ‘or Tris Sanson at sinson@sesletel. net Masses & Services Monday-Saturday: 600 & 800am ‘Sacarday Vg 5:9 pm Sunday. 730, 9:0, 1100 am 85:00 pm Latin High Mass: Sundays a 1:€0 pn Holy Days: 60, 890, 1000 am and 700 pm Devotions: Rosary, Following de Mon-Sa 890 arn Mass ExpattionBenedetion Thursay, 200-800 pm Warror-inereessrs: Thursdiye, 809 pm St Joseph Davoton Tuesdays 6:15-7:00 pm S& Joseph Project" 3ed Tues. (Nov-Apr) Mas, 700 pn Faia igimage: 13th of he month (ay-Oct), 700 pm |sacrameneal Programs: Secrament of Reconcliion: “Wednesdays from 720 - £30 pm Seturcays rom 330 - 5:00pm apis Call 284-0200, exe. 25, for schedule ‘Mariage: Contact pres at leat six months before RCIA (Sx fr adults) Rhonda Storey 284.0020 Exe 225 JOther Ministries / Programs: Legion of Mary: Wed, 7.00pm im Lindsey 943-9841 rte Flower Pay Group: Thorsday, 1000 sm (Christe Garcia 674-9806 Mary of Me: Carmel Prayer Misty: is Fridays. 700 pm Peace & Juice Prayer Pais “Tuesdays a 615 PM - Edvard Wiliam 768.0758, Respect Life Ministry: Call theretory at 282-2744 Rosary Makers: Tuesday ror 7:09:00 pm Edward Willan 768-0758! eknt@eracam Pebreary 13,2017 SG? Srerase Established 1924 ‘510 North i Mosino Stree « Alhambra, California 91801 « (626) 262-2744 . FAX (626) 282-7860 (Unless ‘tharwit indicated. all telepnone numbers are in the 626 area code.) Web Page: heplwnewimysttherese. org MNinistered by the Discaloed Carmelite Friars Pastor: Fr. Jan Lundberg, OCD (Ext. 222) Associate Pastors: Fr Robert Bas Barcelos, OCD (Ext. 226) Fr. David Guzman, OCD (Ext. 337) In Residence: Fr. Jerome Lanery, OCD (Ext. 334) Deacon Coupl Deacon Joseph & Lorraine Mnersii (Ex. 221) Parish Voeation Director: Fr. David Guzman, OCD (Ext 337) Parish Secretary: Denise MeMastr (Ext. 223) Finances: ease cal Extension 228 Director of Music: Rebers Prichard 441-540] ‘Christian Services: riche McDermott (Ext 224) Liturgical Coordinators: Lecors Deacon joseph & Loraine Meri Ext. 21) Euchre Mises of he Ata Dn & L Maes (221) Eucharistic Minstrs wo the Sele MUM Pal, 2820943, St. Therese Religious Education: Rhonda Storey 284.0020 (Ext 225) thondlseorey@grailcom Pre K through Bch Grade * Adut Religious Ed ‘Youth Ministry / Young Adult Mi Rocio Avis 24-0020 (Ex 235), Confirmation Program for Youth (th and 10h Graders) Rocio Avia 204.0020 (Ex, 235) St. Therese Catholle School: 209-2364, Ext 660 Principal Carmela Lovano, Gomsithemerisshetaar Veh Ste: wwe acharetnhosalnbrary Eucharistic Adoration - Cononucus, ay and night. Signup for an hour of adoration and pra for vocations, Coordiators: Carles & Caria Johnson ~ 189-0388 "New Parishioners: WELCOME TO ST. THERESE! Piss come ta the Part offce to rgitar (Monday trough Friday, 900 am to 80 pr & 220 pm to 3:00 pm-—closed from 1:00 eo 3:00 pm).

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