Code of Conduct and Ethics

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Issued 1 March 1997



 A member may be held responsible for a breach of, or failure to comply with, the Code if found to be negligent in supervising persons who

(a) his employees; or

(b) under his supervision.

 A member may not, under the guise or through the medium of a partnership, company, close corporation or any other entity, do anything
or allow anything to be done which he would not be permitted to do as an individual.
 A member may not permit others to carry out on his behalf, either with or without remuneration, acts which, if carried out by himself,
would constitute a contravention of this Code.


 The principles of integrity and objectivity impose the obligation on all members to be fair, honest and free of conflicts of interest, prejudice
and bias.
 Members serve in many different capacities and there is an obligation on them to apply these principles, even at the sacrifice of personal
advantage, whether they are in commerce, industry, in academic situations, or in the public sector. Regardless of service or capacity,
members should protect the integrity of their professional services, maintain objectivity, and avoid any subordination of their judgment by

 Relationships of interests, whether direct or indirect, which could adversely influence, impair or threaten his capacity to act with integrity
and objectivity should be avoided. A member should not accept or provide gifts or similar favours which could impair his integrity or

 Members will be exposed to situations which involve the possibility of pressures being exerted on them. These pressures may impair their
integrity and objectivity. It is impracticable to define and prescribe all such situations where these possible pressures exist, but
reasonableness should prevail in identifying relationships that are likely to, or appear to, impair a member's integrity and objectivity


 A member should be and appear to be free of any influence, interest or relationship, whether direct or indirect which might be regarded,
whatever its actual effect, as being incompatible with integrity and objectivity.
 A member should be constantly alert to the possibility of a conflict of interest.

 A member should consider the facts and circumstances before deciding whether or not his integrity and objectivity would be impaired by
accepting or continuing in the position he is currently holding.

 Such conflicts may arise in a wide variety of ways, ranging from the relatively trivial dilemma to the extreme case of fraud and similar
illegal activities. It is not possible to attempt to itemise a comprehensive check list of potential cases where conflicts of interest might

 It should be noted that an honest difference of opinion between a member and another party is not in itself an ethical issue.

 It is recognised, however, that there can be particular factors which occur when the responsibilities of a member may conflict with internal
or external demands of one type or another. Hence:

(a) There may be the danger of pressure from an overbearing supervisor, manager or director; or when there are family of personal relationships
which can give rise to the possibility of pressures being exerted upon them. Indeed, relationships or interests which could adversely influence,
impair or threaten a member's integrity should be discouraged.

(b) A member may be asked to act contrary to technical and/or professional standards.

(c) A question of divided loyalty as between the member's superior and the required professional standards of conduct could occur.

(d) Conflict could arise when false, misrepresenting, or misleading statements of information are released or published which may be to the
advantage of the employer and which may or may not benefit the member as a result of such publication.

 Where a member has reason to believe that his or his employee's involvement in an assignment would possibly cause a conflict of interest,
he should immediately disclose this fact.
 Where it is clear that a material conflict or interest exists, a member should decline to act.

 Where a member considers that it would be possible to act objectively, the engagement may be accepted provided:

(a) the nature of the conflict is fully explained to each party for whom the member will be acting; and

(b) the parties agree in writing that the member may act.

 In applying standards of ethical conduct, members may encounter problems in identifying unethical behaviour or in resolving an ethical
conflict. When faced with significant ethical issues, members should follow the established policies of the employing organisation to seek a
resolution of such conflict, if those policies do not resolve the ethical conflict, the following should be considered:-

(a) Review the conflict problem with the immediate superior. If the problem is not resolved with the immediate superior and the member
determines to go to the next higher managerial level, the immediate superior should be notified of the decision. If it appears that the superior is
involved in the problem, the member should raise the issue with the next higher level of management.

(b) Seek counseling and advise on a confidential basis with an independent advisor or appropriate and senior member of the Institute to obtain an
understanding of possible courses of action. If considered necessary, advice should be sought from the Advisory Panel of the Institute.

(c) If the ethical conflict still exists after fully exhausting all levels of internal review, the member, as a last resort, may have no other recourse in
significant matters, such as fraud, than to resign from the employing organisation, and to submit a memorandum setting out reasons for resigning
to an appropriate representative of that organisation.


 A member should not undertake or continue with any professional services which he is not competent to carry out unless competent
advice and assistance is obtained so as to enable him to satisfactorily perform such services. If a member does not have the competence
to perform a specific part of the professional service, technical advice may be sought from experts such as other members, lawyers,
actuaries, engineers, geologists and values.
 A member has a responsibility to keep himself up-to-date in whatever field of activity he is engaged.

 A member should maintain his professional knowledge and skill. This requires a continuing awareness of developments in the accountancy
profession including relevant national and international pronouncements on accounting, auditing and other relevant regulations and
statutory requirements.

 All members should adopt a programme of continuing professional education. Guidance is issued by the Institute from time to time.


 Members have an obligation to respect the confidentiality of information acquired about their employer's affairs. The duty of confidentiality
continues even after the end of the relationship between the member and the employer.
 Confidentiality should always be observed by a member unless specific authority has been given to disclose information or there is a legal
or professional duty to disclose.

 Members have an obligation to ensure that staff under their control and persons from whom advice and assistance is obtained respect the
principle of confidentiality.

 Confidentiality is not only a matter of disclosure of information. It also requires that a member acquiring information in the course of
performing professional services shall neither use nor appear to use that information for personal advantage or for the advantage of a
third party.

 A member has access to much confidential information about the employer's affairs not otherwise disclosed to the public. Therefore the
member should be relied upon not to make unauthorised disclosures to other persons. This does not apply to disclosure of such
information in order properly to discharge the member's responsibility according to the profession's standards, or when required by law.

 The following should be considered in determining the extent to which confidential information may be disclosed.

(a) When disclosure is authorised. When authorisation to disclose is given by the client or the employer, the interest of all the parties including
those third parties whose interest might be affected should be considered.

(b) When disclosure is required by law. Examples are:-

(i) to produce documents or to give evidence in the course of legal proceedings; and

(ii) to disclose to the appropriate authorities infringements of the law which have come to light.

(c) When there is a professional duty or right to disclose, for example:-

(i) to comply with technical standards and ethics requirements - such disclosure is not contrary to this section;

(ii) to protect the professional interest of a member in legal proceedings;

(iii) to comply with the quality review of the Institute;

(iv) to respond to an inquiry or investigation by the Investigation or Disciplinary Committees.

 Where a member is required to disclose information about the employer's affairs he should advise the employer that this is the case. Care
should be taken to ensure that no more information than is strictly necessary be made available.


 A member should not practice discrimination against any person based on race, colour, religion, sex, marital status, age or origin in
engagement, promotion, dismissal, salary, transfer, training or other practices relating to employment.


 Judgment as to what may or may not constitute good taste can only be made in the context of the particular fact on which that judgment
is exercised.
 It is possible, however, to give some broad guidance and general examples as to what might, in appropriate circumstances, be regarded
as not being in accordance with good taste. Thus material which tends to sensationalise or shock, or which is likely to give offence to
religious beliefs, or is racist, is unacceptable. Other possible examples include the trivialisation of important issues, excessive reliance on a
particular personality or personalities, the deriding of public figures, disparagement of educational attainment and material which makes
odious comparisons or is strident in tone, hectoring or extravagant.

 Furthermore, such material should not compare with nor belittle services offered by others, whether members or not, either by claiming
superiority for the services of a particular member or otherwise and should not contain testimonials or endorsements.


 A member should conduct himself in a manner which will promote co-operation and good relations between members and within the
 The support of a profession by its members and their co-operation with one another are essential elements of professional character. The
public confidence and respect which a member enjoys is largely the result of the cumulative accomplishments of all members, past and
present. It is, therefore, in the member's own interest as well as that of the general public, to support the collective efforts of colleagues
through professional societies and organisations and to deal with fellow members in a manner that will not detract from their reputations
and well-being.

 While the Code prescribes certain specific actions in the area of relationships with colleagues, it should be understood that these
prescriptions do not define the limits of desirable intra professional conduct. Such conduct should encompass the professional
consideration and courtesies which each member would like to have fellow members extend to him.
 A member should assist his fellow members in complying with this Code and should co-operate with the appropriate disciplinary
authorities in applying the Code. To condone serious fault can be as bad as to commit it. It may be even worse, in fact, since some errors
may result from ignorance rather that intent and, if let pass without action, will probably be repeated. In situations of this kind the welfare
of the profession as a whole should be the guide to a member's action.

 Although the reluctance of a professional to give testimony that may be damaging to a colleague is understandable, the obligation of
professional courtesy and fraternal consideration can never excuse lack of complete candour if the member is testifying as an expert
witness in a judicial proceeding or properly constituted enquiry.

 A member should not irresponsibly criticise another member.

 It is natural that a member in public practice will seek to develop his practice. However, in doing so he should not seek to displace another
member in a client relationship by means which will lessen the effectiveness of technical performance, and in particular the integrity and
objectivity of audit opinions or impinge upon the right of third parties or reliable information. Further, a member should not act in any way
that reflects negatively on fellow members.

 A member should extend the same professional considerations and courtesies to any non-member with whom he may have a professional


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